HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-09-11, Page 5been written the last two tistics are as s and th vete? of Sly eclipsed that of 'olambus, 1 s lett. Sro appeals have been printed voters'_ lists. F. --A special meeting died of`Hlallett was a, on the 7th inst. tell, Warwick, Stiver tele of former meeting Mo'red: by Mr. 'Warwick, that fed and passed =- and Treasurer to oak of Commerce;. for - ux of .4,O.E?0 al com- , to pay' current ex rhe by-law was; then Moved by Mr. War- 1Ir. Stn er,: that the 10 notify pathmasters lotions from the pub- heir respective road The council then again when callee3. by BI AITHWAITE, Clerk. -,ara River,. has been:: vet nmet for 99 years id Toronto, mer resort,... as drably fitted it. ., is. one of the e company. A carriage drive and a . .ong the attractions.. S A T,ES 7, on Lot 22, Cont eek. and Implements- oprietor ; E. Bossen- [8, on Lot, 9, Con. 13 Stock. -m. Dynes, pard, auctioneer. €aT$S4 ;f>a Grey, eau Sept. 2, Wm. Witherspoon, of tansbine, Morris town- - the wife of Mr. George a g :ter.- is1A3riS. i?01.RFS -4--At the resi- ide'a father, on Sept. 9, Ferguson, Mr Nell M c - :hart, Brussels, to Eliza - daughter of George of Morris formerly of rSDIE.-At the residence 's mother,, by Rev. on Sept. 8, John. Me- &ddine, to Elizabeth. Lap- N.-la/I: —At ap-N.-1a/Y-At the residence father, ion Sept.. 3, by ,., 11r. in 'Freeman, of iarah Jalie, daughter of dye of the 'township of -At t1 e -United Pres' se, by Rev. David Mai*Tt, second son 01 Emanuel. Lop, to. Jan,; eldest daugh- Brodie, Walton. TuRwwRrn_ . —At the Mr Isaac •Cclride, near Sept. 3, by Rev. Robert. Arthur Whittingham, rualtip, tt ltsliss Cordeiia. .MIiop_ t; run. --In , tthe 'Wesleyan sels, on. toe . 9, by Rev'.. 'bhp. Cowan,Cowwear _ Ir. h Elsa Grace McNabb, of the s 6 YEATEI5. , is father's residence, God - it. 2 Ilia= E., son of and brother of - or of the Star, aged 22 . d0 orris, on: Sept. 2, Har- ghter of Mr. George �l t�va months. ra Ayr,• on Sept. 2, Helen ige, sate of John McK. the It miter, Galt, age,., MAR = ..Er S SEAFQ TH, Sept- 10, 1874. xsliel... .:. s1 00 to 1 05 1 Oil to 1 06 bushel a 100 to 1 05 80'= to 0 85 60 to 0 65 iia ei ...... tl 70 to 0 75 bQ'.:.. `2 to 0 24 .. 0 0.25 0 14 <., ,,....,.; 0 00 to 600 •... ..........1.100to 1400 .• L. 6 00 to 600 ................0 08 to 0 09- a . .... 0 50 to 0. 70 . ....040 to 065 ' . 1 25 c= barrel ..-._ 1 Od 1i Z, new.. ...... 0 35 to 0 40 t ..... 0 00 to 6.00 t 25Oto 275 ........300 to 556 `4 00 Cz_i Td ii, Sept. 10, 1674. 1 00 1 C8 :ribu; hel.... 1 00 « 1 05 • 0 30 o 0 32 ,. :1( 0 70 0 0: 75, 0 60 (3 0 63 to220 024 • t.< < 050 (c 060 012 (t. 01S ...... ..0-..1000 6 13 00 .i';ai o`;TO, Sept, 10, 1874. in to -day about 400 bush- w +1 IU fiar white, $l 05. and $1 07 for *ring :of barley -4. at 84d to 35c,; of loads rf oats, at. 37c. `��lE to $204; Butter was in 1(1 unchangj d, at 2Se to 300 oils. Egg. were brag 7 fresh.. ' 0N Doi, Sept.' 10, 1874. eft, Deihl, per 100 pounds, E ; white treadw.el'l, $1 60 r I winter, $1 50 ; sprin �. t .� . oats, $1 05 to l (1. tt1F 1��p 1. 7 8 �1 to `,�1 15 ; eggsf 6e(, I Ie to 12e ; eggs. f ar- a 50 • butter, crock, 25e tOs rolls, 28c to 30e T batter, 27c ; barley, $1 50 1t --- 1.D CHEESE MARKET. STR ATFORD , Sept. 9. ins 2 500 - She felr g boxes , . Se tezna 1�l Ic ;200 boxes� ber 4 12ac. Offers freely e and October make, to accept. 1 PALO:' LIVE -STOCK MARKET. Bt t&LO, Sept, 10, 1874; .--wlleceipts to-dav 1,27 head he total Supply for the -week, ar, 9,163 head, or 539,cars, against elm for the same time last m=eek; aarket was very lively- at yester. rates. Sales comprised. about 2,800 gid. No Canadian sales reported. rrican stock ranged from 0.50 to 40. Snot, AND LAM -4J eceipts.t.-o-day 8,400 head, making the total supplyfor the week, thus far, 21,600 head, against I3,2 head for the same time last week. The market was active at a decline fron est week's prices. There was a large number of store sheep in the yards. We quote Canada lambs at $5.75 to $6.25 ; Canada sheep, $4.50 ; Western sheep, 00 to $4.50. Some of the principal 'transactions were as follows : 1851Canada lambs, average, 78 lbs;$6.3 7 ; 2 22 Canada lambs61. lbs., 25 , 1�[6 Gan- _ lambs, 74 lbs., $O ; 146 Canada lambs, 74 lbs., $6 ; 100 Canada Iambs, 74 lbs., $6,25 ; 182 Canada lambs, 71 lbs., $6 ; 142 Canada lambs, 74 lbs., $6, 164 Canada lambs, 76 lbs., $6.25 ; 138 Can- ada lambs, 71 lbs.' $6 ; 83 Canada limbs, - lbs., $5.50 , 380 Canada lambs, 63 ba., $6 ;,306 Canada lambs, 71 lbs., $6; 139 C1i.nad a. lambs, 68 lbs., $0.75 ; 277 Canada Iambs, 65 lbs., $3 148 Canada ewes, 113 lbs., $5.50. Hoes.—Receipts to -clay 2,200 heady making the total supply for the wee` thus far, 11,500 head, against, 12, head for the same time last week. T e market -.was active at $5.75 to $6.20 or Yorkers ; heavy hogs. $6.75 to, $7. 0. There 'were but few prime flogs offeri The principal transactions were confin to scalawag Michigan stock. NEW YORK HORSE MARKET. • TUESDAY, Sept. 8, 1874! There are fewer evidences of a speedy revival of trade than is usual at this spa - son of the year. For fine carriage harks a slightly improved . inquiry has been noted, the few sales effected ranging from $800 to $1,200 per pair. It can hardly be denied that, with the present scant supply in suitable animal , activ- ity in this direction might prow as em- barrassing to dealers as it wool be det- rimental to the interests of . e pur- chasers,and a speedy re-enfore went to the stock on hand is very muc needed at our sale stables. In the in ket for ordinary business horses supply and de- mand have continued pretty eq ally bal- anced, and there has been no notable alteration in values. The number of horses distributed through tyle public auction marts remained aboutusual, but there was an advance in th4average of prices realized. J. W. Hamel sold on the 212 ult. , at his stables, the following horses by auc tion : Bay gelding Long Branch (Patchen. stock), to Mr. J. L. Hamilton, for $302 50 the Hentuckygeldiug dmral, out of a . Pilot mare, to Mr. - age, for $225 and. bay gelding Sunil to Mr. Cornell, for $225. a- ed T ISM LADIES Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton Stations as follows GOIXG EAST. Seaforth Morning Mail........... 7:55 A. M. 'Day Express 1:45 P. M. Afternoon Miced,........ 12:10 P. M. Evening Mixed. . 5:10 P. M. GOING WEST. Morning Died 7:55 A. M Day Express:. , 1 05 P. M. Afternoon Mixed.......... 5:10 P. M. Evening Mail............ 8:55 P. M. Clinton.' 7:85 A.M. 1:25 P. M. 11:15 P M. 4:80 P. M. 8:85 A: M. 1:25 P.14f. 5:50 P. M. 9:20 E. M. ESTRAY HORSE. , CA= to Lot 17, Con. 1, Huron Road, two miles east of Seaforth, about Aug. 17, a roan PONY, with very hollow back and heavy Diane and "tail. The owner will pay expensed, prove property and. take the animal away. 853-4 THOMAS i)OWNEY. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. LL parties indebted to the insolvent estate of A JOHN THOMAS, Merchant Tailor, of th e Tillage of Seaforth, are notified that; the under- signed has the collection of all the 'outstanding accounts, and that all such not paid by the 1st of October will be placed. in Court fcr ctllection without fail. 853-3' J. S. ;PORTER. .— ROUSE AND LOR FOR SALE TN EG1OND V 1i. LE ; one-quarter of an acre ; 1 fame house, with woodshed, suminer kitchen, &c. good well; garden planted with trees ; house situated in rear of Mr. John Logan's the lot is a corner lot. Apply on the pre see. 85s-4 GO ON 11'!•c•iDAM.. FARM FOR BALE. TOT No. 22, Con. 7, McKillop, containing 104 1L. acres, 85 acres cleared; 41 Miles free Seaforth; of amile from the Northern Gravel Road; large bank barn, with. stabling below ; also, other out- houses;. large new concrete house, well finished a good never -failing spring creek; also, a good well, theland is clean and of good. quality ; three acres of orchard of very best fruit trees, -all bear - Ing. For terms and other particulars apply on the premises, or address 840 ANDREW COWAN, seaforti AN • OF SEAf0�� VICINITY. The , erg Department at Kidd's E uposriir ti has been enlarged and fitted up in fist -plass style, and may now be call =d the leading `d Temple ;of Fashion," f. t the ladies of Seaforth and surToundin: country. Miss Ekbaidt, a young lady from Toronto, h slately assumed the int agement, agement, and from her inperior tate and long experience in this line, t is departmen 1 brill certainly rank as enc of the best in the Province. Mr. II: dd has also fitted up a 1 rge room for the "Dressmaking," a branch w elong lu'h has been needed in' ea forth, in. r4onnection with a first-class Dry Good business. The set ices of a "First-class Dz�ess- Itiaker"' have been secured, and our cus- , toisners may now avail themselve the opportknity of getting their dre ses made up iLthe latest stylef and at a reasons -1)1 price. LOOK O L T FOR THE GRAN OPENING. 1 Apprentic s Wanted for the Dies making. NOTIC OF GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE is ereby given that at the a •piratic of twenty clays from the first publication this Notice, he undersigned will appy to t Judge of the unogate Court of the C unty f Heron, to be ppointed Guardian of th Perso + s and Estates of Daniel McFadzean, Johnt MeF zean, Mary Taylor McFadzean and W m M Fadzean, infant children of the late William M Fadzean, deee sed, of the Township of Grey, i the County of Huron. JAMES CAMPBELL. By Me0AUGHEY & HOLMEir3TED, 852-3 Solicitors for Aiplican . TO B ' EDGE BUILDERS., TENDERS ill be received by the and rsigne+ addressed to Egmondville P. 0., wtt.1 WE n NESDAY,21stt October, for the erection of a brid across the rive' on the sideroad opposite Mr. D yid Campbell'b farm., in the Township of Tucks smith. The bridge will not require to be co pleted nzrtil tbe summer of 1875. Plans and ape • i3: fications tan be seen on application at the re ia deuce of Mr. DAVID CAMPBELL. I I G. E. CRESSWELL, 850 Reeve of Tuckersmi NOTICE TO DEBTORS.. SEAFORTH FOUNDRY. ---The accounts due t • Kerr, Wilkie & Co. are in my hands for colleo.1 tion, and all !those that remain unpaid on the First of AUG ST next will be placed in Court 10 collection wi out any further notice. 844 JOHN .8. PORTER. SELF-ACTING HAND L OM K NOWN as the EXCELSIOR LOOM, ade furnishe with headdles, reed, shu tie, •bo+ bin, also five aids of warp in the loom t start working. Ma a and sold cheap for eas , and • mi reasonable to s credit. D. STEW RT, - 850-4 Bluevale, Huron 1 a e WATCH Is the lace w 'ARK FOR SALE. -` HAT well-known Farm. owned by Hugh Mas- • 41- tard, adjoining the village of Bnacefield, com- prising 145sores, 100 acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation, 85 acres uneulle bush of best quality, all well fenced ; good frame ouse 44x80, frame barn; shed, granary and cow house, all in good. state of repair, one-half nearly #Lew; present insurance $1,600, in the London Mutual ; n.1so a /ery.good_ orchard and 3 wells en the premises ; gravel road running along side and facnt, convent - cut to churches, schools,stores, cheesefactoL-y and market. Any person wishing to farm for profit or pleasure can hardly find a better sitz ation. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises, or if by letter to Brucefield P. 0. 343-12 ti.uGH MUSTARD. COLTS IMPOUNDED; NOTIOE is hereby given that there were ire pounded with me, on SITURDib..Y, SEPT. 5, 3 COLTS—two 2 -year olds and a yearling. If, not clamed by Oct: 1, these animals will be sold to pay expenses. • ' 358-3: N. DEICHr:RT, Poundkeeper. RAM LAMBS FOR SALE. EIGHT WELL-BRED Leicester RAM LAMBS for Sale. . Can be seen on the farm of the late HENRY CHF`.SNEY, Fourth Concession,. II. R. S., Tackersmith. 8ti2*4 •FOUND. ON MONDAY last, Aug. 31, about a sdilei4aontli of Brussels, on the Gravel oad, ;r0- large WOOLEN SHAWL. The owner an have the sal C. IR. COOPER CO'S;`Book : uteb ct<llin • at C y g �. Store, Brussels, proving property and paying ex penses, C. R. 000PER & CO., 8524 - Brussels. Cel THE SEAFORTH CLOCK AND JEWELRY PO zv ere you can get snpplio4 with anything usually kept in a first-class Jewelry Store. Just receiv d, two more oases each of the issell & on's Longines, and Russel. Eng- ever- a cher - in Gold and Silver. bra ed R ish The fact of h LOST. ' = LOST, on SATURDAY, Sept. 5, between John Kidd's Hardware Store, Seaforth, anal RoX- TABLE n bon ainin one 0 ze o a package cant ck a g P o FORKS and halt a dozen. hNIVE . Thender ft will much oblige the owner by leav .8 the same at JOHN KIDD'S Hardware Sto e, or at the Exeoarror (Mee, Seaforth. 8581 ALE '. HUNTER. AL A MEN VVANTED. ANTED immediately, a number of first-class laboring men, to work on th Canada Com- Pany's Drain, in the township ofjRibbert.. For good steady men, Iiberal wages willbe paid. For further particulars apply to the ndersigned at Seaforth, Agent of the Canada Company, or to the Ponceau of the Works. The wor will be com- meneed on MONDAY, Sept. 14. 358.4 GEORGE BIG EER, Agent. ving the name of Thos, Russell & Son th a sufficient guarantee that th+iy will give satisfaction. 0 SO E AGENT FOR THE ELGIN Vs/AITCH, The best uteriean •Watoh manufactured. • &viss �'a ches of cid Linds and Makes in Great Variety. 0 ER PJ AT1 1 A AGO iso • Y L RGE & A.RIED STOCK OF CL( CKS• SO 1D GOLD AND SILVER JEWELRY. AhRICAN � AN: �ENGLISH JE VILRY—A Great iTariet y I D AR1ETY OF SILVER PLATED '11/ARE. BLACK JEWELRY—A Large Assortment. Pie Tobacc Pouches. Combs and Bru IOLINS, : CONCERTINAS, &C. • Uprightness, Fair Dealing, Promptitude, an - grants will, as in the Acta, c1wractert Mrt COUNTER ha Ing had 14 years experience as a positionpto guarantee GOOD WORK, a d will give ent patronage. Remember the old tend and the well known estab M:- R. shes. Careful Attention to customers' all business transactions' tactical Watchmaker and Jeweler, is ib a e satisfaction to all who favor h.m 'with t eir shment of OUNTER, Seaforth THIS NEW 777. NOTED 1 CHEA HAS REOEI 7• OAS S AN OF D CASH` S 5 BALES O R E ND ,PYSHIf7NABLE GOODS. LARGER AND MORE COMMODIOUS O 0. WILLSON., SEAFORTS, A' TI M. for his give hi Call ant N -G now removed to hi3 new premises on in Street, which he has fitted up specially rade, is in a better position than ever to !customers good value for their money. see him. WING MACHINES. That c eautiful and Silent Sewing Machine, the best in the Canadian Market, Is now and is ' them. the Do BBALANCE OF F L STOCK will rive kr. 8. S. MANITOBAN, from Glasgow, o Tuesday er Wedne da. , wh our Stook will a complete, and will show the cheapest and fines lot of Goods ever imports into t s part of the co ntry. Hotel keepers and heads of families wh buy largely will find 7 the lac to bn Every ue kindly invited tolook at the Goods and judge f r'themselves. 77 p Y A OT OF TAPESTRY CARPETS TEACHER ' WANTED. THE Trustees of Union School Section No. 1 Morris, Galey and McKillop, will receive .app 1. cations for Alssistant Teacher, holding a Thir Class Certific te, for the remainder of this ye : . Duties e steco en ce on ,Pct. . Address„R,PAT TiSON, Sec. Treasurer, ► 851 Nal:on' Pi PRO ERTY FOR SALE. V011 SALE, Cheap, that desirable property sit - ated oppo ite the Mansion Hotel, Seaforthh, :t present occup ed by Meagre. J. S. Roberts and I3 fry & May. he property draws an ane + al rent Il 1 of $300. It well worthy the attention of cap gusts. Offers will be received by the un ersigar: until the 1st f October. J. S. PO 'TER. 8514 —_ — HOUSE AND LOT FOR - AL rpHE 'EXECUTORS AND TRUSTE s of t e Will of WALTER RENWICK, Esq., • ecease` will offer for. s Flo by Public Auction, at he pre ises, on WEDNESDAY, Sept. 28, 1874,a 2 o'cl. P.M., sharp, of No. 16, on a plan :of p of t Village of Se forth, registered in the Re stry flee of the Co my of Huron by GEOR E SPA LING, now ccupied by JAMES W. 811. the said Lot are erected a comfortab a Fr 11 Dwelling Hou a and Ontbuldings. The urcha erwill,atthetime of sale, ;+ay do In a depositthe of TO per cent. of the purchase money No ndors or their Solicitor, and the balm • 1 e within four eeks thereafter, and, upon papan t w of the balance, the purchaser will be e + titled o the oonveyande, and let into possession, • r entit d to receive the rents and profits. The c n nvey: +e will be prepared and executed' at the xpense ' f the Vendors. The above propertydraws wont rental of $7. ' - Farther particularsand conditions o sale be made known: at the time of sale, a • d in + e meantime may be ascertained on appliea on to U e Vendors' Sohcitor, at the Court House, rantfo ' + H. McK. WILSON, Vendors Solici r. J. Pi BIIEa Auctioneer. - N.13.—Also at the same time and plat , Lot. o. 8; butting thewabove, and fronting on M in Str t. For terms and particulars of this pro ATSOp ly to ..... W. N. N Dated this 22d�Ally of August, 1874. _ '852 y WAN- .a ED, 'I0,000 BA I E AT MO ;RE & CAMPBELL1S, • TO HAVE ` I l PICTU]KES TAKEN, TI1EI �/�:R. MO RE, the successor to Fran Paltri 1 i*-ar having taken into partnership a Fran les aL Wish iota to fur iP w re a red P is no P fist P latest 'style of the art. We would Inform public that a have en band all th old nags t made . by a Paltridge, and e sl} cater on th shortest notice. [ EMFMlBER THE PLACE, ,, FRA ; PALTRIDG E'S' OLD STAND 852 At 10 per gent} cheaper than ever offered in Canada best makes 95 Cents, per }hard. 66 .s S5 cs No. 1 Quality, No.I 2 " No. 3 -‘4 90 , • Bales 'o T/tos Cheap Grey 'Cottons so Much Asked For. A. so Threef � � y A Splendid Lot of Ladies' Belts—New Styles. e, he he rOS A. G. McD OUGALL & fro: CHASTER HOUSE. o • And F THE FLORENCE, taking the lead, is being sold everywhere, highly recommended by all who have used O. C. WILLSON is the Sole Agent for inion. THE WVEBSTER iB URTEEN other Machines to sel;rct Froin. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Ma anshek and -Weber Pianos, Prince, Bell & Co., anal the Canada Organ Company's Organs. Also iolins and all kings of small Instruments. LOG -4N & JAMIESON e ;l he have one call that t th Pablic y • .. mens and e• y r customers r e a ininforming hof x + re 8'� � leas AVE muchb P ' t • exceed) K received and op ned out the great r part of their Fall Goode, which for extent and lane y , . anything they have retofore shown. 1 Particular attention was paid in selecting G It has been, and small a profit as is p )OD FRESH GOODS• ill still .c▪ on• tinu •to be,; our objec`, to offer nothing but first-class ssible to carry o a business, t ur stock of all kinds of SHIRTIlh GS is very fall, emliraeing P ND TWILLED FLANNELS, PL IN ND CHECK WINCEYS, LY STE MILL- CO TON SHIRTINGS, SO ME VILLES C_ ECKED REGATTAS, &c. _ D ESS 'OODS, _ SHAWLS, PLAIDS, WATER PROOFS, TAIBLIN S, TOWELS, HOSIER , COUTI! ERPANES, FURNIT RE COTTONS, BLEAC ED! COTTON, &c. We have a splend.d stock of those Goods, and a he wanting. A call solicited, when we tnink you will find Goods .WING YS, pRrNv� TS :VELVETEENS; FACT RIES st of other things which eustm nothing but the truth in the abo T E FARMERS' FRIEND, That old stand-by, the No. 18 Thistle Cutter Plow, a few on hand. These are the original and only a: cumin Thistle Cutters. Remember this. OT e + R AGRICULTURAL T;SMPLEMENTS, And + rticles of all kinds, sorts and sizes, con- stant yon hand. B UTTERIGK'S PATTERNS, For S tidies and Children, all styles and sizes, always on hand. R ember your old friend in his new stand. C. WILLSON, Main Street, Seaforth. . tiers are daily e statement THE BEE HIVE G ROC E E. Y AND SEAFORTH. P DRYGOODS The attention of the people of Seaforth and vi- cinity is invited to our Large and Well Assorted. Stook of NEW FALL DRY GOODS, , Consisting of fulllines of General. Steele and. Fancy Dry Goods. ()VISION STORE, .,:11A IN STREET, SKAFORTH, IS IHE PLACE W13ERE ALL witO WANT BARGAINS GO TO GET TREM. THE TEAS AT THE ' OUR, STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE, 1 r And the largest and best assortedever before im- pprted. We invite the particular attention to close buyets for value and complete assortment in a1 these Departments. E _ G HIVE ROCERY Are the Best Value in Town. Business is always brisk at the BEE HIVE GROCERY, And kno of't the Publio fully appreciate our Goods, and that in purchasing them they get the worth eir money. STRONG & FAIRLEY. LOGAN & JAM ESON.x N EW BEG LEAVE to it Crockery Store, it i THE JE 'inten nr And it I8 a A.n for the money, we STOCK to arrive a WATCHES, JEWELRY BUSINSS IN SEAF RTH. E. - HTCKSO timate to the Pblic that, ha their intention now to add to th �ELRY BASINESS, ion to keep GOOD GOODS in ev nb 'he ofP share hope to merit the Custom Hose in a week, an • OF , LOCKS JE LRY A , To wait until our S endeavors to employ only Firf use our estp y y We will and. Jewelry, and in work in Silver and Gold. & co. made extensive alterations in their Drug and it varied assortment • 1. IN ALL ITS BRAFLICH$, ry Department, and: by giving . OOD Patronage. We expect a good portion; ' esIl those we would advise o e r 'n w t of .LUE the f LL KINDS AND PLATU WARE, ek is opened up. -Class Workmen for repairing of Watches, Clocks and 0111 Co' que far: JA� 1 ;I. B i 4i1 E. HICKSO • & . 'Co. I N. B.—The C keryand Glassware Business will be parried on more vigdrousl5 back portion' of a Store, and in t e new apartment upstairs. ESTERN FAIR, -1874. 000 OFFEI ED IN l'ItiZItS. COMPETITION OPEN TO AJ,Ti. Full Lines of FANCY :DRESS GOODS. r'tJiaL LINES IN BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. FULL LILIES IN BLANKETS AND FANCY FLANNELS. FULL LINES I.N HINTS AND FANCY SKIRTINGS. ILL be held in the City of London, on SEPT. 29 and 30, and OCT. 1 and 2. - Prize Lists Entry Papers may be had at .the Secretary's e, or from the Secretaries of the respective ty Agricultural Societies. All entries are re= ted to be made on or before 19th September. ilway arrangements have been made for one to London and return. JOHNSON, WM. McBBIDE, President. Secretary. astern Fair Office, London, Aug. 15,1874. SOLVENT ACT OF 1869. the _tatter of BENJAMfN • 8114ETZ, an Insolvent. DIVIDEND sheet has been ptepared open. to 15tha PTEiu[ dayof SE inspection until the R, Instant, after which dividend will be paid. • A. AP.MITAGE, Assignee. B.—The above notice refers to preference. ims only. A. ARMITAGE. eaforth, Sept. 8, 1874. 852-2 • FULL LINES IN f GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Full Lilies in DAMASKS REPPS AND LACE CURTAINS. FULL LINES RIBBON VELVETS AND 1R/ NI IT Ss FULL LINES r .. TABLE LINENS, TOWELIATG AND NAP$IiVS. Full Lines, all Widths, GREY COTTONS AND WHITE SHEETINGS FULL LINES SKIRTINGS. TICKING AND DENIMS, C 0 ever, at the ESTRAY HEIFER. AMR) INTO the premises of the undersigned, Lot No. 29, Con. 5, Usborue, about the 1st of er _ ' y last, a year old red end white peri -ner is requested. to call, 15rove property, pay es and take her away. 8524 JOHN B AT ;r.Ab TYNE, Lumley P.O. FULL LINES OF. SHAWLS AND MANTLES, CLOTII.NU, REA D Y , 1;ADE, AND MADE TO ORDER. Our Stock of new Overcoatings, Beakers, Presi- dents. Moscow , and Fancy Worsted Coatings is very select and well worthy of attention. We show a splendid. assortment of NEW BROADCLOTHS, VENETIANS, DOESKINS, DEVONS AND TWEEDS, Selected. with great care, and will be 'found to be good value. t BOOTS AND SHOES, Our purchases in this line are larger than ever. We are able to show a complete stock of Ladies', , � and Misses and Children s wear, also Men's, $ays Youths'. Full lines in Long Boots of all sorts.. Men's and Boys' Shoepacks, CHEAP. RUBBE3 GOODS, CHEAP. DUDDAN & DON AN.