HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-10-02, Page 27
An incident in ltietropoiftan Lire.
Something I saw exhibited in thedtvin-
dow attracted my atterttion, and induced
me to enter the shop of Messrs. Beldam
Brothers. It was!certainly not the tick-
et inscribed, "First floor to let, unfur-
nished ;" it was -rather, if I remember
rightly, a delicate little tazza, of geautne
Venetian glass, cnriously designed, and
rich in dainty opaline theta and reflec-
tions. I W11.8 11i a humble way, and for
nay own gratification simply, a colleetor
of trifles of that kind. The Messrs, Rek-
lam were Gt3Tma4 Jews -or -Polish, I'm
not sure which -dealing in old. piceui•es,
curiosities, articles of virtu, and an-
tiquities. Their house .was situated
in a dull street , in the Soho die-
trict. Fashion 4...d_ gentility had., no
.doubt, in times pad made their home
there ; they had Iona since vanished,
however, leaving in their stead a eat of
dingy respeceability, and an air of trade
of rather a torpid character. Shops and
private lioneee -were much intermgled,
but there were few evidences of business
being very actively carried on. , The
street could.notr boast much traflc, for
although a thoroughfare,i it led o no-
where in particular, and offered small
advantages as a short-ent It was bound-
ed on the north by Oxford street, tnd on
the scath'by an iutticate taugle of courts
-. and alleys. The houses were of a sub-
stantial, spacious, old-fashioned class,
with rather dimly lit rooms.
The contents of the shop almost defy
eieumeration. They were such, however,
as are usually to be found in the posseee
sion of traders in curiosities, had been
collected from all parts of the globe, and
pertained to every period, with the ex-
ception, perhapei of the present. There
were weapons and armor, of couree, in
peat abundance, with carvings in wood
and ivory, painting and enamels,' china
and glass,_gems, coins, embroideries,
lace, antique furniture, feathers, idols,
stuffed animals, skins, monstrosities of
all kinds, and other multitudinous ob-
jects.; I was kapressed by the extent
and value of the ,eipllection: It filled the
shop quite to it remote corners, leaving
only a_ little patch of vacancy in the cen-
tre of -the floor. Eves the ceiling was
crowded and ene rageous with precious
things -among ti.em, pendent lamps of
every device, and chandeliers that were
perfect thickets o crystal.
Mr. Aaron Rek ara, with whom I first
became acquainted, was by no means the
"cturesque Jew of fiction. He was not
nt with age; he wore no flowing beard.
r long draperies ; no velvet skull -cup
crowned_ him ; his skin was not of parch-
ment, nor was hisface hollowed lend
dinted by the hand of time. He 'las
siraply dressed, And had, the air of a Lon-
don tradesman of reputable position. In
answer te my inquiries, I was wafted.
by him to the upper floors of the borne.
The two drawing -rooms were altogether
enapty-olefty, wainscoted ehanabers, with
heavy cornices and richly moulded ceil-
ings. They led to a third room, loog and
narrow-, looking auto the leatle and. sky-
light of the back shop below, and boast-
ing a side -view of a small garden beyond,
in which lauguished a plane -tree and,
some lilac buzhes of rather wan and sick-
ly appearance. In the • rooms above, I
was given to understand the Brothers
Reklam resided, still among stores of
treasures sinailarIto those crowdiing the
Bk op below.
first thing that struckit wit e surprise.
Then, I had freeh cause or astonishment
in seeing that the shop shutters were now
v ry seldom removed. My landlords
h (It as it seemed, abandoned all attempt
to darry on publicly their trade as deal-
er in antiquities and euriosities. But
t ey watched ine, I felt persuaded, more
.01 sely than ever: I w s conscious that
m residence. under tie ir roof was bee
cdming more and more painful and un -
et durable.
arrived, and for
Aaron Reklani did, not quit me tuntil
had pledged myself to bpcome theltenan
of the vacant first -floor e What :whet m
to this step, I do not even nowSelearl
understand. It ,was true that I Wat4 a
the time under notice to quit the ledging
I had occupied during some year. Th
hose was tote pulled detwit, sol that
new street might be constructed, or som
. other metropolitan improvement of tha
nature carried into effect. . For this pur
pate an act of Parliament had been ob
tained, and all doe forms obserte
I was in a sluggish. sort of a w
there was no special need for h
had still some weeks before me -
out for lodgings., Still, as 1 hae e said,
I engaged to be t le occupant of the apart
Next day, re
entered. the sho
cuse myself, an
. An
ste ;
nting of the bargain,
again, resolved to ex
now, for the first time,
saw Nathan, the elder brother, who ke-
ceived me withall -politeness. . To go
off, was irnpossi.‘le ; besides, I saw tha
the rooms had their advantages. I
short, I took possession of them trust-
ing to have some degree of comfort. Af
ter a day metwo's experience, I heel nth
ing to cerapla,in of but a certain degr
of mysteriousness which pervaded th
dwelling. One Ar other of the brother
was often hanging about, as if liatenin
or making obsertations ; and occasion9.113
there were loud rid unpleasant quarrel
in an unknown
thing I knew, mi
They were ce
I had got anion
tated running way;abut such
-would have involved forfeiture o
goods. I thenefore held on.
months had pasded in this fashio
had been no change in the situ
affairs, and I had added littde
stook of _observations concerni
Brothers Rekla,m, their proceedin
ways of life, except in this resp
had not failed to note that all their col
lection of treasures, notwiths andin
their business, Was almost altog ther a
a stand -still. T tey were tradesi len ap
pareiatly possessbd. of an abund nce o
wares, but they keally traded in 4otbiug.
No eustomer ever entered the slop; o
if they did, it evas only to quit lt agaa
rapidly, without auy sale or purchas
having been effected. Sometiines, in
deed, the shutters remained eloped to
days together.
. Another thing I remarked too, was tlie
late hours they ept. They were seldoni
absent from thj house, and they never
so far as I could ascertain, received. any
visitors. Yet they seemed to be moved
by an extreme Irepugnence to retire to
rest. At all tines of the night, I couk.
hear them stirring in the house, restles
in the shop, or passing up and. down, th ing to prise the locks o
staircase, or pac:ing to and fro tlie floorin couvincing myself th
above me. Their movements weregenef
r ly been made secure a,
rally of a ste.altly kind, as though th' without. Then, with de
were seeking to make as little noise fl, a,nd with all the strengtl
possible • it might be out of consideratio i I dashed a heavy chair r
for my comfort. - But now and then.: of the front room.
their disposition to quarrel asserted it
self. 1
The domesticarrangements
no means effective, but they a
my moderate wants. There was
lar female servant -only a sort o
woman, who came in the mor
prepare breakfatt, and again a
tongue, which, for any
ht be Hebrew or Polish
ainly a strang peopl
st. At times, I medi
• ste
all m3
; the
to m
S, an
ct :
The summer -time had
Berne days the weather had been almost
if sufferably sultry. II could. Scarcely
b eathe in my murky, Oppressive apart-.
i ents. The moulded ceiling and the
p relied walls seemed now to absorb all
the air as well as allthe light.
I was sitting in the third hoom -at the
back a my bedroom, I remember, which
was coraparatively cool r than the others,
for it was not subjected. tc the fierce
gilare of the ofternoon sun, as they were.
It was night, a very still, air ss, summer
night. The moon was hinii g through a
sultry mist. I was s eking a cigaae 1
bad abandoned articl afte article of
dress, and Was certainly in, r ther en un-
ttired, condition. But el th clothes
ere not to be borne in enel weather.
IL1 quest of more eiir, I ad. stepped
rem my window on to the 1 ads beneath
the roof of Messrs. Rekhem s back shop.
he plane tree and the 1 lac bushes,
ooking more pallid than ver as the
, ooialight blanched their eaves, were
n my left hand. B•fore ilne WAS the
aised skylight of the shob below, the
laity- pancn reddenedby t1.e gleaming
. Scarcely
f a 1ght _burning heneet
thinking of what 11 dui, as 'I Smoked, I
leant over the skylight, and endeavored
o peer through its glass. I could dis-
ern, but only in a vague sort of way,
he figures of my landlords moving hith-
✓ and. thither, and employed. I_ know not
recisely how. There was no mistaking
he fact, however, that they were very
busy. _What they were doing, was by
no means clear tO me.' I stood for some
moments observing them. They were
surrounded 'by papers an
much I could clearly
by various packages and b
they seemed_ to be patiaing
left, as though they Were
taking note of theta ; but.
could not be quite centain. °
On a sudden, and acc'deotally, for
there could not possibly h
design in the matter, A
raised his eyes frorn the
ari(l fixed there. on
above.. Then I became 6
he had .perceived my pr
ably, my figure, seen wi
light behind ine, presente
ject, that was only to be
the fact, that some one w
upon hitn and observing
ings ; or it might he that
ed me by the light of ray
moment it seemed to me
upoa me the istrangeiglare
eut!scintillating green e
was' darkness. He had
gas. I could. see aaothi
some trepidation, I tares,
I slept very ill that night, I remem-
ber ; not merely beeau.se of the oppre-
sive heat of the weather,aad the lack of
freshness in the air; but 11 wee greatly
disturbed in mind. .Moreover, my fore-
head burned, my heart b
ly ; I was in a state of fe
nen. When sleep at las
my dreams were terrible.
an agonizing nightrnar
Reklam haunted. me. I
sight of their pallid faces
of strenge aituatione,
menacing eyes !teemed tq
find. rile out, to scorch
me through and ihroug
bear upon me all kinds o
tures. I became couv
were hent upon my deist
this means, now by t
hesitation was as to th
they should inflict upon
at a len to decide upon
painful. At length, as
had resolved upon my alassination, by
a varied system of inbe4 e and horrible
cruelty, to be gradually pplied, with a
view to my greater suffei g:
. I awoke in a dreadful p me. It seem-
ed to me that a rope ci cled my neck, •
and that ray landlords h slow degrees
were tightening it , mare and more. I
experienced au aemitzing enee of suffoca-
tion. In my ararin, I now, I leapt
from my bed, and good for a moment
swaying to and fro _Upon. he floor like a
drunken -man. What ad happened ?
• T asked 'myself. . Srmething dreadful, I
knew, ,
• There was a strange crimson light
throbbing and flickerizi1 in the romn.
The air was thick with smoke, and the
. .
stifliug fumes of some • g or spirit of
extraordmAry pungency. 1. could hear,
. .
too, wild cries in the treet, without,
louti knocking at the ou r door of the
house, and the roaring, 'ackling sounds
of beruing wood, and he licking and.
writhing of mounting fla. es. The house
of Masers. Reklam Brot •rs was on fire !
There was not a mi te to lose. I
hasti12.7 gathered about a few articles
of dress. My alarm an agitation were
extreme, but I had the. use to perceive
that I could. only hope to escape with
life -if even that was s 411- possible.
at one abandoned all sougtit of res-
cuingaught else from t flames. . Yet
it wai, even in that m ent of panic,
with a sigh of deep ang i.h I turned my
back lupou all my hou hold treasures
and possessions. One gl ce of farewell,
and then I hurried froi thein to the
door Of my frit room, eading to the
stairc?.se. •
It ten. as locked othe z tside. So also
were the two other eloor
egresa from my apartmei
bilitr of My escape ha
and provided against.
and the fire was &win
nearer and. nearer to m
smoke was so dense, blit
lying,' that I was crouch
to avoid it as much as p
Mulch valuable time I
books -to
• rceive-and,
utiles, which
rout right' to
minting and
'en of this I
ve been any
ron Reklant.
table -before
the skylight
uscious that
ence. Prob-
h. the moon -
dark ob-
explained by
looking down
his proceeed-
e had detect -
cigar. For a
ere gleamed_
t his pronain-
es. Then all
anted. off the
mare. In
d to my bed-
flection of
driven back
semi -circle
space in fro
worked free
ed witha. wer, which mirrored igntiy
the red sky and the lea,pirg fire. Eivery
neighboriug window was crowded iwith
scared look rs-on. It wasstrange{ and
most excith
the dense t
me at the
was chee
I had been
tion upon
these cries
in full wo
hiss and sp
screaming of the flames which se
to issue chiefly from the floors ahoy
op at the
he flames. The police had
the erowd, so as tie foritt
f spectators, with .suffident
it for /the fire -engines to be
y. roadway was flood.-
t distreseing-
erish restless -
came to me,
I underwent
the Brothers
ould never lose
In all kinds
heir gleaming
follow me and
up and pierce
, to bring to
pangs and tor-
ced that they
uction, now by
• Their only
kind of death
e. They were
ne sufficiently
thought, they
g scene. The uproar when
• rong below caught .sigl t of
indow was indeed alar ing,
ed and applauded, as th ugh
popular can tidate for lelec-
he hustings. But &bone all
I could plainly 'hear the
pulsing sound of the engines
-the rush and. gurgle the
ash of falling water -and the
and from the built -out s
'of the houee.
Trembling all over, I
window -sill .on te the pr
The penellingewas co
ere i ed, aid through the ope
swereci a thick voluMe of. poism
o regued into the room. Bo
char ,i
held fast, a.nd still my
ing tol vented, even had the et
tteared1 remained passable, whi
for a short time' at night. This suited! doubtful, for alrady
tolerably wen, fer I did not dine in the furi°RslY•
house. Odd jobs and errands were exee The window was now
euted by a small. Jewish boy. The • dis- 1 looked out. There w
appearance of this little fteliow Was the turned faces -orange -hu
• 1
that permitted
s. The posst- 1
been foreseen
Was a prisoner,
every moment
• Akeady the
• ing and. dupe -
g ou-my knees
epped fro
jecting co
of the shop -front below. I then 3et my-
self down gradually, and. after chi ging
to the ledge, for it moment, droppe sev-
eral feet on to ' the pavement. I was
saved from falling by the sturdy armwof
a policemen. I was hal heuffocated; and.
my eyes smarted terr
were torn and. bleeding,
seemed badly sprained ;
unitfj u red.
In right, I Supppse, o
cape, and my dawfut int
astrophe, I was peon
near the fire -engines an
progress of the csonflagra
couscious,for some time
was most inceniplete, an,
asted in labor -
my doors, and
they had..real-
Met rne ',froth
erate violence,
I could. muster,
aipst the door
peeysmas -
me thus made
us smoke pour -
still the lock
cape was pre-
rcase without
• seemed most
was burning
y sole chance.
a sea of up -
from the re -
bly ; my hands
nd. both ankles
otherwise I was
my narrow es -
Test in the cat-
tted. to remain
to watch the
ion. I was n-ot
that my dress
that I was up
to my ineteps in writer.
Suddenly, I found_ Aaron Reklam close
beside me. He started, back when he
observed me -not merely with surprise,
but also, as I judged, lwith ala.rm 9,nd
aversion. He was in a tate of extreme
' I never dressed so
life," he said, in a tre
he rubbed his hands to
He N172.4 bareheaded -I
light of the flames his
but his attire was comp
spects, even to the nes
his shire collar and neck
quickly in my
uloua voice, and
ther nervously.
uld note by the
rtial baldness ;
eta in other re-
adjustment of
rchief. I could
not doubt that he had never undressed
stall. -
He turned his gleamirlig eyes full upon
me; his gaze se.eined to me more bauefal
and. maleficent than ever. For a mo-
ment I almost dreaded personal violence
at his hands. , .
" You've.had. a nar oescape," he
"i`a;Very narrow." He looked as though
he grunged me my life not bitterly.
• It was an accident though it broke
out in two or three pi .es at once. I
can't think how it happened." And
again he glared. at me.
• "You can't either, I suppose ?" he
"1 cannot tell," I sai1. faintly.
" It will be the ruin o me -of the firm
-the complete ruin."
"You're not insured
".Yee, we're insured,
full amount -not ne
but not for the
ly--only for a
"And. your brother-1ir. Nathan -is
he safe ?"
"He was
went back :
of time to
"And he's not been een since ?"
" No not since. Bit it we only a
right. .Nathan
burst upon inc.
on fire for the
oney, and. I had.
ger, and destroy-
lor to the pro -
cc -ding. While this p geed through my
mind, Nathan Beldam ade him appear-
ance at the open 'wive door. With a
wild cry, Aaron rush d towards him,
Lt shut the door. 1 e wiehed to be
the sole beneficiary. T ie confusion. was
so great that few took eed of the broth-
ers. Thick clouds of d at now mingled
with the smoke. The rowd was driven,
farther beck by conic yards. Even the
firemen were forced to retreet.
The outer wall of I the !house had
fallen. 1
I remember nothin
found, as I afterwards
seneeless upon the wet
carried upon the shou
by-standers t� a nei
There I remained some
ing conditior • of exh
a mome
I told him
save aorn
7 17
and seventh of 14 y ; the seventh and
fifteenth of June; t e fifth and ninete nth
of July:tne el and seventeen h of
August; the sixth and seventeent of
September; the siXth of October; the
fifteenth and. nine Centh of Novern er ;
and the fifteenth, sixtecnth and se en-
teenth of .1)ccembcr. As to the best day
of the week, why :
" Mouttiy for wealth;
Tuesday fOL health;
Wedneaday t.Iie best day of all.
ThnrNayj for crosses.
Friday to Poses ;
Saturday no 1 ek at all."
t ago. But he
there was plenty
documents of
moment ago. He's al
kuows what he's *bout
The horrid truth the
The plae:e had. been set
aake of the insurance yr
been decoyed. to be a lo
ed, in order to give a c
more. I was
learnt, stretched
oadtvey, aml was
iders of friendly
ghboring tavern.
(lays an slam-
ustiou and de-
• •
The Broth on Reklani were not again
seen alive. t was gerairelly agreed that
they had botji perished. in the fire of their
utionl had over-
wayi NO trace
ered in the ruins
were any e relics
het lead once fill -
ver ewing My
that these had
althily removed
re broke oat.
the !newspapers.
erioue Couflagra-
s Lott." Noth-
blicly, however,
re of the occur-
- .
own contriving-retril
taken them in -a terribl-
of them was lever disco
• of the building. Nor
found. of the itreaesures
ed their pr misee to
own. belief 1 =as, and is
been -carefu ly and s
some time fore the
Brief par graphs in
were devote( ao the " ,
tion in Soh . t -Two Liv
ing was eV r said p
:as tO the NU, picious nat
• rence. ,
At a later date, I w s enabled to as-
certain that Iessrs. _Rekloan't house and
its contents la(l been insured, to 4 very
large s.moun - Of the early e histOry of
the brothersI could le rn nothing. The
fireman meth no secret of their ()pinion
that the firef was the fesulti of design.
The flames, they said, 1ad bten eeen to
burst forth simultaneously frotra three
• distinct parts of the hOose. e Something
also they dicl not hesitate to allege as to
the employment of na btha or turpen-
tine to quicken the a -tion pf the fire.
And they emegratulat cl meJ as I con-
gratulated myself, upoi my almost mir-
aculous ea.cape. .
No relatives or repre entativcs of the
brothers ever appeared to claim the
amount of the insuren cemoney. No
one, indeed, even venti. red to own kin-
dred with the depar ed Reklams. I
have often been teld that 1 Acn ,;vv mere
About them. than. anybotly else. Well, I
did not know much; but der minty, to
my thinking, T knew -m. ough.1
Had any claim. beenj made upon. the
policies, I was inforined that the -offices
were fully prepared to I resist it, simply
on the ground of fraud, and of this, as
in too many cases, ther
very sufficient . eviden
bausted, however, all
the subject.
--oar* 4111,
was !held to be
e. 1 have ex --
y information on
are just 32 days in the 3
is unadvisable to join
first, second, third,
tenth, and twelfth of J,
sixtb, and eighth of
a,nci eleventh of April
(titian smith there
ear up= which it
ourth, seventh,
nuary ; the first,
arab ; the sixth
tee fifth, sixth
BREA4CFAST.--E s's 00e0A. ---G11 ATE -
Fire AND COMFORTI G. -` 'By ,a thorough
knowledge of thej natural 1 ws which
govern t e operat ens of di estion, and
nutrition, and by s careful applicatiPn. of
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Mr. Epps has provided our breakfit4t ta-
bles with a delicately flavoured beverage
which may sa:ve eft many heavy dodtors'
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sin-1ply with Boiling Water or Milk.
Each packet is labelled -Jamas EilTs &
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1/411,NUFACTURE OF 0000A.-" W will
now give an account of the process a opt-
ed by Messrs. James Epps & Co., man-
ufacturers of dietetic articles, at their
works in the Eueton Road, Land n" -
Caesell' liou8e1i old Guide.
A Goon HORSE. -" There is frmuch
pleasure and profit in the service of a
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in IL bad_ one ; " no person from d,hoice
.will retaiu a bad horse, many, howlever,
are in the possession of such who need
not be. We think there are few horses
so ball but that their condition c n be
improved and rendered more va1iabIe
and. useful for their owners, to effet
which there is nothing equal to 'f Dar-
ley's Condition Powders and Allabian
Heave Remed.y ; " it has effhc
tonishing results in thousands of ases.
Remember the name and. soe th4t the
signature of Hurd & Co. is onl each
package. Northrop & Lyman, To onto,
Ont., proprietors for Canada. S d by
all medicine 'dealers.
tar Ille wrier three cold in sucC
will, with m ny conetitations, se
establish the eeds of consumption
system, thus onverting what WAS
ally a simple, curable affection, in
generally fa al. Ordinary pru
therefore, ma es it the business of
one tie take are of a oold. until i
rid of. Fort nately "Bryan's Pu
Wafers" are thoroughly adapted
move speedil all coughs and col
are equally effective in the p
stages of •onenniption, asthm
bronchitis. Sold. by all medicin
ers at 25 cen per box.
n the
en ee,
very -
is got
to re -
La and
deal -
• Exhaustioi and degeneration follow
the excessia use of the senses, ithout
due intermL of rest for repair. 1 In. or-
der to maintain the wonted ener g, the
foroe expended, whether of body o mind,
must be re tored. When the e pendi-
ture of braii matter and other. ervous
matter is c titinued by over w rk, the
early extinc ion of life itself may be look-
ed. for as th • result of such degsn ration.
The ingre iente oomposing elbws'
Compound Syrup of Hypoph4aphite.
are such as onetitute healthy bl od, re-
establish sound nerves and sen es, and
will, eons • ently, not only prevnt this
exhaustion, but in most oases restore
such as is 1 st.
Pieas.-- he liver, of thousa ds are
made migmatite by the sufferins from
thie dreadf 1 disease. If every o e knew
that he colild be cured -for froni one *o
five dollarsehow readily he wont pay it.
Yet such 1.1 the cone. Fowle's Ile and
Humor Cline is an almost infant la cure.
We warrhult every- bottle, and i it does
not cure ani afford perfect alai faotiou,
,the money will be refunded.
A- that a remedy interaed for popedar use should
he not only tozo.gly reliable eel oshettfie, hat
iatapable of produoing danforeus r1t. Tlea
treatment of 41d llttgering complaints 111 nasseasar-
ily protnweed and if deleterious, trap srtaken
tato the .yItejn for a long time they noa Assam/-
late and do m re hana ths.n se;o1. Dr. heeler's
Compound M1 Kir of Phosphates end Oali ye., con-
taining elem nts of the tissues, eatr ddseaeod
bone, muscle, and serves, and renew. °media-
tional vigor ini the same manner as our y toed,
with no more 1abt1t4y ef injury. It ma he taken
In all forme o debility in the young or 44, with
positive eerts lay of permaaent benefit.
Avoid. Qlisalra. - •
A of earlyindiscretion, causlng nervous
debility, rematnre decay, &a, havI4gtried in
vain every a vertised remedy, has die ()Tared a
simple inean of self-oure, whieh he will seed tree
to his fellow- afferers. Address, j. H. JtRWVMS
78 NAN/MU. St est, New York. •
• The best prep
Ing, and
This lavabo
the publto,kn
claim for it.
seta ingredis
merits, we ea
and sure rem
toring grey b.
kealthy tone
to grow Into
where the hai
able, as it lnij
to adndre.
For sale by
Seaforth, and
Ir.noss' Hair Beam.
ration in as for rested , preserr-
eautifying the kelx, end r dot-
ing it soft and glosay.
ble preparation we would present te
wing it bo possess all tij virtue we
•Being gerteetly free frets all LINA.-
ts, and oompoeed solely of marl-
eonedenkly seamen/I it as a safe
ay for the "Falling of thepa-
ir to its °regime color, i parting a
nd vigor to its roots, sad ostaidng it
tautly. As a Cosmetie clue even
is strong and healthy, it is herein -
art* a rich glossiness+ aed silken up -
h no one who ioees bei- ty ecu fell
rewire4 only by
Heetwess A Co.,
asseaties1 Cheinista, Load
PRICE, 30 onNTs.
. s. ROB ICRT8 and R. LI
by Druggists generally.
. . The
resat Female /tem
than any medicine ever before discovered. It con-
tains no Alcohol or other volatilo liqeide, cense-
queutly lessee nothing by evaporation. Wherever
applied you get the benefit of every deep, whereas
with other preparations neerle all the alcohol is,
lost in that way, and you get only the email quart
tity of oils whiehst.hNey Tnillayomeelet• ss,fitli- Etru- N. T.
And NORTHROP & LYMAN, TOeonto, Ont.,
Sole Agents for the Dominiou.
None.---Electric-Seleeteil and Eleeirized.
utdeiin. nSeaforth by E. Hickson & Co -and R.
Fowle's Pile and Humor Jure.
Wan-anted.the only Rare mei perfect, are for all
kinds of Piles. Scrofula, Tetter, or Ring -
Worm, Salt Rheum, an& all, tliaeasnis of
the iikin.
One Bottle warranted to cure all eaSts of Piles.
From ono to three bottles in all Nuns ef Humors.
This remedy has beau used in aorne of the
worst forms of Scrofula, Salt Rheum and Diseases
of the skin with entire suocese. Many macs baste
been cured by an outward application billy. Hun-
dreds of letters and certificstea are how in the
proprietor's possession, which eau be liCC71 011 ap-
N. B. -The medicine is entirely yeget.b1e in its
composition. '
In all cases of failure, dealers are equested to
refund Ilse money. Buy of none wleil do not war-
rant it, as all dealers receive back their money
from the proprietor. •
Sept. 4, 1874. General Agents, Montreal.
$5 TO $20 pee
All themes; 'of working
dey. Assents wanted,
people, of either sex, young or olded make motes
at work for us in their spare moments, or all the
time, than at anything else. Particulars free.
Address G. STINSON & Co., P ortlandeq a ine. 28-1
.roe exxxonroee pree .
reeHIS inval able medicine is tinfailli g in the
leure of all those painful and danger° s diseases
to which the female oonstitution is s bleat. It
moderates all eieess and removes all ob truotions,
and a speedy tire may be relied 0/3.
Te married adios, it is peenliarly snit d. It will
in a short tim ,bring on the monthly p tied with
These Pills should not be taken b Females
during the fir t throe mouths of Pregna y, as thet
ere sure to br ug on Miscarriage, but at any °the'
time they are sae.
In all casco of Nervous and Spinal !factions,
pains in the IMek and limbs, fatinae el slight ex-
ertion, palpit tion of the heart, hys erica, and
whites, these ells will effect 11 cure whe • all °that
means have failed; and although a powerful
remedy, do no contain iron, calomel, an iniony, or
anYthing hurt al to the constitution.
Eull directi us in the pamphlet, arnand °Lace
package whic should be carefully pres rved.
Job Moses, kew York, Sole Proprietor. $1.00 and
124 cents forp stage,enelosed to North° &Lyman,
Toronto, Ont., general agents for the •eminent,
will insure m bottle, containing over 0 pills' by
return mail.
tar SoItli Seaforth by E. Hickeon Co., and
R. Lumsden. 197
om.as' Eclectric Oil,
There are batf3e: YOUpr510. opeations o medicine
which have w thstood the impartial in, gment of
the people f r any great length of tie e. One of
theseis Tao 5 :S'ElasCTRIC One purely a prepar-
ation of SIX o 1101110 01 thebest oils that re known,
each one poss esingyirtues of its own. Scientific
eeysiciat s kn )w that medicines may b formed of
severalingre ents in certain fixed pro ortions of
greater power and producing effects w i ich could
never result f om the use of any one ef V. em, or in
different canihinations. Thies in the p nparation
of this oil a chemical change teems plac-e forming
a cotupound Which eould not by- any po sibility. be
mede from an other combination or p -oportions
of the game ingredients, or any other i gredients,
and entirely different from anything e •er before
arcivald.05e; d
ishhg re -
LE Gil,
B. L. DOYLE, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in
Chancery, Ate., Goderich and B.3aforth. Of -
floe, over Jordan's Drug Store, Gesierich, and
Kidd's Store Seaforth. 854
(et AILERON & GORMALLT, Barristers and
Solicitors ia Chancery, Gosterieh. 114.8
(est ARROW & WALKER, Barristers, Attorneys,
" Solicitor', in Chancery, &c. Office on West et,
opposite the Poet Office, Goderith, 846
s. T. autaloW. P. P. WALKER.
-LEET, Solieitor, Winghans'has been ap-
u • pointed. Agent for the Colonial Ssacurities Cone:
pany of England., he is sass Agent for seyeral pri-
vate Capitalists of Tomato, who loan Money at
very reasonable rates. Interest pliyable yearly
°barges modetate. Llsb Solititee for the tt.
Lawrenoe Bank.
Ifinghsm, Deo. 13, 1871. 213
rackUGura & HOLIENSTE.D, Beartatersi, At
terueys at Law, Solicitors in iChancery ent
Ineolvency, Notaries Public and Conveyancers.
Selieltors far the R. C. Beak, Seefortb. Agents for
the Canada Life ,Asentranee Company,
N. B.-$80,000 to lend at per *oat. Farina,
Eloattee and Lots for sale. 53
RENSON k MEYER Barrialare and A.ttoreeys
" at Law, Solicitors in Gitancery aMI.o1vency,
Couveyanceris, Notaries Ptiblie. et.. 0fficee-8•41-
forth awl Wroxeter. $28,00e of Private ffunds to
Invest at once, at Eight per oeat. Interest, payable
ysarly. • 53
- JAR. FL niNSON. (I _I,
. _ IT C. UNTRU.
R. SQUIBB, Barrister, Attorney in Chant,-
' ere, At.'elodesich, Onb. Orn00-0Ver I C,
Detler & CoesEmporium, Market Square. Sec
*gilder /a Meitioasidt.
TelltRISTERS, Attorneys , Selici tors in Chemistry
4te., Brussels, Ont. Oilles--twe deore nose) of
the Post Office.
N71 Goderloh. J BZUllealik
MN lit CAL .
1111. WolCZNICA, rhyolotan, Burgeon,
sate of Toronto University, mad Member of
the College of Physicians ost itarasons, Onistria.
Restate's*, Seeforik. *ilea& Carroabrook
out Monasys, Wotessdays and fistardays, la Quo
afberhooa. ICA
T G. SCOTT, M. D. he..lohysloian, listageoe and
tf • locolicheur, Beafor, Ont. Offleo ant see -
lance egmath side of Goderisk 6treet, trot haw
east of Prooloyberien Chereh. 1142
TT L. VNROON, X. D., O. M., Physielen, lift
• goon, ete., COTOZelf for tie °Panty et liwrou.
Oates end +vomit a Market sad High
etwases, next to the Planiugleill.
Dit. CAAPBZLL, (Gredisets of univer-
ses', Mouureal,) Oorcoaer tor' the Cosner di
Huron.• Oddee-Nexi tioor to Calder Itirekheer'
livable Werke, and amposiie MoCallent'a Rotel,
Main -street, Seaforth, near*, Iialway Station.
1 NT If UNI40, 10. D., Physicals., Serowe sad
"L. • Aessoaehear Graduate a the Medioal Do-
pu4sI' of VieCtiria Univeretiy; feratiscly oho
ospitaiii of Now *loth and Lau, law;
also the Koopitals in Porie, Mdk Litt 6166-
gow. lieeidenee-Braeellele. •Sees
J. G. ITg..L. L.D.0..
URSZ0I(,Deuthit).1 o., &Worth.
" Ontario. Plite work, lees&
styles, neatly invented.. 111 env -
glossa operations porfOrm ea *lib
care end promptitude. loots as low as eau be ob-
tained elsewhere. °Moe hours from 8 A. M. le 5
P. M. 11,001/18 over IfT. i. CJ. li0,1)011gall's Store,
Matn-st. 270
(1. CARTWRIGHT, L. D. 8., Surgeon Dentist,
•-•/. will visit Goderich on the firbt TUILSDAI
and WHDIABSDAT of each month, at the Col -
horns' goliel. 8110
A M. CLMPBELL, Y. S., Le:nutlet-a and Prize-
-4e- MILI1 01 Cornell Unieerality, Ithaca, N.Y., and
Grednate ef Ontario Veterinary College, 'l'oreeto,
kite resttled permauentsy in Velma, whore he iU bo
found ready and willing to attend to all kinds of
alsoades, In all kbads of animals (num excepted),
In all kinds of weather, and *i ell hours. liesi-
pdeernanceaasllatiaorii. co two doors east of Cook's Tene
v V. B., begs to announce to tee inhabitants ei
8eatorth said eurrouuding country that he has
been awardell the diploma of the °uteri° Veterite
ary College, audio -aow toteetered he treat tbseases
of Horses and Cattle and all denieetic animals. He
has opened an Gilles th oonneetiou with hie Wiese -
/shoeing sliep, where he will be found really to at-
ten4 to ealls. Diseases of the tete specially at-
tended to. Residence, office aud shop in eke veer
of Killoran & Ryan's new store. Ali kinds of Yet-
eriaary Medioines kept eoustantly on hand.
Charges reasonable. 219
tp J. CHURCHILL, Veterinary Suineon, (mem-
e- • lier of the Ontario Veterinary College,) begs
to intimate that be hats returned to liks enmities et
his profession in Sesiorth, and may at all times: be
consulted on the disease' of Beeson Cattle, &e.
Veterinary medicines constantly on head. All
cells promptly attended to. 011ice, at Mansion
bus., Seaforth.273
Knox begs to State to his' old friends and
and the travelling public, that he has leased the
Hotel lately occupied byMr. I MURRAY, and
formerly known as the DOW1S-14 HOUSE, and
hopes to receive a continuance df the patronage
so liberally bestowed upon him during his many
years in the hotel business. Every eeinfort and
conyeuience will be pepvided for trayellers. The
choicest Liquors and 'Cigars only :kept in the Bar.
A careful aud reliablehoatler al ways in attendance.
2-91 THOMAS KNOX, Proprietor.
v Proprietor. This hotel is Situated on the
Gravel Road, 10 miles north of Seaforth, and pos.
settees every accomnaodation and comfort for trav-
elers. The bestbrands of liquors and cigars kept
in the bar, .and -a careful and attentive hostler in
attendance. Good stablbag in connection with
the hotel. e50
IL 1 VIE . I
e- • Office -At Murray's Hotel, Seaforth. Good
Horses and first-classiConveyancee always on hand.
Good Horses and Comfortable Vehicles, always
on hand. Favorable Arrangements made with
CommercielTmeellers. All onleis left at Knox's
Hoene, will be promptly attendee to.
OFPicr, AND STABLES: -S011/1.1 Of the Counters
dal Hotel, Main Street.
221 THOMAS. BELL, Proprietor.'
neweseee__ serseressesems
Manufacturer of.
Machine Turned .13 utter
Of a Superior Quality.
All orders, either 'Wholesale or Retail,
GRA, 31...; (6 SCOTT
TIEG to annotine that they have commeneed
HiTIOSSin th -Shop :lately occupied by Me
Marti4, and aro now prepated to fill orders for
&S/s, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings,
And all kinds of Tie, ted htiibjr
I g od ate -Cie of iicaeoned Lumber On hula,
-1?ac :or), and Luiror 7arel Goderich street
near Mainstreet.
Jig swing aud-Cti tons Plaising neatly done.
Ak. W• 11. -SCOTT.
le3sM. P se -R. S
There is Lumber in McKillop, at the
Is the man to supply ie.
A LWATS on haue a lerge stock ef ell kinds of
•^Lk Lumber, whith will be sold at prices whith
cannot be surpassed in this County for cheapness
of pripe.
Drining ant Fencing Lumber in
a undance.
Also SHINGLES, LATH, and every tlescriptionof
builder's' material. Parties building or buying
large 4tiantitie8 will be liberally dealt with, and
will find ib,to their profit to gere the
a trial before parcheeing elsewhere.
Ail orders left at tbe Mill or addressee to Win-
throp P. 0. will reeeive prompt attention. Ee-
IMO Yietotia Mills is the Vacs.
• • •
1,1ent.. WMAN has pleasure in announce%
" Atte he has fitted up over his shop a member
of opheenient and comfortable
Wimp a Glean lead coenforts.ble beth may be had
at si7 time.
Abieuded to as us
Oi the lies/ /kyles.
Also on hand e nice stook of
ia else prepared to takeia
iad,have them straightened and worked lute
3111161111e Nara, Switcheie Curls, tot.
Oharges reasonable.
Naraished on the shortest notice at, less than city
•4 *all is respoctfully solicited.
Ile I
• Neel. NEWIVIAs_l_
Next door west of the Commercial Hotel.
And work of ail kinds in 4 rooriesn and Foreign
Marble, deaigned and executed in the best stele •
and at most reasonaele prices.
MaOtles of rfiriOU Colored Marble »up-
pli on 14,0ri Votk.
Grai nite Monuments and Readstopes imported
to order,
'277 T. CALDER, Agent.
ut&TcraARrE and Jenelee, Mitchell, while
" thanking his numerous friends and custom-
ers in the County of Huron and surrounding dis-
triet for past tiV0111, weuld reepectfelly intimate
that helms romqved to that beantith I stand west ene
of Iliekie Hotel'. where he has opened a beautiful
seleetion of laslfes' and gents' jewelry of the latest
novelties. Aleo, clocke the largest and most vari-
ed in Weatem Ontario'. My seetches are acknowe
edged to be the cheapest and best ix the market.
beYeeryrobneeinbgeoinffirexntfor irole.usgahlyed
regulated ane test
itipeolal ..4.4eucy tor tke Vigil' Watch.
Ileving been successful in obtaining the senee.es
of Me. FRASER, who has had long practice in the
Cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotboad, cuss
tomere will find that in no y art of the Dominion
can they have their elocka watches and jewelte
21,1874... ALEX, CAMERON,
Praeticie Watchmaker
eh .
subscriber begs
- leato thenk
e -e his n3t5m0;e5r2ous
etomers for the liberal patroliege extendedto
him eince commenting himinees itt Seaforth, and
trusts that he may be favored with a continnance
of the same.
Parties intending to build' would do -well to
holnivtkf llkiasctao.lel, as ahwilleuiuI
eot:ltilITM to keep on hand a
ee A. it WE iE
He feela confident of giving eatisfection to tbese
who may favour him with theirpatronage, a none
but eirt-class workmen are ernpleyed,
11,Particulerattention paid to Ceetem Planieg
CIZ•t Mortgage Security, in such stints sue for
;1 suth period14. and repayable in such manner
1 as the applieant may desire. Apply te
322151 A. G. Md)orGALL, Seafortb.
ANTED immediately, a number 0/ ree'teciat$
laboring men, to work on the Canada Cone
1 lgi'ioenel?teb1 . essit. el ia)silyriti )1 lc; ielillitia, ristit oftir,itit:Cx.NI•ututsg)leitisii))‘,,,yllyliel.ilbi.$) fleiguirdt:e dFieeittrt
Promptly Seatorth, A P11t of the Canada Compenseesr tette
enc; ali oft(1,;ell..)V‘o\r.So
The work will be co
tgi'd i VIVIIC.1.1:: III-CitiLli, detho
OCT. 2) 1874.
_ vat& .0007) REGIME IN CAN ie
- cxe FAHIIMAN. MHO. pp, eel
bisTtobrie ea,PrIeLernitesvrIluarnte3s6tfh .e:sfers*tal a
and growth of the Frenth pole.*
'Worth American continent d
period from 1653 to the English
Begfelitlie8eL)Cf aitnledotatil inwaisrsiianinea' raiells',1 b:
1 lite ob de e 81 7: 6a-t3vh'aeg tj3nauthor(A*4itidehtee:cSiBvs• iitie:Si. e° of
bChristian civilization- On1)e .pro:inighntentWibi
ovvi-ng canvas 18 that of Fran
,aw' who P
.e su°bPetI': :iceaciesr iaaieTisc-
shrewd worldlinees are set fo
masterly portraiture. Laval; th
aIle°f Jesuit,
was aeSTrite:PehtilitEtitile-activethe
eo w '8f
pheniacy of the Pope, regarding a
eeples of 'the Galliean Church as
and erun, cliclis,at,i:iii.tevsad
oaneess,31.osneetondati: e
nstable of France, Anne de-
moLreolif eYth' eana.prtilrioestuthduteshstii8dfilaahiFodldi,etshili
Fw"erenl-clhiriseceted toward the elut
xate° bno8uundItss,heand letis
self -humiliation were of the most
ing character. He made jon
e -
niless, -begging, from door to
that he might suffer for the love
But with his Mtenee religious
siasna, he had A large share of
wisdom. He was by nature
dreamer. However lofty the 11
his spirit, his feet were alwaye
on the solid earth. His limn
was combined with a hard and
turn of mind, a narrow intellec
stinate will, and., as his eriemies
the love of dominioninative -to hi
He was but 36 years of age
sailed for the seat of his future
Canada in the spring of 1659.
His manner of life at this ti
marked by an extreme amsterii
lived in a. email hired. house, `tvit,
tendants but a gardener and .1
whom the former was also at the
of his needy neighbors. He sle
hard bed which he would not all
changed everi when it became
fleas. Every year he gave fif
dred or two thousand. fraties to ti
" Several portraits -of Laval are
.A. drooping nose of portentous i
well -formed forehead; a brow 0
arched.; a bright, clear eye; scan
half hidden by a black skull eat'
lips, compressed and rigid, heth'
spirit net easy to move or ed,
features of that indescribable e.a.S
marks the priestly type t web ii
as he looks grimly down on us fi
dingy canvas of tw-o centuries ag
the sincerity of his convictions ti
be no doubt 'He believed tirn
the rul ees of this world should be
to th.e'authority of the Pope, Iv
regarded as the vicar of - 'Chris
earth. But he himself was the '..
the Pope, and within the bpi
Canada, clothed with all the auth
the Ho'y Father. The glory of
mantled that this authority shoni
no abatement; He would be go
fore Heaven if he did not mainl
supremacy of the Church over th.e
of earth and. hell. The prmciS
of his nature was his ,elonaineerii
per. He was one of those wiles(
sition always leans to the side of
rity. Iii. the English Revolui
would have inevitably stood 1.
Stuarts, or, in the American Ite-i
for the Crown. But as ot ()attire
a priest above all things, he was
by a -constitutional necessity to ti
of centralization. He fough.t Ito
his way, against the natural .1:w
gave his chief attention to the on
humility, but soil and climate evl
favorable. His life was one don
tion of the authority of the Chun
this authority was lodged in hint
The Jesuits had made a sd
choice in this zeiloue and obstinat
to fight their battles. Canada ; et
to enter upon a state of transitioni
erto the ecclesiastical power b*
supreme. The Jesuits, who W
most educated and able body of
the colony, had controlled it not '
things spirituel, but in things te
The Governor was little -else that
of police, under the direction of
sionaries. But a change was --
From a mission and trading stati
ads was to become a colony, in
sense of the word. Civil gov
wak about to assert itself . on. th
of the St. Lawrence.. The epool
apostles and martyrs was pastier
and the soldier and itnist were t.
ing to supplant the eway of tht
In the view of Laval, it iran ti*,
this world beleaguering i the sa
which he was called of Heaven
The scene now changes, to ti
of Fontainebleu, the shitine O
course of vanishing menarehe;
with memories of apet, Taiois'
when the rank and beauty of _F*
bon. It was the morninof a
g t-
rising betide of Louis LPotYis tX13111i1 hmla
The Canadian policy !of Len
under the administration of (d..
succinctly described as apart of
niercjalalldeiii aI:enitinguihe(st:t:sipat-::atwasofauihorityatsusio.!
-sought to compel Fra,nce into p
croefataen fli,moupreisrihaiing4ico.loopic
tait4heNiieills ve:siacisyoGitiisaoibpvi .bmeriosr.einern etnhte a nido r ell ot stthept
the want of enterprise- and
oorporationsbviffliielan:1:ieSsaaeirnrililigirii. tireegHrr
Itraits. Prominenhteadmot;g ttlakel
.he t' . C.3r nolyPaaln la If tti I :lo lei , \N.\ l' ea syt 3 '24 48h
,V 1Ci e' :
empowered to wage war, make
tablish courts, and in other r
it brough.t were iusu
ci-10.i.Ta nhPgerei cpe:soaspd. ei i ye .loudlyno1awene:r.1 eibeetid,
tinhaeinpiyiqudaunettoittLrronaLii v'xe 10'4.. t'll'Ik'ot
Chealge was et length mitre(