HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-09-25, Page 3beforedfseo It her volatile a vaporatian, eiilt of every _ is nearly aU thi u get only nay contain.; HONIAS, Falun, l4. I. LYMAN, Toronto, Ont., einion. eeted and Electrized, E. Hickson': & Co and R. 1874. r per day. edit 'wanted. All clafi*es; of workbag young or fid, make more spare moments, or all the else, Par t eu a s trete Portlanr,Maine. ter, Attorney, Solicitor in. •deti:.lt and Seaforth. Of -. g More, Goderieh, and sem. -LL'], Barristers and srg, Godericll. 348 s.' oP.SS vra , FIt, Barristers, Attorney; `ry, &c. Office on West St., Goderich. r. w4xna. r, Win. has been ala. I:te eolonieurities Cora - nee Agent for several onto, who loan Money at Inter et payable yearly Also SOlieitOr for the St. 71.213 213 [) ESTED, $: steel, At t,licitors in Chancery and Public and Conveyancers. rank, Seaforth. Agents for lee Contrary,, d at S per ;cent; Farms, 53 Barristers and Attorney& k Chancery arid Insolvency, Public, etc. Offices—Seat 3,0oa of Private Funds too per cent. Interest, payable 58 II. w. €i. M Eli. taster, .ttor> icy fit Charm - b, Ont. Oftice—over 3`. O. oi, Market Square. 26E ,fatel@aasatiard :eys,8alieitora in Chancery OtUee--two doors nettls tie •La' 1'FL McDONALD, Brussels. sieian, Surgeon, &a., Grad ni%ersity, and Member of as and Surgeons, Ontario. gill attend as Carronbrook, iys and Saturdays, in the 354 Physician, Surgeon and Mit. Oflce and resit- oderi Street, first door • arch. `.: •,342 D.,, G. M., Physician, Sur- er for ur.-erfor the County of Huron. •orner of Market and eing raduate of McGill Univer- oroner for�he Count of i County door to Calder Brothers' poste McC`sllu*nas Hotel, mar the Railway Station. , Physician, Surgeon and dnatQ of the Medical De rniversityl. formerly of the and Londorq, Eng.; visited aris, Eiiirrburgh and, Glue- ce1ield. 349 I.D.S., • gON`,Dentist,&e., Seat'orth,, trio.. Plate work, latae*; iestly ereented. all sur- orations performed with Fees as low as cart ha °h- at hours from 8 A. M. to 5 A. G. McD4ugall's store,; 27€i 11 i3. S., Sutgeon Dentist„ at on the fast TUESDAY each month, at the- Col - 350 y. S.,. Licentiate and Prize eiveriity, Ithaca, N.Y., and `eterinary College, Toronto, y in Varna, Where he will be to attend to all kinds of art mala (elan excepted), and at all heats. Res- oora east of Coop's Tune 310 GEON. D. Me AUGHT, Enface to the inhabitants of ling country that he has the. of the Ontario Veterin prepared to treat diseases. 1 all domestie aniptials. He ronnectionwtth his horse - will be found ready to at- a of the: feetspecially at- office and shop in the rear ew store. .311 kinds of Veta pt constantly of hand.. 229 Veterinary Surgeon, (mem-. i• Veterinary. College,) begs "returned to the practice of nth, and may at all times be sea of Horses, Cattle, cc.. constantly Ori hand. All d to. Office, at Mansion 273 SEAFORTH. -- Thomas ate to firs old friends and icrthat he leas' leased the by Mr. :MURRAY, and DOWNEY HOUSE, and'. inuance of .the patronage pon him during his many ess. Every comfort and Tided for travellers. The care only kept in the Bar. suer always in attendance. f S .NOK. Proprietor. [S ariTON.---John Winter, r hotel is situated on. the oof Seaforth, and poi - tion and comfort for trav- of liquors_ and cigars kept 1 and attentive hostler in orth -ling in. connection with see arearaOSh,'€.ESTULES. Hotel, Seaforth. Good enveyancee always onhand. aBBT.FS,. SEAFORTH, Ont. anfortable' ehiclea, always= arxangemente made with All orders left at Ketox's y attended to. =a:--Soctth of the Compeer. MAS BELT!, Proprietor. OUR, OWN INTEREST.. R CAMERON,. d Jeweler, alitehell, whine emus friends and custom- arm ustom limn and surrounding dis- €olid respectfully intimate ratbeantifai stand west end he has opened a beautiful gents' jewelry of the latest - the largest and. most vara-• My w.•atehe;x are aeknow1-. ctt irnd best in the market, i ;1r14 regulated and tested sale. tor. the Elgin Watch. �IRIN.G. le in obtaining the services as had long practice in the Edinburgh, Scotland, curi- e nopart of 'the Dominion ocks watchers and jewelry AT,FX. CAMERON, Practical Watchmaker. 35(-52 TROTT, aeturer of l Rutter Packages crior Qnali . +wale or Retail, Promptly filled. I1'.TH ONT. 1Ierarr Gle.9:32114,1. Allingham has iuueeeded historian, as editai of. zinc. . ve at First Sight,11 a novel of fc, by Captain Henry Curling, r of "The Soldier, of Fortnne," aught out by Peterson. & Bros. %cal ;writer, in , a recent work t , places. the perio of decay bodily and -mental pow=ers at 63 age, the grand climacteric of an- riters. ra Taylor's new book,• "The het," a tragedy iii verse. will be Shed in a. few days. by J R. Osgood The poem is dramatie in form, -based on facts in thehistory of itOT3iSiiid. _Tlieoure Tilton's new story, "Tem - ,t Tossed," is selling so rapidly that ublishers are unable to -keep it in The story is in that brilliant writing of which Tilton is a rias ;and Mrs. Rodney Vail, rine of the meters, is his portrait of his wife, _.-" That: we are still somewhat back- ," says the Academy, "4in, our' at tempts to Militate the methods: of Chinese eidture in our seats of learning, may be eared from an anecdote we have late- Iyaeeeived from an endinent Philologist: Shortly before leaving the Celestial .Em= Fire hecame across an old naive gentle - Wil, of the mature age of i06, who was aye about to go in for his Inst exa?nina- aa. When will our university authorif' taxes succeed in attaining, a perfection o the -examination statute which can be compared with this ?" The first volumne of the " Little Classics" will appear this Week. It is entitled "Exile,' and contains famous tales that may fitly be grouped under that name -such as Hawthorne's "Ethan Brand," Harte -'s " Outcasts of , Poker 'Flat," Hale's unsurpassed story, "The Man Without a Country, Qnincey's vivid narrative of " The Flight of a Tartar Tribe," and other similar stories. The dozen little volumes which this series will comprise are edited by Mr. Rossiter Johnson ; they are to be dainty specimens of book making ; and their great convenience = as pocket volumes, supplemented by their high lit- erary excellence, ought to ` make them widely popular. -We had thought all the works of Jules Verne were already translated and published in America. .At all events the preface to a recent volume; so reported. But Messrs. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. have found out another, and issued it in handsome style. It contains two • dis- tinet stories—one entitled, "A Floating City," the other " The Blockade Run- ners." The first describes, with ,all M..' Verve's power of picturesceoe description, a voyage made or imagined across the Atlantic from England to America in the - Great Eastern. The other• describes a trip from the Clyde to Charleston, S. C., during the war, in a blockade-runner. Harper & Brothers have just issued, in a pamphlet of 61 pages, a timely in- quiry into " Hydrophobe : Means of Avoiding its Perils and preventing its Spread. Itis in the forst of an address at one of the scientific soirees of the Sor- bonne, Paris, by H. Bouley, one of the most .distinguished veteripary surgeons of Europe, and Inspector:of the Veter- inary Schools of France. 'The subject is treated in a sensible and thoroughly practical manner, suitable for the popu- lar comprehension, and is replete with interesting and valuable information. Familiarity with this pamphlet would be. perhaps the best preventive that could be devised against the horrible disease concerning which it treats. not half so f. lauded with smoke or in feated with little ainokin puppies as` are the publi Gauntry. - places of w. street, and i shippers. chapel in neighboringh heard. At 1 place seem to praise, and be never witness such a place -men own their walks of the . " mother ithout a State Church, hip abound here in ,every y are. thronged - with wor, re is 'scarcely .a church or ich the singing -from - .a use of prayer may not be A.M. and 7 P.M.: the e redolent with hymns of ter order in the streets I d. No wonder'- that in teat numbers of working habitations. NEW PREh9 open a special.` Fair, at whi awarded: for t Journalistic lU1vI;3.-=-Qxip proposed to department at the Toronto h premiums should, be e following articles : (Open to the Press of Ontario.)- 1. Best editorial slander. 2. Best edi• rial equivocation. 3. Best ass' tisements.. , 4. Best , as tions. - 5. Best libel 6. Best sele gate for editor 7. Cleanest months. a (Sol d. gold medal:: ) Political. -(Open, to all political parties more than fou days old.) 1. Best pla rform. - 2. Best ass . rtment of stump speakers. 3. Best •st+ry—(made out of whole cloth.) , - 4. Best sup tly -of consistency. 5. Best de ! ' onstration or pic-nic. 6. Best pre arication. 7. Best bas WALKER of buncombe. DR. MARY WALKER IN PARIS.—ogee curiosity was says , Galignaz three women tuihe, viz., lai by gaiters, sn with black, as stopping at tl quiry they w er, an Arne tment of indecent aclver- rtmelit of paid. subscrip- suit. (Civil or criminal.) tion of slang and Billings- ' al use, record for past, three aused on the Boulevards, , by the appearance of ttired in a singular1 coe- ge :Zouave trousers; closed all gray paletots, tririmed Rd tail felt hats, whowere e Grand Hotel.. OA. -en- re found to be Miss Walk - can medical practitioner, and two of he • pupils. The lady is about 50 years of a emancipation States, and b Bloomeristse way to Turke cepted theipo, the Sultans s ARRIVALS OF NEW GOO -No more profoundly interesting an- nouncement to many thonsands of read- ers could be made than that of a new, long narrative poem by rDr. J. G. Hol- land, author of Bitter Sweet" and K athrina." Messrs. Scribner, 'Arm- strong & Co will publish within a short time • ` The Mistress of the Manse,'' ' a companion to the volumes just mentibn- ed, and a poem into which the dis - :uished author has put some of the 'his and most attractive literary work of his life. Like the earlier poems " The Mis- tress of .. the Manse" is a story in verse— a love story, indeed, although the narra- five begins where, in the papular novel of the day, it is apt to conclude, namely, at the marriage season. --Mr. 'Thomas Tyler, ,who was prize - man in Hebrew and New Testament Greek at the Universityi of London, has written a volume, published by Williams '& Norgate (London,) entitled .Ecclesiastes, in which he discusses and rejects the al- leged authorship by Solomon of " Eccle- siastes." He judges it to have been written after the death Of Epicurus, and prior to the apocryphal work by the son of Sirach, about 200 B. (;r., the writer be - in g influenced by the knowledge that the ,stoic and Epicurean }philosophies were exerting among the theocratic people an influence adverse to the ancient faith of Judaism," which it was his design to up- hold. R,oheleth, rendered in the au- thorized version as " the Preacher," he translates " she who is an assembly," which expression he takes to . denote a personification of philosophy, " an ideal assembly of those Jewish philosophers, Stoic, Epicurean, and others, whose opinions were influential at the time when the book was composed," a con- clusion which he thinks satisfactorily solves the difficulty as to the apparently- contradictory utterances in the work. The introductory dissertation is follow- ed by an exegetical analysis and a "iew translation, in which here are some im- portant variations from the ordinary English version -e. g., "For the inflic- tion of pain maketh a wise man shine forth ; but a gift eorrupteth the heart," (7 : 7 ;) and " Wisdom is as good as an inheritance, and better to those who see the sun," (7 11.) e, and the apostle of the of women in the United longs to the sect of the She is said to be on her , where she has just ac- of private physician of raglio. - noire is VICTOR! JOH Is t ALWAYS on Lumber, tv] cannot be surpa of price. i Draining - umber in McKillop, at the: STEAM MILLS, 1 And GOVENILOCK he man to supply ia and a large at1ck of all kinds o ich will be sold at prices whit] sed in this Conuty for eheapnes r d Fencing L inber abundance. Also SHINGLE , LATHS, and every description of builders' prate 'al. Parties building or buying large quantities ' be liberally- dealt with, an{3 will find it to their profit to give the . VICTORIA MILLS j 1 a trial before pu ORDERS CU AT WM. H D ILL'S. - ALSO ONE BALE SLIGHTLY TERC All orders left tbrop P.O. will member JC 325 chasing elsewhere. - r' AT A 'DAY'S N TICE. at the Mill or addressed t Win - receive prompt attentio ' Bo - HN GOVENLOOK S - victoria Mills is t ' e plae'. SEAFO " TH PLANING MI SASH, DO R AND BLIND FAC HE subscriberbegs leave -to thank his m reustomers f+ him since oomi trusts that he r of the same. Parties inter him a call, as he will continuo to keep on large stock of all kinds of i PINE LUMBER, l�ABSE' 8, L, OR= merou r the liberal patronage ext nded t fencing business in Seafo h, an ay be favored with a continuant � e g to build would do welto giv hand l : DR r DOO.S, Simi He feels :con 'who may favor but first-class �Particul BLINDS, MOULDINGS, GLES, LATH, ETCH. dent of giving satisfaction to tho e r him with their patronage; as iio e workmen are employed. rattention paid to Custom P1a g 201 - JOHN H. BROADFOOT. Toronto on Sunday. • Mr. Cook, the great organizer of ex- cursions all over the ;world, was lately iu Toronto, and thus writes of it in an English journal. 1 'What he. says ' of To- ronto, might with equal truth be said of every city and town in Ontario : " This Toronto, with its 60,000 to 70;- 000 inhabitants, astonishes me more than any place which recognises the authority of Queen Victoria.:While I read of sharp conflicts in the British Parliament on the miserable question! of an extra half-hour for getting drunk after mid- night, I found here, on Satiirday evening last, every drink shop closed after 7 o'clock, not to be reopens i until 6 on Monde- morning, and at the very - hour when he dram shops were shut, 'the savingp s' bank opened, and the people were crowding in toay their deposits. All through. the Province of Ontario, not a drink shop,not a cigar shop :not even an ice-cream shop --is opener on Sunday. The public: thoroughfares are HURON THE PLANING MIL MESi RS. GRAY & SCOTT BEG to ani business Martin, and ounce that they have. common in the Shop lately occupied by! re now prepared to fill orders fol' i ,Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Moulchi And all kinds of planed lumber. ALSO LATH AND SHINGL CHEES BOXES 'AND SETTER FAR GATES, HAY RACKS, &c. A good stock of Seasoned Lumber on hand. Factory. and Lumber 'Yard on Goderieh sir near Main street. Jig Sawin- and Custom Planing neatly done A. GRAY. W. H. SCOTT. WHO WANTS MONE ed s et, A. S RONG, SEAFORTH, OF BLANK Y - DAMAGED S C]E EA -g - SECURE YOUR SUPPLY 1867-- —E� TABLIS ED-�-ISCT. TSE $EAFORTE C OCK AIiotD .JEWELRY MPORIVM Is the plane where you can get snpplled with anything ns lly kept in a first-class Jewelry Store. Just received, two more eases aoh of the Celebrated Russell lish Lever The fact of having the name of W. HILL. FRESH t�RRIVA$.S & Son's Long nes, and Russell Eng- . � Watches, in Geld and Silver. hos. Russell & Son is a sufficient guarantee that they will give satisfaction. ALSO SOLE AENT FOR T EW TYLES OF GENTS' COA INGS, 7 Will Loan Money at n LOW RATE OF INTER- EST. either on Farm or Village Property. . Parties reiniring money shotld apply to him. INSU E 1 YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR LIVES. A. Strong, Seafor h. TRO WtSERINGS • E ELGIN WATCH, Thebest American Watch m4nnfactured. Swiss Watches of all Rirals and 11iakes in Great Variety. A VERY LARG1 & VARIED 5TO CIS OF - CLO CKS SOLIDG QLD AND SILV - PLATED AMERICAN AND ENGLISH JEWELRY—A Great Variety. A GOOD VAR OF SILVER PLATED WARE. VARIETY Assortment. R JEWELRY. - 3 THE AGRICULTI ULTRA ACRO UL • M rE Assurance Association of Canada. HEAD OFFICE, - LONDON ONT. �1 IE Public will please note that this Associa- - irion, formerly the Ootinty of Middlesex Mutual, hail not consented to adranee of rates by entering the Mututialneuranoe C mbination. Having only once during its existen a required more than half of amount of Premium Note dor a three years' risk, and.that being at time when the Company - was young and the country baptised in fire,rd haling -by careful management and liberality policy holders been en bled to pass through the several fiery ordeals of be past - -ten years without levying any special assessment on its members, and having, after the late severe drain. on its finenees caused by tI a excessive fim losses of 187:0,1871 and 1872, still at the Members' credit a eash reserve (January let, 1874,) of $ o,ol 9- 07, AND VESTINGS AT CAMPBELL'S CLOTHING • A LARGE STOCK OF' BLLK JEWELRY—A Larg Also Pipes, Tob cco Pouches, �Combs and Brushes. VIOLINS, CONCERTINAS, &C. Uprightnes Fair Dcali , , Promptitude.,' and tants will, as in the past, characterize Mr. COULTER having had 14 years experience as a Pra grantee GOOD WORK, and will give entire s the old stand and the well known eatablis M. R. C 777. 7 position to gi patronage. 1lemember STORE. Boys' -and Youth's Clothing IS ALSO AGENT FOR The Scott sh Provincial Insurance Comp ny- Fire andLife The .Western Insurance' Company, of Toro to— Fire asid Life. The Isol>ted Risk Insurance Compan •, of Canada Terms ; s reasonable as offered by any other agent do` • g business for reliable Come as i s ocery OFFIC u—over Strong y n2ae Store, M - nStreet, Seaforth. 111 + TICE TO DEBTORS, LL pa ties indebted. -to the insolvent estate of A JO N THOMAS, Merchant ,Tailor,, of the Village o Seaforth, h are notified that the '..ander- signed ha the collection of all the outstanding aeoonnts and that all such not paid by the lat of Oetober iilli be placed in Court for tie ection without;jeil. J. 8. POB EB. 858-3 On hand, nd will be sold at a SMALL AD ANCE ON From this date goods intended Wear will be sold a Bargains. W� C.A. Seaforth, Jelly 28,174. COSTr 1 - for Summer PBELL. With a total Capital of $251,370 12, oar Board of Directors have declined the overtures of leas snccessfal Companies to advance- our Tates. Iii ;the face of a strong and increasing competition this old favorite issued for 1873 the large number of :3,066 Policies, makingg the total number no* in force over 37000. Parties desiring insurance on farm property, cheese factories, de- tacin towns hod dwellings and their outbuildings and villages will be wasted on by the undersigned or; one of his duly authorized representatives by addressing as below. The subscriber will continue to visit Huron periodically, and- solicits 1or'hie cooperators the same noble patronage that has ben given to the AGRICULTURAL in the past, and more particuleley to himself, as its ,agent, during the past two years sad a half, J. R. VANTASSF , Clinton; A. TAYLOR, Londesborough—Representatives in Huron. MOTTO--`' Merit Commands Success." CHAS. T, DOYLE, Box A, Owen Sound, 844 District Agent Grey, Bruce and Huron. • Careful Attention to Customers' all business transactions. tioal Watchmaker'and Jeweler, is in a tinfaotion to all who favor him 'with their ant of - )LINTER, Seaforth. IS NOTED CHEAP HAS RECEIVE 17 OASES AND OF 7. CASH - STORE 5 BALES NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS. • DOMINION iiN ION SHAVING & HAIRDRESSING SALOON AND BATH ROOMS. WM. NEWMAN has pleasure in announcing T' thathe has fitted up over his shop a number of convenient and comfortable BATH' ROOMS Where a clean and comfortable bath inay be had at any time. BALANCE OF FALL STOCK will arrive Ex. S. S. MANITOBAN, from Glasgow, on Tuesday er Wednesday, when our Stock will be complete, and will show the cheapest and finest lot of Goods ever imported into this part of the cbnntry. Hotel keeper and heads of families who buy largely will find 777 the place to buy. Every one kindly invited tolook at the Goods and judge forthemselves. A LOT OF TAPESTRY CARPETS At 10 per cent. cheaper than ever Offered in Canada : No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 -Also Three Bales BUTTE., BUTTER. EDWPMD CASH WILL Quality, best snakes, '115 Menta per yard. is K 00 Gf cc {L 035 f4' SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING Aten4ed to as usnui,l. Also onhand a nice stock of D1 LAES'CHI NONSAICD .S.PAIDS 0 the latest styles.! He is also prepared. totakein T S LADIES' AIR COMBINGS, , And have them straightened - and -worked into I, raids, Belts, Switches, Curls, &c. ICh: rges reasonable. - GENTS' WIGS Fu shed on the shortest notice at less than city piiee:.' }A vallis respectfullyleolicited.• - 9 WM. .:NEWMAN. CLINTON RBLE WORKS, HURON STREET, Next door west of the Commercial Hotel. of Thoffe- Cheap Grey Cottons so Much Asked _For. A Splendid Lot of Ladies' Belts—New Styles. A. G. McDOUGALL & Co. BUY GOOD ByTTER ANY QUANT TIES AT HIS BUTTER 1AND WOOL DEPOT, IMFoR T,AN-T TO ALL_ L A)Ii ARRIVALS AT ! THE CHEQUERED STORE, OF Teas, - - Sugars, Liquors anti General Groceries, Which were bought on very favorab]le terms and will be sold off MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, and work of all kinds in American and Foreign Marble, designed and executed in the best style, and t most reasonable prices. )Iantles of Various Colored Marble sup- plied on /tort Notice. • AT PRICES WHICH MUST - PROVE SATISFACTORY TO CUSTOMERS. BACON, HAMS, FL UR AI ID MEAL OF TN it BEST UALITY Always in Stoch a tate Chequered Store, Main Sheet, Seaforth. JAMES MURPHY, Goderich Otreet, Seafortb: G-0I1\TCU -, G-011\TO , G-Ol3TE_ G Hite Monuments and Headstones imported o der. W. H. COOPER., Jr. - 7 T. CALDER, Agent. SEAFORTH AND HURON ARBLE WORKS. 3 , Wo ga. Or 111 E SALE NO 'HUMBUG. AGENUIN � ON MONDAY, JULY 18th, DENT will be Stook of Choice DRY GOODS M 1SS(s.TT & Hate of 7finmBROTilton,)ER, nld intimate to their nnmerotis friends and the eral public that they are prepared to BA all ars for - numents, Headstones, Table -Tops, Mantles, cc, - Gn1anite Monuments Imported to Order. work of the best style and art, and cannot be surpassed in this part of Ontario. eallrespectfally solicited. fielder's old Stand, opposite McCallnm's Hotel, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. E. MESSETT. H. MESSETT. n Selling Oat without reserve. His heady .THE GREAT ENGLISH PEMEDY. - MUST BE SOLI) AND WILL BE SOLD. This step is rendered necessary as he is about bnilding an extensive Show Room for Millinery and Fancy Goads, and must have them to do it and money to do it withee REMEMBER DEN'S GREAT SALE OF CHEAPPtY GOOIJS. DR. WILLIAM CRAY'S a, Before Taking. After Taking SPECIFIC MEDICINE Cures all Nervous Diseases, such as Tremors, De- liility, Prostration &c., which, in many cases, Croduced by over indulgence in the use of tog o and alcoholic spirits ; but the Specific Medic ne js more especially recommended as an nnfail' ng ure for Seminal Weakness, Spermatorrhea, potency, and all diseases that follow as a sequence }of Self Abuse, as Loss of Memory, Universal Lassa= Bode, Pain in. the Back, Dimness of Vision, Pre - Mature Old ,lige, and many other diseases that !lead to Insanity or gonsumption and a Prema- 'tnre Grave, all of which, as a rule, are first -caused by deviating from the path of nature and -over ii, dulgence. ' The Specific Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of experience in treating these "special diseases. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mall to every one. •all Druggists The Specific Medicine is sold by fat $1 per pa4kage, or 6 packages for $5, o rw e ss sent by mail onreeeipt of the money, by ng WILLIAM GRA - dso ,3 i Ont. Svld ineaforth by E. Hickson. & Co., J. S. 'Roberts; RLumsden, and by all Druggists. NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto,le5a re Dealers. I - a TENDERS W1 NTED. TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. _1 ENDERS will be received. by the undersigned, DERS will be received bj' the undersigned addressed to Egm.ondville P. 0., until WED - I- - n SD,4.Y;21st Octipber, for the erection of is bridge 1 until TUESDAY, SEPT. 9,1874, at 2 o'clock roes theeiver on the sideroad opposite Mr. Da- vid Campbell's faun, in the Township of 'Tucker - smith. The bridge will not require to he cpm- pleted until the summer 011875. Plans and speci- fications can be seen on application -at the resi- dence of Mr. DAVID CAMPBETda. - G. E. CRESSWELL, 350 Beeee of Tuckersm1tli. P. M., for erecting a fence Grounds; also for digging an the grounds of School in Sect Both jobs will be let together Or separately. Con - Plans and spea- k P. O. pec£-kP.'O. iMsSNE7r,k 5. round .the School stoning a well on on No. 6, Hallett. tractor to furnish all mate fications can be seen at Harlo TH 8-H*3 • RAM 'LAMBS FOR SALE. "FIGHT LL -BRED Leicester RAM LAMBS E for Sal Can be seen on the farm of the late . HESNEY Fourth Contesslou, B. F. HENRY C , 85$# S„ Tnalers"aaith. ' ESTRAY HEIFER. CAME INTO the premises of the unde Lot No. 29, Con. 5, Tf aborne, about the-ist of May last, a year old red and white heifer. The owner is requested to call, prove property, pay charges anti take her away. TI4TE, Cranley P.O. 352.4 30HN BALLA • 4 •