HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-10-02, Page 1PU
:"TA -1(1
traces and CEP l'for CASH.
. A. P. NVILLTO, Nta4factrirer.
reby given that the partnership
le past carried on by Messrs„ john
Viilfara Tuft9, underthe firma of
as Grocer. and OtenteralDeal,
'Ont., was thi4 day dissolved by
ad the busine, s wilIj fronthence-
on by Willian Tufts, and the
Efts is prepare to pay ail debts,
1 credits- on ac aunt! of the said
=ring up business -at' Zurieli and
E selling off o r StOck, which it -4
d well assort d, about cost
..he liberty o4 forming our arts'
'1!equire .11 aticounts paid
OCTOBER in Ruling those that
diainn. 1814
74. ' 3543
OF Bp -0, THS.
out Booths o the Tuekersraith
SOciety, five nI:lumber, will be
days of the S
oii SATUBDL 17, 0, T.8,, on the
ock P. M. ruts; Cash.
tb,o above! how n6 per804-
owed to se 'pirituons T-ii(140xa
of any and no gatablens,
other redo ers willbo alloWea
o tho &tor round. By oder,
S. 31r. SeereOri-
onvErwr XIEAtt.
WEILOLE No. 356.
FRiDAY 'OCT. 2, 1874.
:The Ziii1 oats, lst It. D.
The 4a11 fairs of cEwen. TNSIO
SOC;etyl, .annually has. Tough, 9
long been noted as els black e e
ship shows in th rt Bell, Two
Tuesday last fell iot short, in any re- ,
1)usheli small white peas, st John Toug
spect, of its predec ssors, while in several 2d A. McEwen. Halfl bushel cloy r
departments it exc lied theni. The shove _seed, lst R. Nicholson. Half byshel 'lim-
a ladies' work waS very large, and many rah_ asinee.cl, 1st 'Conrad Soldan, 2d Ale -X.
of the articles,. particularly. the framed r
flower -work, the 'pencil drawings and
some of the nee e -work, showed great
taste and skill. he display of fruit was
not large, the fru t clop having been a_
partial, failure in ay this year, yet there
were some fine sp cimens of- grapes and
peaehea, for the e ltivation of which the
township heti ma y advantegete The
toots made a sple did exhibition, nearly
all the specimens eing of the most inam-
Moth proportions and, apparently, of
very fine quality In grain the show
was also highly. nccessful. In wheat,
although -there w not a large display,
the quality, for t is year, was excellent,
and in the coarse grains there has been
no better collect oti exhibited in _ the
County, so far, th' year. The livestock
and implements ere shown in the new
grounds of the ,S ciety, a little west of
the village. . Her it is the intention of
the Directors sootto erect a suitable -
hall far the exhi ition of the "inside "i
departments, at resent shown in the
Township Hall; w ich is quite too small
for the purpose. The show of • horses
was very large, 'al d was made up of some
splendid animals In buggy horses,
alone, there were 12 entries, and it wae
no easy matter fo ' the judges to deter-
mine Which were he most deserving Of
the red and blue edges. The exhibition
of cattlepigs an sheep was not large,
bat included sev ral Very fine animals,
especially in the atter department In
implements the exhibition was almost
nil, Thomson & Williams being :the sole
exhibitors, and ven this -enterprising,
firm .NN, ere repre • nted. by only two ma-
chines Here it av not be out of place
to suggest that e is mistaken policy fOr
the go-by, while ,hey- go "to so Much eX-
pense and trouble- to distinguish theni-
manu cturers to 'give the smaller shoats
selves at Guelph Toronto and London.
If - the object of xhibiting at fairs is to
show the good dualities of articles ex-
hibited, and. to Ilet the public know pf
them, wbere can a local manufacturer do
this so well ai
tirely by the far
na'alee his custom
big show where,
farmers from his
will be present.
exhibtetd, and
hands me vehicl
Brooks, Exeter.
very large, and t
ant, lee crowd
selves heartily .
lager and genera
aoncomitants Of
not licking on
not When the s
tinned far into t
.is the prize list:
,13rooc mare in
, with mare, IA
ingra . Foal,
Erne Gies. Y
Kerc er, 2d J
gelding, ist Johle Extine. .Two-year
colt, 1st_ David McSherry. 1 Two -y
old elding, lab Alex. McAllister,
Erne't Gies.
Alex. Ingram,
Two-year old
2c1 Thos. Sturge
ness, a wagon,
2d Jr -
'ch Show.
the HayAgricultural
eld in Zurich, have
among the best town -
country. That on
bus eels common white
Bro lerick, 2d. Duncan
bus iels potato oats, lst
Jas Logan. Two bus
mar ow -fat pease lst Rob
a show supported en-
ers whom he hopes to
rs ? Certainly not Ala
perhaps, not a dozen.
own .County or district
There were no wagons
nit one buggy, a very
inade by G. & J.
The attendance was
e weather being ple '
eemed to enjoy the 1.-
Dancink, unlimit d
jollity, -the invariable
he Zurich show, wete
his occasion, and ended
ow was over, but con-
e might. The following
icueeroltAL CLASS.
foal, foal not judg d
Chas. Tough, 2d Al x.
lst Alex. Ingram, d
arling colt, 1st MichiTel
s. Kercher, Year-old
One-year °1l. filly, lst
2d Wm. McDougall.
lly, .1st R McAllisttr,
n. S. h rses in, h r -
1st James rmstrong,
t of th re
no heavy araught classi and in eon -
es Whit . - On accou
sideration f being an imported an -
Mal and of distinguished I merit, the
judges awarded an extra prize to a heavy
draught two-year-old filly, exhibited by
11. Leve, Sr.
CA.EtIAGE CLASS. —Two-year old.geld-
ina,. lst Benjamin Smilliee 2d Duncan
MecEwen. One-year old filly, lst Peter
Douglass, 2d Wm. Wing. Two-year Old
filly, 1st net known. 2e1 Henry Bailers
Span horses in harness and carriage, lst
B. Phillips, 2c1 Brown & Wilson. Buggy
horse and harness and buggy, lst James
White, 2d Gabhel Hotzman.
C.e.rrne.—M'i 'eh cow, having due re-
gard to her milking qualities, lst John
McEwen, 2d John McEwen. Two-year
old heifer, lst
lass. 1 Yearliu
Jas. Logan.
1st Jas. Loga
one-year old s
Jas. Logan. ,
2c1 Duncan le
Robert Bell, 2e.
ing oxen, lst 41 son. Fat cow
2c1 Dinican M
lst A. G. Nic
2c1' Wm.
.1toxib, lst W
'74, lst Dudean McEwen. Pair yearling
ewes, ist AVM. Penhale, 2c1 Wm. Pen -
hale. Pair ewe lambs, lst Wm. Penhale,
The subscriber hereby thank4 his numerous 2d D. 11.1cEw . Pair fat Sheep, lst D.
custoraers (merchants and others) for their liberal McEwen 2c1 . ItIcEwen.
patronage during the past seven years, and hopes,
, by strict iategrity and close attention to business,
be merit their confidence and trade in the future.
eo. Sparks,- 2d R: Doug-
heifer, lst R. Belt; 2d
oke two-year old steers,
, 2d Jas. Logan. Yoke
ers, 1st Geo. Sparks, 23
ull calf, lst 'Robert Bell,
cEwen. Heifer calf lat
Geo. Sparks. Yoke work -
.et. Sparks, 2d S. Thom -
8, 18t David Dick, 2
Twelve ears Indian corn,
2d Duncan McEwen.
lst Daniel Zeller, 2d
Tw lye field carrots, whle, lst Thomas
Sturgeon, 2d Conrad 'glen Twelve
field carrots, red, lst mud Carlisle.
Twelve Swedish turm s, lst Conrad
Wagner, 2d Alex. Spark Twelve neap -
gold wueteel, lst Just s Mellick, 9c1
Col rad Wagner. Bushe early potatoe
lst James Bell, Alex. Mc lister. 'Bus
el late potatoes'lst ex. McAllister.
Pumpkin, lst B. Phillips 2d Joseph Fes
tea! Squash, lat and 2 Henry Wurra.
Three water melons, is Henry Wurm,
2d Abraham Geiger. Thr e musk melons,
lst John Zimmer. Thre heads cabbage,
lst Abraham Geiger, 2d Cihristian Bes-
chlen, Six blood beets, lst M. Wurna
2d A. Geiger. Tomatoe , one peck, lst
Geo. Sparks, 2d Wm. B11.
HonnoULTURALPRODI S. —Collection
of a,pples, not less than ix of each \ a-
riety, lst John Tough, d. Wm. Bell, 3d
Duncan McEwen. Fou varieties of a
pies, and six of eachariety„,elst John
Tough, 2d John B. Geig r, 3d Jas. Bell.
Six pears, lst Abrahamehma'
n ,2d John
B. 'Geiger. Twelve pea hes, lst Henry
Deitz, ' 2d A. Lehman, Six bunches :of
grapes, lst John Zimm r, 2d Alex. Me -
E wen. -Citrons, ist Alex. Mc E wen.
Named collection of plu s, six of each,
lst 'Henry Dietz, 2d Jacob Kercher.
Two bottles home-made grape wine'lst
John Zimmer, 2d A. McEwen; Twelve
.crab apples, red, lst G o. Sparks, 21 J.
Zimmer. Twelve crab apples, yellow,
lst A. McEwen. .
Doi -item° MANuFAcTu ES.—Ten yards
Bell, 2c1 James
me-mad.e white
x. McEwen, 2d
nkets; ist Bobt.
en. Pair calf-
oritz, 211 Chris -
111Y: Side npper heather, lst J. F.
ritz, 2t1 S. Witwer. I Kip skin, lst1J.
Moritz, 2d S. Witwe . Calf skin, ist
itz. I
h -work quilt, 1st
CitIl McEwen.
rk, lst Gottlieb
an Sr. Home-
made coverlet, lst Dun -an McEwen, 2d
mat, lst Miss
. gerlin wool
nnan. Crochet
McEwen. Pair
Carlisle. Pair
t McAllister, 2d
• Twenty lbs
Bell, 2d Dungan
h butter, lst W.
c. —Peck white
Geo. Sparks.
I st W . Wilson,
Twelve Oti008,
lonrad Soldan.
or heifer, lst Geo: Sparks,
Ewen. Fat ox dr steer,
olson, 2d- A. Sparks.
ecl ram, lst Thos. B. Mar -
lair. 'Yearling ram, let
, 2d. Wm. Lewis. Ram
. Penhale, 2d Wm. Pen-
eshaving raised lambs in
living greatly enlarged bis promises, during
the winter, he is now prepared to pay the
Po - •
Por tur quanitty of good fresh eggs, dehveied
at the
' Main Street,'Seaforth.
PIGS—LAR E BBD —Aged boar, let
B. Phillips.
BERKsHIRE,.--Aged boar, lst William
Blair, 2d Wed. Penhale. Aged sow, 1st
Wm. Blair. Sprnig sow, lst H. Love,
Sr., 2c1 Wm. Blair. Spring sow, lst W.
Penlaale, 2d W. Blair.
SUFFOLK. Aged sow, 1.st A. McEwen.
Spring boar,
sow, lst-A.
%lean WablaT Brooks. Set
*Wanted by the gabscriber 25 ions of good dry
BEAFoRTH, March 18, 1874.
D. D. WILSON. Fans°11' 8e
Fanson. Rec
328 son & willi
B141.4 E VALE,
neasonable Prices and CHEAP for CASH'
348 A. P. WHITE, Manufaaturer.'
ed cloth, lst Robert
hrane. Ten yards
nel, all wool, 1st- Al
x. Ingram. Pair bl
Bei,2d Duncan McE
sk n. boots ist J. T. 11,
Witiver, 2d J. F. Mo
Aimee' WORK .--Pat
Wm. Grandy, 2d Du
QiliIt sewn on ground iv
Merner, 2c1 Alex. Bucha
M Wu rm. Home- mad
Annan, 2d Thos. For
work, ist and 2d Miss
wok, lst and 2d Dunce
woolen mits, Est Sinaue
woolen socks, lst Robe
Duncan McEwen:
salt butter, lst Robert
McEwen. -Five lbs. fre
• Bells2d John Troyer. Fifteen lbs. horile-
made cheese, lst _Robert Bai, 2d Duncan
McEwen. Forty lbs factory inede
cheese, lst 0-attlieb
honey in comb, five lbs:
C. Wideman, 2d John
honey, lst Fred. " Hess.
man. Loaf of.bread, is
2d Robert Bell.
Poulamv.—Pair. gee
Joseph Foster. Pair d
Foster, 2c1 Andrew J6
keys, let Andrew Mit
panish fowls, lat A
Pair farm yard fowls, 1
EXT RA. — White do
Annan; log cabin quil
2d James Cochrane.
2d Miss Annan. Berl
lst R. McAllister, 2d
Crodiet work, lst Th
• D. tIcEvven. Crochet
Tho as Johnson. Ta
McAllister. Braid wor
Embroidery, let A
Ladies' night dress, Is I). McEwen, 2d
Frederick Demuth. Braided night dress,:
lst Robert McAllister, 2d. Jas. Cochrane.'
Gents' shirt, - lst Alex. Buchaean.
Baby's dress, lst Theinas Ford, 2d J.
enter. Piece of
or over, lat
mmer: Strained
d John C. Wide -
A lex, ltIcEwen,
e let and 2d
as, IA Joseph
nsoe. Pair tur-
son. Pair black
drew Johnson.
t Andrew John -
ton quilt, Miss
, Wm. WilsOn ;
Tool tidy, lst and
n wool cushion,
George Sparks.
mas Johnson, 2c1
table cover, lst
le mats, lst R.
, 1st Thos. letird.
ex. Buchanan.
display of dairy produce was smell, but
included several specimens of b tter
which elicited deserved praise from the
spectators. The ladies' depart ent,
while it contained many useful and fry
articles, was scarcely up to former y ars,
The Mdssrs. Armstrong, of Varna, had
on exhi
of cabie
table of
There -%
Cochrane. Braided a
Ford. Feather flower
2d Samuel Carlisle.
ers, lst Miss Annan,
Wool work, framed,
painting, lst Samuel
drawing, lst Charles
Card work, lst John
'buttons, lst Thomas
Stockings, lst Thomas Ford, 2d. Du
ron, lst Thomas
lst Thos. Ford,
erlin wool flow -
2d Wm. Wilson.
et John Troyer.
Sampler, lst Frederick Merner. Cry;tal
Carlisle. Pe cil
'toyer. Strine of
ohnson. La 'es'
en -
ition several very. fine specie ens
et work, amongst which. was a
a new and. fanciful design ich
ly attracted much atten ion,
ere also some good specime s of
and boots, both fine and. colersei
In th field, the principal attra,etion
was, of course, the horses. In thie de-
partment the show was a success,' and
,the number of excellent animals exhibit-
ed the .care and attention which
ers of Stanley devote to the
of librses. The numbe • of.
horses shown was . large, and
many o the animals were well -worthy of
commendation. Thee were also. Several
ex cellen tteams, both i -the heavy draught,
general purpose and carriage classes. The
buggy horses also were fully up to the
others. In cattle the display was not
large, and although there .were a few
good animals, the majority of those
shown were under the average. In sheep,
also, the display was very small, while
pigs were entirely unrepresented. Judg-
ing by the show, the farmers of Stanley
and the townships within the jurisdic-
time of the Society 'devote. Much more
attention to horses than they do to cattle,
sheep or pigs. There was a large dis-
play .of carriages and wagons, and several
of those on exhibition would have done
_credit to the larger fairs. The following
is the
. ,
and foalalst C. Tough, 2c1 P. Cole. Two -
ed show
the far
McEwen. Home -ma
Annan. Bag of flour,
. JuneiEs.—Horses an
Govenlock, Seaforth ;
Usborne ; Wm. Bawd
Pigs and Sheep. —
borne; Alex. Stewa
Nicol, Winghatn.
Grain, Dairy Pr 0
1111Dter, 1.113b01110 W
John Elliot, Zurich.
Ladies' Work.—Mr. W. G. W'
and. Mrs. A. B. Silent* Zurich.
• The Bayflelli Show.
carpet, it
ist William
1 Cattle—Tho
Alex. Stew
n, Exeter.
A. Bishop,
t, Usborne ;
/ye; (ke. —
. Wilson, 11
The annual show under the aus
of the Stanley Branc Agricultural
ciety was held at B yfield on Fr
last. The day was on of ,the fine
the season, and the att ndance of vis
st John Workman. Spring was, consequently, ver large, for at
cEwen, 2c1 J: Workmanship show. The eih'bition, upon
s. lst G. & J. whole, was a success, although so
carriage harness, 1st NATria.1 the departments were
buggy harness, lst Willia,m1 sented as they might
mrhended—Mower, Thom- TEM II
s; scuffier, Thomson & In the hall, the dis
• large, was, as regards
wo bushels Treadwell or itable. In grain there
and the quality, espec ally in wheat,1 as
excellent. The roots, also, were good
e of
Us -
year -oh
M cGre
filly, ,Is
Roth WE
mare al
Two-year-old filly, lst J. Turner, pel. J.
Armstr ng. Two-year-old gelding; lat
Jas. Te. rner, 2d Wm. Montgomery. One-
year -o1 gelding, lat Jas. Eger, 2d. F.
Walsh. One -year-old filly, 1st and 2d,
R. Reid. Span working horses, lst 'Jas.
calf in
2a, G.
Thos. 11''
filly, lst J. Calloway, 9.d Jas.
Or. Two-year-old gelding, lst 3.
I, 241 J. Switzer. One -year-old
1st G. Green. One -year-old
P. Cole. Buggy horse, lst J.
11, 2d G. Erwin. Span working
lst John Turner, 2e1 James Arm -
d foal lst R. Reid, 2d. A. Sparks.
Turner i 2d . Snowdon.
Milch cow, having raised
1874, ist Thomas Wells, 2d G.
Two-year-old heifer, lA and
'parks. One -year-old .heifer, lst
larks, 2d R. Elliott. Yoke one -
d steers, lst G. Sparks. Fatted
ox or steer, lst and 2d Alex. Sparks.
cow or heifer. lst Geo. Sparks,
2d Thos. Wells.
SIIEBP.—Ram, two shears and over,
lst E. Westlake. Ram lamb, lst and
2d, Chas. Tough. Two ewes, having bad
lambs in 1874, two shears and over, lst
Chas.' lrough. Pair ewe lambs, lat Chas.'
Tough. Pair fat sheep, lst Chas.Tough.
So -
t of
e of
lot as well repre-
ave been.
lay, althoug
uality, most
was a fair dis
red -
midge proof fall wheat, lst James Bell, 2c1
John C. Kalbffiesch. ' Two bushels white
winter wheai, lst Duncan McEwen, 2d
Chas. Tough. Two bushels spring wheat,
lst James B 11, 2d.George Sparks. Two
bushels barley, lst Chas. Tough, 2d A.
Buchanan. Two bushels black oats, lst
R. p. Broderick, 2d John Tioyer., Two
for this season, the potatoes bem
finest shown in the County this
The display of fruit did credit to St
as a fruit -growing township, and so
the specimens shown would have
credit to the Provincial Exhibition,
ter, Is
Five 1
els an.
els fou
2d Ch
lst J
• PRODUCE. —Tennet of salt but -
Geo. Sparks; 2d Chas. Tough.
•s. butter, sufficiently salted for
se, lst George Weston, 2d Isaac
N AND SEEDS.—Two bushels
ell or midge proof fall wheat, lat
acorn, 2d Alex. Granger. Two
• white winter wheat, lst Charles
Two bushels Fife wheate lst R.
, 2c1 Charles Tough. Two bush -
other kind of spring wheat, 1st
Sparks, 2d John-Rathwell. Two
two -rowed barley, lst Charles
2d George „Sparks. Two bush-
-rowed barley, lpt4 Alex. Sparks,
ries Tough. Two bushels! white
lat Charles Tough, 2d George
Two bushels black oats, lst
tathwell. Two bushels large peas,
hn Tough, 2d George Green.
timothy seed, lat E. Westlake.
{ MCLEAN IMOTHi' RS, abli*herx-
al 50 a Year, fn advance.
Homan. Home-made bread, 1st Mrs
T. N. Elliott.
IMPLEMEITS. — Lumber wagon, iron
axle, lst James Whenham. Double
buggy, ist James Whenham. Sfugle
buggy, lst R. J. Whiteley. Covered
buggy, i.st Knox & Rothwell. Iron har-
row, lst Charles Cryderman. Gang
plow, Charles Cryderman. One horse
drill, cultie ator or scuftler, lst D. Mc-
13.ECOMMENDED.—Carrid.ge horses, R..
Erwin, J. Pollock. Heifer calf, G.
Sparks. Poney race Thomas Marks,
J. Switzer. Grapes, loseph Wilds. To -
B. Brownson. Common
)bet Russell. Hair work,
t. Embroider', Mrs. H.
mbroidered bracket, Mrs. H.
'et baskets, H. F. Morgan.
Homan. Honey in comb,
• lls.
• Horses. —Mr. Houghton,
. Upshall, Clinton; Joseph
d Sheep. —J. Petty, Stanley;
se, Seaforth 1), Wilma
onions, R
Miss Err
Stoves, V.
Thorp.as W
Cattle a)
Frank 0
11711)10m ts.—Jams Celwell, Varna ;
David Bea
Leven, Bae
potat s, lst Wm. Montgomery, 2d
Georg4 Erwin. Bag late potatoes, lst
Georg Green, 2d George Castle. Apples,
four varieties, five of each variety, lst
John Touh, 2e1. AB. Brownson. Pears,
four arieties, five of each variety, lst
Wm. Morgan'2d D. H. Ritchie. Six
lots b ets for table use, 1st Dr, Woods.
Six h ads of cabbage, lst -Dr. Woods.
Two umpkins, lst Casimer Wildi.. Two
spas es, lst Casimer Wild. Peck pd -
tato nions. grown in clusters, lst E.
Westh ke, 2d A. Haake. Peck other
onion, lst V. Homan, 2d A. !Efaake.
Twele e field turnips, lst Alex. Sparks,
2d Jo n Tough. Twelve field ;carrots,
lst 1 m. Morgan, 2d George 'Sparks.
Twel e mangold wurtzels, 1st Dr.
Woods. Twelve peaches, lst j :Joseph
Wilde, 2d D. Stirling. Six head white
celeryi, lst A. Br Brownson. Six bead
red celery, lst A. B. Brownson. Two
water melons'lA Dr. Wood. Two
musk melons, lst A. B. Brownson.
sorn, Godeeich Township; T.
field. '
Ladies' ,Y ork. —Mrs. A. Sparks, Mrs.
Thomas Sit: pson, Miss Agnes Wilson, all
of Stanley.
Grain ani Seeds. —Adam Smith, Berne;
Wm. Dyke, Varna; T. Sta,nberry,
Fruit a
Stanley; J
ship; Tho
ul Vegetables. —Peter Grant,
. B. Young, Goderich Town-
nas Marks, Goderich Town -
-• -•
There arle now 170 pupils in the Ontario
Deaf and jurnb Institute at Belleville.
—0. J. Brydges, late Manager of the
Grand Ti u
the recipi
employ ees
sisted of a
tributed b
the service and 'employed on every sec-
tion of the line. Not an unpleasant dose
to take.
—A sh
vative pe
"The GU°
marriage i:
bride wall
Fancy the
at the acr
walking 01
first muni
the Nortli
amount w
note, it is
factoey cloth, lst Wm. Herbison. Ten
yards' flannel, ist Wm. Montgomery, 2d
D. Stirling. Pair woolen blankets, lst
Isa,aclErrat. Pair socks, let V. 'Homan.
Pair stockings, lst James Campbell.
Pair mittens, 1st V. Homan. Quilt in
.patchwork lst Miss Errat, 2c1 Mrs. A.
Granger. Fancy quilt, let and. 2d Miss
Errat. Skein of woolen yarn 10 knots
or over, lst Mrs. James Campbell.
Skein of stocking yarn 10 knots or over, short
lst Mrs. James Campbell. Gentleman's There
shirt, lst Mrs. George Bates. Pair of moue
fine boots, 1st and 2d. Wm. Foley. Pair baske
of coars boots, lst and 2d. Wm. Foley-. The i
nk Railway, was recently made
nt of a testimonial from the
of that road. The present con-
hee ue for $7,544, and was con -
4,275 men ia every grade in
rp exchange, of the Conser-
suasion, of course, remarks:
e in its account of a recent
high life describes how 'the
ed on the and_of her father.'
feelings ' of the bridegroom
batic display of his future wife
the arm of her father."
anitoba Free Press says: The
ilea' tax paid in Manitoba or
west was handed to the city
Tuesday by Wm. Dodd. The
s $4, and, being in one bank
proposed to frame and pre-
serve it.
—We nntice by the Manitoba papers
that Joseph Whitehead has " arrived in
that Protince, and has already coni-
rk on the Pembina Branch of
ian Pacific. Mr. Whitehead
give employment to from 1,500
en and 300 teams. If the
°retinues fine, he expects to
hole job completed in about
s. Joe evidently means busi-
menced w
the Oanad
intends t
to 2,000
have the
two wont
have op
and viciii
—A ra
usuel occ
Montreal Telegraph Company
ed an office in Manchester,
of Hullett. This will be a great
ce to the people of the village
n -bow at night is rather an un-
rrance. The people of Graven-
uskoka, had an opportunity of
box, containing $110 in money and quite
a number of notes and other valuable
securities. They we -1-e met immediately
afteiwards by the unsuspecting proprietor
coming leisurely dove4 the front steps of
the factory to the Street, after which
they disappeared. The cash box was
found on the followiog day in a swamp
not far_ fromethe factory, broken open
and rifled of the whisk of its contents,
except two or three Unimportant papers
and one copper coin.
—There are 10 patients in the London
City Hospital whosei united ages make
834 years, and sixiothers -whose ages
amount to 403, an amerage of over 67.
—The Stratford Beacon -says that there
is an excellent opening in that town for
a laundry and mangling establishment.
We would suggest that some of the rural
local paper's remove their traps to Strat-
ford. If they could succeed as well
in mangling the dirty linen of the Strat-
ford people asthey do now in mangling
the Queen's English at home, the pro-
prietors Would beceme millionaires in a
--eThe following i$ the latest advertis-
ing dodge, and is published as a crdin
an Ottawa paper : • Little Mrs. —.?
—Those who have .any curiosity to see
the Little Mrs. --e—. , picture, which
has been the subject of so much diseus-
sion and excitement throughout: Ontario,
may have a view of it, free of charge, at
Wilson Se 'Bros.' store, Sparks street,
to -day. Do not fail to call, as it will be
on exhibition for one day only."
:---Jeaeie Watson, the Scottish vocal-
ist, and Mr. Hardy, the humorist and
pianist, have returned to Ontario, after
their sojourn in Seotland, and intend
giving a series of entertainments in the
principal cities, towns and villages of
the Province: They gave their first en-
tertainment in Gait on Tuesday evening
—In consequence of the fences being
burned down along the line of the To-
ronto, Grey & Bruce Railway above
Orangeville, cettle -have free access to
the track, the result of which has been
the destruction of a great many valuable
animals. Four cattle and three horses
were killed on the line in Luther in one
day last week.
—The suit of Hon. Geo. Bi own, against
Mr. Cliffe'of the Kincardine Review, for
libel, was decided at the Brampton As
size last week. The jury gave a ver-
dict for plaintiff for4100 damages. This
suit arose from the Review publishing
the slanders circulated against the char-
acter of Mr. Browni? by the Toronto Na-
witnessi g this phenomenon on Sun-
day nigh last. About 8.40 P. M. a slight
shower of rain was falling while the moon
was shining brightly, which caused a
most beautiful rain -bow to appear in the
the bow
as if it h
gent, or
is a littl
• —The
who is a
for the
50 yea,is
dark ha
cock, of
heavens. In every respect the
as as perfect in shape and color
d appeared in daylight. .
printing and advertising for the
f Perth, for the year 1873,
to $1,027.55. In Huron it
I to less than one-third. this
Perth must either be extrava-
uron penurious. Perhaps there
of both.
Dundas Banner says : "Hotel
re warned against accepting the
e of a tall, middle-aged.Amencan,
companied by a My, and who
to be engaged in buying horses
• merican market. He is about
of age, six feet high and has
r sprinkled with gray. Fourteen
the amount he owed Mr. Bab -
the Elgin House, Dundee, when
he sloped.
iie On
debt d
er next
and th
to deb
last w
and n
An in
—The body of a respectably dressed
youn woman was found below the bank
at 0 ifton on Saturday afternoon, a
distance below the ravine road.
were a few dollars in Canada
in her pocket, and. beside her a
with some cake wed fruit in it.
itials "M. B." are marked. on her
clothes. It is supposed she has
with some pic-nic party to . the
She is apparently about 25 or 30
f age. An inquest was heid on the
and the jury decided that she had
act passed at the -last session of
rio Legislature provides that no
ie, or accruing to a mechanic,
n, laborer, servant, clerk or em -
or or in respect of his wages or
shall after the first day of 01 ctob-
be liable to seizure or attachment
uch debt exceed the sum of $25,
n only to the extent of such ex -
his act does not affect or apply
s contracted before- the first of
naan named William McRoberts,
from Lucan since June 6 last, was
anging in the woods near Grafton
ek. The body had dropped away,
thing bnt the head was suspended.
uest was held, and from the evid-
Ten there is no doubt but that the
ed had committed suicide.
Set o
in j
double harness, lst Donald Cam- uncle
Set of single buggy harness, lst been
id Cameron. Specimen of cooper's Falls.
lst and 2d. T. J. Armstreng. Cab- year
ork, lst T. J. Arnastrong. Honey body,
✓ ist John Zim.mer. Honey in come to her death by falling over the
comb, lst James Armstrong. ; Flowers,
large boquet, lst D. H. Ritchie. Flow-
ers, small boquet, D. H. Ritchie. Arti-
ficial flowers, lst Miss' Errat.
Piece tatting, lst Miss: Drat. Em-
ery in worsted, rst Mrs. Henry
an. Fancy knitting, lst Mrs. Eber-
. Crochet work, ist Mrs. D. H.
ie. Baigs or mats, ist Mrs. V.
• —
while walking along the usual
ay, which at that place is very
w and unprotected.
most daring robbery wascora-
d at Berlin on Wednesday of last
. About 9 o'clock on that day two
entered the office of the Dominion
n Works in the absence of the
ger; and. boldly carried off the cash-
—The Monetary! Times of: last week
bas the following :! "Mr. 'Walter Mar-
shall, of Stratford, who has been exten-
sively operating in produce with appar-
ent success for a cionsidetable time, has
at last become seriously involved. His
direct liabilities are over $10000, near-
ly half of this amount, it is stated, is
payable to one of the bank& The assets
are about $80.000. It. is sup
the estate will not pay over 5
Grain operations in Chicago
season appear to be the imme
of this failure. Teto other ti
tively located at Galt and El
same line of operations must
ed severely. The former must ultimate-
ly either' obtain a compromise or be
compelled to assign." Mr. Marshall was
proprietor of the "Red Mill" in Sea -
forth. The Galt firm alluded to is, we
presume, Crombie & Co., proprietors of
the "Brick Mill" In Seaforth. Chicago
is a dangerous place for Canadian pro-
duce operators. , -
—A deputation from tVingham recent-
ly waited: on the Directors of the Toron-
to; Grey and Bruce Railway for the pur-
pose of inducing the Company to extend
their line to Wingham. The President
informed the delegation that although
the Coinpany were anxious to exten&
their line, to Wingham, their finances
would not allow- them to incur new
liabilities. He promised, however, that,
if the Wingham.people would construct
the roadway and lay down the -iron and
ties, the Company will run *lie road.
—The following advice respecting emi-
gration to Manitoba is given by a well
informed correspOndent writing from
that Province : Nine out of en cotning
here are disgusted with thi Province
during the first tw6 months, b t the long-
er they stop aftel; that the better they
like it No one Who has sufficient land
and a young farnilpe in. Ontario would im-
prove his condition very much by coming
here; but if one has a. capital of say
$2,000, and nothieg to tie him particu-
larly to Ontario, let him comp, and. the
chancb is that he will never regret it.
No one ought to attempt to -come here
to farm without at least a capital of
$l,000. He had better 8tay1 in some of
'the older counties till he ca.ij avail him-
self of thet much, as he has io purchase
everything with cash 'aud cas1a only, and
at greatly in advance of Ont rio prices.
—On Tuesday evening of last week, as
two daughters of Mr. Douglas, of North
Yarmouth, near St. Thomas, were en-
gaged in milking, ia bull approached one
of them (Miss Sarah Douglas) and tossed
her some distance over his back. He
was about t make. a second attack when
the young lady's sister, with admirable
coolness, prevented a very serious acci-
dent, if not loss of life, by throwing a. -
pail of milk in the face of the enraged
brute: This so astonished him that he
took his ,departuee. Miss Deuglas' in-
juries are not very serious.
-,- William White, a well-tp-do farmer
of the township Of Malahide; was con-
victed of bigamy at the Elgin Assizes
last week, and was sentenced to six
months' imprisonment in t 2,,, Central
Prison at Toronto; with hard labor.- • Re
had been married to his first wife in Eng-
land in 1852 had lived with her four
years, when he came to Canada, leaving
his wife behind, and settled en a farm in
the township of Malahide, eviiere he has
since resided. In 1863 he Married his
second wife, and has lived with her ever
since: • His, first wife came to Canada
last summer, and instituted the proceed-
ings against hint! which culminated as.
above stated: The sentene: was a very
light one.
osed that
pee cent.
uring the
iate cause
s, respec-
ra, in the
ave suffer -