HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-11-06, Page 3777. ek TO Es 6.ah Store is flow en- its former size, and ie of the Largest,, eonsistiug of every aeocla House. frost trorted to Seaforth \TRY, thus saving lercha.nt here. The tom first panda and found Extra ' alue. re Speeiai y Cheap, rxy mder House in r= � 'tartan Dress Goods, v aid, chea=p at SOc, ;.tripod; Lustr-es,-23 cl, cheap at OOe. rtes, double fold, 26. (1, cheap at:`32c. cnpwess. Cloths, all -tic per yard, cheap iz~ches;wide, at c v: cheap lot. , "TOigrain, as tli guaranteed. at $3 50,, up to G eel Wineeys, at rey ;:antler Vater latest Styles,. from Stock in Seaforth :ill at 50c each, a rgla trimmed and worth $4. Med Jackets, at f30 to , a S. !tea 44 to 5 Oa. Set etsmelt Whita Fe copse. `els, for 17cRorth at itte, worth Ile. .lankets, r pounds kens, at ,�-'S,. rnel Shirtings, at rel. Flannel Shizti g , o inch, at 5:io D SCARFS ilrrra Low prices, tght thenx at the :?., at half price, ';T S. yard, chllerth.`Oe. in cue t Mai �•th'- at 1 -le '.lc and —e•ttra 'attcrn. r :•hrcl (f Mr. T. c ra:ace ec, and oek c,f fine titt t't choo e ,carted direct ran err.s are .fLLA fir, _ ', 01• PS1 ess in tiEn ey • you wartt s who can eall, and we es wce.adver- hay ' heaps r ••i(fly get at egood pa}+P '777.. xk 00 Nov. 6, 1874. A Miracle of the Middle ;des. At a certain epoch, in the gdod old medieval times,—so runs the legend,— when the place now known as Perpignan was but a rustic village, that small par- ish, wras presided over by a cure, who had managed to fall into disfavor with his Bishop, The ;latter often had oeoasion to chide him for his inattention, to the clue of souls under his charge, always .closing his reproofs with the apostolic doctrine that -`` f=aith without Yorks is dead." This last remark finally had its effect upon the priest, who earnestly set to work to redeem his character and re- gain the confidence of his superior. He betook: himself to fasting and prayer, ,meditatin rIn the night watches, awl WA - tering with tears. At last, his i esoln- tion wee token, and he drily waited an opportunity to carry into effect his am- bitious project, which was nothing less than the working of a miracle, and the atnverting of his parish into the .scene of many mighty pilgrimages. i , N=ear by the village, in a sequestered place, was a smaU field, occupied as a pasture for a cow, which was watched over by a simple boy of lazy .intellect— one of those rare beings whom Longfel- low low somewhere describes as troubled with a chronic suspension o£ the mental faculties. his -drowsy mind found a sy:mpathetie friend in his own well-fed body, and when satisfied that his gentle charge was doing well, he was wont to roll upon the turf, and go to sleep. , • This season of the boy's repose was the priest's opportunity. Taking with him a handful of salt, he approached the do- cile coca, and, by scattering here and there a few grains, allured her to a cer- tain spot where the sod. had been recent- ly removed,and there deposited the re- mainder upon the ground. The next day, and for several sacceeding days, he repeated ' this operation, • taking pains each time to .remove some of the earth before placing the salt in the exea,ated place, until at last the cavity became so deep that the animal was obliged to drop clown" upon her knees, in order to reach the coveted salt with her tongue.1,Yhen •he had brought°her to this stage of her education, he contrived in some way toi rouse the sleeper, without -himself being seen. The lad, on awaking, caught sight of the beast on. .her knees, alpar•ently in the Set of devotion and. kissing the earth with pious effusion.: ' Overcome by exeitenient,:-lie bounded off toward home, and with shouts and wild gesticulations c•uused the whole vil- lage,—men, women and children,—u-ho came running with him. to the scene 'of I operations. The shout, "a miracle, a miracle," was instantly raised, and pass- ed from month to month till the .wole country round about • resourided with, it. The cure was soon upon the ground, and, as might be supposed;. was quite equal to the gravity of the occasion. He ordered the earth to be excavated, and what was their astonishment to find, a few ekes below the surface, a leaden statue to of the _Virgin Mary, of about a cribit's length ! This was carefully exhumed and, a procession having been formed, it was borne in great pomp to the- humble village church, where it was placed upon the altar. - The following moi-nin , at the - first sound of the Angelus, -the morning bell for prayer,—the whole village came has- tening to pay their respect to the new- found Vir bi, but, on entering the church, it was discovered that the image had mysterious]; disappeared. Their first thought was of the pasture, and hastening thither, strange . to say, there they found the cow, which had just been turned out for the day, again prostrate upon her knees, over- the same place. On re -opening the earth, the statuette was there seen reposing in the -same po- sition as before. The people were about to disinter it again, when the cure inter- posed and arrested their work, telling his simple flock that he looked upon the miraculous return of the image to its for- mer resting -place as a happy omen, and that it might be interpreted as the ex- pressed wish of the Holy Mother that a chapel should be built in her honor, uponthat very spot, to which the pil- grims from all quarters might resort to do her reverence. The Bishop's sanction was sought and obtained funds poured in from rich and poor ; the chapel was built ; and' the leaden Virgin was placed upon the altar, whence, for many a. year, • she dispensed her favors and miraculous cures to the devoted pilgrims who came to her shrine. Thus the edterpristng cure managed to redeem his character ;. and the amiable Bishop, seeing such proofs of kith unit- ed to wor-ls, could no longer 'find it in his heart to chide tae priest Who had so su eessfully wrought the miracle of the 4.c i rltartes FuerbanZ�s, in. Scribner's f,r .,.Vorentber. ,SIMPLE Dv 5r'EPSIA. REMEDIES.—Dys- pepsia arises from a great variety of causes, different persons are relieved by different remedies, according( to the na- ture of the disease and . condition of the stomach. We, know of a lady who has derived great benefit • from 'drinking a tumbler of sWeet milk --the richer and fresher the better --whenever burning is experienced in the stomach. An elderly gentleman of our acquaintance, who was afflicted for many years with great dis- tress after eating, has effects 1 a cure by . mixing a tablespoonful of w eat bran in half a tumbler of water, and drinking- it half an hour after his meals. It is neces- sary to stir quickly and drink immeldiatee ly, or the bran will adhere to the glass and become pasty.. Loffee and tobacco a.re probably the worst substances per- sons troubled with dyspepsia are in the habit of using, and should. be avoided. Regular eating of nourishing plain food, and the use of some simple remedies like the above, will effect in most cases quicker cures than medicine.—Scientific c A mf rices n:, . -jam VALL"E OF OAT-MEAL.—In a communi- cation to the Societe Medieale des Hopi- taux, MM. Dujardin-Beanthetz and Har- dy made known the results of the em- arhts. According to The Goderrch Foundry Sr. Manufacturing Co. and hygiene of hof b 13eg to inform the publicthat they are prepared to contract for STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS reason of its plastic and respiratory ole- r MACHINES; &c. melts makes nearest . SAWING MACH , 'hand ---IRON AND WOODEN PLOWS with steel boards • human milk. , Italsoof those '. On plc yrnent of oatmeal on the alimentation them oatmeal is the aliment which, by 1 the approach to is one os which contain i�nost iron_ and salts, and especially the phosphate of lime,' so nee- 1 THE, ti U RON . EXPOS 3 THE BEST AND ' CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT OF RY GOODS AND MILLINERY E ER OFFERED FOR SALE IN ° SEAFORTH IS AT HOFFMPT BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH'STORE, Stock Full in all the Following Lines : FLANNELS' . TWEEDS, CtLOTRS, DRESS GOODS, 7INCEYS, MERINOES; o vl SHAWLS, MANTLES, CLOUDS, SCARFS, BLANKETS, SONTAGS, YARNS, BREA FAST SHAIVI.S,, SKIRTS, HAIR BRAIDS, CHIGNONS, SWITCHES, COLLARS, C'tUE`FS, GLOVES, . HOSIERY, (CORSETS, BON ETS, FLOWERS, jj'r:ATHERS, ORNAMENTS 1AND DRESS C'rAPS. INSPECTION N. B.—Mantles Made.to Order. NVITED. ATS, HOFFMAN BR OTHEkS' CHEAP CASH STORE. NEW JEWELRY IN OLD STAND. The Old. Established Watch, Clock and Jewelry Store. M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, Has just returned from purchasing in the American and Canadian Markets the Largest and Best STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELRY AND PLATED WARE EVER BROUGHT INTO SEAFORTH. The Store. is- Crammed i Full and 111r. CO ('_LATTER Invites Inspection of his Immense Stock. The greater part of these goods have been purchased direct from the manufacturers, and are marked at the VERY LOWEST PRICE in plain figures. Personal attentfob given to Repairing watches, Clocks and Jewelry, and no work allowed to leave the Store until it has been thoroughly tested. Remember the Old Established Jewelry Store. 1 - E.—The highest price in cash paid for Old Gold and Silver. M. R. COUNTER. COME ONE, COME .ALL, AND 1315),- V) UR HARNESS • FROM J. WARD, SEAFORTH. I -beg to state for the information of farmers and the public generally, that I have as good a stock of Harness on hand as any in town, and I am determined not to -be undersold by any other establish- ment in the County; BELLS and HORSE' BLLNRFTS, all binds, constantly on hand. Also TRUNKS and General Furnishings. 1 G-TVE ME Vii. L ,SAL 318 J. WARD, Main -Street, Seaforth. GODERICH FOUNDRY. essairy for infants. It -also has the prop- er ty of preventing and arresting the . diarrhoeas whichare so frequent and so dangerous at this age. According to the trials made by M. Maoie, infants from four to eleven months of age fed elusively upon Scotch oatmeal and cow's milk, thrive very nearly as well as do children of the same age suckled by a 1 good nurse. GENUINE' f" FRENCH ERRANCY AND PURE POR FOR• WINE, MEDICINAL. PL RPOSES, AT . f JOHN S. ROBERTS. ! DRUG ST oDrosITE RE, THE MANSION' HOTEL, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. NEW CARRIAGE AND WAGON WORKS IN MITCHELL. McPHAIL, HENNICKE. & EDWARDS Desire to inform the publie that they have com- menced the manufacture of dARR•IAGES, BUGGIES, PHALTONS,1 ROCKAWAYS, DEMOC RATS, HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, Built from the very best materia4.1, in a .workman- like manner, and in the lateststyles, which, for durability, lightness of. draught find finish, cannot bt surpassed. All work intrusted to ns'`will!be executed; with promptness, and at REASONABLE RATES. Special Attention given to Repairing. Call at our shop, south of the Market and see for yourselves. 856 SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY Trig, subscriber begs leave to thank his numerous customers for the liberal patronage extended to hon since commencing business in Seaforth, and ti.Ensts that he maybe favored with a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build would do well to give him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of DRY PINE.LUMBER, SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. He feels confident of giving satisfaction to those who may favour him with theirpatronage, as none but first-class workmen are employed. >f�s'Particularattention:paid to Custom Planing 1201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. GANG" PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, S`.CRAW-CUTTERS; &c. R AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, SVGA WAGGON BOXES, &c. COOKING, 'cT, P ARLLOR AND BOX STOVES, of -various kinds. SALT PANS : MADE TO ORDER. ALSO, - IRON AND BRASS. CASTINGS, ANO' BLA:CKSIVIITH WORK. BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIREI� ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO TZIIRTY=HORS E POWER TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. All orders addressed to the Company or Secretary w11 receive promptattention. A. HODGE Secretary and Treasurer. H. HORTON, President. SHROUDS ! SHROUDS ! M. ROBERTSON CABINET T1A1z1+,R AND UNDERTAKER, Johnson's Old Stand, Alain street, Seaforth, has new on hand a good assortment Of SHJF .Ov1:3 S Which he can furnish cheaper than they cam. be R. RUNCIMAN, General Manager, got elsewhere. 0 1-]LI'S MAMMOTI-T CLOTH STORE AND TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. THE Old Stand on the Corners,Seaforth, is jest newly supplied -with a Fresh Stock of WOOL- ENS of every imaginable description, suited to the tastes of the most fstidiout&, and adapted in range and variety to the wants of all the liberal and the economical. CIVERCOATINGS. In all hades from Black to the most beautiful Drabs and Olive English Worsteds, French and English' Vestingg, very superior, Seoteh and Canadian Tweeds, A I�ot of Good Values in the Dollar Tweeds, tielitlemen's Undershirts'an Drawers, Geiats' Linen Shirts` and Outjside Flannels, Gents' Overcoats and t'ea Ja kets, Yor.ths' Overcoats and Pea Jackets. You A LARGE STOC OF lis' and Bo Ys' CLINTON MARBLE WORKS1 HURON STREET, Next door west of the Coraraerrial Hotel. - MONUMENTS,' HEADSTONES, :nd work of all kinda in American and Foreign arble, designed and executed in th$ best style, ,nd at most reasonabjle prices. Mantles of JTariohz Colored Marble sup- plied on (tort 11 'otic e. - t Granite Monument o order. W. 477 HURON n and Headstones imported H. COOPER Jr. T. CALDER, Agent. THE a�QNSMc MILL 1V1 ESSR1S. , GT 1 A Y (C SCO TL' 1p,Eo to'announce ., t at they have : commenced business in the Srop lately occupied by Mr. 1ldartin, and are nowptepaied to fill orders for Sashes, Doors; �Blindi, 1llouldin,gs, And all ldnds of planed lumber. ALSO LATH .ND SIiIW JLES, CHEESE BOXE AND SETTERS, FARM GATES HAY RACKS, &c. , A good stock of Sea. -ned Lumber on hand. Factory and Lumber ward on Goderieh street, ' near Main street.' Jig Sawing and Custer, Planing neatly done. A. GRAY. W. H. SCOTT. Suits, PA EP.S From 8 rears old to 16 Sears old. Youth's Suits to fit Boys from 10 to 16 years fpr $7 50. Boys' Suits from $4 to $7 50. • This Line is a Speciality. A Good Stock, of the Newest Hats. To insure customers premptnet�s in filling their orders and to prevent the vexations of delay, which sometimes is unavoidable, I keep constantly on hand a large number of first-class tailors. I in- tend to adhere after this ae far aspossibleto a cash systemand small profits. Those in arrears en past years Recounts are res- oatfully; requested to pa-; up. 0 td � 0 ([ T'&TZXT';iTTTf? a � JOJ 1.1TJJOJ1OS W. CAMPBELL. • Fcti d H 0 0 zr 0 trj1.14 L•j r .. s 0, crq 0 easrea CD 0 iP 10 Celebrated Brand Elephant Lead, Li LIJ „ea J There is Lunrbe in McKil op, et the VICTORIA &TEAM WILLS And JOHN G9VENLOCK Is the ma to supply Ice. ALWAYS on hand a large stock of all kinds of Lumber, which will be sold at prices which cannot be surpassecOin his County for cheapness of price. Draining and encing ...Lumber in abtw dance. Also SHINGLES, LATII, and every description of builders' material. Pe ties building or buying large quantities will be liberally dealt with, and will Audit to thou pro. t to give the VICTOR A MILLS a trial before purchas' „ elsewhere. ORDERS_ _ CUT AT A DAY'S' NOTICE. A11 orders left at the throp P. 0. will receiv member ill or addressed. to Win - prompt attention. Re - JOHN GOVENLCK'S 825 • - Vietoria Mills is the place... JOHN S PORTER, One-horse Banker end Exchange Braker-. MAIN STRE T, ° SEA1ORTII. O CAPITAL, - 1 $0,000,00841 This is no blow, but a fent. I BUYS Greenbacks and American Silver at cur- brent rates. Lends money on good farm prop- erty. Shaves notes Without lather. Receives money on deposit, and pays 20 per cent. interest —when you get it. Buys and sells Houses and ZLots; parties leaving toand wishing to sell quick will find me oni hand Bldg a thousand of brick. Buys Bides, Sheep Skins, Fug s and Wool at the hifl,rhest prices, - - All this is done with- he above cal: tal, wonder- ful; is it not ? Hand i your wants, wishes and expectations, don't be Say raid, he won't bust. 841 TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. v TPi - z W. H. OLIVER, Harness, Sa die and Collar MAN OF k.CTUItER, 1!LA11V ST,,1SRAl'ORTL'. Z m 0 r 0 Go 01-1 ltri: L1 P t I SIGN OF TRE SCOTCH COL i A choice assortment of light and heavy Hm ess, 1Vhips, Bells, Horse Chi :. ling, &c., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and xjcharges moderate. Ee„ember the place, sign of the Scotch Collar. 1 W. H. °LIFER. SEAFORTH !AND HURON Z�MARBLE1 WORKS O � II..d'l4TS,5'L'r (Late of Hamilton,) Would intimate to theirinumerous friends and the general public that they are prepared to fill all orders for Monuments, Headstones, Table Tops, mantles, Granite Monuments In-zportect to Order. Work of the best style and art, and - cannot bo surpassed in this part of Ontario. A call respectfully solic.iLed. DCalder's old Stand, opposite McCallum's Hotel, MAIN STIMET, SEAFORTH. 11. MESSETT. H WHO WAN' 'S MONEY? o 0 Z TENDERS WANTED. TENDERS will be received by the Building Committee of the Episcopal Church, Brussels, for the building of e. stone Church in Brussels the coming spring. Plans and Specifications may be seen at the office of the architects, Messrs. Rob- ertson & Tracy, London, Ont., and at the book store of C. B. Cooper 8d .Co., Brussels, on and after the lstof NOVEMBER, next. The Committee do not bind themselves to accept tihe lowest or any tender. Tenders may be made; for the masonry and carpenter work separate. • Tenders -will Ile received up to theist day of DECEMBER, next, at 6 P.M.'and will be opened cin the &I of DE- CEMBER. Tenders to be addressed and 'marked "Tenders for Church" to C R. COOPER, 859c Secretary Building Committee A. STRONG, SEAPORT'', \VillLoan money at a tLoW: RATE OF INTER- EST. either on Farm or Village Property. Parties requiring money should apply to hum. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AND YO1JR. LIVES. A. Strom!, Seaforth. IS ALSO AGENT FOR . The Scottish Provincial Insurance Company-- re and Life, ' - TheFi'Western Insurance Company, of Toronto- ) Life. Tire ire Isolatedand Bisk Insurance Company, of Canada. Terms as reasonable as offered by any ether agent doing businessfdr reliable Companies. OFFICE—over Strong 6t Fairley's Gmeery Store Main Street, Seaiforth. 52