HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-08-14, Page 7t c Associatio> �a slF�t�dtt E)F iC;E, tl`T tblie will please note that this A,, trreerly the County of;4Middlese ordsented to advance of rates byt uta el e tethei Iar . eCanlhination, Having ng ite existence required more theta t of .Preniiron Note for a three Yom„ that and the- baptised,atie when. e prep careful a in ntln Eters been. enabled dl tot ones boralit fire, pass throe h the ry ordeals of the past ten' years :k y t �h special a5serts�utent on. jos. inb gt after • the lat=e severe drain 4n rte amed b3 the eeestive fire tosses o and 18723 ill at the r�.-r'exubexs' erefit a ve (Jamas.1st,1874,} of 3I . 0; :aI Capital of *25I 3 tirectors have deelirtecl�the overtaxes otf sful Companies to advance our ff of a strong and increasing competition rogue issued for ;1873: the large zlurabee ti Policies, making the total =Unbar e e over 37,000!. Parties des ' en Laren paciperty;, cheese factories,, de- ellingg and their outbuildings In tp wns s vile be Waited On by the undersigned ``a drily authorized representatives by fte helm The subscriber -vin continuo iron pexibdieally, and sulieits for his: -s the swat. noble patronage that has to the A t1CULTURAL in the f ' eL agent, 1y to himself, as its ent, past tyro years and a_ half, _ t, rANTASSLL, Clinton; A. TAYi 0R, >un eh- residitees in Huron. --" IlMer ix Commands .ecess " S. T. DOE, Box A, Owen Sowsc neared Ag eixt Grey, Bruce and H one )O INION A?"< RRRESSINC BATH ROOMS. WareN haa pleasure in announcing e hes fitted up over hist shop a number et and comfortable MATH= ROOMS. mama comfortable bath inay be had AICD- MIR RRES_SIN as usual. Also- on hand a. nice stock of CRIG_NONS AND BRAIDS'' styles. He Ss also prepared to take in. [ES' HAIR CI IBINGS,, hem strzitightened and worked iatd Belts:, witches;; Curia, 8t:c.. usomade. - : aENTS=x WtGS, r the shoatest notice 1,1t less than City Lpeotfully solicited. FIS. 1.`'cEWMAN. Est SP ORTERa se-BBnke> and Exchange Broker. ;STREET,. SEAFO.RTH •– S01,000.,' -000.0La his is no Mayr, but % tact. aback:: &44 American Silver at cnr Lends; money on good farm prop- s /rotes tWithout lather. Receives posits. ax4liays_20, per cent. interest get it Beye and sells Houses and eavinftonandwishing to sell quick exhaled lie a; thousand of brick, rt `seep,'Skins,; Fars and Wool S the highest prices. lone withthe above capital, wonder- '. Hand fir year wants, wis xes and dont be efritid, Ile wont bust. 341 RTH LANINTG MILL, ORA BLIND FACTORY her begs leave to thank his numerous for the=lxlera=l patronage extended to merteing business in Seaforth, and. laws be favored vitt: a continuance ding to bullet wortld do well to give Eewill continue to keep onhand a i1 kinds dtf N RINE LUMBER,. Ial,laDS MOULDINGS, PATH, ETC. kIeirt of -giving satisfaction to those shim with. theirpatronage, as none i:orktaen are employefi. rattendees paid to Custom Planing JOHN H. BROADFOOT. ,D OUT. • QLD STAN 1RIGHT in: the More next the Seaforth f til adljoinng Foster`s ITc>tel„a full' P aRoc IBJ iL' k O`00 (1, ,, tt yr: '7rr•(fp, Art hi, Strang,' there at trial. JAMES Y `RIGHT- rArtMONEY? GNG. SEAFORTH, a' at a LOW RATE OF INT>;E' farm or Village Property. ng money shoed apply to him. YOUR PROPERTY MIR LI 'ES. nag, seaforth. tL;ii) AGENT FOR rrvineial Insurance Company--' ;,-siff.auce Company, of Toronto-- 1. oronto-1. .tisk Iusnrance Company, of.. ,nalrle as offered by any other e.ssfor reliable Companies. Strong Ji Fairley's Grocery. t, Seaforth. 25a . • iter day. Agents'- wanted. :ill elaat' a:es of working sex, young or old, make more their spare moments„ or all the tything else- Particulars- frig- ON t Co.,rortlaud,3faine. 284, UGUS 1 4 lc 74. A CONCERT -SALOON MEDIANS, Insight of the Mite ket for Cheap tuteruthter$— $ej etcd stela %e rcepted Candidates. Fifty persons applied a concert saloon. in th (lays ego, in answer to far "three comic for situation in Bowery, -a few n advertisement si ger: at small salaries.” The place nes of the ordin- sty kmd, with saw -cit Ohio ornamented wi keper hanging in gar terse prints on the v at one end of the room, . at the other. Round. boomed, straight -back jingling piano were the :ted floor ; the h parti-colored eoug festoons; lis ; a large bar inf a small stage tables, wooden el chairs, and a furniture, The was r �; Otis a keen -f iced, sharp-eyed ansa, with a whit diamond studs in a glo Se eyed the applican disposed of them quickl, ,A .g intddle reed man m and neck -tie, flabby velveteen, coat present seedy hat rested. in a pr on his --left ear, and t through cracks in his to: his arm was a tall whose ill-fitting Barmen her as she walked. He and her hair of no parti gled o'er her forehea around her neck ; but sweet and girlish, alai eyes were timid and ino close to the man wlloni er," and carried a, roll slim, nngloved hand. REJEC rt;l) `t/ " Dict you advertise ertise for singers, sir ; comic singers, sir ?' ask d he of the raby nose. peek-tiee and sy shirt front. critically, and ith crimson nose leeks, and worn d himself. His carious position es were visible bods. Clinging awkward- girl, s flapped around • face was sallow tar color, strafe - 1 and whisked her mouth was. the large gray est. She stood. e callus fath- of music in her `Eyes, are you \'an?'x "les, sir. We are does the comic business �1iri•I here, she does t i '.e've got our music he you what we can do: with Newcomb & Run oth singers. I. and Marier, .my e • Serio -conic. e and *ill show used to _travel sey's Minstrels,. but they are busted loci' r ago. Rumsey died in a hospital. Ho he could "play the banjo, and be was rippin' midclle man, too. I've lost tra k of Billy New- comb. Ile was the bes a essence dancer in the United States, he was-" Vdll, veil, let me he r yen sing." The pianist played au accompaniment on the jingling piano, ane the ex -minstrel, with the crackled retnna t of a once good voice; sang " Upon My Sacred Honor " in a style he evidently to Lingard or Vivian. enough; " Now, let isle hear th owner of the diamond painfully and hesitated. "Brace up, Varier never make a singer,' s "'You see, sir"--apolo proprietor—"sh e hain 't stage very long." The girl tried to sing for a Ramble;" but th sweet, were uncertain,. was sadly wanting. - "I guess you two von manager. Tee gal ha enoof, tinct ve don't li need er." "Hang it, Marier," an .rily whispered the man in the velvetee coat as they went out, " I knew you'. lose the place. Why can't you brace up . You'll never make a First-class artist ie the world." MORE UNSUITABLE AePLICAA(TS. The next half lloilr wa. taken up in examining and dismissin other candi- dates. Two other girls w re'told to " go. on owit. I knows you to. veli." Several particular dir y and ragged youths were disposed o in. the smile manner.. A spruce -loo ing youngster informed the manager the t " he would- n't sing for a bent less than thirty a week," and was told th, t under those circumstances_ it would . e a waste of time to rehearse. Two 3 oung Wren, or over -grown boys, next c ®o;e up for in- spection. They were lona of limb, large of foot and hand, red as to. noses., acid slangy as to language. ey ere dress- ed with great similarity - x the same collarless shirts, the s� me bob -tailed - coat, the same pantaloons pr posterous 1y tight at the knee a, . d ridiculously large at the instep. Vell, who are you,. a cl vat can yew do ?" asked he from"the F 'therland. are We are the ar tin brothers," C rl�.. proudly answered one of t e boys, d. Y have been performin' at.t' e Grand J>;ike 0 We er p Y House �t e do th double an anee, black or whit , just a � thought equal One verse was girl," said, the Slid blushed Bang it, you'll id the father. l etically to the been on the A Starry Night notes, though and expression suit," said the s't got shnap e your style, - mpg s n d d bi k h'' please. ,THE I rt I i II(II'r SORT A LAST. ! !- S They handed a roll of. music to,.,he pianist, and they " did" be song f " T dance,Pretty Little BI le -eyed N e 1, much to the satisfaction o the mann er. "loot ' goodl )oot g � �, 1 y r,0< d. Shust' s do>en, anti lay unci py I'll talk mit 3 e Now, young voanans, step up." She was about 1S yea •s olcl, rot er pretty, and her blonde hai • was done u la Shetland pony. A ew moments listeni i>« tc> the young la y's convei sa km was convincing that "There be maidens. fair as sl e Whose verbs and nouns do ore agree." " Vat did you say you name vas -?' asked he of the Teutonic , eestry. "Darnette—Nellie ellie I)ar Tette. Ther was three sisters of us— u e and Anni and Lizzie ; but • I guess - I izzie's dead Anyway the doctor said sl e'd die. She' sick in Buffalo. You xnu. t have hear of ine. I used to play in the `Canter bury' in Albany, but it we s a confound ed mean hole," and she vie orously chew ed a piece of peppermint c ndy. "Oil, I've seen 3eou," sa di the only re meanie candidate, a bot ` who Ionke about 15, and . who was an king a chew cigar. " You used to be n Albany at Scheader's didn't you ?" r The young la:l - nodded ssent. "Uci wlii> are you ?" a,ked. the lrrb let 0'r. How To TURN OtuT,-The Duke of Wrellington always slept on an iron camp bedstead 'e ghteen inches wide.. When a ma wan to turn over," he:said, "it is t' a forhim to turn out."- The Em- peror Nicholas did the same. Mr. Gwen says c The rinciple is well enough, but I think th detail is wrong. Sleep it- self i far t o important to be -made tui- comf rtabl My old friend Rossiter fixed his al ma so that at the foreordain- ed moment the bed -clothes were dragged from he bed, and Rossiter lay shivering. I ha e myelf somewhere the drawings and s ecificeLtions for a patent (which I have I ever applied for) which arranges a set of cams and wheel -works under the bedst ad, which, at the moment appoint ed. lif the pillow end six feet, and deliver the s1 e ex0 his e' p . fat on the now hor- izontal foot -board. He is not apt to Asleep long after that. Rossiter found an- other n- othero 1 i tr vance which worked ;}getter: The' alarm. lock .struck a match,, which lighted the amp which boiled the water for Rqssiter s shaving. If Rossiter stay- ed imbed t o long, the water boiled over upon his ra or, and clean shirt, and the prayer -boo his mother gave him, and Coleridge's autograph, and his pocket- book, and the other precious things' he could put in a basic ni:tcler,neath when he wet to ed; so he had to get .up be- -fore that car e.-0lcl and New. weir MA -'S _a AL W,'ANro ARE.FE\v.—Bod• fly health z.nd tranquility of iniad are more to be . esired than all riches, j om or glory of a Crcesus,. a Solomon,' or n Alexander. Health is to be preserved by .modera 'on ; it is destroyed. by akb- stinence, injured by variety of delicacies, weakened by unusual things, and strengthened by the use of proper and accustomed fare. Man, learned in the art of, coo ry, is fond of many dishes, rendered pi atable ,ley the injurious ad- dition ofwine. Hunger is satisfied with a small quantity of food ; luxury demands ()vier- abundance. Imagination requires vast supplies, while nature is contented. with a moderate quantity of ordinary food, and is burdened by super- fluity.. According as we live sof is::life enjoyed. Men too oft dig their I graives with their teeth, . and Bacchus drowns more men than Neptune. - i •CANIT}I3 BE A 'TRUE STORY?--Tho0e who know him call him Theodore. He is a tall, beardless, handsome boy, with dreamy eyes and chestnut curls, remind- ing one .of a creole lad in Louisiana .Or Mississippi., Anything, everything silly 'and generous, shrewd a'nd Quixotic, is reconcilable with his character ; nothing that is base; 'treach- erous or wise. One day he ran into Dana in a high state of excitement. "Mr. Dana," says he, "Mr. -Greeley has called me a damned rascal." The imperturbable Dana turned placidly about and said, in a sympathetic, deprecatory tone,; " No; no ; he certainly could not have said tion." "Well,' says Tilton, " hd called me a darned fool." "Oh," says. Dana, " no doubt, no doubt." -as•► THE Qplenet Awn THE CHURCH PEOPLE. —The Queen of England; though the- oretically head of the (English) Church- and titulary defender of the faith, is not - a very good church • women. She lets her children get Married in Lent ; she gives drawing -rooms and state concerts on the Fridays of that holy season she gives her yearly ball to her servants on Good Friday itself ; when in Scotland, she -goes to the Presbyterian meeting, and seems to enjoy it ;' recently, when a wealthy neighbor of hers at Balmoral, a private ,gentleman, undertook to build an Anglican chapel at his own expense, she had word conveyed to him that he would do her a favor by dismissing the idea. Naturally, her loving subjects of the high oh!arch persuasion, .are a good deal sca dalized by all this. - TREATMENT OF CHILDREN. That which I, have often blamed (says Locke) 'as a dangerous practice in many fathers is, to be very indulgent to their children whilst they !are little, and as they come to riperlyears to lay much restraint upon them, which usually produces an ill un- derstanding' between. 'father and son; which. cannot be but of bad consequence. And I think fathers would generally dei better, lav- the sons grow up, to take then into a' nearer. familiarity and liv with them with :as much freedom of v friendship as their age and temper will allow. �y - i.' • d 5•OW oCEt'7 T , AV L.-� h e� � .�E T e Atlanticsteam: ship a companies, having of the bulk of b the summer's European travelers over to the other side, are now sickening of the a competition in fares, and are making strenuoljis efforts to harmonize their dif- ferences and establish a fixed and, of it course, ' advanced rate for passengers r and freight between Liverpool and New York. • THE PHOENIX �- ' FIRE INSUIRANCE COMPANY OF LONDON, ENGLAND. DIWPI'EE> FROM EN -GLI, R OPER- A. " Well. Pin Clarence I: utton, of the w who they travel with i Has just rc-ecii-ed1 nd1 I've been but I don't to. rxrtoll Brothers. YOU kn are, don't you ? T used. t( Kehl, & Leon's Minstrels, r over in Jersey City lately like it there, and so dropp od in here see what was up." "v3', you are noddiu bu a boy." Boy ? I`te. been in the biz eight. years, and T'nl 18 years old. -I co n-. Hence d when t was a cl;_ild with i e SYears."aba an Opera Troupe. Mrs. Holm n took nae lip, and I was v'ith • her t vo ell, yell," said the manager "I Can't bodlcler ally longer to -day. Y e u all come to -morrow, you two Carrie, u fellers, "and you young womans, and Y d u, young feller. I haxn't got no tune .0 More, Here comes my gals now. :et t I tells yo It vdllle thing. l shan't pay -a:a y more ash twenty dollar a veek to as y- body•" -- Y., Era, • N. WATSON, AGENT AT EAFOBTH. This old standard Cornpahy was established in 1782, does busi- nessallparof the world, does =the second - rtes: in pa s o largest busies in the United Kingdom, jays its: claims with pr ptitude and liberality. Its rates. are moderate. 346-52 GOO GOOD PROSPECT HARVEST EXPECTED. H'HN KIDD i t Scythes Forks, Cradles,- t SN AT S AND FIAY FORKS, a targe stock of Harvest Tools such as Which he will Sell as Cheap as any in the Trade. NO EOOND PRICE. JOHN KIDD ON MorMOtgage, snck peri as the applican .3221'52 EY ADVANCED S f curity, in such sums and for d , and repayable in such manner ay desire. :A:pl>1y to l A. G. McDOUGAT,T, Seaforth. •1 • • 0. 0 z 0 0 tei td H H M C1) 0 co 0 I'I'I 9) 0 CD Z v X m 0) •x,n H U O £ EXPOSITOR 0 6-9 w A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CIO 320 5" THE GREAT REFORM. The Greatest Reform that has ever been made is in the prices of • Furniture and Underta Haver dneedthe prices one-half, and h ve done away'n together 'with : eTortionate prices. Is it �f n,ot to your interest to l>atrouize them. ALL KINDS QF FLTRNII URE 11 PT IN STOCK. - They are also prepared to Furni h Funerals With ith Everything ' Re quiusite, j And to attend personally with their Hearse. T. JOHNS �S&Go. EGG EMPORIUM. The bscriber hereby thanks his numerous custom rs (merchants aLcl others) for their liberal patrorn ge during the past seven years, and hopes, by strict i»tegrity and close attention' to business, to merit their confideno and trade in the future. Having greatly enter led bis premises during the winter, he is now pr pared to pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of g cel fresh eggs, delivered atthe EGG EMPORIUM, Main Street, Seaforth. Want d b subscr:bel 25 tonsgood of dry the clean WAT STRAW D. D. WILSON, SEAPQXTH, March 181 1874. 328 THE HURON PLANING ILL _ LES aSRS. GRAY ,C SCCA 'T 'REG to announce that they have commenced' bueiness in the Shop lately'occupied by Mr. Martin, and are now prei axed to fill orde e for Sashes, Doom, Ijlii cls, Mo'ui Zings, And all kinds of planed liimber1 ALSO LATH A.YD SHINGLES. CHEESE BOXES AND SETTERS, ARM GATES, HAY RANKS, &a. A goo stock of Seaso> ed Lumber on hand. ' Facto and Lumberyard on Goderieh. street, near Main street: Jig Sawing and Caston Planing neatly cone. A. GRAY. W. H. SCOTT. SAMUEL TROTT- ; Manufacturer of 111achize Turned Butter Packages Of a Super.or Qaal3ty. All orders, either Whole ele.or Retail, •romptly Filled. SEAFORTH ONT. TEAS, TEA ASK F POWELL'8 FIN TEAS. MIf\ T U AT 14AIDLAW'S_ TWELVE POUNDS SUGAR FOR '$I. J. C. LAIDL CASH PAID FOR B17 TER. R E. S$AFORTH ACRICULTU!AL IMPLEMENT, I , Scwviue illiatehinsc, and MUSICAL INSTRUMENT 1ti2•-POP,TTT 'VI m SEWING MACHINE DEPARTMENT.. I take pleasure i' stating to the public, that I shall at all times h ae a stock of all the different kinds of Sewing Ma rites, with their varied pre- tentious to merit, t it thepurchasers may be able to suit themselves t one establishment, without inconvenience, Th whale ince 4f the .counti'y has been, and still is, frequented by transient per=eons. My objet is to eaution the publio against buying anything but Standard Machines, and of Regular Estalished Ageirts, who can al- ways be found, and Whose warrant and guarantee can be relied on., and if the purchaser isnot suited with the kind they think they want, they can have the privilege or :changing it for any other. We have at all times anew anti fresh stock of the Florence and Webster Machines, as well as all the other standard makes, whieh can be piid for on very easy terms, or if not satisfactory, can be changed far any othrlethat may be desired. W.• =MPOR,.N"T • LA1~;G ARRIVALS AT THE CHEQUERED ST Teas, Sugars, L quors and eneral Groceries., Which were boug t on very favorable e . s and will be sold off AT PRICES WHICH MUST' PROVE;. RE MUSICAL • INSTRUMENTS. 0. p. 1ti ILLSoN Can defy the world on Musical Instruments, both in Price and Qua t1', he cannot be surpassed. 0The manufacturers ••iInstrn,ncnts whieli km sells have a reputation stint glare not benestioned. He sells for uo see >ird-class .fir>na, The Mathis- shek and Steinway 'isnot time, 'Mason d: Ham- lin, and Estes Organs and Melodeons. AGRICULTUIRAL IMPLEMENTS, Such as Straw C Iters, Grain Crusher's, Root j Cutters, Sewing Ma Wiles and Horse Powers, all Iof the best, always ; on. band. I 'FACTORY TO CUSTOMERS. ` - BACON, HAMS, , FLOL AND MEAL OF TH P; BEST QUA. 1 ,ITY Always in Stoch at the Chequered t re, Alain Street, Seafo th. JAMES MUR Hy. SEAFORTH 0UNDR JOHN NO ISHk8 to ' inform the farming community and ' �EAJ011TH FOUNDRY for a terra of years, and r to manufae ure all kinds of ' AGI3ICULTU R Shaw Cutters, • Including the TO ALSO MY IMF BUILDING - Terni Mill, Engine and othe tlr efi AL SUCH ASt lows, Gan MAN, which it ROVE .ND ALL d out on the shorte Repairs done Al CALL SOL PER. e public generally that he • has 1dlasedthe steel it throughout. He is now 1prepared MPLEMENTS;' C. Plows, Drag Saws, the best 2 -horse Saw in use. PITT'S POWER!. THER CASTINGS t notice. vith Neatness and Dispatch. CITED. - To THE ARMERSI FORSYTH'S PATENT WRO THE undersigned beg to direct the now prepared to take orders for t BEST AND M OST A attention of the Far re above fence, whic JOHN N OP',R>. OF. HURON. GHT IRON FE v ers of Huron to the fact hat they axe is without doubt the SC,xOult•'_ TD' Parties desirous of giving this f prepared -for erection early - In spring. repairs for TEN YEARS. Tho bene Snow will not accumulate or bank ag will not destroy it. 5th—It is warren Fence fence will be furnished at the Five Wire Fence, per rod , < ... Six u nee a trialsh n del 0 The proprietors Will is of this fence over inat it. 3rd—The t►r' ed to turn all kindsto following rates : v1 50 Seven; I. 60 1 Eight DURA. LE FEN E IN U ave their i h cord ors at once,so that' i� can guarantee 'bis fence to stand 'Without " i 11 others are : lst—Durability 2nd1 —1-ea:l d or frost does not effect it. 4 • sly,e . stock, no matter how breachy or_,croiis. Ii I, ti i'1 1 I ire Fence, per rod u « cc , 1 168 1,75 TERMS—All sums of $25 and under,cash, on Completion of fence; over that amount three onths credit, an approved note to be furnishd on completion Cif ence. For large orders special pedal arrange- ments can be made. Orders taken an further information given on application to M. R. onnter, Main street, Seaforth ; or George Fors 'thy at the Market, arth; or Hugh h Cameron Londesbro. 320 h OR.S ,'Y1 H C CC CC CC GODERICH FOU N DR i Tne ederx cn FO ad y8 Manufacturing cturzng C Beg to inform the public that they are prepared to contract for STEAM ENGINES AND BO LERS FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS SAIA ING MACHINES, &c. On hand—IRON AND OODEN PLOWS, with steel boards; GANG PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS &c. STIGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, ' WAGGON BOXES, &c. COOKING, PARLOR AND BOK STOVES, f various kinds. SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER. ALSO, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, Ai : D BLACKSMITH WORK. BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIPED ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO THIRTY -HORSE ?0 WEB TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale All orders addressed to the Oompany or Secretary will receive promptattention. . - A. HODGE, Secretary and Treasurer. H. HORTON, President R. RUI\ CIMAN, General' Manager. T R UNKS We') All Kin OF AND VALISES. lave on kand A good aesortment of RNESS as Usual, ers of Harvest gloves for the Wholesale Trade. 1RON HARROW; - N Now is tile time to purchase J 0 Tho Best in use. A few only on hand. Call and get one before they are all gone. In the year 1870 I sold 30 of these Harrows; in 1871, 0 were sold by ine ; in 1872, I sold 75 ; and in 873. my stiles- reached over . 150. This is the b st proof that can be offered of the satisfaction w 'ch the Harrows give. _ 0. C. 1YVILLSON, Market -street, Seaforth. 325 TO THE Pu: LIC AT LARGE. W. H. OLIVER, Harness, S ddle and Collar IANU ACTURER 1IAI ST. , S'L+'4RORTII. SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. A choiceassortment of light and heavy Harness, Whips, Bells, Horse CI • thing, &c., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and charges -moderate. Remember' the place,si;n of the Scotch C o liar P 0 W. H.LI o YLR. i. 0 CARTM RIGHT, L. D. S„ Surgeon De'ntist ,1 `J. attends in Sealer h, at Knox'e Hotel, the first at the Commeroialdlot 1, on the following Thurs- daya and Fridays. Thii remainder of the time at his Stratford (elide. a Pestles requiring nei teeth are requested to call, if at Seaforth and Clinton, on the first days of at- . Tstimoniale of pvel 500 patients who have had their teeth extracted 1 y the use, of the Gas, may be een at my office o ce in Stratford. pro ed styles. t ot be surpaesed. 237- Till E WILLIAM CRAY'S PECIFIC' MEDICINE car s all Nervous Diseases, such as Tremor% De - bili y, Prostration &c., which, ie. many cases are pro need la over indulgenee in the use of to'hat- is More especially reeoinmended as an unfailing cure for Seminal Wealaiess, Spermatorrhea., potency, and all diseases that follow as a sequence of Self Abuse, as LOSS of Memory, Universal Lassi- tude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vieion, Pre- mature Old Age, and many other diseages that lea to Ineamty or Consumption and a Prema- tar Grave, all of which, -as a rule, are first tensed by eviating from. the path of nature and over The Specific Medicine is the result of a, life study and many years 91 experience in treating p phlet, which we desire to send free by mail te eve one. T .e-Specitic Medicine is sold by all Druggists at 1 per package, or 6 paokeges for $5, or will be sen by mail on receipt. of -the money, by address. ing WILLIAM GRAY & CO., Windsor, Ont. S ld in Seaforth by E. Ifiekson & Coq S. Ro arts, R. Lumsden, and by all Druggists. s.