HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-10-02, Page 44
Oxen for , Sale Wane Chapman.
--Faint for.Sale----1Sainhel Chan:theme ,
Shawl Found—Apply at this (ghee, ,‘
Wagimmaker Wanted—Alex. Stewhat.
Auction Sale ofi Farm, &c -- -J. •Esson.
.01.1taric) Carriage Works, Mitehell.
'Alleghenian Bea Ringers. •
Fall Stock—H-Offman'Brothers.
25 Acre Lot for Sale—S. Dennison.
Horse Strayed -I -Rev. W. Hawke.
Important Infermation—J. C. .Laidlaw.
Removed—Belfry & May.
Tohe Front -4T. Kidd
Ha b.
or of Bayfield, Posponement.
40 Village Lott for Sale --Edgar J. tirvjs
,..._ ,
AittrOit 6111mM-tilt
......p..--.....-11--..-• I i
. -
SEA -FORTH, ' FRIDAY, Odt. 2, I 1874.
- a__
The Etit'opestaa PrOspeC. -
Considera,ble interest b as beenscentred
of late in the movements, or ratter in
- t.
the indhlations of prohahle moverhents,
of Russia. At the date of our latest in-
telligence by mail, Grand Duke Con-
stantine was visiting at Paris and con-
sulting pretty intimately With the "ttates-
men and princes, particulaily the 'latter.
, !
It was generelly conceded that the Bel-
gium international conference was a fail-
ure, a result Which Russia does not relish.
It is apparent that the object of the con-
ference was ti) make it more comfortable
- to fight than to keep the Peace. Col.
Hammer, a Swiss delegate, is reported
'to have givea the conference a pointed
rebuke by cleelaring that "the true busi-
ness of the conference is not to find out
the best mewls of carryillg:on War, but
lather to soften its horrors to the utmost
possible extent." .-
In England, Russian affairs were close-
ly scanned, The Duke of Edinburgh
and his Ressian bride are disposed to
make considetable figure befote the pee -
pie and outdo the Prince of Wales in
their activity in the laying of corner
stones, dedicating public structures, &c.
There is a call to the Prince of Wales to
accept thee Grand Mastel ship of Free-
masons, vacated. by Lord Ripon, the re-
cent convegt to Catholieisug. It is no-
ticeable that the Russian correspondence
of the ltnglieh papers has mo111 'n to a
great volume, Members of Parli , merit,
sharp-eyed journalists and everybody
who cau observe are over -running Bus-
sia, spying orit the strength of the coun-
try. An American correspondent, who
was present at thereCent marriage of a
_. ,
grand clu k e with a. Mecklenburg princes;
notices a great growth in manhood and
intelligence in the comnaon people durin
the twelve years that have elapsed sine
the emancipation of the serfs. Russia i
apparently invincible at honie, but, a
an arbitrator of the affairs ofI urope,
there are plenty of reasons e w y sh
t .
should not succeed any better thata othe
powers which have successively ssaye
b an everlasting disgtace ±o them if,
through their differenc Opposition
candidate Should etep
es, an
in en
take pos-
session of so ,horoughily a Reforrndhd.
that role.
The Dollish question is again a iaenace
Bismarek- having warned all D es out
of his conquered province of Sol leswig
Holstein, and King Christian thr ateilin
to retort by! warning Permans out o
Denmark. ' If Bismarck! wishes i4 pick
quarrel with his S andinavian neighbor
clwe are at a loss t gee how he min do s
decently, or how England and Ruesiat s
closely :tilled to the "Sea King:"i y roye
marriages, can stand by and let II m hey
his way. Germany doubtless co ets tha
hive of corronercel • whence th ship
swarm o -ver the seas; the Danis penin
gala, but there is nol reason in sta esinene
ship w-hy that -country should be absorb-
ed in an empire to which it is an alien in
blood and feeling.. If the King fought
for Schleswig, .he would fight for nation-
al existence, and in such a contes he cer.
e tainly would have the sympath of th
world, if not the active assis trice • o
powerful allies.
Then, if we are to eredit a ea le tele
gram, the voracious Bismarck, ot con
tent with etretching out his hand aegains
his neighbor, has turned - tie ey s to th
tward snd ent d' into b
wes , i erearga,i
with Spain fer the cession of th Islam
of Porto Itico, on condition of tii recog
nition, out the part of (ferment, f th
• Spanish Republic; Thi e still la ke con
&maims, ant is rather intone able, a
would be extremely unpo ular
Spain, and would cost ente.gov namen
which propoeed it its existence Som
of the Arner4an papers, how ev r, hav
taken the alar, and have has eoed to
declare that the United States wi 1 never,
never permit one European Powe to cede
to another any portion of its A ericaa
territory ! This they: call the "0 -ran
Doetrine." Nothing, of course, calcite
more nureasotiable, and it is n t at all
likely the "Grant Doctrine would 1 ,tnd spend
stand greatly in Bismarck's melee if he The Ontan
has detennined. upon the acquirement- of --hence the
Porto Rico as a naval station. —The H.
the peewit
srentio_n, Ry
es in order
One was fo
We have no -doubt, bu that ita the
ncl, wise couhsels wi I prev il, that flit -
emcee will be forgot en, a id that the
idat that can be
ileums 8U'
only in the
auks of the
rvative will
eing elected
t hardly be-
trongest and best can
ecured will receive the una
ort :of the efarty. It is
vent of a division MI the
eform Party that a I Cons
avea ghost -of a chance of 1
iii South Perth and we c
,t eve that. any -of the leading Reformers
n the Riding will allow t.1 eir personal
ambitions or sectional feeli
in the way of redeenaing a
whir& should never heve,be
Reform Part3.
leegs to stand
n lost to the
Prince. of Wi
Mastership o
Peattat Ai
from Dublin
tiorethere h
that Mr. Die
granted to p
Congress at
for an kite
Congress h
three years,
the place for
TURKEY.- The Sultan
point his eld st son te the c
of the army, and this iggtt
ary to declar ng him'heir
contrary to ii memo-rial pr
order to succ ssion.
-dent Thiers
Verzelle, in 1
was warmly
rn a de a spee
he expressed
public would
he hoped, •
Casimir Peri
tribute to th
His Royal ighness • th
les has ccet d the Grand
the Or( er of 'rrn
NEsteteo:A. sp cial despatch
ays e Amn sty . A ssocia-
v e rece ved cn. -intimation
aeli. on the o ca.sion of the
oyal v sit to Ireland, will
hat a enera amnesty be
iitieal rison
NAL P STAGE.—The Postal
erne h s ap royed a plan
iationit pos office. The
s resolved • t meet every
nd has selc ted Paris as
its next sessi n, in 1877.
amide • to ap-
-lief command
tep prelimin-
� the throne,
cedent for the
he Dep
h, in t
his con
by th
e• co
iiltima ely b
ids the assi
r and ether f iends, to con-
t grand resu t,
RUSSIA. AND Sreift. —The existence of
a friendly a d sympatheti letter from
the Czar to on Carlos, Which has hith-
erto been de
is now ack
wiitteu in re
thanking th Czar for his reftisal to re-
cognize Pres tient Serrand.
CARLIST REVERKE,—The Carlists Sus-
tained a defelat in asa enragement with
roviace of Bis-
rrender of in-
Thursday at
t of isre. He
citizens, and
rse of which
that the Re-
founded, and
tance of M.-
ied at Berlin
owledged. T
ly to one froi
nd elsewhere,
e letter was
n Don. Carlos.
Republican troops iti the
cay ; there was a la!rge
surgents. I !
Austrian GoVemineat wil despatch an-
other expedition to the Ar !tic region next
year,, to ascertain whethe the land dis-
covered by the expeditioa just returned,
and. named y it a'raaz Joseph's land, is
a part of a ontinent or n island, The
one half going
via Greenland.
rible flood has
overflow of the
If life and seri-
ernational rifle
match at Cr eent the Amer-
ican and lei ch came off on
Saturday, w he former by
three points
ernor Moses
ing made a
dent for fe
maintain pe
Southern St
expedition ). ill be divided
via Siberia dthe other
occurred in pain by th
River Segre. Much -los
destruction f property a
RIFLE MA' 'CEI.—The 11
edmore, be
h teams, w
s won by
f South Ctn.
ormal dem.
ere' troops
ce and orfie
U E. —Th
s sprea,din
tes. It as'
lid othe' speakers are expect
ed be
the membetes of the Ontario
having already acoepted the in -
A grand turn Out of the bone
ad sinew of the North Riding may be
ore set .
he Hibbert Shosk.
'The at
on Toes(
nor extr
and the
horses ' t
every el
mills ex
of you
in the
upon tl
stock generally did not appear to such
vantage as it would have done
more. favorable ciectunstances.
Alex. and. Duncan -MeLa.ren; of
and Lr. John Glen -are exten-
eders and largeexhibiters of cat -
e firet-named, geotleman had on
on a herd of etery,fine thorough-
hile Mr. Duncan McLaren show-
-a fat heifet as coati" be seen
ce, besides seteral other animals
The show of sheep
e anim.alSeXhibited
good quality, and
ROLINA. --Go v -
m a, thi s mo rue
d on the Presi-
o aid him to.
in that State.
White League
through the
t likely Grover -
nor Kellog I's party mil be attacked
while prote ed by Unitt States troops,
but Kellogg himself is ft (mealy threat-
ened with a sa,ssination.
Pattsta a i . —Ano t her arty, is prepar-
ing to start l'OM NeW Y rk to make geo-
logical eurv ys in the Ho y Land.
Om:Hi-ELL° WS. oaludiao polio has been
selected as t e next meesi Ig -place for the
Grand Lodg of Oclelfell s.
the cotton anufacturi g interest was
held in Bost n this .weel .at which about
2,000,000 s indles tvere epresented. A
eeport moo mending reduction of
working to our days of en hours eacla.,
or such othe division a ime as will se-
cure the ante result during three
months, wa accepted ; also a proposi-
tion reaonar endinge the tton mannfae-
turers of New England. •o reduce their
production from and aft Oct. 1, and in-
viting all N w Engierad anlufa,cturers to
et. 28, to take
businese may
meet again ra Boston, o
such action as the state
seem to require.
Gov. Morris and part
to Fort Garry frorn Qu'
negotiated a satigfactory
Northwest 'Indians.
—Judge Ambrose, of
considering appeals a,ga
list, decided that voter
vote on the property of
11 ot entitled to do so und
of the new "Married
married since that act ca
—The Ontario Tories i
a political club, like t
will be rem mbered that
Macdonald was giving
the Pacific candal Coir
pressed a s. rt of regret
Canada no dubs like the
money in
Toric e have
noel show of the Ribbert Bran ch
tral Society was held at Statfa
ay lst. The weather was most
, being neither excessively cold
Indy hot: There vas an mi-
leage attendance of spectators,
show was a complete success. In
ere was a large display in nearly
ss, and the quality oe the ani-
iibited, especially in the .classes
g horee,s, was equal to anything
country. Indeed, at times the
lad a difficult task in deciding
e most meritorious. 101 cattle
as a large display, Which m-
any fine animals. Oh 'account
y sea,son 'and poor pasturage, the
goo4 ac
sive br
tle. T
ad as ti
any pl.
in the attle classes.
was not large, but t
seemed. to be of vet,
well b ed. Mr. Golirktr was.the prim
hibitor of sheep, acid seems to be
succi ssful brleedee. 'I he indoor
lent, iu some respects, WAS equal -
ear, -while in others it..was much
. The display,of fruit .and verse -
as very meagre,: but roots, es-
cartots, Were excellent. There
so one or two samples of very
id handsome potatoes. The grain
y fair, although - the display was
e. Oats and peas were very good;
have seen better Wheat,' although
have returned.
ppelle, having
reaty with the
Wentworth, in
i ist the votert'
who claim to
• eir wives are'
3 • the operation
oman'4 act" if
e into force.
end to organize
e Carlton. It
hen- Sir John
vidence before
ission, he ex -
hat we had in
aelton to raise
aken the hint
South Perth.
At the South Perth Reform onven-
tion, held at St. Marys, on Mout ay last;
Mr. Thomas Matheison, Mayor of Mit-
chell, was the nominee. Mr. 1 atheson
has not yet accepted the Domino ion, and
it is not likely that he will do o. We
regret to learn that, on account of sec-
tional jealousies and personal a bitions,
the Reformers- of South tferth do not
work together as harmoniously could
de desired. This should not be he case.
On the occasion of choosing a ca did.ate,
sectional and personal matters should. be
left out ef consideration as mac as pos-
sible, andiall should unite upon he man
most likely to make thetsmtrong t can-
didate. We trust that the Refo ers of
South Petth will yet do this. t would
of alility at-,
ert had to
o keep the in
himself an
suppose, for his scritp-bo
political better half.
—It is reported from
source that Mr. Jenkins
position as Agent -Gene
and. will hereafter act a
tion Agent for the Do
,J3 tai: islaid
that Sir F
favor of th
Ir. Ross, lat
'strongly in
procity Tref
Militia, has accepted the osition of Col-
lector of Costoms at HaLf x. Hon. W.
• R. Vail, of Nova Scotia, cceeds him as
formers of
rrained to
Thursday, t
e, Archibal
Frazer, the
says:• From
the Tory Con-
ke two speech -
chine moving.
the other, we
---vellieh is his
n Opposition
s resigned his
1 for Canada,
Chief Emigre-
nion in Great
ncis Hiacks is
roposed Reel -
Minister of
Minister of
ton have de
stration on
tober, and
Edward Bla
rth Welling -
old a demon -
8th of °e-
ver Mowat,
McKellar and
ocal members
cipal e
a very
to last
were a
lerge a
was ve
not lar
but we
it. was not by any moans inferior.. The
display of dairy products was much
smaller than last year, but there were
two or hree very nice specimens of but-
ter, th t taking the first pilize especially
being t istefully done up, and of excellent
color. The ladies' department embraced
many handsome and. fancy, as well as more
substat tial and usefol articles, but the
of quilts, mate and articles of this
ion Was not so lerge,as in former
and were imsch missed, as they
set off the hall to advantage, and
a decorative appearance. The
Hibbert should beer ,this fact
2d J. Brooke,
pounds newly
prints, lst Th
Lellan, 3d J.
tory cheese Is
pounds dairy
D. McLachlan,
made butter in tol
roes Ilogarth, 24 'A.
rooks. Fifty pound
Joseph Parisons. .
heese, lst 11; Hoga,rt
s or
Mc -
early potatoes lst D. Masa-ten, ,
McLellan, 34 elm' Wood. Bushel I late
,potatoeg, let • . McLellan. Sr.. Swede
-turnips„ lst ohn Hodgiose 2d I tank
Oliver, 3d P. ampbell.
Mrsoneten ous,—Half dozen ma igold
wurtzels, .1st leorge Hamilton, 2d Wm.
Smale. Six 'OA carrots, lst W biota
Smote, ,W 1. Hawking Six g .rdit
carrots, ist
Hogarth, 2c1
onions, lst
Hodgson. - F
rt. scrip
give i
in min next year, ond bring along the
quilts and counterpanes. Mess's. Murphy
and Co
with t
as 11 SU
Geo. 1Jarniltoo, 24 Robert Welsh. -
1-1Ea tit Doetuotitt—S'pan of heavy
t horses, lst John Mopes, 2d M.
Brood mere, having' suckled a
1874, lst M. Sums, 2(14 Wm. Vip-
Suckiog foal, lst M. Burns, 21
iltonrTwo-year-o1(1 filly, 1st E.
2d -James Scott. T -o-year-old
, lst B. Hogarth. -0 e -year -old. -
t -Wm. Vipend, 2.1 \V4i. Smale.
RAL PURPOSES.—Sp n general
• horses, let James estcott,
male. Brood, mare, h vine, suck -
foal in 1874, lst P. 0 Coanor, 2d
Morris. Sucking foa, ; lst Hugh
24 Alex. McLaren. Two -year -
y, 1st John Morris, 2 Wm. De -
Two -year-old geldi g, ist Sas.
Onesyear-old • filly lst Wm.
24 James Hopwood. One -year -
ng, lst James Morri
a calf in
24, .D. Me-
, lst Jelin
er calf, lst
Bull calf,
w that had
cLaren, 2(1
ifer, 1st, 2(.1
John Glen,
If, lst John
Toke work-
ohn White.
Stewart, 2d
a steer, lst
wart. Steer
-en. .
eer, ist and
)r heifer, lst
Laren 2d John Clem 3d Alex.
SHEEP.—Fat sheep, ist :and, 24
hillinglaw, 34 Alex. McLareu..
ee— LEICESTERSAIRES. — Leicester
o.sheors and over, ist John Mc -
L Shearling ram, lst Thos. Goup,
am lamb, 1st John McConnell, -
3d, Thos. Goorlay.Two breeding
eying suckled lambs in 1874, lst
cIver, 2d Alex. 'McLaren. Pair
ng ewes, lst John Islefver, 2d
eLaren, 3c1 Thos. Go irla,y. Two
mbs, lst_ John McIvet, 24 end_3(1
Gourley. I
mors; of Seaforth, were on hand
e Florence sewing machine, and,
1, there was a„; crowd of admirers
them. The fbllowing is the prize
ES. —Saddle horse, 1st Jas. Camp -
Span carriage horses, lst Simon
1, 24 John -Yee. Buggy horse, lst
foal in
I. Ha
filly, 1
led a
old fil
old go
Cow ith pedigree that ha(
1874, st John Glen, 24
Two• -y ax -old heifer, lst and.
Laren. Oue-year-old heife
Glen, 4 D. McLarenr. Hei
John 'len, 24 D. McLaren.
1st Jo n Glen, 2(1 Wm. Butl
a calf in 1874, lst Alex.
John Glen. - Two-year-old h.
and 3 1, Alex. McLaren.
heifer, 1st Alex. McLaren, 2(
3d Alex. McLaren. Heifer c.
Hodgs • n, 24 Alex. McLarei
ing ox n, 1st D. McKay, 21 .
Two -y ar-old steer, lst John
Alex. IcLaren. One -year -o
Alex. 1cLaren, 24 John St
calf, 1t and 24 Alex. McLai
FAT CAWLE.—Fat OX or st
2d Joln Stewart. Fat cow (
D. M
ram, •t
24 anc
ewe 1
2(t Th
lst Iti
Two e
. (Jartnicha,e1, 2d
fix blood beets, 1
.11. Carmichael. T
eorge Hamilton, 2d.
ur heads cabbage, ls
Miller. . Squash, 1st D. McLaucht.
P. Campbell. Citron 1st Fran k
2(1 Alex. Rose. Apples, ist John
2d George Miller. Collection of a,
four of each, lst Frank Oliver, 2d Geo.
Miller. Six clusters grapes, lst Hugh
Brown, 2d. Jehe Chambers. Six ears,
lst Alex. Ferguson, 2d George ei thee.
Six peaches, 1st Alex. Ferguson. Ten
sugar, ist Geo.
ilton. Jar of hone t, five
rm. Smale, 24 John Wier:
hoMeenade hard so- p, 1st
2(1 it. Barber.
tae -made satinet, Is Mrs.
en, 2d Mrs: Wm. 'male.
Mon flannel; not t
st -Mrs. B. ogarth, 2 Mrs.
a Pair homtemade 'Mon
Mrs. John Cherubs, 2d.
8. Home-made pl id or
died, all wool, lst rs. IL
N. Gilgin.me
La's Dkraramterr.---Bonnet hat
of Canadian strew, lst Mrs; Geo. Hem-
ilton. Specimen of braiding, is Wit .
Hawking.. Seecitiren of crochet Wolk,
lst Win. Hawking, 24 John Yeo, Speci-
men of embroidery. in worsted, 1
Stewart. Specie:lea of embroil
muslin, lst Barbera Specii
ist A. Ferguson.
coverlet, lst Hugh
hivork,, lst Oleo. Ha
wn. - Quilt raised or
rk, ist Robt. Welsh
Gentteman's shirt,
DE Str EEP.— Shearlin ram, lt
ems). Ram lamb, lst John Kem a
sg Gourley. Pair sh arling ewes,
hard Hotharn, 24 Thlos. Gourley.
e lambs, ist Alex. Jaren.
s—Satato BREED. —B ar over one
year old, lst R. Gardiner. Boar under
one y ar old, lst James Ha liter,. Sow
havin littered in 1874, lst . ohn White,
24 Jo in Kemp. Sow mid r one year
old, 1 t John Kemp, 2d James Hamilton.
FON 'U.—Pair geese (male and. female,)
lst R bert Welsh, 2d Wm. Butler. Pair
ducks (male and female,) lsb J. Brooks,
2c1 Ro • ert Welsh. Pair black- -Sponish
fowlsmale and female;) lst John Sad-
dler. Pair Yolanda (male and female,)
lst Nt m. Butler, 24 Robeit Hogarth.
Pair tlack spangled,. or pen illed Hom-
burgs (male and finale,) 1st William
Butler. l '
bushels Treadwell or any other than
white winter wheat, lst Hugh Norris.
Two ushelts spring wheat; lst Robert
Webba 2d *P. Campbell. Two bushels
white oats, lst A. McLellan, 2(1. Robert
Hogarth. Two bushels black oats, lst
A. McLellan, 24 Wm. Butler. Two
bushe s barley, lst John Kemp--; 2d B.
Hoge th: Two bushels m.arrowfat peas,
let A., McLellan* . Two bushels of other
peas, st James Campbell. Half bushel
beans, ist I. Carmichael, 24 George
Miller'. Twelve ears of Indian cork- lst
James Hamilton,24 George Hamilton.
Bushe timothy seed, lst Jin Hodgson,
2c1 Ge age Miller, 3d T. Ca pbell. Ten
pound salt butter,‘ 1st A -McLellan;
a, 2
potinds map
2d. Wm. Ha
pounds, -1st '\
Specimen of
John Sadler,
. Mats LTPA.CT
Ten yards h
John Chem
Ten yards
Joe. Hemil
blankets, Is
Mrs. J. Broo
shawl, not f
sampler wor
made woven
Quilt in pat
2d. Hugh By
on ground w
Barber. 0
IL Barber.
made, lst Wm. Hawking, 24 Ale
guson. Ra
man raised
Alex. Ferg
let J. •Broo
woolen mitt
Miller, 24 P. Campbell. Loaf of
home made, Ilst John Sadler, 2d
Miller. .
DED. —Feather flow
L. .& J. Haniitton. Paper flovvei
Keough. -Knitted bed coverle
Stewart. . White knitted quil
Hawking. • ' Rag eanpet, R. N.
Jelly, Alex Ferguson. = Chicken
Saddler. Ituplements, Thomeon
Earns. •Carriages F. L. &J. Hagn'l
-.11or3es,--Wm.- Chesney,. Sr.,
smith; WM. Chesney; Jr., Tuck
John Tubb, Logan,_
. Cattle.- --.111..• Switzer, Blancher(
Leversage, Fullerton ; Robert
Graoi aail Roots.--Robt. Bea
Prout, Tho. Pascal.
Domestic Afanufactures. —Jam
Mitchell; John McCurdy, Kirk
. Stiles, Mitchell;
met, lst RI Barber..
work, lst Wins Jafl
soma !Pair , woollen
s,l2d-John Stewart
, lst Geo. Miller, 2
air woolen glo v es; 1
24 R.
• lst
y, 24
• Peter
b Geo.
John• NeEi1.
and Mrs.
Johnson, 8
'40 4110 -1111.... -
The Belgrave Sho
The annual' show of the East
nosh Bran8h --Agrieultneal Soci
held: at Belgrave on. Wednesd
The weather was • particularly
cold and -Wet, but,
lie drawback, the sl
every respect. Th
ectotors, Which ve
able, being
standing t
a success ui
ance of s
; Geo.
y? Geo.
IL Mcbatogsh. Hack horse in saddle,
Jt Wm. Morrison, 2(1, John McGill.
THoROIJOHBRED CATT4E.----Milelt cow,
boxing raiseti calf in 1874, Jt Thomas
Bos one -y year -old heifer, 1st R Riley.
sThoe. oss. Bull calf,
ing raised a calf in 1874, let Thos. Ross,
2d. Thos. 'Taylor, 3d Fred. Hood. Two
heifer, 1st G Dalgarm, 2d Thos.
TaYlor. One -year-old. heifer, lest Thole
McCartney, 2d Cr, Steivait. Iteifer.
lst Thos. Ross, 24 Fred. 1-1901. 'Reeve,
lst John. McCallum, 2d ,Chae. )'rector
Gra.de bull calf, a special prize by W.
Morrison, ist John. Robertson, 2d Jas.
Anderson. ,
—Aged lam, lst H. Snell, 2d john Coul-
tis. Shearling ram, 1st John Coultas
Ram lamb. lst Jas. Sherbeotok, .2d H,
Snell. Pair aged ewes, having raised a
lamb in 1874, lst IL Snell, 2(1 joha-Coul-
tis. Pair shearling ewes, 1st H, Snell,
2d. Thos. Taylor, -Pair ewe :Iambs, let
11. Snell, 2d Duncan. Robertson. •
OCT. 2, 1iS74.
have no reason to feel ashamed. To
those wbo have devoted se liberally
their time and their means to produce
animals and articles which have gainej
for us such medit, the County ogees a
heli highest then'bleetetemninelrisateioi:
and encouragemont from us.
The "Globe's" Dishoneety,
To, the Editor of -the Huron B.rpo8itor.
i)Youf efh
a of
Huron Teachers' Association, condemn- -
in the tricky dishonesty of the Gtos,
ill) its dealing with the late Sangster
middle. The teachers throughout the
Niv3THVilikeneo, know
tdhehattn opurbelsiociutti:91, npifayaneye
Buell association, nor evidence in Sang-
stea's favor, was ever allosved in it
columns. Tyranny and oppression were
itki objects, and no matter how exculps,
toy the documents and evidenee may
halve been as against the Globes lies and
fatriestions, it was no part of the G/obet
intentions to give Sang,ster fair play,- Is
--Aged ram, lst John Cumming, 24 D.
Robertson. Shearling ram, ist John
Cumming, 2a Jas. Potter. Ram lamb,
lst -and 24 Jas. Potter. Pair ,aged ewes,
having raised lambs in 1874, lst James
to air their inferior Eng-
2d. Robert Chyle. Pair sbear-
ling ewe; 1st' Jas. Potter, 24 !John Cumwere permitted.
Pm wIambs, Tat Robert lish and bad grammar on this occasion,
mrry because they tooted to please the
things. r e Cur-
. • .
is to be hoped the teachers of Ontario -
will yet hare an opportunity of shooing
the Globe what they owe it in the matter
Of !even courtesy, not to speak of justica.
On the reverse side of this matter see
may refer to the hosts of scribblers who
fie, 24 Duncan ',Robertson. !Fat sheep,
and who, in turn again, quoted
ewe or wether, lst Arch. Nicholson.
Pros --LARGE BREED.—Aged boar, lst
ceacy he scatters abroad his aversions
them. With the most abominable inde-
Pths--Straor, Biu ED —Aged boar, let
Thos. McLau.chlin, 2(1. G. Gibson. •
cure V o tes for Sangster, not an instance
on Inepecton using their position to pro-
BashavinghoaoriVpiilg6i tijatieiltiletee(iiirleii i 1.2i8n4741:71e4sat: 213:i.: 1Anderson Sio.
of le orth York, can. brave -beat and threat -
or fellow of some such name, Inspector
of which he can vetify, while a Hogue,
21847 j4a, sisAt anncider2s
POULTRY.—Best collection of poultry,
Ittered in .i
from this dishonest sheet a word of earn.
. SAiowidepriego't
lst Mr. Wightman, 9(.1 Jas S Owens, 3d
menten teachers openly in Professor Goldwin
Smith's interest, without calling forth
Joe Stubbs, * 1 While en sub
this )ect . , let ni e revert to
btramialeers."--Democrat spring wag -
the cur of the Brockville /ferorder, who
thought he did. a smart thing in publishin,g the names of those females who voted
for Sangster. Is this scab on society a
mon f- Do they tolerate such mangy
whelps in the County of Leeds? These
ladies should go in . a body ancl scourge
the low poltroonfill:tin an 'inch of his
worthless life. I -
Leaving Sangster's domestic embar-
rassments out of - the question, which
I I know nothing of, and in respect
td which I certainly refuse to believe all
the Globe's trash, I have no hesitation in
saying that Sangster is a better man at
heart, and a better citizen to -day than
any of his traducers of the Globe office
on, lst J. fBrunsdens Plough, 1st and
24Fraser & Crilliee. Cutting box, lst
Janies Henry. • • '.
Thomson '& Williams. Farm gate let
well, lst Duncan Robertson, 24 John
Ja.mes McCallum. Two -bushels Tread -
McRae. Two bushels spring, 1st Duncan
Robertson, 2d. John MoRee. Two bush-
els of peas, lst James Owen, 3d D. Me-
ets barley, lst Robert Citrie. Two
bushels of white oats, ist J lin Robert-
son,' 24 Thomas - Anderson. Two bush-
els of
GRAIN.—TWO ° blIsheis fall wheat, lst
Three varieties of winter
apples, • four of each kind, lst James
Stewart,- 24 John Coultis: tree vane- or of the small fry who have done their
ties of fall apples, four of ereth kind, 1st
heist to curry the'favor of this disreput-
John McRae, 2.1 Robert Mc2ae. Plate -
able partizan and Selfish journal.
of peals, let Thomas Brandon, 24 Wm. .
I was wont to have a high opinion of '
Nichol. ' Collection of grapes, lst John
the Globe as an inetrnment of Reform.
McRae, 2d James Bailey. Platefof crab
Very evidently, as well as by reports,
apples, lst James Henry, 2) John Rob- .1
. Variety of its managers and. proprietors should. be
Plums' ist and 24 gin by reforming themselves. Their
John Robertsonmorals, especially:in the matters of N'e•
MAN UFACTURES.—Five yards of flan-
racity and honorable dealing,. are .at a
nel, lst Thomas Anderson. Pair home-
made blankets, lst °Gordon Young, 2d low ebb.. R. BeacKwora),
Central School, Waterloo,
Thomas Anderson. Pair of 'coarse boots, ' se Winter 80, 1874
p .
lst Mr. Roderous. Pair of fine boots '
lst Nr. Roderous. - The -Governor's Last Speeoh.
Bone, 2 D. Robeftson, 3d Jas. Stewart the Governor-Generol, in graceful terms,
Four heads of cabbage, lst Jas. Owen; alluded. to the cordiet reception -he and
24, John Robertson. Two heads eauts,_ Lady Dufferin received in every part of
flower, lst James 0 wene. Si blood beets, Ontario, and humorously referred to the
lst Win. Lobb, 2t1 James Owens. oils different kinds of arches erected. in honor
mangold wurtzel, lst Robert Riley. Six of their visit. He said : DUring thesix
'Hicks Swede -turnips lst Joe Stiibbs. 2d. Jas.
, . weeks my tour has occupied 1.
orange field carrots, lst Archibald. Nichol- spirit of contentment, loyalty and kind.-
, believe
iss A. Hem -Y. Six field carrots; Belgian, lst that I have received something like 120
Wm, Nicol, 2d. B. 'Riley. Six scarlet or addresses, every one of which breathed a
son, 2(1 Wm. Nicol • Six early horn car- Irs- In fact, from first to last, ED
rote, lst John Robertson. Six onion; I a4
rsh, desponding, or discordant note has
1st G. Gibson, 2d. Archibald Nicholsdn. Marred the jubilant congratulations of
Twelve eats &meg 1 st G. I atowaet, eel the nation. But the demonstrations
Wm. Nicol: Water melon, lst ,John .With which we have been honored have
Robertson. Musk melon; list W. Greig. , nl°t been confhaed to mere vocal greet -
Large pumpkin, lst G. Gibson. Large ings. It would be impossible to describe
squash, lst Mr. Barkle,y. Plate Of to- %tiler the beauty or the variety of the
ma -toes, lst Thomas Anderton.
, triumphal emblems which have glittered -
DAIRY PLODUCE.—Keg of salt butter, on either hand along our Way. In ad.
not less than 25 lbs., lst Wm. 1\1cRae, diticm. to the graceful and picturesque
decorations of evergreens. flags, tapestry
2d. John Robinson. Five ounds fresh
ird prismatic canopies of color flora win -
butter M rolls, 1st Ale -.x-.. tobertson, 2d
P. Porterfield. Home_ma e cheese, ea dow to window, with which the. tewns
less than 10 lbs., lst 'Gerd 'n Wilma 2.1 were gay, we have passed -under a num
Thomas Anderson. One loef home-made
bread, lst Mrs. GallagherS 24 ThOmas
Anderson. - 1
Robt. Miller. • Crocbet woiqz, 1st Joseph
England, 2(1,Robt. Miller. i Fancy knit-
ting, lst Robe. Miller. Bead work ist
James Avery. Patchwork! on quilt, 1st
Mrs. Gallagher. Gent's !linen shirt,
hand. made, 1st Mrs. Gallagher. Braid-
ing, lst Jas. And.erson. IPair woollen
stockings, lst Gordon Yolmg. Pair
woollen socks, 1st Gordon .roung. Pair
woollen gloves, lst Donald Robertson.
Rag mat, 1st and 2d Jas. Naylor. _
gelding, lst Jas. Anderson, 24 J. Cum- themselves 'dropped fatness, for not un -
SPECIAL PRIZES.÷ -Farm horse, mare or
mings. Keg of salt butter; weighing 50 frequently magic cheese or other comes -
lbs., lst Wm. McRae. piiir 0± cotton
tthle would deacead into our carriage.
stockings, lst Mr. Gallagher. 4s for the Countess of Dill:kohl, she has '
R.ECOMM E ND ED. —Peas, G. Robertson. gatrs
been nearly smothered beneath the nose.
which tamed down. upon. het; for
ties of potatoes, peck of eaeh, lst John I In replying to the Brockville address,
ty was
it, last.
ow was
uld., no
- doubt, haVe been mach tarter had
as very
depart -
v which
Ji year.
re most
go and
oot so
to the
, but on
did net
year as
the ae-
n sheep
d Many
f hogs
ut, even
Ire been
ggies on
, Most of which h d been
ed. at Myth, and ,Loa esboro.
seal implements, Om. = Was a
fair • display. Here,. as el ewhere,
Messrs. Thomson - & Williau
prominent exhibitors, and • thei
meats .attracted considerable
and admiration. The Bruce li
of Teeswater, was also welt repr tented.
The inside portion of the sljow was
equally as uccessful as the outs de. In
dairy products -and. roots, there was an
excellent shOsy. The. quality of he fruit
was very good, but the displa , as is
usual this year, was not very lar e.. The
grain was tolerably fair, and. male. quite
a good displey. . The ladies' (tepee-tie:eat
was well rePtesented, and Made a good
appearance.l rtment
had all the
hall, but t
place large
whole, so it
the Soeiety
hell of -tits
the weather :been favorable,
fair. The how in many of tho
niente was the best breech sho
,eld in the County t
, especially , in th
working °lased, w
imals. The rri:
has been
The horse
draught an
superior a
buggy -horses, . however, vere
good, The addle horses Were
fair,- and in this class Mal W
eison's handeonie bay was conch
The cattle were not quite erma
hones, although there was
of gore' anitnols. Many of tho
would have appeared to better at
had they been. in. good. :conditio
account of 'poor pasturage, cattl
present as nne an appearance thi
when pasturage was wore
This slion41 suggest to farmer
cessity of :growing more green
and. depending less on grass. 1
there was q. very large display, e
superior anititals.The diepla
was not so large as of sheep,
in this -c1a.-s, the show mighale
called a s iccees. There were
• very hands me carriages and bi
the gtoun
In agricult
's were
The inside: dep
appeared to better a
articles been shown
ire was ,no otie hall
tiough to accorumo
had to be divided.
will soon have grouu
wile A Society wh
m one
in the
te the
e trust
t and a,
eh cim
get up so good a show should ha show
ground. All that is required to secure
this, is & united effort on the par
members, oflicers and others int
and the inei eased prosperity of
ciety would well repay the labo
red. The following lathe prize 1
lof the
the So-
st :
HORSES. ---Brood mare, having raised
foal in 1874, lst Jas. Anderson. 4(1 John
• Sher -
ear -old
Wil -
Cumming, 3d Jas. Sherbrook.
foal, lst John Cumming, 24 J.
brook, 3d Jos. Anderson. Two -
filly, lst Robert Riley, 24 Tho
kinson. Tsto-year-old gelding, 1t John
McRae. Span farm horses, m res or
geldings, 1st John Agnew, 24 !Robert
Coultis, 3d Thos. Agnew. Bugg horse,
mare or gelding, lst Chas. Black ess
ler of the most ingenious and suggestive
arches. There was an arch of cheeses
(laughter), an arch of salt, an areh -of
wheel -s, an arch of hardware, stoves, and
pots and pans (great laughter), an arch
of sofas, chairs and household furniture
(laughter), au arch of ladders laden with
firemenin their picturesque costume; an
arch of carriages (laughter), an arch of
boats, a Free Trade arch, a Protectionists'
arch (great laughter), an arch. of ell-
dren, and, last of all, an arch—no, not
an arch—but, rather, a celestial rajah°,
cif lovely young ladies! (Great laughter
and applause). Indeed, the Heavens
Grass seed, John Itebertsoi Carriage,
J. Brunsden. Brigg.y, J. Brunsden.
Double cutter; J. Ilrunsden.
Huron at the Provhioial.
In addition to those whose names we
mentioned last week as liaving taken
prizes at the Provincial xhibition, we
notice the following from Huron, in the
prize list : Best Canada bred. draught
stallion, Wharton Hodgison, Exeter,
" Young England's Glory " bred by
Thomas Werry, Usborne ; iest yeorling
colt, Alex. Innis, Stanley ; third best
yearling colt, Thomas -F1%1-flag, Tucker -
smith ; best brood mare with foal by her
side, James McDonogh, Colborne; third
best broo.1 mare with foal by her, side,
John Glen, Colborne ; third best three-
year-old imported. stallion, Charles Ma-
son, Tuckersraith ; second best two-year-
old imported stallion,,James McDonoola
Colborne • third. best two-year-old im-
ported filly, Hugh Love, Sr., Hay; best
Yorkshire boar pig, John Ciunming,
Hullett ; best set of horse shoes, Graham
Seaforth ; best collection of
pluoas, six varieties, Thomas Hoare,
Wawa,nosh ; best collection of plums, red
or blue, six varieties, Thomas Hoare,
Wawanosh ; second best 12 cooking
plums, Thomas Hoare, Wa,wanosh ; sec-
ond best six common peaches, Miss M.
J. Moseley, Goderich ; beet six peaches,
yellow flesh, Miss M. J. Moseley, God-
erich. We also notice that Mr; W. N.
Cresswell has been very successful in the
fine arts department, having obtained
eight prizes for his paintings, of Which
we may mention the following: Best
landscape, Canadian subjeet ! best ani-
mals, from life; best" laucisca.pe or
marine painting, not Canadian subject.
The above, in addition to the prizes we
mentioned last week, makes a very fair
record for Huron, and one of which we
Our path has been strewed with flowers.
One town, not content with fulfilliug its
Splendid programme of procession,
orks and illuminations, concluded its
reception by the impromptu conflagration
of half a street (laughter and applause),
and when, the next morning, 1 thougtt
it my duty to condole with the anthem
ties on their misfortune, both the owner
of the property and the Mayor assured
Me, with the very heroism of politeness,
that the accident Would produce a great
improvement of the
I--Rev. Wm. Cochrane, of Brantford,
has declined the call to the Bay street'
presbyterian Church, Toronto.
—James ftlartin, of Stephen, while at
the Zurich show, on Tuesday, sold -a
gra.m *
for the very considefu
_The Ontario Government has just
rinted and circulated a new bill in re-
lation to agricultural societies, &c,,
Which is a clause that prohibits horse-
tca:ictilTIngn fivenagiirliecelloirirta01 shows, the yoorr devagY48
exhibition. This clause.appears to be
hot uncalled for, and,will effectually Put
a, stop to an evil that would soon be gle-
istinruoctityenosehfthecekoeba.jects of these shoo,
, —At a meetino of the millers of Oar
tario, held in foronto last week, the
following resolution was carried unani-
mously : " That it is desirable that the
millers of Ontario should, for the protec-
tion and advancement of their interests,
form themselves into an associationatc
be called the Ontario Millers' Associa-
bon." The association was forme(l by
celheactirbanglauM,rivC.hHar.lells sref.o,0Pfat.
rout°, Vice -Chairman, and an "Executite
Committee formed of representative All
len in various parts of the Province.
. -
Saturday, Oct 3, on
fray, Farm Stock! ;
Nichol Shirray, Arithin
Bisb.op, auctioneer.
Monday, Oct. 5, on
MeKillop, Farm of 10} Oae
and Implements. 1 Mic
proprietor :1 P. Brine,
Monday; Oct. 12,I, on
MeKillop, Farm Stock at
Mathew Purcell, prOpriets
• auctioneer,
Tuesday, Oet. 20j on
McKillop, Farm Stock an
Peter & James Stewart,
Bullard, auctioneer.:
idence of the bride's fa
by Rev. Mr. Webst
Sqoire, of sUeborue,
Snell, eldest daughter
Esq., Hallett.
28, by Rev. S. Terwiii
• at& Parish, to Miss
both of Usborne.
McG LOCH Litr—Hosx ISSt.
ROdgervi.BA on --'ep't.
McGloeldie, to Miss
est daughter of Mr.
all of Exeter.
23, by Rev,. J. B. Keo
. Lowrie, ,to Mies Ar
daughter of W.I
SWEET= Para.—At 1
Exeter, by Rev.II.
r. Thomas Sweet,
Miss Mary ProtA, of F
Christian Church, CI
30, by Rev. R. Alli
Jordan,' of ,Goderich
Miss Sally Maiming,
DEstaist.—At Staffe, on
clenly, of cholera -in
Howard, infant WA
MoNe in. —In. Grey, at,
deuce, on Sept 23, Jai
aged 86 years and 6 ni
of Wigtensh;re, Intel
sbire, Scotland. ,
IsfstKizenoto—In Whitt
on Sept 15, Annie Al
l‘fordech McKinnon.,
and 6 months. Deeei
of GIengany, S)nt, A
ident of TockersM
ELLIOT. —At Staffa.,
phoid fever, afteral
weeks, Alexander I
aged 34 years.
SHINE. —in (trey, on t:
Shine, aged 68Iyears.
25, Charles Andrew,
Mr. Charles Suthi.
years and 9 months.
. We have -igai thui7:
farther decline in the la
we are sorry to note
seems to have still a do,
Coarse grains keep up
market for' these is I
dealers are -looking fort-
is particularly dreaded
the most likely to t
&Dotty ferebodiags ef
ever, not be realize
that they ma,y,_
good. demand and hig
has been a fair suppl
week. Eggs are beeo
ami hav,e taken. a eta
is -coming forward
still contiusiee good.
beef offeripg yet.
ttantaiera (new)...... —
Spring Wheat, 1erimahol.4
()ate (new) per
Peas tneiv) per bushel....;._
Barley (new) per busitel•-.;'
Btifter,No. Leose,..,...
)38,agtties.r !n, • •
. .. •
Veal eaLf., per ponral...
Iiingb Skins.—
Balt trefoil) per barrel..i..
Balt twholesole) per ban
Pototees, per 1)114001e*
.0strneta bra.
WooLL —
Tan bark • ..... • • .... •
Fall Wheat, per lanael. •
Spring..Wheat, per bobbe
Oats, per butibel; •
Baxley, per 1)13110.
Pees, per bashelt,
Butter .
Eggs -
Hay, pa ton,- -
White wheat, ij
$1 -60 to $1 12;
to $1 70 ; Ted Will
spring wheat, $1
to$1 ; peas, $
$1 55 to $1 ,81.
Butter, erock, 25c
28e to 30e, firkin,
There were m t
wheat at $1 05 to
to $1. 05 for Tread
12,000 bushels of
400 bushels of pre
bushels 01 oats at
in small supply,
according to qu
dearer, eelling at s
Butter was firm a
rolls. Eggs sold.
01 cattle at thig
eontintse to be
and inferior, pr
way slightly,
and very firm.
eraging 1,000 lb
eragiag 1,100
year-old steer's;
560; two cars,
$48; one ear,
$43 ; two cars s
lbs, at 50, ion
950 lbs, at $37.
'SHEEP. —The
during the poet