HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-11-20, Page 6• Canadians in A correspondent of the Pari S Trans- _ Cript, who has recently returned from a trip to Missouri, writes as follows !; Having had ample time, I visited many Canadiaus, and among otherS Rev. D. MeRuer, Messrs. Walter and. William Gladstone, John and Hugh Wallace, Pe- ter McPherson, _R. Pringle and De Man- ley, all formerly from Ayr, in the County of Waterloo, and Mr. Thomas Shilhug- hW, froni Hibbert, County Of Perth. They are all well and doixig well, and seem quite contented and happy. All have good houses; to live hi'and there is an evidence of thrift and prosperity among them all qaite pleasing to note. They have all good stoeks of cattle and. hogs, and great stocks of poultry. The poultry is consumed at home, as they ave no profitable market for them Talking about hogs, he says Mr. MeRti er has 45 that will weigh 300 apiece bat as yet they ai-e only, as his reverenc calla them, wind -splitters," as thin a shads. In addition to these, he has 50 young, ones which he intends to keep over. It will take 150 biashels of con to transform. a wind•splitter into a 300 poand fat hog. They have a war o fattening hogs out t4re which is rather repulsive, but it is profitable, -When they put the steer e up to fatten or feed, they put a certain' number of hogs with them to eat up the droppings, and get the good. out of unniesticated corn. Corn is quoted at 35 cents, but will not realize maeh more than 15 e4nts per bushel. while rye is quoted.at 65 cents. Fall wheat gives a very large yield per aere, ancl the crop this year loots well. There are considerable patches of timber here and there, bat not -in auch poaitions as to break the view. The houses are built on. the high ground, to keep u.ra as much aa possible, from the dampness so prev- alent in the low bottoms in the evenings.. From one of these houses 60 or 70 other 1 in,a trance, and was brought to life througli the jolting of the hearsewhile on the rogd to the cemetery, though, off course, only to, smother. • This Is a that is known of the terrible- affair. The n Ines are suppressed. A Ckeful Girl. A blooming country damsel, dressed. inithe 'eight fashion, came tripping eau, and suddenly t just as d on the e threw sufficient along al company with her While crossing a street turned arOund to look at a passing obj the tip of her dainty shoe rest curbstone of the gutter. As s the weight of her body on the ii fo thold her tiSe slipped, and plump iiato th dirt went herilittle foot, m d splash over her stockings and garments went the mud. Her gallant speedily help d het OD . to ithe sidewalk, where she pr sented. a, - pliable appearance, and thea ( ndeavor- , eclito free her from her Sudden a quisition e of Soil with her handkerchief. * s "It's no use,. ("bailey," sobbe the ra- rat beauty, " it won't .coree ele n ; and —and. --any st-st-stockings are lined." 1 1` Never mind the stockings,' consol- itaily responded her swain, -" I an buy f you a new ":Buy me a new pair ! where svolild I put them on ?" said she. " Why, we can go to the hoe for that matter," said Charley. " Never !" almost screamed t e fright- ened girl ; " I'd sooner junap nte the river than go to a hotel with a au that I'm not married to." ' Charly seemed conscience st eken as , the enormity of his proposition flashed • upqn his mind, and when last e saw the pair they were in quest of a clean pair ofhose and a proper place to put thein on.--Ciszcianati Enquirer. —.we .iN Tnotrasara Suate.L-The Onialia, ( e .) Tribune of Oct. 26 says ; " Yes- - tercay morning Mr. Perea's vast flock of she p arrived on the bluff to the south- west of the City, and this morni g they we.4 delivered to the parties to whom they had been sold. The flock nunabers 1 abodt 10,500 head, and the maim ls are , in a fine condition, after a jaubt of over I , 400 miles, accomplished in about days. I IOn the trip to Deliver onlyaboet 30 head - were lost, including those killed by the herders for meat. Four thousand ewes, not 4 black one among them, ver kept by themselves, and as they were li iddled together by the order of Mr. Per a, the sight was one net soon to be for otten. , The rnovenaents of their bodies, as the aim shone across them, remino d one most forcibly:of the waves on a large bodyl of water. The sheep are vided into flocks of about 3,000 each, a d are tend 'd by two men. ,, At night the sheep I will 'emfirain around the canap , and will ot wander, as Would be the natura1 supposition. At the first pep 4f the day they start on, and move ahea only about as fast as they raze the gam neL" I STiP,PociATED. IN* A...40SM —Tiara pool, England, has also been the scene of a sad event, very similar to that of the il, istle- toe Bciugh. A. gentleman by the name of Kelk, cashier to a building firm - here, had recently got married. He g, ve a partylat his house. "His young *ife," says al paper, " in .her anxiety to ge out of tlA hot air, ventuted up stairs and eeing a small closetj with a Venti ator, 'he entered to fasten it, when the c rent f air closed the door. In Yalu she ailed he doer bell ring and . the visitors e ter, 1 to the Servants, although she could bear nd aSinone suspected that the imp mon- d lad§ was m the roof of the hous , all he other parts of the dwellina and rounds were searched. When at last ound, ,MrsaKelk wai seriously ill and ' ysterical. Violent epileptic fits fo low - d, ainl the shock being more than the iervou , system could .sustain eath bora pat an end to her sufferings." dwellings can be counted, and the loneli- ness of a Canadian backwoods is not felt, and the constant twinkling of the house lights over the prairie at night presents a cheery aspect. The growth of everything is great, and th4 of the native prairiegrass something, marvelous. While riding along on horse back, a man eau easily tie the tops of the `grass around hia neck. , "A Good Hammer." Twenty-nine years ago, svhen David Maydole was a roadside blacksmith at orwich., 14 ew York, six carpenters came to the villaaea, from the next county to work upon a new church, one of] whom, having left -his hanun,er behind, came to the blacksmith's to get one made, there being none in the village store. I "Ma:keine a geed, one," said the car- penter, "as good- a one as yo4 know how." . , "But," said the young blacksmith, who had already considered h. •;:;; ers, and had arrived at SOIDO notion f what a hammer ought to be, and had al proper contempt- for cheapness in all its forms, "perhaps you don't want to payf for as good a one as I can make." "Yes, I do; I -want a good. hal-Omer." and so David Alay-dole' made la good hammer, the best one probably t A had ever been made.suice Tubal Cain, nd one• enter. J.next day the.maa'a five companions s dame, eaeh of them wanting : just Isuch a hammer, and when they -were done the o employer came and. ordered two more. Next the storekeeper of the village order- t ed two dozen, which were bought by a - a New York tool merchant, who !left a e standing ordea for many such hainmers t as David Maydole could make. Anal g from that day to this he has gone .on • f Making hammers until now hti hs 115 h Men at work. Ile has never advertised I e he has never pushed') he has never bor- I rowed. He has never tried to cdnipete s Iwith others in price. Ile has never re- duced prices becauseother men had. done ca His only care has been to Make a : erfect hammer, to make as many such a people wanted and no more, and to fieir theta A a fair price. ----Parton• that perfectly satisfied the ear Crime in Ireland. A great mass of information as to the social condition of Ireland has just been ublished in some criminrl and judicial ! rav*.er descriptions of crime are still on tatis ties by Dr. Wilson Ilandcock. The . he decrease, and the number of indict- ble offmces last year was one-third per ent. less than in the previous twelve onths. Assaults and the minor erimes -hich are withiu the summary jurisdic- t Ott a the magistrates, however, are in- -c easing at an alarming rate, and the umber of cases disposed of in 18.3 was 2)3,843, no fewer than 12,373 more than I; the previous year. Dr. Handcock at - t finites the rapid growth of these offences to the greater indulgence of the people in iAtoxicating drink, and observes that an . . le ehaeryable in all those offences t at marfc a lowering of wind tot hi 4o- . _ ety. The statistics contain- a vindica- t on of the character of Irish juries. The roduetien" of acqnittala in Ireland: in 1873 -was 30 per cent. as compared with ( S.7 per cent. in England and Wales, but I•r. Hancleoek obsereee that the (Mer- e we is accounted for by the fact that a 1 rger proportion of -persons are dis- G argecl at the first instance in England t Ian 1R Ireland, and that consequently t e evidence here is of a less certain G aracter. The Belgian etatisties slow a sightly higher propmtion of aceetittals than the Irish. Generally speaking, there id Iess crime in Ireland than in Englancl. the proportion of criminals being $1 in each 10,000 of the 'population in. Ire- land and 37 in. England.. e-ee-- + Melancholy Romance in Real Life. Oa Saturday GE last week a young mar- ried lady in Montreal was taken sudden - 41 ills , aaer tiv6IdaYs' sickness, ',lied' ALEXANDER CAMERON She wasaus.1a lid out, and after a la.pse of three days the funeral took place. 'The WcAtLalatkxhE,. Ii. and Jem eler, aditehell, w a, rpse was noticed to be in a remarkable ' ofHuron friends and oust at te of preservation. After the funeral woujeuat uesdpeeteut,frteuinudiii ors in. the ColguatlYs p °cession had 'reached. the cemetery the tthriactblf°11a Ps1 °Truro Olathe atifulstaxiScl:esmt of llieksa1 st favors, eriffia was removed with due care into select n o la etlry oif the let st a;olsvi lienrcei heniti s opened a beauti ul tile Morgue, and here a particular friend : earic,1 es. Also; clocksgt;ie liage"S of the deceased, -who . had been summon . - SS z °tali° • MY yatches aLcrelnaesktn41- ed, from a distance arrived. and. asked to 'eellegryendotlioeesbtei einege d rughly regulated tted teS ed. rop.est Raid befit in the merle t, o the face once more. The request was , bawd bear off . ated,and the caffin-lid was unscrew I IE CRICOLTURAL ACT.71.17.TA..1.4 Assurance - Association .0a-naEla. HEAD, OFFICE, - ' LONDON, 0 l' I . p T.' , ublic win please note that this A13.3ei- i tion, formerly the County of Middlesex Mn:nal, 1 has not censeated to advance of rates by ent ring 1 the alutual Insurance Comb' t' .. ry ' °nee &neat; it e exi.!tence required more thanat ; of1 amount of Premium Note fel- a three y ars' 1 ; careful management and liberality .j1) risk, and hat being at a time when the COM any I was youn and the (country baptised in fire, aaa having b 1 policy holders been enabled to pass tle isevartagnl fiery sOprodeei aa Il g of s totmeapeallst toe: its m*, liwemgit*eotrhuse; t, 1 it .,_ and ha.vhig, after the la„ta Beam `..r.e.e exce ' II:drain or; its 1 finances clause(' ba; ea of 1 1870, 18711and Lan, still at the Members' ere t a I cash rese ire 1:anuaz3 1st, 1'8740 of t; GENUINE ENCH BRANDY AND PURE PORT WINE FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES AT JOHN S. ROBERTS' I THE T. ; 1 10,040 07, With a total Capital of $251,370 12, our Board of ireqtors have declined -the overture . of less slice° sful Companies to advance our r tes. In the fac of a strong and hiereasing competi ion - this old faaorite issued for 1873 the large nu ber of 13,006 Policies, making the total nun ber now' in fOree over 37000. Parties des' 0 insarance on farm property, cheese factories, de- tached dwellings and then outbuildings in to ns and Villages will be ivaited on by tho undersi, ed or One of ;s duly ttuth,orized representatives by addressina as below. The subseliber will. eoliths lie to visit Huron perindieally and solieifs for his co-operators the same nobl patronage that has during thelpast two vecias ;Ltd a it'alf Jr been given to the AGRICUL URAL in the p eat, end more particularly to TrISeif, RS its lie lit, J. R. 11ANTASSEL, Clinton; A. TA Y1,1) R, Lonclesborough.--Representaltives in HurOn. t MOTTO-:-° Merit Conunands Success, OBS. T. DOYLE, Box A, Owen Sound 344 istrict Agelit Gr y, Bruce and Hui n. LOD OUT FOR. YOUR OWN INTERE T 5 - to -- nd • se gr wl en, to the horror -of all, it was iseen . 4"-Peclin that the COrpse was lying on its side. The heitd was twisted round facing upper- Haring b st,the grave clothes were disarrau reed, of me. AA: gui un el° or sale. et , Agency for the Elgin Wate ile the left arm was drawn up as a port underneath 4the bec13, as if the ortunate woman had been leaning on an effectual and terrible struggle for ; breath. The sight was simply- terrible, and the unfortunate husband of the I deceased gaye way to the wildest mani- featations a grief. The ladies were so overcome By what they saw as to faint. It x supposed the woman had been lying 1. REPAIRING. en successful in. obtaining the servicles ER, who lies had long practice in t e Cities of isgow and Edinbnrgh, Scothmd, e s - touters will lind that iu no peat of the Domini n can they haae their clocks watehes and jewe better ;bee te. ALEX. CAMERON, Practical Watchmak r Mitehell, 4tig. 21, 1874. 850-52 — . i AdciressG. STINSON & Co.,Portland,Maine2 11 $2 $5 T 0 prday. Agents , _ Alt w classes of ot 4 .want g people of e ther sex, young or old, make inorn e at work foris in then spare moments, or all the time, than At anything else. Particulars fr 1 DRUG STORE, OPPOSITE MANSION, HOTEL, MAIN STREET, AFORTH. NE\ CARRIAGE AND AIGQN W?RK IN fthl ITCHELL. McPHIL,i HENNICKE & EDWARD Desire to nform the public that they have com- menced the manufacture of CARRIAGES, *BUGGIES, PHAETONS, , ROCKAWAT, DEMOC lATS, HE V*N1'" AND LIGHT WAGONS, Built from the very best material, hi a workman- like mann r, and in the latest styles, which, for durability, lightness of draught and finish, cannot be surpass d. ' All work promptnes intnisted to ns will be exeeuted With ,-Tand at REASONABLE RATES. - Special - ttention vela to _Repairing. C1111 at our shop, south of the Market and see for yaurselves. 356 SA IVIAUEL TROTT, Ma-nufacturer of achine Turned Butter Packages Of a Superior Quality. • All orders, either Wholesale or Retail, Promptly Filled. SEAFORTH ONT. ' A WORD TO rrHE WISE IS SUFFI IENT, Tor beautiful weather of the pad four weeks has been reminding us that winter with cold icy grip and mantle of snow; -will soon be here. Prepare ;for It. 1 WILLIAM 1 HILL'S Stock is kept constantly sup able for the Season. To sand. and one articles would for an advertisement, and indication of quality. To s 0 02 1 lied with Geode suit - numerate the thou - be a task too heavy noting prices is DO pply is the constant aira of this ,desirable lines, anct of extra v in Ladies' Farley Dress Good Breakfast Shawls, Fur Sets, in and Dromers Cardigan Jacket anade Clothhig. A Fresh supp FLANNEL SH GOOD PROSPECTS A GOOD HARVEST EXPECTED. JOHN KID Has just received a large stock such as f Harvest Tools Scythes, Forks, :Cradles, SNATHS AND HAY Which he will Sell as Cheer as 0 0 02 Pe- NO SECOND PRICE. FORKS, ' any in the Trade. 0 Ise 02 house. Some very lue, will be found , Shawls, Clauds, Gents' Undershirts , Caps and Ready - y of those cheap RTINGS For which ouY customers have been waiting. In THE MILLI ER[ STOCK Is contained the newest styljes and materials, made up in the most artistic munner, at pricetoo low for successful competition. 4, Choice Lot of Red R ver BUFFALO ROBES Cheaj. . To get good articles at a low p iee, as cheap as your neighbor can buy, there is ao place like W. HILL'S, Oppesite the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, THE NEW SI STEM. Down with 1,ong Pr ces, And Down avith Lo Credit. . OPENED THIS JOHN, KIDD THOMSON 8L WILLIAMS, A Gliq ULT URAL .1.41th, WEN TS, E N G N AND ENGINE WO KS, MITCHELL, 0 TARIO. OUR, Two -Horse Wood Sawi?.g Machine has been thoroughly tested, and eves entire sat- isfaction. It is supplied witla a band wheel for driving a. straw cutter, grain crasher, or other machinery, without extra expense for the belt. 1 • A TRIAL OFFERED. ALL KINDS OF 1 FAR.1111170 INPLErilatIrTS i - kept constantly on hand. . BOILER SHOP IN FULL OFERATION. NEW PHOTOGRAPH .0 1.1,ERY. A.ICDItEW CALDER TATI8B-Es to inform his IA -lends end; the public _, I Y that he has fitted up in the heal style, a new I P.170TOG*11PII _ GALkERY, On Main Stret,early opposite the .1a;nsion F Hotel. Ilis aparat s is all new and of the most improved Rind, 1L71ofrom his long eat; .irience as a photographer he ea u.guarantee satisfaction to all who tavor him w1t1 their patrol:m{4e Come atonce end bring your children. Re- member 0ALD1jB.'S New Photograph Gallery. N. 13 —A supply Of-fisborne Sewin Machilms kept constantly en hand and for sale;„ , 858 EGG 8 M P 0 R1 U M .. I The subscriber liereby thanks his munercua customers (ruercha ts anti others) for their liberal patronage during t e past seven yea, end hopes; by strict Integrity a d close attention to business, to merit, tb,oir confi ence and trade in'thefuture. : — clean WHEAT STIr' D Having greatly, enlarged biz preMises, during at the For any quantity ti GG E.MPORIUM, Main Staeet„ Seaforth tf good fresh egg% .clelivercil the winter, he is note prepared to pay the HIGHEST! CASH PRICE Wanted by the suh)sexiber 25 ions ea good dry k: : . ' . . D. WILSON. SEAFORTR, Martha, 1874. otaea° n • SAW LiOdS. COLEMAN1 & GOLTINLOOK : Will pa3- the Highest Cash Price For ll. kinds of . SAW LOGS At their Mill, formerbr JAMES RYLES, near the Sal -works. r CUSTOM SAWING PROMPTLY ` TENDED TO. 50 GOOD Engines of all Sizes Mat to Order REFAIRS PROMPTLY ATT.E4-DED TO. Wanted immediatelv t ADDRESS, 1 THOMSON & WILLIAMS, r Mikhail, 1878. 350 SEAFORTH PLANING' MILL, SASH DOOR AND BLIND IFACTORY THE subscriber begs leave to thank; his numerous customers for the liberal patrona e extended to him since coxamencing business in Seaforth, and trusts Ant he may be favored with continuance of the Sala& Parties*tending to build wonld d well to give him a call, as he will continue to ke p on hand a large stock of all kinds ef DRY PINE LUMB R, MASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOU DINGS, TC. tion to those age, as none SHINGLES, LATH, WEEK, He feels confident of giving satisfa who may favour him with their patro bat first-class workmen are employed Particular attentioa paid to Cui 201 JOHN 11. BROA Another lotof 173 y rds B .1 A OK 01?0 G.B.A N SILK, At $1 25, worth $1 175, Best Values ever Offered _ New Oloudst New Shawii New Sldrell New &Wes, New Hosiery, New Dress Good New Tweeds, New Flann New 131 New Seaforth. nkets, lffats and Caps. An at Lowest P9 ices. R. P ROGERS. A. WANT SITI;kIED. NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY SEAFORTH' PILLMAN & Would respectfully inform the inha forth and the public generally that Menced business in the above line Intosh & Monism's old stand, north of Mr. Themes Bell's livery they are prepared to furnish all ort to their care. Any one wanting A GOOD GUTTER For the Winter, or a FIRST-CLASS For the coming Summer would do a call. Nothing but first-elass material u faction guaranteed. Co. aitants of Sea. hey have com- opposite Me - next door stable, where ors entrusted BUGGY yell to give us -ed and satis- REPAIRING Neatly one and Promptly Attend d .to. PILLIVI N & Co. STRAW OUTT RS. THOMAS BURNE Has been appointed agent for Seafo th and vicin- ity for the Celebrated. DEXTER STRrA.W C Manafactnred by A. WHITLAW, of Paris, Ont. These Cutters are acknowledged to be the best and cheripest—cheapest becanse the best—made. They have invariably taken first prizes wherever shown. AR orders left at Luntsclen's Drug Store, Seaforth, Will be promptly filled. Specimen machines can also be seen at the same place. THOMAS BURNETT. Agent. JOHN S. POR One-horse Bauter.and;Exchang MAIN STREET, SEA CAPiTAL, - - $O100 This is no blow, but a (ac tomPlaning FOOT. TER, Broker. went: Nom, • BUYS Greenbacks and American S lver at eur- rent rates. Lends money on gocd farm. prop- erty. Shaves notes without lath , Receives money on deposit, and pays 20 per tent. interest —when you get it. Buys and sells Houses and Lots; parties leaving town and wishin to sell quick will find ale on hand like a thousand f brick. Buys Rides 'Sheep Skins, Fur and Wool - at the highest prices All this is done with the above ea tal, wonder- ful, is it not? Hand in your wants 'wishes and expectations, don't be afraid, he -won' bust. 341 1 SEAFORTH AND HU ON MARBLE WO K S MESSETT 1 (Late of Hamilton,) Would intimate to their numerous fri nds and the general public: that they are prepare 1 to fill all orders for • Menumenits, Headstones, T le Tops, Mantles, &a, Granite onunients Imported to Order. Work on e best style and art, an cannot be surpassed i this part of Ontario. A callres eetfully solicited, Calder's 0111 Stand, opposite McCall m's Hotel, MAIN STREET, H. EAFORTH. ESSETT. Of all kinds, and in endless amiety at ZHE SEAFORTH CHOPPERS cut cordwood acid Logs. Apply at ti e salt Works. 858 COLFMAN & GOuiNLOCK. WHO WANTS MONEY? A. STRONG SEAPORT'', Will Loan Money at a LOW RATE OF INTER- EST. either on Farm or Tillage Property. Parties requiring money should app13- to him. INSURE YO1Ti PROPERTY AND YQ-JR LIVE8. A Strong, Seaforth_ IS ALSO AGENT FOR - The Scottish Provincial Insurance Company— Fire and Life. The Western Insurance Company, otToaonto— Fire am:IL-He. The Iselated Risk Insurance Company, of Capada. Terms as reasonable as offered by any other agent -doing business for rehibbe Companies. OFFICE—over Stro g & Fairley!E; Grecery Store,. Main Street, Seal rth. 252 DQM RION SHAYINC & lif1111DRES INC SALOON AND BATH Rom M. NEWMAN has pleasure in announcing that he has fitted n over his shop a -number of cOnvenitait and comfortable BATH IrtOOMS Where a clean and comf4table bath' mai be had at any time. SHAVING AND)—AIR DRESSI.NC Attended to as usual. A113o oxi.hand a nice stock of LADIES' CHIGH04117SA.YD RRA IDS Of thelatest styles. He ,Ei; .alzo prepared 'to talent LADIES' 11A14 COMBIN aS- And have them straightened and worked into Braids, Belts, Swiltehes, Curlia Ste. Charges reasonable. - GENTS' WIGS Furnished on the ehortest notice at les prices. A call is respectfully solicited. than city 839 • WM. INIEWIYIAN. STOVES & TINWARE MRS. WHITNEY'S, Cannichaers Moak, '1.4tin street, Seaforth. 'COAL _OIL, LU IBER YARD. MA RE & MACDON ALD BEG to i form the public that - they have re- moved tliefr Lumber Yard to the lot between the Marche ts Salt Company's Work and Mar- shall's Mill. They willkeep constantly on hand a oodassort- meat of ALL RINDS OF LUMBER, iressed and andressed. Also, LATH AND SHIN LES, all of which they are prepared to sell at th lowest pos- eible prices, for Cash. Also, on hand ajnv quantity of the bestACTON LIME. Builders and others will find it to heir advan- tage to inspect our stock, and ascertai before pinch isingelsewhere, as we aren a position offer goodinclu cements to cash p cha 'era. MABEE MA Pure, good and cheap, who esale anct retail at MrsWHITNEY'S. CUSTOM; WORK Of all kinds promptly attended. to and neatly exe- c-ated. 808 MRS. WHITNEY. TO 'THE PUBLIC; AT LARGE. our prices • DONALD. W. H. OLIVER; OPENED OTT Harness, Saddle and Collat MANUFA 0 URER, •ATAIN-ST., S 1APORTIL FOSTER'S OLD SiLAN D JAMES WRIG T • JJAS opened. in the store next t e Seaforth " Foundry and adjoining Foster's :ill tel, a full and complete STOCK OF CROCE IES. Ris Teas are Good, His Sugars Cheap, And his Spic Strong. Call and give them a trial. 828 JAMES 'WRIGHT. E. LUSBY, LICENSED AUCTIONEER -for the County of Hnron. Sales attended.inanparts o the "Coun.- ty. All orders made personally orsent o Seder% Post Mice will be promptly attended t . 827 SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. A, choice assortment alight and heavy EULIle8S1 Whips, Bellssiforse Clothing, &c., kept constantly on hand, . Repairing prareptly attended to, and charges moderate, Re/nem:her the placeolign of he ScotohQoflar. ] W M OLIVER, NOAr.20 1874 , jzwanicaatusw The Higlandersoi Tho descendants of those .. land veterans who were 1 ' driven from the estate of] Duchese of Sutherland, tike from their dwellings, and eje0 homes of their ftitheis, fouled J timately in these remote re - mike. from any civilized arnor.g cruel and untutore Many Were killed by the Indi Tants of rival upiinieg alit of . hunger and starvatipn. pioneers have, with few ixeep ed eaVay. Many ef their offe Indian blood flowing through' and are not as reakaged and eap the privations and hardships 'I ,%fath reaietrisyy,hineetltomtiy d,utlniieli7o.coraill -cumetauees. A general benevolence unites every fai . pyre:gel; eld.wisth.eelpi '17tjoudpoiCesstellss4 tachinent. No race ef peopl i attached.' to each other that 1aml4reof Manitoba, Their unbohntled fertility, compose elepotits, and have borne un tillage for nearly hall a centee -mine artificial means. 'Man .cultural Pharisees, who clings tenadity to theold.exploded i traditions of their fttrefatiler 1121 gliage 41.1a. no ettation of depreeiate the soil. Every graM takes from the land sue; partil.fles, whieh. Other speei Some return5 must be made of manure, Seeding down or1 crops, or the lands become her Scores of these Highlanders barn: manure into the rive, Legislature were under the i passing an act to prevent fl rmay evade the law by eartil nure ien the river banks, and -fteod's carry it away., Thi very irieonvenient, beteg naa having a frontage of six or el ou the river and running to tl miles, with an Additional ti meadow lands still further tl, The lbsence- of ornamentid ti elearings or around, farm tini taitall shows a want of taste. = mapltf may grow, but 1 saw n Province ; hut poplar, eville elm, 4ak, will grow rapidly, A] mateilially to the appearanee 1 ;5oine .assert that the loose fri of the soil, eombined With al alkaline or some constituents' positipat, aecounts for the seal of tiniber 1 have notice& trees that had a withered, si ' -mice, but no care is taken of i the Woods we find, that willl grow and produce largely. 1.1 some leomp1ainint,1 who are not with the -climate, of the ILI atmo ii)liere and the absence ing T owers in summer, nnti -drought would retard the crops Such, however, is ' 134 •--, . , The freest in eviia.ter penetrate; depth and the earth. retains it the haat of summer raises dill whicl, evaporates unperceivet day. It also rises at night lies upon the land -in eopious, zu-fdeient for thegrowth of pb these kililonan men require* 'scien1 Ric, praetie.al farinei anion , them They Weddell. itate .heir example, and theia ed. n4tions of husbandry woi disapPear. ---,Tama' TTOIC° -31. I ford Beacon.. - ' 1 --sip a. - Shooting Eggs in the Tell Style. In 1V-irginia, City the ola la castoM of settling eti ifliug : among, the millers is still in V; shoot up there with slight p Thera was a bit of a row ther day between tkviaa honest a their 'strychnine'during whie tols Were emptied, withoutne being' done, one of the shoot VirgElis. City man, the othei Pioche ,Distriet. Subsequent Pioche; man meeting, : a *Vie man, the conversation natar on tile event, when ' the E glooMily deseantedeon the ele the skill with that favorite w expreSied his mortiticatioi`a ttu fromliis district should have e the clieth as to Shoot away h tion ilvtliat wasteful manner,, suits, i but consoled himself qt flectii6 that there were some < okl. _Stock left that tould sh was 'one of ',ern.' The IVii 0 man, i zaitl he "allowed "1-it1i any Elioche man any better al he wa.e, and he proposed a fei a la, Williana Tell, by each al otherto shoot at an egg set head, to which Piochepromptl -Virginia City immediately g egg, and retting it up -on 144 Pioche to fire away, ,w smashing. the egg, and an _ rivaPis hair with the tontent then. i the Virgiuia, City man' he -demanded-his shotto ev, readilly assepted, telling hi i " set it thar," but on -rerun _ it was discovered that his pe ing and smooth, affording a drumiliew it was to be den Virginia, City man. nor any hati e]ver- read that little to lumbns got ever the little - making an efro sit up, acknewledge that he was aol on tile lightning for the ero been ;taxing _ his braiai ever vise some means of making 4011 a bald pate, -considerin at interest until he can, etudy ject. ; .Pioche sa3-s he ' ain't a; bahl.head. is sometimes -an he hAring found it so some 7 'Whelan Mite Indian knock with a bullet and essayed t; the gentle savage'in disg ing, :Ugh I no good. Som im." 1...There are some thine be grateful for, Anil let ;t1. with ai space for a inonograu their .headi stop swearing flies that will crawl there remember the good. lnek of fr —Califorgia Lettiatr..., _ A SLIGHT NiLsTA.H.H. —A go ing in the street cars recen single glance at the counte by 111side, side imagined..he k ventured to -remark -that th pleasint. She only answer " Why do you. wear a veil. r evek since.—lainira Adve naott;oution.„ It is 4 144'7; gentlemen to admire," replie Taiglried)if la"wiut;Namet :II? 14 quietly rm. ‘1 bachelor. er-in.ilaw. Ile lies bee,u .he astolrlissm°herimanhetrhe faoe