HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-10-09, Page 8A jjnn 110)Xiii011. — 'DISTRICT MATTERS• 1 1 COMNIERCIAL HOTEL, SEAVORTI.E.- Tis hoes° le the. best in Seaford' fel; commereial tisselers arta fanners, as it,S 300(mnnodat1on ie 1.11:st-elass, while its prices are as low as the eheap- hotels. The rooms are large, well furnished d perfeetly dean, while the best attention is ven to ell who patronize the honse. There is rge stabling in connection, and attentive host.. 1 s. Below are the prices, which commenff thcm- fIves to the traveling publie : Farmers, with two Irrses, hay and dinner. 85 cents ; -over eight, with e timer, bed and breakfast, tied hayfor horses, $1; tug ' V A cent "At-, k i;EXANE•01t DAilDSON, : , I , aga n Proprietor.. l'iSro ars et from 8 to lbs for a, Dol- that pull the buggy further, and in icler to _get it to the village they -had.' to take It from the buggy and aseiat it al g. :It was afterwards ascertained that he poer. animal had been driven, with th ee Men., in the buggy ;most of the time, a ista.nco ot 70 miles'including the dastai e frOm safm th to Friedsbmg, and tha it had n'ither been fed or Watered f om the t e it left Friedsburg. The ho -se was c refit ly cared for on Sunday ni ht, and -NI as sufficiently _recovered by th; follow - ii g orning for the boy to rote '11 home With "t. On learning what In cl been done, Mr. Sharp immediately st ited in quest f Burus, and hearing of hi -here- about. at Zurich, he laid inforination •rant f I TEAS, at 40, ,50, 7e, SO, 90-, cts. and ,.11 stable apollar. Price, Flavor and Strength considered, are the best values in the 'Village, at Aines's d'A'°1-1•- Grocery, A L OF BEACTIF-Uf. FRENCH CECINA TInt Siers just errived, and orders solieited for Dinner Sets) at XelkSO. b. FRESII IND/GO; COCHINEAL, Joos d th booOOD. anall oe.r Dyes, including all Colors and 1. Aniline Dye, at lliciesox's DIX°. STORE,.1 ail. t him before Mr. Zeller, .P., of ace. The magistrate issued a war - r his atiet,Land despatchedi a, e. -on- to arreiWtp. He was found at e a .short distance from Fri edeburg, and luiving been conveyed te_Zurie h, was arraig led before Mr. Zeller on the charge prefer cd agaiost him by Mr.Sharp. The evidei cc adduce& was such as to induce the m giStrate to fine him $10 pia costs, default of payment 30 days in he fellow, being tillable to pay the fli. e, was conveyed to. GoOdrich on y, where he will be allowed ample time o rummateover and repen of his . -brutal ty. This should be a wari. ing to others who maybe in the habit o crnelly abus" g horses by overdriving the1l when they gage them from a livery s Brussels. • FC.. COOPER, Brussehl, Agent fo the Ex- Posrror Newspaper and, Job Printing Of ce.] Ace, DENT. ---A party•who-se name we did not ascertain fell from the 1.i1Ltfor111 t of Mr. J. D. Pemungto op on Tuesday evening 1 is wrist. NG BRITONS. --The Young - CHEAPSIDE -Stone Cream Crocks, Tnesd Stone Batter Crooks, Stone Churns,. Stone re- eerve jars with Corks, Flat Milk Pans, Ate. The largest stock in town ,ancl eb.eapest at Antws's Groeery. _ , DYE STrases.a---Finest .Madder, Indigo, Magenta-. Logwood, Cochineal and all other Dye Stliffs, produdiug Rich paid Bright colors, at R. 141.1'M-spans's Corner DrugStore, Seaforth. OFFOSITION THE LIFETRD.- WALTER SCOTT inteltds opening a Furniture' Warerooxii in his premises opposite the Market where he win be prepared to furnish all kinds of house furniture, either wholesale or retail at the very lOwest prices. • . YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED to the ad-- vertisement of E. Rioicsox & CO.'S Nen' jewelry Establishment, &e. The Watch Clowning and Re- pairing and all other work is under the manage- ment of Mr. jeafes Joans, a Practical Watch- maker of lontnexpelience, and late of Dent's, Lon- don, England?. A Pew more of -those Cheap Blankets at Hine's. in froi inet sl broke You held t eir organization meeting Ti eveninlg of last week. Several of the Seaforth lodge were prese RE ESTATE CHA,NG Glair h •Meth, Morni • Rua. - Grand Opening at -11 DENT'S. Never before did. you see such piles upon piles of Dry Goods as Mr. DENT can noW show you, it would be folly to g,tterapt to tell you what Le has got, beeanse he has absolutely everything in the Dry Goods hr' ke and in Millinery, Ladies' Ittekets and Shawls, there is nothing to approach him either for quantity, quality or priee. As ta.cab- St and ritons rsd ay embers ii Sin- s sold his farm, Let 21, Uon. 5, 100 aeres, to Samuel Barr, of gton, for $3,500. in. Cameron has sold his farm, ot J • Con. 7, Grey, 100 acres, th Mr. T. Sm th, of Grey, for $4,100. r. Thos. Roe sold his farm, Lot.,5, COD. 0 Grey, 100 acres, to Mr. Jolla Livin for $5 ston, of Durham County, Ont., 000. usual, the biggest stock, the choicest stoek, and • cl 11,• - die cheapest etoek olMillinery, Entrance to the . NE JEWELRY STORE.--ai. Laooper Show free. Remember at DENT'S, Seaforth. & Co. purpose adding a stock of jewelry . BOY WANTED IMMEDIATELY. good stout boy about 17, to learn the Blacksmith busi- Iiess.-D. MONA L;GitT . - BOY WANTED, from 13 to 16, to do haves, and make hinnelf generally lintel. A.pply tit this Office. CONCERT. -MISS Watson will give a -Vocal and. instrumental concert in the TOFU Hall, on Friday, Oct. 16. Several ladies and gentlemen of well-known aoputation have promised to assist. A musical treat may be expected. PLOWS Solos.-'--• We understand that Messrs. Monroe & Hogan, of this town, s Id the iron plow which they exhibited at Toronto, and which took the 'second prize at the Provincial, to Mr. Geo. Bell, a farmer in the township of Vaughan, County of York, for $55. They have also sold their iron beam plow, which teole the first prize. to Mr. Joseph' Lance, or the County of Waterloo, for $45. ItheY may wish to .ship. Tire vi, age in some ape to the r. present line of -business; They have Secured the services of a first-class watch aker and jeweler. See adver- tisem nt nex-t week. • 'PE has f m Or ed to pleasa I FA has' so a as, tiiaii , frIk011e machinery, and badljr frightenieg they) who were attending-- to the machne. The SeaUth. Huron Show. The au ualshew ef the SoutHuron Agricult ral t>ociety was bola at Exeter on. Tuest, ay last. ',rim show, upou the whole, was as successful as any of ita predecessors. The heavy rein of Mon: day nigh made the ground wet, and the morning of Tuesday was anything but promisin Yet, notwithstanding this, at an early hour visitors and exhibitors came str ,aming into the village, and the - flow of eciple continued during the en- tire forenoon, until at length there could not have been fewer people on the show ground than from five to six thousand. During t le forenoon the sky cleared off, and the day, which, in the • morning promise( to be so Unpropitious, turned. out to b quite pleasant, and the rain kept off ntil evening. In some depart - mens th s show was superior to former ones of t e Society, while in others it did not come up to them. In the in- door dep rtment the display was not so large as ve have seen at Exeter, but the quality o many of the articles could not be easily surpassed. In grain there was quite a arge display. The wheat mid barley w Te excellent samples, but oats and peas were rather inferior, neither of these gr ina showing so well this yea as- - formealy In dairy produce there was not a display of firkin- butter, -but in toll butter, although not so large ae- • last year the display was very creditable and em raced several 'excellent specia mchs; that which took the first prize be- • ing muc itabinredo There was not a -large di play of cheese, and the quality was not first-class: Thereievaas a- very -good sho in homeenade bre4daelatO1led fruits a d. home-made wines:' )fn ttiid fruit de Artment the display was oot. large, bu there were several excellent speeimei s of apples and grapes. Pears and peac es were also geed, the former being p tticularly large and creditable. On a rai ed platform in the centre of the hall was a very good. display of cooking and par or stoves, also several sewing machine, among whieh we noticed Mr. O. C. W Florence also -seVdtall or- gans, w1iich furnished the visitors to the' hall witl excellent range during the day. On this platforrn, too, was a magnificent seiectionj of furniture, which for work- manship turned merits. there we good w roots th soNAL.-Mr. George A. Beer, who was ver r several Weeks been rusticating better s no and vicinity; has again return- carrots, town, after- having Spkt a very. -cellent, t holiday. we have remarka Wroxeter. In the M SOLD. -Mr. Robert Hamilton as is us Id his farm, Lot 8, Can. 12, Turn- able. 11 berry, .containing 100 acres, to Mr. Tay- lor, e Wallace, for $2,650. emPeti Co.,, sit; yaleisar.a--Messrs Clark, of the ytiecalerss.exl flour 'lis, Wroxeter, have ship Toronto a hundred batrels of B. the T ronto, Grey and Brice I This i the first consignment of that has left this station. The co is pr chalit goods blauket and finish would:rival the work• ut of the best city establish - Iii this portion of the hall also e two seta Of harness on whieh rkrnanship was displayed. In display of potatoes and beets fair, althoneh we have seen ecimens. The quality of -the nahgolds and turnips was ex- ud. considering the .dry season had, the size of theserootswas le. ladies' departinent, the display,. al at Exeter, was was most, credit- hoine-made cloth, -flannel! and there was not great. deal of ion, but the quality of the ar- ibited was quite equal to former n fancy needle work there was ur, by e o a. isplenc id display, and the many ar- away. tie,..es of Berlin wool, bead, crochet, tat- reight ractor mer - ting and for the pared to accommodate of Exete quilts a and business men by d 1 vering and taking away such pr tuce as large, bu lace work shown speak volumes aste-and industry of the ladies and vicinity. The display of id such articles was not very t there were some very hand- imens. A case of millinety in A HAisesoatE WaTcre-We were genei-11 seems to be brightenin up at this de artment attracted much often- . - shown a few clays ago a Very handsome the s r(l of the locomotive, as we ob- tion fro the lady visitors, and two en and valuable gold watch, manufactured herTA several buildings going u in the ' tries of adies' and gents' sewed boots by the celebrated English watch moue.- villag , and the stocks of fall goods our and shoe were mot creditable to the facturers, Messrs. Russell & Sou, Loncloni merci ants have got ih are quite unpre- makers. There were al.o in the ladies' .atal Liverpool to the order of M. R: eeden ed. Mr. Sanderson has e larged 1 departm nt several excellent specimens Counter, of Seaforth, for Mr. John 8. Vorter. The watch is in itself a curie osity. The dial gives, besides the brain- arsr time and seconds, the Greenwich, NE.."W York and Toronto time, also a moothly calendar. The watch is open faced, and the cases, without the works, weigh. 3.',: ounces, and the watch corn- ! lage• pieta, -with ehain attached, weighS tion eimnes. our m 1 • • . of knitte 1 socks and Mits. his a lea( y ioomy store, 1 g w The shoW in the outdoor department. a 1 t -f p 1 about 80 feet deep, and filled with a was eveI more successful than that in ....470%,` y. ea 'arvBes stock of goods equal to any west of To - I horses there 'was a magnificent. 14 : l' lthlp, eo. 0 I rent°. The stock . of glassware and side. 1 crock ry at the store of Moore & Co. 1 isp y. The number of heavy -draughts Gnaisr.--Canada Co the best -10 bushels of is perfectly bewildering, and perhaps has was u'et class em never before been equalled M this vil- But it may seem invidious to men- _could b mes, for, judging by the stocks gen eral- rchants are opening out, allseemseuted, especiall loing a thriving business. colts, w MeKilloptheir nr . carriaee L STARTED. -Mr. Andrew Coven- very fir( commenced work in his new ally in t Winthrop onSattirday last. , The credit t plant is new, and was furnished cattle V hi a block at Carronbrook already under by th Goderich Foilndry and Manufac- wasi. i construction, and he expects to commence turin Company, and works like a charm. a tewt e We have every confidence that Mr. Go v - the work of salt manufactmina in a few weeks. 1 L ; en oc ' s enterprise ina establishing a se much needed , will be duly op- ted and amply rewardedby the • " • 13d D.;';Richard: "-^T‘00`., ear -old gelding, lst Jas, Cave, 2d A. cka, 3d. Wm. Es - eery. 'INvoeyear•old filly, lst Robt. Mc- Allister, 2d I). Richard, 3d. ILL Hunter. ss - One- Y e a filly, Alec. Ingram, Laen- , evil purpose team, lst James Pickard, 2a Jas, Weetcott, :3d John Hunter. One- year -old entire colt, lst T. Meltwen, 2d 3‘11. Kelland, 3d John HodgiD.5. CARRIAGE HORSES. +Brood. mare and foal, or proof that she has had a foal this season, 1st L. Hunter, 2d IL Farmer. Foal, 1st R. Farmer, 2a L. Linter. Two- year-old. gelding or filly. 1st Hugh Alex- ander; 2a 13. Smillie. Saddle horse, 1st James Bissett, 2a T. Fittob. . Team, lst Rrancis Dagg, 2.1 L. driving ho re or mare,' 2d Geo. 'Mace, 3d E DURHAM- C,orreit..- John. Glen, 3d It. Hunt heifer, lst Jas. Pickard Glen. . Heifer cal f, lst John Glen, 3c1. Jas. Pi 1 lst john Glen, 2d. R. innter. Single 1st 0. Doherty) yn Oman. ow, 1st and 24 r, One -year-old 2a and. 3d. Jahn It. Hunter, 2d ord. - Bull calf, nter. CATFLE oniErarssANI RHA MS, --Grad e cow, must have calve in 1874, 1st S. Hogarth, 2d Jas. Pick6 d, 3d John Glen. Two-year-old heifer, lat and 2d James Pickard, 3d. 8 Hogarthr One -year-old heifer, let S. • Hogarth 2d James Pick- ard, 3d Wm. Delbra,ge Heifer calf. 1st 5, ,Hogarth, 2d. John Anderson. Two- year•old steer, lst Tti Shantou. One- year -old steer, lst and 2d W. Westcott. Fat ox or steer, lst enjoin in Murley, 2d and 3c1 James Pick std. Fat . cow or heifer, lst John Glen, d and 3d James Pickard. LEICESTER 'SHEEP.. Aged ram, lst W. T. Galloway. S1 arlina ram, lst 0 W. Penhale, 2d 8. Corn sh. . Ram lamb, lst and 2d Wm. Pe bale. Pair aged esves, must have raisec lambs in 1874, lst S. Cornish, 2dWnli Penhale. Pair Penhale, 2d ewe kips, lst s Bissettt . Aged A.rn, lst . Martih, Ram lamb, lst Wm. Penhale. Pair aged ewes, must have raise 1 Iambs in 1874, 1.st James Bissett. P it shearling ewes, lst net •ANY BR1ED, AN LEICESTERS OR COTSWOLDS.-Agat I ram, lst John Sbearliug Ram lamb, J.st . Brock. Pair -of lambs in 1874, lst Wm. Brock, 2d D. McEwen. Pair -shearling ewes, lst and 2d. Joseph Peart. ,Pair ewe lambs: lst Wm. Penhale, 2d Joseph Peart. Fat ewe, 1st and 2d D. McEwen. Fat wethers, lst and 2c1 D. McEwen. Pair of goats, a male and a female, let and 2d John Hunter. • PIGS -LARGE BREED,, MEDIUM. -Aged. boar, lst Joseph Peak, 2d Jas. Hill. Boar, littered in 1874, lst Joseph Baw- .dtin, 2d John Ciaingt ,Agerl sow, 1st Wm. 1Verry. Sow, littered. 'in 1874, .1st Joseph Bowden, 2d. John Ching.. SUFFOLKS.-Aged so -Ewen. Sow, littered i McEwen. BERK SHIRES. --Aged Sweet, 2d Wm. Blair. shearling ewes, 1st James Bissett. Pair Wm.; Pellhale, 2d Jam Co'isavoan SHEEP. Wm. Blair, 2d T. 1 Brock, 2d Silas Ba ram, lst Joseph Peart Wm. Penhale, 2d. Wn aged ewes, having rais Tub of salt butter, r..)o poulS, 181 Bishop, 2d S. Wilson,3a Chas. Single._ cheese, factory, supplied roue, lit A. M. -Ball, 2a. W. Single cheese, private factories, 1 Cook, 1 IVIANUFACT-ITRES.-W-pven hot quilt...1st D. Molt.lwen, 2d Jas. yards domestic cloth, all wool, 1st ..3Ars. • Robert Bell. Pair of blankets, ill wool, lst Mrs. D. McEwen, 2a Mrs. Ro )t. Ten yards :of linsey woolsey, lst D. . W. Flamm -a Gentsddle, Youll, 2d Alex. Malwen. Set fsaddle, single harness, lst lst 417. Fanson. Pair of ladies' boots, lst John Trebble. Pair of gents' boots, lst John Trebble. Specimens of leather, 1st John Moritz. Three pieces of cooper work, lst Jelin Gould_ As�rtincnt of marble work, lst W. Bowden. Set of parlor furoiture, lst John DrewJ et of bed room furniture, 1st jolu Brea,. Panel door, lst john Ross. 1 Stuffed birds, stuffed thia season, 1 t Wm, Hawkshow. - FINE Arrrs.-Pahlting in oi colors; lst and 2L1 Georae Samwell. - Crayon sketch, lst and 2d Mrs. C. Gidlcy. Col- lection of photographs, Jst Charles Senior. LADIES' Wonlia-Loaf of ho ne-made bread, lst Mrs. R. Bell, 2,1 J a. Wm. Bell, 3d Mrs. D. McEwen. Pat lb quilt, - 1st Miss McEwen, 2d Mrs. J. Willis, 3d Mrs. Wm. Bell. Quilt raised, lst Mrs. John Dagg, 2d. Mis, J. Amlorson, 3d Miss M. Willson. Tatting, 1st Mrs. G. McLeod, 2d Miss K. Mclieod, Miss T. TOM, Crochet, 1st Mis C. Gid - ley, 2d Mrs. B. Phillips, 3d Mrs C. Gid - ley. Embroidery in muslin.'lst Miss M. Buchanan, 9.d. Miss J. Dagg,. 3d Miss T. Tom. Embroidery in crape or chenille, 1st Mrs. G. McLeod, 2d Miss M. Sand- ers. Braiding, lst Miss M. Mc1;wen. 2d Miss IVIAllister, 3d Mrs. William , lst Alex. Mc - 1874, lst Alex. boar, 1st Richard Boar, littered in .1874, lst Wm. Haze rood, 2d Hegh Love, 8r. Aged sow, 11 Wm. Blair. Sow litte Wm. Penhale, 2d Rob IMPLEMENTS. --Woo wagon, lst R. Robinsdn. Double car- riage or buggy, lst M. Single buggy, lst M. ii Wooden plow, lst W. beam plow, lst Thorns W. 1:1. Verity. Gang W. H. Verity. Pair Richard Davis. Hors Geo. Cottle. Fanning st not known- 2d, ed in 1874, ;1st art Frayue. en or prtent-arm sh, 2c1 D. Brown. 2(1 Jas. Down. R. Verity. Iron & Williams, 2d. low, lst and 2d ron harrows, 1st hay rake, lst mill, 1st Hunter Hoskin. Single reaper, lst Thomson & Williams. Single moirer, lst Thomson & Williams. Grain see 1 drill., 1st Cram- er, lst Geo. Mc - ton. • pany's prize for fall wheat, $30, Robert McLeod. TwoF bushels Fife or Club wheat, lst Jas. B11, 2(1 Wm. Bell, 3d Geo.- 13u -swell. TWIo bushels spring wheat, other than Fife Or Club, lst Chas. Tough, 2(1 Michael HOfernan, 3d WM. Essery. Two bushels two -rowed barley, lst Richard. Hunter, 2 Wm. Stoneman. Two bushels six-rowedbarley, lst Werry, 2d Richard Hunter. Two bushels large oats, lst Chas. Tough, 2(1 Michael Heffernan. Two bushels CommOu oats, lst Wm. Baker, 2d GeO. Buswell. Two bushels large peas, lst Illobt. Bell. Two bushels small peas, lst Alex. McEwen, 2d Richard Stanlake. One bushel timo- thy seed, lst Robt. McLeod, 2d Alex Ingram. One-half bushel flax seed, 1st Robert Anderson. R „I • HORTICULTURAL r-ODUCTS. Fou varieties winter apples, five of eacia nanaecl, 1st Geo. Cox) 2d Wm. Dew. Four varieties of fall apples, five of each named, lst Wm. Stoneman; 2d Richar Wadlan. Collection Of apples, named, 1st Geo. Cox, 2d WM. Bell. Plate o 10 Rhode Island Ore 'Dings, lst Georg Cox. Pla.te of 10 Northern Spies, is Roxborough rus 'late of 10 Esopu Bell. -Plate o -•••- ' ICIDIVS SALT WELL. -The salt rock was struck in Kidd.' a salt well, near Sea - forth, on Friday night last, at a depth of 1„045 feet. From what we learn, the salt deposit is of as great a thickness at this place as at Seaforth. Mr. Kidd has lock mill entir Mo its I MMIG RAN Ts. -On Friday night' work last another cargo of itnmigrants went Pree,i West on the Grand Trunk, under the Publi care of Mr. D. D. Hay. Four families were left at Seaforth. The male portion Tuckereraith. of the Seaforth party have all obtained A :'Io. LOAD. -A team belo ging to steady employment at the salt works. Messi They are, as yet, domiciled in the Town hecon Hall, as house accommodation is so -scarce from in. town that it is imposSible to obtain 103 b hpnies for them. These immigrants are load English farm laborers, and. like the last, throu c(!Litne from the lock -out districtS. They field, o the road. The team is are a fine, industrious and intelligent aizedcarm team. ldoking lot of people, and. will make good 4 • ciPzens. I a. Thomas and John ThorP,, of the d Concession of Tuckersmith, drew heir barn to Fair's - Mill in Clinton ushels of wheat at one load: This vasrdrawn from their barn door, oh the yard and across a grass a small f Cows Sem:DE-La-We are informed by -Ail Mti. Alexander McLennan, 8eaforth, that being tiro valuable cows belonging to him, inenc Whicii were pasturing on the commons, gno.as wCre, on Friday last, very badly scalded again by some heartless person. We also learn Them' that cows belonging to Messrs. Lusby, after Lattinter and otherslave been treated m stock Varna. TION SA LE. -Mr. James Benthron, about' to leave Varna, has coul- d to dispose of his stock Of store by au ctio n . The sale will be resumed by Mr. J. P. Brine, auctioneer, on ay next, and will continue every omi and. evening Until the whole is disposed ofhale will commence a similar manner. Such heartless treat in tII afternoon at 2 o'clock, and in the ment of dumb animals should be severely evenilig at 61 punished if the guilty parties could be discovered. We -do not much a.pprove Hibbert. 01 the practiee of allowing cows and pigs PER '.u. A le -We regret to learn that tq) TIM at large in a town or village, as Mr. George Hamilton, of Halbert, is se- ti,ley are verv frequently a sonrce of very pious y wi th typhoid fewer. He has gteat annoyance to citizens, but people been Jconfiued. ,t -,o bed for nearly two Who are disturbed. -by such animals week• • sliould seek redressfor the grievance film the owners. • A Scatir PCNIsHED. - On Sunday Yana' Soen.-Mr. James Bignell has Morning last a man named. Burns engaged sold his farm, Lot 4, Con. 8, linliett, to al horse and buggy at Sharp's livery Mr. Joseph Martin, from the vicinity of stable, in this village, with whieh to go Torouth. The farm contains:100 acres, tO Zurich. As the man said he was not and as sold. for $4,540 'cash. We uni- aemine back again, Mr. Sharp ient a derstand that Mr. Biguell intends re- sthall boy along with him to take the moving to Nebraska. 110 rse home. Instead of going -to Zurich, ExTnaORDINARY lia;.NAW t\. --On however, the man induced the boy -to Thuraday afternoon of last Aveek, as Air. drjive him to Friedsburg. When they ar- John. Richmond's machine was threshing rived. at this place,he took the horse out on t of. the stable while the boy was at din-, Con. rete, and saying that he only wished to the h ao about a quarter of a mile to see a heaa- e fmnd, started. off with it, and nothina rye. a rilbre of him was!seen Frisldsborg that were Hullett. le farm. of Mr. Walter Hannah., on 12, Hullett,the horses attached to ase -power became frightened at a elap of thunder, and started to full speed around the track. There 10 horses on the -power, a.nd they afternoon. Towards evening some par- made lively tune for a while. Mr. Hugli ties belo aging to If riedsburg met him with Ce.n.11 bell was on the horse -power, driv• two other menin the buagy, and. the mg, .t the time of the runaway, and manner in which they were .beating and stranp , to say, notwithstanding the abusing the horse induced the Friedsburg horses continued ruiming at. full speed. people to take the animal from themfor a Considerable time, he escaped unin- jured The horses were ultimately The horse was, by this time, so badly boat= aud Ablaut' tliat A waa unable to stoppCd without doing any injury further • large, but the entries in. this raced some of as fine animals as found in the conntry. The urpose class was largely repre id embraced .several animals, among the young horses and iich were creditable alike to eders and to the County. In and buggy horses there was a e display, and the shpw, especi- he former, would have done many of tha larger fairs,. In e show, as is usual this year, er inferior, .although there were 11 -bred and handsome a,uimals: In sheep and pigs there was a first-class display. 'Ameng the sheep there were numbeti of as tine animals as any Coun- ty in th 4 Province could prodnce. In and buggies there was a very v, which reflected credit on the urers time Vicinity. -We also very . fine display of marble b stones and monuments. by den, of Exeter, the workman- hich was most creditable to the urer. There was a very good Mir. McLeod's pea harvester, 11., for itself laurels at the Prov - the Show- of poultry was such as ice the spectator that poultry in South Huron devote to this eal of care and. attention. Pro - out doors were rendered Much .active and agreeable during the by the excellent music given by the various brass bands, -which played. on a platform in the centre of the horse ring. Fin' the -band prize there were three co ipetitors, Clinton band carrying off the fi second. The e 10 cents. was real members Stephen mated. charged, of the at The folio carriages gOod sho manufae noticed work, to Mr. Ba ship of manu fa.c display .of agricultural implements, in- . chiding , which w to convi breeders . a great c ceedings ni.ore att afternom HEAva mare, is ville, 3d Melville, Three -ye son, 2d iilly, Jas, Pic eard. Two-year-old. filly, lst Hugl , (leo. °he Thompso Hackney tire colt, Hackney 1st John John Lai land," is Galloway, 3d Thos. Greenway. GENET: al, PURPOSE HoRealea-Brood mare, lst W.j Galloway, 2d A. Bishop, 3d John Vood.• Foal, lst Robt. Ander- son, 2(1 4lex.Ingram, 3d W. T. Gallo- way. T Tee -year-old gelding, lst John Brock, 21 A. Deering. Three-year-old filly, 1st IIenry Westcott, 2d A.I3ishop, .21; prize and Exeter band the trance fee to the grouncla was From this source abOut $400 zed. N•1 hen we consider that of , the South Huron, and and Vsborne Societies were ad- ree, ' and non-meinbers only 't will be seen that our estimate endance can not be -far astray.- ving is the PRIZE, LIST : D.RAUGHT HORSES. -Brood' Geo. Speiran, 2d John Mel - .John Lout. Foal, lst John 2d Geo. Speiran, 3d. John Lout. r•old ,gelding, lst Jas. Thomp- Jos, i Pickard. Three-year-old Love, Sr., 2d. Geo._ Chesney, 3d One-yea,r•old. filly, Hugh. . Draught team, lst James 2d. ID. Bell. One -year-old en - 1st Finlay McEwen, 2d Jas. Peal out of " Lord Haddow," Melville, 2d Geo. Speitan, 3d. t. Foal out of Bank of Eng - Rot. Artaersoh, -41.1 W. T. Wm. Bell. Plate of -1 sets, lst Hugh Oke. Spitzenbergs; lst WM 10 Baldwins, lst Wm. iBe1l. - Plate of 1 Westfield Seeknofarthe6,1st Wan. Stone man. Plate'of 10 snow apples, 1st Geo. Cox. PlateOf 10 Gravensteins, lst Wm. Bell. Plate' of 10 fall pippins, lst Geo Cox. Plate of 10 Bartlett pears, lst Gee. Kilpatrick. Plate of 10 Flemish peal* lst Geo. Co. Three -varieties of plum, lst John Zimmer. Oollection of ripe grapes, three clusters of each, named, grown in the open air,. lst John Ander son. Three clusters of grapes, one 0 more varieties, 1st john Aaderson.. Col ' lection of grapes, natn ,d, • three cluster r. -Plate of yelloN crab apples, la j; of each, grown under gl ss, 1st John Zim me Geo.' Cox. Plate of 10 peaches, mi variety, lst John Ande 'son, VEteETABLEs. -Two kinds of l'potatoes half a busheLof each, bit Jas l Bell, 2 Jas. Lang. Four heads of winter cab bage, lst Francis Hamilton, 2d Georg McLeod. Six blood beets, lst Geo. Cox 2d Thos. Carling. Six long. mangolds 1st D. Youll, 2d Wm. Stoneman. Si globe mangolds, D. YOull, 2(1 John Hay- wood. Six Swede turnips, lst Geo. Co 2d 8, Balkwell. 8ix early horn carrots lst Geo. Cox. Six long orange, or re carrots, lst John Haywood, 2d. Thom Carling. Six white Belgian .carrots, 18 Jas. Pickard, 2(1 John Efayagood. Twelv CarS of Indian corn, .1st David Youll, 21 S. Balkwell. Three Water melons, 1- S. Belhaven. Three Musk melons, le John Zimmer. Four heads of cauliflowe lst Richard Stanlake, .2d Robt. McLeo Peck of red. onions, lst Isaac Reid, 2 Jas. Loadman. Peck of white or yellow onions, bit Isaac Reid, 2d Jas. Loadman'. Tomatoes, lst E. Bingham, 2c1 A. M.. Bowen. • DAIRY PnooteE.-Five pounds of bu ter, without salt, lst Wm. Bell, 2d Joh Haywood. Five pounds of table butte , salted, lst Wm. Bell, 24 John Anderson, Archd. Tough. by • pat - Kollar. B e-inade fe. 'Ten 777. Fancy knitting, 1st Mrs. Capt. 2d. Mrs. J. White, 3d Capt. Two pairs of woolen socks, lst McEwen. 2d. Mrs. D. Youll; T of stockings, lst Miss Mary a 2a Mrs. James Tom. Pair o mits, bit Mrs. James Tom, 2d :A, Anderson. Pair of woolen E,,,1 and 2d Mrs. S. Hogarth. Gen band made, 1st Mrs. Alex. B 2c1. Miss 1'4 ary McEwen. Honey let John Ziamper, 2c1 Wm. 1144 in the, jar, five pound J'ohns, 2d 'George Cox. Colh home-made wine, 1st George 2d Mrs. James Tom. Lace a Miss F. Tom, 2d Mrs. James OCT. 9 1S74. 777. 3.c7.--MPA..A. -17? CA S -H at.„„ip to:Qv g 777. THE Time SeVCDS Cllellp CilS12 Stnli` ill DM en- larged to nearly double its former size, and fined to the door With one ttf the Largest, Cheapest and Finest Stocks of Gibson,sbcin liss M. vo pairs IcEsven, - woolen rs. jam WS; lst n comb, Fanson. o bit o n. Di 'all mwe, 6 pieces of all shades of Grey' Mantle Water Ork, lst Proof, 60 inches wide, from 55e to $1, Bissett. 150 New all -wool Shawls, the latest Styles, from $2 25 to $18 -the largest Stock In Salina. Berlin wool work, lst Mrs. Ti ompson, . 2d Mrs. C. Gidley, 3a Miss Pickardto select from . Feather flower work-, lst Mis N. J. 50 Children's Cloth' Jackets, all at 50e each, White. Flower wreath, bit klra David • great Bargain, worth $1 -50. JD1P,-c2- Calt-CDOS Ever imported iio Seaforth, consisting m evtay article neually kept by A Dry Goods House, Most of our FINE GOODS ,a -re iniported to Seaforth DIRECT from the OLD COUNTRY, thus saving the profit of the Wholesale Merthant here. Tha Canadian Goods are bought from first hands and on the best terms, and will be found Extra 'Value. • The following lines of Goods are Specially Cheap, Cheaper than you can buy in any oibar House i• n Canada, viz.: 600 yards of Fancy Colored Tartan Dress Goods, 26 inches wide, at 20e per yard, cheap at 30e. 650 yards of Fancy Colored Striped Instres, 26 inebes wide, at 20e per yard, cheap at 30e. 500 yards of Plain Blaek "'metres, double fold, 20 inches wide, at 14e per yard, cheap at 22e. 700 yards of Plain AlI-Weal Empress Cloths, all colors. 29 inches vide, at 50a per yard, cheap at 75e. 250 yards of Plaiu Black Silks, 22 inches wide, at 90e, $1, $1 25 And $1 40, a very cheap lot. 100 yards of Plain Black 4, gros grain, 28 inches wide, at $1 50, worth $2, guaranteed. 50 Poplin Dresses, eommencing at $3 50, up to $6 50, (worth. double.) 100 Pieces of Plain and. Fancy Check Winceys, itt from Sc to 25e per yard. Youll, 2d Miss Maggie Wile.or work, bit Miss K. McLeod. or carpet, 1st Mrs, John Him for hats and bonnets, lst Mrs. Bell, 2d Miss T. Tom. SPECIAL PMZES.-Woolen driving purposes, lst Mrs. S. A Pair of knit socks, knit by girl . Shell 50 Ladies' Cloth Jackets, Bugle trimmed and mat fringed, all sorts1, at $2 50, worth $4. Mrs. 25 Ladies' John Mowbray. Plait of Cauaa a straw Cloth Fur trimmed Jackets, -at $3 to 20 Ladies?Mink Sets, 'rem $20 to $88 amits aet, feorr splendid qualities, good value. iders011. 20 Ladies' Alaska Sets, frcan $4 to $7 50 a Set, mder 16 colors dark. year of age, lst Miss McAlliste a Hein - yards of that G med. cambric .handkerchief 750 by girl 10 baton, at rut) worth i -eat Value 88 inch White years of age, bit Miss Polly. Ma . Fine shirt made by lady under 18 Iyears of 1,000 yards Grey Cotton, from le to 122,e. age, lst Miss Maggie Bell. Pair of 500 all Linen 36-incli long Towels, for 17e, worth worked gents' slippers made b tumor- 25,3 each ried lady, lst Miss V. Biese t. -Half • bushel of peaches, 1st- Hugh ove, 8r. leo all Linen Tumbler Towels, at 10c, worth 14e. Best collection of apples, •lst G.,o. Cox. 23 Pair Royal Canadian Bed Blankets, 5 pounds Best 12 apples, any variety, lst Leonard each, tor $2 75, worth $5. Hunter. Best 12 Westbury tn iips, 1st Peir Royal a $ S. Balkwell. Best cooking s ove and 25 worth $7 50Canadian Bed Blankets, t 5,. furniture, lst Robt Bissett. cheese, dairy make, no factor ances, lst Peter McQueen, Hunter:, JUDGES. -Ladies' Depollute?? Dr. Coleman Seaforth; Mrs. A Usborne ; Mrs. T. Crocker, Ex ter. - Roots, Fruits and Vegetablb." D. Thompson, Exeter; A. D. BI OWIISOD,- Bayfield ; John Anderson, Usbolrne. Grain and Dairy Procluce.-M. Mc- Dermid, John. Logan and. Jas. /Thomas, Seaforth. Cattle. - Alex. Broadfoot, Tucker - smith; Wm. Lang, Downie. R OM'S. -E. Gaunt, St. Helens; J. Roger, St. Marys; David Cathcart; Blanshardt Single appli- LI. John 50 pieces Scarlet all wool Flannel Shirtings,it 25e, 30e, 35e. 40e and 50e a yard. 100 pieces Fancy English Twill Flannel Shirtings, . -Mrs. all wool, at 25e to 45a a. yard. Bishop, 10 pieces Linen Tablings, 60 inch, at 55e per yard. The Seaforth. Show. The annual show of the Tuc Branch Agricultural Society ope yesterday. So far as we can ju the opening day, the ahow t promises to be a grand, succes display in the hall is at least not superior, to anything show County this season. We antici the outside show will not be, inferior to that within the hall. A full report, we casinot, of course, give until next week. LABILIEW AND CIILLDWEN'S 'D 0 TT JD S AND PROMENADE SCARFS ersmith bold cheap. ed. here I In endless variety a d at astonishing low pliceS ge from T, quaiour. Mr.1.1cDOUG L hvng a •-• bought them et -till') he S . great Sale of Raue dAll Farir& Co., athalf pin, is year last Spring; will if in the ate that 1111211111111S. THE CHEAPEST AM. LOT OF CARPETS 1" ' AENTSWasted Every CZ Old or Young, at Rorie or Tra Act Make illore in their spare mo selling the Guide than at anythin bwm• Mailed to any address on receipt CC price, Twenty -Ave Cents. S "IC Circular. Address, Lock -ox Seaforth, Ont., Canada. -here, re cling. m--• ents else. af the tidier 1.,) o. lm 357 " GES MARRIAGE LICE R CEATIVIC (Under the new Aet,) issued at he EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH, • - Under authority of the Lieutenant-Glavernor of Ontario. • - SHAWL FOUND. VOUND, on- MONDAY, Sept. 28; on fhc Huron j: Road, between Carniabrook and Irishtown cher* it PLAID SHAWL, -wqolen. The owner can Bare the same by calling, at the EXPOSITOR 012ce, proving property and. paying fdr this ad- Yertisement. 356 ,‘••- EXTENSIVE AUCTION- SALE - 01? Farm, Parra Stock and Imple nents, 011 Lot 5, B. R. S, Township of Stanley Cont.: of Huron, on THURSDAY, Nov..5, at NO N. The farm contains 67 acres, most y clear of stumps, a very superior brick dvel ng house, good frame barns, large orchard of sukrier fruit trees bearing frMt, and plenty of yiater ; well situated, near the gravel road, 2 miles ifrom- Bay- field -the 13ayfield harbor now being Vain makes this a Yen- valuable property. Terms rery. easy; and made known on day of gale, or by 856-4 JOHN ESSON, PitlYing to ayfield. HOUSE AND LOT IN BERNE FOjt SALE. Tis011 SALE in the 'Village of BERN , townsbiP -A- of Hay, it comfortable frame house and a lot containing I acre; a good well and stable, tilso a bearing orchard offruit trees. An excellent stand for it wagon rnaker. Apply to 85448 X. 13. GEIGER, Zur ch P. 0. STORE AND DWELLINGS FOR SALE. VOR SALE, or to Rent, two Houset in Hill's -A-- Green. One House and Store com ined, with half acre or land. One House with q arter acre. The whole must be disposed of, as the proprietor is leaving the country. Liberal terms -part cash and. the remainder in installments, tnuned.iate possession can be given. For Anther i4formation apply to JAMES MeLEOD on the pre ses or to HUGH LOVE, Sr.,11111's Green, '854 OXEN FOR SALE VOR SALE, a Yoke of good Workieg OXEN. Apply to WM. CHAPMAN, Lot 24, Con. 8, Tuekersmith, Brumfield P. O. 356*4 EVER SOLD HERE. 2 pieces of yard wide all Wool, .at 75c a yard, eheap at 90e. 2 pieces of Fancy Druggeting, at 621c worth 80c. 1 piece of yard wide Cocoa Matting, at 75e. 50 Cocoa Mate, at $1 80, worth. $2 50 -extra large size. Small At 75c. - 1 6 pieces Of Tapestry Carpets, good new Pattern. • at 85e, 90e and 9e, worth $1 20 per yard Best value ever offered in Seaforth. '4 piens Hemp Carpet, yard wide, at 14c, 20e and 25e a yard. • TAiLORINC DEPARTMENT 1 Under the careful euperintendence of Itr. 1 K. Anderson. A good lit guaranteed, azia without exception the Largek Stock of fine Cloths to be fonnd w St of Teronto to choose, from. All the fine Cl ths are imported direct from London and Pa s, and the Patterns are • only to be had at this e tabliehment. GiENTS! TIES, S HRTS, COLLARS, GLOVE'S, 'HOSIERY', Alia) AN ENDESS STOCK OF NEW STYLES OF HATS AND CAPS. Call early and see them. To get clothes in thnee your order should be in -•cvo weeks before you want them, so pressing is the demand. The Independent Buyer, the Buyers who eau buy where they please, are invited to call, and we guarantee to give Goode at the prices -we adver- tise, and no two prices. You will buy cheaper and get better value than you cau possibly get at the old fogy credit stores, where the good pall for the bad, Remember to, Call at 77/. A. G. McDOTTGALI; & 00. - • - ladmmil=EffrEssr=1921 S V,' V ENT10( Vie A la. ,1 W1lf4)11,1a Not 3.5te. 41-e1t d'Oate FARM FOR, half of Lot 33,Cfni --e‘ 75 aeree el;re3. with A' and orchard 4 mi1et1 aont possession giNtat. For 1util3 to 857 !FARM FOR OT No. 5 Con. 4.1fullett LJ o aeres :north -braneli t3f tie. aliay through tbe the premises to tire prol;tiet i• 13C18rir I - F.A.RINI 0R AL1 VIFTY aciatt.Coe,19, -.••• frame -, log barn wells ; 9 miles fro,i seafert ther particulars apply on 21.1t. ,11e1.111.1tainder 1nitle;;f1111.1"lin gooI1;1::11!ti ii11 niesO1:q3i1;41•l:11 For 1 partietilars apply to L. or BENSON * MEYER., Seal FAE,DI FOR T _OT 89, Com 4 Eat Wani ty, etnitaining 1130acres acres cleared.. Them mare -aot' ing ()retinal and 0. ferm. TERM'S -0 ue-fenrt ; time to suit the imrchaser. lars apply or, the premises, oi - WLMVSTA1 Victoria Mi1h,Aug. 1s7 AB P011. 11011 13era. MJfli :12910C e°8 11)-1n; farm is convenient to seitool, station. This is a gootl vlsi littlic rash, as there is timber for it. nit- u1i0u18s apply; BE kS, 1.t -e Lot, or to Et* innticabirs apply to the Drawl bus hardwood; ,good log bin it I. 6 miles fitom Seaforth: B '8I5XfIrr-C11:;°eti.E4:3•A":111*C:711;1.193.714t3IHT:1:111 bes1tiunlity, anti will be so1.1 ard commenting to bear; tw 3:330 STEAM SAW MILL AaThl -1.3, LNG Lot Ill. -Con. 7, Mai -1-J acres, alt elearea, with gqi two gooaorthartis in fuliben ing springs which supply thi Con,. I), containing -IS acres 4 grit 1 road thereto_ For Dart. is ;listed 6 auiles from -13' on the premises. If by pest: SON.Constanee P. 0., Kinbal VOIR 'Sale, Lot 28,R15CL.°11.7, 1-',. -i: ,l74 acres. 51 of which. are ti of *good en ltivalien. There)! and STABLE. The farm 19 1,Yravel road, 1.3 conveniently 1 churches antlipost oillee, Inn from Settfortlit :an a I'lvfxr:Lo., Al PaYtitnlaTS-appy to the promi . I :351. ' —1 -----riliii Fiir. 1 Olt SALE. LoV 25, Coo, 3. a 7itnae;hresi elitetlel'ealial:alelli: feut; • tivatI Holmes, Well watered, and zi and m les from i tmfortb chard. 01 Trion Road, Ill 15 roail. Fo . fu , her particulai rietor on -film ptremiees, or to 3 Z3b7*4 — . • . - - FARM for g T qr 1,con.,,,, Tereberey.oi, ?-I-4 Turnbena-- anti they, 3.00 11 11111.10 7e atThilatt.tilT1131teicalliobvealp. the- gravel emed, fl miles frot mil zs from En:Issas ; 16 11e1T further particulars apply, if 1 0.A. cooPtR 4-, co., 13russeI DONALD, Mniebank P. 0,. 1 11 OT.tL FOR rillit subscriber Wishia)g to 1 "L bush:le:en° ors for eale hit Victenia House in the thrhin Thej houeeds t nnmoditms vi cattle alk14 att died, and is 14 .1on given for aelling. For of tie business part ofv\thtfi e a re'r1-7 app y. if by letter prepaid, tot pre nisesior to C. R. COOPF,R 846 \ irAtm F013. ,01.f.x1l part1 Lot 11, Ce c of Huron, containing land ; about 71 acres mostly under good en tivation.; the hardwood ; gold biick house also, nice you hearing OM 7 61 miles from illii",‘,•els., '73 in Baia 21. from 'elgrave. FI» ILP3p517'y on thepitrell.:rtirlleitiletreli:to1 FARM FOR SALE .1 Con. 7„ • ' cleared. rrmainder goo good frame barn 66x16, vxcel horses and catle, snug ft.; failing spring -tear the hon- ing 0i -chard:- 7 miles from fi forth, 11 from Iiinhuru.' gra farm ; farm in high •state ¶ot dry clay soil, free nf stone anti further particular-Ian/AI :349.1l13 FARM PGR SALE von sale, Cheap, Lot No,. of Brute, 'County of 3; acres., :30 tif tOtich are elearet ated within live InihN of the' lage clf Paisley. The twat- titabereti. Thereii also it S through the Wane:. It is ,t For iintln r partiOnlars on Lox 24, Seaforth 14, O. FARM FOR lITE Subscriber off.e)s that fano lot, leirt ()I Nti. miles from Cliettm miii tabling 761, neres; der iod- stale r.f ,'nhinti wtfl timbereil ; lial!rt•-• Inn unz orebara, vrt )1111 IP an • Ana a never -fa Tcrms easy, and made into- -lIZ" 4 4FABAYI YOB, A Opt ain!I:g 111/ eleared, well teneol, awl in ration. There is ft good r. excellent frainc barns, ibi good heeling tea:hard. ri never-failine spring an.1 .• ated within one mile and n tvIthin abontade. suf 'tb gool gravel 'roach.: ral pla-e-% for Inrthpr rite or eel lhc ipreinises. or t. 251 1?; - FARM ra OT 11. Ca3. 4, Stanky. of wide'i are ekare state of gold tultivatiot timbered wit) hardwo,O., Iking first -elle se building there is a go01 frame hon tlerneath, and log harm,. ellaenveniiaa to the 11 hearing orehard. There limn, and. the Baytield 21 linshpart, aiToriling ater, lit IR situated -within 9 mill forth, and 81 miles. from *Fel road 'leading tti es aartienlais apply to the i Sea, or to Bruceriold 253 -