HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-10-30, Page 6- The; Freneh °ad:18414 Habitant A correspondent of the Boston COM- lnolitvecilik, writing front Ste. Marie-de- Mannoir. Provinde of tkatiebee, gossips' thus pleasantly about the small farmers : WI ever tell Am of the ;Canadian par excellence, the "habitant," or even -to-do farnter ? If not you. shall maksahis ace cittaintance. 'Lis eta:aft 50 -years old, (the one that I rknow,$ about he feet si la height, has blaeleehair mut dark, soft eye.3; wears ithis sce sI 1 sets, a a Anglaio, and iS,.:E.,,lways smoking the - roost villainous tobaeco 'r his own rais- ing.-- In summer he wears a blue jean shirt, whiteldnelepante, lisoceasius made of -one piece of leather and tureed up at the, toes ;' a broad brininted straw hat creams his heads; et cs.fe voila." Ile doesn't like to work,, rad if it Were not fore the richness .of theoii, I am afraid he would starve,' lives in a Mak' hassle, whitewashed, With 'red shutterim re([ roof and a red dome the Windositst are casemente, and h,retVartained wiht isigerolity may serve to c jociOus arrangement of s peners. We go. ap thest taps, and go. without great expense right into the big- rol#,,; au iramenCe e antes. Aad here we are ewe, three stories, stand the centres; the tvtadeni efsour forefather 'there are big buffets fors.the dishes and doilies, and stead for;=Ihe buckets pieced. their rows of NrAter ; a :picture of the Virgin ll one the svall, and a crucifix is..., on the table.. Matte are two little roosisS leading fropi tat" big one, and I can see the tall wartl.:' thersatficerlind,a horse .whiphadare in the icecap -4n 'in Frande, proved a capi 1 intliplIF,-antlewasstaltent -Isola& by -1 hi masteit sifteit' ihitrWiiat ; The stable w lighted by Windows in front of and hie er than the stalls, and in a Short tii Ile the bold jumper became se "ground' I shy"as to be useless as a cavalry horse. I T e reason Was not discovered until he, I 1 halike, experiences with several 0- e animal particular, famedfer her ing powers, refused, after 'having a be q e je t ilisi LANDS 0• UNIT OF HunoN, ) 1DY virtue of a warrant under the hand of the Warden of , , To lfit : i ,a/ the County of Hnrosasand the seal of the said County; b ,ating date the Fifteenth day of Augustaat...D., 18740- to inc directed' for the cel - 1 ation of arrears of Taxes due on the under mentioned lands, notice is hereby 41, vep: .that unless the said taxes, together with. all lawful Costs and charges, be ;so oiler paid, I shall, of iir WEDNESDAY, THE 2d DAY OF* DEC_EMBER, A.1). 1874, ‘ IwkePt a short time in the stable in ' t the hour of 1 o'clock,. P.M., at- the Court House, in the, Tewn of Goderich, tion to Pass over any heusual ob- p oceecl to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION the said lands, or so Much. thereof as may Nilsen actually forced to cross an., b sufficient to disc arge such arrears of Taxes and charges thereon. ii.ffieisjti„gplly ishe ,inassle tsi leap, that e -TOWNSHIP .0,F ASHFIELD. w i d hittlie'cainilear lief a6rOss a 14 feet Concession or Patented or Amt of Costs and , di c a We have personally noticed iin I ot or Part of _Dot. Street. Acres. Unpatente,cl. Ttca:es. Com' ten. Total. al. es peculiarities of action whioh may S 11,- Lot I ..... . . . . . 3d E. D. 100 patented $34.62 $2 15 $36 77 wit be accounted for by such castsee as S St Lot 4.. 6th -E. D. 100 patented 41'13 ___..2---3. ' , 3, 4346 w; have mentioned, and itl is by o A 4 Lot 6 . 6th E. D. .100 , patented 46 03 2 43 48 40 means impossible that shyusg, betties $ pt of, X 4. Lot 1.. 3d W. D. ' 40 patented 13 '58 ' 1 63 15 21 h 'ye better excused for their faults than RI! 2' ' 9th W. D. 50 patented 22 86 , 1 85 24 71 e. are apt to accord them. Often'a lit- or W pt. 11...... 10th W. D. _ 61 • patented 34 70 2 15 36 85 irect an in- t of N 4 9 llth W. Es. 50 Patented 7 75 1 48 9 23 able:lights, or S E pt. 12. Ilth W. D. 53 patented 18 25 1 75 2000 r general \ ' t 36 N Town Plot ,78. patented 5 54 1 43 6 97 entindedI of VILLA.GE,OF PORT ALBERT, IN A:SHFIELD. t.i its,.416 Very 41.‘„ ...,...,... a at • Arthur E. t ;patented . 2 91 1 35 4 26 ells for all 2 ..... . . . .. .... Colborne R ' t unpatented 5 53 1 43 6 96 sot of stock. -along the sides of the5 53 1 43 6 96 p b• rn, and facing the open spaoe. between ,2,) 5 53 1 43 6 96 the Imows. Doubtless this; I was dope 2 • . .... • • 5 53 1 43 6 96 m rely te facilitate feeding, but it gave 2 4 unpatented 5 53 1 43 - 6 96 e *Male. at the game time, well dis- 25 Is unpatented 5.53 1 43 6 96 bh ted I mid sufficient light. , 26. 4 ,unpatented 5 53 1 43 6 96 / 4 ....... ..... ...... t impatented. .5 53 1 43 6 96 , Horses at Rest. , , t unpatented 5 53 There is no reason for anxiety frOrn the - t • patented.' 5 53 5 patented 3 87 fact that a horse does not lie down when h sleeps. It is natural to many hordes patented 5 53 to sleep on their feet, and no doubt it is A patented 7 89 I, 4 patented 69 a good. thing that they can do so. A • -4- patented 89 hard worked horse ean Catch many a u p while stepping for a short rest, if he is ' A patented 88 not dependent upoa lying down. Never- ' 88 theless, it is goodi for a horse to lie down at night.; and there is no better way of inducing:him to do so than to give him a clean, dry bed in a roomy stall. A hawse that has ever lain down in a nar- row tall, and had troubl in getting up robes and high' beds—gene with sheets and' pillow-slips;t,and the other green. They are se, Iiigh2,1 knoWT they must have little .steps to `get ,intia beds The wifeegthe 'habitant"*•is very pleasant, butliiialsesiatf; she has to:. work too- hard., and has :too: Many, chit dren to attend to liettelfet, Slteitss'Whos makes her grlenesiittl eittend ii act' her: - lioneetterske, spas and.Tweayes aysCtevice a Year looks ‘,aftereilie.Siatial wash at the" rivet batik. `ie taotke ont doors, and her husliOnd gietteetliet,t-suttat,e.toreS' drinks with •ceitifiatiiiiiia, and spindi long- windec1t toriehe for gyriature thteeetorekeeperi,anil.',Isid_44ng clerks,: • She, too. wears the--:,moceasins and, tht;'; baoad-briniined. hat, a skirt of grey flail- Colborne R unpatented Cella:a-no E. It unpatented Colborne E. unpatented Colborne E. Colborne E. Colborne E. Colborne E. • • • • • • 4 • • . • . • .. 9 • Colborne E. 1 43 6 96 ... , . ............ Colborne W. I 43 6 96 5....... ... . .. ..... Melbourne N. 1 38 5 25 1.. .. . ... .......... Sydenham W. 1 43 6 96 2 Sydenham W. 1 48 9 37 3.. _ Sydenham W. 1 48 9 37 .Sydenharn W. -1 48 9 37 Wellington E. - 1 35 4 23 6.. .... ..... . . . Wellington W. t patented 1 35 4 23 ' VILLAGE OF CLINTON. 01. 4. patented TOWNSHIP IP OF OIYER1CH. or N middle pt..5 - B. 5 patented TOWN OF GODEItICH. a 18 3-16 patented .03 1 68 17 71 34 . .. . a patented - 17 I 53 11 30 56* • 4 patented 99 1 38 4 37 i 4 372. 3-16 „ patented 1 65 1 65 1630 06. 4 patented . 99 1 38 4 37 29.. . 4 patented 99 1 38 4 37 , 4 patented 9 97 1 53 11 30 4 patented 3 99 1 38 4 37 4 patented .5.96 143 739 4 patented' a 873 1 50 10 23 1-5 patented 244.1 35 3 79 paterited 2 06 1 33 3 39 1-5 patented 70, - 1 30. .2 00 , 1-5 'patented ' 1 75 1 33 3 08 1-5 patented 1 75 1 33 3 08 1-5 patented 1 29 I 33 2 62 ! patented 51 1 30 1 81 1-5 ppte ted., . 2 44 1 35 3 79 1-10 pate ted , 89 1 30 2 19 1-10 ' p'efei?.teelt - 2 05 1 33 3 38 N A- of N1-10 Lot 23, Sub. of 4, Con. A. .pateated 9 1 30 1 39 SphI. 8 of Lot 10i . ' Con. A. 1-5 patented. ' .3 48 1 38 4 86 Park & Marwood's Surt.14, Maitland r'd. 1-5 patented 2 14 1 35 3 49 N &.6, Sub. of.Lots'17 and 18, Cori. C. I-10 patented 10 53 1, 55. 12 08 G Wilson's Surv,Sub.13 of Farm Lot 108 1-5 pateeted 1 47 1 33 2 80 TOWNSHIP' OF GitEY. • s...: . -..-...a.•, t•e ---- elm, . 2 100 unpatented 36 12 - 2 18 38 30 . . ' . ,. tI e Oen. 5 - 100 unpatented 36 29 :2 20 38 49 ..... .... ... , ., .. , Con. 6 100 pateeted 24 94 1 90 2( 84 3 .... . • .,,. Con. 16 . 100 paterited 37 41 2 23 39 64 2. .. .. . .... .. J. Con. 18 100 unpatAnted) $9 45 2 28 4A 73 i TOWNSHIP OP iloWiqK. ,. . 17 I Con. 18 ' 50 unpaterited 8 58 1 50 10 08 1 I Coa. B. 100 ,' patented 6 26 145 7-71 VILLA K. 11 • 1 nel, just reaching -fti her rankles, a calico w ;sum y, if he is an int lligent sack and apron ; and, beheld her she - be cautious abotft subjectifig himself ta is very dark, and: her to*, will be hersh, aralleav-y.„ . Perhaps shetatoo, will have aparsathis gOitte,t There good people" are goocl Catholicise and p.'y to thepriesta wfl4rigly the tax c Of one part_ of their grain, besides giving t�: every beggar and nun, and also paying to: the lord ofe the Ocenitrytthe tithe that.: has come dawn since the saettling-ef •Cant- adar If some one of thleir fmaily ha wahring -a pig or some'tchickens .aisci! aftettehureh the headle will sell these` oat s . the- gYeen la front of the eljurch. - ,In the waiter the dress erthewSsisaan is changed - only by a sack Of flannel. and A little w olen bonnet - but theman dohs high So ...boots of buff `Ot browideathei Made _ like his moccasins, a flannel shirt; gray, 1,an re - or blue, grey- -flannel: pants.; and Aa there he rests, dote by the stoveennIess bainess calls him ont-a, Then °eines t fiordthe stable a -pretty, ,Itist sleigh, and a tspirited horse. He pulls a pointed - knit -cap over his head, pate on his ,Ca- puchin coat, pullsethe pointed heed. With . its Scarlet- tassel over his }snit cap, I ties a Wee" rlet scarf 'about his -Waist, springs s , intohissleigh. and away he goes down the long, White, straight ' roacr! 'AVe watch him out of Sight, andcon-ie beck to more mundane things. This ii but a specimen. Some Are richer. sonie :rare like embarrassment a second Utile. A change of stall, too, is very likely to feet a change in habit, especially it a accident has happened to. himesin his al the stall. HEMLOCK. HEDGE:—There are few, f any, of our native evergreen t that su - pass in igracefulnesei compaetneas and attractive for ornarnental he lging, that hose w s kind caln s ke t ich it wi 1 oe or No - sing plants •-ests, they ous roots, , as a rule; o or three e no more t died; and :they want IllaSS said, theSr- of; the common hemlock. have: not seen a hedee of tb fetus no idea Of its leeauty tinder control- by 'catting,(W1 belies. quite as well as arbor w y 'spruce. When they are taken from,their native ar poorly furnished with 11 1 the loss in transplantine n ee but whearown for't aj, nursery row, they cult to transplant than ye di rbor vita. Nurserymen follow this plan, aad farmers wito ;can I get yelps- hemlock from the forst wont4if de,74well in 1tis6latter to"e im tate the nurseryman's example.--ebs- na Farmer. - .**4. EM.A.R.HABLE RESULT OF -MUSHROOM GROWTH.TAII EngliSilipaper says : A tradeSnimil 1 -Witting inthe cot-area:IV-the High street-, the busiest street M the city of Worcester, observed the other poorer, but they have all warm hearts, raortung.tliata square atque, on the pave!. ment ;adjoining to his.cellar grating had and touch their; bate ateli teisedi:to _Demoiselle Americaine, although they been lifted out of its place, and as a neighhorirad-not longbefore beerttob bed belong to anothei class and, another re - e • 1i-0ton; These `` habitants ". are the far- , , , . mers and small- landed . pteprietors. There is still another classe*the peasants,. who are,poorer and work for the others • i than -iiakt- the7'“ ssihi,T ialucling i the`'dobtord; la ye nimic'h6ts, clerasy"' and the rich. "0 • 41. RubberOvershoes for. Horsed; , Rubber overshoes for horses are a re- cent invention, whichrprorises:te be boon *to' the .dcfainiinliabitaiiiiof psred cities. Th.e shoe, is made and lined in precisely a similar manner to the article -a of apparel worn by the humau race, and, in fact, presents no points :o difference. save in its shape and its mathifaetare of the best quality of 'incliaerubber; • It is. designed as - a " substitute _for the iron shoe, and is a means of peeverstiou'' the many maladies to which horees' feet • are subject Horses suffering With cracked or contracted hoof, and sisnilar patnfql hurts,sit is said, are quickly t eared 4. the substitution of the rubber covering for the unyielding metal.' shoe.be elasticity of the former adlowe the hoof to remain in its natural shape, while pro- tected from abrasion against pavements by the heavy rubber sole Ilieneath. The device is easily removed from or put . on the hoof, and hence, • while standing in the stall or turned out to -pasture, 'the horse may be left barefooted.. In winter time the covering serves as a protection against illness due to the Common prac-, tice of mingling sett with the ice and Snow in city streets, while the roughenened surface of the rubber beneath serves to give the animal a foothold itt slippery weather. As compared with ifon shoes, . the cost of the rubber is about one-thircLmores andt their weight is some 40 per cent. less, while they are very durable. Sixteen, sizes . are mann - featured, so that accurate fits. may 1)e obtained. • 0 -- Windows in Stabies. A German student of cease and effect lets been reeking' ebservatines :on the manner in which the eyet of • horses ere-. affected by the light from .stable wies-e slows, and the result of his labors is not calculated to reassure those w -he have been careless or ignorant in their arrange - meats. In one of the cases quoteci,' a to teat mon. periodically, and solicits for his .653 farmer's stall was lighted by a small co-oPerators the sane noble patronage that has 65 .by thieves entering hes prorgieeabytraiette ing titstrircei6-4 'thelpivementAb:elseeanie:. sotheWliatialatmW1,16d' sent fofthe Po:* lice. After an examination, the stone; .which weighed over 80 pounds, was `raised, and it was then discovered, not ithat a thief, but three mushrooms had sed the displacement. The muslie ms were fine sliteizifenS;escx kale's its; meter, and with unusually thick ca roc di stems " -OP- -S alt-po x is steadily increasing its ravages in Montreal. The wife of fudge Badgley died of this disease during the patt eek, ;•es. tt, ete; .fgetirget. Brawn tamed on Satur ay 4 verdict of $50 *ages in 14 libel snit against the S limas Can- adian.; E ACRICULT M T_T T_T.A. Assuran.ce Associi on of - Canada. 75 140 615 89 .145 834 60• • • • •.6 •‘••' ..... • , 77 ........ . .. . .. 1,065. 1,182.............. A .1 1.188.s.:: a 1;188. , ( 1 205— . ... 1 206., .... I1,232 E 4 1,310. 1,333. . W 1,348 W .& 1,357 9 'E OF .WROXETER, IN HOWIC 2 1 N w Survey patented 1 5 N w Survey I patented 1 9 N w Survey I patented 1 N W'Siirt;ey patented 1 ---N w.Survey 4 patented N, w Survey patented 1 aNeit patented 1 2 "'New Sincyey patented 1 2. New Survey 4- patented 2 New Survey 4 patentes1 1 2 New Survey 4 patented ' 1 New Survey patented 1 New Survey 4 patented 3. Ne Survey Survey 4- patented Nei, Survey t. patented 3 .. New Survey 4- patented New Survey 4 patented 4 New Survey ' patented New Survey I ppiattztteedd New Survey ..,NeweSurvex pateutesl Neivi:Siirtret, I patented New Survey New Survey 4- patented t pp9ia,tteenntteedd New Survey New Survey patented oI New Survey pMented. - New Survey I patented. VILLAGE OF FORDWICH, IN 110 ICK. , Mill Property patented 4 52 1 40 5 92 VILLAGE OF HOWICk OR GORRIE, IN HOWICK. 1-5 patented 45 1 '30 1 75, VILLAGE OF BELMORE, IN HOW CK. Flowick-st. t patented 4 40 1 40 5 80 TOWNSHIP 01? HAY. lake -road E. 27 patented 26 12 1 93 28 05 Lake -road. E. 105 • patented 63 23 288 66 11 VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER, IN 1111 LETT. 2 6•• • • patented 48 1 30 1 78 pa ented 48 1 30 1 78 TOWNSHIP OF MO MS. a_ I Con. 3 100 pa anted 62 05 2 83 64 88 I -VILLAGE OF BLYTH, IN MORRI". 1-5 pa enter' • 1 55 1 33 2 88: 1-5 -pa ented-1; 1 17 1 33 2 50 • TOWNSHIP OF 'STAN EY': s' .. ....Ba field -road N 83 a entecl 43 48 2 28 45 86 . Beyfi,eld-road N • 5.. pa ented 3 98 1 40 5 38 VII, AGE OF BAYFIELD, I STAN EY. ' ,S 59. I I patlented 18 1 30 1 48 307 50 1 30 1 80 4 ppaatenntteedd. 50 1 30 1 80 patented • 50 1 30 1 80 patented . 50 1 30 1 80 4 pat ated 50 1 30 1 80 patrted 50 1 30 1 80 50 I 30 1 80 ;'s. • pPaattenntteeccil 50 . 1 30 1 80 4 , patented 50 1 30 1 80 patented - 50 1 30 1 80 4 patented •50 1 30 1 80 a patented 50 1 30 1 80 patented 50 1 30 1 80 patented 50 1 30 1 80 I patented 50 1 30 1 80 4 patented 50 1 30 1 80 -4 patented 50 1 30 1 80 74' patented 50 1 30 1 80 4 patented 50 30 1 80 I patented 50 1 30 1 80 patented. 50 1 :30 1 80 - pat nted 50 1 30 1 80 4 pat nted 50 30 1 80 pat nted 50 1 30 1 80 4 pa nted 50 1 30 1 80 Se patented 50 1 30 1 80 patented 50 1 30 1 80 I pat sited. 50 1 30 1 80 pa nted 50 1 30 1 80 4-f pat nted 50 1 30 1 80 4 pp aatt ni tt ee (d1 50 1 30 1 80 50 1 30 1 80 pat nted 50 1 30 1 80 4 pa nted • 50 1 30 1 80 a pa, nted. 33' 130 1 63 patented 33 1 30 1 63 -44. patented 50 130 180 patented 50 1 30 1 80 pateinted 50 1 30 1 80 -1 1 • • • • • 44,4 • • •—• ;.• •• .11 • • . • • • • • • • :31 43 . 48 50 51 I 5 5 RAI. 6 HEAD OFFICE, - LOND N, ONT.; rIBMPublid,will please note that ads .A.-dsocia- e6ex Mutual, by entering Having only 16"than half lime years' e company in. lire, and , formerly e ounty of Midc has ot consented to advance of rate the utual Insurance Combination. ono dunng its existence reqUired m of a. ount of :Premium Note for a risk and that' being at ft time when oung and the country baptised Wati havi by careful management and trality with .poli y°hOlder been enabled to pass t rough the seve al fiery ordeals of the past ten y,iirs without levyi 0. any special assessment on i s members, and handing, after the late severe rain on its linai ees, caused by the ,,excessive fi d losses of 1870 1871 and 1372, still at the Mem es' credit a cash reserve (lanuary 1st, 1874,) of , $10 049 0, : „. , ,,. : .1 . ..-, Wit a total Capital of .5251,37 12, our Boar of Direetors have declined the ertures of floss uccessful Companies to advauc our rates. 646 . this tl. a.vorite issued for 1873 the 1 r -re number tY*1 1 .In th,c f. ce of a strour, and inereasing inpetition 4 21 9 E pt. 24 3 09 36 10 57 99 19 62 33 1 30 239 133 269 1 33 243 1 33 2.90 130 1.,)9 133 252 133 295 133 266 76 135 411 33. 133 ' 266 23 133 256 36 133 269 -1 36 133 269 100 133 233 123 133 256 106 133 239 44 130 174 153 133 286 87 1 30 2 17 1 36 1 33 269 57 130 187 183 133 316 153 133 286 134 133 267 135 133 268 1 19 1 33 2.52 '1 34 1 33 267 119 33 252 • O' ••• ••• • " I 24 129. 130 .. • 642 643.' 644 645 • • 4 ....... 4- 01 1: ,066 Policies, making the t number 64 new in fOree; over 37,000. Pattie desiring tte 65 651 652 insurance on ram property, cheese fa tories, de- taelicid. dwellings and their 01.101.111db.] in towns and tab. es will -be waited on, by the undersigned or one his -duly authorized representatives by addrtissi ,g as below. The subscriber will continue window at one ssde, and after it timeil was found that some of the horses were becoming blind in the eye that was turn- ed toward the windo-sit wliile , nearly all of them had eyes of an unequal strength. A window directly in front Of a horse is certain, it it is exposed to a strong light, to weaken the sight' - but the Worst re- _sults are apparent when the window is itt front and at a considerable height above the horse's head. Animals kepi. in a stable so lighted become: " grorind shy," that is to say. uncertain about their footing ; eafraid. to jump; instance is given of a perfectly sound HA mare purchased by an officer froxn a sta- a blelighted by windows at the rear of the an stalls. At first she was perfectly satis- factory, but became ground shy at with- in -three months, and 011 eXalpilipti011 it appeared that her. eyes had -acquired an upward east; She was removed to a stable where the light was better die- tribeted, and in the course of -another three months regained her full powers. been enlVeal to the AGRICULTURAL in the past, 655 and Zero particularly ,to himself, as its agent, g56 during the pat two years ard a half, — J. R. TANTASSEL, Clinton ; A.1 TAYLOR, 65 / • Lond`nsbOrough—Representatives-in LX011. 658 Nainut0--Merit Commands S Iccess." 659 i GRAS. T. DOYLE, Box A, Owe taSound, 66° .... 344 District Agent Grey, Bruce d Huron. 661 • 662 OPENED OU FOSTER'S OLD S AN D 666666666543.: .. JAMES WRIG T gr8 opened in th.e stord mkt t e Seaforth 669 oundr2,- and adjoining Foster's._ otel, a, full •670 replete 611 • STOCK OF GROC.E LIES., 672 • Hzs Teas are Good, His ,Sizzgars Cheap, 675 • And his SpieeR 676. 77678 .1 6 323 6 99. 673.4 Call and give them a trial'. JAMES W Strong. • Lot or Part of Lot 680 681 682 683 684 685 .. 686 687 688 689 ....... • • 28; VILLAGE 6. 7 • .••••••••••••••••6 Concession or Street. CCT. 30, 187. . Patented or Acres. Unpatented. 44, pat pateerteded 4 patented 4 patented I patented 4 patented ii))aatteennttee4 d 4 patented patented IN STANLE patented patented DINSLEY TER RA.CE, 2 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN. S. Boundary 100 patented . 18 77 1 75 20 5al Avet of eost4 and Taxes. Cones'n. Total. $00 $1- 30 9180 50 130 185 50 1S( 180 50 1i30 80 50 13o 180 50 130 1:89 50 1 :30 1 80 50 180-180 50 1 30 1 80 50 130 1e Y. 64 130 194 -2 56 1 35 3 91 PRUCEFIELD, IN TOWNSHIP OF TUC it-01)one' d's Survey 1-5 patente& cDonald's Survey 143 paten ted VILLAGE OF WINGHAM. 54 patented 11 33 1 58 54 Patented 8 25 1 50 patented , -6 51 145 4 Patented 350 1 38 . Fisher's Survey. 1-13 patented. 1 8.78 1 50 TOWNSHIP OF ,EAST WAWANOS9. Con. 11 60 patented -27 35 1 98 TOWNSHIP OF" WEST WAWANOSH. Con. 1 100 patented 31 64 2 08 Con. 9 100 .patented 42 35 2 35 Con. 113. 100 patented 35 52 2 18 Con. 13 100 patented 32 38 2 10 'E OF- ST. HELENS, IN WEST AVAAVANOSH. patented 2 91 1 35 VILLAGE OF EXETER. aces town , in. Hay 1,5 patented 14 56 neestown,in Stephen 1-5 patented 3 17 mestown,in Stephen 1-5 • patented • 95 ecestown,tn Stephen 1-5 patented 95 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS. 4 patented 2 25 1 35 1-32. patented 20 1 30 • patented 82 1 1 30 patented 89 1 30 Park Lot- 21... ... Park Lot 22 Village Lot 172.. Village Lot 370. — .Village Lot 11 E pt. of W. 4 42 N 419....... W 26...... . . . E 22............. . S t 25.... • Ashery........... Lot 3f1, form erl`t; Fr Lot 375,formerlyFr Lot 392, formerly Fr Lot 393, formerlyFr .4 E4 51... W 52. 218 KERSM1TH. 81 130 2 11 81 3 30 211 • County Treasurer's Office, ) Goderich, Aug. 17, 1874. 1. 65 1 38 1 30 1 30 12 91 9 75 7 96 497 10 2& 29 33 :33 72 447() 37 70 3448 4 26 16 21 4 55 2 25 2 25 3 60 1 50 2 12• 2 10 A. M. ROSS, Treasurer, County of Huron. 351-13 IMP • RTANT INFORMATION. PARTIES WHO PAY CASH LIKE TO FIND OUT THE BEST -MARKET IN WHICH To BUY THEIR GOODS. Laidlaw N w 0 g ers Choice Teas and Sugars it Pries that Cannot Fail to Induce PEIAT1ED VISITS. Those TV to, Have not CASH PAID FOR BUT R. Visited Should do so at owe. J. C. LAIDLAW.- A MATTER, OF IMPORTANCE FOR.' THE -PUBLIC TO KNOW, WHERE THEY CAN GET THE BEST :VALUE FOB. THEIR MONEY, w 11. s 'COTT'S B Give as GOOD VI/U. TEAS OF THE CHOICEST - SUGARS B iplar AND PUR GROCERIES 0 EV,E,Yit ESORIPTION ROCIrERY—T BEST CHOICE IN TO INES, 4LE ,"PORTERS AND - - vorably.known to equii‘ special mention. : warp ss theni ma -de. 8z. YOUNG, 0 ltr, SEA_FORTH, E as can be got in Huron. BRANDS. E. FRESH AND NEV.. WN. LIQUORS For quality there i OUR. I Are already too well and f ll Kinds of rodoce taken as iaSh. IM ARRIVALS Teas, Su —1 Whih AT PRICES WHIC BAO Always in Stoc 4.1211 nothing WILSON & YOUNG. oR,FT.Ai\l-rr LARGE ADD.. AT THE CHEQUERED STORE, OF s, Liquors and General Groceries, ete bought on very favorable terms and will be sold off MUST PROVE SATISFACTORY TO CUSTOMER N: HAMS, FLOUR AND MEAL OF TAR BEST QUALITY at the Chequered Store, Main Street, Seaford& *JAMES MURPHY. REM Owing to the Increase of B With many thanks for the Harness, Sa • TRUNKS, VALISES, liAGS, AND SATOH LS. VED, REMOVED. isiness BELFRY & MAY have been obliged to remove to a larger shop- atronage of our niunerous friends and custonaersin the past, we hope te do a still larger business in all kinds of dies, Our HORSE CLOTHING-, amount of S Special attention given to to all who patronize us. SH Main Street, Seaforth. Our Buffalo Robes Will be opened in a few dal& GALL EARLY- .211171) CHEAP. r the winter, is well assorted, and great bargains will be given. ABY EIGH BELLS, NV.HIPS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSIIES, ece. ORSE coLiABS. our determination is to make onr work satisfactory P known as LOGAN'S OLD STAND, opposite Scott's Brick Block: BELFRY & MAY, gadder& _tete „ OCT.' 201 1874. 4.011000.110=12MWMIIIMINSINSONS7 Capital Pmaishme About 1807 a ioor weman one at the breast, sto resviof h ed: 'oar shoeigit(1(sulinpee.iialings nOt proceeded far when she „ad of her crime, ma was retu ;tsilhee EIN:a7t7:iiettih aitt Zvl.i.heeOnV ldsbLII:y1,,a1 .seLanthdecio)nrocIseerteokii: tionadlie;antih041 mended the eman to mercy, tailltb eoerr! arilluirb:tiuli bssetrla_pitnr.igigi)en finiocounseditlr iniotri: :aaar‘2,:tientan.. -iviused to indorse. the applieati. the cbild being taken from her brea. :foot of the gallows, In the mist .large majority of the public this; tioilrreanglit tedrngietaot itndignatwn, al was bo Bfit hhoseeu shpolb. etni .01eifts 0\1; v;:eanntesel at stt, eds of niseturt;death for ijio. it te tluctitt ill fur ithe aJ of N:aisi etc, s o0PefitiaPri nitrbi o the value I of death for itt shillings, the rnost of the Judg4. against it. Lord Ellroborousels 4 posii gutiefilli1;,ria31 etnileOrgiaelt ift1010141S 1iit 43P -;A- ie and why then should it he 4 One of the Peers was so struck 4 -validity of the learned Lord's arg that be said " W -e shall not b place our heads with safety on lows if that bill paeses into I the thirty years Item 1799 to to such atrocious craelty.—Tita motreeTrw,esragacinapsittalhie.cBoinvkic,Itkera,11111, ed, the Judges offered little Op were transported ; yet, till pubi Mon became too strong to be a dckli j°2:::rtising .Swinale In an article on the Cleretriont swindle, the Port Hope` Tinit8 re periences and expresses -opinions similar to, and agree with our we, therefore, give prominence contemporary's sensible remarks Now, while it wonld. b un hold publishers responsible for tisements inserted in their coluid we think they should eteatlfas dea,Yor to protect their -readers f - position, aed their advertising from loss, M forcing them to - with dishonest traders, for one, -the manufacturer, if he could coit direct communicatiou w;th the eould afford. te sefl good's at fro 150 per centtower than our retai ers. 'Competition is too keen now to realize 100 per east., and we that with our best busieess men ,cent: looked upon as a very 14 of profit, and is net obtained " -brandies of trade. We. think men should be protected fro leeches and swindlers who now An -drop into a town -with a stock of and nasty goods, upon which the ize enormous profits, as, being lees, they tan purchase them. for nothing, and then the legitimate ses this trash sold at the same p. he sells a good and genuine artick; think transient traders of this 4 ton shonal be compelled to pay a license before being Allowed to stel to the extent of onetdollar in the - and we trust the Town Council W fail to introduce a by-law at once, - will have the effect of proteetie merchants. Newspapers, with so ble a swindle as the osse.teferred ; .stead of eiadersing them, should sharply down upon them, and their dishonesty, We generally course with them that never When an advertisement of this sent us, we reply thateur terms as itt advanee. and we seldom hear fn parties again, AS generally part of scheme is to twins& the publie well as the publie,, and, in too • -cedes, unfortunately„ they seeee many newspapers accept aelvertis of doubtful character, for wiiicl never expect to receive oue -cause it tills up space. We hav many papers in Ontario -e -and tna them barely exist, therefore, til - tial publisher will not." . toaeee__we4._pt risks tha_t the s The Sanitary Condition of ter. These is no more prolific source; ease than had water ; but to died whether the fluid is unfit for c tion or not is somewhat difilcul ter from.a certain river, spring may be repulsive to the senses, a*. harmless to the stomach, in cowl with other water whieh has a tnuc .attractive appearancte Perhaps tl mode of determining the queetia examine the condition of the -0 dwelling in the proposed mime utilized. 11,. for example, an ind establishment er n eadleetion ef empties refuse into the stream, result fieh disappear or are fon upon the surface, it is eertaie t water is strongly and injuriously ed. • The graanal infection may lef by the fish fires rising. to the parently in. at ease, aiad subs dying. In vitiated water also itt perish, and their bodies decolopo$, ly. In the air they merely seein up and retain hfe, thoega tor aome time, becoming revived b:- 10 water. Cresess eannot live is water, and their existence is, purity in the fluid. White alga ed of their green color indicate corruption. M. klcrardin,lit to this subject, m a recent no- -French Aeademy, states that ti, method of measuring the degree or of infection in the water is 1 mining the „amount of oxiegin quantity. Watts- contaieme at centage of the gas is pure and gt when little of the lattvris pre water is decidedly deleterious t- ee-Seienttfir A nierjeese The Einsman Body- Comp • , a Machine. ln the promotion -of health 'al evity, too snuck stress cannot le ad to the impotence of preset harmony or balance of orgainza some respects, the'human body compared to a perfect machine, of Many complicated parts. 11 mit the working br running machine from that of one i constructed and unequally b ali its parts 1 The one seldom - pairs, the other frequently. wili last as it were for an age ; becomes almost useless in a s