HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-10-30, Page 81 b 'nen Uqr � a• DISTRICT Tun eastern termin Huron salt bell is a where the people ar anc1 buy a lot at F. G TTERS. ti it of the great 8 aforth. Settle doing something) Sp :. atiin. 's sale. g COMMERCIAL Ho EL,' SEAF-ORTH.--R This house is the best in Seefoitl for commercial travelers and farmers, as its ►ct.o niuodation is first-class, while its prices are aS low as the Cheap- est heapest hotels. 1114 rooius ars 17u1, , well furnished find perfectly clean, while the best attention is 'Kivu). to all who patronize th + euse. There is - large stabling in oonnootion, az i attentive host. _ liars. Be1o w are the prices, e0 mend them- selves m - selves to the traveling public : 7 Iuelrs, with two horses, hay and dinner, 35 cents ; over night, with y Lor horses, $1 ; Dim DAVIDsoN sapper, god and breakfast, ltd single meals, 35 cents, -1: F.Z nfopiietor. FALL TRADE.—BE TT u r then Fall Stock r 1 , 't k c in 1>l pt,rol to meet the public a tt th tourers with the. largest sto •k o Beadymatlo Clothing, Furs of all Shoes, Crla„ Iiee' 1in cyto they Imre ever ye,t offered I 71Y R.z3 i Cheap Goods call at BE•.Ar'A & C Bleck,Main Street, fiei.forth, an be found in any quantity. T—. & Co. have �e, and aro pro - i, 1 nieraus.plls- °aw Dir Goods, ►,iidsBoots s an d � raid •Li1nors , 1 •s If you want ' Carmichae ' .�, 15.1 1; they can here • ; NEW I'.REMISES.—Befog another is tie , tyfTsi: EXPOSITOR.,. Jessrs. 'x� NTv & Fain EY exert co be co ufortably installed in their new and commodious—'}itemises, fi ted up expresslyfoi their use,by the senior me a ber of the firm,' ad; joining the Doininion Telegi ph O111oe, Seaferth. .E 5 .• After ce o a they intent au• m v 1, 1 y • g on business st#ictly on the cash princip e, a d they shalt be happy to have a continuance of t e liberal pat on -1 age of their oldfriends and c s ers in their awl i premises and under the new I -a (replants. I St4iek of Crockery, Glassware ' .d fancy China wee art obliged to sett out oar Gr ry department. All; in want of,Cheap Groceries d well to call inj the Heel fourtiveel:�r, as the s ..I:;1 ill be sola anti at a great recluotion—E. Hid o & Co. _ j 1 'CLOCKS un %VAT:.E pailred, by a. competent hand, Co.j's, Brussels. IF .YOU want your -We era erly cleaned or repaired,. & o's, Brussels. rom.ptly re- . It . 000PE r. it S I or •Clo+:ks; 1 C. R. Coo 'Ell• • ..txTED.. — Rose Pe . teesCerro s ` , ,11 Tu. ps,. Cabbage, Onions,., for which heal ,'lip est price in cash will , e ;lid at Arms 's 1 Gro ery. is lYE STUFFS. Finest O a cuts L i a Ivood Cochineal S , 7II e .. is y. 8 producing '• � S , p i cine, Rich and'B � R. b it s 14I St lathier, Indi. t d all other colors, at e iforth._ .s'.� h» Etc.^.+•..e .._.moi^. each eli .ited the greateit applause from the au tl once. Mrs. Grieves added much to the pleasure of the evening by her perform nce§ on the piano; while Mise Wetstjin played the accompaniments in her usually accomplished manner-. Those *ho failed to attend missed a treat. THE ``HERD LADDIE,"—=We are in- formed ; that this celebrated checker player visited the village of Paisley a couple of weeks ago, and . gave an eXlti bition of ,his skill in .that place, where he met with foemen worthy of his steel." Messrs. Remelt, Dick, McKellar and G. Roche each succeeded' in drawing games with . hint The game played with the r gentleman an lst d foru latte t,n em la e i }yards of P two hours, an i the eld. champion ti ' o cc po is s id to leave :become considerably excited se foie it terminated. He aeknowled ed: that it was one of the most keenly cbn- tested ' games he had -played in. this country. t. SEAFORTH CAPITALIST ABROAD.— . i '' T The 5 T let,swater )17 -oils 1s sa s Mr. 11,:1c- Caugheys, of Seaforth, < proprietor of . th - Ballagh I+51ni property in l,eeswater, in- . :g_• ends see 1I t 9 1 bypublic auction, a cion . t 011 b , Nov.rs a. d� 1 �ti10 the balance- y,of .that roperty, Coniprising some --5f) builiin. t°, 12 gipark lots and the homestead, ontainin four or' 'Ve acres. Beira. 'in 5 lie iininec iate s ficin t of the station it Y is very e irable pro erty, and will li e- 1 t grin Ifair coin, etition." Mr. I c - y. Oc 7 , au hething 1 making a big itt . f `his roperty. . e has already sold P. Y y safi;c` len tit to d • a good deal lea re t• a re' u n -him t o purchaser money, nd Whathe has_ye to sell will be all _Y lean pr fit. We shall hope to see him x end c nsidera le o l�portion ' of is P rofits i iassisting td build up Seafor h. e cool of makea better lnvestlne t. � I Brus els. [C. P. C 0PFi3, .Bras els,. Agent for the.. x- sirox New paper and J b Printing Office.]' BEAL L.l':it'E CTP: NGES.—Mr. Som r- tt has h s sod two lo of hisr propert p P eet and the other o 141r. James J m s Lairtl, 660. _Mr. William ge on. Mill street, property, to %VR. . terms private. The new ` bridge ire' all completed, )vement to the old e en Tur iberry st hstreet, • ; price, his cotta :he .Kelly oddick, of Brussels THE NE* BRIDGE. 1 its s rah . - .app o c es ;� tl is a ? great 1mpC1 ructure bit we think something should done to regent th6 fast•driving over. that ocicurs every day in the week. -If me of;tie parties were made an evan of,it would be a)otl thing. g nb. Fun/treeRE. —A. Duncap, furnitu aler, has just received -a large stock vertisement th being Thanks - s, of business were 01 Eiizate o Brussels leaser sotd k, own as I LUitisDEN's Corner .Drag Store. OUR ATTENTION Is- (. vert ernent of I . H_ zcicsox & Estaiblishment, &c. The Wat pairing and all other work is. mend, of Mr. JAM -E$ JONES, pial: r of long experience, and don, pngland. • wF at Stier 0 to the a l - ti 's Nest Jewelry h C aping and e- der the. mann .e- ractica -W ' ' Il nt I+ e Of Dent's, Lo iR A coon selecti. hes and Jewelry, go to C. ton's Trout, Brussels. N ler' SUBSCRIBERS.-- will t BSCRIBER .— S e win' lb supplied hednew to subsciri e Ps P Jan 1,18755, for 25 cents. 0 THE largest exports oil of Grand Trunk R.ailwa. growing `Seaforth. Seca e G. Sparling's. Sale. SALE OF LOTS.—As will .e seen by.adl1 vertisementt in this issue, IN r F. G. Spar- ling itntends havingt an auction sale of town lots oiI r Nov: ov. 11. Thest� Tots are all pleasantly and conveniently situated, and *ill, no doubt, sell readily. of Clock )OPER. & Co. EXPOSIT° _ from now til ' whole line s from out :Let at Ft pl THE HL RO I EX]POSI purpose. A resol .tion. wad aesie Mi. thorizuug the signing of the railyr y de- bentures, the deb4:ntures to bear it terest froth the time the road is .opeti4d for` traffic. Mr. Fulton was instruc ed to attend to the opening -up pf the rod on -Cont '22. A number of ; accounts were passed and ordered to be paid, wh n the Council adjourned. Goderich Notes. ' Although . the remark. it •.. may be � late it Y if , is nevertl►eless true that, as a to 411, we etre not fcist.. We are .content o jog along in our own *ay, and are nein er to be threatened nor coaxed into an xcite- ment over any ordinary occurreno W 'e lay the' flatterin unction to ou souls that events, who would throw 1 s' im- portant places int a fever of jug 1 tion, do but gently titin to our worthy s lyres. This has been well illustrated dur the �g past summer. 1V have quietly rejoiced over the progress of the new mill The placid surface of society has bee but slightly g ly rippled b}• the annual ilio ix of American visitors.. Our town col stab- ousl Y mash s )rded ulary, and they :lone, were ser r, moved bythe Ba,n k -r ob cr.. robbery. .L -lie � tip of the cars at the elevator aEl matter but for ii ten minutes' osss�i at the street corners. The mental gossip which is hebdomadally. launched" upon our devoted heads` by the local difciples of Guttenberg, but soothes us to a rep- dreadful, lee )- er slumber. even the spasmodic, asmodic tl ou lh lr p� g c ea ill df efforts 0 ofthe aforesaid; �� •.hen, like belted knights of old, they ".el�ash- ed together, ani thrice t ice break . their spears' do not awaken more than a passing and 'e- p � jest. Vainly are charges the most astounding, and ,coun- ter charge e the est cutting, titin mingled geel, with e)itl ets o � the strongest flung 1 strongest, recklessly t eac others heads. Amid it all wegeneral y make it our el d to scrape tog Cher a little : more " ilthy lucre," reckon up .ur gains and end aver to outflank our n ighbor in the race -for progress -s .cially and financially. But , let not any one 1 agine-that we a e 'so phlegmatic that nthing will ar U 1 go s us. lit needs bur, sour • event worthy of the effort, and our tr to British energy will be plainly seen. d such an occasion ilid this summer occur. The Gov rnor was conlinn, and rile whole .town was excitement. Lin seen s wending th treet load ed d wherewithto dee beautiful than eve town. .Arches spl - t Everybody seem .s in a b la •niture.'' See his a w -ek OLID �1•Y.—Thurscla i,ng day, all the plat gi cl sect A� STON o., who mill cont are as th',re buytg 0MPLIM:Eb IO e f s I 's MILL. Messrs. Halstea & h �nasre \Vm, Vanstone's flour - d, have it in working order, a y to run night and day as c00l is water enough. They are no - q�uantity of wheat. TARY SUPPER.—The friend's II au s of teams might -be eir way in by every )wli with evergreens orate and make ore r _ our ever beau iful ung up as if by m, gic. e busy. Goderi h— taid old G ocleric 1—figuratively sp ak- g, doffed his cos and went vigoro sly o work, . sawing, hammering, nailing lid preparing, ill a way he never did of ore. By the morning of the visit, banners were flaunting, - ill b, nlettoes waving, garlands hanging and evergreens stirring `'in every direction. `And, when the gal - !lent Cant vessel, bearing the worthyrepresen- tative of our noble Queen, floated proud- ly into the harbor, amid the booming of the gulls oe the heights, the enthusiastitt cheering of the gathering crowds of citi- zens and the rich notes of our own na- onal anthem, it was a sight indeed - to Oke every loyal heart beat more proud - than before, at the thought of ',the o`untry he belonged to, and every titi- n of our good. town rejoice in the noble elcome she tendered to our well loved overnor. But the ball ! Thither wend - every lover -of the terpsichorean rt. lie ball room was '.ertamly nicely dee- 'of 'of Mr. N. 1 : Livingstone, of Brussels;, -an' vicinity,�iiitend entertaining him at i a f 7 rewell supper, at Parker's hotel, of Moo dity ejrenine next. ze PPOINTNT.- Tidies Hamilton, for • 4' w some time an assistant 1R. ,the Brussels' G !Post Office, lias1been•appointed agent in , ed ;Brussels for the Dominion Telegraph • IL HURON Ass :zEs —The 'fall eitting-s;of the Court of Assize for the Cotirity .of. .Huron swill= open at Goderich on`.Tueecl y next. Judge Strong will preside, and the business for --the Crown Will be COM, ducted by Mr. McMahon, ofa London. The criminal docket will be considerably heavier than usual. THANKscIVLNG DA-v.—Yesterday be- ing thanksgiving day and a public holi- day, business- in Seafolth was suspended,. the stores and other business )laces being closed. There was service In the chur- ches In the forenoon, and most of the townspeople andtnany from the country' attended. The- afternoon was spent in various ways as' individual ineluiation dictated.. --.— STREET IMPROVEMENTS. ---We notice that a new crossing has been made across Main street, -between the Post Office and the Commercial Hotel. There is also a new coating of gravd being laid. on Main street. It 18 a pity that this latter work had not been commenced earlier, astthe wet season will now almost surely b .. OD before it cen be completed, if it wilt be s completed at all this seasou. SoutEE.—The soiree held -under the i auspices. of the Episcopal Methodist - Church., in the Town Han, hat Friday' evening, was very successful. The at- - teudance was much larger th n is usual I ia abundance and of the ver best des- fi on such occasions. Refreshm lite were. c cription: and the speaking and music n were equally good. The pro4eds must, I ompany. - The appointment will, no I or Us to take lit the amount of "getting ul " which would berequired to produce' the ladies present, to say nothing of the gentlemen. Eiow C irlcl the time be got r the shopping ,incl choosing and thing and consult ;