HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-10-09, Page 2IHL RON EXPOSITOR. 2 .1THE OCT. 1874 A WEDDING IN MUSKOKA. feathers from Abi yi siriia, and a pretty to be held e -as of' fulfillment, and the complete abstine: ice for 41 fit comfort y a 4_1 0 a 8 p Ir able I should think they must pnidentl aare of t1li.9, proin gold!ring,.set with 1:eirls!of t I a purest climate, though cold,' i [loom ArAly suite, together- - i th an outdoor life, alollie have been more so, The first i,)ight we Bryan's;', pallnollio A V af tly Ilse W vAN INCIDENT OF LIFE IN THE euli Dit wat*, f rom the Pon ia'a Gulf. 'healthy. Tbis intoll get ce, coftil ,ig at a Un ig undisturbed, but oil the lext we. whiLli - has s treputation gave i the al test chance of recove: .y. were list, BACKNVOODS. Later came the in elligenco timewben all was�4palt'etivy.l(st,.and Sidney was writt 3n to and authorized to r 2,0 years—tbey were hardly asleep when we ere awo'ke ove an ex by a horrid and continuous hissing, which cious wl exert most 1) ca - From, the At1witic Molithly. tha- � Sidney Herb� r had passil - his future plospebts of the gImnliest take up'land for them near -bis own,,, eDeficial ii , I I I free1v aoknowledge that I am a ro- cell Ant f,examiliati(P to qualify him as kind, decided 3idn6y erbert to ln&his it was settled that they were to Bill in seenied to come from the hay ofI our im- I ence on'all the brol)c1iial 11 mal a, mid wak on ward one of the ships way to Husko �ia anit o apply h r . land the end of July. 11141 niollary m ntic old woman ; my children re wn provised bed. We all started up in ter.. '8old bynll drgcfi,;ts belotrigiug to the company. e0ed the- there. He found a ompat ion or his Now came my tinually telling me that such is my chAar- time -for persuasion ror, the poor. f riglitened children' crying try Price -25 cents Per ox, Bril ish. India, wht,.h took out the expe- long journey in the p rsion aGerman influence. I orened. a correspondence loudly, The gentlemen, armed witli is a purely regetable Pr acter, and without shame .1 confess the P&in-fUler ' I (10 not Persian w i ep- dition for laing the cable in th ho. had com6 ove� with him in the with Mary's fat ier, who )lad recall ly y of the bc(�s about safe to kaPt to -use ni ev soft imeachment look upon sticks, beat the h. GuIr. - On board t lis ship he met with a Same ship from Ha.re, and who like received an expheit and a"ItY et' nd cattered it completely. They soo family. romalice as being either frivolous, unrol, r- a -Ri1DPJicjtY ttendlN it grading - I consider it s a Heav6n. g(-iii4mall whose i duence over Ysfutate himself had onti'ely failed in bettering from Sidney, wi"-Ii -which 'lie was in h ber with . tile or deg had be pleasant sight, of a tolerable- use, togot atle Thi pleased. I rept asented to Mr. Lennox -sized snake gliding swiftly from our colt- diseases' that uny be en great v,iriety of �tlli ll-pp",A,ed. to,us all provi- ift to -the favored few,- enabling Ihis position ill New York. 0 sent g -ad left a Wif 0 arils Po r de-tv s pal s n was a. or C-1 young mail I I child that this was n ) longer the" boy and ner, an(! I V tof pain,,-Llld therii to cast a ftening halo of hope nd na0ino its escape under th6 door by �it, aad the reat eV found SUfferill(, th, lie Dfficer-in (;.)ninU% Of the �aity sent in Germany, and n w that ttie war girl love " (to q1 LOte his own � words) of at beality round the stern and rugged re Ii- into the clearilig, where Sidn call I out. 'They had mit y colivers,kpolls to- had broken ou�, havi g no ,ocat.on for riVe y L ears ago, )ut,.a steady 'affection ail(] killed it hext morning. � AVe m . ust throu,(,r1l ties of dily life, 4nd fitting them aisc to IL . 1� its 'use, lke it impel ative j1poll every enter into the -warm feeling and projects* getlier,. and, cheer,d and enco' aged by lighting, he was afrai to venture back. which had beer, severely. tested by indeed have been tired. to leep soundly U) supply tile in selvr,., Sidn -.y v tured addre�,s Sidney soldi his gold ,,watch r ouble, difficulty; opposition and sepaTa- as we certiiLly of the yQuil." long his ldll�lnass, Sidn an did after the bed's -bad valilablt-11 reDledy, -and to keep itjivay..3 ifte' tile dream �f, a 10 tar to min W fijob Ile at a Jed ho w lie had given X20) forl$50, and his coin- tion ; that no future opportunity could been rearranged 11 next day, Mr. near at hnd. .1ovearld Youth have become, to thapi. T a much be was to sli r from panion beinc, much on a ar s to funds, ever be so favorble as-th present to selves things of the past. p C— proposed walkig to Utte nrsan to ake the ieau' of 1 as and'started for his daughter. going out to her fatu a purcbaso a few necessary axticles.o till Itight -and, ndia; Ii)w in his ),ofesslull they joined 'their rew ure . steam ell ('ill� L"i Of themselves I � f food, 111Jrilln" Afterthig preface, I need hardly ,83Y he bad bean driven �bout the iA orld for. for Alusko.ka. . Af ter a vei y , ftigping busband under tlip protection r- and Sidn 1, 0 1 vice vers that I lo-ve and n -L loved by youn and gu ey went oil to BracebrirIge t6 (Irearn of gol(r. arl. 9 peo' nearly five years, aqd still fol Id him- 3, The fearful stri ourney, p6rformed as, much as possible diansh h, upoll ip of a fam� Ity soon- to 'become h �r look for clergyman to perform the mar- the nervolls System by thils taxi)ig tile,!' ple, tnat I liave bean the depostarY (If . self s little able to hiarry and Settle as on foot but latterly rtly by rt�, 11 and relations, and wh) would in eve any innocent love- senrets, and have, at ti, st ; ti at �lle rythingy riage ceremony beW -s ;not PAY heart disease ha( no friend to plaide f een him and Mary: Iwodaft partly by boat, they arrived at Mrace- watch. over her in crest and, comfort. I �1 As to waiting for our l d for dyspepsk% and fling inaladics, but is of'- brought inore than one affair of the kind' him in any situatimilwhich miglit better bridge, where the Gellman 4-ook ip -100 short, f Mt nothing iiiisaid- that coa d the elegant bridal attird -V�Kic`h'had bekii t ca;use of pop to a happy conclusion. I feel tenin P. I I- . �t his position ; and t ��bjhis desir,( to quit acres, Sidney prefeffibig - to w and make a fav"orable impression, willin 9 so carefully packed by loving hands, we ilast experience, ii-iiiel t tell tile Airec to record my I)e -a swfarin(y life ww, iticre,'�,sed bl, the ta'ct c -hoose his Jail I ill Vrtlio,; wl. was - conceding to his � aternal feelin rr.,% that y al)(1, It 9411, in Frallce and ended happily it' that -lie t all agreed that it would be rldiulous, ;Ilat during tile wori(ps progress di was never a fr6m sew ickness, agreed that (Ill iing iliteri n4w be- I was, in f koka.. Canada. which pursued aa,d tormented hi A -worldly point to view, a mat& I and dear Mary, like a true heroine, c a 11 L S arg it im in guining, with g -eat severity 'hey should' falling short of big ust.expectatios for Iii-ade sui able to tej I cepted. the discomforts of -her situatio- Just seven yers ago I was Frarice rVoyag n Hardly bad man bee ever, re just a it 'did in the be- work, together and h,%% -e -e'v' working in my beautiful ttower-. erything in- his beautiful anti accomplished chih, :bravely, and far from uttring �siilgle for y ginni n1g. coin ed speedy trallsit, tile r a N ailro 'isitors, I - d an& on, w an mon. Hai ing on�,iitg i in a . ho When two or three letters had passel complaint, made the best of everythilig. the stearnboat were inti-odllicL,(l th d �h I was. told that. v ag eed that Mary I -a (If __� - to this knew the country - well to g i them between us, -Both Mr. C— and myself had fits of Jajor C— r it ..esi oridedwa,rml . we shoull e - awaited me in the drwi g -room. Has -;t appe d ; they- had l long interview, in and point out the -la A they- Ifal just goover atonce to her f am' irrepressibIt, �vexation at t sire for intelligence the, ily anc .30 tily palling off my garde'll gloves il.d. .10 he state of tc�l whic i he old id �,y fEat he himself taken tip, they b6ugbt a few nbces� e r herp--raonal influei Lee to My- pecialplean fairs, but as we c usuall bell? as wood ),ldcorne.13 scarce, and -when apron, I went in lad found a very dear wa13 about to rel turn tp Engl ad, -.Lad ticles, asi bedd ing. I W ould in no IvaY, y diseuvered all 8 dnay ing, ools, a aited with great -anxiety for r sWe thought it best to. !"be si� young friend, whom I shall C, i Id procur( for him c sto've, ind a s al tipp A pro- answer. At Iengt a. it came ; her famil felt'sure that he (O� wen's ininds are bein S to Jair Ut Herbert; heasked rittypermissionto pre- ?O�kiug Ieiit, and to'hurry on the building of a he bown'dii in had consented. Fortunately: sh 'Lire nd Sault tome four young ladies of his 4c- a good Situation Ill the 'Telegr ph, De- visions, -and started fo t a was mostin order tosec' Oy the ffe gave i vhich they. wei a about to ate 11 log -house for ourselvres which we . -its of all - t at(,, partment in Parsi A'm his N loc ce just of age, and as she remained stead- Once did. v at luxu a, y4jlwsi Tbe ery'day after o-ar arri-, ypo I-ppers tbat tllr-,y may; agreed wit 1 1val Mary and I undertook the-iorl of by artifi�ial. mcns keep up this q laintnce. sisters, and very rw6-'t addmss in Londori,j anLI told im to upon. the land, they sel to work. cleared fast in her attachu lent, -the v . ,specimens of prettyi lady -like Brialisli come, and see him w'sooii-tits lie cot back- a spot of 6grout d, nd , vith E ome asist- me that it would. be best for, her to g) housekeeping, taking it 1) turns dA and The eldest mach'older than the from f Udia. e from tth* ei - neigilb:ws bitilt a small y y strain to U inefinite e- alic out with bar future sister-in-law. xtent. a, Mar,' ;t day about, Wo found it most fatiguin rest, aud herself singulaky attractiv Sk ney erbett I r)s t no� -ter tl iem f br the wrote to Mr y acceptinj r g., Seemed. coin : time,. ien. the shanty sufficient to shei the days being so ]lot and the mos _dletely to inarge her own expedition Ws succ ssfully ove, in giv- wintor. It was when they were 11 toler- her offer of chi nage, Avoid. Quacks. identity iii that of bar young ohrges to IT alid we dis) 80 tormenting. Moreover, the stove be -.1 A VICTII� of eal-ly usI a ) his situation. m'ate,- au�, in. pro - ably settled t Sidn6y began feel patched the. joyf u news to Sidney ; ba L, .! d to dubility, premature tion &Ile had dev ing placed outside we were expo�,e whose eduef ilig. ca., hv1n,r tried in Ot0' the op-tnyall necesar testanionia[A as to what a cloo, hiidranCe his to" an ad a (Lte for thei the burning sun every time we went near, I siniple self-eure, Whiell he will send adyertised i beat years of her early wonlanhoo o unfortunately n ain 0 light upon the official; of the -a in mind, aa tneir vessel sa led from ndon two brid-e he told us that the Ch t 41 and bod- and. c iracity. It deed, he hastily formed partnership was Ii ely to probablo arrival W )ich. Proved i . Brace free who now rapaid her with loving affection s be. Feeble in body aild, feeM "co7rept, it. When Sidney returned fro o his felldw-su:fferers. Ad(h�css, J, if. 11EEVE an iin L't deference to her itlithority Lo. 1 78 Nassau Street, Neiv York. d lic - Criti India, that y gi� N a. . hira his com i uich of It, was easy for- me to - see thiA the till . panion )0came every dy more or three weeks behre the expected- ti'me. r�,ng'_I`aad clergyman being away at eir s1l'us as far d:epressed nd - hom 0sick. At lait he I pass over a] I tb details of the voyace. Harkness' Hair i3aim, "'bright, prticular star" of - my han(,_ a fre( passar in- one E oron- to, he had eligaged, the services ( as So qz., i The best Preparation inse for restoring preserv- some, ds-hing young friend was the sec- - I ceased entirely from doing any work, and subsequent j(urney, and now ta i fi g the ne .11 of his a portio upol Sid- up tI AWAleyan minister whose chapel Ilehd ing, and beutifying the hail- a 4 me ded, and that gentleman ove letter cont which threw a doubl ie riarrativ6 ii L Mrs. C t, ond sister, it I ly, shy girl of 16, whose - 5al 'a wor& so ' times atten hig it'sOA and glossv. hLid spee returu. Ur uabl e pre pa ration, we W'O Ill d Present to blushes,and I timidit Itilly assured me i e, had promised to enme as soon as 'possi ved prospect, ney, wbohd ill uldit 01.1 to do all co -ninis- telliligof theirarri�val atMaimy's fat This imtal ocIts 4ned -the gre: e4t joy, I 1" �d som6 sions, and to fe,ch the letten - from the home. i I -the publ ic' it to Possess -all t e virtitee of the State of matters betwean.the two. ble, and to bring with him.% prop�r and' , 1. h tidetleffore made t a acquaintance of I clah foi Buing pelftetly fret., ft- Onl All injUri- Themottierof-Rafy Leunox, (sach wa's listintpost-offi ein'allwetl�ers. Poor- It was about licion of a burninor d respectable witness. I f i ous iiirk�dients, anti oomposed ii n Che day 0 his. nut my heroine's name,) lived in -France, her At s. Lennox,aud from- her in a ner, s Wilhelm could do nothing ut.—taloke in August,.' when the stage -wagon in coming being lef t uncertin, Mary �and I ments, we caxi colifidentiv commend it' as a Safe s' from wht Miss Lennox ld me, h We came fro n Uttersan turned oui and sure remedy for the "Flling of the Hair"r.es- father in Etv,,land, ; and in this divided W611 feebly by the s ove, shudder at th cold- whic i were kept in a continnal state of error torin g Tey 1air tO its origilItIl color, imparting a ing titerige and bemoan his of �he-road ilito� tIL6 bush.' After go- and healt household tiie-care of the three' yonn-ger. I sbLw ith joy that now becom expectation, nd at such a ti i e we -1 tono and vigor all active Opposition I Was over, hacd fato. tfe Was like' '&3 so, timid to its roots, and ratising it girls. had been entirely left to tb eir eldesf -h nt was W1 ing some little way in adreadful. narro%v, ftit doubly the a noyance, of not %eing to -row lnxtriaDtly. As a cogractic alone, �Wn that 1. tacitlY connived !A by thq whole family.- that lie could not bear to be left alotye track covered With stamps, over whic where the hair is and healkhy, it i" invalu. sister. 6irluey Herbert had made, their able to get from Toronto even the trunks I able, as it imparts a rial gios,,inels nd It W the b6ginning mof Ap d tha� in the shuty, Sidney had a, nUrrow the Wagon joltecal f a I t ur clothes. In vain,wei tried pearance whith no one -who loves� beauty c p- ;,e,r an fail equa-in, ance in that extraord inary man - arfally, We were tol containing o n I Sid. -.1 bert dr -rived, his hea, . inuL.11 escape from being shot by hini one Diglit to get down, as th driver - co ulld not, g to r6novate our soiled and traral-sfti ed to tilmiTe- 'Preparel only by ner ilL which youlic, ladies and gentle- t improved by abadluic freeilom. ft in hard On his return, rAtherlate, froin the p�st-' ny farther with s#ety to the horses, an. n men domnage to become acquainted as W Jefies. He I erefore paid A I dresses neither brushiny nor shlakii�g HAIXNI._,SS -Co., often in real life as in novels, without work !an(!, ght hd to office. Wilbelm, bearing footatel.9, in We th a ddism sedhim. XV i , fteeirtical Chemh;ts, Lon(loly. n is It - nor , sponging could alt6r" their - limilis- Pharill. pay a 1.1 hij own exp uses from 8uez, and his fright took down- from the itall Sid- soon cme.to as ' FRICEI 50 CENTS. "llyintercourse between the' respective hanty by the road side: I takably shabby apptarance, and b3- J, S. R071 E RTS and R. LMISDEN. just I -ley on lie Whi - t, requi - F or sale families. nnaged the an s double�barreled 'aun, WC%S' the 'Wn jo ri y 0 or of whic came to meet us, an( ad some philosophy to be contente4. It Seaforth, antl by Druggists _-�enerally. 34�7-A his litlAe savings of 18 20 poll ids. The kept always loaded and- Ni,a;s-. vinly offered t For two, or three moilths Ile had been o be our guide. he evidentI3 iwas- worse for poor lary than foi any lo,ers' walk" in gard i waa now -trying to point it in 'the right di- knew. to whom we were goin , but th one else, and I felt quite touched when I much In their society, and the '.wel,- in constant obeapati, and the, rection, out of ihe dolo 9 171 4 inimer- r, when Sidney pe�plexed and do'btful eXpression o J-911 MOSI;S'P1PPIOD_1CAL 1J,ILL.9. known resalt had followed. I have rare- w r carefully ashing and ii�ojllug I invaluable in the 11011se at th: end leeame:a -permanent entered to find him 11� -p as de'a his fa"c'e when lie call sight of on the lace frill from the. neck of 'her dress THIS e ale tb, aht ly. seen a handsomer GOUple than these boadoir. After a fo day8'.'giVQlL to the and With limbs shaking to iat d egree party was most amu 3 cure of till boy and girl lavers, oil whom the eldest sing. He looke ['and then it again as nic ly as to which th' funiale con- joy Ot. such: an u-nei . ctod hid op hat fortunately he had been- -unalle to from one 0 Stitntion Vis subject. it to the other, and then burst possible. moderatt-'s ail excess and reinoves all obstructio s, angino -ter evilelitly, looked, with fond and. reun I t wa3 i n�deed i a aiA injured tolle,- 'But hoth- af Tw o d - passed, and oil the and at speedvicuTe may, be rolled oil. -ion, Sidnpy wrote to aj cook the gun. hard �o be out ill quit of th ays )road admiration. ternoon a third we had plit the To In subsecl uent intery 'to aicoux"ice his rriviir , and t6 repare tied down, to SUG� a companiob hip. I Sid. ing Is ready for Yol 1—the house . even oor children to sleep, and wer(- It win lews poor Sidney �,'him for Subsequent v himself all I llyiii,g� in a short time bring on the nioiAhlyperiod V, visit. HE waited ne, -ad severely ftonjt,the notli iniShed, ;. Mr. Sidney knows nothing n ours t to -me, and so in grez a more Wly opened his h.ear Ile i Sow, elyes, quiet overcome with the Me ays Lt atixiety and when cOI& of th Canadian. 1climate co- ing of your. coming so.,00n—he told me this heat, -when my husband entered h !lose V� p - it d �Lstily ill,� hould not be taken. b FenlitleF a ns or, brough in as I er.some y' ears res- Morning that he did not expect you for during th -st three months Of for the future. Theo to tell us that Rov, Mr. -%V—. bad are sure toe I! nt­ on s theN n not ay t ever complain- t ar o, but at ally othel marriage ceremony, tinle tt ey a of. an old otheer `re4;y to me. � I wil idence in I' t will he do?' The ried to perform the I laid before na al his plans and projects 'he re eived' the a i. upon hi it d d aft mt des- adia, but he a hree weeks! P - = - IV -fell during.tlle, Crim-ean. war, Ile air 9 written -on i face—hE was Of ed, and.his lett rs home to Mary and poor Mao, a rea f riend and ally of and bad broucht -tvith him as, WitD In all 0, of ervous 'and Spinal' a templ amen spoke fe ess a Affections, had neither f riends nor fortune, but had �Od suono, and hopEf7i Of IlOP6fu.1 alinu and Sidney's eared! quite angry at our good-natured " Pains * t e I)ack and hmb storekeeper, who had left ertion, Palpitation 81 fatigue oil shght ex- �or that—but blank � iatnay an meas- Undiminished pe -severance. Ile has of:. ill-timed a but of the to make his own position in the world... rival' lleari, rrstcy At this time he was 21, and having just we-explailied to him his business to oblige Sidney with w hom whites, th 1us, and I in . use vill will e:ffect a ctire whenail other i�ireles� astonishi-net c ,trtainly wi xe. and ten told us. sinc�, that he never -left the that, we should oni be too thankful for he had had many dealings. Sidney, (111118 have fAiled; itutl although a entered the inerchant; service was about not without cause. r ie writer firsti ex-_ shanty without a' trollo, I pre3entiment any. kind of. shelier, being dreadfully to sail. for Australia. He told rAe also -.p'resssed hie deep regr-A that any i that on his re.tu ru �he should find weAried with our lo Who had dressed himself every dayl, not remedy, do It t contain iron., ealomel, an-timon.T, -or ope he ill ng * an-Tthim, hilri -fill to tile constitution, jurnev, and the to be taken by surprise, was quite re�.tdy, aulpblet around ach of the-fiece oppos n made by every bad held oil t of a sit , tion - shou ha v a flarnes, so great was the ctrelessue of pg.or children crytil 9 from heat, fati ue and kept them i conversation :bf till &;�ct oils in the 1,) Member of bialrys family except hek induced Sidney to give his companion in 9 *bile package,whicA s)l6taltl lie C;Irefully i)roservod, tip �his pr) :esiion blowing -about the I &Ilt- atid the attacks of ti a mosqui�oes. id. I arranged Oar hair, washed York, Sole Proprietor. �,1,00and eldest er, to their eilgagement. I io r a, mere chance. , Ed th at ad ashes f roni -Ivlary al. T then stal his pipe. For this reglIon no w- proposed going in' Orpo to tadvance of us� to a childrens fces and hands, and as Ttirolito 011t, ,was not all surpri n t- Ell "la th 192.1 eel) ts f _ell ni'mon, a o day. hi,,� smal I re ad quickly o 'ene"I'l a- t'; for the 1)ol ays carried i i be vore prepa re Sidney for okir a rival. He walk- well as we could ared th r' om. 3ed t this and told' 6a his own re; r lie alw. him so, for could allythi nd. 'i a had r ng be nore -1 m- found the Gov'ramer tin one of a,round him, nigl - and U, and ntering tl prop will iuZe a lb-ottle, contailim.0 ills by Over 50 ement between h6 clearing, When all %vis ready the were summoa- return lual. odical lts of mindee of mone , and all bi4 test o. caught sight of 8id arsiniony, and tif ar �y -in e bard 1-��­Soldin'SeaforthbyE. Hickson & C 1. two people so- y at work in ad,. and in making their iritrodn6tory o.., and yourig, and so utterly from. being abl to ma,�e fresh. appoint- nials and certificates. � A gre, t urning sun, covered with dust and bows, both our visitors nearly baL-ked without this worlds goods ? Mary,- like m he had found ii owl his time was occu ration, and 197, I Salaly cut pied in (r ra bits perspi i� f4ct barely recog� themselves into the yawning ca veru in omas, Eclectric Oil, himself, had neither fortune nor -.pros- aol,1, aligi ill z3uperu U. neraries i exora- and shooting ail occasional bird or sm1ir- ilizable, being attired in T a patche'd stilt the: middle of the floor, which in, our WORTH TEN TJXRS ITIS IVERMT IN G OLD. 3).o YOV to poi a pects- Se was going to E naland to a 111y, di, uisiied. ISuch. v,!ere the. c 'OW A'$YT11I_N G'6FIT ? 0 4i . c tents rel with wflich to make soifp or hi -in- of common -workin, clothes which 11 trepidation we had forgott R OT, IT IS finishing. school with her two siste wit an nt h ad idea of. qualifying herself snare -y improssiv TIME YOU DID. ar wit the fix rs, of Major C a I ter. It' in. -valid c6mpaiiion. He used t ,at his had'snatched from t a shanty fire, h out. Vat ely did - the �,00d 'There e but fow Proparations of up_d:Iei-.ne deed a-crusbing' low.. Sidney. I ferbert z overnight and i look at the 1 tile his toes also peep for a i I i oat of a pair of old Irlinister perform the mrri which have wi -,hstood the impartial judr, cut f govem, ess.. Sidney entreated m a could �ot but fe tba -1 is five y, of first thing in the morning. Cue b1tter 'boots with soles par y off.- age service in dthe PeOPle fO` Uln' great length of n atits closehe addressed to thb young I , - thile. One of these dear girls in. his 'tossing, aout t;,el wot Id in - various e cold morning he went but as usual `t�s �.e On first seeing his- brother-in-law these is T l -tch espec�ially I _1i_ 110311S ILECTUICO.TL, pliTely a pepar- absence, to wa had bjip,�n rl enuple a few words of s over his adbeen. 'bsol -t,-.Ik lo if anything erious and affec- ation of h, of pnie of thbust oils that are known, st, so far as ,ught leaving I- every vesticre of 6 or left his face so tion,ate exho rtatio.n Well sUitedL ,ary during their brief holidays whit to the OcL each one p(mc,.ising virt,les of its -0- ell being atttlediallife-was concern &lid lie!m smorcing by a stove. He ret ion- great -was his emoti n,. knowing that'we csion. Sidney was at his best, allt 211— be formed of ware to be spent in France, to'be Ills be coul I not but feel:also thile Ile had ad to find the sh nty in flames his must be close 't ha To rush into the avite of all dimlvanta I _1L,in physicians kn4w that i L and a n gas of dress -a several ingredi lits in certain iixea proportions of medium- -of correspondence with her again to'begin the mat battle 0 life terrified companibu �ryin(r I nd grotAerpowelit, and producig 0 9 8 rean, in house after a few w rds of expination, difficulties of p(,sition, dear Mary 1 kel never result 1' effects -which colld while away, and aboy a-11, to watch. for witil ost)ects of s and wringing his lind' �M�j IeN to,miake a brie I(] fr6m the use (of tiny onef them, or in pit 11CC418 3 Much diL Anish- s. SILIU111 y ca, f toil t, gr6,atly-aided by most sweet and beautiful. We 0 different cambinatiolls- every hicidtfutat opening to influen ce her er he Ow- a buaket of water nd Plehty of of this oil a ch�micni Glian­e ad b b uii- now r early to hi m. in a voice f till.ind Thtis in the i)reparation `3 3oap, to offer the clergyman and witness no Ing family in. his favor. To all his wishes I I - takes. place, .26 years of age. der The frig�tened fool pointed to atbir'e himself in a most- becom'' io re- "OMPO'Ind which could not by any possibility be at last consented, not mithout seriously - suit of freshment, ad wilen they were gone made from -tiny Many long and nxi us consul , ions the half -burnt sh nty, -into which Sidney cool brown linen and finally log - other combination or pioportions t(51 Dlace on layino, *before him tbat his our wedaine least . consisted of Very of the saine or tiny other i 0 carrying oat -madly 4as emerged, ba suffj)c 0116 1 ma ensuedoti the receipt f s letter JBoth If a. hii. hastily brushed hed a P " and entire] inly depended, Si llarna hat salt hm. a 41iffercut fron' AllYthing before lney a;ry avely b re lip ted, with 'a lar�p carpet ba.g lready Which we had at ii�d made, ane whi6h 1wotitices the inogt a an d of t aL rDlr Uipon his owil- steadinesg, good conduct edi was the milk and water." T. smoldering, in whicb, among'alVi his best work of little more stilts, and hat against tbe keew diabilointment 4 all an quarter, a jing a -wider ranoe of application in his profession. to than any ever before discovered. It con-, and success' - their nawly-raised, hop s. If the prom- away C-7 of a s narrative,l taills n_0 alcohol or o He pro clothes, he had stored is.en ire hour, an to M reat amsement, which I shall append but few observa- ised poor fellow, and relig- 6 oc thervolatile liqtnds, conse- 1 quently loses liothilig by evaporatioll, t k of gunpow(ter ill canisters. He the scrubby, dirt I workman lie tilons. All went well from the day� of iously kept his pr I o mrise, A few burried ised -n coveted situal qn had be, n So- hurled the carpet- a � ad greeted sl y 0 ing cured t ere would - It _e, p h beppeti f r,ward in the much. the aPP"ed Yon get the houcht Of drop- whereas ,re folowed by .1 Inty 0 interviews at my house we %-�e been - n wedding, and, -o at - 0 (I rift of snow, %lid then -ittempte, I to stop impro jl th, , day the 'pun with Other ��Il tbe'al-coholifs to -pre ut their lmo,§z �mmediate mar- ved g1lise of ailandsome nti ris- went down on at (happy, coup lost in thab,waj-, a. tearf al. farewell, and then. for the first the fire by cutting away the tocratic-looking you g pi. le. Doubt, td von get only the small quan ri-age ; now- all ch bu ingy taf- rl ancci IfIthis was thrown eparation—all these w tity of oils -which they il ere� at N. THOMAS. PHFL1,s, N. Y. part Sid- ters, but all his u s a can time, our guide, having brought us an end, aQud for weal and woe 8 time the youllic, lovers drif ted a anter. In the anxi6ty,-- ney Saled for &ustratlia, and klary arld klir-ointo the balckgrOu'll and all that hardly anyithing I w less - M idney And NOR S' . nel and- went could be done was as saved �ut one' within sight of the outer fene Sole A T�IROP Toronto, ont., her sisters crossed the 0 ha -out for id- trunk wh' I a, hastily Herbert and Mary Lennox were indis- rents forthe Dominion. ney some futdre pin�i ich lie dragged* took his leave, bardl io school. O life to be begun tou,' oat tt once, %rdl waiting to receive olubly' ilulted. -Trials tr:)ubles oil and Lleetrized. With as little delay oh it WAS beginning to bulifl. The- our thanks. Mary n d I So Ll in eae-rth sbeAt the tools, the have of ten ight await them in �byE. ELicksoll aAt this time, the hero of my histaryl de bedtling, the working clothes, laughed since at hi� the future but for Lums ath of near relatit,e a anxiety to get he present youth, health, hope a'd 1.3ve Was full of energy, life and titled to most of his g6od outfit w, re, eon- way from as,- tion, fond of active, out-doo a Small W lich we k , t,�O�u of money now now. was Vere beckoning them onward with iiaef. ;mounting to -6500 sumed. and at night. he wen rtly fromdelicate r luctalic 1, C5 tt ment, Avith a presence of r. employ- I e llO1%v dete�- 'kind neighbor's a to intrude able swiles. THX GRLAT IN'Trim of a Ini n finined to sinkt for the Present . siin who had -at olice. upon our first i-atervi iv, but great deal The luggage soon rrived, nd coin- diatintless coaracle t*en bimin, feeling too that he more from his lorr r at tile state in ITA IMN inteimally, ft. which. never failed '' truly I E200 tendered by th6* Legal Assurance ortable bedding superseded bay relieves INST INTLY the him in mornatits of dailger,^ and which was gain ruiruid. man. which he knew- thir V to be t- the nakes.- r. nd Mrs. remov"ad LINIMENT in, t.he world, Its effeet iS.alMoSt in Society, in lieu of J 11 are claims. It One bless ng and most itente Used externally, it is the best enabled harn ill �ftar years to extricate w -the acdrued to Min from this'sweep-rig house. - Poo Sidney, when as tile ead of Jul 1 70, before hiinself and others from so Y, he reached I's soon as possible into their Own log- rtantalleous, relef from- the -most in - y rE signed, .at erred ng couple to the -anes of immi- fiecessar papets we fortune. He fore ` %'pr got rid of ],is he p-- I's, could hardly spea k, A f ter one fond house, leaving our You tellse pnin. It Soothes the td- or indamed nent peril Indeed, his �sister `V ' (1 less partner wh � nee left the set a. nd grateful embrace to his dariing,- anct 1 rivacy of their hoille. Si I part, and giveslITSt and quiot td the ufferer. it with the nioney thus IT i aised Sidney re- 0 1 that-stich vas his preseliedof that ment, leaving: Sirinj�'yo�lgain a free most kindaw aff dney worked is eminently tl 0 people%, friend, and everY one W solved to'start at once for N a York, acrei ect�on#e w0come to early "to fir-ish his boue, a�d should ha, 'ith them, or where they call put riA every tc ' jt the children and myself, be -noted us partitioned off a nice chamber for Ma�ty, their hands on it -in the dark if need bshould his all ip be wrecked, it' where be.proposed emba-king his smll Necessity comp6lied him now I CIO '%v and late cond one on board be lost, 8iduey would sUre'- capital U'-' lie bad never done before—to write b to the house. CE NIMS PER BOTTTIi;. some busin sp in whic his ome had prepared Alth?ugh his neigbbQr which was vrettily f urnished and orna- ly be saved if. with only, a butter-b6at- to �151 forassistance. Ais letter foun his eld- us fo'r disap , PERRX DATIS & SON, Sole Proprietors. rench mu, be pointmenz, merited -%vitll cherished books and gifts isu�. Cr - - ! in a POSI 111 a pri Jently ex 1, led dear and distant T must own at w6 felt unutterable and keepsakes from. oRn to. orough knowledge of est sister yet lie w," truly affectionate and aseful to him. H t to help bi , as she :,th 00 9 bad just s'unk 1) r own portion ill the dismay wheii. we looke around us. E BEST YARIETY (IF CLV- '&hearted but at this early aae slight- a �Ortioll of his money I a good _a The wealthier m embers of C chona or kin 0 tfit Die fri nds. ly imeriods rid sef--sille, havine been, manner that he hat done, not foi- tier oiFn house was a groc firstea-1110 into g and a __aO Wtch. S(O i after Ill li ar- id. lar a one, but it was 'Mary's family s6lit substantil-tokens of eral Ilse on ae count of a relt ell- -1 flattered and spoilt - ew York he rote to te ed by bln cure porform- great y in childhood; rival in benefit, but to assist members of the fauii- a mere shell; nothing but the walls and Ood-will, and many pretty and tiseful it on the Colint"s deI arks 9� Chinchon, at Lima, us' ly who were- in diffl�ulties. ' She sell t h in the roof were up, an even, the Walls gifts came fr who, after her-ilecoverr distributed a large quat- but contact with the world does rrich. thlatt ant t- a same hotel w are he boa. lied Oln to. smooth off -the harpest hip ill at onc 0 the loving Sister, who tity of it to th( esuit's, iqi wh,)s atigularities, the posse were- neitherchinked nor niossed, so that of comilicy qxiire(l a great reputa ad m with an Ol(I French gen a- thissunlail Ili ssion of b gins to talk- A and poor Sidney had a rough future be- man recci tIv fro m, Par] 8, at they .8 prospectsbrightered. He we could-Aee dayligh, w out to her d, - tion, that chAritablcrelate�, ad I bet can dII the liog..' Cardl-11111 do Lu haviii,, puTch, fore him. left the scene. of Ili H. B. Ki i�t, at gmt After Sidney had sailed for . � late disaster, took,iiip logs.. The or was n Xpense t�,.ne Into p-vrtnership, and. aid op,�i.)e a, Pt,laid down but for tU2 he1,;efCOf the roll"jouspoor-at go I Rome. It is oombincil mi th arolil aties in a da- excavation I S Melbourne, nd Mary and her sisters 100 acre of land f6r himself and anoth�r in the middle* of it air, I had gone to school,- m ore, th 0 roadway for 100 in the name of Vlary Lenno) las SPECI.&L NOTICE licious cordial bi Dr, Wheeler's Oompotz-nd Elix an a year thd sale of French winei c, making been begun for "a ce of Phospha ir He 15 elapsed,. duriag which time letters ar- w a sure that she would eventuall BRV,,&KF�t.13T.—EPP8'-S COCOA.—' 1111dCalisava,it remedyof rote th ind eigarq. me 0 1�&r._ so - -that there I I T ordinary -tra- ey a eve I y Op ng o a, h for some L A -ND 0O'qFo efficacT in restori-ng qlistitltional vigor, w c ers of foreigr By a thorough and re rived w1lick I forwa'rded - and w to -him. He��enthardtowor-c wee 8 e ildren folind -ing the -wOrn Out frame, -whether nsed I . . ell, -nil rs buVing from oppi 9 a play closet knowl Pa expiration 0 111 and. a Idin -place f edge of the natural law- ly-mLittal w�orrv, over -work- excesses andrbA4 am, Frainchinen par; a arly coming or s which 'P I , -f4 habits, or debili�at' so -on after the f that time, th- (I clearing a few acres, whic as the 'ill heir kubbish govern the oper he. and his ship ju( leloup y ed )v Prostrating -efer nee where tlEy could fr aly none, the only I 11111rition, and by , careful applicatioly t arrived safely at Liver- in pi spring opened lie croppe,r* urniture Poe ffe - there ws stion %lid d. aving with some diffictilty tbell called - bee, which wlksl�we a n ngua.gre. Ob- converse !n their ow seats nd tables beijig 8idne 's orle I tile fine properties of well -selected co,�ojl, LOOK OUT FOR YOUR OWN'INTEREST. nd rised the wails" of Ja goo trunk, -partly burnt, sa�ved from the fi tained from -the owners.. a few days' at this'opoch the Fre h and G `st I tended, a y errn&tl re, .11-1 r. Epps has providedpur breakfast t leave, Ile hurried, over to France to see I war re I large log -'house, the roof of whidli a and, a few flour. brrels, y average and reassure his a,lixiotis and beloved acro's- the broad Atla,.ntid, swept into its masterly sem]bIance of a bed, except a little hay in which may sav DIER OAMERON broke out, and. stretbhina*as it W, sbingled entirely himself in a There was no blei with a delicatel fravoured, b Mary. Fortuilately it was. the'Christmas f rivi mnner. For Stock he bought two c6ms corner, fe-%v, sacks e us many heavy doctors, E WOUS vcrtek- the poor 11ttle business in ad an old blanket. R and wleA holidays, and as soon as I could notify New Yor on which clear friends at and some chickens, and tfien W rote to (,y(bz.P_ttP_., NTad few milk pans and a few lates ail than his arrival to iss Len , d I I king is nillnerous friend-, and custom- ary, telling her of his improved I)rol;- mugs completed therticles in' -' ters in the C6-ali Y of Huron and -,iii-roun4ling ds- building a such hopes of Vatet or nox she brought home war, nplY with Boiling- A all the dear girls this truly i Each packet is down t ee nie. Then success. �idniey and his partner fou,,id pacts, and sking her if when1he was Irish cabill, of which Sidney (lid - the labolled—JA�rES Fp.... 11 triet for past fix-N"ors, would respectfully intimate en'sned, for the lovers, long .9; London thathellasremdved tothatbeautiful down an, in spite of the cold IINUF�&CTTJR-E OF C Of Hidl-s' Hotel, where he has Opened a beautiful ff colt- possession. He made no. usele,,s a�olo_ I' 000A. W selection Of ladies' and gelit�,' jewe.h!y of the I t. t walks tip and I their circle fully -lettled she Wouldf. on ant to hono is with imperturbable grace and self . )-, Honiceopa,thic Chemist -stand west end my gard , of Prench 'stomers dis,,p- share his lot in. this 'I All \ i per as if y magie We . the reater part -a- ner of the earth. � At this i 0 Mary gies for the existing discomfort 11C W give an account of the process a(IODJ novelties. for us all, a few pleasant tea-paties; c&Iled to tair own coun ry to serve ,w Alr4 clocls the a 68 Oil .1 a; he ed[ by 1-fessrs. James E p ps & Co. ed in Western dil and then aurther - separation, which this i Soldiers no Uerman visit to me,- havin __ lieeh told us simply what he meant the house tax-io. 1b, vatches are arknowl- of diete�tie articles icholvest and best in -the markt, to be as soon as he got time to finish it. ing thorong-bly re ithited and- tested uld enter a allowed for the first time to ac ept my uf�cturers , uian edged to be the time was to extedd over more than three 1 French 64-01re., the Engli and'AmericIns at their 11 every one be years. warm invitation. All her fat lVe found. the lard works in the Easton Road, Londo before b off�-red for sale, 9 gave theml no encourg ant, and. mily wer er as scailtily furnish- Q 11 ein- ah ow6ccupiedt�ha in! England,. hav ing le ad as the house, but Sidney made as a Special Agencytor aite liogist %Vatch. I am by ri,o m earis favorable to long the stirring events whic -it the sea -Side usehold Guide. aked them in the oven engagements, but these two w-ee so pu blic min!d the litter f ' re of the smill during the French war. I have ofte few cakes and b, VERY 8EN'SMJ,1L —Horse dealers -who a sped supposed to know what effects their lisidered the buaikiess oil Bioadwa lh1 Proyidence cextairil lie boiled some potatoes and milke(l the i erest, purchase Darley's -Conditioll 4 been sccessful in obtaining the services young,. that t have always co Y t 'place with- sad tbat se they pass. out excititJg either notloQ or 1pity. Sid. 3 M Y. COW ere not 1ODg without years of anxiety alid suspen watched over Sidn6y and his M so that we w Havin not. most ex-ti-40rdinary that Just a erefreshment. For sleeping we-enr- b$' the dozen, and feed it to their It 1. itie8 of Glasg and Edinburgil., cotland, Oils - n ey saved P of Mr. FRAISER, who has had ]on,, Practice in the ed through as an excellent training time hing frol the wreck �of SOM wders and Arabiall Heave Itemdy c o part of the Dominion for both: They certainly helped to form affairs bat bit' gold this particular th 6 a married sister ot tained off a corner of the room with our, fo: * the purpose of improVill call they haye their elocls watches and jewelry atch and Ills orses tomers will finq that in 11, habits of patience and trusting ho, eful- sud,lenly determined tolerable bed with bun Aon, which it always con- better done u Mar 'a character, and to give her th Glot)ies. -,Sidney Herbert, With bar husband traveling cloaks an Wls, and made 4 , To P. ALEX. CA3 N, y lose children, had. an d sha di their p it at�,&bout this ti e thi Res of bay and es—others ness. which have been of so m uch benefit In a casual sb ould profit by their example, 1,, Prextical Watchmaker. H 1�, - ' Mitchell, Au&� 21, 1874. 050-52 It _ join him in Musko'm. The re on w -few"saeks to cover us. I'Ve had `rOughJ omber the name acquain cc mentioned to Si(lh %a ey H - this. Mr. C— her husband, wa nothing with its but or lunch baske see that the d to think hemelf forgotte athematical 1) Ofessoi we were obligd to c to her since, Ner was shel ever allowed bert the free grant land s" of M uskok,a, the classical an -ts,� signature of Hurd, & Co. is on ea h MEN WANTED. Fond and poininj �hpem out as a wide and promls- in a larke p lie down ill Mo ekage -ularly every ng fi I I( French cademy, but ears ol our clothes, tile NorthrOD & Lyman Toronto, r f told rhts beginning to be I WANTED in)mediatoly, a number of first-class a-ffectionate letters came % a c�r emigration. He him scholastic duties, E lad close atteation tc very ch Olit., p rs for Canada. 8old by laboring glell, to work on the Cunada Gow- a git ir coming in all medicine dealers. s Drain, In- - the township of Ribbert. For month, an& at rare inten-als Such pretty that he know several fait. ilies who bad books, had so undei mined bi illy, and tZ ni roprieto, good steady niep, liberal witges will be paid. For a hea th that freely throu h the unchinkeA walls. The. A cornm011 cough or cold shoul never further Particulars applyo to the un&�rsigned at tokens of remembrance as the slender located th*selyes'in that-; distant settle. he w9s quite uiia)le to' .9 puny' imeans of her sailor !over could procure; ment, and who had foun4 the la Conti E the two gentlemen ay d b . OM India, cellent., the conditions on hich it was room oil c perfumes and holy, bAds f were, in ey trifled with, often when negle ted it nd ex- exercise of his pr�ofesioa ; an entire oi�,n Just as th thefar c;ruer1of the Seaforth% Agent of the Canada Company,or to the a - is 1converted into a serious and Forema of th Works. The work will, be coin� Chang of climate nd occupatio and a some hay, and if we were chilly and nil- fa general mencea on X% Pulmonary disease. T NDAY, Sept. 14, lie more GEOR rU DIGGEB, Agelit- v�rl b ar a 40 P t t )L lor NY, 'Pie WIl bfi x e h r e al�e ei aat (f GOT. _9 ini. erited tile evcs and but _t a—A 1 -it scIling a bat IL :&P y -Y bis Ina,, = 35cents f(Pr -t WU 44 they ain - i-aate for ,'askeda, traniz(,x &5 be lookeil 'bar -room, " � -its wre( 1 18 Ulan heN gallus col,ored g,ellt witll�a all I carry your Satehe Colorec, gent to Small boy dare-; Ilse gettii,l' a qtaartf,�r m —A owtler, hAvil' his houscs but on, e, aske Jet bou-se was his la�51;- not was Ilib rt.ply� —When a little bov� who-) V ing 9, blaeksmith slwe�- his sa"V the workman begi u horse's hoof, he exclainted don't ant his horse Mae an -4, —indliaimpolis has the thaly� hearted m111. He ekit tree, loaded down with fruit.. feared that his .g.et hola of the greeli 1ruit aw When on La- a: man f ler, 13 Says 1-Irs. Marro ' Wfat, S, take a glass of wat er Nvithi) -throllghitfor ti he!s on bis vv -ay to a: drunkar —A rich biit panilm. enions Mall, 011 being taken *0 ta,Sk f .charitableness ' 13aict rru! I on give much buz if yo I 1�1 I ly hurts whall. I ive a;ny,1tbi-n11r —A Chrch ;of h1ligiaml knocked his sister 46vil an This is -a I 11 the infk,)riilatinll ti 'US ; b it -if she ha A� th� - sPirit f. (and -any. pins) i_u herJitboson, I able -to siton ailythii% else fb period- —An exchangi Ti icublutcy 1. louszounty fairs, vlkich at good says 1lialt thi fair -collsist�a of V e, If it so 1�. night that the ose"! swam �011 910 .,ealf broke loose �and ate the a nd a thief proliliZiyl arn�, calf! and. that-euded the fair. —An Irishman -fo4nd a Ilece- ail rollin 9' it under Ills arm J;Val _% yis. that'Q1; for ati: for MC�Carty - I it � )WI, but in's a thing, a Me far" . :8 A y. : fo r if I - b.a:d a any 6 .been 6fth Would"lilt er -Danbury. —A� �elergyman, *U.6 owne-t * �� ing at f ou-nallis ploulyliman eiga goo( you to have a good'' stli&isaythi be cutting -a fe-vv bushc,_ Almlg,' while the horse is re t & Ulu _.q lug wo-aidn' t it ' be IN 4ir for vou 'to a� of 1), tile pulpit, and. hen hey -am. .peel 'em. awhile to be r6, ady tor - The Man who was �8� the Weathier. AVe nt-ver knew moi�e who was alays saysfied ,u e-Ahr at all times aud, undr z stances. It chulib. Ill, when the thermometer bolted the nineties, Chubb w6ald -OV. front door - with beaAls'l of lx-� standing out all ver Inis- reil i his hat? like A�- look at the 'sky anil s perfectly splendid 1 6he washerwom. en ! Th�y any sticb. weat-her A4 tbist JAY Umbrelht, sit�outy(lr on tht Ste,.* aWl In the -winter thi�-i intircu creep 4own 15' 1), and was severe eniouh to frjeze flif the globe, Chubb sito, By ji ill exclainij "' Ugo ' 1! 411 see Such weathr as thil, ? 1. lil. mosphore that freers up Your I rar. It helps the coal-trA.4e ndt snak as quiet. Don�t 41i time to Ina. L it �o me stiff. When (1-routh, k�hubb usea tWMkk_,. street -lull re m aTV, " N 0 11.11111 V er dry ; I want it N%vi b flic lag,u-e aud. wets ow auytbing I despksze it's to if IAVhile it rined for a atm. the coulltl�y, Chvibb oft:ll 4411, see 'US, And yon feel about.this yer il seem. s to m that llevtrl� but when cleans thte sewer--,. I cent to live ina eo U�ntryl Nlrhtrt eraill, Put me on die in throngli to in, -,ide of iwv -v alltl I feel as if life bri-;ht- tifu), and. orroxv nothiii-, b Ut -1 lwys bap i Py ill. Storill 14 PUt le in at lat hom.e. rath,ci-I havei that'd teat have, a rippin' a ro sin ix* his roof at shhAi, stra,ck billi, lifted off, (ii . iarter 4 a mile, an stich hiln, Il'onie we. met him, aiv'U sked hini lie lt, 1110' eyes, �aild V Id Z11 t� yr i! Su 3L, powi�rs ! wbat storrii that it ooes it suits file ul 1� of tile Chlibb falllilv If -It give both le -8 if t6uld jh�, like thatLroery day* I - I --I fainted." Chubb,At dent. Ile is tie olily � 'verse who dbii�t growlt thj�l dilrox BUTTER TU AT TR NEW BUTTER 1139 F At Reasonable ntiTO WE People, of itlxer sex, yoting fir d at Worktor us in thi�ir spare tomi t e t1lian at anything else P & Co 14171 l IHL RON EXPOSITOR. 2 .1THE OCT. 1874 A WEDDING IN MUSKOKA. feathers from Abi yi siriia, and a pretty to be held e -as of' fulfillment, and the complete abstine: ice for 41 fit comfort y a 4_1 0 a 8 p Ir able I should think they must pnidentl aare of t1li.9, proin gold!ring,.set with 1:eirls!of t I a purest climate, though cold,' i [loom ArAly suite, together- - i th an outdoor life, alollie have been more so, The first i,)ight we Bryan's;', pallnollio A V af tly Ilse W vAN INCIDENT OF LIFE IN THE euli Dit wat*, f rom the Pon ia'a Gulf. 'healthy. Tbis intoll get ce, coftil ,ig at a Un ig undisturbed, but oil the lext we. whiLli - has s treputation gave i the al test chance of recove: .y. were list, BACKNVOODS. Later came the in elligenco timewben all was�4palt'etivy.l(st,.and Sidney was writt 3n to and authorized to r 2,0 years—tbey were hardly asleep when we ere awo'ke ove an ex by a horrid and continuous hissing, which cious wl exert most 1) ca - From, the At1witic Molithly. tha- � Sidney Herb� r had passil - his future plospebts of the gImnliest take up'land for them near -bis own,,, eDeficial ii , I I I free1v aoknowledge that I am a ro- cell Ant f,examiliati(P to qualify him as kind, decided 3idn6y erbert to ln&his it was settled that they were to Bill in seenied to come from the hay ofI our im- I ence on'all the brol)c1iial 11 mal a, mid wak on ward one of the ships way to Husko �ia anit o apply h r . land the end of July. 11141 niollary m ntic old woman ; my children re wn provised bed. We all started up in ter.. '8old bynll drgcfi,;ts belotrigiug to the company. e0ed the- there. He found a ompat ion or his Now came my tinually telling me that such is my chAar- time -for persuasion ror, the poor. f riglitened children' crying try Price -25 cents Per ox, Bril ish. India, wht,.h took out the expe- long journey in the p rsion aGerman influence. I orened. a correspondence loudly, The gentlemen, armed witli is a purely regetable Pr acter, and without shame .1 confess the P&in-fUler ' I (10 not Persian w i ep- dition for laing the cable in th ho. had com6 ove� with him in the with Mary's fat ier, who )lad recall ly y of the bc(�s about safe to kaPt to -use ni ev soft imeachment look upon sticks, beat the h. GuIr. - On board t lis ship he met with a Same ship from Ha.re, and who like received an expheit and a"ItY et' nd cattered it completely. They soo family. romalice as being either frivolous, unrol, r- a -Ri1DPJicjtY ttendlN it grading - I consider it s a Heav6n. g(-iii4mall whose i duence over Ysfutate himself had onti'ely failed in bettering from Sidney, wi"-Ii -which 'lie was in h ber with . tile or deg had be pleasant sight, of a tolerable- use, togot atle Thi pleased. I rept asented to Mr. Lennox -sized snake gliding swiftly from our colt- diseases' that uny be en great v,iriety of �tlli ll-pp",A,ed. to,us all provi- ift to -the favored few,- enabling Ihis position ill New York. 0 sent g -ad left a Wif 0 arils Po r de-tv s pal s n was a. or C-1 young mail I I child that this was n ) longer the" boy and ner, an(! I V tof pain,,-Llld therii to cast a ftening halo of hope nd na0ino its escape under th6 door by �it, aad the reat eV found SUfferill(, th, lie Dfficer-in (;.)ninU% Of the �aity sent in Germany, and n w that ttie war girl love " (to q1 LOte his own � words) of at beality round the stern and rugged re Ii- into the clearilig, where Sidn call I out. 'They had mit y colivers,kpolls to- had broken ou�, havi g no ,ocat.on for riVe y L ears ago, )ut,.a steady 'affection ail(] killed it hext morning. � AVe m . ust throu,(,r1l ties of dily life, 4nd fitting them aisc to IL . 1� its 'use, lke it impel ative j1poll every enter into the -warm feeling and projects* getlier,. and, cheer,d and enco' aged by lighting, he was afrai to venture back. which had beer, severely. tested by indeed have been tired. to leep soundly U) supply tile in selvr,., Sidn -.y v tured addre�,s Sidney soldi his gold ,,watch r ouble, difficulty; opposition and sepaTa- as we certiiLly of the yQuil." long his ldll�lnass, Sidn an did after the bed's -bad valilablt-11 reDledy, -and to keep itjivay..3 ifte' tile dream �f, a 10 tar to min W fijob Ile at a Jed ho w lie had given X20) forl$50, and his coin- tion ; that no future opportunity could been rearranged 11 next day, Mr. near at hnd. .1ovearld Youth have become, to thapi. T a much be was to sli r from panion beinc, much on a ar s to funds, ever be so favorble as-th present to selves things of the past. p C— proposed walkig to Utte nrsan to ake the ieau' of 1 as and'started for his daughter. going out to her fatu a purcbaso a few necessary axticles.o till Itight -and, ndia; Ii)w in his ),ofesslull they joined 'their rew ure . steam ell ('ill� L"i Of themselves I � f food, 111Jrilln" Afterthig preface, I need hardly ,83Y he bad bean driven �bout the iA orld for. for Alusko.ka. . Af ter a vei y , ftigping busband under tlip protection r- and Sidn 1, 0 1 vice vers that I lo-ve and n -L loved by youn and gu ey went oil to BracebrirIge t6 (Irearn of gol(r. arl. 9 peo' nearly five years, aqd still fol Id him- 3, The fearful stri ourney, p6rformed as, much as possible diansh h, upoll ip of a fam� Ity soon- to 'become h �r look for clergyman to perform the mar- the nervolls System by thils taxi)ig tile,!' ple, tnat I liave bean the depostarY (If . self s little able to hiarry and Settle as on foot but latterly rtly by rt�, 11 and relations, and wh) would in eve any innocent love- senrets, and have, at ti, st ; ti at �lle rythingy riage ceremony beW -s ;not PAY heart disease ha( no friend to plaide f een him and Mary: Iwodaft partly by boat, they arrived at Mrace- watch. over her in crest and, comfort. I �1 As to waiting for our l d for dyspepsk% and fling inaladics, but is of'- brought inore than one affair of the kind' him in any situatimilwhich miglit better bridge, where the Gellman 4-ook ip -100 short, f Mt nothing iiiisaid- that coa d the elegant bridal attird -V�Kic`h'had bekii t ca;use of pop to a happy conclusion. I feel tenin P. I I- . �t his position ; and t ��bjhis desir,( to quit acres, Sidney prefeffibig - to w and make a fav"orable impression, willin 9 so carefully packed by loving hands, we ilast experience, ii-iiiel t tell tile Airec to record my I)e -a swfarin(y life ww, iticre,'�,sed bl, the ta'ct c -hoose his Jail I ill Vrtlio,; wl. was - conceding to his � aternal feelin rr.,% that y al)(1, It 9411, in Frallce and ended happily it' that -lie t all agreed that it would be rldiulous, ;Ilat during tile wori(ps progress di was never a fr6m sew ickness, agreed that (Ill iing iliteri n4w be- I was, in f koka.. Canada. which pursued aa,d tormented hi A -worldly point to view, a mat& I and dear Mary, like a true heroine, c a 11 L S arg it im in guining, with g -eat severity 'hey should' falling short of big ust.expectatios for Iii-ade sui able to tej I cepted. the discomforts of -her situatio- Just seven yers ago I was Frarice rVoyag n Hardly bad man bee ever, re just a it 'did in the be- work, together and h,%% -e -e'v' working in my beautiful ttower-. erything in- his beautiful anti accomplished chih, :bravely, and far from uttring �siilgle for y ginni n1g. coin ed speedy trallsit, tile r a N ailro 'isitors, I - d an& on, w an mon. Hai ing on�,iitg i in a . ho When two or three letters had passel complaint, made the best of everythilig. the stearnboat were inti-odllicL,(l th d �h I was. told that. v ag eed that Mary I -a (If __� - to this knew the country - well to g i them between us, -Both Mr. C— and myself had fits of Jajor C— r it ..esi oridedwa,rml . we shoull e - awaited me in the drwi g -room. Has -;t appe d ; they- had l long interview, in and point out the -la A they- Ifal just goover atonce to her f am' irrepressibIt, �vexation at t sire for intelligence the, ily anc .30 tily palling off my garde'll gloves il.d. .10 he state of tc�l whic i he old id �,y fEat he himself taken tip, they b6ugbt a few nbces� e r herp--raonal influei Lee to My- pecialplean fairs, but as we c usuall bell? as wood ),ldcorne.13 scarce, and -when apron, I went in lad found a very dear wa13 about to rel turn tp Engl ad, -.Lad ticles, asi bedd ing. I W ould in no IvaY, y diseuvered all 8 dnay ing, ools, a aited with great -anxiety for r sWe thought it best to. !"be si� young friend, whom I shall C, i Id procur( for him c sto've, ind a s al tipp A pro- answer. At Iengt a. it came ; her famil felt'sure that he (O� wen's ininds are bein S to Jair Ut Herbert; heasked rittypermissionto pre- ?O�kiug Ieiit, and to'hurry on the building of a he bown'dii in had consented. Fortunately: sh 'Lire nd Sault tome four young ladies of his 4c- a good Situation Ill the 'Telegr ph, De- visions, -and started fo t a was mostin order tosec' Oy the ffe gave i vhich they. wei a about to ate 11 log -house for ourselvres which we . -its of all - t at(,, partment in Parsi A'm his N loc ce just of age, and as she remained stead- Once did. v at luxu a, y4jlwsi Tbe ery'day after o-ar arri-, ypo I-ppers tbat tllr-,y may; agreed wit 1 1val Mary and I undertook the-iorl of by artifi�ial. mcns keep up this q laintnce. sisters, and very rw6-'t addmss in Londori,j anLI told im to upon. the land, they sel to work. cleared fast in her attachu lent, -the v . ,specimens of prettyi lady -like Brialisli come, and see him w'sooii-tits lie cot back- a spot of 6grout d, nd , vith E ome asist- me that it would. be best for, her to g) housekeeping, taking it 1) turns dA and The eldest mach'older than the from f Udia. e from tth* ei - neigilb:ws bitilt a small y y strain to U inefinite e- alic out with bar future sister-in-law. xtent. a, Mar,' ;t day about, Wo found it most fatiguin rest, aud herself singulaky attractiv Sk ney erbett I r)s t no� -ter tl iem f br the wrote to Mr y acceptinj r g., Seemed. coin : time,. ien. the shanty sufficient to shei the days being so ]lot and the mos _dletely to inarge her own expedition Ws succ ssfully ove, in giv- wintor. It was when they were 11 toler- her offer of chi nage, Avoid. Quacks. identity iii that of bar young ohrges to IT alid we dis) 80 tormenting. Moreover, the stove be -.1 A VICTII� of eal-ly usI a ) his situation. m'ate,- au�, in. pro - ably settled t Sidn6y began feel patched the. joyf u news to Sidney ; ba L, .! d to dubility, premature tion &Ile had dev ing placed outside we were expo�,e whose eduef ilig. ca., hv1n,r tried in Ot0' the op-tnyall necesar testanionia[A as to what a cloo, hiidranCe his to" an ad a (Lte for thei the burning sun every time we went near, I siniple self-eure, Whiell he will send adyertised i beat years of her early wonlanhoo o unfortunately n ain 0 light upon the official; of the -a in mind, aa tneir vessel sa led from ndon two brid-e he told us that the Ch t 41 and bod- and. c iracity. It deed, he hastily formed partnership was Ii ely to probablo arrival W )ich. Proved i . Brace free who now rapaid her with loving affection s be. Feeble in body aild, feeM "co7rept, it. When Sidney returned fro o his felldw-su:fferers. Ad(h�css, J, if. 11EEVE an iin L't deference to her itlithority Lo. 1 78 Nassau Street, Neiv York. d lic - Criti India, that y gi� N a. . hira his com i uich of It, was easy for- me to - see thiA the till . panion )0came every dy more or three weeks behre the expected- ti'me. r�,ng'_I`aad clergyman being away at eir s1l'us as far d:epressed nd - hom 0sick. At lait he I pass over a] I tb details of the voyace. Harkness' Hair i3aim, "'bright, prticular star" of - my han(,_ a fre( passar in- one E oron- to, he had eligaged, the services ( as So qz., i The best Preparation inse for restoring preserv- some, ds-hing young friend was the sec- - I ceased entirely from doing any work, and subsequent j(urney, and now ta i fi g the ne .11 of his a portio upol Sid- up tI AWAleyan minister whose chapel Ilehd ing, and beutifying the hail- a 4 me ded, and that gentleman ove letter cont which threw a doubl ie riarrativ6 ii L Mrs. C t, ond sister, it I ly, shy girl of 16, whose - 5al 'a wor& so ' times atten hig it'sOA and glossv. hLid spee returu. Ur uabl e pre pa ration, we W'O Ill d Present to blushes,and I timidit Itilly assured me i e, had promised to enme as soon as 'possi ved prospect, ney, wbohd ill uldit 01.1 to do all co -ninis- telliligof theirarri�val atMaimy's fat This imtal ocIts 4ned -the gre: e4t joy, I 1" �d som6 sions, and to fe,ch the letten - from the home. i I -the publ ic' it to Possess -all t e virtitee of the State of matters betwean.the two. ble, and to bring with him.% prop�r and' , 1. h tidetleffore made t a acquaintance of I clah foi Buing pelftetly fret., ft- Onl All injUri- Themottierof-Rafy Leunox, (sach wa's listintpost-offi ein'allwetl�ers. Poor- It was about licion of a burninor d respectable witness. I f i ous iiirk�dients, anti oomposed ii n Che day 0 his. nut my heroine's name,) lived in -France, her At s. Lennox,aud from- her in a ner, s Wilhelm could do nothing ut.—taloke in August,.' when the stage -wagon in coming being lef t uncertin, Mary �and I ments, we caxi colifidentiv commend it' as a Safe s' from wht Miss Lennox ld me, h We came fro n Uttersan turned oui and sure remedy for the "Flling of the Hair"r.es- father in Etv,,land, ; and in this divided W611 feebly by the s ove, shudder at th cold- whic i were kept in a continnal state of error torin g Tey 1air tO its origilItIl color, imparting a ing titerige and bemoan his of �he-road ilito� tIL6 bush.' After go- and healt household tiie-care of the three' yonn-ger. I sbLw ith joy that now becom expectation, nd at such a ti i e we -1 tono and vigor all active Opposition I Was over, hacd fato. tfe Was like' '&3 so, timid to its roots, and ratising it girls. had been entirely left to tb eir eldesf -h nt was W1 ing some little way in adreadful. narro%v, ftit doubly the a noyance, of not %eing to -row lnxtriaDtly. As a cogractic alone, �Wn that 1. tacitlY connived !A by thq whole family.- that lie could not bear to be left alotye track covered With stamps, over whic where the hair is and healkhy, it i" invalu. sister. 6irluey Herbert had made, their able to get from Toronto even the trunks I able, as it imparts a rial gios,,inels nd It W the b6ginning mof Ap d tha� in the shuty, Sidney had a, nUrrow the Wagon joltecal f a I t ur clothes. In vain,wei tried pearance whith no one -who loves� beauty c p- ;,e,r an fail equa-in, ance in that extraord inary man - arfally, We were tol containing o n I Sid. -.1 bert dr -rived, his hea, . inuL.11 escape from being shot by hini one Diglit to get down, as th driver - co ulld not, g to r6novate our soiled and traral-sfti ed to tilmiTe- 'Preparel only by ner ilL which youlic, ladies and gentle- t improved by abadluic freeilom. ft in hard On his return, rAtherlate, froin the p�st-' ny farther with s#ety to the horses, an. n men domnage to become acquainted as W Jefies. He I erefore paid A I dresses neither brushiny nor shlakii�g HAIXNI._,SS -Co., often in real life as in novels, without work !an(!, ght hd to office. Wilbelm, bearing footatel.9, in We th a ddism sedhim. XV i , fteeirtical Chemh;ts, Lon(loly. n is It - nor , sponging could alt6r" their - limilis- Pharill. pay a 1.1 hij own exp uses from 8uez, and his fright took down- from the itall Sid- soon cme.to as ' FRICEI 50 CENTS. "llyintercourse between the' respective hanty by the road side: I takably shabby apptarance, and b3- J, S. R071 E RTS and R. LMISDEN. just I -ley on lie Whi - t, requi - F or sale families. nnaged the an s double�barreled 'aun, WC%S' the 'Wn jo ri y 0 or of whic came to meet us, an( ad some philosophy to be contente4. It Seaforth, antl by Druggists _-�enerally. 34�7-A his litlAe savings of 18 20 poll ids. The kept always loaded and- Ni,a;s-. vinly offered t For two, or three moilths Ile had been o be our guide. he evidentI3 iwas- worse for poor lary than foi any lo,ers' walk" in gard i waa now -trying to point it in 'the right di- knew. to whom we were goin , but th one else, and I felt quite touched when I much In their society, and the '.wel,- in constant obeapati, and the, rection, out of ihe dolo 9 171 4 inimer- r, when Sidney pe�plexed and do'btful eXpression o J-911 MOSI;S'P1PPIOD_1CAL 1J,ILL.9. known resalt had followed. I have rare- w r carefully ashing and ii�ojllug I invaluable in the 11011se at th: end leeame:a -permanent entered to find him 11� -p as de'a his fa"c'e when lie call sight of on the lace frill from the. neck of 'her dress THIS e ale tb, aht ly. seen a handsomer GOUple than these boadoir. After a fo day8'.'giVQlL to the and With limbs shaking to iat d egree party was most amu 3 cure of till boy and girl lavers, oil whom the eldest sing. He looke ['and then it again as nic ly as to which th' funiale con- joy Ot. such: an u-nei . ctod hid op hat fortunately he had been- -unalle to from one 0 Stitntion Vis subject. it to the other, and then burst possible. moderatt-'s ail excess and reinoves all obstructio s, angino -ter evilelitly, looked, with fond and. reun I t wa3 i n�deed i a aiA injured tolle,- 'But hoth- af Tw o d - passed, and oil the and at speedvicuTe may, be rolled oil. -ion, Sidnpy wrote to aj cook the gun. hard �o be out ill quit of th ays )road admiration. ternoon a third we had plit the To In subsecl uent intery 'to aicoux"ice his rriviir , and t6 repare tied down, to SUG� a companiob hip. I Sid. ing Is ready for Yol 1—the house . even oor children to sleep, and wer(- It win lews poor Sidney �,'him for Subsequent v himself all I llyiii,g� in a short time bring on the nioiAhlyperiod V, visit. HE waited ne, -ad severely ftonjt,the notli iniShed, ;. Mr. Sidney knows nothing n ours t to -me, and so in grez a more Wly opened his h.ear Ile i Sow, elyes, quiet overcome with the Me ays Lt atixiety and when cOI& of th Canadian. 1climate co- ing of your. coming so.,00n—he told me this heat, -when my husband entered h !lose V� p - it d �Lstily ill,� hould not be taken. b FenlitleF a ns or, brough in as I er.some y' ears res- Morning that he did not expect you for during th -st three months Of for the future. Theo to tell us that Rov, Mr. -%V—. bad are sure toe I! nt­ on s theN n not ay t ever complain- t ar o, but at ally othel marriage ceremony, tinle tt ey a of. an old otheer `re4;y to me. � I wil idence in I' t will he do?' The ried to perform the I laid before na al his plans and projects 'he re eived' the a i. upon hi it d d aft mt des- adia, but he a hree weeks! P - = - IV -fell during.tlle, Crim-ean. war, Ile air 9 written -on i face—hE was Of ed, and.his lett rs home to Mary and poor Mao, a rea f riend and ally of and bad broucht -tvith him as, WitD In all 0, of ervous 'and Spinal' a templ amen spoke fe ess a Affections, had neither f riends nor fortune, but had �Od suono, and hopEf7i Of IlOP6fu.1 alinu and Sidney's eared! quite angry at our good-natured " Pains * t e I)ack and hmb storekeeper, who had left ertion, Palpitation 81 fatigue oil shght ex- �or that—but blank � iatnay an meas- Undiminished pe -severance. Ile has of:. ill-timed a but of the to make his own position in the world... rival' lleari, rrstcy At this time he was 21, and having just we-explailied to him his business to oblige Sidney with w hom whites, th 1us, and I in . use vill will e:ffect a ctire whenail other i�ireles� astonishi-net c ,trtainly wi xe. and ten told us. sinc�, that he never -left the that, we should oni be too thankful for he had had many dealings. Sidney, (111118 have fAiled; itutl although a entered the inerchant; service was about not without cause. r ie writer firsti ex-_ shanty without a' trollo, I pre3entiment any. kind of. shelier, being dreadfully to sail. for Australia. He told rAe also -.p'resssed hie deep regr-A that any i that on his re.tu ru �he should find weAried with our lo Who had dressed himself every dayl, not remedy, do It t contain iron., ealomel, an-timon.T, -or ope he ill ng * an-Tthim, hilri -fill to tile constitution, jurnev, and the to be taken by surprise, was quite re�.tdy, aulpblet around ach of the-fiece oppos n made by every bad held oil t of a sit , tion - shou ha v a flarnes, so great was the ctrelessue of pg.or children crytil 9 from heat, fati ue and kept them i conversation :bf till &;�ct oils in the 1,) Member of bialrys family except hek induced Sidney to give his companion in 9 *bile package,whicA s)l6taltl lie C;Irefully i)roservod, tip �his pr) :esiion blowing -about the I &Ilt- atid the attacks of ti a mosqui�oes. id. I arranged Oar hair, washed York, Sole Proprietor. �,1,00and eldest er, to their eilgagement. I io r a, mere chance. , Ed th at ad ashes f roni -Ivlary al. T then stal his pipe. For this reglIon no w- proposed going in' Orpo to tadvance of us� to a childrens fces and hands, and as Ttirolito 011t, ,was not all surpri n t- Ell "la th 192.1 eel) ts f _ell ni'mon, a o day. hi,,� smal I re ad quickly o 'ene"I'l a- t'; for the 1)ol ays carried i i be vore prepa re Sidney for okir a rival. He walk- well as we could ared th r' om. 3ed t this and told' 6a his own re; r lie alw. him so, for could allythi nd. 'i a had r ng be nore -1 m- found the Gov'ramer tin one of a,round him, nigl - and U, and ntering tl prop will iuZe a lb-ottle, contailim.0 ills by Over 50 ement between h6 clearing, When all %vis ready the were summoa- return lual. odical lts of mindee of mone , and all bi4 test o. caught sight of 8id arsiniony, and tif ar �y -in e bard 1-��­Soldin'SeaforthbyE. Hickson & C 1. two people so- y at work in ad,. and in making their iritrodn6tory o.., and yourig, and so utterly from. being abl to ma,�e fresh. appoint- nials and certificates. � A gre, t urning sun, covered with dust and bows, both our visitors nearly baL-ked without this worlds goods ? Mary,- like m he had found ii owl his time was occu ration, and 197, I Salaly cut pied in (r ra bits perspi i� f4ct barely recog� themselves into the yawning ca veru in omas, Eclectric Oil, himself, had neither fortune nor -.pros- aol,1, aligi ill z3uperu U. neraries i exora- and shooting ail occasional bird or sm1ir- ilizable, being attired in T a patche'd stilt the: middle of the floor, which in, our WORTH TEN TJXRS ITIS IVERMT IN G OLD. 3).o YOV to poi a pects- Se was going to E naland to a 111y, di, uisiied. ISuch. v,!ere the. c 'OW A'$YT11I_N G'6FIT ? 0 4i . c tents rel with wflich to make soifp or hi -in- of common -workin, clothes which 11 trepidation we had forgott R OT, IT IS finishing. school with her two siste wit an nt h ad idea of. qualifying herself snare -y improssiv TIME YOU DID. ar wit the fix rs, of Major C a I ter. It' in. -valid c6mpaiiion. He used t ,at his had'snatched from t a shanty fire, h out. Vat ely did - the �,00d 'There e but fow Proparations of up_d:Iei-.ne deed a-crusbing' low.. Sidney. I ferbert z overnight and i look at the 1 tile his toes also peep for a i I i oat of a pair of old Irlinister perform the mrri which have wi -,hstood the impartial judr, cut f govem, ess.. Sidney entreated m a could �ot but fe tba -1 is five y, of first thing in the morning. Cue b1tter 'boots with soles par y off.- age service in dthe PeOPle fO` Uln' great length of n atits closehe addressed to thb young I , - thile. One of these dear girls in. his 'tossing, aout t;,el wot Id in - various e cold morning he went but as usual `t�s �.e On first seeing his- brother-in-law these is T l -tch espec�ially I _1i_ 110311S ILECTUICO.TL, pliTely a pepar- absence, to wa had bjip,�n rl enuple a few words of s over his adbeen. 'bsol -t,-.Ik lo if anything erious and affec- ation of h, of pnie of thbust oils that are known, st, so far as ,ught leaving I- every vesticre of 6 or left his face so tion,ate exho rtatio.n Well sUitedL ,ary during their brief holidays whit to the OcL each one p(mc,.ising virt,les of its -0- ell being atttlediallife-was concern &lid lie!m smorcing by a stove. He ret ion- great -was his emoti n,. knowing that'we csion. Sidney was at his best, allt 211— be formed of ware to be spent in France, to'be Ills be coul I not but feel:also thile Ile had ad to find the sh nty in flames his must be close 't ha To rush into the avite of all dimlvanta I _1L,in physicians kn4w that i L and a n gas of dress -a several ingredi lits in certain iixea proportions of medium- -of correspondence with her again to'begin the mat battle 0 life terrified companibu �ryin(r I nd grotAerpowelit, and producig 0 9 8 rean, in house after a few w rds of expination, difficulties of p(,sition, dear Mary 1 kel never result 1' effects -which colld while away, and aboy a-11, to watch. for witil ost)ects of s and wringing his lind' �M�j IeN to,miake a brie I(] fr6m the use (of tiny onef them, or in pit 11CC418 3 Much diL Anish- s. SILIU111 y ca, f toil t, gr6,atly-aided by most sweet and beautiful. We 0 different cambinatiolls- every hicidtfutat opening to influen ce her er he Ow- a buaket of water nd Plehty of of this oil a ch�micni Glian­e ad b b uii- now r early to hi m. in a voice f till.ind Thtis in the i)reparation `3 3oap, to offer the clergyman and witness no Ing family in. his favor. To all his wishes I I - takes. place, .26 years of age. der The frig�tened fool pointed to atbir'e himself in a most- becom'' io re- "OMPO'Ind which could not by any possibility be at last consented, not mithout seriously - suit of freshment, ad wilen they were gone made from -tiny Many long and nxi us consul , ions the half -burnt sh nty, -into which Sidney cool brown linen and finally log - other combination or pioportions t(51 Dlace on layino, *before him tbat his our wedaine least . consisted of Very of the saine or tiny other i 0 carrying oat -madly 4as emerged, ba suffj)c 0116 1 ma ensuedoti the receipt f s letter JBoth If a. hii. hastily brushed hed a P " and entire] inly depended, Si llarna hat salt hm. a 41iffercut fron' AllYthing before lney a;ry avely b re lip ted, with 'a lar�p carpet ba.g lready Which we had at ii�d made, ane whi6h 1wotitices the inogt a an d of t aL rDlr Uipon his owil- steadinesg, good conduct edi was the milk and water." T. smoldering, in whicb, among'alVi his best work of little more stilts, and hat against tbe keew diabilointment 4 all an quarter, a jing a -wider ranoe of application in his profession. to than any ever before discovered. It con-, and success' - their nawly-raised, hop s. If the prom- away C-7 of a s narrative,l taills n_0 alcohol or o He pro clothes, he had stored is.en ire hour, an to M reat amsement, which I shall append but few observa- ised poor fellow, and relig- 6 oc thervolatile liqtnds, conse- 1 quently loses liothilig by evaporatioll, t k of gunpow(ter ill canisters. He the scrubby, dirt I workman lie tilons. All went well from the day� of iously kept his pr I o mrise, A few burried ised -n coveted situal qn had be, n So- hurled the carpet- a � ad greeted sl y 0 ing cured t ere would - It _e, p h beppeti f r,ward in the much. the aPP"ed Yon get the houcht Of drop- whereas ,re folowed by .1 Inty 0 interviews at my house we %-�e been - n wedding, and, -o at - 0 (I rift of snow, %lid then -ittempte, I to stop impro jl th, , day the 'pun with Other ��Il tbe'al-coholifs to -pre ut their lmo,§z �mmediate mar- ved g1lise of ailandsome nti ris- went down on at (happy, coup lost in thab,waj-, a. tearf al. farewell, and then. for the first the fire by cutting away the tocratic-looking you g pi. le. Doubt, td von get only the small quan ri-age ; now- all ch bu ingy taf- rl ancci IfIthis was thrown eparation—all these w tity of oils -which they il ere� at N. THOMAS. PHFL1,s, N. Y. part Sid- ters, but all his u s a can time, our guide, having brought us an end, aQud for weal and woe 8 time the youllic, lovers drif ted a anter. In the anxi6ty,-- ney Saled for &ustratlia, and klary arld klir-ointo the balckgrOu'll and all that hardly anyithing I w less - M idney And NOR S' . nel and- went could be done was as saved �ut one' within sight of the outer fene Sole A T�IROP Toronto, ont., her sisters crossed the 0 ha -out for id- trunk wh' I a, hastily Herbert and Mary Lennox were indis- rents forthe Dominion. ney some futdre pin�i ich lie dragged* took his leave, bardl io school. O life to be begun tou,' oat tt once, %rdl waiting to receive olubly' ilulted. -Trials tr:)ubles oil and Lleetrized. With as little delay oh it WAS beginning to bulifl. The- our thanks. Mary n d I So Ll in eae-rth sbeAt the tools, the have of ten ight await them in �byE. ELicksoll aAt this time, the hero of my histaryl de bedtling, the working clothes, laughed since at hi� the future but for Lums ath of near relatit,e a anxiety to get he present youth, health, hope a'd 1.3ve Was full of energy, life and titled to most of his g6od outfit w, re, eon- way from as,- tion, fond of active, out-doo a Small W lich we k , t,�O�u of money now now. was Vere beckoning them onward with iiaef. ;mounting to -6500 sumed. and at night. he wen rtly fromdelicate r luctalic 1, C5 tt ment, Avith a presence of r. employ- I e llO1%v dete�- 'kind neighbor's a to intrude able swiles. THX GRLAT IN'Trim of a Ini n finined to sinkt for the Present . siin who had -at olice. upon our first i-atervi iv, but great deal The luggage soon rrived, nd coin- diatintless coaracle t*en bimin, feeling too that he more from his lorr r at tile state in ITA IMN inteimally, ft. which. never failed '' truly I E200 tendered by th6* Legal Assurance ortable bedding superseded bay relieves INST INTLY the him in mornatits of dailger,^ and which was gain ruiruid. man. which he knew- thir V to be t- the nakes.- r. nd Mrs. remov"ad LINIMENT in, t.he world, Its effeet iS.alMoSt in Society, in lieu of J 11 are claims. It One bless ng and most itente Used externally, it is the best enabled harn ill �ftar years to extricate w -the acdrued to Min from this'sweep-rig house. - Poo Sidney, when as tile ead of Jul 1 70, before hiinself and others from so Y, he reached I's soon as possible into their Own log- rtantalleous, relef from- the -most in - y rE signed, .at erred ng couple to the -anes of immi- fiecessar papets we fortune. He fore ` %'pr got rid of ],is he p-- I's, could hardly spea k, A f ter one fond house, leaving our You tellse pnin. It Soothes the td- or indamed nent peril Indeed, his �sister `V ' (1 less partner wh � nee left the set a. nd grateful embrace to his dariing,- anct 1 rivacy of their hoille. Si I part, and giveslITSt and quiot td the ufferer. it with the nioney thus IT i aised Sidney re- 0 1 that-stich vas his preseliedof that ment, leaving: Sirinj�'yo�lgain a free most kindaw aff dney worked is eminently tl 0 people%, friend, and everY one W solved to'start at once for N a York, acrei ect�on#e w0come to early "to fir-ish his boue, a�d should ha, 'ith them, or where they call put riA every tc ' jt the children and myself, be -noted us partitioned off a nice chamber for Ma�ty, their hands on it -in the dark if need bshould his all ip be wrecked, it' where be.proposed emba-king his smll Necessity comp6lied him now I CIO '%v and late cond one on board be lost, 8iduey would sUre'- capital U'-' lie bad never done before—to write b to the house. CE NIMS PER BOTTTIi;. some busin sp in whic his ome had prepared Alth?ugh his neigbbQr which was vrettily f urnished and orna- ly be saved if. with only, a butter-b6at- to �151 forassistance. Ais letter foun his eld- us fo'r disap , PERRX DATIS & SON, Sole Proprietors. rench mu, be pointmenz, merited -%vitll cherished books and gifts isu�. Cr - - ! in a POSI 111 a pri Jently ex 1, led dear and distant T must own at w6 felt unutterable and keepsakes from. oRn to. orough knowledge of est sister yet lie w," truly affectionate and aseful to him. H t to help bi , as she :,th 00 9 bad just s'unk 1) r own portion ill the dismay wheii. we looke around us. E BEST YARIETY (IF CLV- '&hearted but at this early aae slight- a �Ortioll of his money I a good _a The wealthier m embers of C chona or kin 0 tfit Die fri nds. ly imeriods rid sef--sille, havine been, manner that he hat done, not foi- tier oiFn house was a groc firstea-1110 into g and a __aO Wtch. S(O i after Ill li ar- id. lar a one, but it was 'Mary's family s6lit substantil-tokens of eral Ilse on ae count of a relt ell- -1 flattered and spoilt - ew York he rote to te ed by bln cure porform- great y in childhood; rival in benefit, but to assist members of the fauii- a mere shell; nothing but the walls and Ood-will, and many pretty and tiseful it on the Colint"s deI arks 9� Chinchon, at Lima, us' ly who were- in diffl�ulties. ' She sell t h in the roof were up, an even, the Walls gifts came fr who, after her-ilecoverr distributed a large quat- but contact with the world does rrich. thlatt ant t- a same hotel w are he boa. lied Oln to. smooth off -the harpest hip ill at onc 0 the loving Sister, who tity of it to th( esuit's, iqi wh,)s atigularities, the posse were- neitherchinked nor niossed, so that of comilicy qxiire(l a great reputa ad m with an Ol(I French gen a- thissunlail Ili ssion of b gins to talk- A and poor Sidney had a rough future be- man recci tIv fro m, Par] 8, at they .8 prospectsbrightered. He we could-Aee dayligh, w out to her d, - tion, that chAritablcrelate�, ad I bet can dII the liog..' Cardl-11111 do Lu haviii,, puTch, fore him. left the scene. of Ili H. B. Ki i�t, at gmt After Sidney had sailed for . � late disaster, took,iiip logs.. The or was n Xpense t�,.ne Into p-vrtnership, and. aid op,�i.)e a, Pt,laid down but for tU2 he1,;efCOf the roll"jouspoor-at go I Rome. It is oombincil mi th arolil aties in a da- excavation I S Melbourne, nd Mary and her sisters 100 acre of land f6r himself and anoth�r in the middle* of it air, I had gone to school,- m ore, th 0 roadway for 100 in the name of Vlary Lenno) las SPECI.&L NOTICE licious cordial bi Dr, Wheeler's Oompotz-nd Elix an a year thd sale of French winei c, making been begun for "a ce of Phospha ir He 15 elapsed,. duriag which time letters ar- w a sure that she would eventuall BRV,,&KF�t.13T.—EPP8'-S COCOA.—' 1111dCalisava,it remedyof rote th ind eigarq. me 0 1�&r._ so - -that there I I T ordinary -tra- ey a eve I y Op ng o a, h for some L A -ND 0O'qFo efficacT in restori-ng qlistitltional vigor, w c ers of foreigr By a thorough and re rived w1lick I forwa'rded - and w to -him. He��enthardtowor-c wee 8 e ildren folind -ing the -wOrn Out frame, -whether nsed I . . ell, -nil rs buVing from oppi 9 a play closet knowl Pa expiration 0 111 and. a Idin -place f edge of the natural law- ly-mLittal w�orrv, over -work- excesses andrbA4 am, Frainchinen par; a arly coming or s which 'P I , -f4 habits, or debili�at' so -on after the f that time, th- (I clearing a few acres, whic as the 'ill heir kubbish govern the oper he. and his ship ju( leloup y ed )v Prostrating -efer nee where tlEy could fr aly none, the only I 11111rition, and by , careful applicatioly t arrived safely at Liver- in pi spring opened lie croppe,r* urniture Poe ffe - there ws stion %lid d. aving with some diffictilty tbell called - bee, which wlksl�we a n ngua.gre. Ob- converse !n their ow seats nd tables beijig 8idne 's orle I tile fine properties of well -selected co,�ojl, LOOK OUT FOR YOUR OWN'INTEREST. nd rised the wails" of Ja goo trunk, -partly burnt, sa�ved from the fi tained from -the owners.. a few days' at this'opoch the Fre h and G `st I tended, a y errn&tl re, .11-1 r. Epps has providedpur breakfast t leave, Ile hurried, over to France to see I war re I large log -'house, the roof of whidli a and, a few flour. brrels, y average and reassure his a,lixiotis and beloved acro's- the broad Atla,.ntid, swept into its masterly sem]bIance of a bed, except a little hay in which may sav DIER OAMERON broke out, and. stretbhina*as it W, sbingled entirely himself in a There was no blei with a delicatel fravoured, b Mary. Fortuilately it was. the'Christmas f rivi mnner. For Stock he bought two c6ms corner, fe-%v, sacks e us many heavy doctors, E WOUS vcrtek- the poor 11ttle business in ad an old blanket. R and wleA holidays, and as soon as I could notify New Yor on which clear friends at and some chickens, and tfien W rote to (,y(bz.P_ttP_., NTad few milk pans and a few lates ail than his arrival to iss Len , d I I king is nillnerous friend-, and custom- ary, telling her of his improved I)rol;- mugs completed therticles in' -' ters in the C6-ali Y of Huron and -,iii-roun4ling ds- building a such hopes of Vatet or nox she brought home war, nplY with Boiling- A all the dear girls this truly i Each packet is down t ee nie. Then success. �idniey and his partner fou,,id pacts, and sking her if when1he was Irish cabill, of which Sidney (lid - the labolled—JA�rES Fp.... 11 triet for past fix-N"ors, would respectfully intimate en'sned, for the lovers, long .9; London thathellasremdved tothatbeautiful down an, in spite of the cold IINUF�&CTTJR-E OF C Of Hidl-s' Hotel, where he has Opened a beautiful ff colt- possession. He made no. usele,,s a�olo_ I' 000A. W selection Of ladies' and gelit�,' jewe.h!y of the I t. t walks tip and I their circle fully -lettled she Wouldf. on ant to hono is with imperturbable grace and self . )-, Honiceopa,thic Chemist -stand west end my gard , of Prench 'stomers dis,,p- share his lot in. this 'I All \ i per as if y magie We . the reater part -a- ner of the earth. � At this i 0 Mary gies for the existing discomfort 11C W give an account of the process a(IODJ novelties. for us all, a few pleasant tea-paties; c&Iled to tair own coun ry to serve ,w Alr4 clocls the a 68 Oil .1 a; he ed[ by 1-fessrs. James E p ps & Co. ed in Western dil and then aurther - separation, which this i Soldiers no Uerman visit to me,- havin __ lieeh told us simply what he meant the house tax-io. 1b, vatches are arknowl- of diete�tie articles icholvest and best in -the markt, to be as soon as he got time to finish it. ing thorong-bly re ithited and- tested uld enter a allowed for the first time to ac ept my uf�cturers , uian edged to be the time was to extedd over more than three 1 French 64-01re., the Engli and'AmericIns at their 11 every one be years. warm invitation. All her fat lVe found. the lard works in the Easton Road, Londo before b off�-red for sale, 9 gave theml no encourg ant, and. mily wer er as scailtily furnish- Q 11 ein- ah ow6ccupiedt�ha in! England,. hav ing le ad as the house, but Sidney made as a Special Agencytor aite liogist %Vatch. I am by ri,o m earis favorable to long the stirring events whic -it the sea -Side usehold Guide. aked them in the oven engagements, but these two w-ee so pu blic min!d the litter f ' re of the smill during the French war. I have ofte few cakes and b, VERY 8EN'SMJ,1L —Horse dealers -who a sped supposed to know what effects their lisidered the buaikiess oil Bioadwa lh1 Proyidence cextairil lie boiled some potatoes and milke(l the i erest, purchase Darley's -Conditioll 4 been sccessful in obtaining the services young,. that t have always co Y t 'place with- sad tbat se they pass. out excititJg either notloQ or 1pity. Sid. 3 M Y. COW ere not 1ODg without years of anxiety alid suspen watched over Sidn6y and his M so that we w Havin not. most ex-ti-40rdinary that Just a erefreshment. For sleeping we-enr- b$' the dozen, and feed it to their It 1. itie8 of Glasg and Edinburgil., cotland, Oils - n ey saved P of Mr. FRAISER, who has had ]on,, Practice in the ed through as an excellent training time hing frol the wreck �of SOM wders and Arabiall Heave Itemdy c o part of the Dominion for both: They certainly helped to form affairs bat bit' gold this particular th 6 a married sister ot tained off a corner of the room with our, fo: * the purpose of improVill call they haye their elocls watches and jewelry atch and Ills orses tomers will finq that in 11, habits of patience and trusting ho, eful- sud,lenly determined tolerable bed with bun Aon, which it always con- better done u Mar 'a character, and to give her th Glot)ies. -,Sidney Herbert, With bar husband traveling cloaks an Wls, and made 4 , To P. ALEX. CA3 N, y lose children, had. an d sha di their p it at�,&bout this ti e thi Res of bay and es—others ness. which have been of so m uch benefit In a casual sb ould profit by their example, 1,, Prextical Watchmaker. H 1�, - ' Mitchell, Au&� 21, 1874. 050-52 It _ join him in Musko'm. The re on w -few"saeks to cover us. I'Ve had `rOughJ omber the name acquain cc mentioned to Si(lh %a ey H - this. Mr. C— her husband, wa nothing with its but or lunch baske see that the d to think hemelf forgotte athematical 1) Ofessoi we were obligd to c to her since, Ner was shel ever allowed bert the free grant land s" of M uskok,a, the classical an -ts,� signature of Hurd, & Co. is on ea h MEN WANTED. Fond and poininj �hpem out as a wide and promls- in a larke p lie down ill Mo ekage -ularly every ng fi I I( French cademy, but ears ol our clothes, tile NorthrOD & Lyman Toronto, r f told rhts beginning to be I WANTED in)mediatoly, a number of first-class a-ffectionate letters came % a c�r emigration. He him scholastic duties, E lad close atteation tc very ch Olit., p rs for Canada. 8old by laboring glell, to work on the Cunada Gow- a git ir coming in all medicine dealers. s Drain, In- - the township of Ribbert. For month, an& at rare inten-als Such pretty that he know several fait. ilies who bad books, had so undei mined bi illy, and tZ ni roprieto, good steady niep, liberal witges will be paid. For a hea th that freely throu h the unchinkeA walls. The. A cornm011 cough or cold shoul never further Particulars applyo to the un&�rsigned at tokens of remembrance as the slender located th*selyes'in that-; distant settle. he w9s quite uiia)le to' .9 puny' imeans of her sailor !over could procure; ment, and who had foun4 the la Conti E the two gentlemen ay d b . OM India, cellent., the conditions on hich it was room oil c perfumes and holy, bAds f were, in ey trifled with, often when negle ted it nd ex- exercise of his pr�ofesioa ; an entire oi�,n Just as th thefar c;ruer1of the Seaforth% Agent of the Canada Company,or to the a - is 1converted into a serious and Forema of th Works. The work will, be coin� Chang of climate nd occupatio and a some hay, and if we were chilly and nil- fa general mencea on X% Pulmonary disease. T NDAY, Sept. 14, lie more GEOR rU DIGGEB, Agelit- v�rl b ar a 40 P t t )L lor NY, 'Pie WIl bfi x e h r e al�e ei aat (f GOT. _9 ini. erited tile evcs and but _t a—A 1 -it scIling a bat IL :&P y -Y bis Ina,, = 35cents f(Pr -t WU 44 they ain - i-aate for ,'askeda, traniz(,x &5 be lookeil 'bar -room, " � -its wre( 1 18 Ulan heN gallus col,ored g,ellt witll�a all I carry your Satehe Colorec, gent to Small boy dare-; Ilse gettii,l' a qtaartf,�r m —A owtler, hAvil' his houscs but on, e, aske Jet bou-se was his la�51;- not was Ilib rt.ply� —When a little bov� who-) V ing 9, blaeksmith slwe�- his sa"V the workman begi u horse's hoof, he exclainted don't ant his horse Mae an -4, —indliaimpolis has the thaly� hearted m111. He ekit tree, loaded down with fruit.. feared that his .g.et hola of the greeli 1ruit aw When on La- a: man f ler, 13 Says 1-Irs. Marro ' Wfat, S, take a glass of wat er Nvithi) -throllghitfor ti he!s on bis vv -ay to a: drunkar —A rich biit panilm. enions Mall, 011 being taken *0 ta,Sk f .charitableness ' 13aict rru! I on give much buz if yo I 1�1 I ly hurts whall. I ive a;ny,1tbi-n11r —A Chrch ;of h1ligiaml knocked his sister 46vil an This is -a I 11 the infk,)riilatinll ti 'US ; b it -if she ha A� th� - sPirit f. (and -any. pins) i_u herJitboson, I able -to siton ailythii% else fb period- —An exchangi Ti icublutcy 1. louszounty fairs, vlkich at good says 1lialt thi fair -collsist�a of V e, If it so 1�. night that the ose"! swam �011 910 .,ealf broke loose �and ate the a nd a thief proliliZiyl arn�, calf! and. that-euded the fair. —An Irishman -fo4nd a Ilece- ail rollin 9' it under Ills arm J;Val _% yis. that'Q1; for ati: for MC�Carty - I it � )WI, but in's a thing, a Me far" . :8 A y. : fo r if I - b.a:d a any 6 .been 6fth Would"lilt er -Danbury. —A� �elergyman, *U.6 owne-t * �� ing at f ou-nallis ploulyliman eiga goo( you to have a good'' stli&isaythi be cutting -a fe-vv bushc,_ Almlg,' while the horse is re t & Ulu _.q lug wo-aidn' t it ' be IN 4ir for vou 'to a� of 1), tile pulpit, and. hen hey -am. .peel 'em. awhile to be r6, ady tor - The Man who was �8� the Weathier. AVe nt-ver knew moi�e who was alays saysfied ,u e-Ahr at all times aud, undr z stances. It chulib. Ill, when the thermometer bolted the nineties, Chubb w6ald -OV. front door - with beaAls'l of lx-� standing out all ver Inis- reil i his hat? like A�- look at the 'sky anil s perfectly splendid 1 6he washerwom. en ! Th�y any sticb. weat-her A4 tbist JAY Umbrelht, sit�outy(lr on tht Ste,.* aWl In the -winter thi�-i intircu creep 4own 15' 1), and was severe eniouh to frjeze flif the globe, Chubb sito, By ji ill exclainij "' Ugo ' 1! 411 see Such weathr as thil, ? 1. lil. mosphore that freers up Your I rar. It helps the coal-trA.4e ndt snak as quiet. Don�t 41i time to Ina. L it �o me stiff. When (1-routh, k�hubb usea tWMkk_,. street -lull re m aTV, " N 0 11.11111 V er dry ; I want it N%vi b flic lag,u-e aud. wets ow auytbing I despksze it's to if IAVhile it rined for a atm. the coulltl�y, Chvibb oft:ll 4411, see 'US, And yon feel about.this yer il seem. s to m that llevtrl� but when cleans thte sewer--,. I cent to live ina eo U�ntryl Nlrhtrt eraill, Put me on die in throngli to in, -,ide of iwv -v alltl I feel as if life bri-;ht- tifu), and. orroxv nothiii-, b Ut -1 lwys bap i Py ill. Storill 14 PUt le in at lat hom.e. rath,ci-I havei that'd teat have, a rippin' a ro sin ix* his roof at shhAi, stra,ck billi, lifted off, (ii . iarter 4 a mile, an stich hiln, Il'onie we. met him, aiv'U sked hini lie lt, 1110' eyes, �aild V Id Z11 t� yr i! Su 3L, powi�rs ! wbat storrii that it ooes it suits file ul 1� of tile Chlibb falllilv If -It give both le -8 if t6uld jh�, like thatLroery day* I - I --I fainted." Chubb,At dent. Ile is tie olily � 'verse who dbii�t growlt thj�l dilrox BUTTER TU AT TR NEW BUTTER 1139 F At Reasonable ntiTO WE People, of itlxer sex, yoting fir d at Worktor us in thi�ir spare tomi t e t1lian at anything else P & Co 14171