HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-11-13, Page 5d Beast that Magenta, Pll endid ns, Brier Root. ttles and all POMADE,. Haze E C"o., TGES eaforth. v'ant. nes, Pain rengthen- ►c. bought in ids, Glass :Tanteys— e -41%- IRTH. ITCH UCH ARE NOW PREPARED T9 SETTER IN G�ODS OFFER eafort BARGALNS THAN E "TO THEIR CUSTO FOR THE ERS FALL HAVING PURCHASED A LARGE STOCK AT VERY _MTh FAVORABLE PRICES. DUNCAN & DUNCAN Are selling Millinery in Bonnets and Hats of the Latest Styles very low. DUNOAN&'DUCAN Are selling Winceys in all Colors from 10 cents per yard up. DUNCAN 8cDUNCAN Are selling Velveteens in all colors at . pricFs suit the closest buyers. DUNCAN & IDUNC.AN Are selling Ladies' Collars and Ties Latest Novelties. 0 in 41- the DUNCAN & DUNCAN Are selling Ladies', Skirts in Quilted, Felt and Fancy, at Splendid. Bargains.' DUNCAN & DUNCAN Are selling Shy tan and Fancy, wls, ,Grays, Browns, Stripes, Tar - at prices to suit the times. DUNCAN &; DUNCAN Are selling Latest Styles in Mantles at Low ,...ri ,prices. DUNCAN & DUNCAN Are selling Clouds, Scarfs, Breakfast Sontags and Hoods, at Famine Prices. hawls, Dress GOODS, Dress GOODS: E HAVE the Newest Goods in the Just to hand, and : is now opened o Lowest Prices possible for any house to s We would ask our customers ' to look at F Goods, Serges, Paranlattas, French Merin hove line. t, at the row them. ncy Dress es, Black -. UNCAN & DUNCAN' Are selling Millinery in Bonnets and Hats of tli Latest Styles very loin. DUNCAN &-DUNCAN Are selling Winceys in all Colors from. 1 1. cents: per yard up. Lustres, Winceys, Black Empress Cloths anld Sateens. DUNCAN & DUNCAN i � a DU,, NCAN & DUNCAN Are selling Cloths, Tweeds and Flannels tut hard times prices. DUNCAN DUNCLAN Are selling Hdse, Gloves, Mufflers andS arfs at b i killing prices. N c DU N CAN DUNCAN ugs Nlatts, Lace curtains selling Cal pets� R and Damasks, lower than city prices. BARGAINS in every line of Goods at price. Lower than ever. . CALL ASD DRY GOAD AT THE Ghost ofFormer Jrices IF YOU WANT U N;\ UI\ r; BARGAIN S EVERYTHING C AIF4L ON DUNCAN & 'A NCAN. CLOTHING. Men's . Suits Cheap, Boys' Suits Chea Suits Cheap, Overcoats and Pea Jackets- - ever, Clothing Made to Oder, Hats and Robes, Railway Rugs, Boots and Shoes, Goods. ECTJRE B.ARGAINS DUNCAN Are selling Velveteens in all Colors at prices, to, suit the closest buyers. DUNCAN & DUNCAN Are sellingi Ladies' Collars and. Ties in all the. Latest Novielties. ), Children's heaper than aps, Buffalo and Rubber DUNCA1 & DUNCAN Are sellin Ladies' Skirts in .Quilted, Felt and Fancy, at plendid Bargains. DUNCA14 DUNCAN Are sellino Shawls, Grays, Browns, Stripes, Tar- tans andl ancy, at prices to suit the times. DUNCA} & DUNCAN Are selling Latest Styles in Mantles at . Low Prices. L U N CAN & DUNCAN Are Selli,ig Clouds, Scarfs, Breakfast Shawls, Sontags and Hoods, at Famine Prices. DUNCAN & DUNCAN Are selling Cloths, Tweeds. and Flannels at hard times prices. DUNCAIq & DUNCAN Are selling Hose, Gloves, Mufflers and Scarfs at killing prices. DUNCAN & DUNCAN Are sellinig Carpets, :Rugs, Matts Lace Curtains, and Damasks, lower than city prices. BARGAINS in every line of Goodsi at prices Lower than ever. - & DXJNC4 Scafcrt