HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-08-21, Page 7AUGUST 21, 1R741 011111101.____auranseenisonam, IBOX4UAT, ert e .» &e., Physician, S tehenr, Spiral -tin Ont. Office an side of 00derie12 Street, first byterian Church. et mut ewe. door 8,4 0 -, (late of Oarroab %, ka G, ,cau er the County of Perth. Oftl ma me e'en/lean. Brothers' Hardwa.retore. [ells at Di. KING'S office will e ee: daay or night. i eat ;neon, 3.1. D., C. el, Plkesae, etc., Coeonerfor the Cotmty of Eturon. Residence, corner of Market candle:ugh t to the Planing Mill. ?BELL, (Graduato tu. toietretil,) Coroner for 'the, COtaity ee telao—Next door to Calder Bro here rks, and opposite liteCallune's eta, , Seaforth, near the Ectilwae- Stet on. _ J. BULL, L.B.S.'------ AGEO.N,Dentistet e.,Se orth. Ontario. Plate work, ‘tatest styles`, fleetly eeeented.sut- gicat operationperformed en% :inaptitude. Fees as law as can be ofe 'here. Offlee hottralrom a A. M. tee as ever 'ten A. G. McDougall's- Store, ' . an ..e....entiate and 1j_ • d' Cornell University, Ithaca, isT.Y e ontarie Veterinary College, Toxento, permanent:13r in Varna, wherehe' b. and williug to attend to all kin tc of all kid e Of animals (man exce ted), of weather, and at all hours. (Red_ efts two &tore east of Cook's Tem- a. 319 'eARY SURGEON.—D. MeNAU ege ta announce to the belie:bite iI suerounding country that 12 el the diploma of the Ontario Se and is no -w prepared to- treat de el Cattle end Ea domestiaandinal HT, ta ej hes elan- asee naiades in connection with his home, pewhere he will be founj ready tie at. Diseaees of the feet seoi •y at.. Itesidenee, Office and shop in the Tear & Ilyttnee new etere. All kinds Vet - lichees kept constantly -on and. sonable„ 29 Vetexinery Surgeon, ( he Ontario. Veterinary- College, that he eine returned to the pract in in Seaforth, and natty- at WI tiro a the disettene ot Horses, Cattl 'medicines, coustently 'on hand. tly attended to.. Office, at M arth. begs ca of 8b6 sion 7g t n . nneenrenTsn, Barrietere nal rs in Chancery, Goderich- eda inness as es GE:qt./ft:ALLY. Ltt - WALZS.R, Barristers, Attorneys, re ire Chancery, &c. Office on Wes/ St., Post tiftlee, Goderich. i 846 ow, n. F. IVAIaEle. , H-- eT, Solieiter, eVinghern, ham been ap- Agent for the Colonial Secures -Com - land, hole also- Agent for several pri- mts or Totonto, who loan Money at eine rates., Interest payable yearly oderate. 'Also Solicitor for the Ste nk. -.;Dee.15,, 1871.2112 ,_ lEf si I' OLMESTED, Bttrristei4 At ' ., S. s - at Lawi Solicitor& in Chancery and , ' Notarie. ,Publie and Conveyaeerg the IL eBankealoxthAgen o iefe Assurance Company„ fettle ta lend at le per cent. Farms, pots for eale., .43 MEYER, barristers and Attoeneyt $0lieltoeeigi Chencery and Insolvency, er Notariee Pablice ete. O1fices-4,Sea- -0-xeter. A28,000. of Private Funds to , ea at Eight per cent. Interest, payable , 58 (az- sore. a. NV. C. AMY a. 1TIER, Barrister, Attorney fn. C ne- Goderieh, Ont. Office—over 1a C. :'-sreeporictra, Market sentare. See , quien Se ;McDonald, eltS,Attorneys,SelleitorainChan .,5sele, Ont. Ofece--two doom no4bo ER, DANIEL McDONALD 'ioderich. Dress s• . ffOsingsare. ; Econ,.. SEAFORTH. — ThO no to stete to his aid friends' a *beg pubele, that he haa lease the - occupied by Mae X tenRAY, and • as: the DOWNEY Thausn, 1(sea we a cOntineenee of the palmy ant ieetowed upon him during his teeny - hotel business-. Every corareet and will be previded for travellers* 1 The .ot-s: and Ogees only kept in th Bar k reliable IkoStler aI waya hi attendence. ' THOMAS KNOX, Proprieter. lanieEKV. tp-s- LIVERY AND SALE STAB ens. 3.1arrayes Rotel, Seaforth.GooL rst-elass.Conveyaucettalwaya oxLhant.* VERY STABLES, SEAFORTH, Ont., 4-ses and Comfortable VehicIes,alWays . 'avorable Arrangements made Iwith travellers. All orders left, at Ktibarit e promptly attended to. Sreuense—South of the Coma:tee. ain Street. THOMAS BELL, Pxcprietor Iowa _Brodie, C, E.,- L. .1A/en SURVEYOR, See rth• net at theMansion Holum with Mt. will zeiceive immediate atten re Coleman and Dr. King. 41a52 E. LUSBY, • AUCTIONEER for the Coen& of kips attended in all parts of thee ec made personally ot sent to se be promptly attended to. . • P. BRINE, AUCTIONEER for the Conn Sales attended in all parts o orders left at the Exposrron tly attended to- rth et this oe. , P. THE. PHEENIX SURANEC„,01WP (Wanes, EN -AD. N.WATSON,. SEAFORTH. Thia oid. standar& 7 wee eetablished in 1782, does- husi- rte of the world, does the seeond main the -United Khagdom, parr Re. =aptitude and liberelity. Its ateet a4t5 ENED OTIT • 'S OLD . STAN D MES WRIGHT a in the store next the Seder* d adjoining. Fosters Rotel, a GROC:ERI kg.• e Good, Satiare eheap, Ar;t1 hi& Spkes Stang- vt ra a trial. , JAdES f ANTS MONEY? RONG, SEAFORTIr, eney at a LOW RATE OF INTER - n Feria or Village Property. *ring reouey ehould apply to hire. YOTHI PROPERTY - YOUR LIVES. Seaforth- LSO• AGENT FOR Provincial Inenranee CompanY-- -fe. usuranee Company, of Toronto-- . Risk 'tolerance Company, - et sonaltle tes offeree by any other Webster reliable Companiee. Strong & Feirley's Oro-aerf treet„Seatorth. 252 IJGUST 21, 18.t4. ismoimmossimmenk „fat ReSPeoting Bills and I pathway, she !failed to regain the t ack, NOteS. The at passed last session, of the Donn nee rarliament respecting bills and missory notes came ink force on Aug. ne it is important for the public ,to ees its provisions, we puMish it as fol- lows lee -Notice of the protest or dishonor of eny bill of exchange or promissory note evade in Canada, shall be sufficiently 'erne if addreased, in. due time, to any y to anch bill or note, eatitled to such twee, at the place at which such bill or net° is dated, mikes any such party has, under his signature, on such bill or note, designated another place, when such no - nee shall be sufficiently given, if address - en to him, in due time, at inch other - and such notices so Addressed shall suffieient, although the place of resid- ence of snob. party be other than either of such before meationed places. .1--Sectioa 12 substituted. by the act passed in the 33d year of tier Majesty's reign, chapter 13, for seceion 12 of the act passed in the 31st yea.- of her. Maj- eety's reign, chapter nine shall be and is hereby repealed, and. the following sec fen is substituted for the said section so repealed Any holder of such instrument may pay double duty by affixing to arch instrument a stamp or .tamps to the amount thereof, or to tie amount: of double the sum. by which the stamps .af- -fixed fall short of the proper duty, and by writing his, initials on s -Loh stamp or Amps, and the date on w ich they were 'Axed ; aral. where in auy nit or proceed- ing in law or equity, the aliclity of any such installment _is questioned. by reason of the proper duty thereon n t having been paid at all, or not- paid y the proper party, or an the proper ties ,or of any for-. tnality as to the date or rasure of the itamps affixed hating beer omitted, or Q, iisrong date placed there re and it ap- bears that the holder th eof, when he *Axle such holder, had. no knowledge of such defects, such. instru exit shall be held to be legal and valid, if it shall ap- pear that the holeler theresf paid clouble duty, as in this section. me stioned, so soon. • .as he acouired such know edge, even al- though such knowledge sl all have b n acquired only during suc- suit or p o- ,ceeding ; and if it shall appear in any • -such suit or proceeding to he satisfaction of the court or judge, as t e case may be, that it was throngh error or mere mis- takenand without any in entice' to vio- late the law on the part- of the holder,. that any such defect as afodresaiexisted ration to such instru ent, then such • instrument, or -endorseme t or transfer thereof. shall be held. leg, 1 and valid if the holder shall pay doubl duty thereon as Soon as he is aware of such error or mistake, but no party, wh. ought to have paid duty thereon. shall In released from. the penalty by him ince red as afore- said.' 3. nNotvvith standing any mg in the acts before mentioned or in thi act, peen and after the first day of Au • st next, alter the passing of this act,: an bank or any broker who makes, drawe, or ssues, or negotiates. presents for pa ent, or pays, or takes, or receiv s, or I becomes the holder of any ent net duly stamped, either as a depont, in pay, tient, OY as a security, or for, collection or °the:wise, knowirg th same not to be duly stamped, and wh does not im- mediately on making, drawing, issuing, negotiating, or presenting for payment, or paying, or taking, or re eivine, or be- coming the bolder bf suc instrument, affit thereto and cancel th proper stamps • within the meaning of t]ie act-thirty- first.Victoria, chapter , shall incur a • penalty of F;500 f* every such offence ; and shall not be entitled. o recover • on sneh instrument, or to meke the same • availeble for any puree* whatever, and. any such. instrument -6,11 be invalid • and of no effect in law or quity. • 4.—Notwithstanding anything in the acts -before mentioned. or i this act con- jained, no bill of exchan re drawn and payeble outside of the Do einion of Can- ada shall be invalid, nor s all the maker, -.or any oWner, or holder any snch Ibill he subject to any penalty n consequ nte of no stamp or stamps of his Dorai ion. being affixed to such bill. Lost in the It could not be expecte that the et - Cement of a densely w oded cou try • like Canada ceuld be acco plished w th- orn many persons being lo t in the b sh. Many of those who wande ed, of con -se, • found their way out, or ere discov red by their friends, but a me ancholy 'er est attaches to the memor of 'thoee have mysteriously disarn eared in the great forest aud have nek er again • e'en heard of. Even in this linty ther are undiscovered skeleton's, wi ose dry bo es, could. they speak, would -ellstr, (re • story of weary wanderin, through tlt.e solitary gloom, while cleat , invisible, but present, walked by the sid. of the doo b one, cominc, closer as the lost parson be- came weaker,---rerao ving o short dis- • tance as the strong man made es, des ier- ate effort to escape, until, at last when worn out kkith hunger and fatigue, the ghastly presenco cinue rerand placed • his hand on the ilow powerless victim. • Some years ago the skel tou of one of these luckless WELD dex6rs w s found_ some- where in the Indian Peni isula, portions of his clothing still, mina- ed, and if we remember rightly, a silv r watch was found beeide the bones. _hp w far e man had wenn erect •oe hes, much, he bad • suffered will, of course, n. ver be known. In the early days of the eettlemente a Young man named Pearce, brother to the Pearce; of this village, w •s lost in the County of Grey and never heard. of. He undenook to •waIk from a ne w house which he had. been helpin to build. to the shanty where he and hi friends lived. beo doubt, he lost NM' and. perished n. • in the intermivable fon est. A m an • narned llell also disz,npear d in the town- at- portion of s led. f e had wale, •and was procured. oods. HE H RON ItXPOSITORK, and many day's afterwards her bocly was our n a s tting posture against a tree. When weak and about to perish she opened a parcel which she hid carried to the last, and ittempted to revive h rself by chewing some tea. It will be remernbeied that some years ago a onaaneinnaned McKinnon, lo t her way iu the township of Sullivan, and some weeks afterward her body was dis- cover° mill p being i the ri place. In s ity, as in th stream above 13ear an's nd—tl e poor wounanzs str ngtli suffie'ent to enable her to croSs er, ei 1 'oh was not deep at that oh a tine of progress and pr sper- is now !enjoyed in this County, in- -teresti g Tool ections of the early settlers shoulci1 not bb readeri know should, make journal, for t ple, many of forgotten and if any 0 our of cases of interest, they - hem known to the n areSt e benefit of the young peen whom are fast forg W4 that a few years age this flourishing County was a wilderness. —Paisley (Bruce) Acivodqte. • I , — , - The Cost of Sham Royalty. Prince Leopold is the, eighth child d the Queen, to. whom Parliament has granted an 'come for life. The Frinee of Wales has £40,000 a year, plus the revenues of the Duchy cf Cor wall, now aiiount to over £109, per . The Duke of Ediuburgh had o yearly granted him on re. ching • ity, Which was inade u last with ssia. ugbt, Vi 000 tow E40 the uise, , and ages: trioe, se of ther. ren - 8 an- een' y, th teres girl 0,000 uch r i whieh. annum L150 his m year fo Efsni,000, on his marriage the Grand :Duchess .Marie of R Priuc has £ toria year Princ 000 c Arthur; now Duke of Conn 5,000 4 year. The Princess as granted. an annuity .of E8 •n her marriage , with the of Prussia, plus a dower of h down. The Princess Alic Princess Helena and the Princess L had each a grant of E6,000 fle yea dowers of £30,000 on their mar There remains the Princess Be now 17 and 'unmarried, the expe whose support is borne . by her m Taking no account of the Cornwa enues but nickeling only. the sun tuallyt distursed yearly to the Q children out Of the public Treasu total is £124000, which is the i on £3,630,000. The dowries th have had aanount in all to rEl which is a Mere trifle to add to total. The Queen has £360,00 may be only E340,000e--a year, pr th interent on over E10,000,000. 1 Tbit calculation includes nothing bit t eve of th By t d b specific grants of money, nor does include all gimlets to all members royal familyj it might -not be e compute all the amounts recei e 11 1) themfrom other sources, such as, fo instance, the salaries deawnty th i Princes in their military and nav capaeities, where their rank is h noran and their Services are nominal Th Prince of ales has five children livin and. they, too,. must, on the resen system, be rovided for by the public 0 their coming of age or Marryin y the majority of the English upp r an middle classes, as represented in arlia merit, do n4 seem to think they ay to high a price or the privilege of her dila rulerswho do not rule. The S ectafo says, in its lever way, that even Ra cads perneivle at last that in a ' veile Republic" it is decent to pay or th veil. 1 Little Mrs. . The follo ing correspond.ence, which tells its own story, appeared in 1he_ S Thomas Ito e journal last week SIR- i : Your readers who attend d th meeting in the 'Drill Shecl on the afte noon of the 3d inst. will remern er th reference made by inst., J. C. Ry ert to the picture .of an actress, littleMrs.. L , which. he said was hung He Mr. McKell r's bedroom. On Tuesday night, on my way hom from the meeting in the Town hall, M . S. Sharon, Mr. Hemphill ,and menie f were invite by the Conservative to g into the Lisgar Hous ,e where tbey w r entertaining Mr. Rykert. We 45 fi -t refused, but afterwdrels consented, on ing strongly strongly pressed by Dr. Gust' . ite Thomas Arkell proposedMr. R ke t'e health; and in so doing expressed his e- • gret that I*. Rykert had referreci. to the picture in question m his speech at the Drill Shed. After Mr. Rykert lmcE re- pl-ied, ' I took the liberty to nek ahoutithe picture. He said he was v glad I- had made the inquiry, is 1ie wi ed to explain that the whole thing w s a joke. Ile did. Seel such' a picture i one of Mr. 'McKellar's rooms, a d., clu - ing a very exciting debate in the Hous, when IVIr. McKellar had been ubben hirn pretty hard --there being_ a urnb r of ladies in . the gallery—it occu red to him that it would be a good jok to got this oLF on Mr. McKellar, which he I then asked if he thought that .1\ r. Kellar knew about the picture, or had anything to da with the buyin of i Mr. Rykert said, "No, I don't t ink e had. There is no use of my lyin abet t it. I am cdrtain that he knew • othi i g about it. The whole thing was inten - ed as a joke." This statement was made in pub c room of the Lisgen House in the 'resell e of 15 or 20 Conservatives, and o ve R formers who had. been verv. cor ally .1 . vited to join the company. It w s MQ, e openly and licit in any way confidt( ball Mr. Rykert, I thought, Only sceooed tc o anxious to . lake the explanation. N . W. M ORE, ST. Timete , Aug. 12, 1874, 1 able of Greenock, when the country was being set not far to go to releh his earryina a chair which ha . 0 either he northe chair w npde re ever fond, and, noeiadoubt, the great See p, in. which ;u his death bed., wi 1 eoutinu€1 to Has keep Secret the story of his -wanderi gs, and the place of his grave._ A lady, now residing no far froie his village, onee became lost and, wit a enrage as remarkable as ler endun nce Was astonishing, she watt lered for five days in the woods without other nour sh- 'tient than a small jar of e ilk, which she bonteen,conveying to a ne ghbor's ho ise e aAernoon of the ifth day she reached a road where she as soon fter found by somo of her fri-nds, lama -eds of -whom had been searchi g - In. a, largo samp, acros whi irvch a oat- 1.)a- led, a ;woman, named leDonald, had Pan on her way hOrne frOne a s ore. \\-'andering 1rom the scare ly percep ibie Gp0)1) PROSPEC 1 D HARVEST EXPECTED JOHN KIDD akt. just received a large stock of Harv st Teo s • such as • Scythe Forks; Crac SNATHS AND HAY FOR les, 'Which he will Sell as Cheap as any in the Tra e. NO ECOND PRI E. JOHN KID HURON PL HE NINO 11161 •1, IP ,p p itiSSRS. G pE41'3 to annoen,Ce t liesiness in the El Martha, and are now pr as os, Dc ors, • And all kinds ALSO LATH MY & ASVO T t they have e mmenced op lately ocoupi d by Mr. Peed to Lill ord rs for linds, Mo Rings, of planed linnbe . • 1.10 Sill GLES. CHEESE BOXE i FARM GATES AND SE -HAY RACKS, A good stook of Seas F otory and Lumber near Main streat. • J'i , Sawing and Oust A. GRAN: oned Lumber on 'Yard n Goder m Planing neatl W. H. ERS, hand. oh street, done. COTT. REAT THE REFORM. The Greatest eform hat has ever bee th prices of Her awa .e and Undertaking. T. JOH reduced altogethc not to y he prio r with ur inte s & cb., • one-half, and have done extortionate prioes. Is it est to patronize them. L DS Ts.EPT Furnish Fu d to att F FURN N STOOK. hey are Iso prepared to erais nd pees TUBE ith Everything Re - tally with their Hearse. T. JOHNS & Co. EGG E PORIOM. T subsea iber her •cud niers (ni archants -pationage dining the by a riot integrity and to eritthoir confide IC vine greatly enl the vinter, he is now H'GHEST Fectrcany quantity of E( anted by the subs clea WHEA I STRA S AFORTH, March 1 SAMUE M chine All , eders, el MAR OR (Und E1XPOSI Under antho P 0. wiL ed sole ano in the Co only be pure ized agents. Or myself W' men have be She County Whiffen and Clinton ; an 120 • INC THE Manic -11- FORTH to tile Gove three month to erect the by thanks his numerous nd others) for th ir liberal ast seven years, a d hopes, lose attention tobusiness, ce and trade in thearitme. rged his premiss during repared to pay t e • ASH P ood fresh eggs, EMPORI Alain Street, riber 25 Ions of D. D. WI ,1874. TRO Menu acturer of .Twrne • _Mater P ICE delivered Seaforth. good dry SON. 828 -tckages Of a Su erior Qnality. her Who esale or Retail, Promptly 'Med. RTH ONT, LICE SEAF IAG CES ER IFICAT 8, . r the no Act.,) issued at he OR 0 ity of t BLI SON, of gent for t Sy of Hu need thro rders giv not be n appoint of Huro L. Murp L. S. W' • FI GE, SEA, F e Lieutenant -4 taxi°. NOTICE. eaforth, hoe been appoint - e celebroted Mathushek Pi- meand this instillment can gh him or his duly author - in to others than ply agents led. The following gentle- d to net as my !agents in : Thos. Connors, U. P. y, Seaforth; C. Doherty, • sot, Goderieh, 0. 0. WILLSONI Seaforth RTHI vernor of RPORA ION NOTIOt pal Conniil of the Village of SEA- ereby giv notice that theywil1 apply tor -in -Co neil after the ex 'ration of from the int insertion of this notice illage Of 'eaforth into a Town, un- der the nam of Sealer h, and the followrng iiniits are intendedito, be inch ded therein: 25 acres, be- ing 8. W. co aer of Lo 24 Con. 1, Me acres; beingp. half of 25 acres, beirg N. W. MoKillop; 1 0 acres, b ing Lot 26, Con.,1, McKil- lop; 50 acre , being S. alf Lot 27, Cone 1, McKil- lop ; 25 acre_, being .N W. corner of Lot' 9, Con. 1, Tuckersmith extenclir g to Relined ; 100 Core 1 Ti okersinith; 100 acres, bo- on. 1, Tuc cersraith ; GO acres, being 2, Con. 1 Tuekersmith 25. acres, be- er Lot 12 Con. 1, Tneltersmith ; 50 . half Lo 11, Con. 2, Tuoicersmith; ig S. W. icr Lot 11, (ion. 2, Tuokn. ores, be' g'W. half Lot IQ, Con. 2, ; 80 acres being N. E. corner Lot 11, (len. 8, T ickersmit , extending east to west 50. rods,' and ee. ending no eh to south 961 rods; 10 aureS, being . W. col er Lot 10, Oon.•J, Tacker - smith, extolling west east to 16?, rode, and ex. )6 ro 11sEcts..BE NS ON, Reeve. ob 25, Con. 1, orner of Lot 2 op; 50 felcillop ; , Con. I 12 being Lot 10 ing Lot 11, N. half Lot ing S. E. cor acres, being 10 mares, be et:smith; 50 Tuckersmith tending Dort WM. ELLIf Dated the to sout- JA TT, Clerk th day ot ;rime A. D21874. 829-21 • LI.T0 pEMAINI CG in th drilled I r on Aug. ComPbell, 03orge • Cern, -Marne Ann Connor, Mi -s Maggie Corby, Wm. Dunlap; Mrs, Edward Dunn, John Donohoe, Ms -s M. Graham, Mi 's n. Howard, Mr e John - Hall, Williaa javvia, 0. F. Kasy, Wm. lienn.James Kline Freee Lurasden, H L. - Logen, D. Mitchell, Mi -s Mary. 848 LETTER Seaforth Post, Office un - 4, 1874: Malcolm S. . Munro, John Mahoney, John Morison, ja mee Murray, James efoOray, James Mann, J. W. - Murray, Alexalider Palmer, H. C.- Paeckert, sChar es Rogerson „Tohn Smith, W. B. , Sarvis, Wm. Stewart, jam ell Urquhard, A. Wallace, Mary S. DICKSOI, P. M. AUCTION SALE OF DWELLING SOUSE ND LOT IN ZURICH. sinen unde signed hes received iustreetions to -L sell by pi blic auction, mac Dwelling House and one-fifth of an ade of landin.1 the Village _a Zurich, en. UESDAY, the 1st: day of eEPTEM- BER net. Sale to conneenee at 1 o'c ock P. M. Terme made known on day of sale: HENRY SCHAFFER, roprietor. eer. 848-4 EDIVI.A.RD BOSSENBIelt GER, leech° $2 n per day. Age ts wanted. " 6.,i) All classes o working peop4 of.ither sex, young or tea; alce mere at wok. for is in their (ware moment( or all the time, than at anytheng else. Partic Oars free. Addrese G. TIN SON ce efo „Portia nd, el tine. .284 • NEY ADVANC D ON Mort age Securey, in such su s -and for ;such ieriods, tiara repayable in s eh manner as the appl cant rnay eesire. Apply to 822*59,, A. G. liCeDOUGAL Scaforth. atemserreennmertzerszeensom TEAS, TEASs TEAS. ASK, FOR POVVELL'S FINE MIXTU CASH AT A. 1p I A. v\is TWELVE POUNDS SUGAR FOR $1. PAID FOR BOTTER. ARR MMIMMIMIMMOLMCM.-4 J. C. LAIDL IMPOPJTA3TT TO A-T4T-4_, LARGE RE I w. ..,1,11911.120.13.32 VALS AT THE CHEQUERED STODR OF as, Sugars, Liquors and General Grocerie Which were bought on very favorableterms and wfil be sold off SEAPORTS AGRICULTURAL .IMPLEMENT, sewing l?inciaiue, and MUSICAL INSTRUMENT SEWING MACHINE DEPARTMENT. 1 take pleasuee.itr etating to the public, that I shall at all times have a stock cif nil the different kinds of Sewing Mae:Miles, with their varied pre- tentious to merit, thet therm -chimers may be able to suit themselves ee one establishment; without inconvenience. The whole fate Of the collude. has been, and still' is, frequented by transient persons. My object is to caution the public against buying anyehing but Stenclard Machines, and of Regular Established. Agents, Who can- ial- ways be found, and 'hose warrant end guarantee can be relied on, an if the purchaser is not suited with the kind they t ink they want, they can have the privilege or one ging it for :ley other. We have at all times a new and fresh stock of the Florence and Webster Machine, as well as all the "other standard makes, which can be paid for on very easy terms, or if not setisfactory, can be changed for any other that may be desired. ! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.. 0. Q. IvILLs0N Can defy th.e world OnMnsieal Instruments, both in Price and Quill*, he cannot, be Surpassed. The nutnufacturere Of Instruments 'which he sells have a reputation that dare not be cpiestioned. He sells for no secend-class firms. The Mathu- shek and Steinway Piano: .irinee, Meson & Ham- lin, and Estey Orgaris and Melodeolm. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Such is Straw Caters, Grain Crushers, Root Cutters; Sewing Maehines and Hone Powers, cal of the best, always on hand, AT PRIES WHICH MUST. PROVE SATISFACTORY TO ,CUSTOMERS. I— • • BACON) HAMS) FLO 9R AND MEAL OF THE BEST QU ITY Aiwajs in Stock, at the Chequered ikS'ore, Main Street, Sea JAMES AMR Hy. SiAFORTH OiOUNEIR JHN NO WISHES to inform the farmi " SEA1IOBTH FOUNDRY for to mantifacture all kinds of PER • g community and ,flhe public( generally that he has Ileased the terra of years, and re ttecl it throughout. He is no prepared AGRICU LT RAL SUCH A MPLEME • Straw Cutters, IPiows, Gan4 Plows, Drag Sa • Inolnding the 1OMAN, w,hich it: he best 2 -horse Saw in use. ALS) MY liVIItOVEit)PITT'S PO BUILDING IL4ND ALL; 0 HBR CASTINGS Turned out on the shtrfegt notieo. Mill, Engine and other Repairs doille. with Neatness and Dispat CALL SdiLl I TED. 11. TS JOHN NOPPEE,. To THE FARMERS OF HURON. ,FORSYTH'S PATENT WROUGHT IRON F THE imdeasigned beg to direct th now anspered to take orders for the above fence, * eh is without doubt the - attention of the! armers of Heron to the.fact BEST ••••••• •••••••• m AND•mam1111•1•MINIS iionmin IN SE. MOST nen-- S c Pa) r•A‘Z,•'t DUR NCE. at they are BLE FE OE Parties desirous of giving this fence a trial shoeld leave their orders at once, so th it can be prepared for erection early in spring. The proprietors et 11 guarantee this fence to sta i d without repairs for TEN 'YEARS. The benefits of this fence ov all others are : lst—Durab i ty. 2nd -- Snow will uot accumulate or bauk against it. 8rd—T14e viwl or frost does not effect it. 401—Fire will not destroy it. Sth—Ib is warrented to tern all kind of stook, no matter how breathy or vicious. This Pence will be furnished at the following rates :- Five Wire Fence, per rod - $1 50 I lie six 44 46 CC 1 60 Eight TERMS—All sums of$25 and under cash, on eomple Wire Fence, pee rod If • 1. ion of fence; over teat tonaunt. t eemOuths credit, an approved note to be furnished on completi of fence: For large orders spet i 1 arrange. mente can be made. Orders taken aud further information given on application to M. . Counter, Main street, Seaforth; Or George Forsyth, at the Market, eaforth; or Hugh Cameron, Ldn( sbero. 320 •FORSYTH & ,; Co. 1 68 1 75 GODERI Y. Vie.Goderich oun(lry&,Manufacturing Co. nform he public that theime peepared to contract for STEAM ENGIAVIND OILERS, 1' {JOUR, GRIST, AND SAV MILLS . S WING- MACHINES, &c. • • 011 hancl-IRON AND WOODEN .i3OWS,_ with steel boards ,. GANG LOWS, CULTI; ATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. -SUGAR AND POTASI KETTLE'S, GRATE -BARS, , WAGGON BOXES, . COOKING, PARLOR AN 1 BOX STOVES) of various kinds, SALT PNS MADE: TO ORDER. ALSO, '1 • • IRON AND BRASS SASTINGS, AND -BLACKSMITH WORK. , BOILERS AND SALI' PANS REPAIRED ON nliORT NOTICE. TWENTY. TO THIRTY -HORS POWEll TUBULAR BOILERS generalli on he -id foiesale. All orders addressed to •he Company or Seeeetary will reeeive promptattention. enees A. HOPGE, Secretary an Treasurer. : .1 " H. HORTO.N, President. , R. R NCIMAN*, General Manager. . ' RUNKS 411M191.111:1121. vIv2 _A 1"NT A GOOD SUPPLY OF AND VALISES. • • e hare on hand Fly Sheets and Tets. A gobd assortment of All Kinds of ,ARNESS as Ilistia • Manufacturers of Harvhsit Gloves for the Wholesale Trade. BELFRY & MAY, Saddlers. IRON. HARROWS. Now is the time to purchase .. n The Best in Use.. A few only on hand. Call ancl get one befeet they are all gone. In the year 1870 I sold 30 of these Harrows; in 1871, 50 were sold by me ; in 1872, I sold 75 and in 1013 My sales reached over 150. This is the best proof that can 'be offered of the satisfaction' -which the Harrows give. Os Co ,WILLSON, Mine4et-street, Senforth. 825 TO THE PnBLIO AT LARGE. W. H. OLIVER, Harness, Saddle and. Collar MANVFACT 611E11, 3/A Thr -ST., SEAPORTIL <4 0 • I AI)E TO SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortreent of light and heavy Harness, Whips, Bells, Horse Clothing, &c., kept constantly on hand.. Repairing promptly uttended to, and (themes nahderate. Remember the plece,sign of She Scotch Collar. ` W. B. OLIVER. • ": 4.•••+, EXTRACTING. T EETH WITHOUT PAIN. re CARTWRIGHT, L. D. Se oreeen Dentist • attende in Set forth, at Knox's Hotel the first , 1 uesutry andeVednesday of eaoh month: in Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, on tbe follow.ing Thurs- days and Fridays. ; The remaineer of the tine at [his Stratford office. Parties requiring now teetli are requeeted to call, if at Seaforth and Clinton, oii the 111'0: aftys of et- tendenee. , Testimoniale of over 500 patients -who have bssl their teeth extracted by the nee of the Gas, may be seen at lay °Mee ()Mee in Stratford. Teeth inserted in the most substantial and Ina - Pro yea StylPS. Filling . (1011C in gold, &e., in a manner which cannot be surlass(111. 237, Cure Lencorehma (or Whitest, )-andel Menstrua- tion, Ulceration of the Uterus, Ovarian Diseases, Absent :Menstruation, mei all di -ass )(mown as Female Weakness, They are prepared with the greatest care, under the pet Serial supervision of a Physidia.0 -who lmemade female (liseaseS a epecial study for many years, and They are a Medicine on. which MARRIED LA.DIES ecu depend "in the hone end time of need" as en unfailing FEAIALE EEGT-1.A TO R. Sold by all Dreggists everywhere. ' Price, one box, '1, Fix boxes, (e5; sent by mai) free of post- age xecurely sealee from observation. For eine particulars write for our parnriblat , which we will send in a sealed envelope to any ;Address on re- ceipt of post stamp to prepay r.4. tuna postage. Address all letters for pamphlete or pine to WILLIAM GIZA). & 0o.$ Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforthlhy E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts, R.. Lumsden, and by all druggists. NORTHROP & LYVAN, Terente, Wholeinde Agents. 838-ecOW 1