HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-11-13, Page 2a
t( NoLl:DED Nf XT wBldk..
There vas an inicieut feud. 'botween-
the families.; anddBjcl,ruc Blak4ad was
not the ae to make it up, neither was
Hediu 1. letn. S;� they looked askance
1 e .!
at each ti r whenever �henevet• they met, on the
highwae, and the one took care not to
cross th other's path. But on Sundays
when thc:ichtuch bells called the parish-
ioners tc `tether, they could net very well
avoid se i ng each other on the; church-
yard_ ; a 41 thein, one day, ural: y years.
ago, .1' 1 the til'
ik t i. ..11llon had 1b nt:
e, cl to
touch U a •ne's heart, he had u dried to
Hedin and said : " Fine N 'either to-
day and Mediu had returned the nod
and ansi irecl : " True is that.'(' -r` Now
I have dope my duty before (Ixod and
men," t iglu ht Bane and , g J , .' ,r 1 1 kt is his
turn to take the next stel' . "The fel-
low ist ",
rrondsaid, H din to !himself,
and to wards is Ca showoffl
his LieCUS'
Bat I know the wolf by his skin,
even if hehas learned to bleat like a ewe -
1Vhat the feud really -vas abott, they:
had both nearly forgotten. 411 they'
knew was that some
30 Sears ago there
had been a quar--rel between .th' Nestor
and the P ar'is:l about the right orcarry-
ing arms to the church. Add then
father s father hate been the slit}kesman
of the parish, while. Hedir.'s g .attelsire
had been: a stau ash defender, of the pas-
tor. There was a rumor, too, tl at they
had had: � a fierce encounter somewhere
in - the
w s •t1
cad . l t tel
ui had
stabbed the ether -with a knife ; but,
that was really11J
tie. sff
lo one
Mild tell.
Bjarne was tall and grave like the
weather-beaten -fir-trees in 'hit mast -
forest. He had 'a large cleantshaver
face,. narrow lips slid .small, tier* eyes..
He seldom laughed, ilitd, when .lie did,
his launh' seethed even fiercer than his
frown. a` lie wore his hair long as his
fathers had done, and dressed in the
. s
style v
y oftwo ce.ntnrtes ago; his b�•eechcs
were clasped with large silver ;buciLles at
the knees; and hair red jerkin Iwai; gath-
ered aborta his waist with a. leirltherti
gi=rdle. i e loved everything Unit was
old, in dress as well as in warner', took
no newsp:,pei•s, all;l regarded railroads -
and steamboats as in ventions of theldevil.
Bjarne had married late in life, and `leis i
marriage had brought him two Baugh-
terv, •Britaltmd Griuihild. '
Ileci_n Iillern was looked upon las an e
upstart. He could only voilnt ` three e
generations back, and he hardy knew • 1;1
himself how his grandfather had earned ii
[ the money that had enabled hi ni te, buy '
a farm and! settle down in the valley. t
lie had read a great deal, and was: well c
infornied gni the politics of the d iy ; - his tr
name had , even . been menti AAA • fon• li
8107 tI izy.iixrLnd, or member o Pallia-
meat from: the district, and it was' -the a
common opinion that, if Bjarne Blakstad w
had not so ,vigorously oppose him, he ' of
would have )leen elected; being Jthe only
• cultivated."ipeasalit in the wally. Be- ti
din was no tinwelcome guesd in the
houses of gentle folks, and he eras often self
seer's at the judge's and the pastor's om-
ber parties. Aid for all this Bjarne of
Blakstad only; grated him the moire. He -
din's wife, r.I'horgerd,L, wgs- fair-haired, cl
tall and stout„ and it was she who man- I h`
aged the farm while her husband read SU
'his books, an studied politica in the m
newspapers ; hat she had a sharp tongue si
and her neighbors were aft aid of her. 1t.
They had one son, whose name *as Hal- 1ll
yard. tr
Brite Blakstad, Bjarne's eldest ;laugh- not
ter, was a maid wv hour it was a i joyto gi 1
`� . too
look upon. Thci called her "t(a,litter-
Brita," because she was fund 4f sings eh
and brooches, and ever bin" as th
everytbing b tl�ac was Cel
bright while she was still a cijii]c1, she th
used to take the- o 1. family brid4 -crown ho
oat front the storehouse and Barry it 11e
about on her head. " Beware Rif that elle
crown, child,'' her father had once said
to her, "aim wear not before the time. au
Thereis not always blessing In the bridal ab
silver -incl she had local*ed louder-
ingly up into his eyes ankh an, ivered : l�ro
"But it glitters, father ; " and fr an that last
time forth they head_ named het alittere
Brita.And (;litter-Brita. grew tri l)e A
the saatei *swith the cattle; and her
terrintli lc� remained at home 1
(x � c t e to t
house on thr, even. � lovedthe
o f She
in. theountains; -the - great ,lit
sometimes made het fed sad, but it
'not an unpleasant sadness, it was, ra
a gentle. toning town of all the shrill
noisy feelings of -the soul. lip there
the heart of the primeval forest,
whole being seemed to herself a sy
phony of : melodious whispers witl
vague d�uf. delicious seLtsc, of 'remoteness
mystery in them, which she - only
and did not attempt to e.4plain. The
those weird legends which, in for
days, still held their swan a the .Tai
of every lI orsewoman, b>{.eatheilt th
into her ��ar,she f
secrets 11 c an t 1
nearness and kinship to nature, as at
other time.' ;
One night, as the --suis Was- low, and -a
purple bluish smoke hung like a thin
veil over the tops of the forest, Brita had
takes out her knitting and. seated her-
self on a large moss -grown stone, on the
croft. Her eyes wandered over the
broadvalley hi l
d which l was stretched out
be- 1
low, and she could dee. the red roofs of
the Blakstad mansion .p4eping forth be-
tween the fir -trees. -_int she wondered
`what they were dourg down there, .
whether (,;rimhilci had , done • milking;
and whether' her father had returned
from the fjord, where it was his habit at
this hour to ride with tare footmen to
water the horses. As she sat thus won-
der•i.n , she was startled b a creaking
in the clay branches hard' bfr, and lifting
her eye, she !saw's tall, ratter clumsily
built, )(mug man emerging from the
thicket. 1-!e had a broad but low fore-
head, tlerrd, fierce hail which htltlg down U�wel';
a pair of dull ox -like` eyes ; legs mouth
was rather large, and, as it was half
open, displayed tiro massive rows -of
seining White teeth. 11is red peaked
cap hungon the back of his head,
although it was summer, his thick wad -
mal vest was .buttoned close: up to his
throat ; over his right arm he had flung
his jacket, and in -his hand heheld a bridle.
" Good_ evening," said Brita, and
thanks for last meeting;" although • she
vac not
sure that she had ever seen pini
"It was that bay mare, you know
stam,mereci the lieu in a. half apologetic
one, andti
of , shook the bridle, as if in furth-
er expluatiou. •
• " Ah, you have lost your mare," said
the girl ; and ' site could not help mini-
ng at his •hellilessness and his -awkward.
" Yes, it was the bay mare," answe
d he, in the Same diffident tone ; thet
sis- w.th a merry laugh. He appeared
eep her almost a child, and it never ent�
life h r trl'uc! t
Mind feeloffended.
u) �t � the
tide ti ry, she was not sure but that she
wase pl ased....
" I have thought of you ever!- ince
slid y" sterday," he continued with the anie
, in in perturbable manner. " Aud if you
her w=•re not angry with me, I tlioi ght
in- I wou ld like:- • to look at you - once
t a more. , You are so different from other
Arid folks."
felt '" God bless your foolish talk," 'ried
re, :Brits, with a fresh burst of merl'im-dent.
mer "No, 'indeed, I am not angry with you ;.
icy I should just as soon think of b:iug
eir angry: with • with that calf,"she
ler added, for want of another comae`ari-
I . f
"You think I don't know much,{'
st�,rxlmered. And 1 don't." 11'
sal swile agaiu'-settled on his count
A feeling of guilt sent the blood thr
bing through her veins. She saw tl
she had -done him injustice. .He evidri
ly possessed more settee, ,or, at least,
liner instinct than she had given 11
credit for.
"Halyard," she .faltered—" if I ha
Weeded you, I a sure you, I didn't m
to do it ,• and a thousand times -I ii
yo �lr pardon." =
` You ;haven't offended me, Brit
an wered ile,- blushing like a girl. "Y"
are the first one who doseu't ma
rete'', feel tht. I am not so wise as -ot1
`, She felt it her duty to be open a
coatidiug with hint in return ; and in
on -
m ny tineas ;Said sh
that word � c But
spoken: At time
lads fror. he valle
a merry e eking a
heeded ti 'in not,
neared.. 'hr`ts th
passing in ods of j
had loi g1 nown th
when at 1t st lis sl
added nothiut to h
increased 1 er ear .r the future. Th
laid many plains to rether in those day
but winter carte as a surprise to bot
the cattle were removed from tl
moun'ains, and t' ey were againset)
arate .
•a , 1r.
B IC ]alt a
st d l
00 ;ed long J
and w rs
til at 1:
is clan 1
leer that
orn iii
me `to :inept, her home. 3S
re rings and brooches, :and
'hick e cited 'Bjarne's siisp
erythin 'was not right wit
as displeased becau
now he grumble,
alt gone and in a
d hardly once sec
e,—it was Christ=
ured to peep over t
and• had seen lei
is side, and gazili
o empty space ; bu
nee, he had 'blushe
turn :the leaves o
troubled her that h
see her ; Many • an
keel alone dowel at
)inai that he miner
in:vain. She coul
hisfather must ha'
and that. . he t
he neantime the lilac
(iv r her head,; for ase
th very roots of he
a t me` of terrible sus
finch as a man liev
lya woman can en
a relief *hen the
not resolve to speak
the ward was rrc, fc.l
a company of the
would come to spend
the 'sacter; but she
ml. they soon disal)-
summer went `amUI.
y and _sorrow. She
t he loved her,' and
w confession came. it
✓ happiness ; it only
every moment 1
allerlt 1
t t(,
His •
Yll ,t
Terror and fierce]
grimly distorted
eyes burned like
bushy brow.
" Harlot," he sl
A cold gust of
the room The
doors flew open, as
invisible hand--, ar
ey , alone, holding the
s ; his head..
he when he c
he wore no unc
en-. was this i
cion that e
ob- her. Poem(irly he
iat she wore t o 'nate
nt-because she Wore n
ini The winter vitas 1
this time winter
ve Halyard. Yes on
can Day,=she bad vett
eg his pew in; the chur
• sitting at his fath
Brit; vacantly oat into t
on as lie caught her gl-
tke and began Sagerly t
icr his hymn -b )ok1 I
made no e for to
nd evening she hrLyl wa
n1'- the -river idle, ho
a li:
)C4 ( e
1 Bjarne
as fearfuli
io:t itablo hatred had
has eatures, <anil his
ire -c al's beneath the
etek cl, '' harlot 1»
in swept throng. h
indow°s shook, the
i touched by a strong
c the old man stood
tleke ring brand above
S'S CU('OA.--.(a)tA'rI -
Nov. 13, 187 4.
AN I.'1I.111j\';
v ' - " fly i. thoxounh
- r--
r W
ko le
ieof ,"
the la tad al •L
1< vti
b s which S
�+! FURS
the '
o era '�
t ]
i s f � chi
a digestion •L
P � o and
SI nutrition and by b
� dare .ill application of
-it` the fine properties )ti v a J
i- 1 1 � 11 -selected eo.;oii,
1M r. Epps has provided u r breakfast ta-
tli 1Jies with a deli at 1 Il voured beverage
se Inch may sav e,us i .arty heavy doctors'
'(i ills,"—f'ivil ,5''rci .e �/(t:-ctte. Made
imply with i.kdliii Nater or Milk.
aeh -
ket is lab 1,)
ll 1)"
'o,, Homeopathic het fists, L
�i.�. rrlJuLvni; oL Co�usi,—
dee not to seem ungenerous, or rather
pa them oh an equal footing by givi
hi 1 .also a>~ peep G IL
) to .her' heart, ledC
t bh
V t0
p I ,
hi about her- daily work, about t
merry parties at her father's house, at
about the lusty lads who gathered
their halls to dance the Hailing and ti
spring dance. He 'listened attentive
white she spoke, gazing earnestly iii
her face, but never interrupting her. I
his turn he described to her in his slo
deliberate way, how his father consti n
ly scolded hum because he was ' n
bright, and diet not care for polities at
newspapers, and how his mother woun
ed bun with her sharp tongue; by ma
lug merry with him, even in the pre
en'ce of the servants and strangers. H
did trot seem to imagine that there w
anything wrong in what he said, or th
he Placed hitnself:iu a ludicrous light
nor' o did he
seem 1tU speak e�
tik f•
any yu
leanly craving for syin athy. His ma
ter was se simple and straightforwai-
hat what Brita probably would hay
ounce strange in another, site found11e
ectly natural in him.
It wasp nearly midnight when the,,
iartecl. She hardly. slept at all that
light, and she was half vexed with. her
elf dor the interest she took in this sine=
le outh. `Che next morning -her fatei-
r et ole up to pay her a visit and to s
1 ow the hocks were thriving. She u
cars ood that it would be dangerous
say Lnything to him about Halyard, fr
s ie new his temper and feared the r
ts It, if lie should ever discover her s
c et Therefore, she shunned an o
- , port nity to talk with hint, and only
I Ii si'd herself the more with the crate e
e I a id he cooking. L'jarne soon notices
1 . liar distraction, but,, of course, net ii.
s sp Scted the cause. Before he left her,
h a ked her if.she did not find it -too
le On on the saeter, and if it would not
w 11_if he seat her one of the maids
r a companion.. Sie hastened toe -aa -
re nim that -that was • quite -unneces-
to come ; but it • as al
z "? r�
ugnot but
bc.li � c ilia
ld made some o e ell
r $yr
atcliecl. xn
al 'cloud thicke .uec
in cret gnawed a
re heart. It sets-
s -
neouraged` byher smile, he straightened
o sh•alolltt:ued
imself a Tittle, and. continued lath
lore fluently " She nev ern was quit
ight since the time 'the wolves were a
er her.: And then since they- took th
cit away from her the.milli 'has bee
oubling her, and she hasn't ',,been:quit
:ke herself." ,
"° I haven't seen her anywhere here -
bouts,' said Banta ; `•. you in y have to
ande • tar, before you get on the track
Iter. _,
" Yes, that is, very likely. And :I ani
red already.''
J r
" Won't yo sit down ane rest your '
He dleliuerat ly seated himself in. th
ass, and gra Bally gained -courage to
ok her strain lit in the fac , and his
ill eye remit iced steadfastly_ fixed on
he iii a way Manch bespoke
rprise ante admiration. e
outli broaden e into a smil
Bile -had nlor off sadness that ,.,� ,,.,
�S )e.had, float the mom_e t she saw
in, beet' posseesed of -a s.r• ngely , p..-
oilizing feeling toward him. ,i She could
but teat li;tnt as if he hike been a
r or some person inferiorto her in sta-
rt'. In spite of his large body, theiir t-
('ssioii he inade upon tier vas
at of weakness , but sue liked the in-
• and kindness which 'expressed
•msclves in his sad senile -allure large,
nest, blue. eyes. His gaze llr•entiidted
✓ ofthatof an ox, but it had not duly
°XIS dullness, bat also its implicity
c1. good -nature.
Aud they sat• talking on for a while
otit the weather, the cattle and the
spects of the crops.
` What is your name 'r" she asked( at
` _Halyard :Ilerdiuson Ullern.'' I.
sudden -'shock ran throiign .hdr at,
r 1
peuae and srifl'eting-
er knows, such as of
dure. It wt ,s winos
cloud burst, and the storm broke loose,
as presently it did.
One Sunday, ear y in April, Idjaine . 1
11 r
C (111 )t .
let 'I
usual hour from 1
church: His daughters Waited in vain s
for him with the clirner, .and at last .be natural appearance • i I
iP , t such
gan to grow' ureas r. • It was .not his i Darle 's Condition Poted
habit tokeep•, Y � � s enc:
irregular it
� ar hours, There '.Heave I►ernedy, it will p•7rfy t
was a great excitement in the valleyust eniect the a p i
J� pl)et l e, r .ive all
ons f r r -lungsliver,
on the
ice �
h c,t
the coat a sleek and shim
eineniber the name
- t
- i
tow give an account cf the proc
'd by Messrs. Jam a L+' &
ifacturers of diet() rib ' rticle.s, at their
storks in the Eusto Toad L -s, : " -
, (,� i Cl 011
'a. -.ell's Iiousekolcl l tide..
We Will
ss adopt -
bee article ; every
a it,every e trave
'very hotel should
viten a common pen
ayson's ink has e
ver forty years
INK—•A n in valu-
ii J
,�ouseltteper should
.. honk! have it,
'ave; it. It is used
Kid s always ready. -
ic.0 ed the test of
Woo)�v HoRSrs.� viol
horses :are
ot so rare :las. many # su Tose, u t
o stt>lt
J? P , T
D [�
reat curiosities either' tl ere are -ma many -
e found in various. cart of the country,
tit we doubt I • i eras
if the, N t.l ever grave as
aluable. to their owners as the one ex--
ibited by Barnum ; w.,. imagine; their
)vners would `consid r b
hclrl mord valla
Ute without the wool,' fo this roil hand
'ooly state of he hail in licate thatthe I
in'� ,
orse l not Ut
l.ea,lt ly co .tliti:oit--:
robably hide -bound, or suffer'ng from I
ime disease which QCC. sighs this in- I
aces . use
Arabian .�
le blood,obstrue, I, The Stock having been Purchased in OctOber,
then i the Ain:rica fever had broken t
out. A large v �ssel was lying out in the t
fjord, ready to ake he emigrants away
and there wag h rdl` a family that diel
not mourn th 1 ss of some brave -hearted
son, or of sot a air t nd cherished dangh
r- -ter. The olclafo lis ' )f course had to re-
tnain behind ` were gone, what was
.; and when the children
buil to lie down and
to them as distant
ot r planet. The
had ever been stroitg,-an the Norseman's
breast ; lie lives for hie Children, and
e. See 18
there left for them.
die ? America was
if it were on an -
amity feeling, too,
to live his life we
r again in then]
g ea est pride to be able to trade
OQC back into the days of Sverre
an( St. Olaf, and wipe the same' Conli-
ce he expects to ee his race spread:
int the future in tl • .1
it has struck
One 'cot. Then comee t
nd give the -G-004 are
e signature of Hurd' & (to. is' on each
ut., proprietors for Canada. , Sold by ! WARRANT FRESH AND NEW/
al medieine dealers.
is !.ya consilts in its being rote y physiological in
it ' action in restoring all. Pn a of debility by
supplying the waste of ti.ssue. suiting from inen-
ta mid muscular exertion, i nd thus preventing
bnilding up constitutions ow vitality from I
pairatUS, and creates healthy ) 'cal, toning and vi -
y ;the system, and are Natur 1
taiizing at once an tbe organ li I the hotly in the
am manner as our daily fo; . Phosphates are
he only eompounds of Phois
ai ing the vital powers.
tles with the sturdy trunks and 'breaks
• the four coiner., of !the heaeens: No
wo ler, thee,. like a' tree that has' "pet
its rown, his*aeegt ie broken and he t
unfeign.ed lo
lowly I his b
of et
a fair and winsome maiden and wher-
path. Bjarne shook his bead at her, an
often had harsh worde 1.ipon his lips
when he saw her braiding tield-flower
into her yellew tresses or clastehe tit
shining brooches to her: bodice ; llit
look of hers or a smile aielnild comOetel
disarm him. She had. a merry erdy o
doing things which made it alfse m lik
play ; but work went rapidly 'fro n he
hands, while her riuging laughter sch s
theough the house, and her suidnyampeeeess
ence made it bright in the dusky
tral halite fu her kitchen the loe , roses
npon the walla, and the neatly- s ours(
milk -pails steed like soldiers on i arade
about the- shelves under the e iling,.
wculd steal into -his heart. He elt a
Bjarne would. often sit for hours asatch.-
father's pride -in her stately growth and.
her rich womanly beauty. " A h !" lie
would. say so himself, "she has the pure
as I live, the farm shall be hers." , And
theu, quite contrary to. his habit% he
would indulge in a little, reverie, imagin-
ing the time when he as an aeed .
shoald have given the restate over into
1 her hands, and seeing Auer as a worthy
I matron preside at the table, and himself
rocking his graadchildren on his knee.
NO wonder. then, that he eyed closely
the young lads who were beginning to
hover about the lituse, and that he leok-
ed with suspicion upon those w -ho select -
When Brit& was: 2.0 years 41, however,
her father thought that it was time for
her to make her _choice There were
many tine, brave lads in the valley, and
as Bjarne• thought, Bsita, would have the
aood sense to Aoose the finest and the
bravest. So, when, the winter e s, h
uddenly flung his doors open to the
arish, and !wean to give parties slith
le and .mead in the grand old style. He
ven talked with the young men! at
Imes, encouraged there to manly spoete, .
meld urged them to taste of : his hmee-
rewed drinks and to tread the spriegs t
ance briskly. And Brita danced and ,
liatighed so th.`at her hair flew around her ,
and the silver- brooches tinkled and aang '
meat was at an end. aad any one of the
lads remained behind to offer her his
heart and hand, she suddenly araw
gasve, told him she was too young,°that
she did not know herself, and that she
had no time as yet to decide so serious, a
qaestion. Thus the winter passed and
setmmer drew near.
'In the middle of June, Bribe. went ici
sary ; the cattle -boy, who was there to
help hen was all the company she wativ
ed. Toward evening, _Warne Blaksta
loaded his horses with buckets, tilled
And have been inerked
brims assimilated
I; agents for main -
Payson's Indell le Ink
his ink flows. perfectly ; w" 1 'Lerrite as easily on
h , finest muslin as ink On p per. It does not I
map, and retions its virtu s longer than Any I
thin ink known. It will to t injure the finest
er into the earth 0(1
and. the.
denonnced the America, rage ; and it
now the hope o his di aghters that,
haps he had stayed ehind to ren
with eheese and butter, and. started for the. eStless °fled an)
the -valley. . Brita stood long looking af.;; their duty towatd the
ter him as he deacended the rocky slope, 'ten some bold emig
an 1 she could hardly conceal from heta , might have been too 1
that she felt relieved, when, at last;1 '' atmo,s. But it was al
forest hidehlin from her sieht. All Blartle was notl yet
1 fat
sae had Veil :walking about with a!
heart ; there seemed to be somed
g:,weighing on -her breast, and. she-
ld est'th row it -off. Who was this,
. tad cenne betareeti her and her.
erd Had she ever beere afraid of. .
before, had ehe been glad te haae
Aliessession of her, for in tier rief
the gave Halyard the blame for all that
the sound
had happened. She threw If 1
t' teuatice.
a' But his feattiree *ore the same sad and
e , She fixed her syes upon him, as if to
:a! . see what effect her words produced.
3if nlacid expressiot .; and no line it his face
l' 'will. Then her sense of -patronage grew
1- into one of sympathy and pit). a He
- must either be weakahll)d.011 or fery un-
- happy," thought she, • " and what right
; have I then to tr •at hall harshly ''.. And
1- ward talk with tt e young man, util he,
tOo, grew almoet talkative, and the saa-
ness of hie simile began to -give way toa
something whieh almost resemb= ;al hap-
. piness. She noticed tlie change and re-
' joiced. A t twit, when the sun h d stink
behind the western mountain t ps, she
i rose and bade: him good -eight ; in an -
I other moment the door of tile saeteh-
1 cottage closed behind her. and he headd--
1 her boltieg it on the inside; Bis :for a
' long time he remained -sitting a the
1 theough his head. Ile had quite dorgot-:
i '11.e next evening, waen the Milking
was done, and the cattle were gatherea
l agaiu' sitting on the large stone, looking
I out over the valley. She felt a k:nd of
T saw the smoke whirliug up ftom, their
! companio 6 Sid I) with the people svh 11 she
, chinine.ys, and she could guess whalt they
' were going to -have for supper. As she
! sat there, she again heard a ceeaking
-' lit .f .p,veeping ; she was guilty, wretch
. edly Miserable, and all _kir the sake. of
! one whom she had hardly known for two
-, • days, .,i If he should come .in this alb-
: Ilan • been heard, for, as she raised her
doeet, elle Would tell, him what he had-
. elan toward here and. her wish . must
; eyes, he stood there at her side, the sad
- feat -inn about Ins meuth aud his great
: lion st eyes gazing wonderingly at. her:,
I -he It eked se goou and se unhappy. Then
agad i came the thought of her father and
1 of her own weer*, and the bitternesa
_. " 3p away,' "cried she, in a Yoiee half
a ill," be answered with a etrange
ten his bay inare. •
in the braimehes, and lialssai•cl [inert'
stood again before her, with Ins jacket
on his arm, and thensaree bridle in 'his
" You have-not found your bay mare
yet ?" she exelaiMed, laughingly. "And
you think she is likely to be in 'this
1 don't care if she den't."
_He spread hie jacket On the grass
sat down on the spot where he ha(
the night befain. Brita looked at
sta•prise and remained silent
and -
t know how to interpret this seeond I
visit. 1
" You are ;very handsome " he aid, z
I tie
Idrop et
; 810W] I, ;gay6 ...her another lone look, an -
111111)1 c sas and hopeless ape, and -went. ,
affection and filial duty wrestled desper-
ately lin her heaet.
go ? 1 did not mean it so. I only want -
He paused and returned as deliberate- 60
ly as he had :goner
:Why should. I dwell upon the' da s
mghti was dark and. st
fiercely lashed the w
the Wald roared iri the
hild, the youngest sis
out ate" in and elamm
her. .13rita sat t.ghtly
the wall in• the darke
room. I4very time th
house she started uP ;
tersetf and shuddered
At last,—the dock
fab ic. Paysou's ink has end red -the test of /or -
old tv earA,rmd is now the most I ovular ink in axis -
ten *c, and is unrivalled for u ifonnity _of quality
am durability. It will mark ore neatly, quickly
and, indelibly than any other apparatus. It re--
)er- quites no preparation of the fa c.
r landeor to, frilgin1:1-. PRICE, 8'7 CENTS PEI EOTTLE.
mg the youth
ation agent AV
d in his decla
o be seen.
chimney. (4r
er, ran restles
d the door af
hen aghin sea
Dark ford)
aa Sold by ,..li Druggists Stati ners and Fancy
Avoid Quac s.
and : ability. premature decay (-C., haring tried in , •.;c11-r-fli:
The vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a • I Ntibias
,,„4. slim le means of self -cure, whie a be will send free I :
niii- Breakfast Shawls,
Beene Purchasing Elsewhere.
10, -d -there was a twee leer(' in the o
.er hall. Grimhil sprat gao the door a
tered, aud by the dress ehe at once
ccagnized her. father. •
" Good God," eriecl she, and ran up
and he pushed her rou tidy away. -
a moment he atood st 11, •then stalk
up to the sta,ble, and with a hen
thump, dropped (Iowa i chair. The
he remained with his 'elbows resting (
his knees, and absentl
floor. - His long hdir ha
dowa-'over hie face, a
about bis mouth, seem
fiercer than usual .No
)(nit the room ; and , e they reedit
re -
letti4.1ailed to any addlretshse.lio.,:q:
ng the Guide than et
reltaS in one bloek in Colons
t' Slow; y, And cornering on
al ding.
re moments C
,ceipt of the-,
lox No. 1,Tri
Victoria Square. 7
to Ito :N1), near Egmondville, On et., 18, a Wat4-
- roof coat." The owner can have the same en
appli -union to the undersigned bi proving propOr-
tv I pay lig expense's.
vy jL All orders left at theAransior House with Mr. -
King. •ill
Joh» Murray will re(:eive
re Referlinces—Dr.Colemen and Dr.
ked hie jacket whiali he had !t`l
iddenly. darted up, as i stung by 'sum
a mut from tl
staring on the
ig in wet tangles
id the wiinkles
ed deeper and
• and, then he
deep -groan. In
me corner where Brita was sittiag,
on the giound, th.ei. turned .st-
nag poisonous, eeized
plose up to her face, " • me it is
fie-na black, poisonous li t."
rtArEAnto the premises of, the subscriber, Lot
•--.1 25 Lake Road West, Stanley, :.hout timmiddle
of September, 3 HEIFERS—on, if -year old, all I
is retp ested to prove property, p iy (-heroes, and
skdoelroit is hereby given that ali parties imlellt-
le of lInr9n, must settle the same at
tinders gaed duly appointed admix
. all par les having chiims against
.e are als( notified that such claims,1
' - nient o or before the first - of ,Tin nary, 1875, air; I: l') ---c 3'
(1 claitim not then presented for sett ement will.bn '
. Dated :it Hoy, this 30th day of Oeto mr, 1874. 361•8:. ' Ribbons
Ladies' Hoods;
Children's Hoods
Hosiery, Gloves, &c.
The attention of the Ladies this -week p specially
e- in hiS lifetime, of the township of Hay; Ctemtv -
once, with thS
he Said estate _
roperly attest- Faiicy Goods
She raised,. her- ee es slo vly to his an
gazed steadfastly in, his Lee. " lb," he
titillated in the leame terrible voice
it was what 1 told -them down thei-
ul I drew blood—hl mod, I say,
lid- from the di Were] '8 heart. Ifa
The -color Caine - and departed fron
red at her own cal= ss. Alas, she
at is more terrible than p tin, the corpse
a forlorn and, hopeless .11 ;art.
ce assu feed a more • datum' tone,
that follaiwed-ehow her heart grew even A)
more reetless, how She worild suddenly d
wake up at nights andessee thoee large ha
blue . ey4 sadly ga,zieg at her, hew by wa
and phe felt with bittter pain that Bri
she was arowilig away, from those who str
had hitherto been nearest and dearest de
to her. And, etrange to Say, this very cl
isolation from her father made het ding th
only the More desperatel to b- . o
seemed to her aS if lijaene had. deliberate- .
ly thrown. her off ; that &e hereelf had
been the one who took the first step had ,
hardlyloc urred to her. Alas, her grief 1
was asairretional as her love. By what i
these canvietions becan (a in ler
mnd, it is difficult to tell. it is suit-
icient to I now that she was a woman
Ind that's' e loYed.' She even knew her- I
elf that . he was. irrational, and th:s I
very se Ise lrew her more hopelessly into '
the ma' e o the labyrinth froth:which she
His v sit were as regular as those of '
the sun. She knew that there was only
a word of hers . needed to ' banish him
from- her Presence forever, And how
QEALED tenders will be received by the under- ,
signed until TUESDAY. Dee. , 1874, for the
e lerection of a frame School House : n Section No.
. de.Hullitt. The work mind be eon pleted by the Hair 'Goods, -&e., .S.e. ,
15t11 (if August, 1875. Tenders will be yet -eh -ed.,
for the \ hole. job only, the cuntraelor to find all
t- ed for t le due performance of ti a work. The
i matt nit and do all work. Secmity will be reqnir- :
lowest or any tender not, necessaril
received and plans al/ a speeifica Hon
at Hun -lock P. 0. Address to tither
v accepted un -
eiders will be I
of the under -
suddenly, with a gravity ,which lef no
doubt as to his sincerity.
* The :meter is a place in the mpuutains IN here
the Norwegian peasants spend k their suniners
pasturing their cattle. - Every large fann has its
own seater, consisting of one or name cha'ets,
"why dust thou not:speak ? They have
lied about thee, ehild, bectsuse thou art
r, they have envied thee." Then, ai-
m st Open thy mouth,
Beita, and tell thy father hat thou art
re ---pure as• the snow, al ild—my own
—my beautiful child,"
here was a long and. painful pause,
in which the crackling of tl: e brand, and
the heavy It/ea:thing ef the d man -were
the only sounds to break the silence.
Pale like a marble image atood she be -
for forgiveness escaped her s only a con-
vuleive quivering of the lips betrayed
the life that struggled within her, With
Ts in eliarge of a Y011.NO LADY, wlui will take
. t. at a times in showing Goods,
clEAI,ED TENDERS, addressll to the under-
, will be reeeived at this office until m on of TV -ES-
! DAY, thelst December next, for the construetion I
of crib -mirk. Piers, and for (hedging the Western
! Section of Hayfield Harbor. Plans i nil Specifica-
tions eau be seen at this office, at th Town Hall,
: printed fOIMIS of tender will also be Obtained. ,
: hatisfactory security on real estate, ;or by deposit
of money bank stock, public or nmnicipal bonds,
to an amount of Ave rer cent. me the bulk sum of
the contract will be requh•ed. Als i, the actual
sienature of two responsible and skit •ent persons,
wi ing to become sureties for the di 0 fulfihne»t
of said contract. The department will not be 1
ililtyiii(Ttlietio,, accept the lowest or any of the tenders. ;
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, Oct. 80, 1874. 361-3
To the Cheapest Store in Town,
Priestley's Id ',a,
Pe ifecti
The fact that Prani
I tight hereelf after- tin
I revolution, is net
alPolaLltr,t) Itelialt;*Pelt?el
Ouse foraet thatt fres
the IsougTharlineldent
: the last century ave )
:freed -ourselves Om tier
th- at ',Amy l'eptC8f•114Vd.
thou of our State, awaef, ea
,the Second Empire.
.instrument ef tee'
-tap .te reward. lam,
:3i4-e_1446.tht;e:)(,Hneliyn essii :ail tf n s
:Minister bad le;rM8
the vote market, and '
tletnPda3;a4Iscal1111,1fit8:aalgell°c.titlIrtvi. "
tIte highest to del loW
pid, SO far as it was no'
those who ditsent-
t'nitarian, could
*each, and -was li!alde
and long imprisonthent.
tye guns that were
dherch against the Diesieut
ted. The law was a eesepo
phaphet whom few regii-ti
mitree WaS hampered by ill
mni:e,ontt.s„ r.taintal by at
snrd. help, on the- Pait
'of at'eo%is'i-deiaaibTe
mdre village as COUIparett
en;. extent People who:
al). nit armed, by rk-ation
of ighwaymen and the
etbeieney ol the police.
hail not reached Binning'
thaee days to get; to 1./ot
cabals weie a- recent and.;
anneal conception
fade upon ancieht
(Teti into the ehadtic
ha be said to have hall.
Noa; nee knew thatl:two
mein bodies,- air ;Ala
shanld have foretold theili
aji irtool
es!bad no existence, and
being in the dayS of hi.
haye been regarded as ae-
s common with liany
at4ii;atteppert.e•teltiittnenti Ifobtshtei:
'hoe glad to entertain 'the sa#
judegang from the past pre
haye eooled down so far be
'Vent of this natural mince
be,- at best, perfecta4
endugh that man may v
his! Condition in the ;course I,
or And, if the loicturel:
of ,things in Priestley's
have jest dame, han-e auy
accuracy, I think it 'must
that there has beeu coned
for:the better. --Non: Hag
t 'kltats on Bo4rd
I'lats greatly infest ship-
theitn carried to every part -4
industrionely do they mal
themselves in the BuMerous
codaers in the bun bit a 8114
almost impossible t4 get It
ShipS take Out rats 'as well
and aargo every voyage;
former remainin the ehip
est knoWn to themselves)
Ea t India -Company had al
ow they employed a rat-
so/m.6111es captured 45.00 a -at
jest :retuned
rat ie often the black
tinre blank and brown ielai
vessel, and, unless they earl
al hostilities:, the one, peaty
the head ef the vesiel and_ I
thil stem. The ship rat is
fai ; be will come on, (leek Al
ilimb up the wet sails ti
Seale -times he mistakes a el
a water cask, and gets dra
tails. Of an American mere-,
ereilited (or diecredited) wit
-clearing his ship from rate.
charged eargo atta port in
found his ship in jaett Apositi*,
which had just taken in
I hitch cheeses. Ile laid -4 pi
from ewe Yeas -el te the .41.e.
tempted_ by the ederS treopt
plaalt, and began their 14.•11,'
care that the.plank
ant the &nese la ss 4"
1X1 ohtwint
A Story Or ZSTat
A., little ineident f7
whielt men of seiened. 1A-4:1
lettere, prosecute then -
It whiIe he ts•tiet bun
fore ts of Louisiana that bel
tiny little woodbinl !hithed.
ae a wren, and was clad in n!
plaid, sober gray, thiat:_ann:
tieed eyes would deteedit
mit among the similar !vol.i
of Ale peculiarlipeeivs
might be, to Audubonit
charming and curione l'4;2e
inteaested him above all
finnan, anti to ascertain inn
habits was a matter of las
tance as though it w;ore
tribe. He, therefore, Itent
of his intense and tag4r
study of it. One night he