HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-10-30, Page 51674. sesi,mmatrommut ,oti4 Riatoss ; y atm. Vote ,7ote on Lot a, ther'S ; have no ;meat between s that I should ; my father struck off. own north half ad; have no the property Ha roily after me, leses-ciiou of the Pod - a mai- Lot i9; father and pay -5eparate- house; !Of); 7 -elated for ar. Vote held on same prop- rith ray broth - ed foieast part - ft' andI have a s. Calloway '• ee produe- as abve.. Vote *rn z Do all the father through aye lit deed ; reds ; keep my sessed. for Lot lace have all 41$ lot Vote B. R.! S. ; rent gissonri ; h.ave lave joint lease 14.R.W.;‘, lease held good. W thdrawn. ; Did net Ap- ia, 1B. R. S.; el& good. Co4ervatives bjectred to by mu, as the (.}b - he &kip. The t- being corn - Pound Tine„ in Mani- l'homas Scott, el 4ressi or two day 14t. The Cid I Justice n of he evi- ehar ged the s. He review- s the eircum- ' mse„ reminded htical part of g to do, that ' the facts im- Scott's death. ionaL -Govern- d the ProVis- that the only ntry was the 1 the; 15th of 5 Go4trnment together by Ls to the evi- , was conclu- At the con - jury retired, liberation, re d- ere, a verdict' amendation to red sentence. ise interest in 5 progress the ight and day. emus to give ucl Bruce. if the Great_ Iders, it was - seconded by esolved, that and they are er into such for the con ,..T..narion, S they may agreenaents AD- the bonds ftent of not num far an ES. U0/12, - „Implements, . P. Brine, t 13, Con. ;Farm Stock .1eKay. pro- eer, )t 7, Con.9, Implements. P. Brine, 5, _B. R. and Imple- etor. tmpiements. tor; Seaforth, Soarlino oneer. relis Hotel, a Hallett. 1'. Brine,. )et. 18, the =an, of a. Jet. 26, the Rector of et. 23, the can, of a 23, wife of )ct. 27, the , of a son. the -wife laughter. et. 29, the IX, f a 0,, the n- hn t.. 154 Mrs. Rev. 20, Wm. t. 15, Mrs. kusau City, se of the years. n - $ f '30,1874. MARRIA.GFES. Ccrans. —In Seaforth, on 123, by Rev. T. Goldsmith, Mr. vues Stewart, to Miss Mary .Ann urtis, both of Mcicillop.1 nup.-Bia.t.—.41 the residence of _ bride's father,IBlanshard, on Oct. LW Rev. Mr. Findlay, Mr. Thomas %wore, jr., to Annie, third- daugh- f Mr. John Bell ” Fish Creek.T ter o ree . 1/001!—MOFFAT. —At Wroxeter; on Dot 21, by Rev. Mr. Brown, Mr. lobn Honey, to Maggie, eldest daugh- ter of Robert Moffat, Esq., all a .Tignberry. —At the B. C. Parsonage, on Oct. 19. by Rev..W. 0, Mr. Henry Dyer, to Miss Mali- alsa°iaekk nso—oonE.— At Blyth, on Oct. 21, by Rev. Mr. _Kellam, Mr. Jabez rson, to Miss Margaret Moore, 4 FIE MARKFTS t. . WTI/ Gooldesirhco"mulla cora ng month oi Novc Stock et e 1,1 . :RANCHES R HOUSE. • LOGAN & al* JAMIESON SEAFORTII, Oat. 29, 1874. Wheat (new).. .... 0 88 to 0 90 Wheat, per bushel. 0 88 to 0 90. Ea_ .. 0 2244 toto 85 to 080 8521 plata. Lustros, ntt in tabs Newt pea bushel....n Polisinew}Per tosheL 0- 70 to 0 72 c tiny (nevr). per bushel . . . 0 90 to 0 92 a„. _ . • . 0- 14 :to 015 Fignred Lustres, roar ......,.... .. .... .... 0 00 to 5 50 12 00 to 14 00 0 00 to Grey,xanotres• .......... . . .. 6 00 nonealf,pet pound... .. . 0 08 to 0 10 Dina- 1 shop skins.. • 0. 50 to 100 tago mat (retail) per barrel,— — . . 1 00 t (wholessIe) per - 0 75 yototoes,Ter bushel, nm 040 to 0 50 0 00 to 600 prooti4; . . 2 50 to 2' 75 . ... 3 00 to 5 50 ... . . . ... .. 4 00 0 odper pound. 32 to 0 37 cLurrov, Oct. 29, 1874. Fall Wheat, per bushel: 0 88 0 90 -SpringWheataperbilshisl.... „ 0 88 (0 0 91 Bate bushel.-- 0 36 01 0 37 Buten per bushel- 095 (0. 096 Pea. Iler bushel._ . 0 7 0 74 Batten... • • . • 0 22 0- 0 25 Potatoes.. ..... G 40 (0 0 45 Eggs. 0 12. ®. 013 . . -13 00 @ 14 00 TORONTO, Oct. 29, 1874. 4q!. There were in to -clay about 300 bush- els of wheat, at $1 for White, 93c to 95c ;-1 for Treadweil, and 92c for Spring • 4,000 bushels of barley at $1 04 to $1 06—the latter price for the breweries only,'600 bushels: peas at 75c to 80e,. 300 bushels of oats at 40c to 41e, and a few loads of rye at 70c. Hay solcl at $18 to $24.. Hogs brought $6 to $7; Butter and. eggs werewithout change.. BUFFA.L0 LIVE STOCK MARKET. 1 BuivAL0, Oct, 29, 1874. CAFLE. —Receipts to -day 1,190 head, making the total supply for the week, thus far, 10,268 head, or 604 cars, against 622 'ears for the same time last week. The market was the meouest for years, so, far as prices are concerned. Good stock was scarce, and a, ic off from last week's rates. Sales comprised. about 1,90� head. fUline AND L AMBS.---ReeeiptS to - flay t.. .3, head, making the total. supply for the week, thus far, 19,800 head, against - 18 ,400 head for the same time last Week. Sontags, The market was crowded with sheep, and prices off a kc on all grades. _ Western sheeP, very slow of sale. We quote Omn i, Ada lambs at $6 to $6 50 ; Canada sheep at $.4. to $5 65, and Western- sheep at $4 to $4 50. Thre were several 'blinches of prime Canada lambs weighect this morning which had been sold before ar- rival at- $6 75. and $7. GoLD.--The price of gold in New York is gnoted at 110. t T1-.4 ask intending purchasers visit Seaforth during the bir to pall and see their ei4 witls, Silkeres, l II Pn umattas, 1. French Merinoes, Blle Empress Cloths, Black Sateens, ' Black Silks, Black Lustros, Plain Wineey a, Fancy Winces, Fancy Fl nnols, • White. Flannels, rlet Flermelsa Grey Flannels, Waterproofs, BrownHollands, Window Hollands, Childrena' Hose, Girls' Hose, Boys' Hose, Ladies' ose, • Boys' Socks, Sleeks, 1 BOY WANTED. WANTED, immediately, an intelligent LAD, about 13 or 15 years of age, to learn the Printing businesh. Apply at the TEM pXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. TEACHER WANTED. ALE or female Teachar wanted for School Section No •• 9, Turuberry, holding a second or third-class certificate. Duties to commence on 1, 1875. Apply to • 3594 WM. martEnsoli, Binevale P. 0. TEACHER WAINTED. WANTED, for School Section. No. 1, Hallett, a v v male Teaoher, possessing a second. tlaird- class; certificate_ Duties to commence on Tan. 1, 1875.. -359*4 Applications to be made to J. FOWLER, Sr., Seaforth P. O. TEACHER WANTED. -MALE Teacher for School Section No. 4, Grey, boldinethird-olass certifieate, withtwo years experience. Datios to commence on Sen. 1, 1875. For farther Partictilars apply to 257*40 ALEX. ROSS, Morrisbank P. C. IMPORTED COTSWOLD RAM. TH,4 subscribers will keep for the improvement of stock, on Lot 17, Con. 1, Tuckersraith, near Kippen, the thoroughbred imported Cotswold RAM, imported in 1873 by H. LOVE, Sr. This ram is well knowa as a superior animal and a successful prize -taker. TERMS -For pair of Ewes $3, payable when taken away. Ewes to remain 3 857 . JAMES COOPER, - WILLIAM BLAIR. TO i3UILDERS. MENDERS will be received up to NOV. 4, next, •-I- for the erection of it balloon frame addition to the west end of the Egniondville School ECouse, say 20a24 feet, with 4. windows and door, the whole to be completed by Jan. 1, next. For further par- ticulars. apply to the Trustees. G.D JACKSON, Secietary-Treasurer, Seesal School Section No. 8, Tackersmith. FARM FOR SALE. - FOR SALE, Lot 16, Con. 1, Tuckersmith, Kip - pen, 75 acres, 63 cleared, well fenced, and in a good state of cultivation. The wood land is all tirst-claas hardwood. There is a large brick house 40x28, and a kitchen 18x22. There is a framebarn 55x85, shed 60x22, also a frame stable 4028; a, large beeline orchard and plenty of water. Is situated on the London Road, 9 miles from Clinton, and same • diatance Iron]. Seaforth. For further particulars • apply to the propiieter on the prerniacs or to Kip - pen P.O. 838c COOPER, Sr. NOTICE TS hereby, given that the Toronto, Grey and BruceRailwan Company will apply to the Legis- . lattun of the Province of Ontario, at its next ses- sion., for an act to amend the acts -incorporating the Connetny, for the purpose of enabling the Company te consolidate its debt, make provision for redeeming its bowls and to authorize the said Company to` issue bonds, therefor, and fcr the pur- pose ofbrnijpng th tion of the said Company's Railway, from Weston to Orangeville, within the • 1 provisions Of the Acts 34 Vint, c. 2, 'entitled " An Act in all of Railways," and 35 Vie , e. 24, entitled " An Ad to make further Provision in aid of Railways," or either of them, or for declaring the aor eitherof them, andfor other purposes. 357-6 1300TS srne to be vit ihin the provisions of the said nets)- ! allUCT.If (ON SAL -lb." Children's 'Wool . _ Children's Wo Children' Child 13 . rl Gloves, Handkerchiefs, , Hoods, Scarfs, Clouds ate, ol Hoodg, Wool Gaiters, c - en's Wool Mittens, ley Shawls, T IPlaid Shawls, I Stripe Shawlee Plain Shawls, Waterproof Shawls, - Black ShaWls, I , Brown Shawls, • Breakfast S awla, Shoulder Shawls, Table Linens, Teiwels, Counterpanes, • TableCovers,&& 1 Blankets, Quilts, 0 vereoatings, Tweeds, Black 4lotha, Fancy Coatings. Fancy Vestings, ba Fancy Trowserings, On 5 Tt-IE H R N EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH THE BEST AND CHEAPEST 1 0 VUNI LOTS "2 - FOR SALE •••4&4"P C PTI CO IN' ON EDNESEAY, NOV. FORTY1SPLENDID BUILDING LOTS he new survey of F. G. SPARLING, So the Hurn Road, also th of LOCKS OF FOUR ACRES EA H Wit a Northern Boundary on Market Street, and a Southeru Frontage•pn Grand Trunk Railw y. ASSORTMENT OF RY GOODS AND MILLINER* EVER OFFERED FOR SALE IN SEAFORTH IS AT ).4 HOFFMAN BROTtIERS' CHEAP CASH STORE. TERMS FLA.NNELS, 1 per eenten the day of sale, balance of (Me- th LI one month thereafter, and remaining two- th ds in one nnd two years in two equal payments wit interest t 8 per cent. To Boo The on wiLl PLANS el seen at the Post Office and at Arinstrong's kstore, or on application to the proprietor.. sale will begin prOaptly at 10 o'clock ednesdar, November 11, on the ground, and bncondneted by .• MR.J. P. BRINE.- Title InIclisputable. FRANCIS G. SPARLIls G. A. 1:)UNCAN Tut GS to announce to the inhabitants of Bras- - -1•-•• eels and sdrroundiregmountry that he has ou- st ntly on hand a large'and well selected Seek of Impor ed am,d , ulaetured FURNITURE Of 11 descriptions and at prices' that will defy competition. ,! • sel ORDERED WORK AND )(tiring' • Promptly Atten,d-ed OP -One Door north of Hays' Hotel; Bi 12 ALEX. DUNCAN. Grey COttOns, Bleached Cottons, , Cotton Yarns,I Carpet -Werra, Grain Bags, , . Munlers; Cardigan HATS (WA VALUABLE FARM •.. DT /THE TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. ,., , --- . Alia. 3.. j>. BRINE has received instructions .1-71,-L Iron the Propiietor, Mr. WILLIAM FOW- LER, to sdi by Public Auction, at 1 o'clock, on TATIRS)AY, NOVEMBER 12, 1874, At POWEliL'S HOTEL, in the Village of Sea - farm, a firtt-class farm in the Township of Hal let. The faun. is composed of Lot N. 1, in the 24 Concessian, and contains 100 acres, f75 of which are cleared, and the balance well ti bered -with l hardwood. All the cleared land is ui der grass.. It is situated on a good gravel road,- ithiu three mile of the village of Seaforth. The •e is a new frame barn and the river Maitland rens through thefainn. This is one of the best farms in Huron and any person desirous of obtaining a good farm at . fair value should attend the sale. Title in disputable- TERMS. ---Ten per eent. of the pus - oboe money -to be paid on the day of sale, $1,000 wihin one month, and the balance on time to snit th purchaaes , with interest at 8 per cent, WM. FOWLER, Proprietor, Jr 1'. BRINE, Auctioneer. 58 indershirts, Drawers, I Th • ag Ne I in. 360 White Shirts, • 'Flannel Shirts, Neck Ties, Scarfs, Jaikets, &c. _ • AND CAPS, AND ALL KIN N)3.SHOES S OF CROCERIES. oble to Show Goods. LOGAN & JAMIESON. GORE & CAMPBELL'S IS THE PLACE . • ME WITH A SMILING FAE. 1 E are now ocCupying Frank Paltridgese -12114 • I , . . , :. 113Stand, which we have entirely renovated; tnd g procured new instruments, are prepa •ed To Give • Satisfrction to All. Stock Fnll 111 a all the Following Lines: DRESS GOODS, 'wznicEYs, ATE.EiNcE s, TwEEps, cLoT s, , StlAWLS, BETS, SONTAGS, COLLAMS, HAIR BB ANTLES, CLOUDS, SCARFS, ARNS, i3REA1IPASTI SHAWLS, SKIRTS', • "CHIGNIONS, SWITCHES, CUFFS,-, GLOVE nOSIERY, CORSETS, • 130NNETS, H .1" FLOWERS, FEATS 8, ORNAMENTS AND DRESS CAPS. INSPECILIONI 1NVITED HOFFMAN BRCiTitERS N. B.—MantlepMade to Order. BLACK king the pablic for their very liberal patron - n the past, we invite all to call and see our w Rooms, where we will always be found, and Good humor. MOORE & CAMPBELL. TENDERS FOR SCHOOL HOUSE. C laLED tenders will be received by the under. L signcd until TUESDAY, Dec. 1, 1874, for the er cion of a frame School House in Section No. 6, iu1ott. Tho work must be completed by the 15 bi of August, 1875. Tenders will be received fo the whole job only, the contractor to find all in terial and do all work. Security will be requir- od for the due performance- of the work. The 10 EiBt or any tender not necessarily accepted 1:m - 1e sin every way satisfactory. Tenders will be re eived-and plans and specificetions can be seen at Harlock P. 0. Address to either of the under- si ged Trustees. THOMAS NEILANS, 3 4- GEORGE WATT. ESTRAY COLT. TRA.YED from Lot 4, Con. 11, Hullett, about I Oct. 20,a. 2 -year old bay COLT, star on fore - he 6, one hind hoof white. Any person giving su h infornintion to the undersigned as ' will lead to its recovery will be suitably rewarded. 8 *4 • 1V111. MCINTOSH. • COAT FOUND. OUND, ;tear Egrnondville, on Oct. 16, a water- proof oat. The owner can heft. the same on a' licationto the undersigned by proving proper- ty and parng expenses. 36 -4 •I JOHN STODDARD. ROO O LET, a numbe second flat of If MESTED or to S TO LET. of comfortable rooms on the Scott's Block. Apply to F. ROBERT SCOTT. 359 raTO RENT IN SEAFORTH. pc HAT lave cornei store now occupied by Logan & Jamieson. t is one of the best business stands in Seaforth, ither for a general store, dry pods or groceries. Possession in about two on ths. For farther particulars apply on premise& 3.9 • LOGAN & JAMIESON. MON ..Y FOUND. UND, in the Store of -Messrs. Duncan & Duncan, Seafo th, on MONDAY, Oct. 19, a s stun of -mini y. The owner can have the same by p nving pr petty and paying expenses ow applying t 359-4 1 E. HICKSON & Co. A BE THE REAL GEN-un 0 0 t -fa 0 r+ TS, CHAP CASH STORE. 0 0 in z 0 0 *-N01.1\i'M .o. ,TITST 1R,MCM,I-NTM AT THOMAS KIDD'S EMPORIU ltS. CATHAR to he-ving beg 4de certain state taking money from, at 'yes. diel, and now l,dving made such. ,Saarohtrn, Oct. 859*2 ()TICE. E SMITH, Madam : Owing under the effects of ltor I enta that you were guilty of e, which, I feet satisfied, you beg to apologize to you for rroneous statements. 7, 1874. JOHN CAMERON. • 85 Pieces More of that Beautiful Black Lustre at 50e per yard. DR GOODS. A Large Lot of New and Pretty Lianas of Dress Goods at 20e, 25e, 80, 35c, 40e and 50c. The Prettiest Styles in Seaforth willabe found at KIDD'S EMPORIUM. c ALSO A FULL ASSORTMENT OF TH 11. Celebrated Madame Dernorest's Patterns FOR ALL KINDS OF GARMENTS. SHAWLS. 50 New and Elegant Donille Shawls (a job lot) at $5 50-sp1edid -value at $8. BLANKETS. 45 Pairs of Extra Heavy Blankets at $3 50 -goo& value at $5. • TWEEDS. 60 Pieces of New Tweeds in all the Latest Patterns from 60c per yard KIDD'S .MAMMOTH LOt)-1,$TOPE ARJi.11' • TAIPIN4 ABLIPMENT .7 • • ffiHE Old Stand On the Corners,Seaforth, is just newlY-StiPplied with a Freidi Stoek of WOOL- ENS: of =every imaginable description, suited the tantes of the most fastidious, and adapted in range and variety to the wants of all -the liberal and the eennomical. OVEACOATINGS In all Shades from Black to the most beautiful Drabs and Olives. English Worsteds, .French and English VestingS, very superior, Scotch andCanadian Tweeds, A Lot of Good Values in the Dollar Teeds, UentleMen'a Undershirtaand Drawers, Gents' Linen Shirts and Outside Flannels, Gents' Overcoats andPen. jackets, Youths' Ovezenats and Pea jackets. A LARGE STOCK OF Youths' and Boys' Suits, Fromil years .old to 16 year's old. to lit Boys. from 16 to 16 years for Suits from: $4 to $7 50. Youth's Snits $.7 50. Boys. This Line is Specility. 4 Goo:q Stock of the Newest lIats. cl. To insute etiatonaere promptness in filling their orders nn a ta prevent the VeXations of delay, whieb sometiniete is unavoidable, I 'keep constantly o11 hand a latge number of first-class tailosa., I in- tend. to adhere after this (Lifer as possible to a eash system add small profite. Those in arrea.rsan peatIears accounts are refs- peatfully requested. to pay tip. 1 . 11 - • W. -CAMPBELL. TENDERS WANTED. I TEND BS will be received by the Building -11 - Co lane or the Episcopal Ohurch, 13rstesel, for the b ilding of a stone Chatch in Bxusaels the I corning spring: Plans and Specifications may be seen at- tbe race of the architects,Messrs.. Rob- ertson : & Tracy, London. Ont.,adat. the book afore of C. R. Cooper &0o„Batisselti, on and alter the let Of NOVEMBER, net. The Committee do not liiiidlhemselves to accept the lowed or any tender. Tenders may be made for the n...faint/ and earpenter Work sepanatee Tenders 'will be uP, at received up to the let day Of DEOEMBERanext. ` I at 6 P:M.; and -iiiirbt- opened on the ta- of DE - OE IBR. Tondnrin to be -addressed find laiked 1 "Tenders for Church" to C. Ti. COOPER, Secretary Building Committee, EMPORIUM. gana •