HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-10-09, Page 4L I I N EXPOSITOR, 4 THE -HUR OCT. NE W AD -1 tl� .1 8 B M EN T S. ':?oUtIcal'Backsliding, 1 and, many of theiii, instwid of going to Hoopfer. Two-yearold licifer, Ist Jag. fever, which was followed by -in ttack (lent's letter, and therefore was -writt.a. London,: returiled to their homes, - &ito Nichol, .it Reuben �Sanbunn, Yearling of dysentery. He suffered for A few'dys not un -der- lily dic-tatio not bee III I& peech, at &`�recent lint*Ubstanding these drawbacks the helfer, Ist and Wi ause 2d D. Waillace. Fit with Christian fortituile, but finally ex- the -writer was rafriend."., it deniom tration. -at Prescott, flou. Archi- fitir was by no mextis a failtire,,a tidl al. Beeve, lot and 2(l Retiben Sanburn. a �Iravinei4l Plowing Match. I pir d oil -Sept. his remailli- were ill- written as ail nuthorit ve denial by '3 fully r r (;f))TiC COInetel'y: Oil J�e gn 0 as Vice -Pre' Administrtors' NoVee--H, Xing. W Id GKellar referred in tho fo ]owing though not much ia.. advance, a SHEEP.—Leiceste m,IstJas,NichoJ I teirred ill the r 8 11, BI( Wl t 1) f tile ]fur 1�-Otieo­ to Debtors—R. King., I nan h a u rd _J � where they were foll Association )(I this fact al0 Dix 'I . )Oift 1. and, Nv '�tty I equal to former years. The eIA6,8 this 2d Ignitz Keefer. Leiceter rarn lamb, OweA �y a tat: - yer numbered 6,211. This is exclu- I at -.J &m. r 8,0e—Benson Mayer. 'N ne fo as Tichol, :2d David Wflaoll. le Of sorrowility friends. 111�_o I think should have gi -.11his conlinuni I1?s all yed fat oth th Ce sisters I catin c'L'CCCSS to, your col ttempt t, no w made Ly Cohaerva-, sive of Certain kinds of gricuit '�l I Jill- Leicester pair ewes. .having raised ]am AZI a r her, in er and Itarm I I ti 0 -kIs to f, 1! .1114 for lvlli��li I r 3�he Logic. Jo rni tert. on the 'efol plonients and SCIVil machines, Ili 1874i Ist V%'m. ;�,%nderso 2d James to mourn. his- end. slaner affected hi In J I I ini s ivell sIto prizes were given this year, &it , con- Nich Leicester pair sh-earling owes, ttlim for Sle—Frederick Hood., dium, becuse few,Refarui Par- ol. 1 . . and lie felt, a did e'vrY arm for *ewttrt, sequantly, lthough- there wero larga lot John tinson, 2d David Wir. Lei� I that a gross inj present, liamet ry have r �cen tly THE GLOBE AND THE INSPECTOR, ustice haol 1) Perr -a of these on exhibition, it( em�ry cester shearling ram, lot Win. Sander- e )e. exillop. I I trated itpon all in attp b, can nseated' oil lqcouat Of iorrupt i son. Leiceater pair owe lambs, IRt John 1� A Mean Attack in e of nieetin& t that Itfoose, nd L,)t for Sxle—J. INTurphy. .-Of them was Made. The follow I!; I I I the �Uis Of NI'li formation relative to the exhibiti ell Iver, MaDougidl (Uotswold,) 2 1 David an Apol reported to YOU by `8orutat 1) gents pr�la.ices by tbair friend. The lionor w`40 cigy we glean from the Pr (to ran), aye considered, Ist John Me- - * �Ct. 2 falSecolOrs. famsuretbatIN or Ill ]RorsLs for Sale—W. Dorrence. ble gentlemaii said esident's a drbss, Ura b athe Toronto Gio To. 4 Grey. which was oleli% red t the close. The Tavish naffl, Iamb ]at David Wilson, wrote only for the purpoe Of corr�, eactier Wanted—S. . !'H.d-ha:d been amused by th� com. Cotswoldi) She ifrom Mr. -tated 8. S. No. 4, Hullett. Presideil t said 2d John Af cDougall We. have received letter acher AVi ments Okla by the Tory 1.) a p e, r upoll ar- 11 �Nliller, of Uoderich, one of the4jispectors Ill l8rapre,91211ttio 11 aaherlVanted—S. S_Nto. 2,11cKillop. U &es me great pleasure in. again litig ram, tat John McDougall, 2d John. bar f a charges re contained the of Lib -,04 members %Vtio bad 'beill le to congratulato.you all oil the Knox, Of Public complaillilig (if oul. 'd D Pair ewes having raised lambs letray-0ittle—Dav, (YtIOVZ`L1I. 9 in ilia folio-willo lines 11 i, been u�nsaate(l-. They seemed to think avilig, during the 8angster Cootroveray, ler h stray. Pig—Uhas. great an con tinued'*s a ceess of tile West- ill 1874, I at John 8tinson, 2il MabtIleA, b. Teacbers' I 0 ad that tde.Partv in -e nin' h more ? Ilstittite held at ern is Sharpin. Pair shearling ewes, Ist jolill publisned ", letter signed ]%at week for no otber purpose tstr Cow - Philip Volmar. power Nvet Fairin all ndeVery respect. This 0 C01111111) than they; he wislied i !to be A believe Pow Wauted—Geo. Deait. ourflifthaadil-ri.ng. :-Onourfirityetrwe tinson. Pairewelmbs, IsbMattliew which animadverted on tllc- 1part than to have Dr. 8an I that while the R 6rmbrs ter ash Stare—A. McDougall & Co offered i I mumliller was then tking n. thp election h C, 1$2, 5 0 0 Sharpin, 2d John McDoituall ((.`otswoId,) were it opposition they desired t nideavor-to create a feeling Ili -his favor for Public School Techers' ............ 'core 7 The result of tile ewelry--M.- Counter. pass second ear. . , 6,000 Fitt sheep, tat James 'Nichol, 2d (i ,a mv -uption, But in this y r- 8,000 _'Jowlet. 1, to revent con resh Arrivals—W. Hill. i! tive; while letters in of Mr. aelic they ere resisted b� the then _M�'nistry. tion of Te. -,rs was that 8angster Was E mporiu m.. Fourth eal ........ 101000 NVINF .Boar, hoe Considered, Ist j. �! Miller) it is alleged, were refuse(! admis- It was very conveni&nt for our �Oppoll- 0 i . nominated. I -, Ow I Sio ent being Anil thi 111,01)() Keefer. Brood a Ist and 2d ohn to the �eol Um tis of tile UloO. ents us to keep quiet while they (lid afmid to vote co�itrary to Milier,,� ill t1e list tinson. Spring t1iir, ago conside far as, at this di� lle 0: coub., tit Corrupt tile people. in red, 1$t O: timc, -w tuft)- IN�fr- pusli-ea bim8eif for� beseen -ge ourillit-mory with the subject, ward as a leading man ini st I a tr, h t Li te what 11 taken i 91 James Doliblede, 2d Henr�v Smith. call chat (4;1 we receive ilechure ltwl ress. Of the 6uMs named only few GRAIN, bushels fall wheaf, d one letter from :a violunt 18 8uperinte-n-daut Of place t y a story of o had a A8,11iday school person w hund a(] doll.%rs re recuived annually 1 Ist aad 2d Win. Evans. Dozen ears o -tisau f Dr. a and p�,Ofcssed]Y yet he -supports and r f pat go others,into thra,slied everybod around.. hi t frointlieGovernment. Corn, Ist.Alex. Thomson, 2d John Gain-- 9 ller. This letter, y Yreat, friclid of Mi" canvr -,.ad, and become a Methodist local a stipporting for -t pub in t ortan lie ple—bui ag, s. its I ma get t them, I mel), r. ' Bay of flout., Is' Robt 'lrk -which was, brusqu nd Impertinent ill 1 1)0. 9EAFORTH, FRIDAY, Oct., 9, 1874. A man had an eye oil him J I C - . - over $15,000. Of Course there ].)a DAIRY.—Twenty pounds packed but- Its toile, did 'lot Meet ally hoilght to give him a good beating, C of tile Charges here�hy challenge " Scriltator 11 -xpeuses. '11. tat Alax. Hamilton. lilve po -a 11' vi deductidns. in p%yingprizesaijol, ag, oil eQIlet ag tht he would not resi t.. 1-te t IIII& made . %inst 11 r. Xiller, ],,lit I ti ve ed I oath to the proof ) t, s ve I doubt if we ever had a better a iow of f resh. butter for tble use lsb Matthew into an Irrelevant discassion of �he whole The Town -of Seaforth. 1-11unt up to him and told hilil what lie Y I Snglinstance. coerced., intinii(lated, ),r h, t -cattle ex ibited Sharpin, 2d 1). Wilson, 3d A lex. Ham-' angaster business. As all unadthorized,� anii ah. Theborse§and S. going to do. The mail who had re excellent, althouh 'lot so ullinerotis ton.. Tell po-tinds.chaose, dairy, is 8 allidi at- the timp, an 4 f rom exercising the ri,ght of vot� Seaforth has %tlenr,,tlibe(,-n.pi-ocliiimetI -daverted immeditely altid. lie t Jo ertinent, tl� any Nvay P"V-0r0Gd 1), in the ell in to Y . . - �1� 8 rs howinz tbitt none but Anderson, 2d ikrelid. I .111 the 0jiaW GaZzetle an incorporated jf�hanke .. Orod that -be belonoe-J- to a pi I, t. yea L lailcolm. Factorv' COIl- Ing iii tile late electi -a or earn Oil as 11 -she the best l'e Dow broti--,ht to our irs made cheese Ist O. P. Blue win the exercib4 of that I which boUeved in backsliditt, I pleased. Ill -the most emphatic t town.: This event, nirki , I f, I 1) in), ing, as it (toes, X-1111rCh C) �1' I the sheEp'super_IOr,,' tile pigs goo], and I Speci�%1_1150 pounds firkin. butter, David Jiscretion we must always claim,, (lid arm s I W ta -itig his coat off said he would b I deny the Chaigea, and OnCe more Clia; .,I% e in poultry a bettev has eldom Wilson. i -1. an Important stage in the history of our display 'lot scib tit to publish the lettLm Rav, I ok li(Fer for a iri!)malit. ter. lauge your corrispoildent in come out of progress, - been Mar �e. The exbihit iii new it d ilv- will be, hailed with pride and 14i 11 w 8 wllt%t eforntersad done. I --Peck potato olliolls, lat Miller's'minister %lid a the drh and shvW himself over his proved ilciplemants and labor-iri,wr nia- I 1. Keef ealasare by every citizen. The progress 11, er 'eck se d onions, 1i a(1- back lidden f C6 ., I c ple, r a Moment bad *2d 0. V I most excellent glitlemati—alsol sent -us a . . . . . . Chilies i 3 remrkable for i ' ts exrtell-t nd tat John McTavish. letter on the subject. But 11 har did In -tistice to myself ana- to A1r. Fer. of Sea-foritli, ince its fit-st inception,- his I bE rei its o' powar,- at d passed a law rri A-ushel. early rose grapple J -a% -actlees. variety ; nd tije c. lages, as usual, potatoes, tat. Henry Stilith' 2J ' it, so far as we'ean remembe, ilson, I beg of you edtad col " lily H u all -limble, Fo-urtee' r-ru pt p I g to give 11B tile b_ene�. s 8 Any disp n�lie­Dooiinioii. Cannil allm. Bus�bej inst Alr.. 1i p atoes, t of his letter, of wbiefi the following is ear.) - lie theiid1it the'Reform. The frufts nd roots exhibited ire re- 1, Ist Alleox. Thom othie MeMiller's something ram.. at with "the charges brougl years ago, t1he place where Seafath',ilow e�s weic, quite as juitilied in the course 8011. Bitshel any r gene, I I, er a copy. It states clealy what t&,)k inarkabl y good if we consider tht; dryness kind potatoes,,Ist Henry SMith.. f 'tile m ter. He place at the 1 -nee -t* -is Man -wk.8 to resist of tbe'season. They ho* care al d cl- dozen SWede turnips,1 lii,t, 8 Wits ecificlly charged -with overstep- Ill -'4 referre(I to by stands w,a bo -hole, anL1 the only th'tay liad pursued 1-1al bct notbincr to (10 with assafsalits mted ill self -de- eb. lfoqpfer, sp 0 habitation was a lo- hose'. They ha(t - I I I " b Eleven ture, Lin I -what can be done. T) iere is 2d I K lefer. Half dozen ny other kind Pillo" the limits Of his cc, years tlie popultioll had done "'all they could to . e f1i an a see ing "ISTR - it appears that some one ove fen� I not (ilia -of the exliibitor.q but ny be Of turnips, ]at 1. keefer', 2d John 12fc- ki prefent a� rtcrrence of past events." to Coerce tile twitchers under his care into it he signature .of sent you y, even if It 10' get Qfowic'k.) I-Jalf dozen beets, tat -voting for- Dr. Sanster. Not1h, about .300, and seven yea-ra ago, when it proud of his displ, edid I lug was pretended report of the teachei;ieie a prize. The line arts are such aspIvould John Stinson. Dozen tomatoes, tat 0. sid" by Mr. Ure too rebut t�- wag ilicarporated as village, tile popu- 0� a ea th�` ell'ar-ge, ilirrjat6ly held a Goderill, ill Which ho TWO OR 1rHF.rEV_0(,, .4 of late (1) Credib to ary exhibition in. tit Do- V , 1. 1, therefore, with all respecttothat, �sto q tj I f dozen Beigiall Ist ates : First, the reason why the ineet- latioll was barelv sufRcifmt to llow of the apijerdd in the role of ail miniont and tile ]a lits' work is leyond Alex. Tliomsoi, 2d JOs. Anderson. I-lalf gentleman, we did not publisIL his let ter Ing was called ; secoll 41, the reiaaon� why Incorporation-. To -day, Seifort4 is a apologi. This is somethino new for praise, alid calls for our continued 110ticu. Jozon any other kind carrots, tat Alex. Thesa were the o town, with. a population of about 2,500, . - 0 In fact, the whole -exbibitiwi. 'lly cOILlmll1lica- Dr. Sangster received the nomiipation by de, nd. we'are s, i 11 tile Thomson, 2LL 0. Veal Half dozen tions we have received on the subject, so large a majority. amewhat at a loss, Palace- i worthy of notice, but partiou7 snips, I ays st 0. Veal. 3 cabbQ,e Ive have giv(--li sufficient r�asons for that Pvlr. Inspector Of Soltih F�grmondvihe or Har- I to occeo t for it.. Whather it is pronipt-" larly.thd exhibition of Win. 8anerson,, !-,(I -tile exclusion f them both. I If Mr. purhey, which are, to ail inte . nts and pqr- ad to t ils by Uie I up�r . idii . i-r,s of I a � bad man Br 801). Hoopfer. Huron),hadan Institute bl(l at 0.-odcx. a., petroleum and its pr)duce. Miller ha,d himself sent us a (Wence of ree heads culiflo war, I at 111m, Snder- ich ; that be brou ht Dr. Sang�ter there coliscl I ice, 0 1.) II.., 811'owlll(y verythilig manufactullod Out. 6f I son. poses, excapt leo,ally, parts of Sef6rth. -1, y his proceedings there r -a f6eling that Vll,) Ic Dozen pples, tat:' Mtt. Shrpin, was no II, 14 yea the cruo: oil f rom' Petrolia. Firit you ci ) ason at for the p influencing theineet.- -ra, it Eas increased from - one devranc it, or by-a-zi bonest--do- Yii. Danc.� Dozen 'pear, Ist Alex. all why it -should not have b ubfish- ing, and tYat, the nomination -was the wr see the crude black a,wl dirty as taken Thornson, 2d John K�o,<. Dozen crab . beea an are- result of coercion on his part, m' ary Ion., house, which then, Stood on ' ong right Nve not know,-, from the wells. Next Yon will notice pples, (,011ection of quite willi . huy being sali. sire to �et ad. But though we have na to let l r. Miller peak for ctut. the diffeent products produced )Y the i pple's, Ist Win. Dane. 'Clirce, clusters loes'not follow that we Beina one out of the Ilzi.-ron Rjad, to be olle Of the inost fr. id t6 vote contrary to his 1i but cer in it is the Globei does - riot ap- himself, it should lively nd prosperous towns in the Prov- I pear to in tliiaicap,tcity.i wel manufacturer's skill. That' we fill I bcn_ of grapos) Ist Sharpin, 2d Alex. dmit any or every one to appear as ilia Many to 'w-houl'the fact I . g plfr witill baslaes;houses and private I I , zinc, useil for pintin, )ose;, burn- Thom -son. Dozen plunis, Ist ohn advocate well known, I consider it a (luty I I a 11dacity with oil Rr illutilintil ake pAlic oald dmit'o *tile coot a Ivic- .) without the slighteabintima- owe to myself nd others to Ill resid Of L I . I I - - the head-Jight avish (Hovivick.) Titvoloar tion that tbey clid so at his re ences rivaling those* towns four I wil-ich lie 01 a- I as clea, ? on$, lot AV. 4liest, Or the truth in th r its crystal. This oil, I m Di, 11 11 fall by th - at the Inspector held a ln�eti . -it d- �Ye obe could make a Mig t I Oi lie. "ad peppers, 186 Jolid Gemmill, is matter.. It is 'not true I I that lie wits willin" to stand times. its n .. A�:,d still it Continues toi ment a 11(l.iffn -L inform6d, has never before been made in 0 Go ore , correction, or th� sub-- r., 2d'O. Veal Special by P,. lltojacr:, what they urged in his lefe cc. Iva eric 5 grow aAd prospall. In no sinle year -as hitherto imported from b. The meeting then helol was the- -ui Alex., Thomson. -lime is u rance with hi 11 it �o I Ile collectioil of ff doubted-that'11r. MillerOc-! regular quarterly meeting of tile 11nron Jd pub- t . t. .1 durinor its history, has it proaressed so iish a alf--tr. I � (I AS till -invented r. I 0 Uth, nd'�pass over the at- 1 AIFLEZUENTS.—W,bode�l low cupied a good position in his Ice 111by and [Teachers' Association, conven(I bv 'the Isaac �Vtternian fte-r-long experment- 2d R.Frater, Buggy P (). largely as during ' was respected -by ma I, y. theyear now drawivg I V We vre glad,'�i ,tendih qualifyingeiroulpstaticbs, Ing Presi(lent, James Tarnbull, B.A., "i'llin- or even tither, I notice the lubiiaating land. Wooden harrow Ist William th erefor, � to filid f rom* th a sois iti veness be br t I b Idness with could ptetty in color, ISt � (1, to a Close. During- this season � I ; ton High School, and it oinly by a over -100 oils, f to c fro fit smell ail d was wbich it- 6-awley. Cuttei he shows that lie feels the istake he resolationt unatil"IOUSly carried that the JV. Hollan-1. iouses, si, -eate � res ectble mej�i and reputabl 10 y of all kin(b aDd Set double. team, barriessi Ist John Bilker. Sangster matter.,." Ve have private b 41cs several business thi p a used ' r machiner made in tbu p wool (its for the manufacturii business of the Association was forasbort Places of large 4*m ansions adies� ith black-letteriAg inits collintils, 19 Of cloth. .,at of horse shoes, hain ered, Ist I . Vin. every desire to do him justice, 6u, I-leitlier ti - . I Then e have the paraffine wax Ime suspended, that those t ers -wbo ng, rected, and still t as and used largely for the 11.111111- and are now bei its white Gawl ey. justice nor conimo 11 each here if they. presumed to m contrary f.o its A)AIES'PTC NIANUFACT we Should ublisl either I, "as 'that were not members would bet full liberty is not a vacant sto�a or ciwe'li yards hl artitient to h factur o candles, samples of wIl 3s the question of ill the w bu t. wen it tries Ito' ax ll n ih re linme-spun. cloth, I'st J. Anderson, letters or resoliftions passed byl,ally num- Iyairt,,it is equally untrue that the In-' ' L Whole town, &lid at least as many p, sbown in colors. Also the reftisE bar of tea hers 4way d palliate A offences, without I cOke Keefer. Sex-c�llyar(Isb(me-sptiiifli�ilnel-, C whose own'tconduct in I tiqed for fuel, -which proves th spector badk Dr,' S* gster present, fti- at every tat and 22d'I Keefer. ards home- cOnnec with nas- ha been this 's,10n In er ifessing th �en y, tin iort Ili I id r d is- Dr. ng�ter ever co the quest am wrong, we cai only' portion o the fluid, is made Useful 'and a p nil d r Illy. a 0 1 4 was invited to that e4- Ist AV built would be oedupied, could ib'ey. be lv� tit. bne, 2d 1. cussion ivas liable to suspiciol I I I ing by the unanimous requestof t1l a,ard it with, contempt. We print in valuable, and ll. shown in, the diffe"ent Keefer.. Ond' pottidf , I In a cloln. &btained. Altbo It this extraordinry itnothe 'Column an article frorl' forms it hich they are to be used. The tat Reuben M[r. 1,11nier,s ill rilttee of management, in behalf f the 8anburii. 'Pell pound's tnaple sngar, Ist Association, and Lit a time prior to any proserity is- du a iai great me asure to the display is worthy f prticular­1i.otice, J. Anderson. Loaf home-made bread P9 tke'15ditor of t energy and ent&rpnsri _0 its and is not alone to our Ex. nowledge oil the part of its members that a of our Citizens gen- lobe of thd. 2d inst.-, relative Ist-J. Anderson, 2d. he 1-11tron 1i It. (.,ourse toward Mr. Miller, the �5outh hibition, I nit to N SIR A -waek o I sent a I tt the Docto -Wouid ])a a Candidate. L"t. I Waterman Bros., POVUTRY. to Mr. r air geesq, Ist Js. TbO111- Gordon ly, it is not tru a that the nomi ation, was also da in no small. degree Huron Inspector, and. Mr the exhibitors,.aud a credit of Cwiad4. son, Pair turkeys, Ist erally, it is lso da I Brown, o of the edAd a of the' to the intelligent at d industrious farm- A ciudld, <%'n nee�l on ly' I makE pUticiflar inentioll Giobe. This the result of coercion for Mr. Miher ri in ly read' The of this� being Sr. Pair fowl.q, I st Jo! it d te Oil the produced our 1�r i . I ing population whio atrortize Seaforth as 1 ' . ovince. inside and outside. Ili this leE stated stated to the meeting that lie would.aive to be cc livinced of Ithe Meanness an i LAM& DEPA-RTIMN P ir w- nil- oltien's that I conside,redmysel I, tly and no advice on the question of candidature 4� of -the joltrual. publishing i it St0ekings.-IstMrs. A. Uc'Miebacl. that it was a question upon whi: teacb- their �rading or, m'a'. at towll. That it fa rue, it il - brehly treated and req te te ell ers themselves must exercise t1i' *r judg- will continue in t,heff uture to prosper as bears internl evidence of ts own We nqtice the foII6 ilia 1 ",an 8 socks, Is b Al vs. A' e'-N-ficliael, 2d Of correspondeiAs who . ac F me over. el ss- uron, a.4 having been succo' Mrs. George Howlet. 1pair: men's mits,1 tile signatures "Scruttor,' Ment and act accordingly. it has clone in the paat, there is uo nin- RrIn- Con nty of H r lI ay, derity. Huron Under the guise, of ail kateIIII)t fill in. obtailling prizes Ro.0 n i c" taL .Keefer, 2d Mrs,' A, Meji ch. and "Viator." This private litter re- ther, he even left the room -antit recalled nei of doubt. Weare aurrounded by -a tc; set -),fr. lltliller right b blic, mage 8tal Pa cited quilt, 19t A. McMichael' mains unansered, by a vot of the me inia, and from the t - efore the pa lion, three old, 11 Joseph t 2 . a e4- COU'Ptry whicli is constnty improvin, it 11 Kaiser, Tackersmith ; 2d, two yeals 0](1, 2d Mrs. John 8r. and is maile,�the sit -b- _Ot Odly insults bini but al the teach- Coverlet, i-ect of ail editoi ial ill that pape' - . inception of tile d"'c - I at )d r on Fri is ussion until its and by I; Class of S. Scarlett, McKillop Ist, yearling colt, rs- L Keef0, M -1-flis. Ore-Orge da settlers who tire provi- ers in tile County. When. Mr. Miller'.s J011.11 Aver 3.1, brood. trire, hist. I lave written tot the editor close neither tile, Inspector iloruy teach- Ar a read ill connection witli the L. Hu iter, Usbo id kn All that pr�saed an opiiiion regarding nt and industrious and 7 constantly lettc Y Howlet, Crochet it' wooli Ist of the Wobe de in reply; an er present ex rr Veal, 2d Mrs. llthe letter wi I not 1, tile prefer a. General purpose allion, 2d, L. Hunter Us- 011, Ist Mi$s . growing more wealthy. As they grow horses, ged at, Cott I each att',ho sliould ence of one candidate over an - article, a Globe is left without a sh�adow on, 2d. Mrs. gee it, except tb rough the loco I other—the resulb-of the ballot making 0. Vval. Bill broider Y in wealth, so will. 8eafox-bli grow in, tra(ie, Of excuse in the, borne ;. Ist, three ydarg old Will: lle'r- ]at have therefore respectfully u matter. We com.ione,d km R.. Gibson. that you o reques, known for the lirst tim a wbat were-th" and this, combined . with. our i erling. col wiJ1 llow me 8 Opinions etertined towards Dr. Sang- -ticic and the -letter tc) the tbew 11.xetcv; 2d, two- Embroider pace in your nternal, both the ai bison, Clinton ; 3d, y 1 M rs, A. - t?i I c.N I i c I i a a entexpris'e and push,,. cannot fail to In., ye Lr -old on silk, list . Mrs-. S.' R vtihiable journal not Oiere 're but two conelt- Smale. Berlin wooi, I � I y fo �, this ake attention of those interested. filly, Thonias Constance 2d, li efl, I at and 2( out ­ letim ter- Hence Seafartb, at lio di ant ay, a -town ter, but also for that -addresped to ti sions which 0 tl 3el-ves: upon 1181 rnatche farm team in harness, John Mr,-. 'Me lobacl. Orlin wool, flat, ie fol lelW Hunter, Usborne ; in itli-is class ayIst S. B. Smale. hay'e the hoilor t a First, either t;c'ccliduct of "Scratator' ing .111 size alid trade the larger cam -1 AT A ljiFFORia demonstration bEld in Berlin Nvool flow" your obedient servant, deserving t hi�iesz eel) cial centres of the country. horse, Own ay, lot and 2d M`rs. S. 43. 'Smale. PA_ mer ad byJ. Swenerton, of H, ure for the In ad- the of Auk -or publication of a report ill total igil J. rt. oranoe per flOwers,- tat lvlrs.'A.� cMichael. GOD9111CIT, Oct. 6, 18*74. of the facts, oi, 1hat he is guilty a, in tile County Of was rulad out on account of being too UO Aitiou to all this. rec- M a work, Ist Mrs. A. 211cMicbc%ei ii the salt York On Saturdy last, a vy lor the class, but was high][ of wilful of OMMen'.1ed by tile JUd v oss, work, lat and 2d 2Nfrs. 0. V falsehoods, wif.l. a no,.v1edgu. of them )�Oslt whlob. underlies our town, a c4livered. by eading meinbi6rs eal To le of th Thus, NvIlen w� read -imilar an del mine were �Ie& e Gl)be. .Of wea Y Fancy knittilig in wool ' at Mrs. J. 0 ent Ito the Amoncy thege s t, lax. Quite unexpectedly OnYMOUS Ith -w . ich in itself is suffici* h6rse Veil. en)- n . was - a Imost In"i Sr., 2d � at find, Illy- COMM lillication-4 ill -lily journl, making make Seaforth a - great place. sy E tanley ; 3d, aged 0.� B. mill, 70 rs. 0. N tilig, Ist 11 self thi3 subject of a Gloi This able, loaical anol practic,iti addres' ' by e editorial. In attacks upon the public ;3 -IVilson, Goderich. Durham cattl Isti Mrs. �0. Veal. Ist M rs. A. the intemsts of justice nd'fair play, 0 the facts has already been. Lle-vel.oped to a con- Mr. ter f individua siderab BI tke. - This speech was, a8l. Mr three-year-old cou, Huinphrey ,ael Mc.Michel, 2d Mrs. fitot)e -t ibson. I respectfully request tile Denelit of your If do not kno-w, we naturally dxigbteous- ,Ie degree, and -has done- its Blake It maelf called it, HI'llett 3d, two- er-old beif� If. Booluet of oiried ail rather 41 dis- y Ist ail d 2�1 columnis not oni nswer, bat, at tile I IY,_tOO, Poillt the fillfrer of contem�pt to I . share ii -i dding to -the general pros- sow, under one� ar, 0. Veal. same to turbing speech," but, notwiths it Ye, time, to reply to the ellroes inde Scrutator.' nd exe laiin, ' by one Jude ,apable of very much it was d B eter. -Toseph by Your who --have not all. penty, but ib is c: Ireed, 2d Win. Woo E D est he has Factory Cheese, 2d A. M!cnlm,'8e'a orth. p Anderson. the courage to write over thei ONVII 81 �Pres. H. T. Association. of the best., Bell, Soa , A. :VreMichaie gre , ater develop met. With th, 11111int. Ill tb Agri= 2d, iron:;plow, In? ple men nature$, bub who, ssassin-litie, stab , P, conrRe of his re- I I airl implentents, (t MA ited mark- which reciprocity witli the marks a. Wli iall'soll, Seforth 3d, Mo John BrGarlfoot, Brussel lull 1874," et; J lieeverted to ithe future rela,�. 1, nroe & t4as. Ritchie, man in the dark, and him no ebance in f artber deJ einditig m pwlf. I United Sttes Antild Open to us Hogn, eaf PO (i. 'n h t. t5 Jt5 . t a�o beg, salt, that bra,tich a "r? 'T I .0att7e, heep awl Piy I you to publish follawug resolutions - tioushi Callada and till Em- Willia son, 8eaforth doubl iloul( -14—Thm. Inglis I Permitmett) state tit for our ].)a O)tll- Ist, wood Belmore ; J ohn Ainsley, 1 Winglit for a fair li tweeli Liniou; pre at I C"Ould have - unanimously aj, opted by file 'teach. ors at swered ese tradlIcells' loug ago, but i t.beir meeting beld duri U Y P&I'liam Moni Samuel An* I �n as d be, ill, a -ii. astouishig degree,, sided o er b a great; Federal cut -oe & Hogan Setorth horse pitch that I -1 i ted to do so for t4creasolls pi-esei-it monthh. In yolir clositio sell,- of business would pire, ail I ad Vocaied a fed eral plow, I -t Williinsoll, `)efort 2d Carrick W. G. Hilliston, Brussels n. tit the, p tan derson, esit would add in n equal ratio to the forthe Empire ; he denoune'ed a fork- ad tackle, tat P Grant, 01i Iton Poltlt7'Y, ROOt-R, 07'cl;lf, K-C.—William. Frsand eni atene prosperity of the tow'. Upolitbe C i set of horse shoes, tat G. W`ilh' 011rieve, Obarlea Hendersini Andrew �Jeliial was sent' e you- say, We have. every=desirle rown ppoii�ted 8 ,a nson, enate, and str?ngly Se&fortll. ou by M'i. P1. i'erausion I to do him j justie.-�- nor 1, of a tew NUr. IV. N. Cresw G ry. : , usti-ti but neith-� aflie.v' �.ber respected el Senate by Tuckersmith. has also take 3ctLd Y all who commori a �thait,, e liave grailt. to look back advcat ol,the.* ection of the n seven, .)rizes J llse �equires that wasbould %tisfactiou nd th 'Pop lar voice of the in the ffli frs. re. John T-Tol- know hitil, ot 113Y %lid, 1 publish either ill Lp.Crtinellt llatterS or Teso- -apoli the past with, s,. a n one of people ; he sup- a,rts departnient for his baint- 0rieve ii](1 Miss M. J. therefore, in 110 'waY under my irifItieiie Ili tio lis passed 1) 7 - an v number of teachers .1 I L gpktitude with ported he ballot, nd ailvoc�ated ings,and Wlso uotic' that Y as a `2 Oil 1'efftseLl. to inert, Ilia letter for rea- ilict-in contlection wit & William Solis given in your editorial, aid, there- the question lint confidence. Messrs. homson J, of Own com h . 1 Ct to it., for t4e prevention Mitchel., have taken the first pj.-4 a for, Wixjcr a�n : -Jer liscusiOn as liab-le The hartnoiny and g6od, -feeling whi # I I � �h fore, allowed in-- to stand (rui ty before t ?) . Ur 0 ich of - Elect ral corruption, co, �o suspicion. rely Y Ou.,do not consider ,f pulsory' vot- their wa ber wbeel, has I I PEM80-NAL.—Mr. 1T.: lit' the public although illipertillent; tberewre enera,lly prevailed inong our busi- I 11;. li - aso - ad_vocte�d e system ef -40 Registrar o, te of my iiino� - - 0 you hd. he proof Mr. Ure's letter il,ess North Hurlil, hs, Ili your posses ioll. -wid public inen Ras ada6had .most minori lCaed the Mr. only tw% and tL-ink Ferguson's t representation. his E31owick Fall Show.: Office ill Wingbam. lately! Ocupied rguzonjs le ter was sent ill reply -to tile nn . o C nsidered. The . fling at ato tile ro$ 6acy 0 each of t 0. Tait 8cott, and inte'iids removin 'he p hese liewf(illepax0res," The fall show of the Howick Birattel to 1,,,.,ev. t . teachers If uron. is riot 'generous, perity of tle� Mr Agricultural Society took place at Wrox that village, to practice Iiis profession-- re, of Goderic Iii, wrote you a diatill.ct only- 39 out of o-er 200 voted against the village. Unlie 1he first ive believe 6 --t,t Mr. a eter, on Wednesdy, Oct. 7. The show law. cOntradictio1i, of tbe statemell Globe'.,; candida e and for his oppomilt. made by tow"s 111(1 vill,ages, wc,have in Sef&rth will 'b �ve tbe.syrnpath 0, a very: large SCTIOOL Huron. You refuse to ins . t the last meet. ),s. All pro as whole was , complete succiess, -e in UO political or part3- bickering ert his let- nd urely th �r wisolicited t. ;-ti on portion of the pebple of this country, i thouril some ter lth of t1l in,- of the lVin bm o ough. you knew he coullil 1))r a*nce to lily hillo parties and classes unite and a classes, especi!] 9 ;B ard of School not tell iven, in n calley, work bar- and we have little heQ,"ttf Tioustees, the folloN f Kisebood, and for the reasoll given ill all()' on. in saying cattle and implernents, were vin� resolution -was illd be allow1d ill thu my de - in a erly aMOTtiously together for th m ny yeilrs -will'not '11til represen -led. passed a prosp"�rity ,as The borsess, bOt'Ll irl (I ih , 1, 1. your editorial, yoll allowed tile u the ltv to appear fence. I ivay Old tili Eadic public as a poor, I It soi)le.of those lmimber, were 'fat' SUperior to, all- t the ark o f depraved most stil-oug"ly (pposed to Dr. 8allffster m-4nd and wi I be n, for the -'ens-ii,ig of the (,, and.goqd of the place onded by before tile. 0 collntr�,' as Mr. Fergnsol wretch riot lit to associate to agree uree to di e%er exilbited at HowickfU show; . with. minist"-rs bave been UloQ ctive i n doing me Jus - 'We sill tIffer. Ik"hile obti Reforms. With re- tile general purpose and carri ' 0 1 orse - car Ing to -cc*. This Coulity i.,3 divided i' re, - I wi at rosl)el a, y lice. the ti Il to two ; present teacher of the �rcsts of Sabba, there i�'. no d 9 I v to $600, and ti�a kss Case, the intc in ti, ty of, op.ullon grd to the question of Federal Unioil bein.,, edecially excellent. t 1411 th �;chools department i1i conilec- inspectoril f As lis cts4 ail I �, C,ol.lity Ill the hall, I be employed tiOn 'With the Prebytery of Hull'ou oi-ig ttlte inhabitauts ani ot see NvI th di for the se ond departibelit Yo Oil Politicl nd. we c� sp. ay, as regrds the olualitit s ierein the country would a u' sociation of Tediers*has 1een. i A a te"wber ments to i 2ation for overl three mitinicipal questiotilo, yet it 'ge, all J as to quality, could scre'ly be at a salary.of :9,300, ;111 that did all this Nvi i th Mr. Ure's stlt� irst is !)ever al- )a litaged by It, at) d w' a are so.niewh at the contrary in your po-,session�' The h for the third departmei t be .1 rig of this Association since surpasse 1, and the rush. of people G,owd et](76ged. at Under ineeti ilia Sulq. - there aircunist, lowed to engenderspleen and ill -feel* Id at the views j)ut forth by Mr. of .1,;250 per annikin " The Win, alIC03 1 tll()UYht, 0 ing in to -witness the dispi g. my word between Citizens or neighbo BI k I i . y. ln� de it, liarn would not be taken any mo'Tre ' tator's " letter ;kppeared was held at Glin- I's. While it, -a n this subject.': We � itricomfort, Trustees evidenti; believe in am ilian that I' ton on Sept, tile following reSO venot ' very %bl6, especially to I dies. I of tile aent b; 1) oying good teachers 1nd p,�I,yi-n leinan above na the people of this village Array tilelli- space, rLowever, in this� issue to refer at lNotwit ;t,,tiiding.tl)eut)favoi-,Ll)letlpe g them 'MY see- lutioli was unani'llionsly adopted - selves under their respective nce of t[Ie" morning, Nv ar- liberal salaries.. ond reiison forot replying is that I chose Association atinei regrets that's to allow the teachers titemselves to deny malicious attemi)tbollld hav -b -.s, at Weab-_� lencyth to these matters, but hich no dou t had "That this Par tile effed of lessenina the number f an- tt been made haraclitary nd municipal elections, all r ert to them -on future occasions. 'tries,', th,, (lay provediFfine %nil aur( cable the statemellt$� which affected them s to'irijare Mr. Millei by the publication Howi-"- -ous et and eacl'does his utmost to secure the ; on 8 1 well as myself. For my own interest of anonym 1 ' ters contailliro, a gross Ito vi�itots. The following is Ti7e 0BTTtTJRY.-:--D ad n s favorite cndidate, yet, THE WESTERN TAIR. list tile p i i success of hi ept. perhaps, this was 'lot the proper course, misstatement ofl -Ilia action at d in re - ')3, Walter Hollinshead, ged 24 years. but -it the present time I have no reason gar (Ito the Jil meetint? o Hop's an gen erl purl f this -A-sso- when election (lay is over, ll 81), controversy )ose h , The deceased was th& Only so 1 Ist Win NVallace, 2d Samu'sl Greer D Of R ugh 1 to regret my choice, %a the� ha46 spoken. ciation, and of 1. art of the proceeding Of Ceases, and the contending parties The Hollinshead, one of ttie Oldest pioneers in a manner not to be misunder�tood. the last meeth, g Oi Huron PresbyterY again 11"etern Fair, held at Lumdon Brood mare, I st Crocket %Yillits,2dRobt. of Howick. .a er for t . he last week, was, from various causes, n Of late ;Years ibe old gen. I thnk you for saying quite Ili reference to INIr- Miller nd the PrO, tleman's mature years Vendered him 11-,I� willing to 'let �11 unite and all in work 'togfeth ot Catbers. Foal, Ist AVM. Walla(e, are quite s' 2d eneralgood. This is as it should be 0 SUCcessful as was uticipaied. Hugh ('111311ingliam. Span 011i a iller speak for hini- poF-ed Sabbath, chool. conventio liud, 9 J In the first fit to attend to* his gusiness; connec­ted� self. It long continue to out the ell ire -week w a wet Id 8 Arclid. Mlcolm, 2d Jas. fui�. with the farm. 'IDd-- other th* further, that tb a Association cannot toO and as we trust it may placc, the weather- thro h- 1 horses I Taking advantage of your kind. t a e 0 �,nd Buggy bors- Ings. couse-', ness. I 1311all proceed to m'te my defence, I'strongly condenin the goss 1111firitessof rifes amOng a or inare, I at J as. r it wsp4por in ref using to ilMatthew Sharpin. Two -ye 'd son Walter, whose intelligence indust Your memory is sur etl,)u of the -- cause, I no 2d be. Poitical and party at disagreeable, and from this ' tGill, quently, everything wj4a confided to his as briefly a�a possible. citizens have ruined, or, t least, very doubt,.many �isitors and exhibitors were ,eldilig, 1 -ol f 1-Y1. be Globe ne -st David Weir. Two-year-old and honesty made bim well worthy ' . e-lY at f11+1t wheii lish an authori, prevented, from being i-0 attendance. li'l of you speak of NJ r. Ferguso Is letter *s on" anctityll-iou let tip corre 'reeting de* any the. second place the Cent. -- h)� 2d J the 41 wl e and this much injured, the prosperity of in. Illyr Ist'John McTavish (Howiu trust. Notwithati " lich was brusque - and im thient sires express ts fulli confid�e I . 4d ing )I is diligence ral Fair and lJohn(le mill,Jr. Saddlborectrinare, in the pursuits of the farm, he wag ever in Ito tone One which the' weeks immediately prec T; meet Miller as an u ght and boorable,00D11 tizens avoid the-, y a r 0 d a a young municipaities, -and so long as our tberovincia Exhibitioil being held oil Ist ebadian Hoopfer, 2)d Reuben San- anxtOus to improve hiniself educationall. any of the ia'harcres made against �1,0 I I 4 4 (lid C1 ze destructive hoals, eding the "bur. Yearling gelding, Ist and:;24 Jas. and otherwise. y r. Mil- and its enti proval-of the inalliter 11 Westerq Far, detracted A few� 'weeks ago he de I -we have every confidence that�otir pros-, it, 1 -somewhat from. Doublede-,. -1 ler, but travelle"t into alic' 8 succops. -mined to im irrel.Oant dis. which he always dischayged fke attend n Satig8ter b4sines. 11 duties of his position. Exhibitors, after in tei prove �is educati6n byl cussion' of the whole, erity will colAiinle to increase. I C�krrl,l.—G'rade milch cow, ista'd 2d attending the Listowel p these -first named fairs, were wearied, Grmmar chool,J Mr. Ferguson's letter was writt�n, I un" itilte is inade Wa lace. Yoke of oxen, tat Seb. where he was attack -The Exeter istrict hist ad by the t!y1pboid derstndl before I raw your c rre,spon� up of teachers aPllost entirely )V'thill lily OcT. 9, ter O'n Sept. 112, -and to jha. �article; Be it ;ne.mbers of thi4 Instit; te,en Mr. erate iller from' the tained in tile baill 1MMU -they are taterly flse in �ev An,d that the�y -consitt r i� insul't -to the teacher4 relell fo r W hom t 1 1 eyp Olit sair person s n1twL f -re also composed entirulyl�,Uf -te. XaY ow -n- district. flip, Place -oil Saturdkv 1%,, ln(l rnim." the adolv, hcertain allonymoui etti peue( d in the pul)lic w Miller f oversteppmg in T&erenee to Dp and tlmt tl� iii lw� tb].$ Opportunity of kleliyilia 4 ill' ally edl�ge use any Unthw- influe-111 tea6hers of t1lis ditrict -) i tha -we ,condemn in inivilea gross Unfairliessof I tile. I lette ,ticiuslug to _aeuiat of theebarges v,iontained rie'l- -we-re present ill in acb. eate Won 'In ly as -S1 le—Hill on, 60 poz Dungannon, 24). -now I come t.) J; -the list. 'Yon remari� ill. Y C4 that Ray. Mr. Ure atio tern the qbyeet., but, so Ut as' -we reintul-ber if charges bruu-,ht Nothill was said,by this t-hayg and, thr;refore, �spect fo� that gentleinao, Iil'Yon (110 M.r. tM. lhjnl�ti lie would P11 xiaarlks that Mr- -re tri,Al me -, but tbat, in vou�r -c;At_ failed. _in _P1 , Ayr 1 Complined not 01.113y 'of statewjcuts, but albo . i0f :aikl tot rep ly to " 'Swr simple reason that he about the matter," Ile in acting of the General, time. But lie -did rppl) -the worst Of tht three. this. Commull,icatin- was ."I pointed u I- IV .a member -of :a abbath �C-- tee, for the purpose of I Or Int tery. Although—tbe 'Co pointed unanimoinsly", -at -qe( 11-crunt -one ,of min iiame w�as -on the Commit, v.as not present Avlle_i I�t roa,e aud Objected toi the to act oil. it declin; na -to sons, though �e hiiAed P what they were. The aho objtcted till the -cowl to act and tbe matter drop P. out that the gkouiid 4 cause Ile 'CIO not coriscie­� z,ach a -with. M, accoun-t of his �,docuy -of 1� In plain the writer tens of thioughout th -world to Nvas a man so bad. niinisters of the Go$ -P(-! with him -witbout �serio -their consciencts- .1 have Open, this qvest'1011 nittil a t il bytery intets, no oppart, been aiven llbo,dl v fta;� ex ,oil as to tbe trith. of li - he ments. T . re are very Imn counectini with the meetin deeply, but, s 1-11 wa� not ill -when the niatter as keei) silmit for' the present tbai the writer It -&s YO. As the P.. say with reference to the- severa the pre- sured that the ave -own - most incorrect. Wnother .. -Our N6tholvial W" udt it, ba rnanie was on I becaim see the ltter In the illobe Yt- sloiTit of wll4 is , I)ev Of tb�e Com mittee obje the Coun-MI, whn the seleetion -N -to you Dn. th ho A -rote bein 'ra 1 4 )at tRiaie ct , letter It is Prot -the r,esignatioiiis we� tility to Mr, Mi r, , n all who re , Yned. hw11 -other mnibers� of ti P con,qeiit to ha*e Ins ualue -committee, A'Ud they U drew,from. it $o1ely to 1) tussion f in gtter.i lip aved t be the busmiivs bytery."' carge Iss others, 1141 1 T4'.,.qA;31%:te- �O promise- was Madw dir-erit), that if Sangster Nv el -e, 00 ztrike mit The the $tatenlen� 41anilty spneaaing wb4 is not tr,: t me -I d not know, ho-��avLr, t1m letter. In Your Colichlailig, re We tire glail -Lo filitl ness he shows thitt ft-. lie made in th ss;ngpst-tr . yon coligra-tuh,fte me oil - have ilonie mo� iluring tb Yuual.Tead'- inflitit'd every attem, lit nif naill, hrs, to right tha Sangster controver.V, 1, a TI-gAt to an opirill, an use the privilege ad nglit to think for iny I trust that Yon length of this letter, t1 i it insetion as soon .-a,,,, 1) you will sentl the nanie. my letter of Sept. 28. -to be, sir, your obedient OoDr�nJCU, 40et. 4, 1614, AUCTION A1011(lay, ()ict. 112, ell McKillop, Farm Stock. Mathew- Purzell, PrMO