HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-10-16, Page 5l:r 4. lIov t:uuekw, an immediate nuif><g forward, ar higier pricer. t there is every a day or two. hr.. i'i?e`ril,z in goal supply, vhat easier, but Eggs atm be-.. time :ice upward, fat old quota--; Ve quote 0 flet to 0 03 .. tz 00 to 0 t 4i5 to dt 88 ..! 0 76 to 0 74 b . 0 88 to 0 91f oto 0 24 0 28 ter 0 25 0 14, . 0-00to> 5 C . „ate tltt to 1S oto Son to tic 00 tl to tl 00: !, 050 to 0 70 ,:..040 to 065 €t0 u75 0 35 to 0 40. ...000to 000 :... 50 to 3 75 3 Et0 te, 5 50 4 00 nr, Oet, 15,.1874. tl 90 ere 093 - 090 ee 093 .-03$ eta 030 085 ee 090 . [1 75 ti% 0 8R t<«; 025. � ... 0 50 o 60 . 0 13` to. 0=18 .10 00 e9 141)0 ',let. 15, 157-1. per IOO lbs. [well, $I 60 to oats,. $1 19 to 12S i barley, 'ore lots, Se to ; butter, Pe to Ile,: hr: )ct 15.18;:4,, tbont 200 bush - white,. and 9 Is oa barley at Et of peas at '5c of oats at 42e. Dada of hay in, 5. Rutter was s going a Ste ,arid: in demand, -kE MARKET. Illy a- moderate• market during )eing especially ,lass $, second- hird-class $3 to e car,averaging car, averagmg cars-, averaging car,averaging on. not fiery many readily taken at ,9 to per 100 l at $3 73, and 130 lbs.,: at $ i to 4 very many of- --s Lai MARKET. Oct. 15, 15 4. a1,156 :head � # r for the week, We' e:'ars,against. time. last week. c'Ll graces, with kng. Salesnom- . Prices. for ( front $4 25 to es quoted. taeee pt to -day.. total supply for. po head, against timer last week.: -active at $0 to :with choice lots ► for Canada Western n sheep. eab, and are on MAR K ET. Oct. 13, 1874. lases gf .'tock ; arrivals due- /Dore ur-/tore liberal, supply c,f all hid, sufficient t to a of the present able, containing t1 at the Bull's of the principa=l !o current mar - *cut cut glasses of i•1 eat* to 'x15€1 1•,0 tc, 1-15...o 14: • t,z 2502t 0- 200' 15'):to- 2007 170 180 u0G :Irk to 400 2':,0 to 400- 400 to 8600 ,4 ter to 1,500 4•:'J to , ti00 1,800 to 2,500 luso, ski A rneri- irE iu .New York Ea iL fns t.,tt-.a Z'S tctti( ,U c as Le In le Clinton. A_ M. s:15A 3f P. 31. 1:25 1= Al- it 1'. al. ll.l,i P. M. eI'.11. 4:80 P. A.M. f-35-'i.M. s 1=.'I. 1:25 P. 31. LI P. et. 5:50 P. AI. P. M. 9:20 P. M. 1Oi\i SALE Implements, Statttt•y. Count: of at * t tON.. I:t•,etly clear of i tavelline house, le of ,uuc ric,r fruit of tiater;. well ' mi:,..; from Bay- 1•nieet built slakes -Terme eery easy, ',r by el:pet it .; to -S8t)N, 1:t FOR SATS .ieltNE, township .lee hurt: a and a lot awl stable, n.l$o u: nax e.lee static' .It, Zti:'ie It 1 1 I eneeenee 'UNDRESS WANTED. j3 iumiediately r st the mansion; Hotel,. Ia. alir$t-mass LAUNDRESS. 'Wages In . Apply. to MRS:.. MURRAY. APPIcENTICCE WANTED. AI TED' a Stuart Boy of 13 "Or 15 ears of as tell apprentice to learn: Book inning. to DANIEL MORE 11, Raipurhey. Ap 368 MONEY FOUND. - 'D, in the Dieing Room of the Commercial lio`l, Seaforth, on Friday, Out. 9, a gum of ons, The owner can have the same- on appli- sdim to Mr. DAVIDSON; after proving property etel Laing charges. 858 HORSES FOR SALE. AN or fine young h rses, 5 years old. emoted sound and good to Work. WM. BORRENOE, Seaforth. SCROOL OUSE FOR. SALE. Old brick sehool house, hi section No. 2, McKillop, will be sold on TUESDAY, Oct. 20, o'clock ':I. C. DICKSON, C. DODDS, � Trustees. G. 3ORREN0E, ) 3571-2 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. OUSE and Lot on God -wick street, near the Catholic Church. Immediate possession. Ap- l? to MR. JAMESS MURPHY, 357 Grocer, Main Street. IMPORTED COTSWOLD RAM, subscribers will keep for the improvement THE tock, en Lot 17, Con. 1, Tuekersmith, near rapper, the thoronr hbred imported Cotswold EAU, imported in 1878 by H. LOVE, Sr. This Tanis- well known as a superior animal and a saeaessful prize -taker. '1'EltMS=ser pair of Ewes gepayable when taken away. Ewes to remain 3 weeks. Ja.IITEs COOPER, . WILLIAM BLAIR. FARM FOR SALE.. R SALE, Lot 16, Con. 1, Tnckorsmiith, Kip - pen, 75 acres, 68 cleared, well fenced, ,and in a good: state of cultivation. The wood land is all first-class hardwood. There is a large brick house 40x98, and a kitchen 18.122. There is aft 'minute 55e35, shed 611x22, also a frame stable 40x a large jiearingorchard and plenty of water. Is sit: ated on the, London Road, 9 miles from Clinton,nd. same distance from Seaforth. For further particulars appiyto the proprietor on the premises or to Kip - pen P.O. ip-penP.O.. M3 WAI. COOPER, Sr, FARM FOR SALE. LISING Lot2I, Con. 12, Hibbert, containing 100 acres, more or les::, and Lot 21; Con. 13, 50 acres, more or less. There are about 85 acres cleared on Lot 21, Con. 12, without any stumps frame barn,. 50x40; horse and cattle 'staable, with driving shed 68x30 ; a first -Glass, Log Helene, well finished, with Stone eerier ; _ there is a never fail- ing well on the farm. This Lot is in the best of order, being one of the besttin the Comity. The Bauble River runs through the 50 -acre Lo' t, and it is all cleared, with the exception of 7 or 8 acres of black ash, worth $1,000. • Between x;3,000 or $4,000 will be required down, and the remainder to snit purchasers.: Claw title given. The stock and implements are alta for. sale. -- 357' 4 JOHN STEWART, Cromarty P. 0. FAR M - FOR SALE. BEING Fest halfof Lot 20, Con. 9, Hibbert County of Perth, containing 50 acres; 44 eere cleared and free of stumps; well fenced; good frame house; two wells; outbuildings, hewed. log, first-class orchard and garden. For - terma, &c., apply- on the premises, or by letter, to the undersigned. WM. J. DEVLIN, 355. Staffs P. O. SAW! qumw..nom.��.�.i.nevo.o' L O G S. COLEMAN' GOUINLOCI win pay the' Highest • E SMALL FARM FOR SALE. TWENTY-FIVE. acres, adjoining Egmontl ills. art of the farm formerly owned by William VanLgmond good house and barn , orchard and well. This property is admirably situeted for a gentleman's residence, or might be divided into town lots and sold to advantage; deed clear of all VV atchma1' incumbrance. Also, Lot 184, south side Market street. lathe village of Seaforth: Apply to jc`���LOYED 35614 SAMUEL DENNISONI Egi tendville. For SAW ash Price kinds of L OGS at thele Mill, formerly JAMES KYLES, near the Sart works. CUSTOM 4SAWT1NG PROMPTLY AT- _ TE$D tD TO. 50 .GOOD CHOPPER'S - Wanted unmediatelyi to out cordwood and Logs. Apply at flee Salt Works. 4;58' CO MAN' & GOUINLOCK. FALL SHOW. GRArN D AT OPENING )ENT'S.- Never before did yowl ,gee such piles upon piles of DRY As MR. DENT can re folly to attempt to Yee cause he has absolut Goods line, and in- GOODS w show you. it would be 1 you what he - has got, be- sly everything in the Dry • Izllinen;r/; Lathes'- Jackets, S/tawls, There is nothing ton `,proach him either forquan- tity, .quality or piths. As usual," the' Biggest Stock, the Choicest Stock, and theCheapest Stock of Millinery.: Eutraucc to the Shoe Free. Rem inber nt DENT'S, Seaforth. BRUSSEL NEWS DEPOT AND Y S'TQRE. JEWEL FIR T CLASS and Jeweler HOTEL FOR SALE BY AUCTION. THE Subscriber will sell by '_'nblic Auction, on the pre-nees, ou Saturday, N94".. 14, 1574, that v,ell-kno a Hotel in the Village of Egmondville, recently occu`tied by Mrs. Robertson, and now occupied by: AL Chambers: The stand is first-class, and a good business can be done. Sale to coneeence at.1 okclock P. M. TERMS.—len per cent. of the purchase -money to be paid on the du.y of sale ; $400 on the 1st of February. 1875, and the balance in }-early in- stallments to snit 1,urehnsei, at 6 per cent. inter- est. Immediate possession given. MRS. ROBERTSON, Proprietress. J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. 3544. d. TEACHER WANTED. - ' JrALE Teacher for School Section No. 4, Grey, -td-h balding third-.lnss,certificate, trith.two cea•rs experience- Duties to commence on Jan. 1, 1875. Four further particelare apply to .357441 - ALEX. ROSS, Morrisbenk P. 0. TEACHER WANTED . -FOR School Section No. 4, Hallett. A male Teacher prefer red. Applications to be made personally to the undersi geed. JA�•TES ALLEN, i J0 'v CARTER, - Trustees. 357-3 JO N 1- EDD, ) • - ESTRA4CATTLE. AME into tho premises of the undersigned, Lot 2, Con- a, Tuekersmith,11 It-. S., about Aug. 1, 2 HEIFERS, one reit and the other white, also one STEER, yea, with partly white hind leg. All these mettle are 11 year-old. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. - . - 85744 DAVID DONOVAN. ESTRAY COW, STRAII;D from the premises of the uhrdeisign. ed, iu Seaforth, on TUESDAY, Sept. 2t,, a dark red COW, miscd with white, of large size end has a very large be.. one of the teats of which is blind. Any person givieg such information as will dead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. 357'4 1'IZILIP VOLMAR Jew elrj•• 358e Depart 155th ent 'Opener about the of October.; 0. 11. C00P & Co., Stretton'e L'Ioek, Brussels. NEW PHOT NDP VISHES to infci 'T that he has fitt rrroTOoir On Main Street, • Hotel. Fiis aparatu improved kind, and photographer be ca W11.0 iu co_ r him with Come at ono GRAPH C ILERY. 'W CALDER his friends and the publio •d up in the best style, anew 1PH (JALLL+.R arly opposite the Man:tion is allnew and of the most •omhis long, exp :rience as a guarantee satisfaction to all heir patronage d bring your childeen. Ito- member . CALDER'S New Photograph Ciallery. N. B.—A. aupply Osborne Sewing Machines kept constantly on • and' and for sale. $58 A.UUr tONY SALE or VALU (( ' A VALU LE FARM - IXTIM TOE MR. 4. P. 13111 1y - from the Pro 'LER, to sell by Pub =THURSDAY, At POWELL'S ]:LO ;forth, a first-class f -let. The faun is ce "'24 Concession, an are cleared, and th `hardwood. Allah It is situated on a miles of the villag {frame barn, and the the farm. This is io and any person ESTRAY PE -G. DAME to Lot 18, Cuu. 5. McKillop,- about the — encu of July, a: harrow PIG ; white. - The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take it sway. 355-4 WM. JOHNSTON. ESTRAY HEIFER.. GAME Rite the preinues of the undersigned, h- Lot 3, Cox,. 9, Stanley, on or about the lst No- vember, vemb,sr, 1St:,, a spotted rticl and white HEIFER, three years old. The owner is recinestcclto prove property, pay charges and tele her away, other- -wise she will be sold for her keep. 3554 _SA`MI EL MeB tIDE, Berner 117u►7ia'N d '1':kA`1LT() gcs, NoluvuE. ALL parties indebted to the estate of the late x L Dr. KING are requestc-d t call and settle the same with the undcrsiguecl, at Seaforth, on or before the first day of No-terubee next, as after that date all clabus clue said, estate will be placed. iu court for eollectidrh. Dated this lith day ,of October, ]J 4. 8574. HENRY KING, Auhuii*istrator. - SHAWL FOUND. TOt'ND, oe MONDAY, Sept. 28, on the Huron Road, between Ca ronbrook and Irishtown church, a PLAID SHAWL, woolen. The owner can have the sante by calling nt the EXPOSITOR Office, proving 1' of erty turd paying for this cel- vertiselt]eut. 356 LIST OF LETTERS at a fair value shoal disputable. TER3' chase mo_ev to be within one month, the purchaser , wi tit J. P. BRINE, Mutt NSi1IP OF HCLLLTT. • • ` has received instructions ietor, Mr. WILLIAM FOVT- c Auction, at 1 o'elyek, on OVEM BE R 12, 1874, EL, in the Village of -Sea-" in in the `township of Hul- nposed of Lot No. 1, in the Obtains 100 acres, 75 of whish balance well timbered with cleared laud is under grass. oil gravel roved, within three f Seaforth. There is a new river Maitland runs through e of the best farms iu Theron ous of obtainiug a good farm 1 attend 'the sale. Title in - .—Ten per cent. of i the pur- tid on the day of sale, „1,000 and the balanceon tithe to suit Interest nt 8 per cent, Witt. FOWLER, Proprietor. oneer. THE HURON E POSXTO] A Rm.t OF: THE SECOND AL L ST CC AT 1 KIDD'S EMPORIUM.] K W DRESS -GOODS, . NEW ;SILKS, NEW LUSTRES, NEW SHAW ' W HOSIERY, NEW GLOVES, NEW RIBBONS, LS, L NEW VELVETS, ±;W DRESS TR MMINCS, , NEW MIL FINERY, NEW HAIR GOODS, .i NEW FURS, , ' 858 COUNTY OF PERTH. • l tOTIOE is her 1y given that the Grand � .!:'roti i • :.uei,a:l 'lowing Hatch, District $ ' No. 4, udder the at s i ices of the Agrienitural and Arts Association o= nterio, open to till iPlowmen in the Proviuce, • take place on the 'farm of :%:151e1AN1i fe, 3:' Q., wnship of North Enathope, Road, and about 3:1- miles ld Trunk Railway Station, On Lot 85, Con. 1, adjoining the Huro east of Stratford ON WEI)NES.1 ASC, 2Stli OCTOBER, Current, pi. 9 o'clock, precisely. - Competitor= froze aunties for Ridings riot hay- iug ;;nbscr•ibod $25 t the funds of the thatch Will be charged. au Maas 04 fee of $1 ; otherwise, ad- mitted free. All en ies to be made personally, or by letter, post-paid o Stewart Carupbell, Secre- tart'-Treasurer, St • ford Post (Mice, on or before ' the day of the mate TEWAItT CAMPBELL, 857)_ 5ecretahi•Treastu�er. D111NIS A TO F. S' NOTICE. -_ rCtlHE creditors . o DANIEL JOSEPH ICING, k 1 late. of the Villa f H von Docto•tf) EMAININCL in the Seaforth Post Office nn= the Seventeenth d called for on Oct. 1,1,874: ltotiflecl to scud b, McKay, Mrs. Mary fifes ed. t day 3lcCownn, Willie Heel niont, Alex. 'McDonald, A. G. cL1dF Fred. _IIcI a McDunean, Robot 3412:-, 3 -oho S. Mungoyan, i.. Marshall, J: Devin, Wm. O'Brien, Mrs. Oliver. D. ' Patrick, Andrew ['apple, Miss Nancy Reid, A. 4. .tr. tt��J. .4,1e t, , Symington, F. & 3. S. Smith. _Mrs. -4ltuy • Stall, Mrs. Scott, Charles Shaw, D. AI. Thompson & Switzer. - ; APPRENTICE Weddup, Thomas Wiiehe, Mee. Catharine Wiliiatuson, John, Armstrong,:, A. Armstrong Wm: 2 Benson, John Bray, T. L. - - James Iilacl, Campbell, Anrti Cousins Ja taes Curry, Mre. Compton, 'rhes 31. Caiett,r. Mrs. C. Dent, Wm. Edgar, 3Iiss 5nsan. I?ararfs,W. U. . Gibson, Matilda Clibs'on, John - Houldau, gait n Ali ss t s Isabt.11a Hill, atones Harris, Geo. W. Ireland, Wm amines, Mee, 4. Kennedv, Mrs.Aimira Little, Albert 3leCracken, W. II.. 1.IcEwan, Mist, Tillie McKenzie, 7. C. McKinnon, John 858 c of Se:Sorth • in the County ethane,- who died on or about . y of August. 1874,- are hereby - j .st, pre -paid, on 01 before the oee.unber, 1874, to HENRY _ KING, of the said, - lunge of Seaforth, the Admin- istrator of the sal 1 ahriistia i aud stun t tione, the fullia ar, �s they i.a. c nt of c u me nt deities, 1f any, bel after the expiraticju December, the asi e Daniel :foseph Kief parties entitled t)1 1 the ehtiin o f whic nis ted as above req teeter shall not be 1 thereof to any pets not htvt, bet.t u l ec 'I f tribution. Dated at eafo:t ber, 1874. 857 - Daniel Joseph Kir..g, their nes, addresses and deserip- state- 1,121] a their $ • of e t,rs , Its and the nature of the se - by thein, :tett rm;raediately f the s,tid:I+itteen-th clay of of the estate of the said sill be ei.ietributea among the to, having refereeee orly to - lobes shall have been fur- red. And the said Adminis- ble for the assets or any part of whose claim native shall d by hint at, the time of dis- Out., this Sth day, of Octo- 1 r BY KING, Administrator. S. DICKSON, P.11I. Apply a PRINTING BUSINESS W NTED. e Exeosteon.Office. NEW ORNAMENTS,. NEW MANTLES, NEW 1 ADY-MADE CLO RING-, NEW HATS, NEW O EW BLANKE''aS, • ushy Roads And Rainy ' Weather, Frosty Nights That Make us hiver. Certain signs, there's no . dispu ng, Of the near approach of NV' ter; Woolen Goods, and where to uy them, That's the question. Aud t e Printer, Being asked, made this ansae For a Cloud, a Scarf, a Sha 1, A Dres4, a Hood, a Pair of Gloves, In fact for anything at all, That's daily wanted, There's no abetter place to bt: y Either Dry Goods, 4roceries, Boots and Shoes, THAN LOG -AN J. EWELRY TN THE NEW 5 .TE . CARRIAGE 4 AND WIVAON WORKS IN TMG :El TL MIcPHAIt., HENNICKE & EDWARDS Desire to inform the public that they have cora- meneed the manufacture of CARE IAGES, 1 BUGGIES, PHAETONS, ROCKAWAYS, DEMOCRATS, HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, Bmit front the very best material, in a workman- like manner, and in the latest styles, which, for durability, lightness of draught and finish, cannot be surpassed. . iAll work intrusted to: ns will be executed adth promptness, and at (REASONABLE RATES. rq , - l �ecial AAtteutiotu gb cu 'to Rcpn.•irat><.g.. AMIESON S, SEAFOItTR. Call' at our shop, south of the Market and see f : r yourselves. 356 OLD STAND. NEW FALL DRY GOODS. The Old Established Watch, Clock and Jewelry Store. M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, Has just returned from pnrebaeing in the American and. Canadian Markets the Largest and Best PS, . This season is more than ever nttrftctive, and under the STOCK CF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND PLATED WARE EVER BROUGHT INTO SF The Store is Crct,nmecl .Full and i r. GO of his Immense Stoe The greater part of these goods have been purchased direct from at the VERY LOWEST PRICE in pl ' Personal attention given to Repairing Watches, Clocks and J th a Store until it has been thoroughly rested. Remember the 0 N. B.—The highest price in cash paid for Old Gold and Silver. FORTH. 17TER Invites ,Inspection the: manufacturers, and are marked figures. wehy, and no work allowed to leave d Established Jewelry Store. M. R COUNTER. FRESH ARRIVAT4S OF GOODS -FOR FALL TRADE: The Stock at W. HILL'S' is Now Complete nd Well Assorted, cancl Palue, Extent and Variety Cannes be Surpassed. Great care having been exercised in buying, purchascrs`at this of a CHOICE STOOK, at' such prices as must satisf THE MILLINERY stablisi.ment will have the the most economical buyer. ROOM R. P. ROGERS. I �IIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. Black Licstres and .i1lerinoes, A COMPLETE STOCK. THE NEW COSTUME SERGES, � t BLACK DRESS SILKS, EXTRA VALUE. . `cin1�ets, Blankets and Flannels, SHAWLS, HOSIERY AND CLOVES, WARM AND CHEAP. SILK SCARFS, SHIRTS AND COLLARS, IBBONS, LACES AND RUCHINCS, In all the Novelties. i • 81?MAD CLOTHS, TWEEDS; f CELT HATS'AND CLOTH CAPS. CALL AND SEE THEM. 'LOTiIIxG MADE TO.01?D.ER IN LATEST STYLES. INSPECTION OF STOCK INVITED. - R. -i . ROGERS. DOMINION !SHAVING&HAIRDRESSIN or i, SALOON AID BATH ROOMS. - T1CTM. NEWMAN - has pleasure in :announcing V T that he hes fitted up over his shop a number of convenient and comfortable.' - selection 1 • BATH ROOMS Where a clean and comfortable bath may be had at any time. SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING Attended to as usual. Also on hands nice stock of superintendence of first-class hands. LADIES' C.II1"G O..NS AND RRAJD.- The .Motto is One Pi -ice onl Oe Lowest P yke fcf a• Cash, and Value the Test of NEW CAI PETS, i. Cheapness. NE\ SCINCEYS, ESV SHIRTIN NEW TIM NEW FLANN cs . , INGS, _ - NEW DENIMS, -E W TWEEDS • 1 NEW PRI DUNDA Via HILL, One Door North of the Post Office. IMPORTANT NFO WHO PAY CASH .LIKE TO FIND PART IES T WHICH �` HICH ZO BUY THE TS, Laidlaw Now J I PS CO TT a t Per Yand RMATION. OUT THE BEST MARKET R GOODS: Of the latest styles. He is also prepared to tirirein LriDI �, ITAIR CONIBINOS, And have them straightened and worked into 1 Braids, Belts, Switches, Curb, &c. Charges reasonable. . GENTS' WIGS • Furnished on the shortest notice at less than city prices. Aell is respectfully) solicited. - 339 ' WM. NEWDIAN.. �EdG EMPORIUM. TLe subscriber hereby thanks - bin; -numerous customers~ (merchants and others) for their liberal patronage during the past seven years, and holies, by stlnct integrity and close attention to business, to merit theta conittence and trade in thefuture. Having. greatly enlarged bis premises, during the winter, he is now prepared to pay the Offers Choice Teas and Sugars HIGHEST CASH. PRICE For my quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered at the - At Prices that Cannot Fail to Induce RErEA i ED VISITS. Those Jl7to Have not risit('cl Shon, it (lo so at (encu. . G. LAIDLAW. CASH PAID FOR -BUTTER. SEAFORTH RY JOHN NOP • ER r.. • generally the • T, bh t o has leased andthe r ethat h community In co inform the faxen I�HL•S to 11]i01 b h ,i g • axed �Tt.-r h Lo. Heisnow 1C �•Y SEAFORTH FOUNDRY for a trim of yearrl, and. refitted .t ons 0prepared to manufacture all kinds of LTU RAL. IMPLEMENTS MPLEMENTS AGRICULTURAL SUCH AS Straw� Cutters Plows, Gan P ows� D1 a /ii Sa�� s, � Including the TOTtiVIAN, which is the b st 2 -horse Saw in use. POWER. �R.S ALSO MY 1111lP�iO�i/E®• PI -�-T O BUILDING AND'' ALL OTH Il' CASTINGS Turned out on the shortest notice. Mill, Engine and other Repairsr - done with Neatness and Dispatch. - A CALL SOLICITED. JOHN N OPPER er • EGG -EMPORIUM, Main Street, Sea forth. Wanted by the subseliber 25 lona of good dry clean WT41;AT STIRAW.fir ' D. D. 'WILSON. . S1; .F031TH, March 18, 1874. `3 3 THE SEAFORTH LTJMBEI , YARD. MABEE & MAGDON ALD BEC' to inform the public that they have re- moved. them Lumber Yard to the lot between the Merchants Salt Company's Works and -Mar- shall's Mill. They will keep constantly on hued.a goodnsnor t- nient,of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and undressed. Alto,LA*1`H AND SHINE -LES, all of - which they are prepared to sell at the lowest pos- sible prices, for Cath. Als3. on hand nity (uentity - • of the best ACTON LIME. Builders and others will find it to their aclvan- - tuie to inspect our stook, and ascertain c+11r prices before purehasingelsew•here, es we are in a position offer .00d -inducements tee cash purchasers. 160 a MABEE & MACDONALD- NOT i E Grey d nu the Toronto, .t h hereby ' en thr Y1 y'� ' tothe Legis- lature I y 1l�- 1=ruec: Itnilway Company 1 p y• latur+e of the Province of Ontario, at ]t,:, next ses- sion, ',for es-sion,for an act to amend the acts ineoiporating• the Coiupany, for the purpose of enabling the. Company to consolidate its debt, ranker provhden for retleernipg its bonds and to authorize the said. - Company to ia.sue bonds therefor, and kr the pur- pose of bringing tlheportiou of the: said Com iy's Iteilway, , from 'Weston to Orttn4eville, within.„ n . .provitiions of the Acts 34 Vic., e. 2, entitled; n Act in aid of Railways,” and 85 Tice c, 24, entitled aid of " An Act to make farther Provision Bcilttays," or either of them, or for deolaritug the ' same to be within the provisions of the semi nets, or either of them, and for either purposes. 857-6 OXEN- FOR SALE. l Oi SALE, a Yoke of good Working OXEN Apply to 1701. C13AE31ANt Let* 144 Con. 3, Tuckeii'nlith, Brucef eld 2. 0 e 4564 - 11