The Huron Expositor, 1874-11-20, Page 2_Mold I 1 `j4 v". If __ A P t .-THE HURON -EXPO-SiT6R51 N(')V. 20,1874. 6 7 lull o it I li;1lli,lM, THE STORY OF A4, OOTCAST. With things as �vomcll find to fill up a vacant h4nds against heri bosom, as if to, stay. lit bs aimost �.upport liar. ais -no aleolhol or ot -Y I ti a li.fave .he" &lid an* a llpty� I - ovapor !Iucutly lofles n(i ; . 41i LNES ON SqOT� The sti4in upoll nerves lind the'con- P1 ze. Silffice it to s thatt, at th end hour. turbulent emotons. iiPplied Y'oll_ gat the bell't. fit of 'ort Mid hitherto en4bled heir to Wit othtr ntb, site slice clve!Wng, wheii Thomas was in his 'You are not *cll, rnot') er, " said the stant eft of 1, a Second. ino eed dol in One thu, 113Y CONCLUDED. obtRinitfgr service as Akmaid w a year, It a returned f r'Om his of - son. " It was imilrudent in rue. to al- keep lip' but -now, when th4t Strain was rimlyol: get qi2au 0 I t was after midnight, the wilid lil family in the neighborhol d of -New Or Ue XVith A graver face than usual. Tile lo� you to exert youi-self it t this way moved exhausted nature 'clairlied its f! ty of oiIq which they III fly (-.oil 1;-, bi. ti iuc a illy t1lowdits (10 N. T11 OMAS. ]lit Y. aba-ted, but the allow still fell, thick aud With, the liliguistic t. ent peculiar to 1 inobber's uick eye"Immediately saw that Letbs' A.down. on this stone," an- right. Tile ilext lay'glie coDld not 'tea 4!21 - Ana N-011THRoP iLZ ont., her and every boar her strength Sole m forthe silent, burying paths ancl fell, as iiijAer her people, $h -e -soon ]a rued the N.glish. olneth ' 'hd agit, s *ered- she. I - shall soon. be - better"' - V, 1� aIn %ted.lifin, but she for Frorl. ivIiwice had wr, ijurtr -A phy for. lici its -cold white On'w-ard. ilhe Red' languaoe and evell Spoke, it well. Front bore to as Ll�o notlook -so alixiously' at me. In failed. sician was Sent Sold in Scaferth y Co antlE, ca to roar -4rd &lid ever onward. aid h ni n 9'I've Medicine, but�l no a —onw, And Nirh,�Lfh_ her coritryt-nell, she kept as far away Motll6r s, a at last, 11 whi) is dead, I . 0 b sick. r ud We might now have, er, she knew not, A cold numbness bad as lJossible, not for her own faffieV�? Ts he dead or alive? 110. SP-Mlad his. light suinine coat on PAi0ok Ms head gra�ely, is lie -k sa but my Har �ess' lair Ba n at chilled her sells- f Or that of h" the stone alirl caref bt that ally BeaWol her. he botil inipther and soil as, but still her feet drove er boy,; for lie was to grow o( i� our filther, illy 8014L, answer-. ffiltl.411`1 fill' raise t bif t s i )l c a senz usi waill a -n d strong, &lid ge of lif Led liet veil and 1: 1 d IM eye tothe in ant. 1 k great I ify 7.14 the hair, mid Tend., niblingly. "If you liar irresistibly onward. A (lar the hl e&shc, trt IT I relit seemed tj hav -a s' lus birth rn ove Ille) lrge rel roofed niansion whose ardMkstad it eize(I hef she oly ierht shatter his strenfil .1 and tsk nie. 110 morc." This blvahlillile Let ll,� live, if 1va Le 11, itill Ji udines odrew tljer�iselves clinily oil the 'was suninioned, and. carl�e t Once felt that site was. adrift, and she cared break his courage. For tbe� saate i eason 0 hit tb all I'll,- vii-tilf" -V,,,e I do love you, mother, he said, and-. ri he old mall dal th joi s t cinini for it. Bci-ug free froln fill injuri- not w1i Ith or it boire h er.- Ili spit6 of the'v §he also exchanged I i er pictu resqu e N7orse dusky backgrouna of thy phic forest. 1, Thom, - lef G 11 a gave bel -a grave look,- in which she I-Vasbe till alivo, ho.w1ose life hope entered', nd P Bed in, that hour o'118 stiflina (tulluess ostunre for that of the people sliono, b which oppressed h a �011g t he detected MY Of ten -a clul it lift n gafLt.. -n I she had wracked lie who [iad oncedriv- 1,)etw(-en fath er and only Go( I ei Thol r A she -was "lie we ody Seemed as light as air. living. -lit com -is gain open - her b A�d it' shall be and surt,- ivini-dy for L).( JL -taut last,—ahe knew not where,—she heard'I moly by the name of Mrs. Brita, hich, ell her out into the uigbt with all but'a knows., When the dbor w, toling grey hqirto it.4 as -you la, ve 2 o g sed, r. vyes .911 1:le with Jidtillffiv nl1d vigor flo its rt ots ],))(I the roar of the resounding in' her, ifonounced. in the English way, sounded carse upon his 11ps ? -1-lov- would he re I It was 1�the -first time she had bad rea- Yet i� Deed 110t, 14! Mb' ike ".Mrs.'Br e, er. if sh -e t(T returl fillial nd Bjarne' ly. OP his knees row tCogillatic 1111),10, evl!n r at i. ? Ali, 1) to" cars, a, genial warnith; t1lawed the nix. I much I ight, and t hi s cer b a Wei ir io stron4111 8011 to blash before him, and her em6- ab 11 d, sha innibled at the before lie bed, presing bet liand coll.7 t(I healthy, it .,ter so "s e kne bimi ft To iii re us 'to of thu ness of I nses, and she floated jqft st became the- ame by wbich sli e wa s tioll call -10, ner Overwhelming her ; but* e y between both f h` able, its it illiPalk. 1 8 nown, in the nei o.-bood. very thought Of 11 ill. But -was vulsive 1-3a a r which no ' )ne loves ))ca1jjy can ly m otig the aloitds—among, cy6lden it n glib with violent effort. slie stifled it, and not tile* guilt bers!? '6011'� d .9110 depart Tb is is my falier, said she in oatbiiiro. only by "Wh a ad her T thed clouds. ell sh 7 open li th us. five eyes, s prs passed ell there. vl Cy, could she die in peace, ng "d For tat love o itse-I i n _R1 remained' outwardly' calni. He berlan, 21, il�ge wbich her soi i not under- he found lierself lyium in a 0iii r Phantifteential was gre;v for a tiligrati n cr to i It a fa y i -mile bf illotberl pacing up and down the iloor with his without liy ngr thrown 3erself at his 4truld ; lild a fail) t S ab nA � young W -1 -With , with Mlly cthers, bi back. And my - f6rt, e bed, West, ai!id Bl1it, I head bent and his hands oil I f6�et illip red his fort-6veness ? And P�ridc a6d bppiuess flittt,-d 0.ver her pal r4 or sale by,L S. It 0J,E I tl JI_ kind rnotherly.face was sitting at licr started for There she avrived it sudtletily occurred to her that lip- was there, oil the op side of tlse valley, f I Nvonlolkive h1pi to thee ih I a Se fort, anil by 1 Illat I inountains tl 1 side. It all a drea, m and in the y6ar took up bar lodg- a grown plart, nd that she' could no long- the h0me-O 111-3vbo had beeit, the return for what thon hst lo�-t but God, I f h 'dbw, -who w s liv- sbe made no 1"effort to accoun't for iligs IV all My Tilt- %.. I ith.." Irish. -%N-i what A�Rp -same relation to him as his a -y. rhat had bee s laid his future ill another andI er hold tbe ause of all ber�ini� -ei A n ht eared so-Lstrall-geand nuaccount- ijig in a little cotfage ill what wm t6n i , , it; ullhdfilw in th& the-eoi si.-Lpportev and. protector. Alas, " his Ifte, and did lit,, still raineniber those rne -rose, gra.�pad.lii� grandson's abvle, termed the otskirts of " the city. Th (.tire a V i )y huht -b if God but let me re-' long happy sualmnr days, h ! so long, %lid pressed it ; nd two Levy i hich IT i feitiale constitirtion is sllj,)jL�ct. T heard was tlLat who saw her in those ys, going 4 0 'IV is it perfrmo tht J� What ke af terward d' bout it Inaill hisvlpother,� I shall bless and tb4nk loll)g5 'go ? She,- 11'ad dared to ask Do ran olown his furvoWed cliael�s. I 3noderatos'a all fsberman,had found her in a stiow-drift i Ilie -i-id do' ing a. man I murmured be. Inty son, that I-Ti,116,i - I I - questions of tlio p�.ople. -with whom, die 8'9 on the straltd, arid that he hd oa,ried ! - - vork ould hardly -have reco foi ed in Or is it the asli and the i�ld nieet thus. her hGm e. to his cottkze, and had- kiveii ier I the ho in It was lie first time this Bubje6t bad lived, hut­iiow�, kness lmd we sho b o-4,t7thile bring 0111 the 31101;0,sly peA�iud -vvlth all it gave rise to many overtakell. her, 7�h L-3 r, I - , so been bro, ched, - d sic fe, h t to -day stood. bound together by her over to the charge of his wife. allids of old trod the spring-(, cc is ..t the oil tim. bol doubt and manv a uestionin the anxi- must decide lie fte ;-she Id nolong the bonIds of blood but lasl ib re lay Tiiese Pills inuld not be talcen by r knew vrlio hewas,' but hd, keptl the ily in the Avell-litrUdd balls f the. q iluriug the first tbree liths*of its f-he�� 0 -s mind. Had she been riubt, or be� -ture ot uncertainiby. Nvorld �etween them. doors loic'ked nd had told no one �tilt motlibr' r this tot lakstad lid, inwdee §he D areSULreto or . h -e she was there, She heard the sto of had- in conce, ling froin him that which, lie Thomas remained stautlill at her side All �iiglit they sat togeither at L tl-ie ry -as. sa4ly ch"l, iged ! Her fea ZD- ` as - fly ch W? What had and looked at liar with nxiety Lai -N� ii's heolsie. Iall (:It -es of Nrervolis and Spinal AM!cfions, bluoill un its bre woman without einotion it Ll� er, and th h I' P 1111"lit.im %im to kno Id -oil- (lying oul, a word the good r ines 0 3 )ecom painy, in the ba­lz inTil lor it the peaks o'er n intoteral)16 effort to mou t 13 -V al- ` been hdr. nioLive in keephig him ign6r- der. He knew Unit she concealed was spokeli. To-wrd rnorl�llig, s the ertion,' polpitation of 'the aWent — seemec boilt liar expressed Sever t- 2 I his M' ally tbing's from him, but, whatuve sun. tole -into the (1;,rken chamber, i, Bu oil the t1aird d_��y, when, her child nost sternness. Her clear Will$ eyes ut of h s origin and of the land of whites 1 2 a pills ill 411ect a eure. all other Or is it tbe t1vat by was born,- her mind was suddenlyarous- IL eeme1 to have grown larger, all their britill?" lie had wished bilnr to grow - to her reasons migalit, be, lie was confident . ) e ful I - rita inurmurcol their nnrJ6 and they or.- r Crt were j weighty. It laid their hands'in hars. ad from i6 lehrgy, nd she 6,jrnly�l flance. betrayed secret, ever-"" 'tchful the strei . h of. manhood, unconqciorts of that the. list and anything hurtful to 'is. it the daisies. that 1 -e. 01il air h- up- was not for him to quesi ion liar b t 1 be whi�pued she' 411111 dil-CCU0118 in the ))an)j)hlct, cach matured her plans; and for the child's , guilt, so hat lie mialit bear his head ai Ly her yellow hair had r sisted , 'O -"0, sake she reolved to live nd to aut.' ri(yht, in I look the world fearlessly in wh.;Lt lie bii ght have no ri rht to li 1., 0 �crccly aliolibly, f have! found Y011r packone, which ihotild lk crchiliy pre. er iud sorrow ;_ for it still o q a foro�'e of titine , 0 )3 That sa, -me evening there cama it little 00th the face. And still, had 'there not in all lie felt as.if he had never :0'Ved lie], its in botl�--;ny father d y sok A deal) TobMoiit-s,xewYork,Solc -Or the birtL t ell in rich and bevy.folds over in an in Proprietor. $1.00and lurld I in 121 cents ell I boy ith bundle for liar, 8he opened �rhite forehead.- She was, indee( half this be ncr thought of herself, a this ino alit, when she zzeenled to be, p 11 1 over ber count � ance. ,-3he o, -ca(. an ''Tororao., Ont., Aganb; for the Dominion, n Froni the elal sbaded At it and.found therein the cotlies she had it, and, often took. pn lis to fear of losing his love, desire to st, d. most in neud of hini, nd li overwh L c d.. 'Nvill ili�;nre a b6EtIe, (;()Utdillill�,, Over 50 pill. by �shamed of left behind, and�her brooches. She �Ol,ce -_it in pu re an d perfect in his eye She hard- ing tenderness took "pos ession of his Twoldys later, -wbeq th,6 body -was 1 .to.a 'Sober, matronlyEbood. knew that it was her sister who had Ok I id. out Tht true cot ish h� n 6r these questions, for, h6art, He suddenly stooped down, to a Thomas stoodalone in the room. olil in Seafortb hy 1�. mei-so & Co., and O,nlv at nights, w h ell sh e sat alan a. talk- dted to sw WI%S is, she knew not that even one purest her thin. ft-tec betiv3en his hand The windows wert; covereJ �-%Yith -white.1- sent thern ; then there 011c Who stili ing "with. liar boy, she ivould llow it to 107 wlP() is! itthe talesthat t l )16 would in o t iv e- s , -a -but 'ble to bear a and kissed her. Tile long pent up emo- sheets, and subdued light fell Lu ll the, thought Of Liar with ffecion. An d yet _11, ; at poorly a from itg priso i her first impulse w r scrutilly. She begn to itis- tion burst forth in a flood of ters she pale, lifeless 1301111tClIal3ce. had as to send it I 11aughnd playvvith it.,'and in his childi h searching it her whole -course with. her soil buried her face ill liar 1pind Wept Ion * dealt gently with hc�r, she seemed young- B. L. DO YLE, BarrijAer, Attoyney, Nolicitor in Wben the il(iors -were all I all- bck-,. or to -throw it into the pect th, 9 hancerT, &c., GoderlaIr anillienforth. Of - ay even wonder t the contIt ocean ; but slie looked -at her child and had been. wrong from the very begin- and silently. Then the c�iurch-bells er thn. ever b(Ifore, nd liar; light- -wavy fa,, over -Tordan's Dr 0re, Godcrich, and tween ber stern, face nd her yo, n in g alley, nd t bair fe I softly over the white forehead. Kidd7s Store, S-eaforth. I When. the lin lit h forbore. maidenly tresses. Why liad abe not told him the 0 peal clown iii. tile gall t -should despise Mighty sound floated caltilly and Then here came a middle-aged man, A week Vssed, nd Brit, recovere(l. stern, truth, even if he; slow Barristers and I did th This Thomas, her son, was'a, S even if she should.bave t '. 8 w Solk ha cr Goder c With thir work, or,to Jolu Of Halvard she. had heard One her for it� o. olemillrupto-thr6i .' 'lio ninylolia,- I -With dull eye, and a broad forehead, atorsin C - u ,ry, i h. s4 -d niohk as She I ** in half doze She ci'ld. He ba(I a Norseman's taste for. tilid bInshinci culprit in his presence ? or ottell nlemo'ri4d of hildhood and i and' timidly approached tbo lonely NT. C. CA� -,110". 1y I the fbulovs and fantastic, alid,aRhough thought she had seea a pale frilitened Often, uben she. heard his footsteps in youth did they nob wake : n bef I)osQni— piourner. Ile wal ked oB tip -too and his Or it tho�esl)4or t.3) W 11 _R0 w _'t—w A TK Solicitor.,; in Chsilel..r, &c. (Mice on Westst., to,111 face pressed lip the wiiid�w-paiie lie never heard tale or the the lmll, as be returned from. the work of memories Of the tipie' wl ell the niej-ry 'ligrure8toopedbeavily. For'along while Hulder, lie would -often startle hil nioth- tile day, she would man f up and Brita,. decl� ed with her shining 11 oppos.ite the Post Ofiiet, Goderich- $40 That ealt ba his spim e, stoo(l o -a ng at the deact.' body. then f and star:uig fixedly at her and her c1.11d. J. T. GARROW. P. F. WALRER. ries of Dill er by the niost fnciful combintions of the s hovered u oil liar lips he killt . but, af ter all I it migb t li ave been illerely . I Soil, bilOoebes, wended her way to the abut own at the foot of the coffin, p J haersoni- D, a child of guilt, amono the rgaily-dressed ladis nd niid- and bepil. to sob violently. - At hist he ITWOtdd iF�e barof to tlafrin im aoined eveltits, nd by bololer 1� n - poititedAgel) u e Colonial SecitritiLs Coin - a dream,. For her fevered fncy had in thou -art bstard bor t f r tv� these lasitolys frequently beguiled. her., ficatians thall. ever spruric, from the %lid thy mother is.an. outcast u- oil the e' of the prisli ? rose, took two steps toirds the U 'o ML le -11 are given P M roinnL pany of _E liglan, bt- is 41so Age t f r pri- She. atert thought let vate Cpitalits of T �onto, ho loan' i.nt,)� si, milar visions. endry soil of 1 the Norselandl. She ahBut, when she niet those calm A cluster of white-st(mined- birches Man, P;xused again nd 10p4l'ted �ilent`_ 3folley at A that nee� frow t k very relt-ollable rates payble yeazly e where ly s -he had come. It was of him, but, strngel enough, -no �niolre oo care to check him w1jenever bill,- . y s of his, saw the unsuspecting throw its shadow over the stone Chlqges nlodLrafc. JAlso ohcittil:L for the St� with bitterness, but with pity. Had lie �alelvjia,1�181ilued in these illiginry ights, frn tile. arth lie inav kness of his manner id. the hope- the penitent mothe'r was �,ittinu and the Close under the wall of the little: red- LawreuceBnuk. and he t last came to look upo � them fuliess I ke yfill,rhani, Dec. 15, 1. lbom lie part, been strong enough. to; -be WiGkC,1, She ith wbich_ lie . loo d.. to the tall grass on. both sides of the path hcar- painted church, they clug thelgiave and 2 1 may could have haed him, but he wai weak, 11 as sometbing wrong ..%lid sinfuR Tile Bift file of tblat" 1011 -le V future, ]Ter womanly heart Shrank from ly hid her from sight. Presently, the we6 later her father was laid to rest McC_UGMy 11OL'-WESUD Barribters, At D striin ly re- rt Law Solicitorts'lil Chancery and Then it was that, its duty and she hastened out of liar church -folk be torlicys and she pitied Ilium. boy, a berew up. ofte ear, and Brita at his 0aughter's side. t,,) h' heart, gall to apl' I Insolvelle'r, Notaries and ler bed, and raised her head nd drew th. 'over the or i one evenng, as She heard that the Am- m inded her of her father, as, ind e� room, tllr(�.w' - herself oil I e veil ATown But Ithe fresh winds bl6l arican. vessel was to -sail seemed to have inherited more fr( al her wept. Fierce]) Solicitors for the 1:z. C. she wrestled with God her face. No one passal without great- A11ant[c nd beckoned the son to 1113W the Canla Lil�e 60111 ully, -30,000 to le d at per cent. That sewd amn), M than from _Ualvard's rc. Only iDj the strangers, and the Avomen nd field-, of labor in the great land of the slie took her little boy nd wrapped him Own, in prve.-, until She thought that even N. B.--, carefuR y in. her own clotlies, bade bare- the right flaxen'hair and 1118 quare, Houses and Lots for s a. Got] ][tad desefted lier. Thus. months maidens, ccorcling,to old fashion, stop 141-1�uiitia till, I so b have future. OTili'ter.1, and Attorvu% s 1 -Te �an 2ie welit to the good'fisberinall and his 'Wife�, inewhat stitur'e inic, Lsscdapdyear,�Iandthe constaDt Care ped and courtesied. Atj tst, there canie B p ato fraud. told him to b6' the ltter's chill . H at Law, Solicittirs iii Chancery a3l 10 the s a and anxi1ety beglil. to ffect ber health. n old wbite-haire('� man, Ieaiiinu oa the A.L XOTI Esi :3PECI Iluze Clouds of faufastie shapes chased had a hot temper, often diAressed 1le gr�w pal� rld.nervous, and the -arm of a middle-age(l. %voinaii. His forthlinawroxettiL. He by the COCO, 1) 000 of Priyatt Funds to each other desperAtelylon- the horizon, it his mother by his stubboriiiies! ; and slightestl noise would'Milloy her. Ili the whole 6 re was bent fo ward, nd st at once, at stre Eight per celit, Interest pays'lik gu J . I thtm tiere,would come a great 1, arst of i WIL, &N D OWMFOR,rx�nG. By thorotigli yptwly.' a4s WM and inow nd then the sleiider rew illoon 'meavnwhle, ber-maiiner toward the he often stopped id drew his breth tkp, repentanco''afterwrd, -which diAressed i knowledge of the natural- .1aws which glnced forth from the deep blue gulfs bi�,_' young mail bad become strangely altered heavily. governi the operations of ( i es ion SQ:UIL;I,,1,a:rister,Attorijo�.vii� Chant- tween he chose boat at kandom. and.' her stil more.- or she was - af "aid it and lie won noticed it, lthough he for- I- Oil yes yes," ile in a hoarse, might be A S of weakness. And utritibn and by a careflu a iction of Ont, Office—oveIr X. G. was about to iiinnoor it, when she i It i bore - to " speak. She was scrupiflously, broken voice, as. he; passed before then] Strong be must be, saidshe toll I P1 i Deflor _ 'Co.'s Einpuri Market S(inre. fi saw the figue of erself. mindfull of his comf tile title properties of weli-sel�ctcd co,!oa: man tred carefully ort, anxiously an- "age is gaiining 6D. me fas-t. I can't - - I - And seenes thallt be 11 cc I:$ quiv iover the stones and, hesitatingrly ap- I Mr. Epp! has provided Our Ureakfast ta- wstrong enough to overcome all resist- ticipated- his wants, and observed to- move about any more as of old. But to &llae ift to conqer - a' great name a with a delicately flavoilkqed beverage in promah her. ward him an evervioilnt consideration,, chu rch I mut go this day God help ]lie �Oti� ofjic4e,—txvo doors no, tb ot As thrill f, )ave I wiie ay save us i Evita, ca' in w-hisper f rom th for himse , stroaa enouh to liless llv� I Post 0 me e. . In as if he ad been her master instead of I have (lone much wron, d DLeed to nany heivy doctors' I the ftl e. e. Nrill gush. M. otlipeer w- o"brouaht him nito tbe world liar SOD.. W. R S QUIER, bills. Service Ua.-�eite Made He' -t U iv( -nes . 4 pray for for Drniisc' s. =aV -01 the 1 simpl. wiph Boiling Wat, Whas there 9" i * I e�- or When. Thomas -wa - 21 years of age, h "You hacf better' 6it d -%vn and rest? coh-1 f rozen zo:ilid e It is I. Father knows it a111 trane to sty, much as I ved offeieda prtnershipin hisemploy fatber,"said- the woman. "Here is a E ach packet is - labelled—J & :11 E I >1 CA 1, 8 e: 0 was 00., Roniwol)al-hie Cheiii-istsf, London." lilt, all sun he has neary kiLlIed me and nit -her, this child, she seldoin c er's bu ass, and Nvith -ev&-y year his I C-111PBELL,'�enforth, Coroner for the stone, and the fine lady, I n sure w too.., AIANUF_kQTURE OP COCOA. '7 -y -sidenee, 51aiiT :Str Par in lit 'Trays, he m sale of his allow a weak old in 7- " We Will 1)1`6i;1lll was a penne She had imposed upon prospect.6- briclitened. The n to sit:do-wii b& t Office a4d YL kv� an accou lit of the pr6cess adopt - Is that what, you have come to tell lierap-If to"atone for her (milt. C nly at -motber'sproperty brought. -him a- ver ide bar POW gy South, llear the �St:ltio�l. rest, ed by �Iessrs. James Epps ' Co., nian. XNA, me timies, -when she b Bell siftilic, lae, liands little fortune, which enabled Thomas.rose and, made sign to tile 'ile-Wth -thle Al ufcturers of dietetic. articlas at their Dlt old man to tak e.his �seat. nate of Toronto ifniverity, and Mei)jber of West - and b ar eyes. would fal. as it. w are, by .'him to build a fine &lid comfortable house I would like to help yon some. works in- the Euston Rod L' 'argeo 0 this ponderous g-19be ing. to see yo.il these ccident upon file little face oil the pil- in one of the best portions of tile city. oil on" the Colloge of 6 I have been try' 0 yes yes," h& on murmuring Residoice, Seftforth. Will ar, Carronbrok i lca-1-5eli s Rottseltold Guide. 1 days. " And he stepped a -lose up 11 low, with te sweet unconsciousness of Thus their outward circumtnces were as if taing to himself. �Mucli wrong 4 lie may -roam, on 3101idsLys, wudliesdays and in flae, to the bGa-t. sl�eep res�tiug upo A like, 6, soft, invisible greatly improved, and of comfort and 'inch forgiveness, Go I help us all— PAY�O_N -Amd, may labor thrau&tu V�,�ll, would she PENT conibi&l, an- j u. ,),wTT, D,.. lilu-geou you I Dead no help." -9;�cldehly throw herself luxary-Britahad all.and moratban site Miserable simic ho'bateth not ' MA L and 11-1111 WD over- him, 411iss him, and -w father nd not ileat polis -exins 01: the I ulbrit, iro bed wilDod ease. is i Aecoucheii.r. 'Sea irth Ont. �Qnkezlild Ile %%I (10 allditer is not t closed in llplored he, I htve hsper had'evej-.desired ; but bet- health was 1 0 outh S oderich'.Street,. first door ance. , s o d m y til, d m y. d o g, an ol everyeiL tende lialn,es in his ear, her tea -s. broken down, rl the physicians declar" wortliv of in(-. 0. ycs�--Yes G'Od -cotll-. the latest novelty. The easel' is- conveni- of ( - Df t.hE east of Prekyteriall 0 reh. feU hot an -t u, -fell) nle lip, illat (I fast oft fol 8 all. I ir rtt, portable, always rendy for us at flis Yellow h, dr in d ad Chat a year of foroacyn travel and a a, and had, and +,his is what I bave cro his rosy countonauce.. Then tli,- child" continued re�ddence in I' ght.pos- think I can move oil again, no -w." 60, L aild. ink f r for . it. lie st'ratchad out his hand taly . mi Ll)pletelv protects,the per 0111 T LL. TERCOL 21. D., :0. and' re, hotnas,�of not understand loss or injury, call be -kept To:revisit the br=s where with etc., Coroner for the Cotnit of Huron. Would— (11, Liu af� be w, ailing alciff sibly restore her. At last, Thom, s, too) ulle work i geon %ched Rer red handL 0 ys yeady. Pi -ug heavy 1L)aund -Lip' in, a corner Ovey moth- began to urge her, until sll(-- filially yield- spinethit a word of what he said, but,seein- that hasket and is lw igh d that It ice only flic, 'of Mal L M If rr 1 all, stre�ts, ue�a -10 tile phi ling Mill. owe anically, hed it in h er, betu in, the bea.0 She took it mech, of her eLd. It was oil a bright mor �ling in. IMy he wisbe(Itto rise, he willinly offered 60 cell bs. lh s acil the y t ce '110, M, D as S all , supported &lid 10 ery hand for a moment, then flug it far out lost youth, flew tiefre him, shcwering that they both started for ew York, -his rin anol. raised persons neglect Aeconcheur, Gr dute of the Medizzil De. into the water. A sinile of profound golden. flowers on his path. Tbehe were three days later they to him lip* ereru ae roul ok the beat- their I orsdshelth nd condItion:until it Partra-ent of Victoria lliversily;'formerli, of the 110spitals London, L, Visitt--d conteirr an pity p happiest moments 'of Brita's joyless for Europe. ' What countries tbov Thafiks to yon, young malis toolate. -when at tL triflijil, �-xpeilse &lid of 'New Tor assed over bar coun- the also the Hospitals in lidiffe, but even these -%vere. not,uhinixed were to'visit the y* had- ardly decided, the peasant. '.'And God reward no trolible tile horse li ave been ,o the la-6wer f I - - \V ResidAmce-13rdeefield. 349 r d, with bitterness ; for into. tile in (1,4t of but, after brief stay in England, we I youi- kindness." sved If attonded. to Ili To all w weird tald she, hoi 4lix L.D. 4,$tolie 0 tlie V11 A lialiter illay ll'I've Occasion, to use ait rticle of -ter joy would steal Shy ious find the�inigain on a rcamer bound for .nd the two, f�ather and da calmly, aid pused the �bot into the J. G. IAJ Where the th I water thoutht,_& thought which. was tha lore. Norw y! �'e spot , slowly i.atid ftaborioust 7 thu ki d we can collfWntly "recomnlena rk, I test vo a all tliaf he koew-S Darl ey's Co n dition Powder- id Arab� - It] IWO terrible becai.1se itl came so Stealthily, so Ive 31, ari -<- A "But, Brita," cried lie in despair, f I al. 11. they bad come. stood olloki execlited. All sur- t Had of this Warm and aentle, as it is,- une often ing them with 11 all - Hea-ve Eeniedy 111el-10YIned �Vi`th_ would you have ine do soft-footed,axid unbidde' n. -yi�al 1:ong for is eyes, Until i t !is -witholt. s -zpir,*i` S -lie lifted the chiloll in, liar arms then' 611 i Id given b ar aS I PU-MiSllff all t fO r care 1111(l prolliptitude", Fees as I(J-,Y ftj caT1 J�c ob- Re' will flaTtht h on. st: ubt conics -to the'fjord-va leys of orway. half tifl' in us where, Offi�e hom s frora 8 A. s ad idden y called bini. to do the., best prepar. I I n tainetl else polated to the vacant seat at ber side. her guilt ? Had she then right to turn with the v:)ice nd.L thar'8 -side. i Her t the Strength of , his nio tbouso ds, who ha:ve- -used it, testif V, P. �)I. Roollis over G, MeDong,, 'Od's scoul-ge intq, bletisincil 'Did she Remember the name see t1j_ Milin-st- T4 T�evisit the -scengs of Ili -Me understood what- she mea t. od aiant. The glaciers totter ud groan, s i violently. 1, stood for mo ment waverity. 6udden- I Cf-lv.e- to G'od " that whick belon-Le the si, natu re of & Co I is oil each C.kMT'W-11IGHT, L; D. S., Surg,ewl Dentibt, -o �i if in ncrer at their owl.1 weakness, and Mother, of ler, mplorcil, lie T TJ thelpma f his �hlltMoc ly, lie covered his J Packge. Northrop Lym �11, -OrOnto, will visit Goderi�-h oil thefirst TUESDAY as di (re';1valanches of Stone -,lid ice stooping over lier wba; lim b face with his haads 0 Is a,11. her.horks,,her San 1,111' m I Within half dom.k iiito the valle s. The rivers well Why 8old by NESDAY o a C t and lourst into ters. �d er' whole bein' ell 0 ! OiA., proprietors for. Candil month, tit "'he Col-' re -still y re you Do Didre yo irsulf i bottle Hotel. hour, Brit, -4 boarded the vessel as) about this rine evu-thly 'tliiji,� h1w soil -us� with all nialicitie dealers. pe, 6 Ol and i ciferous bra-wl ou , t over Ali, my son, I eau beir it no dear 'eaAh, the first red stripe of the,dawl., iiiii miii- the child of h r 8 TOW ? 8hc we s not the rnoullitain sitles, nd thousand tilly I __ ­ . ; .%,. I Lieculiat anit Pi7ize- ed tlio borizoiri, f nature to shrink "from grave cities- sobbed she. forgive SUPERIORITT OF I)II. 111HER- -z X which hi4 he wind filled the ; 1) 1 , *] tile g ll. "S 0011)1)OUDd B likix of 11hosph' ." intill of Coruel .,itv, roo -s Join i i encrl clamor, nd nust know it-, tes and Cal - I a a of Onttriol,eter�uprycojiege,,x.oronto, ,a ship westwrd to' U011s ; 110, sh nil�t theni boldl isitya misists in its beiu:,, wid th .3-, when Nrlth.uoisy chatter over the mos- )I at down at nd dre-w liar -iiently ia Van- ..,a s, 11 i in, 101cre be will bV. -wer� wrestled, fiercol -oot.,.;. -b -, later when the orms Oi debility by' willin" t -ward that land whe,re there. is a, 'home Once they Y grown 1�ircli i closely up bbr si u its action in u f und and o attvnd to till hinds of for thain whoni %ted, and g L . she hid. her face ou qupplyffig the witsLe of er rerl their d. Nvith the -ill, -was (14 a. to him f rom ;i'i ei - ; f" - love and. rnisfortune a 11 with i4ruorle. is at an und, t�d June has vie- TLL ' in all hinds of inials n '-here was t long tal and exerLion, and th!qs pl-eventing SiMl t all holins. Resi� w the i ill all kinds, of welitherl Aild lie hop -Ari have exiled.. artyr's zeal. ro lene io.sly. scted herself upon -her tbrone, only broken by the' loluo. , i chirmping of d,n,e Anil oillee t-,vo -ky se to I his bosm aysoors east of Cuulz?s Tem- had'biniself Sent bar this perplexin her -voice becomes, tnore, *richly subdued btiiltliiit, up contdittitions. of lo1v vitillitv.froill ,r.iilqe There al old E liglish clernrihn _61i -doubt it was her duty -to 1, �,&r his the pe n a or i3l the land whe 0 a -lid bri gs rest d cofnfort to the ear I _Aly S,111., sho bco"a i at la�zt by di,4si Lia tion or bad habit s, it is uli�qnal led, sit who colleqted curiosities to llim burden. 'Thus -ran Brita)s reasoni t> " still i . MuNAGHTY ng. I nd to t e troubled heart. It was while hiding- )iei* face L-bou. ixt chil,[ of V. -8,., to anDbance to tile Linhabiirtnts -o she sold - her rifigs &lid brooclies, a�nd the me,%Dwbile the years slipped I ly. and I the month waLs in this latter rnood, that 111111. creatt-q licalthy blooid, 4on'ing Sentorth andt conntry that he has gul b t than sufficient ff been award'ed the dil-Iiji GrAl obtained, n oro great Ghann were wrought in, th world 1, Brita titli7il.� at once all the or,,!aus of t4obody in the na of the Olitario d liar gon entered once more file That has becii ilo Sao] et to lll(,tll-,! same n: anner as wir oh, ily food. t(.s -tre ary ii(4 pri-pired to WK4 I bout her. alloy ence 25 years qo, they had -HOW to treat a, mone to pay her worad lie gniavely nd Ile -Wiff S -1) 0 lk a to any one' ecept the ebild. r, an3 the onl compounds of PhospholLo-ti lig-iiiiii1tited (if Iki-seoalid C t ions !," slueu 1 0 by the ystoi, and are agents for niftill- hit', Opened all (0111cf) lLl*-0llllCcGi �n with hi.i hore The few hundred fled. A any strnrfe,- arbulent emot' old Lolhars whic Brit 11 ei�otfgh to know \vb,;t by the Those of lier felloW parisbioiers who had been able stirred be. booni' as she saN fillini the vital 1110rill Ile ionud reatly to at- _Tbe �Opillion is beill- to-- durinu il a first v guilt W, wIlt fend to calls. of Knew her, nd,_ perl-laps piessed her tb ree years of li�lj tay ill Chicgo, she agin tile great silow-capped ino-untifrl, Payson's Indelible Ii?.k tb,4.� ipn xv.]. evel-yday that She (luickly raised h,.r he(l, nd I ResitIL-111ce the rear 13 of Killorall I ew store. ;shirt to kept aloof, from her, and she bad investe nd-the calin, green valleys, her child- look of amazement -All kinds! of Vet - (1 -ill & of land. in the button behiod did -NA-ho hi JOY018 of All I., TTM NVOMD ari -try Medicii_("� kip't colistilittly 011�; grow ill ; I] -they: Aid. ndhiood's�liorne, Iyllig so snugly shelterud shone tbroa a �ears ibat vei ed, her SILX, WOOLF'X AD -LINEN. rll-l) -WITIT A char -as C. 229 agmtcful to -ithe tat ' t anwhile Vie cilty bad One From morn till she Sat Lin -an Thomas' I ts. ithe y ear 1836 h 0: ao ., red 5; 000 for I in their Lu ighty embrace. E v PE IMHOUT A PUPPARATXON. -a couldre'A 11U.11inc, bu. filil corner between a jAle of deal.,- feeight niur 1her lot ; this ofpr she breast was moved with vaguely- hi-, 'lilt flow.,; perfectIr - '%vill -%vrit ,d, and I etorinary s irgc. ii, (inei accept, 8Y111- loV*e %lid codfidence�ia'thr) t I. o the kitGben se UMN-0 ) � R iltoys and fn and gzed, at ro I". Ile 111mctt s hilc Oil 1111per. ! It does not berof the Ontario )begs 8 N ondrow� scene 13, features, and sho saw ill tfv, i, nionlent ker than any ft) intli.,nete that he hal, retin-m-il' to- tlic- prn nbought siIii.ill.'rece. of p roperty Ptllctic th bs, 8 thi her little boy who lying spread i self before hill!. They soon sue- lllvetice of itien, e at short, distande - from the cit�q.- The that all her doubts had teell Iriloundless t) other ink knOv.-Ii. It Will not the his profession ii, All her liope, future ulcl. h. ' life I -D .- 2 rtb: and ntity t a2 times be er boy had si bi i T ceeded i [I hirina a farni-house, s%bout-half Tie st tbell."! lice. is at, th'year ftended -1 the t her long pray-orful str-Liggle had been f bi ink has endured t4t; Lost off or- on t,he were in, hial. For herself, she hd I all bour:s b - tlie pu blic school ol hd mad k from and le LV yMrs, Anil is UOW the lilost poptillit. ink ill C -Xi-- Veterinary mudivines em' h lilt) You,: ad V) hope. foil ilc%ught.- Ali P.-rorr I i tenc (I i� iinrivallvtl for uniforn : I 11101 ress. ery(-ay wien school cordhic, to Britas wish, establisher] .,11.) rought, thee `nto t nrn - It will inayk more cll give thee no fiJierind' - I 0 In A c- ru Y was 0!11 t, h a woul , meet hini atile gate themsel. a the summer, She C. 0 i less," she'whispered a� Id tll(),, hast Do and indeliblythan allyothal- 1,p1,tTf..ttn'. it r- f crop child," she said to hii.n. "Thou slialt ahim by the hnd -and lead ei-wh he quircs I ol of the fabrie. VOU had known the people Ae best, If 1, word of reproach for ine? never nLr, but the PER DO "TT -E. know the name of bii 1, never thought of ar i strong enough som bir 14tiltioner ii4l. Fancy' tile merry inaid FOETIT. — Tholnaq yowng hoilie. If any of the ared Y Av�th 00d's hel other boy,, thee life. Thon and 1, we sh"ll to make sport Of her, or to teaseDiin for'lidentif ng ber with gle togAher, -and, as true as fliere 600ds Dealers. -to couquer nallic for Knox bv­ to to Lis old frieuds and is, a is depen lance j-wbo had once &trtled the parish by Is a' 11's, liswer. '-ov. qiil the travelling pliblic, that he ha% leased thp. tt was Aure to her ab -e infl, a at'. Ilotel lately by Mr. God above, who sees us, he will not ost th, oya-bllekeye. lieso)nstl'- sli olden flight ; and he, although she was the Cry f liar cm Avoid Qnacks. leave either of us to -perish. But let-li, 0 0 C ceded in the te- Ion cred W open ber heart. to them, let no forniorl) known its tl�e DO'WNRY and cret wish, ad "Poll Ili$ I ps they SO1114- of carli indis(�reticin, i� hope,.Lt to rpeeive a coiltilmanee, of the Patronage sno question, cliltd, &bout th lliell -,Peet of his seboolmates'-for he as the I i ed like bless( like liljr� bostowed during hJB many aa Ity, prematuire &c., hsivilig tricti in orI fall to betray her real chra ter. is past. Thou Shlt grow and be Her con cused her of playing a I lin evin advertised has dis ir '1410' 0111 3trangest boy of 3 OW voyered a,, ill thehot 13fvt,ry com-fortaud ust grow with L imple nicans vhieil bc�Nviil send fl-L.c 1. Y(' 0 1 false PC t, l)ut for r- aculous fulfillment i of her llloflieriy 0 rior stratig, and thy mother m -Eady to protect d de�ei tkE -wek lie soil's sake she be The f _Ill thee. prayer. to his Address, J.E. REEYE uld defenseless. iWhleti Thoma'� Brigh kept silent. I I ! choicest Liquors a I ays only kvpt iii the Bar. -Zil ii) his vl)valge, -hild,!' he 78 tu Street, New Yor. k o Still, another t1iing, my a a] %vaTs in littentlace. During the third wee f tb e 'far tha 0 - I A careful and relia -w - ell, one day, --it the second went oil in a more confide it voice. a TH(MAS KNO�', Proprietor. 0 by which e OIL reat wehn't. -as the ilarn Th t:) T the English clergymn baptixed the boy Tliomas' Eclectri 11 tive land, —al West lie thillk,; the. 1, st til: e' unwil) was 15 yekrs old liewas ffered 8unday after their rrival,- she rose is thy n, iand she called him Thomas, after th old rilail -wbo - WOR'Xii rLN. T131ES ITS WEIGITT RX (i QLD. i)o You HOTEI�, WALTON.­1ohn winter 6, position �_- 3 prictor. Thi kotcl is situated on the . . . . . . . day in file on which be was 7- -k arly in �he as clei ii, the office of lum- a, morning and asked Thomas was just sitting here; ap,.il y side was KxONV�ANYTHINGOFIT? IFINOT,lTIS Pro a -1 er inerchant, lA, -With his niptlier's' to ccompany her oli walk tip through illy father." 'ra Oad, I(, im es born. He Sould never, know th, T121E YOU DID- iort. of seaforth,alldpos- it 'her(, are but few- prepartion4 of inedicine e Cons very accoininoli tiou and comfort for tnr- a- way bad been his nioher's ho inent, lie cOept(�d it. I Hewasl, fine the valley. There. was Sabhatli in, the Andthere,iiithesliado�vof thebirch- which h ii vewithstood the impartial . judginent of I v rst i The best brands of 111noys alia vigarq hept elagra. young, lad now lar'ge,and Nvell-knit and air ; the. soft breath of ill. lert I trees, itithe summer (If that the pc,oJ)la for illy great lemyth of tirtle. One of ill tho bar, -and -a ul and att viltive hor-fler 111 therefore, she woltild give him no name rnd earliest countepnce. with th perfume of fresh luaves. those is TiioM A 1,"ELEXTRI-C Ol'i,, pulffely a prepar- fti.tundance. t,tibling in'�cannection with and she told bim. the st(iry of her the back I . Our I -oil) o: of the best oils tRafart. known the hotel. In the evening lie w ation olosix oi which m iabt betraviis race. One mor"I 1i eld ol� �f 11111'r flight, and -of Ilia iniwry onld bring� borne I ers, gently into their ing, early m the month of June, they booka- to read nf Scientific liner. , and, as it lu�d alwa�,s been faces. be Suit. glittered in tb6 cl(.,,wy these long, toilsome fi and twent h siciqnsk-iow that inedicinegililIT''beformedof i hailed and the grea Nkw World abit to interest what- graqs, tit cric1rets sung with. a reinote p y. —If the tinis rr, liard .P rita's h. '-herself in!, years. Ney(Iralilti-redielity in certain fixedivoportionrof A.SHAIR 1 V. lay before liar. PISLIVtlt ANDISALESTABLES.' but do not noon, ta nd liar Mize note], eftforth. Go( never restilt from the uqe of ally one of them, or in seff studying ud'discus jug -Wit, 1�r wbiski-,,v or tobauljeol Horses and onhand., I him be half v �sible, and moved ill trembling son were seen returning to the farm- Ul i differelitcallibination-i. Thus klu'thp In-oparittion ever interested him, she soon fou a I her- I voice of wonder, and tile air seemed to Late iii the after Bril- reater ioo-�% er. and prothichit, effect,, whiell could )d est- 1�oilsc. A clm, Subdued happi (if this uil a themical change takes forinill ELL'SLIVE Y STABLES, SEAFORTH, Ont. -Why should I speak of the -ceaseless tbiligs which bad in former yean been' wavelets on -the path. before them. R iness 9 a Wilily is a aileat to d the horizon of lie =d e � at is I care, the suffering and the hard toil, f be on r min a coinpatuid which could not by any ILlossibility be Mood Coralortable"Veliicl&q� alays 'liiiar.en, bul fit Shp, ing on her Brit, walked slow- bea-med frorn the mother3 cou litenance inade f r " in. am- other combination or proportion R on hand. Faverable;Ammgernants Twule with you 811011111 which made -the first m. onths of Brita's tt his request, reluetalitly �diven up ly up Lth ough tile flowerincr meadows ; she pde0 was a(yarn t pece with the world -..of the or any othe 1* t 09minereiftl Trfivt-3hLrV. All left at the life on this continent mere continued her work- in the lumber yards, an, I now she hard'y knew whither. her feet bore and hers�e&, and her heart as i and enttrely, different I" Ilux-tiry .-,it the was as licbt from Commercial Hot( -1, Nvill be-prolillitly attended to. struaale for existence? Th are fam- spent her days at lionie, busying I �erself her, bi t i er heart ))eat violently, Ind She the days of her early voutb. But he, made, o+e which produceii the inosta$tonishingre- oFiatir. AXD�`S ey -rABIA). —Sonth of the Commer I —Thp_ iliarto every emigraiit who has come with sewing and reading and snch other. often w, i obliged to pause and press her snits, aud having a wider rainge of siviientionj cial Hotel, Main Stree-1. odilytrength bad IgivZii out nd her than an� inedichib ever before dlsco-v�red. Itcon- 221 LL1 lie that S BE -%roplietor. the St., L_ r 3 t t Coll. f �e t W t Till? ST ---------- : 4 V N 1 `j4 v". If __ A P t .-THE HURON -EXPO-SiT6R51 N(')V. 20,1874. 6 7 lull o it I li;1lli,lM, THE STORY OF A4, OOTCAST. With things as �vomcll find to fill up a vacant h4nds against heri bosom, as if to, stay. lit bs aimost �.upport liar. ais -no aleolhol or ot -Y I ti a li.fave .he" &lid an* a llpty� I - ovapor !Iucutly lofles n(i ; . 41i LNES ON SqOT� The sti4in upoll nerves lind the'con- P1 ze. Silffice it to s thatt, at th end hour. turbulent emotons. iiPplied Y'oll_ gat the bell't. fit of 'ort Mid hitherto en4bled heir to Wit othtr ntb, site slice clve!Wng, wheii Thomas was in his 'You are not *cll, rnot') er, " said the stant eft of 1, a Second. ino eed dol in One thu, 113Y CONCLUDED. obtRinitfgr service as Akmaid w a year, It a returned f r'Om his of - son. " It was imilrudent in rue. to al- keep lip' but -now, when th4t Strain was rimlyol: get qi2au 0 I t was after midnight, the wilid lil family in the neighborhol d of -New Or Ue XVith A graver face than usual. Tile lo� you to exert youi-self it t this way moved exhausted nature 'clairlied its f! ty of oiIq which they III fly (-.oil 1;-, bi. ti iuc a illy t1lowdits (10 N. T11 OMAS. ]lit Y. aba-ted, but the allow still fell, thick aud With, the liliguistic t. ent peculiar to 1 inobber's uick eye"Immediately saw that Letbs' A.down. on this stone," an- right. Tile ilext lay'glie coDld not 'tea 4!21 - Ana N-011THRoP iLZ ont., her and every boar her strength Sole m forthe silent, burying paths ancl fell, as iiijAer her people, $h -e -soon ]a rued the N.glish. olneth ' 'hd agit, s *ered- she. I - shall soon. be - better"' - V, 1� aIn %ted.lifin, but she for Frorl. ivIiwice had wr, ijurtr -A phy for. lici its -cold white On'w-ard. ilhe Red' languaoe and evell Spoke, it well. Front bore to as Ll�o notlook -so alixiously' at me. In failed. sician was Sent Sold in Scaferth y Co antlE, ca to roar -4rd &lid ever onward. aid h ni n 9'I've Medicine, but�l no a —onw, And Nirh,�Lfh_ her coritryt-nell, she kept as far away Motll6r s, a at last, 11 whi) is dead, I . 0 b sick. r ud We might now have, er, she knew not, A cold numbness bad as lJossible, not for her own faffieV�? Ts he dead or alive? 110. SP-Mlad his. light suinine coat on PAi0ok Ms head gra�ely, is lie -k sa but my Har �ess' lair Ba n at chilled her sells- f Or that of h" the stone alirl caref bt that ally BeaWol her. he botil inipther and soil as, but still her feet drove er boy,; for lie was to grow o( i� our filther, illy 8014L, answer-. ffiltl.411`1 fill' raise t bif t s i )l c a senz usi waill a -n d strong, &lid ge of lif Led liet veil and 1: 1 d IM eye tothe in ant. 1 k great I ify 7.14 the hair, mid Tend., niblingly. "If you liar irresistibly onward. A (lar the hl e&shc, trt IT I relit seemed tj hav -a s' lus birth rn ove Ille) lrge rel roofed niansion whose ardMkstad it eize(I hef she oly ierht shatter his strenfil .1 and tsk nie. 110 morc." This blvahlillile Let ll,� live, if 1va Le 11, itill Ji udines odrew tljer�iselves clinily oil the 'was suninioned, and. carl�e t Once felt that site was. adrift, and she cared break his courage. For tbe� saate i eason 0 hit tb all I'll,- vii-tilf" -V,,,e I do love you, mother, he said, and-. ri he old mall dal th joi s t cinini for it. Bci-ug free froln fill injuri- not w1i Ith or it boire h er.- Ili spit6 of the'v §he also exchanged I i er pictu resqu e N7orse dusky backgrouna of thy phic forest. 1, Thom, - lef G 11 a gave bel -a grave look,- in which she I-Vasbe till alivo, ho.w1ose life hope entered', nd P Bed in, that hour o'118 stiflina (tulluess ostunre for that of the people sliono, b which oppressed h a �011g t he detected MY Of ten -a clul it lift n gafLt.. -n I she had wracked lie who [iad oncedriv- 1,)etw(-en fath er and only Go( I ei Thol r A she -was "lie we ody Seemed as light as air. living. -lit com -is gain open - her b A�d it' shall be and surt,- ivini-dy for L).( JL -taut last,—ahe knew not where,—she heard'I moly by the name of Mrs. Brita, hich, ell her out into the uigbt with all but'a knows., When the dbor w, toling grey hqirto it.4 as -you la, ve 2 o g sed, r. vyes .911 1:le with Jidtillffiv nl1d vigor flo its rt ots ],))(I the roar of the resounding in' her, ifonounced. in the English way, sounded carse upon his 11ps ? -1-lov- would he re I It was 1�the -first time she had bad rea- Yet i� Deed 110t, 14! Mb' ike ".Mrs.'Br e, er. if sh -e t(T returl fillial nd Bjarne' ly. OP his knees row tCogillatic 1111),10, evl!n r at i. ? Ali, 1) to" cars, a, genial warnith; t1lawed the nix. I much I ight, and t hi s cer b a Wei ir io stron4111 8011 to blash before him, and her em6- ab 11 d, sha innibled at the before lie bed, presing bet liand coll.7 t(I healthy, it .,ter so "s e kne bimi ft To iii re us 'to of thu ness of I nses, and she floated jqft st became the- ame by wbich sli e wa s tioll call -10, ner Overwhelming her ; but* e y between both f h` able, its it illiPalk. 1 8 nown, in the nei o.-bood. very thought Of 11 ill. But -was vulsive 1-3a a r which no ' )ne loves ))ca1jjy can ly m otig the aloitds—among, cy6lden it n glib with violent effort. slie stifled it, and not tile* guilt bers!? '6011'� d .9110 depart Tb is is my falier, said she in oatbiiiro. only by "Wh a ad her T thed clouds. ell sh 7 open li th us. five eyes, s prs passed ell there. vl Cy, could she die in peace, ng "d For tat love o itse-I i n _R1 remained' outwardly' calni. He berlan, 21, il�ge wbich her soi i not under- he found lierself lyium in a 0iii r Phantifteential was gre;v for a tiligrati n cr to i It a fa y i -mile bf illotberl pacing up and down the iloor with his without liy ngr thrown 3erself at his 4truld ; lild a fail) t S ab nA � young W -1 -With , with Mlly cthers, bi back. And my - f6rt, e bed, West, ai!id Bl1it, I head bent and his hands oil I f6�et illip red his fort-6veness ? And P�ridc a6d bppiuess flittt,-d 0.ver her pal r4 or sale by,L S. It 0J,E I tl JI_ kind rnotherly.face was sitting at licr started for There she avrived it sudtletily occurred to her that lip- was there, oil the op side of tlse valley, f I Nvonlolkive h1pi to thee ih I a Se fort, anil by 1 Illat I inountains tl 1 side. It all a drea, m and in the y6ar took up bar lodg- a grown plart, nd that she' could no long- the h0me-O 111-3vbo had beeit, the return for what thon hst lo�-t but God, I f h 'dbw, -who w s liv- sbe made no 1"effort to accoun't for iligs IV all My Tilt- %.. I ith.." Irish. -%N-i what A�Rp -same relation to him as his a -y. rhat had bee s laid his future ill another andI er hold tbe ause of all ber�ini� -ei A n ht eared so-Lstrall-geand nuaccount- ijig in a little cotfage ill what wm t6n i , , it; ullhdfilw in th& the-eoi si.-Lpportev and. protector. Alas, " his Ifte, and did lit,, still raineniber those rne -rose, gra.�pad.lii� grandson's abvle, termed the otskirts of " the city. Th (.tire a V i )y huht -b if God but let me re-' long happy sualmnr days, h ! so long, %lid pressed it ; nd two Levy i hich IT i feitiale constitirtion is sllj,)jL�ct. T heard was tlLat who saw her in those ys, going 4 0 'IV is it perfrmo tht J� What ke af terward d' bout it Inaill hisvlpother,� I shall bless and tb4nk loll)g5 'go ? She,- 11'ad dared to ask Do ran olown his furvoWed cliael�s. I 3noderatos'a all fsberman,had found her in a stiow-drift i Ilie -i-id do' ing a. man I murmured be. Inty son, that I-Ti,116,i - I I - questions of tlio p�.ople. -with whom, die 8'9 on the straltd, arid that he hd oa,ried ! - - vork ould hardly -have reco foi ed in Or is it the asli and the i�ld nieet thus. her hGm e. to his cottkze, and had- kiveii ier I the ho in It was lie first time this Bubje6t bad lived, hut­iiow�, kness lmd we sho b o-4,t7thile bring 0111 the 31101;0,sly peA�iud -vvlth all it gave rise to many overtakell. her, 7�h L-3 r, I - , so been bro, ched, - d sic fe, h t to -day stood. bound together by her over to the charge of his wife. allids of old trod the spring-(, cc is ..t the oil tim. bol doubt and manv a uestionin the anxi- must decide lie fte ;-she Id nolong the bonIds of blood but lasl ib re lay Tiiese Pills inuld not be talcen by r knew vrlio hewas,' but hd, keptl the ily in the Avell-litrUdd balls f the. q iluriug the first tbree liths*of its f-he�� 0 -s mind. Had she been riubt, or be� -ture ot uncertainiby. Nvorld �etween them. doors loic'ked nd had told no one �tilt motlibr' r this tot lakstad lid, inwdee §he D areSULreto or . h -e she was there, She heard the sto of had- in conce, ling froin him that which, lie Thomas remained stautlill at her side All �iiglit they sat togeither at L tl-ie ry -as. sa4ly ch"l, iged ! Her fea ZD- ` as - fly ch W? What had and looked at liar with nxiety Lai -N� ii's heolsie. Iall (:It -es of Nrervolis and Spinal AM!cfions, bluoill un its bre woman without einotion it Ll� er, and th h I' P 1111"lit.im %im to kno Id -oil- (lying oul, a word the good r ines 0 3 )ecom painy, in the ba­lz inTil lor it the peaks o'er n intoteral)16 effort to mou t 13 -V al- ` been hdr. nioLive in keephig him ign6r- der. He knew Unit she concealed was spokeli. To-wrd rnorl�llig, s the ertion,' polpitation of 'the aWent — seemec boilt liar expressed Sever t- 2 I his M' ally tbing's from him, but, whatuve sun. tole -into the (1;,rken chamber, i, Bu oil the t1aird d_��y, when, her child nost sternness. Her clear Will$ eyes ut of h s origin and of the land of whites 1 2 a pills ill 411ect a eure. all other Or is it tbe t1vat by was born,- her mind was suddenlyarous- IL eeme1 to have grown larger, all their britill?" lie had wished bilnr to grow - to her reasons migalit, be, lie was confident . ) e ful I - rita inurmurcol their nnrJ6 and they or.- r Crt were j weighty. It laid their hands'in hars. ad from i6 lehrgy, nd she 6,jrnly�l flance. betrayed secret, ever-"" 'tchful the strei . h of. manhood, unconqciorts of that the. list and anything hurtful to 'is. it the daisies. that 1 -e. 01il air h- up- was not for him to quesi ion liar b t 1 be whi�pued she' 411111 dil-CCU0118 in the ))an)j)hlct, cach matured her plans; and for the child's , guilt, so hat lie mialit bear his head ai Ly her yellow hair had r sisted , 'O -"0, sake she reolved to live nd to aut.' ri(yht, in I look the world fearlessly in wh.;Lt lie bii ght have no ri rht to li 1., 0 �crccly aliolibly, f have! found Y011r packone, which ihotild lk crchiliy pre. er iud sorrow ;_ for it still o q a foro�'e of titine , 0 )3 That sa, -me evening there cama it little 00th the face. And still, had 'there not in all lie felt as.if he had never :0'Ved lie], its in botl�--;ny father d y sok A deal) TobMoiit-s,xewYork,Solc -Or the birtL t ell in rich and bevy.folds over in an in Proprietor. $1.00and lurld I in 121 cents ell I boy ith bundle for liar, 8he opened �rhite forehead.- She was, indee( half this be ncr thought of herself, a this ino alit, when she zzeenled to be, p 11 1 over ber count � ance. ,-3he o, -ca(. an ''Tororao., Ont., Aganb; for the Dominion, n Froni the elal sbaded At it and.found therein the cotlies she had it, and, often took. pn lis to fear of losing his love, desire to st, d. most in neud of hini, nd li overwh L c d.. 'Nvill ili�;nre a b6EtIe, (;()Utdillill�,, Over 50 pill. by �shamed of left behind, and�her brooches. She �Ol,ce -_it in pu re an d perfect in his eye She hard- ing tenderness took "pos ession of his Twoldys later, -wbeq th,6 body -was 1 .to.a 'Sober, matronlyEbood. knew that it was her sister who had Ok I id. out Tht true cot ish h� n 6r these questions, for, h6art, He suddenly stooped down, to a Thomas stoodalone in the room. olil in Seafortb hy 1�. mei-so & Co., and O,nlv at nights, w h ell sh e sat alan a. talk- dted to sw WI%S is, she knew not that even one purest her thin. ft-tec betiv3en his hand The windows wert; covereJ �-%Yith -white.1- sent thern ; then there 011c Who stili ing "with. liar boy, she ivould llow it to 107 wlP() is! itthe talesthat t l )16 would in o t iv e- s , -a -but 'ble to bear a and kissed her. Tile long pent up emo- sheets, and subdued light fell Lu ll the, thought Of Liar with ffecion. An d yet _11, ; at poorly a from itg priso i her first impulse w r scrutilly. She begn to itis- tion burst forth in a flood of ters she pale, lifeless 1301111tClIal3ce. had as to send it I 11aughnd playvvith it.,'and in his childi h searching it her whole -course with. her soil buried her face ill liar 1pind Wept Ion * dealt gently with hc�r, she seemed young- B. L. DO YLE, BarrijAer, Attoyney, Nolicitor in Wben the il(iors -were all I all- bck-,. or to -throw it into the pect th, 9 hancerT, &c., GoderlaIr anillienforth. Of - ay even wonder t the contIt ocean ; but slie looked -at her child and had been. wrong from the very begin- and silently. Then the c�iurch-bells er thn. ever b(Ifore, nd liar; light- -wavy fa,, over -Tordan's Dr 0re, Godcrich, and tween ber stern, face nd her yo, n in g alley, nd t bair fe I softly over the white forehead. Kidd7s Store, S-eaforth. I When. the lin lit h forbore. maidenly tresses. Why liad abe not told him the 0 peal clown iii. tile gall t -should despise Mighty sound floated caltilly and Then here came a middle-aged man, A week Vssed, nd Brit, recovere(l. stern, truth, even if he; slow Barristers and I did th This Thomas, her son, was'a, S even if she should.bave t '. 8 w Solk ha cr Goder c With thir work, or,to Jolu Of Halvard she. had heard One her for it� o. olemillrupto-thr6i .' 'lio ninylolia,- I -With dull eye, and a broad forehead, atorsin C - u ,ry, i h. s4 -d niohk as She I ** in half doze She ci'ld. He ba(I a Norseman's taste for. tilid bInshinci culprit in his presence ? or ottell nlemo'ri4d of hildhood and i and' timidly approached tbo lonely NT. C. CA� -,110". 1y I the fbulovs and fantastic, alid,aRhough thought she had seea a pale frilitened Often, uben she. heard his footsteps in youth did they nob wake : n bef I)osQni— piourner. Ile wal ked oB tip -too and his Or it tho�esl)4or t.3) W 11 _R0 w _'t—w A TK Solicitor.,; in Chsilel..r, &c. (Mice on Westst., to,111 face pressed lip the wiiid�w-paiie lie never heard tale or the the lmll, as be returned from. the work of memories Of the tipie' wl ell the niej-ry 'ligrure8toopedbeavily. For'along while Hulder, lie would -often startle hil nioth- tile day, she would man f up and Brita,. decl� ed with her shining 11 oppos.ite the Post Ofiiet, Goderich- $40 That ealt ba his spim e, stoo(l o -a ng at the deact.' body. then f and star:uig fixedly at her and her c1.11d. J. T. GARROW. P. F. WALRER. ries of Dill er by the niost fnciful combintions of the s hovered u oil liar lips he killt . but, af ter all I it migb t li ave been illerely . I Soil, bilOoebes, wended her way to the abut own at the foot of the coffin, p J haersoni- D, a child of guilt, amono the rgaily-dressed ladis nd niid- and bepil. to sob violently. - At hist he ITWOtdd iF�e barof to tlafrin im aoined eveltits, nd by bololer 1� n - poititedAgel) u e Colonial SecitritiLs Coin - a dream,. For her fevered fncy had in thou -art bstard bor t f r tv� these lasitolys frequently beguiled. her., ficatians thall. ever spruric, from the %lid thy mother is.an. outcast u- oil the e' of the prisli ? rose, took two steps toirds the U 'o ML le -11 are given P M roinnL pany of _E liglan, bt- is 41so Age t f r pri- She. atert thought let vate Cpitalits of T �onto, ho loan' i.nt,)� si, milar visions. endry soil of 1 the Norselandl. She ahBut, when she niet those calm A cluster of white-st(mined- birches Man, P;xused again nd 10p4l'ted �ilent`_ 3folley at A that nee� frow t k very relt-ollable rates payble yeazly e where ly s -he had come. It was of him, but, strngel enough, -no �niolre oo care to check him w1jenever bill,- . y s of his, saw the unsuspecting throw its shadow over the stone Chlqges nlodLrafc. JAlso ohcittil:L for the St� with bitterness, but with pity. Had lie �alelvjia,1�181ilued in these illiginry ights, frn tile. arth lie inav kness of his manner id. the hope- the penitent mothe'r was �,ittinu and the Close under the wall of the little: red- LawreuceBnuk. and he t last came to look upo � them fuliess I ke yfill,rhani, Dec. 15, 1. lbom lie part, been strong enough. to; -be WiGkC,1, She ith wbich_ lie . loo d.. to the tall grass on. both sides of the path hcar- painted church, they clug thelgiave and 2 1 may could have haed him, but he wai weak, 11 as sometbing wrong ..%lid sinfuR Tile Bift file of tblat" 1011 -le V future, ]Ter womanly heart Shrank from ly hid her from sight. Presently, the we6 later her father was laid to rest McC_UGMy 11OL'-WESUD Barribters, At D striin ly re- rt Law Solicitorts'lil Chancery and Then it was that, its duty and she hastened out of liar church -folk be torlicys and she pitied Ilium. boy, a berew up. ofte ear, and Brita at his 0aughter's side. t,,) h' heart, gall to apl' I Insolvelle'r, Notaries and ler bed, and raised her head nd drew th. 'over the or i one evenng, as She heard that the Am- m inded her of her father, as, ind e� room, tllr(�.w' - herself oil I e veil ATown But Ithe fresh winds bl6l arican. vessel was to -sail seemed to have inherited more fr( al her wept. Fierce]) Solicitors for the 1:z. C. she wrestled with God her face. No one passal without great- A11ant[c nd beckoned the son to 1113W the Canla Lil�e 60111 ully, -30,000 to le d at per cent. That sewd amn), M than from _Ualvard's rc. Only iDj the strangers, and the Avomen nd field-, of labor in the great land of the slie took her little boy nd wrapped him Own, in prve.-, until She thought that even N. B.--, carefuR y in. her own clotlies, bade bare- the right flaxen'hair and 1118 quare, Houses and Lots for s a. Got] ][tad desefted lier. Thus. months maidens, ccorcling,to old fashion, stop 141-1�uiitia till, I so b have future. OTili'ter.1, and Attorvu% s 1 -Te �an 2ie welit to the good'fisberinall and his 'Wife�, inewhat stitur'e inic, Lsscdapdyear,�Iandthe constaDt Care ped and courtesied. Atj tst, there canie B p ato fraud. told him to b6' the ltter's chill . H at Law, Solicittirs iii Chancery a3l 10 the s a and anxi1ety beglil. to ffect ber health. n old wbite-haire('� man, Ieaiiinu oa the A.L XOTI Esi :3PECI Iluze Clouds of faufastie shapes chased had a hot temper, often diAressed 1le gr�w pal� rld.nervous, and the -arm of a middle-age(l. %voinaii. His forthlinawroxettiL. He by the COCO, 1) 000 of Priyatt Funds to each other desperAtelylon- the horizon, it his mother by his stubboriiiies! ; and slightestl noise would'Milloy her. Ili the whole 6 re was bent fo ward, nd st at once, at stre Eight per celit, Interest pays'lik gu J . I thtm tiere,would come a great 1, arst of i WIL, &N D OWMFOR,rx�nG. By thorotigli yptwly.' a4s WM and inow nd then the sleiider rew illoon 'meavnwhle, ber-maiiner toward the he often stopped id drew his breth tkp, repentanco''afterwrd, -which diAressed i knowledge of the natural- .1aws which glnced forth from the deep blue gulfs bi�,_' young mail bad become strangely altered heavily. governi the operations of ( i es ion SQ:UIL;I,,1,a:rister,Attorijo�.vii� Chant- tween he chose boat at kandom. and.' her stil more.- or she was - af "aid it and lie won noticed it, lthough he for- I- Oil yes yes," ile in a hoarse, might be A S of weakness. And utritibn and by a careflu a iction of Ont, Office—oveIr X. G. was about to iiinnoor it, when she i It i bore - to " speak. She was scrupiflously, broken voice, as. he; passed before then] Strong be must be, saidshe toll I P1 i Deflor _ 'Co.'s Einpuri Market S(inre. fi saw the figue of erself. mindfull of his comf tile title properties of weli-sel�ctcd co,!oa: man tred carefully ort, anxiously an- "age is gaiining 6D. me fas-t. I can't - - I - And seenes thallt be 11 cc I:$ quiv iover the stones and, hesitatingrly ap- I Mr. Epp! has provided Our Ureakfast ta- wstrong enough to overcome all resist- ticipated- his wants, and observed to- move about any more as of old. But to &llae ift to conqer - a' great name a with a delicately flavoilkqed beverage in promah her. ward him an evervioilnt consideration,, chu rch I mut go this day God help ]lie �Oti� ofjic4e,—txvo doors no, tb ot As thrill f, )ave I wiie ay save us i Evita, ca' in w-hisper f rom th for himse , stroaa enouh to liless llv� I Post 0 me e. . In as if he ad been her master instead of I have (lone much wron, d DLeed to nany heivy doctors' I the ftl e. e. Nrill gush. M. otlipeer w- o"brouaht him nito tbe world liar SOD.. W. R S QUIER, bills. Service Ua.-�eite Made He' -t U iv( -nes . 4 pray for for Drniisc' s. =aV -01 the 1 simpl. wiph Boiling Wat, Whas there 9" i * I e�- or When. Thomas -wa - 21 years of age, h "You hacf better' 6it d -%vn and rest? coh-1 f rozen zo:ilid e It is I. Father knows it a111 trane to sty, much as I ved offeieda prtnershipin hisemploy fatber,"said- the woman. "Here is a E ach packet is - labelled—J & :11 E I >1 CA 1, 8 e: 0 was 00., Roniwol)al-hie Cheiii-istsf, London." lilt, all sun he has neary kiLlIed me and nit -her, this child, she seldoin c er's bu ass, and Nvith -ev&-y year his I C-111PBELL,'�enforth, Coroner for the stone, and the fine lady, I n sure w too.., AIANUF_kQTURE OP COCOA. '7 -y -sidenee, 51aiiT :Str Par in lit 'Trays, he m sale of his allow a weak old in 7- " We Will 1)1`6i;1lll was a penne She had imposed upon prospect.6- briclitened. The n to sit:do-wii b& t Office a4d YL kv� an accou lit of the pr6cess adopt - Is that what, you have come to tell lierap-If to"atone for her (milt. C nly at -motber'sproperty brought. -him a- ver ide bar POW gy South, llear the �St:ltio�l. rest, ed by �Iessrs. James Epps ' Co., nian. XNA, me timies, -when she b Bell siftilic, lae, liands little fortune, which enabled Thomas.rose and, made sign to tile 'ile-Wth -thle Al ufcturers of dietetic. articlas at their Dlt old man to tak e.his �seat. nate of Toronto ifniverity, and Mei)jber of West - and b ar eyes. would fal. as it. w are, by .'him to build a fine &lid comfortable house I would like to help yon some. works in- the Euston Rod L' 'argeo 0 this ponderous g-19be ing. to see yo.il these ccident upon file little face oil the pil- in one of the best portions of tile city. oil on" the Colloge of 6 I have been try' 0 yes yes," h& on murmuring Residoice, Seftforth. Will ar, Carronbrok i lca-1-5eli s Rottseltold Guide. 1 days. " And he stepped a -lose up 11 low, with te sweet unconsciousness of Thus their outward circumtnces were as if taing to himself. �Mucli wrong 4 lie may -roam, on 3101idsLys, wudliesdays and in flae, to the bGa-t. sl�eep res�tiug upo A like, 6, soft, invisible greatly improved, and of comfort and 'inch forgiveness, Go I help us all— PAY�O_N -Amd, may labor thrau&tu V�,�ll, would she PENT conibi&l, an- j u. ,),wTT, D,.. lilu-geou you I Dead no help." -9;�cldehly throw herself luxary-Britahad all.and moratban site Miserable simic ho'bateth not ' MA L and 11-1111 WD over- him, 411iss him, and -w father nd not ileat polis -exins 01: the I ulbrit, iro bed wilDod ease. is i Aecoucheii.r. 'Sea irth Ont. �Qnkezlild Ile %%I (10 allditer is not t closed in llplored he, I htve hsper had'evej-.desired ; but bet- health was 1 0 outh S oderich'.Street,. first door ance. , s o d m y til, d m y. d o g, an ol everyeiL tende lialn,es in his ear, her tea -s. broken down, rl the physicians declar" wortliv of in(-. 0. ycs�--Yes G'Od -cotll-. the latest novelty. The easel' is- conveni- of ( - Df t.hE east of Prekyteriall 0 reh. feU hot an -t u, -fell) nle lip, illat (I fast oft fol 8 all. I ir rtt, portable, always rendy for us at flis Yellow h, dr in d ad Chat a year of foroacyn travel and a a, and had, and +,his is what I bave cro his rosy countonauce.. Then tli,- child" continued re�ddence in I' ght.pos- think I can move oil again, no -w." 60, L aild. ink f r for . it. lie st'ratchad out his hand taly . mi Ll)pletelv protects,the per 0111 T LL. TERCOL 21. D., :0. and' re, hotnas,�of not understand loss or injury, call be -kept To:revisit the br=s where with etc., Coroner for the Cotnit of Huron. Would— (11, Liu af� be w, ailing alciff sibly restore her. At last, Thom, s, too) ulle work i geon %ched Rer red handL 0 ys yeady. Pi -ug heavy 1L)aund -Lip' in, a corner Ovey moth- began to urge her, until sll(-- filially yield- spinethit a word of what he said, but,seein- that hasket and is lw igh d that It ice only flic, 'of Mal L M If rr 1 all, stre�ts, ue�a -10 tile phi ling Mill. owe anically, hed it in h er, betu in, the bea.0 She took it mech, of her eLd. It was oil a bright mor �ling in. IMy he wisbe(Itto rise, he willinly offered 60 cell bs. lh s acil the y t ce '110, M, D as S all , supported &lid 10 ery hand for a moment, then flug it far out lost youth, flew tiefre him, shcwering that they both started for ew York, -his rin anol. raised persons neglect Aeconcheur, Gr dute of the Medizzil De. into the water. A sinile of profound golden. flowers on his path. Tbehe were three days later they to him lip* ereru ae roul ok the beat- their I orsdshelth nd condItion:until it Partra-ent of Victoria lliversily;'formerli, of the 110spitals London, L, Visitt--d conteirr an pity p happiest moments 'of Brita's joyless for Europe. ' What countries tbov Thafiks to yon, young malis toolate. -when at tL triflijil, �-xpeilse &lid of 'New Tor assed over bar coun- the also the Hospitals in lidiffe, but even these -%vere. not,uhinixed were to'visit the y* had- ardly decided, the peasant. '.'And God reward no trolible tile horse li ave been ,o the la-6wer f I - - \V ResidAmce-13rdeefield. 349 r d, with bitterness ; for into. tile in (1,4t of but, after brief stay in England, we I youi- kindness." sved If attonded. to Ili To all w weird tald she, hoi 4lix L.D. 4,$tolie 0 tlie V11 A lialiter illay ll'I've Occasion, to use ait rticle of -ter joy would steal Shy ious find the�inigain on a rcamer bound for .nd the two, f�ather and da calmly, aid pused the �bot into the J. G. IAJ Where the th I water thoutht,_& thought which. was tha lore. Norw y! �'e spot , slowly i.atid ftaborioust 7 thu ki d we can collfWntly "recomnlena rk, I test vo a all tliaf he koew-S Darl ey's Co n dition Powder- id Arab� - It] IWO terrible becai.1se itl came so Stealthily, so Ive 31, ari -<- A "But, Brita," cried lie in despair, f I al. 11. they bad come. stood olloki execlited. All sur- t Had of this Warm and aentle, as it is,- une often ing them with 11 all - Hea-ve Eeniedy 111el-10YIned �Vi`th_ would you have ine do soft-footed,axid unbidde' n. -yi�al 1:ong for is eyes, Until i t !is -witholt. s -zpir,*i` S -lie lifted the chiloll in, liar arms then' 611 i Id given b ar aS I PU-MiSllff all t fO r care 1111(l prolliptitude", Fees as I(J-,Y ftj caT1 J�c ob- Re' will flaTtht h on. st: ubt conics -to the'fjord-va leys of orway. half tifl' in us where, Offi�e hom s frora 8 A. s ad idden y called bini. to do the., best prepar. I I n tainetl else polated to the vacant seat at ber side. her guilt ? Had she then right to turn with the v:)ice nd.L thar'8 -side. i Her t the Strength of , his nio tbouso ds, who ha:ve- -used it, testif V, P. �)I. Roollis over G, MeDong,, 'Od's scoul-ge intq, bletisincil 'Did she Remember the name see t1j_ Milin-st- T4 T�evisit the -scengs of Ili -Me understood what- she mea t. od aiant. The glaciers totter ud groan, s i violently. 1, stood for mo ment waverity. 6udden- I Cf-lv.e- to G'od " that whick belon-Le the si, natu re of & Co I is oil each C.kMT'W-11IGHT, L; D. S., Surg,ewl Dentibt, -o �i if in ncrer at their owl.1 weakness, and Mother, of ler, mplorcil, lie T TJ thelpma f his �hlltMoc ly, lie covered his J Packge. Northrop Lym �11, -OrOnto, will visit Goderi�-h oil thefirst TUESDAY as di (re';1valanches of Stone -,lid ice stooping over lier wba; lim b face with his haads 0 Is a,11. her.horks,,her San 1,111' m I Within half dom.k iiito the valle s. The rivers well Why 8old by NESDAY o a C t and lourst into ters. �d er' whole bein' ell 0 ! OiA., proprietors for. Candil month, tit "'he Col-' re -still y re you Do Didre yo irsulf i bottle Hotel. hour, Brit, -4 boarded the vessel as) about this rine evu-thly 'tliiji,� h1w soil -us� with all nialicitie dealers. pe, 6 Ol and i ciferous bra-wl ou , t over Ali, my son, I eau beir it no dear 'eaAh, the first red stripe of the,dawl., iiiii miii- the child of h r 8 TOW ? 8hc we s not the rnoullitain sitles, nd thousand tilly I __ ­ . ; .%,. I Lieculiat anit Pi7ize- ed tlio borizoiri, f nature to shrink "from grave cities- sobbed she. forgive SUPERIORITT OF I)II. 111HER- -z X which hi4 he wind filled the ; 1) 1 , *] tile g ll. "S 0011)1)OUDd B likix of 11hosph' ." intill of Coruel .,itv, roo -s Join i i encrl clamor, nd nust know it-, tes and Cal - I a a of Onttriol,eter�uprycojiege,,x.oronto, ,a ship westwrd to' U011s ; 110, sh nil�t theni boldl isitya misists in its beiu:,, wid th .3-, when Nrlth.uoisy chatter over the mos- )I at down at nd dre-w liar -iiently ia Van- ..,a s, 11 i in, 101cre be will bV. -wer� wrestled, fiercol -oot.,.;. -b -, later when the orms Oi debility by' willin" t -ward that land whe,re there. is a, 'home Once they Y grown 1�ircli i closely up bbr si u its action in u f und and o attvnd to till hinds of for thain whoni %ted, and g L . she hid. her face ou qupplyffig the witsLe of er rerl their d. Nvith the -ill, -was (14 a. to him f rom ;i'i ei - ; f" - love and. rnisfortune a 11 with i4ruorle. is at an und, t�d June has vie- TLL ' in all hinds of inials n '-here was t long tal and exerLion, and th!qs pl-eventing SiMl t all holins. Resi� w the i ill all kinds, of welitherl Aild lie hop -Ari have exiled.. artyr's zeal. ro lene io.sly. scted herself upon -her tbrone, only broken by the' loluo. , i chirmping of d,n,e Anil oillee t-,vo -ky se to I his bosm aysoors east of Cuulz?s Tem- had'biniself Sent bar this perplexin her -voice becomes, tnore, *richly subdued btiiltliiit, up contdittitions. of lo1v vitillitv.froill ,r.iilqe There al old E liglish clernrihn _61i -doubt it was her duty -to 1, �,&r his the pe n a or i3l the land whe 0 a -lid bri gs rest d cofnfort to the ear I _Aly S,111., sho bco"a i at la�zt by di,4si Lia tion or bad habit s, it is uli�qnal led, sit who colleqted curiosities to llim burden. 'Thus -ran Brita)s reasoni t> " still i . MuNAGHTY ng. I nd to t e troubled heart. It was while hiding- )iei* face L-bou. ixt chil,[ of V. -8,., to anDbance to tile Linhabiirtnts -o she sold - her rifigs &lid brooclies, a�nd the me,%Dwbile the years slipped I ly. and I the month waLs in this latter rnood, that 111111. creatt-q licalthy blooid, 4on'ing Sentorth andt conntry that he has gul b t than sufficient ff been award'ed the dil-Iiji GrAl obtained, n oro great Ghann were wrought in, th world 1, Brita titli7il.� at once all the or,,!aus of t4obody in the na of the Olitario d liar gon entered once more file That has becii ilo Sao] et to lll(,tll-,! same n: anner as wir oh, ily food. t(.s -tre ary ii(4 pri-pired to WK4 I bout her. alloy ence 25 years qo, they had -HOW to treat a, mone to pay her worad lie gniavely nd Ile -Wiff S -1) 0 lk a to any one' ecept the ebild. r, an3 the onl compounds of PhospholLo-ti lig-iiiiii1tited (if Iki-seoalid C t ions !," slueu 1 0 by the ystoi, and are agents for niftill- hit', Opened all (0111cf) lLl*-0llllCcGi �n with hi.i hore The few hundred fled. A any strnrfe,- arbulent emot' old Lolhars whic Brit 11 ei�otfgh to know \vb,;t by the Those of lier felloW parisbioiers who had been able stirred be. booni' as she saN fillini the vital 1110rill Ile ionud reatly to at- _Tbe �Opillion is beill- to-- durinu il a first v guilt W, wIlt fend to calls. of Knew her, nd,_ perl-laps piessed her tb ree years of li�lj tay ill Chicgo, she agin tile great silow-capped ino-untifrl, Payson's Indelible Ii?.k tb,4.� ipn xv.]. evel-yday that She (luickly raised h,.r he(l, nd I ResitIL-111ce the rear 13 of Killorall I ew store. ;shirt to kept aloof, from her, and she bad investe nd-the calin, green valleys, her child- look of amazement -All kinds! of Vet - (1 -ill & of land. in the button behiod did -NA-ho hi JOY018 of All I., TTM NVOMD ari -try Medicii_("� kip't colistilittly 011�; grow ill ; I] -they: Aid. ndhiood's�liorne, Iyllig so snugly shelterud shone tbroa a �ears ibat vei ed, her SILX, WOOLF'X AD -LINEN. rll-l) -WITIT A char -as C. 229 agmtcful to -ithe tat ' t anwhile Vie cilty bad One From morn till she Sat Lin -an Thomas' I ts. ithe y ear 1836 h 0: ao ., red 5; 000 for I in their Lu ighty embrace. E v PE IMHOUT A PUPPARATXON. -a couldre'A 11U.11inc, bu. filil corner between a jAle of deal.,- feeight niur 1her lot ; this ofpr she breast was moved with vaguely- hi-, 'lilt flow.,; perfectIr - '%vill -%vrit ,d, and I etorinary s irgc. ii, (inei accept, 8Y111- loV*e %lid codfidence�ia'thr) t I. o the kitGben se UMN-0 ) � R iltoys and fn and gzed, at ro I". Ile 111mctt s hilc Oil 1111per. ! It does not berof the Ontario )begs 8 N ondrow� scene 13, features, and sho saw ill tfv, i, nionlent ker than any ft) intli.,nete that he hal, retin-m-il' to- tlic- prn nbought siIii.ill.'rece. of p roperty Ptllctic th bs, 8 thi her little boy who lying spread i self before hill!. They soon sue- lllvetice of itien, e at short, distande - from the cit�q.- The that all her doubts had teell Iriloundless t) other ink knOv.-Ii. It Will not the his profession ii, All her liope, future ulcl. h. ' life I -D .- 2 rtb: and ntity t a2 times be er boy had si bi i T ceeded i [I hirina a farni-house, s%bout-half Tie st tbell."! lice. is at, th'year ftended -1 the t her long pray-orful str-Liggle had been f bi ink has endured t4t; Lost off or- on t,he were in, hial. For herself, she hd I all bour:s b - tlie pu blic school ol hd mad k from and le LV yMrs, Anil is UOW the lilost poptillit. ink ill C -Xi-- Veterinary mudivines em' h lilt) You,: ad V) hope. foil ilc%ught.- Ali P.-rorr I i tenc (I i� iinrivallvtl for uniforn : I 11101 ress. ery(-ay wien school cordhic, to Britas wish, establisher] .,11.) rought, thee `nto t nrn - It will inayk more cll give thee no fiJierind' - I 0 In A c- ru Y was 0!11 t, h a woul , meet hini atile gate themsel. a the summer, She C. 0 i less," she'whispered a� Id tll(),, hast Do and indeliblythan allyothal- 1,p1,tTf..ttn'. it r- f crop child," she said to hii.n. "Thou slialt ahim by the hnd -and lead ei-wh he quircs I ol of the fabrie. VOU had known the people Ae best, If 1, word of reproach for ine? never nLr, but the PER DO "TT -E. know the name of bii 1, never thought of ar i strong enough som bir 14tiltioner ii4l. Fancy' tile merry inaid FOETIT. — Tholnaq yowng hoilie. If any of the ared Y Av�th 00d's hel other boy,, thee life. Thon and 1, we sh"ll to make sport Of her, or to teaseDiin for'lidentif ng ber with gle togAher, -and, as true as fliere 600ds Dealers. -to couquer nallic for Knox bv­ to to Lis old frieuds and is, a is depen lance j-wbo had once &trtled the parish by Is a' 11's, liswer. '-ov. qiil the travelling pliblic, that he ha% leased thp. tt was Aure to her ab -e infl, a at'. Ilotel lately by Mr. God above, who sees us, he will not ost th, oya-bllekeye. lieso)nstl'- sli olden flight ; and he, although she was the Cry f liar cm Avoid Qnacks. leave either of us to -perish. But let-li, 0 0 C ceded in the te- Ion cred W open ber heart. to them, let no forniorl) known its tl�e DO'WNRY and cret wish, ad "Poll Ili$ I ps they SO1114- of carli indis(�reticin, i� hope,.Lt to rpeeive a coiltilmanee, of the Patronage sno question, cliltd, &bout th lliell -,Peet of his seboolmates'-for he as the I i ed like bless( like liljr� bostowed during hJB many aa Ity, prematuire &c., hsivilig tricti in orI fall to betray her real chra ter. is past. Thou Shlt grow and be Her con cused her of playing a I lin evin advertised has dis ir '1410' 0111 3trangest boy of 3 OW voyered a,, ill thehot 13fvt,ry com-fortaud ust grow with L imple nicans vhieil bc�Nviil send fl-L.c 1. Y(' 0 1 false PC t, l)ut for r- aculous fulfillment i of her llloflieriy 0 rior stratig, and thy mother m -Eady to protect d de�ei tkE -wek lie soil's sake she be The f _Ill thee. prayer. to his Address, J.E. REEYE uld defenseless. iWhleti Thoma'� Brigh kept silent. I I ! choicest Liquors a I ays only kvpt iii the Bar. -Zil ii) his vl)valge, -hild,!' he 78 tu Street, New Yor. k o Still, another t1iing, my a a] %vaTs in littentlace. During the third wee f tb e 'far tha 0 - I A careful and relia -w - ell, one day, --it the second went oil in a more confide it voice. a TH(MAS KNO�', Proprietor. 0 by which e OIL reat wehn't. -as the ilarn Th t:) T the English clergymn baptixed the boy Tliomas' Eclectri 11 tive land, —al West lie thillk,; the. 1, st til: e' unwil) was 15 yekrs old liewas ffered 8unday after their rrival,- she rose is thy n, iand she called him Thomas, after th old rilail -wbo - WOR'Xii rLN. T131ES ITS WEIGITT RX (i QLD. i)o You HOTEI�, WALTON.­1ohn winter 6, position �_- 3 prictor. Thi kotcl is situated on the . . . . . . . day in file on which be was 7- -k arly in �he as clei ii, the office of lum- a, morning and asked Thomas was just sitting here; ap,.il y side was KxONV�ANYTHINGOFIT? IFINOT,lTIS Pro a -1 er inerchant, lA, -With his niptlier's' to ccompany her oli walk tip through illy father." 'ra Oad, I(, im es born. He Sould never, know th, T121E YOU DID- iort. of seaforth,alldpos- it 'her(, are but few- prepartion4 of inedicine e Cons very accoininoli tiou and comfort for tnr- a- way bad been his nioher's ho inent, lie cOept(�d it. I Hewasl, fine the valley. There. was Sabhatli in, the Andthere,iiithesliado�vof thebirch- which h ii vewithstood the impartial . judginent of I v rst i The best brands of 111noys alia vigarq hept elagra. young, lad now lar'ge,and Nvell-knit and air ; the. soft breath of ill. lert I trees, itithe summer (If that the pc,oJ)la for illy great lemyth of tirtle. One of ill tho bar, -and -a ul and att viltive hor-fler 111 therefore, she woltild give him no name rnd earliest countepnce. with th perfume of fresh luaves. those is TiioM A 1,"ELEXTRI-C Ol'i,, pulffely a prepar- fti.tundance. t,tibling in'�cannection with and she told bim. the st(iry of her the back I . Our I -oil) o: of the best oils tRafart. known the hotel. In the evening lie w ation olosix oi which m iabt betraviis race. One mor"I 1i eld ol� �f 11111'r flight, and -of Ilia iniwry onld bring� borne I ers, gently into their ing, early m the month of June, they booka- to read nf Scientific liner. , and, as it lu�d alwa�,s been faces. be Suit. glittered in tb6 cl(.,,wy these long, toilsome fi and twent h siciqnsk-iow that inedicinegililIT''beformedof i hailed and the grea Nkw World abit to interest what- graqs, tit cric1rets sung with. a reinote p y. —If the tinis rr, liard .P rita's h. '-herself in!, years. Ney(Iralilti-redielity in certain fixedivoportionrof A.SHAIR 1 V. lay before liar. PISLIVtlt ANDISALESTABLES.' but do not noon, ta nd liar Mize note], eftforth. Go( never restilt from the uqe of ally one of them, or in seff studying ud'discus jug -Wit, 1�r wbiski-,,v or tobauljeol Horses and onhand., I him be half v �sible, and moved ill trembling son were seen returning to the farm- Ul i differelitcallibination-i. Thus klu'thp In-oparittion ever interested him, she soon fou a I her- I voice of wonder, and tile air seemed to Late iii the after Bril- reater ioo-�% er. and prothichit, effect,, whiell could )d est- 1�oilsc. A clm, Subdued happi (if this uil a themical change takes forinill ELL'SLIVE Y STABLES, SEAFORTH, Ont. -Why should I speak of the -ceaseless tbiligs which bad in former yean been' wavelets on -the path. before them. R iness 9 a Wilily is a aileat to d the horizon of lie =d e � at is I care, the suffering and the hard toil, f be on r min a coinpatuid which could not by any ILlossibility be Mood Coralortable"Veliicl&q� alays 'liiiar.en, bul fit Shp, ing on her Brit, walked slow- bea-med frorn the mother3 cou litenance inade f r " in. am- other combination or proportion R on hand. Faverable;Ammgernants Twule with you 811011111 which made -the first m. onths of Brita's tt his request, reluetalitly �diven up ly up Lth ough tile flowerincr meadows ; she pde0 was a(yarn t pece with the world -..of the or any othe 1* t 09minereiftl Trfivt-3hLrV. All left at the life on this continent mere continued her work- in the lumber yards, an, I now she hard'y knew whither. her feet bore and hers�e&, and her heart as i and enttrely, different I" Ilux-tiry .-,it the was as licbt from Commercial Hot( -1, Nvill be-prolillitly attended to. struaale for existence? Th are fam- spent her days at lionie, busying I �erself her, bi t i er heart ))eat violently, Ind She the days of her early voutb. But he, made, o+e which produceii the inosta$tonishingre- oFiatir. AXD�`S ey -rABIA). —Sonth of the Commer I —Thp_ iliarto every emigraiit who has come with sewing and reading and snch other. often w, i obliged to pause and press her snits, aud having a wider rainge of siviientionj cial Hotel, Main Stree-1. odilytrength bad IgivZii out nd her than an� inedichib ever before dlsco-v�red. Itcon- 221 LL1 lie that S BE -%roplietor. the St., L_ r 3 t t Coll. f �e t W t Till? ST ----------