HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-11-13, Page 9e he ina.naged. to work it h. sc fiieientiv to call to his of about eight, (who anoticed. he beieg in bed roon-i) to open the window the neighbors. Thia he .1.short time several. neigh- tt -adjoining houses came the boy what was the he boy replied that hia rare tied :Ind men were k. 'r1. The alarm. Waa at 11 the -unwilling captives No attempt waa wade ';'Art at all, as doubtless by turelara had conaidered it a - tee operations there, the aed them, and the alarm :al, their only safety waa Aker and his family were Lion was directed tovards 'rest of the perpetrators of all the constables ised and dispatched in ons. About seven o'clock three meu, who had been the day before, were ar- :station, and at eleven ught before the ..&layors names as Cornelius Mul- MoNlaster, and Jam:ca- d- they svtra OA tramp Is and represented vapis he nurse girl, at the len they were tying len dropped. his mask, ositively that MeMaater his was the only posis hem, others testifytug eu there late at night, -morning. The prisoners arid are still retained development. :aestlay a livery man in ;team of horses and ear- ' aer, who said that he iris to drive some frientla the following day, ,Thursday morning about e team was found stand - farm near Paris,seenrely d looked as if they had ght. '['his is, no doubt, ',as to have conveyed the had they succeeded: their deteunina,tiou. ION saaa•-assa- S A T.ES. 16• , on Lot 13, Con. 2, arm Stock. Mra. Peter stress ; j. P. Brine, anc- : 16, on Lot 30, Con. 7, tock. John McConnell, .inaa King, auctioneer. • 17, on Lot 25'Con. -3, r Stock and ImpIensenta. sroprietor ; J. P. Brine, c-ov, 18, at the Farmers' 'eckersmith, Farm Stock: Wna. Whitehead, pio- rine, V. 19, on Lot 9, Con. 9, Stock and Implements. sprietor ; J. B. Brine, , 29, on Lot 13, Qeri.. 10, Stock and Implemeats. proprietor ; E. BosSen- i-. I, on Lot 35, Con. 2, smith, Farm Stock and trees_ Davidsoe, proprie- t auctioneer. IaTEES. eaforth, on Nav. 8-, the sleman Charlesof a san. .th, on Nev. 9, the wife [ass, of a slautshter. Sderiele on Nov. II, the Aachd. Dicksoa, Past - Grey, on Nov.. 8-, the los. Strachan, of a son. zs.--At the Commercial OR NOV. S,by Rev. S. Ir. Emanuel Bissett, of ti.liss• Susan Rollins, of At the reaidenee of the on Oct. 10, by Rev. Mr. 4i-ruel Hall to Hannah, 4. of Mr. David Black, No cards. I-Eltft.--At the Matiae, ay. 3, by .Rets. S. Jones, Richardson, to Jane, f Mr. James. Kerr, of Gael,- At the resid- les father, on Nov. 4, pliant, of London. Mr. of Detroit, to Miss Cas- e -ill, of Stanley. Le -At the residence mother, by Rev, R. se on Nov. 2, Mr. Eliza, secoral daugh- olau Pollard, all of Me- e ---At the Catholic es- on Nov. 10, by a, Mr. Peter Quinlan, Annistatia, eldest sines Waits, Esq., of • - ATHS. forth, cru Oct, 21, Mar - welter of 5-tr. fames 'eckersmith, aged la rmeths. tt, on Nov. 5, sudden - aged at, at the residence of sav,_ Mr. Hugh Scott,' 1Y. !hire, aged 19 years, ou Oct. 31, after a ,of seven weeks, Thom - f Mr. Thomas Page, \ear and two months. Amman ARK lic,1 _ AFORTII, Nov, 12, 1374. 0 90 to 0 9* AttI. 0911 to 090 35 to 0 35 . 0 73 to 074 05 ta 107 '24 ta 0 25 .... 0 24 to 0 25 0 00 to 0 15 0 00 to 5 50- 00 to 13 00 0 00 to 6 oa u 08 to 01(1 - 0 50 to 100 100 075 . . (140 to 050 0 00 to 000 •2 50 to 275 .. .. 4 00 to 5 00 • - . 6 00 ta 7013. Cr.xxvaii, Nov. 13, 1874. HI (a 090 el O88 (a 090 36 (f....4 08 1 05 (ft; 1 07 0 70 ot 072 •- 22 (a' 025 tt 45 ta 0 55 ... o 12 qt 014 - .13 00 cr. 14 00 soZr. Nov. 13, 1874. Valuable Mechani al Receipts. Pinchbeck consists o copper, 5 iinc, 1 lb.. An imitation of silver is nia,de of tin, 3 oz.; copper, 3 lbs. Good Britannia metal consists of tin; 150 lbs.; copper 3 lbs.; antimony, 10 lbs. German silver of first quality, ter casting, may be made of copper, 50 lbs.; zinc, 20 lbs.; niekel, best pulverized, 25 lbs. a To anneal steel, make the steel red hot, then put it ia a heap of dry saw- duat till cold, svhen it Will be found to , be quite soft. For best red brass, for tine castings, take copper, 24 lbs. ; Zinc, 5 lbs.; his- • muth, 1 oz. Put in the bismuth last ibe- fore pourine off. For blacis flux, take niter, 1 part, cream of tartar, 2 parts; mix and burn in small quantities in a red hot crucible ; nix the product with ; -finely powdered charcoal, keep in a dry, corked bettle. This 18 used ill smelting metallic ores. To -soften files, cove them with oil and hold them over he tire until the !oil blazes; as soon as t e flame runs all over the file, plunge it: n the water, or put them in a moderate hot oven for half an hour, if large files; ut, if small, the first plan is the best. . To extract rust from steel, iranserse the article to be cleaned for a few min- utes, until all dirt and rust is taken Ai in a strong solution of potassium -say about 12 los.-in a wine glass' full of water; take out and, clean it with a tooth brush. with some paste composed of cyanide of potassium, castile soap, whiting, and water. These last are mixed in a paste about- the. &insistency of thick cream. s It is requisite that, artistsshould have the linseed oil the Y use Perfectly coloi- less, er otherwise it would spoil the more delicate tints. To purify it is extremely easy. Even putting a bottle of the, oil in the sun will Accomplish the object, but, as this process is somewhat tedious, it is better to put in -a two Ounce vial, three-quarters full of goods comruon lin- seed oil, a piece of whiting as big- as a nut, •previously powdered, and •shake them together and put the vial in an oven. in two days, and Sometimes in a few - hours, the whiting will have carried down to the bottom all color and im- parity, and the refined oil floating at the. top may be poured off for use. Boiled linseed 'oil wil: keep polished' -tools from rusting if it is allowed to dry on them. Common aporm oil will pre- vent from rusting for a, short period. A coat of copalis frequently applied to polizh tools •exposed to' the weather. Woolen materials are the best for wrap- • pers for metals. Iron and steel goods of ail descriptions are kept free from the • rust by the following: Dissolve half an ounce of camphor in one pound of hog's lard, take ofF thescum aid mix as much black lead as will give the mixture an iron color. Iron and steel, and ma- chinery of all kinds, rublied -over with this mixture and left on for twenty-four hours, and then rubbed with a linen cloth, will keep clean for months. If • machinery is for expOrtation it should be kept thicidy. coated with this during: the voyage. Take pure copper, 100 parts; zinc, or preferably tin, 17 parts, magnesia, 6 parts; sal -ammoniac, 3.6 parts; 1.8 parts ; • tartar of commerce, 9 partS. Copper is first, melted, then the magnesia, Sal-ainmoniac, litre and tartar are then added, separately' and by de- greeS, in the form of powder; the whole is now briskly stirred. far about half an hour, so as to mix thOroughly, awl the zinc is added in small grains, by throw - it on the surface, and stirring until it is entirely fused, the crucible is then covered, and. the fusian maintained for about thirty-five minutes. The surface is then skimmed, and the alloy is ready • for casting. It has Ia tine grain, is malleable, and takes a splendid polish. _It does not corrode readily, and for many purposes is an excellent substitute .for gold. When. tarnished; its_ brilliancy can be restored by a little acidulated water-- Western gatnufactarer. se* ass Old Dutch Proverbs. We must row with the oars we have, and as we cannot order the wind we are obliged to oii with thewind that God gives. Patience and attention will bring us far. If a cat watches long enough at the mouse nest, the mouse shall not escape.Perseverance will obtain good cabbage and lettuce where otherwise nothing but thistles will grow. The plowman must go up and down, and whatever else may be done, there is no other but this long way to do the work well. Learn to sleep with one eye open. As soon as the chicken goes to roost, it is a good time for the fox. If weary with waking, your portion soon will be meager. Fools always will ask what time it is,' but the wise know their time. • Grind while the wind. is fair, and if you neglect, do not complain of God's providence. G-od gives feed to every bird, but he does not bring it to the nest; in like manner he gives us our daily bread, but by means of our daily work. • Rise early ; then the fisherman finds his worms. The dawn of day has gold in its • mouth. He that 1 -as( in a road where many are drivi g always will be in a cloud of dust. How Colored Folks Manage It. The Rev. Brother Johnson is quite a • noted Methodist preacher of the Colored Church 1 a Texas. A short time since there was a union religious revival in • Chambers Cointy amoug the-oolored pop- ulation, and at a meeting at Double Ba- -you, Brother Rivers said he thought it his duty to remind the congregation that • the servant was worthy: of his hire, And though he was a member of the Baptist Church, he felt it his duty to say to his friends that Brother Johnson bad work- ed hard in the good cause, and. though he belonged to another Church, the brothers should give aecording to their means toward the support of the rever- end brother. He then took his seat. Brother Johnson rose, and said; "1 feels highly complicated at the remarks of the dear brothers, and will say to You alla sisters and brothers and brothers , and sisters, I bless the Lord! that 1 works in his field ; yet, dis mortal body mut have things of this world to live on. know none of you have much money, but you have tater k turnips, and things of dis kind dat will help Brother John- son's mortal body, aad if you Will ,jupt speak right ont, and say what each one will give, Brother Rivers will write it down, so Brother Johnson will know 3nst what to come aft r, and how big a cart to bring along." The collection was made up by some givi g , corn, some p - tatoes, mime turnips, Ucalling out from their seats what they would give. Broth- er Johnson seemed pl ased at the amount given, as far as it writ. He rose and thanked them, and saP : Now, brothers and sisters, you have given liberally w4.1 the tongue, but big to eml there, for here wid a big ox around to each one : m paper lin y hand, a to come out and he'l to put these two usliels; and these three 1 bushels, and these five bushels, and these seven b shels into dat ox i *wagon, and there will still be room for more, as I is going tobring a big wagon. Now, can't I hear sottoone say dey will give Brother Johnson a hog, or some little pigs, if dey can't spare a hoe This caused quite a 1 titter among the brothers and sisters, and quite a discus- sion ong them wh hog. er Jo marsh up, catilli can h "Dat cicien dem n't think it is g0 - is coming down agon, and going of .you wid this d will expect yOu Brother Johnson At last one bro son, I's got so but I's got n it if you can ne, and put h -iii in your cart, you ve him." Brother Johnson said : IS all right, brother, ; dat is au Just let Orother Johmoon ogs, and he /pits de biggest one out of dat gang into 1iS ox wagon before you &an say jack Robinson. We will close is. busincsi part of de meeting and 10 should bring the her said: "Broth - e hogs down in de time to get dein o down dare and go to praying." •• le • _ THE TEETH. -The prized by the :nick and Greeks used toot ferin much from froin th The pions M uss lin tion ef his teeth 'eve his face turned thwai his mouth thrice-witl his theth fasting. But _none of the an- eienta appear to ha e had any ielea of substituting teeth f r . those decayed. Whether,having on{e got their 'teeth, they managed to k p there until old age came on, or took their loss as a mat - tee of course, it is di cult to determine. Long before dental al rgery was at all un- derstood in this country, and while tooth -pulling and bleeding were alike relegated to the barber, the French had teeth were highly ts. The Romans Li powders not dil- e in our own daY. makes his abln- y morning. With d Mecca, he rinses water and brushes made considerable thing cones by wom coquetry of the Fre primary cal* of th the teeth in modern dentista in this co men; and now that the hands of the ba manipulated by tho nature beyond disc most naturally pair msthetically, and bri atureliold age the c amass large fortunes Belg via. progress. Every - n, and probably the cliwomen. Was the attention. given4o inies. The earliest ntry Were Freiach- hich was found lin ers is scieritifically e who carimitate very, perform the ful operations an - ging back to prem- eekiness of youth,' as their reward -J -- Harkness' Balta. The best preparation inn e for restoring, preserv - i4, and beautifying he hair, and render- ing it soft u.1 glossy. This invaluable prepar tion we would present to the public, knowing, it to poesess all the virtue we claim or it. -..Being peri etiv free from all injuri- ous iiredients, and coinposed solely of nutri- ments, we can confidenUl commend it as a safe and eure remedy for the ' Palling of the Hair," res- toring !grey hair to its ori *nal color, imparting a health tone and vigor tol its roots, end causing it to gro , luxuriantly.. As a Onsmetiealone, even where the hair is; strong 4nd healthy, leis invalu- able, as it imparts a rich loSsiness and silken !ap- pearance, which no one w o loves beauty can fail to admire. Prepareonly by • HAMENESii .AI; 00., • Pharmaceutical Cbeiniats, London. •-PRICE, 501, CENTS. For sale by J. S. ROBERTS and R. LUMSD N, Seaforth, and by Druggist; generally. 345 20 ao The Oren* Feannic 'tenacity. •In MOSES. PEItiODICAL PILLS. rpHIS .% luable medicine is unfailing in the -a- cure a llthose painfi land dangerous diseases to which .,' h i female con titution is subject. It moderattC" a Eexcess and r moves all obstructions, and a epee (I yeure may be elied WI. i To mara;i( dladies, it is peculiarly suited. It will in a shOskihne, bring on the monthly period with regularity. These Pills should not be taken by Females during the first three mor.ths of Pregnacy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other Vane theyNire safe. . In al ,casest of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains i ' the back and lim 8, fatigue ow slight ex- ertion, palpitation of th heart, •hysterics, and whites, those pills will eff et a care when all other means 'have failed; an although a powerful remedy do not contain iro , calorael, antimony i or anytlai g hurtful to the co stitution. . Fall lirebtions in the amphlet around each packag , which should be carefully preserved. Job i oses, New York, Sdle Proprietor. $1.00 and 121 SOD PI forpostage,enclord toNorthop & Lyman, TorontO, Ont., general• 111,, nts for the Dominion, will in 'are a bottle, contAining over 50 pills by return iai1. I:r old in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., and ii. ,, 197 -- , Ne CLINTON RE3LE IWORKS, • HURON TREET,' t door west of the Commereial Hotel. OIENTS; ilEADSTONES, AnI wo k of' all kinds in frtxnerican and Foreign 'Ma ble :designed and exec ted in the best style, an at ost reasonable prres. /ifttnti 8 pf Various CIoloreci Marble sup- , plicd om hor. Notic e. Gran te Monuments Ruh Headstones imported to orde W. COOPER, Jr. 277 T. CALDER, Agent. THE HIMON PLA INC MILL. ESSES. G.R d; SCOTT • DEG to announce that they have commenced • busiiness in the Shop' lately occupied by Mr. Martin and are now prepa ed to fill orders for Sashes, DOOTS, 131 nds, hfouldings, And au kinds of laned lumber. ALSO LATH A.111) SHINQLES. CHEESE BOXES ANO SETTERS, Lumber on hand. i on Goderich street, FARM GATE, H Y RICKS, &c. A good stock of Seasone Factory and Lumber 7 near Main street. Jig Sawing and Custom A. GRAY. HOUSE AND LOT IN -FM SALE in the Villag -1= . of Hay, a- eomfortabl containing 1 acre; a good bearing, Orchard of fruit tr tar A wagonmaker. Net liming neatly done. SCOTT. ERNE FOR SAXE vef BERNE, township frame house and a tot U and stable, also a s. An excellent stand THE HURON EXPO 7 ITOR RE KO V ED TO LAKER AND MORE COMMODIOU PREMISES.. 0. C. WILLSON, SEAFORTH, HAV1NG now removed to his now premises on Main Street, which he has fitted lap speeially for his trade, is in a better position than over to give his customers good value for their money. Call and see him. SEWING MACHINES. That Beautiful and Silent Sewing Machine, the • hest in the Canadian Market, THE FLORENCE, Is now taking the lead, is being sold ev• erywhere, and is highly -recommended by all who have used them. 0. C. WILLSON is the Sole Agent for the Dominion THE WEBSTER And FOURTEEN other Machines to select iron. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Mathushek , and Waber Pianos, Prince, Bell & Co.t and the CanadaOrgan _Company's Organs. Also Violins and all kinas of :mall -Instruments. THE FARMERS' FRIEND, That old stand-by, the No. 13 Thistle Cutter Plow, ft few on• hand.' These are the original and only Genuine Thistle Cutters. Remember this. OTHER AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, And 'articles of all kinds, sorts and sizes, con- etantly on hand. BUTTERICK'S PATTERNS, For Ladies and Children, all styles and sizes, always on hand. Remember your old friend in his new stand. O. C. WILLSON, Main Street, Seaforth. THE AGRICULTURAL Assurance Association o Canada. -1:1EAD OFFICE, - LONDON ONT. THE Publie will please note that this Asunder- -1- tion, formerly the County of Middlesei Mutual, has not consented to advance of rates by entering the Mutual Insurance Combination. Having only once during its existence required more than half of. amount of .Premium Note for a three years' risk k and that being at a time when he Company was young and the country baptised in fire, and having by careful management and liberality with policy holders been enabled to pass through the several fiery ordeals of the past ten years without levying any -special assenment on its members, and having, after the late severe drain on its finances caused by the excessive fire Iossei of 1870, 1871 and 1872, still at the Members' credit a cash reserve (January 1st, 18740 of $10,049 07, With a total Capital of $2511$70 121 our Board of Directors have declined the overtures of less successful Conapaniesto advance our fates. In the foe° of a strong and increasing competition this old favorite issued for 1878 the large number of I 3006 Policies, making the total number now in force over 37,000.. Parties desiring insurance on farm property-, cheeae factories, de- tached dwellings and their outbuildings in towns and villages will be waited on by the undersigned or one of his duly authorized representatives by addressing as below. The snbacriber will continue to visit Huron periodically, and solicits for his co-operators the same noble patronage that has been given to the AGRICULTURAL in the past, and more particularly to himself, as its agent, during the past two years anis half, .T. R. VANTASSEL, Clinton; A. TAYLOR, Londesborough -Representatives in Huron. MOTTO --‘1 Merit Commands ipiecess." CHAS. T. DOYLE, Box A, Owen Sound, 344 District Agent Grey, Bruce and Huron. LOOS OUT • FOR yoyR OWN INTEREST. ALEXANDER CAMERON, WATCHMAKER and Jeweler, Mitchell, while 7 thanking his numerous friends and custom- ers in the County of Huron and surrounding -dis- trict for past favors, would respectfully intimate that he has removed to that beautiful atand west' end of Hicks' Hotel, where he has opened; a beautiful Selection of ladies' and gents' jewelry of the latest novelties. Also, clocks the largest and most vari- ed in Western Ontario. My watches tire aelmowl- edged to be the cheapest and best in the market, every one being thoroughly regulated and tested, before being offered for sale. A SpeeinAgeneytor the Eight Watch. REPAIR LNG. Having been Suceessful in obtainin# the services •of Mr. FRASER, who has had long practice in the Cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, Seotland, cue.; temers will find that in no part of the DoMinion can they have their clocks watches And jewelry better done up. 4 ALEX. CARO -IRON, Praetical iliratchmaker. Mitchell, Aug. 21,1874. 850-52 SAMUEL TROTT, • Manufacturer of •: Machine Turned Butter Packages Of a Superior Quality. All orders, either Wholesale or „Retail, Promptly Filled, SEAFORTH ONT. THE .PH(FNIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON, ENGLAND. TII I1J RE RE Becau 11 SUPPLEMENT. P1 GAL AGA e it is worth yobr time on accoui:q of OF SEAVORTH. W. N. WA.11-801, . ., A GENT AT STIAVORTH. Thia old standard C-3.- Company was estateisaaa in 1782, does bud - nese in ail:parts of the world0 does the MOJA largest business in the United Kingdom, pays its 'ate niodentte. 840-26 I claims with promptitude and liberal**. Iterlite8 , .. • -vow OU Jewelry all over we hav our Dr only in We wat that we bran ch for you of selli call the this is probabl fidence REMARKS. that we are fairly embarked in new business (Watches and we wish to in orm our friends the country tha it is not because opened it in onnection with g and Crockery business that we end carrying it - on by halves. Lt you to distirctly understand intend carrying it on in all its s on a proper baSis-that is value money. We have no intention g you Gilt or Plated Goods and Silver or Gold. We fiud that a very peculiar business, and more liable to abuse of con- han any other Octant. We also 1 CLOCKS. Tiflis is an article which cannotbe house, and in this age of machinery small cost. We can supply a very and a warra ted Time -keeper for a much chea r ones. But we have s styles of Re lators in Fancy Wal height, for. boat $10, which are wi somest cloc ever imported into Ca contains a uperior movement with works, and patented improvernen be turned ack without injuring keepers! - Call nd see them. ispensed with in every can be procured at a ndsome striking Clock ut 4. although having me new and beautiful ut Cases, two feet in hout doubt the hand- ada for the money, and polished springs, stop , allowing the hands to striking part. House - E. III XSON & Co. In this de in an advert all the lates ver and Br Gold Wed LGoadldie Kepe Ladies' Fan Gents'Gents' Fanc Silver Ring Watch Cho. Watch Key Gents' Pins, Morton's Go And anythi tion purpos artment we cannot co sement, but enough sai styles of every article i s, at prices to suit ever g Rings, Rings, Y Rings, Rings, allkmds, s, d Pens, g, else that s. Breast Pin Ear Rings Shirt Stu Sleeve Bu Tie Rings, Lockets, Crosses, Charms, Gold Tootl you want o -E. III ence to enumerate when we say we have ;the trade in Gold, Sil- body. Bracelets, Ladies' Sets, Children's Sets, tons, Black Sets, Black Brooches, Black Ear R ings, Black Crosses, Silver Thimbles, Picks, Pencil Cases. require for presenta- KSON & Co. CLEAN NG ND REFIA RING. In this new branch of our busine only that we will always end avor shall spare neither pains or inone workmen tq be had for experience are happy t4 say that so far our e vain. All Tiepairing and cleaning o Jewelry soliieited, and good work wi E. III 11 we cannot say much, to do our best.• We to procure the best d reliability, and we orts have not been in Watches, Clocks and be guaranteed. KSON & Co. Turn civer and let us Introduce Departments, th REMARKS find that the bulk of the trade ---between the buyer and seller must be done on the reputation of the dealer. Conse- quently, as we intend establishing this business in Seaforth, we wish to give our customers the value of their money, as far as it, lies in our power, and with these few remarks we beg to 'bring to your notice some of the Goods we intend keepingi a stock of, and inviti, you to call and eiiamine before buying elsewhere, as we can sell you goods at a mlieh less profit thian you can buy in any city, and show as large an assorttuent to choose from. it HICKSON & Co WATCHES. , s A correct time -keeper is indispensible to everyone, everybody who has appointments to keep,- men at work, trains to meet, meetings to attend, in fact any business that is worth doing should be chnie well and on time. For this purpose everyone •should own an American Watch, of which we have a' good Stock of the two best known makes. The ELGIT and.WALI HAM machine made Watches, and made ofdifferent grades so that every taste and purse 'can be suited, the Cases are all of heavy Solid Silver. Although we keep English Levers and differ- ent makes of Swiss Watches, !we consider American Watehes better value for the money, a d less liable to get out of order. Every Watch we sell is war anted. ' El HICKSON & Co. PLATE WARE. , Under this head we could mention more articles than we have space, and there is nothing more important to a house- keeper than to get an artie]e that will stand wear, more and Cruet Stands. In Spoons nglish makes in Niekle and Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, ode. We are agents for the orld, at Meriden, Conn. le -plated geocts are masie, and m the faetory the Prices are ssibly be sold elsewhere, and ds for $1, we would advise any hich will turn out the cheap - for years. Orders solicited for Sets, Baptismal Fonts, and. !gat ICKS ON & Co.'s. particularly in Spoons, Fork ' and Forks we havethe best Plated, and. in Cruet Stands Toast Racks and all such largest manufactory in the • where nothing but heavy tri as we have them direct fr lower than such goods can although we have Cruet Sta friend to get a good -article, est in the end, and rook new Tea Services, Communism Illustrations shown by calli E. CUTLERY. Rodgers & Sons Sheffiel Ciitlery we cannot tell any person about as it is too Well known to need any remarks from us. Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Sei.880/13, Razors, Butcher's Knives, Carvers and Forks, Steels and such goods kept in every price and quality. Also other_ housekeeping goods such els Tea Trays, Table Mats, Tea and Coffee Pots,. Lamps, &CH - HICKSON & CO. ou to our Drug Store and other call and see u