HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-09-18, Page 3`T. 8, , .1874. UAL , Banisters yea eryr Godeii„ h XtJ, c ii i.Y.. SI % La etnl , Atterne set . &e,. ( We en West e, G=ocierich: tela r F. W.ttaft. aha, has been - sal bccurities Cont- also went for several pri- iso loan Mts ey at fit payable yearly. €ichor for the St. 871. 218 LMESTED,13r.rristers, At Solicitors in Chancery and Public and, Conveyancers.. .lank, Seaforth; .,agents for ince Company,: :i€l at 8 per Geist. Pars, rle< 53 i, Barristers, and Attorneys In Chancery and Insolvency, e Public, etc. Offices—Se$,. ssr,oeo of Private Funds to t percent. Interest, : payable 53 n 'V. C. Ain. En. Ftrr.ter,..ttutney fn Chasse - Lc' h, Ont. Office—over J. Cs. sem, market Square. 26E It Tics€ dam, tti,' rneys,Sellcitors in Chancery Of tee—two doors north of -DANIEL McDONAr,D, Brussels. c.,Phystcien, Surgeon and !forth, Out. Office and resi- tlttcterich Street, first door 842 e D., G. AL, Physician, Sur- mer ur Ener for the Couuty of Huron.: corner of Market and High inning Mils. Graduate of McGill Univers €,coroner far the County of t door to Calder Brothers' c.ppo i e McCallum's Hotel, i, near the Railway Station. Ds, Physician, Surgeon and e duata of the Medical De- tniversity; formerly of the !vie and London, Eng.; visited Paris, Edinburgh and GIas- nicefiEld. 849: RULI,. GEON,Denttst,t e.,Seafortli, istario. Plate work, latest neatly executed. All sur- operations ;performed with e. Fees as low as can be ob- Slice hours faoni 8 A. M. to 5 gr. A. G. McDongall's Store,.. 270 • 1', L. D. S., Surgeon Dentist, ,!.rich on the first TUESDAY of each month, at the Col - 35O L, V. S., Licentiate and Prize - University, niversity, Ithaca,, N.Y., and o Veterinary College, Toronto ntly in Varna,; where he will be ting to: attend to all kinds of s of Animals (man excepted),: her,, wadi at, all hours. Resi- s doora east of Cook's Tem- ars URfrEON.—D. McNAUG'HT,. aneunee to the inhabitants of undirrg eountxy that he has ploma of the Ontario Veterin Low prepared to treat diseases and all domestic animals. He .in eomrection with his heise- -he will be found ready to at •ases of the feet specially at- eek office and; shop in the rear `s new store. All kinds of Yet - kept constantly on, hand. 229 L. Veterinary_ Surgeon,. (mem- ;trio Veterinary Cellege,}begs has returned, to the practice of afortb, and may at all times be tiseases of Horses, Cattle, &e. ies constantly on hand. All ended to. Office, , at Mansion 273 tt 4 �� Y1t -", Thomas i -` X11, S t?FiH. state to his old friends and rublic, that he has leased the )led by Mr. MURRAY, and the DGWI.1E.Y HOUSE, and eontinuance of the patronage ed upon him during his many -business. Every comfort and - provided for travellers. The Eel Cigars only kept in the Bar. le hostler always in attendance. ROMA S K`"&X, Proprietor.; Els, WA€.TON. johrt Winter, hotel is situated on the les north of Seaforth, and pot- nodation and comfort for tray ands of liquors and cigars kept. ireful and attentive hostler in stabling in connection with 350' i1'ERYAND SAT.1 STABLES. tray's Hotel, Seaforth. Good ass Oonveyanees always on hand. rST BLESS SE LFOBTH, Ont. ar Comforta le Vehicles, always ale Arrangeients made with lers. All or ers left at Ketox's raptly attended to. ah ..Es:—So th of the Commer•= treet. [NOMAS BLL, Proprietor. YOUR OWN INTEREST. DER CAM=ERON, t and Jew elor, Mitchell, while nuraeroris friends and custom- of Huron and. surrounding diet - !re, would respectfully intimate 1 to that beautiful stand west end here he has opened a beautiful and gents' jewelry of the latest locks the largest and most vari- erio. My watches are acknowl- Iapest and best in the market, roro€Ighly regulated and tested' it for sale. ncytor the Elgin Watch. EPAIRING. cess€al in obtaining the services rho has had lone praetico in the and Edinburgh, Scotland, me- at in, rid part of the Dominion: it clocke watches and jewelry ALEX. CAMERON,: Practical \Matchmaker. 1,1874.. 350-52. C LLI N S' DN ROOM' el Consi;unl.ents of Bankrupt )ck, eensistiag of made ClGtlting, Ties, &c, ''-tock of iDru Good8.,. ilso: a quant,ty of AND (r1LA;i5WAP'E be offered at 3uetion on I:DAY,: AL Eli ;ST 1. our on pric€ I will also sell less than roar ,rfacturers prices.. xrst-elms stoic: and and no Shoddy: heap when y`o. have the chance ch clay and. vening until the Auctioneer. 0 ne er Collars, riu=L TO klIE . N U:BL ra in EuropI , by the Alan Line, T RY the Nrthw t, by BEATTi.S^r Lose a 1,1`E,eith by Duluth ..- :.so tiekets to 11 parts of the and Weate States Kiat connect ic r, can .be had on i undersigned ; t Seaforth rforination e "eerfully given to 00D1E, Agent - R. B. GAILPTIOS. gyman at Faris, Ky., stopped hia lead an unruly man oilt by -his want on : " As 1 Wa8 saying„ oh i. that's the matter with you, my r Oh, aunty ! I just ::went to little chickey, and the-: old hen at me and bit me with her nose !" wonder if it's sea -sic.: nest that gailorsalways a -heaving up an-, exclaimed Aunt Hepaibah, as ►ked thoughtfully up from: her morning paper. 1-A little boy having broken his rock: • ing`horse the day it was purchased, his sop began to scold, when he silenced herby inquiring, "What is the good of a horse till it's. broke?" . f ,-It's awful lonesome in Mexico just new_ and tears trickle down. the father's Cbeeks as he takes his son on his knee nd tells him how the country; used to he blessed with a revolution about every two weeks. `—In a restauraut not long ago, a gen- tleman, while devouringa plateof hash, .'; came across a pearl sleeve -button in it. Ili very justly complained to 'the big, r the latter replying btawnywaiter, p y�ng in an astounding mariner : " Well, what d'yer exert to get—a hull shirt.?" . -.-,Do you believe there are any people w'ho never heard the 'Old Hundred ?' " asked a musical younglady at the family, table. "Lots of folks never heard it," interrupted the precious , brother. "where are they, I should ; like to know ?" In the deaf and dumb asylum." —At the funeral of his sixth Wife, Mr. R. proffered the officiating clergymen a $2 greenback. ' The minister declined it, saying° that he was not accustomed to accept pay for such services. "" Just as you say," coolly replied the Mourner ; "but that's just what I have been in. the habit of paying." i ---There must be a good dealiof offer- ing'in Nashville.; The Union an cl 1 viers'. can says : `i That kind-hearted gentle- man who, with a commendable exhibition of self-denial, presented an indigent fam- ily with $2 in currency yesterday, was. eved to meet said family returning m the circusa few hours later." —When young Mr. Spitzer left home for college, he took leave -of his another in this manner : " Mother, I Will write often and think of you co t. stantly." hereturned two, years later, lie re- marked 3 ea, , , market to the anxious parent, Dear mothaw,. I gweet you once moth ?" Imagine the feelings of a fond Mother. —"Is my face dirty,' retnarkedl a Mitchell young lady to her aunt while at dinner at a Toronto hotel the ether day. "Dirty_! No. Why do you asl ?" "Be- cause that insulting waiter insists upon putting a towel beside my plate. I've thrown three under the table, aid yet every time he comes around he p is an- other one before me." r . General Notes. Madame Arabella Und lard, ; the pian- ist, and Blandin, the rope -walker, lost all their possessons recently by the wreck of a steamer off the; coast of Queensland. Australia. —A rather peculiar man :- is -Judge Keith, of Virginia, wha after -issuing warrants for the recent gest kg Mosby and Payne for dueling, mounted his horse and rode out to see. the encounter. —The Collector of ustoms; at El Paso, Texas, in a letter t : the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics, dated Ang. 17, says :, : " We have not sad. a drop of• rain in this vicinity for 365 days. Ev- erything is scorching hot and burning up. Many of the cattle haste died of starvation." 1 I --A negro living near Atlanta, (la., stele- a shot -gun from another !negro,' and, on being arrested, •proposed that, instead of being locked I up, lie should -e him. and he back fiber of allow the owner of the gun- to gi a: whipping. This was agreed: to, was given. 39 bashes on :the =bar with a stout strap, a la,.rge tun persons going to see the punishment,'. which was relentlessly inflicted and phi Iosophically borne. I ---James W. Marshall, 'the man who first discovered gold in .iCalifornia, says' that he isn't a drunkard and gambler,; by any manner of means. He itv--in re- ceipt of an allowance of r $10) a month! from that State, and uses mu*h of this in aiding struggling persons in. establish- ing themselves in business. ` ' —The London Swimming dub, organ ized 15 years ago, andlas ing for its prin cipal object the gratuitous instruction of all applicants in the art of swimming, and to provide swimming masters for. charitable institutions, schools, &c.,' lately.held its fifthannual fet4. A pecu- liar feature of the occasion was a praeti cal illuutration of the best anethocl of saving life, by a gentleman of the Club and his son, the former acting to iperfec- tion the; part of a drowniig man, ' nd.be- Mg rescued by the latter. —A somnambulist jumped rom a train on the Pan Handle (O.) road„ a few nights ago, when it was =nine at the rate of 30 miles an hour. The train was stoppedand backed a half mile; where the sleeper was found lying beside the • track, considerably bruised, bit not seri- ously injured.. 1 —A child, four years old, ied gat Chi- cago, the other day, of hydro hobia, dis proving the popular theory`tlat children . are never affected with that t ease. She received the fatal pet dog, which she was caress an nourished. with little else but blood. 'I now twenty - peoplo who drink it in m . own neighborhood to whom I have reeommend'ed it. -It has -;extraordinary effects on Some people, especially women, but should not • be resorted to unless there is absolutes weakness '-of the sy- tet."Oa a visit of the inquirer to r► slaughter -house in Tenth Avenue, neat' .h`orty-fleet:ma street, he found a delicate looking woman With a sickly boy hot ing a glass to the blood which ran from an ox with its throat cut. Both dra k tw,O or three glasses in turn, and depart - r. or �o ed with an appearance of added vig 0 e of the butchers was asked whetk he ever drank Islood, and is stated ha -e replied to the following effec `` huie au' I do now ; why not now Ia. by an' ye couldn't tell the •difFereiice between it im' milk. It's just as swate, sh re ; and in the winter it's warm nd. fo' e. - Bedad.• ibut it's stringthen' , sh re.-Hou1cLon and I'll get`ye a'1h p. It'is best warn _-runnin' right from he ba tet" •Theiroprietor said : "All ladt winter we' had- men, women . and Children every' inorning to drink bload. er errible dis bite from a . ing, on the cheek, about the lst of July. --Bradford, the American painter, has Just finished a splendid picture of ,a scene on the coast of Labrador, for the Baroness Burdett -Coutts, for w4ich he asked 'm hi sent her andshe s 800 guineas, e a check for 1,000. Prof. Pierre Blot, the culinary artist, d19d, Aug. 26, at his resicl.enee in Jersey City. —Judge Bazil Harmsen, of Prairie- Rohde, Mich,, the first white man that settled there, the 'first Judge of Kala- mazoo County, and the original ; charac- ter of Cooper's " Bee -Hunter¢" died Sun- day, Aug. 23, at the age ofI 164 years and 6 months. They always im the blood of she. a bit at first, ba eyes blood warn has just t e s from the co+w. blood, except w refiners." The ed to be more.e gibe beast's blood, ne p. Some of them wi#ice t when you close ybour --from the beast's neck me taste as warm milk We don't charge for the en we sell it to sugar blood of beeves is assert- picacious for weak luings than cod liver Oil, and to differ consider - ab y in its constituents from that of hi pian bein as. -' New . York Correspsnd- en e Pltilade phta Record. i I.�•� Abys lnian Slaves. The Abyssin an. girls are remarkably pretty, with 1a�rge eyes'and delicately - shaped features. These girls are brought dawn from th' Galla country by.the slave -dealers rota Abyssinia. That beautiful coup ry, which, ` had we not wantonly dested it, might have be- come of great=ii iportance, is now a rey to anarchy. ; The opposing tribes !are only too happy to sell their female pridon- ers, to the rab slave -traders. These people brim down the y ung girls in gangs by various routes, b t . the princi- pal outlet is tee Red Se , about i as= sowa. A great market is at Galla at, the frontier .town of Abyssinia. T ere I have seen t em crowded togethei, in mat tents, wait ing for purchasers ftom those commissi ned to procure slavesi by the wealthy Arabs and Turkish officials. At Gallabat a handsome young gir of 16 is worth abo it £15, but the same iri at Cairo would fetch £40 or £50. `he Abyssinians ar a much advanced ace compared with the negroes of Cen al Africa. The w mon are very aff'ectioi to and devoted. t those who show t Item kindness. Th s, as they combine beauty with devotion they_ are much sought for, and command `T high price in the mar et. They are seldo purchase- by comb non people, as them price. is too high, and they cannot earn money by bo sly labor like ne eases, being too eli- cate and un ble to sustain fati ue. Although the are generally ter ed Abyssianians (_Habbeslteea), I have never met with a true high -caste Abyssinian girl these worild- be Christians ; where- as all I` have seen have been Galla —a Mohammedan race. Many of hese poor girls die from fatigue on the desert journey from Gallabat to the sea-cgast.. Those who reach. Khartoum, or the tdwns of Lower Egypt, are sold to the wealthy, and generally hake a high position in. the harems, often becoming the wives of their purchasers.. In the Soudan I 1. met several charming -Abyssinian lai who, having hmarried European resid have becomet perfectly civilized ; pro the race is capable of gre st advancements —Macmillan's Magazine. ter • SO A. FEAT OF MEMORY.—The Scot. -nut-$ says - On the occasion of Professo Fawcett's speech at Brighton, the other day, the report of which occupied fnore thaii�. two columns of the Scotsman, a curious instance was afforded of memory such as is not often equaled. A gentle- man who went down to Brighton in or- der to report the speech for 14 newspa- pers, called upon the Professor Some time before its delivery, and, explaining the nature of his business, requested the' favor of a ;Statement- of the principal points of the speech. Prof. Fawcett 'very courteously proposed not only to give hini the substance of his speech, but to rehearse the whole of it for him. This he did; and the reporter took it down. Later on, while the speech proper was being delivered, the original copy made at the reheiarsal was checked over word for word, arid; from beginning to end. So perfectly had the speech been com- mitted to memory, there was not one single mistake'}} except that' in one place a word was substituted for its equivalent in the notes." - Blood Drinkers in New York. Upon inquiry at slaughter -houses, it is found that there are nearly X00 i persons zit this city who are in the habit of drink- ing blood Bowing warmly from oxen, for strengthening purposes and for the cure of certain diseases. A Mrs. Emily Hun- ter, of Thirty-fourth street, is reported. t 1 have spoken to an inquirer as follows: "Prof. Valpeau, of Paris,` prescribed blood for me. I was consumptive and hastening to the grave. It has prolong- ed my life 15 years. I had the utmost JePlignance for it at first, butt now a half pint of hot blood from awell onditioned ox is the greatest luxury of DV 1tfe. ; My sister's baby has so far beef. pl esebved IF YOU . x Madd UST er, WANT . GO S. ROB OPPOSITE TH ARRIVED, Madd er Cgmpound, Fustic, Alum, D COLORS ON H U'S.' DZE STtTPPS AT 1 RTS' DRU MANSION Ii OTEL, .SEAFORTH I#ST TRIAL STORE F'' ESH, A LARGE QUANTITY OF I digo, indigo Compoli.n f Cudbear, Lac. Dye, Co lineal, Cr a pa Tartar, M genta Crystals, Tura errs. THE REAT REFORM. ave dies, nte, ung —Christopher Cusick, a hotel -keeper of Ailsa Craig, on Friday night, While walking on the railway track from Park- hill. laid down, and is supposed to have fallen asleep. He had both legs run over by a passing freight train, and fearfully mutilated.. .Another victim of intemper- ance. TE SEAFORTH . LUM ER YARD MABEE& MACRON ALD BEG to inform the public that they have re moved their Lumber Yard to the lot bqtwe er - the Merchants Salt Company's Works and Mar' shell's Mill. . They will keep constantly o hand a good assort ment of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed arid undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES,ail of which they are pi epared to sell at the lowest possi- ble prices, for Cr�sh. Also. on hand any q antit: Ts. LIME. of the best AC 0,t� - Builders and others will find it to their �idvan- prices Bitten s. tage toinspect our stock, end ascertain on before purchasin-elsewhere, as we are in a p to offer goodind 160 cements to cashpurchase MABEE & MA.CDON4LD. NOTIC TO DEBTORS. `A LL parties indebted to the insolvent es ate • of JOHN THOMAS, Merchant Tailor, of t}.ib Village of Seaforth, are notified that the under- signed has the collection of all the outs t nding accounts, and that all such not paid by the lst of October will be placed in Court for csifectio without fail. 353-3 J. S. POP.-- ER. RAM LAMBS FOR SAL BIGHT, WELL-BRED Leicester RAM 1 for Sale. Ciin be seen on the farm of t a path H 1I NRY CHESNEY, Fourth Loncession,[ H. A. R S., Tnckersmith, 5244 COTS IMPOUNDED. No `IOE is hereby given that there were in}- pounded with me, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 5, 3 COLTS—two 2 -year olds and ,a yearling. If nct claimed by Oct. 1, these animals will be sold to pay expenses. 853-3 IN: DEICHERT; i'oundkeeper. ES { RAHEIFER. CAME INTO he premises of the undersign V . Lot No. 29, Con. 5, U7sborne, about the 1st May last, a year old red and white heifer. T owner is requested to Call; p 'property, p charges and tag her away. 352-4 j0 B N BALLAlti TTYNE, Lumley P.O}. . he Greatest Reform that h8 in the price urniture and T. JOHNS s ever been mace is of ndertaking. & 00., [a -e reduced the prices one half, and have done way altogether with eztor;ionate prides. is it not to your interest to patronize them. ALL KINDS OF F URIITIT LT 112E ii1EPT IN STOCK. They aro also p epared to h Funerals Wit . Everything Re- qudsit And to attend personally with their Hearse. . JOHNS & Co. STOVES & INWARE 01 all kinds, and in e • Bless variety at MRS. i,VHITNEY'S, Carmichael's Block, Mai • street, Seaforth COAL Pure, good and cheap, whole WHITNEY'S. IL, ale and retail at Mrs. CUSTOM Of all kinds promptly atten euted. 808 WORK ed to and neatly exe- MRS. WHITNEY. MARRIAGE ICENC, S OR CERTI 1CATES (Under the new Aot,)leaned at the EXPOSITOR OFFI E, SEAFORT I, Under authority of the entenant-Governor at Ontari WANTED, 10, AT MOORE & C TO HA THEIR PICTU OO BABI:8, MPBELL'S, ES TAKEN. MR. MOORE, the emcee haying taken into pa tist, isnow prepared to fu latest styles of the art. public that wehave on ha made by Mr. Paltridge, dates on the shortest notia or to Frank Paltridge, nership a first-clas's ar- nigh pictures in all the e would inform the d ail the old negatives d can furnish Dupli-. REMEMBER T : E PLACE, FRANK PALTRIDG 852 '5 OLD STAND. ESTRAY CAMP; to Lot 17, Con. 1, east of Seaforth, about with very hollow back and The owner will pay expen take the animal away. 853-4 ORSE. uron Road, two miles Aug. 17, a roan PONY, heavy mane an tail. es, prove proper y and HOMAS DOWNEY. TEACHER THE Trustees of Union Morris, Grey and McKi cations for Assistant Ten Class Certificate, for the r Duties to commence on Oc R. PATTIS 351 ANTED. 'chool Seetion No. 11, lop, will receive ' ppli- her, holding a Third- mainder of this year. .1. Address, N, Sec. Treasurer, Walton! P. 0. OR SALE., esirable property situ - ion Hotel, Seaforth, at . J. S. Roberts and Bel- iraws an annuaLrental the attention of capit- ed by the undersigned PROPERTY VOR SALE, Cheap, that ri-' ate d opposite the Man present occupied by Messrs fry & May. The property Of $300. It is well worthy alists. Offers will be rectal until the 1st of October. 851-4 - NOTICE OF. GU NOTICE is hereby give of twenty days from this Notice, tipio undersi judge of the Surrogate Huron, to be appointed G 'and Estates of Daniel M zean, Mary Taylor MoFad Fadzean, infant children 'Fadzean, deceased, of the the County of Huron. By McCAUG 352-3 TO BRIDGE rpENDERS Will be recei addressed to Egmond NESDAY,21et October, fo across the river on the sid vid Campbell's farm, in t smith. The bridge will pleted until the summer o fications can be seen on deuce of Mr. DAVID CA1 J. S. PORTER. RDIANSHIP. For a at the that at the expiration 777. 777 THIS NOTED CHEAP CASH STORE HAS RECEIVED 17 CASES AND BALES • OF W AND FASHION BALANCE OF FALL STOCK will arrive Ex. S. 8. MANI`_ We.. esday, when our Stock will be complete, and will s ever imported into this part of the country. Hotel keepers al will find 777 the place to buy. Every one kindly invited toloo .BLE GOODS. 013AN, from Glasgow, on Tuesday er ow the cheapest and finest lot of Goods d heads of families who buy largely at the Goods and judge for themselves. A LOT OF TAPESTR CARPETS At 10 per cent. cheaper than ever offered to Canada : No. 1 Quality, best mashes, 915Cents No. 2 " " 90 No. 3 " - .. 8i:5 per 7-ard. Also hree Bale of Those' Cheap Grey G;ot4ons so 11Tuclt Asked For. A Splendid Lot of Ladies' Belts— ow Styles, A. G. MCI OUGALL ` & Go. 2MPORT.ANT LARGE ARRIVALS AT THE CHE ' OF Teas, Sugars, Liquors and • UERED STORE, eneral Groceries, Which were bought on very favorable toles and will bo sold off AT PRICES WHICH MUST PROVE SATISFACTORY TO CUSTOMERS. BACON, HAMS, FLOUF OF THE BEST QUAL: Always in Stoch at the Ch quered tSto AND MEAL TY e, Main Street, Seaforth. JAMES MURPHY. COINC-, C -I -0211k AGENUINE SALE. . N] -St This et Fancy I-, 421 -01\1 -- ()HUMBUG. -O I T_ OHUMBUG. r FRESH ARRIVALS NEW STYLES OF GENTS' COATINGS, TRO WSERINGS .AND VESTIHGS ONDAY, JULY` 18th,, MR. DENT will begin Selling Out without reserve. His heavy ck.of Choice DRY GOODS - MUST BE SOLID AND WILL BE S LD. �p is rendered necessary as he is about building an eettensive Show Room for Millinery and roods, and must have room to do it and money to do#it with. REMEMBER DENT'S GREAT SALE OF CHEAP DRY GOODS. EGG EMPORIUM. The cnstolr patron by stri to mor subscriber hereby thanks his nnmeroua ers (merchants and others) for their liberal ige during the past seven years, and hopes, t integrity and close attention to business, t their confidence and trade in the future. Havi g greatly enlarged his premises during w' ter, he is now prepared to a • the the �p .. � 3 HI he first publication of ed will apply to the enrt of the Connty of ardian of the Persons Fadzean, John ik Fad- ;ean and William Mc - f the late WilliaW Mc - Township of Grey, in AMES CAMPBELL. Y & HOLMESTED, olicitors for Applicant. UILDERS. ed by the nndersignod, le P. 0., until WED - the erection of a bridge road opposite Mr. Da- e Township of Tucker- ot require to be corn - 1875. Plans and spool - application at the resi- BELL. E. CRESSWELL, Reeve of Tnckersmith. 850 MEN W ' NTED. ANTED immediately; a number of first-class rk on the Canada Cora - reship of Halibut. For ages will be paid. For to the undersigned at ada Company, or to the The work will be com- t.14. GE BIGGER, Agent. laboring men, to w •pany's Drain, in the to good steady men, liberal further particulars apply Seaforth, Agent of the Ca Foreman of the Works. mended on MONDAY, S 353,4 HEST CASH PRICE y quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered EGG EMPORIUM, Main Street, Seaforth. Wan ed by the subscriber 25 tons of good dry clean HEAT STRAW. D. D. WILSON. ac 'ORTH, March 18, 1874. 828 J S HN S. PORTER, 0 IIIA CAP BU erty. MAILS —wh Lots; will fi Buy All fnl, expee o -horse Banker and EXehange Broker. N STREET, SEAFORTH. TAL, - - $0,000,000.01. This is no blow, i int a fact. S Greenbacks and d Am can Silver at cur- nt rates. Lends money on good farm prop - Shaves notes without lather. Receives on deposit, mad pays 20 per cent. interest n you get it. Buys and sells Houses and arties leaving town and wishing to sell quick d me on hand like a thousand of brick, Bides, Sheep Skins, Furs and Wool at the highest prices. this is done with the above capital, wonder - it not ? Hand in your wants, wishes and cations, don't be afraid, he won't bust. 341 AT CAMPBELL'S GLQTNING STORE. A LARGE STOCK OF Boys' and Youth's Clothing SEAFORTH AND HURON MAIRBLE WORKS. IESSETT & BROTHER, (Late of Hamilton,) Would i timate to their numerous friends and the general nblie that they are prepared to fill all orders f r ' Mon ents, Headstones, Table Tops, Mantles, &e, Granit Monuments Imported to Order. Work of the best style and art, and cannot bo surpassed in this part of Ontario. A calliresppeetfally solicited. Calder s old Stand, opposite McCallnm's Hotel, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. E. M;IESSETT. H. MESSETT. WUTERN FAIR, 1874. On hand, and will be sold at a SMALL ADVANCE ON COST. From this date goods intended for Sunsmer Weal• will Ise sold at Bergains. W. CAMPBELL. Seaforth, July 28, 1874 $$11,000 OFFERED IN PRIZES. - !COMPETITION OPEN TO ATT,, S f 1 _JILL, be held in the City of London, on SEPT. 2 and 80, and OCT. 1 and 2, Prize Lists and E try Papers may be had at the Secretary's ;)flicei r from the Secretaries of the .respective Count Agricultural Societies. All entries are re- quested to be made on or before 19th September. Railway arrangements have been made for one fare toLo�edon and return. JAS. 1r0EiN SON, WM. McBRIDE, 1President. Secretary. Wes „ern Fair Office, London, Aug. 15,1874. SAMUEL TROTT, Manufacturer of Machine Tun-ned Butter Packages { O All orders, eith SEAPORTS ONT. ARROTALS NEW GOOS D f a Superior Quality. er Wholesale or Retail, Promptly Filled.- • • AT WM. HILL'S. ALSO ONBASE OF BLANKETS, SLIG.ITLY DAMAGED, -�,r'ER CHEAP_ SECURE YOUR SUPPLY; W. TOLL. . I3UTTERBUTTER. EDWARD CASH WILL UY GOOD BUTTER ANY i.Q UANTITLIES AT HIS B OTTER AND WOOL DE 'OT, 341 i , Goderich Streetx: Seaforth.