HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-08-14, Page 8a
- -7
piton expo SW
THERE IS NOW in stock t' Messrs.
BEATTY ik. Co.'s au- quantity of new 'Goods.
Also a lerge lot of Teas and Sugars xtra good
value -selling off daily at old prices or cheaper
than ever, notwithstanding the' oh ge in the
duties. Their cellar is also conetan v supplied
wi bit all the Vari011 3 brands of Importe 7Winos and
Lapaors, in which line they are ens, lixl to offer
sr eeial inducements. A hugeque.uti 34 of cigars
of the various brands always on handtO the lowest
possible figures. Call and see for yen • elf. ,
made, in half gallon. jars, $2 25 ditch, qr S24 per
dozen to Cheese Factories, at HIGtdrox's Drug
CHEAPSIDE -Stone Orea4 Grocki,
Stone Butter Crocks, Stone Churns, ,tone Pr
serve Jars with. Corks, Flat Milk Pan N &c. Th
raegest stock in town and cheapest at ALLEN'
Garceeer Balls and Bats, Base Ball
and Bats, Croquet Sets Rubber Balle,1 hard asLv.
soft, at R. LUMSDE*'S Drug Store. !
WALTER SCOTT intends opening a. Furnitur
Wareroom in his premises opposite he Marke
where he will be prepared to furnish i41 kinds o
house furniture, either wholesale or r tail at th
very lowest prices.
people will be More Car ful in receiving
the statements 4f the 0 obe and Mail, -
especially, Wh re adv rtising is Con-
• A BUILDING OST. --We noticed SOMO
time ago that Iv r. J. C. Laicliaw had pur-
dinned from M s. Cull he lot on Main
Street on which' Strong & Fairley's store
now Stands. 1 110W tilt 1S out, however,
that although the property- was pur-
chased, the ba,ig in was not finally closed,
and before closii g it Mr. Cull decided not
to sell. The store has 'ow been leased
to Mr. William Allen w to will take pos-
ession when the presen occupants re-
move to their new pre ises. Had Mr.
Laidlaw secured the pro erty, he inten
ed to erect on it a fine buck store, but is
matters now are it is Ji ely the prese
building will remain as i is for sometime.
It is a pity that.a law c uld not be put
in force compelling pro erty holders on
s Main street to erect r spectable build-
ings, or force them to ispose of their
property at a reasonable .fig,ure to others
s more entetprising:
stand that arrangements
O for a. cheap excursion fi
Niagara Falls, by wa
.. a
Feces of Cheap Fruit Jars and Jelly T mblers.
A AtORD OF WARNING. -Part es owing
Us small accounts for the last twelve onths will
do well to call and make settlement at once. Oar
patience is getting exhausted.-STitmeq• & FAIR -
.LE 5:-
* , I
Good Tea at Logan iiiic .ittlilie80111'8.
The Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Department
CAPS ever offered in Seaforth. Call an see them
at the T77, Seaforth, can now -boast o the hand-
somest assortment of prsome, and ATS and
whether you leave your order 0 not. IThey are
well worthy of inspection. The patterns and
styles are all new. Look out for adv rtisement
gia lig fall partion lees next week.
:FARMERS wishing Timothy: eed for.
Fall Sowing can be supplia by calling t the Bee
Iffy &Seed Store as we are expecting shipment
dui:ye-Sumo Faineey, Seaforbla.
will he supplied, to new subscribers fro now till
Jan 1,1875, for 50 cents.
Fall Shows.;
llullett Branch, at Clinton, Sept. 15and 16.
Tuckersmith Branch, at Seaforth Sept. 17 and IS.
Stanley Branch, at Bayfteld, Sepb. 25.,
North Riding Huron, at Blyth, Sept. 17 lad 18.
East Wa.wanosh Branch, at Belgtiave, S pt. 30.
South Riding Huron at Exeter,' Oct. 6 a d-7.
Elea and Wallace, silt Listowel,1 et. 7 a "c18.
Mitchell, Oct. 6 and 7.
Westent Fair, at London, Sept. 29 an 30 and
Oot. 1 and 2. ;
Provincial Exhibition, at Torent ', Mon ay, Sept.
-25 and four following days.
Central Exhibition, at Guelph, apt. 1.7-, 16, 17
and 13. 1
' C EMICAL ENGINES . -A exhibition
and working test of the Babcock Chem-
ical Fire Extinguishers is to take place
at oronto, on Tuesday next.
S ORE RENTED.--Meesrs. Logan &
Ja,m'eson have leased the store now be-
ing uilt by Fidelity Lodge, L 0.0. F.,
at a annual rental of $150. ,
. hay,been requested to state that Rev.1
J. B Scott will preach in the Egmond-
ville Presbyterian Church, on Sunday
next and the following' Sunday, at the
usu 1 hour.
Pio-Nrc.-A pic-nic will ihe given on
Saturday, Sept. 5,. in Payne's Grove,
Egra ndville, under the auspices of the
Orange Young Britons. The Lodges of
Stra ford and _Mitchell' are expected to
be p eisent.
ern ircuit •=-- Bon. Vice ; Chan eller
Blak -Sarnia, Friday, Sept. 25; 'and-
wich Tuesday, Sept. 29; I Cha ham,
Mon( ay, Oct. 5; London, Friday, Oct.
9 ; tratford, Monday, Oct. 19 ; od-
erich Friday, Oct. 23; Walkerton,
Thur day, Oct. 20; Woodstock, Tuesday,
Nov. 3.
lIa...vas'e.--Harvest, operations are
new i full blast in this vicinity. The
preset t dry, warm weather ripens grain
very apidly, and farmers have no e
to sp re. props of all kinds' are excel-
lent., nde judging from present ap eap•
ances, oats will not be worth 60 cen s a
. .
bustle tins time next year.! Pastures
are ve y bare and are much in nee of
rain. Cattle in many instances w uld
suffer for -food, did farmers! not h ve
good applies of green fodder. .,
DIS RIOT LODGE. ----A "District Lode,
in co •nection with the Loyal Orange
Youn Britons, Was organized on Tues.
day, ug. 11, in Mitchell. The new
lodge comprises the three subordinate
lodges of Stratford, Mitchell and Sia -
'forth. . The following members were
electe Officers and ' stalled. for the thi
suing year, endine December, 187 :
James urns, Stratford, District Miestet ;
J. W Fullerton, Mitchell, District
Deput Master ; James Mitchell, Sea -
forth, istrict Secretary; Thomas Green,
Mitche 1, District .Treasurer • S. Ma t
shall, i litchell, District Senior COmmi
teeman ; Morton Fowler, Mitchell,'Di
trict ( haplain ; R.' W. Wright an 1
Wite ennedy, Seaforth, District Le -
turers • George Smith, Stratford, Dis-
trict Master of Ceremonies ; John 01 -
low, Mtchell, Inside Tyler ; Jabez Gi -
lard, L'eaforth, Outside Tyler. After
the de Hon of offiners, the Lodge ad-
journed to Mr. Thomas Collison's for
supper. supper. When refreshments had beer
;dispose of the Lodge reassenabled, and
after so e further business was transact-
ed., it G osed in due form.
- •
number of people from Seafortli and vi
cinity ent to Stratford on Saturday las 4
tto• see ennui's " Great Show," and all
retitrue very strongly impressed witli
the ide that they- had been badly sold'
The show is pronounced a fraud of th
worst kied, .the circus performance being
much la low the average of ordinary one-
horse at owe, and the menagerie depart
ment be' g not much betuer. Most o
those who went from here to attend th
show w re induced to go by the flatter-
ing noti es given the ipstitution by the
city pre.:e,-the 0/obc and elfait having
toted a column. to miffing the
nuance as given in Toronto. . It
ly not creditable for respectable
to lend their influence to enable
th fraud to grow rich by de -
e public, even if they are well
so doing. If these journals,
ve for weeks past been sound-
aiees of Barnum and his show,
the honest truth, the fraud
te been driven from the country,
each de
the perf
is certai
a maimn
cieving t
paid for
which h
ing the p
had told
would ha
and the ubhc would not have been vic-
timized fluid imposed upon, After -this,
LS, -We under -
have been ma( e
om Seaforth o
of the Inter-
national Bridge and Buffalo. The day
it will be ma( e
This will be
tive excursions
from this se -
ound. trip c
ay, and excu •-
ufficient time to
fine scenery i
cted that tick -
ery low figure,
that every pm -
a position t)
pportunity for
which may not
The excursion
day of the an -
has not yet been fixed,
known in due time.
/one of the most attra
which has takenplace
tion for years. The
easily be made n one (
sionists will be a lowed
view the Falls yid th
their vicinity. It is expl
at a
ay be
f an
years. ;
on th
ets will be place
probably $3 50,
son who desires
take advantage
pleasure and sigh
again offer for
will likely be heli
nual civic holida,y
Monday last, Mr. josep i Kidd, of Car-
ronbrook, in coMpany *th his father,
his (laughter, Mrs. Tho as, Ryan and a
younger daughter and o le or two othee
ladies, drove to Mr. Ki d's Salt Wells,
east of Seaforth, for the purpose of in-
specting the work . en they reach-
ed the well, Mr. I idd'tuned the horses
into the fence, for the p rpose of tying
them, before he lowed the inmates of
the carriage • to dimwit it. He then
jumped out of the carria e himself, but
no sooner had he reach a the ground
than the horses suddenly turned around
O road again.
. but before he
he horses they
and made a dash for t
Mr. Kidd seized the rein
could obtain. control over
had upset the carriage, throwing the oc-
cupants out. Fortunatel , mine of them
were injured, except M1 s. Ryan, who
received a severe bruise on the face.
Miss Kidd had a narrow scape, her foot
having caught in some w y so that the
sole was taken clear off -hr boot, butfher
foot was unhurt. -
PERSO NAL. ----Mr, Jame
merly of the Goclerich
ton Tribune Is now' a writ
oriel staff of the Shetu
Telegraph. e are. glad
'he is doing Well and has la
promotion in his employm
-We are informed that
formerly of Seaforth, is n
Nebraska. Mr. Shantz is
large saloon and billiard es
that pity. He is doing
-business and is making mo
that he intends going lar
flax -growing business ne
which he thinks Nebraska
cellent field. -1
-As will bsi seen by c
'Dr. .'Munro, of Bru efield,
from Manitoba, and
practice at Brucetiel
. W
learn that the DoctOr enj
very much, and that he wa
ed with what he had; seen '
west. j
1 , i
e --Mr. William D nes,
now acting as a or the
'al inn
Young, for-
a and Harris-
-r on the edit-
e d (England)
o know that
ly "suffered"
r. B. Shantz,
w in Lincoln,
carrying on a
ablishm en t in
a flourishing
ey. He says
ely into the
t spring, for
offers an ex-
syth & Co'
. agr
ufacturers, Dun
-Mr. John
will be remembered li- re as
an active part ii can assin
for the London, Herb and
way, in the early' part of th
that scheme, passed ougl
Tuesday last on, his ay
Mr. Williams took rt • • boat
where he was joined -,a n
friends from that • n
:_Rev. . Mr. Graha au
town for their new 48 e
on Tuesday last.
Tuckers ith'
typhoid fever, of a ih
now prevalent in Alai's
George Walker has be
some time with it, but
glad to learn, recoVerine
berg of Mr. Walker's
confined. to bed with th
hear of several others
d elsewhere,
has returned
as resumed
are glad to
yed his trip
highly pleas -
n the North-
f Walton, is
firm of For-
lement man -
ondon, who
eying taken
for bonuses'
Bruce Rail -
history of
Seaforth on
o Manitoba.
at Goderich,
ber of his
d neighbor -
family left
inc River,
t -to learn that
lign nt kind is
tow iship. Mr.
n aluffering for
is now, we are
Stveral mem-
amily are now
disease, and we
ho aire similarly
OFFICERS ELECTED. he following
are the officers elected for Royal Oak
Lodge, No. 480, I. 0. G. T., or the en-.
suing quarter: Wr C., rot er Sidney
Johns; R. H. S., Sister Eliza Townsend;
L. H. S., 'Sister Frances Whitely ; W.
5,, Brother Calvin Campbell W. A. S.,
Sister Mary Walters, W. V, Sister El-
len Crich; W. F.. S., Broth r Thomas
Townsend, Treasurer Sieter -Ellen
Wild; W. Chap., Bro. Nobl Whitely;
P. W. C., Brother Joseph Out more,
Brother Herbert Crich ; D; M.
Sister Emma Crane ; I. Gt, Sister
Jane McDonald; G., 13ro4kr Erskine
Broadfoot ; T. D., Brother 1 uoch Tur-
ACCIDENT. -Mrs. John La,' son, Con.
8, Morris, had her left arm broken on
Friday last. She had been a sisting her
husband drawing in hay, and while re-
turning with a load,- the orses got
frightened and Mrs. Lawson umped off
the load, with the result as ab ve.-Post.
A HARD Faee.--.-One day last week
Mr. John Dunbar and Frederick Radotz,
while working in a chuich at Ethel, at a
height of -18 feet, fell to the ground in
consequence of the scaffold breaking.
There was no injuries sustained other
than a severe shaking.-Post,
GOOD Wonx.-A few days since, a ,
son of Mr. W. H. Bayley, of the Third
Concession, Bullett, cradled fiveand. a .
half acres of fall whea4t in nine hours.
On M
ing of 11 e
an Li
and, in
pained- yi
present t
ibnyg his g fi oi.
field of a
token of
forth an
or short; r
evect w
for your
tribute o
inadeque t
but, sucl
cept it a
and kin
that ekn
you and
bors at
antly bie
We regre
follows :
and, value
have so spo
ever said
left this c
times bee
me, ancl t
\Alien I
'were few
is quite a
ber Of 'mi
feeble wa,
banner of
you' and. a 1
poral and
God's glor
%UM to Rev. Mr. Gra-,
day last a deputation, consist-
srs. "McDermott; Cash, Dewar,
sden, • waited oh Rev. Mr.
a his residence in Egmondville,
alf of a number of friends in
d vicinity, presented the rev-
leman with an address accom-
a purse containing $134. The
n was made to Mr. Graham
nds on the occasion of his leav-
dville for Pine River,. his new
or, and was given as e slight
he esteem in which he is held
pie- of this village and vicinity.
ing is the address and Mr.
tply : .
I Sir: As -inhabitants of Sea-
icinity, who have for a longer
time enjoyed the privilege of
t your pulpit Ministrations, we
e our duty to offer you some
idence of the esteem and re -
entertain towards you as a
of the Gospel, before you leave
new field of labor. The small
respect, .which we offer, is an
expression of our sentiment
s it is, we trust you will ac -
n honest expression, of respect
ly feeling towards one whom we
wn so long.! We sincerely trust
$ blessing may accompany both
rs. Graham and that your la-
me River may be abund-
s by the Father of Lights.
hat you are leaving the neigh -
t trust that all has been or-
Oaondi., n
s-ubstance, replied as
: Accept of my sincere
ig for the encouraging addrets
e gift which you and others,
taneously presented. I have
at after the friends in Seaforth
greaation for a separate or-
f their own, they have at all
ready to befriend and oblige.
I have found invario us ways.
t settled in this part of the'
nisters in our denomination
d far between, though there
ange now, 'both in the num-
stets and in the increase of
I have long, though in a
endeavored to hold up the
e Gospel in this part of -the
d my prayer would be that
others concerned in this pre-
y receive every blessing tem-
iritual 'which it may be for
to give and for your --good to
T Reaping, Match.
The an reaping- match Under the
auspices if the Huron Farmers' and
.Mechanics eaping and Mowing Asso-
ciation- w s held on the farm of Mr.
Alex. Rat s y, near Seaforth, on Tues-
day last. he attendance of both spec-
tators and ompetitors, considering the.
busy seasoe of the year, was very fair.
Both the Ii d and the gram were in good
order for a ir test of the machines, and
the work di e could hardly be surpassed.
Sev-e'n sing e machines arnd one combined
were ente e 1 for competition. Prizes
were awar d as follows :
Single R )ers.-7 entries-lst, D. M.
Osborne, : timore, Md, "Kirby Ccim-
witl : altimore Rake ;" 2d, Elera
Manu,factu g Company, " Improved
St. G-eorge;3(1, Patterson Brothers,
" Johnstoni I' • Rp' ;" 4th A. Harris,
Son & Co., r Burdick." -mHa
Ootabtnalle-1 entry -7-A: Harris, Son
& Co., " Kter."
The folloWng table will show the gen-
eral standing of the competing machines:
° 2 cee
fl g
0 0 G'd "; ri
a ts VII
F•PrPta •9i Corn
•••t:s 0 0
. •
. .
' .
•, gUla, Wagi?..? idth of Cat,.
elt2C2teltl. i '
co us eces,... 03 e • se
Deliyery of Shcaf. ,
•et tt, ee ,,:-..,L1, L ghtuess of DOraught
G .
t tel 'al
W i-3
eneral Adapt Unity.
Dppatch.' IV
al ta S. et Litt 1 Tietal Poiu-ts made.iii-It-Caing. -
),..e. sa I Durability. I
-1E21,1 SI ,cal es; I Tlatal Points.
Judges.-- John ' McMillan, Hullett ;
James Sm-illie,tTuckersin'th'; and Alex.
I msay, Tuck?rsmith.
'0 the Editor o
c rtificate give
n ng Rod Celli
g rods. Is t
i ting, legally,
ti at parties sin
1 ct it if ueces
• ish published,
ty of Li
the' Hicro
by the
any, to pa
ere such ,
vith atpro
taming di
ary ? Th
with your
RUSSEL 'Au . i, 1874.
lit/ling Rod
please find' a
htnada Light -
ties purchas-
company ex-
er charter, so
mage can col -
enclosed we
The folloWin is the' ce tificate above
✓ ferred to :
THIS IS TO Cenamee that we are erected upon
th • barn of Archibald D11110MISO situated iu the
T wnship of Grey Lot 12, Co 17, a auflicient
qu ntity of our Sta • Galvanized Lightning Con-
de tors to thoreug,hly protect thq same from all
da nage by lightning; and the C nada Lightning
R.d Company hereby guarantee o pay any dam-
ag that may he done to said bail ngs for a term
of ten years from date; and th said Archibald
neenson agrees to have said rcds all boxed up
fm a the ground, and binds him elf to notify the
cot pally should his rods at any ime get out of
re • air. Failing to do this the cempany will not
be esponsible. Otherwise, we bind ourselves to
d tot -in of ears. A. J. AbAafs, for the
pa, all damage to i said building; by lightning
Jr* said t
Cat a a Lightning Rod Company, Waterloo, Ont.
Da ed this 25th day Of July, 1874.'
Ve_believe that there doles exist such
ompany as the above, and we should
that this gnarantee Would compel
in to pay au damages done to the
property of the holder, providing the
conditions had been emitplied with, but
that the company is eufficiently strong
orhas capital sufficient to make good
many heavy losses we very much doubt.
If farmers would insure their property
with some reliable insurance company,
they would have inneh better security.
against loss, and at a less cost, than by
having lightning eodS placed on their
buildings. -En. ExteetrOn.
[0. it. Cotiaeot, Brussels, Agent for the Ex-
POSITOli Newspaper and Job Printing Office.]
HAY BURN T. -On i.inday last, Mr. W.
Vanstone had a stack of hay, containing
five acres, burnt in his field. The fire
caught from stumps burning in the field.
Pie -Ni. -The annual pic-nic of th
Sunday -. school of St. 'John's Church
Brussels and Walton, came off in th
grove, in rear of Mr. Wm, Armstrong'
fain, adjoining the village. - The after
noon was 'pleasantly Spent by the chit
dren in playing croquet, base ball, an
other amusements, there were five larg
swings which -were kept constantly going
The provisions were spread on the grass
and the children, to the number of 103
and grown people numbering 75 sat down.
nor irlenerars visit. His Excellency will
&let to the works and -witness the op-
eration of making salt.
BASE Bat.e.---A match game of bas
ball was played on Friday, Aug, 7, a
Wroxeter, betweei the Brussels Inde
pendents and the Vroxeter 'teamsters.
The weather was fine and some good play
was exhibited on beth sides. The Don -
casters were victorik)us by a Score of 44
to 25. Umpire -Mr. Hamilton, ,Brus-
sets. Scorers -A. Orr, Wroxeter; It
Lasham, Brussels.
AUGUST 1.4) "1:84
e Village of ,aeafortit.
t voTicr, in hereby given that the List of voters
Lists, was first posted up in my office on Illatrta.
DAY, THE eth DAY OP AUGUST, A. D., eg74.
.And I hereby call upon all electors to exandueme
said List, and if any omissions or envie are ae,.
ceived therein, to take %meat te
e 'Aimee with a pe
, parties interested,
proe•eedings to
ed to be lodged with IA within thirty days -3afre;
lsaailiadtsexurrirt liceoicr_newe and are reale.
8thl date -Aug. 6, 1874.
ition signed by the
he Township Council
.of Hay have taken he preliminary steps
s to have the extensNe tract of swamp land
- in that township drained sold randered
_ fit for cultivation. The money for this
a purpose is to be borrowed from the On-
e tario Drainage Fund, and is obtained at
. a very low rate of interest. We believe
it is the intention of the Council to have
the Zurich swamp and the East marsh
drained, as 'soon ae the teceeeary 'met'
. . .
Young and old seemed to enjoy them
selves exceedingly.
PaReONAL.-Mr. Win. Armstrong lef
Brussels on Monday last on a trip t
Manitoba. _
SQUARE TIMBER. -We, notice that ad-
vertisements' have been issued, calling
for tenders for the conveyance of all the
square timber noW lying along the
Southern. Extension of the Wellington,
Grey and Bruce Railwatt to the Grand
Trunk. This timber his: been awaiting
shipMent all summer, and as it is fast go-
ing to destruction, and the owners see no
prospect oftthe Southern Extension. being
opened, they have resolved to have it re-
moved and shipped by the Grand Trunk,
before it is completely Alined.
THE CROPS. --The gri.n crops in this
vicinity are now mostly fit for haavest._
Fall wheat, Which is now all safely
housed, is a fair crop. Spring wheat will
turn, out well, and barley is fully as good
as last year. There has not been as
heavy a crop of oats for -years as will be
harvested this season. e The straw is •
-long and. thick on the gromid, and the
heads large a,nd, full. Root crops are ;
suffering much for want of rain, but
promise well so far. Upon the whole,
a most satisfactory harvest will this year
be reaped in this vicinity„ and the only
complaint the farmers have is the dry
pastures and the dilatorinees of the
Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway
EVicaeat-Meeers. Sheriff &
Neal ground the first grist from this
year's wheat On Friday, 7th. inst.
NEARLY Streeoe.-aren.-L, One day this
week a well digger, narbed Walls de-
scended a- well, forty fe t : deep, belong-
- ing to Mr. Leckie, for Ithe purpose of
stoning it. When he ijeached the bot-
tom, he was so overcome by foul gases that
he was nearly suffocated, and immediate-
ly called to his companions on the sur-
face to haul him up again. On reaching
the top he was iiitan exhausted and al-
most insensible state, butwas soon re-
vived by the fresh air. •
hnamaries can be aqanged and the con--
tract let, and that the drainage of the
t big ma/eh will prohabiy be left over for
o a time, unless the oreners of the land de-
sire to have the. Walk immediately pro-
terest on the Money
iking fund for the
preparations are beingade in Goder-
ich for the reception of the Governor
General on the occasion of his promised
visit to that town, which Will take place
on Thursday, the 20th inst. The follow-
ing rather amusing parti elan respect-
ing the preparations being made we glean
from the Signal of this week: At a meet-
ing of the citizens it was resolved to ask
the town Council for a grAt of $750 to
cover the celebration expe ses ; a recep-
tion committee was appointed, and it was
resolved that Hi a• Excellency should he
met on: his arrival by. the_ ems timPeom-
nate; i the citizens and a guardof honor
and escorted to the Square, where he
would be presented with a adress, and
that after luncheon a recep ion should be
held, a visit paid to the sal Works, and a
ball held in the evening, the tickets to
which ate to be plaeed at each. M.
C. Cameron, M. P., placedhisspacious
house and beautiful grounds at the dis-
posal of 'the citizens, and offered either
-to entertain the Governor there or to
hand the place over to the pitizens and
allow them to do the honors., The Com-
mittee, appointed to make all the neces-
sarry arrangements, had gon actively to
work and accomplished much towards
the end in view, when a 4amper was
thrown eiver proceedings by tie action of
the Town Council, which me on Friday
evening - On their assembling, a protest,
covering three pages of foolscap, was
handed in from C. Crabb, thr telling le-
gal proceedings should any money be ap-
propriated for the reception of His Excel-
lency. He further volunteered some sug-
estions at to the manner in which Bee
Excellency should be received and con-
cluded by recommending that 100 should
be granted. Whether the Co ncil were
intimidated by Mr, Crabb's threat or
were sifted with a sudden desire for econ-
omy, they agreed to grant' only the
sum of $300. Iminediately I after the
'Connell adjourned the Geller Commit-
tee met, and feeling that the C uncil had
not done right in granting BO small an
amount, to the wishes of the
citizens as expressed at the pub,lic meet-
ing, a motion that the Committee be dis-
solved was carried, and so - the matter
ended. On Monday, the Council again
met, and seeing the feeling of dissatis-
faction among the 'citizens, increased -the
grant to $500 and invited the Citizen*,
Committee to again att. The Clom.mittee•
have consented, the original *gramme
will be carried out and all once more
goes smoothly on. , Ill
ceeded with. The '
borrowed and the si
liquidation of the
special levy on the 1
portion to the beueli
This is certainly an e
and one which should have the eptire
sympathy of the p ople. There is a
vast tract of swamp 1 nd in Hay, which
is now utterly unpro uctive and. worth-
less. leis all tapab e of being drained
and made fit for cul ivation. The cost
of securing this impr vement is a mere
. .
eL for the Township of Tuckeranlith, for the ale
1874, prepared pursuant to the act respeabg
TtjOTICB is hereby given that the Lid ofVoters
Township of Tv. .ckersnzit.lot ee
(edia. atecc,-poir•odeweegatn3oglas h,lttivvIpmet.ohalAelage I ;soil: .8N
-voters jAitS, was first posted up hi my
aijd. are required to be lodged with Be
De examine
thAensdaTid hLerieslit,yaenadl itfipaonny a!Inleislesei otaness otor
within thirty days after this date -Aug. 6, 1874.
other errors are perceived therein, to take Lima
ors earnest_
ELL, Clerk.
must be le
ebt is -raised by -a'l
nds drained in.l.pro-
t each lot derives.
excellent movement,
trifle, 111 compariso to, the benefits
which will be derived from the improve-
nd which it is pro -
a short time, be
ion and made to
vhen dry it ,is the
tile of soils. We
hope to see other township in the
County following the xample of Hay.
AN -INSURANCE 0015 PANT. -A meeting
will be held, in the ro. eting-house on the
township of Hay,
the 5th of Sep -
Se of taking into
tiety of establieh-
surance Company.
e, and if success-
fully carried out Will Ibe largely for the
of the township.
meeting with be
that such action
sure the establish -
of a strong and
Particulars of
re given in an ad-
ment. Most of the 1
posed to drain could,
brought into cultiva
yield abundantly, as
richest and most fe
Brownson Line, in th
on Saturday evening,
tember, for the pump
consideration the pro
mg a mutual Fire Iii
The object is a good o
profit of the farmers
We therefore trust th
largely attended, and
will be taken as will e
ment in the townshi
prosperous Company.
the proposed meeting
vertisment elsewhere.
COUNCIL MEETING.--eThe Council met
on Aug. 5, All the Members present.
.Moved by Mr. Hunter; seconded by Mr.
'Hackney, that Mr1jfagee receive $20
from this township, to assist in keeping
Walter Magee, a dea mute, at the In-
stitute -Carried. Mored by Mr. Brock,
seconded by Mi. Hun er, that .2i•inills
in the dollar be ievie4 on the rateable
property of this mnniknpahty, in order
to raise $1,587 for'1ocal purposes; that a
by-laav be drafted accrduugIy, and that
the roll be delivered tol the Collector on
the first Saturday in ctober-Carried.
Moved by Mr. Hunter, seconded by Mr.
13rock, that the sunie le ally required' by
each school section to e lev,ied.by this
Council, be entered oi the Collector's
roll, and collected with he township and
other rates, and that a y -law be passed
to that effect -Carried, Moved by Mr.
Brock, seconded 'by M Hackney, that
this' Council grant $1.0 to the Exeter,
and a like sum to the irkton Agricul-
tural Society, provided the Council df -
Stephen grant to the rmer, and the
Council of Blanshard the latter, an
equivalent amount -Car ied. Moved by
Mr. Hunter, seconded b MrHackney,
that the Clerk notify Ir. Jacques to
have hie fence removed off the road at
once, or expenses will be incurred -Car- SON
ried. Moved. by Mr. lder, seconded '1" -r-r-7-iv
by Mr. Hunter, that Clerk notify
- Township of Mclillop.
-"oTieE is hereby given that the List of Voters
for the Township of McEillop, for the year
1874,, preliared pursuant to the act reepeclieg
Voters Lists, was first posted up in my dice ea
1874. And I hereby call upon. all eleteore ex-
amine the said List, and ix eny omissions or other
errors are perceived therein, to take immediate
proceedings to h -ave the said errors corrected ac-
cording law. All complaints must be in waiting,
and are required to be lodged with me within30
3d4ajs after this date -Aug. 6, 1874.
Tickets to or from Europe, by the Ansa
And all poin.ts in the Northwest, by BEATTY'S
LANE SUPERIOR LTh7E,either by Duluth tulle
Dawson Routh, also tickets te,aliparts of the
Eastern and Western states
By Rail or Steamboat connection, can be had ot
application t•o the undersigned. at Seaforth Rail.
way Station,. Information cheerfully given to
intenaing travelers.
Quebec to Liverpool .or Londonderry, by Mail
Steamers, or Glateeow, by Glasgow Line, are re-
duced as follows:
Seaforth to Liverpool, berry, Glasgow.;. 90
Return Tiekets-Quebec to Liverpool, Deny
or Glesgow, and back to Seaforth........ 44.9.1
Prepaid Passage Certificates -Liverpool,
Derry or Glasgow, to Seaforth 21
339-4 f R. B. MOODIE, Agent..
R. W.
I have just received Consignments of Math*
Stock, consisting of
Cloths, Readymade Clothing, Collars,
Ties, &c. •
A General Stock of .Dry Goal,
And also a quantity of
cAocimity AND G-4LASSWARE,
' Which will be offered at Auetion on
Come and buy at your own. price. I will alavell
at private sale for less than manufacturers prime
These Goods are first-class stock and no Shoddy.
Buy good Goods cheap when you hue° thethande.
Sale continued each day and evening until the
stock -Is all sold.
R. W. COLLINS, Auctioneer.
the Tavern Inspectors • make diligent SEAFORTH.
enquiry as -to hether J mes Davis, of
Farquhar, is in the habit if apir-
itimus liquort, and repor at next meet-
ing of Councll-Carried. Council then
adjourned until'first Sat rday in Sep-
tember. S. P. A.LLS, Clerk.
COUNCIL MEETING. -Th Council int
at Mr. Morgan's hotel, Bafield, on Mo -
day, Aug. 3, at 2 P. M. Al the members
present; the Reeve in the 0 air. Minutes
of last meeting read and approved. Louis
Sharrat was refunded the um of $1 50
for statute labor perfor ed by him
while assessed on non-resi ent roll f
1873. Moved by Dr.i Wo ds, secende
by Mr. Andei•spn, that a grint of $20 b
made to Mrs. Pflugg, to e able her to
plaster her house so as to-wake it habits
. .
able -Carried,- Moved by Mr. Ander-.
son, seconded by Dr. Wo ds, that the
application for authority to liorrow $850
in three annual instaihnen s, made 'un-
der seal, by the trustees of School See -
tion No7, be granted, and that a by
law to issue debentureS in terms of apt
plication be made and pasied awl de-
bentures issued accordingl -- Carried. MARRIAGE LICENCES
On motion William Cooper was ordered -
to be paid $3 52 for gravel, nd Thomas
Wilson $25 83 for plankin bridge on
London Road. Council a ljourned th
eet at Varna, on Monday, 'Aug. 31, at
P. M. -WM: PLUNKE r, Clerk. Under authotitat of the Lieutenant -Governor of
you want to know the true qualities of this
Celebrated Sewing Machine call at my Meet
Seaforth, and beware of going to where One Only
is kept on hand, and purposely out of or.
der, to be compared to inferior machines -
to its disadvantage.
After a period of more than ten years experience'
in the Sewing Machine Business I have foci
that the
Is the only one -which has given permanent satis-
faction to Rurchasers, as never proving defective'
in its movements, nor being 'returned for repair. I'
possesses all the qualities of a serviceable Sewing
Machine, it is strong, durable) not noisy as fabiati
represented, and all its parts are made of the
, best metal and perfectly fitted together. YOU
ot. may change it from fine work to heavy work with -
e out straining it and rendering it unfit for repro-
- during a neat and perfect stitch on fine wort. It
will sew with heavy black linen thread with the
same case as with a fine cotton spool.
Ladies, remember that the qualities to be desir-
ed in a good Sewing Machine are neither Ona-
ment, Style., nor the performanc6 of some useless
and nnrequired feat, but a Machine that will 6
just what a good. Sewing Machine is requiredth
do, and not getting out of order in doing what
not wanted to be done. Such is the Genuine
Howe Machine.
WM. N. wAnoN.
Itatoasr.-e-An inquest was held at the 2
jail on Sunday night last, by Dr. Mc-
Lean, coroner, on the body of a, young ,
man named Neil Armour, who • died
rather suddenly"in his cell abput6 o'clock
that evening. Deceased, who came
front near Blyth, had been comipitted to
jail the previtms dayon complaint of his
father for threatening and his system
appeared to be completely destroyed by
the efeetsive use of liquor, though Ihe
jailor and his assistants had idea that
he was so near the point of death. Fitast
the time he entered the jail he was un-
80 completely anything,
out of order that it would
as is stomach was
not retain even a - drink of water. On
Sunday afternoon he was prescribed for
by the jail surgeon, but; as it appears, he
was beyond the reach of hurawaid, for
;-he expired shortly after. Tho , trry re-
turned a verdict of "died from the effect -
of the excessive use of intoxicating
liquor."ThEN TERNATIONA L .-Th e proprietors
of the International Salt Werke have
kindly offered to put their works in holi- I
-day dress on the occasion of the Pover-
(Under the new Act,) issued at the
Reaping Machine Test.
A correipondent of th Stratfor
Beacon says that a reaping etch took
place on Friday last, on the rm of Mr
11 Schmidt,. near Shakespe re, in. the
township of South -Eastho e, between
the Johnson Single Reaper
REMAINING- in the Seaforth Post Officetur
called for on Aug. 4, 1874 :
. Campbell"- George Malcolm S.
Carr, Martha Aim Munro, John
Connor, Miss Maggie Mahoney, John
Corby, Win. Morison, James
Dunlap, Mrs. Edward Murray, James
Dunn, John Mooray, James
Dnno hoe, Miss M. Mann, J. W.
Graham, Miss C. Murray, Alexander
Howard, Mrs. John Palmer, H. O.
Hall, William Paeckert, Charles
Jarvis, Cr. F. Rogerson, john
Rosy, Wm. Smith, W. B.
Kent, Tames Stands, Win.
Kline, Frederick Stewart, James
Jeunsden, H. L. ITrquhard, A.
Logan, D. Wallace, Mary A.
Mitchell, Miss Mary
848 S. magso.N, P. 3f.
& Williams, Mitchell) and the Kirby
Combined, (Harris & Co., of Brantford.)
After a fair trial both in wbrk and in
draught of the two machines, the
Mitchell was adjudged to be the victor.
The judges were fully sa
Mitchell machine was superi
respect to the other in cuttin
ing off the sheave. Mr. A
that' he has been using machi
tistied the
Ii- in every
and lay-
nold says
ies for ten
er work -
e by any
years, and he never 8aw bett
nothingp e o
machine. The draught scale 'being put
on to each machine, and after two rounds
of each and marking at digerent sta-
tions, it was decided that the -Mitchell
machine was of lighter draught, it being
on an average of 316 lbs., and the other
350 lbs
pita undersigned has received instructions L0
-a- sell by public auction, one Dwelling House
one fifth of ill acre of land, in the N'illagilt
Zurich, on TUESDAY, the 1st day a SEPT -
BER next. Sale to commence at 1 -o'clock
Terms made known on day of sale.
osiwo .F2,2_,rris!!!"°17"12°6— 21••••
. sEvENrrti IrExn.
VIM.414.,E No. 3.150„
X;tal fgotatr
-ptEING east half of Lot
-la' three miles from lirtififi
cleared, remainder tontaLeie
wood. Also, a good bearlue
is giving up farming on nem
the saw mill business. Poil
diately, with -or without the
Title indisputable. Apply
Lots 5 and 6, Con. 5, Grey, c
on the premises.
FAR.31 -Fon
TOT IS, -Con. 6, Hetilett
-Li Dictated, remainder wei
maple; frame dwelhng;
good spina on lot; 2.1
miles from Clinton. Term
For particulars apply to•
T OT 18, Con. 7, Ilulletta
cleared, remainder goo
,good frame been 136x40-exte
horses and tattle, stmt.,'
failing spring near the ho
ingot -chard; V miles from
fiarth, from Kis burn; •
farm; firm in high state
dry clay soil, free of stone
and further particulars a
849-1°13 HUG
A -GOOD :FARM, hein„
-1-1- ton. 6, Grey, tontailnina
cleared and in good eondltimi
house and good -cellar-p a
water -dose by; there is
*rd attached; this pro r
miles from Brussels, a slAtio
Grey and Bruce Railway :
.reasonable terms, possess-ion
1, 1875. For further putt
proprietor on the premises,
Brussels P. 0.
rpEtE subecriber tnii)jtO
business, -offers for sale
Victono lIonse,in the thaie
The house is conamodions
cattle yards attached, and is
of the business park of the
reason given for selling. Fo
apply, if by letter pzepaid„ to
preirdses, or to-C.11.000PB
AXTEST half of Lot 22, Co '
V taming 50 acres, about •
ed, well fenced and in a state
tion ; good log house and Ii
and stables; 2 good wells vi
For further particulars applyi
by letter to LTITiii77 P. O.
'VCR SALE, that desire -1)1
-a- situated privalo residence
roondville, known as the
The house is pleasantly shun
dious and comfortable. T
woodhouse and other netees
lot contains one acre of hen
with bearing fruit "trees
fnrther paaticulars apply
T clr No. 5, Coil, 4,1-Iollett ;
less, SO acres cleared. rl
:north branch of the Mai
'through the 18 acre bush; go
the premises to the prOprieto
308 - or
BING Lot 34, con.?, Me
•"--1 sores, all cleared, with go
two good orchards In full bee
lug springs which supply the
Com 2, containing 48 acres of
is situated 6 miles from Se
gravel road thereto. For fu
on the promises. If by post
SON, Conetenee P.O., Xi/lb
_ _
SALE, -Lots 26 and 27
Killop, containing 175
oleared and in. -a ,first-elass
and thoroughly maderdrained.
two-story brick house, geed oat
large frame barns and sheds.
beating -orchard. The farm in
e,pring. It is situate
Gravel RCA within two :rifles'
Seafortla For further partic
premises OT to Seaforth P.O.
342 • ROBER
T tta No. 22, Con. 7, McKill
• acres, 85 acres -cleared; 44
/ ode. nnie framthe Neu -them
bank bean, with stabling bele
houses; large new concrete ho
a geed never -failing spring
• veil ; the land is clean and. of
acres of orchard of very best
ing. For terms and other pa
premises, Or address
FR SALE, -o, good Farm," half of lot 15 and the west
12, Maltillop, containing 100 a
well fenced, and in good =Rik
timbered with hardwood; a
and new log born; good la
miles and a half from a good -
from the village of Seaforth;
within 31 -miles; cone
schools and etores. For parti
proprietor on the promises,
Winthrop P. 0.
THAT well-loiewn Farm. ow
tard, adjoinine the ailing
pr5ising 14aeres, AO acres c
state of cultivation, 85 acres
quality, all well fenced; good
frame barn, shed, granary and
teee state of repair, one-half
=entente $1,600, in the Lon
very good orchard. and 3 welle
gravel i•oad running alongside
ent to churches, schools, store:
market. Any person wishing
or pleasure can hardly find
For particulars apply tO the
Premises, or if by letter to Bra
von -SALE, 150 acres of Ian
Of Lot No. 23, Con. 5,
Of Lot No. 22. This property
B miles of Seaferth. A -good
past the ploce. Therein it a
half a mile. There are 185
fenced and mostly hoe from
and in good order. On the 50
good, frame barn, dwelling ho
the 100 acre farm there is a
frame barn e with undergrenn
orchatd. The farm is well w
"will be sold separately or toga'
tors. Fur further particulars a
'tor on the premises, -or to
Seaforth P. O., or to S. G.
gT 2, -Con. 1, Stanley, tont
aether with. catet half of Le
mg 50 acres ; situated on the
quarter of 11, mile north of Kipp
arras -dented and in geed tulti
halms and stables, and frame Jr
in full -bearing; &branch of th •
.through a Porner of the farm;
geed wells. Terms reasoned)1
purchase money -will be req,
xnainder in equal annual install
Apply to WM.
Als0„. a HOUSE and ONE AC
Mae 'Village of Kippen; good One
Ira-inc house, n rooms; two w
and cow house ; convenient to
otiee. Apply to
, 340
. —