HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-09-18, Page 88
This house is the best in Seaforth for Commereial
travelers and farmers, at its accommodation is
first-classywhile its prices are as low as the cheap-
est hotels. The rooms lire larf4, well furnished
and perfectly dean., while the bb'st attention is
given to all who patron ae the house. There is
large stabling in 0onnecti0fl, and attentive host-
ler& Below aro the pie -which commend thera-
aellMs to the traveling pab1io.: Farmers, with two I Bea'
horses, hay and dinner, 35 cents I over night, with '
slipper, bed and brealdattt, and hay for horses, $1 ;
SO: ably
of base
from o
play ing
club m
yet find
each si
L. Lati
I -
uphold the name in tpe game
ball, as by defeating the Fly
hey were met by chose p Ayers
er clubs. judgingIro the
, exhibited by the arp trhey
heir first match, the ! tare may
hem strong opponente. Tire fel-
re the names of the ' layers of
e: Kinburns—H. A. Ca eron,
J. Murray, J. Dale, T. Stanley,
w, J. Curry, W. Lawrence, and
er; Ilarpurhey—J. Lamb, T.
W. Robb, J. Fowler, Curry,
Ler, H. Robb, S. D.iji, and J.
singIe meals, 25- eents.-mtirEXANDER DAvnisort, ACC' ENT. --On Tuetday lett, AS Mr.
Proprietor. I. I Wm.. orrence, of this villag was driv-
ing a wagon containine a toe of sugar
SUGARS at from 8 to 12 lbs. for a Dol.
barrele Up to the arehouse f 1essrS.
Tis at 40, 50, e5, 80„ 90 cts. and -a Logan Ti ossing
Dollar. Price, Flavor and Strength considered, the cus. et, he
are the best Toluca in. the Village, at ALLEri's drove t bridge
°roomyy into
arnxT in another Coluran„—E. ILtoKSON a co.
em to
Mr. Dorrence wa
& Jamieson, whe
vert at the side of th
oo near the edge of
and the wheel went down su
t di eh, throwing the bailie'
o to the horses, and causin
rt' ff. 4
th wagon, and was conti era*
red, _and the barrels Weir so ttered
p omi cuously through the ard. The
horse ran through the yarst n - ear of
the A elision Hotel, but were stopped be -
for fe they -reached the street Much
syflapethy is felt for Mr. Dor.Once in his
miefortunes. A few weeks Ago he lost
hisife ; his second son is ! just lecover-
in!i from a severe attack yphoid
fever; his eldest son is atipieseut
gerceisly ill with the seine disease a,nd
• r • wn out
China Tea Sets ju.st arriired at Mos:soles.
GHEAPSIDE —Stone Cream. Crocks,
Stone Batter Crooks, Otone Churns Stone Pre-
serve Jars -with Corks, Etlat Milk Pa s, &c. The
largest stock in town nd cheapest at ALLEN s
DE SauTes.---Finest Madder, Indigo,
Magenta, Logwood, Cooliineal and all other Dye
Stuffs, producing Rich rand Bright colors, at R.
LIJZISD.EN'S Corner Dru Store, Seaforth.
OPPosareoer is ode LIFEor, TRADE.--i-
WAnTnn ScoTT intends opening a Furniture
Wareruom in Ids premses opposite the Market
wherehe will be prepared -to furnish all kinds of
house furniture, either
very lowest prices.
-wholesale or retail at the.
will be suppliedto new subscribers from now till
Jan. 1,1875, for 371 cents.
1 •
THE CENTRAL FAIR. --A considerable
number from this section have gone to
Guelph this week to attend the Central
Fair noar being held there. Messrs. .4
Monroe & Hogan, of Seaforth, have gone
with their celebrated plows. Mr. Love, of,
Hay, a-nd. Mr. Mason, of Tuckersmith,'i,
have alea taken their imported stallions. i
We anticipate that Huron will, as usual,'
carryoft'her due share of prizes from all
t y
Meex,.--In respon e;
a number of the bai-i
nese men of Seeforth, and represen,
tions made by private individuals, t g
Post Office Inspeetor has kindly na I
arrangements fur l a mail between Sat
forth and Goderidla, and Seaforth, Stratt
ford and Loudon on the morning sin
evening express rains. This will gia
us two mails a 41 1 each way betwee
the above named places, which. 'will b
a great convenientesto the business CO3311-
rannity of this place, and we are eunleir
obligations to the Inspectorfor life
- prompt action in the matter.!
the big fairs.
to a petition from
A Tiptoe -cod TO Zonicer.—We
have received froni the PostinastereGen-
eral a note aeknowledging the receipt of
a numerously sighed petition asking for
a 'through mail „direct between this
place and ZuriCh„ instead of around.
by Clinton, as tn present. The Post -
now he himself has been injure
RSOkAL.—The followin
e telegraphic despate
to dailies on Tnescla
aneville : " A complim
was given by the pec,pt
Tecumseth to Dr. M
sday night,. who is leav g
. The Reeve and De,puty-
la and the Deputy -Reeve of Tecum-
spoke on the occasiOn. After the
uet, a magnificent tete of silver-
ett harness, accompan0d. with an
in it
gu t
'add esse was presented ti) the Doctor.
We leak from the Guelph papers
that Mr. R. Ballantyne, fermerly of the
Goderich Star, is now eega,ged as a can-
vasser ( for the " Polar and Tropical
lds." Ile has already canvassed the
ships of Nichol, Pilkington and
lwich, obtaining over 400 subscrib-
and is about .to attack Searborough,
kliant, Whitby and Pickering, Which
eir turn will succumb before him.
Lyon, the publisher of the book, in
ition of Mr. Ballant e's success
canvasser, lately presented him with
d.sonie copy -of the Scriptures, Which
' Cut for Mr.
hoped he may-
of Moore St.
this village,
by an
es of the
la t, from
nta y ban -
of Adjala,
a last
or Sea-
eeve of
son, license Inspector, with having sold
liquor without a license, contrary to
35th Clause of 32 cap. of :37 Vic.,
tario. After examination of several wit-
nesses, leading people in the svillage, Mit
Bray was fined $30 and $12 30 costs;
and in default of payment to be impris-
oned 30 days i County Jail. Mr. Braes
through Mr. M. C. Cameron of Godete
ich, appealed. to the Cotinty dourt Judge.
On return of service ot summons on r.
iso on the County Attoe-
is, the case came up for
adjudication on the 14th
efore Judge Toms. Mt.
to the summons, asking
g of the conviction, on
egularity and want of evi-
a lengthy and able arga-
Lewis, for Mr. Davidson,
it, and Mr. Cameron, for
e appellant, the Judge
conviction with costs, on
at the evidence entirely
lish the case. There were
the conviction which no
ige would have amended,
cc established a case.
in t
a It
was a very appropriate p e
Bel antyne—and it is to be
makegood use of it.
Mr. Moore, of the fir
Ca pbell, Photographers,.
has returned from a three months tour
in he -Old Country. jrfr
1 Mr. B. L. Doyle, of Gederich, has
opened a branch law -o 'ee over Mr.
Kiriktl's store. We understand that Mr.
Do le will attend at hil Seaforth office
Davidson, as
ney, Mr. Le
argument end
Lewis replie
far a quashi
grounds of ir
deuce. After
ment by Mr.
the responde
Mr. Bray, t
quashed the
the ground
failed. to esta
doubt the Ju
had the evid
serially, two days of each week, and
t he will have an assistant constantly
charge of the office.
ranster-Generalpromises to give the mat- •
ter his early consideration. We trust NEw PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY.—Mr. A.
he Will see his Way dear to afford the Calder, Jr., has opened a new photograph
acconamoclation Asked for, aa it would be, gallery in his. promises neatly opposite
a very great convenience to the people the Mansion E.otel, on Maar street, Sea
not only of this +illage, but also te those forth.
of Kipper). and Zerich, and the addition-
al expense would be a mere trifle. The
increased ecconenoclation would in a
short time ca,use Sufficient increase in
business to make up for the a.dditional
A BAD PLE.—Thebridge crossing
the culvert at 'the entrance from the
- street to the yard, in rearof the Mansion
Hotel, at which Mr. Dorrepee met with
so severe an accident the ether day, has
lone been in a dilapidated and dangerous
. coaitiOn, and ohosild not be allowed to
remain as it is bY the corporation. There
is a great deal of traffic across this small
bridge way, and it is surprising that ac-
cidents have not before new happened.
-to those who ha.t-e had to apse and re-
cross it. We db not know whether it is
the duty of the Council or of private ha-
aviduals to keep this crossing in repair.
If it is the Council, they should see to it
that it is repaired at once,' and if it is
private property, the Council should
' have it removed, or compel those to
whore it belongS to have it repaired so as
to make it safe.
Busu Fn -.-During the fatter part
• of -last Week, road the early 'wart of the
present week, Seaforth, like raany other
-ola,ces,- was almost surrouraled. by bush
Ares. On Sunday and Monday a large fire
raged furiously in the bush on the rear
of Mr. James Dickson's faern, and it was
only by the utmost exertions of Mr.
Dickson and his neighbors that it was
kept •within control. Large fires were
also burniiag inthe swamp near Efarpur-
hey, and in many other places in the
neighborhood. I Fortunately, however,
on Monday night and Tuesday the long
wished for rain' and cool weather came;
and quenched the flames. We have not
heard of any clanaage havirag been done
Brussel. 1
1 rt C. R. COOPER, Brussels, Agent for the Ex.-
TOSITOR Newspaper and Job Printing Office.]
t (1
'was held in the Orange 1411, Brussels,
on l the evening of Wednesday of fast
week, for the purpose of forming a lodge
of Orange Young Britons. IA. lodge was
formed, with Mr. Jos p
m with an accident on
9+ inst, which might ha
-with disastrous consequ
returning from Cra.nbroo
in cbmpeny with Mr. li
his horse bolted, overtun
d ain the steep emba
liter. Mr. Kelly had. t ,
himself. The cart fell on top of him,
rotund his hand and was labia to save
c using several severe bruises and a bad
s rain of the wrist, whicha Inow ! hinders
hi from active work. Mr.!Nea ',escaped
without an injury a.nd thelhorei strange
say, was unharmed.—P ed
STILL Taff COME. —M. -tr Leadbeater,
Cranbrook, has opened , out an exten-
e general store in his new building in
needs. !!! '
PROPERTY SOLD. --!Mr. D. Ross, tailor,
sold his house arid one acro lot on Al-
St. Helens.
'Union School Section No
of 4 3-10 rains in the doll
tion No, 8, $460, a rate o
dollar ; School Section
rate of 3 2-10 mills in th
Section No. 11, $400, a
mills in the dollar ; Damn Schad Sec-
tion, McKillop, No. 1, $210, a rate of 7
5-10 mills in the dollar, and that the
re a •by-law to
of Council, to
aforesaid SUMS
motion of Mr.
alker, accounts
for sundry articles were passed and or-
dered to be paid—Carried. Moved by
Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Sproat,
that whereas certain parities are in the
habit of removing gravel and other ma-
terial (valuable for the building and re-
pair of roads) frona. the road allowances'
of Tuckersmith, and paeticularly froin a
certain grevel pit situated on the side
line between lots 5 and 6, Con. 2, L. R.
S., all parties removing such gravel are
hereby 'notified. that the taking of such
gravel and building material without
proper permission from Such before -men-
tioned road allowance, *ill be punished .
with the utmost rigor of he law --Carried
A nrinaber of accounts for gravel for
statute labor were passed and ordered to
be paid ; also, a number of orders for
road jobs. Moved by! Mr. - McDonald,
seconded. by Mr. Walker, that $25 be
granted as charity to indigent persons—
Carried. Moved by Mr. Sproat, second-
ed by Mr. McDonald, ;that Mr. Welke
be authorized to let the job of plankin
a bridge on side road. between lots 25 an
26, Con. 1,L. R. S.-darried. Moved by Mr
Lang, seconded by Mil Walker, that th
by-law authorizing thej collection of th
different rates throughput the township
be read and confirmed Carried. Coun-
cil; --
adjourned to meet t Elliott's Hotel,
Brucefield, on Friday, Nov. 20, at 10
o'clock, A. M. Wm.? OCONN ELL, Clerk!,
RECOVERV. The young man Stuart,
who accident lly shot himself, still lin-
gers, and, it i now thought, may recover.
He is, howe er, Yet in a dangerous -Cdu•
dition. Dr. Keating, of Guelph, has
been added to the list of medical At-
PROTESTS. West Wawanosh has her
share of protesting against voters' lists.
We, were m taken in last week's issue
when we tholught her impervious to cor-
ruptionists' schemes. Both Parties pre-
sented objections to the lists on the lest
day of their reception; ind.eed, the Can-
servative aplpeal was handed in to the
Clerk a few minutes to 12 o'clock :at
night. Of 4ourse the last hour was not
chosen to steal a march on the enemy if
caught napping. Fifty-five Conserva-
tives and 0 Reformers are objected
KILLED. As a farmer was returning
_ Etcher as
K ily Brtissels,
A i
1.1 ed esday, the
-e hee attended
Ces. He was
a 'clog -cart,"
me Neal, when
jog the -vehicle
-theent near the
e reins twisted
from Luckia
horses took
of his neig
He fell on
his head,
tv, the week efore last, his
fright, and pitched out one
bors who accempanied him.
is shoulder and the side of
nd although incapacitated
7, $190, a rate
r; School Sec -
8 mills in the
o. 0,
dollar; School
ate of 5 7-10
Clerk be directed to prep
be passed at this meetin
authorize the collection o
of money --Carried.
-Langeseconded by Mr.
from work fbr a few days, apparently got
all right again. A reaction, however,
took place, end during the extremely hot
days of last eek mortification set in and
-eel-lied. him off after a few days' sickness.
Deceased, reenan by name, was a cern
mon labore , and leaves a wife and eight
small chitd en in very de titute circ m -
stances. , e was into icated at he
tine of th accident; a other warning
to shun th cup.
BARN B RNED.—We tegret to learn
that the ba n of Mr. John Walton, Coe.
14, p, was completely destroyed.
by fire on! Friday afternoon last. 'The
barn was ell filled with the seaseads
crop, and a o contained a number of farm-
ing iniple ents. all of which were de-
stroyed. A r. Walton had been threshing
on the pre does day, and the machine
had been. 1 ft in the barn; and. it too fell
a prey t the devoaring element.
'The mach ne was owned by Dunean
Campbell and Alexander McCartaey.
Mr. Wa ton had no insuraece,
and his los will be very heavy. The or -
fire is not exactly kno n.
e andel' street to Thos. Hall, Of Grey, for
the sum $600.
DISSOLUTION.—WM. rafts and John
cGregor, grocers. hay dissolved. part-
rship. The business is to be carried
by Mr. Tufts.
nser FIREs. —Th e I ate r
ry• serviceable for, hs
irig the parched. earth
•tinguished a eumber of
erakeing in. the woods au
ties refreshing
hey have ex -
fires Which were
destroying much.
by these fires in this vicinity, further vluable timber. The pee ancr barns
than the destruction of considerable o many -farmers were Ithreatened by
valuable, growing timber. As the sea- the devouring element, ! anil it was only
sori hes now become so fat advanced, it bbr their strenuous exertions and the for -
is not likely that much further damage
will result froni _bush fires at this time..
I .
BUSINESS. —Thisiness is again begin-
ning to get brink, and. our streets are re-
suramg their aecustomed lively appear -
timate rain that they
save their property.
FINANCIAL. —The ollowing is the
amount of public debt' toilevied. by the
tbsviashiP of Hetrick for 1S74: For Coun-
ty rate $4,633.18 ; railWay debt, $2, -
Were enaltled to
igin of th
Mr. Walton being a deserving man,
having lost so heavily, a subscrintio
his aid has! been set on foot, and a
$150 has already been subscribed.
Corniced MEETING.—The Counci
et at Davis' Hotel on the
the members present. 11
meeting read and confinr
Mr. Kerr, seconded by t
that a by-law be passed' for
ance. Our merchants and business men tiee,.. local improvement, $4,504.74 ; tot-
al, $11,897.95. This ' ou $528,798, the
amouat for which Hotvielc is assessed,
gives a rate of 2t cents on the dollar.
• 1
HOME 'AC4A3.6.--Rev. obert Ure re-
turned on Monday by s eamer Manito-
a, looking much better for his trip.
PERSONAL. --dAlr. J. IS. 'inclair, Barris-
er, &c., of this town, will conduct the
Crown business at the . Owen. Sound,
Stratford and Woodttock Assizes this
fall. !
LARGE SHIPMEls.i'T.T--0 Friday Mr.
S. Platt closed a sale wih aLfirm in St.
Louis of 1,000 bbls. of "G clench Dairy."
This is one of the largest rdera yet made
here of fine salt. The lo is to be deliv-
ered at Toledo. Mt. Plait has got his'
saw mill running, elect is killing two
birds with one stoner by using the re-
fuse from his mill for fu, 1, This is an
econoray that will prove highly remu-
anticipate a clod season's trade, and
have made preparations accordingly.
Parties -wishing to purchase goods of any
description will find in Seaforth as good.
a selection and as favorable prices as can
be got in any tewn in Ontario. The peo-
ple generally seem to keow 'and appre-
ciate this fact,Ifor we notice that in,busi-
nese seasons oar stores and other busi—
nesshouses are dailycrowdedwith pur-1
chasers from all parts ,of the country.
As a produce Market, aleo, Seaforth has
long borne an enviable reputation, and'
in this respect, as well as in. all Others,
she is bound to keep ahead of her
competitors. 'We have no barriers to
trade—compeatiOn is active,our mar-
kets are open ancl free to all, and the re-
sult is mutual profit to buyer and
BASE BALL. --On Saturday last a very
exciting game was played. at Kinburnf
between the Fly Aways of that place and
the Harpurhey club, resultingl in the lat-
ter club' getting away" with the foes
mer by a majority of five runs in seven
innings. Although liarpurhey has 4-
parently nothing left but its name, we ate
glad to sec that those few who remain
inst. All
utes of las
Moved b
in -
Appeals Against Voters' List.
The following is a c rrect statement of
the number of appeal against the print-
ed voters' lists by ead political party it
the several numicipah es of this County
so far as heard from: 1
I Reformlconsorvativa.
non e
110 e
lefiying ankl collecting on all the ratee,ble
property in the township, the sum of one
cent on th dollar for county purpeses,
and. two nills on the dollar for totvn hip
purposes Carried. .Movedby Mr. Kerr,
seconded by Mr. Bell, that August em -
ma be paid $5, for building a culvert on
Lot 8, Concession Lines 8 and 9; laiso
that Mrs. Cahill be graated $5, forchar-
ity—Carried. The Clerk was instructed
to write to - Mr. Cambell, P. L.• S.,
Mitchell, to send an estimate of th ex-
pense of surveying a, d erecting two
stone monuments at each cro sing
of COD Cession roads through the
township,1 and establishing the roads, in
their original position, L. Moved by
•Mr. Ke
John Me
arid. that
The Council adjourned. to meet at Hau-
nah's Te perance House, on the first
Saturday in October next.
Wingham, was brou
. T. Bray, druggist,
ht b�fore Thomas
Hohnes, Esq., and for o her magistrates
in Wingham, charge by i•Sames David -
, seconded by Mr. Bell, that
arey be appointed collector,
e find proper security—Carried.
Goderich.. .,.... •
PERSO,. AL.—Mr. WaL Ball, of T
smith; h s been appo ntecl. a jud
horses at the Provincia Exhibition
held at toronto next seek.
and dragging the horse a r .
glad. to say that none the sfair occupants
were injured; nor wao the horse burtZ
The buggy, , however, was badly
smashed. - .
SAD DeaTac.—A week or two ago, a
Lad named Geo. A:lcock, who lived on
Con. 14, Grey. was driving a cow,
slipped. and fell on the edge _of a sugar!
kettle, inflidting a severe gash his'
leg. Inflammation set in, and on Satur-
day last the unfortunate boy breathed
bis last.—lb.
SPORT AHEAD. -011. Tuesday next, a
squirrel hunt will take- place between. 12
marksmen from Ethel and a like number
from Cranbrook. The hunt will take
place near the latter place. The loser
are to entertain the winners at a dinue
at Tuck's Hotel, The day's proceedin
will terrninate with a social hop in Tuck'
, none
.. 22
Goderich Township.. . 136
Grey. 8
Hay e none
Hcarick 88
Hallett none
McKillop.1 Done
Morris 97'
Seaforth none
Stanley 58
Stephen - 117
Tuckersmitle.... none
Turnberry 3
Usborne.... .„ ... .. 56
Wawanosh, East• . '2
Wawanosh, West • • . .• 551
Wingham 13
e of
to be
Judge Toms' will
peal at the followin
dates named: Clint
21; Goderich Town,
Aslifield, Dunganno
26 ; Brussels, Wedia
9 o'clock; Grey, at
day at 11 o'clock, AM.; East Waw
osh, at the Orange Hall neadBelgra
Thursday, Oct: 8, 2 P.M.; Wingha
Court Room, Thur day, Oct. 8, at
o'clock; Morris, Orange Hall, near
grave, Friday, Oct. 9.
no e
old Courts of A
places ,and on t
n on Monday, Se
Tuesday, Sept. 2
a Saturday, Se
esday, Sept. .30,
russets, on the sa
MARE 1 LED. —A short time ago a
valuable breeding mare
belonging urothn
Mr. Ch istopb.er Dale, of he
Road, T ckersmith, gait out of the field
in wide she was Pasturing, strayed
on to th railway track and was over-
taken anLl killed! by a passing train The
fence along the track had been burned
down, and had not again been repaired,
which ancounted for the animal getting
on the taack. Mr. Dale at once re orted
his loss And -the circumstances attending
it to the Grand Trunk autheritiels, A
person was immediately sent to e quire
into the natter, arid upon Mr. Dal 's re-
presenta ions being found lo be correct,
his c:IainL for damages was acknowledged
hepaid an
the bdso.me sum of
d225for.% as .
the loss of his animal. ,
COUNCIL MEETING. -T -The Tuckersmith
et on Friday last at Cha ber's
n the village of Egmon ville.
members present. Minutes of
ting read and. approved. The
the collectoe was handed in,
was moved by Mr. McDonald,
by Mr. Walker, that the bond.
Acct. A letter from the County
as read, reckairieg a sum of
5 for County purposes, when it
was moved by Mr. Sproat. seconded by
Mr.cDonald., th4t the following
amount be levied on the township for
the cur ent year: F r County purposes
$4,001 5, at a rate of 5 2-10 mals per
dollar ; for township purposes, p, 516 32;
at rate ef 3t mills per dollar ; 'for !school
$3,575, in accordance with
isition of the trustees of the se-v-
ool Sections being as follows:
Section No.],
, $470, a rate of 5
Is in e dollt r ; School Section
380, a rate cif 3 9-10 mills, in the
School_ Secti n No. 3, $450, a
1-20 mills inIthe dollar; School
No. 4, $375, a rate of 4 mills in
ar ; School Section No. 60 $315,
of 3 9-10 en
All the
last me
bond of
when it
be acce
ESTURNED.—The many friends of -Mr ,
Wells will be glad to learn that he ha
arrived home again, safe and sound, fro
Ireland, where he -has been on a visit fo
the last two months, bringing with 'him
four or five stout, healthy looking girls;
two men and one boy. They all look as
,if the climate of the " Green Isle" and
the sea breezes had agreed admirably
with them. Mr. Wells himself is in th
best of health and spirits and full o
funny " yarns " about the Old Countr 1.
Mr. -Wells would be a first-class area for
our Government to employ a's Emigran
Agent, he does not go lecturing abont tit
country and then let it end there; h
puts his preaching into practice.
CONCERT.—A concert will be held i
Belmore on the evening of Thursday,
Oct; 1, under the auspices of the British
American Order of Good Tempters, wh n
a, pleasing and. interesting meetiug may
be expected.
BUSH FIRES.—B1.18h fires have done
an immense amount of damage ix_ th s
vicinity in the destruction ' of ti be
property and also of buildings and graii.
The village was for a few days
minent danger. --Com.
ACCIDENT.—On Thursday, Sept. lb,
as a number of children were playing
with an empty barrel in the road ir front
of the premises of Mr. James Ireland,
Third Concession of Morris, a splinter,
fully five inches in length and as thick
-as a writing pencil, was forcibly driven
through the fleshy part of the arra of a
little girl, aged about five" years, a -ugh -
ter of Mr. Ireland. Medical ass stance
had to be obtained to extract the splits-
te r. —Post.
SEPT. 18, 1874.
by-law No. 10, 1874, as now read the
. third time -be passed, and that the Reeve
and Clerk sign the smile and attach the
seal of the corporation thereto—Carried.
Miffed by Mr. Geiger, seconded.- by Mr.
ltannie, that John Broderick be collector
for the current year, salary $50, ancl that
he furnish satisfactory security at next
meeting of Council—Carried. The fol-
lowing accounts were ordered to be paid:
John 0. Kalbiliesch, timber for culverts,
$12 37; John Hartman, . for gravel,
$16 65 ; J. Cook & Bros., for plank,
• $3 05. Moved. by Mr. Geiger, seconded
by Mr. McColl, that tenders be asked for
cuttingof drain through the marsh on
the Tenth Concession, up to 5 o'clock P.
M., on Thursday, the 17th of September
and that the Clerk get hand. bills
printed both in English and German, and
that this Council do now -adjourn to
meet again at 6' o'clock P. M. on the
said. 17th day of September --Carried.
Lovn, Sr., Clerk.
Smoot, PIc-Nid. —A_ very successful
pic-nic was held a s ort time ago in he
woods int Lot 14, 0 n. 9. The prtnci al
part of the attendattice consisted of jhe
scholars aricl young jeople of sectio -n
4, but enough of t e more advanced in
life were present to give tone and battiest
to the affair.- Thej arrangements re
excellent, and ere itable to Miss a-
phemia _Ca-mpbell, tne teacher, un er
whose direction th pic-nic had b33en
principally gotten ujp. The usual io-
nic amusements w re hadinged in, aid,
in addition, there w s a speech by r.
Thompson, of Kin urn., who, in his us-
tomary happy -marner, combinecleinst c -
tion with amuseme t. .A. moreileng hy
account -of this plea ant affair is it hjnd,
but we are unfortu° ately unable! to find
room for it.
the leg
eral Sc
5-10 mi
No. 2,
rate of
the do
. -
a. rate
in the dollar;
Beanilluern—Qi ite an excititig chase
took place in II ullett on Thureday. A.
bear was seen pasting along the Base
Line; the alarm wAs given and a party
were soon in pursuit. Bruin was hastily
er a fierce _struggle,
, killed; but on Jthe
to show signs of life
for another fight;
chained, :was a
eby prevented fom
doing harm. As !might be expected,
people dame itt croWds to see the karig
sought for bear, when lo to the ditap-
pointment of all, tl4e "bear" turned out
'to be nothing inora than a large dlog,
somewhat deforrne4 and clumsy, and was
again set at liberty to continue his jour-
ney. ---Com.
day, about noon, t
Huber Bros., near
in the roof from sp
chimneyland there being_a strong b
at the time, and ede man near, the
soon got beyond ceatrol -and the h
in flames. The Marin was given
ficiently early for the neighbors to a
and save most of the furniture: Thd ser-
vant girl was so ueafortimate as to* lose
everything but what she' had on. The
Joss will be about $800. No insurance.—
New Era.
overtaken, and, a
was, as all suppose
way home he bega
and was soon read
but, being securely
oner, and. was the
clearing out sale at the store of
J. & W. Grandy, Zurich, is still bei
continued and. is attended with mar
success. Large sales are made each ev
ing, and good. bargains are always iii ord
The sale, therefore, continues to Mere
in attraction, and is always well
tended. •
CHURCH OPENING. —The new Catholic
'Church, near Drysdale'in the township
of Hay, will be opened by His Lordship,
Bishop Walsh, with tb e usual ceremonies,
on Sunday next. The occasion is x-
pected to be one of much interest, and a
large attendance from all parts is antici-
DESEOR0.-0n 11, on-
e residence of Me srs.
Londesboro, took tire
rks from the kit hen
FARM Soree—A few days ago M
Woods, of Grey, seld his farm of 50
to Mr. George McKay, of the
The Constance Lodge, 1.0.G.T., of this •
place, spent one of the most thoroughly
enjoyable seasons, en Wedeesday evening
of last week, that has yet fallen to our lot
since our organization ; and the whole
affair came to us in this wise Our good.
friends df the Royal Oak Temple, from
ith, and also those of the
ar, from Londesboro, had each
an intimation that they -woulhl
be with us on that occasion, and this, I
believe,withoutany previous axrange-
ment with each other to that effect
The coincidence was; a most happy one,
and. waS heightened in interest and inten-
sified when some three Or four members
of the Huron Temple, from your am-
bitious town of Seaforth, haying by some
means heard of what was about to take
place, promptly, fell into line, and right
efficiently completed the. interesting as-
semblage. After the usual routine busi-
ness of the lodge had been passed theeugh,
the entertainment of the meeting com-
menced, and our visiting friends had. to
certainty come well nrepa'red to con-
tribute their respective quotas. So that
what with select readings, recitations,
dialogues, humorous and sentimental
songs, enlivened by cheerfal strains of
music en the flutina, the whole inter-
spersed at proper intervals with short,
Pithy, pointed addresses of - the im-
promptu character, the interest was kept
up and even heightened throughout the
entire proceedings until the hour of 11
o'clock or perhaps a little, though a very
little, later, without an interruption or.
flaw, unless it ehould be claimed that
leaving off the social and intellectual, for
some 15 or 20 minutes, to attend to re-
plenishing the physical man, should be
claimed as an interrnotion. And where
from the advancing hours, and not by *
any means from dearth of entertaining
matter, it was deemed judicious to bring
the interview to a -close, it would be
• difficult to find a small gathering of about
one hundred persons, brothers and sisters
—and. that was jiiA about the number
present on that occaeion—that had. en-
joyed. theraselves mote heartily thau did.
the Constance Lodge of Good Ternplars,
and those of other lodges that assembled
with -us. There were a few peculiarities
that were conspicuous by their absence
on that occasion. The first of note was,
we were thoroughly sociable and cheer-
ful without alcoholic stimulante ; the
second was, no person -was- rade enough
to introduce the Sickening, nauseating,
poisonous: fumes of tobacco, and the
third was, there was not a harsh note
struck. No word of bitterness for manu-
facturers or vendors of that which is the
cause of unutterable wretchedness to
millions of our race, but throughout
there wA a deep, hearty determination
eviiaced to prosecute to completion the
work in which we are engaged—until
prohibition, pure and simple, crowns our
effort. --Com,
ACCIDENT. —Last week, as Mr. Thos.
Ching was assisting a neighbor in build-
ing a stack, the ladder on which he -was
descending from the stack fell back-
wards, and had it not lodged against an
adjacent building, might have resulted
seriously for Mr. Ching. As it was he
was taken up insensible, having his spine
slightly injured, but we are happy to
state that he is now in a fair way, for
VINEYARD. --Mr. John Zimme 's vine-
yard is well worthy of a visit. It is
well stocked with the best of *aches,
pears, apricots, apples, &c., in addition
North S
given u
to the immense quantity of pleralid
grapes, which he is raising in
quantities than heretefere.
got his naills in full operation, a d is do-
ing a good business in the flour and ta-w-
ing line.
BIIRGLA_RY.—Zurich bad a burglary
the other evening. Messrs. Grandy &
Hess were the sufferers. - Zurichcan
now step up on the plank with her sister
villages. The thief is still at lafge.
FALL' SHOW.—The Fall Shodv is ex-
pected to be a grand. success tht season.
It will, of course, be attended ith the
usual amount of festivity, dancing, dsc.
IersuRen-ca MeteriNee—A public meet-
ing was held on the 5th clay of ' SePtem-
ben in the Brownson Line , meeting
house, in the township of Hayt for the
purpose of consulting as to whether it
would be expedient to establish a.Farm-
ers' Mutual Fire Insurance CoMpany in.
the above named municipality. The ad-
. v.
and 40
vertised time having -arrived, the
ing was called to order, and Mt.
Dirstein was elected Chairman and
William McKie Secretary yro
There -were present between 3
voters. After full explanation of the
purpose of this meeting by the Chairman
in both English and German, it was un-
animously resolvecl that it is expedient
to establish such company. It wa, then
moved by William Lehman, zeeondedby
Abraham. Lehman, that H. V.1Dir tein,
Adam Sacks and Daniel Surerus open
and keep a subscription book itt ivhi�h
the owners of property, movable qr im-
movable, within the Province 0ntario,
may sign their names ,and ente1r the
sums for which they shall r pec
bind themselves to effect insorance in
]Eolil Shows.
Tuckersmith Branch, at Seaforth, Oct. 8s.nd 9.
Hay Branch, at Zurich. on Sept. 28 and 29.
Stanley Branch, at Bayfield, Sept. 25.
North Ridi-ng Huron, at Blyth, Sept. 17 nd-i8.
East Wawanosh Branch, at Belgrave, Sept, SO.
South Riding Huron at Exeter Oct. 5 and 6.
Mina and Wallace, al Tiistowel, Oct.? and 8.
,Mitohell, Oct. 6 and 7.
Western Fair, at London, Sept. 29 and 30 and
Oct. 1 and 2.
Provincial Exhibition, at Toronto, Monday, Sept.
21, and four following, days.
Hibbert Branch, at Staffs,
on. Tuesday, Sept. 29.
Howick Branch, at Wroxeter, on Oct. 7.
Grey Branch, at Brussels, on Oct. 6.
Tumbetry Branch, at Wingham, on Oct. 2.
township, for the isum of $1,800. Mr. the said company.
Woods has since purchased Mr. B. piles COUNCIL MEETING. —The ladjourned
' farm of 100 acresion the Sixteenth! Con- Court of Revision, to hear and deter -
cession, for $2,900. Mr. Tile intends re- mine complaints andappeals in *nee -
moving to the Sort tion with the drainage beal
OXEN KILLED. the Town Hall, on Tuesday
Sept 14, as Mr. All the members of Council w
25, Con. 4, Grey,
neighbor's with a
in a wagon clrawij
hart been burnt
across the track,
outright, and b
other in two 0a
in front leading
riding in the wag
hadnarrow escapes.—Poet.
A MISHAP. —On Tuesday, as the
Warner, Robertson, and Mitche
12, Grey, were driving in a buggy
Mitchell's bridge, the horse shie
hole in the bridge and backed
hide over the embankment, id -apt
precious content a on the ground
thern States.
On Monday afte
dre-w Bremne
was returning
quantity of seed
by oxen, a tree,
by the late fire
illing one of th
eaking the jaw
es. Mr. Bremn
he oxen and a b
on at the time.
, Lot
ern a
f the
r was
y was
, Con.
at a
he ve-
g the
, Met in
Sept. 1.
e present,
and. constituted the Court ofi Re mon,
the Reeve being Chairman. 'Min tes of
the previous meeting of Court of " evis-
ion read and approved of. It wa then
movedtby Mr. McColl, seconded y Mr.
McAllister, that the sched-a% at ached
to drainage by-law; as publis edthe
HURON EXPOSITOR, and now und r con-
sideration by the Court of Revision for
the same, be passed without any Altera-
tions, and. that the Court of Reviston for
the same be now dosede-Carriede The
Council then met. for despatch of busi-
ness. All the members pretent Min-
utes of previous meeting read a d ' ap-
proved. Moved by Mr. Geiger, econd-
ed by Mr. McAllister, that the .ut
Grand Trunk Rail -way.
Trains leai'e Seaforth and Clintan Stations as
1Seaforth. Clinton.
Mornmg Mail.. ... . 7:55 A. M. 85LL.
Day Express 1:45 P. M. 1:25 P. M.
Afternoon Mixed......... 1210 P. M. 11:15 P. M.
Evening Mired. 5:10 P. M. 4:30 P. M.
Morning Mixed.......... 755 A. M. 8:35 A. M.
Day Express . 105 P. M. 125P. M.
Afternoon Mixed. . .. 5:10 P. M. 5:50 P.M.
Evening Mail . 8:55 P. M. 9;20 P. N.
• !Black Lustres and Merinoes,
Carpets, Blankets and _Flannels,
In all the lim,elties.
No. 34
Look Rot Pi-
On ib. Sbiobtyrsi
XOnOW open NOth