HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-11-13, Page 1G, 184
In weather of the past fear weekg
reolinding tla.at winter witb. colt
mantle of sl:tow will soon be here.
*epare for
constantly supplied with. Goods suit_
Season. To enumerate the then<
articles would be a task too heavy
isetuent, and quoting- prices is no
quality., To supply
7+• 4
SV 4t0'I SV Sa'400
t H
ttt aim of this house. Some very
1. ana ot extra value, will be found
'ley Dress Goods, Shawls. ClOuds,
,Wls, Fur Sets,itt GenteVadershiets
Uardigan Jackets, Caps and Ready -
r. A Fresh supply of those cheap
- Mateo:kers hav.fr•keen waiting.
txze newest sty -les and materials,
oaost artistic manner, at prices too
,ful cOmpetition.
Iot of; Red Rivef AlUFFALO
ROBES Cheap.
articles at a Iow price, as cheap aa -
au bay, there is no place like
e Commercial Hotel, Seaforth.
- 1
,with Long Prices,
town with Long Credit.
tYtlier ICkt of 173 yards
-worth $1 75,
0-0Or (),ffe,red nit :Sego
ew Rosiare,
; New Dress Goods,
New Tweeds,
New Flannels,
New Blankets..
New Hats and Caps.,
a ,est •Priaeg.
MAN et. Co.
infcam the inhabitants of Sea --
lie geuerally that they have com-
in. the above line, opposite Mc -
obi stand, and xxext door
MaS Beirs livery stable, where
toifurnish all ordere entrusted
y one wanting
ter, or a
xer would do well to givens
t-elas rial used, and:Sat-bi-:
= Promptly Attended to.
Cd agent for Seaforth and
the Celebrated
A. WHITLANC, of Paris,. Ont.
acknowledged to be the best and
't MALT:use the best—made. Thee
-ken. first prizes wherever shown-
:Druft Store, ,Sfeaforth,
-filled. Specimen machiaea can
nie piece.
EVEN''111 ICE A K.
WK0.11,1E No. 352:
ff or calc.
359-4 Agent
oreci:7e 17:triS. SALiniEpe,ou, is for sale.
r or all particulars apply, if by latter prepaid, to
H. LOVE, Sr. Hili's Green
Agent for the Messrs. Hamilton.
rpHE south half of :Lot No. 11, Con. e. Stanley,
NTORTH half of Lot 14, Con. 6, Morris,100 acre;
-1-` 75 acres cleareai- with good farm buildings
aoel orchard ; 4 miles from Brussels ; immediate
possession given. Far further particulars apply
to 857 BENSON & 'MEYER,
Barristers, -Seaforth.
LOT No. 5, Cou. 4. Millet t ; 140 acres, • more or
Iess, 80 acres cleared. Plenty of water, and the
iiorth .braneh of the INIailland Elver running
through the 1S are bus]; good fences. Apply on
the premises to the proprietor,
S'Ocl or address Constance P. 0.
• ••
The Fall Aesizes were opened on Tues,
day, Nov. 3, before Jedge S. H. Strong.
The Toronto bar was represented by
Cheistother Robinson, Q. C., nnd Ed-
ward Jones. T. B. • McMahon, Q. C.,
CrowCounsel, from Brantford.
Tire followine eentlemen answered to
• their names and were sworn as the Grand
.Jury : 'Mlc
aolm c
MDiarteid, Foreman.;
'Wm: Chesney, Jae. Dallas, Thos. Case, rake apart ; prisoner then took up the
Edwin' et. -11. Davis, David• Ellis, John rake, and knocked deceased down ; the
Kirevalm, -Samuel Pollock, jas. Forrest, rake'evas on .the ground.' near prispnerl;
J. B. Seacord, -Thos. Gibson, Thos. (OW -: he ;raised it in both hands 'about SeVe.p.
intoek, Jae. McDowellt Garrick, feet high and struck deceased ; when
David john, s Thies• 'Kidd, Robte Lams- . :he raised the rake- he brought it down
(11111, Patrick Kelley, -Robt. Morrison, 'with, force land quickly ; he struck de -
Jas. Sonlerville, W. (It Smith, Felix' ceased on the top of. his heed, deceaeed
'anal,/ then. Prisoner gave deoenseed
slap 1,n the face and then clinehed, (To
jeror, prisoner slapped. deceased with
his open hend and not with his fist);
told. them I would bind the sheaf, andIL
a them, telling them. not to qua"-
prisoner then said to. deceased, "if
on't•be quiet and let me alone aft
is I will knock yon down vi‘ith this
; deceased said "no you won't';
were then aboutthe length of the
rel ;
ter t
Thomson, , Turnbull, Sr., Richard fell bat not at once as prisoner held on
Treleayee •to the rake, one tooth of which stuck in
LOT I. Con. 6, Hullett; loo acres, 65 acres
•• cleared, remainder wooded with beech1
maple; frame dwelling; River Maitland and a
good spring on let; 21 miles from Kinburn and 3
miles from Clinton. Terms to suit purchaser.
For particulars apply to L. MEYER, Harparhey,
- BENSON t MEI -E4 Seaforth. 346
pEING Lot 3, Con 9, Tuckersmith ; 100 acres ;
85 acres cleared; nearly all clear of stumps ;
bush hardwood; good log buildings ; young oral.
ard, commencing to bear; two wells with pumps;
.it is 6 InileA from Seaforth: The laud is of the
best quality, and will be sol'l cheap. For further
particulars •appjy to the proprietor ou the premises.
• 3551 Egmoudville P. 0.
His Lordship . addressed the Grand deceesed's, head ; the tooth . was not
Jui•y and stated that there WaS compfira- broken quite off after the blow was
tively bile -Mess eoine before struelk- the tooth was not broken off be -
them, only case e Tin all, He briefly
defined the nature of the offence', and
diemissed them to the discherge of their
• duties. •
The Court then proceeded to other
business. The first case called.wes
• Cooper vs. Campbell. ----This -was an ac-
• tion brought: by Mr. Cooper against the
defendant for the seduction ot
daeglifer, h'Inily.Conper, who was called
•. and testified iii the -Omit manner, that
the defendant secluded her under the
• promise of marriage. There was ne]
de -
)E LNG Let el, eon. 7v McKillop, containin g 104
acres, all eleered, with good barns and stables
, fenee, and the Jery, after an absence of
t wo good orchards in inn bearing; two never-fail-
iug springs which supply the mill. Also, lot 35,
Con.% containing 48 acres of hush. The property
is situated 6 miles from Seaforth,witha good
gravel road thereto. For further partici-liars apply
fore !the blow • was struck ; the tooth
bound in cloth •iS the mie that wentin 'o
rieceesed'e head. ; deceased Aid. not al -
proach ,prisoner, after he • (erisener)
threatened to strike him .with the rake ;
:aeceesed did not speak after • he fah ;
prisoner raised. deceased first, end I t
.something under his head, and we th n
tarried him into prieoeer's house; prie-
oiler then went off for some of Ghe neigh-
bors, and snoa •catne back with Keysit
and his son ; I remained With tle•
'ceased While, prieonee wee away' ;
:Prisoner Keysir aed Hill carried de-
. twenty .Minotes, brought in• a verdict ; eeased into prieoner's. house ; 1 steyed
of which appealed inI n11 in our issue of
that time. - Themes 13 • McMahen, Q. U.,
appeared for the Crown and opened the
case to the -jury by reviewing the circum-
stences, after v1iic1i 1110 called the first
witness. • • . , .
Seaforth and live th ne ; Mrs. Mona-
ghan's house is similar to the ene marked.
on the sketch now pr duced. *
To Mr. Sinclair—Mrs. Monaghan's
house is 45 or 80 y ids fon railway
tank and about 100 yards from . Cole-
mae's salt works. •- , .
Jane tionoghan sw rn—Ane 13 years
old ; was living with '' y mother in Sep-
terriber last, in Seale •th, in the shanty
near railway track; I risener lived with
my mother, and also my sisters Maey
aud Sarah and brothe • ,Eddie ; I think
prisoner livecl. with m mother, for fin ce
years ; . Minnie Gar ity came - to the
house the night befor the deceased. died;
deceased was there th n, but went home
a little atter 6- o'clock, and M. Garrity
remained and was drihkiiig whisky with
prisouer and rey moth e• .., ail went to bed
together after cand
M. Garrity and prism
drenk then. 1 did
that night; all der
ing ; deceased. came
8 o'clock that inornin
Stratford train- passed
breakfast ; he - was
Knox coining aboht 1
and deceased- , were t:
for Knox dame, m
J. H. Benton swo n —Ain Reeve of
be discharged as his w
country and he is desir
We deeply regret ti:
cases whieh have eon:le I
rectly Attributable to ti
eating liquors.
Ilic1/01EAN sitettlE1111Ellut,
$31. 50 a ir ar, advaInco.
fe has left the 1
us of leaving it
at most of the
efore us are di-
e use of intoxi-
is a subject of col gratulation that
e are so few prisoner
king, now under eo
, comparatively
spe finemeut in ithe
: -
We beg to Congratulate yoer Ldrdt
shi e upon your elevation to the distin-
gui bed position yon now occupy, and
we trust you may long be spared to
adorn it.
We tender our thanks to -Mr. Mac -
Ma ion; the Crown Counsel, for his cour-
teoes and able assittanet. '
'All of which is respe4fu11y submitted.
• MALCOLM MeDEetilern, Foreman.
Grand. Jury Reoin, Nty. 6, 1874.
''-,--i•ee' • ele t -
. he congregation of Kuox's Chereh,
I Galt,_ have extended a call to their late
pester, Rev. J. K. Salary offered
e .1i ht 'Mother
er \vete not vent !
lot hear any row I
sober next morn- '
1 o the hoese about 1
t shortly after the ,
as We Were at our I
sober; remember I
o'clock : prisoner. i
lking together be I
t loud nor augry 1
like, --but justan ord late con\ ersa
ley were spea i g „
full grown ma
1, wee perfect in all ite pa
1 eton of a
.Garrity were also
e• ; I leashed the
1 ing tilled with a ! full en
hawk was
w as f 0 u
Near .the
s my work; moth. teeth.
e not sober enough i
-teed. went into the
; mains Were those of onr
lics1 -wiTleelaitd 't;o thebackI
down on the floer,
; ship
of 1 -ie forest.
-e-Mr. Wm. A. Canal
of East Williams, a
ased to get up, but
sex, had five chiklren
ver, prisoner thee
days last week, of mal
• ---Waterous & Co., o Brantford, have
caused a writ to be sersTIed upon the con -1
traotor of the Mitchell Water Works
and. the Mayor, claiming- damage.s for an
inftingement of their petent. 'the town
of t. Thomas is sued b the
•a man in the
owman, of Cope-
rth 1 W•
same firm, $10,000 bein
—The other day whii
employ of Mr. Joseph 1
town Count fW t T
y en w
• in a held, the plow turi ed ) the skel-
• • for plaintiff and. $350 damages. J. S. 'thete a =short while and was then sent don't know: what tl 'Ale Skeleton
Is, the jaws be -
Sinclair for plaintiff. for a doctor ; - had becii workiog Let about; mothor tend IN
RoSs i1icKay:7-Aotion for eject- !Hill's along with deceased the day before; talking to each oth
on the nremises. If by post, to JOHN THOMP- ment—verdiet -for plaintiff by consentdeceased seemed to be in goocl ea t i, e
Constan co POEinburn, Out260 Holmested for plaintiff. J. S. Sine- was about my size ; about as tall but not
sox, . ., .
FARM FOR SALE, lair for defendant -quite so stout, we were binding after a
Fon Sale, Lot 28, Con: 7, Vsbome, containing
The COurt then adjourned till Nov. 4, :machine ; the unbound sheaf was pri
74. acres. 55 of which are cleared and in a. state
of good cultivation. Thoro is good froaneBeRN at f.:30 A. M. When Court opeued, the -oner s.
• and STABLE. The farm is located on a geed (tte nd.jery came in with " True Bill" Hill recalled—Think aeceased had.
churches and post office, and is within 13 miles 4
in teen vs. Klunip 'for murder. Pris- a straw hat ; but can't say if he had. it
gravel road, is conveniently situated to schools,
1 .
particulars apply- to the proprieto on the premises. guilty." , De. Rolline sworn --Am a practicing
WILLIAM DINNIN, Jr., M itch ell vs. Manson. --Action for mon- sureeon and physician ; have been in
eel Lumley P. 0. . . . . .
_ ey lent. At the close of the plaintiff's Credit village 10 8 tPphen for the past two
FARM FOR SALE. case Mr. Robertson, Q. C'., asked for a years • I remember Wood doming for inc
. ,
VOR. SALE, Lot 9, Con. 1, Loudon Rorie Stan- n went to
-1.- ley. 100 acres, 80 cleared and under fence, the i ,
On r wae raigued and pleaded Not -on When etruck.
from Seaforth and 7 from Exet r. For further
balance timbered with ti 1.8 t- cla ss hardwood ; frame ft Doyle for plaintiff. C'. Rooinson, Q prisoner's house ii,bout midday'to see de -
barn 60x40. frame stable 1'3.4() 1o, thouse, good C. for defeuclant. - ceased ; found him unconscious and
bearing orc.hard, well watered ; situated WitInn 7 i'llcLean vs. 1.flowley.--Aotion for tres- brea,thing, very heavily • I examined the
miles of Seafortli and a. like distancei from Cliu- . . .
pa,ssVerdict for pl
. •• --aintiff t1.1) by eon- wound, there, was, not Mech blood or
ton. Farm well underdrained and in first-class
cultivation. Apple on the premises or to the pro-
prietor at Brueeficid P. 0. .
sent, subject to_agreement on back of
record—certificate for -costs moved, for
which Judge will grant if required. • M.
FARM FOR ,SALE. 1 - C. Cameron for plaintiff. .J. 8. Sinclair
T OT 4, Con. 5, Hallett, 125 acres of first-class for defendant.
--te land in excellent condition ; well fenced ; good , .
buildings orchard, ite.; spring . creek jerosses the McLean vs. ( ooper. —Action for seduc-
lat. The'timbei on the 20 acres of bush land is tion. Mary McLean ss 0111, gave the
very valuable. The promietor would *sell 75, 100 ustal evidence that defendant sedueed
ar 125 acres. Post Office, Sohools, 4te., 0011Velli-
t'ut. The property is simated on a goOd draVel her under promise of marriage. Alex.
:362 ANDREW SLOAN, Constance P. O. - McLean (plaintiff) also sworn explained
road. 5.; miles from Seaforth. Apply to
the delay in bringing this action to the
anything externally; attlie top centreef
his head a little to the left lof the mediam
line.part of the brain protfruded theoueh
, the outer *Mind • : found a hole through
- the Atli] -but _could not find the piece
, then ; I tried. the Wound !With -a probe;
I told deceased's father that deceased
funds of the liank. due to his
would probably die. been dianking. vet y laa•rd for six weeks
. Mr. Robinsme—I no doubt before his -death ; h only -winked One
whereabouts has yet been obtained.
but the ,wound caused the death of de- week Ott of the six, and wee. drinking A
dishes, t a was a wa
ex and Garrity we
to wash dishes; deee
baek kitchen and ley
he had a bap. under
got up shortly atter a
kitchen and told dee
deceased did. Dot, ans
kicked Mtn. ou the I);
d splendid set of •
lead toina-
ting that the re -
of the red men
ek near the s mu - i
- The eldest wes a
ders—kicked him two or three times, ' ve"
1 1 age, and. the second, th
thitk once on back Of head. .
1 of eight years.
. This witness further testified that she —The wile of .a Germ
. had seen France stri e ,and beat the iN- I
was diecoveted hy her
ceased at vaeious tines (luring the day. i
1 to death on the cook s=
in other respects her evidence lwas pret-
1 the other day in, Hamil
ty ninch the eame as that published be-
- . : 1 . ' posed that she -tell on t
• fore. On being cros
Sinclair, she becatne
tradictecl. her main e
portant partieulars.
examm y .
a, tit.
bell, of the town -
!Minty of Middle -
ie within three •
gnaart scarlet fe-
get nine years of
er only son, a lad,
in named. Heaker
husband burned
o v e of house,
on. lt was sup -
le -stove while m
eonfesed, and cora :
j ---A young man Mu ed Davis, aged.
idence in many im- i
i about 21 years, son of Rev. Dr. Davis,
•I late President of the Baptist Cellege,
Bridget Beird sworn—Am wife of cle- London, England, who has been engaged
ceased ; =remember the .morning of his .
for some time as 6 clet in the Blink- of
death ; he ILA no rupture at that timd_ ,
Montte'il at Montreal, )11 -as decamped tea
had no black, eye that morning, he had '
. - has taten with him ov r $22,000 of 'the
nother youne man, employed by a,
• . 1 stock broker in 7Montnial, left about the
, .
FARM FOR sill. . : absence. of defendant in the States. - The Dr. Moore sworn— Am a doctor lof To Mr. Sinclair—Deceased was a very
- same tun t •-• '
The two, if they have gone together, will
have a respectable capital. to work on.,
—A farmer in Pickering, County of
Onta to, was offered. $1 per bushel for
1,000 bushels -of barlee, but he declined
selling it as he thought he could getmote
for it, Last week be offered. it far ;95.
cents, but could not get that price.
When people are offer d the value of an
e, along th him $19,000.
• SALAI.Lot 16, don. 1, Tnekersmith, defend.ant did. not appOur and the .Iury, medic• ine ; have practised erears, and hard drinker • he fell mit of a wagon and ;
good. state al.:elks-Alien. The wood land is all •
peu. 75 acres 63 cleared, well fenced, and in a
after half an hour s abSeuCe, gave plain- tor , the last two years in Exeter ; was hurt his haniis seven or eight lereeks be-
first-class hardwood. There is a large brick house tiff a verdict fol. le300. Nt• . bquier called to see 'deceased on the occasion fore his death • I saw him the evel+-ig
40x28, and a kitelien 1Sx22. There is a framebaru for plaintiff. - .
55x35, shed 6022, also a ft true stable 4028, a large Archer v.4. Keit/A.—Action for eject -
bearing orchard and plehty of water. Is situated on
the London Road, 9 milfes from Clinton, and wee 'pent. The e,hief point in dispute Was
distance from Seaforth: For further particulars the location of a line bet ecu two lots.
pen P.O.-
apply to the proprietor:on the premiAes or to NAfterexamieing several Witnesses on
WM. COOPER, Sr. beth sides, the Judge entered a verdict
for plaintiff. O. Rohnison. Q. C., and
B. L. Doyle for plaintiff, _ C. Canter -
just described ; heard the evidence of befor he died, had a black eye but did-n't !
last witness and corroborate his evideece hear him oomplain o anything else. !
exactly, death -was caused by compres- Thomas ylor, lary.Baird, Sat ah I
sion of the brain, Monaghan', James Ritchie and John ;
John Lewis sworn—km father of de- Passmore ere exanined, but the evi- :
• ,
ceaeed ; he was 15 years old lett June ; dere was similar to that given at the
; 1
he Was apparently in good. health when I magistrates' trial, and published Lit Ithe i
FARM FOR SALE IN HULLETT, sew him on Monday previous to hit time. The main portion of sDr. Scott's i
-I-1 cleared, remainder good beech and maple, On ancl J. S. Sine . death.
'. lair for defendant f e. • - • - 1
el dence has aleo been published. The 1
T OT 18, Con. 7, Hullett, 100 acres, 80 acres
,good 1,amo born 665:10, excellent stables for both The Grand J))17 came in at 12.30 with This closed. the evidence for the crown. following is his evidence relative to the
1 !
lioiNes and cattle, snug frame house; a never- • "No_Bill 3' in Queer" vs. -Edward Stan -
failing spring near the house, 4 -acres good beer. -
in orchard; 7 miles from Clinton, :3 from Sea-. ley ior unlawfully appropneting proper -
forth, 1:1, from Ninburn; gravel road passes the ty„ and.at 4 T. M. gaee a "True Bill ' in
otto ; farm in high 8-ta-te ellitivithan; BPlermlia Queen Vs. Joseph Frande for murder.
oIry clay soil; free of stone or sand. For terms •
-t'c to the roprietor. Queen 1:e., John, IClump:----The prisoner
article they should tate it, and not hold
on for More, as if the do, they will al-
most certainly lose.
— A verly skillful opei etion was suceess-
Robieson Q. C. for defence called -poet mortem examination : I held a met
fully performed a few d ys ago by Mr. -C.
a number of Witnessee, who testified 111,071P971 examination on the 2d; clecea.s-
Little V te S f Walker-
, e urinary u gem),
to the general. good. character of the ed had been -hurried four or lite days be- ton, on a colt 16 months old, belonging
prisoner. prior to the 1:resent offence. for this; at the poet mortem. examino-
County of Bruce. T e operation con -
to Mi. Lae, Sr, of the ownship of Brant,
Mr. Robinson, addressing His Lent- tion T found' the liccly in a very far ad -
:149 -1-13 •HUGH -ELL, Constance P.O. was indicted for the murder of one ship, said he admitted the evidence was va,nced state:of decoetposition ; remiov-
• sisted in the removel f an immense tu
, not sufficient to acquit prieoner,. but that al the scalp and. found a cOrisiderable . '-
Fort Sale, Cheap. Lot No. 3'0, &n., Township Stephen, on the 12th of August last. The
the conviction could onl be for man-
, • • y portion of thick blools the theee imisCles . '
mor, weighing 6t pout s from the side
FARM FOR SALE IN BRUCE. 'Michael Lewis in the Township
ration occupied ,
facts were detailed in the 104 press at :boor hael°f-an;- h,::, clni iug which the colt • the ace°111°Ciall°11 of unall-pox Pat ents,
they had
of Broca, County of Bruce, oontaining 100 slaughter. Mr. . _, , • of left ear looked ,
acres, 30 -of which are cleared, This farm is situ- • -Gook place Mr His Lordship 'then charged the jury am. lacerated ; Inain w. s aboht the comeosi-
clearly defined maeslaughtet, and after tioy of milk ; I too off breast bone and was under the infinen e of chloroform:. and to seCure e home at the! backl the
lege of Paisley. The uncleared poetion is well Me Mationibiliefl y addressed the ,jury nitre
ed. the Crystal Palace in that city in four
hours and 48 minutes from the •time •of
their departure, ihaving made over five
miles an hour On the journey. -Stleh
feats are rare by the " boys" of these
days, who do not. practice thls healthful
exereise as mucl as they sho ild do. . ln
cessity ; now, i is a pastime _
the days of our ethers walki ig was ane-
• —Jr Childers, President f the -Great
Western Railway Company, has arrived.
in Canada. He reached Bemilton on
Saturday last, . and is nOw I in Ottawa
spending a few lays with the Governor-
Ge___Iletrtaell'ije a soi of Mr. Robert Slither-
land, of North orehester, was crossing
the railroad trac at London with a span
of. valuable hors s, on Saturday evening
last, about half past 7 o'clock, he wae
caught by a .paseing train. The wagon
was smashed to !pieces, the horses were
instantly killed,I and -the driver, William
8ntherlan-(1, wa thrown a ,klistance of
56 feet. He w s picked up in an in-
seneible conditi ni, and his 1 ecovery is
d oubtf n 1 .
a ---A hotel stable at Port Lamb -Eon was
e A
destroyed by lite on Moey morning
last. Four holes and -a number of bug,-
giee ami eat riagi3s, which were in The sta-
ble at the titne,i were also burned. The
fire was the Work of an incendiary.
--Sharp's book store and. expi css office
in St. Marys witS entered by burglars on
Monday morninie about 2 o'clock. Jest
as they had the :ate about gelled,: the
night policemant, seeing alight flash on
• the side window, went -and tried the
front dour to see if -all was right, when
the burglars took alarm and decamped -
throteli the baok door, leeving. all their
tclols behind. - Ail:long the thole was an
°eta:Lem eohl chisel, maiked '. . -.0-ow.
---The steamer Outaria„ of .. Ileatty's
Sarnia:end Lake Superior Line„ arrived.
at Sarnia on ,Saturday evening with
..1.0,1 passengers,30 horses, and 15 wagons
belonging to .M. sets. Carpenter & 'Co.;
300 packages fi, hi . 20 tons tobacco, 10 -
teirrele of silver ore from Thiinder 13ey,
and 100 tons of ether miiseellaneous
.frieght. The captain reports . having
bete canselit -in e, gale .on the tight .of the
28th Oefober, ' the same in which the
steamer Cumberland ..had • a . narrow
escape freer: foundering,they leaving been.
compelled •to throw' overboard most of
the cargo to saye the boat. The Ontario -
weathered thet strati) well and proved;
herself .= ,excehent. sea boat. She re-
turned again o Tuesday last and will
make .the last rip of the season
—A std. cas occurred at tlie residence
of a gentleman in the village -Of Pott Col-
borne on Send y -morinag laet. It -eeems-
that A girl, as ranger, came to the house
a few days ago, and engaged as servant
Some days ago she becalm unwell and
• took some warm tea to her bedehamber
on retiring. Next day ehe ettended. to
her work as ustiel, which she repeated.
. two ortlifee cloys. . Becomingill medical
. aid. was obtained, but toe late, for she
was found dead in her bed_ on Sunday
morning. Possible .she may have taken.
'poison to put en end • to het .misery and
sufferings in airs world.- On examining
her carnet base,to ascertain writhe). it eon-
tained any papers or records . by which
her friends or relatives plight be Rama,
en infant was found .therein; which had -
been suffocate 1 by a rag which was in its-
mouth. No o e seem e to know where
this poor, lief rtnnete gid eam-e from.,
neither does ny one know anything
about her rela eves.
—The prev lance of smallpox in the
city .of Montreal is becoming spenewhat
alarming. Ati= a meeting ,of the Board of
Health a few 'eights age it was resolved
to' immedirtelis establieh an, hosiptal for
McMthou concurred s if '
ated within five miles of the rapidly growing tbo time the murder . •
niountain. 'The health officers ever also
Tile beast is now doin well.
shortly ,
7 b • .1 hear
t, aa d feel sure deeeesed i
—.tc. Manitoba paper sa.ys that candi- • instructed to take the neceesaiy meas -
timbered. There is also a Spring Creek rumling rather the circumstances of the case and , 0
, cae.e to the jury, remarking that the evi- • did not die of hear disease ; cannot say ' parliamentar honors in ejanee seres for car6ing out general vaccine -
through ihe place. It is fi, desir&ble property. • ''''' ' . what i dateS for
the propricem., i then proceeded to cat]. the -witnesses.
For further particulars' apply to clearly -proved a case of manslaugh- after my examinati( n of the body
Box 24, Sertforth P. O. Williain H. Hill sevorn—Live in c
HOTEL FOR SALE- BY AUCTION. • being murdered ; was • in my father's, „ .
guilty of manslaughter." The pies- death, I am unable to say if the whole , ,
turda ' last 'tl 05 was the ir VA' ' 0-
: t Or Will be the excepth n.
rrHE Subscriber will sell by;Public Auctioe, on field at the time ; prisoner, deceased and °'
1.- the prenaiSes, on Sallevdak. Ni v. ;11 4,
Egreondville, recently occupied he Mrs. Robeason,
reviewing the evidence eeve the examine,
• toba still increase and multiply in mutt- • • tion -s•
• A. kr. CAmpl3ELL. , • • ter- The jury retired at, 2.40 P. M., end deceased •(liedt of the•b uises are e • •
SJ ;Olen ; remember the occasion of 'sewn- . •
—Ae high Lis $1.1t pet bushel was paid
in five minutes returned with a von] jot , -wounds might or in ght not have caelsto for barley in the Itin,,,stoni ae=ket
bers, and ere long the nambitious
--Two • young ladies mt far from Pais- 8a. 3 I .
e. otter seemed to be deeply affected w hen .any one of the vounds would. cause
• It S74, that well-known Hotel ni the il acre of ly • p I dive a pair of ra- price
o'clock were leaving for dinner ; pnsoner_ Y,
eoons in au open field, The racoon is
left an -unbound sheaf, deceased told him On .Saturday last prisoter was bre-light C'rown. IN1r.' Sine] ir submitted that the
enything but a slow ar imal, and. it must
to come back and bind it; prisoner said before the Cciert and sentenced to three Crown had failed o make out a else.
; have required both cotrage and activity
he Would not; Lewis told. prisonee again Y art in the Provincial Peuitentiare at His Lordehip, addr seing the jury, wereetet-
• reeent• at 1
the verdict was announced. death; thie closed the caee for the .
- Samuel • Woods pe
Mad DOW ocen-*(.1 by Al. Chambers. The stand is
first-class, and! a good. business can be dcme.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P., M. -
TERMS.—Ten per cent. of the purchase money
to be paid en the day of sale- :;400 on le s
of Februar3-, 875, and the balance in yearly in- et, came beak and asked deceased if -he
eteements to snit purchaser, at 6 per cent. inter-
est, Immediate possession given. was boss; he said he was ; prisoner gave
on the part of the girls ] secure the game.
• ed that in his op nion the Crown had.
We would adviee the young men of Pais -
e 1 ingston.
to come back and. bind, the sheaf; pi eon -
MRS. ROBERTSON, 'roprietress. deCeased a slap in the face; no words
13 • II -A tion for seduc- failed. to cetablish hat deceased died by
ley and vicinity to keep an eye on these
fon. Verdict for plai tiff $215 50 by violence, and that prisouer ought to be
return- girls. A young lady, who is smart
c neent. • H. W. C. Meyer for plaintiff, - acquitted. The ju -y accordingly
enouoh to catch a rac on. is pretty sun:
d McCaughey & Holmested for (le- ed a aseramt o Not Guilty,' and the
; to make a (rood wife.
prise:4r was, diseharged. --At the Aseizes las
n d aut.'
Rutherford rs. Boylan.H-Actiwi for LonOvrth vs. -.Potineon.--Action for
iion,a witless was .bein
J. P. BRINE, Auetioneer. 3544* d' * paSed. between. them; they then clinched; a
•-,iimm•••••"'"` w- I - t i. ta - ti - .t ,-L I f
- -,.., - -- — ooc s sepaia, ec lein , lee s eppec
.haek. • trisoner said he would knock de-
ceased down with the rake if he didn't
shat.up ; Lewis said, "o 611 won't." -
Prison& picked up the rake which vas
lying Close at hand and struck rleeeased
rake .preduced is the same one; held it
near the end Of the handle ; held it with
both harida; struck Lewis about ber.tre
of head; deceased dropped as soon fee
struck; there was not a tooth broken out
of the rake; after prisoner struck him;
as soon as deceased fell ran -home;
prisoner was there 'when I left didn't.
know what took place immediately after
the blow was struck; deceated and. pri-
soner were between four and live rods.
apart When deceased easked prisoner to
came back; deceased is about 15 years •old
• -eabout!my.size, wasjiu good health and
-he was:working the day before and down
to the time of this aocident.
To Ct Robnison—There were four of
uS there—were evorking together on:
our ownaccount; nrieener and decefited
were . on good terms always, —had no
quarrel it all that I khOw of; they clinch-
ed at once as soon as = paisoner gavede-
ceased the slap. -
Samuel Weed sworn—On 12th Aug.
last I was working with Hill ; there
were fear of us working together, viz. :
prisoner, deceased,. another and. Myself ;
the stable is more than a quarter of a
mile from the field; I was a little in rear
of prisoner in going home to dinner; de-
-ceesedecalled prisoner back as we left to
bind a Sheaf that he (prisoner) left un-,
bound ; prisoner said he would not bind
the sheaf; deceased called him back again;
prisoner said '" if yen don't shut up 1
will come beak and slap your mouthe'tde-,
'ceased told him to come end try it, and
as he was walking back he said are you
my boss" and deceased said yes; iaeceas-
ect and prisoner we -re • about five yeds
NOTICE is hereby given that the partner hip
hitherto existing between the tinders', ued
under the firm mime of BELFRY MAI, harness
makers, kte., in the village of Seaforth, has this
day been dissolved by mutual consont. The busi-
ness heretofore carried on by the firm will here-
after be ea ried on by W. El. MAY, who will Collect
all outstanding accounts due tie the firm, and dis-
charge all liabilities contriteted by the firm.
W. H. MAY,
Witney,—THOMAS Mel )0NAtb.
Seaferth, Nov. 1(1, 1874.
rofirence te tbe above the undersigned would
desire to state th ti he trnsts his friends who have
so liberally patienised the late firm al still con-
tinue their patronage to Mr. MAY; his late partner
• and suet% ssor iu business, as they will find. him
fully competent to continue the business iu the
senile sa,isfite tory luanuer that it has hitherto
leen conanciea.
trete l'iret Prize Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar,
• Out property of Mr. Wm. Blair, Jr., of Stanley,
will this season In. Lept for the improvement of
Stock, ou Let 2, Con. 1, Stanley, Loudon Road.
, This is one of the best and purest bred Berkshire
Pigs in this seetion of the conntry. vianis—$1
per sow, payable at the time of service, with the
• privilege of returning if necessam .
-WM. I;LAIR , .1r., Proprietor.
ees °TICE is hereby given that ,aimlitation will be
-1-1 made timing (lie coming sepsitm of the Legise.
• lative Assembly of Ontario, for anhat to incorpor-
ate the Village of Wroxpter, in the County of Mi-
r -true and give effect to a by-laW of the Corporation
of the Countyof Iferon incorporating- the Village'
of Wroxeter, in the said County, and legalizing
On? elections to muuieipal offices iu the said
etee SAMI-ET,
1- from all blarne concerning the taking of a Shin
of money from my house. • •
362-2 MARY M. HAYS
• LOST, ,
(IN Sunday Ia.st, between the -foia.cla Presby-
"-' terian Church and the Commercial Hotel, or
in the Church. a small Gold BROOCH. The finder
a ill oblige by leaving it at the EX POSITOR Office. -
gods sold, and delivered. Verdict for
laintilf, by consent for ,.(301. J. tt
leinclair for plaintiff.
• Bobertson • vs.:Ahlr8hall. ---- Action
brought by Fe A. Robertson against
Walter Marshall, of Stratford, for wheat
sold and delivered. • There was no de-
fence. Verdict for plaintiff -$1,16 96.
IL C. Cameron for plaintiff.
2,‘8. Pitchers. —Action for breach
f covenants for quiet enjoyment con-
ained in a lease. Verdict reserved to
Members at Toronto. • W. R. • Seiner
or plaintiff. M. C., Cameron 'for de-
• I
• Lamont re. McLean.- -Action for -the
.eduction of plaiotiff's daaghter.
lict for plaintiff $.200 by consent. W. ;
Squier for plaintiff. M. C.•C,!aincron
or defendants •-
Parsons re. _De t•ie. —A ction on • emu. '
on counts Troyer aud Detinue. Ver-
lict for plaintiff 8100 subject to award :.
f J. S.
McCailwm, -Etna rnsurance Co.—
Action -for money payable for saving
goods of defendant in a certain vessel
called "Russel Dart," which foundered
and sank in Leke Erie, - The Insurance
Company had a policy on the cargo of
coal in the vessel. f Plaintiff bought the
wreck *and proceeded to save the cargo
ana raise the vessel, and in order to cio
so was at the expense of hiring A steam-
er, a barge, two extra pumps, &cI • De-
fendants _urged that plaintiff's remedy
e nit Verdict for pltintiff
r- M 0 Cameron for plaintiff.
C. Robinson, Q. C., for defendants.
The Queen vs. Joseph France --The
prisoner was indicted for the murder of
one Robert Baird, on the 17-th of Sep-
tember last at Seaforth, the particulars
sedaction. - ,Plaant
the trialan the g
kept the principal
way and • plaintiff
Defendant replied
-withdrew hie reco
II applied to put off , !Ole removal of some
onnct that defendant , Shallow water of Lake
witness out of the I work a stone boet had
1(lnot find . her. I lawyer did not underst
telsonn3..ingn,a'nd plaintiff 1
boat was a kind of sle
•d. Benson & treYer-that it -was a scow, a
ness if it would carry t
for plaintiff; McCaughey & Holmes-
sted for defeedant. 1
Action broeght by the er it'would draw. Th Judge remarked
week in Walker -
questioned about
' —A fatal accident occurred Friday
last about a mile from the _ village of
Almonte, County of Lanark, resulting in
the death of farmer named Wm. Gleason
A " bee" ha been made for the purpose
1 • Ti 1 hd I 1 iehl •-'
of ( Lae ng etc e as ies on al s
farm. and upen th.e call to dinner, a race
took place !among teanis engaged as
which shoal( get to the ban fli-st.
Mr. Gleaeon striking his horses -with the
whip, they n ade a spring forward, and
the pole of t le waggon •cropped downs
stones from the
Huron, for which thre-w hhn and he received injuries
The that reenited in his death- about two
been used.
Ind that the stone- hom•s afterlards. mile a sober and
gb, but supposed much respeeted citizen, and leaves a.
large family to mourn his death.
d asked the wit -
.—The twthitydifth anniversary of the
ree cords of stone,
ivi ion of the Sons of Temper -
how large it was, and khat depth of wat- s a
ance was cel •bratea last Friday evening_
t WAS the t divsion instituted.
for balance due him that a sthne boat -was semethine to which
Scott. vs. J.)cnt.
plaintiff, a builder
on his contract to
fendailt. The el
said house was I
contract. Judge'
& Meyer for pl
Holmested for clef
In the cases of
Baird and Sarah
build a house for de- • horses were hitched.'
•fendaut replied that , the flowing robe lookee
ot built according to , grin overspread the fa
eat reserved. 13enn on the back- benche.s.
intiff ; McCaughey &
the Queen vs. Bridget .
lonaghan_for murder,
the Grand Jury r eturned. "No Bill" and
prisoners weendis barged.
G. 8, Sbeppar , the Indian who has
been confined inhe jail in _default of
sureties to keep
charged. •
This finished
Court closed.
The Grand Jur
handing in their
•. Ontario.
County of Huron
To Wit :
present, that w
and find it cies
There are six, pe
The gentlemau of n ar
stilt. and abroad the order.
nd still holds high rank in
Ir. A. Farwell M. P. P.
es of the rustics ,
one of the. (), lest members of the devision
gave an hist irical 'ketch (.4 the history
yers doe't know evervtleitasfeteeTsalll.A.- .
of the ( ieisi n. From his address it ap-
-.Mr. MeVitty, of Tort Hope, ])a$ pars that thirteen bemired and eighty -
beets and carrots whie1il have been in his
feur persons have been initi tted into this
cellar sincelast fall, an [ they•are as fresh i•d-ivuti"Theron of honof shows one-
and as good for table use as those of thhundred peieins ho have filled the
is .
years growth which 'uel3ctln the ground. i chair' r e funds contributed since its
He keeps them coveled up with lake 1.°Penilig
aount to five thousand five
shore sand. The exper ment is worthundred ans sixty-five do rs.
worthy of 4
1 --The vil ian W
Peter Bron, who was
en held in Quebec, 1 recently seiltenccd at the NApanc assizes -
ionino the (toyer- 1 to 40 laslies ana 4 months imprisonment, .
ttempted to commit a rape
n daughter, waa on Saturday
d from Toronto to Napane to
first i nstalmeut 11 his pun ish.-
20 lashes with the cat -o -nine -
:30 p. m. he was taken from
.:tened to the triangle in the
in presence of •the other pri-
he peace, was, on the' a trial.
f the -Grand Jury, dis- -- A meethao has b
• for the purfiose of peti
the docket, and the
var ous off e lees
were discharged after
presentment as fol -
nor -General to pard.o Lepine, on the I for having
ground that a full and. coniplete amnesty 1 upon his o
was rimised to all persons implicated in beet remov
the Northwest troublesof 1869-70. 1126 I receive the
2,000 persons were present. • 1 ment, viz :
) We, the (i -and . crowd. of yonng men gathered tails. At
Juters of our Lady,' armed the house of a newly married gaol mid fa
the Queen, beg, to couple near Walker on lately to give prison yar
have visited the jail them a cow bell sere" ade. ,The bride- soners conl ned in gaol, the officials, the
n 'and in good order. groom treated the boys to some bad whis- 1 press, and. i. half-dozen spectators. He
'sons now confined for key and jalap and the serenade' didn't Iscreamed a d wept bitterly, begging for
the 11 them- I take place The anxi us mothers of the mercy, dming the operation. His bade
y aexpress•
selves well satisfed with. their treatnaent boys had a good time
thorities. One prisoner ing them up. So
by the Prison a
an Indian,callec
trve of one of th
G. S. 9dieppard, a na-1 I paper.
United States, is un 1
1. der confinement in default of sureties to
keep the peac towards his wife, w
would tespectfu ly recommend that h
—Thanksgiving d
Blalead.er and 0-. Boui
Great Western Railw
ford, to walk to Ham
afterwards doctor- 1
ays a Walkerton
y, Messrs. L. E. I
y station in Brant-
on set off feona the i
iton. They reach -
out of the
He was a
Prison at
bad sight, the .blood oozing
rounds made by the lash.
ain removed to the Central
oronto, where he will remain
for two m meths, wheu he will be again
taken to Napanee, and will receive the
remainingi20 lashes before being] iberated.