HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-10-30, Page 3CT. SUS 187t. -74 THE Ea Store is now en - former size, and of the Inst. 4 tyir of every Oder ttouse. Most orted:to Seaferth pltF thug Savin, chant hare- The a: eras hands and mutt �... i xtta Sn ec x y Cheap, o4110' House in rtan Dress Goods, trd, cheap at SOc.. Sped Lustres, 2t'' cheap at BOe- €Iotr;le fold, 26 ehealliat 22e. Tress f Cloths, all. ri ltea. <rrrl, cheap 12 inches wide, at ✓ ery cheap lot. giosi gran, 213 gtlairanteed,. 50, up to • 'heck Nirlaceys, at y Aritutle Water; [test: Styles, from tock iii Seaforth, L at 5(lc each, a le trinilmeds and €orth $4- �c€t daokets, at 0to,8aSet,, e - to i7 50 a Set uq inch White • to ale.. Ls, for ne, worth 't)e, worth 1.. ankets, iepeesola laiti<evs, at .: lei :Miff xd- . eEw" L#. ` htl •t Y ��tfs - L F zcli, a t 55o AR a elg low prices,: ght them at the ., at half price, pETS A. at 7.ie a yard, ie worth Stk. cP: at Sae;. se 5U ---extra: new Pattern. ftp per card :t h. r: 14e, 'Oc and < ° WE.. T. reals € et, and 'lurk 'ce4 time- (41.100110 ine d,heoe (, tr.1 iiisect P sari t ,, are 'c1LLillis t>� GA itt rime,, e.;€xu !want leu can and we \4'e sdver. €'aeaper 'elbdl get at € good pays Josh ipings says : Tew enjoy a good reputash in, give publicly and steal pri. Irately. —tin gTelex nusie--Thomas' concerts on the b: de yard fence. - --In ivi:ng geography lessons dowx East, a eacher asked a boy what State he lived u. and was amused at the reply drawled through the boy's nose, t' A state of sin and misery." :Ann inquiring man thrust his lingers:, into a hrses's mouth to -see how many' teeth h had, The horse closed hi— mouth i.mouth t see how many fingers the man' had. The curiosity of each was fully{ 'satisfied. 1 —"IN ill you please "insert this obitu-i ary note 5" asked an old gentleman .ofl an edito'. " I make bold to ask it be- cause I know the deceased had a great many friends around here who'd be glad to hear of his death." ,—•-A lady who was urging some friends to tunnel•, felt disgusted when her eight- Vear-old son came in a nd said : " Mrs. hones says she. can't .qIate no bread, and Mrs. Fok ain't to home,- so I didn't get any butter." The friends thought they had better dine elsewhere, and the lady o but ht o to p she tat thong s , taught that boy that the way of the transgressor was hard. •—" How are you getting on at your - new plate ?" asked alady of a girl whoni she bad recommended for a situation. "!Very Well, thank you," answered the girl, 4' I'm glad to hear 'it," said the lady. `f Your employer is a nice person, and you cannot do too much fore her." " ; I cion). t mean to, ma'am," was the in- necent reply. A costume to Keep Afloat. A Paris correspondent says : " An. in- genious philanthropist, of this city, has jut invented a new apparatus for assist-' m shipwrecked persons in main.; to Sting i themselves above water, The pu 'be trial of this apparatus took place a ew days ago,and proved entirely a thief, great sticcessf�i 1. Two river steamboats were � a g provitle4l by the smiling,: enthusiastic, You crow white•headetlphilanthropist,. and con- veyed a' numerous company of friends,. people 'eonnected with the press, the clubs, the army and navy, and a sprint; - ling of Members of the Legislative As- sembly to the Billancourt Basin, just be- ----.mond---.Asnieres. : The new apparatus consists of a costume, called , by the in- ventor the `Natator •,'' it goes from - the . rom-the. neck to the knees, fitting close: to the body,but susceptible of beim worn over other clothing, if time be Ranting for divesting oneself of one's or- dinary apparel. From the armpits to the has been sin ee he was here, 00 y Ie is then driven to some objec terest in the locality, as •for exa Lothrie , Water -works, near L. Leven. This, on wet days, is v ati visit tti the Kirkcaldy Pine Ar ition, now c:11, view. After a sl he enin g is spent in re Although he is averse any sort, a privileged f oror and pleasure of at Mr. Oar yle I use• the word advisedi 7, for, w hen iu the hum talks a 'reg deal end most delightf 2 Hie m en s decideliy peculiar, f adopts t e eculiar plan of puttio. fore bele •e appearance. Iii comm wears a cit or straw hat, with a bi unusual dimensions, a light grea reaching to his eet, and the costu complet d by a ,comfortable pair o pers. {- dinner, talking. pany of had the a's ago: of in - le elf is e d w I 1 How have mo who won the any pounds sole, so him a. m up a_ to wear we is brow work. that fall v rsi ie e t s that mo upon th but of a a fair d who wil her livi ful inch str stead o s another cation o brought is not b The old brought Boys and Girls. a it that we can see me who lded themselves- on the vil, 't et their boys be nxoul€: d on 1er- ? o . As the leather -1 1 alar the -_fl leather together to m ke a he boy needs pounding to r ake ai n. If you don't, i willOnl l ring Y y oder child—a child- that .on't Ll. And the same with a gi 1 that ht up without knowing ' w to Th re are misfortunes e ugh up n the fair sex there . r ad - an sudden revolution in airs ften fall like pitiless tbrms it eads than upon those o 1 men, 1 a versities a foolish, moter for g ter is the most advers •_ one not teach the child how t earn g, yrho Will not teach her reit- r.. Music may be hea - in- inniilg but in some y or ork should be part of th edu- -e}very boy, and the boy o is ip'without knowing how to ork ought up at all ; he is a sed. ews used to say that a m n not p to a trade is brought -u s to be nd_'I azn of the same opin on to extent. So, then, pare s, if d brietip the best crop :' ere r ground will allow, brii up oys that are able'to wor. and healed of it, and bring up good girls that are able to w i r in en and about the house, and ashamed of iteither.—/ W. r the or d by bib - and g or 0111 - ave ilk sure he ly. he em- , he m-,he n of coat e is slip ii i chat ,yo stalwart are nbt stalwart the kite are not Beecher. Time A a s-itnple at libert of infring iron. rod., hips the thing is double,fornaingthe case y in (limpet of an india rubber tube that winds,round bent' into and round the body. , The upper end of unsh rpe this tube has a brass. stopcock, through enough t which the wearer blows iii air with his lips, the process requiring only a. few sec- onds, and the volume of air thus intro- duced amply sufficing to prevent. the heaviest people from sinking. If it be. _Safe Tether -Pin. ricultzlrist for October.' 1u's evice which we infer any to make and use without ug upon any patent. A a y Sime -eighths or half an � is s P har enerl at one a corkscrew -like, spiral. ed end is bent into a ring TeceiVVe a good-sized rope. is easy to screw; such an iron into thing wo. by of being called a soil, a .stick; if necessary, --after the mann' an augur ladle. Such a tether -pig this Milt efy the efforts of -the strot desired to dive, the wearer lets ottt the animal to ,ull it up, and with the ru air by merely opening the stopcock. The a level wi h the ground it is impos `Natator' will thus serve to keep the for the ro II shipwrecked from sinking, and enable the pin. - Thi in a huiid house,, or, of the ea or artifici -hold guy block -for or, indeed lieid:at th the grkat -get batter down eve place: " Sub heroic preservers of human life to reach those who, though kept afloat by it, are unable to swim. The wearers of the Natator ' some of Whom wore it, under their clothes, some over them, while others had undressed and wore nothing else, floated about the steamers for an hour,, now seeming to- titand erect in the water, now laying upon it, some smoking a cigar, others readieg a newspaper or eating biscuits and sandwiches from. a little waterproof bag attached to the Cosi- tome, ositome, laughing, talking, and apparently enjoying their novel position. A shower happening to- come, one of the swimnathers ates e is ear gong inch and The arge It ny sing of as est on ble e to;be twisted. around I he device is likewise. serviced le ed other ways about a con .try indeed, ee'c, wherever the an face th is -not covered by a - nat ural l pavement of stones. It will oyes for ' shears, or the&.wer oisting tackle, or tent roe es, any rope which -is to be"fi mly surface of the ground, and eaury of it is that it does not d to pieces by being hamm red 'y time, it is set in a •'ew opened and hoisted an umbrellas under to borrow which he continued his watery promen- clinots'bn an ade, to the great amusemen tators•." ora ng Money. : criberi" asks Is it prn. honey to improve the -b old farm?" I teply.-As a money to irnpro-ve buildin Allowing Clh'iTdr-en -t Sunday. of the spec- +r ow . an okfarm, is to reverse the proper o • 1 to bot,, .I ent il- die, i -er es- fit •ill e he 1e Play on of things. We are told . by an ung tion -;¢4e au hority, " to-efirst make it. for tr self in the field, and afterwa If the play, of little children is in itself buildi.thin. house-" " If the fields innocent, and not of a nature to disturb- not -' ield he means to do this, the others (I mean seriously, for Nome peo- pend ture i not justified. It would ple are much too easily disturbed), why more profit ble to borrow to improve not let them play on the Sabbath? But farmland o depend upon the prod the example, says one. The example? of the fields to improve the buildin It is just what it should be. It is an The moneyisunk in buildings upon far example of "sweet reasonableness" is dead capital, which yields no reven worthy of imitation. It is not au exam- and efforts should be made to spend ple of worldly buying and selling, or of little as possible in this way until reveling, or . unseemly rioting. So far farm is brought up to such -a product from conflicting svitli the grand old fun- condition as to. warrant the spending damental rule of love to God anti one's money in unproductive buildings. neighbor, it may and should be, Made a mistake is more frequently made th means of promoting both. The plays of to sink money 'in buildings, when the children are their best opportunities should heele. been expended upon of Iearning the Golden Rule; while, on farm, dr ill procuring more profita the other hand, let any parent strictly stock. Tho if the.farm will not fr forbid playing of any sort, and enforce an its own resources furnish the means . unnatural quietness cf conduct, " be- wading good buildings, it is, on the fa cause it is God's holy day," .anti the of it, a feet that it will not furnish t unreasonable (?) little soulstraight- means for the re -payment of the loan. way rises in rebellion.. `" Oh I. wish it was Monday ! I hate Sunday because I can't do anything I like on Sunday !" In polemics whenever an argument proves too much it proves nothing and falls to the ground. So, in the settlement of the Sunday question, a Jewish or Puritan in- terpretation in beh.lf of the little ones is only a stone of stumbling and. rock of offence, a bar to all real settlement of this momentous question. \Vho that ponders this subject does net feel fore- bodings as to the Sunday of the future ? And,as the children of to -day will to- morrow hold in their hands the power over -these- questions of the morals of America, let Us be wise enough to im- plant in their hearts a genuine love and therefore true reverence for that pearl of all days: Let us "take heed that ewe offend not one of these little ones."---: r',—Mian Union. . •is e. he e te 0 it e le m r .e ie Carlyle in Scotland. - Although the celebrated author has passed the allotted span of " threescore years and ten " by nine years, lie looks hale and wonderfully flesh. With -out a . doubt his good health and long life are owing in a great measure to his simple and regular habits. IA glimpse of the manner in -- which l e spends hie time may not be -uninteresting. Early in the morning before most people are astir,. he may be seen walking briskly along the shore in the direction of the picturesque ruins of Seafield. Tower (distant from Kirkcaldy about a mile and a half), -for the purpose of having a bathe. On other= mornings, to diversify this, e . walks along in- land along one of the co retry roads, by, beautifulati e autumnal t present hieli he has tints. .After breakfast, for been thoroughly appetised by his walk, is his smoking time, :and armed with a- long clay pipe, he saunters through the beautifully laid out grounds of St. Bryce- dale, and indulges in the weed. A'most inveterate smoker Mr. Caryle is, and PLAIN AN' FANCY DRESS GOOD Black I.i'ustres and 1Me? inoes, A OMPLETE STOCK. THE NEW COSTUME SERGES, BLACk DRESS SILKS,' EXTRA. VALUE. Ca?pet,§,:113lanlcets incl Flannels, SHAWLS, !IOSIERY AND GLOVES,: WARM AND CHEAP. SILK SCARFS,`. SHIRT .=AND COLLARS, RIBBONS A}CES AND RUCHING' ! all the Novelties. BROAD C40TIIS, TWEEDS, dc., FELT HATS AND CLOTH CAP CA IL AND SEE THEM. 7D.E CLOTHING � MADE' TO OR Ir LATEST STYLES. - INSPECTION OF STOCK INVITED. R. P. ROGER URON EXPOSITOR. CLINTON MARBLE' WORKS, HURON STREET, Next door we t of the Commeruial Hotel. MONUME TS, HEA STONES, And work of all kinds in Amenia. n and Foreign Marble, designed nd executed in the best style, and- at -most reaao able prices. - (miles of Tran-ious Colored plied on lim-t Noti Granite Monum to order. 277 nts and Head H. CO T. C Marble sup - ,e. tones imported PER, Jr. LDlR, Agent, THE HURON LANIH MILL AIESSR GRAY dC COT.T - IG= to annonn a that they3h vo commenced ced . � . Nr. business in t e Shop lately coupled b y Martin, and are n iwprepared to • orders for Sashes, Doo? s, Blinds, Mouldings, And all inds of planed 1 ii bar. ALSO Lel AND INGLES. • CHEESE B FAtRM G XES AND TES, HAY R A good tock of Seasoned Lu Factory •and Lu , i bet lard on near Mail street. Jig Sawfng and Custom, Plani g neatly done. A. GRA ' H. SCOTT-. - SETTERS, KS, &c. er on -hand. oderich street, There is L• mber in Mai op, at the VICTORI STEAM MILLS, , And JOHN COVEN Is t• a man to suppl ALWAYS on h Lumber, . w cannot be surpas of price. i nd a large stock ch will be sold. ed in this Count { Draining and Fencing' ;. ; abuldance.l Als SHINGLES, LATH, and ever bur ders' material. Parties build lar a quantities will be liberally ,d wi And it to their profit to give th OCK t. VICTORIA MSI a trial before purchasing elsewhere. ORDERS 1 , CUT AT .A. DAY f all kinds of t prices which fear cheapness • cymber i t description of alor buying t with, and LS S NOTICE. All orders left at the Mill or addr; seed to Win- throp P. 0. will receive prompt a tention. Re- member i 1 JOHN GOVEN OCK'S 82 Victoria lvii is is the place, J1OHN- S. PO TER, One-horse Banker and Exohan .el Broker. • , .11/AIN STREET, SE FORTII. CAPITALS - - so,o p,000.O!. This is no blow, but a fa It. BUYS Greenbacks and Arneiicanl liver at cur- , rent rates. Lends money on good farm prop- ertY.- Shaves notes without lather. Receives, money on deposit, and pays 20 pet cent. interest —hen you got it. Buys and se Houses and Lots; parties leaving town and wishi'n = to sell quick wil find me on hand like a thonsar.d of brick. Buys Rides, Sheep Skins, Fur and Wool at the highest pric .s. All this is done with the above o pital, wonder- ful, is it not ? Hand in your wens' wishes and expectations, don't be afraid, he worn t bust. 841. TO THE PUBLIC All ARGE, W. 1H OLIVER, Harness, Saddle an DIANUFACTU.RER MAIN--ST.,aSR fP0 ti 0 U Collar TB. O a 0 SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment of light and heaty Harness, Whips, Bells,Horse Clothing, &c., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and charges moderate. Remember the place, sign of the Scotch Collar. W. Hi 001 LIVEfi. SEAFORTH AND HUP,DN NIARBLE WO:, KS. 5.. MESS'ETT - - (Late of Hamilton,) • would intimate to their numerous Erie Os and the general public that they are prepared I to fill all orders for Monuments, Headstones, Tabe Tops, Mantles, c, Granite Monuments Imported to Order. Work`of the best style and art, and, cannot be surpassed in this part of Ontario. A call respectfully solicited. Gander's old Stand, opposite DMIcCalluni's Hotel, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. H..M1 SSETT. - WHO WANTS MONEY? A. STRONG, SEAFORTH, Will Loa Money ata LOW RATE OF INTER- EST. either on. Farm or Village Property. Parties requiring money should apply to him. As .MR. DENT can now show you. it would be folly to attempt to tell you what he has got, be- cause he has absolutely everything in the Dry Goods line, and in NEW JE The OTci E (ELRY IN THE OLD STAND. ta plzshed Watch, Clock and Jewelry Ston' COUNTER, SEAFORTH, REMOVED TO • LARCER AND MORE COMM CDIO U has jest returned frdm purchasing in the American and Canadian Markets the Largest and Be>�;i STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND PLATED WARE The Store is C� The greater part of th -VER BROUGHT INTO SFAFORTH, a�z aged .full and Mr. COUNTER Invites Inspection of las Immense Stock. se o ods have been purchased direct from the manufacturers, and are mark d: t thVERY LOWES•T PRICE in plain figures. 'Perronal attentidn ive to Repairing watches; Clocks and Jewelry, and no work allowed to lenge the Store until it has b. en horoughly tested. Remember the Old Established Jewelry Store. - fi I. B.—The highest Brief in cash paid for Old Gold and Silver. OOD The Stock at W. Great care having been of a- CHOICE II M. R. COTJNTEI. i RESH ARRIVALS . OF FOR FALL TRADE: ILL'S is Now Complete and IVell Assorted, and fir Extent and Variety Cannot be Surpassed. - se-cised in buying, purchasers at this establishment will have the selection STOCK, at such prices as must satisfy the most economical buyer. - E MILLINERY ROOM This season is more a ever attractive, and under the superintendence of ersteciase hands. The Motto is 07 i e only, the Lowest Price for Cash, and Valife the Test of Cheapness. W. HILL, One Door North of the Post Office. SEAT • RTH FOU N DFY. JOHN NOPP.ER ease WISHES to inform the farming community and the public generally that SEAFORTH''O has ND Y for a term of years, and refitted it throughout. He s nowlprepared the - to manufacture all !k-inds of E NT L IMPLEMS RA TU A.GRICU I1 Straw Cxtt SUCH AS rs, Plows, Gang Plows,' Drag aws, Including theITOTMAN, which is the best 2 -horse Saw in ate. 1 ALSO MY 1 M -PROVED PITT -'S P WER. B LSI DOT' AHD, ALL OTHER ER CASTINGS - Turned out on the shortest notice. _ �P- MillEngine and other Repairs done with Neatness -and Di p atch. P A CALL ISOLIqTED. } JOHN N Co M E OPPER. ONE, COME AL AND BUY YOUR HARNESS FROM L3 J. WARD, • SEAFOlTH. I beg to state for the informa:ion of farmers and the public generally, that I have as good a stock of Harness on hand as any in town, and I am determined not to be undersold by any other establish- mentin the County. BELLS and HORSE IBLLN,KETS, all kinds, constantly on hand. Also TR t KS and General Furnishings. •I cW 313 Mi A. TR.YAT.4- J. WAR Main -Street, Seaforth. FALL SHOW. GRAND OPENING AT DENT'S. Nevar before slid you see such plies upon piles of DRY GOODS INSURE - YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR LIVES. A. Strong, Seaforth. Is ALSO AGENT FOR The Scottish Provincial Insurance, Company- - - Fire and Life. - The Western Insurance Company, of Toronto— Fire and Life. The Isolated Risk Insurance Coi'npany, of Canada. Terms as reasonable as offered by any other agent doing business for reliable Companies.- OFFICE --over- Strong rt Fairley's Grocery Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 252 BRUSSELS NEWS DEPOT AND JEW ELRY $TORE. FIRST CLOS Watchmaker an Jeweler EhMPLOYEJ): O. C. WILLSON, SEAFORTR, TTAV1NG now removed to his new premises on Main Street, which he has fitted tip specially for his trade, is in a better position than ever to give his customers good value for their money. Call and see him. - SEWING MACHINES. That Beautiful and Silent Sewing Machine, the best in the Canadian Market, THE FLORENCE, Is now taking the lead, is being sold everywhere, and is highly recommended by all who have used. them.- 0. C. WILLSON is the Sole Agent for the Dominion, THE ' W;EBSTER And FOURTEEN other Machines to select from. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Mathnshek and Weber Pianos, Prince, Bell Co., and the Canada Organ Company's Organs. Also Violins ;aid all kings of email Instruments. THE FARMERS' - FRIEND, That old -stand-by, the No. 18 Thistle. Cutter Plow, a few on hand. These are the original and - _ only Genuine Thistle Cutters. Remember this. OTHER AGRICULTURAL T1rPLEAIENTS, And articles of All kinds, :sorts and sizes, con- stantly on hand. BUTTERICK'S PATTERNS, per Ladies and Children, all styles and sizes, always on hand. - 3 - Remember your old friend in his new stand. Jewelry Department Opened about the 15th of October. C. R. COOPER & Co., -, 3580 Strettor;'F Block, Brussels. 0. C. WILLSON, Main Street, .Seaforth. STOVES & TINWARE Of all kinds, and in endless variety at DTRS.. WHITNEY'S, Carmichael's Block, Main street, Seaforth. COAL OIL, Pare, good and cheap, wholesale au -retail at Mrs. WHITNEY'S. . CUSTOM WORK XOf all kinds promptly attended tonIId neatly exe- cuted. MRS. WHITNEY. NEW PHOTOGRAPH - GALLERY. - Millinery, - Ladies' Jackets, Shawls,1 ANDREW CALDER 1ATISITES to inform his friends and the public that he has fitted up in the best style, a new PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, On Main Street, nearly opppsite the Mansion Hotel. His aparatus-is all new and of the most improved kind, and from his- 1 ng experience as a photographer he can guarant satisfaction to all who favor him with their patr nage. Come at once and bring our children. - Re- member CALDER'S New Photograph Gallery. N. B.—A supply of - Osborne Sewing Machines kept constantly on hand and . or sale. 858 There is nothing to approach him either for quan- tity, quality or • price. As usual, the Biggest Stock, the, Choicest Stock, and the Cheapest. Stock of Millinery. Entrance to the Show Free. Remember at DENT'S, Seaforth. GOOD PROSPECTS. A GOOD HARVEST EXPECTED. JOHN KIDD Has just received a large stock of Harvest Tools such as Scythes, Forks, Cradles, SNATHS AND HAY FORKS. Which he will Sell as Cheap as any in the Trade. NO SECOND PRICE, JOHN KIDD. THOMSON & WILLIAMS AGRICULTURAL IMP.LEME.NTS, ENGINE AND ' ENGINE CORKS, MITCHELL, ONTARIO. Two -Horse Wood Sawing Machine has been thoroughly tested, and gives entire sat- isfaction. It is supplied -with a band wheel for driving a straw cutter, grain crusher, or -other - machinery, without extra expense for the belt. A TRIAL OFFERED. . ALL BINDS OF FARMING IMPLEMENT'S kept constantly -on hand. BOILER SHOP IN FULL OPERATION. Engines of all Sizes Made to Order REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T.O. ADDRESS, THOMSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell. - 850 Mitchell, 1878. 1