HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-08-21, Page 5: • • i - - GUST 21, 1874 “oeufassien." He signed a few words stating that given -in trnst tdM:ultort, read- the Pflalor dr hear it, pursue in detail the rest ar's reiatarkabie sf.atement. retofore pOinted mit that ted by Mr.Tiltou as from were the !only evidenee and, that they indicated ward Mr. Tiiton,and some and remorse on Mr. Bee, tat required explanation.. eclares the offense to have g Mrs Tilton to fall in on the one hand, and on e advice -abased, aaa he the letters were written, on ✓ of a separation aud in smisaal of Tilton by Bowen. cause of anxiety was sub - .1. dread that Mr. Tilton renew' the icharge of as," and rniu him. But enies, by iMplieation, that IpIated sureitie, and says Ins to expeeting and desir- U based on .aymptonta of aaraiyaia, which he often had accustomed him to as au always open door it to escape from his cares He further states that he for Tilton •sunis of money - the aggregate to $6.000. :is paid upon „NtonItrea's ad. urpose ofsilencing Tilton, ' i; him frons renewing his ainst him,(Betcher.) Now to think, that „Moulton, art to be friend, Was :confidential agent of Tils he was leaart ed with Tilton ensnaring him, and that ae auspicious of him, and ire more nioneY-, that he, towed Tilton access to the antraeuts he had obtained kder tf) work his ruin. *as._ Lnd Tilton in aourt, ig letter vtias addressed by • TiIton's attorneys, to. Ward Beecher, on Mon - Ward Beecher—Sir We ained by Theodore Tilton a suit against you; Will icate the !attoirrtey who is appear in- your behalf, so Lerve the papers upon him. :ORRIS &TEARS...kid.. commureication, Shear - :R., Attorneys o[ Record for chis morning irtatle the fel- irris Bearsall---Gentle- standing that you contera- menceraent of an action at of Mr. Theo. Tilton. against teecher, we beg to inform re autlionsed toappear for a all legal proceedings, and st in his name the Marm- ot _ the papers upon us, ffice or if'service can be 1.4V7M., at No. 61 Flicks yre. Your ob't servants, STERLINGI. ;49, iti ban • Slaye Trade - (Jai of the horrors of the system in Cuba -is told in aprby an educated China - account it appears that of the Chinese laborers in worse than that of the It has always been urged the pataiarchaI ; system"' ffiei, interest of the owners ktrully treat their slaves. - of coolieism is that th* tis held. for a limitect. lv-ratr has 'paid a goocl price. h4iidage ; he must get all, coolie before! freedom . - go often intervenes be - f i term of service that it oily one in :25 ever return. ed nations haat" united. avL trade from the sea ;. t this frightfid blot upon. elf the century be Wiped 1-41 iriteinatimal concert be curious part o the ac- cht we refer is, ;that the • .exiled rebel, -thinks 114e forthe 'Chinese peo- ist a change in the ruling Striker. ikis in progress in Washa an Mg laborers heretofore gat :ng the Capitol grounds. iahento of the strikers %-e- had rather beg than tltan $/;50 per day-. If 16 work for less, we will kink of swindling the la- . to stop." The utter Rti,S fulmination is so ap- ddes not need a word of it I the climax is reached o14 that the strikers have Aiturla some labdrerswho t p nail, jobs at $1.25. per. • that is done, they may risalrief if they thlnot quit la Ptursla caaa . adian friends of Dia aaut pulpit and platform. f g• d to learri that he has ag . eat distinctien Wilieh' it i` 9f the English Wesleyan to bestow. By a mai- ' Voteshe was, last. reaident of the Confer - 1 : I 0 , teat being Rev. W. Arthur. 'r ith, who has also been - was at the same caetary. If Mr. Pinishoo ie 'duties- of his new office ' :1e tbusiness ability which siilential administration of Te.esleyans, his English .. a little 9ause to regret 'ali executive head. rapa os TIM STAGE -- pull -ma play a weight has ever SCandat for thastage. - .totiltave been brought Out L lbon a hint from the au - withdrawn No theatre tuition for decency to sus - a ;play of this character to lards. The scandal has is .-hief aa it is. Let care - tt S not dressed -up in such .3. to eorrupt public mo - .e tlixtensively. ic-i Postmaster at Hamil- reVwed_. It -was known tphat he was a long way counts with the Govern - c . alleges that the dis. Ilaike way for aome iiifineu- of the (lovernment, but y contradicts this. 18i • UGUST 21 • 1874. r. THE -, • uk3. 13I tT S.. • DAYALAN--Xn Tucker mith, on Aug.9, be wife ofMr. John Dayman, of a; on. Seaforti, on Aug. 11, the wife of 'Mr. Wm. S learer, of a so McKiilo , on Aug. 18, th Wife of Mr. Chas. Alen, of a dane wau,s01,t,—In Seafort on Aug. 20,:t Wife of -Mr. O. C. illsou, of lit so • . COANT.—In Grey, on Aug. 16, the wife of Mr. Simon Grant Of a •son. BiREIB.--In Morris, tin -Aug. 19, ithe wife of Mr. Wm. rie, of a daugSter. iataciaama.—In S aforth, on Aug.14, alewife af,Mr. Mat hias Klinkheinaer, of a daughter, . - . IVEARRI GES, fifePREnsoN YonAt - the resi- dence of Mr. A. leLaren, Norman street, Stratford, o Aug. 12, by Rev. Thos. Araopherson, Mr. Darnel Rank- in McPherson, neer haat, Stratford, to Miss Rlizabeth Oli ia CTordon. York, second daughter f the late John. York, M. D., a Ini isville, Ont. Titsaimmu mars. -- At St. diaries; Manitoba, • n Aug. 10, by his Grace Archbishop ache, assisted by Rev. Fathers Allar and Lavoie, Mr. Philip Albert Tachereau, son of •Thomas James I aschereau, Esq., : Sheriff of Beauce, Quebec, to Mar- garet, daughter o G. McPhillips, }sq, D. L. S., of St. Charles, Man- itoba, and formerly of Sea.forth.. JoingsTokr — 11APPEL. — At Zurich, on Aug. 17, by Rev. 1. Danby, Robert Johnston, of Z rich, formerly of Godericti, to Anne Hapel, daughter . of Jacob- Happel, Fscj., of,the town- ship of Hay. MeCAR.nor,—BoYD.--, AI the residence of the bride's father, n Aug: 3, by Rev. J. J. Lewis, Mr. Vi MeCarrol, late of Brussels, to it len, daughter of John Boyd. Esq., ( f Hamilton. DEA tHES. McLititN.—In Tucker ninth, on Aug. 15, Mary, wife of Mr. John McLean, Jr., and third daught r of Mr. George Walker, aged 25 y ars and 6 months. KING.—On Aug. 17 Daniel J. King, M. D, a Seaforth aged 28 years. THE NIA. KETS. S ORTH, Aug. 13, 1874. There is not much change to note in market quotations this week. Deliveries are still light, and h t little new grain has yet comeforwa.rd. There is still an oc- casional load of old heat and oats offer- ed. Several loads of ew fall wheat have been delivered . For t is, prices range low, as this grain, at 1eaiIwhat has yet been offered, has been of 4 very inferior qual- ity, being small and light New oats have not yet been o quantities. The o have been of exeellei loads of new peas ha ered in any great erings, thus far, t quality. Several re been sold on the ina.rket, and have b ought fair prices. There has been no barley of any amount • in yet. Butter stip and dealers will pay a good article for There is not much h is not much enquire been very scarce thus readily. We quote continues scarce, lmost any price for ocal colksumption. coming in, and it after. Fruit has far, and apples sell Ps11Whest, per bushel- . . . .. .$1. 15 to 1 16 Fall Wheat (n.ew). . .. ........ 0 90 to 1 05 Spring Wheat, per bushel. — 1 08 to 1 10 Oats (new) 40 to 0 45 Peas (new) per ......... 0 60 to . 0.55 Batter, No. I, Looge........... .. 20 to 0 20 ' Butter in tubs.. : .. . .. 0 21 to 0 21 Eggs • 0 12 Flour - , .. . .. . .. 0 00 to .6 00 Hay,ne.w. 8 00 to • 91".. 00 Hides.- . ....... . . .. ........ 5 00 to 6 00 • Veal calf, per pound. 0 08 to 0 09 Lamb Skius........., 0 30 to 0 45 Sheep pelts... . . .... 0 25 to 0 30 Salt (retail) per barrel • ......... . 1 25 Salt (wholesale) per barr Potatoes; per bushel, new ........ 0 50 to • 0 60 Oatraealt3' 0 00 to 8 00 Wood.... ...... ....... 2- 50 to 2 75 Beef . . . .. . 3 00 to 5 50 Tan . . . . .. 4 00 C Aug. 20, 1874. Fall Wheat, per bushel 1 03 0 1 10 Spring Wheat, per bushel • 1 00 (5 1 05 Oats, perbushoL 0 55 @ 58 Barley, per bushel. .... 0 70 (5 -o 75 Peas, per bushel.-- 0 60 0 - 0 60 Butter ..... .. ..... ........ 3 17 @ 0 2a Potatoes......... ....... 0 50 0 0 80 Eggs.... .... 0 00 (G• 0 12,- Bay, per ion, . 9 00 @ 10 00 NEW YORK F10 SE MARKET. TUES9b, Y, Aug.- 18, 1874. The market fo tb0p0ed &Might horses was fair_only,t considering_the Bence of transaction, in more valuable stock. At the Bull's. Head_ 'market prices ranged as font ias : Railroad and atage horses, from $ 45 to $160 ; busi- ness horses of bette quality, from.$175 to $200 ; heavy tri ek horses over 16 hands high, weigbin, r 1,200 pounds or over, from $300 to 350 per head. No transactions in pie isure horses upon which to be their ppropriate market values have been r ported. Sales by auction were held a usual, but neither the atock offered nor tbe.prices realized - presented any notewa Ally feature. . LITTLE FALLS- AIRY MARKET. LIT= FALLS, N. l ., Aug. 17, -1874. The tone of the market is stronger than last week and ales e, re more brisk. The delivery of fain daihes amounted to about 400 bxs, and sales weremade at Die to 121e, accordi g to quality/. .Fac- tories were well repr sented, but the of- ferings were generalla- lighter than last week, aaaregatill r -" a bout 9,000 bxs. Sales commenced ztt 13c, but soon went to 13c, finally to ching inc.! We, give the leading t ran 'actions as follows : Northern Star, 100 h -s at 13c ; Arnold Bros., 90 has at 13 ; Avery & Ives, 111 bxs at top price Brookman's Cor- ners, 105 has at 13e ; Fairview, 105 bxs at 134c; Fniton, 2 has at 13kc. Butter comes in sp riagly, and only a few Samples Were Soil to -clay for home use 26e to 28e. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK M KE .., BUFFALO, Aug. 20,.1874. CantE.H-Receipts to -day 1,547 he k making the total supply for We k, th s far,- 8,874 head, or 522 cars, against 4 1 oars for the same time last wee . M:r- ket active, at strong prices for good sto ,which Waaiscarce, and sold quickly. Co mon stock' slow at last weck's rat s. ThereAS a full attendance - of buye s. Sales c ra0 ed about 2,209 head. T e princip 1ransa,ctions were as fo11ow : s; Fifty-two Illinois steers, tivera e 1, 8 lbs. price, $6.25; 13 Illinois steers, 110 lbs.! $6 00 • 18 Ohio cows and heife s, 120f3 1 s., $5,50 44 Indiana stocke s, .800, lbs , .50; 24 Canada stockers, 6:1 lbs.' $‘ .7 ; 66 Ohio steers, 1,31 1b., :$6. 5 ; 17 Ohio steers, 1,226 lbs, $5. 6. SORE .4ND LAMBS.—Receipts te-d y 2,600 ead, making the total supply or the! we k, thus far, 15,000 head, agai st 15,200 lead for the same time last we k. Th 4 - m rket was active at strong 1 st week's prices on all grades. Cana a lambs, 6 a• $7; Canada sheep, $5.124, a d Wester heep, $5®$5.25. The prin 1. - 'pal, tr'saetions were as folio s :. -11 1'vli4ig n sheep, average, 79 lbs., pri e, fa $4.50; 38 !Michigan sheep, 80 lb ., $4. 5; .-85 Own la' sheep, 100 lbs., $ .25 ; 36 Canada sheep, 131 lbs., $5. 30 ; 16 Can la sheep, 2711hs., $5.25; 82 Canada lam is, 66 lbs., $6.[50; 124 Canada lambs, 641b., $6.62; 108 Canada lambs, 65 lbs., $6. 5; 134 Canada lantbs, 71 lbs., $6.75 ; - 02 Canada, la bs, 70 lbs., $6.62i. OG .--ai arket firm at $6@$6.50 or Michigan hogs;i$6.75®$7 for Yorke. s; $7. 25e/ 8 for heavy hogs. Strictly pri • e 1 heavy 1iogo would. bring higher figu es readily. 1 . • ' NI . Y Got The price of gold in e -w lc Letters from .Engl nd for the fourth week in July says re orts from all the 'English cheesemaki g districts are : - "No feed, and a sbor make." The sup- ply and prices of Ai erican cheese are again in buyers' fay r; medium being comparatively dear d not sell so freely as best. in which a la ge trade is doing. The hest quality of .2 merica,n is quoted at 62s.; next grade, 'Os, ami secondary at 54s. to 56s per cwt English Cheddar sells at 76s. to 86s.; Cheshire, 78s., and- Seoteh at 70s. to 76s. per cwt Ii is quot d at 109/. 'CARD OF THANKS. IN BEHALF of the friends of the late Dr. ra i bee- to return my sincere thanks t Mr. M TFTENV° ROBERTSON and others who rend • , such elf' lent and valuable aid at the funeral- , to air. J SHANNON, Reeye of McKillop 'hit} great k lidness and attention to the dece when teen to his house. 250-1 THOMAS KID T - red for, sed PRIVATE SALE. THE undersigned, being about to reMove f 'OM 1 Seaforth, has decided to dispose of the fo ow- ing! articles at private sale: One Piano, 13 1-2 Cords StoveWood, and Splitli 3 Stoves, some Stovi Pip Side Sad e, and other Articles. MONDAY, Aug. 24, to SATURDAY, A g. 29. •The good* can be seen at i the Farrago TOM ERAS --Cash. 450-1 REGINALD H. ST ry ,1 LOS OUT FOR YOUR OWN INTER ST. ALE ANDER CAMERO AXTA.TC AKER and ieweler, Mitchell, hile / / than ng his numerous friends and cus om- ers in the 9ounty of Harem and eurroanding dis trict for pi4st favors, would respectfully int" ate th t he has emoved to that beautiful stand wes end °One*? Hotel, 'where he has opened, a bea tiful selection of ladies' and gents' jewelry of the 1 test novelties. lalso, docks the largest and most vari- ed'in Vestm Ontario. My watches'are ack (owl - edged t bth the cheapest and best iia ie n1 rket, every o e being thoroughly replete and t fited before leing offered for sale. _ A 80 ail Agencytor. the,Elgin W tch. REPAIRING. I ' , - Hv14g; been fraCcesiaftit itrobtainind the se cog of Mr. IfItASER, who has hadlong practice the Cities o Glatigow and Edinburgh, Se.otland Cus- tomers wit. find that in no part of the Dom ion can they havectheir °locks watches and je ehy better done up. ALEX. CAMERO , 1 ' i .. Practical Watch aker. Mitchell, Aug. 21, 1874. 1 85 -52 • - 1 ' • NOTICE. 1 THE partnefifilipl iter4ofore existing be ween HenTYMaettiLiaiidf.Bdwitrdi C. Messe . as ters, carrying on business n the N age , in the County of Huron, bus thi day he bu iness asset • Who In, andwho ugnet 1874, . ESSE T. marble cu of Seafort been di so ved by mutual consent,‘ will helle ter be carried on 'by H. will pay all the liabilities of the late wiireqei4 all debts due the said fir Dated -it Seaforth, this -12th day af HENRY .. E E. C. 3IE SEA' ll Witnes -JAMES H. BENSON. ' 8 I - 110 BRIDGE BUILDERS , a 1 0-3 TEND -A- adth DAY, 1 across t yid Camp smith. The bridp 3 ills _not re.qpir plated; Mar era 1$75: ficationo an be seen on applidation Ito the • signed, oro Mr. A. BA'; Gennty,Suraleyor, 0 G. E. CAE WEL 350-4 Reeve of e e S t,-aiill to: Feeetatd tate sed to Eqmondville 1'.0 , uiitil September, for the erection ofu. river On the sideroad "-op1tot.It• ell's farm, in the Township of T to be Us an '414, ION - ridge I. Da.; cke-•- COM- nder- inton. Pucker , SELF-ACTING HANDILO M. T( N () \V& as the EXCELSIOR LO 1 M; tea e and •*A- /" furni • ed with headdl' es reed, shuttl , 'bob- bin, also livo yards Of warp in the lo in to s art it working. i Made and sold cheap for cash, a d on reasonable terms eredit. D. ST "WAR ', '350-4 ,f' 1 ' - / " ' Bliley * Hui- n CO VICTORIA. HOTEL, WALTON. 4- Tolle hit, Proprietor. , ;rids hotel is. sitii- ated, a the Gravel Road, 10 /tales la -arta of Sdaf I•th, a • d Vag- sesses every accommodation and. con fort fo tray elers. T e best brands of liquors iu d cigais kept in the barj and a -careful and attenttve hos ler in attendance. Good stabling in connection 'with the hotel. 1850 • • 1 !-,..1-‘ - --P-' NOTICE.. ) ( -I - .., ,• THE antlersigaed 4nembera of rtfie ,Ev n elical -1- Association and others, have conelud el to call a public meeting of said members mid 0 h rs, en SATTJED Y, SEPT. e5, 1871, at 6 o clock . M. in the me ting house on the BrOwnaon L ne, ill township pf Hay, o[ which this shall bo iiotco, to consult whether it be expedient to es ,ab 'sh a Farmers' Fire Insurance Company u on t14 *ii..... tualprineiple, for the CotiatYof Hu oix. H. V. DIRSTEIN, ' A. LO MAN, J. 13. GEIGER, ' HEM OR rt, EIN, J. KAERCHER, WILLLLM wi- G-, DANIEL HAMA.CHER, GOTLI# M NEB, ' UR R S. D. B. GETZELLER, D. SER, . C. OSWAL , MICHAE WM. MclEITa, Hay, Ang. 8,-1874. Bag -8 YOU ,WANT ,1 • JUST 1VI dder, Madder Co PO QR. OD cOL�ROF -5rOTTIR, BUY AT ROBERTS' FIRST TRIAL s DRUG STORE OPPOSITE THR iJtAHSIOV JIQTEL, SEA .1?' TH. • RRIVED, FRESH, A LARGE * Indigo, pound, indigo Compound, uclbear, Lac Dye, yANTITY OF COchineai, Cream Tartar, Magenta Crystals, turmeris. THOMSON &WU. IAMS, AGRICULTURAL IMP EME.NTS, MIT Two -71 has been isfaction. driving a machiner 4. QIIEEt AND GINE WORKS, HELL, Oi TARId. oitat rse Wood Salm • tg Machine horonghly tested, andeves entire sat - It is supplied with a band -wheel for straw cutter, grain clasher, or other , with mit extra expens for the belt. TRIAL OFFERED. ALL KINDS OF FA 'MING IMPL kiftp:i constantly on h BOILE SHOP IN FULL Engines oi nil Sizes Mu REPAIR$ TROMPTLY ATT ADDRESS, TN SON & W •• Mitchell, 1873 MENTS OPERATION. C to Order. NDED LLIAMS, Mitchell. 350 CENTR $8,000 IN THE 15th: 16th, 1' . • Prize Lists an 1 Entry papers Secretary's Office, Guelph; and al te tittles Of othea Societies throng Partics not receiving their e to ,the Show, uifl And_ them. a officea . G. MURTON, J. B. A liecrets.ryn • Guelph, July 6, 1874. EXHIBITION, 1874. ffered iit t,T wILL BE U1iLI TOWN OF ON THE th and 18th Open to A 11 ,• • •44 GUELPH, f September. an be had at the o from the Sec - out theProvince. ttry tickets prior the..S.ecretaif's / • ?*; a. -a • MSTRONG, President. 350-4 BtJTTEI, B 41P J EDWARD a. 1 •TTER, AS H BUY GOOD BUTTER TEN RS FOR GR ...,. DING. ..111BITY.A. BIL1117- 71: LW Y. • CANA]) A..# PACIFIC RA QEALEL TENDERS, at-Wrest:led t ' the / -) signet and endorsed "Pembina Bra,ch be receive 1 tit this (Van- or 'at tbe Offiee Lieut. -Gm -minor, at Whinip' eg, up to Noon 25, for GRADING the Pembina Blanch Pacifie RitIway, between the Interndtionid fiery and 4poiut opposite the Town Forms of te ider, skiecification, and elation1 w. rn bo fuish.edv.n inBafeANda, Depattrue it of Public Works, 1 - Okay% n., Aug. 8, 1874. r HOUSETO LET. nclor- " wilJ f the f Aug. f the onn- f Win ipeg. other • 'nfor- -s• By order, Secret Ty. 349-3 THE unlefsigned, wishing to re ire fr.'the Store business, offers to leas for a t rin of years his premises aitnated in Meltiliop, Cia the Huron 11 ad, about 4 miles east of Sel forth. • There is in orchard, with various beariii, fruit trees, n w11, stable and other buildings at ached to it. A. i$hnrcbancl school house is about min- ute ryawaU from the place. Terms liberal For further pitrtieu1nrrnpPlY,if by lettei , to S aforth P. 0, or t the proprietor on the iBire. mCilTesiT.. N. 318 N TICE TO DEBTOR SEAF0 TH FOTINDRY.-The ac ounts "ai Kerr, Wilkie & Co. are iu my ha ds for tion,irt aonfd ualL jtistrxos3elethtelirlebmenii)inace repaid in Co collectioi6vithent any farther notic .844 JOHN S. • • POR' ER. due to ollec- n the rt for [.• IN QV.4-pk11- LT E S AT HIS BUfTER AND WOOL DEPOT, a.;TRA Lo yoke° me is flanks, t has a ro Seen op • the Rot Firing 8 eovery t j. 0., 847*4 Goderich Street, Seaforth. OXEN STRAYED. D from Om premises of the subscriber, No. 24, Cain. 10, Bidalulla, about duly 22, working OXEN, about 30 years of age; f red colot, with •a, lit _le white on the le Mlle • is sPottod 'red mid white, arid ing limp on bis neck. These Oxen were riday, Lily 24, on the Iippon 'load near Tavola, in Tuckersinith. Any person ich information as will lead to their re - the undersigned, addressed to Whalen at the"ExeorroitOfficc Seaforth, will be reward 4. JAME 3 HAWKINS. STRAYED SHEEP. ED fkott the premises of the undersigned, No. 9, Co. 17, Grey, about the middle of t, 5 Stlb E1'-2 EWES an," 3 LAMBS. One yes was 1 Cotswold, and the other a Lei - The left hind foot ol .one of the lambs k. Any person giving aieh information dersigand as will leadte the recovery of e animals will be suitably rewarded. DAVID FERGUSON, Walton P. 0. QTRA Ka' Lot JIM e la of the E pester. !was bla fto the 11 'the abo *4 Bat WANTED. ED a t oy to learn the t1elegriiphlng. 'M. ELLIOTT LOGA WILL ML (IF THEY N 18& JAMIESON__ ET THE CB. ANCE) THE FOLLOWING' GOODS. Dross Goo Dress GOot Dress Goo( Tweeds, w Tweed, w TWeedii, w TWeeds:, Tweed, w ANTS_ , worth 50c, $, worth 40c,1 N, worth 30e, rith 2; at$1 rth $1 75, at $ rth $1 0, at rth $1'25, nt, rth $1, n.t Stle. FLANNELS, MUSLIN In same ratio 1 - Also some some very fine Rega4 Vit havelalso Several lines oft ods we wish to clea C A L li AND • 5 70f 07 0 "! td Itio.t:4 m it I; . i Ite-! Q v- cn i00-• cupo_ A el: \, 0 ).1 . 73 # f't .-1 • f0 0 ti rn ,,,,..,,... )), m ,.., ▪ rri mt"-tt A z CD 71 ji:c 2 , ::: ; 1 1Hr:H:':: , Or ' ‘. n r IZ3 :"71 i!-?..tli ›.-.-1 m u Gi, 17' * ' '..4 d Q •-- > 1 m m H 1 r gil —. i--4 --E a-- 0 -0 . — 05 . > -1 It 0 Z I'm -F • • 01 0 0 cuI 0 0 to JiAlVIIESON'S / • SHIRTINGS, •QH sprn', m: • i al < • 1 _ = co as aboe. Shirts, worth • out as above. $2, for $1, &c. EE THEM, NOTICE OF C93ARTNERS111P. Notice is hereby given t tq"have this &la taken . • into part ership iMpr. AN HAL LV, LY, who has beei. connected -with riyi business or gime dine. -' The business heretofore cairr'ed on by me will here after be carried on undeil th lime and firm of A. G. 71.1eDOU ALL & Co. i Ae...G. MDOUGALL. . . . .. SEAFOIll lt, August, 1, 1874. • ST IR, 0MTNTPID eAsEsO. DRY AT 1 HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE GOo CONSISIING OF PLAIN WINCEYS, dtr wirivEy, • RED FLANNELS, WHITE FLANNELS, COTTON , FANCY PRINTS, DARK PRINTS, TO WELINGS, TABLE LINE FEATHER TICK -GS, STRAW TICKING BLUE DENIM, BROWN DENIM, WHITE COTTOS, BATTINGS, WHITE BED SPREADS, so THREE . THE _GTINVINE HOWE SWINGVIAOHINE 4;9 STILL ABRAD. SOLD BY W.. INT_ WEs..t SOW' SAFdiTii. Ito r�u wait to know the true qualitiee of this Celebrated Sowing Machine call at my officein Seaforth, mulabeware of going to where one ordy is kept • on ,hand,und purposely out of ar- tier, to he compared tO inferior machines to its disadrutage. After a, period of inore than thn,yearsexperience in the Seiwng Machine- Business- I have found that the GE UINE HOWE MACHINE Is the only gnu which hits permane1 satio faction to pe thaseis,•ara never proving defective blips move• ents, nor beingrturned for a•epair. It possesses 11,1:1 the qualities of a tan -kaiak Sewing lachine, itis strong, durable, not noisy as falsely .repreaented, and all. ito torte. -are made of the best metaland perfectly fitted together. You may change it frem line work to heavy work with- out straining it and rendering it unfit for rpro- ducing a neat andperfeet stitch. on fme work. It Will aewwitat heavy, Meek jiiiii threadwith the sailhe ease as with a fine cotton spool - Ladies, remember that the 'finalities to be desix- • ed in a good •Sewing :Machie are _neither Ornaz ment, Style, ner theyerforni.0.2(1.11;A some useless and uureqiured feat, but, a 1ichinn that will do just'what agood Sewing Ma ebiee is required to do, and not getting out of order iii doh3g what is not wanted! to be done. Such is the Genuine Howe Machine. -TM N•a WATON. • COLORED BED SPREADy, BLACK LUTRE, GREY LUS'TRES, BLCK- SIL -. . 1., T• COLORED SILKS, VAK LACE, BLACK REAL LACES, VIIfl REAL LACES, TRIMMINGS, ILK FRINGES, DRESS BUTTONS, II IBBONS, IlLTFLINGS, RUHINGS, BELT—Ladies and Boys, B.A.IIt BRAIDS, &c. BALES OF DUNDAS R. W. COLLINS' AUCTION ROOM. have just ireceived Consignments of Bankrept - • Stock, Consulting of Cloths,- Iteadymade Clothing, Collars, Meg, &e. A' General Stock 'elf Drii Goods, And also " a quantity of C.ROOKRY AD -18SWARE, whilh will be Offered at Auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 1.. Come and bay at Teel" awn piCe. 1 will also sell at private _Bele for less than manufecturers prices. These Goods are first-alss stock and no aThoddy,. Buy good Goods cheap when yoa bare the chance. Sale continued ech- day and taieliug until the stock is all Bola. W. CODIJINS Auctioneer. ZrAtt Anon itt!IMitor - 114 PUMA:MO - EVERY FRIDAY M YRNING IN S/1.1'011T11 1 Tantms.-$1 50 per yea' in tuh. nd of the year. First ins sertiou, 2 nee, or 0 at the AitvertWin rtion, per line, 8 emit. , subsequent hi- nts eacb time, pet line. Advertise mats of Strayed, Lost. reUnil, Sa'a not exect.aig 1 lines—iirst 3nnh, el ; r...fter ilmt month 5 lents each inontb. Advertisements of PAPMS anl l'll".,Ail, '..7tSTATE: $1 5, 1 for sale,no excetaling151ines—fikl,inonth each subse uent mouth, 75 eents.i'D ... Births, .) arriat,es, and D.ei th--0 rafts. Advertiseine»ts without specific direct i01133 lila be intierted till forbid, and clan-pv.11 uecort ingly. Advertisements raeasurNby a scale of sad nonpareil. Mrth.V! 111fCiT ERS. SITUATION W ED. WANTI:11.), a Situation lut Sore -keeper by a COTTON 848*2 in: triftss1113.1Ei>lvi:(38 YS, Brucefield. 'APPRENTICE W, TED. A PPRE*TICE Wanted to leain wagon and ear - ria -e work. One who has itheady had some experience in the business prete Ted. WM. GRASIME, 349 Seafortt Carriage Walla. HOFFMAN BROTHERS, SEAFORT11. • • • :171:21: • aa• • • [7, •