HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-11-06, Page 91W%•1
r •
, on Oct. 23, the
tgram, of a dangle -
on Oct. 30). the
McCartney, of A.
.ey, on Nor. I, the
NteCitt ems, of ft
-At the residence
sr, on qot.. 30, by
a John
13 Aitele
rY, eldest
rke, Esq,
the lethodiat
n Oct, , by Rev,
'ivederiek Godbolt,
Jane, (laughter of
314 of Win -
the residence of
Oct. 21, by Rev.
William Telfer, to
inghter of John
t Wraneter,
EMI.. Snider,. Mr.
'flies Janet Scott,
At the Manse, El-
, Miss Margaret
In SeafPrth, on
t Goldsmith, Mr.
teaforth,i to Miss
FES -s
i Thames Read,
Mts. Mary Arm -
late Ervine Ertine Arm-
antes ROad„ Use
Andrew I Dougal,
; .
Hullettt On Oct.
Atu, 011 Oct. 3,
of the late John
4Nov.. I, John
and a months,.
34, after ai
eiI AfteLean, aged
.reeidence of her
jEngland, Morris,
,eistanan1 wife of
,Jr„ of East Wa-
-toode a itogan -&
ea the whale line
way is from our
ante a Lot at F.
Nov. 5, 1874.
aed fine weather, _
ha.a been some -
few weeks, farm -
erne getting their
aul in their grain.
xge in quatations.
- old pricea, with
ef a rise. Barley
kand commands a
)eas seli well and
Mer is still scarce
Perk has come
small quantitiea,
gear market, al-
erevailing quota. -
peed demand, and
Aar prima. We
0 88 to 090.
sa w 0 ea
35 to 035:
..... 70 to {7
95 to, 008:
24to 025
G 24 to. 0 25
G 00 to. 015
0 00! to 5 ea
.ats 00 to! 14 ea
6: 00 lio t00
a Oa to 0 10
0. 4g, to 050
, 0tLte 00
2 50 to 2 75
4 Og tit,. 500
.Z.TOX, Nev. 4, 1874.
0 88 elt‘ 090
ti K-4 J 090
• 0 96. 038
.. 0 95 et. 098
0 72 tie 074
.. 0•45 ejz 050
0 12 ei 0•1
. .13 00 Or 14 00
about 400 bush -
white, 95e for
;falc for apring ;
05 at $1 08—
mei); and paying
ft bush. of peas..
-o-f oats at 400
d aupply,."•selling
utter and eggs
at unchanged
Nov, 5„ 1874.
I,037 head,
for the week,
$92 ears, auainSt
(itne laSt week.
light reciepts
_ce. on last -week's
ed about 100
ecei1its to -day
total supply for
head, against
time Iast week.
Canada 'lambs
Isheep at '$4 50
kas $4 to, $4 75. a
Nearly all
ret ef,
LV 3,3‘ head,
I for the week,
against, 21.600
at weak. The
latt te 40 for
75 fot heavy
New York
tstgan t .lemie-
!Nov. 6,iS1•4
Josh Billings on Hotels.
Hotels- are houses ov refuge,hoines
for the vagrants, the married man's !re-
treat, anti the bachelof-'s fireside.
-They are kept in all aorta ov Watts ;
etsase on the European plan, and Mehny
ev 'them on uo plan at all.
A, good landlord iz like a good step-
mother—he knovi-s hiz bizzness, and means
to do hiz duty, 1
very attpulsive in its appetrance. Its
eyes tirreevety neat the edge of the bill
nealthebaset Thiefish was 'alive when
caught, and an effort was made to save
it ahve after it was brought in, but un-
ftattunately the ,fishermen, while taking
ifitbut of the net, struck it a heavy blow
on the head, toe prevent its escape or
breaking the net', and this caused death.
Nothing like ip.was ever seen here, and
knows how torahhiz tth
it is be 'awed to have come from the sea
' e , hands w
when the traveller draws nigh, he by way of the Weiland Canal. The ani
‘‘.8 how to $roilo he knew yure tale's mal somewhat resembles the Auk -billed
Platin us.eaflhaitt*, -
ier when lit. wan living, and 3 re
e's fast huband, bathe don't s ak
at him. - Th:e:OctocttsOld Ways
e kan -tell whether it will rain to- At the Westamaskell as at the Etat, it
row or not the hears your kortipiaiilts seems to me that the happiness and pros-
a tear m his eye ; he blows up the
%rants at your suggestion, anti stands.
and faddy, with a shirt -collar az stift.
roken china.
man inay be "fa good .aapream court
judge, trutat thettatte tiirie be a -miser-
able landlord. 1 -
.lost everyboddy thinks they 0a.11 keep
a otel—and they kan ; but this aokounts
for the grate n•amber ov hotels that are
kept on the same principal that a justiss
av the 'peace offiss iz kept in the country factor in the line of modern farmers—we
(wawa a siX- daysjury trial for killing have all of us been rnore or less corrupted
sontehody's yello dorgby the high prices and flush money of the
war tunes, and of theplentiful.pa Idols
lars preVailing since then, so that We
have made our comfort clependIoo much'
on the a ility to spend money. A far-
mer's in ome, to be sure, substantial and
ry,, must be very largely ire other
aii money. An iaiproVed
id, more convenient bilikliage
carefully bred and reared stock
perity of farmers would be increased by.
the return if such a return were possible,
to the "good old ways." I do not mean
nor do I believe that it is desirable, to
produce everything consumed so far as
possible upon the farm itself, for cloth
can be woven in mills .cheaper than in
private houses, and there are better ad-
vantages . for selling home prddiice than
existed before the era of railroads.At
the same time money is too iiniiortafit a
hotel won't keep itself, and keep
th laadlord too, and. ever kure a travel-
leiF from the habit ov profane swaremg.
hay had this experiment tried on me
se eral times, mad it alwuz makes the
selares wuss. • satisfact
tit iz ton often the kase that landlords things ti
pinto the bizzaess ov hash az ministers richer I
go into the profesehan—with the o . and mor
best ov motives, butlhe pooreaVkind ov —these are within his reachewithout his
prospects. ,
I don't know ov ,eiany bizzness more
flattersurn then the tavern bizzness.
There don't seem tew be ennything few'
do but tew stand in front ov the register
wth a pen behind. the ear, and see that
the guests enter theniselfs az soon az
they enter the house; then yank a bell -
rape sixOr seven 'tiities..t. and. then tell
&Rut tew sho the gentleman tew 976 ;
altd then take (4 50 next morning from
the poor devil of a, traveller, and let him
1This seems tew be, the whole thing--
aad it iz the whole thing inmosca,ses.,..
1Y -a will diskover the following 1de-
skripshun a mild one cv about ninelotels
oUt of ten between -the Atlantik and Pa-
ei6ek °shuns, akrost the United States
Ma -straight line :, i ;- • • .-- e . e . - „I
!Yare room iz 13 foot 6 inches, by 9
fOot 7 inches, parallelograinly. I °
It being court. week as usual), all the
odrooma'are employed bi the laWyers
al el tudges.
I Yure recall is 011 the uttermost floor.
1The carpet iz ingraiu—ingrained with
e duet, kerosene, ile, aad inkspots: ov,
f ur generashuns. ° •
IThare iz two pegs in the roomtew
hitch coats onto, one of thein breke oph
and the other pulled ont and: miTsing.
outlay of much ready -money. Home la-
bor andtheecapabilities of • the farm will
suPPIY them, it properly directed, and if
nattentriewalted for without the hiring
or buying of outside helps. The tenden- '
ey to measure prosperity by the amount
of money that a farmer has in outside in
vestments, or that he is able to spend for°
his pleasure, is giving a wrong tendency
to our,whole syttem.. Farmers Cannot
hope tocompete in this respectwith Mer-
chants and manufacturers, whose ,busi-
ness is much more speculative And full of
teaks, and who too often give a fictitious
evidence of wealth, by - spending - the
money which they hope. to earn, and
which it not seldom lost by farmers and
other producers who have trusted
French author, M. Meniei, seta Ho-
mer shows us 12 slave -women preparing
meal wi;h stone milla for the daily con-
sirnptioi of the heroz-is." Now, a woman
working hard all day cannot make meal
for morte than 25 persons. Of course,
then, in the heroic age, there must have
been absorbed an enormous amount of
capital. lpaid_ out or labor. To -day 20
u an ordinary establishment can
producel by means of' machinery flour
1 The burohaz three legs and one brick.enough
IThe glass. tew the buro swiugs oh two 000 pp°
pfvots, which hav lost their grip. .-
Thum iz one towel on the rack, thin, taken 1
but wet. The rain -water in the pitcher made c
cam out ov the wel. was tar
The soap iz as tuff tew wear as a whet- sent th
stone. people,
`31.a.e,soapiz scented:with. cinnamon ile, stitches
and- iarie.gatid With'epPta: ' needles,
° Thare iz three chairs, Ione setters; 480,000
ohe iz a rocker, and all three are :busted. resents900 work-wee:pen. -
ThaaT iz i ina,teli box, emety. .• tt; ,
Thare /8 nO,kartin tew the wind°, and • How TO 'USE A GRINDSTON E.—Common
thare don't wittst tear be emiy, ; yu kan't grindstone spindle:4, with a crank at one
see out, and who kan see in ? end, are open to the great objection that
1 The bell rope iz cum oph about 6 inches the ston
t is side ov the ceilingevery p
The bed iz a modern slat -bottom, with.' follow t
or the daily consumption of 72, -
le, or eaple mantean 101. 3,600
n Homer's time it would have
4 , millers.. If all the machine -
ton thread produced in England
ed- out by hand, it would repre-
individual labor of 91,000,000 of
A smart =woman can make 80
a minute with her. knitting -
while a !machine isworking
titches. The machine then rep-
vvill never keep round, because
rson is inclined, more or less, to
e motion of his foot with his
ad both harder and abentt thick az a ,band, lach :causes the pressure on the
stone to iinequal. The harder pres-
sea bikitt
t ° Inattr"SeS, eine cotton and one husk,
" ' " sure is always ',applied to the very same
Yu enter the bed sidestt,ye, and kali
pert of he stone, and will soon make it
feel every slat at once, az easy as tru uneven, so that it is imposeible to grind 1
't'hehyue isiieedeliiz spuinmlia;bliittletd.i.:0. ie .6vei. . a got' -04
s 1 a thol true.- To a,toid this, put in place 1
of the arank a small cog -wheel to the
spindlersay with , 12teogs - have another
. .
mild the ribs ov a grid -iron.
, ' , shortspititliet ,lwith a crank Ttlidi 'a cog- -,
: For breakfast yu have a gong and : wheelof13 cogs,' to work into 'the-lot:men
ally koffee too cold tew melt butter, fride . The stone will make about 0.07 of a revo-
potatoze which resemble the chips a tWO- lution more than the crank, aed the hard-
Mch auger inakesja ile loutney,thra an er pressure of the tool on the stone will
Oak log. • change to another place at every turn, j
! Bread solid a beefstake about az that I anl the stone will keep per ectly round
az a blister plaster, and. so tuff as a i if it is a good one. This is a very simple '
hound's ear. cantrivance, but it will be ne*- ta manY
i Table covere:d witheplates, a few sacred : of our readers. r
to -death pickles on oil& ov them and six : ; .. • -4p . e, _
tly-indorsed crackers on another. - ' ' FALSE TON GUE. --Un der the abevecap-
' A pewterinktent castor with -three bot- ; tion the Visalia (Cal.) Delta says : ''' No
'Wes in it, one withone eniiirmustard i doubt everybody thinks he knows what r
awl one with two inches ov drowned ; we mean by this heading. Wit what we
flies and vinegar in it. do me.anis a disease by that name, se -e- -1
Servant gall, with hoops on, hangs ! eral cases of which have occurred on Tule ,
round yu earnestly, and wants tew know • Rivet, . The patient is taken with itch.
if vu will take another cup ov koffee. ' int' on the under side at the root of the .
Yu say, " No, mom, i thank yu," and : tongue„from which, we , are jaformed,
Tr-. ,7a• •
Because it is- worth your time account of
0. C. Wli..LSON
HAVING- now removed t10 hi3 new premises on
Mair j Street, which helhas fitted up speCially
for bis trade, is in a better !position than ever tO
give his customers good- value for their money.
Call and see him.
that we are fairly embarked in
olur new business (Watches and
Jewelryi) we wish tb inform our friends
all ov4r the country that it is not because
we 1 ave &polled it in connection with
our Dhig and Crockery business that we
only ilntend carrying it on by thallits.
We w nt you to distinctly understand
that e „intend, eaitrxing, it op (kii all -Its
bran e:S on a-piopPerbasis—that is value
for yo1r money. -We have no intention
of .sell lig you Gilt. or Plated Goods and
call thkm Silver or Gold. We fidd .that
this i a very, peculiar business, and
proba ly 'Mote ,liable to abue of on-
fidencb than any other extant. We also
push back yure chair.
Yu haveli'd eat enuff tew pay for pick-
'ing yure teeth. .
T am about as self-konsaited as it will
•do for a man tew be -and not crack open; -
'brut I never yet konsaited that I could
keep a hotel. 1 had, rather be a high-
wayman than tew be sum landlords i
have visited with.
Thare are hotels that are a joy upon
earth; where a man pays hiz bill az
cheerfully as he did the parson who mar-
ried. him ; wh.are yu kan't find the land-
lord unlest ye heist in the kitchen ;
wham servants glide around like. angels
et- mercy, whave the beds fit a man's
back like the feathers on a goose; and
where the -vittles taste just az tho
yure wife or yure mother had. fried. 'em.
TheZe kind ov hotels ought tew be
built on wheels, and travel around. the
kuntry . They are az 1)111111 ov real com-
fort az a thanksgiving pudding; but,
alass ! yes, alms ! they are az unplenty
az doutile-yelkecl eggs.
A Queer Fish.
t She anclk
Pe iqter gives this description of a singu- 1
commences the growth of a Janos re-
sembling a tongue, which- soon fills the
mouth. and protrudes from it, causing
suffocation arcl death in a few days, un-
less relief is obtairied. Ilenra' bon .•
has d- haseveral bad casesitthe fungus
burnectatway with caustic. In one
instance the tongue is saiclito have grown
two iriches in an hour.
Harkness! Hair Balm.
The be preparation in use fox -restoring, preserv
atid beautifyinoo the hair, and render-
. i. iug it soft and glossy.
This' Inv eau able pre pa ration we would present to
the public, knowing A th possess all the virtue we
claim. for it. 'Being perfectly free from all injuri-
ous ingredients, and composed solely of nutri-
ments, we can confidently -commend it as a• safe
and sure remedy for the alling of the Heir ''.res-
toringlgrey hair to its oriktinal ceplor, imparting a
healthy tone and, vigor. to its roots, and, causing it `
to grow luxuriantly. As a Cosmetic. alone, even
where the heir iv strong and healthy, it is invalu-
able, as it iinnttits a rich glossiness and silken ap-
pearance, which no one who loves beauty can fail
to adniire. PrepareR only by
EAltliNESS & GO., •
_Pharmacentictd ChemiSts, London.
' PRICE, 50 ChINTS; -
For sale by J. S. ROBERTS and R. LUNSDEN,
A correspondent of
Seaforth, and by ,Dra,ggists generally. 845-26
us y
lar specimen of of the finny tribe, which
was brought to land in a net at Vermil-
lion, recently, and which excites the
curiosity of all the fishermen in these
parts eg Ith extreme length is five feet
two inches; girth in the largest part two
feet one inch; its body back of its head
is nearly the form and color of a cat -fish,
but instead_ of the ordinary head of a fish,
it has a large duck -like bill or snout, of
14 inches in length, and three and a -half
to four inches in width, projecting for-
ward te the under jaw. This bill is
lather wider near the end—bet the end
is rouuded—it is convex on the upper
surface, and about the same color and
hard as the bony body. The under jaws
are very short and have no teeth, but
seem hard anci bony under the skin ;
large flap extends from each side of the
head backward over the gills. These
flaps were dappled_ or spotted of a lighter
color than the body. The fish weighed
about thirty pounds, ancl had nothing
The Ge'reat FC111111C Itemeidy.
Tot. elueare inagne is eafailina seethe
-1- a1.1 .e a ilthose painfurand darigerousdisekses
to whichh r female c-onstitution is subject. It
moderatee a I:excess and removes all obstructions,
end a spee 03ettre may he relied on.
To maw i t ciladits, it is peculiarlysuited. It will
in a sliolgftiute,bring on the Monthly period_ with
reffultirier'• - ' ' ! !!. ' • " ' -, . ..'" .• !
Thelle Pills Should not he 'taken by Females
during the first three months of Pregnaey, as they
are sure to bring on Miscaniage, brit at any othei
time tlaey are safe.
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal A.ffections,
pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight 'ex-
vertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and
whites, these pills will effect a cure when all other
-means have failed; and although a powerful
remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or
anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full direetiorts in the pamphlet around each
package, Avhich should be carefully preserved.
Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1.00 and
124 cents for postage, enclosed toNorthop & Lyman,
Toronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion
will i snr...6_,a. hnttlontaintitg „pyr„ 58 pillsehi
retrir Weil. : ?" - '! -- -4 -,:'
-told in SeafertlabY B., .1licksbrt arCo end
R.Tannisden. -' ' -• 19.7
This is i an article which cannot be dispensed with in every
house, arid in this age of machinery can be procured at a
small cost. We can supply a vety'handsome -Striking Clock
and * warranted TikeeperTottabolit$64. Although having
much eh aper ones. But we have some ne-w and beautifu
styles of Regulators in Fancy Walnut .Cases, two feet in
height, for about $10 which are without doubt the hand-
somest cock ever imported intd Canada for the money, and,
. . ,
contas a superior movement with polished springs, stop
works, and a patented improvement allovving the hands to
be turned back without injuring striking pert. House-
keepers ! ..
Call and see them.
find that the bulk of the trade bet een
the Jmyer and selleii must be don on
the reputation of the dealer. Conse-
quently, as we intend establishing this
.business in Seaforth, we wish to giv our
cust mers the value; of their mone
fai-,- s it lies in or power, and
these few remarks' . we 1?-eg, to
to -,o'Soo
r',. ncitice, some, of.1 the
ori gs
we intend keepince a stock '10, and Tvite
you to call an_c1"507.Tamin..e_before buying
ele*here, as we cau sell you goods at a
inueli less profi than you can'buy iti any
city,. and show as large an assorttudnt to
.chose from.
* ,
In this department we cannot commence to eunmerate
in an advertisement, but enough said when we say we have
all the latest styles of every article inahettade in Cold, Sil-
ver alai Brass, at prices to suit everybody.
Gold Wedding Rings,
Gold Keeper Rings,
Ladies' Fancy Rings,
Gents' Fancy Rings,
Silver Rings, allkinds,
Watch Chains,
Watch Keys,
Gents' I?ins,
Morthale Gold Pens,
And anything else that
tion purposes.
Breast Pins, Bracelets, •
Ear Ring, Ladies' Sets,
Shirt Studie Children's Sets,
Sleeve Buttons, Black Sets,
. Tie Rings, Black Brooches,
Lockets, BlackEar Rings,
Crosses, Black Crosses,
_Chains, Silver Thimbles,
GoldTooth Picks i Pencil Cases.
you want or require for presenta.-
In this neW branai of our business we,cannot say much,
... .
, _
may that wewillalltraia endeavor to ao our test • We
shall spare neither pains or money to procure the best
workmen to be had for experience and reliability, and we
arehappy to say that so far our efforts have not been an
vain. g. repaning'andeolfanigg �f Watches, o
jeWeli-y Solicited, and. goad-v/1A 'will fie guaranteed. •
is wo
t taste
orrect time -keeper is indispensible to e eryone,
ody who has appointments to keep, men alt work,
to meet meetings to attend, in fact any busi ess that
th doing should be don well and on time.
this purpose everym e should own an Alinerican
, of which we have a good stock of the ttwo best
makes. The ELGI a13, d WALiHJY1.1ehuiie
Watches, and made of ifferent grade* So thit eveizr
nd purse can be suite the CAes- •clf' heavy
tlilver. Although we k up English Levers ani differ-
kee of Swiss Watches, e consider Atnetican Yatehes
vahie for the money, ami less liable to get out � order.
Watch we sell is ware nted.
That Beautiful and Silei4 Sewing Machhan, the
• best in the Cana an Market, 1
Is now taking the lead, is being sold everyWhere,
and is highly recommendediby all 'who have used,
them. 0. C. WILLSON iti the Sole' Agent for
the Dominion.
And. FOURTEEN other Alathines to select from.
Mathushek- and 'Weber Pianos, Prince, Bell &
Co., and the Canada Organ Company's Qrgtths.
Also Violins and all lanes of mall Instruna oats.
U der this head we could ention more articres than we
have space, and there is nothing more important to a house -
keep r than to get an articl that will stancl welar, more
parti ularly in Spoons, Fork and Cruet Stands. I Spoons
and ork,s we have the best l'nglish makes in Ni kle and
Plat d, and M Cruet Stands, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets,
Tom Racks and all such G ods. We are agent a for the
-hag t maw -dee -tory in the orld, at Meriden, Conh.,
whe e nothing but heavy tri le -plated goods are niade, and
as e have them direct fr m the factory the rices are
lowe than such goods can • ossibly be sold elsew ere, and
alth ugh. we have Cruet Sta ds for $1, we would ajtvise any
frie 'to get a good article, -hich will turn out tl e cheap-
est,ii the end and look new for years. Orders eel cited. for '
T. -ea Services, Communisn Sets, Baptismal Fo ts, and.
Illustrations shown by callieg at
E. HICKSON & Co.'s.
That old stand-by, the No. 18 Thistle Cutter
Plow, a few on hand. Thee are the original and.
only Genuine Thibtle Cutters. Remember this.
And articles of all kinds,: sorts arid sizes, con-
atantly on lutnd.
Raz rs, Butcher's Knives, Carvers- and Forks, S
suc1. goods kept in every price and quality.
heti ekeeping gob& such. WS Tea Trays, Table
aneroffee Petri, Lampe, &c. „ •
For Ladies and. Children, all styles and sizes,
always on hand.
dgers & Sons Sheffield
h about as it is too wel
us. Knives and Fo
Cutlery 'we -cannot
I known to need, any
ks, Pocket Knives,
Remember your old friend in his new stand.
Main Street, Settforth.
Assurance Association of
*tell -any
feels and 1
o other
Mats, Tea
& CO.
Tim Public -will please note that this Associa-
-Ltion, formerly the County of Middlesex Mutual,
has not consented to advantie of rates by entering ,
the Mutual Insurance Coniiiination. Having only
once during its existence rtiquired more than half
Of amonnt of Premium Ndte for, a three years'
risk, and that being at a tiMe when. the Company
was'young and the countrY baptised in. tire, end
having by careful management and liberality with
policy holders been enabled to pass through the
several fiery ordeals of the Past ten years without
levyhig any special assessniei3t on its inerabere,
and having, after the late severe drain on its
finances caused by the eicessive fire losses of
1870, 1871 and 1872, still at the Members' credit a
cash reserve (January 1st, 1874,) of
urai over and let us Introduce yo to our Drug Store and,
.:1)ppartmentsj then- all thlf.3 -see us
$10,049 07,
With it total Capital of $25133701 12, our
Board of Directors lurve declined the overtures of
less successful Companies to advance our rates.
In tbe faee of a strong and increasing competition
this old favorite issued for 1878 the large uuruber
of 13,066 Policiesmaking the total number
now in force over 31,000. Parties desiring
insurmice on farm property, cheese fuetories, de-
tached dwellings and their outbnildings in towns
and villages will be waitedon by the undersigned
or one of his duly authorized representatives by
addressine as below. The sttbscriber wiil continue
to visit gluon. periodically, and solicits for Ids
co-operators the same noble patronage that has
been given to the AGRICULTURAL 1.11 the past,
and mo -re particulaily to himself, as Its agent,
during the past two years aid a hell,
J. 11. VANTASSEL, Clinton; a. TANLOR,
Londesborough—Representatives in Phiron.
MOTTO--" Merit Co
nds Success."
CHAS. T. DOYLE, ox A, Owen Sound,
814 District Agent Crey, Bruce and
'‘ATATCIIALARER and Jeweler, Mitehell, while
T T thanking his nuinerons friends and custom-
ers in the Comity Of Huron end surrounding dis-
trict for past favors, would respectfully intimate
that helms removed to that beautiful stand west end
of Hicks' Hotel, where he has opened .0. beautiful
selection of ladies' and ge ts' jewelry Of the latest
novelties. Also, clocks th largest and most vari-
ed in Western Ontario. y 'watches are aeknowl-
edged to he the eheapest and best iia the analicet,
every one being thoroughly regulated and tested !
before being offered for sale.
A Special Ageueyto*• the leigist Wuteh.
Hav1ng been successful in obtaining the services
of Mr. FIIA.SER, who has had long praetiee hi the •
Cities of abiEgO.V7 and Edinburgh, sootianat _cps,.
tomers win find that in no part of the Dominion
can they bave their clocks watches find jewelry
better done up. " - ALXBrEaeti. cOaAMBlm:41:094malcaxi`i,
Mitchell, A ng. 21,1874. ' ! 850-52
Manufacturer of
Machine Turnal .Thater .fackage,g.
Of a Stiperior Quality.
MI orders, either Wholesale or Retail,- PromptlySBAFFMeOBni Otn.