HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-10-09, Page 7r. 9, 1874. tor 544', itereS: le acres elear- he blush burnt. The • church and ea/he-ay mice for a man with a. ker on the place to pay ly to SAMUEL OTIAM- hel P. O. erie-;-4 SL R et 20, Con. 9, HU:4*a nirtfr 50- acos ; 44 seere ps; well fenced; geed ; outbuildiugs, hewed garden. For terla8.,. • or by letter, to the DEVLIN„ • Staff& O. Conveniently eituated Aka. Con. 5, Stanley,. 7 lea from Seaforthcon- weil fenced. and un - tin,, the remainder .ia wheat. -Thera is a fine [Ise, frame barn and: spring on the pletee. ma on application to ITIOMAS MILLS. ' On the premises. • SALE. tekersanith ; 100 aeree ; all dear of straape atildinget ; yolirtg meth: two wells with pinups; The land ia of the ild chap. For further nietor oti thepretreises. MeGANDLESS, Eemerndville P. O. L. SALE.. land, being compose& kNrnop, end west half rty is situated, within pod gravel road inns ,E school house within' '35 acres cleared, well nn stmnps, and clean ea &ere lot there is eouse and orchard. (he , good frame. house, 2. aid ctdiar, and a large watexed. These fame gether to suit purehae- s apply to the proprie- ke WALTER CONVAX, ItleCA.UGHEY, see- _ $41 SALE. timop,;coutaining 104 kt miles from e`teaforthe • Grievel neaa; large :taw; also other out - hone, well finished, e`creek; also, a good of good quality ; three ,tt fruit trees, all bear- eirticulars applyen the COWAN, Seaforth. : IN B:BERT. beet; 40 aeres cleared; and stables; two good z-th, 8 from Gromarty; Terms, easy. For fur - le premises. Cromarty P. 0„ t SALE: eontaining 100•acreee.6 , well fenced, and in fk - the balance is well ;der, Om andhemlock, and fencing timber ; with stone cellar un id staldee, also a good ease - there is ts good not;roken land on the er passes through the ni the drsest geasong- ekt- Clinton and Sea- ktteelield, with a good :h place. For further Opiietor on the pram- • MerrOUG A LL, Sr, R BRUCE.. 30, Com 6-, Township - Brace, containing 100 ,ed, This- farm is situ - lie rapidly growing vil- leered portion is -well .Spring Creek. Tanninc. a, desirable pioperty. ply to the Proprietor, ; A. 3L CAMPRET.L. • SALE. -E} retire from the Hotel ;his hotel knOwa as the rt ilia,' village of Brussel& ,with good, stable and 4 situated in the centre village. Satisfactory i'or further particular's ek the proprietor on the [FM d: Co., Brussele P.„ 0. :-irvITSCiN, Proprietor. e. 5ALE. 3, L. R. K., Tuck - acres, 7.5 of which are a a state of good caw - at frame HOUSE and etle and stables, also a la farm le watered by a. ilk This- farm is situ- Ettall of..Bracefteld, and Manta and Seaforth, ,11,.ing to each of these ; ars apply to the prop-. Brucetield P. 0. ETH MeLELLIN. SA,TeR = irslazoe, containing cleared and ina state a good frarneBARN .located on a good enuated to schools, d is within 13miles. - Exeter. For further eietor on the premises. AM DINN IN. Jr., Lute ley P. O. - SALE. 140 ttert:ti, more or -t.nry of water, and the itland Ither running eted fence& Apply on , AMES MAItTIN, tin es Constance P. O. SALE. ano,h. Huron Coma - :of. .exrellent land ; OE ss Baildines, a bear- ; ne SPRING on the caeli ; the balance in e'er further veracit- y to tilmentis P. 0, ii. 'ALE. : loo acre-, (i5 acre 'idea with //teeth and vee Maitland and a from Kiithern and -.4 to Knit purehasere Ilarpurhey., ierth. 34:1 Hur_s-E-srf, . to el) acres le eche:ref maple; ut entitles for both ;tee le diet: ; a never- ; 4 acet -4. good bear - b from Sea - a=1 road inteeee the at:tieatitat ; plentUti 1-..ttutl. For terms -tit the proprietor. LL, Conetariee P.O. • tacKELLOP. tenepoeed of North 'calf of lot 14, Con_ 'terve, 50 cleared and :at ion; balance well . good frame house eiring orchard; two ; ravel road; Itlrailee : there are two steam erenient to charcheat, ieuhtra apply to the ; or, if by letter, to IES Aim FOR SALE. • flop,cotataining 104 ;el beetle arid stables, ring; two never -fail - Mill. Also, lot 85, Wish. The property aforth,'•with a good or particulars apply ;.to. jtelIN TIIOMP- Ont. 2.60 3 V, 00T, Q, 1874.•=k, The Prayer Test. the Church. an • • The following extraet is from Bishop byeeitnan'S Senn, 1011 on. erayer, as publish ed in the Matthodiat of Aug. 22, His ='• text Was, " Vie effectual, fervent prayer a a righteolas man. availeth much." Among otheriillusttations of the efficacy ai prayer, the Bishop gives the 61- ItAervinagy-e:r l is alquestion to be determined jest like -any lother. question of feet, not *as & questaonlof smeuce, but as a ques- tion of fact]; and the history' of the world is full SA evidenoes that God does not only helix and answer prayer for apiritual but for phYsical blessings: In the fall of 1858, while visiting Indiana.. I was at 0 annual .confereuce where Biehett Jane si was presidingVe receiv- - eti. a telegram that Bishop Simpson was About dying. Said Bishop Janes, "Let as speed a fetv moments in earnest pi ay- er for the recovery of Bishop Simpsen." We kneeled Ito pray. Witham Taylor, the 'great CatifOrnia, street preacher, was ealled to prat-, and such a prayer I never heard sinCe The imptession seized ern me irresistibly, Bishop Simpson will not the I rose fronittny knees per- fectly quiet. Said I, "Bishop Simpson will net die.?? Why do you think so ?" enables them to perform REAS their several d ties in it ; matrimen ' y, gives grace to be husband and Wife to live together in love and unity, and bring 1 up thuir ehildi n in the love and fear of God. His Lor ship dwelt for a coneid- COUNTY OF HURO erable lengtb..o i 'the, awful misfortune of 'rr° Wit ' f falling into mo tat sin. It is called 'nor- bearingdate the F tai, said 'His oidship, because it kills lection of arrears the soul by de riving it of its true life, given that unless which is sanct Lyinggrace, and because sooner paid, I sha it brings even l sting death and damna- OAT 'WE-DNEk9 Mon on , the s friend, an affe a loving and d or a kind, bra great misforta Ca -IL blame us affection. 1 It deprived tof th ties, but all tl pared with th falling into mo deprived :of, Ii able even; by - ganizatioa soot taken out of the ground ; s of its life by t is dead t this sanctifyiu The loss of a dear At the hour of 1 tionate father, or mother, proceed to sell by voted mdfe or 'husband, be sufficient to dis ler or sister, is in itself a e we moumu, aud no one . in thus- shedding tears of Lot or Part of Lot *a a great calamity to be S A Lot 1 use of any of out facul- 8 Lot 4 is IS nothing when; corn - NV' -& Lot 6, ... . . dreadful Misfortune Of 8 pt of N A Lot 1. tal sin. The'thody, when N ]E 2.• • - • • • e, soon becomes unbeatt N or VV pt. IL... tanearest friends, thsoi SI" of N 1 9 begins, when it has to be S or S E pt. 12... ight And buried deep in W 4 36. ........ the soul, 11•411111 deprived le commission of mortar 41t his true life of the soul, 20 gift, bestowed on it, forl 21 - the sake of Chest, is gone, and its doom 22: ....... ....... 'It Because I have had an irresistible nu-•. is • eternal, perd tion. • We all possess an. 23. rence of suicide, we nat- that being mad who de- 25 of life; his body will not 26. be buried in a Catholic 27 pression made upon my .mind during this prayer." .41.LuutLer saul, I have the same hnpression," We passed it along from bench. to bench until we fINUHL that a very latge proportion of the confereuburial groundeee had the slinne impression. 1 I made a minute of the time of day, and the adniterer, when 1 next saw Bishop 8hnpson he was pieces the goo . attending to his daily labor. I inquired. his neighbor, of the Bishop, "How did you rsesehag the useecover . from your eickness'?" He replied, ‘, erately approt comet tdt:, \v hat did your physician of pet ditipn t ? " He said it was a mixache" soul for ever then said to the Bishop, "- Give me the and:profound v time and. cireumstances undei whtc the arious opeasi change ocoutred21 He fixed upon the by referring t day, and. the very hour, making allow- . circumstanees. anee for the distance—a thousand mm es His Lordshi .away—that the Methodist preachers firmed on that were engaged in prayertotal absten_ at this Confer- 1 a r . enoa the physhdan left his room.and drinks fa tw said to his wife, It is useless to do the girls.wou ,anything further ; the Bishop -must die, excesses in dr. In about an hour he returned, and start-, ed back, iuquiring, " What have You' done ?" t oft hae " was the reply. t' He is recovering rapidly,' said the physician "a . change has - occe rred in the disease within the last hour beyond rntuiti ye abhe urally coaside iprives himself be permitted. t and is not' the drenkard, 28. the person 'who teats to 40 t name and reputation, of bsolutely mad when. pos. 21 ... . ............ f his senses, thus he delib- 22 . hes the yawning precipice 23. nd, kills his own inunertal 24 Throughout this affecting 26 iscourse, His Lordship on 26 ns illustrated his Subjects anecdotes and existing 801 caused all the boys eon; N or N -middle pt. day to take the pledge of - co from, all intoxicating E 18.... ...... nty-one years, and that 334 abstain from the useless 356 ss, pointing out the folly' E 372 of spending ionest hard-earned money on such appen lages as bends. His ord- - - - „ ktd ICES SITOIU RERI'S ISALE OF LAN V! DS,Lot - ,6809 . . 681 ... 682a . . .. ... 683 _ 684 ,685 .. .. 686....,.;......... 687 i 688 1: AY, THE 2d DAY 01? DECEMBER, A.D. 1874, , -DY virtue of a warrant under the hand. of the W rden of 1) the County of Huron, and the Neal of the said County, teenth day of August, 1874, to me directed. for the col - f Taxes due. on the under mentioned lands notice is hereby the said taxes, together with all lawful costs and charges, he -ALL art bl Lot. • • • • • • • . 6. • 689 'clock, P.M., at the Court House, in the Town of Goderich, PUBLIC AUCTION the said lands, or so much. thereof as may charge such arrears of Taxes and. charges thereon. • TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELDe C071.008ion-or Patented or Am't of Casts and .4St7.eet. Alexea. Unpatented; Taam. ClaioW11.: Taal. 3d 11 D. 100 patented $34 62 $2 15 $36 77 . 6th I) 100 patented 41 11 2 33 43 46 6th IL 100 patented 46 03 ,2 43 48 46 3d W. 40 patented 13 58 163 15 21 9th -W - 50 patented 22.86- 1185 : 24 71 . 10th W . 61 patented 34 70 - 215'1 36 85 . 11th Vir. 50 patented 7 75 1 I48 ' 9-23 . 1 W. 1). 53 patented 18 25 1115 20 00 . N Town Plot 78 patented 5 54 1 43 6 97 lekGE OF PORT ALBERT, IN ARMED). • Arthur11 . 1 patented 2 91 1.35 - 4 26 Colborne E. 4 nnpatented 5 53 1 43 6 96 ' Colborne E. t Unpatented 5 53 1 43 • 6 _ . CkdborMa Il unpatented 5 53 1 43 6 . ' Colborne E t impatented 5 53 1 43, 6 a Colborne R • t unpatented.5 .53 1 43 ' 0 . Colborne E. A unpatented .6 53 1 43 , 6 . Colborne E. le unpatented 5 53 1 43 6 Colborne R unpateuted , 5 53 1 43 6 . Colborne E. t unpatented 5 53- 1 43, 6 • Colborne W.- 4 patented 5 53 --1 48 . 6 . ' Melbourne N. 5 . patented --3 87 1 38 . 5 Sydenham W. 1 patented 5 53 1 43 6 Sydenhana - patented 7.89 148,i 9 • Sydenhare. W patented 7 We , A_48 9 Sydenhani IV patented e7e89 '11 48- 9 . Wellington R t . patented. ett ;'2 88 1 35 4 Wellington NV. 1 .ePotteAted- 2 8$ 1 35 4 VILLAGE OF Ci.14InOlg. -- patented 4 '75 1 40 1701VNSIIIIt OF GODERICH. 5 AK"' • 5 ' patented . 6 89 1 45- -8 34 -116VVN OF GODERICH. 3-16 patented , 16 03 1 68 t patented 9 77 ' 1 53 t patented 3 99. 1 38 3-16 pateutede 14 65 • 1 65 I. • Pateatiel el: 99 1 38 4 ,...14111tented • 3: 99 , 1 38 t f . patented 9 97 1 53 ' k patented..3 99 1. 3s 4'patented 5 96 1143 t - patented!. 8 73. l' 50 patented, 2 44 1 35 1.e patented. 2 06 1 33 " Patented 70 'I. 30 • 1-5 patented 1 75 1 83 . 1-6 patented. 1 75 1; 33 1.5 . patented 1 29 I 33 ' patented. 51 30 1e5 patented 2 44 1 35 1-10 patented, 89 1 30 1-10 • patented 2 05 1 33 23, Sub .• of 4, 1.7.on. -A. patented. 9 1 30 I Con. A. s tee patented. • 3 48 1 38 Park & Marwood.' sit rv,14, Maitland r'd. patented - 2 14 1 35 ! t 6, Sub: of Lo s 17 ata 18 Om. C. 1-10' patented 10 53 1 55 ' CI-. Wilson's Surv., ub,13 of Farm Lot 108 1-5 patented, - 1, 47 1 33 TOWNSHIP OF . GREY. C1clie .2 ' 100 enpatented 36 12 2 18 38 30' '84 Oen. 5 100. unpatented 36 29 2 20 -T-1- 38 -49 28. ' Cm. 6 100 patented 24 94 90 26 84 30 -Con, 16 100 patehted. - 37 41 . 2 ,23 39 64 ' - - Con. '18 100 unpatented 39 45 g 28 41 73 TOWNSHIF OF HOWICK. Sel 17 ... . . e Con. 18 50. unpatented 8 58 -- le 50 10 :08 8 . Con. TS; 100- patented 6 26 45. 7 71 ITIIILAGE OF INTOXWEER, IN RONVICK, 2 New Survey' patented ,1 09 - I 30 2 .39 New 'Survey . patented 1 36 33 2 69 • . New Survey I patented 1 10 1 33 2 43 10 ' New Survey' I patented 1.57 1-33 16 New Survey .patented 99 I 30 t.17 .Nett Survey - :t patented 1 .19 1 33 New Survey t patented. 1 62 38 New Snrtey . I-, patented 1 33 1 33 New Survey: 4 patented .2.76 I 35 New, Survey t -patented, - 1 33 1 33 . • New Survey patented 1 23 e 1 33 29. New Survey peteeted . 1. 36 i 33 34 ' New Survey - a ,patented 1 36 1 33 . 35 ..eNew'Suivey 1-7. patented 1 00 1 33 36. . . .. r New Survey : I patented- 1 23 33 $7- .. , . . e ea . New Survey I patented 1:06 1 33 39 New Survey patented 44 - 1 30 40- New Survey ' I e patented 1 53 1 33, 41 New Survey. • t 4 patented 87 1 30 42 New Survey I. patented 1 36 1 33 43 e 28..... 7 . • • - Concession or Street. _ Acns. DINSLEY TERR A.0 TOWNSHIP OF • S. Boundary 101 ILLAGE BRUCEFIELD, IN TON . . ....McDonald's Survey 1.a. McDonald's Survey 1-5 - VILLAGE OF I • 51 5.1 Park L t 21 Tarte L t22 'Village Lot 172 Village Lot 370 Village E pt. 0 _ N .1 19 96 26 96 E 22. 96 8 1 25 96 96 Ashery 96 96 Lot 311 96 Lot 375 96 L 25 L 96 .37 4 II -.1eleneelnalleeaeleeueeeteeeeeeee..., • PateMed or Ilm't of Costs and Unpatented. Taxes. COMV71, Total. pa -tented $0 50 $1 30 $1 80 patented 50 130 1 80 patented 50 .1 30 1 80 patented 50 1 30 1 80 Patented 50 1 30 1 80 patented It() 80 patented 50 1 30 1 $0 Patented 50 1 30 1 80 130 ISO 130 160 patented 50 . patented 50 ', IN STANLEY. patented .. :64 patented 2 STEPHEN, - patented 18 Mille OF TUC patented 1 -patented N VIGHAM. ' i• patented 11 patented .8 patented 6 natented 3 Let 11, Fisher's Survey 1-0_ patented 8 TOWNSHIP OF EA T WAWANOSH. patented 27 T WAWANOSH. patented '31 'Patented. 42 patentW. :35 Con. 13 100 - patented 32 VILLAGE OF ST. HELENS, 1IN WEST WAWA ,1 patented 2 W. 1 42... Con. 11 6 TOWNSHIP OF WE Con. 1 10 Con, 9 JO Con. 13 - 10 1130 194 56 .1:35 3 91 '77' 115 202 ICERSA11111-1. 81 130 - 211 -Si 1 30 -21i 33 1 58 12 91 25 :150 975 51 1-45 7 96 59 .1-33 497 78 1 50 10 28 35 1.08 29 33 64 2 08 33 72 35 2 35 44 70 52 2 18 37 70 38 2.10 31 48 NOSH. 91 1 .:35 4 26 • t • • 4 • . VILLAGE cip' EXETER. formerly Francestown,in }lay f-1,1 `' patented 14 56 1 65 16 21 3 -9157 11 3308 42 2555 95 1-30' t5 fp rm erl y Frances tow n, in Stephen ] -; patented ot 392 formerly Francestown, Stephen 1-i patented ot 393 formerly Prat-. cestown,m Stephen 1- patented - VILLAGE OF ' ItaiSEGS. pa -ten -ted 1,3e patented Patented patented A. M. Treasurer 37 E 51 37 W52 231 218... 23 6 15 506 529 I599.......... 866.. : -ship did not . kamarwhat theyr aliy -were really, ere, but he was 8e" taili 1thathatute mg a graceful After exhor anything I have ever seen. The cis always to Go religious duti and love, hon to avoid the • to keep from ta paat and the Bishop will newer!! And he elid.' Who shall tell nae that God, who cre- ates madiente to heal dhseases, and has given power and infinite variety to remedial influences, did net, by some pronounced t secret powr enet made known to usthe whole COD, which perhaps will leaver be, touch_ the . After the spring of life somewhere in Bishop Simp- IIatgv perfoi son's body ? tie does that through pieces on the remedial agents again and again. The tendency of death. is destroyed-, a,nd in , many cases health is restored by simple1 remedies in the hands of physicians. Surely it is not unreasonable: for us. to. suppose that the thx1 who created all this power may have reserved a little' that he can bring to bear occasionally: ander circumstances like these. ta • tat -Confirmation at Alomat Carmel, aNavvi.whip et- Steph:n. ' On Tuesday, Sept. 2, the Right Rev.: Itieash, Lord Bishop of London, ad- ministered the sacrament of confirmation to a large number of ..the youths of both sexes ha the parish church .of Mount Carmel. This beautiful church occupies a, tery attractive position, crowning a gentle eminence to the right of the gravel road leading from the township ot Hay to the Isat1on road near Exeter. ball - mediately to the right of the church sta:nets the residence of the parish priest, that hospitable and genuine Irishman -- Rev e Father Brennan, and to the left is a small rural -cemetery, where on. a Sun- day morning before mass may be witness- ed the truly pzous and Catholitetrish practice- Of• parties uncoyering their heads and lerntdtag over the remains of their friends or relatives. The church was founded, a comparatively few years ago by the Very Rev. Father Murphy, whose mane is venerated by the people: This enterprising minister of God talked to the then, iEeve setaers, advised them, encour- aged them, and. heedless of the hardships and privations inseparable from a new colony, bobitt penetrated the primeval forest, labored, with them, and. with his owe heaula assisted. to clear the bush 'and free the swamp where the- beautiful aural now stands. Outthis occasion the interior of the church presented a beautiful appearance. Gorgeous festoons of cedar aaat hemlock, intertwined with . wreaths of flowers:, spanned the ceiling in three successive arches, from the centre of which a large cross of the same .11Wbtial WAS suspend- ed.. Mae beaatiful Gothic windows and the approach to the gallery were simi- larly decorated. The organ and choir were presided. over by Miss Mary Jane Michael Hato, assisted by Miss Lynch, Miss Franklin, Miss Hall and other la- dies. The cherch was crowded by ?ewe ties from the surroundhag neighborhood, many of whom belonged to other religious denominations. At 11 o'clock His Lord-, ship, attired in full episcopal robes, ac7 companied by the Rev-. Father Brennan, entered the church, proceeded along the central aisle, and took his 'seat on a dais to the right of the altar. High Mass was chanted. by Father 'Wagner, and respond- ed to in Ttuecessiae peals of rich sacred music from the organ and choir. His - Lord shi p addressed the congregation briefly on the efficacy of the sacraments: Instituted by Jesus ' Christ, from his merits they are the chaneads through -which the grace of GNI is conveyed to our souls ; baptism cleanses from orginal sin, makes, as Obristians and children of God and heirs to the kingdom' of Heaven:; confirmation makes us strong and perfect Christians, by which we are strengthen- ed to suffer and, if necessary, even, to die for Christ—to profess our faith openly, and not te deny our religion on any oc- casion whatever, and like- good soldiers of Cluist be faithful to him till death ; its necessity, particularly in those evil days of seeptioism and- infidelity when faith arid morals- are exposed to so many and so violent temptations; intelligent Catholics should study their religion so as to be able at all times " to give a reason for the hope that is in them ;" Eucharist, the body and. blood, soul and di- vinity of Jesus Christ, under the appear- ance of bread and wine, "He who eatah of nij flesh and dlinkea of my blood alfideth unth me -and- I ia him, and [will rai.st hint tg) at the last day;" penance, by which the sins are. forgtv en which are committed after baptism ; extremeunction which gives us grace to die well, and pre- pares as for our last journey; holy Or. ders, which gives bishops and priests to •trer requited- *Lena in bend to the human sh ing the children to 1, to be attentive to their s, to love their neighbor, r -and obey their parents, tavern .a.nd bar -room, and ad company, His Lordshi e episcopal.- benediction on tegatipn. eremonies were' over, Mis ed several select =laical rgan. - OBSERVER. I giv pe. *ray • 1 JOHN S. PORTER One-horse I tinker and Exchange Broker. AfAILY S WERT, SEARO1T11 CAPITAL, ▪ $0,000i000.01 This is no blow, bat a fact. B - re Greenb nt rates. arty. Shaves money on dep0 —when you ge Lets; parties lea eke and American Silver at eu Lends money on good farm pro otes without- lather. 11 mill; it, and pays 20 per cent. intere • it. Buys and sells Houses au ine town and wishing to sell quit., will find me on and like a thousand of brick. 1. Bulls Vides, I9heep Skins, F' -urs and JAN at he highest prices. S 1,065....... vete : 1,182. W 1.188. E 1,188.. 1,205.... . . ... 1,206. ... . . ....... S 1,232......... E 1,310. 1,333....... W 1,348... .... W t, 1,357 N of N 1-10 Lot Sub. 8 of Lot 10 17 71 I 11 301 4 37 16 30 4 37. 4 37 11 30 4,37 7 39 10.23 3 79 3 39 2 00 3 08 3 08 , 2 62 ' 1 81 .3 79 ' 2 191 3 38 139. 4 86 3 49 12 08 2 80 .18.. All this ie dome with the above capital, wonde. - 21 ful, is it not? Hand in your Wants, wishes and 92 expectations, d n't be afeaid,)ie won't bust. 3 1 23 WHO ANTS MONEY A. STRING, SEA.FORTII, Will Lean Mon EST, either on Parties r!qui . . ; INSURE AN A. Str y at a LOW RATE OF INTE1 'arm or Village Property. ng money should apply to'hiea. YOUR PROPERT YOUR LIVES. ng, Seaforth. IS ALSO AGENT FOR The Scottish Provincial Insurance Company Fire andLi e. The Western nsuranee Company, of Toronto Fire and Life. • - The Isolated Risk Insurance Company, Canada. Terms as re sonable as offered by any oth agent doing bu i ness for reliable Companies. OFFICE—ov r Strong ee Fairley"A Grone Store, Main Ser et, Seaforth. 252 SEAFO# TH PLANING MILL, SASH, DO R AND __BUN() FACTOR rPHE sUbscrib customers f him since com trusts that he of the same. Parties linen him a call, as h large stock of a 1 kinds ef DR TINE LUMBER., DOORS, LINDS, MOULDINGS, S.fIllstGLES, LATH, ETC. He feels eon dent of giving satisfaction to th who may taxon him with their patronage, as no but ft rst-elassl orkmen are employed. e attention paid to Custom Plan! 201 OHN H. BROADFOOT. 'begs leave to thank hi ia "lamer° a r the liberal patronage itended t mining business in Seleforth, a. t my be favored with a ciontinua c ing to build would do well to gijv will continue to keep on hand CLINTON MAR -.LE WORK. ' HURON STREET, Next door iuest of the Commercial Hotel. 1‘10NUA And. work of al Marble, design end at most ret Mantles of -pht Granite Mon. to order. 277 TOB rrENDERS J.- addressed NESDAY, 21st across the river rid Campbell's smith. The b pleted until th fictitious can b donee of Mr. 1 850 NTS IlEADSTONESt kinds in American and Forei a mid executed in the best sty/ sonable prices. rarious Colored Marble an d On hort Notic e. limits and Headstones importe W. H. COOPER, Jr. T. CALDER, Age IDGE BUILDERS. II be received by the Undersign d .- New Survey i ) _patented - 57 1 30 - 48 .. ' New Survey 4... patented 1 83 1 $3 50e e ..,....e .. e... New Survey ' t • patented 1 53 1 33.. 51 '. New-Serve:yr . t patented • 1 34 1 33 52 New Survey 4 patented 1 35 1 33 56 ' New Survey t . patented '1 19. 1 33 57 _ e ' New Survey. • I patented 1 34 1 33 60_, .. _ . New Survey I patented 1 19 1 33 VILLAGE OF .FORDWICI-1,..IN HOWICK. • 4 H• Mill Property t patented 4 52 I 40 , , VILLAGE OF IICPOVK1i ORGORRIE, IN HO WICK 215 - , 1-'5 patented 45 1 30 i VILLAGE OF ItELMORR IN 110IVICK. 1 9 . . . Howick-st - 1.. patented 4 40 1 40 5 80 - . TOWNSHIP OF HAY,. . , - E pt. 24 Lake -road E. 27 patented 26 12 1 93 28 05 32 ' Lake -road E. 105- patented 63 23 '2 88 66 11. . VILLAGE .OF MANCHESTER, IN HULLETT. -1 - . t patented 48 1 30 1 78 76 - ' . i patented 48 .1 30 1 78 ° TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS, * . S 1 24 - ' Con. 3' 100 'patented. 62 05 t 2 83 64 88 VILLAGE OF BLYTH, IN MORRIS. 129 1-5 patented - 1 55 1 33 2 88 130' - 1e5 patented 1 17 .1 33 2 50. TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY. . . . 3 Bayfield -road N ' 83. patented 43 48 -2 28 45 86 W pt. 'L . ..... ...Ba,yfield-road N 5 . patented 3 98 .1 40 . 5 38 2 90 2 29 2 52 2 95 2 66 4 11 2 66 2 56 2 69 2 69 2 33 2 56 2 39 174 ea , 2 86 v 217 ! 2 69 187 3 16 2 86 2 67 268 2 52 26-7 GR 252 . 5 92 ;County Treasurer's Office, (lode 'ch., Aug. 17, 1874. 2 25 20 82 $9 1 ROS , County 35 60 30 .150 30 212 30 219 S, of Huron. 851-13- lifiANCHEST 1874.. R HOUSE. P.A. T AKING into coiasideration that the end of Sep weather, and 'knowing by experience that our Canadi Warm Clothing during the Winter Months, we have have purchased everything necessary to keep the nTh • able during the long Winter that is before therm an 1 Public t3 inspect oar Goods --to ensure a speedy sale the Selection of Goods, and have Extra Good:Value Dry Goods. Our Boot and Shoe Departs found in the .Ditirerent Iiinds. In Groeerie call attention to our SO Cent Tea, which is som LO " 43) . 18'74— • ember is drawing near, and with it owe WerM a Climate renders necessary the wearing of very isited the Wholesale Markets of Canada, and bitants of this part of our Dominion -comfort we are fully satiefied-thakit only xequk•es the _ of them. We have paid particular attention to 1 t. to show in all kinds of Staple and Fancy ut is well supplied, and. Good Value to' be ear Stock has never been better, and we would ing extra. A Call solicited. N & JAMIESON. A MATTER OF IMPORTANCE FOR TIIIE PUBLIC TO KNOW, .WHERE THEY CAN GET ,THE BEST '-ALUE FOR THEIR MONEY. 175 Are a 20 a- ..... 1, 0 0•-• e, S .59... 307 t ...... - 642: 643 . 644 6-46... t VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD, IN STANLEY. . patented , 50 18 30 48 1 30 1 80 I patented 50 1 30 1 80 . . t patented 50 1 30 ' 1 80 t' patented 50 1 10 1 80 11);rlit4 50 1 30 1 80 • 4. 50 .1 30 1 80 paten 50 30 1 80 50 11 30 1 80 I patented 50 1 30: 1 80 I patented 50 1 30 1 80 4 patented 50 1 30 1 80 potential 50 '1 30 1 80 50 1. 30 1 80 4 patented I patented 50' 1 30 1 80 patented 50' I 301 80 50 1 30 • 1 80 1 Itteettlti . 50 ' 1 30 ' 1 80 4 patented 50 1 30 1 80 • • patented. 50 1 30 1 $0 patented 50 1 30 • 1 80 i patented 50 11 30 1 80 t patented • 50 1 30 1 80 patented 50 1 30 1 80 I patented ' 50 ' 130 1 $0 '4 -patented 50 1 30 1 $0 t patented 50 1 30 1 80 , Patented - 50 - 1 3Q 1 80 t patented 50 1 39 1 80 t patented. 50 1 .30 1 80 ' patented 50 1 301 . 1 80 t patented . 50 I 30 1 $0 patented 50 1-3I 1.80 patented - 50 1 30 I 80 - patented ; 50 1 30 1 80 patented 33 1 30 1 -63 patented - 33 1-30 1163 i patented 50 1 30 1 , 80 patented 50 - 1 80c 1, SO 1 patented 50 1 30 11 80' 1 647 -- 648 649... 650 , 651 652: 653 654 655 656 657 658 1- 659 t 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 t. 669 670 .- 671- 672 • Egmondville P. 0., Until WE etolier, for the erection of a brid on. the sideroad opposite Mr. D arm, in the Township of Tuck idge will not require to be tio summer of 1875. Plans and spe seen on application at the re i AVID CAMPBELL. G. E. CRESSWELL, Reeve of Tnekersmit 1 673 674 675 ....= 676 677 . 678 . 69....: . • r•tt. WILSON YOUNG, "SCOTTS BLOCIC.,ISEAFORTH, as GOOD VALUE can be got in Huron. ; TEAS OF THE CI-OICEST BRANDS. SUGARS BRIG -14 AND PURE.. OERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRESH AND NEW. _ CROCKERY—THE BE. T CHOICE IN TOWN. OUR WYE% ALES, P RTBRS AND LIQUORS i too well and favorably known to require npeeial mention. For quality there in nothing to surpass theni made. All Kinds of Produce taken as Cash. WILSON & _YOUNG. 41••••••=1••••••••••...•;•••••1•10.16••••■•••121•MMINIIIIMI ArIVALS AT THE Teas, HEQUEREb STDRE, F Sugars, Liquors lind General Groceries, Which were bought on very fav rable terms and will be fiold off AT PRICES WHICH MUST PROVE 1 • SATISFACTORY To. CUSTOMERS, BACON, HAMS,FOUR AND MEAL OF THE 33E. ;QUALITY 1 • ltua,ys in Stoch, at the Cheque7ei Store, Main Street, S forth. JAMES MURPHY. A ON Sock of Choice DRY GOODS ENUINE SAL ONDAY, JULY 13th, MR. DENT will This Pane N.(YH UMBU G-. begin Selling Out without reserve. His heavy MUST BE SOLD AND WILt., BE SOLD. tep is rendered necessary as he is about bni,lding an extensive Show Room for Millinery and Goods, and must have room to do it and m ney to do it with. REMEMBER DENT'S GREAT SALE OF CHEAP DRY GOODS. !!; , 7.1 • -