HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-11-06, Page 6Education of F'Erraers The English Agricultural Gazette ,ha , fora number of -weeks, -bion publishing_ the early education t nd•tr fining of sne d es fIl farmers in different parts of the Kingdom. It is almost d seouraging.,ih view of what is so •general 'hoped as the outcome of our agrieultur t college sy tem, to see how: very few of these me had anything approaching a liberal edu- e ation, and how often- the three kis alone appear as; the representatives ;c)f the schooling received. Those of Mir people. who are . longing to get out of their occupations and to beborne farmers, would probably also be )somewhat diis •eouraged to see m how. (very few in - .stances among those cite 1, the success- ful farmers have aclopte the business late in life. farmers' son and farm la- borers have furnished the stock from which nearly the whole list has bee drawn, and especial impeirtance is -ached in nearly every ease, to very early training to hard work, and to the mani • fold cares of the stable and field. :4.11 this does - not by any reanS inchoate th t success cannot be attained by men vvbo have not sprung from the families 4f farmers and farm laborers, nor by welj.- educated sons of -farmers, . but it does suggest the importance ol• sound racli- nientary training, ancl S. strong inclina- tion toward the farm rather than away from it. It makes it clear, too, that farming is a business which requires no small ,;hare of energy, attention and. ac- quired skill that it can not be gone uio hap -hazard with only the knowled e that ces from schooling and one two yea of experience with a good far- mer. It requires . thorough ingrained training in every detail of farin work, a real love for it and a determination to succeed in it Any young man starting Iife. with these qualifications, may be considered safe to stay on the farm ;•-nqt. because of alsentimental liking for it, but for the mirth better reason that he knows that there • he can make more money, and earn- more substantial suc- cess in life, than in any other occupation • that is open to him. Aylesbury Ducks. They are reared annually in enormousl quantities in and around the town of Aylesbury, and it isj not uncommon -to see a ton weight of clucklings of six to eight weeks old sent in one evening to London by rail from the town. and neigh- boring villages. The trade for them commences in February, and lasts till about the end of July, and during all that ti`<ne` it is difficult to keep up the, supplies to meet the great demand:, T birds_ ;are- generally killed :at six we old,- at which time they Weigh abo three :pounds each and .they real prices` ranging from nine shillings twenty-one shillings a couple as the se son advances. After Ascot Surma meeting, it is always noticed that t prices rapidly fall. The bulk' . of rearing is done by cottagers, 'who make good living by the process; and ma save considerable sums of money. will surprise many, perhaps, to hear th upward of £20,000 a year is returnedthis irnmecliate neighborhood for Ayle bury ducks alone. - It is a curious sight to see the ,cottages of the " clackers," as the breeders of them are called, during the spring; when they have the;young- sters in every room of the house, from the kitchen to the bed room , and. their clamor ;when feeding time approaches is terrihlet. The birds intendedfor market purposes are never allowed l to- go pato water, and often are not even` permuted to go out of the purlieus of the dwelling house till they are killed. Their food is at first `eggs, boiled' hard and chopped - fine, mixed. well with boiled rice,. and - this is given to them several times dur- ing the day.. As they grow, and are ca pable of consuming more, they are ,f -ed upon barley -meal and tallow greaves, mixed together with the water in which the ,reaves are boiled-- Wright's Book of Poultry. he' Wee ut ire! to.; a -I nee er GRAND OPENING the a ray', It at to s Nevar before di+ SEAFORTH OWN LOTS 'FOR S n r.r 72- ATJCTX ON N W � .DNE EAY NOV.� S FORTY SPLENDID BUILDING , LO On the new survey of F. G. SPARLING, the Huron Road, also South of 5 BLOCKS OF FOUR ACRES EACH With a Northern Boundary on Market Street, and a Sont ern Frontage on Grand Trunk Railway. TER1\0/IS 10 Per cent. on the day of sale, balance of one- third one month thereafter, and remaining two- thirds in pne and two years in two equal payments with interest at 8 per cent. PLANS TREASURER COUNTY OF HURON, j Y virtue of a warrant under the I, To Wit ; � the County of Huron, alncl the bearing date the 'Fifteenth 'day of August, A.D., 1874, to :lection of arrears of -Taxes due on the under mentioned Igi en that unless the said taxes, together with all law so net• paid, I shall, I I0 WEDNESDAY, THE 2d. DAY 01' LDEC. At the hour of 1 o'clock, P.M., at the Court Honse, in pr coed to sell§ by 41'U7BLIG`�'"AUC 7. ,i the said lands,' Or :1 a ufl eient to, se'har e s •v`:' s ,� � a)e�,..of Taxes nd''ch i � �� al'g To TOWNSHIP OF ASFFIELD.. Concession or Patented or Stree Acre.. Unpatented. 3d E. 1 �, 41, 100 patented ed 6th E. D. 100 patented 6th E. D. 100 patieuted 3d W. 17. 40 patented 9th W. D. 50 patented .,10th l `T. 61 patented 11th W. . '50 patented 53 patented ot1. 78, patented SRT ALBERT, IN AS O patented hand .of the Warden f ea1 of the said 'County, me directed for the co lands, notice is hereb fail costs and charges, b MBER, A.D. 1874 the Town of Godericli so much thereof as ma thereon. :Lot or Part of bot. S •4-Lot1... ..1.. S & Lot 4 .. W O Lot 6 Sptof NO. Lot 1 N E 2. j Nor \V pt. 11, S O. of N ;� 9.: ., .... S or S E pt: 12 . ;(.,.. x,11 thV'. \T 136' ..,.. 1.. NToxivnP TILLAGE OF P 41... .. Arthur 20 Colborne 21 Colborne 22 (`)olborne E. 23. Colborne 24 , . Colborne .. 25 Colborne E. 26.. Colborne E. 27. ...:..... Colborne 1. 2S Onlbprfe 40. t • Colb r' o he . 5. Melbourne N. 21 . Sydenham W. 22 Sydenham '. Sydenham Sydenham X23 24 5 2 patented patented G .... Wellington 3. patented Amt of Costs and Taxes. 7 res. GY071t ,4 9E. ,1 OtCI,. $34 62 2 15 $36 7 41 13 2 33 43 4 4603 2.4.3 484 13 58 "1 63 15 21 22 86 1 85 24 7 34 70 2 15 36 :8 775 148 92 18 25 1 75 20.0 554 143 69 I 291 135 42 unpatented 5 53 1 43 • 6 9 Unpatented 5 53 1 43 6 96 unpatented 5 53 1 43 6 96 unpatented, v �3 1 43 6 96 unpateuted ''3 6 96 unpatented 0 96,, unpatented 6 96 unpatented 6.96 unpatented I 6 96• patented ; 6 "96' patented 5 25I patented 6 96' patented 7 89 9 37 9 37' 9 37 5 5 55 •143 5 53 1 43 5 53 1 43 5 53. 143 5 83 1 43 5 53 1 43 13 87 1 38 I 553 143 1 48 j '7 b9 1 48 7 89 1 48 2 88 1 35 2 88 1 35 475• -1 40 •e 89 : 1 45 G Wellington W. } • patented I ILLA,GE OF CLINTON. 801........ atente`d T N or N middle pt. b E 18 To be seen tit the Post Office and at Armstrong's 1 334 Bookstore; on on application to the, proprietor. 351,; The sale sill begin promptly at 10 o'clock A. M. :i r o' on Wednesday, November 11, on the ground, and 4 3/.. Will be conducted by • • 1506 29 8 MR4 J. P. BRINE. 9 .0 4 patented patented .6 96 1 43 4 patented !I8 73.: 1 50 1-5 patented 2 44 1 35. 1-5 patented 2 06 1 33 patented 70 1 30 patented 1 75 1 33 patented 1.75 1 33 patented 1 29 1 33 patented • 51 1 30 patented 2 44 1 35 ptented 89 1 30 patented 2 05 1 33 patented I 9 1 30 patented 3 48 1.38 patented 14 1 35 patented 10 53 1 55 tented 147 1 33 GR Y. TOW2\SHLP OF GOD RICH, 5 patented TOW `OF (IODERRIOI . 3-16 patented 16 03 1 68 patented 19 77 1 53 . 4 , patented 13 99 • 1 38 3-16 patented i'14 65 1 65 4 patented IV 99 1 38 4 patented 3 99 1 38 1 19 97 1 53 3 99 1 38 t. 4 patented Indisputable. p e. FRANCIS G. STARLING. FALL SHOW. • • Thee Grasshopper Plague. How thoroughly the grasshoppers did their work in Nebraska, and what dest'i- tution and suffering theyleft behind -their} may be gathered from some statements which. Gen. Ord, commanding the De- partment of the Platte made in address to the Chicago' Boai cl of Trade one day last week. He said that several deaths of children from starvation had .already taken place. • In. Boone. Gkeeley, Sher- man, Howard, Buffalo, and all the :other counties 50 miles west of the Missouri river, two-thirds of the people ate desti- tute of the necessaries of life. They have inadequate supplies of clothing, and food is impossible to get. In one house the corpse of a child was found that had perished from starvation; and the )pother lay prostrated near by, dying frim the same cause. The destitute population number about o It 7,000, men, wolnd,n, and. children, and the Chicago Board of Trade, moved. by the plain statement of facts which Geis. i Ord gave them as the result of his owt and his officers' observations, appointed A committee to take imn.ecl.ate steps to collect subs.criptions.aanl *ward supplies. . ' COTSWOLD. MERINO Si BEP. ---The cross -bred sheepproduced: from Merino ewes and a. (Cotswold ram, are probably the most useful class of farm sheep that can be kept,!both for early lambs, wool, er mutton. They are becoming a favor- ite class of sheep in Europe, and we no- tice that at the Vienna Exhibition of I last year they attracted a great deal of 1 attention, and were. considered `` fine examples of :sheep" by the judges. Speci- j melts from a flock of 340 of these, }.red f in Moravia. are described. as having `wool I four and a half inches long ten months I after shearing, much finer than the (jots i avolcl wool, very bright, having. good • curl and thickly set -upon the skin. The 1 flesh was firmer than that of the Cots- wold. and lambs, twelve to fourteen months old, weighed 139 to 148 pounds per head. The half -bred animals bred 13 well together without deteriorati T DENT'S. 9 7... 1,065. 1,182. Sr 1.188. E 1.1,188.... 1, 05 .._ 1 06. 8'1 1,232........... 1 } . 33 E 4 1,310....... -.1 1-5 II ,& 1,348 J 1.10 W 4 1;357 — 1-10 N : of N 1-10 Lot 23, Sub. of 4, con: Su . 8 of Lot J0_.' . - Con. A. • 1-5 Park &. Marwood'ssurv.1.4, Maitland r'd. 1-5 N 6, Sub. of Lots 17 and 18, Con. C 1-10 CT_ Wilson's Surv.,Sub.13 of Farm Lot 08 1-5 - � • TOWNS IP OF 34 Con. 2 100 1-5 1-5 1:5 28... 30..•.. . you .see such plies upon piles of i 2 2 .. , DRY GOODS a 17 As MR., DENT o n now show you, it would he folly to attempt tell you what he has got, be- cause he has ab olutel. everything yin the Dry Goods line, and' in J[illinery, Ladies' -Jackets, Shawls, There is nothing to approach him either for quan- tity, quality or price. As usual, • the Biggest Stock, the Choicest Stock, -and. the Cheapest Stock • of Millinery.. Enarn:ncc is the Show Free,. Remember at DENT'S, Seaforth: NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY.:: ANDREW CALDER. WIS1iiJS to inform his friends and the public that he has fitted up in the best style, a new PHOTOGI?AP11 GALLERY On Main Street, nearly opposite the Mansion Hotel. His ap ua�tus is all new and of the most unproved kind,land from his long experience as a photographer he can guarantee s¢atisfaction to all who raz=or him with their parentage. Come at once end bring year children. Re- 4 v1r,c sr�zdln oi' Pdf td'Tztecl or t sl s strain Lot or .t`'et2't Lot. �'treet. �lrs•es. lI;•c��atr�tterl. 11'7::;,3°J.(,(1:)1.1. „(i80 .. .4.f. ...zzs rz 1 pial: 68i 4 paten +0 50 ` i 30 41 80 681 4 patented 30 1 :30 1 LO 68:',:,.., thatentcd 01n01 684. 1 tented �0 30 SO 4- 4 patented 50 1' :30 685 4 pateutecl 686: ,.... 4 ,�(> L30 :668876 87 patented 50 1 ;30 688 , • - patented 50 1 :30 patented 50 ' 1 3() (3,89 7 . ,7�1 t� (� �(t�1' 7, -4 / r ��Paatented{ r . 0 '30 .IiI�1,J1.l.tJ.I. 1L' 1.\11�1'V]J, I sT17�1tiY1Jl�JY, 1 r3 SJ 5 2 patented 64 .30 - ` 2 patented 2 77 3:> TOWNSHIP OF QST ''PH +'NT, 28• .....,.. 5. Boundary 1:00 atented 1 756764 VILLAGE t,{ �, ,P OF � 8 r7 ra 20 L2 • AGE RUOEFIELD, IN TOWNSHIP 1 U•UK1+; ly`31I1T1I. G.,•....... , .:.......:IcDonald s,Survey 1-5 patented 81' 1 o 7 ceoiialdl's;Surve, l r ateiitecl .3i) - 11 y' p 81• _1. 30 2.11 • VILLAGE OF WTNGHAM, - - Park. Lot 21;iz patented 11 255300 33 1 rS .12 Part{ Lot 22 5+?, patented 8 25 1 50 9I Village Lot 172... 9 1a b � patexited 6 i 1 1 4.i 7 96 Village Lot 370,i patented 3 59 , 1 Village Lot 11... • Fisher•'.§ Surve 1.-5 atented.....28738 4 97 r - ,Y pp,�7S 1LO :1028 To NSI II, OF EAST WVAWANOSTI, E pt. of W. 42Gon: 1I 60 Patented 3.i 1 9 - TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH. 8 29 3� N 19 Con. 1 . 100 ' patented 31 64 2 68 W 1, 26...... .. con, 9 100 patented 42 :33 2 5 E 11 22,. (ion, 13 100 patented 35 5212 �18 `S 25 Con. 13 . 1-00 patented 32 :3810 2 VILLA E OF ST, HELENS, IN WI�S1' SVA tV8121L;3: .Asher i O,SI l . y..... 1 patented 2 91 1 ,3.i Lot , 1 VILLAGE OF EX1'T> .I:. • •. . 0 3 1, form erly Fi'ancestown, in Hay 1-5 • patented; 14 56 ; . 1 -61 16 21 Lot 375, fo rm erly F ancestown,in Stephen 1-5 patented ` 3 17 1. 38 4 55 Lot 392,formerlyFi . ncestown,in. Stephen 1-5 patented 95 1 30 2 25 Lot 393,formeilyF rcestown,in Stephen ;-5 patented 95 1 30 . 2 25 . VILLAGE OF ERUSSEL,S. 1 - patented 2 2i; 135 3 60 - 1-32 patented 20 : 1 20 1 50 ',,. patented1 S2- 1 30 2 12 4 - patented 89 1 30 2 19 .�.,, M. ROSS, . Treasurer, County of :Huron_ 351-1.3 • 1 8(} 1 80 1 80• 1 80. 1 80 1 80 1 94 3 91 33 72 44 70 37 70 34 48 4 26 4 E 51.. W &52, 4 23 218 423 615 County' Treasurer' Office, 8 341 'Goderich,�Aug. 17 1874. 1771 11 30 141 AIS P L. DOYLE, Barrist r, Attorney, Solicitor in 374 Chancery, &e., Got erich and Seaforth. Of- tg Store, Goderich, and: 854 6 30 1437 4 37 11 30 14 37 17 39' I0 23 3 79 3 39 2 00 3 08 cos 2 62 1 81 :3 79 _ 2 19 jcCAUGHEY & 1J0L - terneys at Ltia'l So] a 38 Insolvency, Notari $ Pa Solicitors for the E. . Be the Canada Life Assi hits N. B.—$80,000 to end Houses and Lots for i ale. flee, over Jordan's D Kidd's Store, Seaforth. CAMERON R; GO12M Solicitors in Chaucer X. 0. -CAi iERO . (ARROW & WALI EI Solicitors in Chancel ;Ns." the Posit Office, J. T. oannoW. LLY, Barristers and , Goderieh. • 848 r J. J. GOItM.�l"LLl. , Ministers,. Attorneys, •, &c. Wilde :on West St., Godctich. 346 P. P. WALX it, M. LEFT, Solicitor pointed Agent for th party of England, he is al vale Capitalists of Toro very reasonable rates Charges moderate. Lawrence Bank. Winghain, Dec.15,187 1 39 4 86 3 49 12j 08 180 unpatented 3612 218 38130 Con..5 100 unpatented 36 `29 • 2 2.0 38 Con: 6 100 p tented 24 94 1 90 Con. 16 100 patented 37 41 Con. 18 100 unpatented. 39 45 TOWNSHIP OF HOWICJ . Con._ 18 50 unpatented 8 58 Con. 13. 100 patented 6 26 VILLAGE -OF WROXETE , IN HOWICI • 2 .. Ne* Survey 4- patented 1 09 `3 5 • - New Survey 4 patented 1 36 • • • = • • - - New Bank. New w -`� patented 1 10. New y � patented 1 67. r Survey . 4 patented 90 New Survey I patented 1 1•9 New Survey • 4 ' patented 1 62 a New Su. vey �L .. � .... • .l+ . patented . 1 33 New Survey' ; patented 2 76 23.'. New-Surve 27....... - y � 1)atented 1 33' New Survey 4 patented 1 2,3. 29,:.... .. New Survey . 4- pat nted 1 36 New Survey pat nted • 1 36 35 New Survey' 1- pat need 1 po, 3( New Survey 37..: , ,� pat .tied 1.23 New Survey I pat nted 1 06 39 ' New- Survey 1 at rated P 17. 18. - - 21. ..... 41... J 42.., 43 j48 50. . New Survey'44 4 ; , pat ited 1 53 'New Survey 4- pate .ted 87 New Survey 4 pate ited 1 30 .. New Survey 4• pate ted 57 New Survey 4- pate :ted '1 83 51...'......:... New Survey 4 pate ited 1 53 . • • . New Survey j j pate ted 1 34 52.. . New Survey 4, : pate ted 1 3, 06 New Survey y patented 1 • 1 1: 33 60 New Survey 4 pate ted 1 . ' 1 33 New Survey I pate ted 1 1 :3:; - VILL 4GE OF FOREWVICH, IN OWICIc.. Mill Property 4 patented 4 52 140 49 26 84 2 23 39 64 2 28 41 73 1 50 10 08 1'45 7 11 1' 30 2 39 1 33 2 69 pt NSON & MEII at Law, Solicitor -Con, eyancers, Notar forth and Wroxeter. Invest at once, at Ei yearly. JAS. H. DE PSON. W- R. SQUIER, ery, &c., Goth Detlor & Co.'s'Einpo Spitler ABRISTERS, At &c., Brussels, 0 the Post Office. W. R. SQUIER, 271 Godericli 1 33 2 3 1►r 1 33 200 1 30 229 1 33 2 2 1 33 2. 5 1' 33 2 6 DR. McKENNA, 1' 35: 4 1 nate of Toronto the College of Physic 1 :33 2 '0p6 - Residence, Seaforth. 1 33 2 56 on Mondays, Wednes Wingha.m, has been ap- Colonial Sccm•ities Com- a) Agent for several pri- ito, who loan Money at Interest pn•yable yearly so Solicitor for the St.. . 218 1'ST.ED, Barristers, At icitors in Chancery ani blic and Conveyancers. Seaforth. Agents for Company, at 8 per cent. Farms, (ti, Ilarristers and Attorneys in hancery and Insole eney, s Public, etc. Offices—Sea- „28, • 00 of Private Funds to lit pe • cent. Interest, payable 1 58 • H. W. C. MEY>sit., tarris er, Attorney In Chanc:- r,ich, Out. Office—over J. C .him, arket Square. 26:: oa-ne� ',Solicitors in Chancery Of ce—two doors until. of. t► cDounld: AIYXEL McDONALD, Brussels. AL DR. CAMPBELL, , esti th, Coroner for the. Counts. Office iii d r� sidenee, vain Street South, near the Statin 1 33 2 9 1 33 2 9 1 33 2 : 3 1 33 2 6 133 2:39 31ei� ., Surgeon,=&c., Glad-. University, and Member of ans nd Surgeons, Ontario. Will ittend at Carronbiook, rays : nil Saturdays, in the afternoon. 834 T G. SCOTT, M. D. i&i .,. hysician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Seakok•th,l Ont. Office and rest- dence'south- side of O iklerich Street, "•first door east of Presbyterian Charch. +,42 1 30 1 74 H. L. VERCOE, M. 1 33' 2 86 geon, etc., Cortin streets, next to the Planing hill. KT ' MUNRO, M. D.'IPle •sician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Gra .tint of the Medical De- partment of Victoria t7uiveisity; formerly of. the Hospitals of New York and i oncion, Eng.; visited also the Hospitals in P Leis,' dinburgh and Glas- gow. Residence-Brh efiel 819 1 30 117 Office and Residenee, 133 '269 1 30 1 87 133 31 1 33 ! 2 1 33 2 6 1.33 2 6 2 5 26 2 52 member• ” CALDER'S New Photograph Gallery. 215 N. B.—A supply of Osborne Sewing Machines ... kept constantly on hand and fiir sale. 858 9 S A W LOGS* G EM1 t p 20 6..... COLEMAN & ( 0UINLOCIL • ill pa} the VILLAGE OF HOWICI� .OR GORRI + IN H. 4 0 VICK. 1-5 paten eel 45 1 30 VILLAGE OF BELMORE, IN ' 0WICIi. Ho�vick-at. s paten ed 4 40 1 40 TOWNSHIP OF HAY''. Lake -road E. 27 patented 26 1 Lake -road E. 105 patented 63 2. VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER, T IN� H UL LLr1. 1 patented 48 } patented 48 TOWNSHIP OF MORR.I , Con. .i 100 patent tl G2 051 VILLAGE OF BL TH,. IN MO RIS. ' -5 patented 1 551 -5 • patent d 1 17; TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY. • • • ...... Bayfield -road N 83 patented • 43 48 Bayfield -road N -5 patented 3 98 . VILLAGE QF BAYFIELD, IN STANLEY: • paten ted 18 4 patented. } patented 4. patented 4 patented :c patented 4 patented' • patented 4 patented 4 patented 4 . patented 4 patented .4 patented patented - patented 1 patented 4 patented '4 patented 4 4 poen teed pateittecl 4- patented 4 • patented patented r patented 4 patented I patented 4 patented 4 I - patented patented patented. 4 patented 41 patented • 50 1 3 patented 50 . 1 3 patented 50 1 3 - patented - 50 1 3 patented 33 1 3 4• - patented - 33 1 3 patented 50 13 patented ' 50 tl 3 patented ' - 50 1 3 21 Highest Cash Price 13°... ". . 3 Fbr all lands of pt. 7... SAW LOGS, At their Mill, formerly JAMES KYLES, near the Salt works. OINTOM SAWING PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO. : 50 GOOD CHOPPERS Wanted immediately to cut cordwood and Logs. Apply at the Salt '(Works. ii,;. i 58 COLEMAN & .GOIIINLOCx, e EGG EMPORIUM A(:nic rt,Tt-RAL PHILr, epi -.—Thea is no great success in farming. without hard. work ; but it is the good thinking that costs; not the plodding alone. It is up hill busin-es to go agai ist the common judgment of all your neighbors, but if y of are sure you are right; go ahead. no matter what they say. The servant is. not above his master in 'industry ; the farmer must [be able to load in the field and know whether a many is doing good work. and the workman must know that he knows what a day's work is. When I see a mart draining his farm and cart- ing out notable piles of well -rotted man- ure, T consider him safe. He can bor- row money to make „improvements, and the Sheriff will nob have to use his hitch- ing post.—J. J. • Tho subscriber hereby thanks his numerous customers (merchants and others) for their liberal patronage during the past seven years, and hopes, by strict integrity and close -attention to business, to merit theh• confidence and trade in the future. Haring greatly enlarged bis premises, during the winter, he is now prepared to pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any ctuantity of good fresh eggs, delivered at the I • E(1•(-- EMPORIUM, Main Street, Seaforth. Wanted by the sttbseriber 25 tons. of good dry clean WHEAT STRAW. _ • p. -D. WILSON, 6718. SuroaTu, ]March 18, 1.874. f & 59... 307 642 ° 6 6 67 i7. 6 G� 0.. 6o1 . ... 652 (653; . 654 .. .. 655.1.. 659 .. ........ 60 . 61 363 .. ,64 67.. . 66 •............. 67 :.... (68.. . • 609,. 670 -.. 1 828 6.77. -,•..... • .t... .... 5 99 5 3(�sic. 011ie 1 �5 allitiu at. �. will -visit Godes . CARTWRIGHT, L i and WEDNEBDA,Y of borne Hotel. 1 93 28 0' --- J.G..B SURGEcfN,, eutist,fic.,Seaforth,. U.nta ilo. Plate work, latest styles, n Ottexecuted. All sur- gsur- gical],op inti ns performed with care and proniptitude. Fee. as tow as can be ob- tained elsewh hoijtre. from 8 A. M. to 5 P. 11L Itooins over Mr. 4., �'. M., Physieian,'Snr-. er fa! the County. of Huron; ern* of Market and High' C . McDougall:'s Store, 270 D. bis aL•h 2 S8 66 11M. CAMPBELL, V., 8,., man of Cornell:Una •cosi 1 30 Graduate of Onterti;, i•eterin 1 78{ has settled permanentl3-is-;17 r F found ndre 30 1 / $ ready and willing tl� tit 1 diseases-, in all kinds of §i. , in all kinds of weather, a + 2 8.3 64 88 deuce and office two dooi,s e perones Hall. - ., Surgeon Dentist, the first TUESDAY month, at the Col - 850 leen ria, to and dPaie - r ty, Ithaca, N.Y., and ry College, Toronto, run, wherche will be end to all kinds of als (•inan excepted), t all hours. Resi- st of Cook's Tem. 819 1 33 •2 881 1 33 250, 2 38 45 86' 1 40 5 38 1 30 1 48! 3Q 1 so 30 1 80 30 1 80 30 •- 1 80 30. 1 80 30 1 80 50' 1 50 1 501 1 501 1 501 1 50j 1 50, 1 501 1 50� 1 50 +. 1 50 1 50 i -1 50 I 1 50 1 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50;1 50 1 VETERI�NARY SURG V. 8., begs to announ Seato-th and suiroundin beenwarded the dm iploa ary College, and is now pr of Horses and Cattle and al has opened an office in con shoeing shop, where he wil tend to calls. Diseases tended to. Residence, ofti of Killoran fis Ryan's new erasary Medicines kept Charges reasonable. ✓ • le( nary that he has om he Ontario Veteriza pin ed to treat diseases do nestle animals. 11 i(e ion with his horse found ready to at DO*r1INION SHAVING & AIRINESSINC SALOON A.ND • BATH ROOM`. T . NEWMAN has pleasure in announcing that he has fitted np ovet his shop a number of convenient and comfortable BATH ROOMS Whe at an Alen LA Of -th And Frualit prices A ca 339 ed to /LS lustial. Also on hand a nice stock of latest etyles. He is also prepared totakein HAIR COMBINGS, ,GENTS' WIGS hed on the shortest notiee at less, than city respetitfully solicited. 'W3I. NEWMAN. STOVES & TINWARE Of kinds, and in endless valid/ at • 1VIRS. WHITNEY'S COAL OIL, Pare, good and cheap, wholesainand retail at Mrs, CUS OM WORK Of all kinds promptly attended to and inalttly exe- 808 MRS. 'WHITNEY. • GOOD iPROSkCT,S. A GOOD HARVEST EXPECTED. JOHN KIDD Has ju• st received a 'large stock of Hawes Tools such as Scythes, SNATHS AND HAY FORKS,! Which he will Sell- as Cheap as any in the Tkde. e feet speCially at tad ihopan the rear All kinds of Vet stantly on band 229 rp CHURCHILL -Vete in ry Surgeon, (mem- -I- • ber of the Ontario Veteimary College,) begs 30 1 80 to intimate that he has retralt ci to the practice of 30 . 1 80 his profession in Seaforth, inn may at ell times be consulted on the diseases, e4 .Horcies, Cattle &a :30 1 80 'Veterinary medicines conga illy on hand. All calls promptly Attended .to. /Office, at Mansion 3;;og 11.1 810)0 . 110TE Ai. 30 :337) 11 30 1 30 1 30 1 30 1 50 II 1 30 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50, 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 80 Tr NOX'S HOTEL SI AFOET11. — Thomas 80 -"A- Knox begs to seate t his old friends and 80 1 and the travelling public, th t he has leased the 8n I 'Hotel lately occupied by Mr. MURRAY, and „' , formerly loiown as the DO WNEY HOUSE, and OU ; hopes to receive a. continua ce of. the patronage 80 ; so liberally bestowed upon lin! during his many 9 convenience will be provide for travellers. The 1 choicest Liquo.rs.and Cigars only kept in the Bar. 30 1 80 Proprietor. Tbie hotel is situated on the Karavel Road, 10 miles north af Seaforth, and pos. 30 1 80 30 1 80 30 1 80 30 1 80 NO SE OND OMSON! & WILLIAMS AND ENGIN. WORKS., MITCHELL ONTARI6. ID tat Two -Horse Wood ,Sfatchly Machine has been theronghly tested, and gives entiae sat- isfaction. It is suppned with a band wheel for driving a straw cat+, grain crusher, or other machinery, without extra expense for the belt. ALL KINDS OF b /ands of liquors and cigars kept ln the bar, an.d a careful 'and attentive hostler in - the hotel. attendance. Good stabling 'in connection with , kept constantly on hand. 850 1 Horses and first-class Conveyances always onhand. • Office—At Murray's Hotel, Seaforth. Good A. SHARP'S LIVERY Ala D SALE 8_7_7_7. j3ELL'Si:IVERY STABLES, SEAFORTH, Ont. oo Horses and Comfortable -V• ehicles, always on liana. Favorable Arrangements made with Commercial Travellers. AII. larders left at the Commercial Hotel, will be proMptly attended to. OFFICE AND STABLE $:—SOILItli Of the Commer al Hotel, Main Street. 221 THOMAS BELL, Proprietor. Engines of all 842es Iliade to Otder REPAIRS PROMPTLY A.TTENDED TO. ADDRESS, Mitchell, 1873. 1; 350 sO iirlic repairs to the surro.gatefA ..mxterarley:;:prleente.:,:anttil:13)Sapnee: itbd. lail azvaler;rty Odri:1;rfd, lye., ain.4:1.1 shoej pedape:ispe4.arethrne:rkwettlre-lillaeidd, aati: 1776, and perhaps pave not bee] vaults of this building. In lo4,1 some of the old •nlille, we saw'S * _ ilvtif teoi8irseee(oll°i 3:17rif: pttutt eill Irene f' 8(eita So: erefuNT'itit:Illeiletnri:Ins $1 ets: rlhx aifeti ni ifa, ,egthaie,rs 00,fustinhese sp,rieikseent kgi,.eeneueli:04: will of the present day seems those w*itten and executed al days of the Revolution- seeiti been. wrItten with the greate.st, the smallest articles are spee.iW minuteness that could not, be a out man days and even wee6 on the p t of the devisor. 'up these do laments are histories -tif ilies at he time they wefer;e:en:',:, , t, abw ihri eeei t 03. : v,Dwer c II lie ilea jverloai ribt iyTor ,ii clrjialat,a7drImi 6e ,gsi., naode 1 n1 1 : 1 t t DB. ne_,d,livtill ti. i feo:n oeai n'sliv. glienaogtf i(1100eas earl t e ant: certainit of life, especially aatimyses tot! gtor oduot, ta.ondtNeaswIv.azttl may fall a victim to British VII are arrived in °Mei to invade the ,olis, it ;nay be uncertain whettn return- 'tlo make and publish,' hi 1775, the testator, wishing ,t his wife in the comforts of a lion 4' ITE14.-1 give unto my lovN) Martha Prage, her riding wear '10 ling colt,: and to be kept for hei farm whereon I now -dWeIl, to to disposari and I also gilje and 4) to my said wife, and my will iS; have her, choice of any 11)0131 itt t: where wi0 DOW dwell, and that '1 sufficient maintenanee therein, ti in ease o any disagreemenkamk inclines ° live elsewhere, then and allo the sum of .g81 per ye* ably stand in need of (hiring - lifeA'n' other, which bears the daM. made by Henry erauss, icontains "I give.,and bequeath' myloV. 4, one a ear, one cow, 2 Sheep, except ZekieI he hav"ing ,s,,0 n"abeve wife Catherine a: Neg e likewise the .feati baneldentiatgetoftlihnelistaurraeetohnrweliTieth' ' ' lye ;• illteriseaII the tonal* ap Mg she brought with her wbenA, married ; likewise -one Of ni:'y '1 with all the tea furniture , ,saddle she . ROW rides, Oveil', am, what She is left nnderneat t' One! Revolutionary hero 1 favorite son his -two gilliS : While *DO ther gentlematifisz have beer, the owner of ton slavesi d' poses of -them ' i il clause !of his will reads "I give to my son Wi e aebidoeurtphaels. ,aasni(.61.:pal; mill, an:, This 'gentleman mentions elye of furniture he owns, dishes, ' kettles,; /a., and must have inventory before com.posing out; document . from avihic The Marizgernerit -,-.) the ITails , The Correct management of is to Vim them to en ov;als' respond with the COD LOUT! Of i but care should be tak .n. int them grolia so long as to 3e coo nor yet too short, as th y w the tips of the fingere -to beeoto ed and flattened, and glive. t'. very ugly- appearance, as ,, is ' fingers of ,those who are 'accusi nibble at the nails, andl keeii. grows in. .a semi -circle OD 6.0 ten drawn on with its gtowthi the skin below the nail fso: t it divids into what are *rine These can be prevente4 , hall-eircaar instrument, I- )., cut this pellicle, but tl4s s thick and uneven, and spinet' ages the growth of the iisail. wtong' to: prick under file point oP:jthe scissors ort pen••11, this injures their appearance. , should fie kept perfect! scrubbed with a brush n t sal hurt ithl skin, and th sem- -flesh can lbe pi-A.15sta back' with .0 without .,touching the iluielt, method is pursubed. thitiliy, it them in proper order. If the badly .formed or ill -shaped, ' should. be scraped. and :rubbe the nails are of a very tikin s lemon, and well dried afterw ,,, would. injure rather than iin to do tins. The ease of a pupil teache been eharged with causing the boy through giving him a, blo side oi his head, is one whit. a considerable anunint of in draw Attention to the ease, s in the Queen, with no idea of either on the noessity for co ishment or en its effect, .o tteenendheenre.ies of boys to be tyrat punishment in the hands cif the importance of keeping II. ing as to the possible—*e in Our desire simply is e