HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-10-09, Page 64= Way's to Swoons. Over 50 years ago a youth, working on. a farm, asked, his fether to -give hine mere* enough to bty a gine The old Mall could not spare it, but the boy, nothing daunted, found. an old piece .of iron about the place, and in the course of title contrived to make a gun-barrd out of it, with the very meagre facilities. afforded by a country bleaksmith's sheet He had not the materials to Make a lock. and tock so he walked to the nearest town and traded for the necessary at- tachments. and was encouraged by the smith for having made so geed a shooter. Elie gave him the ambition to make an- other, so he went to cutting -oat grind- stones from the Oative rock to raise the money for gun materials; in a short that there was a considerable demand or gum of his make. During the French war with Prussia, he was called upon to furnish guns for the army, and in less than eight months he inade and; deliver- ed tat the Government of France rifles of a particular pattern costing $5,000,000, whieh amount WaS duly paid. The same man furnishes riflesnow for the United States, &nth America Rome, Spain, EgyPt and Japan; The farmer's boy who wanted a gun is -Eliphalet Reming- ton, of Mon, N. Y. His manufactory covers over four acres of ground, and. he employs 1,200 men. Not satisfied with this achievement, he has :recently com- pleted a isewing-machine, which is re ported to represent the latest and most perfect advance in the improvement of this ; importsint adjunct of ilomestic eceateney. This is the type of a boy who, when there is not a way, makes a way for himself, ' ea otos CrammingPoultry. I where it is niew pencting1 He * native of Canada, and was 41 year age. ] ' ba ter, cheese and stock tra 30 car is' soon to -be run into New twice eek from the dairy riegiou ehat $ , —0 rr 11 County, Ga., has a -far 26 y'id who has never seen. a pri railroad, telegraph .pole steam.'. fe ale barber has been forced by rri d ladie$ of Dubuque to leave y, where she 'wale doing a grand) as, shaving many of the men twice • the in ,theci t busin t a day ew York firm last year, sold 161,0 nude of snuff, all of which was of ind used for ,dipping, besides 150,4J 1 pounds of the regular mitt nres for th ol -fashioned snuil-takers. , • -• he ast fraud in the way of ad ter- .ation is he putting of, salt into al in order to create thirst for More. A fine of £3 wm recently imposed upon a er- seller in London for putting 0 g ains of sal in every gallon of beer.- ro Hauseman's scheme for the ent of a monster cemeter , 12 Paris, has been adopte :by of of rk of er t- or 1.I establish miles fro the muni ipal council of that city. The 11 oppositio to the plan has: been mainly on the gr lurid that the: feineral cortege will have to be conveyed to the plac i by rail. 1 - --Twin sisters living at South Bethle- hem, Pa., each gave birth to twins, sev- eral nigh ago, within aew• hour3. of each eth These *niterf s were married on th' e 8 me day; their ifirst ;children c were r in the same ruoatle theirsec- end in th same week, and'their third in the seine our. • : i —A Lo don. paper is '' itkle to state" .that the ueen. has paid the Prince ; of taamonnting to; about $3,000, - arsine authoratyli declares that tone asked to pat through Par- liarneat a grant to that a4mtit from the !Imperial ' `reasury and "although he is not suppo ed to hate refused his coun- tenance t that demand," bmi of the most influeiitia membees in ' 'thei Honse t of Commone warned the Queen that no ap- peal of ti is sort Would ko down. LAs "trustee f the Royal hontr ." she has to foot the b . Wie measute at le at, as she has thout d 11 she ought le to, in.a la go thrown m eh of tlie.expen of the (Jourt on her so , while !her owe perional! 4n - come is immense.;, • [ ilimminammisiimermrsappmk ' aCziplicArt. ; 1 1). OAMPbELL, SAfort,.,h,1V-Torbner for i ;the Coniaty. Me iland391 , South, near the St ationa ' 114enee* Main ee 8 6 •Wales';de ITh Mr. Gad It is altogether vitiated taste that creates a demand. for over -fattened meat There is no nutriment in fat, and with the large • consumption of sugar, syrup and starchy food that it cominoa amen us the necessities of the system for car bonaceous food are fully, if not over sup plied. The use of exeessively fat feed, then, is a wastoof material, and it prob- ably induces some of the bilious ;dis- orders which are so common. St ith re- gard to poultry these remarks are ea- pecially applicable. The markets of the cities are filled with fowls that are lined, with fat, a useless addition that is a loss to the consumer, and its; production has been at the expense of a wasteof food to the feeder. Besides, house -keepers complarn of these ditersfat fowls that they are deficient in delicacy of flavor, and are coarse and greasy, 'thus losing in qualityas well as in weight This mat- ter is' in the hands of farmers them- selves to remedy. They alone decide as to what degree of fatness their fowls shall be brought, or rather not, knowin exactly how fat they are they continu to feed them much too long for their ow profit A very thin fowl can be brough into good: condition for thatable by three week's feeding. Generally- a fowl from a grainIstubble or a barn -yard at a time wherewa,ste grain is scattered about lib- erally!, as well as at other times, ;when the Ithusewifc underta,kes the feeding of the peultry, is sufficiently fat for the market; withotit extra feed. If poultry is tria*keted at the age of two years, and none older than that kept, the quality of the flesh Will be all that can be de- sired., without any cramming or extra feed, and the extra fat that is laid, upon an old fowl is no addition to its good- nessbut rather adds to its bad qualities. Aegood judge of poultry looks to the age of a fowl, and passes by the old birds that have been crammed to fit thern for market, ae • 4111, !Gleanings and Gossip. Patti is to receive $4,000 for singing four Songs at the forthcoming Liverpool musical festival. =Every British soldier who fought at Waterloo will henceforth receive a pen- sion of 18 ;pence a day. ' —A. T. Stewart is „eoine to build a mammoth hotel- at Philadelphia, in an- ticipation, of the centennial. Missouri judge has just decided that woro,an is nob an old maid until she is 35. The, judge hes since become very popular. —A New York firm; have in , their store 'a piece of lace five yards, long, worth $1,200 a yard, which a; mancould crowd into hie watch fab or pocket book. —The wife of the light -house keeper at Atlantic City; N. J., uas been appoint- ed:assistant keeper withe salary of $400. This is the first appointment - of the kind in the:country. 1 —Raising cork is a growing industry in California. In several places in the' State there are young artificial forests, three er four years old, from is,:hich bark can be got thick enough for an ordinary cork. , —Herr Theodore Wachtel, son of the famoue tenor,and himself a tenor singer at the court theatre of Dessau, has hail to leave the stage through the loss of his voice, . and has begun business as a jeweler. —On .,t.ndy Johnson's place at Green- ville, Tenn., are two magnificent weep- ing willows that have grown from sprigs taken by a traveler from • the tree that formerly overshadowed the grave of Na- poleon 1. at St, Helena,. —Dr. Haskell was refused the use of the 'Methodist Episcopal church at Van- couver( for a second temperance lecture,, becanse, at the first, he in the language of one of tae deacons, "Clefiled the House of God " by using a peek of cards to -give an illustration or gamblers) tricks. --Die organ -grinding busin 3ss seems to pay. A ragged and abieet-lookuig - professor of the hand -organ, accompanied by a monkey, afber a three -days' sojourn at Ste:miter-1, Va.; went to the bank be- fore leaving, and got Jarge notes for :13,500, so that he could conceal it on his pereon. In reply to the surprised inquiry of the bank enen, he said, " De meanly make it --Penn, 'the leader of the eLouisaina -White Leagne," is the eon of an old and wealthy citizen of New Orleans. He was a eolonel in the eouthern army, and after the war, commenced business with $100,000 given. him. by his father, which he soon wasted through unbusinesslike habits. He ea said, however, to be a man of great force end ability, and much superior to McEnery, who is described as t4irderate lawyer and very clitsipated. --Henry Benjamin be Marie, who captured John EL Surma, died sudden- ly in . the street in•Philadelphia, a few nights since, of heart disease, Fee the capture of Surratt the Government offer- ed le reward of $25,000. He received from the Governrcent but $10,060, and instituted a suit for $15,000,ethe remain- der of the reward. He obtained a judg- ent iu the Court of Claims, but the case was earried by the Attorney -Gen- eral to the United States Suprenie Court, / . . McKENNA,Phyalcian, Sergeon, &e., Grad- -1e' nate of Towner) Vaiversity, an Member of the College ol Physioities and 4-urgeons, Ontario. Residenee, Seaforth a Will attend .at Carroiabnicak, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Seterdays, in the afternoon. ' 145e A JG. SCO T, M.D. n &e., Physician, SurgeoLind • Accoucheur, SeaYorth, Ont. Office and resi- dence sOuth side of Goderich Street, first door east elf Pres elan Chrch.' • 342 1 I L.1VE •' geon, e Office and R streets, next ete MJNB -LI • Adcom, ptretm.ent of -Hospitals of also the Hos gow. Resid COE, 10 1., c. Physician Sur- e., Corqn r for the County of Iferon. sidened, collier of Market and. High to the Planing Mill. I ,r D, Physician, Suigeon end oar, Graduate of the Medical De. letorie. University; formerly of the New York and London, hug.; vieited itals in Paris, Edinburgh and Glas- nce—Brucefield. 349 J. G. BULL, L.D.S.,. earl URGE ON , pante s t, &c. , S ealo , ke Ontario. Plate work, latest styles, neatly executed. All 3iIT- gical operations performed lth care and pro ptitude. Fees as low as can be b- tained elsewh re. Office hours from 8 A. M. te, 5 P. M. Rooms over Mr. A. G. McDougall's Store, Main-st. 2 fl CARTW IG -HT, L. D. S., Surgeon Den ist, k -e• will visit Godelich ou the first TOES PA.Y and WEDNE 'DAY of eaeh mouth, at the 01 - borne Hotel. e 850 C M. PBELL, V. S., Licentiate and .LL. man of ornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., and Graduate of Ontario:Veterinary College, Toronto, has settled permanently in Varna, wherehe will be found ready and wiWng to attend to all kinds , of diseaees, in all kinds of animals (man excepted), in all kinds of weather. deuce and office , perance Hall. two dors cast of Cook's Tem 811 ' , ATETERIN ' V. S, begs Seatorth and been awardetthe ary College, a of Horses andilCattle has opened a shoeing shop, tend to calls tended to. Eesidenee, . of Ki 'toren & eriaary Medi Charges reasonable. RY ;SITIMEON.----D. McNATJGIII t� announce to the inhabitants! o sarrounding country that he lia diploma of the Ontario Veterea .d is now prepared to treat diseftee and all domestic animals. II office in connection with his hoAe where he will be Ibund ready to Kt Diseases of the feet specially St office and shop in the reit Ryan's uew store. All kinds of Vet hies kept constantly on hand • .. 229 91 J. CHURCHILL, -I- • ber of b1 to intimate t his proTessiott consulted on Veterinary calls promp House, Setae -Veterinary Surgeon, (roam Ontario Veterinary Gallego,) begi at he has returned to the practice in Seaforth, and .may at all timee the diseases of Horses, Cattle, edieines constantly on. hand. y attended to. .0ffice, at Monson th. 278 I- o. bt &() Al itowzr,s. KNOX'S IIIOTEL, linox-ab' and the tray°ling Hotel lately barmerly kno 1 hopes to receive so liberally, bhstowed years en the eonvenience *ill choicest Lig-airs A careful and 291 SEAFOREL T — Tho flat gs to effete to his old friends alnd publie, that he has leased °coupled by Mr. MURRAY, al. vu as the DOWNEY HOUSE, ite a continaience of the patron upon him during his mate taotel. business. Every comfort a beprovided for travellers. T1 and Cigars only kept in the B I eliable hostler al ways in atteadan THOMAS. KNOX, Proprietor hc d d re -y i d e i . e. VICTORIA. ' Propriet. Gravel Road, sessee every a elers. The b in the bar, an attendenee. the hotel: HOTEL, WALTON.—Johia Whit r. This hotel is situated on the 10 miles north of Seaforth, and p eommodation and comfort for tr st brands of liquors and dears kept 1 a careful and attentive hostler 'ood stabling in connection with 350 1 s- v- en ] ILI.V.E IRV. i ri 1 A. SHAB 'L • Office --A. Horses and fir .)'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. Murray's Hotel, Seaford'. Good t- el ass Conveyances always onhand. 1.1ELL'S LI \ -ea' Good Itor on , hand. Ft aelannereialT EIOTEL, will hi' OFFICE.&x4 dal Hotel, M 221 eseeesme ERY STABLES, SEAFORTH, Ont. •es and Comfortable Vehicles, always vorable Arrangements made with uvellers. All orders left tit ENOX'S promptly attended to. STABLES :—South of the Commea, IL Street. . THOMAS BELL, ,Proprietor. , • I CENSEDj -1-4 Huron.c Dounty. All P. BRINE, t AUCTIONEER for the,County o ales 'attended in all parts of the rders left at the ExPoseren Office • MONEY ADVANCE& afe Mortgag Security, in such stone end for such pet ods, and repayable in shell manner as the applica t may desire. Apply to , 322*52 A. G. MoDOUGALL, Seaforth. . Sn met lEtrodit, C. E., -111100ROVINOI LAND STRIYEYOR, Seaforth. -1- All orders left at the MansiOn Houle with Mi. John Murray will receive immediate attention. References— r. Coleman and Dr. Xiug. • 411*52 - SAMUEL TROTT1 Manufacterer of Iliac/bine „Turned Butter 'Packages Of a Superior Quality,. Alt eedene °Aloe wpolesale or Retail, Promptly a' Filled. . SEAFORTH ONT. EW WE are ha TI MI Goods. We h - GI-Ft.A.1\TJD OX:)M MILLINERY HOW ROOM. py to inform our many friends and customers that we are able to open our NEW EBY- SHOW ItOOM this week, in connection with our General Staple' and Feeley Dry ve engaged the services of a FIRST-CLASS MILLINER To take qharge of the Show Room, and our customers can depend up being waited on with MILLINERY GOODS done up in the Latest Style and of the best quality. • We are le to show all the Latest and Newest Shapes in I\T S N I -I _A:Pr S or Ladies, Misees and Children. The Latest and Rarest Novelties e French and English Flowers, Feathers, Jet AND ORNAMENTS USED IN MILLINERY. Goods, All the Latest Colo2.8 in, Silks, Satins, Te?-rys, Silk and _Patent Velvets, Ribbon$ and Lace8. We also Solicit SPEC1AlL INSPECTION of our General Stec of DRY GOODS, WHICH IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS : PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, BLACK LUSTRES AND STIFF 'GOODS, STRIPE, TARTAN AND PLAIN SHAWLS, BLACK DRESS SILK, ELAN. KETAtl AND FLANNELS, PRINTS AND SHIRTINGS, GREY AND WHITE COTTONS, DENIMS, TICKINGS AND ,SHIRTINGS, TABLE LINENS, TOWELINGS AND NAPERY, RIBBONS, LACES AND TRIMMINGS, , HOSIERY AND GLOVES, HABERDASHERY AND SMALL WARES, CLOUDS, SCARFS, BOOTEEg, MITS, &c., SATINS, ALPACASeFELT SKIRTS, &c., CANADIAN & SCOTCH SHIRTS & DRAWERS, GRAIN BAGS, CARPET WARPS, BATTINGS, &c., •: A Splendid Assortinent. In all the „Not Brands. Large assottmentandcheap. Excellent Value. We Defy Co,mprtition. Stock large and brircie value. A Full Assortment. Full Lines and Prices Low. Value Something -Extra. Splendid Vatietly. Something Spe4iia1. Very Complete.! Large Assortm'nt. Full Range. A Large Lot Jieap. Extra Value, CLOTHING AND CLOTHS. Wo have this Season to offer Special Inducements in CLOTHING, in READY - we have fall lines in Canadian Tweed Suits, Silk Mixtur Black Cloth Suits. ALSO, BOYS' CLOTHING, FULL LINE • E GOODS, and OUR STOCK OF BEAVERS, BROAD CLOTHS, Ds ES.KINS, • PJFEEDS, MELTONS IS 000D VALUE. We are prepared to make up Suits to order on the Shortest Notice and iii -the Litt&t Styles. HATS, GAPS AND FUR GOOD Men's Felt Hats in Arderican, English and Canadian Shapes in full range, Also Boys' Hats and Gaps. We are also offering a large lot of LADIES' Ft R SETS CHEAP, ' In Striped Grebe and Mink Sets. and Youths' BOOTS •AND SHOES. We would call s oeial attention to a large lot of Men's LONG BOOTS, -which were ijnrehased °tit of the regalar season at a low figure, which we are selling a. vary little over fado prizes. _ A •La Lot of Rubber Goods for Fall Wear. -62•Ge 11 Lines in Ladies', Misees', Boys' and Children's Shoes at Low Prices', CALL AND EXAMINE. • DUNCAN & MAN -CAN. R E VE TO LARGER -,AND MORE COMMODOUS OC. VVILLSON SEAFORTH, AV1NG now removed to hie new primal es on IVIsin Street, which he hue fitted np s daily foi his tra.de, is in a better position than e er to gi. e his customers good value for their money. 0 and gee him. SEWING MACHINES. Th t Beautiful and Silent Sewing Machin , the best in the Canadian Market, Is th th THE FLORENCE, ow taking the lead, is being sold everywhere, is highly recommended by all who have used 0. C. 1VILLSON is the Sole Agent for D'Outinion. THE WEBST-ER Aja FOURTEEN other Machines to select USICAL INSTRUMENTS. athushek and Weber Pianos, Prince, EcU & Instrume ts. and all kiwis of small Cof, and the Canada Organ Company's Or ans. Al o Violins Th PI HE FARMERS' FRIEND, t old stand-by, the No. 18 Thistle cutter w, a few on hand. These are the originei end Gerthine Thistle Cutters. Remember thee. • - THER A.GRICITLTURAL TUPLEMENTS, An articles of all kinds, sorts and sizesl con- sta tly on hand. For alw TTERICK'S PATTERN S, Ladies and Children, all styles and izes, ys on hand. enismber your old friend in his new stand. C. WILLSON Main Street, Seaforth. S OVES & TINWA E Of all kinds, and. in endless variety at ItS• WHITNEYS armichaers Block, Main street, Seafort COAL OIL, Par , good and cheap, wholesale and retail at Mrti. TNEY'S. Of a cute 308 CUSTOM WORK 1 kinds 'promptly attended to and need MRS. WHITN exe- Y. A OOD PROSPECTS GOOD HARVEST EXPECTED.' JOHN KIDD Ha just received a large stock of Harvest ools such as cythes Forks, Cradle SNATHS AND HAY FORKS, eh he -will Sell as Cheap as any in the, T aide. NO SECOND PRICE. JOHN KIDD. HOMSON &WILLIAM AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ENGINE ENGINE WORKS, TCHEL.L, ONTAR ' 0 u Tip -Horse Wood iS1a.wing Jfac1 iue 0. has isfac drivi niacl ecu thoroughly tested, and gives entire sat - ion. Ib is supplied with a band wheel for g it straw cutter grain ()rusher, or dther ery, -without extra expense for the belt A TRIAL OFFERED. eras RINDS OF ARIVING IMPLEMENTS kept constantly on haud. BO BR SHOP IN FULL OPERATI N. Engines of all Sizes Made to 0:ir 'er EADPAIRDBESsPsIts OMPTLY ATTENDED TO. THOMSON &INILLIAMS Mite 11. Hi obeli, 1878. • sr OCT. 9, 1874. Ntat (60itU tor Atli. FARM FOR SALE. °T29, Con. 8, Grey, 100 acres; 15 acres dear. ed; 10 chopped and the brush burnt. The farm is convenient to 6(1001, church and railway station. inl1f3 is a good. chance for it man with a little cloth, as there -is timber on the place -to pay for it. For particulars apply to SAMUEL CHAU. BEES, on the Lot, or to Ethel P. 0, 3564 FARM FOR SALE. TIEING West half of Lot 20, Con. 9, Hibbert A-1 County of Perth, containing 50 neees ; 44 store cleared and free of stumps, well fenced; good frame house; two wells; outbuildings, hewed log; first-elass orchard. and garden. For terms, &c., apply on the premises, or by letter, to the dersigned. WM. J. DEVLIN, 855 Staffa P. O. • FARM FOR SALE, Timm Subscriber °flora that conveniently situatea farm lot, part of No. 22, Con. 5, Stanlay, 7 miles from. Clinton, 10 milts from Seaforth, con- taining 78i- acres; 55 cleared, well fenced, and un... der a goocl state of cultivation'the remainder is well timbered ; 8 acres fall wheat. There is a An.e young orchard, good house, frame barn and stables, and a never -failing eming on the Awe. Teams easy, and made known on application to THOMAS MILLS, 855*4 On the premittes. FARM FOR SALE. . BEING Lot 8, Con. 9, Tnekersmith ; 100 acres; 85 acres cleared; neaely all clear of stumps ; bush hardwood; good log buildings, young oreli-- are, commeueing to bear; two wells with pumps; it is 6 miles from Sedforth: The land is of the best quality, and will be sold cheap. For further , particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. JOHN MeCANDLESS, 855+ Egmondville P.O. rARBT FOR SALE. wort SALE, 150 acres of land, being co aposed 4-- of Lot No. 23, Con. 5, and west half of Lot No. 22. This property is situated within 8 miles of Seaferth. A. good gravel road runs pot the place. There is a school house witbin half a mile. There are 185 acres cleared, well fenced -and mostly free from stmaps, and clean and in good order. On the 50 acre lot there- is a good frame barn, dwelling house and orchard. On. the 100 acre farm there is a good frame house, 2 frame barns with underground cellar, and a large orchard. The farm is well watered. These farms will be sold separately or together to suit purchas- ers. Fur further particulars apply to the proprie- tor on the premises, or to WALTER COWAN, Seaforth P. 0, 01 to 8. G. MeCAUGHEY, Sea. forth. . J 341 FARM TOR SALE, T OT No. 22, Con. 7, McKillop, containing 104 '2-4 acres, 85 acres cleared; 41 miles from Seaforth; of a mile from the Northern Gravel Reed; large bank barn, with stabling below, also, other out. houses; large new concrete house, well finished; a good never -failing spring creek; also, a good well; the land is clean and of good quality ; three acres of orchard of very best fruit treee, all bear - frig. For terms and other particulars apply on the premises, or address 340 ANDREW COWAN, Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE IN HIBBERT. T'IFTY acres, Con. 10, Hibbert; 40 acres cleared; frame house; log barn and stables; two good wells ; 9 miles from Seaforth, 8 from Cromarty farm in good cultivation. Terms, easy-. For far- ther particulars apply on the premises. 858'4 ao El N MOORE, Cromarty P. O. FARM FOR SALE. LOT 11, Con. 4, Stanley, containing 100acres,65 of which are cleared, well -fenced and in a state of good cultivation - the balance is well timbered with hardwood, ced' er elm and hemlock, being first-class building sodfencing timber, 1 there is a good frame house with stone cellar un- derneath, and log barns And stables, also a good well convenient to the house; there is s. good. bearing orchard. There Ie no broken laud on the farm'and the Bayfield Wer passes through the bashpart, affording water in the dryest ateasens. 11 18 situated within 9 miles of Clinton and Sea.' forth, and 3 miles from Dracelield, with n good gmvel road leading to each place. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on the ?rem- ises, of to Brucelield P. 0. 853 JOHN McDOUG.ALL, FARM FOR SALE IN BRUCE. VOR Sale, Cheap. Lot No. 80, Con. 6, Township " of Bruce County of Bruee, containing 108 acres, 80 of which are cletered. This farm is situ- ated within Bse miles of the -rapidly growing Vil- lage of Paisley. The -uncleared portion is well timbered. There is also a Spring Creek limning - through the piece. It is a desirable property,. For further particulars apply to the Proprietor, 13ox 24, Seaforth P...0. 852 A. ir. CAMPBELL. HOTEL FOR SALE TAP. subscribe): wishing to retire from the Hotel business, offers for sale his hotel known as the Victoria House,in the thriving -village of Brussels. The house is commodious with good stable and 1 cattle yards attached, and is situated in the -cent -re . of the business part of the village. Satisfactory reason given for selling. For further partienhers apply, if by letter prepaid, to the proprietof on the prennees, or- to 0.11. COOPER & Co., Ben Beds P. O. 846 Wel. SDIPSON, Proprietor. FARM FOR SALE , won SALE, Lot No 38, Con. 8, L. R. S., Tuck'. ersrnith, -containing 100 acres, 75 of which are cleamd, -well fenced, and in a state oi good culti- vation. There is a good new frame HOUSE an& excellent frame barns, sheds and stables, also a good bearing orchard. - The farm is watered by a never -failing spring and well. This hum is situ- ated within, one mile and. a nail of Bracefield, and. within about six miles of Clinton and Seaforth, with good gravel roads running to each of these places. For feather particulars apply to the prop- rietor on the premises, ox to 13rucefteld P. 0. 851 -KENNETH McLELLAN. - FARM FOR SALE, Fon Sale, Lot 28, Con. 7, Vsborne, containing 74 acres. 55 of which are cleared and in a state of good cultivation. Thereis a good franieBARN and STA13LE. The fanni is located on a good gravel road, is conveniently situated to schools, churches and post office, and is within 13 miles from Seaforth and 7 from Exetex. POT further particulars apply to the proprietor °tithe premises. WILLIAM DINNIN, 851 Lumley -P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. LOT No. 5, Con. 4,1:lull-at ; 140 acres, MOTO' or less, 80 acres cleared. Plenty of water, and the north branch of the Maitland laver running through the 18 acre bush ; good fences. Apply on tlae premises to the proprietor, JAMES MARTIN, 108 or address Constance P. 0. • FARM FOR SALL L0T 39, Con. 4, East Wawanosh, Huron Coun- ty, containing 100 acres of excellent land; 80 acres eleared. There are good Buildings, a bear- ing Orchard and it never -failing SPRING on the farm. TERMS—One-fourth cash; the balance in time to suit the purehaser. Foe further particu- lars apply on the Premises, or to 1V3.1. MUSTARD, Glammis 1'.O. Victoria. Mills, Aug. 20, 1874. 851*8 FARM FOR SALE. LOT 18, Con. 6, Hullett; loo acres, 85 item -1-4 cleared, remainder wooded with beech and maple; frame dwelling, River Maitland and a good spring on lot; 21 miles from Kinburn and 6 miles from Clinton. Terms to suit parthaser. For partieulars apply t•o L. MEYER, Teerpurheee or BENSON & ME/Elt, Seaforth. 343 FARM FOR SALE IN HUM:LITT. LOT 13, Con. 7, Ilullett, 100 acres, 80 acres eleeaetl, remainder good beech and maple,. good frame barn 66x10, excellent stables for both horses and cattle, snug frame house; a. never - failing spring near the houses 4 acres good beer- ing orchard; 7 miles from Clinton, 8 from Sea - forth, 11 from Einburn gravel road pusses the farin ; farm in high state of cultivation; spleodid dry day soil, free of stone or sand. For terms and fuather particulars apply to the proprietor. 349-1e13 IEUG11 BELL, Conettulee P.O. FARM FOR SALE IN MeKILLOP. poll SALE, a good Farm, composed of North -A' half of lot 15 and the west half of lot 14, Con. _12, McKT1op, containing 100 acres, 50 cleared and well fenced, and in good cultivation; balance well timbered with hardwood; a good freesia house and. new log barn; good. bearing orchard; two miles and a half from a good gravel road.; 10 iniles from the village of Staforth ; there are two steam . sawmills -within miles ; convenient to churches, sewhinotholsroapndp.stoo.res. For particulars apply to the pr208porle4tor on the premises, or, if by letter, to JAS McDONALD. STEAM SAW MILL AND FARM FOR SALE. TeE IN G Lot 84, Con. 7, MoYillop, containing 104 acres, all cleared, -with good barns aud stables, two good orchards in full hearing; two/lever-fail' Ing springs which supply the mill. Also, lot 85, Con. 9, containing 48 acres of bush. The propertY is situated 6 miles from Seaforth, with it goo& gravel road thereto. For further particulars aPPII on the premises. 11 by post, to JOHN THOM2" SON, Constance P. O., Milburn, Ont. 260 The Pr1.Ye4• l'es fr :jeel lf371witaon.f9:6t.:2;:l.uis,eg,::::::::ferToerir:iihiliisig,esionudeesnift;rte!aaaeititoi:f Iiialvs....hY°0iiir I i "r t.- - .. "' ,of prayer, the BeshoP ,givt „lottin• g : Prayer is a question :islstllean7°te-11(elti saqnesti°1i°fsucbat tiro:act;alIitlel world ieIu1efevi:iis that „izoitzalyi batha„for i efraiily:ieili ntrber spriiv the fall of 1858, while •tisitire I was at an 1111114W. Aonfere ,eBaitahotePierr:ms evtahsarisissivetmopie.si „about dying > Said. :Bishop J.i ars spend_ a few momenta in eel ,Aer fer elle recovery of tishoie We kneeled to pray. ,'Wilua the great California street en•e „called to pray, And isuelela prAi beard since, The impresti upon me irresistibly, etlishoi will not die. 1 'rose trenkmy: iectly quiet. Said I, 4' Bishe will not die." " Why dio ion - .4' Because 1 have ha.1 an irree pression made -up in My- mi this prayer." Another . said, ' Iemefaohloulingeslatfh"amt imabPl eeliireil-1:ivjntola.:-g' ben We along the eonference had the seme ii 1 made a mieute of the time o -when 1 next saw Bishop!itiimpt attending to his daily labor. cannot telt" " What (EA yo. say r " He said it Iv* a rni then e =salad eyretuhme sIttaisraheoes forferatheylieuierliestieek'n'esliseven :111ti: intied-.e4:et. I: tx change occurred." He Ilix. ' - day; and the very hou.ri maki atlere for the distance—n.thous ,away --that the )1eth6dist were engaged. in prayeriat thi sealliCde,tothhie sphwyisfr,ia,li,, lite% !int, anything ferther ; the Bishop i In about an hour he rderned. ed back, inquiring, _ " What done?" 4 ' .NOtbing, ":411as 44 .He is recoverin rabidly, Plysician ; "a !char ge has oc the disease within the last li anything I have ever st:*.o. is past, and the Biehop AllIho8 .Andbe 42;11 'tell mei -that ates medieine to heal disease, given power aed infinite, remedial influences) did not, secret power not made] koo -which perhaps will iiev, he, spring of life eomewheret'n Th .son's body t He , ileeii remedial ageats maul a' tendency of death is "many cases health is res remedies in the; handsil o Surely it is not unifiaso4able suppose that the God tsho this power may haire z4seti" -that lie cam bring tip ander eircumstanceeilike -Confirmation all Township of Steph _ On Tuesday, Se,pt!"9.2 the Dr. Walsh, Lord Bishop W Le ministered the saoranient of ea to a large number ef the Youth sexes in the parish, church Carmel. This beaatifni church a very attractive position, gentle eminence to tile right road_ leading from the teeens to the London road] near Exe tnediately to the right of,. th stands the resideime of the pari that hospitable trnel. Igenuine 1r B.ev. Father Brennan, and. tO a small rural eeirietery, whein day -morning before ntass may b ed the truly pious 1 and Cath practice of perties uneoveriag th said kneeling -over the reinai11,1 friends or relatives.: The ch founded a compara;tiyely few by the Very Rev. Father Murp name is veuerated by the peop -enterprising minister Of God tal then few settlers, advised them - aged thein, and heedless of the and privations inseparable ,fro colony, boldly penetrated the forest, labored with. I them, end own hands assisted] to!, ciear and free the swamp where -the ! church now stands. 1 ' On this occasion. Ithe interi ehuech presented. a beautiful ap Gorgeous 'festoons of ;cedar and intertwined with wreaths Of - spaamed the ceiling lin three s arches from the centre of whie cross Of the same material was ed. The beautifal Gothie win, the approach to the gallery larly decorated. The -Organa were presided. over by elisa h Michael Baru, aasiete&by Mi Miss Franklin, Misa 1-14 =ti- dies. The church was rowde ties froma the surroundi neig many of whom belonged °the denominations. At .11 clock ship attired in full ' epi copal companied by the Itev, i 'ether - entered the church, pre eeded . central aisle, and took lie! s seat , to the right ;of the altar. ll High ' chanted by Father Wagner, and ed to in successive peals of rt music from the organ ani eh Lordship addressed briefly en the efficaey Instituted by Josue merits they -are thei ads which the grace of our souls : baptitia eieaitses t u sin, makes us Christian, God. and heirs to the f kin do, confireaa,tion Inakts us strong aa Claistians'by which. wel me, st ed to suffer and, if nece.4eary,"--e- for Christ—to profess 4ur fait and not to deny our rel" don casion. whatever, mei le --e gOt of Christ, be faithful t4 him' its necessity, particnlarly ' ' day's of 'scepticism and in1dc, faith, and morals are exposed; and so violent temptatiims 4„ Catholics should study li thki so as to be able at elle!, times a reason for the hope that 43 Eucharist,the body and bloodi! vinity of Jeans Christ, iii;ide anee of bread and. wine, i of Inv fle8h, and di-ini*It abideth wait me and I inl hi) which hitigin t gives us na st a$0(1041:0 Ate_ which the sins are forgiven committed after baptism; extr paere7 which givesitsiforeurblastishopiiand arsat i s !A