HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-08-14, Page 6Par, New and Notes. ne man near St. Joseph, picked 800 qu its of strawberries in seven, days. best day's picking was 180 quarts. And' now ,the maligned cro has coat e to the rescue, and is busily en�aged in filling off and devouring the potato be : ties. It may be that this, needf u l and hal dsome service may go fat to restore to lost favor. Parties from Southern; Australia, we : tied with the drouths of! that dusty lan , have arrived in-Oregon4 for the pur- pos of seeking locations whereon to en- ga _ e in sheep farming: 1 The California wood -cutters re uire ha a day's time for three men to ell a red wood tree eight feet in diamete . A tre: 15 feet in diameter is cut do n by fo men in two days. ' An aged and observant dairyman" sai' , " look out for the poor vows ; there is a great deal of money made by dairy- , ing in this country, but it is all made by the good cows." .griculturaljournalspersistinre orn- me fl ding various concoctions fornfar ers to . rink ,during the heating and exh ust- iug abors of the hay field and the ar vest field. We have, in our day, tied thes. various mixtures, but ;we . ave fours fl nothing equal to. pure, cold well waf:r ccording to the report of Eng 'sh Com i issioners, "In Dorsetshire . eg- etab ea flavored with bacon fat, or br: d and y heese ; in Somersetshire.breadand butt r, or brown bread dipped in oidr ; in Ceshire potatoes, or gruel thickened with treacle, are the commonest articles of fo A d." ose who would live happily to ' he cod old age of a century are. advise to dr•.. 'buttermilk, whose virtues are 's: id by a member- of the French Acade y, M. ' ®` obing, td be such as "to free he syste ee from those causes which in v= itabl cause death between the seventy- fifth nd the one'hundredth year." has— been questioned by some stock breeders why a bull which. nine oat o ten. competent judges : in the ring weulselect as the better of the t;„ shout.; sell for $500 only, when the i ferior one sold for $14,500. The o d $14,0 a was the price of the pedigree a cord' m to some people's judgment. ►® e hero of. the Buffalo stock -yards is n.:' ed "Billy." Beneath this homely tion he carries his load of ,honors I atthe same time; for he is. ; but whether Cotswold, Sout.. or Merino, or all three in part, u tell. Billy wears a bell, and: a. stock trams arrive he puts him • • ` aPpe and w wethe down, one ca nightl self at the head of the flocks of shee as the are unloaded, and leads the. safely hrough the circuitous by -ways. o Buffal to the yards. Formerly this wa a wor of. difficulty,and many sheer escape in the darkness. As' soon' as the las sheep is safely penned, Billy slips out of door specially provided; for him, and ret'res to his %wn quarters! and his bale of hay. —In !: rittany the parsnip- is Becoming the fav rite root for stock feed, and its culture is extending. In the [Channel Islands this root forms a large portion of • der of the. Jersey, Guernsey and y cows, and much of their value ilkers is undoubtedly due to the s root for a long series of years. 11 known to. physiologists. how effect upon the condition of a f animals is caused by a• long careful feeding, acid this is a ous instance of it. This root parts of France is substituted • feed for horses, 16bunds a g given with the best effect. For. also largely used, .nine ponnds roots T being fed four times a e -great advantage of this root diness ; the supply for spring ft in the ground, all winter, and est condition to, harvest when the fo Alders as rich use of t Itis, w great ai breed period o conspic in many for -oats day bei pigs it is of cooke day. 0 is its ha may be l` is in the needed. • The Bo A thir Park He Brown, Park, w Shelters well arra 400 head menced and are n well wort Park Short Horn Herd. catalogueof the famous Bow el, the property of Hon. George as recently been issued. Bow 'ch comprises 900 acres, now eneath its commodious ,end ged buildings a herd of nearly !cattle.. This herd was coin - 1869, and additions have been w• being made. which render it y of the attention of breeders On referring to the catalogue we find a list of i early 200 thoroughbreds cows and heft rs, among which are Several specimens of the Dereham Abbey etock, :reel by r. Hugh Aylmer ; Meadow Flower, a and cow, bred by, il'Ir- T, T. Drake, of - ' ersham, Buckinghamshire Princess y oyal, of the renowned Frill tribe,' wh e descent can be traced through 'eneral . Havelock, Sir Charles, and other noted sires.; and Waterloo Cherry 1D ehess, a fine animal, bred by Mr. A. 11. Brassey, of Aylesford,ent. -Among tk - .bulls are Duke ,of Barrington,' Grand Du e of Gordon, frons the herd of Mr. \ a, Tour, . of Grimsby, England, one of the ldest and best in. England ;- 'leg of th Ocean, bred in Ireland, who _ took the -rst prize at the New -York State Fair n 1871;_ and Royal Tudor; a pure Booth his latest crosses being by six of . \1 ..Booth's most celebrated sires,' inch ding "the immortal Buck- ingham." Besides these we find a aural ber of nati imparted b gusson, au terests of .a All of th. warranted t Oat ,-e-breclt animals, from stock the late Hon. Adam sFer- rdent promoter of the in- r-:iculture in Canada. stock is of pure blood and be as represented. • The folio bag strange facts in animal life may pos some of yaa prising to of a near n ighbor of mine two chi k relations ens, hatched late last autumn, were de- . was me, serted by th. ir mother at an early age, FRAN/ and used to take up their quarters at cohvicte night in a bed, which a cat and her aadt yea home. To t e no mall astonishment of Aytatt. cat, kittens end eliiekttns all hudd.led- up teteiteti The :bran his been may often now be aeon basking in, the,. sun with this chic en o her back. Cor. Field. Agricultural Philosophy. There is no great succe s in farming without hard ? ork ; but it is the gooc. thinking , that costs, not 'the plodding alone. A is u hill b tsiness to go against the judgment f all your neighbors, but if you are sure you are right, go ahead, no matter- wh t the say. The servant is not above hi macmaster in industry ; the farmer must b able to lea in the field, and know whe her a man doing good work, and th wo an must know_ that he knows What de?,work is. I said forty year ago that j would use plaster if it cost me $40 a to ; but clover and plaster al ne' wilh not, keep ` up the fertility of grai • far s. hien 1 see a man draining is' fa m an carting out notable piles o we -rotted manure, I consider him afe. He I can borrow money to make improvements, and 'the sheriff will not ften tie up I at his hitch- ing post. Whe the'dge demands an early harvest, or the round is so rich that the straw falls, I have almost saved a crop by sowin' salt.` Farmers miss it by giving up th old %7orm fence. It. is the cheapest in the end. I wire the stakes together, and keep the bottom rail up. It is kwa d looking, but T have sound rails hat ere not • new foity years ago. I..ha a bu lied good rails in my time, but 1 • d n t know as much then as I do no • ._ The.Prese actio • of Timber. An Arkansas correspondent of the Scientific Americ to says: I carne here thirty years sin, e, and, began clearing land and buildi g houses with hewn logs and boards s 'lit from the tree. Af- ter several years esidence, 'noticed very often that piece: of the sane kind of timber decayed= re quickly than others, and after m'ich t a oughtand observation, I came to the con+lusion that timber fell- ed after the leaf as I y grown lasted the longest. I no iced at timber felled when the leaf firs cora enced --to grow rotted the sap offs very quickly, but the heart remained • sound ; that timber fell- ed after the fall of the leaf rotted in the heart, even when �.. appa ently sound on the outside. When fire wood cut in the winter was put on, the fi e, the sap came out of the heart ; but - 'hen cut in the summer the sap carne • ut` of the sap wood, and next the b rk. I noticed also that all our lasting wood had - but little sep.at any time in, he heart—such as cedar, mulberry, sassafras and cy- pres& - A cypress post ut in the summer of 1838 is still sound altho gh exposed to all weathers, while o ne of the same kind of timber, cut in th wint r of 1856, and painted, has rottedthe heart. I saw yesterday a piece of gum fllank, which I sawed in the summer of 859, that has lam ever since, and, is p •rfectly sound, while oak timber that was elled the win- ter before is now entirely otters. My conclusion th' n is Cut timber after full leaf, say i Jul and August, to get the most las from it. The sap goes into the heart if the tree after leaf fall, and causes deca PORK -RAISING.— correspondent of the Germantown Tel raphfwrites : "My own theory of pork7 aisin based upon experience, observati . n, an probably a little philosophy of t, ings, written for the benefit of others would,j be- about, as follows : Daring the hot suinmer months I would feed very li le sold feed, such as corn in the ear or untracked. I would keep hogs upon green feed constantly, either grass, oats, or rye, and feed them at regular intervals, 'Owe oe twice a day, upon mashed feed, either shorts, chopped oats, or rye, buckwheat, !&c., fed in troughs. When fecl. in this way, and al- lowed access to water and: shade, hogs will bear crowding through the hot months—a very good ' time, if not the st to take on . flesh. This puts them n the best of condition for corn feeding, hich should commenee about the first f September, 'when the' new. crop is till soft and tender. Treated in this way, hogs become probably as perfect as any method could make them. Upon, the whole, I believe.it the cheapest and most economical." 'TURKEYS UTILIZEDThe farmers of California have found the antidote for the destructive array orm. A flock of 3,000 turkeys were t rned into exten- sive sugar beet 'fields' ear Sacramento, 'which seemed entirely _ -ven -over to the nasty, worm. The tur . eys went for the wormslike a hungry b y for his supper, a d, in a few days, ha completely anui- hhhhilated them. Only o e turkey overate much as to die, and, hat one deservtcl td►, for, on being dissec ed, 1,432 'worms, s me still alive, were f and in the poor t rkey's stomach. • fl ROYAL RELIGION. =``Queen Vic` the legal he of the Epi oria is scopal Church of erian Church of in England her their particular creed depending upon 1 iclence for the 'me being. Th of Wales is nat rally bewi dere manifold tali oils of her rot, ably prove as wterestiag to t4ei▪ r res reader; as they were sex- Princess yaelf. In the poultry yard with the , and clings tit the fait sh ' t in Denmark. HURON EXPOSITOR, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT CAR LOADS OF HAYING TOOLS. BEST AMERICAN CUT 1LS- AUGUST 1 1874. TRE AGRICULTURAL AssuraInce Association #3f Canad . . T 4, Direct frOm Pitts:bur;, Pa: MICHIGAN CULTIVATOR HOE3 The Best in Ilse.: SOLE A ENTS FOR THE WELL-KNOWN ELEPHANT WHITE LEAD, . BUY NO OtHER. A CAS LOAD AMA IC AN CALCINED PLAIST_O Direct _from Grand Rapids, .31ilbigan. REPAI S G-OING ON AT u No4i Sale C ntinues. OALL EA LY • CURE BARGAINS DUNCAN SEAFORTH. SEAFORTH AND HURON MARBLE tl (Late o Hamilton,) Would intimate to the' uuraerous friends and the general public that. th y are lrepared to fill all orders for Monuments, Hea stones, Table Tops, Gran;te _Monuments Imported to Order. Woric of the best styl and art, and cannot be surpas ted in this part o Ontario. A !call respectfully soli ited. Calder's old Stand, op' osite McCallum's Hotel, STREET, SEAFORTH. E. IN fESSEV. MESSF.TT. OL alIMARBLE c WALw-oRritt, who -was tried and d for the maid r of his farthei r, has been. re oved front th ison at Auburn to the Luinati Thia was to save him from to a demented 'tate of melan th which he 1 as threatened confined, to t together in tl e same everre. nest, land a,p- parently on he best of terms. From this date the cat treated both chickens and kittens like, e., brinaing them food, &c. Tl e chiekens, en the other hand, alw.ays returned at night to the cat, and saint times actually roosted.' on her back. Su t, trait in het character was, of emirs , not easil3r forgotten, am. when the foil wing spring some othee chicken happ :tied to get inaured in the head, it- was t once introduced to the same cat, who without hesitation re- warded the col, fidenee thus reposed in her by' comm acing to lick the heasl... gently -where e feathers were torn off, and taking ea e of the chicken until quite tecovere After this she *would teopstantly w the fowl about, and HURON Next door west of t STREET, e. Commercial Hotel. And work of all kinds in Marble, lesig,ned and exe &ad at most reasonable p. Mantle of Various plicd On, 8h made .on the redommeildation of , Dr. , ici Lunacy. It is quite pro able that furth- er efforts lovill be made (a behalf of the young pa,rrieide, with a iew to his final removal. from the asylum o a private in- stitution, or a full pardon A FAMILY BEREAVE — pasing through Detroit cat.1 -Come children," or, huskily, as he turned :gat went with the w and now we've lost Sadim n't wonder if mother or i lost their tom aid their fath- to the wagon. t fever, little oopina cough, d. be the next to order. HEADSTONES, American and Foreign uted in the best style, rt Notice. a, d Headstones imported 277 T. CALDER, Agent. SHROUDS ! SHROUDS M. ROBE TSON, CABINET' MANTIR AN uNDEnTaimat, Johnson's 0 d Stand, Main Etre at, heaforth, ha now on hand a good which he can tarnish che per than they can be got else here. REMEMBE THAT ALTHOUGH TEE SALE OF GOODS DURING JULY' WAS VERY GREAT, There still remains a large amount of Stock to dispose 0 q'ECIAL LINES OF DRESS GOODS POPL BOO A LL Tp SELLING OUT THE _ENTIR, NS, FLANNELS, CLOTHING, CA PETS, S AND SHOES, BE CLEARED OUT. STOCK. AT W. HILVS, SEA A MATTER OF IMPORTANCE FOR TAP. PUBLIC TO KNOW, THEY CAN GET THVBEST VALUE FOR THEIR MORE WILSON & YOUNG, SCOTTS Give as GQOD VA. RE LOCK, SEAPORTH, ITE as can be got in Ifuron. TEAS OF TH 1CHOICEST BRANDS. SUGARS RIGHT AND PURE. GROCERIES OF EVER Are alrea • DESCRIPTION FRESH AND NEW. BEST CHOICE IN TOWN. PORTBRS AND LIQ ORS o require special mention. For qu lity there is nothing to su ass them made. All,Kincls,o Produce taken (La Cash. MARVE MOHR'S SILVE Is an instantaneous an lasting eure for to intro uced to t public WHICH, PRODUCE Believing 848-4 WILSON YOUNG. VERY- FOR TOOT ACHE. GRAIN ANODYNE AND e edy differs entirely from the many nostrums hither - It acts by the aid of a. magnetic coil, A 14CNETI sEFFECT ON THE NERVE AND GUMS,' ut pain, the most agonizing Toothache. C 0 E, COME AL 145 J. I beg to state for the inf rmation of fame Harness on hand aa any n town, and I a anent in the County. . - Furnishings. 813 AND BUY YOUR HARNESS FROM terrained notcto be undersold 11- any other establish- , constantly on hand. Also TRUNKS and General • • LONDON, ONV: THE Public will please note . that this A.aseds„ -1- tion, formerly the County of Middlesex 11114141 has not consented to atizance of rates by °uterine the Mutual Insurance CUrribination. Raving 04 once during its existence required more than half of amount of Premium. Note for a three yearet: risk, and that being at a time -when the ComPany was youngand the count*, baptised in fire, am having by careful management and liberality -with policy holders been enabled to pass through the several fiery onleals of the past ten years vitheo levying any special assessment on its members, and having,, after the late stivere drain on its finances caused. by The excessive fire losses of 1870, 1871 and 1872, still at the Members' credit a cash. reserve (iTantraryast, 18740 of $10,049 07 IWith a total Capital of 11251,370 12, oar Board of Directors have declined the overtures of less successful Companies to advance our rale& In the face of a strong and inereaSing competition' .this old favorite issued for 1878 the large number of 1 3,066 Policies, making the total number now in force over :rr,000. Parties desiring,. insurance on farm. property, cheese factories, de- tached dwellings and their outbuildings in tonne and villages will be waited on by the -undersigned or one of his' !hay authorized representatives by addressing as below; The subscriber will continue 4 tO visit Huron periodically, and aolicits for his co-operators the same noble patronage that has been given to the AGRICULTURAL in the pad, and more partioularly to himself, as its agent, during the past two yeais find a balf, X. R. VANTASSEL, 'Clinton; A. TAYLOX, Londesborough ---Representatives in Huron. DIOTTO--4 Merit commands Success," 344 _ District Agent Grey, Bruce and ITSZOn. DOMINION UMW HAIIRDRESSINC SALOON AND BATH- ROOMS. WM. NEWMAN has pleasure in announcing Y that he has Atted Bp over his shop a number of conv4nient and comfortable i! BATH ROOMS Wheie a clean and. comfortable bath may be bad _at any time. SHAVING AND HMR DRESSING Attended. to as usual. Also on hand& Bice stOck of ILAMES' CHIGNONS AND BRAIDS. Of the latest styles. He also preprd to takcia. LADIES' HAIR COMBINGS, And have them straightened and worked ina Braids, Belts, Switches, Curls, Atc. Charges reasonable. GENTS' WIGS Furnished on the shortest notice at less than ear A call is respectfully solicited. 339 JOHN S. PORTER/ One-horse Banker and Exchange -Broken MAIN STREET, SEAFORTg., This is no blow, but a fact. Ilit'VYS Greenbacks and American Silver at -cur- rent rates. Lends money on good farm prop- erty. Shaves notes without lather. Receives inaney on deposit, and pays 20 per cent. interest i—when you get it. Buys and sells iloufies and I,ots; parties leaving town and -wishing to sell quick. will find me on hand like a thousand of brick. Buys Rides, Sheep Skims, FILM and nol at tile highest prices. All t 's is done with the above capital, wonder- flul, is it ot ? Hand. in your wants, wishes and lixpectationa, don't be afraid he won't, bust. S41. 1 SEA -FORTH PLANING MILL, ;ASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY THE subscriber begs leave to thank his numerous + customers for the liberal patronage extended to hfrn since connuencing business in Seafortb, and t sts that he may be favored with a continuance Parties intending to:build Would do well to give him a call, as he will Continue to keep on hand a largo stock of all kinda ef .,17 DRY PINE LUMBER, 1 DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. ;Ere feels confident of giOhig satisfaction to those w o may favour him with theirpatronage, as none b t first-class workmen are employed. Particularattention paid to Custom Planing 01 SOHN 11. 13ROADFOOT. !FOSTER'S OLD STAN D 1.JAMES WRIGHT TiAS opened in the store next. the Seaforth. A' Foundry and adjounrig Fosterssliotel, a full and complete SITOCK OP GROCERIES. 11:s Teas are Good, His Sugars Oteap, And his Spices Strong. can and give them' a- 328 IAMBS WRIGHT, ES A. STRONG, SEAFORD', ties requiring money should' apply to hiea- -INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR LIVES. IS ALSO AGENT FOR The. Scottish Provincial Insurance Company— Fire and Life. The; Western Insurance Company, of Toronto— Phi° and Life. The LOolated Risk Insurance Company, of Terms as rea.sonahle as offered by any other agent aping busineas for reliable Companies. ; OF CE -over Strong & Fairlers Grocery poop e, of either sex, young or old, make mere at wor for us In their spare nleillentS, or all the $ TO $20 per dcalays.seAs volts zrctirfa- 1)1 at anything else. Particulars free. iveilin inghne81::::°:11:1-lowasnasfugi'°tItehilhaleilltetsrlkehaeloe:et:'nEvi:;1,:i:ja,gaefifetablise,di: r ot opvnir iereas let entigrr:if Inv 7,1 r al 4_ eject At theg poitahi:r.weRreoun bottomed, straight-backed oaan.i,:etr"tresalTiooiceoninpiiiacne ethsviineagsr:(.t tail5417.ellas h rei anee alrrmoi 617yig hnYallehil ledada: 3csirwr-fibetallh'tlicsade6t1 k slthg,see ealai afili1131,5 1PC yjigl :181 ‘. elt;)et SI atSelhee'at velveteen eoat presented h toon hhiais laerinft ewe:, aanttlaitLoesaw rich e or dunOas$ e dosin‘h,the-13:rrvkanheilekig:ce:f7,;:aebhiultle;rdshfaell:ra and her hair of no particular esywele-twearnedthgaiirdlisaiiii'dliledt:e ei0:8:eyptesioa:b:ex:IteuilriajaEoldint;vf,uh:to)ninis:e4',Ito.sr.r er," and carried r4 *c11°°!‘ei-: esvingseirr: S are both -does the tonne besiness and girl here, she does the We've g<it our music here an but they are busted ag died in. hespitalz How he - the banjo, and he was A rip T man, too. I've lost track pt. • comb. He was the best es in the United States, he was . Vell, veil, let me hear y The pianist played. an a.ee on the jingling piano, and the with thc erackled remnant of in a style he evidently tho to Lingara or Vivian. One 'ell°21Nghow; , let me hear the owner of the diamonds, painfully and hesitated. " Brace up, Warier , gat never make a singer,' said " You see, sir".—apologeti stage very leng.", The girl tried to sing " A 8 for a Ramble," but the no zweet, were uncertain, and 7as-isa:InesYswyaouutitnwgo". vont snit manager. " De gal hain't "Hang it, Marier," angrily the raan in the velveteen eoat, WhY can't you brace 'up? Yoi • make a firet-claes Artist in the The next half hoizr was talc( examining and dieraissing °tie dates. Two other girls were toi on %vit. I knows You too vell. Several patticular dirty aite ,yonths were disposed of, ia manner: A spruce -looking y inforraed the manager that n't -sing for s, cent less than week,' and was toia that -amei circumstances it would- be a time to rehearse. Two young over -grown boye, next ealme apection. They were long of lit of foot and hand, red as tte slangy as to language. They we ed with great simiiarity--in t collarless Shirts, the same '41 coat, the same pantaloone, prep ly tight at the knee and ridi largeat the instep. have been perfortnint at the 0 TA Opery House. We do the lioul And dance; black or white-, .ins proudly answered one of the boy T,vlio are you, and v_at do ?" asked. he fro= the Fatherk THE RIGIIT SORT LAM They banded a roll of music pianist, and they "did" the SA dance, “ Pretty Little Blue -eye much to the satisfaction of the Now,' young vomans, step up." She was about 18 years old, pretty, and her blonde hair wasi ec la Shetland pony. A few listening to the young Wife e tion was convincing tliat " There be maidens fair es she Whose -carts ana nouns de more agi asked he of the Teutonic aneest'S was three sisters of us—me ,Anyway the doctor said she'd sick in Buffalo. You must ha% :73 9br iberna,:err: n 3:4uttyu(note')in-din,i 11_ nt;51:IIA,mes,a1,:alil,nbelnittaledlisii le,iati,n;ttoybey03,to,im,i)out,lia kvan; vbatligief it; -The young lady nodded assen DROPPED PROM ENGLISII 0 asx: .eee4 vv. NdNho':0n irtvs, 1,! a:us- etasne. eed t un trdi over in Jersey City lately ; b like it there, and so dropped 33nrton Brothers. You -know Taft.tizoouruegasfheilterwt. nt'y hdeamilltr got no eeilieialioincr: nyki, ,re:erirtessz:v.: se, ,aanecoo, 1110. .101,:irpoviriye) ieeniiionr aar. nre, umrt:rirEyhib: so %al,: xarri nos, ex oaa sie(j .1, :on, g.py, iyeaitwa oi n he. ur sobreemi:vh:tti Et 02 n as,: low; aie ,tr ati:d a.ohs