HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-08-21, Page 3141rak 21 1874. without overtaxing any, anaplished'hy the use of Powders and Ara- enedy'---,-it is ahvayS safe. a Mine, and See that the url & CO. is on each pack. Lyman, Toronto, Ont, r Canada. Sold by all riNG FROM TRE Le r, se heat of tb.o summer adi-spiasing eauae of sia ra-any 1ixta jam werraltaa The stoat - Ole /ess of vitality 'eon -ailing the tillable to eoriaplete digestion, indiraiolved through the bowels, merabrana, and. Diartheera Dys.. - LgOrbus, and when pi -ea -ailing, May be excited, Attention to L‘reise, bathing ana regalar hab- eved. To maintain the vital it lassitude awl exliaustion, Dr. Ruud Elixir of l'hosphatee ana estionably reli ibla, as it luvig- ire organs, aml surtillies material 'Llr'e force, ' • QugtOkS, tly indi seret ion , nerroas emit deeay, &c., haviria, taied in „ Eised' reineay, bas discovered a ielf-chre, which he Mill semtfree Rrers. Addteasa J. H. REEVES, iNeal rka e or the Hair • Tat Mau eit4.1.1.1..SE op alcatiat liaaaa, ant growthh it rengtheus the 5,1 -air, Lecift and aliant. lath- Earielt gi os ay finish. ralessa-not atieky in• unclean. evts of the Ilitir. r arid weak. Hair. a by all Draggieta. latic per bottle. k SON, Sole Praprietors. ' a STREET, MOS ERE illi, P. Q; THE iese afr Bal -m Loa inuse for restoring, preserv fliaing the hair, Laud render - at soft and gle;ay, eieettaation we would present to ia it to possess all the virtae we perfeetly• free fram all injura. and notapoaea. t1ii � nutri- faleafly co:au:tend it as a safe • the "-Falling of the Hair,"ree- s origami]. eisler, imparting a •Liaer to its rootai, and eauSing -Ns a C'osauetic alone, even itrong and. healthy, it is invalti- rieli gloaainess, and airaera ftp - o10 Wila laves beauty can fail yea only by tie4 Chemists, Louden. LCE,t 55•CBNi '...natEniss u 111 L-UMSDEN. ruggista generally. 845-26 at Ocala/4-- Remedy. ks'" asaicaRaea.r. prea sa, • medicine is unfailing in the paTilafril and dangerous diseases Oa constitution is subje41t. is and am:dovtsIi obstructions, -nay be relied. on. its peculitirlysuited. Itwill ng on the monthly period -with ad not be ti.ken, by Fentalea ree months of Bregnaey,as they n_Misearriage,but at any other `ervotts and SPirtal Afreetions„ „nd limhar fatimte o light - ex- , of the heart, hysterics,- and will effect a; cure Wheu all other ; and ea/tong:1a powerful • tain iron, orneriate, autnnona,_ or th‘constitution, in the pamphlet arerann.d gaol' Luld be carefully preserved. Vork, SoleProprietor, e1.05and e,erielosed toNorthop &Lyman, teral agentS foa the Dominion, le, containing over 5e pills by Orthby E. Hic!icaoxi & Ceaaand 187 LS' WectriC' Gil, ITS WZIGIIT I'S GOLD. 110- 1701:7 IN( OF IT 2 iz 0T, 1'!' IS 13E1: V181012- •.- few preparationof medicine rodthe impartial judf:xient of P' great length of time. One of ;1;_xcrat° Ctit., parely a. prepar- •23L of thelaest oils that are ?mown, a virtnea of itS (AVM, 'Scientific iatedicines may be farmed of in. •ortalift fixed proportiona of pr -acing effeeta whieh could U( uSe of any one of them, or in on Thus ii . the preparation Al change takes piece, forraing could not by auy possibility he er combination or proportions ients, or any other ingredients, exit fx(uiit. anything ever before 'minces the moatlastonishiug re- : a wider range ef applieation over before dia covered. Iecon- ir other volatile liquids, Lemma- ing lay evaporation. Wherever . benefit of every drop ; whereat; ations nearlyall the alcohol is - id ye -eget only the small glum aey nury contain. N. THOMAS.IPIIELa, N.Y. fP & LYMAN', Toronto, Ont., ; Dominion. ' 7 -Selected and EIectrized. l.. by E. Hickson & Co- ,and.B. ICE TO T HE PUBLIC. em EnrOpS, by the Ana -fl . Dine, GARRY the Northwest, by BETTS LINE,eitherlay Duluth or the o tickets to all parte of the •lad WeStern, States at eonnection, can .be had on midersigned at Seafoath liall- atian cheerfully given. to P.:EIL'AUE FARES, le!. T,ondoeilerry, by Mail `f0W bv Glasgew Line, are re- rryi Glasgow. ,..$2290 aebee to Liverpeel, Derry :•ack t Seaton:I' 448G = Cert.2.1UnttS—LiV...riftlOi, to SenfOrth 21 90 R. B. MOODIE, Agent. r$. PORTER,. :ker and Eachaege Broker. .17,,E_T, SEA FORTH,. $0:,030,011CCOL o blow, but a fact. s and Aleer"ean Silver at cur 11d money on er farra prop - es without hiala r. Receivea aani. pays 21 r cent, intereea a Buys and sena Housee said ,'tOWflunLj WIt1 11) sell qUiGk like a ti eusiind of brick. eq.), Skills, ars and Roo/ hturtest frwes. r- itb the above capital, wonder - ad in your wants wishes and Lbe afraid, he wont but. al PLANING. MILL., AND SURD FACTORY 0,s leave to thank his numerous- # liberal p.tfronage extended to ang busineria111Seaforth, and lavore4 with a continuance to Inzihi would do well to give 1_1 continue to keep on hand a ids ef • 'INE LISM ER, • E s NW OULDINGS st. Eg, LATH, ETC.. of satiafaction to those with their patronage, aa ions nen are employed. .,•litient paid to Custom Plantog H. BROADFOOT. AtfOsT 0 1874. IETI.E8.. First law of g vity—never laugh at your on,n jokes. —Note -shavers succeed financially be- cause 't they e so much interest in. their business." —A bad habit 0 get into—A coat that is not paid for. —Lawsy like sa sages, would fail to in- spire respect if a people knew how they veere made. —In time the e ulberry tree becomes a silk gown, and he silk gown becomes a ivoman. —When is a b llet like an ox? When ifference between fixed stars? The one are ters.s ave left, but the people 11," said a man who was his Kahsas home in a itgraze. —What• is -the stars and shootin suns, the other d —"I wouidn't kinder egged rue asked why he qui hurry. —A California einperance Association limits the bevera es of its members to *ate, beer, and. cif er,, "except when la- boring under a s • 's'e of diecoaragement, and thenwhiskey hall be allowed." They -are said to be the most discouraged. tem- perance people in he State. —Wilkins said is eirl waved her hand- kerchief at him 1 he passed the house s last eveiling. In espouse, he waved his coat sleeve, whic he uses as -a handker. chief. —Thistles are i owing thriftily in the streets of Victo a, and the papers are clamoring for the enforcement of the or: dinance against OX10112 weeds. They say in effect : histle never do." , —This is 'how it happened down in Southwest Misso ri He found a ro e, and picked it ap. And with it alked away. It happened th t to Vother end A horse was "toned, th.'ey say. They found a ree, and tied the rope Unto a swin g limb. It happened th t the other end" ' Was someho hitthed to hire. —The followin .affecting verse minds' up au obituary no ice in the Philadelphia Ledger Put away thos little breeches, Do not try t mend the hole; Little johnny ill not need them. He has climb d, the golden pole. Pat an the Bees. In Charles L -er's " O'Donoghue " there ,occurs 4 arkably rich passage illustrating the r atiohs subsisting be- tweeu an improwe g landlord and an un- tutored_ tenant, Ihe agent presents the -tenant to the inno ator, who inquires into the maidition of te grumbling and clis- satisfied recipient of ,his fayors. At length, -on a ten t `presenting himself whom the agent ails to recognize, the barcinet turns to tlo e figure before him, which, with face as d. hand:swollen out of :all proportion, d showing distortecl featuresand fiery yes through the folds of a cotton handk rehief,,fmaits his ad- -dress in:eullen site ce. "Who are you, my good man ? hat has happened to Toe" Faix, an' it is well ye may ax, ine own. mother w uldn't know me this blessielanonung; ' is all our dein' native- "11-..ar doing 1" replied the astonish - •ed baronet. " at can I have to do with the:se-tate you are in, my good "Yes, itis your din'," answers the en- raged proprietor f the swollen head; "it's allYer doin', and well ye may be proud of it. 'Ts a thim blessed bees ye gev meWe brou ht the devils into the house last night where did we put them but in the pig's corner. Well, after Katy 'ate the ch" ler an' myself Was a while in bid, the ig goes rootin' about the house, an' he asn't aisy till he hook- ed his nose in the 1 we, and spilt the bees -outabout the fiure ; and thin. whin I got out,ofbid to let ou the pig that was a - roaring through tb house, the bees sittled down .tm. me, an'. egan stinghf me, an' I jumped into bid gin wid the whole of theta after me, int Katy hn' the chilcler; an' thin what wic the bees abuzzin' an' astingin' us under he clothes, out we all jumped again, an' the devil such a night was ever spirit in all Ireland as we spint last night. What wid. -Katy an' the childer aroarin' ant abawlin ' an' the pig tarin' ,up an' clo like mad, an' Katy wid the baaon, an' rnyself wid the fryin e pan flattenin' the ea agin the wall till morniei', an' thin t e sight we wor in the rnorniti"—begor, it' ashamed of Your4e1f ye ought to be !" aPrernat e Burial. • hi the eemeterie Munich :and othe Aced aretexposed f of days lbefore Against premature lie in the coffinsw' in a large dead-hou the extremities of nected with a ;bell, tion would reveal aid and succor at o watchers are withi ;night, should. the b every possible assis ward resuscitation. teld by the commo ausditation and. pr these tales are wid ed. They have,. foundation, as it least nowadays, th for the grave are no still signs of death the custom adopt must be regarded A celebrated °mat two such -narrow e tem sepulture that on the subject, ex that incipient put trustworthy sympt solution. I have in Germany respeut ed. animation, and I slot a 'single instanc in the clead-house of Mainz, Frankfort, Ger,raan cities, the ✓ a certain number ntermeni, to guard burial. The bodies h the lids removed, e, a wire attached to he corpse, and. 'oon- o that the least mo-' irnation, and bring ce. Certain medical call both day and. 11 be rung, and thus nce is secured to - Marvelous tales are *people of Sudden re - mature burial, and ly and firmly believ- owever, very little extremely rare, at t persons prepared. actually dead. But re so fallacious that d by the Germans s a wise preceutfon. - mist, Winslow, hacl apes from ante -mor- e published a treatise reseing the opinion action is the sole in of physical dis- ade diligent inquiry mg cases of auspend- have learned that in has a body placed roved aueht but a corpse..—Ifarper's ..tiragazine. Old aids. There was a time Gazette, when old upon as with eye of and it was thought gave women any cla Of late years, howev change of opinion in - married women not general estimation as but bid fair soon to • is this to be wander • years ago it was a Fame(' woman danc in the London. seaso • dane,e with greater p • sisters or daughters, gieen expressly for m chara.eter of the Br fact, completely eh being grave and.deeo a hopping, skipping everyone with her • but at the same says the Pall Mall aide ' were looked ity, if .not contempt, that marriage alone in to consideration. •Boys r, there has been a this respect, and illy rank as high in heir married sisters, urpass them.. Nor d at. A very few are sight to see a 'ng at a.ny ball given , whereas now wives rtinacity than their and balls are even 'ed women. • The tish matron has, in nged ; instead. •of ous, she has become creature, delighting ace mkt aetivity, e losing in weight, THE mmok EXPOSITOR.. moral well as physical, what, she gainS. in enjoyment. In the meantime the tipiniter in eapitlik rising-- sc6rning flirtal- thil'" sheleaVea 'vain tairaufte t6 the wiA anclmOliei. The Emperor of China has afit i goodI example ih the encourage- ment : mspinsters. Accordingto a Shang - hal jo al lie,bas just decreed that spec!. ial honors be paid to two old Maids one. of whom lately died ear a life of (level - tion to the memory 7' her betrothed; while the other,' who is stilt Hiring, de- clined in her youthful days a most tempt; ingm ch, on the ground that she could not leave her home. Some few old ladies in England have an equal claim to recog. nition of their merits, and it would both elevate and appease there if they were in like manner rewarded. - 1 The Ring Finger. , We have already, noticed. the mode of procedure adapted by bridegrooms in placing! the ring upon the fourth finger of the left hand. Though it was reach- ed simultaneously with the; cencluding "Amon," a far weightier reaSon prevail - led with many of our forefathers for se- leeting this 'finger to bear the inatrinice nial token. 'Tho finger - on: which the ring is worm is the fourth finger of the left hand, next to the little finger; be - !cause by the received. opinion of the learned and experienced in ripping up and. anatomizing men's bodies there is a vein of blood, whichpasseth frona the fourth finger into the heart, !called ven amoria, Love's Vein ; and so the wearing of the ring on that finger signifieth thit , the love should not be vainorfeigned, but ;that as they did give hands each to the ;other, so likewise they should give hearts ;also, whereunto that vein extended." --1 Ithoinburine's Treatise of Spousals: This !idea; 'teeing to have arisen in Egypt as !early as the second century. Appian,' :an Alexandrian historian, sap that II the opinion of the anatomists of Egypt, "a certain most delicate nerve " passed from the ring finger to . the heart. But the staunchest upholder of thitheory ,was Lawinus Lemnius, a celebrated sage of Zealand, who lived in i;the six -i teenth century. , In his medica, practice' he .had often taken advantag� of this ;connecting artery to restore fainting women to consciousness. "The smelt arte y ia stretched forth from - he heart - untoj this finger; the motion whereof you :the heart in women by the to e of Your may:perceive evidently in all 'itth t affects, fore. mg4i. I used to raise such as .: are !failen kit° a. swoon by pinchmg this !joint, and by rubbing the ring of gold with a little saffron; • for, byet is, a• re -J. heart, a refre,sheth the fountain of storilig force that is in it pasSet to the life .ain o which this finger is joined.' Wherefore antiquity thought fit to coin - pees it about with gold."' 7He else states that this Anger was termed l' niedicus," since, if any venom entered! it,notice was"yen to the heart before iti.was too late to use an antidote. The gut, also, inever afflicted this finger uutil the at - 'tack had assumed 'a fatal l cliaracter. This ;he had observed in Gallia . Belgica, the land par excellence of podagral suffer - 'era, no Belgian, , however 1 ng! his ex-. rience of gout may have been, ever •uff9ing--in this finger till death was igh at hand.—Caendian Mo ith y. I -el I IS • 40. a: ApIlLy ...ri /036LIcAnolas. --JA , Virinia ,paper propounds the following: " wo brothers marry two sisters, who are cous- ins of the brothel!. The elder brather has several Children by his wife, and she die. : He then marries a younger eister of his first wife, and has several children by her. - He and the wife of . his brother die. 'A few years thereafter, the.younger brother marries the widow of the older brother, and has by her two cbildren. Whit is the relationship'? FRESH ARRIVALS N W STY OF GENTS' COATING'S, LES TROWSERLATO ik • 44RD VESTINGS 1 • AT CAMPBELL'S CLOTHING A LARGE STOCK OF GREAT CLEARING-- sAz-g: AT THOMAS KIDD'S EMPOPilUM. MO We co to to mace and lvvi DRY GOOD mem. •••••••4••• A" DAY, 'JULY 6, 1874, Continue to Sel, for COST the MONSTE STOCK- of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, COLO ED AND BLACK SILK POPLINS, USTRES, CRAPE CLOTHS, OL MERINOS Hoyle's and ANI DELAINES—A1. Colors, sitton's Prints, has s ilk Mixtures, Scotch, English and Canadian tfweecis, ID Tickings, Sairtings, Winceyl, Cottonades. and Denim CLOTHING—Men's and Boys, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND In Prnnella and Leather. Millinery and Mantles Cleared at any Price. CALL SHOES T ONCE AND ECURE BARCA1NS. THOMAS KIDD. FRU IT JARS, E . • 'Roya Roy Mao JellY Jelly Jelly FRUIT Gem Quarts, $1 40 per dozen. Gem Half Gallons, $2 25 per dozen. Quarts, $1 75 per dozen. Cans, 330 per set. wls, 60e and 70e per dozen. =biers, 1 Pints, $1 50 per dozen. o AT ARS FITCKS•ON & CO.'S. Ee; p 4;741,1Ar11ei qf6g " 4 'ir• 1 4 '4 ,:. ,1411:.1.-,41,0111PA -a , _ .. ,. 1;0";; .." , ,-? •'. , .... • /I*" • - 4, ,,,,y7„,,,r.',X.-..,.•'- „v'..z. ! _- . r•- .' v. ' ,7770/0912:02rwre• ..r,l'e- 1"-,'---yi"-,.. ''.7,:,,. ',ILI' 1. ::.lo..:::•4174/44"trii."7..f.'11,71f-f'.:5:?.7''"10:, -A • '.' 1.*: ''... 4 IC4:.. I r" . ' IT—. . • . • -- '''. LARGE SHIP A TEAT, 40o, 50e, 75e TOE3A0a0S, CO PICI The above G STORE. A Few Ha? and Youth's Clothing On hand, and will be sold a a • SMA L ADVANCE ON QST. From ,this data goods intended or Summer Wear will be sold at Bargifins. Seaforth, July 2,1874. W. CAM BELL ods are all new a LOUR AND clred Cedar Goods, a TiVSPE TION SO NTS OF FRESH GROCERIES RIVING AT THE BEEHIVE.* d $1 per Pound. SUGARS, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 poun s for $1. FEES, RICE, CURRANTS RAISINS,. LES, SAUCES, SPICES, &c. d good value. Try them. Green Gkoderies fresh every morning. I FEED, OATMEAL AND, CORNMEAL I ass on hand and for sale at Mill pri i es. ence POW 072, hand and wil be sold Cheap for Cash. usual, delivered promptly and free f charge. ICITED. STRONG & FA RLEY, Seaforth. Oil\T 431-0IINTG1-, AGENUINESALE. NO N MONDA , JULY 18th, Stock of C °ice DRY GOO This step is ren Fancy Goods, ered necalsary d mutt have roo HUMBUG. DENT will begin Selling Out without rese -.MUST BE- SOLD AND WILL BE SOLD. s he is about building ah extensive to do it and money to do it with, REM MBER DEN 'S GREAT SALE OF CH I ha— . His heavy how Room for Millinery Aud- i AP ft DRY GOODS. TOWNSHIP. OF HAY. ,M11•101•11111•041•11 BY-LAW CHAPTER IC 1874. A. Hy -Law to provide or Draining Parts of Lands in tI4e Township of Hay, and ioi.• borri4viug on the Credit of the Muni ipality, the sum of Seventeen Th nomad Four Hundred and Five collars and Ten Cents, for CoiiipIeUng the • sante. • °visionally adopted the 20th day of Arne D.1874. HEREAS, a majority in nnii ers, as shown by the last re oll, to be resident on the prop et forth, to be benefited by th ditioned the Council of the s ay, praying that what is knowi ,iwamp,' —what is known as the ' wamp, running through the cent ' •hip—and the West" or " Li wamp adjoining the Village of Z rained. ' And WhilREAS, thereupon t Ifroamed an examination to be m ay, being a person competent fo the said_ localities proposed to as also procured plans and est' t be made, by the said Andrew garment to be made by hira of th t be benefited by stich drainage'a s he can, the proportion of benefl opinion, will be derived in eons° ainage, by every road and lot, o t e said assessment so made and t a 'd Andrew Bay in respect there f, and 61 the s id drainage, baing as follows, viz : That the said dra1nage is quite practicable, ac ording to the pans already submitted to the M nidpal Commit o the Township of Hay; and that 1s estiniate of the whole proposed -work is $17,405 10. And WHEREAS, the said Co 6 cil are Of the o inion that the drainage of the lo alities describ- e is desirable, Be it therefore enacted by the aid Municipal Ojlnnozl of the Township of Hay, p 1 rauant to the p visions of an ad of th4 Legislat e of Ontario, 1 p ssed in the thirty-sixth year of Her Majesty's ✓ ign, Chap. 48. • . That the said plans and est e ates be adopt- ed, and the said drains and the w rks connected therewith be toad° and eonstruete in accordance therewith. 2. That the Reeve of the said ownship may ' borrow on the credit of the corpora on of the said Tlownship of Hay, the sum of $17, 5 10, being the f nds necessary for the work, and may issue de- b ntares of the corporation to that amount, in ini s of not less than One Hundred Dollars' each, and payable within ten (10) years ;from the date • thereof, with interest at the rate ISif live (5) per contain per annum, that is to say in equal annual payments. Such debentures to be payable at the City of Toronto, and to have attached to them cOupons for the payment of intere t. • 8. That for the purpose of. payi g the sum of , Seventeen Thousand Four Hunrod and, The s oilers and Ten Cents, bein the amount e arged against the said la da, so to be euefited as aforesaid, other than oadbelonging t the municipality, and to cover 4nbereat thereon f r ten years at the rate of 5 yer cent. per num, the following special raft) over and aboire ' all other rates si all be assessed a d levied (in the s e manner and at the same tinle as taxes are ivied) upon. the undermentioned I ts 'and parts of Its, and the amount of the said a ecial rates and terest assessed ea aforesaid against each 1ot or part of lot respectively shall be thuded into ten equal parts, and one enell part s all be assessed and levied as aforesaid in each ye r for ten years ';fter the final passing of this By' -Law, during - hich the said debentures have • run: 61 A. Der of the own- ed AsseR3sment rty hereinafter drainage, have Id Township of as the " bast Big lifaiash,"ur a. o - •- i.f. ,.., tot or Part of Lots. -4 ,... . _ 8 SOuth half 18 • 46 8 1 North half 18 44 8 litest half of Soutll half 19 25 8 Enot half of South half 19 25 8 •Nlorth half of 19 • 50 8 • 29, 21, 22,28, 24, 25, 26, 27,,28 900 N.13. 14. and 1_6 200 9 * South 70 acres of 21 8 9 N. 80 acres 21; S. 30 aereS 22 7 9 NI:nth 70 acres of 22 9 9 • 2 9 Emit half o 25 9 East 25 acres of 26 9 West 75 acres of 26'- 9 South 25 acres of 27 N rth 75 acres of 27 9 S uth h 128 9 N rthha sf 29 N. B. W st 25 acres of 16 N. B. 'East 75 acres of 16 Chargeable to Municipality" f 10 Southhalf of 16 ;. 10 North half 16 '• 18 10 17 60 W st half 18 24 E sthalf 18 ', • 50 19 85 East half of East half 20 5 West half of East half 20 • 25 10 East half of West half 20 • 25 10 W9st half of West half 20 15 East half of East half 21 6 West half of East half 21 20 l'aft of W. half of WAIL 21 21 Pt of W. anclpt.'of .E: 421 25 22 • • - 474 45i 40 80 40 49 25 25 121 25 121 68 or roads 5 10 e of the Town- .3.0 tle Marsh" or 10 rich, should biD 10 10 e ° said Council • e by •Andrew such impose, e drained, and tes of the work ay, and an at- • Real Property sting as lnearly 'which, in his nenee of such portion Of Int, q reportiof the SCHEDUL . mileage of IE Lands in the To nehip of Hay, County of Huron . Lot or Part of Lots. Let 9 Sinith 75 acres of 10 • North 25 acres 10 11 3 4 East half of East half 5 West 75 acres of 5 6 and 7 4 8 9 4 10 4. 11 South half of 12 Northhalf of 12 - 18 ' South half of 14 North half of 14 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 • . a• 2 12 60 92 14 75 140 .64 87' 100 50 50 45 9 3 8 14 ' 12 23 81 35 41 West half of South half 27 28 West half of North half 27 %I 28 44 LB. Weettalf of 7 &.B. West half of East half of 7 .B. 8 and 9 3 4 and 5 6, 7 and 8 South 25 acres of 9 North 75 acres of 9 East half of East half 10 West 75 acres of 10 Eat half of 11 West half of 11 South half of 12 • North haft of 12 13 South half of South half 14 25 North half of South half 14. 25 • North half of 14 East half of 15 West hell of 15 East half of 16 - West half of 16 50 Southhall of 17 44 North half 17 and 8. hall 1 90 North half of 18 45 East half of 19 West halves of 19 and 20 5 • West half of East half 20 East half of East half 20 5 East half 21 5 • West halves of 21 and 22 5 • East half of 22 5 23 5 ' South part or hall of 94 5 N. half 24 and S. half 25 5 North half of 25 5 26 27 28 South 20 acres of 8 North 80 acres of 8 26 10 and 11 200 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 700 10 100 11 and 12 200 18 100 14 and 15 184 16, 17 and 18 62 13 • 89 12 • 100 3, 4 and 5. 298 6, 7, 8,9 and 10 • 445 11, 12, 13 and 14 400 West 75 acres of 15 75 East 25 acres of 15 • 12 16 77 South half of South half 17, WI North hall of South half 17 20 North half of 17 40 18 • • 69 19 • 65 20 45 21 48 22 - 23 24 Sonth half 25 North half 25 26 and 27 28 , 50 10 200 100 200 300 25t 75 25 75 50 50 50 50 100 50 50 50 48 5 5 N. B. . B. B. B. B. 6 , 6 16 16 16 Is -6 7 7 7 17 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 I X. ; 8' 8 i.8 8 I 8 81 8 West half of 10 8 East half of 10 8 West half of 11 8 East half of 11 8 12 8: 18 8L 14 8 15 8 West half of 16 East half of 16 8 r7 50 40 25 24 47 10 47 88 ' 17 29 10 20 17. 15 5 58 46 38 9 10 64, 27 B.18 28 4 10 5 25 East hall of 6 South 60 acres of 7 North 40 acres of 7 Southbalf of 8 North half of 8 9 $5 50 • 400 100 6 00 • 800 30 50 , 65 00 ' 141)0 • 75 00 157 00 72 00 73 00 • 97 12 120 , 90 62 00 62 50 • 56 50 11 25 325 19 oo • 17 75 15 50 • 28 75 88 75 ' 48 76 51 25 • 28 75 27 50 55 62 12 200 125 00 50 50 oo oo 250 00 -875 00 40 00 = 82 50 ; 80 00 90 00 70 00 70 00 70 00 70 00 140 00 57 50 87150 75 00 75 00 75 00 72 00 75 00 66 00 185 00 670 -75 00 40 00 31 50 36 00 70 50 ' 12 50 • 70 SO 57l0 • 25 to 4350 15 00 30 60 26 25 22 50 750 •89 00 eso de 1050d0 150 dO 250 00 125 .qe 184 00 62 0 8900 100 298 500 500 98 15 96 25 25 50 86 81 56 60 5 5 5 5 66 25 57 45 11 12 80 83 35 12 81 284 35 15 18 11 13 17 • 21 21 28 - 65 14 17 50 62 81 88 59 62 83 103 84 105 88 • 110 88 • 110 50 50 95 62 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 0 5 50 118 75 10 10 10 10 10 - 10 10 10 - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 NI B. N. B. N. 13. N. B. 23 . 24 N rth half 25 15 So tbahalf 25 • 16 W st half of Southhalf 26 12 East half of South half 26 4 Wast half of North half 26 14. ERA half of North hall 26 $ 27 West lialf,of North half 28 19 Balance of 28 • 63 19 • 89 West hall 18 '• 49. West half of East half 18 • 22 East half of East half 18 18 Chargeable "to Municipality for X08,a13 (f) 57 50 5500 81 26 SI 25 • 62 50 1125 00 250 00 890 '700 50 80 00 40 00 49 00 25 00 25 00 12 50 • 25 00 12 50 12 50 8 00 68 00 200 00 15 00 89 60 182 00 .52 80 • 85 00 144 50 11 00 55 00 5500 8000 10 20 44 00 4020 75 00 142 00 186 50 120 00 45 00 48 00 86 00 12 00 42 00 24 00 174 00 • 52 00 187 00 117 00 147 00 60 50 82 50 1500 Number of 'Acres • 10,346 • 'Value of Improvements .$17,405 10. To cover Interest for ten years 8,702 55 Total Speeial Rate. .... . . 28,107 Annual AssesaMant draing each year2,614 76 • 4. For the purpose of paying Two Hundred and Fifteen Dollars ($215), being the total amount assessed as aforesaid against the said roads of the said mrmidipality and to cover interest thereonfor „ ten years lit the rate of five per centper annum, it special rate of 28-100 of a mill in the dollar shall over and, above all other rates be levied (in the same rate and manner and at the same time as tuxes are levied) upon the whole rateable property ni tlie said Township of Hay 3» eachyear for the period'of ten years after the date of the final pass- ing of this1133,-Law, during -whiela said debentures have to run. • The above is a true copy of a By -Law to be taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the Township of Hay, at ZURICH, in the said Townshipt on Tuesday, ; the 1st Day of September, 1S74, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., and in the event of there being no appeal from the Court of Revision shall be finally passed, at which time and piece the members of the Mu- nicipal Connell of the Township of Hay, are here- by required to attend for the purpose aforesaid. HUGH LOVE, Sr., Township Clerk. Clerk's Office, July 27, 1874. NOTICE. Any one, intending to apply to have the above By -Law, of any part thereof, gnashed, roust, with- in ten (10), days after the finalpassingthereof, serve a notice in writing upon the Reeve, and upon the eleik of the Munieipality, a their intention to make application for that purpose, to one of Her Majesty's Superior nits Of Law at Toronto, during the team nextensuingtthe final passing of the above recited By-itaw. •• '1 HUGH 'LOVE, Sr., • Township Clerk. Clerk's OflIce, july 27, 1874. • COURT OF REVISION. • A Court Complaint titans and of 'Revision, for hearing and deciding , and redwing, if necessary, the value- ssessments contained in the above re- cited By-Baw for Drainage in the Township of Hay, will bo held in the TOWN TrALL, in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH, on Tuesday, the 23th 11Jay of August, at the_ hour of 2 o'clock IP. M. All 'interested are required to govern themselves se,cordingly. Written Notices of Appeals and Complaints must be lctdged With the Township Clerk, within 14 daysfrom the first publication of theabove re - °Red By -Law and this notice, 01 whieh the first publicatioh thereof was on Friday, the 81st of July, 1874, in the latunoti Exrosreon newspaper. ••• HUGH LOVE, Sr., - Township Clerk. Clerk's Office, July 27, 1874. FP.M P. S , . There is Lumber inaldiillop, at the VICTORIA STEAM MILLS, And JOHN GOVENLOCK Is the man to supply it. ik LWAY Lurab cannot be of price. on hand a large stock of all kinds of r, which will be sold at prices which urpassed in thia County for cheapness Draining and Fencing Lumber in abundance. Also SHINGLES, LATH, and every description of builders' material. Parties building or buying large quantities vvill be liberally dealt with, and will find it,to their profit to give the VICTORIA MILLS a trial before purchasing elsewhere. ORDERS CUT AT A DAY'S NOTICE. Ail orders left at the Mill or addressed to Win- throp P. O. will receive prompt attention. Be - member - JOHN GOVENLOCK'S 825 • Victoria Mills is the place. STOVES & TINWARE Of all kinds, and in endless variety at MRS. WHITNEY'S, Canine acre I3lock, Main street, Seaforth. COAL OIL Pure, good and cheap, wholeaale and retail at XVI. WHITNEY'S. CUSTOM- WORK Of all kindS promptly attended to and neatly exe- cuted. 808 l),IBS. WHITNEY. LTJ THE SEAFORTH BER YARD. MAPEE & MACDON ALD - BEG to inform the public that they -have re moved their Lumber Yard to the lot between the Merchants Salt Company's Works and Mar- shall's Mill. They will keep constantly on hand a goodassort- raent of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and undressed, Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, all of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- ble prices, for Cash. Alsoon hand any quantity of the best ACTON LIME ' Buildert and others will Audit to their a.dvan4 tae to inspect our stock, and ascertain our price° before pnrchaaingelsewhere as we ale in a position to offergoodind-ocements t;:l. cash purchasers. 160 MABEE & MACDONALD. MISS BORLAND • -(!From Miss Young's, Toronto,) .DRES. AND MAIVTLA' MARE"? 44 4 Two doors South of the Cominercial • MIN STREET, SEATO/1TH. • 813