The Huron Expositor, 1874-10-16, Page 1eaunnoce ST 0 IR E. Chsh Stare is now en- eitge its former size, and .h one elf the Largest, els of - s .tterth. eoneisting of every - 'Dry Goods House. Most • impOrted to Sealorth COUNTRY, time saeing ale Merchant here. The ght from firet hands and be found Extra. Value. Specially Cheap, y in any oiher House in eizeee„ Tartan l'rese Goods, pel. yard, cheap at 30e. ared Striped Lustree, 26 yard; cheap at We. Luetree. doable fold, 2Z r yard, cheap at 22e. 1 Fariprese Cloths, all at :30e per yard, cheap r k SiThs. 22 inches wide,- at 14�,a very cheap Iot. gk Siiks, groe grain, 28 orth, e;e2„ guaranteed. cueing at $3 5O. uta `ackets, L. Fancy Cheek Wineeye,.at of Gael Mantle Water e,#oni 55e ta the latest Styles, frora largest Stock in Seaforth alt at 50e each, a h$1 50. eats, Bugle trimmed and $,2 50,, worth F.e4. ir trimmed Jackets, at from $20 to $38, a Set, good value. S. from to $7 SAS a Set, at Val= 38 inch White real 18c. a, front 7e to 12.ic. mg Towels, for 17c, worth ,Teeweie, at 10c, worth 14c. en Bed Blankets, 5- pounds- -rtie Bed Blankets, at $5,, Vool Fla= el Shirting% at -ene aaret. sh 1 Flannel Shirting, 15c vard. - uagstitlitte, GO inch, at 55e CIM,DREN'S s DE SCARFS at astonishing low prices, having bought them_ at the Fan & Goa. at halt price, a dome. - DiAPEST CARPETS LD HERE. all Wool, at 7: a. yaede eeting, at We vorth, 80c. ote Matting, at 75e. 1-80, worth S2 5a -extra ie 75c. ete, good new Pattern. 50 wOrth $1 20 per yard kre'd Seaforth.. L yard -wide, at 14c, 20c and DEPARTMENT rinterelenee of Mr. zkyoit tit guaranteed,. Largeet Stock etf fine et ef Toeouto to choose, e•ehe are imported direct ne, and the Patterna are e,tabliehnient, 1fIR7W, COLLARS, _ ROSIER Y, YLESS STOOK OF RATS AND GAPS. ;. Ta get Clothes in tirae, 'ewo weeks before „von want - demand. Ayer, ;he Bnyere svho can. .tire invited to mai, and we -is at the prices we adver- se -sset win buy (sleeper' • can possibly get at seee, • • the good payg (1L at 777. ?o-upALL-. 4- Ca. 44.111..114211211rial _ 8 EVE iritt W1101.1151 No. :15s.•) s>1.:41.4`.1 •tt • • • tt. 41cal tatc = •••• _ SEAFORTEI FRIDAY 'OCT. la, 1874. 111cLEAN RR OTHERS, ['Usk err,. SI 50 a Year, in advance. FARM FOR SALE, - , . , vorsTilt, half of Lot 14,Con. 6, A. forms, 100aqes ; -LN 75 acres cleared, with good farm buililkhgs aud orehard ; 4 milefrom Bruseels ; irameileate possessiOn given. For further perticulats aPply to BENSON & ME3ER,1 357 II:misters, Seafcirth. — FARM FOR SALE, LOT N4e. 5, Con. 4, Millet t ; 140 acres, more or -I-4 less, 60 acres eleared. Plenty of water, end the north heanch of the Maitland River running throiegh pie 18 acre bush.; good fames. Apply on the premases to the proprietor, - JAMES MARTIN, 308 or address Constance P. 0. FARM FOR SALE IN HIBBERT. FIFTY.aeree, Con. 10, Hibbert ; 40 nitres eletired; frame house; log hem and stables; two good -walls, miles- from Seaferth, 3 from Gromierty; farm in good. cultivation. TerMS, easy.. Forlue- ther particulars apply on She premises. 3534 HMmarJON OORE, Croty P. 0. ' ' FARM FOR SALE. T OT 18, Con. 6, Hallett; loo acres) 65 acres -4--4 cleared, remainder wooded with beeeh and maple; ;frame dwelling ; River Maitland and a good speing on lot; 21 miles from Einburn ani1.6 miles from Clinton. Tenni to suit pureheser. For particulene apply to L. MEYER, Harpurhey, or BENSON & MEYER, Seaforth. 843 FARM FOR sm.g. 11' coil. 4 East Witwanosh, Huron Conn- ty, containing 100 aeree of excellent land ; -80 acres cleared. There are good Buildings. bear- ing Orcherd and a never-failiug SPRING on the farm. TE 1111S-0ue-foarth cash: the halliace ia time to euit the purchaser. For further particu- lars apply on the premise< or to WM. MUSTARD, Glartnnis P. 0. Victoria Mille, Aug. 20, 1874. 351*8 rAR2t.E FOR SALE. L°TCon. 8, Grey, 100 acres; 15 acres clear- ed ; 10 chopped and the brush bernt. The farm is convenient to school, eleurch end railway station. This is a good chnnee for a man with a little cashe as there is timber on the plate to pey for it. Fdr particulars apply to SAMUEL CHAM- BERS, on the Lot, or to Ethel P. 0. 35644 FARM FOR SALE. PEING Lot 3, Con. 9, Tnekeremith ; '100 acres ; 85 acres eleared ; nearly all clear .f stumps ; bush hardwood ; good log buildings ; yoUng orch- ard, commencing, to bear; two wells with pumps; it is 6 miles, from Seaforth: The land is of the . best quality, and will be sold cheap. 'o -r further particulars apply to the proprietor on thepremises. JOHN McCANDLESS, 355E Egmorid011e P. 0. STEAK SAW MILL AND FARM FOR SALE. BELG- Lot 34, Con. 7, MeKille,p, eonteining 104 - acres, al I cleared, with. good barns and stables, two good archaeds hi full bearing; twe never -fail- ing springs which supply the mill. Also, lot 35, Con. 9, coutaining 43 acres of bush. The property is situated G miles from Seaforth. witb a good gravel Toad thereto. For further partioule rs 1 only on thePrethises.- If by post, to JOHN TROMP - SON, Constan c e P. O., Kinburn Out. 200 FARM FOR SALE,' VOR Sale, Lot 28, Con. 7, Veborue, containing 74 n cree. 55 ofewhich are cleared and in a state of good eultivation. Theiv is a good frame BARN and. STABLE. The farm_ is loeatea ou a good gravel road, is denveniently sitnatee to schools, - churches and post office, and is within 13 miles part from Seaforth rued 7 from Exeter. For further the q partieulars apply to the preeprietor on the premises. • d Lumley fa en 351 The Seaforth Show. - * The annial .show of the Tackersimith Branch. Agrieultural Society Was held iu Seaforth on Tharsday and Friday of last week. :Po simply say that the how was a. seems 'would not be doing it just ce— it was a grand anceess. The vcathr 011 both dass s, and especially on Friday, the principal. day, was slelightful, and the the reser 'here tries were • n ado by • 260- • exhibitors. .The 'erciwil in attendance may be estimated when w the gat add itiol we, con only te- crowd o: spectators in attendance o latter y was ithmense. The -she.' alidepa talents, was fully up to f years, a id .some even seperion .33 entries, and. these _ e were 1 state that the amount taken at footedrup to $407; and - this in to some 520 -meinlars. When ider that the admis ion feewas cents, and- that, a very large al:umber • of half tickets wereissued, sve are s-af. .estimating that, eluding ex- hibitor and. spectators, there were be- tween ive and six thousand persons in attendance. This for a braneh show is not -bilx ., We doubt much there has been even a -County show: "held in the Provin e this year which could_ allow a better 'word.. . . . . The iirst..day was • mainly taken up with aking entries, arranging and judge ing th indoor • department This. .basi- neSs we completed at about 5 o'cloCk in the al emboli. In the evening, the. halt was 1 ghted u -p, .and- the. doors. were throw open to the pnblic. (),Istite -large n mber of the townspeople 4va,iled thenas Ives of th-is Oppostimity of seeing the ex dlent -display.- As the 1 was well 1 ghted, and not over -crow ed, . a - very ood View of the articles 6 exhi- bition •yegetz hibite( the se manuf eturies, fancy - articles, .machi sies, musical instruments:a like. In grain there waa ve Show, and the quality Avila full cord 4'ith . the quantity. ano !kinds were largely repreeented,• I an ex .ellent show. Carrotaand -were eapeeially goad-- ve also, 1:iere was an Unusually la was obtained- The grain, roots, bles„ dairy produce, &c., ''re ex- on the first flat of the hallii while ond fiat was taken up wi fruit, ewing d such large in ac - of all Were iatatoes tables, e dis- play f r this year, and the (pall y was fully p to the mark. The (lib lay of ellairy produce was surplisingly large. 10 4k at the long rows of Clear, nice, carcely led al- ummer is de - e, and yellos -butter displayed, one could s believe that that article had i most t famine prices during the en ac aunt of its scarcity. In t ent ithe display was so lar alit' so uniformly poi, that the had , a most difficult task in de - which was really most de erving of di tinction. • In, the up -stairs lepart- the most noticeable feat re was cellent display of fruit. A all the this year, the fruit display has eagre and inferioi when compared oat former years, but on the pres- ent o casion the deficiency was carcely notic Able. The apples, peais and peacl es were as good as conk be de - I sired while grapes- and other fr it were i rly equal excellence. The e was a fair display of manufacturie , and. in and such like there wa a a good y, and several very prett speci- The other branches of t tment, however, was r ficen , although there were man of m -rit. but in quantity the dil som what behind -other depart the how. A case of handsome ' alms n by Boffman Brothers man commendations from lad Theie was a very large display of sewing mac iines and =deal iristru men s, which a large '. Will - nes and iibition., had also oticed a ' case of Walker, wo well °graphs, ell and i,ttra.cted re were f notice, ssary to s winch lst H. Sue , . of messit. ling ram, aFgrri di cauyl ,_ Jr. 1 ill aie Ram. nd bug- Jas. Forss atoll the ere was display. Grab a in h their WILLIAM DIN N IN , jr. ja ge FARM FOR SALE. FOR, SALE. Lot 25, GOD. 1, tiSbOrlie, 100'neres ; enent tivation ; frame barns and stables; 2 Thick ShOw Houses, well watered, and a large tleriving or- le chard. On London -Road, 14- miles from Exeter. ueen and 15 miles fronn Seaforth, on a good gravel with Toad. For further perticulars apply to the prop • 357+4 WM. LOGIE. FARM -f-OT T .0T 7, con. 8, Turnberry. on born -Ida* be ween Tiumberry and. Gi ey, 100 acres, 35 cleared and of 7%e under good cultivation, balance hardwood ; loe very houss and barn. The above property is mile off uilt mens ispl depa A.MX a township shows and embraced. many very superior animals, yet it did not ex - cell over all other departments, as at many other showS. There were not "a large numbe of heavy draughts, but there were s veral . excellent soeciinens. In this depar went the two-year-old fin - ported filly o Mt. Love and the entire colts of Mes ree. Ineis a,nel Robertson 'at- -traded here, as in 'Exeter, considerable attention and. admiration. In the gen- eral purpose .lasses there- was a pretty good show of young horses, especially of foals ; there ere also several very fine team horses. In the .carriage class the display was not large, but in -young" horses awl fo ls the animals shown were of good proin se. The carriage and -buggy Pair iron harrows, 1st horses were fair, but scarcely sepal, 0.i Willson, agent,- 2d anon the w ole, either in quality or Sulky rake, lst Alex. quantity to t ie display in -Exeter on the cutter,- lst 'and 2(1. D. previous Wee . We had almost forgot f Willson, agent. Fannin tea the poult •y, of svhich there was not ;Taggart -& Co. Set hot a :very large display, but those shown McNaught. Pea harye were well-br d, ;and nearly all of them McLeod. Single reaper most hands° e fowls. In this depart- , Williams. Single mowe went Mr. A. Smith, of -Egmonelville; -was & Williams. Seed citril he largest al d most successful exhibitor. lingten, Wm. Dynes, ag The followin is the 75 acres cleared, well fenced and in good cnl- the e rietor on the premises, or to Hay P. 0. the ggavel road, 3 milefrom Wroxeter and b_ milesrfrom Brussels; 16 acres fall, wheat, in. Fur 1urth6r particulars apply, if by letter nrepaid. to C. R. ;COOPER & Co., Brussels, Or DOTJGAL Mc - DONALD, Morriebank T. O. 85744c - e - ' HOTHL FOR SALE. THE subscriber wishing to retire from the Efotel business, offers for sale his hotel known ns the Viet ria Houseinthe thriving village of Brussele. The ionsc is commodious with good stable and cattIi yards attaehed, rind is situated in the centre f of thb'busiuess part of the village. Satisfactory reason given for selling. For further particulars apply, if by letter prepaid.. to the proprietor on the premises, o r to C. R. COOPER & Co., Brasses P. O. 346 Wt. SIIMPSON, Promietor. FARM FOR SALE. S"Til part of Lot 11, Con. 4, Monis, County • . of Huron, containing 130 acres of excellent land; - about 70 acres mostly clear of stunins, and undefr epod eultivation; the balance all best of .00d ; good Inick house 82x32, well fmished. nice `Toying bearing orehard. It is sitnated iles fiorn Brussels, 7A- miles from Wingham 2,4 frera Daley:rave. For further particulars - hard • . Also, and a.ppl on the premises, or to . 3517 FREDE RICK. H 0 OD . 13 el gr ave P. 0. FARM FOR SALE IN HULLETT. . T o!T 18, Con. 7, Hullett, 100 acres, • 80 sores cleared. remainder good beech and maple; good frame barn 66x10, excellent stables for both honies rind cattle, snug frame house ; a never - fell' g spring near the house; 4 aeres good bear - i. ing milord; 7 miles from Clinton, 8 from Sea - forth, 3./. from Milburn' gravel road, passes the I arni ; farm in high steee of cuItivatien ; splendid dry Play soil, free of stone or send. For terms and urther particulars apply to the proprietor. 349- el3 "HUGH 'SELL. Constance P.O. i FARM FOR SALE IN BRtrcE. OR Sale, Cheap. Lot No. 30, Con. 6, Township Of Bruce, County of Bruce. co aeres, of mai& are. cleared.. This ated within live miles of fit# rapidly taming 100 farmis situ- rrowing vil- 2d W. T irkeys, lst S. Crich, 2d A. Elcoat. Ext a--Bantains, Htigh lair enSiEnrs.—Wooden •xle . wagon, lst J. Wenhams Doub e carriage or beggY, It John Brunsden, 2d McPhail, Hennicke & Edsvarcle. Si' e buggy with top, lst Styles &Burritt, 2-(.' John Bruns - den. Single buggy,. lst '1 ter' & Sims, -2d John Brunsden. Iron ow, lst Mon- roe & Hogan, 2d. on. Wooden plow, 1st G. Williamson. cable mould plow, 1st Monroe & Ho n, 2(1,G. Wile liainson. Iron beam plos 1st Monroe & Hogan, 2a a. .Williamso Gang plow, lst W. H. Verity, 2d_ "M, ey Manufae- tilting Company,' 0. C. - agent. . Colton, 0. 1. 0.: 0, -Wi)18on, Reno . - PRIZE LIST ; cutter, lst A.: Whit -lama H0RSB4 E eVY DRAUCent.--Brood 'Washing machine, W. C mare, lst J. 3d Alex. Me vale, 2d Th Three-year- n Two -year -oh Yoall, 3d. :) _gelding, let Dewell, 3d 3. filly, lst Hi Moon, 3d• T old gelding, old entire S. 11 o be rts° McMichael, prize by Br Lord BMA Thos. Mom Two-year :1 St. AG RICULT HORSES. —B Ian, 2d Tiflis Foal, lst Ti Millen, 3d old 6 llyielst 3d Wm.' Ch ing, 1st Mre laid-, 3d. Ja old filly, lst neY, 3d Th gelding, is Aitchison. j . Fisher, El John Cairns, MANSTeatehaRES. —WO yille. Foal, 1st Alex. Mel- quilt, lst Robert Mal is. Moon, 3(1. -P. McTavish.. Carnoahan, Ten yards McN aught, well. .Root Iijxwell, O. C. nill, 1st Me- e lhoes, lst D. te lst George 1:t Thomson & , 1st Thomson st J. P. Bil- et Churn, 1st ni anleri—Stra.w E D. Maxwell. use y. yes - home- made Lilt u, 2d James domestic cloth, d filly, lst Peter McTavish. lst Joseph Anderson,e2d Robert Bell. filly, 1st A. Storey, 2d D. Ten yards satinet, lst.'Wn . Armstrong, rm. Cowan. • Two-year-o1d 2d. Jas. Sutherland.. Teayaials flannel, none given, 2d.' Jas. Me- lst Wm. Herbisou. Ten yards' limey Im..0;imeron, 0ne-Year-old woolsey, lst Wm. Ariristehng, 2d John gh Thompson, 2(1 Thomas McMillan. Pair home-made blankets, los. MeMighael. One-year- lst John Crosby, 211. Robert Bell. WM- i st Wm. Vayne. One-year . dew sash, lst Hugh Robb. Single buggy. It, lst Alex. Innis, 2d Geo. harness, lst Wm. Fanson . Specimens D . raught team, lst Thos. of sole leather, 1st Brett 11i11.• Speci- d Wm._Chesney, Sr. Special mens of harness leather, 14 Nett & Hill. )(As & Colquhoun, foal by -Tin work, lst John- Kidd. Speciinen of w, lst Alex.. 'Melville - El dyeing, on hmne-made el , . Specially commended-- McMillan. Ilecommend I imported filly, Hugh Lave, flannel, T. Gibbous. Loa , . bread lst Miss Mary Cam tie .1st John d .--- Factory of borne -made shell,2d Win. hes, OR. GENERAL PURPOSE M efele(ich. Quilt in patch rark, lst John 'mid mare, 1st John. McMil- Traquier, 211. Donald Ross. Quilt raised thy Pepper,3d P. O'Connor. or s..ewed on ground work, lst Donald. othy Pepper, 2d* John Mc- Ross, 2(1 John Traquier. Gentg' dress ID- Carnochan. Three-year- shut, 1st Wm. Oldfield, lt WIn, Char - Wm. Stewart, 2d -A. Bishop, tors. Log cabin quilt, 1st joseph Bulger, rters. Three -Year-old gen- 211. John Gs Campbell. Ta iting, lst Hugh McLean, 2dAndrewArchi- Robb, 211. John Modeland. Crochet, lst . Broadfoot. Sr. Two-year- Jae. Broadfoot, Sr„' 211. M s F. Seegmile. Thos. Splan. 21 Geo. Ches- ler. Embroidery ni silk or velvet, lst s iStilancls. Two-year-old Mrs. Thos. McMichael, 2 M s. F. Seeg- James Coates, 2,1 11 illiam miller.: Embroidery in i nslin, lst and d. Wm. Hill. One -year-old -211. Mrs. Thos. Mc_Mich, el.. Worsted filly, 1st Al x. Ingram, 2d Wm.Charters. Work raise(1,11st John La Cordery. Braiding, lst 2d. Thos. Carter. - Fance Thos. 'McMichael, 2(1 ILL Two pairs of woolen sto BroadfootP / 211 S. • Two pairs of woolen One -year -al Michael, 2(1 entire colt, O'Connor. George Iry Turner. CAttRIAO1 1 geldieg, lst Thos. Mc - Jas. Ireland. One -year-old lst Finley McEwen, .2d P. General purpose team, lst ne, 2d. J. 3. Fisher, 3d John I ' - Hortshs.--Foal, lst John Hood. Tw -year-old filly, 1st Thomas Moon. Two-year-old' gelding, lst Win. . . Aitchison. Sutherland. W. McGeoth. One -year-old entire colt, let John .. Steele: Driving team,. lst Geo. Whitley, . 2d D. Irwin. . Bu-ggy horse or h are, lst C. Doherty, 2ds Jas. Bonthron. ' Carves: DURHAM. —00w, 1st and 2d knit stockings, Jas. Scott. Machine kw M. McTag art, 3d Gen. (Mesney. Two- socks, Jas. Scott. Driving mits, Wm Grieves. Sewing mac.hi lie work, 0. 0 Willson.. Berlin wool IT rk, Jas. Kyle Rag basket, .Robert Haw horn. Freud' Wool work, S. Wallace. Canvass work -S. Wallace. Needle wetk, Geo. Ches ney. Mexican lace work, Jas. Brom foot, Sr. Rag carpet, Mie. R. N. Bret Case millinery; Hoffinau Bros. •Ladie night dress, Robert McAllister. Leath Work, frame, Margaret U. Dickson. , Cas etu ffed. -birds, John. Walker. : i FINE ARTS.—Crayon dtawing,lst Hai nah Campbell. Pencil sketch, lst Ha nah Campbell. , Collection of Piot graphe„ lst Moore & Campbell, 51 - Calder. G RAIN . —Four bushels fall wheat, 1 Wm. Chesney, Jr., 2d. S. Lon desborou gl Two 'bushels Fife wheat, lst Jas. Che uey, 2d Chas. Lowrie. Two' bushe spring wheat any other variety than Fif ' lst Win. Armstrong, - 2(11., Robert Arn Strong.: Two bushels large oats, lstl Heffernan, 2(.1. Jas. Chesney. Two bush - is Common oats, lst jas. Dickson, 9d. Robert Brock. Two bis hels large pea , lst Robert Bell, 2d Ja,s. Dickson. INN o bushels small peas, lst S. Londesboro.ugl ,. 2d Jas. Londesborough, . lh,vo -bushels two rowed. barley, 1st tiles: Dickson, 9(1 .barley, lst Geo. Ingram 2d M. Hefle Win, Stoneman. Tsvo lushels six row( 'Ilan.: Bushel tiniothy seed, lst Willie Stoneman, 2(1. Robert McLean. Bush flax seed, lst Mrs. Grays 2d D..Youll. air ewes, 1St ROTS AND VEGETABLES. --TWO kill( superior One -year-old filly, lst James Oise- year- old gelding,. 1st rence, 2d Jas. ohn Shipley, knitting, lst . Mulholland. kings, lst Jas. ondesborough. !se lst James 13roacifoot; Sr., 2d Day -1 'Pull. Pair of "e‘oolen mits, lst Matth Shipley. Pair of woole w NVarel,.211 John oyes, lst Wm. Cowan. Flower. wreat , Ist, John Lan- desborough, 2d John Lawrence, Plait o Canadian straw, lst Robetit Bell; El Joh Modelands R,ag mat or carpet, let Mrs. F. Seegrniller, 2d Mrs: Win. Campbell 1!!‘ACtra8—Sofa cushion, lst Mrs. J. Hoff man, -2d Mrs. ;fits. Me131ide. Machin ladies' year-old he er de- Chesney, 3 articles old heifer, ',lay was Geo. Choi tjients of given, 211 illinery; M. McTagi elicited of four, lst visitors. GRAD E Broadfoot, year-old h Broadfoot, year-old h ., - Heifer ca Jr. Bull Two -year - Lean, 2(1 eld steer; 1 S. Carnocl lat nd 2t1 Jas Dickson. Fat cow .or heifer, 1st i\11.rs. Mc -Lean. . AvRSHII ES.— CO w or, heifer, lst R. N. Adams. . nil, let A. Tyerman, 2(1 Ro- derick Gee y. • SHEEP LEICESTER SITEEP. Aged ram, 11. 2(1 Hugh Love, Sr. Shear- st Penhale, C. Dale, amb, lst-W a Dale, 2d Wm. - Pair. ewes; st H. Snell, 211. thc. Pair sl earling ewes, 1st Wm. Pen utle, 2d H. Snell. Pair ewe lambs, 1st H. Snell, 2d Wm. Penhale. Corswo es SHEEP.— ged. ram, 1st J. Oum ming, 2d Hugh LoN e, Sr. Sh earl ing ram, lst as d 2d J. Cum in Rain lamb, lst and 2c J. Cunarnin Pair shear gath San and seve Mr. mac ,ines exhibited.. We also very nice display of tin -.ware.. stu ..ed birds, shown by Mr. Joh attr- cted much aduaration. exe uted . specimens of- • ph by Messrs. -Moore & Carri Mr. A. Calder, deservedly m -u attention and praise. • T ma y -other articles desereing but vhere.all is good -it is unlade mule:rise,' and the prize 1' red round. them, as usual, interested crowd. Mr. 0. ad a number of his mac al very fine organs on e Watson and Mr. Webste par we f. ive below, is the best inde 'Upon entering the grounds the musually large display tur. 1 implements and carriages gies were the first articles to eye. In these departments real y large and .exeellen Mee rs Monroe 7 & -Hogan an( iamson were present w which show -ed mo sneanship, and all of whi _ further liartierilars appis to the Proprietor, to be Model implements. - sort a isaplements, Mess - A. M. CAMPBELL. son & nilliamS were, as -Usual ft 1 1 Wjl lege of Paisley. The uncleared poition is well -wiz tint erect There is also a Spring Ceeek thia ugh the place. It is a desirable property. Ivor .1 tJJ1 110)1". Seaft)rth P. 0- AVil sou. had. a very lease disp FARM -FOR SALE. rp.„11. Subscriber offers.that conveniently situated' i rase --11- 'farm lote. part of No. 22, Con., 5, Stnnley, 7 l mei I miles trope Clinton ; 10 melee f rent Senforth. con- , taining, 76,i tteres; Ti cleared, well fenced, and une bgrs dere good state of cultivetien,-the remainder is I gies well timbered; 8 acres. fall whent. There ie a line i whi yenne orchard, good hobs°, frame barn and stables, and a never -failing spring on the place. Terms easy, and made known on npplication to - THOMAS . MILLS. 355'4 On the premises. _ FARM FOR SALE. VOR SALE, Lot No.33. Con. 3, L. R. S.. Tuck- ierstnitln tont:lining 100 acres, 75 of which Pre cheered, well fenced, and in a state of good culti- vation. There is a good new frame HOUSE and exeellent frame barns, sheds and stables. also a good bearing orchard. The farm is wetered by a neeer-failing- spring and well. This farm is situ- ated within one mile and a half of Brneefield, and within about six. miles of Clinton and Seaforth, with good gravel roads running- to each Qj then place. For further particulars apply to the prop- rietor ma the premises. or to 13rueefield P. 0. :151 KENXETH MoLELLAN. FARM FOR SALE. T 0.1. 11, Con. 4, Stanley, containing 100 acres, 65 -1-1 of which are cleared, well fenced t and in a, state of good cultivation; the balance is well thabersa eath hardwood, ce ear, elm and heinlook, being first-clase buildinge and fencing timber ; there is a good frame house with stone cellar un- cleraerah, and log barns and sta.bles, also a geod well convenient to the ,honse ; there is a good bearing orchard. There is no broken land on the farm, anti the Bayfield 'liver passes through the buth part. affording water in the dryest seasons. It is situated within 9 miles of Clinton and Sea- foeth , and 3 miles from Brucefield, with a good Opel road leading to each place. For ferther pattienlars apply to the propietor on the prem- ixes, or to Brueefield P. O. 35S JOHN McDOUGALL, Sr, larg re'srs. Slater & Sims, of ;Joh Brunsclen and J. Wenha des oro ; Styles & Burritt and Het nicke & Edwards, of Mite allirominent exhibitors in t merit. We were sorry to see th was unrepresented- in this d For the exhibition of stock th me t ,f the grounds was mu ed. hi§ year. The cattle, shee wer 11 exhibited. in a depa, the elvea, and. a separate en pro i'ided. for them. There wa, len show of cattle—the bes seei tis year. Bothgrades anc bre la,•were largely represent we e Superior animale and we con lition. In sheep there yi lar Col exh wil the wa she ma say par fou ted. Messrs. M augh iced°, Dynes and others w of first-class implements. and carriages there wa h would have be -en credit r and more pretentiou fer, 1st Ai. NICTaggart,2c1 Geo. G. E. CressWell. pne-year- 1st and -2d IGeo. Sproat, 3d ley. Heifer, calf, lst none . E. 'Cresswell. Bull calf, lst art, El Geo. Chesney. Herd M. McTaggavt: assrets-Cos , lst and El Jas. r., 3d Mrs. AsIcLean. Two. ifetalst Mrs. McLean, 211. Jas. Jr., 3d Wm. Chatters. One- fer, lst and 2(.1 Mrs. McLean. , lst and 2al Jas. Broadfoot, calf, lst Jag-. Broadfoot, Jr. 14 steer, 1st and 3d Mrs. Me- as. 13toadfoot, Jr. One -year - .t H. Carisochaus, 2(1. and 3d. an. Working oxen, let .A. 211. Geo. Sproat. Fats x or 11 Thesney. Plate of 10 .Northern Sp at Robert Landesborough. l'late of loxbary rnsgets, 1st 0. Campbell. PI f 10. Esopus Spitzenbergs, let Re ONTeulock. Plate of 10 Baldwins, lugu Chesiley. Plate of 10 West 'eeltunfarthers, lst Charles Routledge. late of 10 Snow apples, ist James s c- lichael. Plate of 10 fall pippins, ,Jacob McGee. Two varieties of vi ears, named, 10 of eaell; ist 1.10 andesborough. Plate of 10 Fle emetics, 1st Wm. Payne. Three va ies of phuns, named, 10 of each, John Hinchley, El James Scott. ection of ripe grapes, three clusters ach, grown in the open air, lst J htt I• tt, • ts Ott • t 401. • t - s o'clock Sunday morning the spirit took 1::/ its departure. The de.ceased. was par- te ticularlv fond of children. From the rt age of i'23 till she had attained her 102d. st year she occupied nliost of her time car-. ing for her children' and_ grandchildren, with whom she was a great favorite. . few days ago, while some walk- st men 'Were engaged M leveling a sttect at ter Point Edwarcli near Sarnia, they found. ert the skeletons of Indians, supposed to be ish of the Chippewa, tribe. They were le-- about ten in number, and measured:from lst six aad a half to seven feet. The teeth ol- seem to be nearly as firm as eves. It is of- supposed they had a fight about 50 lin years ago ; that is, as near as can be Ulmer. Three clusters ot grapes, lie traced up. r more varieties, lst John Legan. (sol- —One night last week the stables ection of grapes, named, three Clustrs and barne of a farmer named -J?eeuclue, of each, grown under glass,. lst Jilshn in the township of Emily, near Lindsay, st st in Zimmer. Plato of red crab apples, John Walker. Plate of 10 peaches, John Zimmer. Six pounds of bone comb, lst Andrew Ts erman. Six pou ds the tire is unknown, and there was no of :trained honey, lst Andrear'fyernian. insurance. .1 .11Beoereessresn. -- Plate of King1 of —A fesv days agn a plucky and smypas Tompkins apples, Wm. TownSend. ox thetic female in Hamilton followed =- 13 of honey, John Zimmer. Maple su Tar, other of her sex over two miles, and sec - Joseph Auder:i on . Crab apple jelly,7W. ceed( d m cap tuling.h er outside the limits' H. Scott. Book binding, D. MecGre or. of the city, and then led her to the -police Grape wale, Joseph Bulger. Maple cells, followed by an admiring crewel, syrup, Joseph Anderson Rlieubarbw ne, and lthd, information against her for as - Joseph Bulger. saulting her hu.sband. PLA,NTs AND FeowElts.---Collectio of —.A.n ingenious individual gives a res phloxes, not leis than four varieties, lst oeive for the total extinction of all ver - James Scott. Bouquet of flowers, lst min. He says : " Mix white loaf suuar John Walker. - were burned, together with his -entire crop, wagon, balm implements _and a span of valuable horses. The cause of 0 1 • and fresh eggs, alai place where the ver- . DAIRY PRODiTCE —Five pounds of nits nsin -can eet at it Rats, inice, roaches, ter, suffieieut salt for table use, lst Ja,cob crohm bugs, &c., will devour it with Mc'Gree, ,51 Robert Smith, Sr., 3d. IF. avidity. Keep feeding them regularly, Fowler, Sr. Firkin of salt butter, not and by aml by they will get so fond of less than 50 pounds, lst John McMillan, the mixture that they won't eat any - 2d Jacob McGee, 3d John Shipley. .8 n- thing else. They will starve first. Then IL gle cheese, not less than 50 lbs., , st let them starve." John R. Murray, Kinbutn ; 2c1 W. ,4.1. ' --A four thousand dollar set of furiii- ' Robertson, 3d. A. Malcolm. S4igle j tun is now being manufactured by the 1 cheese not less tlutu 30 lbs., 1st. Arpid. i OSIlaW a Cabinet Factory for the Hamil- Malcolm, El Joseph Anderson, 34 NVen. I ton Masonic Bath . , Fowler. Single cheese, not less th. lbs., 1st Robt. Reid, El James Michael, 3d John McMillan. Speci. Hoffman Bros., for best firkin of salt ,Ib ter, not less than 50 lbs., lst John 4hip. Agricultural Society, on Frida.y. it as • ivy. Special by Haffinari Bros., for est decided to hold. the Match on Wednes- Is crock of butter, containing 20 lbs. 1st day, Oct. 27, on the farm of Mr. Jan es Frank Fowler, hr. I Recommended Fir- Ralik:in, North Easthape, near the Little kin butter, John Shipley. Five pounds Lakes. As the fourth district is a layge fresh butter, lst James ;McDowell, 211. one and comprises some of the finest ags Wm . Herbison. ricultural lands in Ontario, there will, gl doubtless, be a larg,e gathering of the . sturdy is lords of the stour." —A sPertsman of London, named Jas. Bryan, a. few days ago, =while out gun- ning,. shot a curiosity in the animal kingdom; It was a black squirrel with Lo- a snow-white tail. Mr. Bryan has pre- Tra: served the skin and intends having it . stuffed. _ Implements. —A. Taylor. Clit ton, —The Winnipeg Free Press says that Hugh Cameron, Kinburn ; Geo. Foi rest, potatoes in Manitoba grow to such an Roxboro, A. Matheson, Clinton. extraordinary size that it is no uncom- Mane facturee.—J . N. Knechtel; 3rus- mon thine in One of the green ,groceries sels ; Jas. :McDowell, McKillop i . D. for a cust'omer to request : "Cut me off Wilson, Seaforth. . e ' a bushel or so of potato, please. ' • Grain and Roots.—Mr._ Melie mid, —On Monday last, Mrs. Eason, wife Harpurhey, ; R. Hunt, Tuckersmit ; R. •of Peter kl13011, of Eldeislie, County Of Martin, Brussels. - Bruce, died very suddenly, it is suppos- Dahw Products. —John Loga,n, G. ed from heart disease. She had Peen McDougall, Jas. Thomas, Seaforth. , in usual health and dining the day buss. Poultry, (C.c.—W. N. Cresswell... ily engaged in domestic duties. About Ladies' Ilfork.—Mrs. John 1Varl ick, 5 o'clock in the evening, she _ complained Hullett ; Miss McIntosh, Bracefield ; of a severe pain in the chest, and in a Miss F. PoWler, Tuckersmith ; Miss few moments was dead. The sudden- Kelty, Seaforth. nesS of the case pradaced quite a sensa- Borticultm-al Prod-ucts. — Arc tion in the neighborhood, where she was Dickson and C. E. Hunter Gode well known and respected. 1 20 --The Stratford Deacon says tee Prov - I Mc- Moja]. Plowing Match for Ditrict No, 4, 1 by will take place near Stratford this year. ut- At the meeting of the North Riding JUDGES. — Horses. George 1. Shakespeare ; Wm. Honey and. Joh Ceppin, Cattle. —0-. Larkworthy, Strat ord ; Peter Scott, North Easthepe e Geo. Roe, Sheep and Swine.—Thos. Pascoe gan ; Wm. Box, St. Marys; John quier, Tackersmift. 1 S. ich ; G. E. Cresswell, Tuckersmithi --Dysentery, which was •so fatal in ;slid around Exeter some five years ago, is now prevailing in McGillivray, south Canada. . of Limerick, to -a somewhat alarming ex - His Excellency, the Lieutenanti.Gov- tent. About 20 deaths have occurred. t. 29, and a large number are now ill. The the ernor, has- appointed Thursday, 0 as a day of general thanksgiving Province of Ontario. —Peter Bowens„ who attempte oei his owie daughter last week Napanee, was tried before Judge son on Feiday. and sentenced t neighborhood is thoroughly alarmed. —A. son of Mr. Wm; Cunningham, of rape Biddulph, -went out coon hunting a few near days ago with a companion, and having rVilki- started some game up a tree, climbed up four a ctiisiderable distaece to leach it. Uns months' imprisonment, and M addition fortunately- he slipped and fell about 20 to receive 40 lashes, 20 the first isonth. feet, striking the ground heavily and s and 20 the third month. —A Canadian Meat and Pralac pany has been started at Sheri) Province of Quebec, aided bv ve eral bonus from the town. It is ed to employ 200 hands, and slaeghter his limbs. and prepare for the home and. °reign —The Mennonite settlers in Mahitona markets about 400 fat cattle per week. do some queer things. One of then1 the This is a new branch of industry this other day, we are informed by * Vinr country, and should this venturei rove a, nipeg Free _Press,- perchaecd, iii I ths.; success, clivitalists in other secti ms of neighborhood of the city, a bull, a cow d the counti-y will soon, no doubt, ba,rk and a calf. Ile tied the tad of the, bull a in the business. to the limns of the cow, and the tad of n —A man afflicted -with small -p x aia the latter to the neck of the calf. Then a rived at Ottawa a few days ago, w taken the disease while up the s river. When °labia way to Otta had to lie over at a village cane( seemed H. • Snell, na ewes, 1st J. of potatoes, named, one half bushel Gumming, Fair ewe lambs, each,' 1st Jarnes Landesborough, 2(1 W 2a H. Snell. ell, 2d Hugh Love, SHE D LEICESTER lst Robert y of as- 1st H. S Love, Sr. breaking both -arms and one leg and oth- Com- erwise damaging,' hiniself. Though the ooke, young snan lay for some time in aii in - y lib- sensible condition, he is now doing well ropoe- and is in a fair way to recover the it e tof 1, Murray. Niue blood. beets, 1st A. Ho i'P OTHER THAN „ S Qn , 2ti Jomes Laude6orciegla Ni . Thom- Lon!' A oserson. long iansolds lat 5 Isindesborough, ,. d consequently forced to sleep out a_ doe's Hamilton a good. -many dams, especially b 3 V ell rep- P L, P. E Bis , Olt OOTSWO LI). -- ling ram, lst C. Dale, -., 2d. John Law- .• She.ar- ,'John 0 -arrow. Nine globe man adds 1 .t during the night, under a heava rain. of the -black and. tan_ sort, :which are suf- 0 , , Verity, A (red ram P e exhibi- Da,vid. Youll, 2d. James ;Dickson. ..h.Tia a He is a resident of Ottawa a,nd is, -eh]. to feline from a sort of disease, which has I ji bere_ renee. R m lamb, ls Wm. Charters, - Swedish turnips, lst jOhn Ratt-------------------------------- been called "scurvy" 'The hair falls off . -0 ,- io had tying a rope to the horns of the bull, he ttawa in front and commenced to tow. wa he. The scene was intensely ludicrous to the .Arn- spectators, but the proprietor of the prior, and the thsease being plainly cattle seemed to thank it was all cor- a noticeable on.him he was unable to obs rect. e tain admission to any house, and was —There is at present in the city of display 24 m:, Dale. Pair wes, lst George '2(.1. Robert Govinlock. Nine early hp; wealhy. e„ —Mr. Ja 1 has this season taken from one a Pair shear- . casrets, 1st Allan HobSon, 9el. Willie. 4 ock, from the plses. attacked, the part swells, le to the C'hespeY, d jas- Dielann. te and hnd the poor .animals -suffer great pain. shows. hng ewes .1st Wm. Charters, 211. David Paesee. Nine Ione oraisge or .red ea ._ two-fifths land, nine and .a hialj 'ions of The affection seems to be beyond ,cure, '0 -arrow. Nine white Belgium carrot , other than time. --2The latest M the " epozootie" line 18 4 deriCh ; - Campbell., Pair ewe -lambs, lst James rots, - lst James Landesborough, 2(1. Jol n , good. hay: e . . , of Lone Dickson, 2d Wm, Chartms, Pair fatted —It is. definitely announced th t the McPhail, ewes Or wethers, lst Roderick t-Iray, 2d lst James Dickson, El David- Campbell. Canadian Military College is to b ell, were. ed at Kingston. For Frederick Hugh Chlztsney. • Special prize for long !Pour heads of winter. cabbage, name ,. iS depart- wooled sh ep of any breed, lsa 2d and '1,st Alex. Robertson, ,Icl A. Hobso place chosen and the building kn Seaforth 3d fi. Sn 'Four heads cauliflower,. 1st A. Hobsoi, the "Stone Frigate," situated ne partment arrange- one year FI iinproei El John )jand viers SUFFOL &lent 17y over, lst ranee was Boar mid • an excel- Wni. we have over, 1 st borough. year, lst , and. all s a very . Boar imd -1/A.110F, AND ,),IEDIU31.—Boar, Ad and over, lst Wm. Dixon, tanberry. s.—Boar, one year old and C. Davis, 2d G. Grammett. t one year,-lst John Workman. tewart. SOW, one year Old and Yin. Stewart, Sow under one olui. Workman. . Bhascai one year old -and good over, lst Wrn. Blair, El A\ m. Penhale. r one year, 1st Hugh Love, Sr., Rattenberry. Sow, one year ver, lst John Thompson, 211. in Sow nuclei nue year, lst art, El. Wm Blair. Ye -LT -Light Brahmas Lst A. P. McTavish. Dark'Bra,hmas, ith. Spang ed Hamburg, ist la teed.: Houd us, lst arid 2d A. Game fowls, 1st and. 2d G. E• . Aylesbury clucks, lst and. 2d sswell. Gee, e, lst A. Elcoat,. e Show—the largest, perh. s, in the 2c1 John uty this year, and the na -es of the old and bitors,'which appear in O. prize list, 1.\11,-nini: 81 give an idea of the sup riority of stock shown. The displ ei- of hogs POI:LT Smith, 2c pot so large as in eith r that of por cattle. although t ere were ist A. S yi very superior animals. Strange to F. Holme the show of horses was t 6 only de- Smith. nsent with which fault could be Oresswei (1,. While the display w large for G. E. Cr 2d. Alex. Robinson. Peck red onions, ort will be utilized as quarters lst John Rattenbury, 2d Alex. Robinson. students, The situation is a go 'Peck white or yellow onions, 1st J. H. and besides being a healthy location, 18 recommended as it cure. Benson. Peck of tomatoes, 1st A14contains all the buildings necessaiy, with —The Napanee Paper Mills Company Robinson, 2d A. Hobson. Three water magazines, stores and barracks. This have just received 'a standing order for melons, lst James Pickard, 211. A. Hob- statement is made by an Opposition pa- six -tons per week from the Toronto son. Three musk melons, lst A.. Ho- per, and must, cousequentiy, be 1ue. Globe, which has hemu using their pa - son, 2c1, Wm. Murray: Three oitro s, 1 —Mr. J. Se. McEwen, of Kihi rdine, per. Bass -wood. is used in making the ' lst A. Elcoat, 211.George Chesn and formerly ef Seaforth, le 8 been paper, and. the timber Spread. out in the locat- a hen disease, which is prevalent ;among is the fowls M several sections. Thee disease is • wn as described. as follows : The ben begins r that to Appear stupid; all hour or two the or the comb turns black, and soon after the d one, fowl dies. A mixture of salt and alum Twelve ears Indian corn, 1st D. Youll, , 2(1 R. N. Adams. Recommended- -0 b- , bage, B. Boehler. Citrons, A. Hobs n. 1 Hubbard squash, A. Hobson. Lai ge squash, A. Hobson. Celery, Tho as 1 Downey, I 1: HORTICULTURAL PRODUCT'S, — 1' ur named varieties of winter apples, nine of ' each, lst James Dicksen, 2d Jas. Sco te, ! Four named varieties of fall apples, n ne I 1 of each, lst Robert tandesborough, 2(1 James Dickson. Collection of appl s -1st Jacob McGee, 2d John Hood. P t; of 10 Rhode Island greenings, lst H ash awarded the contract of boring the arti- issues of the Globe each week is 15 cords. sian well to be sunk at the village of Tiv- The price of the paper is 10 cents ppr erton, County of Bruce. —On Sunday last, Mrs. Ma less, an old resident of London, the unusually advanced age of 1 and nine months. Mrs. Due born in Yorkshire, England, an the time of her death enjoyed 'good health ; in fact, on Saturday she places, and yet it is being erected some was about the house as usual and appear- .500 yards nearer Wroxeter. The Gorrie ed to be in the best of spirits. During people, of course, do not like this, and the night, however, she was taken ill, are making endeavors to have it put in about 9 its proper place. pound. Duck- —An exchange says there is some dif- died at ficulty concerning the locating of the 7 years station on the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway between Wroxeter and. Gorrie. The by.la-w of the 'Council_ says this sta- tion shall be half way between these two es was 1 up to general and while in a peaceful slum.ber