The Huron Expositor, 1874-11-13, Page 47 SIOR. Nov. 1:3, IS74. E. N^ k'P C THE -HURON 4 om F liallinj econ I i a so mile 8� people -io - pti ,, your object aV s' -t Tia)%g 11 Llys there are f Lilly 40,000 rpose of -c ded by Mr. Keys, baPr. Woods somewhat lo. se I'le i i , e ,c 3f 3a L. in I'lette-from. the cap y -v the in repairs f rom. his jiltonth., sufficie itly to C_'111 to Kansas Nebraska who re eithe� ss early it date as practicable. The be required to Ila e tion, shoul(l. be best %ved upon so heir -Work madb oil now, or will 0iortly be; in absolute ant Commissioners et tered upon t the grv. r 'aid Inear ..olde. t boy, a lad of about eight no (W" 8 pe 1)ed Fresh & Firlev. immedia,tely Cai ried. Moved lia.d. e, e d ulinoticed, hi.. undeserving a pil Wel the. fct is, of the liecessarieF of life, and lie eartiest.- ininiediatelY, and have nade such pro- Thorp's, 1 Disscrlutioli­ 3 elf ry 'Nlay t t by-ithe asso expect to have reuly A I Holo. �V citioi� of ideas, wher- Iyappeals not only to the citizens of Kress that !they bv 'Dr. Woods, �secioi.i ded. I y ' nd(-r- in all tip -stairs -room) to open Nv' Hogs t a T S I that it special gi ajit o .188 be made ild, shout to the This Gold Brooch Lost. ie� ar thel words,," Local Le islture are it. Louis. but to the people of the whole a complete i, visio of ou tatutq laws a i, all tryi to send them aid in the silipe before the next session 'allher, fdr re] iei Of the L6gisla- to James G gil- g bridge did, and in a sliort time f pi 1-19 and clothing, and s sp )It hom the Commissioners oil ideline between 2 1.bors who live iii adjoining houses PaCizfiD-ltailNVIiY---�l?-'t!--tUl�l- Ut bel*ed, the tirst hope th, t gge,its it- coun 1,ots Ai d List of Letteri-4-S. Dickson. o -ovisio e -ed- to re.- A Tie! ame f is th. t Messrs. Ityl and Lauder d asked the boy wbat will be laidt, y il Con %cts i1bert I I I The finance a�,caunts of the-Proyince, onded by M r Key that be imitter, When the boy replied tht ),is 'I as possible. . efore you. -'Carried. IVI oved abyMr. Nastle, see- o it t Wtlnot-c6utbluetorent� �themsclvesiii- SPANISH H09TILITIRS.—The forceena-- 9- ildrew McKetizie- - ; - 1-1 Farm for 8L,%Ie--A gaged in the sieg he iion�itilttion to Pa itild '.Nla were tied id - e of 1run, Spai n. . fi o w brought up to as �ate a date as prketca- passed, authorizing' t were .3 Farm for Andrew Slon. Sufferble. bo-cs to both' sides'of the t1kat-the Glork. robbing tb6bnk. It ble, will -be submitted to you iinul�diate- be held' at Varna and Berk sh-ire B -m. BLIair '�umbers 15,000 their fire is irregular I oar -W House, s,they have never failed to do Wit liounc- give i And ineffectual. Gene-ral Lan h IS. I have Ittib s i fac'ion of saan the No atte once n 81,11al Council theii. adjourfied to meet at were liberzited. pt during past essions. T+ gi�ves them 6 you that he., aggregate rqvenue The 0 - -eigbt battalion3 of Republican troops -+* ing t Notiecto Debto,rs--\%"m. -ison of Irt e , j3v;yfield, oil Tues- I to enter the*Barik at all, as doubtless nforce the gan the tijile the burglars it it prominence to wbi I th otl er quali- in, reached -for tht- PreSibilt tr is certain to �xceed 'Williatrison's Hot 1 by 1 Notice -L day, Dec. 29. ties would never ellt Clerk. safe to commence operations tlicre,, S-1-0 Reward- lionis Kllo-�. itle t that town',on Nov. 6. ']'here have beea the aggmgat�* am I ount which wai esti- LU cendiary fires in Irun since the mated, and that I he aggregate expendi- Eatray Sheep -Mrs. ical many in boys cries startled tbeiii, and the GLvin clatters polit the go-by un - i commencement of the bollibardment, but I ture will beless t. ian the amountauthOr arn Heifer -Robert, Bai�rirnple. I - ay I McKillop. becomim, general, tlive'ir onv sfet, til my next letter, it ma iiit�-reRt some they were speedily extinguished. It is ized to be eipendO. D. Estrav Rm -Thomas DowLe. Ild that in, of you i� readers to knoo that believed that the Carlists will be coni- The,. estimates for the coming year ALLAcCEPTE — AVe understa mediate flialit Bar & Daucin. 9 have been prepr (1, and Will be laid be- Rev. Mr. Thompson hag accepted the After th;e banker and big family were 1, y the Congl those rei�ioiis awakeniligs, not uncoill- pelled to rai:�e the siege. -oil y ii b -egation of released, attention was directed toward,-, d bb opi a THE HEALTH OF THE P -,.-A special fore 3 You w III find that the have c 11 tenidere non even in the nine -tee 'th century,18 beeii framed with strict 'aard to econ- Duff7s Church, McKiliop, and that be securing the arret of the perpetrators of teleityraill to the London Daily only.. Its We ll tr all the colstbles 10 - -be.- inducted to the pastoral charge the o ge, and Il1OW.t&1J:iDg ol' e� in Toro to'. -An Eli - e ency of thell wifl I 01 tX to 9 f6m. Ro e says that the PoDe intialided tl-as t the fhei ttion; on unday, 29-th 1 town were aroused and dispatched ih 1 I liq*nan ho, after fol- to, -receive a dt�putation on the InOrDiRg public seryWie. of the congreg, -arn�eq, eit- different About seven o'(Joclt lo-Nvina the tride of but -her for sarne of the 6th illat.L, but fainted oil entering I linpe that. yor deliberation on aThompsoil is all SFAFOPTH, F AY, _N�v, 13,1874. the hall. The physicians declare his in- the subjecN whic i may occupy your -at- I ergetic worker, and good preacher, i, the inorahig three incil, Who bad beel years, took to ild is regular attilate �he congregtion on around town ll'th (lay lyefore, livere ar- 4. i ion slight. tention, will be el Laracterized by wisdom 1 and we cbno lispolift Raform, Meeti South i ly stationed A,t Notting ill, is now. in LkTEST', Fiiolii ASHNTE'E. -Latest and true patriotism, and will receive the their-eboice. reste(I at the stati-on., 'and at elevell have the ALlayol Huron. blesitis of Divine Providence. OBTTUA-R-Y. -Our 'readers �will o'clock -%vere brought before I this city in connection., I believe, with vices from the African Gold Coast ste n - I . tat a great gathering of native chiefs noticed in our lst lvleek's issue the n- They gave their- w1u.nes as Cornelinz n. nouncement of the de th of '.Mr. D 1 avid Ile -Master, and James In accordance with prei 4ince- thp E, Varigelioal Alliace�. He holds ser- OWl1'C, ligan, , D Was held at Cape Coast Castle, oil Oct. Root;,Crol2 Competitio i reliet of the late Job. Dow.nie of 'McKil- Carroll, �Lnd they w(r_� oil trlilp '8, fo� the urpose, of clearly expressing ment,, ineetia of Zfornioirs of vices in Shfte bury Hall or p of dile 11117101b Ex-posito South Huron. _%VaSL held at Btucefield, oil in some of the City churalles,. whiah are their views oil slaver and other oltles- - To! the i I IV lop,L which took plac At the residence of looking for work and represented vari,. ii trades. : The nurse girl at the ber of all classes. tions. King Koffee, of Ashantee, unable DEAR 1 I olserve in you r issue of her son, John Downie, o tbe'3d Ong Tuesda last. The attendimee, e e D11111 �1 arg 'tat aunt of Mr. trial, said that AvIiIn thcy were tying- y on ae., by 1 . : I to recover e ver- neigh- I 1, week, the re.)ort of t judges of. ill.st. rs. Downie was w r -1 pre cl er old -e ii g ering the �bort itiotice of �,,he meebing lie is a po I e fu it 88 I e, horin tribes has settled down quietly I roots for the Sot th Riding of Huron. Thomas Downic. and Mrs. Lawrence her one of the in dropped his ce in terse, 9 rate( t� an:1 re a -vely that Mc,lAtute given, was very f -ever municipal- I his au(Iie vigorous Aik,(,Io- I In the report yoi: state, We are re- Murphy, po ill and wished trde relations resumed. of eafortb. .S he e ini she swo quested.to state that the judges in this this country froin Ire and abont, 40L years Was the i-nan- This tile olly p0ai- ity in the constit WlUa: but one ex.. Saxon. His style is ot - --hat of re- Roussas stationed on 111 iver Prah are pit- lifircy e In ago. -ed one-fourth -ago, nd with her usband Settled in C ptation--.0f lagi�ng travelerm. A a rod tive poof -against thein, others testifying �eption rereseied. he meetino, vivalist in the ordinary c e about 9 a i 0 I TYPITOID FEvcn.-Hon. Neil Gilmore I along two drills, and bad scale for Goderieb, where%ihey.remained I that they had seen thein. L te at nig"lit, I to order by r President, tha,tteim, nd, manly c pea drills of all sizes, 1he length 6-f the drills was ca�lle( king' it is uperintendent of L ublic Instruction at years. They then removed to the town;; and early tb e m ol ning.. The prisim ers and L are still retableil pended oil the width. They ship of - INIcKillLo ind settled oil the were remaAded, Mr. Robert Brown.. The first business difficult to assign to 'any of his discover Albany, N. Y., is seve taken in dc tiCe rely ill of typhoid py lso took tbree averaes. The prac. rishtown-. Church,- to await further development. trainsaoted'was the reorganization of the,;! able qualities, the poteucy f his preach. �f ev e r. I firmadfoilling tile I i - I . . of judges 0 other societies has been to Liv,E�y STABLE E�URNFD.­A livery which is '-occupied by Mr. John Downie. Oil the Wedilesday a livery mwl IT., Association the following fficers were I ilig. He reaches to all denominations p . ere 78 horse'$, 75 measure off A sqm re piece, and to take She has continued to live on this farm Preston hired temn of horsesild -car- stable, in which there w tappointed President -R. Callandar; in most of the churches, and is aided. by in tour drilis in ividth, irres'ective of tons of Ilay and .1. 'large iinniber of ve- p ever Her husbaild died in 1863. riage to a stranger, who said that le ilisters. wily Clinton; Vice-Freside-lit- ex. Duncan, many of the city mi Speaku'ig of the. width of the rills, and - also __ it ama 1011 hicles, was burned in Peoria, Ill., Oil She Mid been ill wi of the was.going to Paris to drive some friends Usborne Seeretary-Win �Scott, Clin- the effects of big services a letter to -One The horses afid every ar- took- one av rage. The difference in the 1; lungs for some montlispriorto her deathi ! of his to Preston. on'the followiD inday las g day e hursday. On Thursday morning about figureS gLvon by fflfferent sets of j Shewas held in tb highest estefl.m by a� i T toil ; Treasr�r-_N. M athes�, a., Clintan of the newspaers ays.:. 'It is probable f ticle Were eonsillned. f O' -accouut Ia!-ge circle of fri E, and her illemory 6 o'clock the same team was found stand - is thus e r by the differcace i'. I end -CROP's 1-0, -'Advin.es from Conlinittee-John Parsons 8 cal history. y eii .;I, St h C) 8 dopte.1 for measure -in iear Paris, secure e lim that not inty in the ecclesiasti a fai ly- 1. will long be loying!y alierisbed by many. i n a in a ti eld on ndo'n, oil the 10th inst. state the tilode ers Robert Brown, hy - Geoi on 's of Toronto has sbown a nio e remarkable No sir, I pres ie the above remarks 'IS if tj %veather for tht. past week.: bas been w, tied to a -tree and looked bey had have been ma %IV th special reference.to This no 4do bt developem, ent of - power u on ministers ml!id, Roots which at one ti in -e see: ned f been there iall nigb u Stanley ; Mr. Faran,. Glinto: Mr. Tor' I (let. I Usborne. I r 11 ii a ur lips, Which were also 8 held h peles�s 11OWL Show d Ali Mr. James Oke bas sold he team which Was to have conveyed the ace, Goderich Township -bert Mon- i and people aike than the eetilig quite it crop. IN! Ois- J Da,% FAR OLD. Ro' I . � 11 .1. -it K nd - cled I teith, Usborne, and ture was wanted in abundance, but t iere I entercol . . irktoi , , udged by the his f arm, oil th e I'll ar ae.8 ad, lisborlie, robbers from Paxiis, had tbey sticce d Dr. Bro- 'airig, Ex- this'week. E, . judges for* that isoc ety, givilig 657 bgs] ppreliension lest VegetILtiOn is;iiow sonie laboat a mile nd allilf from 1�,xeter �,iu carrying.out; their deterusjn,�.tison. eter. After the org-Alization of t1le. As- may"go on too ast, and be Checked by els and 5 lbs, er acre, aainst 817 ito Mr. Daniel Kerneqk, Th is ilear bushels, s. j Political... frolst. Wheat sow* ly over. ;f -arm. contains WO acros, and is oiie of the 1 AUCTION SALES. sociation; Alr. Cameron was u il.aniniously lidgcol by the South Huron I 0 jLudges. N w, thi mkes it difference N, consequellc lie �Iceli nomiliatedas the c dida-tef thT. a- I The .Ottawa Thnes says . "It might p Nov. J6, oil Lot 13, Con. 2, all e of t absence of * �aiidsomest In the township. onday, And of 159 bushels a id 55 olinds, quitc- proaching election for thel,commons. be pr e, i n repl to the false evIlery European. port keeps open, .40 0 01- oper, to sta i''Tuckeramith, Farm Stock'. Mrs. Peter ry pr a, acc( sll�pmeiits are hastened. Foreign, arriv- -111 -item oil an a re of roots, plainly rpprietress ; J. P. Brille, ail --c- reports which the To )rdiD(I ShoNving tj ereantile windlers in London. Rainsav,.p Mr. ( - at botl nnot be ho was prese�t, deliver- i parties 6, al and 'the dampness of the 'Wexther �yj to Cusom, have been eircub ing of late, Considerable excifenient was -occasion- tioneer. In the we followed at ed a stirrig address, in thelI coiurse* o,f th opprate against n advance in the at the Prime Minister m de no spe-ech price 1N1onday,.Nov. 16, oil Lot 30,,:Coil. o2go lig tion, w' claim to have given the. ex- ed in London, Ont-, a- day or tw, "took. -John]MCColill 1110 of I wheat. Not one European market 2 i i�lk q 9 -which he thaiiked his, i �11 for t1beir Carillon, as has been sta- ed that he by the absconding of Nlessis. Draiiger & ibbeit, Fatrin S r notes rise. while in nially there .1h,.ts act amount- coilta,ied on all acre, Thoinas King, auctioneer. .0if renewed expression of confide neve spoke to any employe of the Gov- roprietor 'f -espective of Meyer, and A. B. Ad the ,width of the drills. O been a fill[ 0 shilling. Continental -nme abot the election, andthat lie I Tuesday, Nov. I oil Lot 25, Coll' tice ilLi bi ei ont but at as the Coliser L ati-ves had Our plan wa's to' � select all- average por- Adolf & Co. Both parties were in the 3 %tell tha pl�ciilators nd ship )ers are ballging bad no nieeting, public 0 privatei, l- tiol L ill tion of the place, a - nd tak 4t on (ITy.goods and ready-made clothing buai McKillop- Farm Stock. -and ents. e nine fe appealed aginst Cie dee sion, of Judge though lie of course bad a lerfect right b 'i I-a0k, notwithstnding a reduc 1 ness, nd were. generally conside"red so, John H 'kirk, proprietor; i P_ Brille, three Arills ieasur ng the literal Avidth alt, acquitting billi of thel of hold meetinc, n the _'ounty if he auctioneer. G. to fre5ghts." I putting it into square iiicbe�, and find safe and reliable that their credit was 8, t so -unlimited. -te per iil bribery t the I as ectioll, to chose. A nother. in iste u. tragefL" the Farn rs' 01 ONTAIIIO LEGISLATURE. ing what fraction Ol an acre it was, and raking �advantage of this exploded. Iwhole- dges, he ;would th t -oil. make our mleulatioas for an acre -by the both firms ran up large bi with Hotel, Con. 8, Tackeram. ith, Farm Stock -Ther6 is rumor float a H serve his acceptance rim OF, HE SE3JTON. -&mount oil the fraction. Our measure- sale hou a in Montre'al, Toronto, Ham- And Implements. m. Whitehead., Pro- of the �omination , who' is oil big way to I I prietor ; J. P. Brine, uctioueer. Qton and London, an(ji also bought heav- aa _fin, The fourth nd last session of the On- ments made Aiiiians drills 31 inches, untilthab question w" %I�y . settled. 'I thi.q countr , is to run in t1e. Conserva- �ly of hLousehold ilece saries andpersonal Thursday, Nov. 19, on Lot 9, Con. 9 y that be in the width where we tested. tive interest for Centr-' Toronto tario Prliament assembled' at Toronto -W 9b. Hullett, F. Stock and lmplemen fectly sit b�isfied with ts The meeting was pe. South Hurou 28 in �hes. Iluxuries in the latter ity, 'as well for the Local Legislature.L I here is cer- yesterday, At 3 o'clock P. M., ifis L it is Mr. Cameroti's explanation f e situa- I ALEX. tainincy credit at the, banks, 1). Xillson,� proprietor J. B. Bri 0 th 0 tainly much need of additional talent oil Excellency, Lieutenant ("overnor Cra t, .7 11 S-BoRxlt., 9, 18711 stimated their liabili ies amount to $SO- aue wneer. tioll and with big decision. the Opposition aide in the Clitar' foril, proceeded in state to the Legisla- e 10 - Leg Tuesday, Nov. 29, oil Lot 13, Con. 10, 000. The stock- oil t e premises of bot, tiv 01 Chnilber, and delivered the -follow- We may sa.y here that our If riends in islafure. In order that th( Opposition Stanley Farm Stock Implements. V a;. m a. firms s not worth mo ethan $6,000 and athis ig all the creditor� have to fal `�ack H. J. Hudson, proprietor - -E. Bossen- in aIs peech might be enabled. to make a �metbing of 0Z South Huron. may rest perfe -P11 * Tueday morn- a decent sow i the next Parliament, J1171'1 Gewlemen of the Le SAD ACCT�ENT. gig- upon.7 1) ranger nd 211 eyers were related berry, autioneer, on4;hismatter., Thercis-not a. shadow ing last mlanclioly accident occu rred We afiould like to see the' Hm. "William lotive Asseibly. by marriage, the lattqr being the son -ill- Tuesday, Dec. 1, on Lot 35, Con Awl of doabt but the decision of judge Galt elected for, some constittl ency. He in 17arnv, which reslilted ]it tile sudden I,. R. Tuckersmitb, -Farm - 8tock I I rejoice that, oil meeting youagain to death of a mn na ed Williani Wagon- law of -the f-winer. Adolf was about to should, however try a onstituell C -y -tie, Imple ents. , Janies Davidson, proprie- will be sustined, and th Coll! be conect6d by a similai and using Kri Cameron I ele ferion. the public affairs of the Pr6v- er. Mr. Wagoner' as,in the employ of in i-diere his Chances for ctio 1 would -not will, when the proper time 4, inq. I in able to congratulate - you ion the eircilins,tance of' Ills a'pproabiag tor J. P. Brine, auctioneer. omes ac- be so doubtful as in Centre rontio. We Mr. Colwell, black mith, and u notiller year Lof veryl� general prosperity. rriage as blind, giL ving 011t that it cept the nom. ination so iinallimusly tell- ol o'clock in the worning- stzvrted out to a ;-wo d recoulinendhini tot e favorable The' remarkable progress and deyelop- Was going to be solen BIRTHS. inized according to deredhim.. It is eq�ually cartain- that,. consideration, of the Conservatives of field with a. span of horses a4ld wagon. i it of-thePr ince of late years, M J ish.riteatoneoftlie Synzo -th, oil Nov. 8, the lieli ov Nothing ew gues in CiriraEs.-In Seafoi if the Reformers of Soufb Huion ork Huron. In both the North South I of him, until be been much stimulated 'by the liber'.%l Detroit, they succeeded in levina,the wife of Coleman Charles. of a they seem, to be short of mataial for Was found lying deRd, close. to i fence erg bag and baggageL without exciting HAV. -111 Seafortb, on Nov-. 9, the ife as en eticallyand as-faithfullyin. the policy pursued il, regard to.ne%v ri�ilw!ay in the field where lid, bad gon6 to work. cl Parliamentary' candidates, and. we are r -ises, both in legislating and suspicion. next corilluet as t have donel in tb.oSe!-[ eutt �, pi f t is suppo The wedding trouseau. was Of of Mr. John Hay, of a daughter -ey sue. they wbuld bave no difficulty in' - s6d that -he had' gotiout of the lig tbein from The publie funds. the costliestidese Dim'oN.-1 I 1, th, e slat ription. - The dressiltak- i W have I I wagon o open to t1i n Goderich, o assed,L 'Mr. Camer will be�,'- gecuring the services of M P, �ate leading into the 1)_,CkL'o p, ,V1 a i es have now been afford- ers are vie w a He WoUld,.at L least, make t1, ings lively ay faciliti -iised e ( �xteilt of 84LOO or ife of Archid. n POA7 w. art of the settled field, and that lie was gettin in tin a ly I re-elected by a larer, nlajorA3 tha, he.' ed't:) almost every � more. A. S. Murray loses q, 50 for,wed' fOT a. while. again the horacs at rted suddenly master, of son. nd porl ions of our Province, nd under the -.--Jn Grey, oil No. 8, t1 has y -.t had, no mattd'r who h s oppon- t ding jewellery Thei� furrier's and. hat� STRAVITA-S I c dars, of Hamilton, euce. Thehoises Mr, Thomas threw him against th f ent imp ,tug; given by provincial assistance, ter's bills i each '-,,200 inore, and the house- 'wife of Strachan, maybe. That they will! do this, hag been 'unanimouslv nomin ded as th galloping trirough he field, without a of are :)eing extended to the more remote furnishings were proyided t a cost of driver, attraAed th attention of some the- hearty nd enthu 5"a didate for South -Simeoe, for istriets of the Province', a mmerce anol. y ature. yeJ at the meet'n ou Ttlesol, I - iii Z n ith a resolution passed Bank of British North America lose abut $1 stic feeling dis ' Reform can andjunsettled di bout $700. The Bank of Co pla e Cal Legid of the neighbors who went to see wha t MARRIACIES f"y T Speaker was wrong aud found Wagoner Iv- h -Hon. -, aneS at y6ur last session, with re guarntees its in belibving. Jlidging spect, to the $25 000 each. Burrill &Co., Lang,,Sath Hotel, Seafortb on Nov. 9, by R,ev. of the House ot Commons, has been �se�- i1iW aside t�e fence quite dead. (fis ings efii & " I Terwilligar, r.- Emanuel Bissett, of of thqse at. th e . m cet- le- Ved by th'e Conservatives of East" Province, my Go�,erlltnent nd the -Go breast was ruised- hsif lie bad fallen sale dry goos dealen lof London, are i from the feel eastOly. and nortberly'boundaries of t'ile erind & Co., and (-xr ' ig, the Reformers of 8outh Huron. are Northumberland as their candidate to v-, I i eavily on th 6 fence, ! He was a- respqlct- 0 Crediton, to Miss Roll,ins, of evilment.of the. Dominion hve agreed n able, indii tr Ong Mal�I, and leaves a wid for about $10,000 each. Burnateiii,and Biddulph, 1 0 con ap ace test the, seat for the Colliniolls ren- even more determined than ever t it provincil liii4 to be assumed as cor Hughes Brothers, Toronto, are the only ow to mourri� his sadil il�nd sudden'dea eid the I dered vacnt by the unseating: of Mr. J.: %r * C1 .--At the r -e e it: soif-iii-law of fatber, on Oct. I 0, by their candidate at the It all o.the polliby rect, for the puiposel, of land grants, OY M r. W Was names of outside hous(S yet giVell 911101719 bri(fe's I �L. Biggal I goner r a respectable majorit�-, and we, are at -ire 1 -It is statod that.Aln J. P Jover unent, IlDtil the true and per- Scoibbie, of Seaforth.': the dupe.:q of the runways, but Hawke. Mi,. Sailinel. Hall, to Hannah, eachl (J i no - doubt Vie NM i 1 - i,,,a,,,,nt bounary sball be ascertained many other firing nd in.other cities have I that they will do so. hati, of :Gttelphi is to be a candidate f6r DIED.-Mrp.- Vine,i wife of �Ln old.al�d secoliddati--ghte of Mr. David Black, areed io ir seeing to ha de�erlined, and have suffered. T -lie whole iliffa North Wellington in the forthconlin" - respected re'sident Of Varna, died lon, ve altof Wroxeter. 'No cards. to arbitration as to the permanent local election. i Mr. M cMillan claims to EnR.-At the Alanse, ieaV been the result of a weli matured �and �GSL IN TO i)oa,,,rary.t I Monday night last' Mrs. Vine bad Ot DOI RONTO. cleverly -executed plan to make -i large be a E eformer,, but is coming o t (in his I been in good. health for N 'T tl somei tinie, it ties Iions have been entered Brussels O _L ov. 3, by Rev. S. Jo in 0 hatil ndt decanlp� 11"16 -t a bg nide own hook. If the electors of Welling- th was sudden,41id tinexpected ane, I her dea las I tit 1.1 l'ichardson, to J as with thie her illness was nottboug,lit to' be daln- 0 all ;h _F� 0.77i bit), On ith1the Dominion, as -well to overtak d arrest e partieq, and if olily daughter of Mr. James Kerr, of to'a are Nvis� they will give Mr. J, P". oveirlinients of other Provinces, witli Possible ecure their ie.� tradition. TORONTO, X01. 10" a _'ide berth.. He is- like a xl gerous.. I view to the consolidition of the resped- The faot that t6- m- ti L I At the resid- V fol XiotJS foLr� parliamentary honors, to orrow the House -of few other " po�liticians we -might name, egeiicie8 and efforts -the promci- Walion' ence of bri(le's father., on Nov. 4, i t 0 t']' . Daring Attempt t:) Rob a Bank. A896mbly will be opened tracts ittle I tion op emigra ion, and at 'a conferenc . 0- %7 THE -;N1ANA(4E1f, HIS AM) ERVANT by Rev. 1). Oliphant, of Loudon. Mr - Our Cons rvaive contempor ,of et]'OiLt, to _LNIiSS Ca.S_ e worth much', Tim, FIFH EMBER. -The Or- 'ED . I i notipe here. . The anticipaed sharturess- I recently held.at Ottaw, it was agreed t6, EIAND-CUFFED A_ND CAC(. -1711E PLO'T- Daniel Ho L ry in angemen of : iii . ambitious little vill"ye of the sessiloin which will close.t1te pres(Ilt 1ex-eter says If John Carling should by tI.e representatives of the different :) I FAILS. Me ougall, of 8tailley. Prov ces , - G 11- . ersary. of: tile, (,lull- n and of the Dominion over celebraed thp anniv Pafliamwen� cor-Libined'with the prev61- consen t to become the candidate - for . I From the Paris we l4r sie Ida ment -The papers on tILie subject will be Tov�deil Plot in good � loyal style. n I NV,�.rro.N-Po LARD. --At the resience T that on Tbursday in last N eek of 8autli Huron subjects Of its I -i(i before you. - 1�1 eanwhile it orDil the bride's 'mother, by Rev, ag expectatian that te we miht say, truthful- la is sti was liot a yery favorable �01` rdattention will be few nd tinimportant, J Y) Were it facto -y -to know that the emigration of the occ1sion,;,as it colitintied to rain up it 111oZit L darilig atternp b ato robbery was I 1)avey, of -on Nov. 2, Mr. not that t lie i6xpressiou is now earlyL made in that. town. `1 tbeir 1 John 11"alton, to Eliza, seemid. daugli- the ymr has in larger degree than pr till abdut. noo�n, when it. cleared up and causes the pprodiiijg' event to be al piirp6se without goinL(y to the trouble, or ter of the la�e John Pollard, ll of Me- -worn olit by too fre(ILent use, we. Would. I -,�lous IV, consisted of those of pe the raih entirely ceased, but still remael mostoveroolked. Still, the. fact remains t say come liciiig, John.. incurring tbe risk of L 1),Ck Ing locks aild Killop. sons nost needed in this Province, an�l edelouy. "Ibere were averygood no '_ i -At that to�mo;rro,v.r will witriess all the po m- 1� _Pbo.- Ontario Government 'have re- that ;he number of emigrants wlio llavb ber resent, I tit the suspicions looking opening the safe, -the Liu determin- t, iN LA "q -W the Cathodic solved to be tr4c to the spirit of file tem. p e(I to secure the keys by force from Church I - shtown, oil Nov. I O,, by appearance ot the day prevented a gre%t circlimStance that accompanies the this i ear settled in t be country has belli n2g perance petiti,ol'�s passed by the Local As- a, onsideri , Dc' wliat his occur: - many I roin e]Lllg I Rev. Fathel Bric, Air. Peter Quinlan., openi large th, 11 C, )resent, whieli would the Manacrer. bout I A. Al. 6f tht prententrions body whlch�- sembly, and ha�e abolished the bar Toom. red el sewEere otherwse Mr. Crnagie, the -Nal inager, -who lives of tratforl, :to Annistatia, eldest 'T re halebeen. IAtabout3o'clok L Y we Coul( isonably hav6 irreverelit men ha-ve ol-abbed "the over- ill the Parliame'nt building. about a quarter of In from the, expected. I commend...the subject ti� Fthe Brt ssels ]Iljodge, ac.cornpanied by t1e -daughter ol JaAives Walls, of gi�awn County -The rumor is float in political cir- YO -411 heard what he sn�ppo,4 to be rats nib- i cKillop. Brugge's a Briti.)ns, made its ap- cles in Toronto Ithat Boultbee will not be your ontinued. attention. blifig, and in about ti 7 or 10 minutes The familiar. visage of Charles: Rykert, You will probably be asked during the _pearance in t4e villg0li and they, togeth- 11 Candidate a the next local elections afteri be was rudely aw ened bv three DEATHS. er nces of P:ykert sitting ain W -In 8eafortb, on Oct, 21 M ar- whose only ho e of imiliortalizatio-11 is ill 1nd the (q, present session iii.view of our inerease(k v4 the 1,11 -Talton i Brethern, fotul d. bed -r 0111 - , ina;sked men rushina population, as sho b' into pr6cessioo, and litmoled b,y the bl C, the fr,equertcy with which, he peepsaut asmall, Lauder will be. opposed in n y the last.censtls� h . one Wit1f a dark lntern and lrevolver hi garet, f . ourt4 daughter of Mr. James GriyL and otherwise, to consider thepropriety of marched in e)tcellant brole'r to the I 111. . Sout of s , clever cartoo III soo grace h Grey probably by Mr. L Thomas making sonle addition to t'll where a a t -waited 411 his hand, who ilmiledi.-ttely laid hold of Forsyth, oi Tukersm ith", aed .13 a, W uniptuous repas I . e number of Girtminy, ocal mail, who has been w r- -who w I him, nd told him they w.inted the keys.1 MIS all the -halls WhLich 8 pao-gun oratory baa I dien fo, a, meml)erscomposing theLegislative As,�', islied to- partke of the good thi d fi�e months. o f . the bank as the� had determined- Rullett oil Nov. sud(lell- sembly. This addition vided, by the Waltou Brethern so often di&cr ced. "']'his remark ntural- -,Lohdt�; it seated during the pre if determined Pro upon, I to rob it; nd said f Ile' kept (Inict ly, A'Vln' Ewlbig, aged 23. Will ive you an opportunity of I �y tlip ladies of the village an(( surro-tin ly suggests the query -Mr. McLeiinall, North Vie- i 110 liarill . would come to him ILIFFE.-Ill C inton, t tl 11ce reinowill" so ng vicinity, *' .1 "Wht)s be i sent week, me of the existing unequali' 1 lio were p%seiit, oil the i I side Df I bim get it' and Init on her broth, i ton%,- 'Dr. Fergusion, orth Leeds, and CaSIOU Lot pi�rfornle( y ',Nlr. gh Scott, Igoin to do bci�ut th I 0 au of, They then niatle p_ re mean the M ties between the electoral divisionslib re� JI)art nol aC X r H. H. Cook North imccle. Each and to the- enjire sat hiapants, when they handetiffed bini nd lis %arlott I isfaction of all pro- 'D. Iliffe, aged. 19 years. .0 '31, . fter volley of ci-es which at Wallacetown grd I;O comparative population. A bill sent in servi 1.1 asked bim to give theiy. i4or:ilati a as �'b PAG -At t;affa, oli Oct. a, a of tbeabovegfit-lemen were col-nitted on - . . I evoted head the chargills of -personal bribery. lillng tl the %mount of mo 'liDgeri g illness of seven weeks, Thl wen. fired dowil upon Iii d will le laid before ybu contai n� up te'etable, S, being over the W1 bei pl) iley ill the safes, and n visior s.for giving dditional efficiency t, ng propert bY-Hon. cKellar. Will he aceept,, It i� 0 ly threatenedto shoo.thimiflie di,1 iiot� arranged, r. AlcFdden was clled 0 as, th e in fant' so n of M r. Thomas Page, I-a-ws for he prevention of bribery an4 i NEWS OF THE WE I thechail" who very abley dischara aged'une year and two months. even at the uleventh JOUX, the, chalenge ed the tell the truth. they Could not E R. other Illegal Rcts at -elections to this As �et -the cash with his keys, as the Clerk i his oft-ab-ased. assailan'llide and re- semb] . I rejoice to perceive that th I duties de.volv nrf upon ione in so reapomi- y In M A I.,. m in the bank bad prt of thein Thely pea -tee, time alld ariail) his reve AL BAZA mC-Marshal Bazane distri )ution of part of the Sul ble a Osit li' -%vife, under the name of L, ite.of6c Pro%-' P 101 I uOsels, 'J. Manning, lolv LHE MARKETS. L '74 Br Ito hve theni In and 'Y'l then sked. as to the Clerk i'd L 0, - I I apena, L. I O. "ice monry the local. mulll. I 'vesti(tated it, Time will hve sailed from Southampton oil the cilialities has given *,"I' 1, D M B. Get i) inpetus to local I Y, C. M., J. Harris, C., Imany people resided. the oank build- I'AFORTH, Nov. 12, 1874 - tell, and then, J'(le Ylctiq! And Luder, Royal Mail stwinsbip Neva. insackilia the drawers they SL : ' S., all (I Rev. Coo addr I Ing. After n lmpro�,ements, which 'I trust will all , ease( tl�e i :th il r e - OW aeeting, Wbic per Fall Wheal (new).. . ............. 0 90 to 0 90 THE ELECITIONS.-Offi ti all la,8 found the keys, nd tll"M made Mi. , I e betsqo of the- ()pposition, quarb perm ent parts of tbd ted, about two houx�, Sprig Wheat, pei' bushel. 4) 90 to 0 W 1%,hem they placed fter which thi re:givell f�r turns fromRome fully confirin the sue- Pro vi ce. -ee cbee4 we Carnagie go -up stairt, Oats per .5 to 0 chorus to cess of will he calitinue to strike tlic the Croverment in the elections. A N I to extend the chairmall, sp him in a closet oil cliair. They then Pekis (now) per 1) 't.3 to 1) '74 eaker' and the Quee' f objects to - Barley Per iffishel .......... 1 05 to 107 th Cr screwed a staple ilitc the floor -at big ' LI Ministerial ci'didates have been electd wbichl municipal Coulicils mOay devote and then the meetin dispersed, eve ' i L , Butte'r,'Xo. 1, 24 to 0 *25 11y �e Of Proton ? Or has he du th his lon g, respite evol ved from 35 one appareiitl� satisfied With, the p, Batter in tubs. t. J ...... 0 24 to 0 25 the depths OL6 out of 500 districts. the -u expended bala � ro- I. feet and another into the wall at the back nAe of the amounts ITHE AqERICA WOOLEN TRADE�.-Af- ceedings of the evening. of his ileck, and secuiely.stiappeX him E ................ 0 00 to 0 15 1 iousliess ffoul source to wb' ch their municii)aitieF, are entiti- t"N.iLne� , Flonr ...... 0 oo to 5 50 ,of his inner cosc* ter the adjournment Of the annual mee I ; thereto by straps aad tarry ............ t- ed, will be laid before- �roll. ; 1 —_ . . Of many ndallother in I . I ....... round. his neck, first lacing his hand- _y, new.. ........ J2 00 to 119 00 ing. Hides ........... v ............. 6 00 to 00 9 of the National Association of Wool. I have much satisfaction. in draw* Stanley, charge aainst the Hon. ComInIssioller Pan Manufctures last week at New York, cuffed hands over the I ack of the chair, i Tel calf, per 0 08 to 0 10 poull(l. .......... ttention to thP legislation in, Coucm MEETMG.--mie Council me! (behind him) then gUil a I CIOS_ Sheep ............... 0 50 to I Oil' your . I oAariGulture ? Probably the lesson thos.e �ngaged in manufacturing fancy GreatWitain, and else'where, for ed him, , 11(1 0 Salt (rctqil) per barrel ........... I 00 casaim ier -the advisabili- King edthedoor. The3�_tgioin. bandcuffedand, ers met to corisid glVln ly pursuant to adjournment, at -Alr. al t (whdlesal e) Pei, 0 75 gL just s curity to land titles, by a orten- Hotel, Bayfield. All the �liembeis pre gagged Mrs. and bound her his co -mate ad brother li'l (Opposition) decreasin the prod uction of their i lig dh airIPotatoes, 'per bnshel, 0 40 to 0 50 "xile Mr. _Rykert, was taught by O,e goods. Twelity-on e' mills, through claliDI&Call be set up to the prejudic- last m6eting were read and oved. , J ,�Iyn eo 10 tle . periods within which State I ent ;* the 1'eevp in the Ch inutes 0 down in the bed; they then proceeded Oatmeal 1+ brL. (I 00 to 6 00 Han. gentleman may not be witot its their representatives,. agreed to .stop el appr to the nurse girl's roo (a girl of about ' Wood ............. ........ 4-) F) 0 to 75 4 00 to 5 01) 25 of par�ies in posession. A bill for thli, letter was read f rom ' the 'Secretary of 12 to 14) and securely asteii�d ]let-. in ........ effects on him. Though I cannot confeaS per dent. of their, machinery for three pur 0 e will be among the measures' the London, Huron i-Ld B f ....... 6 00 to 7 00 months, from Nov. 1. ruce ltailroa4 a like manner to ' I r. 4- to. very strong hopes of so blessed a Ll:BFRAL �)ONATIO-,,(.-David 8uitoll, Of- which"Willbe submitted for your coll- Company, demanding the debentures -i- tarry twine to fasten er . iieck to the CLINTONL No� 12,1874. I . sidera ion. I Laid over ; also a petitiou asking id for t Ae. They then placed ll the Fall Wheat, per bl : 0 fS tw 0 90 prophet,, yet, like Burns in his " Ad- New York, �recently gave $30,000;to the A.vailing M A by-law, fiXiDg the Areas to'tbe D'il," I would fail'believe Young feli's Christian Association of whi It g%Vheat per-buhel o Fk to: 0 90 'a Yself of the appropriatiOD1 Jane McDonald. schi dren in a rooi and fastened the iloor SPrin ,I Oats, per bushel.. 6 q I", 0 88 ity, to pay pff their debt. ch you. made last session for the very place of holding the noination at Val-, thereof, and ha -vin ps they thought, that cl Bavicy, per bushel; that aebIlins,L" even he, is not beyond import�nt work of - consolidating the iia, was passed. The hispecicir) third arrangements safe, tlie3 left 4- DE-STIUTIOy RN ]KANSAS AND NEBR with the in- Peas, per bushe.l..1... ........... 0* 7o ilb 0 T2 AS- statutos relating to (.)lltario, a chance of reformation. I soon after- report was read and ordered 6 oi le Bufter ............ ........... 0 22 (ir 0 '25 KAL-Prof. A. B. Smith, I ) be tileol. tention. of g i g to tl bank. Mr. ex -President of wards 1issued -a Commission to eminentl A number of accounts ivere read. 0 45 (& 0 Yoar, readers will perhal a and orr Carnagle wilited about live minutes fter 0 1 EMS ............. 1 ............. 0 12 qi 0 1.1 s wonder that the A rkansas V Iley Gollegiate.ln8titute, Judgei§ and lerned Counsel for iliel dered to be paid. Nloyed by all was quiet, aird theii- linding hi�; 1300 r. 14 0 Hay, per ton ....... ............. I nhinc, I 1b. i211 im, Of SiNef oz.; _Ca;stu4 mav boj� made rA lbs. To anneal teel, vaq then put it in a d-ust till cold, when. iti' be te sofL ()r best, red brass, take copper, *24 oz. Put in 13it fore pourill-om For black ux, takE of tartar 203TO Cream I �i in silm 11 keep in .4 This is JlSe(ji i 'To Soften fra es, covk An hol<ll them over blazes ; as soon as over theffle, plun,gie it pu. them in a iftoderatolL :an hour, if lariye file first Plan IS tluol best., t To extra,ct tit froii the articl to bo' bleanO a rong about 12 -4 water ; tak-e- ent anti -th I)rtlsh-. Nivith sorat too -e z if- 1pot - _I of -cyaiiid wasi whiing, antl ;wgter. mixed in a pas�e about of th.kk ere.�T.j It is iequisit� that a oil Ith-ey � less, or otlirwl�Le it -wo d L elcate, tintLM'-- �'To pur-, easy- Ive,, PlIttij59 ;�J, in the ull will *%Cconj bat� as this process.is-i it is better to pt in -4 seed Ot ­ nut, them together andpat In twoolaysland acig hours, the w-bitin' 9 -down to the bottomll zi;nd the refi top mav be Boiled eed tools fom riastilr -11 n thm. Comilion -9 for -veitt from Tustin-' al i llzh tools txpwd It Iron, for inetils, 31,1 ruiat by the I E ()Wfn�(r 4Q OUnee, of � eamplibr in lard-,' take off tille Seoul black leaa as will QV iron color' Iron chinery of all l6ndsl if hours, and thoin rub' kpmaebilieryJis. for ex be kept t6c-,T-fyV �040_ the ovage- Take pure 'Preferably tin, 1:1 Vill iparts 8 parts t. liTti parts. Copper, i firsi 'alre then -added, sepi tile forill'of iees, 11; 11 s now briskly stirred hou r, so as to Inix 01 _zine s aadd. in small 1114g.it -4,0r. th is entirely fused CONVe -ed., and the AIA . r aont thirty -live Ininill is then 3for casting. It has� : Ue& _M_ tkea I ble It �does not corrode rex, purposes is ll gold. I AVhea taraish can be restorea 'by�IL lwater-- 'foul ive, itut row wih Ana as we.canuot orde �obliglea to 8141 �it attenj f th*,� I ,,the ouse pe. Persevernce! -will o. .and lettuce thistles will ; The plo.. iand whatever no otb, but ibis 10 pwork. well. Learn to sle�p Oil as the ebie ISO 1 good time -for the If weary with w:. - soon. -will be =eager - F00113 -but he wi.se t" the Ao licit e( .&e S not.. ri it t he annier - me�4,1_]]S of O 4ai by 11ise early tben. worins. The m%ith. He that lags -bebi maly are :1 Cloud of ilst. -W4 HO -W Brotber, The I noted 'Metbodiet 1�re thre was Inil a, Bit. Brotb�er R.irvr duty to "M111_d the servant w0S Iro) t�hongh he was a 1114 I 4litirell,.he felt it Brothe friends -that hed hard 111 the he blll-ed to 31 1,)O-thrs shoal& ip' a brother. tit othe,r J,ohneol, r0l plicated Ana aml brother sisters sisters, I bless il e his fiela I yet; is� hLi'g 'of tbj'S�L niolle of yoll but You have tatel� JW -al bot ,p,,1Vi1,?grhtt A t 7 7 SIOR. Nov. 1:3, IS74. E. N^ k'P C THE -HURON 4 om F liallinj econ I i a so mile 8� people -io - pti ,, your object aV s' -t Tia)%g 11 Llys there are f Lilly 40,000 rpose of -c ded by Mr. Keys, baPr. Woods somewhat lo. se I'le i i , e ,c 3f 3a L. in I'lette-from. the cap y -v the in repairs f rom. his jiltonth., sufficie itly to C_'111 to Kansas Nebraska who re eithe� ss early it date as practicable. The be required to Ila e tion, shoul(l. be best %ved upon so heir -Work madb oil now, or will 0iortly be; in absolute ant Commissioners et tered upon t the grv. r 'aid Inear ..olde. t boy, a lad of about eight no (W" 8 pe 1)ed Fresh & Firlev. immedia,tely Cai ried. Moved lia.d. e, e d ulinoticed, hi.. undeserving a pil Wel the. fct is, of the liecessarieF of life, and lie eartiest.- ininiediatelY, and have nade such pro- Thorp's, 1 Disscrlutioli­ 3 elf ry 'Nlay t t by-ithe asso expect to have reuly A I Holo. �V citioi� of ideas, wher- Iyappeals not only to the citizens of Kress that !they bv 'Dr. Woods, �secioi.i ded. I y ' nd(-r- in all tip -stairs -room) to open Nv' Hogs t a T S I that it special gi ajit o .188 be made ild, shout to the This Gold Brooch Lost. ie� ar thel words,," Local Le islture are it. Louis. but to the people of the whole a complete i, visio of ou tatutq laws a i, all tryi to send them aid in the silipe before the next session 'allher, fdr re] iei Of the L6gisla- to James G gil- g bridge did, and in a sliort time f pi 1-19 and clothing, and s sp )It hom the Commissioners oil ideline between 2 1.bors who live iii adjoining houses PaCizfiD-ltailNVIiY---�l?-'t!--tUl�l- Ut bel*ed, the tirst hope th, t gge,its it- coun 1,ots Ai d List of Letteri-4-S. Dickson. o -ovisio e -ed- to re.- A Tie! ame f is th. t Messrs. Ityl and Lauder d asked the boy wbat will be laidt, y il Con %cts i1bert I I I The finance a�,caunts of the-Proyince, onded by M r Key that be imitter, When the boy replied tht ),is 'I as possible. . efore you. -'Carried. IVI oved abyMr. Nastle, see- o it t Wtlnot-c6utbluetorent� �themsclvesiii- SPANISH H09TILITIRS.—The forceena-- 9- ildrew McKetizie- - ; - 1-1 Farm for 8L,%Ie--A gaged in the sieg he iion�itilttion to Pa itild '.Nla were tied id - e of 1run, Spai n. . fi o w brought up to as �ate a date as prketca- passed, authorizing' t were .3 Farm for Andrew Slon. Sufferble. bo-cs to both' sides'of the t1kat-the Glork. robbing tb6bnk. It ble, will -be submitted to you iinul�diate- be held' at Varna and Berk sh-ire B -m. BLIair '�umbers 15,000 their fire is irregular I oar -W House, s,they have never failed to do Wit liounc- give i And ineffectual. Gene-ral Lan h IS. I have Ittib s i fac'ion of saan the No atte once n 81,11al Council theii. adjourfied to meet at were liberzited. pt during past essions. T+ gi�ves them 6 you that he., aggregate rqvenue The 0 - -eigbt battalion3 of Republican troops -+* ing t Notiecto Debto,rs--\%"m. -ison of Irt e , j3v;yfield, oil Tues- I to enter the*Barik at all, as doubtless nforce the gan the tijile the burglars it it prominence to wbi I th otl er quali- in, reached -for tht- PreSibilt tr is certain to �xceed 'Williatrison's Hot 1 by 1 Notice -L day, Dec. 29. ties would never ellt Clerk. safe to commence operations tlicre,, S-1-0 Reward- lionis Kllo-�. itle t that town',on Nov. 6. ']'here have beea the aggmgat�* am I ount which wai esti- LU cendiary fires in Irun since the mated, and that I he aggregate expendi- Eatray Sheep -Mrs. ical many in boys cries startled tbeiii, and the GLvin clatters polit the go-by un - i commencement of the bollibardment, but I ture will beless t. ian the amountauthOr arn Heifer -Robert, Bai�rirnple. I - ay I McKillop. becomim, general, tlive'ir onv sfet, til my next letter, it ma iiit�-reRt some they were speedily extinguished. It is ized to be eipendO. D. Estrav Rm -Thomas DowLe. Ild that in, of you i� readers to knoo that believed that the Carlists will be coni- The,. estimates for the coming year ALLAcCEPTE — AVe understa mediate flialit Bar & Daucin. 9 have been prepr (1, and Will be laid be- Rev. Mr. Thompson hag accepted the After th;e banker and big family were 1, y the Congl those rei�ioiis awakeniligs, not uncoill- pelled to rai:�e the siege. -oil y ii b -egation of released, attention was directed toward,-, d bb opi a THE HEALTH OF THE P -,.-A special fore 3 You w III find that the have c 11 tenidere non even in the nine -tee 'th century,18 beeii framed with strict 'aard to econ- Duff7s Church, McKiliop, and that be securing the arret of the perpetrators of teleityraill to the London Daily only.. Its We ll tr all the colstbles 10 - -be.- inducted to the pastoral charge the o ge, and Il1OW.t&1J:iDg ol' e� in Toro to'. -An Eli - e ency of thell wifl I 01 tX to 9 f6m. Ro e says that the PoDe intialided tl-as t the fhei ttion; on unday, 29-th 1 town were aroused and dispatched ih 1 I liq*nan ho, after fol- to, -receive a dt�putation on the InOrDiRg public seryWie. of the congreg, -arn�eq, eit- different About seven o'(Joclt lo-Nvina the tride of but -her for sarne of the 6th illat.L, but fainted oil entering I linpe that. yor deliberation on aThompsoil is all SFAFOPTH, F AY, _N�v, 13,1874. the hall. The physicians declare his in- the subjecN whic i may occupy your -at- I ergetic worker, and good preacher, i, the inorahig three incil, Who bad beel years, took to ild is regular attilate �he congregtion on around town ll'th (lay lyefore, livere ar- 4. i ion slight. tention, will be el Laracterized by wisdom 1 and we cbno lispolift Raform, Meeti South i ly stationed A,t Notting ill, is now. in LkTEST', Fiiolii ASHNTE'E. -Latest and true patriotism, and will receive the their-eboice. reste(I at the stati-on., 'and at elevell have the ALlayol Huron. blesitis of Divine Providence. OBTTUA-R-Y. -Our 'readers �will o'clock -%vere brought before I this city in connection., I believe, with vices from the African Gold Coast ste n - I . tat a great gathering of native chiefs noticed in our lst lvleek's issue the n- They gave their- w1u.nes as Cornelinz n. nouncement of the de th of '.Mr. D 1 avid Ile -Master, and James In accordance with prei 4ince- thp E, Varigelioal Alliace�. He holds ser- OWl1'C, ligan, , D Was held at Cape Coast Castle, oil Oct. Root;,Crol2 Competitio i reliet of the late Job. Dow.nie of 'McKil- Carroll, �Lnd they w(r_� oil trlilp '8, fo� the urpose, of clearly expressing ment,, ineetia of Zfornioirs of vices in Shfte bury Hall or p of dile 11117101b Ex-posito South Huron. _%VaSL held at Btucefield, oil in some of the City churalles,. whiah are their views oil slaver and other oltles- - To! the i I IV lop,L which took plac At the residence of looking for work and represented vari,. ii trades. : The nurse girl at the ber of all classes. tions. King Koffee, of Ashantee, unable DEAR 1 I olserve in you r issue of her son, John Downie, o tbe'3d Ong Tuesda last. The attendimee, e e D11111 �1 arg 'tat aunt of Mr. trial, said that AvIiIn thcy were tying- y on ae., by 1 . : I to recover e ver- neigh- I 1, week, the re.)ort of t judges of. ill.st. rs. Downie was w r -1 pre cl er old -e ii g ering the �bort itiotice of �,,he meebing lie is a po I e fu it 88 I e, horin tribes has settled down quietly I roots for the Sot th Riding of Huron. Thomas Downic. and Mrs. Lawrence her one of the in dropped his ce in terse, 9 rate( t� an:1 re a -vely that Mc,lAtute given, was very f -ever municipal- I his au(Iie vigorous Aik,(,Io- I In the report yoi: state, We are re- Murphy, po ill and wished trde relations resumed. of eafortb. .S he e ini she swo quested.to state that the judges in this this country froin Ire and abont, 40L years Was the i-nan- This tile olly p0ai- ity in the constit WlUa: but one ex.. Saxon. His style is ot - --hat of re- Roussas stationed on 111 iver Prah are pit- lifircy e In ago. -ed one-fourth -ago, nd with her usband Settled in C ptation--.0f lagi�ng travelerm. A a rod tive poof -against thein, others testifying �eption rereseied. he meetino, vivalist in the ordinary c e about 9 a i 0 I TYPITOID FEvcn.-Hon. Neil Gilmore I along two drills, and bad scale for Goderieb, where%ihey.remained I that they had seen thein. L te at nig"lit, I to order by r President, tha,tteim, nd, manly c pea drills of all sizes, 1he length 6-f the drills was ca�lle( king' it is uperintendent of L ublic Instruction at years. They then removed to the town;; and early tb e m ol ning.. The prisim ers and L are still retableil pended oil the width. They ship of - INIcKillLo ind settled oil the were remaAded, Mr. Robert Brown.. The first business difficult to assign to 'any of his discover Albany, N. Y., is seve taken in dc tiCe rely ill of typhoid py lso took tbree averaes. The prac. rishtown-. Church,- to await further development. trainsaoted'was the reorganization of the,;! able qualities, the poteucy f his preach. �f ev e r. I firmadfoilling tile I i - I . . of judges 0 other societies has been to Liv,E�y STABLE E�URNFD.­A livery which is '-occupied by Mr. John Downie. Oil the Wedilesday a livery mwl IT., Association the following fficers were I ilig. He reaches to all denominations p . ere 78 horse'$, 75 measure off A sqm re piece, and to take She has continued to live on this farm Preston hired temn of horsesild -car- stable, in which there w tappointed President -R. Callandar; in most of the churches, and is aided. by in tour drilis in ividth, irres'ective of tons of Ilay and .1. 'large iinniber of ve- p ever Her husbaild died in 1863. riage to a stranger, who said that le ilisters. wily Clinton; Vice-Freside-lit- ex. Duncan, many of the city mi Speaku'ig of the. width of the rills, and - also __ it ama 1011 hicles, was burned in Peoria, Ill., Oil She Mid been ill wi of the was.going to Paris to drive some friends Usborne Seeretary-Win �Scott, Clin- the effects of big services a letter to -One The horses afid every ar- took- one av rage. The difference in the 1; lungs for some montlispriorto her deathi ! of his to Preston. on'the followiD inday las g day e hursday. On Thursday morning about figureS gLvon by fflfferent sets of j Shewas held in tb highest estefl.m by a� i T toil ; Treasr�r-_N. M athes�, a., Clintan of the newspaers ays.:. 'It is probable f ticle Were eonsillned. f O' -accouut Ia!-ge circle of fri E, and her illemory 6 o'clock the same team was found stand - is thus e r by the differcace i'. I end -CROP's 1-0, -'Advin.es from Conlinittee-John Parsons 8 cal history. y eii .;I, St h C) 8 dopte.1 for measure -in iear Paris, secure e lim that not inty in the ecclesiasti a fai ly- 1. will long be loying!y alierisbed by many. i n a in a ti eld on ndo'n, oil the 10th inst. state the tilode ers Robert Brown, hy - Geoi on 's of Toronto has sbown a nio e remarkable No sir, I pres ie the above remarks 'IS if tj %veather for tht. past week.: bas been w, tied to a -tree and looked bey had have been ma %IV th special reference.to This no 4do bt developem, ent of - power u on ministers ml!id, Roots which at one ti in -e see: ned f been there iall nigb u Stanley ; Mr. Faran,. Glinto: Mr. Tor' I (let. I Usborne. I r 11 ii a ur lips, Which were also 8 held h peles�s 11OWL Show d Ali Mr. James Oke bas sold he team which Was to have conveyed the ace, Goderich Township -bert Mon- i and people aike than the eetilig quite it crop. IN! Ois- J Da,% FAR OLD. Ro' I . � 11 .1. -it K nd - cled I teith, Usborne, and ture was wanted in abundance, but t iere I entercol . . irktoi , , udged by the his f arm, oil th e I'll ar ae.8 ad, lisborlie, robbers from Paxiis, had tbey sticce d Dr. Bro- 'airig, Ex- this'week. E, . judges for* that isoc ety, givilig 657 bgs] ppreliension lest VegetILtiOn is;iiow sonie laboat a mile nd allilf from 1�,xeter �,iu carrying.out; their deterusjn,�.tison. eter. After the org-Alization of t1le. As- may"go on too ast, and be Checked by els and 5 lbs, er acre, aainst 817 ito Mr. Daniel Kerneqk, Th is ilear bushels, s. j Political... frolst. Wheat sow* ly over. ;f -arm. contains WO acros, and is oiie of the 1 AUCTION SALES. sociation; Alr. Cameron was u il.aniniously lidgcol by the South Huron I 0 jLudges. N w, thi mkes it difference N, consequellc lie �Iceli nomiliatedas the c dida-tef thT. a- I The .Ottawa Thnes says . "It might p Nov. J6, oil Lot 13, Con. 2, all e of t absence of * �aiidsomest In the township. onday, And of 159 bushels a id 55 olinds, quitc- proaching election for thel,commons. be pr e, i n repl to the false evIlery European. port keeps open, .40 0 01- oper, to sta i''Tuckeramith, Farm Stock'. Mrs. Peter ry pr a, acc( sll�pmeiits are hastened. Foreign, arriv- -111 -item oil an a re of roots, plainly rpprietress ; J. P. Brille, ail --c- reports which the To )rdiD(I ShoNving tj ereantile windlers in London. Rainsav,.p Mr. ( - at botl nnot be ho was prese�t, deliver- i parties 6, al and 'the dampness of the 'Wexther �yj to Cusom, have been eircub ing of late, Considerable excifenient was -occasion- tioneer. In the we followed at ed a stirrig address, in thelI coiurse* o,f th opprate against n advance in the at the Prime Minister m de no spe-ech price 1N1onday,.Nov. 16, oil Lot 30,,:Coil. o2go lig tion, w' claim to have given the. ex- ed in London, Ont-, a- day or tw, "took. -John]MCColill 1110 of I wheat. Not one European market 2 i i�lk q 9 -which he thaiiked his, i �11 for t1beir Carillon, as has been sta- ed that he by the absconding of Nlessis. Draiiger & ibbeit, Fatrin S r notes rise. while in nially there .1h,.ts act amount- coilta,ied on all acre, Thoinas King, auctioneer. .0if renewed expression of confide neve spoke to any employe of the Gov- roprietor 'f -espective of Meyer, and A. B. Ad the ,width of the drills. O been a fill[ 0 shilling. Continental -nme abot the election, andthat lie I Tuesday, Nov. I oil Lot 25, Coll' tice ilLi bi ei ont but at as the Coliser L ati-ves had Our plan wa's to' � select all- average por- Adolf & Co. Both parties were in the 3 %tell tha pl�ciilators nd ship )ers are ballging bad no nieeting, public 0 privatei, l- tiol L ill tion of the place, a - nd tak 4t on (ITy.goods and ready-made clothing buai McKillop- Farm Stock. -and ents. e nine fe appealed aginst Cie dee sion, of Judge though lie of course bad a lerfect right b 'i I-a0k, notwithstnding a reduc 1 ness, nd were. generally conside"red so, John H 'kirk, proprietor; i P_ Brille, three Arills ieasur ng the literal Avidth alt, acquitting billi of thel of hold meetinc, n the _'ounty if he auctioneer. G. to fre5ghts." I putting it into square iiicbe�, and find safe and reliable that their credit was 8, t so -unlimited. -te per iil bribery t the I as ectioll, to chose. A nother. in iste u. tragefL" the Farn rs' 01 ONTAIIIO LEGISLATURE. ing what fraction Ol an acre it was, and raking �advantage of this exploded. Iwhole- dges, he ;would th t -oil. make our mleulatioas for an acre -by the both firms ran up large bi with Hotel, Con. 8, Tackeram. ith, Farm Stock -Ther6 is rumor float a H serve his acceptance rim OF, HE SE3JTON. -&mount oil the fraction. Our measure- sale hou a in Montre'al, Toronto, Ham- And Implements. m. Whitehead., Pro- of the �omination , who' is oil big way to I I prietor ; J. P. Brine, uctioueer. Qton and London, an(ji also bought heav- aa _fin, The fourth nd last session of the On- ments made Aiiiians drills 31 inches, untilthab question w" %I�y . settled. 'I thi.q countr , is to run in t1e. Conserva- �ly of hLousehold ilece saries andpersonal Thursday, Nov. 19, on Lot 9, Con. 9 y that be in the width where we tested. tive interest for Centr-' Toronto tario Prliament assembled' at Toronto -W 9b. Hullett, F. Stock and lmplemen fectly sit b�isfied with ts The meeting was pe. South Hurou 28 in �hes. Iluxuries in the latter ity, 'as well for the Local Legislature.L I here is cer- yesterday, At 3 o'clock P. M., ifis L it is Mr. Cameroti's explanation f e situa- I ALEX. tainincy credit at the, banks, 1). Xillson,� proprietor J. B. Bri 0 th 0 tainly much need of additional talent oil Excellency, Lieutenant ("overnor Cra t, .7 11 S-BoRxlt., 9, 18711 stimated their liabili ies amount to $SO- aue wneer. tioll and with big decision. the Opposition aide in the Clitar' foril, proceeded in state to the Legisla- e 10 - Leg Tuesday, Nov. 29, oil Lot 13, Con. 10, 000. The stock- oil t e premises of bot, tiv 01 Chnilber, and delivered the -follow- We may sa.y here that our If riends in islafure. In order that th( Opposition Stanley Farm Stock Implements. V a;. m a. firms s not worth mo ethan $6,000 and athis ig all the creditor� have to fal `�ack H. J. Hudson, proprietor - -E. Bossen- in aIs peech might be enabled. to make a �metbing of 0Z South Huron. may rest perfe -P11 * Tueday morn- a decent sow i the next Parliament, J1171'1 Gewlemen of the Le SAD ACCT�ENT. gig- upon.7 1) ranger nd 211 eyers were related berry, autioneer, on4;hismatter., Thercis-not a. shadow ing last mlanclioly accident occu rred We afiould like to see the' Hm. "William lotive Asseibly. by marriage, the lattqr being the son -ill- Tuesday, Dec. 1, on Lot 35, Con Awl of doabt but the decision of judge Galt elected for, some constittl ency. He in 17arnv, which reslilted ]it tile sudden I,. R. Tuckersmitb, -Farm - 8tock I I rejoice that, oil meeting youagain to death of a mn na ed Williani Wagon- law of -the f-winer. Adolf was about to should, however try a onstituell C -y -tie, Imple ents. , Janies Davidson, proprie- will be sustined, and th Coll! be conect6d by a similai and using Kri Cameron I ele ferion. the public affairs of the Pr6v- er. Mr. Wagoner' as,in the employ of in i-diere his Chances for ctio 1 would -not will, when the proper time 4, inq. I in able to congratulate - you ion the eircilins,tance of' Ills a'pproabiag tor J. P. Brine, auctioneer. omes ac- be so doubtful as in Centre rontio. We Mr. Colwell, black mith, and u notiller year Lof veryl� general prosperity. rriage as blind, giL ving 011t that it cept the nom. ination so iinallimusly tell- ol o'clock in the worning- stzvrted out to a ;-wo d recoulinendhini tot e favorable The' remarkable progress and deyelop- Was going to be solen BIRTHS. inized according to deredhim.. It is eq�ually cartain- that,. consideration, of the Conservatives of field with a. span of horses a4ld wagon. i it of-thePr ince of late years, M J ish.riteatoneoftlie Synzo -th, oil Nov. 8, the lieli ov Nothing ew gues in CiriraEs.-In Seafoi if the Reformers of Soufb Huion ork Huron. In both the North South I of him, until be been much stimulated 'by the liber'.%l Detroit, they succeeded in levina,the wife of Coleman Charles. of a they seem, to be short of mataial for Was found lying deRd, close. to i fence erg bag and baggageL without exciting HAV. -111 Seafortb, on Nov-. 9, the ife as en eticallyand as-faithfullyin. the policy pursued il, regard to.ne%v ri�ilw!ay in the field where lid, bad gon6 to work. cl Parliamentary' candidates, and. we are r -ises, both in legislating and suspicion. next corilluet as t have donel in tb.oSe!-[ eutt �, pi f t is suppo The wedding trouseau. was Of of Mr. John Hay, of a daughter -ey sue. they wbuld bave no difficulty in' - s6d that -he had' gotiout of the lig tbein from The publie funds. the costliestidese Dim'oN.-1 I 1, th, e slat ription. - The dressiltak- i W have I I wagon o open to t1i n Goderich, o assed,L 'Mr. Camer will be�,'- gecuring the services of M P, �ate leading into the 1)_,CkL'o p, ,V1 a i es have now been afford- ers are vie w a He WoUld,.at L least, make t1, ings lively ay faciliti -iised e ( �xteilt of 84LOO or ife of Archid. n POA7 w. art of the settled field, and that lie was gettin in tin a ly I re-elected by a larer, nlajorA3 tha, he.' ed't:) almost every � more. A. S. Murray loses q, 50 for,wed' fOT a. while. again the horacs at rted suddenly master, of son. nd porl ions of our Province, nd under the -.--Jn Grey, oil No. 8, t1 has y -.t had, no mattd'r who h s oppon- t ding jewellery Thei� furrier's and. hat� STRAVITA-S I c dars, of Hamilton, euce. Thehoises Mr, Thomas threw him against th f ent imp ,tug; given by provincial assistance, ter's bills i each '-,,200 inore, and the house- 'wife of Strachan, maybe. That they will! do this, hag been 'unanimouslv nomin ded as th galloping trirough he field, without a of are :)eing extended to the more remote furnishings were proyided t a cost of driver, attraAed th attention of some the- hearty nd enthu 5"a didate for South -Simeoe, for istriets of the Province', a mmerce anol. y ature. yeJ at the meet'n ou Ttlesol, I - iii Z n ith a resolution passed Bank of British North America lose abut $1 stic feeling dis ' Reform can andjunsettled di bout $700. The Bank of Co pla e Cal Legid of the neighbors who went to see wha t MARRIACIES f"y T Speaker was wrong aud found Wagoner Iv- h -Hon. -, aneS at y6ur last session, with re guarntees its in belibving. Jlidging spect, to the $25 000 each. Burrill &Co., Lang,,Sath Hotel, Seafortb on Nov. 9, by R,ev. of the House ot Commons, has been �se�- i1iW aside t�e fence quite dead. (fis ings efii & " I Terwilligar, r.- Emanuel Bissett, of of thqse at. th e . m cet- le- Ved by th'e Conservatives of East" Province, my Go�,erlltnent nd the -Go breast was ruised- hsif lie bad fallen sale dry goos dealen lof London, are i from the feel eastOly. and nortberly'boundaries of t'ile erind & Co., and (-xr ' ig, the Reformers of 8outh Huron. are Northumberland as their candidate to v-, I i eavily on th 6 fence, ! He was a- respqlct- 0 Crediton, to Miss Roll,ins, of evilment.of the. Dominion hve agreed n able, indii tr Ong Mal�I, and leaves a wid for about $10,000 each. Burnateiii,and Biddulph, 1 0 con ap ace test the, seat for the Colliniolls ren- even more determined than ever t it provincil liii4 to be assumed as cor Hughes Brothers, Toronto, are the only ow to mourri� his sadil il�nd sudden'dea eid the I dered vacnt by the unseating: of Mr. J.: %r * C1 .--At the r -e e it: soif-iii-law of fatber, on Oct. I 0, by their candidate at the It all o.the polliby rect, for the puiposel, of land grants, OY M r. W Was names of outside hous(S yet giVell 911101719 bri(fe's I �L. Biggal I goner r a respectable majorit�-, and we, are at -ire 1 -It is statod that.Aln J. P Jover unent, IlDtil the true and per- Scoibbie, of Seaforth.': the dupe.:q of the runways, but Hawke. Mi,. Sailinel. Hall, to Hannah, eachl (J i no - doubt Vie NM i 1 - i,,,a,,,,nt bounary sball be ascertained many other firing nd in.other cities have I that they will do so. hati, of :Gttelphi is to be a candidate f6r DIED.-Mrp.- Vine,i wife of �Ln old.al�d secoliddati--ghte of Mr. David Black, areed io ir seeing to ha de�erlined, and have suffered. T -lie whole iliffa North Wellington in the forthconlin" - respected re'sident Of Varna, died lon, ve altof Wroxeter. 'No cards. to arbitration as to the permanent local election. i Mr. M cMillan claims to EnR.-At the Alanse, ieaV been the result of a weli matured �and �GSL IN TO i)oa,,,rary.t I Monday night last' Mrs. Vine bad Ot DOI RONTO. cleverly -executed plan to make -i large be a E eformer,, but is coming o t (in his I been in good. health for N 'T tl somei tinie, it ties Iions have been entered Brussels O _L ov. 3, by Rev. S. Jo in 0 hatil ndt decanlp� 11"16 -t a bg nide own hook. If the electors of Welling- th was sudden,41id tinexpected ane, I her dea las I tit 1.1 l'ichardson, to J as with thie her illness was nottboug,lit to' be daln- 0 all ;h _F� 0.77i bit), On ith1the Dominion, as -well to overtak d arrest e partieq, and if olily daughter of Mr. James Kerr, of to'a are Nvis� they will give Mr. J, P". oveirlinients of other Provinces, witli Possible ecure their ie.� tradition. TORONTO, X01. 10" a _'ide berth.. He is- like a xl gerous.. I view to the consolidition of the resped- The faot that t6- m- ti L I At the resid- V fol XiotJS foLr� parliamentary honors, to orrow the House -of few other " po�liticians we -might name, egeiicie8 and efforts -the promci- Walion' ence of bri(le's father., on Nov. 4, i t 0 t']' . Daring Attempt t:) Rob a Bank. A896mbly will be opened tracts ittle I tion op emigra ion, and at 'a conferenc . 0- %7 THE -;N1ANA(4E1f, HIS AM) ERVANT by Rev. 1). Oliphant, of Loudon. Mr - Our Cons rvaive contempor ,of et]'OiLt, to _LNIiSS Ca.S_ e worth much', Tim, FIFH EMBER. -The Or- 'ED . I i notipe here. . The anticipaed sharturess- I recently held.at Ottaw, it was agreed t6, EIAND-CUFFED A_ND CAC(. -1711E PLO'T- Daniel Ho L ry in angemen of : iii . ambitious little vill"ye of the sessiloin which will close.t1te pres(Ilt 1ex-eter says If John Carling should by tI.e representatives of the different :) I FAILS. Me ougall, of 8tailley. Prov ces , - G 11- . ersary. of: tile, (,lull- n and of the Dominion over celebraed thp anniv Pafliamwen� cor-Libined'with the prev61- consen t to become the candidate - for . I From the Paris we l4r sie Ida ment -The papers on tILie subject will be Tov�deil Plot in good � loyal style. n I NV,�.rro.N-Po LARD. --At the resience T that on Tbursday in last N eek of 8autli Huron subjects Of its I -i(i before you. - 1�1 eanwhile it orDil the bride's 'mother, by Rev, ag expectatian that te we miht say, truthful- la is sti was liot a yery favorable �01` rdattention will be few nd tinimportant, J Y) Were it facto -y -to know that the emigration of the occ1sion,;,as it colitintied to rain up it 111oZit L darilig atternp b ato robbery was I 1)avey, of -on Nov. 2, Mr. not that t lie i6xpressiou is now earlyL made in that. town. `1 tbeir 1 John 11"alton, to Eliza, seemid. daugli- the ymr has in larger degree than pr till abdut. noo�n, when it. cleared up and causes the pprodiiijg' event to be al piirp6se without goinL(y to the trouble, or ter of the la�e John Pollard, ll of Me- -worn olit by too fre(ILent use, we. Would. I -,�lous IV, consisted of those of pe the raih entirely ceased, but still remael mostoveroolked. Still, the. fact remains t say come liciiig, John.. incurring tbe risk of L 1),Ck Ing locks aild Killop. sons nost needed in this Province, an�l edelouy. "Ibere were averygood no '_ i -At that to�mo;rro,v.r will witriess all the po m- 1� _Pbo.- Ontario Government 'have re- that ;he number of emigrants wlio llavb ber resent, I tit the suspicions looking opening the safe, -the Liu determin- t, iN LA "q -W the Cathodic solved to be tr4c to the spirit of file tem. p e(I to secure the keys by force from Church I - shtown, oil Nov. I O,, by appearance ot the day prevented a gre%t circlimStance that accompanies the this i ear settled in t be country has belli n2g perance petiti,ol'�s passed by the Local As- a, onsideri , Dc' wliat his occur: - many I roin e]Lllg I Rev. Fathel Bric, Air. Peter Quinlan., openi large th, 11 C, )resent, whieli would the Manacrer. bout I A. Al. 6f tht prententrions body whlch�- sembly, and ha�e abolished the bar Toom. red el sewEere otherwse Mr. Crnagie, the -Nal inager, -who lives of tratforl, :to Annistatia, eldest 'T re halebeen. IAtabout3o'clok L Y we Coul( isonably hav6 irreverelit men ha-ve ol-abbed "the over- ill the Parliame'nt building. about a quarter of In from the, expected. I commend...the subject ti� Fthe Brt ssels ]Iljodge, ac.cornpanied by t1e -daughter ol JaAives Walls, of gi�awn County -The rumor is float in political cir- YO -411 heard what he sn�ppo,4 to be rats nib- i cKillop. Brugge's a Briti.)ns, made its ap- cles in Toronto Ithat Boultbee will not be your ontinued. attention. blifig, and in about ti 7 or 10 minutes The familiar. visage of Charles: Rykert, You will probably be asked during the _pearance in t4e villg0li and they, togeth- 11 Candidate a the next local elections afteri be was rudely aw ened bv three DEATHS. er nces of P:ykert sitting ain W -In 8eafortb, on Oct, 21 M ar- whose only ho e of imiliortalizatio-11 is ill 1nd the (q, present session iii.view of our inerease(k v4 the 1,11 -Talton i Brethern, fotul d. bed -r 0111 - , ina;sked men rushina population, as sho b' into pr6cessioo, and litmoled b,y the bl C, the fr,equertcy with which, he peepsaut asmall, Lauder will be. opposed in n y the last.censtls� h . one Wit1f a dark lntern and lrevolver hi garet, f . ourt4 daughter of Mr. James GriyL and otherwise, to consider thepropriety of marched in e)tcellant brole'r to the I 111. . Sout of s , clever cartoo III soo grace h Grey probably by Mr. L Thomas making sonle addition to t'll where a a t -waited 411 his hand, who ilmiledi.-ttely laid hold of Forsyth, oi Tukersm ith", aed .13 a, W uniptuous repas I . e number of Girtminy, ocal mail, who has been w r- -who w I him, nd told him they w.inted the keys.1 MIS all the -halls WhLich 8 pao-gun oratory baa I dien fo, a, meml)erscomposing theLegislative As,�', islied to- partke of the good thi d fi�e months. o f . the bank as the� had determined- Rullett oil Nov. sud(lell- sembly. This addition vided, by the Waltou Brethern so often di&cr ced. "']'his remark ntural- -,Lohdt�; it seated during the pre if determined Pro upon, I to rob it; nd said f Ile' kept (Inict ly, A'Vln' Ewlbig, aged 23. Will ive you an opportunity of I �y tlip ladies of the village an(( surro-tin ly suggests the query -Mr. McLeiinall, North Vie- i 110 liarill . would come to him ILIFFE.-Ill C inton, t tl 11ce reinowill" so ng vicinity, *' .1 "Wht)s be i sent week, me of the existing unequali' 1 lio were p%seiit, oil the i I side Df I bim get it' and Init on her broth, i ton%,- 'Dr. Fergusion, orth Leeds, and CaSIOU Lot pi�rfornle( y ',Nlr. gh Scott, Igoin to do bci�ut th I 0 au of, They then niatle p_ re mean the M ties between the electoral divisionslib re� JI)art nol aC X r H. H. Cook North imccle. Each and to the- enjire sat hiapants, when they handetiffed bini nd lis %arlott I isfaction of all pro- 'D. Iliffe, aged. 19 years. .0 '31, . fter volley of ci-es which at Wallacetown grd I;O comparative population. A bill sent in servi 1.1 asked bim to give theiy. i4or:ilati a as �'b PAG -At t;affa, oli Oct. a, a of tbeabovegfit-lemen were col-nitted on - . . I evoted head the chargills of -personal bribery. lillng tl the %mount of mo 'liDgeri g illness of seven weeks, Thl wen. fired dowil upon Iii d will le laid before ybu contai n� up te'etable, S, being over the W1 bei pl) iley ill the safes, and n visior s.for giving dditional efficiency t, ng propert bY-Hon. cKellar. Will he aceept,, It i� 0 ly threatenedto shoo.thimiflie di,1 iiot� arranged, r. AlcFdden was clled 0 as, th e in fant' so n of M r. Thomas Page, I-a-ws for he prevention of bribery an4 i NEWS OF THE WE I thechail" who very abley dischara aged'une year and two months. even at the uleventh JOUX, the, chalenge ed the tell the truth. they Could not E R. other Illegal Rcts at -elections to this As �et -the cash with his keys, as the Clerk i his oft-ab-ased. assailan'llide and re- semb] . I rejoice to perceive that th I duties de.volv nrf upon ione in so reapomi- y In M A I.,. m in the bank bad prt of thein Thely pea -tee, time alld ariail) his reve AL BAZA mC-Marshal Bazane distri )ution of part of the Sul ble a Osit li' -%vife, under the name of L, ite.of6c Pro%-' P 101 I uOsels, 'J. Manning, lolv LHE MARKETS. L '74 Br Ito hve theni In and 'Y'l then sked. as to the Clerk i'd L 0, - I I apena, L. I O. "ice monry the local. mulll. I 'vesti(tated it, Time will hve sailed from Southampton oil the cilialities has given *,"I' 1, D M B. Get i) inpetus to local I Y, C. M., J. Harris, C., Imany people resided. the oank build- I'AFORTH, Nov. 12, 1874 - tell, and then, J'(le Ylctiq! And Luder, Royal Mail stwinsbip Neva. insackilia the drawers they SL : ' S., all (I Rev. Coo addr I Ing. After n lmpro�,ements, which 'I trust will all , ease( tl�e i :th il r e - OW aeeting, Wbic per Fall Wheal (new).. . ............. 0 90 to 0 90 THE ELECITIONS.-Offi ti all la,8 found the keys, nd tll"M made Mi. , I e betsqo of the- ()pposition, quarb perm ent parts of tbd ted, about two houx�, Sprig Wheat, pei' bushel. 4) 90 to 0 W 1%,hem they placed fter which thi re:givell f�r turns fromRome fully confirin the sue- Pro vi ce. -ee cbee4 we Carnagie go -up stairt, Oats per .5 to 0 chorus to cess of will he calitinue to strike tlic the Croverment in the elections. A N I to extend the chairmall, sp him in a closet oil cliair. They then Pekis (now) per 1) 't.3 to 1) '74 eaker' and the Quee' f objects to - Barley Per iffishel .......... 1 05 to 107 th Cr screwed a staple ilitc the floor -at big ' LI Ministerial ci'didates have been electd wbichl municipal Coulicils mOay devote and then the meetin dispersed, eve ' i L , Butte'r,'Xo. 1, 24 to 0 *25 11y �e Of Proton ? Or has he du th his lon g, respite evol ved from 35 one appareiitl� satisfied With, the p, Batter in tubs. t. J ...... 0 24 to 0 25 the depths OL6 out of 500 districts. the -u expended bala � ro- I. feet and another into the wall at the back nAe of the amounts ITHE AqERICA WOOLEN TRADE�.-Af- ceedings of the evening. of his ileck, and secuiely.stiappeX him E ................ 0 00 to 0 15 1 iousliess ffoul source to wb' ch their municii)aitieF, are entiti- t"N.iLne� , Flonr ...... 0 oo to 5 50 ,of his inner cosc* ter the adjournment Of the annual mee I ; thereto by straps aad tarry ............ t- ed, will be laid before- �roll. ; 1 —_ . . Of many ndallother in I . I ....... round. his neck, first lacing his hand- _y, new.. ........ J2 00 to 119 00 ing. Hides ........... v ............. 6 00 to 00 9 of the National Association of Wool. I have much satisfaction. in draw* Stanley, charge aainst the Hon. ComInIssioller Pan Manufctures last week at New York, cuffed hands over the I ack of the chair, i Tel calf, per 0 08 to 0 10 poull(l. .......... ttention to thP legislation in, Coucm MEETMG.--mie Council me! (behind him) then gUil a I CIOS_ Sheep ............... 0 50 to I Oil' your . I oAariGulture ? Probably the lesson thos.e �ngaged in manufacturing fancy GreatWitain, and else'where, for ed him, , 11(1 0 Salt (rctqil) per barrel ........... I 00 casaim ier -the advisabili- King edthedoor. The3�_tgioin. bandcuffedand, ers met to corisid glVln ly pursuant to adjournment, at -Alr. al t (whdlesal e) Pei, 0 75 gL just s curity to land titles, by a orten- Hotel, Bayfield. All the �liembeis pre gagged Mrs. and bound her his co -mate ad brother li'l (Opposition) decreasin the prod uction of their i lig dh airIPotatoes, 'per bnshel, 0 40 to 0 50 "xile Mr. _Rykert, was taught by O,e goods. Twelity-on e' mills, through claliDI&Call be set up to the prejudic- last m6eting were read and oved. , J ,�Iyn eo 10 tle . periods within which State I ent ;* the 1'eevp in the Ch inutes 0 down in the bed; they then proceeded Oatmeal 1+ brL. (I 00 to 6 00 Han. gentleman may not be witot its their representatives,. agreed to .stop el appr to the nurse girl's roo (a girl of about ' Wood ............. ........ 4-) F) 0 to 75 4 00 to 5 01) 25 of par�ies in posession. A bill for thli, letter was read f rom ' the 'Secretary of 12 to 14) and securely asteii�d ]let-. in ........ effects on him. Though I cannot confeaS per dent. of their, machinery for three pur 0 e will be among the measures' the London, Huron i-Ld B f ....... 6 00 to 7 00 months, from Nov. 1. ruce ltailroa4 a like manner to ' I r. 4- to. very strong hopes of so blessed a Ll:BFRAL �)ONATIO-,,(.-David 8uitoll, Of- which"Willbe submitted for your coll- Company, demanding the debentures -i- tarry twine to fasten er . iieck to the CLINTONL No� 12,1874. I . sidera ion. I Laid over ; also a petitiou asking id for t Ae. They then placed ll the Fall Wheat, per bl : 0 fS tw 0 90 prophet,, yet, like Burns in his " Ad- New York, �recently gave $30,000;to the A.vailing M A by-law, fiXiDg the Areas to'tbe D'il," I would fail'believe Young feli's Christian Association of whi It g%Vheat per-buhel o Fk to: 0 90 'a Yself of the appropriatiOD1 Jane McDonald. schi dren in a rooi and fastened the iloor SPrin ,I Oats, per bushel.. 6 q I", 0 88 ity, to pay pff their debt. ch you. made last session for the very place of holding the noination at Val-, thereof, and ha -vin ps they thought, that cl Bavicy, per bushel; that aebIlins,L" even he, is not beyond import�nt work of - consolidating the iia, was passed. The hispecicir) third arrangements safe, tlie3 left 4- DE-STIUTIOy RN ]KANSAS AND NEBR with the in- Peas, per bushe.l..1... ........... 0* 7o ilb 0 T2 AS- statutos relating to (.)lltario, a chance of reformation. I soon after- report was read and ordered 6 oi le Bufter ............ ........... 0 22 (ir 0 '25 KAL-Prof. A. B. Smith, I ) be tileol. tention. of g i g to tl bank. Mr. ex -President of wards 1issued -a Commission to eminentl A number of accounts ivere read. 0 45 (& 0 Yoar, readers will perhal a and orr Carnagle wilited about live minutes fter 0 1 EMS ............. 1 ............. 0 12 qi 0 1.1 s wonder that the A rkansas V Iley Gollegiate.ln8titute, Judgei§ and lerned Counsel for iliel dered to be paid. Nloyed by all was quiet, aird theii- linding hi�; 1300 r. 14 0 Hay, per ton ....... ............. I nhinc, I 1b. i211 im, Of SiNef oz.; _Ca;stu4 mav boj� made rA lbs. To anneal teel, vaq then put it in a d-ust till cold, when. iti' be te sofL ()r best, red brass, take copper, *24 oz. Put in 13it fore pourill-om For black ux, takE of tartar 203TO Cream I �i in silm 11 keep in .4 This is JlSe(ji i 'To Soften fra es, covk An hol<ll them over blazes ; as soon as over theffle, plun,gie it pu. them in a iftoderatolL :an hour, if lariye file first Plan IS tluol best., t To extra,ct tit froii the articl to bo' bleanO a rong about 12 -4 water ; tak-e- ent anti -th I)rtlsh-. Nivith sorat too -e z if- 1pot - _I of -cyaiiid wasi whiing, antl ;wgter. mixed in a pas�e about of th.kk ere.�T.j It is iequisit� that a oil Ith-ey � less, or otlirwl�Le it -wo d L elcate, tintLM'-- �'To pur-, easy- Ive,, PlIttij59 ;�J, in the ull will *%Cconj bat� as this process.is-i it is better to pt in -4 seed Ot ­ nut, them together andpat In twoolaysland acig hours, the w-bitin' 9 -down to the bottomll zi;nd the refi top mav be Boiled eed tools fom riastilr -11 n thm. Comilion -9 for -veitt from Tustin-' al i llzh tools txpwd It Iron, for inetils, 31,1 ruiat by the I E ()Wfn�(r 4Q OUnee, of � eamplibr in lard-,' take off tille Seoul black leaa as will QV iron color' Iron chinery of all l6ndsl if hours, and thoin rub' kpmaebilieryJis. for ex be kept t6c-,T-fyV �040_ the ovage- Take pure 'Preferably tin, 1:1 Vill iparts 8 parts t. liTti parts. Copper, i firsi 'alre then -added, sepi tile forill'of iees, 11; 11 s now briskly stirred hou r, so as to Inix 01 _zine s aadd. in small 1114g.it -4,0r. th is entirely fused CONVe -ed., and the AIA . r aont thirty -live Ininill is then 3for casting. It has� : Ue& _M_ tkea I ble It �does not corrode rex, purposes is ll gold. I AVhea taraish can be restorea 'by�IL lwater-- 'foul ive, itut row wih Ana as we.canuot orde �obliglea to 8141 �it attenj f th*,� I ,,the ouse pe. Persevernce! -will o. .and lettuce thistles will ; The plo.. iand whatever no otb, but ibis 10 pwork. well. Learn to sle�p Oil as the ebie ISO 1 good time -for the If weary with w:. - soon. -will be =eager - F00113 -but he wi.se t" the Ao licit e( .&e S not.. ri it t he annier - me�4,1_]]S of O 4ai by 11ise early tben. worins. The m%ith. He that lags -bebi maly are :1 Cloud of ilst. -W4 HO -W Brotber, The I noted 'Metbodiet 1�re thre was Inil a, Bit. Brotb�er R.irvr duty to "M111_d the servant w0S Iro) t�hongh he was a 1114 I 4litirell,.he felt it Brothe friends -that hed hard 111 the he blll-ed to 31 1,)O-thrs shoal& ip' a brother. tit othe,r J,ohneol, r0l plicated Ana aml brother sisters sisters, I bless il e his fiela I yet; is� hLi'g 'of tbj'S�L niolle of yoll but You have tatel� JW -al bot ,p,,1Vi1,?grhtt A t t 7 SIOR. Nov. 1:3, IS74. E. N^ k'P C THE -HURON 4 om F liallinj econ I i a so mile 8� people -io - pti ,, your object aV s' -t Tia)%g 11 Llys there are f Lilly 40,000 rpose of -c ded by Mr. Keys, baPr. Woods somewhat lo. se I'le i i , e ,c 3f 3a L. in I'lette-from. the cap y -v the in repairs f rom. his jiltonth., sufficie itly to C_'111 to Kansas Nebraska who re eithe� ss early it date as practicable. The be required to Ila e tion, shoul(l. be best %ved upon so heir -Work madb oil now, or will 0iortly be; in absolute ant Commissioners et tered upon t the grv. r 'aid Inear ..olde. t boy, a lad of about eight no (W" 8 pe 1)ed Fresh & Firlev. immedia,tely Cai ried. Moved lia.d. e, e d ulinoticed, hi.. undeserving a pil Wel the. fct is, of the liecessarieF of life, and lie eartiest.- ininiediatelY, and have nade such pro- Thorp's, 1 Disscrlutioli­ 3 elf ry 'Nlay t t by-ithe asso expect to have reuly A I Holo. �V citioi� of ideas, wher- Iyappeals not only to the citizens of Kress that !they bv 'Dr. Woods, �secioi.i ded. I y ' nd(-r- in all tip -stairs -room) to open Nv' Hogs t a T S I that it special gi ajit o .188 be made ild, shout to the This Gold Brooch Lost. ie� ar thel words,," Local Le islture are it. Louis. but to the people of the whole a complete i, visio of ou tatutq laws a i, all tryi to send them aid in the silipe before the next session 'allher, fdr re] iei Of the L6gisla- to James G gil- g bridge did, and in a sliort time f pi 1-19 and clothing, and s sp )It hom the Commissioners oil ideline between 2 1.bors who live iii adjoining houses PaCizfiD-ltailNVIiY---�l?-'t!--tUl�l- Ut bel*ed, the tirst hope th, t gge,its it- coun 1,ots Ai d List of Letteri-4-S. Dickson. o -ovisio e -ed- to re.- A Tie! ame f is th. t Messrs. Ityl and Lauder d asked the boy wbat will be laidt, y il Con %cts i1bert I I I The finance a�,caunts of the-Proyince, onded by M r Key that be imitter, When the boy replied tht ),is 'I as possible. . efore you. -'Carried. IVI oved abyMr. Nastle, see- o it t Wtlnot-c6utbluetorent� �themsclvesiii- SPANISH H09TILITIRS.—The forceena-- 9- ildrew McKetizie- - ; - 1-1 Farm for 8L,%Ie--A gaged in the sieg he iion�itilttion to Pa itild '.Nla were tied id - e of 1run, Spai n. . fi o w brought up to as �ate a date as prketca- passed, authorizing' t were .3 Farm for Andrew Slon. Sufferble. bo-cs to both' sides'of the t1kat-the Glork. robbing tb6bnk. It ble, will -be submitted to you iinul�diate- be held' at Varna and Berk sh-ire B -m. BLIair '�umbers 15,000 their fire is irregular I oar -W House, s,they have never failed to do Wit liounc- give i And ineffectual. Gene-ral Lan h IS. I have Ittib s i fac'ion of saan the No atte once n 81,11al Council theii. adjourfied to meet at were liberzited. pt during past essions. T+ gi�ves them 6 you that he., aggregate rqvenue The 0 - -eigbt battalion3 of Republican troops -+* ing t Notiecto Debto,rs--\%"m. -ison of Irt e , j3v;yfield, oil Tues- I to enter the*Barik at all, as doubtless nforce the gan the tijile the burglars it it prominence to wbi I th otl er quali- in, reached -for tht- PreSibilt tr is certain to �xceed 'Williatrison's Hot 1 by 1 Notice -L day, Dec. 29. ties would never ellt Clerk. safe to commence operations tlicre,, S-1-0 Reward- lionis Kllo-�. itle t that town',on Nov. 6. ']'here have beea the aggmgat�* am I ount which wai esti- LU cendiary fires in Irun since the mated, and that I he aggregate expendi- Eatray Sheep -Mrs. ical many in boys cries startled tbeiii, and the GLvin clatters polit the go-by un - i commencement of the bollibardment, but I ture will beless t. ian the amountauthOr arn Heifer -Robert, Bai�rirnple. I - ay I McKillop. becomim, general, tlive'ir onv sfet, til my next letter, it ma iiit�-reRt some they were speedily extinguished. It is ized to be eipendO. D. Estrav Rm -Thomas DowLe. Ild that in, of you i� readers to knoo that believed that the Carlists will be coni- The,. estimates for the coming year ALLAcCEPTE — AVe understa mediate flialit Bar & Daucin. 9 have been prepr (1, and Will be laid be- Rev. Mr. Thompson hag accepted the After th;e banker and big family were 1, y the Congl those rei�ioiis awakeniligs, not uncoill- pelled to rai:�e the siege. -oil y ii b -egation of released, attention was directed toward,-, d bb opi a THE HEALTH OF THE P -,.-A special fore 3 You w III find that the have c 11 tenidere non even in the nine -tee 'th century,18 beeii framed with strict 'aard to econ- Duff7s Church, McKiliop, and that be securing the arret of the perpetrators of teleityraill to the London Daily only.. Its We ll tr all the colstbles 10 - -be.- inducted to the pastoral charge the o ge, and Il1OW.t&1J:iDg ol' e� in Toro to'. -An Eli - e ency of thell wifl I 01 tX to 9 f6m. Ro e says that the PoDe intialided tl-as t the fhei ttion; on unday, 29-th 1 town were aroused and dispatched ih 1 I liq*nan ho, after fol- to, -receive a dt�putation on the InOrDiRg public seryWie. of the congreg, -arn�eq, eit- different About seven o'(Joclt lo-Nvina the tride of but -her for sarne of the 6th illat.L, but fainted oil entering I linpe that. yor deliberation on aThompsoil is all SFAFOPTH, F AY, _N�v, 13,1874. the hall. The physicians declare his in- the subjecN whic i may occupy your -at- I ergetic worker, and good preacher, i, the inorahig three incil, Who bad beel years, took to ild is regular attilate �he congregtion on around town ll'th (lay lyefore, livere ar- 4. i ion slight. tention, will be el Laracterized by wisdom 1 and we cbno lispolift Raform, Meeti South i ly stationed A,t Notting ill, is now. in LkTEST', Fiiolii ASHNTE'E. -Latest and true patriotism, and will receive the their-eboice. reste(I at the stati-on., 'and at elevell have the ALlayol Huron. blesitis of Divine Providence. OBTTUA-R-Y. -Our 'readers �will o'clock -%vere brought before I this city in connection., I believe, with vices from the African Gold Coast ste n - I . tat a great gathering of native chiefs noticed in our lst lvleek's issue the n- They gave their- w1u.nes as Cornelinz n. nouncement of the de th of '.Mr. D 1 avid Ile -Master, and James In accordance with prei 4ince- thp E, Varigelioal Alliace�. He holds ser- OWl1'C, ligan, , D Was held at Cape Coast Castle, oil Oct. Root;,Crol2 Competitio i reliet of the late Job. Dow.nie of 'McKil- Carroll, �Lnd they w(r_� oil trlilp '8, fo� the urpose, of clearly expressing ment,, ineetia of Zfornioirs of vices in Shfte bury Hall or p of dile 11117101b Ex-posito South Huron. _%VaSL held at Btucefield, oil in some of the City churalles,. whiah are their views oil slaver and other oltles- - To! the i I IV lop,L which took plac At the residence of looking for work and represented vari,. ii trades. : The nurse girl at the ber of all classes. tions. King Koffee, of Ashantee, unable DEAR 1 I olserve in you r issue of her son, John Downie, o tbe'3d Ong Tuesda last. The attendimee, e e D11111 �1 arg 'tat aunt of Mr. trial, said that AvIiIn thcy were tying- y on ae., by 1 . : I to recover e ver- neigh- I 1, week, the re.)ort of t judges of. ill.st. rs. Downie was w r -1 pre cl er old -e ii g ering the �bort itiotice of �,,he meebing lie is a po I e fu it 88 I e, horin tribes has settled down quietly I roots for the Sot th Riding of Huron. Thomas Downic. and Mrs. Lawrence her one of the in dropped his ce in terse, 9 rate( t� an:1 re a -vely that Mc,lAtute given, was very f -ever municipal- I his au(Iie vigorous Aik,(,Io- I In the report yoi: state, We are re- Murphy, po ill and wished trde relations resumed. of eafortb. .S he e ini she swo quested.to state that the judges in this this country froin Ire and abont, 40L years Was the i-nan- This tile olly p0ai- ity in the constit WlUa: but one ex.. Saxon. His style is ot - --hat of re- Roussas stationed on 111 iver Prah are pit- lifircy e In ago. -ed one-fourth -ago, nd with her usband Settled in C ptation--.0f lagi�ng travelerm. A a rod tive poof -against thein, others testifying �eption rereseied. he meetino, vivalist in the ordinary c e about 9 a i 0 I TYPITOID FEvcn.-Hon. Neil Gilmore I along two drills, and bad scale for Goderieb, where%ihey.remained I that they had seen thein. L te at nig"lit, I to order by r President, tha,tteim, nd, manly c pea drills of all sizes, 1he length 6-f the drills was ca�lle( king' it is uperintendent of L ublic Instruction at years. They then removed to the town;; and early tb e m ol ning.. The prisim ers and L are still retableil pended oil the width. They ship of - INIcKillLo ind settled oil the were remaAded, Mr. Robert Brown.. The first business difficult to assign to 'any of his discover Albany, N. Y., is seve taken in dc tiCe rely ill of typhoid py lso took tbree averaes. The prac. rishtown-. Church,- to await further development. trainsaoted'was the reorganization of the,;! able qualities, the poteucy f his preach. �f ev e r. I firmadfoilling tile I i - I . . of judges 0 other societies has been to Liv,E�y STABLE E�URNFD.­A livery which is '-occupied by Mr. John Downie. Oil the Wedilesday a livery mwl IT., Association the following fficers were I ilig. He reaches to all denominations p . ere 78 horse'$, 75 measure off A sqm re piece, and to take She has continued to live on this farm Preston hired temn of horsesild -car- stable, in which there w tappointed President -R. Callandar; in most of the churches, and is aided. by in tour drilis in ividth, irres'ective of tons of Ilay and .1. 'large iinniber of ve- p ever Her husbaild died in 1863. riage to a stranger, who said that le ilisters. wily Clinton; Vice-Freside-lit- ex. Duncan, many of the city mi Speaku'ig of the. width of the rills, and - also __ it ama 1011 hicles, was burned in Peoria, Ill., Oil She Mid been ill wi of the was.going to Paris to drive some friends Usborne Seeretary-Win �Scott, Clin- the effects of big services a letter to -One The horses afid every ar- took- one av rage. The difference in the 1; lungs for some montlispriorto her deathi ! of his to Preston. on'the followiD inday las g day e hursday. On Thursday morning about figureS gLvon by fflfferent sets of j Shewas held in tb highest estefl.m by a� i T toil ; Treasr�r-_N. M athes�, a., Clintan of the newspaers ays.:. 'It is probable f ticle Were eonsillned. f O' -accouut Ia!-ge circle of fri E, and her illemory 6 o'clock the same team was found stand - is thus e r by the differcace i'. I end -CROP's 1-0, -'Advin.es from Conlinittee-John Parsons 8 cal history. y eii .;I, St h C) 8 dopte.1 for measure -in iear Paris, secure e lim that not inty in the ecclesiasti a fai ly- 1. will long be loying!y alierisbed by many. i n a in a ti eld on ndo'n, oil the 10th inst. state the tilode ers Robert Brown, hy - Geoi on 's of Toronto has sbown a nio e remarkable No sir, I pres ie the above remarks 'IS if tj %veather for tht. past week.: bas been w, tied to a -tree and looked bey had have been ma %IV th special reference.to This no 4do bt developem, ent of - power u on ministers ml!id, Roots which at one ti in -e see: ned f been there iall nigb u Stanley ; Mr. Faran,. Glinto: Mr. Tor' I (let. I Usborne. I r 11 ii a ur lips, Which were also 8 held h peles�s 11OWL Show d Ali Mr. James Oke bas sold he team which Was to have conveyed the ace, Goderich Township -bert Mon- i and people aike than the eetilig quite it crop. IN! Ois- J Da,% FAR OLD. Ro' I . � 11 .1. -it K nd - cled I teith, Usborne, and ture was wanted in abundance, but t iere I entercol . . irktoi , , udged by the his f arm, oil th e I'll ar ae.8 ad, lisborlie, robbers from Paxiis, had tbey sticce d Dr. Bro- 'airig, Ex- this'week. E, . judges for* that isoc ety, givilig 657 bgs] ppreliension lest VegetILtiOn is;iiow sonie laboat a mile nd allilf from 1�,xeter �,iu carrying.out; their deterusjn,�.tison. eter. After the org-Alization of t1le. As- may"go on too ast, and be Checked by els and 5 lbs, er acre, aainst 817 ito Mr. Daniel Kerneqk, Th is ilear bushels, s. j Political... frolst. Wheat sow* ly over. ;f -arm. contains WO acros, and is oiie of the 1 AUCTION SALES. sociation; Alr. Cameron was u il.aniniously lidgcol by the South Huron I 0 jLudges. N w, thi mkes it difference N, consequellc lie �Iceli nomiliatedas the c dida-tef thT. a- I The .Ottawa Thnes says . "It might p Nov. J6, oil Lot 13, Con. 2, all e of t absence of * �aiidsomest In the township. onday, And of 159 bushels a id 55 olinds, quitc- proaching election for thel,commons. be pr e, i n repl to the false evIlery European. port keeps open, .40 0 01- oper, to sta i''Tuckeramith, Farm Stock'. Mrs. Peter ry pr a, acc( sll�pmeiits are hastened. Foreign, arriv- -111 -item oil an a re of roots, plainly rpprietress ; J. P. Brille, ail --c- reports which the To )rdiD(I ShoNving tj ereantile windlers in London. Rainsav,.p Mr. ( - at botl nnot be ho was prese�t, deliver- i parties 6, al and 'the dampness of the 'Wexther �yj to Cusom, have been eircub ing of late, Considerable excifenient was -occasion- tioneer. In the we followed at ed a stirrig address, in thelI coiurse* o,f th opprate against n advance in the at the Prime Minister m de no spe-ech price 1N1onday,.Nov. 16, oil Lot 30,,:Coil. o2go lig tion, w' claim to have given the. ex- ed in London, Ont-, a- day or tw, "took. -John]MCColill 1110 of I wheat. Not one European market 2 i i�lk q 9 -which he thaiiked his, i �11 for t1beir Carillon, as has been sta- ed that he by the absconding of Nlessis. Draiiger & ibbeit, Fatrin S r notes rise. while in nially there .1h,.ts act amount- coilta,ied on all acre, Thoinas King, auctioneer. .0if renewed expression of confide neve spoke to any employe of the Gov- roprietor 'f -espective of Meyer, and A. B. Ad the ,width of the drills. O been a fill[ 0 shilling. Continental -nme abot the election, andthat lie I Tuesday, Nov. I oil Lot 25, Coll' tice ilLi bi ei ont but at as the Coliser L ati-ves had Our plan wa's to' � select all- average por- Adolf & Co. Both parties were in the 3 %tell tha pl�ciilators nd ship )ers are ballging bad no nieeting, public 0 privatei, l- tiol L ill tion of the place, a - nd tak 4t on (ITy.goods and ready-made clothing buai McKillop- Farm Stock. -and ents. e nine fe appealed aginst Cie dee sion, of Judge though lie of course bad a lerfect right b 'i I-a0k, notwithstnding a reduc 1 ness, nd were. generally conside"red so, John H 'kirk, proprietor; i P_ Brille, three Arills ieasur ng the literal Avidth alt, acquitting billi of thel of hold meetinc, n the _'ounty if he auctioneer. G. to fre5ghts." I putting it into square iiicbe�, and find safe and reliable that their credit was 8, t so -unlimited. -te per iil bribery t the I as ectioll, to chose. A nother. in iste u. tragefL" the Farn rs' 01 ONTAIIIO LEGISLATURE. ing what fraction Ol an acre it was, and raking �advantage of this exploded. Iwhole- dges, he ;would th t -oil. make our mleulatioas for an acre -by the both firms ran up large bi with Hotel, Con. 8, Tackeram. ith, Farm Stock -Ther6 is rumor float a H serve his acceptance rim OF, HE SE3JTON. -&mount oil the fraction. Our measure- sale hou a in Montre'al, Toronto, Ham- And Implements. m. Whitehead., Pro- of the �omination , who' is oil big way to I I prietor ; J. P. Brine, uctioueer. Qton and London, an(ji also bought heav- aa _fin, The fourth nd last session of the On- ments made Aiiiians drills 31 inches, untilthab question w" %I�y . settled. 'I thi.q countr , is to run in t1e. Conserva- �ly of hLousehold ilece saries andpersonal Thursday, Nov. 19, on Lot 9, Con. 9 y that be in the width where we tested. tive interest for Centr-' Toronto tario Prliament assembled' at Toronto -W 9b. Hullett, F. Stock and lmplemen fectly sit b�isfied with ts The meeting was pe. South Hurou 28 in �hes. Iluxuries in the latter ity, 'as well for the Local Legislature.L I here is cer- yesterday, At 3 o'clock P. M., ifis L it is Mr. Cameroti's explanation f e situa- I ALEX. tainincy credit at the, banks, 1). Xillson,� proprietor J. B. Bri 0 th 0 tainly much need of additional talent oil Excellency, Lieutenant ("overnor Cra t, .7 11 S-BoRxlt., 9, 18711 stimated their liabili ies amount to $SO- aue wneer. tioll and with big decision. the Opposition aide in the Clitar' foril, proceeded in state to the Legisla- e 10 - Leg Tuesday, Nov. 29, oil Lot 13, Con. 10, 000. The stock- oil t e premises of bot, tiv 01 Chnilber, and delivered the -follow- We may sa.y here that our If riends in islafure. In order that th( Opposition Stanley Farm Stock Implements. V a;. m a. firms s not worth mo ethan $6,000 and athis ig all the creditor� have to fal `�ack H. J. Hudson, proprietor - -E. Bossen- in aIs peech might be enabled. to make a �metbing of 0Z South Huron. may rest perfe -P11 * Tueday morn- a decent sow i the next Parliament, J1171'1 Gewlemen of the Le SAD ACCT�ENT. gig- upon.7 1) ranger nd 211 eyers were related berry, autioneer, on4;hismatter., Thercis-not a. shadow ing last mlanclioly accident occu rred We afiould like to see the' Hm. "William lotive Asseibly. by marriage, the lattqr being the son -ill- Tuesday, Dec. 1, on Lot 35, Con Awl of doabt but the decision of judge Galt elected for, some constittl ency. He in 17arnv, which reslilted ]it tile sudden I,. R. Tuckersmitb, -Farm - 8tock I I rejoice that, oil meeting youagain to death of a mn na ed Williani Wagon- law of -the f-winer. Adolf was about to should, however try a onstituell C -y -tie, Imple ents. , Janies Davidson, proprie- will be sustined, and th Coll! be conect6d by a similai and using Kri Cameron I ele ferion. the public affairs of the Pr6v- er. Mr. Wagoner' as,in the employ of in i-diere his Chances for ctio 1 would -not will, when the proper time 4, inq. I in able to congratulate - you ion the eircilins,tance of' Ills a'pproabiag tor J. P. Brine, auctioneer. omes ac- be so doubtful as in Centre rontio. We Mr. Colwell, black mith, and u notiller year Lof veryl� general prosperity. rriage as blind, giL ving 011t that it cept the nom. ination so iinallimusly tell- ol o'clock in the worning- stzvrted out to a ;-wo d recoulinendhini tot e favorable The' remarkable progress and deyelop- Was going to be solen BIRTHS. inized according to deredhim.. It is eq�ually cartain- that,. consideration, of the Conservatives of field with a. span of horses a4ld wagon. i it of-thePr ince of late years, M J ish.riteatoneoftlie Synzo -th, oil Nov. 8, the lieli ov Nothing ew gues in CiriraEs.-In Seafoi if the Reformers of Soufb Huion ork Huron. In both the North South I of him, until be been much stimulated 'by the liber'.%l Detroit, they succeeded in levina,the wife of Coleman Charles. of a they seem, to be short of mataial for Was found lying deRd, close. to i fence erg bag and baggageL without exciting HAV. -111 Seafortb, on Nov-. 9, the ife as en eticallyand as-faithfullyin. the policy pursued il, regard to.ne%v ri�ilw!ay in the field where lid, bad gon6 to work. cl Parliamentary' candidates, and. we are r -ises, both in legislating and suspicion. next corilluet as t have donel in tb.oSe!-[ eutt �, pi f t is suppo The wedding trouseau. was Of of Mr. John Hay, of a daughter -ey sue. they wbuld bave no difficulty in' - s6d that -he had' gotiout of the lig tbein from The publie funds. the costliestidese Dim'oN.-1 I 1, th, e slat ription. - The dressiltak- i W have I I wagon o open to t1i n Goderich, o assed,L 'Mr. Camer will be�,'- gecuring the services of M P, �ate leading into the 1)_,CkL'o p, ,V1 a i es have now been afford- ers are vie w a He WoUld,.at L least, make t1, ings lively ay faciliti -iised e ( �xteilt of 84LOO or ife of Archid. n POA7 w. art of the settled field, and that lie was gettin in tin a ly I re-elected by a larer, nlajorA3 tha, he.' ed't:) almost every � more. A. S. Murray loses q, 50 for,wed' fOT a. while. again the horacs at rted suddenly master, of son. nd porl ions of our Province, nd under the -.--Jn Grey, oil No. 8, t1 has y -.t had, no mattd'r who h s oppon- t ding jewellery Thei� furrier's and. hat� STRAVITA-S I c dars, of Hamilton, euce. Thehoises Mr, Thomas threw him against th f ent imp ,tug; given by provincial assistance, ter's bills i each '-,,200 inore, and the house- 'wife of Strachan, maybe. That they will! do this, hag been 'unanimouslv nomin ded as th galloping trirough he field, without a of are :)eing extended to the more remote furnishings were proyided t a cost of driver, attraAed th attention of some the- hearty nd enthu 5"a didate for South -Simeoe, for istriets of the Province', a mmerce anol. y ature. yeJ at the meet'n ou Ttlesol, I - iii Z n ith a resolution passed Bank of British North America lose abut $1 stic feeling dis ' Reform can andjunsettled di bout $700. The Bank of Co pla e Cal Legid of the neighbors who went to see wha t MARRIACIES f"y T Speaker was wrong aud found Wagoner Iv- h -Hon. -, aneS at y6ur last session, with re guarntees its in belibving. Jlidging spect, to the $25 000 each. Burrill &Co., Lang,,Sath Hotel, Seafortb on Nov. 9, by R,ev. of the House ot Commons, has been �se�- i1iW aside t�e fence quite dead. (fis ings efii & " I Terwilligar, r.- Emanuel Bissett, of of thqse at. th e . m cet- le- Ved by th'e Conservatives of East" Province, my Go�,erlltnent nd the -Go breast was ruised- hsif lie bad fallen sale dry goos dealen lof London, are i from the feel eastOly. and nortberly'boundaries of t'ile erind & Co., and (-xr ' ig, the Reformers of 8outh Huron. are Northumberland as their candidate to v-, I i eavily on th 6 fence, ! He was a- respqlct- 0 Crediton, to Miss Roll,ins, of evilment.of the. Dominion hve agreed n able, indii tr Ong Mal�I, and leaves a wid for about $10,000 each. Burnateiii,and Biddulph, 1 0 con ap ace test the, seat for the Colliniolls ren- even more determined than ever t it provincil liii4 to be assumed as cor Hughes Brothers, Toronto, are the only ow to mourri� his sadil il�nd sudden'dea eid the I dered vacnt by the unseating: of Mr. J.: %r * C1 .--At the r -e e it: soif-iii-law of fatber, on Oct. I 0, by their candidate at the It all o.the polliby rect, for the puiposel, of land grants, OY M r. W Was names of outside hous(S yet giVell 911101719 bri(fe's I �L. Biggal I goner r a respectable majorit�-, and we, are at -ire 1 -It is statod that.Aln J. P Jover unent, IlDtil the true and per- Scoibbie, of Seaforth.': the dupe.:q of the runways, but Hawke. Mi,. Sailinel. Hall, to Hannah, eachl (J i no - doubt Vie NM i 1 - i,,,a,,,,nt bounary sball be ascertained many other firing nd in.other cities have I that they will do so. hati, of :Gttelphi is to be a candidate f6r DIED.-Mrp.- Vine,i wife of �Ln old.al�d secoliddati--ghte of Mr. David Black, areed io ir seeing to ha de�erlined, and have suffered. T -lie whole iliffa North Wellington in the forthconlin" - respected re'sident Of Varna, died lon, ve altof Wroxeter. 'No cards. to arbitration as to the permanent local election. i Mr. M cMillan claims to EnR.-At the Alanse, ieaV been the result of a weli matured �and �GSL IN TO i)oa,,,rary.t I Monday night last' Mrs. Vine bad Ot DOI RONTO. cleverly -executed plan to make -i large be a E eformer,, but is coming o t (in his I been in good. health for N 'T tl somei tinie, it ties Iions have been entered Brussels O _L ov. 3, by Rev. S. Jo in 0 hatil ndt decanlp� 11"16 -t a bg nide own hook. If the electors of Welling- th was sudden,41id tinexpected ane, I her dea las I tit 1.1 l'ichardson, to J as with thie her illness was nottboug,lit to' be daln- 0 all ;h _F� 0.77i bit), On ith1the Dominion, as -well to overtak d arrest e partieq, and if olily daughter of Mr. James Kerr, of to'a are Nvis� they will give Mr. J, P". oveirlinients of other Provinces, witli Possible ecure their ie.� tradition. TORONTO, X01. 10" a _'ide berth.. He is- like a xl gerous.. I view to the consolidition of the resped- The faot that t6- m- ti L I At the resid- V fol XiotJS foLr� parliamentary honors, to orrow the House -of few other " po�liticians we -might name, egeiicie8 and efforts -the promci- Walion' ence of bri(le's father., on Nov. 4, i t 0 t']' . Daring Attempt t:) Rob a Bank. A896mbly will be opened tracts ittle I tion op emigra ion, and at 'a conferenc . 0- %7 THE -;N1ANA(4E1f, HIS AM) ERVANT by Rev. 1). Oliphant, of Loudon. Mr - Our Cons rvaive contempor ,of et]'OiLt, to _LNIiSS Ca.S_ e worth much', Tim, FIFH EMBER. -The Or- 'ED . I i notipe here. . The anticipaed sharturess- I recently held.at Ottaw, it was agreed t6, EIAND-CUFFED A_ND CAC(. -1711E PLO'T- Daniel Ho L ry in angemen of : iii . ambitious little vill"ye of the sessiloin which will close.t1te pres(Ilt 1ex-eter says If John Carling should by tI.e representatives of the different :) I FAILS. Me ougall, of 8tailley. Prov ces , - G 11- . ersary. of: tile, (,lull- n and of the Dominion over celebraed thp anniv Pafliamwen� cor-Libined'with the prev61- consen t to become the candidate - for . I From the Paris we l4r sie Ida ment -The papers on tILie subject will be Tov�deil Plot in good � loyal style. n I NV,�.rro.N-Po LARD. --At the resience T that on Tbursday in last N eek of 8autli Huron subjects Of its I -i(i before you. - 1�1 eanwhile it orDil the bride's 'mother, by Rev, ag expectatian that te we miht say, truthful- la is sti was liot a yery favorable �01` rdattention will be few nd tinimportant, J Y) Were it facto -y -to know that the emigration of the occ1sion,;,as it colitintied to rain up it 111oZit L darilig atternp b ato robbery was I 1)avey, of -on Nov. 2, Mr. not that t lie i6xpressiou is now earlyL made in that. town. `1 tbeir 1 John 11"alton, to Eliza, seemid. daugli- the ymr has in larger degree than pr till abdut. noo�n, when it. cleared up and causes the pprodiiijg' event to be al piirp6se without goinL(y to the trouble, or ter of the la�e John Pollard, ll of Me- -worn olit by too fre(ILent use, we. Would. I -,�lous IV, consisted of those of pe the raih entirely ceased, but still remael mostoveroolked. Still, the. fact remains t say come liciiig, John.. incurring tbe risk of L 1),Ck Ing locks aild Killop. sons nost needed in this Province, an�l edelouy. "Ibere were averygood no '_ i -At that to�mo;rro,v.r will witriess all the po m- 1� _Pbo.- Ontario Government 'have re- that ;he number of emigrants wlio llavb ber resent, I tit the suspicions looking opening the safe, -the Liu determin- t, iN LA "q -W the Cathodic solved to be tr4c to the spirit of file tem. p e(I to secure the keys by force from Church I - shtown, oil Nov. I O,, by appearance ot the day prevented a gre%t circlimStance that accompanies the this i ear settled in t be country has belli n2g perance petiti,ol'�s passed by the Local As- a, onsideri , Dc' wliat his occur: - many I roin e]Lllg I Rev. Fathel Bric, Air. Peter Quinlan., openi large th, 11 C, )resent, whieli would the Manacrer. bout I A. Al. 6f tht prententrions body whlch�- sembly, and ha�e abolished the bar Toom. red el sewEere otherwse Mr. Crnagie, the -Nal inager, -who lives of tratforl, :to Annistatia, eldest 'T re halebeen. IAtabout3o'clok L Y we Coul( isonably hav6 irreverelit men ha-ve ol-abbed "the over- ill the Parliame'nt building. about a quarter of In from the, expected. I commend...the subject ti� Fthe Brt ssels ]Iljodge, ac.cornpanied by t1e -daughter ol JaAives Walls, of gi�awn County -The rumor is float in political cir- YO -411 heard what he sn�ppo,4 to be rats nib- i cKillop. Brugge's a Briti.)ns, made its ap- cles in Toronto Ithat Boultbee will not be your ontinued. attention. blifig, and in about ti 7 or 10 minutes The familiar. visage of Charles: Rykert, You will probably be asked during the _pearance in t4e villg0li and they, togeth- 11 Candidate a the next local elections afteri be was rudely aw ened bv three DEATHS. er nces of P:ykert sitting ain W -In 8eafortb, on Oct, 21 M ar- whose only ho e of imiliortalizatio-11 is ill 1nd the (q, present session iii.view of our inerease(k v4 the 1,11 -Talton i Brethern, fotul d. bed -r 0111 - , ina;sked men rushina population, as sho b' into pr6cessioo, and litmoled b,y the bl C, the fr,equertcy with which, he peepsaut asmall, Lauder will be. opposed in n y the last.censtls� h . one Wit1f a dark lntern and lrevolver hi garet, f . ourt4 daughter of Mr. James GriyL and otherwise, to consider thepropriety of marched in e)tcellant brole'r to the I 111. . Sout of s , clever cartoo III soo grace h Grey probably by Mr. L Thomas making sonle addition to t'll where a a t -waited 411 his hand, who ilmiledi.-ttely laid hold of Forsyth, oi Tukersm ith", aed .13 a, W uniptuous repas I . e number of Girtminy, ocal mail, who has been w r- -who w I him, nd told him they w.inted the keys.1 MIS all the -halls WhLich 8 pao-gun oratory baa I dien fo, a, meml)erscomposing theLegislative As,�', islied to- partke of the good thi d fi�e months. o f . the bank as the� had determined- Rullett oil Nov. sud(lell- sembly. This addition vided, by the Waltou Brethern so often di&cr ced. "']'his remark ntural- -,Lohdt�; it seated during the pre if determined Pro upon, I to rob it; nd said f Ile' kept (Inict ly, A'Vln' Ewlbig, aged 23. Will ive you an opportunity of I �y tlip ladies of the village an(( surro-tin ly suggests the query -Mr. McLeiinall, North Vie- i 110 liarill . would come to him ILIFFE.-Ill C inton, t tl 11ce reinowill" so ng vicinity, *' .1 "Wht)s be i sent week, me of the existing unequali' 1 lio were p%seiit, oil the i I side Df I bim get it' and Init on her broth, i ton%,- 'Dr. Fergusion, orth Leeds, and CaSIOU Lot pi�rfornle( y ',Nlr. gh Scott, Igoin to do bci�ut th I 0 au of, They then niatle p_ re mean the M ties between the electoral divisionslib re� JI)art nol aC X r H. H. Cook North imccle. Each and to the- enjire sat hiapants, when they handetiffed bini nd lis %arlott I isfaction of all pro- 'D. Iliffe, aged. 19 years. .0 '31, . fter volley of ci-es which at Wallacetown grd I;O comparative population. A bill sent in servi 1.1 asked bim to give theiy. i4or:ilati a as �'b PAG -At t;affa, oli Oct. a, a of tbeabovegfit-lemen were col-nitted on - . . I evoted head the chargills of -personal bribery. lillng tl the %mount of mo 'liDgeri g illness of seven weeks, Thl wen. fired dowil upon Iii d will le laid before ybu contai n� up te'etable, S, being over the W1 bei pl) iley ill the safes, and n visior s.for giving dditional efficiency t, ng propert bY-Hon. cKellar. Will he aceept,, It i� 0 ly threatenedto shoo.thimiflie di,1 iiot� arranged, r. AlcFdden was clled 0 as, th e in fant' so n of M r. Thomas Page, I-a-ws for he prevention of bribery an4 i NEWS OF THE WE I thechail" who very abley dischara aged'une year and two months. even at the uleventh JOUX, the, chalenge ed the tell the truth. they Could not E R. other Illegal Rcts at -elections to this As �et -the cash with his keys, as the Clerk i his oft-ab-ased. assailan'llide and re- semb] . I rejoice to perceive that th I duties de.volv nrf upon ione in so reapomi- y In M A I.,. m in the bank bad prt of thein Thely pea -tee, time alld ariail) his reve AL BAZA mC-Marshal Bazane distri )ution of part of the Sul ble a Osit li' -%vife, under the name of L, ite.of6c Pro%-' P 101 I uOsels, 'J. Manning, lolv LHE MARKETS. L '74 Br Ito hve theni In and 'Y'l then sked. as to the Clerk i'd L 0, - I I apena, L. I O. "ice monry the local. mulll. I 'vesti(tated it, Time will hve sailed from Southampton oil the cilialities has given *,"I' 1, D M B. Get i) inpetus to local I Y, C. M., J. Harris, C., Imany people resided. the oank build- I'AFORTH, Nov. 12, 1874 - tell, and then, J'(le Ylctiq! And Luder, Royal Mail stwinsbip Neva. insackilia the drawers they SL : ' S., all (I Rev. Coo addr I Ing. After n lmpro�,ements, which 'I trust will all , ease( tl�e i :th il r e - OW aeeting, Wbic per Fall Wheal (new).. . ............. 0 90 to 0 90 THE ELECITIONS.-Offi ti all la,8 found the keys, nd tll"M made Mi. , I e betsqo of the- ()pposition, quarb perm ent parts of tbd ted, about two houx�, Sprig Wheat, pei' bushel. 4) 90 to 0 W 1%,hem they placed fter which thi re:givell f�r turns fromRome fully confirin the sue- Pro vi ce. -ee cbee4 we Carnagie go -up stairt, Oats per .5 to 0 chorus to cess of will he calitinue to strike tlic the Croverment in the elections. A N I to extend the chairmall, sp him in a closet oil cliair. They then Pekis (now) per 1) 't.3 to 1) '74 eaker' and the Quee' f objects to - Barley Per iffishel .......... 1 05 to 107 th Cr screwed a staple ilitc the floor -at big ' LI Ministerial ci'didates have been electd wbichl municipal Coulicils mOay devote and then the meetin dispersed, eve ' i L , Butte'r,'Xo. 1, 24 to 0 *25 11y �e Of Proton ? Or has he du th his lon g, respite evol ved from 35 one appareiitl� satisfied With, the p, Batter in tubs. t. J ...... 0 24 to 0 25 the depths OL6 out of 500 districts. the -u expended bala � ro- I. feet and another into the wall at the back nAe of the amounts ITHE AqERICA WOOLEN TRADE�.-Af- ceedings of the evening. of his ileck, and secuiely.stiappeX him E ................ 0 00 to 0 15 1 iousliess ffoul source to wb' ch their municii)aitieF, are entiti- t"N.iLne� , Flonr ...... 0 oo to 5 50 ,of his inner cosc* ter the adjournment Of the annual mee I ; thereto by straps aad tarry ............ t- ed, will be laid before- �roll. ; 1 —_ . . Of many ndallother in I . I ....... round. his neck, first lacing his hand- _y, new.. ........ J2 00 to 119 00 ing. Hides ........... v ............. 6 00 to 00 9 of the National Association of Wool. I have much satisfaction. in draw* Stanley, charge aainst the Hon. ComInIssioller Pan Manufctures last week at New York, cuffed hands over the I ack of the chair, i Tel calf, per 0 08 to 0 10 poull(l. .......... ttention to thP legislation in, Coucm MEETMG.--mie Council me! (behind him) then gUil a I CIOS_ Sheep ............... 0 50 to I Oil' your . I oAariGulture ? Probably the lesson thos.e �ngaged in manufacturing fancy GreatWitain, and else'where, for ed him, , 11(1 0 Salt (rctqil) per barrel ........... I 00 casaim ier -the advisabili- King edthedoor. The3�_tgioin. bandcuffedand, ers met to corisid glVln ly pursuant to adjournment, at -Alr. al t (whdlesal e) Pei, 0 75 gL just s curity to land titles, by a orten- Hotel, Bayfield. All the �liembeis pre gagged Mrs. and bound her his co -mate ad brother li'l (Opposition) decreasin the prod uction of their i lig dh airIPotatoes, 'per bnshel, 0 40 to 0 50 "xile Mr. _Rykert, was taught by O,e goods. Twelity-on e' mills, through claliDI&Call be set up to the prejudic- last m6eting were read and oved. , J ,�Iyn eo 10 tle . periods within which State I ent ;* the 1'eevp in the Ch inutes 0 down in the bed; they then proceeded Oatmeal 1+ brL. (I 00 to 6 00 Han. gentleman may not be witot its their representatives,. agreed to .stop el appr to the nurse girl's roo (a girl of about ' Wood ............. ........ 4-) F) 0 to 75 4 00 to 5 01) 25 of par�ies in posession. A bill for thli, letter was read f rom ' the 'Secretary of 12 to 14) and securely asteii�d ]let-. in ........ effects on him. Though I cannot confeaS per dent. of their, machinery for three pur 0 e will be among the measures' the London, Huron i-Ld B f ....... 6 00 to 7 00 months, from Nov. 1. ruce ltailroa4 a like manner to ' I r. 4- to. very strong hopes of so blessed a Ll:BFRAL �)ONATIO-,,(.-David 8uitoll, Of- which"Willbe submitted for your coll- Company, demanding the debentures -i- tarry twine to fasten er . iieck to the CLINTONL No� 12,1874. I . sidera ion. I Laid over ; also a petitiou asking id for t Ae. They then placed ll the Fall Wheat, per bl : 0 fS tw 0 90 prophet,, yet, like Burns in his " Ad- New York, �recently gave $30,000;to the A.vailing M A by-law, fiXiDg the Areas to'tbe D'il," I would fail'believe Young feli's Christian Association of whi It g%Vheat per-buhel o Fk to: 0 90 'a Yself of the appropriatiOD1 Jane McDonald. schi dren in a rooi and fastened the iloor SPrin ,I Oats, per bushel.. 6 q I", 0 88 ity, to pay pff their debt. ch you. made last session for the very place of holding the noination at Val-, thereof, and ha -vin ps they thought, that cl Bavicy, per bushel; that aebIlins,L" even he, is not beyond import�nt work of - consolidating the iia, was passed. The hispecicir) third arrangements safe, tlie3 left 4- DE-STIUTIOy RN ]KANSAS AND NEBR with the in- Peas, per bushe.l..1... ........... 0* 7o ilb 0 T2 AS- statutos relating to (.)lltario, a chance of reformation. I soon after- report was read and ordered 6 oi le Bufter ............ ........... 0 22 (ir 0 '25 KAL-Prof. A. B. Smith, I ) be tileol. tention. of g i g to tl bank. Mr. ex -President of wards 1issued -a Commission to eminentl A number of accounts ivere read. 0 45 (& 0 Yoar, readers will perhal a and orr Carnagle wilited about live minutes fter 0 1 EMS ............. 1 ............. 0 12 qi 0 1.1 s wonder that the A rkansas V Iley Gollegiate.ln8titute, Judgei§ and lerned Counsel for iliel dered to be paid. Nloyed by all was quiet, aird theii- linding hi�; 1300 r. 14 0 Hay, per ton ....... ............. I nhinc, I 1b. i211 im, Of SiNef oz.; _Ca;stu4 mav boj� made rA lbs. To anneal teel, vaq then put it in a d-ust till cold, when. iti' be te sofL ()r best, red brass, take copper, *24 oz. Put in 13it fore pourill-om For black ux, takE of tartar 203TO Cream I �i in silm 11 keep in .4 This is JlSe(ji i 'To Soften fra es, covk An hol<ll them over blazes ; as soon as over theffle, plun,gie it pu. them in a iftoderatolL :an hour, if lariye file first Plan IS tluol best., t To extra,ct tit froii the articl to bo' bleanO a rong about 12 -4 water ; tak-e- ent anti -th I)rtlsh-. Nivith sorat too -e z if- 1pot - _I of -cyaiiid wasi whiing, antl ;wgter. mixed in a pas�e about of th.kk ere.�T.j It is iequisit� that a oil Ith-ey � less, or otlirwl�Le it -wo d L elcate, tintLM'-- �'To pur-, easy- Ive,, PlIttij59 ;�J, in the ull will *%Cconj bat� as this process.is-i it is better to pt in -4 seed Ot ­ nut, them together andpat In twoolaysland acig hours, the w-bitin' 9 -down to the bottomll zi;nd the refi top mav be Boiled eed tools fom riastilr -11 n thm. Comilion -9 for -veitt from Tustin-' al i llzh tools txpwd It Iron, for inetils, 31,1 ruiat by the I E ()Wfn�(r 4Q OUnee, of � eamplibr in lard-,' take off tille Seoul black leaa as will QV iron color' Iron chinery of all l6ndsl if hours, and thoin rub' kpmaebilieryJis. for ex be kept t6c-,T-fyV �040_ the ovage- Take pure 'Preferably tin, 1:1 Vill iparts 8 parts t. liTti parts. Copper, i firsi 'alre then -added, sepi tile forill'of iees, 11; 11 s now briskly stirred hou r, so as to Inix 01 _zine s aadd. in small 1114g.it -4,0r. th is entirely fused CONVe -ed., and the AIA . r aont thirty -live Ininill is then 3for casting. It has� : Ue& _M_ tkea I ble It �does not corrode rex, purposes is ll gold. I AVhea taraish can be restorea 'by�IL lwater-- 'foul ive, itut row wih Ana as we.canuot orde �obliglea to 8141 �it attenj f th*,� I ,,the ouse pe. Persevernce! -will o. .and lettuce thistles will ; The plo.. iand whatever no otb, but ibis 10 pwork. well. Learn to sle�p Oil as the ebie ISO 1 good time -for the If weary with w:. - soon. -will be =eager - F00113 -but he wi.se t" the Ao licit e( .&e S not.. ri it t he annier - me�4,1_]]S of O 4ai by 11ise early tben. worins. The m%ith. He that lags -bebi maly are :1 Cloud of ilst. -W4 HO -W Brotber, The I noted 'Metbodiet 1�re thre was Inil a, Bit. Brotb�er R.irvr duty to "M111_d the servant w0S Iro) t�hongh he was a 1114 I 4litirell,.he felt it Brothe friends -that hed hard 111 the he blll-ed to 31 1,)O-thrs shoal& ip' a brother. tit othe,r J,ohneol, r0l plicated Ana aml brother sisters sisters, I bless il e his fiela I yet; is� hLi'g 'of tbj'S�L niolle of yoll but You have tatel� JW -al bot ,p,,1Vi1,?grhtt A t