The Huron Expositor, 1874-10-16, Page 8Seet. .e - it non txpooitor. DISTRICT MATTERS. A LOT OF DEMITIVIII.- FRENCH CHINA TEA SETS jUSt arrived, and orders solieited for Dinner Sets, at Illortsox's. FE ESTI MAD') , INDIuo, 00 f•HIN EAL, LOGWOOD and all other Dyes, including all Colors in Aniline Dye, at littlii8ON'S DRUG STORE. WA.NTED. —Rose Potatoes, Carrots, Turnips, Cabbage, Onions, &e., for which the highest price in cash will be paid at ALDEN'S Grocery. DYE Sr uSeS.—Fineat Madder, Indigo, Magenta, Logwood. Cochineal and all other Dye Stuffs, producing Rich and Bright coleys, at le. Luersneeee Coiner DrugStore, Seaforth. OPPOSITION IS THE LIFE or Tneasee--- - Weimer. SeoeT intends opening ft Furniture Wareanom in his premises opposite the Market where he will be prepared to furnish all kinds of house furniture, either wholesale Or retail at, the very lowest prices. • YOUR ATTENTION Is CALLED to the ad- vertisement of E. Preee-soN it Co.'s New JeWelry ; Establishment, ae. The Watch Oleaniug and Re- pairing and all other work is under the manage- ment of Mr. Jus JONES, a Practical Watch- maker of long experience, and late of Dent's, Lon- don, England. ' ATCHES.—Just arrived this day, at M. R. COUNTER:8 old established jewelry Store, Main Street, Seaforth, 1 case Elgin Watches—the-. first made, marked P. Avery.' Those Watches are taking the place of the ([heap Swiss Watches, elle are better value for the money, at M. R. COUNTER'S. NEW Snaecnienns.----The Exr leen will be supplied to new subsciibers from $w till Jan 1,1875, for 25 cents. ' • PRESBYTERY MEETING.. —The Presby- tery of Heron met in the Canada Pres- byterian Church, Seaforth, on. Tuesday last. The session was a short one, being ' concluded the same night. We shall give a report of the proceedings next week. , . PRIZE ONEY. —We have been request- ed to state that these who obtained prizes at the recent show of the Tnekersmith Branch Agricultural Society, can obtain their prize money from the Treasurer, Mr. William Logan, on aed, after Mon- day next. ROOT CROP COMPETITION. —The judges appointed by the Tockersinith Agrical- tural Society to examine and report on the root crop S entered with the Society for competition, will cum men e their labors on Tuesday, Oct. 20. 1.re learn that there are quite a number o entries, and that eoilipetition will be liv ' THE CONCERT ' ToNIOHi._Wn1s would again remind our readers of th4 concert of vocal and. instrumental mos c to be given this evening by Miss W'4son, as- sisted by 3everal talented local a ateurs. The entertainment, will, undo btedly, be a musical treat, and should b largely patronized by the citizens gener lly. SOIREE. —A soiree, under the lauspices . of the Methodist Episcopal Chur h of this _ village, will be 'held in the Torn Ball, on the evening of Friday, Oct. 23. Ad- dresses will be delivered by Bi+op Car- man and Rev. Mr. Goldsmith There will also be provided for the entertain- ment of the audience vocal and instru- mental music. , , „ , MILL CHINS:ED H1NDs. - - We under- I stand that the briek mill formerly owned I by Shearson ,& Co. has been purchased bo the Messrs. Ogilvie, of Montreal, the . d continued inclut4riously until late at n ht. In the evening, the sportsmen Mid their friends gathered at McGregor's otelaBrucefield, tcl " count tads," and d; termine which side bad won the day. I was ascertained Ithat the Brucefield h vs had come out Victori us by 590 , p, ints. The highest score i lade on the G anton side was 495, and on the Bruce - Ii Id Side 535. The victors were enter - t, Med, by their, vanquished opponents at a magnificent supper, gotten up iri Mr. -.NOGregor's best style, which was duly a preciated by all after the day's exer- cise. After - spending a few hours in e cial converse, the:Grantonite§ departed f r home, and the Brucetiehl boys made t ticks f or their. respective d o midi] es, there t sleep off the weariness which the d y's sport had caused.Everything 0 ssed off most harmoniouely, and all fit satisfied with the proce dings of the C y. . a - Brussels. ro. Ilp Cooren, Bruesols, Age ( seam Nowspapea• and job Printi g Office.) , I. PERSONAL. —We notice_with pleasure is, has been :33d Huron Battalion of Islantr in room of Dr. Mc- liougall, deceased. lii GREY PLOUGHIN4 MATCH/ —The Grey Joughing match will be helill on the farm f Mr. Robert Dicsson 1.,qt 8, Con. 11, on Thursday nes'ct,'9ct, 22, cons- encMg at 9 A.M. Liberal prizes are ffered for competitiont and it is antici- ated.'that there will be a arge number Of competitors: It is to be hoped that the weather may be somewhat more greeable than it: was at the match last ear. . . e 'HORSE DIED.—Ai entire Lord Duffer- s horse, belonging to Mr, John Nott, , , etermary surgeon, died on Monday last: eatli was caused by a calculus formed i the termination of the colon. .The alma was a heavy drauglit, four years Old, and- valued at $800. ANOTHER STORE. ----Mr. Ji has rented his new shop hatel to parties hem Hi perpose starting a genera opened about the first of ne OUR RAILROAD.H-From a munication received from *wee, we learn that all no tWeen the Wellingiton, Gr Railway Company and the e n Railway Comp. ny hay and that all prospects of the Road being he things of t for the Ex- })aptoiDnrte. aHsolumrcreeso, .1.1fo.fBritiisise lf mes Stretton djoining his lelburg, who store, to be t month. . private corri a reliable otiations be and Bruce preat West - terminated, Inn by either are among the past. [TRACT DISTRIBUTION .—Tt -Messrs. C. R.' CooPer & C f ee distribution of I non -se t all subscribers Of dail pipere that receivelthem depot. The act, w hope, ciated by all. -day (Friday) o. commence tarian tracts and weekly t their news via be appre- - Wroxete BUTTER. -- Mr. .1 Job erchant, shipped a- lar o. butter, consisting of a oi Wedneeday last, from -Trey and Bruce eailwa Although the road s not em tractor is willin to parties in the mea Eine. hbwever, on good autho road will be opened!for're far as Wroxeter by the next month. BUSINESS.—Mr. Stoke implement agent, has pur on which the old Scheel and is about to emelt a la fOr the sale of agrieultura TH . , ed, eing within 'hie go, and only vay tation. Wer ai sir country sh lid aluable a citiz ... HURON'EXPOSITOR. miles of the city of Wo miles from a rail- gret that our County Old lose so estimable h as Mr,. Cowan, but vs t at that the blplige may be for the irofi of himself au I family. He is one f ti e pioneers of cKillop, and by iti- lust' y and persevo ance he has converted for ist farm into a comfortable home, ud he hulucemen s which lead him to eave it for a forei n country must be of h ,he ery strongest tind. - - , - Council, lt shrt00..4--The McKillop 'on acil met At Hannah's" TeMperance House, on Oct. 3. 'Members all present. Minutes read. A number of accounts :were read: and ordesed to be paid. After takiig into .conside •ation the expediency -I of electing stone onumeuts at the dif- ferent cross roads, and the- advisability of es abliShing the 'cads in their original posi 'ons ' as soon as possible, it WAS mov d by Mr. H ys. seconded by Mie - ,Gov ,nlock, that th Reeve be instruct- ed t take legal pec eeedings against Wil. ham Smith forth vith, . for his action relat vs to that •isputed side road, 15 and (i,11Con. 8, as d retain such counsel as h may think 1 roper—Carried. ' The council adjourned to meet at Bowei's 'rem ierance Hous -., on the first &star- " ' clay n November; . '. , JOHN O'SuLLIYAN, Clerk. • • Bi evale. C NTINUED ePERITY.—The Wing - ham TinieS learns that the village of Blue- . vale is commenci g 'to look up. Busi- nese 's beeoming ere brisk, and business plac h are continu 41y increasing and the villa e expanding. Mr. Leech's mill, un- der he management of Mr. Geo. Cross, is d )ing good wo •k, While the saw. mill and shingle factcty 'is doing a heavy •busi less. Bailey & Thyne are also do- sing n extensive shingle business, and Dun an Stewarte series on the sash and door cabinet and -Woolen factories and Vhite the stay is so se fine mach], Lyn all carries oi smit ing and cart .bavi g lately ho mon 's blacksmit, also parries on U1' Farr w, M.P., ha Mr. Timmons, et well recommended •good business. :goods store in com 'Utile -H. C shoe Bruc liate row, Am • , and does a nest has a- g trade is well epreseutecl by Messrs. e and Sibbl . There are three Is, two stor s and one grocery. ng the imprb 'meats, Messrs. Far- Sibble, Guest and A.. Rots, of the Dominion Hotel, are all repairing and or dwelling purposes. has -erected a neat Mr. D. King a frame Stewart has erected a tore near the station, and a butcher is about be ng established. Mr. to erect a stone foun- usive grist mill. Mr. tered largely into the ness; and among sev- ent parts of the Coun- large and extensive e this season, fitted ices of a complete es - has added much to interests of Bluevale. lurch is about being and tab works. 'There ery in the latter. M. an extensive black- -age making businese, eht out Thos. oRed- shop. Geo. Duncan cksmithing. Thomas rented his store to a Exeter, who comes and intends driving a r iVlesser has a dry ection with the Post large business. Mr. od tannery, and the retio ,ating houses Mr. F. Patterson brie cottage, and. Sanderson, new ling. W. C. consignment shop outhtaeetiigohntToronto.thoeer se jdLaoe ec t finished the ehee e -making -bus lige business eral 'others in (Eifel it is stated, try, has erected y, that the fa,ct ry Bluevi t lar traffic as wit all the applia eginning of tabl'shusent. Thi . ' the anufacturing agricultural The Presbyterian ased the lot repa nted, and a w fence is to be built ouse stands, inun diately. A together, Bluevale e warehouse ran -s high in the larch of progress and implements, inamovement, and is steadily going for- s will be a as they loss and in- sewhere. Ii is preparing n to his 'ext Leech has e gentlemen who are now eagaged. in the, swing machines. etc. T canvenience for the far ere heretofore put to gre anvenience in purchasing erection of -a large mill in Goderich. - We I, are glad that this valuableproperty has i fallen into suel good hands, as; the new, proprietors are men of enterprise p.m' are possessed of abundant capital. " SUna HURON Suel . ow. n our prize list f the South Huron sh , w, published last week, -the -names Of Messes. 'Alex. i Innis and Geo.- H. Robertson were omit- ' ted, they -having,: obtain the first and -second. prizes respectively for heavy draught yearling entire colts. ' The colts were both rematkably fine animals, and - were much admired by those them exhibited. I • I , A DEFECTIVE CROSswAY.—Vc. rho saw e Would i again direct the attention of our munici- pal authorities to the dilapidated condi- tion of the street crossing leading from the post office to the Commercial Hotel. This crossing is used more than almost% s any other in towel, and the sstate in t which it has been for Menthe', is sim- ply disgraceful. In wet seaSons, it is now impossible to reach either the in the Eighth Battalion of Bank or the Commercial Hotel , without I oyal Artilleyy, froin whi wading ankle deep in mad and Slash. 'ith a pension for leng an _ ice, possessien of a mad, II -wart Agri plou Blac mat learn of the ship of Goderieh East n Morgan. of pay, on Oct. 9. ers age, was an of a' b, 1st prize a ident of the succ 1 be deeply entr the pleasure 311 p 1 be remem- he received rons a In0NY injuries he GONE. —A ays that on true British ls, departed. vife's death. e Royal Irish is 23 yeare r Majesty's he retired aithfill ser - II and several also served he 33d Bat - d regretted • Bayfield. 0131TUARY.—We regret eath of Mr. David Morga ownship, father of Mr. Jo ayfield, which took pia r. -Morgan was 76 years id and highly esteemed r cwnship, and his death executed by all who enjoye f his acquaintance. It tred that some time ae, erious- iejuries by falling his barn, and from the ever recovered. !ANOTHER OLD RESIDE rrespondent of th Signa at 10, a fine speci nen of 01dier, Sergeant Andrew E is life four days after his e served four yeas in t onstabulary-, and afterwa OUGHIN 11 cu.—The Turnberry nitura Som. Y purpose holding a and by-laws of ot er district mat tutes . was read and cousidered, when t was resolved to postpone the organizati a of the 'Institute till Oct, 31, at 10 0 clock A.M. The Inspector will read. a aper on " Securing and maintaining or er in schools ;" Mr. Baird will take a junior class in grammar, and Mr. Moi will also take a subjects There will be some readings . and music. All teacher and friends of education are cordially ii vited' to attend. - - . , The .Mayor . Of Seafort To the Editor of the Huron Exposi or. SIR: Your announcement that Sea - forth has been gaZetted an incorp rated town. has, doubtless,: been . read with pride by every true Seaforthite. This new advance upward gives the ra, epay- ers a different and, larger represen ation in their Municipal Council. A i 'ayor, reeve and. nine councilors must be elects , ed. While the electors of the di event wards will choose :as their council° s the pees they consider . Will best rep: eseut their particular wards, the entire popu- lation of this new and enterprising :town are interested in seeing that the honor of being their mayer and chief mag Strate should be conferred on .the most tting iindividual. He ShOuld be one evis . is an Old resident, and who has done some- thing to caUse:the general pro ..ty Iwhich has so soon raised. this plao from : a mere Corner in the backstooc to a thriving town. And he should 1 ossess energy and decision of characteeel uowl- ' edge ' of the world, and a su ficierit amount of property to make his in • t identical with those of the town eral, ard to enable him to show hospitality to "distinguished v These qualifications are united few of our toWnsmen, and, of the few, .no one has clone so much to advan •e the prosp.erity of Seatorth as Dr. Co eman. But for the enterprise of Drs. C lens= & Gouinlock the. 'shit interests f Sea - forth would not have had an ex tence, and no one believes Seaforth wou d have been a town to -day, if, indeed ever. Let us then unite :and place the octor in the position -he So deser 'es, by electing him by acclammation as ur first mayor, " Honor to -whom honor due." Rehera 'ER. Prize Lis$ Correction:. U gen- fitting sitoes. n but • • To the Editor of Vie „Huron Expo. itOr. SIR : Would yoa kindly inset n your next issue the following correcti ns and additions of and to the prize list of our late South Huron show, as you gave it in your issue of last Friday. Ot er er- rors may yet be found, but the fo lowing appear upon the face of the book : Pair matched colts, any breed, sobert Hunter. Two-year-old filly, 3d. . Bis- hop, instead of Robert Hunter, Aged Cotswold ram, 2d H. Love, Sr., nstead of T. B. Martin. Cotswold sl earling ewes, 1st and 2d James Pickard. Berk- shire sow, aged, 1st Richard Elston. Timothy seed, 1st Robert McCord, nstead. of G. McLeod; 2d Win. Stoneman, in- stead of A. Ingram. Five pound butter without salt. 1st Wm. Bell, 2d D. Mc - Ewan, and extra, John Anderson Five pounds butter, salted, 1st Wm. ell, 2d John Anderson. Grain crusher, extra, H. S. Baird. Churn, David Jones. Light Bramhas, 1st and 2d James Down Dark Brahma; 1st and 2d Geo. Samwell Gray Derkings, 1st Geo. Seismal. B1 ck .Po - lands, 1st Geo. Samwell, 2d .1 ichard Shaddick. I Spangled Hambur s, 1st Geo.- Samwell, .Jas. Down. P nciled Hamburgs, 1st and 2(1 Geo. Sa well. - Heartens, 1St Richard Eacrett. Buff Cochins 1st anct2d Geo. Samwell. James Geo. Samwell. Aylesbury ducks, 1st ichard Staulakee Rouen clucks, 1st c Car-. ling. Geese, 1st L. Hunter, 2d J. Priskadoor. Turkeys, 1st not 1 n.own, 2d Richard Sweet JUDGES.— Pozdtry — Robert Richard Moore. : ImpleinentS—Joseph Lawton, Callauder. Horses—E. Gaunt, J. Rogers, D. cart. Cattle, -.,:'Alex. Broad foot, Wm. John Sheep Sh i andp ey M. Ballantine, Grant, John Traci uier. Grain, Dairy Produce, a:c.—Jo gait, James Thomas; M. McDermo Fruit, TregetableS, B.. son, John Anderson, D. Thompson Ladies' _Work—Mrs. Dr, Coleman A. Bishop,- Mrs. T. Crocker. . II Spanish, lstI S. Buckingham, 2d hing match to the farm of Mr. S. Down- Gairle, 1st Jas. Bawden, le, on Oct. 20. The the following town- ruberry, Morris and he members are to of 50 cents and oth- Men over 24 years low worth $20, the r to pay $4 besides ociety ; 2d prize $7 ; ize, a set of whiffle - trees, worth $3 50. Second Class— Men between 18 and 24 years likt prize , near Blue+. h is open tcl• Culross, T Wawanosh. entrance fee L' First class AN OTHER CO NOE RT . —Prof. I-1. 'edges for eood conduct. I Maitland, of Guelph, one of the most . i i the BayTield Company of talented vocalists in Ontario, assisted by t hon He will be missed local amateurs, will give a concert in I b all who knew him. - , the Town Hall, Seaforth, on, Monday evening, 'Oct. 26. , The proceeds of - the concert are to be devoted. toward. aug- DmitoyED BY Film meriting the fnnds Id the Sabbath School. orning last the premises of the Canada Presbyterian is of e dair were discovered to be this village. Mr. Maitland is also ex- a arm was given, but not i peeted to lead the Psalmody in the a, ailing in. obtainhig -.mei Presbyterian Church an the Sunday pre- 1 ss by fire* suppo ed to b ceding the 26th. Drysdale. 011 C seer 100 bushels " f :Whoa ' , large straw •stack., and ... - JE-N-NN.IE WA•Ts°N'S (-4>s"try•—"The tides, besides barn and concert given in the Town, Hall, on Fri- c nsumed. ' day evening last, -by the talented Scot- Aceinteerr.—Last week, fish vocalist, Jeannie Watsone assisted ' iinon Beclor was thrashing by her equally talented husband, James • me other boyS, were oi F. Hardy, wee, considering the short • ack, and while 'slaying, t notice that had been given, largely at- ad got so dose to the ed as to slip • n. Friday Mr. Robert afire. The time to be ance. The about $300. some peas, licher other table, were while Mr. us son, with 'the straw boy Bedor tended. When we -consider 'the fame own, and broke hisright lele about the aad ability of the musicians, it is need.- igh. Medical aid was a once sum- ei c , lees to say that as a musicalf performance . weed, and the fractured 1 b properly sign .the debentures for- said Road, and the concert was a success. Both, Mr. attended to. 'The lad is rec ering. dap sit' them in the hands of the Trus - an d Mrs. Hardy fully stistailued their . ImieeovEetreeer.--Ar. R. rysdale, f tees forthwith --Car •icd. • Moved. by Mr. former well earned reputation, and by . ; ' ' Bro k seconded be, their rendering of many old and favorite Ir Elder,- that Mrs. tie Royal Oak, is making ensiderable. . (A -I ' • -,-- .• • • e Scottish airs, pleased and, delighted the rutting a veranda i . frontau onthesouth exp uses for the ee st month—Carried. audience. Moe ed by 'hii.•." Eld r; seconded by Me. ssful competit ince fee to the e, e 4th p a pair of seed harrows, valise $16, $3 be- sides entrance fee t be paid to the so- ciety'by the winn r ; 2d prize $6; 3d- $2. Third class— of age, 1st prize $8; ize, $4 4th prize a priz $4 ; 4th priz Boy under 18 year 2d rize, $6; 3d p wha ebone whip, vorth '$1 50. The mat I is to cornme ce at 9 o'cledk A. ., one bout for nch noon,) and is to close at 3 o'clock sharp. Dinner is to be given by Mr. B ack for the judges and Plounlimen. IV Res Soue—Mr., Thoinas Bone has sold his farm, being north half of Lot -20, on t le First Collo sion of Turnberry., cent ining 56 acres to Wm. Smith of the ame township, for $1,700. Sa ow; LEASED.— ho was Farrow, M. P., 1 as rented his tore in this village for 1 ye years, to Mi': 'James Timmons, of xeter, Mr. Timmons is going to opet the store on the 1st of November. We wish him every success While he re- mit s in Bluevale. Can on C Icept nice Mr. that Mes fete Re* UNCIL MEETING.. — The Usborne icil met:, pursu et to adjournment, et. 3. All the members present ex - the Reeve. . Ii mates of previous ing read and confirmed. Mored by Hackney, sego ded. by Mr. Elder, having heard rs. Ch7ircher ice to the Lou way, the Reev the explanations of id Carling with re - ion, Huron & Bruce 1 • • 1 II nprovements to his hotel, ' the way of d ; also, a fine ood shec to the rear Saw M Lr, Cif eshrs. Cole-- the hotel4 Mr. Drysda s a popular man & Gouinlock have purchased the id obliging landlord, and is hotel is a saw mill adjoining their salt Works from vorite with the traveling blic. These Mr. jamas Kyle. "SVe understarol that iprovements will still fu her add to the new proprietors intend. Making ex- s comfortland attractions. FARMS Soen.—We karn business on an extensive scale. In addi- tensive additions to this mill, so as to enable thene to carry on the sunbering - McKillop. f. ii it tion to the sawing of lumbi, they in- Ritchie has sold his farm, tend at enee, as soon as the necessary machinery can be obtained, to commence the manufacture of lath. and shingles. Under the taanagement of so enterpris- ing a firm, this establishment will, ere long, become a most important addition to the manufacturing interests ,of Sea - forth. — SQUIRREL UNT. —A ebrrespon dent sends us an account of a squirrel hunt whieh took place on Wednesday of last week, between 12 Nimi•ods from Bince- field and an equal number from Gtanton. The sport was commenced'atearly morn, I at Mr: John h the Four - t, enth ponoession McK op, to Mr. R best Welland, of Hallett The farm c ntains'60 acres, 'mid was soil for $'1,40(h e also learn that Me. Pe r Stewart Ins sold his farm, On the N tie Conces- sion of McKillop, 00 acres, Mr. Geo.- rrigan, ef the tOwnship Erie;for th sum of $1,500. ARM RENTED e --Mr. Wa er Cowan leased his farm on the IP Conces- n of McKillop to 4 Mr. Loc. hart. Mr. ; wan has purehased a farm 160 acres , Well County, and tends re- ving to it about the first o February.. e• farm purchase by Mr. wan is all uric land, andis dvantage usly 1 ha Si in pr, I. a s receive ao to issist in paying her. siley, that Me ars. Roweliffe and MM ss each receive $6 as expenses for lige. prosecution—C, !arried. Moved by Mr. Brock, seconded by Mr. Elder, that Mrs Sniffle receive $7 for rehef-h-Carried. Con cil adjourned: a first Saturday in November. thesrune P. HALLs, Clerk. • Belg ave. A 'PEAL CO ORT. side - the appeals ag, ters lists was held. i Be1gr4ve, on Friday only *ere tried., and was reeerved. The C The court to .con - hist the Morris vo- the Orange Hall, last. 'A few cases judgment on these urt was adjourned. Var. a. . TE, cHER:e MEETI. G.—A meeting of teac ers was called t be held at Varna, on Cct. 10, for the p rpose of organizing a D'striet Institute in connection with 111 the uron Teachers Association • but, on , ecount of the avorable state of the veather, few teahers responded to the eall. A draft df the constitutom 'own, John Oath - Alex. n Lo- t. rawn- Mrs. By giving -a place to the above,ai your next issue, you will oblige, your ob dient servant, H. LOVE, , See. S. H. Agricultural Society. HILLS GREEN,10ct. 10, 1874. . Blackwood's Letter To ,the Editor of the, 1:11tim Expo itor. A communieatiOn from :Mr. R. lack - wood, Central School, Waterloo, lids appears in .last Nyeoles issue, 9.ppa ently seems to have been inspired by t ie ac- tion taken by. tbe, Huron Teacher-' As- sociation respecting' the Public chool Inspector lor' Spiith Huron. He, how- ever, soon shOwsh the real object - f his letter bee disposing of thie topic in sen- tence or two, and: then, under the garb of resuscitating the Sangster centre ersy, attacks- the Globe, Mr. Wylie, o the Brockville Recorder, and Mr. Ho gson, one of the Inspectors for the Can Ity of York,, treating them " regardless f ex- pens04) to some of his most select p rrase- °len . it is not my intention to °bow him lye entering into the merits or de- meritS of an election contest, • now happily a thing of the past, and which certainly ought not to be revived. Per- haps Mr. Blackwood feels a little sore over the result of the election; .a id on - thiS ground he may be excused for being .so ; but no pardon ought to be extended. to any teacher who so fa for- gets what is due to his own positi it in society as to lower the status of th pro- fession to which he belongs, 'by h rling -at his opponents such choice epith ts as Mr. Blackwood seems to have so readily at his command.. He speaks of some of the articles in tile (Jobe , as being filled " With the most abominable indece and yet he himself refers to the " Globe's lies," its "tricky dishonesty," ani its being a disreputable partizan and sel- tish.journal; as well as, a "dish nest sheet." Mr. Wylie has done some lung wrong, at least so says this .Wat rid° gentleman, and he, therefore, thin s it right and proper to belabor him wit 1 be- ing a"cur," a " scab on society," low poltron who aught to be scouraged within an inch of his worthless lite," and. he indignantly asks " Do the tol- erate such mangy whelps in the Oolnity of Leeds ?" Again, the Inspectm for North York is referred. to as "a og- son or fellow of some such name." .edg- son and hog's SOU jingle a little when e3T,' sounded to togetherannd so it affords Mr. Blackwomiati excellent opportunity of exhibiting the innate coatheness of his wit as a punter. This, Mr. Editor, is the language of the man who hails from the Central School, Waterloo. I need not add that it is language to be depre- ciated, and which might be expected to emanate from the dregs of society, in- stead of the pen of an Ontario Public School teacher. The Globe or Mr. Wylie or Mr. Hodgson may have erred, and I do not say that they have or that they have, not, but granting that they did err, and. err grievously, surely the English is copious enough to allow Mr. Blackwood to censure suf- ficiently any action --be it ever so repre- hensibie—without disrobing himself of the role of a gentleman. Ti conclusion, allow me to direct Mr: Blankwood's at- tention to his own advice to the Globe, wherein .he says " very i;vidently its managers and. proprietors ehould begin by reforming themselves," I DAVID ' ierAM3IILL. ST. HEI4NS, Oct. 7, 1874, I.Tho above letter was intended fOr last week's issue, but was unavoidably ere wded•out.) Seatorth as Viewed by a Stranger. I A cori•espondent of thef Hamilton Times, ander the beading "Jottings by the way," thus speaks of Seaforth: " On entering into the incorporated vil- lage of Seaforth, indiVidaal from the rural districtssis forcibly struck with the smart business, smack of the pee*. The merchant does not stand at his door with a pipe in his teeth and an :idiotical lobk On his countenance, but, on. the other hand, behind his counteri at quick as a needle and as sharp as a razor, to serve his customers with despatehe I saw few or no loafers standing at the corners of the streets, or in the market place, with the exception of wheat buyers, who can- not, however, be classed limier that sec- tion of the human species, as they pur- chase the. wheat out of WhiCh the loaf is manipulated. At a respectable distance I stood and watched thesOlwheat mesa and it is astenishiag how accurate they have become in the. organs Of the eye and the ear. 'When a wagon rainbles in the distance, it requires no eitort on their part to know where the eorind comes from, and when it approaches, and be- fore the farmer has. time t° cry Wee !" they leap up with most realiarkable agil- ity, pull up and open thei Mouth of a sack, and down goes their hand with such force as if they were. sure of pulling up the cup which josephhid in the sack of poor Benjamin. These wheat buyers know more of the world then many peo- ple imagine. They genera ly appear to be somewhat careless in the habits; but this arises more from their hanging -oil oc- cupation than from any ba,l flaw in the regions of their heart." Colborne. „ACCIDENT AT SMITH'S' HILL. —Last Wednesday afternoon, durb!ig the prog- ress of the fair at Smith's Hill, Mr. Hugh Chisholm, of Colborne, his wife and. two children were driving in a bug- gy, the horse started and rain away. It ran bet a short distance, turning off the road and upsetting the buggy and throw- ing the occupants violently to the ground. Mr. Chisholm held On to the reins and was dragged some distanee before the horse stopped, but beyond h, few painful bruises was not badly, hurt, Mrs. Chisholm was pretty. severely hurt inter - Daly, although she is doing well and in no danger. The children escaped injury. Green. PROPERTY SOLD.—Mr. James Logan, of Stanley, has purchased the store, dwel- ling house and lots of Mr. James Mc- Leod, at Hill's Green'for the sum of $500. We are informed that one of Mr. Logan's sons intend e starting in the mer- cantile business at this place_ - Mr. Mc- Leod intends removing to Iowa, where he has friends, and where he is to have charge of a large farm. We wish him success. Hibbert. PLO s G MATCH.—The Hibbert plow • ing match will be held on the farm of Mr. Edward Lyons, near Carronbrook, on Thursday, Oct. 22. The ground se- lected is convethently situated and in good order, and as liberal premiums are offered for competition it is 'anticipated that the match of this year will be at- tended with the success .of former years. —John Hazle, who was committed by the Police Magistrate of Guelph, some time ago, for having shot and wounded a young woman and mate named Mary Caber and Daniel Hurley, in a mistake, he believing them to be his! own daugh- ter and her lover, ei-as tried at the re- cent Wellington AsSizes on ithe charge of shooting with intent to ; do grievous bodily harm. The pris4mer- pleaded guilty to the charge. The ,judge, ad- dressing the prisoner, aileedliim if he had anything to say. The pritaner eagerly seized the opportunity, and made a speech of nearly 'one hem's! duration, re- ferring to his family traublies and events -Which led to the commission of the crime. At the conclusio& of the prisoner's speech, His Lordship said he had listen- ed with great attention And very deep regret to the description of 'the prisoner's wrongs. The lightest senitence that it was possible under the lair to pass he would name, and, at the Berne time, if a petition was presented 'to horeimute the sentence, he would. he willing to sign it. His Lordship then pronounced the sen- tence of 12 months' confinement in the Central Prison at Torouth. The pris- oner brightened. up when be heard the light sentence pronounced.! ( CT. 16, 1874. 777. 777. 777, CASH Z.iTORE. 44. THE Three Sevens Cheap Cash Store is now ene barged to nearly double its tinnier -size, and filled to the door with one of the Largett Cheapest and Finest Stocks of 131:t—sZ" GQ ODS Ever imported ieto Seaforth, consisting of every article usually kept by a Thy Goods House. Meet, of our FINE- GOODS lire imported to Seatterth DIRECT from. the (nip COUNTRY, thus saving - the profit of the 'Wholesale Merchant bele. The Canadian Goods 'tare bought from feet, hands and on the beet terms, and will be found Extra Value. • The following lines of Goods are Specially Cheap, Cheaper than you can buy in any other- House in Canada, viz.: dog yeads of Fancy Colored Tartan Dress Goods, - ' 26 inches wide, at 20e per yard, cheap at 30e,' 650 pails of Fancy' Colored Striped Lnstres, 26 inches wide, at 20c per yaril, cheap at 30e. 509 yards of Plain Black Lustre% double fold, 28 inches wide, a t_l4c per yard, cheap at 22e. 700 yards of Plain An -Wool Empress Cloths, all colors, 29 inches wide, at 50c per yard, _cheap at 75e. • 250 yards of Plain Black Silks, 22 inches wide, at ;90c, $1, $1 23 and $1 40, a very cheap lot. 100 yards of Plain Black Silk, gros grain, 28 inches wide, at $1 '50, worth $2, guaranteed. 50 Poplin Dresses, commencing at $3 50, up to $6 50, (worth double.) 100 Pieces of Plain and Farley Check Wince, at from Sc to 25e per yard. 6 pieces of all shades of Grey Mantle Water Proof, 60 inches wide, from 55c to $1. 150 New all -wool Shawls, the latest Styles, from $2 25 to $18—the largest Stock in Seat nth to select from. 50 Children's Cloth Jackets, ell at 50e each,a great Bargain, worth $1 50. 50 Ladies' Cloth Jackets, Bitgle trimmed end fringed, all sorts, at $2 50, worth $4. 25Jeadies' Cloth Fur trimmed Jackets, et $3 to $5, 50 20 Ladies' Mink Sets, frOm $20 to $38 a Set, splendid qualities, good value. 20 Ladies' Alaska Sets, from $4 to $7 50 a Set, colors dark. 750 yards of that Great Value 38 inch White Cotton, at 121c, worth 18c. 1,000 yards Grey Cotton, from 7e to 12,1g. 500 all Linen 36 -inch long To wets, for We, worth 25c each. 100 all Linen Tumbler Towels, at 10c, worth Ne. 25 Pair Royal Canadian Bed Blankets, 5 pounds each, for $2 75, worth $5. 25 Pair Royal Canadian Bed Blankeze, at $5, Worth $7 50. 50 pieces Scarlet all wool Flannel Shillings, at - 25e, 30c, 35c 40c and 50e a yard. 100 pieces Fancy English Twill Flannel Shirting's, all wool, at e5c to 45c a yard. 10 pieces Linen' Tablings, White, -60 inch, at 55e per yard. • LAMES' AND C1IILD115111/4S 0 =Li 0 TT ID 8 — AND PROMENADE SCARFS In endless variety' anti at astonishing low prices, 1 our Mr. McDOUGALL haviug bought them at the great Sale of Rena% Farr it Co., at half price, last Spring; will be sold cheap. THE CHEAPEST LOT OF CARPETS .1.?VER SOLD HERE. 2 pieces of yard wide all Wool, at 76e a sath cheap at 90c. 2 pieces of Fancy Druggeting, at 621c worth tifh- 1 piece of yard wide Cocoa Matting, at 75c. 50 Cocoa Mats, at $1 80; worth $2 50—extee large size. Small at 73c. 6 pieces of Tapestry Carpets, good new Pattern. at 85e, 90e and 95e, worth $1 20 per earl Best value ever offered in Seaforth, 4 pieces Hemp Carpet, yard wide, at Re 20e an4- 25c a yard. TAILORING DEPARTMENT Under the careful superintendence of Mee Te K. Anderson. A good fit comranteed, and without exception the Largest Stock of 5110 Cloths to be found west of r'Toronto to choees' a from London and Paris, and the Patteras are only to be had at this establishment. ired i from. All the line cloths are import MARRIAGE LIC ENCES R CElt Tr 8, (Under the new Act,) issued it the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH Under authority Of the Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario. l'uczA‘ Es NT Wanted !Everywhere, eN Old or Young, at Home Or Traveling. 11•1 ler Mahe :More in their spaN moments IC selling the Guide than at ahything else. Mailed to any address on receipt of the.57 - price, T wenty-tiv Cents. Sena for li1/4) '10‘ Circular. Address, Lock-oxNo. 1, m CC Settforth, Ont., Canada. 8 TEACHER WANTED. A MALE Teacher for School Sdction No. 2, Me- Killop. Duties to commence on Jan. 1, 1875. A liberal salary will be given to a competent per- son. For further particulars address CHARLES DICKS0:11, Secretary, 357-8 F Seaforth P. 0. COW WANTED. QOOD Milch Cow Wanted. GEORGE DENT, Seaforth, 357 GENTS' TIES, SHIRTS, COLLARS', GLOTTES, HOSIERY; AND AN" ENDLESS STOCK OF NEW STYLES OF HATS AND CAM Call early and see them. To get Clothes in Ellie! them, ,oorsdeprrselasosiulndg be is tihnetdweomad. weeks before you The Independent Buyer, the Buyers 00 buy where they please, are invited to call, afla, guarantee to give Goods at the priees eve saw tie, and no two prices. You will buy ebarr and get better value than you can possiblyget the old fogy credit stores, where the geedlx0 toithe bad. Remember to Call at 777. A. G. Mc:DOUG-ALL ; 4141 ° , -*) *w, . I; fps- vicsetweetetusilv:01,1;;NT111 VE.4elt, 011.4:.: No. 339. at- 41,1. -tat FARM FOE : r,111E south hell of at present otempied hyYee,' Yor all particulars apply, , IL LOVE, eie. Ii 559-4 Ag.ent for 1.7 _ FARM FOR. 1.TORTH half of Lot 11, 75 acres elettatd, and orchard; 4 milOe f e.a possession given. Fee fe to - 357 ; FARM FOR 1 T oT ; -1-A less, 80 acres cleared. Pe - north branch of the ,Nle) through the le': acre huh; the premises to the proprieH or a 198 FARM FOR T OT 18, Con. 6, Hull: it: cleared, reminder wee maple; frame dwelling: Ri gotid spring on lot;4 miles miles from Clinton. Tenn For particulars apply to L. _ or BENSON ts.: MEYER, .elv re -ARK FOR OT 29, Con. 8, Grey, l5" -.1_,1 ed; 10 chopped said th Dam is convenient to sehoe station. This is A geed ;eh,: little cash, as there is tintle for it. Ifer particulars apnl; BEPeSeon the Lot, or to Etu FARM FOR -i TIEING West half of 1., :I .z" 'County of Perth, contain cleared and free of stump, frame house; two 'wells; log; first-class •oneard en-' apply on the premisee, undersigned, 355 ' - FOWL FOR P,EING Lot 8, t‘efin. 9, Tne -1-` 83 acres Cleare.41 nearly bush hardwood;- good log in eed, -commencing to bear: te it is 6 miles from Seafortle best quality, and will be S131 particulars apply to theepropi SOHN e55+ STEAM SAW MILL AND TIEINai Lot 34, ton. 7, Mc acres, all eleared,, with g. two good orchards in fullb Lag springewhith sup.* Con. 9, ten1 aining 48 acres ialtihtlelaptreeliSselsn.ileIsf by gravel road thereto, Foe Ine SON,CenStlThee P.O., HUI FARM FOR WOR Sale. Lot 28, Con..'7 74 acrei,L 55 of which a of good cultivation. There and STABLE. The farm gravel ,i3a, is convenientl churches and post office, a from Seaforth and 7 from partieulars apply to the prin. 351 PAM FM VCR SALE. Lot 115Con, ,71.5a.eree9deareil we:111e ; real -4e -berne Homes, well Waif red, and chard, On ./eondon Road, and 16mils from Scab, road. For gather partieul rietor on the preeni'ees, or t 357*4 ' FARM for T:OT 7, Con. 8, Tureberry.- -" Turnberry and lir ey; ID. under good euitivation„ lx house and barn. The shove the gravel road, 3 -miles fli miles from Brussels; 16 eel further particulars apply, if ' C. R. COOPER CO., Drus,=1 DONALD, Menaiehenk P„ 0, HOTEL FoR THE subscriber wishing te businees,offelei for Sale ?, VirtiOrin House, iii the thriei The house is commodious' cattle yardatt.:wiled, and ie al the business part of the reason given for selling. apply, if by letter prepaid, premises, or to C.R.COOPE 346 rAgg FOX '01-3TTI part of Lot 11, C *-) of Huron, containing land; about 73 acres mosW under good cultivation; I hardwood ; good brick bou! also, nice young bearing em miles from Brussels, : and .21 from Belqaec. apply on the premises, Or I 357 FREDERICK FARM FOR. 'SALE T OT 13, Con. "4 linnet -'-' Cleared, remainder gt god frame barn 86x10. eec horses and tattle. Bag , felling spring neat the lion • ing orchard; 7 miles from forth, ; 14m -horn high state' eley clay Boil; free at eten 8a49ndifutirtsher particulars nes FARM FOR SA, FOR Sale, Cheap. Lot N of Bruce, County of acres, 30 of which are thee nted within five reilee of na timbered. There is also lag:52of Paisley. The tI. hrough ufugrhatelr pPaliateciinlet Box 24, Seaforth; P.- O. FARM FO THE Subscriber oilers:: miles ifurniLlioct.linproitn : l efoNi• • taming 761 acres; 55 eh_ der 'a good state of eula well timbered: et acree young orchard, good stables, and a neyer-faili Terms easy, and made le 355'4 FARM ;OT 11, Con.1, Staub.: of which are char ttete of good cult -is -at' timbered with Malty/se,' being dmt-eh'.si 1,iiiliim there is a peel frame lee derneath,tme log harns well convenient to the , bearing orchard. Then term, and the Beyilchd bush part, affording wet It is sithated within 9 mu ftirth . and 3 miles fern, gravel road leading to i particuants apply to the' ises, or to Brueefield. P. 853 .10 FARM F ptlya Let21, Con. 1 acres, more ea- le,s acres, mon- or less. 11' cleared: on tot 93, Cc 1. frame barn, '50x40: her driving shed 68%.30 ; a ii finished, with stone ed ing well on the farm -order, being one Of the Saublealiver runs throu is all cleared, with the 4 - black ash, worth $11 $4,000 will be required; to suit purchasers. CI and implements axe ala 3451*4 JOHN Si