HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-11-27, Page 40 IIIIIIITHE RON PbSll,� L NOY. 27 I1874, ---------- ADI �,MISEMENTS. credil U the Government annually in. bils l ya beell to weaken hi's own s elidedt ITho gn' position Disraeli to 14, his owil -be curious to kn 'hat�oPiiliolt candi- PIC rebellion i3bomb OW IN. cre1ses , Wo 1,,now the Opposition endurable ith all his Poana has suri4endered. und in a, part' in api. - Of aristocratic dates form of those who make a commoll pit it auder is itre 11'es to gyro are- ideavoring to 0ow -by figtives that is; John tq li -under of them? They ba , to en- oep his party Cheap Groc�rie8 J. 0. pl e induct i 1) personal qualities have won th�e desert, abanoildning, all �iis bagi ice, nd. IS . ve 11(11 Oil both sides of the 1101i8e. AIX ENGLIS11 FoG.—A,4eiise fog ell- I'll 'power in the 400 of ap! a �ntly insur. counter all.sorts of clwm Town Hall—J. INV. Betigaugh. the S�Illplus is not so la s urgred by all was itiomlly the nio - veloped the south of Engla�id oil ,6 at u r - mountable obsta4les b w Ica of bril- kinds of peoplo, but none are so perti- ki ally alicl. poll M, Robert-ioti.- when t1he Befor PJVr Y. came into 1) Iver. beli f r Coln is one of, thoso - waspish, day and Sundl'i-y, and iiiafiy casualties liaot strategic co t2m. h , f the three il Steam C I � I YP'l a aclous, none so oxac,tiug, as those th. Ut I at, - it But, i bil show this ti: � the ill -Ill k0e individuals wh%o is apparently aro reported in wilsequence, Navigation Canadin states.7)en be 11 d mentioned coine in name of this IO th t i . Dr e they 0: Church. y Goods—A. G. 'UcDougadl & Co. 1; satisfi� -,ti( inca] le of so warni a sentiment - as of'the Thames V* dangetiotia, and the were equal to Any oppJrtti!niti6s, and hat the collecicr seeks is Fancy Goods ni of themso Arcs, they will. have atioamboats to tke ad.' —11offinaii B�other' frien 1. Shir suspe ded the* trips fq two when the sphere! of politi,%.11 action for valitage of the position of t Umbrella Loat-l-Anply at this Office, iffic"' ty in- colivill g the coiintll-� of ell. lie candidate days. At Liverpool the lboats 6ased Canadians nd ts to extort dollars f roin -a ii(fluotant, purse, other coloni was Card of Seegmiller. the c rrectness of 1� eir calcula"ions. TI T-fouse lirts aboutgot throu h the plyin- between'the forries. i Railwirty o- larged, s it iiii t he sech is to prdbis tile good Teacher Wante4_-Hartivill 8poitau., ghtbe bef6re, Ionrg,.they Wh, 0 The t* all#. iinportan I Ae tl e ot Wo verhatillbton, would be Nvell able to take' a t will of certain congregtious by money. Estray —Rl' h% -rd Berwieik. lues 10n re�qy Of d to estin .9, notwithstanding 1 Struc cidents occurred at promilien Sow Po tion. f the Opposition at every stage. Slirewabin;y and elsewhere, TA witti- Irriperial ler ol iect a worthy.: It is unband- ills. -IYIUS asilarge 1 the PIC, is not rn trains position in gra�pling Neitl i Straed Cattle.411. N..Ada Sul. 0 No one o 't ' I the House can form ny.' came into collision a,t New)ort in oil- questions with cl,edit to the iseIves and -c to,squeeze4roilla inan some in I u r. Sa no 8 it IDsIcto le, --B. Eaetil, was in �andfield!s .time ? tli-111 $ e 4 the oil- like acorrectideroftbe miserable moutbabird, and 14 pet -so as wer' in- their country. that which lie gives gril�jgiilal­v BuU Calf for S. M. Chesney. W halt, the people w v in t to. know I n t littli lan adopted by. their leaders j0ed. 0 MR. though the money -of : dhVerful giver Hotel for W. Pierson. Uxius.—Tbe 8panisli lGov- is chitracte -%i r by a Inge iamoulit of one le estimates. Their first Boar Pig Win. thatori ien. is y d e g with tl rized !by the mt bril- may go a greatwr,y in the matter of use - car -111 I to �reate the impression, if they ortirrent has exiled two gen0rals ani:l 9(jv- liancy and lllln�or o i � f Ilia Ationalitv. fulLess, &Ii which is wruiig froin the Estray ft—Jas Br adfoot-. lying. o Elie credit O liury in � t1le cou at ithe cro civilians known to. be 1 partisai� e 3tible unwilling is likely to carr a, poor bless - Estray 6beep— can? :11, pleselit occupants of the aOf which is indicated by, a ve 1pere dorm- nt-and unused t tha the T ea. iry �eiiches are a Set of- guilty P -rice Alphonse, soil the e. -Quo Milesian R;c enti He lia f till ingwithit, Besides, the to�wl;Aationia one In. 11o.b.b. . . tate, bu. r , of K en C ric , llum�s Ho el—,T. Campbell e is b-aing usol prod �bly wret( fraid to have- tile light of day r1a to be sent voice and a pleaping at] I. sot e ht that should not Sprint, from s4cha soure McCa 'Nk i 11 Ily 0 .1. D fles, Other persons a ireven. Strayed Qtttle--Jas. '.NTcQuade, Sr. i tb 'Urge into exile for the sa rox lio A aurpl�is: is of little, b3hefit ,!a I a their doings. Of co rue reaspn. Ali Con- mrred, however� by too self -con- Those" who obtain it know fU'll well that Estray battle -Peter O'Sullivan. ! � they In a of gratulatory telegrams sent rom SpAill to sciousness. He Igesticulates!'Itreely but 11die money they gain is not gi"ve'n to the' if itllp�l n'6 pretend to iiiake member overnents which entich the 4`01111. T e ovso believe ne ive, - ---------- th this, battli-ey imagi Isabella oil the occasion of I the anil. w- for'the inost part appropri�toly. flis object put forward, bu b to 0 try ar neglected. wo: sa!r of ber birthday whet C, urch in' ild be but tittle tht penple at a distance can be fooled v ein sh was deliv eU is free! from tbat�) hionotony 4nd to obtilin votes through. cli a lnal� 0 st�ded 11 -Your Majesty" ere sto llped conso i"I'lion to 'I to have Ili's PC cliets int the-ijea that the 0overnment re wbichis a prevalent fault ininiiny anla- fluence, by means of moneys bri ISIM04 ( - I full. O 1110 afra'id to'�nblish their doin a. Another A,'. rigorous censorship 'o er all des- tour lecturers, his and histrionic It has been so held by the Courts'i,n ney, if that'illoll lie 9 hout vivacity proventIng even a 1na-thy lec- Enland, and is evident u -sti Could Ot urelase Ole necessaries of lifEe. plan iso 1-mke dtleti spring upon patches is. still mail I itained..throw, pol the face of P gentlemeti, opposite with lot of unex- the Republic turc becoming in any way� tedious.-�- I the transaction. Though the pretence SEFORTH, FRIDAY, Nov. 1114. A pected qdqstions, so that if the catechist's So the People �f ibis Provincn.,� _1i;DIANTRFATY.—A dele ation of nine I Yatioi_ial. on ll sides has been tht bri&ry was 0 quer t I Roun tain bai d of Chiefs luge rphis would 11) Of little answered immediately I of the Turtle i b 6i, �,� t. t I 8 alle 110 obnoxions and Should. be 'Put down - What Will be Done _�'Vith -th if the Gove 11. ent hoarded iti up they ky,give some color to the.assumv- Chippowa Indiana had all extended in- 1, e,vi I 'I 00114cs �11 HAMILTON. though Stringent laws 'were le to Pu Irl tion, 1at;there is " something rotten in t the United tates Conlmis� ish it; yet the country has been passing and Le -pine'? Gted the )qcessary works of, ille 6-ateof Denmark." The wonder to nor of Indian Affairs, U 'a of bribery such. as -in c through r The qliiestion,'Wbt -will be dore with, im-provementrequired1b, -the colivitry. an Occarional Corre' was be. y any a, ie who witnesses these little feints in which they expressed a esire to cede fore unknown. kfay it not be asked If en, Is t M3in.To,.,, Nor. 20, 187 L Lepine is one which is very f re ,oatly But, when te (4-ove. 11 f the Government, even having tl e cot ntr ed by them i 4 inient have gi� y now occup the Cliurches are not somewhat to 0 � I . I � I blame 40 - - I a D koti, oil the border lanitiob and I E N T$ ill this matter? H. its thc of nothing to conceal, should be - able, a ) , - 13UILIJT-NG AND CHURCH IMP40VEM] ave they' t set them.- asked, and considerable interest is mani- sr improvements or the means try 01 no go to the White Eartl -C the The beautiful fall weath6r. -tha they are, to answer every questionput to selves to work ill manyicases, to bleed, a I fested to- - know what will be his makir g them, liberall and every after them. The Opposition so fai- have - not IV�iasouri river, or elsewh,,re, provided have been enjoyiilg forio many weeks candidates on the same principle thatany 14'fate. There seems* to be a feeling i'll I -all that we require -arc still got hld o a single point upon which th�ey are properly recompei ed . If this 0 I -caltinot be done le has given builders an excell6lit, chanco., unblushing voter would d.emnd- 10 the mind of almost every perSon, that ti tulinulated SU )IUS, Y able ti 4Pxhibit they can go to the country and mouth ti i;h the land, I to complete theii work, and 'right wel down for his vote? It is time there 'the exxay.agance of the Goverilment, 'E. w1iich they have from - tinif immernorial tb he seotence, of death, pronounced upon not just cat e io be abund%altly ey, are improvi[ig it. A 10ge numb should be an c_ud of this and that the have occupied, to be him, will not, be garried ixto effeet. In Sati I - , defined ad, I marked as , of excellent buildi are reo"eiviing th recognized sprin"s of itisruction Mini- wi eir a mis -ra ion tb, irs. tering to the in Political. �Jinishing stroke. ome $15100NO hav oa�l sense ,of the peo e fact, some even go So far %a to s3.y that,. fairs? �lh ch ie �r � . PI is is the osition. whi SuiciDh moia D11FAD OF I been expended oil the' Post Once durin te( L hould be themselves IThe tt&gment given in the Kingston —�Godfrey Detmer, New Vork laborer untain V' Gover ament of Ont J the majesty of thoilplaw having been up- apq occupy to -day, the season, makiag quite an Addition electio i trial, case was to the effect that aged 60, hanged himself in his bedroom. The, Guibord and te"Lir opponents� cannot trlutl f 11 conyenien6e and Ppear=6 held by bis conviction and sentence, be �lio I 4 V therespondent, SirJohn Maconald, be 'Ui)on his Shirt wits fastened 114(14 -h . . nildig! has been p shed -1nib unseated, !but not disqualified, and. that his wife, saying fhat 40altitibil and tlle� The celebrated G I should be allowed to escape -without far- showt he Contrary tob�e the case.- The 6p, oChurch b -ord. case at Mon- ward to a considofrable ex b !The We ther punishment. W e do not know POsiti may, iti Ord he 1�ay allicosis of the trial. fe#r eat. tr ei O�vn iter at , : Ecclesias- q,n le to serve th of starvation imthe b d wij loyan Methodists have crect eal has been fin4llylsb'ttled. of -the hand, had induced t1le act. 11oratio N. Case, one ed a now tical burial in tb e consecrated part ol the what view the authorities may take of ends, de those 141� church in the we6t end, entii�,ed Alo .. it Catholic Cenietery had been refused to Phi 0 put trust in them olde t dl most esteemed residents of the matter'or what the decision of His gures, RD by g'; - in(, ti but they c it A HA' NVINTICR�`FzAR n) Zion Tabernacle, the Pre byterians Ot Hamilton -has been appointed to the the body of druibord, a printer because oviv yol It. in the he had bcei4 i member of the. C'anadian point Pup one Single itistall from the trades in N and Brook-, 1 have built a newlinission chu Excellency, the Governor General may ce in 11 ch postma 3te, ship of -that city, rendered !yp, show that -theiI66 will b( � great suffor-� east en d, and tb�e lKethodist !Episcopal be, but we trust that those who are in mone� has vacant byithe removal of 'X1r. Frederick been wrong' fully � or U eces- Institute, V society which had n ing.-among the lAorin C asses during. denomintion are.buildi bee ex- Ritellif fo� irregularities in his accounts. lug ta pew inis- Communicated. The case went through- e faor-of an absolute pardon being grm. t- is the case* thr coming winter. AA rei ent there- are aion church in the northwes, er# part of 'the C-anadiall courts, and the posii of s6rily'spPrit. So loilk as this n —W tice that Mr. Clark, of Wel- in _e tha a three times As ffi� any men ion ed may be disapoied. LepiiRe. has the 41'c, the G6 vernment too, lia out the city. The old Chester Church It can land,, his given ,notice that he will. bti of as the clergy having been sliptained was �ap- b 81 JIgb C e.' of at Ell t e. for - 'a. employnient in these ei;i,e;. as there it been. tom down and a fine -new ne is go- bo�en found gailty, by a jury of Iii affordito1azigh tic eff6fl; the pealed to the British riv Coun:CD. s coun- at the: r fran to in a bill during this session of I - I 0 W re this time last ye;Lr,' and many taore incr up in its Stead ; the Centr I y tiTmen, of inurder, and, in' ccorance cobviOce themelves a id their Joll wers lature, applying the ballot system of wi. I be discharged in. the coire of a week- r" Y- Burdal in consecrated cirolind was de- terian and also X-nox�s Chure otin(y to municipal elections.. Mr. orI ave 1111- manded as a- civil andct as religious with that verd-i has been sentenced to that t4ere ii A decreased su U& :ten days. ct, rpl, ; :.!� I dergone a good deal of repai and im- right a une has given Similar notice to the - i I I -tern IBeth' there was no al x ative but to death. 'This being the case, it would b to pro- H -F. PENNSYLVANNIk provement for fhe accommo ion of e effect that he will introduce a bill Relio-N. put the bodyin. the pUce -reserved for RO,;T I ore ruffianiSm is rep4rte . rgalls ; additi n is also offerilig a premium on crime to entirely e —All d in! the their new pipe a Iioo-INdS iN I -vid fm compulsory voting.' We trust suicides and- other ir lefactors 'MA ;^I- enilsylvania milling regiod. oil F day beiRg �niade to the cratIonal loi M, g has been received fron London that boi h these measures will be pushed -1 nth fy the action of the Couru which SO* Uon"' e, afternoon,- Jud G. W.­W�rd, Ricorder Chareh. F11 in,; Our Own, rresI.ionde) tt. forward by their promoters if the Gov- ge positively pronounced his guilt. by cable in regard to the case: The 'Upon of8cranton, while on his,W�y homef -DA rom. 10 TORO TO, Nov. 25, 1874. ernmeni r , ef use to take them up and deal STRFET A.RS ON SUN i* appeal4 allowed, and burial -is allow.ed The juiryhch rendorc(,J the verdiett of 1 W41111 +hdirl� the court room was appro A fierce new8paperar has been rarr- ed from be. I - — - In holy grounds, with'aU tue costs except 'OW upon the Com I guilty, accom panied1t by a, � recomienda THE 19:U E� Mr. Rykert has moved for a commit hind and. struck a Severe b iii- in reference 6 the Street I 'ar the recusation of the judge. Guibord is temple by a ruffian na ed McGuire, Muning illeir cars on Sunday tion of mercY. This was d6ne not because Wb an Ithe Premier stated, nea ee o 1e -House to enquire -into the PalY I the entitled to ecclesia-stial b�rlal rites." t ch which knocked the Judge ('Own amoxig a The Sabbath O�servance Socii ty haye' larges Preferred against him by 'Mr. It is stated that the �here was any doubt in their mnds as t:) close (f �tbe d6hate on tl�e. budge iht pile of dry -goods boxes. 3 fcGuire then up in g)od earn- Bishop willow a finally taken'the'mattei P_ pea *.-hether Lepine was uilty. of the cill .1r.at the AV'allacetown meetina ran but was pursued by est. Having beo�n denied an. interview I to the House of Lords on ille qus- be It never litened to ia more - iser last summer. In Ilia motion, however, �tu ge Ward'and nd the. treatv ceedin, iticise I financial tate- he only included the Charges. relating to officer who w Directo tion whether uudei an itiless i assault and with-, t) which he was charged, but because able. tempt to'cri ie rs of the Company,.a �iith I Canada from France to Englaud.'the, his having accepted bribes from the NoG ire is now in their remonstrance against the practice exd nient by any Oppogitiob, be uttered an rights ' 1 privileges of f the.'erime was commttel under ep was soon captured. a114 e p,;Om&a Ithe county risen. Occur ences such as being unheeded by tli6 Com ly, they an This recommen- Rykert Canad 8outhern and Great Westerll t Catholic- Chilrehre not infringed upon tional eircunat opinicl, which essrs., 'If ces. f and this are of . mos hourly o urrence. have now decided to test the matter in a by the'late d6cision of the Privy 0 I Railw Companies for his vote in Par - Lauder therakselves ay alation should have due weig.ht with the ..migbt1ave endorsed liment.1 legalway. How the question will ter- oun. IWhen the motion came before Icil. He says that lit will never consent to sicithoritie and should induce them to with more truth than generally a-,com- the Houf 6, minate is very u,xicertain, as the law on Mr, McKellar insisted that E glish a the intelment of the emains of 11 ad Cau;adii States- the subject is not explicit. .. I ml�itigate in some degree the punishment panies their politica-declamations. Mr. a couple Of other charges be also in- I; bord in coiisecrated ground, and in pr'ef- 1cluded. After considerable skirmishing Inen Compar d, R-Evl-,4,kL SERVICES. ot the Criinal, hut to lib' M. Cq� Cameron had very little to say ere erate the crim- this w, ngeliW'Alliance haw v_ I nee he willgo to prison. I Is one We await *ith some de, icholas Ftood Dav ii one of the The Eva resol punish-ment 11' e ! ii�al without 111-flictink it all duli g th 'debate ontho budget, ed to invite r.,'Varley, a celebi ated re - 80 UPOn gree of i P.-Aience the result of the labors �ditors of the Globe, latel�, helivered th,� sec"cind -and third in comm I de. ivalist from London, England, who i BIRTHS. iv ould be a direct insult, to the j ury and highly interesting lectlire Lt the v 8 11 volve4 ille'unacceptale duty (h this of this co nmittee. Muspending the wititer in Canada,, nd who GARRY.—In. Tuck —At t North Bruce Reform Conven. Hall, Toronto, oil the four eading mem- ersmith oil Nov. 18, tc the Court before which he was tried. case) I of - picking flaw�. Their � whole tion- held at Paisley on Tuesday last, hers of the British House A Commons$ hasmet with a�ood dea,14 successin the wife of Mr. TJOS.' Garry, of a _M �e admit th at the inurder was com in 1 t� . stoak-�in-trade wac's tbb bold-, un b 1%1r. Sinclair, the Sitting member, was Gladstoe, Disraeli, Brigh; and Lowe. jun8uppor his labors in To'ronto an Mon;real,7 to daughter. !rtai (I hold evangelical -services in the various INIURDIE.-- te4 li�uder exceptional circurn tance ble ssertion, that cc in- unanimo y nominated as the candidate There was a goo a, C 8, �d attend e, the audi- In MCKiIIOP, on ov. 14, the -A murder' -was Comitted, ad' the clude( as asset.s by the r' in at the ap )roaching election for the Local epee being one of unns churches of this city. it I "ected wife of Mr. A r ua I ; I � fichael -Nlu die, of a son. ma-k'l'g up a( n culture and t to Logislatu -o. A better choice could not intelligence. The Ireture commenced that 'Ur. Varle will begi isl abors or the S"rPl.us, I I I be so included; Jor c week or two. 't 'tain have beei ma(te. Mr.. Sinclair is one of b a brief description of I he Imperial 1 mur-der —or one of them at least I �Xam;erl y here in a MARRIAGES. 5 aho�uld be punished. The criminal should funds hold in trust for the Pri ovin by THIEVES AND� SO.BBERS. t atchf ul and intelligent mem- Parliament, with frequent� reference to -in on'Nov. e DO illfOn, anIOU'lltilIg to abou $2,- While h-arclids are. thus rapilly in- C haVe the benefit only of as much leniency. bers in th Local Bouse. the Ontario House b 6; by Rev. Mr. Deacon, -Mr. Willialli Y way f contr, ig —At a onventlon creasing in our inidst 700,000.. Mr. Rykert, with I snail of the Conserva- their different a dmanner of , an(I ministers and N flippay-ii impudence, asked the Tre urer tives of ':)u.tb Perth, INIr. L6versage, . 'of trasactiig business. Coining" to th , churclies are uniting for rc v, -ices, 2 ortoli, of Grey, to Miss 'Mary Ann 'a the exceptional circumstances co %rival all r% I Kelly, of B BOIS, "�ted�withthe Prime entitle hills to.. wb_Y i iappeneZ itheenemyofll' od, civil and rep iaiou-s n I'll's that 'if ­tbese Were Fullarton�l was Selected as the cau'didate subject matter of his lectur go he proceed- ' JACKSON—RX-NARD. —At. the residence of bona �hle 4ssets of the Provi c t is very -busy. There, perhaps A�as nev- oben U illiter person, beY for the L41al at the next election. ed to descrihe the four lea, in b er tb e bride's father, on No v 24 by Rev. ILI A Lepine b a dte ro viltee, were # t included in his last fill liciat, I Or a pert h of the Imperial House, ill a I njien pi t the -r Mr. Irwin Ja kson, and had he been forced to coillaii od in fl� history of'114milton 8 bl . Crooks, in reply, juiet, c to iss deoid by superiors, then there inigght graphic mauner their per onal appear where ruffi, -am was so barefaced s at E K. be NES OF THE WE Rebecca Aynard, both of Grey. y gave the, honorable aentl n tb pag,6 present. Whether it is the result of the ance, a e xcuse for aduainistering a mere Of his Wt atatement, requ. stecl iDt to principal . men,tal haracteristies 'GRIGG­ E%VTON,—_ t the residence of 0 I hard times across the lines,oi td rhetorical abilities. e then drew A CO_�,KERVATIVE R�TURNED FOR r soniet i nolinael, -punishment. But he' turn it p too it and then mad f Nov. f the bride's m6ther; Cl-ntoll, on is a mall ro else, it is a fact that our city is fl-( r U �Vlvid picture of the mem rable - mi Showing � that he had so D.—.Nlr. Maclver, Conserva- ills- 25, L�r Rev. Mr. Des Barres, R Grigg, of Tumtion an' incl!lc d it., terial crisis occasioned \1r. Glad- %vith desperate C-haracters. car 'Esq,,, Of Guelph, form t1d d intelligence lie acted i leen clected to Parliament in S cely a Mr. I�ykert 'baffled on tht POInt next tiva, has b I erly of Clint -on e iat Treasurer 47o er stone.s enunciation of bi olicy oil tbe week but a !lumber of venturesome and to fiss Louisa F. G. - Ne-i'vton, only no, under th authurity of ohers, but tcok de. gfund. tl BirkenheA, by a rn.tjprity of 9 v . IN Men daughter of the late James.Ne,wton. ood Irish Church question, g ng tI villinous acts are Committed. le illost as 1. principal, and his - contlectioln if4 had n0er'Oaimed it as an asset. Here the Ltber4 candidate. forced upon 8 co 8 l te notable incidents of the deb, I.enter houses in broad cRyligorlit nd cont- itution. Fiim AlwNis FOP. THE e to the Cott morder was not aLo 1.1i . t* I , mAy 6 wil - dramatic effeetand hittingloff the peon. wand thd lady cf the hous gel; them P fully p,erver ng, ; sho-vi Chinese vernment has ordered large DEATHS. him' bu -the truth w; Ls sho, vi ii up, - 1 a, good warm dinner, and, too was, assumed volliotaril . and liaritle8 of tho more, pro - frequentlyi Y, 3re�ding om. Mr. Wo' U#nent partici- OSM A–N III Mori -is, on Nov, 24, Agnes, b Od's state ent quantity 61 breech -loading rifles frcim a y hia Own free will. He knew. that he. f U. happiest vein. 8everal lVg -ing 1) German fa� �tory at Witte cceed in- getti" it. ITouse tha g, ntle. pants in h s 0 break wife of !Nlr Jas. Gosman, aged 70. cedotes illustrative of t�e cherheters 18 comition occurrence; picking p ad al�ays co 114( TREwry.—It is rumored a 'ro'n "ll'iell ',,it appeared ha&neither a I GFR3NIA nock- -egal nor a moral right to man b nsiderd these �niid a 1,Noim—In Tnekersmith oil Nov. 24 8 ,ts, Stealing, &c., are among the tbina of the statesmen in questio as 1 as a et treaty . will shortly be conclude were ppro- a of the Province. 03 d be- John Nott, ged 72 years. y aIt destro ing the life of a. fo. e vory im- tely intro to which our inhabitants te porta 1,t fe, 'ure of the, 11 tween the� Governments of ermany and Prla duced, and easantly -B, Bu (yet 8 36eall ONE.—Ill ay City, Michigi), on Nov. d that, in'dbing so he was rated. The conclud A tbNG COURT. was Crloks' very filli rn d e by I I part -of.Rorocco will Ug-. This is the 26t1i 9, G eorge C I Morocco w iiel' u P rtion of the I day of th g a dime. Under these cir, atater�ent o oe and nephew of Mrs. E. Lusby, x pliel t lect re ivas devotedl to Assizes. be ceded to Gertrany. Comparison I f all the 'Circu tage(s in caid. still there is quite an amolint of COnneqtionwith his Sal ARC'rIC jFXrDrf ION botween Enalishand Call, dian- politica camarances, we cannot s ti e uni- I .—In view of the I 6--aforth, aged 26"years; 2uotba. ee how any u_ Arcti' leilders, .Nllr. DWin statin that lie- di(I remaining to be done. The c expelition ao-tit to be fitted out prejudiced person call coscientiously cipl 4eb6ntilres io Dial& -imilial calendar is unusually, Ia-rg ca, W, -ernment Lady Frank'. "t agree in many respect . with others ci r a of by the British Gov troy Ing fe ll�n . ioxisted'in e. mill 1141 ho hadhoticed a ceftair reseni OFNVINIIER. i I advc.1cate an absolute pardon. We CIO Some honor�bI6 me bers,it at lin has renewed her offer of reward of w. bl ince. I I t HE' MARKE V -S., i of. in: career or or nining to oil the recov persona chracteristics, nd 0 the Tiesgureir c -m d (I err( bf Cry of the allow I not �ee that it'. Would be even poli to om, i .8 ti -nis of its a��proacli, the melodions SE-AITORT11, N- a' $10,000 , cy, bad. NOW a.3 wint is - beg 0 11 uld point sig of Justice out of con- jdgmant tions, was -a,klin's.,ex. wl 0 -the deli ious hand is 110 1874. le v� tibe qiiestion these -il ficial reco i of Sir John Pi what. �espects they notes of: C Durin the past few d pedition. differed as,well. as the p iits uf I thortalghlY `0 issipatedby is ran, rks, 0 S a very large emirely, toallow Such a per-- lonaer heard. We �hall not shel the JEW-sp, pi FA RES. - a' I 4t on side and e Ryker —The American f prod lid. L m0er amount 0 uce has. chan 13RIGHT AND 16parture Ol- Pray son, tio go free after bei proven guilty I - - I ter of sorroAr over its* ged hands -ng lot ]-,I I stearlishiple mpallies- have agro�ed to in. se th. n tha b. - t say ot-henvi su Crease tI steer 3\1r. Bright He woulit tiost compar that it -may have a speedy resurrelctioD. oil the Seaforth market. and business in of ch - a crime. Suc.hi punishment TrEast age passen 113 01 n aigain. tow, Ily has -been ade an, exc" rates to The voice of 'the Thoma Cat grows a slioud be mete d4 to TIiis r, will not with Mr. Geor�e Bron. They were brisk. In rer 11 Europefl(Ini, $18 and S20ger, - n Illow, to, him as would be a pr vont th6e $23 , d hoarser and hoa er in his nocturl' I$25. opular le: dexs who ) ad for YCIM's 47S tal ef- wheat worthies froni emphaticall : assertirg the. both.p, 'there is no' change ot plic warn1ine, to others -ho itight f Col. inclix. Y e to s rig a -niR battled for the people' lit forts - to f ill , h music for the sleeli er, or Ilote. nj�eetivg outsitle the Ifousel SEVFRE, P LYNDilahlENT. —Ptrick Smith, Bri(;bt ics are becm- to give'opportunit to the (11 mg heai-ier. w , to ed toi act in like m on any future was a polislied &ator ; BrA n y I a strikiliv cc oper in ew York, for as. 't S AGAINST mp RYKERT. Deliver' contra ,X(E Barley. remains while oats h- e crie, of -which 110A -ders W'il renic inber saulting James Bgeley, a ll�n Itivated tile g perfect Iii ) )f , youer re, -society cu race of rhitorical tyle. is graces in resisting the em I . 0 as ad- I tation to walk out in a ga- �mellt valle ven MCI' Bright's style was condens ed. The d th4 brought by �1 all Ocnivicted, sentenced to one ed Bro-wii's I eli-veries of Coarse Lepille has been pro � cl ries I in , Was rid give Yalt to, Anger uity is of ellar S -11f- was -diffils e n1eill jer or 5. by hurling tolies go'. and the demand is �%C_ g, th � I olitli?s im isonment an e. Briglif was a I'm in iucq n in orist f Li I at Wal- d fine 8250... 1 1-)een ]a ficien' Inagnitu, e to i,ustif ri Brown was not, although, ie could tes- -%with questic liable it d- y the adho into the darkness laccto*�n urnmer. Cd�s rratil -es of Map, PapFds THAINK.—The Jope has wordi accompa tive. 'file pork season, lias now -nowl(dge that the I living every fairly ties M'� allowing, the law' to tae its course e tifyfroin personal k effort. Au Ineo guid" kilid hands -written to, Clrdinal Culkii thanKing him C % a 8 eommenced, and- this articleis r. Editor� I -hope you will brea*s- n good. yet, under' existing circum U I I tt -r v not one of those who required now, sta nees, it in Pion: iorrar the idea f and the Itlis] a .-Midister i Bishops for their! condeen- a Sur] on. to enal. le hinii to see Sre- gical operati the follwing lines t �q of the I Crown indulgi ure up uoted. pricos. migIA not be politic'or productive of Ug in, pers,)nilli- nation of �Iic address delivdred by Prof. 1. ay AN'hen bitten by mosquitoes, or tort i I by t;es" they iterm .'it! the point of joke. Brigh was dew. On nlaiiu3 firiii at aitioted prices. Wood is A, Belfast, and decla ing, th t flea, good to da So. A_U that is required is, the I)i Ig t — t -easily roused or ex ted; �rolk*ll Or sun-. dea,th by Thomas Cats,' W of Sale nd'ilot mii ]I -enquired if- .110 debate wilicli foll)'Wed alto be�sn drede, Jos( a briob d as e spri- a pupiah eutly severe to show r. RTkert's or a Committ e Of -tual Piratea -�spoil Was a Bright think of mc,21 C n ent suffici Celt fiery nd itnpu' 0 motion f whose trade is t do ter Illen.. was h1ZY Brown was wtive. I the Butter is becoming omewhat more that in no poarldon Invest gation even A W. Ltuder iook -the - Ouls Of tre fearless and neitli ei qduld be led by plentiful, but is still not �oliffi of the Br 8 3oth in 4n w DorniiOs can t occasioin- to. comment in -languge the ILOYAL BArTjs-_Nt.— The t cult to Sell. he crime of murdei�- be infati Sol' of the nose. Finally Briglit+las 111,111 Of comm'itted with impuinity., no mattej. most netiall unthe of 1 the Duke of Edinburgh was b�'ptized on gel, r DIal Of is offered liberally and generally ills 'Brown 0hurches at Election Tii 6 iving 11 m. akin., person Imblic day,. red th line .(5f Albert t tilent, meets with ready sale. We (piote i.ider�! w�a;t pretelise, This caiit be shown men hil, JLIles ween these two there wa�­' a great crulf it is t often that we have tile r agiue if you. can Ille of Alexander A fred Ernest Willi 4m. The fixed. -f approvil Fall Il'beat (new) ................ o 9c) to ictoria g i 'e guilty party for a the 0 H igly froul -r tht.,c 0 90 wept over botil sidks of gpolisors were Queen Vi and the the Cd- SpringWhent. !10 to. 0 90 goning th Jai rrh t, by in�pri ure of 0 AND r,41 CDI'ImDs of tile London Fice OaW (neir) of ( �4 ally as by patting I -cluse at the Sight of tbe honorable Ef niperor �r'ermn �P' Tha next co �85 to 0 S7 mperor, -ison wa, bet'Nvocii Xh% 'Pile followin el Av) per busibel .. 0 75 to 0 76 Barley (new) per bushel ....... -1 to nth the Prince, of the Ci own Prilicer's Gladstone and Mr. Blkel 'I'he latter 1 we ake from its columns, we cordiall nicinbcir for mpai Grey I I* , trticle, however, Nyhi him to death. While, t1lerefore, e hoiniN on the meatiness of( It' ',_� 1llg ( ut a -iajjy _ 1 .10 to dulgirg in of Gern and the Duke pf ashould not lik-e"to see the extrem Tt was certainly the best was not so much o. 24 to 0 24 61 bell- f a d flmter as the eudorse� and tru�;t tba,t the dmonitions 3311ttpr in tubs ................ 0 25 Ooburg. ........... in Le- i P( fonner. Both were n 0 -1 giVen l�hy live a beneficial effect 1uP01l ; - b() to 0 If) tence �of the Court caried out joke o I the ses�iozj so ion . elevated nd R - -4 ............. 1) 21 to far. \Ir. LAider BPTr1S11 S)EAmrp. 'ARCH ED. —The cultivate(I -minds, of iftreproachable those fjt' 01 our- 4 ............. pi n d otlier Coll Or vati ves - iC,D ore ent: * whoin they ar to 5 60 ne s jease, we do not thillk the atithorl- two V irely British steariship lying ill, the morals, of lofty views -of dtity and right. conteill ' 11111y, ilt-1% ...................... 00 to 1400 c pol alit Circumstances idcoi I)orar� swys ties be justified in- grant-ing hi � in port of 8pin, has been Both possessed great ffrap� of i ou -U C, 60 in siderQfYt'b se (harnes. 0 ntellect 08 that they by lle Spanish officials, iti,both. the sense of Th6 Practice forced npon candidates call, pej. to 0 10 -LI Supicion of carrying arms for the Car- (retail) per bfti-rel -e Pardon. AM4 -was small. (if gi 50 to 1 0,) 1.0,., Otr absolu� can in .'ense be reg�fded as verson-, hi Ving donations to ('11tirclies in v I . Both under �cold, exterio , I alt chage�, for the wholemiater which the :.lists, but r of ail clection is one Aeservin ' coll- il 110thin, contraband orl it I 00 cornrui#ee will be calle 9 bai,-�i ,as found concealed warm, 075 45 t o. 0 ,15 tstrol elliotionS4 sure. enouah to V toog, per bush0l, DeXY..'.' 01: datone's oratory bad a poetic fervor, votes of:r those, Provincial Finaiaces. gate ffe d. on to inx esti. on board. buy LIJ thc �-Oltfl cts Rykert in his plibli that make no prete Sion , brl ........... 4) '00 to 6 00 city hs �k-0011- meniber of the ...... ....... 11 550 to 2 -1 ca- Tu.E C-P.Ew OF T �eat nd rush that wa� -wanting iii to elevate the standard of moralit3 ............... -1 Tle finanoial position of -the Province I Pa Legisla;;u re. r N They —The FrenCIL Government ha$' ordered the more deliberate utter -th( 5.61) St - refor to his bavine, Sold Ills Par. �iices nf -when Churches are tickled with Ill ork. of Onta�rio, as shown by the recent ate e I ............ ........ .... t V) to: 8,00 the releas� of several members of the Canadian states' n Ile3 liarnenfary inflii ence for Consider ('1stone's sun ment, of- the Treatlrer, is such as to co ioil. crew of the 1�paiiisli steaniship Nie%,e,- ordcr� to influence the votes of the I Anothor fact which few was hasteninff to the hot-' 8 InGllllber� electoral, corruption has r(ach- -will atteml t to �vhich was'seized Joan de Luz, oil ; Blake Nov. Oil W118 rising In the' politica, mand the approbation Of 3,11 who are deny is, th-1;t 1 N-pr"'a man justified zenith— a ed its lvwest ebb. Not- wonid it be 1-jailt Wheat, Per bushtl........ f -esentation of the Spi 0 00 o ()�2 the repi in liSh Consul splendid sunset and splei'li(i clawn- il madlig AeVelft -Siing Nvheat, porbuEjhel.... capable.of being satisfied with anything personal ac I to suppo�sc that All the blaille shoul o -,j e 3 Oars traband of wid, for Carlits. PI,%ced 'at the door of the candidate. Barlolkl, per bughtl ........... y be done by the presen Go 11ar whe NV B cusatiol S it at Bayonne that she was laden with Coll. the ord, of Aacuh (I I)e tits, per bushel ....... ...... that ma' on It of on the iiian who DISRAELI AND is more uniisnal thall for duad -Its,_Per bnshel...... 0 72 0 '43 1 t I., and m he R ght Hon. Benjamin Disreli and 8ir set to bL, mde at tboqe who my be be- Blitter ............................ 0 2 at infamonsly imaligped I .211ark ernment. The resaurces of file COU­Dt1Y i I r e, turue I rouijL C C �E UIKE 'i ......... ........ () 43 8 r. hykE hv&� reports %. general John A. Mcdonald were ftlike in per- fo Y, are, graduall ' but surely, incre hi in rt's prompt 7 e tholiblic for elect;on 0 5 im'OtIon for -ance in'tho: co c litillentl mark -6 pper, It ...... 0 14 0 1.3 a co on]n ts since sorial ce, and nPt unlike in. so" circqln stall ce(I are uy, per ton ..................... Is 00 14 w) while the actual expenditure isl being i4tee is peuerally regaroilled its last iss ometimes f irlv !s a ue o one shillilig in the Price genius. Sir John's popula�ity (lid not 'nobbea' by this one and the her Piece 4 brava ilavoidablo' on his of wheat. - 7 I . i 0 sible figure, and I depend on mere superficial affability as 'essing: upon theni the. "clailas kept at the 1avvest poss 1� _B Toito-.c,ro, -Z\o Pal't., w lie], mayl or may not o8sess P1 sideribly within the r6venue. . The , v. , 1874. con P �n� T. a rs A R F,'N E ELLION.—The re;. some contended, but Upon i4trinsic force of this -cliurh or signific nce as to the result Of the inv, S� ti� bell" i i the rgentine States is at an that societv. of character. Both There -were in to -day about 500 buh- result of -this is th#, notwithstanding gatioll- I hae it from good bad 1great socil That a IL inall in Dublie life Should ; �U of 'wheat t 98c to $1 for; whit authority 1F W111(e Are 1; end, o cred it t It e following des - that he as been urged TO act X, in the gifts. In J�oth wit and a' thefactthat immense- Sums have been io sent� by Senor 4"Ca-sin were be generous to the extent of his indans 94C rrere,, in of Foreign Af7airs, to Man it is butIlatural. to expect, but when lt to 920 for matter I is Cc naervative CO21 strongly developed�. There!was furthei to� 95c for expended in public improvements which Parado, Secretary the Hou so�, who � lope t1l us to.ge rid f C ual Garcia, more a great similarity bdtween their p 600 bushels of barley:at to �l nian Wb DSC in fluel a OMMISSloner in o . careers. Both were sucbessf4l tacticia I Of I 10 , 660 bushels I pcltc, L ladon of the Argeu i generosity is tro�spased upon, in vle'%' anrich tho country,, the balance to the ice, Wherever Lie, g3es s, favors, to bc. Of Pe,'ts at 73C to 78,3 Iltine Rcpublic� The des atch, reads given at the polls, a true 1 200 buh0s of oats -at 44c, alid, a lo,d O' P, and each had manaed to k0ep difficult ground for f co"rhPlaint arises. Tt vr( Ild I r�e at. 70c. Hay 'brought J6 to $,) t I doom NOV. 27-1- 1874 And stftiv �W to $14 for a lose. Dressed h*48 old $7 755. Y -or butter in poura, 30c W Nen, 32c being 411, tiona=es. Fresh egge A"il to Whi t 0 willeat Deihl per 1-0 Treadwell, $I 41 red, $1 .40 to 50 6.5 ; 0 at I " 1 5 ;. P eas $' :,eggs, store lots,. per dozon..� la,inier% 21-2c U 23c bd 416C rolls 27C Al resseil ho to:27 ; 4 T 'NTO LIVE STOCK ORO, BFvvr_s.-­r.Ph,e Ynarket has�' Poorly an pplied Aurin,,,r the-' the receipts of belm the -reqn1ements a the 3 Quota lons remain much 0 k YT Imt Woo, , although strieti �bring i-ather - would =01re 14 "I'llote frst-class 4 -25 tj $4- dlass:S3 50 to $3 75 ; a thil -SuEir.—Have been in g4 - with sbmehat increased- to ,Pri^_eS'Aea-dY at 84 to V, A sheep 4h-'41- 55 lambs �ehaqg � $4 1*2 Al round, aud anotE, 'heep s aud.anibs at Receipts h dem=4 well. maintained, pril ing stOd At $2 50, -to $4 BUFF,kLO LIVB CK I CATTL-F..—Reeeipts to -d makingthetotal supp3y fb� thus far-, 7 ,-684 head, Or C52 ^355 for the same ea ti* The mii�rket wm active at a. J I Aecline, Aomording to gradie There w4ere few mediumll tat� the ulk of the upply eingi or common. There was Ahapvsaal f Texans. Salet about 2,000head. Prim. 83 25 tO $6. SHE ANjD I,Axss.—Rece .3,8W head, making the tot;�, Ith-e- w4elt, thus far, 9,400 h 16 2W, lieadfor the same i6 The igarket was slow and ar,, ic off from last week's pret Iambs I at $6 50 to 1.56 75 ; Q, at $4 50 to $5; NVesteru. a] to 5.1 Ag the total supply fbi Makin thus far, 22)400 head, head for the same time last warket -was active at a A -e -figurds. W gdoa Yt� agilig! 1,80 to 29W 1bs., �at $6 liea7 hogs averaging 20 It war-&., $7 to $7 25.. Ught:1 wanted, aldlo* to sell at N� M ARMAQ-t LWI 0 �R -4.11 Ic a T it. J1 ICJ Mvdehe new Att issuez EXPOSM11 Off ICI SE Undev thorn -v of tffi�ue nti ITF-ACHVR WAW P,��ewtet for. S&Ool had rpenem mmJerreferxed0,mvjhg Pe -on the 7thof Dutl(s to tamme)aw � � TWIL_L,� ApUy to BAR, . , I -E-STIR" S-0% PA3�E into threwises laf tbo, 'Lot �-;),,Con. i, YeRiflop; xb,� August, a vbite sow, ab",4t . iL 3 -tar 101 is xe4nested to I)rOve J?TOPertYi Pal. takeit vway. sim.AvED IGATI CAME into the premise.8 bf- t1W 'Lot of H, tllre4 heifer YeRT121298. , ro� pwPerty, VAY 4hax9es, =d t" -LL CALF POR 1, BU ]F.03- Sale, a thoriimgh bireil J)Urll i10 montbs old, of &-rk rea ew giee lis .-Urst da68, ajid oon be euu ding purchasers. Apptl- to �G- EL OT F4 E'H - located. Town N 1 W6A-t-CeRC`omUpY1ete in ll ur=n FIRIST-CLASS 11011 -se- Intediul-T fma-, it to their solvialtage to e=winl bef 4re "allug a tual s4ftfi0lo A-pply to Nov- A- BOAR PIG frUE Subs mibor JiaspurchmOd in JL A th0T0u1_zb1 13jo# �ot it -he Lugo bee& go 'will I Lot N -Coo O, 7n, 1 . 8, H. vDi serve sow$ 11-t SIM I 106 of beiugxeturned if 0-ecessaIT- 4 ESTIRAY P14 01, U S Tutle t Pig. The OV-1107is t4 V 3A=S BI -q hoia I hereby eertifV. _P ��J 0 lLto T, nr j"Ir AN YE�Ixn �on SIM 11 -house, Seajort.�h) -,-�Ov_ 26,174- STRAYM M12IN _A3M lilto the 1)remlse�s Of tho Vi .2 -awner'. pay Charges, aua In,. ,364-4- M" TED rARI) 4D THAPi lz; undca-_ igned d is their prolol't & settlement'Of )AS Insarnce elallq roperty IV ibe 4degtrUCUOU 01 h'-9 P '11, I bitki has Aijo to t�1111L, the jnl�. I fOj their v4iluableassistunce In 14 ete. I � ievening Of Cho Aestmef ,On ibe 'F -STRAY into the Am C Cocessio on the middle Of owner 1,3._Teq1,,!sted -to J)Wve a%la take tbzlu awAy- fOetober, a %ost, About the ziZe. and tihort ta IN, _e 'Y I leaa to his tliut Vill ,wiTdea by N� SundAY Uight last, astatiou 0 tweell t.he ImilwAy dor.ner, SeRforth. AU.T PP-rso'A 1'13 will be ruiftblY It' F.STRAY STF-1. to Lot%) 0011, I Tn4 middle tf Jtne, % 8-YeAT old 13rove, prolml $na ta;