HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-11-20, Page 477 20 O$I'TC N V. —0)' 18/4. Lo on 5 1874 II TH E H R N, 4 .0 EXP R. TO, rs Burol�-eatx Powers,'requesting to be much 1closer (.ban beltweell' f riei Ai of -Mr. Cit'111011011 exert th4liselves to th4m,that a Re- �he who wera 4ko menibel oubt veity galling There WOre in tO-day About to of the Committee Nvould th as be allowedl fo-ruied Of the voints in tha protocol 1 to .1141 0.3 P a PoSition els Of ,Vbcat, at 5 a Parliamentary 0, Ididate nd the elec- a t1key hould (10, and poll tbeir entire fprni journal shOuld be i le Brass. to ahsont thtillselves of biglledvttl Conference, whic' f roln '9$c for TrJeadwell ; anT1 Bargain & Duncan. 95C to torS.L eathere ig it prin- 'strengtlf., Tholloformerg of South 1fu-.! I.ilace tile pablic in po8s, EFsion of. facts the (,,IojTlmitte(' to atteii(i 0 other neces- they desire revise�d, or omit- for sprii, bush. of- I Ig ; 1,600 Great; Barpins­.T. ybusiness, without ilwilitage being -ted, -The Russ -I'114 Government also -e, a loulail Head roil, ther�,fore, must 11A allo�v iiot or ilaro not, bu t I $&1' ciple Lt SUL Ild (j t1l is gl f they can, I Sto $1 and 806 buzi Fal ch.— gan & Jamlf,18011. 61L thf )ppt)sition members of 'allotber 'ray may even be e Bed for voting a milist of over 8 curity nd uot ours. a800. Huy sola at $1 to retard or ell e that is tl) eir fanl b! to CIO. L A Saw Lops—Armitage C -u -ter & Q xcu eiv Absence. f ter 80130 patching 11 Conference be held next year, ffDgs br6ught 97 to � 7 But - T G�Y Must fight the�C011111" Ifickon & thus exe. bionst II i V LA FLOODS. taV 1ig-bt' 11 fri6ltl, all(T the, socil phase iq f 0he amendment, l3on[ter mo a r storins of .3.9z -for poUnd roll DOINGS TN TO31,ONTO. rain have S�A-cptVeL -at to, Hal, --Signor lost "qigh b of. Butir. municipal el(letions bitte as great energy Ieter- that tile report be not receiveJ, but be I r tIlo 1jJ,3nt1 of Cuba. -26efor ii 6 -oads in wany places scare I Christmas Fat Cattlehow a in- i The raili referred back to the Comm ttee, with are badIv Iship, ties' of baSiLness or frien( be- ininatio . Co) o ty, -unning. ila u! -as they did -the last.� It i Prom 0112 ow �iJIJ3 structiong to add the nam of Mi der- are I 'VI E, ISITOCK 3 twee that they pan secure,, 01to '10�, NOV. 18, 187-1. inlent has ii, the candidato and the elector, onl.v by so doing T (�veri granted aid for their Notice—Peter Adamson. 0 rick -to the Committee olt Public Ac- I ( 1 rep I � I - 1 L I 4 re(ro r. v ictory. We I supply at 'Ll which would in all probability be brol-�eu i ats. The aniendment defeated air. L rge- quantitiw of silgar call B�P,Tkah�ire oar- peter A tll�.tt they C E ou Building L oleluall. o,,I,, f o r S ale —1) r C if thi i elector' voted agraiust 1116 leandi- will do t1iis, lid-Tconsequ,ently -we hav v 3o to 24. Two other niendinerits, i all tile countrY have been- !.Zweiled. Thursday of !%at weeli s to fall off, but the . Poundkeeper a Notice—D, Robson. as all your liaving in view the redu:p-ti: n. of the (4o - The towns of 8aila and Taiianio, Oil the brisk, a n4: I.0 Dog Stolim or r�-aderg. `om Itte6, 'north coast, were flooded, StNlyed—John Thompsoll. date, It ofte]�.' cours at miluicip4l. elec- no heait�lon in p6dicing the defeat of re by �this time aware, the I iNniment majority oil thc (.1 , iix* % idates thei r OpP6 -ter �J,Ajority li second . T r,eceipts, Prices elo� -sYth. that electors fiburth. and last �essi'on of t e wept W -Estray Cattle Ful ti on$ vote for C, 11A, by a grea theii brought tip an([ sbared the goods' and houses wt -re a a ay, I were, -his 11 ay week we� ,Soine'loss of life bv the floods is SO' t tI e they have yet boo.n. Workil)g j�arlimellt of Ontario was opened With -$4 5 Estray Se'wart. whoil:l 'iey .know are, inifit for th. 'thal L same fate. T119 AIMS ON THE'OPP )SMON. Ut 25 t $4 Estr y 8beep—Jobn Aikenhead. orted. aip .3 vaa 113P n W to ommittees sbould be at o ce forfiled in theaccus-tomed fol�rnalitie�L I need not Farin for tions 'to AvIlich they' I k -I y be. C V . � Ai�Apw -lass The sepian has So far been a -very, COAL C - Be! the cndidates re nei,-11bDrs or evoi y sebool. section, Wh(�I Farm fur Sale—Dotugid McDonAld. ma- -I attempt to Aescrifie the seene—tbe ar- �ame oile. Two.great obj ts are evi- The reign of ht friends, and if they di(l. liot Vote f or chirery S ould be got in: readipes.s to rival _Of lji� Honor and ese"p'rt, the salutt3, aently uppermost :Ilinds of the vau.ia coal regious is oil the increase, ow- a $4 tliev ase ticm... If, commence operations the very ligur the t�le gu rd of inspiriti Opposition, t if 1 ing to the fact that none of the ou prits taken at f ro) ti I then ,vould (lisple a liollo, e ng jot, how . 6,cr, the systein' of v voting by llotL tillIT for work arrivbs. The Cd possible, soine new $candal againatthe, inserva- strains of the fif 4 and dtfum band, &C.., I (.1 -t with them to the 4ere-mureteredat LAX .—A good piay in, I! of lovertinien o carr Sazurw were in vogue, the alector could v te for i tiv6$ hax,e their org,mizations lredy f�r though lie d(scriptio might be 1-� U out day, aud threo oth(llrs Severely steadil i)iterest to tome.0 yonr r aders, the ma- to spin tke sessio those ,vho m be � considered 'to 1) I best Gorri� lete and ready for battle let not one of whm. will die, It is 'a e SE-A.TJ0P,H, F Itl D -A-Y, NN 0 r,t3, would 11LO; all le for illy iirty,day& 'Onimoll v. 20, 1874 i I I th k n A4 two eal f or the - 39 ­ I The budet speech Will m n occurrence to find a ian dead or in a dTess positi�ns, without eal'of ^the PLefo..-mers beb,ehind �hein. t�oable. Nor ne(d I give you a list f �Jt W Uld .38 ibs,j a 50 -one t-ar, f offence to a 0 Thursday, (to -morrow'.) dy:11L, Codition, and the coroner's in. - givin ny. The r. thedistingaialied,ladies mid genb Three Importaut 'Teforms Re ;questsidevelop thali cries 11 at $3 7: of ii rider re be that 4 loelatck . wit I good M111Y C - qui much supetior class of "Inlunici-. who ere accon a 11 seats in heard at -short red. The Estimates. the body of tbe House." Perhaps some Political. OF 0L-MUT7, ilstore hiags are t pal officils would be obtainpd, and a As Nye ,are inow, in this Prqiyice� .011� L I The estimates of the receipts and ex-, of your fair rea 8 iny is to now Mr. ames Craig, AJ. P. P. for Glen- Prussian Court of 11ati Errea,t deal bor, recently fined of tbe ill -feeling now cngen- the eve of general election., more or C3 penlliturM for the Provinca of Ontario 11 OW the ldies w re dres(A oil that 00- aarry, died at his residence in the town Olin, the Arebbisbop ot atz, Austria, for oil, but I'm 8 'rry that I h e to dis- of Charlottenbura ilear Cornwall, ille, ljy appolu JFFALO Ll partu-ne time for e zens and neighbors by for i suballttod to int theni. �Iy vocabulry is so priests in the Prus- BT B n(I ad- (ter among. Citi ;he Orrent y0ar-we iv T� I r irection, tb oil Saturday last, after a few -Weeks ill- Sian P t -ol,�kifl(*r alld 0 VOCUCvof reforms iix the %,,v elections would�bc avoided. 'ItIv kP,) f his diocese. Tile Anstriall, 0 - Pariam- t by the 1reasureY, Meagre in that pa t'Cul it t ness. Mr. Craig wag fifty � ears of ge, Gov ent ref us (I 1, vent municip� councili from ( to Surrender the maina(yenneat of our legislative also Pre It is an all- 1would be sure blunder so I will le total Supply for Cro �As, 11 Monday la9t. �01 and had �epreseuted` Gleti rry in the IG- gi Archb the deman of the Pru Ak in. ot� cipal Uilstitlitions, co not W selected. Pur many of the how ..,,,Ar(.,hb shop ou 'overnm' ts to roceed at once t the o ParE uld' currence for G cal legislature for tw dinents., siall, alithorities his eXtradition. The hus f,�,r, 5 head, of 355 t usuil O(I ell too often follow, viz.: -giving an'llinue I r 0 u for 588 cays for the Same time. Within the past four yeai bav,, the r business sufficiently adanced SPEECH FROAX THE iRONTE., James floss,' of the tolirliship Of rt has issued warrant was active at, sit' hproportion of. local iinprovementsfor the. as t on Frid 90 address in re- Nicol, has been selected s eform I of most bitter and pe'rsistent O,�p6 I io ) rev- bled to submit the estimates Ay f tel il thE against'llim, and C( sea ("Ll a The inalizet I'll, , a)fl t 11 his be Candidate for Centre, Wellinton in OP- ties and ' ttes , I I)L - ald Sinclair many -aiiefisures have been placedup l.. t of 'a partic-alar_ supporter, or t6 -plv wals moved by� Mr. Don, I eu es for.the c�)nsideratioii of the House at so of North Bruce, in nion to Dr. Orton who a unseated AIL11OAD blE and temper posit a-arted. froin 3 to i statute books of the Province �nd of the secure 'the support of particilltr. in, P S, E R E, X C E A New - .ate spee( atell Etates tbat tile President - AN. -I) early S�tage of 'the session. The On- . e 110111ted oit the g York deBP H enerl by the election 0ourt. -this access Are a Dominion, which ca'anot I- to bi of divi(luals. The temptation to O ail -d to be most a ixinw. ber of btlier officials of the rl in thi re- 'inciple gislation of i0liances for 8 lead, =king tile as ent Government Grand Trunk 1Zai' -we I Ivernment, howeve a upon w.�iich the le, an (I o i I imm ensie publi beile-fit.. 111 I ewh in- woull be removeo from Councilors, 11 based 20 b illy others, have Set a e pre was,,)y L d were ek, thas far, spedt, in iii, lit th, ,road of Call —\Ve inust adn At O� pu r ill so far as the Ce 01 hewI for the a e tm we re protid to say, �he Lathey WOU t� in conferen I the i- 12,200 t ld si, %%,iug that tile �Ian wed their L notL k their s� - ' ith, with the Nevv �low who wer wor thy oxample. Our readet's will be predecessors of rewardim, their, sup- Ontario GoverDMent, at 13, tj is con t.. L ' f 'I] *, * 'a i York- Central 6ffici,als, re,ryar(lin (y termi.n- The market Was Legislature of Ontario has Uken the supp�rters and. wb were ilo ns is cerned, there is more truth than poetry In sposal was lams at: $6 W. rn that the ;,mount- asked for porters by the gifts at tliei'r�' di I Al facilities at Canada tAad to ii -Bu ffilo, but. the iesult has I(I pre- one of the iliany form y or �d by oustai a of., bribn g. pertinent r, of the I &(I, and the move 6umbr I I nOt P111`811( Mowt's (Iovern-. in the f011b"in i le Gxp -I Lli t re by th e 0 o not transpired., aties of both- ada, sfieep at- $1 to ver inienh for 1875 - 1.4prese:nt' of le Dunds :—"The 1) form. Gov- to4uy luslia iiii ent- of encrl. in- pts teatious body at O a, ]I followed f practiced by muniel al. of- is -nearly hodf a.million dollars less-th. roads are ais6 :04gotiatinrr HN memt to. the detr 3., i, — R- e c ei ed too ihat the same with the 'lie sliow� rnments t.Toronto int Ottawa are e total zupp­ s. less head amotint ranted for- the public ex- 11 lest� of. pl1- kiDd to their enemies, iti heir agents of th6 Wst�n and Albany roads iq,, �therefore, ficiaip which: ibe Ballot would Ae k. the , �aakillrr t11 y the�example set them. It pose. and us far 4, th -101 with a view to th r The third ques,tion, the aboli '0ii of I 1: Jitniiel Brio as' ' -iVational t6 the Local Legislaure that we look fo dge of the- WDtS Of the treatment of zo 11�,- e time last! wea, pen'liturp in 18-14. This, coupled with niate knowle tions of freight bete for t S) tl ously ill- qountry w nu �per, Which is �always brim. fall of ell Bostol� ana the the first introduction of One of, iree, im- the property qualificatiolf for municipal the fact 4at we have c'ontinu I* h h2 'I cliracterized.their nL'W$Pzl flic tin'- leizislatioll, Ila then, in th Quoted -at .5,6 50 to portant reforms Ave -now require, and the representittives, i . ol t,.is sur- tated' eir ft vernmeilt adveitisernents. Grit ently 'without results. The 8 ic vhich i* d a� i West. This conference was also appar- ket -vv" fairly' 24tive, At 3 sl' and Surplus' reserve niments are not boall(l down to the con ere ove I25 f e, mangellient of tl�)e Prov finances. 0 other two come within the, Xclusive prisii-ig the is I interests of the Grand Trunk and Ver- '37 00 to *7 -Or he0*y h' good sei'lise"of the peo le h, of nearly five millions of dollars, should Air. Striker of Prince Effiv,ara, seconded low, grovelling, ]principle A suppor inont Ce i n and, and the Jurisdiction of that body. We'irefer to a' not ago force� upon, tile con idera- in -a' their supporters." They evidentl Serve tosilence the clamor of those -\vh the ac1dress. He referred to the 'Huni- 0 -es ld ['Boston and Albany and York W, hi law for the establishment of cI'mpalsory' tion of our legislators. The'law a it elieve in su -ON SAI ket h,L with b pporting their enemi AUC have rec� litly been so industriously eir'- Ci Loan Fund to su�port Central on the otlier,:coul not be rce� T1 ust, I ve general satIs- allowig their suppoiter voting at elections for the now it-iinds is so very absiird and unj zlendmentsi, would C1110till" 1 the nnounceinLent themselves." We l tice that the anciled. that the Tuesday, 'N , 24, n Lot f�tction, wile both parties bad Almost so no _eetionS, nd ti the -better. UBA.— Farm of the Ballatt6 municip mt bbe sooner it -is amended n 3fail is kept supplied with Gov- 'o; ernment are driving the believed a ell a Ilesult lttainable to y preEent �G v 8 tS ReceDt advices froin Cuba, state that the o e: ernment advertisements. on, propmetor� for the f the property qualifi, Thei�-, is some �cuse foi- a P"DPerty country to direct taxation nd, rain. the mendmen the� chool laws, i - "he Afail of S�,turdav last devotes I tow', of San Geroyliimo in. thd Central berr�., uctioneer. i cation, for municipal repreBentatives. qiialification� for a: municipal voter, but bicli had removqd all uticertainty As, to -�A Ili the, estimabes recently submitted, w ner. Each of these questions re, now a -t- to see, and we do not beleve it in C Oieir interpretatiOn, and to the Xdmili- two -and w hdif coluunilis to he speech of i Departi i t and aarri�oned by 13�)* Friday '�7 ox, Lot there,ar6. increases ert items of Al r. Ilyke le,islature on the Guardi C, es jid'aboilt 75. volunteers, Stock, i$tration. of ` act, an the Voters' 1") We in A in7 the i tracting Consder,%ble public attention, n th�vt necessity exi ts for - i - - I i " spee h fro by the instix-ents the lohn Patt-P-rsoll, a I'l e sho-NA expealditure, butthese nereases.areun- Lisfsact asineasure as aearly perfect previous d.ty,' on the 0 m the wa . cap tued a, Y to be brought llnder'tbe all (I terwards burned, and -el , . I -eked an' �f an -1 ire lil, ch. a qualification on the par of , sible. throne," and only one an d a hali coluinns town sa auetionp-M voidable. In eve liel Oil 'be second clause being ry instaneo w -e i Mr. Mowa-Vs spee.ch. in reply. To It hq qually t Z�S POS Tesdy,, Dee I notice of' tile people more prominently niun�pipal representative. to the House 'Mr. Ry �iert gave his to Most of the garriso:ii k' d.. wits within the power of the Government duriug the elections shortly to ti�-ke place.. loils to require a property ulifi- spe W Tuck8rs It as Su1stntially the tea a column t r dev little lech. -Nil-. Laude 'a spe-ech it to C a rtail. the ex enditure they have done al and a baJf, and to Mr. Fraser's speech in 1:' Williain Patt aines Dawii, erson5. who has -be first of- these cati,oi for a petty inancipal offide nd P same as t1i e one ,which lias on sever I With reference to t I Mr. ��been a commercial, traveller fo Brine, aucaollbeej 80. There'is a decrese in both the decasions done e4cellent service. to- the reply, just twenty-folir lines. To r some tor questions, we have,. on former occasions, no., s: ch qualification for the posit ion of 'at j. tinie for M essrs. . Lyman, Elhott � & Co. Civ I (,lo erDment an Aiding d Legislative items. ieform party b§ the defeat of Boultbee it gives abo� column, and to e STI pointed out the- necessity for. such a a PaLliamentary representative. If th .0 pposition candi4ates. Of course there r. Prince in reply, �four h, ies. It Is no i of Toronto recetitly comnj$ted suicide. ESTR P I Ili the Administration of Justice there lider that the ideas of those Who i6le- On thb eving of the 5-th illst., be,went measure. One of the principal objects people are ,3�tiffieientiviii�belli.Lyentt( judge Vere several IiWe "i-natti,rs which the wO C "ID', to Lot 211 con. 1, Increase DeCessitatedby new Courts. I-cr stzo5re ii.i the city 4h a pre- Iniddle.oi June, a 3-y�ea 4 or Lin In ti a qual I member f un il for t e litical into dri W refers to in li a 7 of the Reform Party for years 'has been of ificatioi'�s or fitness of i Can- I -ir po owner tion th -nain- OP knowlede should be somewhat one- scription. containing ohloril hydrate. Educ ere is in increase, i eeches throughbut the country,' but late for the latter position, eith mel)tloll aided. The Globe gives I very equl This was madff to secue such legislation 'as would di( -ely ly for the Ottawa NoTmal School, chools *hich he discree y omi S f up an di. Ile took it to a reportof allthe speeches- I nei-hboriucr Saloon, wh' effectually check every species of elee- irrespective of p�o erty, qualifwatioll, ryllen face to face with thf * GovernmenT 0 - n ere be- called for : P nships, and in noticing -t ESTRAY SHI tora bribery. 'We now ha've laws which surely they should also be for the form- ill iew And poor tow for' The 1i he I some, whiskey and Pouring in three parts irLto the 1)roMiSeS of sup .Mr. Mowat folloved, n(L in langukge AXE rannuated -teachers. There is an quietly 'sarcastic contrasted tile utter- election of the rldorm candidate ill of -the phial he drank it off ana died in G 5:L,f_!op, I-,TurnberTT,Rl)oU0 er, - 'Intelligence, 'integrity and. Ability iviill prevent the direct,pi rehase. of votes NLorth Renfre-tv, 4ya This con- about five minntts.; It is earthat the er i re quested t4 increase in the Estimates for tile main. aucts(5f Mr. Ityliert wit -the f&CtS Prov at elections - but, as-- we- hve alreadp re t1le principal qualifications r( quired r t by the tituenc ha hitherto beer, in the hands unfortuntf,, (le e a dint nd-d borbe Oil public records. 11r. y C a e to, conamit of the Tories; but ARCHIBAT suicide, as he told isolne friends on the own, we have no law whic -ill pre- eitho t 6e-;,bf Public Institutioni, becaue -.Caine next in a rambling speech. Ir. Murray wentary or a taudei sh r fer a Parlia' - AT MT ex enses must increase with the ie been selecte�l the stand, ird bearer, of aiiig -at vent persous who may feel so disposed., pl roresenttive, and to say tha. prop. P and was followe(I by Mr, Prser. TI previo, ht tha� he ii , ende,l, doil g go. FSTR" 1.0 id h -lug re enIL rgo ent of their work. There is a' reiniinino clauses of. tbeaddress _Passed the Ileform Party, al ceired He has been di-inkil)ghrd for Soint time -ki&B' into e prewise� of 0 II to purchase people not to vote. This is erty, landed property, should orra a Rules 1, my one L W I heirt rt from the -tgo. tr dcJrease in the Immigration itein, with little debate To ho loyal an( y! all now the only door left open throuh substitute for- the'se quidificati us, Protestant partion, of S�;�teiaber �3- is i w�inssed the frce it v s; very plain tbat party, was 0-411,�-- TO two -2 old, Ted:,Aud V secii-red hiefly by the lessening of 'agen- Placid at, the- 'head of the poll by the B F"'TH8L. wich-eectoral br ikely to be si . I iberVL is ].-I illply ridicalous..' We believe that no ppositionfoundit very discourag, isequested to Prove ities there ,ng NNOr'k,to g even le seinbl.-,lice very resp ;Lj Ority of cies Ilhlospitls and Charz' et 11 ectable in eiallty.", practiced, and'we fal to see -why thi ty. would -no* a ALEX -DF -ersinith, on, (�et. a coin nint k will( ly P..—In Tuck t f 19 increase. the Estimates of a � Jebate. M. 0. -Cam4 xon was Con- 1 30, the -wife of Hu-gh Alexcau(ler, STRAY CAf should not also be Closed. We. -are tol( ii o4f-obl municipAl repre- the Irl Orin part -E spicuolis by his b'sellce all I theL little "Wo have -fith in- Y. of a son. all4tiou, 11, there is all evident purpose --I Til k yi,.D li-om te preWif, �s �e possessed the title- i corner I11bLLA.-ND.—At- by the opponents of compulsory- -voting 861-tatve, e-�en if ofthe Hou e in hiM, even when We I;ielieve that ill that alone. is to Wroxeter, oil -9 the i ed Lot %7- , cou� 3, L; the of exerci ing'the fullest economy coin n* are )e f6und the material for i nanaging 4yeftTOX that to pass Bach a law would be to ill- deeds of a tow-nahip, and. would such a I fo�ce, the (i��' able to - -ortout-Svt. 1�5, 1,11 ppositic 1wife - of ir. C. W. Hollan(l� of �khiie aud red w patible .ibiltheefficien't service of the, S(.�at thems�,Ives, almost (ieserted.- affairs of* this bountry hotestlyi wi 1l. TTEIFER terfere with the freedom of the sbject. peson be any the more- like1v to be i sely I daughter. L 3 I ii Ltbe otheT two )1eiler-0 I lie in sopo 1ftc and forche� , vu Ve f a�il L f I r. La�ader ' -A1'cG,EooR.—At Teeswter, on r, wite s r.re go Ph ut4rictices' af A well. e M pub the Departments nd the Pub- I Hem to h ater in this ur � t. sel wil a f oot of h,1nd Be,\"( 0ct- I 3, yen* &A Ail) e Ii h lee e did lie n ot o I -s int) the land of ife of Ur. Jobii McGreor, of a Ile listitIntions. seat tl inen ei tile w r It is a duty which the subject owes to Di testand illiterate men possessed of dNEWS 04F THE 'N VrEE 1K. _J*Agou t -e the lina; daugbter.: the country to exceraise the lrivile,-ges property may oocsionally ait�Lin to (JUTTI-NO DOW. P.O�TINE. West -i Mection Trial. H Wawanosh; T 3:e ngstol Oil Oil m6liday a otion'Was pased an (I I 8'OC1ftLT8T CON.-wX RACY. --A Socialist rs4-pan hiul. for the M Uft cipal Positions, but for su& I men 2Nov- 7, tbi-- wife of M r. T ie ection Court for the trial of the in'de Standing rder of I tile HoUS9, by collapircy-oll arge scale reportPd. to E -STRAY it of the t'ite. It is no moe n to g" sueli positions, u naided 1)y the it, A�ill be -ee Hiugstoil,, of (�,tughter, into beneti have bee ile premir-ei; Of Which p�ten for A discovered in Thi Kin. vton controverted election closed on Gr6y on Nov 16, the W ringeinent upon m 0 erillilelit, a. any, thousap d poirsons, some of. them. ladies, lee of property, uld be next to ties(lay. The respondent, Sir John ber! of the'Gov time aftei I ii. - ted HOIC n#eedom to in, 0 u, n wife of Mr. lie' �k of Tb W the; nry E imre et. 20, aspot compel man to exercise the rlij�rht of the impossible. The property cluaili ation, passige of th6 address, to move the ave been arrested, and Persons Of high daughter. to Proq "eltY.3 PRY 85914 A. At tile. opening of the i1oue into coin t of Ipply 1.11( i t, A ELLT--IU -%v �e fralnchs5, tha it is to Collipol another ther4o.re, is, no saf6guard to the e lector- ril't ea n 1 1 n 0 rank, are believed to be iii tlicated. orris 1 oii Oct. 29) the . if Court dmitted "the charge oi bribery Pe f.onimittee of nd 'Afeans. 'This ruign of teri-or has prevailed at St. of Mr. \ -m. Ellis, 4 a 8011. I to close his hotel At !a Certin 16ur on ate, I yut it does frequently prevent terabinig since the p, IES is in acgordance Ivith the )r�cticein fie lot came to, light. man'- by ,gent�. 'Thedlection %vill, therefore BRowN.—AiYordivich; oil nigh e ZED from the 1) OV AnK.%-N,- Wife of Mr. John'Brown, of a son. 20 -0011� Saturday . It is for the safety and cipaRties from securing the services of Imperial tiouse 4 Comm nis, as well -.is be (I eclared oid, iiA the respondent u - ih the House �f--Cbmmons A Ottawa', and ,A�& —A teleg, rain has. been received wel fare of the public that tile h"Ptel keep- able vnd coin etent persos to ashist in by An LAUBS, the �Onlv p seate The charge of personal bribery �vill enable the House reic b one the Uliited 8bates President, Signed by car 0-mr the t- corid-Actiug municipal V A- pel ed to close I b u forme, y ewsxded. er is ecira I Ila q ll the stagJ d. �R,Ll to the T This be Was Prr eVi_ �1()L re, h 11 the ­_8 MAR*IA(,-Elz I isecuted, and considerable tio aehe�d by a tate officers of Arkinsas electe fLbly 27 ence arne da -with Li litenant-G F 11 '---r the Pressby- five. On t u" enefit, but is a d ien he a at the same time UN \ '9 a certain hour on Sturi n1'41it, and in, (y the case' it is no b Smith.L Who n IS .4 nblic good to posit tro O aw claims to be (Iov �0 t 11 to prove it. The decision would il;,.r-tot be for the p ve injury and -should be, bolished. va duced Iiii; bill t' e-ruor, terian anse, Wroxcter,. on Nov. 1,, of thl, Clurt a reserved until to -day, AY 141E effectually check, -U M, i r. Lm i) a prominent species of Tille measures we' have lluded to re rernor, stating that they re(oanize Smith by Rev. GLeorge Brown, Mr. P. .San.- 0 thepreMisCs, f By� e.ularging the asto asth only -legal. Governor, Baxter bv- I e a AT 1, OTT - y. The evidence o pei,sonl brib- r' Fray. ne, to M- iss Eliza IcDonalc T -U0 electoral bribery ? IiI both cases a ell eck refoms -which are irequired. by the coun- of bl& 01,6 L t 3, 4 111 eLry a Cc Was tronge P a this inst r thin *h1ch the money gollig to the varions ina 11 tired. both 13rnss OL '11) ES - - GRU At the. A e I y- IL white s ar -UAL BA&UN-911, ns G I x SPA i P e(.011111101 ii.r i I Qt upon the etire liberty o� the Sub- try, the peopl l i cipKities t be plied. By the with -a vlte tblzak6n in ny case yet, exceipt in the 0 0 -Z jeat, but it is a check Which is heceSSarV 61-i(rilittl act, wo I all, Parson:aae, 8ieafortb, on N V% IS nioe nd more convinced of the i eed of , I�s of 1 char- —Mi a 11% a.zamej- who sailed for, 0 .2 W�m le�d to b -ove trial t - �ondon, but it is not probble I]iy Ile r el, av -b inctirKedfor sich woriz,4 i 8011. I T for the aciod of s"ociety,, -,in d *hic,h, is ictei, or cle I ts t� ampton, on the 9th insf., On v. Ch I ; L ell, Al. A,Alr- tb-pm� It -does not require t ft of he ;,i th Ail t will be sufficiently conclusive to the only purposes 01, which the stean er Neva, Janded at hislion. It is John Henry P4areii, to -AlAry �362*4 colisecluenly, jntstidable. The only oth- prophecy to fore _VS.T see that, despite iJ G rnmillett, both, of Stanley., "tie. OP- dis alifLV the. responclen.t. Hon. olley could be, expenda It ivas fo an d 1 stood his destinati is Madrid) er objection, worthy 7, '117 o notice, j)ut forth: positon which my be offere'd- to th 1 tht many Inuilicibaliti e�, not re(p When � he intends to � xeside as pri7�-ate '17 iirjuf I �roui Lot C-an1I ell,.I,%te Post ster General who ex -d to arrive Woi-ks of this kind, de r 'I to Apply the �Aol-s 11 vot 0 indiv dual- He is pectc DEATHS. in opposition to comulsory I ing, is ''byttiose wh believe in the re 3t nd I Pe - too, a,,very active part in the election, idoii-ey inother WA i, for example, therie, next Tliursday4� Ina c tha-lilif ys, all AlTroXeter.) on 'LN 01 to that a law for the purpose would be b ul" doctrine, theyL Will be legal v am, son o A AA kep� out of the way nd Ilis evidence. ,a the Creation I al the intei,est of AlOWAL TO HOR-AST I 1Rr-,RLry,--A , -letter,--thato persoji-,xcoilild be got enact ie, t y J.lc- f vIr. John dead a before tbe cloqe of nother hich should go to thesilyport of schools. plain !marble slab Wis 1�aud on Locust cAdm, aged 21 years. TIIO)TA,, iO was not btained. It is asserted thatt ri to inform on ratepayers who. ifailed to P%rlihneut. I t - f ownship iijunicipilitiris liable fc (Icl)tS Hill, in Greenwood Cemetery, New Wrl(urr.—At Toronto aelirallfopit-0,, r lie 1 liaen examined his I evidence record their votes. This arument is so gicurred by to fwld the York-, on Saturdy, to inar, the tea-ipor- oil IN-ov. 13 Chiarles Wright late ' C-onerat e ve of Horace (X bUme t0bec' woL14 bhve been very We 'reel�y. It !so th Huron Conservative (I ai 110ney, nd reliev( fro�il-1 tile 'try g ed 0 yezirs, and onth absurd, -that are S ton ished I40 sensi- on CC Ount a wouey from S-1 If the law Should ntion. trust tlid evidence may not be Consider- ni!lual pyments of these the simple inscription '., Horace Greeley, ble people u born ';Feb. 3rd 1811, (lied N ed TiffiJiently conclusive to disqualify 'lebtg. ov. 29th, THE LATE JA.\[ I -ILA All At the djour'ned CoInvention 0! (ion- CR .A I L I w renic aad-let'er, it ould be -the R, 1, C E TS tile espondent, for however, much we fiouse I il. .1.1 oil - H i -.r. Advices from 7,0TWEis hereb- fault of the people thelselvps... cefield, Both sides of hear(l. o.. Vo�z ARN111, hAvr the JRt But, servatives, held At Bru Oil ri(lay i f ea t�o the - 14�' y things'fronaL Sir John (yret L 0 f Berlin announce that th,; Awsicians o may, r i n man 1.10 dy, witb. doep T the death Df 19, 187J. in to there is- earthly reason why it should last, '-Vlr. Thomas Greenway was previl- rry i ruvular Ope I Ther6llittie llange. to note in file we should not like to see Craig, the ih ii-ibe'r for 011elig. Coun n. krnim say that - I I of JlUrADZI, Mll' so remain any more than other useful ed ul''On to b %in the candidate in op- Though he rarel Spoke ir e. ercise is for the res. at e ag, in the I I ailas a -wig ItUi Week.' We are him epi-ived of a cat- ill Parliament. AMarkets & and beneficial laws we now enjoy. -Why posit: on to C cron t the; forth- I hen lie did a -nil P�Tt o hi,� ubteraitecs xvei6 chav­ tora; oil of his iiervoas iystem. The 67.1 hda We balieve that his retirement from pub- lso Uotibed should compeiiiiju all -elector to comiiig election. N ed by Sound COMI11011 Sense., City Tribunal has direct I sorry-- that we callil.ot report an advauce lie Ve -ire not Surprised -arp-mustbef _a-�1-ithtbeWP 0. - ed, beforo tho first 10 in wheat. Barley lie life at the present time would be a NN 1) IN, co',)Mr I 1,1 police supervision over the Olint ;still Continues to d- mclat n or vote, be more likely to be unused thaiLa it f4reenway's reluctance to accept tjoin1r, not tljt�n Presk!lltpil f.w.. lie is or(lored t - at loss to this country, nd We ire Tuesday W, 0 remaill 11 law forbidding an elector to accel en tlowat, pre- a home. fils vance. aring the past iveek deliveries ban -ed i's been set down for ilia 7th prox. DAted Vt -yt I the H has alreadybeen twice tbe report' cf the ISL)eciLd 01Allit- trial were very fail-, alill. a lar la Urci tbt our feeling Ili this respect are to strike 1U) Ilr(TOR a _,V ­�,s -prospects of quecess suj� b rie for his vote or -than far- def 0, a -ad h I tee, appointed. the tandiig MERS FOR ared il by lrge majority of the Ile- I tTN Ila as I ark d. noW ire e Co ninittees, Mr., Lauder objectedto the , ,Ow . pFoduce of variosi -ill w D. ete i biddiu- h I SE 11' I)e r" g a hotel keeper o -011 li(l, nar fter ven 1ps�i than wheii lie n Lei ed kLD 'Y1 i "SDAY fornidr8 of the country. Committee nalill �1- the 11-an-iber has `1'cell re-elected Lord Pke(;tor of tb e .'-Butter is stlil ill g6od dem and at quotEtl unti-1 TUE - School on 8aturday zlight ? The thing tIfe 1i uld for hi's contest. sho -v ection Of a Uni -�rsity 'of Was ow by 700 votes` ces. Hay is iij)t abundant, ad still Lt. ThLo uld constitute w1nortiul, oneach , U ell. pri, worl� must I is absurd, nil if th-ese tNv,o- stock rgu- will )e defeated. there'is -not a 4hdo unseated Ileform again r 1�alph inembers of�lieSt�Lii(lirify0onin-litt.'�s. lr.-Mowat t 5 0 0 f o do 1,<;,75. Vmd is n 'po U4171114 T IV' d ot in active ee the inoist forcible that can be of do ibt. Should it turn out oth rNl,;s I sta�edtbattbecrel. madein.order I The Conservative students protusted` iqaents were Oil Tuesday last re-elected. ?H r. o\vholle job oulV� tl'P- 11" deinad. There not- much pork- vat . � '-t urg practic.0 of thc of -U d in oppos to accord with the House against thLe election nierson be- .4 ge ition to the system of com- .ie convinced tbt%_L none. will b more Kerr re-elected for West orthum- c 'due PeTlennaniN, h this House copied foreigner, -,nil the Ub- oilarilil". e ea for of Goillmons,whic in cause be w Beef is !,I- ttiug plentiful, but lo -west or allv PUlsory' voting, its opponents ba(I-better t.thc'rosult� than M berlv. id ;y majoi ty 01 156 in. oppos, ti Ar uot.- nv i,.. reen- 1 1011 I 8 practice. He said the members of erals choice of -�Ir. Disraeli, iS yet in goo(I (101 i,d. We quo'te: ler's in Cvfr-v hold their peace, and not - endevor' to Wy �Ilimself. know better to 8mith. Afr. -Norris w," e- the Committees -were the ;.,line ag 'hither- because of undue influence in his favor j�a specii r awl Plan to L Fall Wbent (new) ................ o 90 to- o go impede the of reforni by their be,-.�)Iat an, Opp,onent to the - 1. resent l'but the nee it Casi y wits 4')bvited of tho of.professors in the Universit. f6r Lincoln by a Majority of 137 0 m to 0 9t) Committees coin Ing to 'ovefiinient w - after BIOT Rio;s havu re- Oats per biishel..! ..... to o nonsensical Clamor. the House TV CS nnot be elected for Outh i in omosition to Dr Juk they had inet. A r. Lau4er endeavored e Puaq (new) per bushel.; ..... o 73 to 0 76 The ilext q1lcSL4.1cI1 i the use occuri d at s: veral unints in. Po of the Hii-roh, and -we are Surprised- t at lie to Show t1at it -was bcc: the Cloverli- i lnd on. account ofthe' forelble introdlic- Barley (nexr) per brAsht] .... t e' I D,�Jrff U ...... 24 to 0124 00' ­ . ..... B. ttLr, N -o. 1, L Ballot in inuiilcip,�l elections, It is now t ­ Shou allow his ambition to got 'I Al ,�oricr. that our (�*onservative ment feared investigations which ;iiiig t ti ii )y the Goverinlre t of C-hurdl-r- 11 0 re- -butter in tub% ........ ..... 0 !44 to 0 25 i be made before the Public Accounts for'll'S, lid th( ppointnien; of priests by E ... ............... ..... ; ...... 0 (jo to 0 15 ()f t1je villnge .1 'universaliv adrait�ed that the Ballot sys- I) r OLE his judgment, and Ipt the contempli-aries in this County re not the ,tte ity.' A u. tl;� to Committee, that soi ght to conforin Imperial. author linher of ............ 0 00 to 5 25 tem, of votiab, in. Ati-liamentary elections const.tuene" to the'expense and t�rouble litt C., � y iloyed. that Tru,, EQU081TOR, too to I-1 00 SeVclItiecuth aay:of the Open ilotiilell to, -,Lu is n iLuprovemelit on system. of uOless contest. It would have been shoul.1 b at ll times so well posted oil to the practice of the I ouse of Com- liewlS, appointed priests ht;c biwri ml- ........ ........ 6 00 to :6 (10 inons. lie hinted, ratheil than as.4erted, treated by niobs. The 1. ocl (-,overil- yea en if, Per Pound ............ 0 08 tp 0 lo If pr6ferble for Parliamentary elections,, bettef for him, ncl better for his rty, 1 t h 0 te al woi, that the action of ()I)po! ......... ...... o im t6 I oo kinn of their party ition rileinbers ment at, the points 'of distirbance havo )f th saitl V� .0 dt (retail) per barrel ........... 100 gtrator of tl,e the Committee, ic f Iasi session, in in- buell. reinfore'ed by troops ironi IN arsw,, why not for muni ipal ? The latter rd had 1�.o dhered to his. first resolu oil, to and 3.1 otler to delude their readers 0 , I -vestigting into the acts of the (;,overii- and nuinber of the of thAz .11t (Wholosalt.) Per it refra4i fromi entering into another con- the e i( eavor to di c, (it O 0 50 tiolls, the as important as the former a lel , Out, State 1?)ta:' oes, per bushel, ]low ......... 0 0 t 1"111 PR r. rilent, was -obstructed by the supporters rioters havebeeii Otmeal J+ byl.. .......... 0 m to 600 rnent oJ their aceouut'- .................. I influences are also resorted to corrupt test,' at this time, ad under presept cir- inents. But this sort of thing won:t of the (,',o 2 50 to 2 -5 vernment. TO Pu -NIS I cu-rideq if SLUV, 1101k, by .............................. 4 00 to 5 00 1, uf the and intimidate the 'electors. Corrup- cuins4neas, with r. Cameron., He do. It wotdd be far more Creditable for Sinclair and r. Fraser (I ied any lilem- i from the Or, ................ to 7 00 I (1 December, the assets, 1 ber of the 1'ublic A ccou ts Committee.' vauce posts Oil theL ...... ...... 6 00 U tion and intimidation are probably iiot has sden fit, however, to take a di' them to Own lip-, Annill)eri Ring � will be tent 'to the truth at one, D-aniel 40 lie a sing 1. Ivanhoff is preparing to I - 9,, 1874. to nai le instance where ny ob- i that (it- C entalled and he must abide the'llesalt. Ev e ement which TiaF, ExPOSITOR 0 so freclu-entiy practiced a Local as at cours if St. _1R111.1 -Wbiehi no,flrt strue'tion bad been placed in the wy of the river with a.armed,force to pullish Fall'Wheat, per 0 90 (tr� 0 9:1. the Farlia - sii�ed Rs above reqtdre& metary elections, but still the We ae sorry for r. 0 reenway. -His has na(h -recyarding the Conservative a full investiga;tion. i !ill h"very account and the mrauding -Turcoinan tribes whiuli spring Wheat, per a 90. (Ly, 0 92 trstor ot be I' ;, ble 9 same opportunities are aorded at the plack-1L and I to control. Oats) per lizishel..L. 0 Be), U1 1) thereof to any Per,-Ov Of Id persevertnee deserve a better IR t e -for South Huron is slibstan paper which they wia"l&ed o examine had the Kball of kiliva is unable one as formerly were At the other. Be- fate., t1i beeil: promptly pro duieed, ,.a well as every IO'N BIrloy, per bnshPl­..,..... 07- 112 el -4--d b-; 11 ,ot),Ive beca an that whieR, awaits Jiim. tiallir correct, and it is a knowle(Ige of a 1- R FS., Ile ns, PLr Imsbel, .......... 0 71) ."a 0 '48 witne a they wislied to ca.L The simple despatch to the Pall Afall Butter ...... 0 2:2, 0 25 sides,. the social relations between can- Wel say that the defeat of AIr. Dutea at stalorth, Ont �Ireeu- the t' uthfulliess of this that makes our reason why the Government ored the !Gazette from St. Petersbur., says Pissia .......... 0 45 (a, 0 -j- &VI ber, 1874� ...... ........ 0 14 FL ,didatea for municipal honors and the ay' �s certan. It is certain, i cont iporaries feel so sore. It is no pra�osed change was tht mem has issildnother circular note to tho 'iggs w the I : o 1 bers of Ully, per t,0*l)4,.* 00 (,� 141-10 4 11L