The Huron Expositor, 1874-11-13, Page 10F.; 5 Nov.'13, 1874. Valu,4 of a 112exnora.iidu n, A CAKE IN AN FR ANCIS( 0 DECDED,, 13t A SCRAP O: PAPEf 'iKFPr BY AINEwj YORK LADY i o 18 Yls&Its. From the �'`ctfi Francisco B Last S tarday afternoon, Wheeler r' lideraa eleci;si FaBulletin, Oct iTu on in the c of (.eorge i Brown v$. Susan E. Sev son, -glaring judgment for defei)da The action involved the title to th!e ternat1onal� Hotel property. !The Mo gomery Avenue Commissioners. anima $57,000 clal ages for appropriating �'. i tion of the property_ for street pato to the: supposed owner,• the j defei3�da Brown Hien brought suit to comp. dl fendant to reconvey the p'•operty t b to him, claiming • that defendant o held it as a security for money loan The case came up for, trial in Aug last, and the contest last! d for over weeks. Brown made out a strong c for himself, and but for a -very 'fort ate circumstance would probably h obtained a judgment. The turringpa of the case hinged upon. a small piec paper containing `figures. • in `1856, N Stevenson came to California from N York, to testify in a suit instituted her against one De Witt C.,. .Hoak' Brown at the time was actingj as ag the International Hotel' prover Not being accustomed to testifying court, she expressed to Mr. Brown fe that she might be overcome %vith vousness. Be said all that -was requ' of her was to tell about purchasing hotel He tore off a small' irregu piece of paper front the margin of newspaper, - upon: which he placed ures of the several amounts; which had paid hila for the property. Th sums footed up ,`$42,250. Afters she given evidence in the case, and feari that she might be called upon again testify to the same facts, .she folded the slip of paper and placed it under lid - of her ` jewelry box. This Contained a magnificent dia io necklace, brought from Europe by M Stevenson's- father.- The box a valuable contents were •subseque ly deposited in. a New York Bank, wh they have remained untouched for years. When about to start for Calif nia she took the jewels out of the ba and, on opening the box, this small pie of paper was found adhering, to the li Thinking it might be of service to her the coining trial, she brought it he Her attorney, R. H. Lloyd, set to wo to ascertain in what case the figures We used. Miss Stevenson had no recolle tion of the title. of the - sunt, in whic court it was tried, or when. Ac_ compan ed by Mr. Lloyd, s -he visited the Ci Hall, and, atter careful inspection of th various rooms which are now used court register offices, it seemed t her. be the room where the trial `took plac It also appeared to her that a man name Hoskins was mixed up in the case T records of the old Superior. Court (w hi formerly occupied this room) were ove hauled, and it was found that Miss Ste enson had testified in the case abo mentioned.; The - notes taken on t trial by the attorneys in the case we also found. Brown was a witness, an he swore that he had no interest in th property, and was only acting as th agent for Miss Stevenson, at a monthl salary of $.100. The effect of this ,iewl d'iscovereslevidence ratherexposedBrow and his attorneys. He evidently flatter ed himself that this ancient case woul be resurrected, and he had not th slightestfidea that the hasty memoran dum he: had wade had been preserved. Mata ' 1;1foNKEys, I hate the night of monkeys," said Luttrell ; "they remind ane so of poor relations." But, amusing. as it is this sort of witticism, founded on a perversion of the Darwinian theory, is becoming rather stale, and should be re- garded as "bad form" by all intelligent people. - Better, by a good deal, than this easy commonplace is Lord Neaves' brief resume of the theory in one of hiss most famous songs An ape with a pliable thumb and sig brain, When the g`€t of the gab- he had 'man-. ,aged to gain, Aa. a Lord of Creation established his reign , Which nobody can deny," And better still is Mr. Mortimer Collins' version of the same old story : "There was an ape in the days that were earlier ; Centuries, passed, and his hair became curlier ; Centuries more gave a thumb to his wrist ; ., Then he was Man, and a Positivist." —Tlnsley's ..11arazine. - �t•t Dk_ TTI PROM E CITEME\T.--Thefoliow- Ing incident is recorded in connection with the announcement of the death of Miss Emma McLear, daughter of.Capt. George McLean, of Rochester : " Miss McLean had been suffering with the typhoid fever for about five weeks previous to her death, but had commenced to recover slowly a day or two before her final illness. So much better had.shebecome, indeed, that shawas left alone in her room ;;a short time on last Wednesday evening, as she had fall- en into a peaceful slumher. The sinn'was just setting at the ,-time, and a bright streak of sunlight wars thrown across the sleeper's bed chamber. Miss- McLean happening to awakeli suddenly, saw the room flooded with the sun's rays, and supposing that the house was on fire,, sud- denly sprang out of bed and called at the top of her voice that the house was on fire.. Her fears were soon allayed, how- ever, when the family appeared, and she was. placed in her bed again. But the sud- den fright had proven too much for her weaaened body to bear, and she com- menced to sin la rapidly, and died on the • following afternoon, A:� OLD TURTLE. —The Sieg SingRe- publican relates the following incient "On Wednesday afternoon of last week as Mr. Noah Barnes was engaged in the baekyfrd of his_ residence, on Liberty street, he came across a live turtle. On picking it up he was greatly surprised at- fnnding the names `James Ryder and Stephen Ayles, 1833,' scratched on the shell. Upon, bringing the turtle to the village and showing it to the above named persons, they remembered the circum- stances of the cutting of the names in the turtle's shaft over 41 years ago, when they were young men. Mr. Barnes still has the curiosity on his premises." ,5'. dge ase en- In- nt- led n- In-• nt- led )or- ses nt. de- aCK my ed, ust two ase un - ave int e of iss ew by ins. gent t . in ars ner- Ired the lar a fig. she ese had ng to up. the box nd iss nd nt- ere 18 or - k, ce d. in re. rk re c- h ty as foe.d Th ch r- ve Ire re e e y n e - --� ♦ ► STRENGTH of 1fATERIALS.—Tt is a most remarkable fact that the most ab- undant material in nature, iron, is the strongest of all known substances. Made in the best steel a rod of one fourth of an inela in diameter .will sustain 6,090 pounds before breaking ; soft steal, 8,000 ; iro wire, 6,000 ; iron, 4,000 inferior bar iron, 2,000 ; cast iron, 1,000 to 3,000 ; opper wire, 3,000 ; silver 2.000 ; gol ,. 2,500 ; tin, 300 ; cast zinel, 100 ; . east eai 50 ; milled lead, 200. Of wood, b ''x and locust the same size will hold,200 pounds; toughest ash, 1,000 ; els,, 800 ; beech, cedar, white oak, pitch !Mime, 600 ; chestnut and maple, 400. Wood which will bear 'a heavy weigt for a minute or two will break with wo-thirds the farce acting a ' long time. ;A rope. an inch in diameter will bear a ant two and :t 1 alf tons, but in practice t is not safe to subject it to a strain of rt ore than one t n. Half an inch in diameter the streng ih will be one quarter as 'inch•; a quarte, of an inch one sixteenth as much ; an 1 so on. P1tESERYI 'C. LABELS.—' t e following method of p eserving wood: labels that are to be a ed on –trees . or in exposed places, is re ommended in Gernnan pa- per : Tho ughly soak t e pieces of wood in a trong solution of Copperas (sulphate of iron), then la them, after, they are day, in lime w: ter. This' causes the fo •oration of sulp t ate of lime,] a very instil ble salt (gyp: um) in the, wood. The rapid destruction of labels'!. -by the weather is thus prev:nted. Bast, mats, and oher substances used in ty ing up or oi'ering trees nd ; plants, when 'treated in the same manner, are similarly, pre erved. At a recent meet- ing of a hot icultural society in Berlin, wooden label thus treated were shown which had en constantly exposed to ithe•weather during two years without be- ing affected t . ereby. 1 t HoRsEs IN STABLE.—A co respondent of the Indianz Farmer write : "I have tried a variety of means to present horses pawing in th.e stable, among others, the strap and chain, but all faile. Recent- 1ly I devised a plan which hasucceeded to my. entire- satisfaction.I made a frame four feet long,. and o sufficient width to reach nearly the op of the manger, from which I suspei ded it, al- lowing it to reach to within about ten inches of the floor. I boarded up the sash or frame, in order that h could not get his feet o =er : the lower ar, which` was a round tick two inchesin diam- titer. The act of pawing sets the swing in motion, ca sing it to strike against the shins, whi h so disgusted iy animal that he very s on gave it up entirely." NEW CARRIA C E AND WAGON WOKS IN M1TCH ELL.' MCPHAIL, HNNICKE & EDWARDS RDS Desire to inform the pnblie that they ave cora- menced the manufacture of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES'', - PHAETONS, ROCKAWAYS, DEMOCRA S, HEAVY AND LIGHT W CONS, Built from the very best material, in a workman- like manner, and in the latest styles, which, for durability, lightness of draught and finish, cannot be surpassed. _ A11 work intrusted to ns will be exec: ted with promptness, and at REASONABLE RATES. . Special; • p !• A t�cntion given to Rcpasirinl. Call nt our shop, south of the Market and see for yonr•salves. 356 SEAFORTH PLANING M SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FA LL, TORY THE TH tsubscriber beg leave to thank hisnum eron s customers for the liberal patronage extended to hiin since co,nmeneing business in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be, favored with a co tinnance of the same. Parties intending t build would do we to give him a call, as he Will continue to keep o hand a large stock of all kinds of - DItY PINE LUMBER, SAIS IIEB, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDT SHINGLES, LATH, ET TG S, He feels confident o0f giving satisfactio to those as none who may favour him v.its their patronage but first-class workmen are employed.: IZParticular attention paid to Gusto Planing 201 JOHN H. BROADF 1 OT. SHROUDS ! SHR.OIT l S ! M. ROBERTSO CABINET MAKER AND UNDiimTA . ER, Johnson's Old Stand, a Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand a' good assortment of SHRC CTD S which he can furnish. cheaper than they can be got elsewhere. WHO WANTS MON Y?_ A. STRONG, SEAFORT ,' Will Loan Money at a LOW RATE OF I TER - EST. either on Farm or Village Property. Parties requiring money should apply to i m. INSURE YOUR PROPE TY AND YOUR LIVES. A. Strong, Seafo IS ALSO AGENT FOR The Scottish Provincial Insurance Com Fire and Life. any— The Western Insurance Company, off-Tnrn.to— oiher re and Llfe. The Isolated Risk Insurance Compal Canada. Terms as _reasonable as offered by any agent doing business for reliable Companies OFFICE—over Strong t'i Fairlcy's Girneery Store, Main Street. Seaforth. 1252 'httzx L;p�i#ori IS 'PUBLISHED EVERY - FRIDAY MORNIN( IN SEAFORTH. TERMS.—$1 50 per year in advance,.. or $2. the nd of the year. Advertising Rates. . First insertion, per line, 8 cents, subsequent in- sertion, 2 cents each time, per line. - I Advertisements of Strayed, Lost., Found, &c., not exceeding 10 lines—first month, $1 ; afte first month 50 cents each month. Advertisements of FARMS and REAL ES ATE for sale,not•exceeding15lines—first month $, 50• each snbsegnent_nionth, 75 cents. Births, Marriages, and Deaths—Gratis. THE *HURON' EXPOSITS R. TI THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. W. H. OLIVER, Harness, Saddle and Col MAN UFACTU.RER, MAIN -ST., SEAIORTI1CD. (4. .TTai� V ar SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. - G choiceassortmont of light and heavy Harness, Whips, Bells, Sortie Clothing, &o., kept constantly ori hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and aha es moderate. Remember the place,sign of the�Seotch Collar. W. H. OLIVER. JpHN S. PORTER, One-horse Banker and Exchange Broker: LY ,S1TRL'E , SEAFORT III - $o 000sogali. CAPITAL, blow, but a tact. ' This is no BUYS Greenbacks and 'American Silver .at c�jII.r }�snt rates. Lends money on good farm prop- erty.[ 'Shaves notes without lather. Receives moneyon deposit, and pays 20 per cent. iuterest- -w) en you get it. Bays and sells Houses and Lots, parties leaving town and wishing to soli quick will me on hand like a thousand of brick. Bre l Hides, Sheep Skins, Furs and ]Wool at the highest prices. •,. Allj this is done with the above capital, wonder- ful, ie; it not ? Hand in -your' wants, wishes and expectations, don't be afraid, he won't bust. 841 RUSSELS NEWS. DEPOT AND WELRY STORE. FIRST CLASS tchrrlaker and Jeweler EMPLOYED. . ewery Department Opened about the 156 of. October. 1. C. R. COOPER & Co., 58c Stretton'Block, 13rnssels.1 SEAFOITH AND HURON ARBLE :WORKS IL MESSETT (Late of Hamilton,) ould intimate to their numerous friends and the. general public that they are prepared to 'fill all rders for onnments, • Headstones, Table Tops, Mantles, ! dtc, I-re171it 1lfonuuienls - Imported' to .Order. Work : f the best style and art, and cannot be. surpassed in this part of Ontario. A call espectfully solicited. - Calder': old Stand, opposite McCalluni's hotel, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH.. g. MES ET'r. AD INISTRATORS' NOTICE. HE c editors of DANIEL JOSEPH KING, late ,1 the Village of Seaforth, in the County o Rnron, Doctor of Medicine, who died on or about t a Seve teenth day of August. 1874, are hereby n titled to send by post, pre -paid, on or beforethe F fteentla day of Dec.unber, 1874, to HENRY K NG, 0! the said Village of Seaforth, the Admin- • is rotor Of the said Daniel Joseph Ring, their c s ristian and surnames, addresses and descrip- ti r ns, the full particulars of their claims, a state - m nt of their accounts and the nature of the se- c rities, if any, held by them, and immediately af r the expiration of the said Fifteenth day of D camber, the assets of the estate of the said D mel Joseph King will be tlistributed among the •P figs entitled thereto, having reference ce onlyto. !th claim of which notice shall have been fur- - ni ked a above required. And the said Adminis- t tor shall not be liable for the assets or any part th reof -to any person of whose claim Hake shall no have 1>ecureceived by him nt the time of dis- tri ,tion ated at Seaforth, Ont, this 8th day of Octo- be , 1874 35 - . HENRY KING, Administrator. ESTRAY COW.o S RAYED from the premises of the undersign- ' ed, irk Seaforth, on TUESDAY, Sept. 29, a da k rod 'COW, mixed with white, of large size an has Avery large bag, one of the teats of which is lind. '1 Any person giving such information as wil ' lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. 35 *4 PHILIP VOLMAR. A PRENTICE WANTED. ANT age, Pply t 8,8 'D a Smart Boy of 13 or 15 years of as an apprentice to learn Bookbinding. DANIEL McGREGOR, Hnrpurhey. MONEY FOUND. FUND UND' • in the Dining Room of the Commercial Hote , Seaforth, on Friday, Oct. 9, a sum of mo ey. The owner can have the sanio on appll- eat on to Ir. DAVIDSON, after proving property and pavin charges. 358 D1IIINIsTRA'rORs' NOTICE. A L pal ios indebted to the estate of the late Dr. K NG are requested tar WI and settle the, sam with the undersigned, at Seaforth,on or bef re the • st day of November next, as after - tha date 1 claims clue said estate will be placed . in c urG_ fo • collection. D ,ted this 8th doy of October, 1874. 157 HENRY KING, Administrator. T1'OUND, Road, .1 church, a can have t HAWL FOUND. in MONDAY, Sept. 28, on the Huron petween Carronbrook and Irishtown LAM SHAWL, woolen. The owner e same by calling at the EXPOSITOR , i Mee; prov ng property and paying for this ad- t vertisemen CI �IN� � ESTRAYOma. $5GCR0C IERY, GL-A0SWA-#11E,c.CAIE into the premises of undersigned, Lot } DRtJG �.i p Have now o 'Madder, Indi ple, 0 min HI� AND SEAFMITH, e of the Finest Stocks of lire Medicines for Min and Beast that can be p kurecl, and Twe are noted for our DYE STUEFS,; GENUINE o, Lo wood Coschineal and4niline Des of all colons: Mag � Y bgenta�'IiYr- 'ange, Blue, Scarlet, Crimson, Black, &c. We have a splendid K OF FANCY r GOODS, Such as Hair rushes, Combs,' Tooth Brushes, Pocket Books, Purses, Brier Root Pipr es, l'obacc Pouches, Snuff Boxes, Sp odnges, Trusses, FeedingBottles and all � such goods in great variety, and we have the best preparations known in TOILET ARTICLES CARBcLIC GLYCERIN JELLY, For Chapped Hands, Dimples, Freckles; Tan, Sc' . E. HICKSOl `; SEAFORTH. & Co., GLYCERINE AND ROSE WAT-EIR, For Chapped Hands and use after Shaving. E. HICKSO & Co., SEAFORTH. i CRYSTALLINE POMADE; For the Hair. E. HICKSON & Co SE. FGRTH- CANTHAL IDEN - HAIR T NIG 3I FOR PURE EAST INDIA AND ITALIAN CASTCR OIL, Promoting the Growth nd Keeping the Sohl by the POUND or BOTTLE, Hair from Fall ng Oat, y E. HICKSON SEAFORTH. & Co., HICKSON & -C SEAFORTH. PURE GLYCERINE TONIC, AND ALTERATIVE BITTERS. The want of a good and reliable prepajration of this kind has long been felt by tho, e afflicted with Indigestion, Dyspep sia, Loss of Appetite, &c It renovates and gives a healthy action to the whole syste , also acting as an excellent altera- tive by purifying the bio d and producing a healthy action of the Stomach and Liver, eiiig composed exclusivelyof Roots and Herbs, it is a safe and valuable medicine in evy house- hold. PURE 5blti by. E. .HI C.K �Ol � & Co-� SEA F ORTIJ. - ESSEs MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY E. HICKSON & Co., Seaforth. E. HICKSON & Cc .a Seaforth. We keep everarticle in the Trade, and more t.for s 3�too , so ask ata tl�lrl�, you want. L TIE PATENT MEVIGINPS f English, Amei ican and Canadian repute Dept, such as Ayer's Medicines, Pain iller, • Radway's .emedies, Job Moses' Pills .� ermifuge Worm g: n1 C�allcl�, Strengthen- 4, Plasters and great many too numerous to mention. j No. 6, on..13,'H. R. 5., Tuckersmi.tb, about Sept; 20, a..potted HOG. The owner is requested to prove pr peaty, -pay charges Hud take him away. UJ9`''4 DUNCAN McLEAN. Nomas' Eclectric Oil, WORTH TEA'- IMES ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. DO YOU KNOW ANYTHINGOF ITi !IF NOT, IT IS TIME YOU DID: There ar- but few 'preparations, 01 medicine which haveithstood the impartial judgment of the people tot any great length of time. One of these is Txo rAs' ELEGTEIo OIL, purely u prepar- ation of six tr some of the best oils that are known, each one posessingvirtnes.of its own. Scientific physicians know that medicines may be formed of severalingreiients in certain fixed proportions of greater power, and producing effects= which could never result from the use of any one of them, or in different canibinations. '1`h}is in the preparation of this oil a chemical change takes place, forming &compound which could not by any possibility be made from a Iy other combination or proportions of the same ngredients, or any other ingredients,. and entirelyjdifferent from anything ever before made, one w1}ieh produces the mostastonishing re- sults, and h ving a wider range of application than any medicine ever bcforetliscovered. It con- tains no alcohol or other volatile liquids, conse- quently losed nothing by evaporation. Wherever applied you gjet the benefit of every drop; whereas with other lireparations nearly all the alcohol is lost in that Way, and you get only the small quun tity of oils which they may contain. • S. N. THOMAS, PHELPS, N. Y. And NORTHROP & LY.IAN, Toronto, Ont., Sole Agents feor the Dominion. . Noris.--EIe{etric—Selected and Electrized. Sold in ,Seitforth by E. Dickson S, Co .and R. Lumsden. . a e have a large any other Establis Preserve Bowls Z X11 Low Prices. tock, och choose from, on•l, and prises lower than they ca��lae bought inn hment, Dinner Sets, Tea S 'ts Toilet Sets, s, China Goods, Glass umblers, Wine ;Glasses Table Sets,' Salt- Stands ani Decanters— ALL GLASS LAMP ,S AT NEARLY HALF 'RICE. . r Barrels of American me�lc�ln Annealed Chimneys neys Just in and ' Sold Wholesale and Retail. can't turn to ;the other side but call. in E. HIOkSON CO.'S, SEAFORTH, Are se Latest Are -Seth per yard Are semen suit the Se Latest