The Huron Expositor, 1874-11-20, Page 1SYSTEM SEAFORTH FRIDAY NOV. 20 1874.' 51: 50 a Year, In adyna ce. 3 6 3:1 j..TCQuIloc11__ fore sb e could.get alight Ile Wa lead. N :Qr. IV. 'oloan of B�yth, for $8,300 cash. es, s though he-hd. coine to give bi s( Ir. y A DARINC EXPRESS ROEBERY. tiv ebarity to rs -sobez r inten(I remov- countenarce and support to the Legit� C rri d.-, Wnj Gibson ws a industrious mail, The . Messrs. Mc,Kelle e Warne, )plied for per; milch res ected y those who kliew- -ing to Manitoba in the Tliley It can scarcely be neces- -ditch along. tile b armission to colitinue a UILDIITCy LOTS IN SW4RT-H FOR SALE -4 n 1E x1tortiss "Alirain oi him. sa-� cs inform American reders that have resided on the same farm f or 22 hi3O,)way-.to the rive Mr. oved by llivimr laid ont Lto gruillicks tewfix W ]Hitt RV ay .—A large brick building in INapance years. ett I em� ellt Tills', REIR API'Als,ENT e. i,4 that Ie vq-ilsh in- i Dobsn, s co ) led b IN r. Slemnion, Upied as a 'N Henry Bric, ip of Build- Agent and lagg�xge- y —Tive lri­. xit- ---, [I O th to prori.111d re (it lots h1l of, t1i e British 191os is ddictod to any Mr. lVaTner b� llowec to continue said. Occ dry goods s re andapri d. I 24, ing (Iffice, was burned on"Saturdy oight Hope th resb 6 Man Gagged and P 1) bushels of barley who MAT' P othe) " sport I's rather than poli ties, and ditell able terniq to, artie. t in, two days. 4;5L,,t The n-faclifile rsed was %110 -L ile bicill, vay to the river, rild to pill muA prefers bringing do*n pheasauts' provided. it bl kept as close . to the fence The store had first been their Booty. and, then set on fire I . A large quntity manufactured by the J )sepll� Hall 'Manu-; nd �artridges to flying at bigber gain e. as practicable,1 oil(! made deep enough to 'FARBI FOP I M - of cloth which been taken from. tile facturin,g Com 'Oshwia. If any SALE. - - 1) --No illcolisiderWe. rl) int of Bein,& niself a "jolly fellow conduct the ove—Carried. o and - go-ath half of Lot No. 11., Con.. 7. tanley, water from ab old person in this section can beat this we 'a 11' - vailot or soole. m oil t in Iiii, Atore Was a er an C, "h e Clark N%- would like t tcilty a bon. camara I the city oE Toronto oil eapt de, -wit) .��en of fterwar&§ foifld und Fridty last in. coaseqaence of all nitions, he came here simply to find Wis ins1ructed. to notify D. barn. o hear from him. thiml . can be packed inuch Grant, p, ster, to, )rder Mr Steven- --Some 011110' Vidow -in That butter I chee ured. b- gi- spoi goo( T and good -compajiy Z) runior prevailiva to the e0ect tl sorrto repair r, ad on 0)n. 14 inj it r and beter ill, tin cases than in e al, nm e d who kel safe 0 ppearances, Pr- removal of ar, vel. A, debenture in su for the tic robbery had been perp - rated on alild, t' all he has been ni lure on Bleury FARAI FOR SALE. el) Whiting. foi stre;t where he sold wood, a I be preserved for -years in a the traiii of tbc (-treat Westexa-Railway, eininelitly successfril in meeting', with i ed of $3 was r ted to( �al is the latest item of:- I, witi alf of 1, 'oil. C I tT-; al� -, (Iry go ery, 11,c., com.- 11 .. I It Orh_ 9 I good condition, 1" ot 14, TJ .14 1_4 1, ,1,4. f ., ,-m I-- faiin ods, mi it ci t r ves t a c Y I C) R., 11,1111 via Y Ii Z1.11.1.1- Vi 0 Vy work (.Lone oil oil. 121, at ou Y� aTiu s 75 cicarvd, Nvith goo�l farm, buildipg4 interest to far and dealers in plained at the police station that her special Wers at 7 dlclockI alid unfortunately the,�:rll- ness time, if we may believe the tatute labor remitted for the ensuing prellilses had been, broken into on the dairy produce. It is'assertod that a Ior arther partielilirs alvly Mor woved only too true. [From the who has taken him under its special been year.. U. McFadden I resente claim -fht, and that bout It thoti- package of Danish,. butter w&s ept in a tc1s 3 L ZN' 0 N & -1 ILI Y BR, -evion nig icill obtainable. it appears p age and notice, seems to have best informa-� in behalf of! John McLli�bli f Pl lars' worth of goodshad been perfectly sound condition for 17- years -lort 't' Sea that- tU� A i attached up pretty equally between eaiug, 0� sarld do] orican-Express c, throiligh -def etive bridge t made, in tin. case. )16ii. Diligent eniquites -were aploymenS FARM T;Q-A SALE. es I-IV g all d shooti buggy and lia-r-ness, nio nting I -aid be found.. —Oil Sunday norning last, the fam- to the train, -whicliL lev milton. ,it I drink ng en 11 to $ 16 26 st( c or T NO. 5 Cal. 4XIdloft; 140 mor but no trace of ny thief co 5.300 P. NM. nizide the of one of i-whic �i pparently, lbft him no more —Laicl 0 Weration, at -next veil f or cons PLI(Inty utwatCtr, and the stock -ily of Mrs. Mark,' of 001iawa., had a nar 's he gave over the baltioe of her' rinnintr the ost robberies (In record. lleisil e than. there Wc* probably iuclin,J that uorth broinelt of the \f-aitlaud meeting. It. �Mcsore c inplai to assignees, and moved away from the row escape from being suffocated to link about )3ep, part of road 611 Con. I -was Applyon' The trainin question arrivetil. at Porh Ition, ither to talk or t -I in bad- re' t so that her ereditms would lose 'is death-- It appears that A coal stov ewas tile premiteg to the ls�apr!Ptor, a t1w iisu&l li-riur viz., -within C% i:teilu tes or Itapublics, pr Mon"areliie� that the 1" h i re- 1, to' I . I - pair, -,in(- p nster bad -iniDg,TO ;tj as possible.. A fow Ll;:6ys after- erected in n, adjo and owiu,gr s I 0111 Is. 0. to to hlf-pst 6, nd, hc Ila stop- :whether, Constitutional 6r Le,ntiinist.' fIs _�e the n(cessary remiirs— e CoustRI, ed to ma war -% r,'suspecting that soine- 0, ill joi-pes t'lle, gas e8- ols, howe --e t soille.defe, the ig into the r om. bere t cc! there to land passencrer� an -b tiling is certain, that is that tht� The Clerk w Ts instruated to Dntify the C�a gej :One 0, in f the ass caped be family FARBI FO�t SALE. c r ignees no I thin(,- was wrong, Prince has left behilit 4 nster t 16 inake riece,,;sary re- started, for Toronto. Th'str dhim. tile reputi pithi - 1, T 18, 06n. 6, - : : -1 when they awoke in the Am, - loo acre,4.r-6.5 acres d detective determiaed. to probe the was sleeping, ant all L RT 110 ded with teechand Stop t the'Mimico staion, b tion of being Elliot - � U; P- r d by Nift ' , rooni cleared, reinainder won al pairs forthwith. M o' e mattertothebottom. ftercarefulex- morning was full of ga and the Ild an a maAraight to Toronto, aad it p, .,vrs tit seconded by Aft. Histo D, that the bridge frallio Itiver Maitlix d I A 1 el o the conclusion occupants ins isib-le. mination, they canie t oil lot; 2-S milesfrom K tru am t-,.Iy after the cars,h begul. to of plying ood knife aud fork, and bet at Lot 10, Coil. 12, bei ig completed, tho ay last 1-weeh: a farmer resi- Imiles from -clintoli. Terms to n liTimlit"er. that the widow b ad inte ided to def au d. —One dz Move Mter lea-Niag the forinev place .1 in n, Contrator is hatl n_g basides a very pleasaxLt, agreeables same bn take ' off the Goderich to-wn'ship, bronght to I hcy Be robed her i 0 7 -r, or pttrtik�riam tL11pIv to L. ME her creditors. T Dow in ("r ill -al fIllee, lianlv ill 17. wer& with full ii asks oil- aentlei: an, n, rronei I --Carried. The Reel, of three men favorite and, gang rusiclelice, and found n their uton two slarghtoreti hogs. both of fair sex Rlid'hisown. An VS -with-both the eps to FAIRLM FO SALE. instrileted toitakd the necessary st wbiche old to different parties. ]'he -y article.which bad ])cell re-- )ellla in refise $3,000 of del- entu ported stolenj and ch,,cked thern, off, purchaser of one, I ING Lot Coil 9, Ta (;k-()Islllith 1-00 'Wres ; over their ordirary clot4es, the ol.d huntsman atSaudriii, res from John laces evei a hu, rry, did BE acress cleared; xxcarlY all clear of stunips ; baggaeL baggage man was orl-. ed ollice, wbat bo thmic,0 (if li tile fit t tb2t, it -was a -boar, car. im, m"(1 Riddell,' brol��r, of ' Hamilton. . The 1 from i copy of the list given the police not notice log builediirz;; yolong orch- d ie rides straight n busb It 3110V U1110 )Vben the li rides well, all I tb P, in(? some tr thorised to L d raw on Iard. commeliellonc, to bc*r; two WE114 with* ptil-aps -, I 6 Ewe w,%s ali by ber. and, consequeiAly, unsalebib mcat. The aslrer i e r 111Y it i,.- 6 mue frorn Seaforth: The inuil is of the.1,th,ree man in stioD laid lldld of him, he'll make king W611 for amnun" d fo gr, el To (To Tre ied to take sanitary coliditioll of Montreai farmer was afterl�ardz ljotih. be sol(I and aviag throwl 'him. llot -e nd p, i pairs. By-law trul 'back th e animal �nd ref a u d tile money For further down by itid stri nd nuidier' I road i read., , .as.sed t Mollieliz rietor on, t., Do mean qualities' in 1, I C, S to the pro Lie pkwl�ises. main force,- they banderiffed hiiii. This er6oked re -soua. is atthe presen illakiyg pr6visions for indi which lie tical. gent pei .efuse( to d o. Legal a(Wice P Cases of small -pox and typhoid, fever in- -It appr- 11anganow-a-days, aud have suffice ssed and 'W -140ginoildville P. 0 =11111cled-coadiion of the IR811 11 (I to A num. ber of; accounts were pa as taken, arld it was found that he 3 1) L I crease day by day. Th � public VaeClIlLa- actory so far. al roputations aid. 'ouncil idjou. atly being considered s�tisd. buil(Jp one of the best my, nrdered to be paid. rnel ge-nerafly va-,cinatiRg, goinjg could be punished fur his action but M XILL AND FARM FOR SALE. tos are "t Ilv-�;isle Fig,res, as darwer to the robbers. wasZoncern ed. in u rope. in the person �f "Victor to bleet at Ptten's Hotel,, Ethel. on 'v0-`7,Mc'KU1O1) c0nt� fr sooner than I�;t it�'. get into Court lie, took, LIU eo,.Zt� CC % orn house to bowe. tlleir prisolier to maniiel. B arns it'll d stables, ded to tie December 7. —The ap�le &ol in the vicimity o,f back his pi, ai id returnea h' Itwo -ood Orchards in fall boainty; two neVor-f idl- batreracte, iAd then threalt milton i� this year, -nil tLai gain if lie t"'� Mennonit Usbornq4 Court of Re -vision. supply the 'ri.ofy,to give any alirm.L es in Kansas. !ag pringi; 10 , Tbe-mar- I Con. fl, can 48 Of blish. shippers fol4 the eal and Eliro- —That porti6n of the. Toronto, Grey a dors, having made one.prlSoxi,er �Uiilway, betiveen V roxter tt good AbA:t et siv e and Bruce I is sitoo;vteet 6 )n le� frol jelt with A merion paper ays : pean mar en silig, le 1)71113 0 -art for or f Li -r through the partition i to tile car of the I 1,00 n Teseswter, is formally openei on -A-lennonitesect ae The Co -Usboril, business 00 families of the voters"li8ts o I` tile tow a8hip of AND by po ,to OHN TI -11 9 tin theprquxises. Af Rr O'IP-J' e'Xpressulan, wid by this time Lite gan I arri ilisas, hero� ease was -i ed at the re t Monday ninglit. The event was celebrated I ving, this fall, in K, Nva.s liel(I at I Iniville o F riday last be- ti cell bad ])cell ruinforced. by, two; additional -th Assizes, wh ell is of c FARM MER SALE. manaso disguisad in n,d smocks. 150, 0oacres of land beelitake ollsij-, by a grand demolistratiou at Teeswater, up fore Stulge Tc ins. Ar. Daniel M.c lloiial(l, Wenwoi I i I Ar. �\Joxiday 1--st.- The foad alonLO' its bn� n d -dd f or in cash for the. site of ti, erable importance �to iDeSS oil 7, Con. n rilborn-, on bolindm Tbis Smaj of robburs having enter- le of Brussels, bol. ',,dr. of Toronto, V ell- kI alrmy 01 .& T L (�(l ttild coloily. They are --all frniers who have Baxter, it large grain i(alel-of I ing- ell tire length, is iaid to be in excellent 'CurnberrN and Gru, 10 ed tile express con)partnienit ;aw' tile ex- ppo114ed for 0 RefollnerS, and B. "quare, brought all- a tion against 0 111civiltiol, balance hard,sv000l. lo yet made, their ppearance, althouf1i 'or the c 0 ditioll V. Elliott of:Exeter, stove, eng,aguil pyopey,ty is A mile oT I pressman sittinor by tho house antl ba ery mn is �On Monday night about 9 o'clock, Iunder the law o� the sect. ey is list f tI e tile Dominion Telegraph inup.s. froin 'Wroxater ;ind tives. The following a 0 the,grivol Ook-illg tbrOU As C) -to tr, a mess alsoirn.ster of a tra.de. They carry t. usmit the residence of all old wornn, r) eq 411-11 welit in. Fox- names of Conwrvati-,4 vote -s Struck 0 mileg from Ura';" flvo uth soine doc )-e to his nelec Ll to the looked be obsur 1110s� of their owninann factres and prob: jolill Robe Kellond, Creordie agent at New York-, instructing him to Elizabeth Mogii, about two miles from further particulars alspij-, if by letter prel c.,R. cooPi,,,r.& Co., J"russela, or DOUGA-L stran-gre wen, and that they listom of I sell the araiA stored, thee. The wessago Waterloo village, was completely de - y llook, Ij r., 'V -illialn rownlee. Rielia-1. e lize -d its -con- A al trade. first purchasos, b is Ileglected. at Buffal le with revolvers nd bowi kn�Ves. 11 at the Atlantic stroyed by fir The ho an 4 add much to the DON 5 bI Nv ill not loc O'v� Hun T John Rorie I mediately-,�fterwards he sawl them. Drouglit, aniucl eVel tnU, SALE, 9b I compally's ices, rARX FOR IeL large, nd To 1i enry T_�l orl-ev, Picharl Hilliter, Villil�i nd Pacific Telegraph teiits, togethei -with its o-wler and oc­ _t, Peka 'took con as LIN*I- nalmost Sy lo Cr(:ery, jl,,,. an( by the neglect Mr. Baxter says a him with 'desia be clipant, ed. The deceased -Sale, Lot 28, Cosa. 7, r 0,000 from them in fort- (f Robert 55) of hiwh are gbi te reery, FGr cictlrefl and ki. a f riendly nau re. Nvas bout 60 ye rs of a e, and lived in 74 acm deritly not of iiigbt, mostly for live stock, w lost over. $1,400 on the 3ale-of his g There is a crood f raute, BARN a" '-Doupe, -Wil in Irvine, James Kirk, 9 (if "ood Gil' arice was soon rendered useless, -for two t -00d decided tbt the ho and 'The farm is locittet, oll ft of coo up shall Me ins, Jolin Sample, James ih New York. The Cah for 11-TTEM STABI, 1 the i plainest necessities Mar hall Me is I of, the robbers-presen-ted enielitly situated to st;hOnl. -gl-a-Vel TOUT, i pistols at tile ! ane,%�. In general they eschew all Yap. ailitiff was not W'Dititled to dam-, JiB Wi�tbixoJ3 illileS ' ho Sri* Irvine Arin ver-ri ilst a iE-d held sample, T alar, the PI, —Robbers. atd� now o _-LuMDr1 the I)C)'.'t Oftiae'ai) head of the official wh lKeenotions,but and cook- -ca chilrelles P John Glell, jr�, acres, Las he had not -ca sed the message farthey,' strong, Abrahi-.Lm B 1 Country, and fariners are- becoming fre� from 'emarth n not 7 from 8'-'�.etcr- For bowie.knif a to bis thfoat, affering to use it iesp 150 -were too much for them. TI stoves' Jame Glen, A Hunkin, Job to be repeated. ii:dx queut victims, ei�pecilly in the -vicinity -1 D if tky,strugqle was made. The epress- y had never seeh Wj I articles, it scems, the ll Van ie, Win. Pybur farth- I I , e Two young ladies, iM'ea XeLanch- Of !-jal 1�1 e, ell lbrown down, bandcuffed, lilton.. 0 Naturday night- lait, St. ton, ne Ii- 0- inarx! th dlLey, of -,' Nb rrlt James Calder, belo e, and ev n' Mrcrinonite self.suf- Ina OBrg -,ged, and his p( -Reformers p. the Mbouiid' and g6g okets rifled ced follow* FARM FOIL SALE. voters'llit �k artin. IN" oTaggart, N was entered ot- 4�OJ ia oratX to fina the key of the safe which I -fici ey and conservatism wag compelle�l L lichel Catherines, wi ere nearly (IrowDed in the Deputy Reeve o Alicaster, I 0 - ims of o' 1 Lot 9, Coil. 1, Loadoi e ela at t -iis point to bo%v t ' t Elford,l Win. 1iners, and willialp Canal at' that place oil SUIldLay. - They by thieves, NV...ho 'got in'through an. up- Foll &.ntl U.Uddrfexi,6, it,wasix3tendedtorob. Thewholeofthe 80 eloared inore advanced civiliz,ition. It is -sweet out walking, nd,.the night being stairs bed room dow, by ineans of a 'Miners, jr. were five ins -.11 then turned their a �teiiion to on� _r! 0 0 1 that this fi 1 The folio of Reforniers dark, did not notice t1i -'%Vay, I 1-k ill cash and a gold balm stable, 18x40 lot, loon to Viink rst triumph 0 they in(y rianies ife, from -which �111�1 ,,,,a - ldder, and 12. srtuaWd v,,ithin tile s-, b It A I L NVAY, Nmpsey, Geo. e,i off tbe etid of the' w e- stole ii. On the sailie night, well Watered.; I fre, institutions was ill behalf of the I bearing orchard toL o il struck. #:1"atrick-T [oVk into milOs a -vee front -% es to' the arriou f fr'-- tch wer a like, distance front k �aluabl or, to $35.00Q,L ation -of the toils of _`voMl` Kerselake, Jmes Feel , Thos Th r cries brolight �elp, -%vhen they Henry Pearson, a country btcher -was ed P.nd in fam -e =Tdiuir t( i amelior, underdain ) �tlle I ow- l 45, 000 I W to e r,,. 0 h6n 'we learn that "there is not, -in- thle Geo, )1inor, Ricb. Anderson'Thos. Cann, wt.% resened from 0eir' involuntary', rob bed of 'a large quaii tity of I dry good, &tio Ap:i,)Iv on the PrOmiscs OJV eit estimate, 'gaildi Much greater iouni ac- all uncOS6011.8 b tht.- coi,struction. of- prietor at Rrllc;A�ld P. O. whole C01011y, a ))air 6f stockings, a rill' 1 John Bltchford, jr., John. Balentine, - b, th. one of them iii which -were taken from 'his -wagp w. il accounts. Che proper-�' of the Patific 136S bon or a bit of lace or jowelry,' the maq- Geo. Kycl([, John IvIcGregor condition,. being conveyed itome. tba- I)epartuxon as, ty stolen coasisted-- of bills, gold, &C. c4eo. Dew, FOR SALE. i le problem becomes ove�- 9 anil Routl Y. C FARM uitu ie 'of tI onservatives —Oil Saturday night last, the cells uiltil the bimtr (it Noon however, were John hVer tavern keeper at ar illett, 125 acres of fir The villiris -Washboar"d 111"ersoll -ceillber ne% T OT 4, Coil. 5. 1-11 but with the lowing uarni% on voter 'I"t dX7 (if M iplaced fol luarket b nfenced; g6od -lectioni, for -a casli. pow 'list undor the Ju faii I in e-,cclllafif co'ndition; well I most dainty ill tbair.se; se n toirville, was Oil" Wednesday convi' ted actory evi-, enteri' g. -wedge -we shall hope for bettdr �ini fi ile _W M jorossea, tile - tt(.,l buildillf-,s, Or- I box CU.ntaluill', r-- We ttc,; cree,k 0 � I- _;-, . - oik an, David Pen were discovered to be A well of it least, four b t en �50 �snd "i'60 ill Geo Co befere the 1ohed M, gistrate� of HamilL wbich 25 lj( lot. The Umbel, on the 0-0 acres of bnAlL land is thinas. Warden, lfen�y. Cathei Lrt, Henry Brown. known unfo: rtunate i Ar-. -r cent. -1,5,10() silver was Jef L' bhind it probably being ton, on,three charges of selling liquor on AlTiMain Brim 0 d ill the, cell ol" Sunday. His NVorsbip :fil ied'Oliver $20 ayllor ac mbp, mour had -with thp� Georg, T, been place I veryvabnflble.. The proprietor would 8 13096office, )Scho014, ft., collvalli- t1l.oliglit too beaxy to be conveniently of the ell or 125 acre-,.' t in. Usborne. iarlas Brimi aturday _ni�yllt :tile I V0rse of liquor. The py a �rsood 6 -ravel ried. r greaer is Richaro: Briiijacombe, Cl i-operty is huatoil on car The expressman, fo on the first, W$ oil the second, and $100 pu: ac mbe..Simon Bar- and (in forCiLDC' 0. been tied to the stove. COUNCU, M C.) lng -Ar�ilesfromSea-foyth. Applto ' combe, . John Brimac Axes were proc&ed, Cotibeil met on the third ch4rae, all of them be* van lit- aveupte& The security, bad r:'l IT I �N wiil be about 85 raile, ANi-yr.D, W SLO A rows and Witi. H. St. Johns. I was discovered ;�62 t to dj ournin The handcuffs used in order to secure suat be members n Monr's bodi proven concluivieli. Put all t The costs - on: the -ip- preknt; minutes bf previous ueetinig ill IL kn Itioll o the oor o ith a- plan `FMP.1V1 FOR SALE IN BRV i ll till were -o'f tb e most approv ed descl eeling pos, fl, 'f tile bove) which il�tt also be paid by 4i? route, autl sixeil 41fox-itlation r)o Con. 6, Tonship Chelip. Lot No. n resting n the bunk, and Containing 1.00 tiol); Oliver will also !amount. to a consider- FOR' c;ale d lie had to w0a the-Bame until rea and coiifiruled. Moved by Ca--a:ia. cell, his elbo f_-csnevrr&i­ the couxo�, a of Frolle, countv sof I hisfee, ri e su= he Nvas subsequently relieve of tbernat flunter, seconded by Mr. - Brodk, that b and part:of his leas burned to iouty be Obtain- acre- of whiell fore Ibi.4 week,� Messrs. flaggarb Brother, oil awl aft reca,11- ated within the express office.. it ma be thougbt i the Clorkno-tify Allison to have bis —An old steambot man, of 40 years' er Mo'Tiday, five miles of the vi))WY grOwIllf,' crisp. The contable too every p of St. Thoril is. shipp(d to British Col- tion strils-re til.ixt no one on c xCept- fence moved. off the road at once or take bia a thieshiiig machine and horse -a of Pis The imoleared ortinxi e see that, tile de6as d had neither la, th experience in INUntreal, Says tIl' r w- - be stipplied oa ap- Ctt be h teDdervill tiM.bered.L TI-Lere i -S aJ40 a Sprill- sirable property. W07-mell Nvho were llknife, watches,.'nor �other dangerous Tenders to be a. de!" ing the t d the consequence— Crried. MoVe(I never before known the t. L ffiyoolgh the J)Llftee�. It i, y po wer of the r mail ii fa Atire. awrence to ere. is L 11av The (iovern- vil anything Hackney,-secoii things about bi little Vropiotor, i ound sholuld ha,�e knov Lded by %lr. Hunters ard Anlel'SOD, ill old aad. be so low at this time of -the year as it is -the b tFor fu, r 1), n ! h:),d eliberat vk A or Seafortb P. of thi� oicrantic (lepredatioll-, i ".rhat.520 60 be paid to Dr. 'Arowiiing f6i, ,espected re ident W S ip of doubt the m el y con- of the to n �'hi n cso, when it is r aled matches bout b;s perzon. for.the -Lit the sril-ptise will qe tteltidance on Will*. Clack his unty (f Elrrill,Lfell 4ead ce —A. jewelry �tore in Chatham was b soutilwohl,,, 20 Car Mr. Brock; -pill-pose of gaining his liberty. The fire FARM ro -oatl -while oil the way to his broken into oil 'Sundy night last, and sthevest half of T,Ot ilLembered tllt'tIjLe collip, ried llovedby.?s oil the i C011[ii, (Ito the neigliborhoodspf tile $1.50 in cash 'it tile e e employed re insu- secoh(led by A-li Hackil Y, th, -v% eek. U110% tile Offi seeni. to be be- _r Ile had no Was 000 -worthof j:ewelry and 'alf Of west half Of tot 23, Con - il hollic oils (1, last . F 0 1h' premonitory IS.y a] ptonl of his Comill eoxitainingJ5 acres. 60 cres well-fellecot lated from, the took tofill lilp the en(j, CL rLrrie( other parts.of tile i 0,14-11k notifj Geo. P e, th th !rom tile effl- ditc1h he has oil the iSeCOI)d Coil- F dav evelli a lts about 5 i -1, ball,,Tlcp —Oil ri coinina alarmingly prevlent.- Scarcely post -office dividing cm. bavitity Lway and ;it tinies eiijoy�-d o'clock, ­111 accident of ost _h,&r&w.0oo1._ There is a -ood frwiw e. there beii3c, 130 conlihUnication acession, in froitt ot Lot 3—.Carried. y passes that two or threeare not sb ut e lit is & good youli�g gl1l: perfect healt He -%as 90 years of age and frame 1tabi�.' Therq. nature ocourred iii the village of Delbl:_ Nfr'. Linters secoi eported in the press.. (;reel- rnuni,4 thro�gh the farm the e passenger c ved by 2 i y, so tba tit may emphti- r eDd 11 th rs. ore- o id o d by N last I I th J ul I airf." about f6ul orchard; a 9-13 1-r ivell al� the hon,tie-I e C,)Illl(,Y of Not -folk, olle the 110ise made by e (yine wou'll. - a(kney be said that be that Mr. Brock let a brid& finished his f the township of cally - ., artiorq of a mile of I'o ' Z- to death. It _af.oAh, and three-qu years of. age, beiiig buri nd wit i stone alitments in f 1,0L t isiori -who came to this counry ill yn,ilcs: from &reM I'PrOvIe-J!",illy cries fom beilia �erd. COLU-SC." ? eas..t of tiolm Goienlock's saw inill- thefL% I hild lef u by its t CA at' e Queen',q 10. in the 8th in([ 9th (Joncessions and T' Los. ear thati the � c Ill. hits ilic traill arrived usk, Mr. I ouse by 1848 celebrated Uritb his gife tb ell- golden wchOn Tne-dy bout d vi.lt be q al lrdee in the h o"1L t bundi Iacres Of the pron-nise, Or to NVJl,irf. Toronto, with sev h; A. Bishop let a bridged the Sllie Little, a of Exit Flanboro' while Mother, Mrs. B! er. Tbev )Iv to t1mle llnde�,Bjgacd on he.§ th of Octob getting ,sv nF Ir z n I er, n I n a-% 0-1 e side -rod - bet ween Lo ts- hei6elf, white t1i little n she was out_,rsons in. ciriviDa noine fro Xlanultloni all IV the -have twelve c null, 11 13C, 0 p( N T I't A TS ,ON " * () - Wood. in tile room. wher, nowing that I robbery, almost 2115 nd 26, oil the (jurtb 0oncessiouthis k a inile of 111tertown. was attacked by married but one. I box -still livinty an(d� hdleft there w, ul been perpotTted 1 Moved. by -Mr. . Brock, -w4s (let rmined to gf, into be aged �-EaJ ti. th(! Poidiati.qter Gener- F PARTNuRS'HIP. c in its incl(leilts,' h the of t DISSOLUTION 0 til i 11 i, f e,1v f e, o t o f th em. 1 secontled by Mr. E lder, that the Tnis- stc ve -with a fire ill it mrl froul ctMany of 'he scendent Noon, on W1 h1) Little, hcwever, resist- * - -whe tile couple aniong ram cra:�_Lli -ed on that )-%- that the pfatnOrS1111) i ove oor W, n x is -he'rel is the 11, em- th, �t the st j open of Her e tile whrf i tecs of 8. 6. No. 10 -be a d is hereby m d fel I uspiclous Occali ri, when numerolis tes- 'I - avc� 1111de-micIrned On arriviii(t at ed st ledbim to the urclund 44- -r co 0 ongly., b between matber returtied, it is thought that the a harness tom. for this 1),,utielilar train to Btop for pov eved to borrowS670s per pplication witil his -%vh� p stalk, wilen t�vo other par- to nn(ler the firm of RE LF'Ry & mrdls were sented dr. Dyer and -txyu th'. I't of t -il next, hits this ell, Id must hai--e been playing with the ye Of qt�ioofoxth,. e purpose�of certain nd that a by-law be draf ted to- -that of - ties apl)ear d,_ nd grabbed the hind his ged partner as tokens of 6lil love' 'oh t W it, t: V ar weal,c in tile villa- le pxl.;l S _i6tried. On motion, Council d- when the mother ve- rLtaloa col�soxxi. The IMSI- I-Towevei, I t1av'been disolved by i ondence beii,ig wheels of tile bugy, but 'Mr. Little Sue- rpby Olt- will P u th bonse she- found the tufned to 4 less heretof= On - ot to persons who re aitii�L, ttl re- ; ou imed to the Ji rst- Saburda.v in T)ece i. them by whip- a - I ceeded in go tint-, cley of NV4�0 1, - I ss, which were —Last satuao� ny night several dogs at- Wtiv. Pritea noticea 0 the n�-m, and Oi,;- '['lie tr clild's clothes 611 in fl.4nic caive it. all), Made its i ber! orse. J he intention of the (lite t pilig ill) his floc oF sheep belomda)­ to Mr. alA b-., thtt firm; L V to the child Was tacked s ot extinguished until -y I a It, all d wawaitil)a I s, no doub to rob the arinei chay� odoub -F rougb., was, no (10,11) Xinloss Coun- T 13.!B) -,T rifortilutely ames F alcoller I - r- , 1�1 I i bizied in w e t s d, nd -resPolidence usuall-V deliVe Grey. It tit thi. Post Office -5 A11.ky I take tile coi bu�one of fiem, at I(ast, got a s0rc I�eftd s bad- kill.o.1 six, beside (if the 90- e. did not not "hofore fatal iiijury[had been (lone to ty of Bruce, an. ,T Do. ed, but the expressman of.cour I ulle. 1:'-N'A W AY. — A f ew d ay -.i a g o as for his tro more. Three of them is Thcs=nse rig lady eiit�r- tho littie stffl-erer. After several bolirB ly te t ys a,,110, 1 you oeaforth, _N70y. 10, JErttj. pilt in 11' ife &lit', th Falconer MQC0711pailled by his w —A fe f 1�' F ------ -e, G. '�cKa her intense sufferinffS cloged in dea -were veTv file animals, and t tile express car was entei Y3 lid plivehas- �xl (I wonld was ed book. siore ill E c-eter, "lit reforence, to the the I0113J, nd another lady,, who hd, been i loss-�t $33. Three of- the sheep (I,, N1.110 have o wel corFo.qpondent of thd valued th -losts his f t'104 wh-en it t he ti: -when the line infortable str, I e of tl fter (AMPleting the li,ir- Tbo Listo U. aecare to S,ato, tht ,it 'ranbrook on business, were re was chasr, Mile ud-a�balf, ihe sae was ase, sbe r�queste(l the clerk to write Stratford B(wcov say�_: 0a Thursday firild-will still con F-0 liberialy ,�IAyl itan -rtliev ill home oil tbo ixteenth Concession,of tst.ems tile dogs lef t thm and attacked a p(. tinue their i)atronago t,o all foulicl unlocIzeil and the clonr open tile 1-ly leaf ohnZimmefinall, well know -n. wing on follO thdil Will fil"I hila �; bout a n I and hl I from b oil) c, th L a'Fh r, �'Y, toir O� th koyal Hotel! floclK T)thyncyina to '-N-Ir. A. P. 8cott, kill- LETTI Oin the t1iC C1111tentS il' C011�lis'011' they that seek me as the proprio tD b inniant - P -thus Mary to U c0rge th( horses, becoming i %geable, rail h -h rto serVarits were (Viscoveretl E nough said. -y sborlifflness, Of infla thre and Nurig two miore, L tw 11% ay in- mionner that rl V Jels�ay out oli ti- died, aftei voi ie shall find me." In a cksn� alv ELy one of the destroying overl$50 worth in all. -ive ico throwin ation of tile lu)lcr.z;. mpartments r, til e ce thpir retipect --O.S. Fbwle lebrated phren- I ni, J. I ed, n(, (,110 tol, of a stump. The other ocelip.nits dition lot LIU all to be enN" L t le s :of List ),w I W making ol Test Be t T e and . ,is oit ic Vehicle -took tho. pro- oloi,,,ical le turer, i y. �Vaqbingtonor­ venp ill L med. by the entire colaimunit i_siiiii BOAR. fccIll, wilicii the D r*C3, Of lectures oil - THOROGHB the wgo I ilati Gazette to (nt o lit O f inents to gis� 0 so I deit ofj the Cincin took place o1i'Friday, nd 'Alas h itb Wb trmv Of spiritil, l. t, nd otber citics f Ontario, ughbred B,�Irk I 1; Tligro �, re so, 9 r1tH I i so-wetime previous to the acciden beautiful CU Ili ILI I t ucciY ill Listowel, be�ng here 33c very tri ly imilorn n 'n iJr., of 1) out 2 o'clock, th C, lar -es ever:s tlii� i!rtjl,,L rfY con), —On Frid ab i. . Theliorsesranfor rI* h(. in t (A theii numer of sympi4b. cf)lored gi Both as atteded by a large �! be hert, for the il"Proy'% theiaselves. 11110) L 1: being anticipated just of tbat cafl�,,au lait e ImIf nile, w1i ell thev w, ere stopped by AVail;er ;`,cott, ol Aurora, w to -when accompallid by I 'is iz.13g T,ot *2-, con. 1. stanicy, Lnnann ;o heiiif haildcutfe(i an'! frientI8, iricIdiii- many nierill Tets color so exquisite .1 calling for W. if.. ol! thu best it'll! P11 11arris3on aud Ahers. Tbe warroll 1 elled bY 111' On e tiretty C reole married L NJ V. 'Nlasonic fr Mr. aue�41 0 (1: o \-e r 1. w; I I 1111-11 it bal been cover e, ernity, to (if of bed, nd, of th bo llbok was brol, to iia, rbo )10 itt thf. t'1130 Of us id ril ill, folind burg Zinin-leri-rian belontred.. leaves a wife all offleer FreeduaLls Col- 1, the road. fter the ored man, who iformcr�y -played the piano It or above tbat f 110 e child. lSaturday lst, 'Mrs. 4v traill left Port redit t 6-. 1'. ar- �Jed, search wag then made, in1 rance throug'll. the ai�d oil Ivester for private Ge inan &c Ile built her wm. i, f,,%.Tr,, i fello�v on a lit E BOAR. fouild lying by tile c a un grf h holtl of the roll, of H, ic house and took her to �Ile Queen's Al"larf Roull(Is N11 ott I havin(s, and succcede'd in ho ding hill skle of 'I �� 0 - tunlp, the runaway not l trip., Another girl so arlY P Mpi huL llowing. olil_,',�' (fected Min. If the o- I of his solis istance, -when I.ton, were driving iiito tratford, and the bri(I cme to. iis ass rhich hE! Ivill seriously i, bitu that the African blood ivoulo,l nev- iii.,ronzhbre(I Ferkll lote the rq1) er�. 1. , The thief las -when at the 'Erie street m. ilway crossing, w t of which -to c��)iilp at the tilne. tl�ey thley securo" edueated, 11 had not got Out In for the ilullro thle lidskc-d indt Ille I lie er lie suspecteil, was lkeep anrina thil; as reached the horse sh"ed -it some object on t xs� in, IsdZes fl� tile i "I'oroilto W, sly ill- been comm, ted to lil. I I -,e all Stock-. bi.-; Bor Ila-,; taken did, they mi(rht have been serioa eyes liti-, (I Justrow ll,,tppc-ncfl to �Tr.' �qicio of thd road, and upsetting the al)(1 1-1-1(1 a oth.-refli V;s ihd,,Fca� est It: 0 . . viduals wer —A terrible accident south miron, St an R(Ir- j uked. 0 he lit the ti -1111 le, purchailc:t- 11) ladies into the -like t1l' Be of t 0 '.--panish -women her dy 131ak, J. W. a lew ro I 'llonso Hall, son ,if a frmer, resitling. i buggyl tbi-cw the two son. TEMI.-�--Al to 1`e i had C V e the raven's -Avings ; her -Ili,,,, if necespary. it A I A. 31. C.�e Of y,stul hair as purpl ice, witlithe privill , t those -who' 110111lds received sevdral 0 -ht,hiro G mungS oil-. �NNOV-. 6, oil tll 0 Thii teentl-i C oil cession 1,011d On I ditch. l,r(.,1 Ile, 11 -Totel, .tiny, with the faintest C Alm, for ;;&lc, a t tiIN; a,&inst the wrongs perlxAraled- i T ,,Dfl had both complexion we111 J-10 ad beell severe iDter.Ual illjUrieE, .SlUlllt to adjourilmelit.j -Members ill Ihe' For' suspicion oi coleur de rose ; hr lips full -ell o bovethe wrists- C ring the day, her arms br 11 iter had'b( one of shro 16 0 let her hands and feet Wond- R -AM. A s'hoo the Roeve in the ll-p,.rty (Ili IpORTED COTSWOLD! Part o:' the bal 'It 11 ,sent olit and $car -estern entering turiately),Irs, Cottrell escaped with the 1% ifles -of for er meetiur read and con- nd, on returning homes before i intended to take, roy cut ftbollt ly tiny, Iler father -v�jll icaep f or tho inap ros -veul Lll_'. in ve rl 17, (,ull. 1, Too Toronto, (11 'Qoniniunicatfons were read from the how:e, att�mp -rc her pedigree was unii­ irincr the c ted to discharge: Ili beilit, injured in an way. & On Lot ell has juqt been erected into her abroad w& of h1toe. and it is tbotght the i ,bbrotl sp-oious mariller, crarding Tvern guri. The -il eapon, I owever, bursts blow- Listow, ers woulil �c thorong Tmasury Deparment re, Lieuten- known, ered foreil, su for i I liscov !en t by it. sees and otherwise a ortea in 18713 . I obbers escaped. in her,'as,.fbeiwa not to town by proclamation of the r of egro blood T. Riddell, broker, ilig his left hand to pie 1E. known RE; mal P ot it I _r,�Gences,,alltl from t -Governor. not allow tl hrro ram is we N -ing debentures for injuring birn. in ec evinced by America s ; then Ile hoped taker. pair of Ewe be een ne n lAamiltoll. offe, fficer' bas been appoint I ucceRst'll prize- to rew -tin ly ,tvlcl cod applied to have side -road 4, _T�omas Gibso j, a resident of St. —A truant cs Way. i7 th d of Educition, to at his da'ilihter's beauty, accomplish Opr, of Wales in. France. uddenly ,it an. early by the Chatham Boar k Ie Prince Con. 15, repaired --Mr. Hislop was ial- Thoms d'ed very and wealth in, ight attack C 1, Th hoo ments o examine ai 1�v ILLT �Vednesday morliln�f JAVr CO next hour on H re- look after the boys 4ho Play' But, alas, for his fdas[ -noted t id report at sian wooer spodent of an Anicricu s�l M d to led on Tuesday nigilt inji his from school, audlb e average attend4ele A Paris CC)rr( .0 he tir n)eeting of uncil. Ja 'es Livingto the- eased thereby. hopes, true to her race, she marrieW a. iOUNDKEEPER'S NO-TICE- 'thus speaks of son of a -nwtaurattur aud Iro DERTORS. applied for cb;trity on behalf of Widow usual state of lie I About .3 ocilock. is greatly iner The nIVINr sit b4e morailig, hisil wife was awaz;oned �—.Kessrs. A & H..cKellar have'sold black ma"i, -DED a dark bmv 11ORSE recent vi to France she being in indigent cir- in IL 1_-�'POTTN' .ted to prove ro�operty, Pay charq. tint! inth broke her father's heat as well 'as his res, on the is reques thil: (late, NOV. There has been a foolish ttempt —Ailoved by Mr. Slemmon, by 1�is heaT -y breatliling and made'ai� un- their farm of 180 a pridb� Ms Nino da visit of the G imtances' the tov�nship of Mo to r theywill be take hiia &Nvil-Y- ix u-0 the name an bo�arouse him but be Concession of - 0 sold by Publi Auc- to ra that $10 be suedessful ffort I d he Will 1) oliticl Mo- si leondpcl by Mr. Dobson, 20, if not daime with p i. D. ROBSO -s�f neq of N"Vaies here Pri Foundkeep tion. in Tarns-