HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-08-14, Page 21-1 U U U Wk f L 1-1 U U U g ;j A a Wk A t g ;j A a Wk g ;j A a 7- -77 7' T 14 2 AUGUS THE HURON EXPO ITO AUGUST 14, 1874, T oni I purchased my oral frorh the "when here a a )11 GAIE-7 GOWC DOWN HILL. ieather from wh' last The editor deducqs a m I ection of some 00 meer- nutrition, and by a careful application of stock. TheV are both very urgent for scan Jal, and in a' jiaxageaph replete with schaums, all t eauti Lilly c' lored. This is tile fine properties of well -selected clocoa J. G. SCOTT, M. 1). &c., _77. Which Of the Fif vnsi�.e taste, how,,ver, for Mr.- Epps has provided our 1: reakfast tai- Accoucheur, 94% e0nand iminediate pakinent; although they have -app,csite expressioas, warns his readers rather an 6XI forO, i. - -1 1111 - hat oks bad, e j Ont. ol',,jet. "'d Its -ed A.visi6r X deuce sou-th Of Godl riCh 81111-ot, first door T from f"T xclaim.6d farn1dr always been willing'to wai6 a few' months not to go back on - �heir ancestors. The besides the fil st copt of the pipds,� Capt. bles with a delicately Ravour?.d beverage eastof pros side Tipperw White, withau ex ressive shake of the- until I could make atraug6trients to meet thi' ted �o Bragg has - to j) two men c byterion Chul-ch. p rd and fourth pages are devo 011tinually which may save us many heavy doctors' 342 head, as he passed a neglected garden their claims. But misfortunes never' their tile re China news.. I The price of the' a- employed, ose Sole d.tity is to sihoke billsi"—Oivil 8ervice. G�.-eite. IVIade KING, -18eafurt�h, ib Ply 'Of tile MINIM< P -'arro - and brokeli-down D11; I rook,) Coroner for tbi,- Cou,, tv of I'vi-th. fences, in one of his come singly, and if a mail once. gets a per is ten cents. andkeep the 400 pipes in order. I simply with Boiliiig Wate-- or Mlilk. residence over i-ohnson pi And JRJ'g� Snd th, daily s. "'Bad euough was the little behilidliand,- tro'uble seems to pour AftPr having said so much abo meer- Each packet is labelled—JAims Epp,,, & Itraiii-stb OILIlf; at W". llor-dwarl. St � 0 i I JM�.'W;i- ',;"ive tf) n Verm, of tl )l pes, . friend reply e companion to whom the re- in upon'llim, Japt so MEERS101 K PIPES. sclfaum y -not be out of place Co Honiceopathie Chemists, London." replied the tenaed to day or nig t. At' mark was a dd pi it m, gh out where the ina- -87 graveof his vvife. " W reased. "Neighbor Thonip- wife, The neiLrhbors' i�ink we are go- to say something a H L. VERCO-C. )1 1)., I'llysielau 'Sur.. tj bi 4ANUFACTURE OF CO('OA..--"AVe will son appews to be running down -hill inu dow -geoll, etc., Coromr for tht. (,,f)11lhv saijj le inourner, rt n hill, ;Z�15 every One is ready to 11otr nicy itre Milde, and the Science it -'of the proce a adopt- �o of Huroa terial comes fi-om, a nd how. it is n ismufac- now givean acebui attin -is a'kii- Pretty fast I can rentember'the time : fficeand Itesidence, V0111 my 0141 -est girl. give us a push... He�e are two more bills 0 tured. Meerich id )f clay, I ed by Messrs.'James E�ps & Go., liall. -i anti jji, just lit t:1 wholl,ev ything round his place w�s for you—one from the grocer and the f Coloring thein Properly. composed of hydrite of I magues . ia ail streets, next to the 11janing.11ill. gh lelle� 10'M —At Foute) d. i ufacturers of dietetic articles, at their trimal(ItL(Iv." "Heisquite the c�)n­- oth A meerschaum CAMPBE I,L, r ,jj,.(jjlj con er from the teacher. pe is One of the vei re inarried I 'y silex, -or, mor13 pr 1) rous ii icate works in the Euston Road Lond on Alontrval,l x trary now-,"kurned the farmer. "Houlse, Reply was prevented by a hnock at bestthiugs a man can. have, and give of magnesia. It is found in bed s iii va- Uasselll.lil 110 usel, o1d a - 'de, Huron. oniu(t__ vt (lool. t,) ILI collilty 0 brief service Outbuildings and grounds all show� th 13rotberqj it one aliotlli� ci door, and the apI eantnce of a lad him more pleasur for the amount 'Of' rious parts ol Europe, but particularly Marble INT,,ks, nild oliljoijtta 2j(q*,, DO YOUNVA, p A Trll:�N-G OF 8s,,.-crry IS A Joy Foji- ;411111,li Ilot-e- 4 gwell want of 0 e master's care. 'd who present My f6lded paper and- mOlI1. then 114 am af rail, ed a nea �y expended than ailybhi else lie inAiiatolia,illAsl' 'nor. 11,'hca first rtvrm. And such is a' rich JIL wingy head k1l d path 4 ng youl]-- Thompson is oil the downwar disappeared.- "The butcl;Ler's account, Mil buy.,1TIrom themoment he make igst4_-r. in dj cc - - � 1 8 taken from the eargh it is soft, bit hatd- of haiy. -Reader, if. you liav( this re' J. G.. BULL L 1) S.,., He �always appeared to be at day o ,inner, saitl, -W -a iteid his Imd- that I I e mus t have one, the ens'nporlexpopure to If t of natu re and it i not ading 9 out ) as I live !" excl7kipled the astonisli- up the air. 10 is illl� I 17jr, 'UJUIEON 1) industrioull man rejoinec 6� pleaq urebegins. Ho looks in the shop ehickell, 'it the maker.. What i� to be (10110' ported into t is country in lit I the Aecorul cd sboe hitnrio. Nvorl-, aten and Ill of va- I use the Bearine-; 'it is the on y an d All I have a pair of boots on in y ? S ninch men to- be P' 'd windows, and.crit'i ally inspects the dif- rious sizes, 'lie, best is called spiegel, reliable iressing yo bpv)jjLio1l.s l,­j-(jUrjj1f.-(j wit speaker. safe h S, 0 e is al too long before it was feet at this rh oment of 'his make 't ferent sizes and Bi, yles of the pipes he or mirror m ei u can j. et. Every Thrj�e and sixpel out and -%-cry - little qom in; for some care and promptitulle. Fcch i's ;,),� . -�chaum druggist sells it. ('.ill lie ob. which'is of a I they I . I - tained elsewhere. Offlee iave one me good service.' of my best c sees there) and v -oiidGrs whether his bluis ed i to 5, left me, al� ]I tinge, id its -surface is cover ustomeA hav P. Bf. Roonis over Mr. A. G_ arrent. Avily Tj : price c ID d him for though my work has'.alwa s given satis- in "It , I . so prev t and so I have uertc-rally employe eans vi allow h in to buy one of the th star-iliaged. flecks. There alle six- fatal, is dreaded as the great sco-arge oL Store, myself and family was the reply, "au4 faction. It I Gonld h more elaborate s G' -is the world eomin, to t ave s much em p last he teen differentiqualities of -inceitchaum, 1 our race and yet Ili the formative stages A. I must ss that he is a good -work-. plo %*. 8.. Mv-1 confe lec �s a shop and goes in, and asks the 3 vaille4'at only three ax yment as usual, and th'. lisilal credit the which; on] ted 1 all pulinoilary compl man of corneii-li,nive, first six of y, are ignpor aiuts may be read- sit, J I man but evertheless I believe I shat allt)wed f the pipe ('rTaduate of olitqj-jjj N -C., Y.) and —1YELIOMMY PI -T. - t -I 14 ... 11, me, I could soon satisfy %It these price 0 s h likes, and after many into this country. The firsk second and I ily controlled by usim, " Biyan's Pul- -jrol3jO Lid I'M L`ettingb- lit vi't he Will be af r-1 alla claims ; but to meet then. now 'is iljl_� a8sulances from. tha, dealer that the one third qualitie,, re -used by the inanufac- ulonic Wafers." They -will relieve the �bund ready and Iviijim, to Zo "JI kinds Step intg J-.,Lck Smith's this moraing I a order a pai r_ of boots, of which'I sti:ild in possible, %lid the ackp'lowledgment of my he has chosen is re, I carved moirschatin), Nvell Sir I thilt turers ilimaking pipes, and the fourth, worst cough in ;t few mi need. t� - i niltes and have diseases in till kinti,, L)f in Of I always make it a -rule never tO' inability will send us'still birther on t e and that it will col)r beautifully he pays .1 4 V%Cvptedj It fif th, and sixth in repairs and a(lditions a most beliefi(jal i f -a an kh'idi of weatbur 2001 41, h Attend pi-Iblic worsilip-j sit in the gallery," patronize those who appear -to be running downward patb." nfluence on the bron- iesi- We must do. on . the hill and goes. off'with his denceandoffict-, t1yo C(uk's Tein- r pipe sn gly to imported Ifipos of thecorrespondirla chial and pulmonary orgails lit they perance Hall, Povidence," was the reposing _An eloerly clerg' behindhand. There is gcilerally�. some best; and trust in P ill its moracco. case In his po6 cat. class. The process of manufacture I -S must be used in time. Publip speakers Then he buys a pac kage of tobacco OU'l very Sim the other i risk in helping those who do not try to onsola-tory.'rerfiark of his: as the -ple: Tliei'block of meerschaum and singers will also derive gjeat 6eiiefit wife, when 'asked - help tUmselves. V ory true, VEV S., beg., to aiAno'l DVP to fliv illbil bitinizi, of, h ontl snrrouh(l my wife 1. druggists Mll, 'las I'l, tjl;-t he j life in jy)okillo for a W4 8 been t� 2111.1 'i!l 1101Y it- i J.'slarif, worki talceq out his pill andshowsitto him. is then ttkcri *b'y the -lumm, ho box. -Id 10 ti% fol j ary Wift,"'e, - refrain from.0 im N pair fear that arnothor claimant Iwas about to so, and tender- at a proper dearce of :ioftii(,, a; it and countr dc'aler�. Price 295 cents per desired me to see about , it -riedj replied that 1� al'd as second knock at the door! aroused. the his regular dealer, And in the pride* of his is first soaked in water until ' -arrives by using thon-1. aoJd by a Seatort licart Produces his pipe -ca I of shoes for her this morning,, I I Ili- Y -lit discuses pers, and W - appear. C' -very gii gerly, jje he had never� low yourexample, and call. upon Smith. _Btit the . bancrole It ount allce of The dealer takes it up Ig ivoi w ex- Mlipe�'i a 'knife, and the �xwl, if TESTEMONIAL TO 11R, FELUM'S.—W has openefl. 117) t with He is, no g at favorite Of mine, however elcomp animes it caref ill I e) v -tit'll �tiftb his htjrRe� —Time 142 A. �,L, Uncle Joshua, a rare but ever w and says it isapretty oulid, is bored aii�l turn- the undersianed, clergymen of tbe._Xleth- shoeinkshop;-%N-lr(!rt-bi�-tv.,.I I,:(. n , and inquires h tend to calls. faced -child loquitor—` —an idle, Itiarrelsome fellow." And sented' it,elf. 'ece of iiicersch�, u i - 'visitor pro Sbatin-o. hirn- pi ow ed oil a lathe. The hole in' theistern is odist Churoch in Nova. Scoti having At - yet he Been �s to be getting ahead in the self in the comf ? it. 1 intended tu b of �,io ortable chai whiX Mary much it cost, and where it was boug then made, and tlin Iiipc. is turuodl over us tenfle(i to. ofl-r(,- MIL11 they wash. my faco )i !he world, s C C. _ed the preparation known a Yellows' 4 of lifflorall Lt 11'rilli", umvi"tfire. k -in rea*r Distressed et- ewhat edbantric''l ear ce the opinion tilm sand -paper ail([ aftenvard wi' kin d of I prepared by 11r. 10111M grt-s reasonable, Shut up, a lift. But som in, c 1. ho moothes it firstl.witij Compound Syrvp of Hypolhosphites brilaary ;lledlc'ne"' ]"'Tt tin hand.. an wered the 'fa�r�ner, -%u d I hastened to - hand h It said, in bia� The price being told him, lie says it is to a girl, w 8 am willing to give him )Ilt iriendly manner: ch %lid advaii t it th a -rommy have an grtland at the butcher's. 1, James 1. Fellows, '229 'he f ront parlor reading the world d. quite as well with Iff-19 colicurs. He I then Ste lArell, good folks, I und'rstmicl that will dolor Prettily. The owner sagely grass brought from. klassachusetts� whicil Chemist, St. John N. B., ai �d having T. J- 0111`1t61 tonbusiness. I berfif the Ontnijo tain you. rein its effects were beii- il in with me fora Inoment. I wili-not d T s his head -am' is called "shave grass possiblyi oil ac- known cases whe you as formerly. and oil his way stops to c pro rties� IT e e cial, believe it to be a relia l,e remedy i his plofession iii searorni, ill ii2nesbe Lat is the trouble ?" starts for home, ount of its cuttility 1pe I tO-il)t :jati- thitt ht has rvtj.jl-nf.,4 t) LhI! pyat-tice Of —Aicouple-Of neighix At the batcher's t -hey met the neigh. There need - be no troub e, sir," was get his usual'glass (f ale, and shows his pipe is then boiled in a prepanitioix of for the diseases for which it is recoin- conisuiteti on t))L (iiscst.s of Ill, ical that they would ii ber whoi liail been the subject of theii ur-inlrl nr%k+v, 4-� newaxinis ilrsys cuttle k- theraply "ifman ition to h s friend the bar-ko- - 1 -� I ut Y r INCOA., PQ .18RIBLE 'Wilia a, $01r, cloth. i mended. James G. Helinigar, Preside (331 hand� 'AD previousconversation. Hec'ertainlypre- to'the afflictions wbich the In, er, w10 admires it ,lid calls un whoever 0 Y re made OuIeWI1aT,' differ- of the Conference ; John. McMurray s pro 1) Y N. 07 formerene�uiy, held Dut' 'tr- of mea:t there w eg was a r e -met -with mis- only shapal, as - it were, the gent, John A. NXosher, John sened a rather shabby appearance and sees to be necessary for us. . The winter 'Ise may be in the -oom to come and do ently. * 'Elie carving is first done� rough- l Ex -President of Conference in his c I inhoiD, as a a ying 0,uc. likewise. The owi er of the pipe then ly, H to econoiny which (till not W. Howie,-!. k r to shi ne lian(Is escape the ob- �rtu'ncs,.wliich -%I, c e deavllr*cd to b6a meerscilaum. is boiled, and the cailvino is Stephen F. Henstis Richard W. INTed- l3arristers and —P -opular jur�llileeoj treats the crowd, a Lld roes on his way ervation of friner �nite. CAMERoN vith patience. All �,ould how go well happy inthe possewon of an excellent afterwardeonilleted. It is theAb After a few passing re. oiled' dill, -,Uex. W. Nic'holson, 'ranswick marks t�hd poor those arojiDd me wei-e not determined pipe, a fine piece of real first qual- gain, or left white _at the optiod of 'the Jost, Ro w1and iNlorton' ill- C. boy—"' see Y'0111 John Johnson. Ie, and f46 ity cut meersehatim, with an anibe� maker. ARROJV shoemaker took- -his departur' o push me on the dov�' nward path. G od boy—( L butcher opehe(l hi8 account book wi OT QUITF So. It is a non ' tb e Attornoys, 9 boy --"'There." iitcoi ah'a But there lies the diffi6tilty, friend 111011th -piece, nd which will certainly The mantliae ure of the amb )jRCcOn1Vcst1$t-, somewhat huxion er inouth- lno�t siavage and debased triboss i only that opposite the Post onjtCx, j�ofj 8 air, saying s lie is color beautifully. 1Vhon. lie gets horne erleh. -mother Only lets von b, & r,9 I Thompson. This a seWsh world. 'piaies and st ms forms an imi�ortant W charged t he bit of met-: 1 believe the condition nd comfort". -Of the horse WALXER. huckleberry pie. -Had IT. T. GARROW. Everybody, or at leas a gr6at majority, he shows it to his w fe, and calls oil lier �art of the bus fiess, and many bd�utiful have been neglocted " but 4e believe is time tht neighbor Thompson afid I to admire it and reic ice with him. M, - LEET, S0116tor, w, has to yon house didn't ate only for number one. !If they see Some nd graceful d signsre produced.! None there lre many ill eivillzed'cour tri pointed.Agei)t for I lit. C0101 -i-11 lieturitis Coin- --A-fter 'the prosecuti came to a settlement. womej 80111 - foi: pipes, miie'er- but -the besta ber can be employ,�d for are.guilty of the sane iien-lect, tild with- pa,13- of England, hf! isalso for sevL I pri Short accounts or"neighbor going down bill- their v n es who mak lon - 0 6 1 "'No tim-epo -lose, tliou&bt is whether it ' schauni or otherwise, b Lit 11 IL -1 �arspto wi-Kaffect-tbeir- I this-iiistance this purpose, a*d much skill is Ileeded out tile, excusd of the here all vatL-Cupitalists of Toruillo, wbt) at haved -vituperation -upt Jon remarked the farn�er. wil interests, and oV she -is a woman of the right sort, and oil the part Of] the work an, 0 :.very reahonable rates, oneiwithout couilset t fo rmer th heartily in- his early y care not how 30ins him if he hid anythiog Indeed I fave you b eard f any tou - P call . In ng to may &,Vxil themselves of the use of an I Chargeg moderate. Also -tor for the St. j see -tire themselves, admiration, nd sug- its extreme britItleness. rticle-which has done more thalluy- Lawrence Bank. ble, nej,hb-r Nl'hite?" "No .1 have soon hegoes to -the bAton. The only gests that it isa muCh prettier pipe than The prices� o pipes range from $1 50 thing else heretofore hn Wingliam, Dec. 15, T�871. self. "Your HA��o hea T r, p 3eavrai own to improve ner, '"I a;sk for a his Own. cy(s, You know and I ne ces. Show ood, plain, the ver Ili:) siolls of that it is far snperior Y Mr. McCAGHE-1 & HOLMEMA-U) rd no thir r, bat a maij has the use of way is to keep up 1% , he lost at tl e pic-nic, and hints to .$500, and even more. A g condition and relieve the sufferin Athe on, going, behind Lid, and all in ever way to I serviceabl, I t e p may be bought a � f rom. of the horse. Those -who. will not use it trust - anyona 9 torneys at Soli.citors i With my money- who ;s, will go.wel Smith's new pipe that he was boasting d $to to $15. 'arved -pipes are lig4er, willibe the losers,, their horses tie uffer- J'S�jiditors Ctrs. yoll Very 'true evi diently dow in hill. Quite Uncle 'Joslitta, but -how -is this 'to be the other evellill ')he tells him that he and bring more for the P. 0. Banic S IV. hat's yor busil right.- nd I will se-nd in my bill this 9 iniproportion, but.agrdat ers eaforth� Agentsior C can no throw away I to avoid both use " Darley's (--.!oll- the Canada Life ice cou lolie ? � Bills -which I id icertainly not that horrid -%voo4eii deal depends oil the style of carving. -istrate of a polh rt. dition Powders and Arabian Heave Rem- 000 to leimi. at s- e only delayed because of thing that he - ]lad, 1 hich althou 0 11 cent. in expect to be called upc tozineet, for the gh she, Some carved - 'pes are really- syc rks'of Hoses and Lots for salle. t: P edy, and will be satisfied witlithe result. iiever.,ai(itiiythiugr-;-,b6iit it she always art, and, of are paid forzas such.' you the %v1iiq-h -tile poor man has had r ext three months potirnig, in upon Remember the iiame, and see, Imily in his f all'winte. suppose be e. Aly best customers aE leaving me did tthi was anything but nice. that tile Arr'stvi's and Attor S8 tionist! "What is n at Lav, 1,5olicitors in chantery land Iilsolvcn,�y, taust have run behind hand, a little, but She The modelers le constantly o; the look signature of kiLrd & Co. is bn e; Lch pack- 0onveyancers, Notaries Public, etc- f)r a more fortunate rLVal.- around in the Joy time N -Vu'sh't I winds Lip by telling I im he must be very otitfor new desi 11s, and beautiful s budies age an, T -to Olit forth and Wroxeter- ��,_03,oco of lintis to or still T. must take care of numb. Northrop & Lym, 6roiI -stea-1 ut iijght if it pl, Spe"akiog 'Thompson,.are yott ob-* a miracle can save me." prop.rle 0 ol, invest at once,at Eight per cent� rI p e one.11 arn-on the bri ik of rnir andhattoit Ave ca-refu to color it iii( 0 spoil are continually being produced. There t rs for 0, d by ly, and not t it in t e smoking, fo- the right sort of a ig hardly anyth ng iii' nature that oalulot 0 served b N stander, who appeared to inedicine dealers. 53 a, woman JAS. H. BEXSON. take an ini.,rest in the, conversticl. "A miracle -whicli is i r'ery easily urlderstand� somethin about be copied in me(rschaum, and amaji may it. NVI C. lie,. Iny .. cro NVII lead repro T SULTING , -M THE I W. - 11. S(� I UIER,-Ba�1 -A- tto, (low; hill, is he? I must lo . . od -band I kes. The im portnt question of effects of the iutei3se %heat of t e.sum:mer ra ey fu �Chne- -as ht eanle down stai I imagi PROS RATION,, BE roudlit theu, pipes, � LS well as evei ytbing else her bus- have his o need i I n the lrrarktd. a guest to , Cali a friend. What is the mo Be out -for then. He Owes me clui of J.�O shape of a pipe owl if he �should;fancy months, is the pre-d-sposing &c Goderich, Out. offlee—over J. colorin Y comes up nei, Anse of -Ao many of Detior X a-rket -Square. 2GE todebts'which press so h avily D. "' o. Illy a- a 811 upon you, t. He must select it. The cigar- holders are aho very the discases peculiar to hot weather. The stom- d 0 one or jwo ways in which t ach partakin-of theloss of vitality pervading the I t li�z_ sum far leather. I did inten lo do it, and . pretty, and bring high prices iRg- :t a hd how soon, in the ourso Doill.t1d, 011vtj him uoille month's credit, but, —,some - 'of events, before'. le be hole systp Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery rattled th home on ins, before ev6n One pipeful: in, is unable to complete !They do the -whole, I g eas th� zoo could you discharge th times as much m $75—but, s with the ssing, ;indissolvedi Iii Brussel.s, out. t5ifice—two doors noth of m ..t -migh t ie bowels, s afer ke� 1pipes, the pri e d pends. altoether! u on irritates the linin- membrane, aud Dh (ea Dys. nqy would be Ull, exceed $100, " repli(- d the shoemakeri -of toba -,co - can be s )ked, lie must m. c e the food pa In IRY 0, ivn pooet. i p the Post Oflice. 1 up his mind as to w iieb. he will Uke. th I I The id with my usual rull of w A I could f carving. entery, Cholera Aforbus, and wheo prevailing DANIEL McDON'ALD, John': Here- the fatir worthies sepated, each 071 Croderich, ty'e pipe I wny� be e-uited. Attention to 9 Asiatic Cholera injured in the smoking with his rn in' fitted with t e a ffars -of n. ee or four make them LII. right The first is by the usu of what is called Vhen a the " 1)utton, " and. i he second by the diet, moderate exercise, bathing and reular hab- neiahbor Tlio-in-1psou, the ]pr4bability than 11 otlis. We will BI LY ix ` i1vas the or burned, as it is technically call d) E% -e -r since the �Couqlli "1!*ill advarice you plug. A i eroince of opinion call be much 'i proved by b it its must be Observed. To main-tain the vitl ley inform goin f, lown- hill, and the best wide d that the Z, he w, w $150 for exi! amatet rs and experts in eina iloboil- forces and prevent lassitude and exha. istion, Dr. KINOX'S HOTE L, —±hom a y con b that you and I lKox be-$ to stalte to his old frieii& a In other parts of the art aii to which LA 0 �0 givin a push Pay everl ed, which resto s to the meerscha im its ainong Christian 312 of si', -Ifs. amono, Wheeler's Compound Ehxir of Phosrhates x mont stg , oUe, and* of the -is the best. bsorp a is unquestionably reliable, as it invig- ' and the travelling public, that he has leaBed the tlie 1 with the remainder By the power of tion, The word -Vil acre similar scenes were orate the digestive organs, anti supplie i material has been greaust betw first mc� thod a pl�ersc laum. button, made Hotel lately occupied by Mr'. IC -9 I_xri Ploney make some slight addit�ion or lm_* proved is used advis e1oxee. And in th Passing. edly, for notbiri 1 for gaiierating nery or ho vewent iii you� shop' to lit t1le lower part (f the cavit of the' g iormprly kno-,vu -is, the DO"N'N and. "I declare exclaimed pio use, ind y will ever make burned meerschum. as hopes to receive a couti uanco of the p*tronage of -the N-or=m, NIrs. -Bennett, pipe, w th four or five small holes bored the dressitker. to afavor-ite assist t,, ever )Pen, Avoid Quacks. is *ny n thing about the gro nds in its� good as new. This need never li,' liberally bestowed upon him during comillonesthristian. iiam a.] nea order. perpendicularly throigh it, is placed" in however, if -pi AVICTIM of early iudiscretiop, cansi: ig nervous )-cars in. the hotel business. 1, ver.T comfort find day for instice there Try thig phul for -a erdare is akennAto debility, iirewa ture decay, havi ug tried in as she hsily withdrew her head from! the b- conveuiencewillbe provided for tra The prp� in the gar. at affect it at the en first smoked, every a(ITertised. reinec. as discooYered a choicest Liqi�ors and IL indow u hence she had been igzing The sm)ke, passin Litton, It is. very pos,.; ible that ladies wil. soon Iy, h PC the w weeks, and we will Beb wl ottoin, and up(ii it the tobacco. he I s upon our worthy. neigh bors. No, 9 rough the b simple weans of self-eure, which he wi]l send free Acni!efulinarL�lia-blehostlel-illx%,Itl..i. tteud ce. ten," but iio OR the pass -s-by. If If there is not soon Sa Mrtes it with to his fel101v-sufferer& Address, the essential oil, i. H. n , never mind. thanldiI4 me. I am out come to regard meersellum. REETE S, 201 THOMAS Thompson, the- shoemaker's -wif e dis 78 Nassau Street, tew York. banquet th. --.our t in y iliebtim, and thence t is absorbed into -ensable to their -,omfort, not inthe hape I . g a little experiniefit. oil liumn ila- it was commanaed that cG1111,1119 up the steps with 91parcelluber the body of the pipe, W9 W. vhieh soonacquires- of pipes and ci Bearine fo the Hair I know Wi Ints to e-agag e o I o f the of AN, you of! hand. She 91d. au�l, have ers, b tit as a ean- e m -hold PROM THE PURE OV TjjE t do doubt tha money lis sa e I thattlark.brown-cherry color so much rifterof the complexion, for it i her Spring wo rk, I suppos% but F -n your pro- I,, n III s. Office—At MUM' think admired by counoisseirs. The I I plug posed to grindthe.ehips into all Pat- ls Hotel, eaf-orth, Good do it would he a venture. Everyone"says method is very It PrOdUCH a hiXurian t growth. Horses and flx.qt-eiiisseonve3�iiiee.,-nlNv.it�sonhand, all knights, t wn t much on the same prin- pable powder to be used as a cosme Ii It beautifies ii-nd streugEtls the Hair. Edad Vs time this they are -runn ing dOwli hill, -and it is a 11Y Ont. Ic. oist'tobacco'is placed It makes the Ha ir softnd pliant. 'Week§ pas ciple. AL wad of m Good Horses and Comjrtable' Vehicles, Always chnce if I eve I Bed by. The ch 'Ice of Un- BE'OVST become -less r9euDlypaj." "Shehas in thebottom of the ripe, ud the tobac- It to the Hair a rich glossy finii b. on hand. Fa-vora)c krran- juents nind w.ith -1 e Eating �etween Meals, always paid Joshua had been a-rietly: followed, It is perfectly harmless W,'iltshire names, contaim us Promptly,? w -as -the re-! 0 co to be smoked- is * ;in loosely on the --L-nOt sticky Or t nelea1l. Commercial Travellers KIx XiIs - e oema. o pil It stimulates thii roots of thellair. - All orders left at - o nthe day of " 0 This perniciou�s habit, which ui�kis HOTEL, will be prompt],yatteude-d to. ply. True, b.Lib that wa d the chan(re in tb S_ IT, r s pros- 'are 92 " Williams" -to 88 top. , T[ie plug must.. ot be taken out e prosperity. 11 bc-cts was indeed wondlerfal - I ca ot afford to ran il He'was until arents OFICE AND STABLEs.­Soulh of the Commer. after, he e trance of IM Y th pipe -is fair 111, is It prolougs vitaliky. 'all Hotel, ly colored. It acts P -permit f4eir children to folf most tllrL*V- 6ne prolitic cause of dyspepsia in iniddle 9ohl by all Drugists. risks orapsoll Ind1w spoken of as one of the ex In 134-7 as the b Litton does iil'� �bsorbing the aico- THOMAS BE -ented f u rt 1 [er collverstioA. I men., ill eLge ail( many ar- pr tine transmitting t to the pipe.' He FIvery o rgan of the -e Vill and. mature life per bottle. LL Proprietor. ion cuncilmen. for told to 'alicoulit body requires rest, and if this demnd. is or 3. She was evidently surprise&at the re-' irellous stories PERRY DAVIS &SON,'Soje propriet ;h the plug pr filsal of INIrs. 1 allnutt; to alturahioll Ili his ff-airs. with I Or decides that he will tr ocess, 877 T. P�JTTL 9T�,'EET, 210 NTRI AL, P. el Brodie C. N.,. 7! ��w ud.wit i great dare August 7,1874. PROVINCIAL LA -ND hUR`v)!1yor,,- Seaforth. in couse%tience of tile h er, btit as a g!eat pressure generally agreed that Llistant rcla- lo aly-work. for It Moistens a sufficient not complied with, derngemnt nd of btisiness disease inevitabl result. All orders left fit House with A-yx- rkness' Hair Balm. eathed to� him a legacy,, its place Proceed,- to f' -tip his pipe The best preparatio ' 11 h Ha quanti - of tobacco, l Ld af tbr fixing it in 'File brait� nd ely r c c a i, use for restoij Col,111111 flutj Dr. Iii 'g. 41 2 ic a u 1 WjL8 ust havc rest in sleep, the heart presery Reforences was pleaded is ll. excuse, nerves m olin mnrrav- -%vjli receive irnim-diate Attention. Be k t nothino, to be said, alid she B00,11 too,F vIL' h b d entir very rests between its beatings, tile mitscies iii-, and beautifing the hair, 1380 ei 11iiii. of his carefully. He th en j ets a. match, and and rquder- plication 0 in, it soft and glossy of 3��6,xt e a�p It was !Poll cannot work all the time, neither can the I T would uresent- to 1 128 " Johns" -4-7 -'-d Avil leave. , Pr ved -,uniry difficulties. Old 6ustomers takin cy a reat pain8 I, ot to aillowthe flame i E. L'USBY, a total equally 1111snC eSSfftli neiv'onea crow6 his invaluable preparation we * "Ilim.- StoLmach endure perpetul motion. ; The the public, knowing it to ICENISED ACTIO-NMER for the County,of to toue the white e( cres of the.virgin !Low blisy the'vill dressmakers ia '�'l y had never bef, possess All the'virtue, we L Fix= -this. �e beauty entire systeni'lin ch 'lid. eve y part is claim for'it. 33eiii,­ perfectly free fron, .111 i )re 1 meersch, uni, beggins to moke. He knows Huron, Sales attended in all prts of theCoun- suddenly become. On her -%ray wo r h na composed 1A ri- 3�0 alhe polite what lie, s bout, evide! itly, for he smokes inflnencedby babit, ich, ell' solely of nut t to the two saints urability of his k. greatly whr ons in ho, b. 01 �'tb e I 1 111, "Jurl - IAII 0)'&ers made personally orsent to Seoierth )llt commend it afe ell le best pie c Can L hoil is inspection as he on foi- the "Falling of the I [air," res- worthles ni�-:uarch who h:m he ell , becomes second nature hence and sure re, I M. - r s- oemakers wife inet tile ted.her er selected tl (4 of meat hispipe enderlyand (6tisiderately. He f arille.d. st Office will be promptly aftended. to. 327 of a school in the lilei and ws. takes ca, e not ild accustorl6lto constant nibbling torint, trey hair to its r 11 J. P. BRINiE, e, knows o igi al color, immi-ting where two of her childrea' tot"lly as to the t'lle Of Pay- thatif of some sweet or conifit licallU tone and vi- its �upr, 11 does it will nE ver color properly. demands it,. and �or to its roots, And i ausing ilt SED A`UCTIOjN-EBR for the County f Ali ! r. Th orripson, I tn to 311(iil-. The dealer in lexther �called t is -unsatisfied nil uncomfortable wit j to -row luxuriantl. As it Cosmetic a] one, even Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the e we -, owi 0 NAThent tobacco hs bu rned down to the ,vhem the hair is and blealbhy, it is juval.11- i County. All orders left at the Exi, ohn BuIL L 10EN this eircinlistano, seeyou," ws the sauttion, inforin him. that his best hidc!1- awaited plug lie gently scr- S it hi wiiTon office r ac( pe out the ashes, and 0 -1 para rich -flossiness andsilkeu ap. I will be"p�omptly attended. to. pearance, which MY On(! who loves b rde'Elie teachp ompanied ita parting anc no less th, ii of place." It fared worst about calling t your bouse. Irmilai it- Tile mels. of cliildreii, says te kd gDol,:e be conven the childrall honle to in giving gi -of. affection, puts to admire. Prepnreti only by canty cau.faii so regu TO MENT. loilt to Battle our little accoulit it back ir fts-case-in -orcl er to let -it cool off. grown people, sl�ould be arly I it Co, the puritw, -who rejected � W I Ss this aernoatr -0 Li I, acc till t . was t0rms Of their pro- a -it b ur late' lie s served, so qk-illf*]IY Cow oundeLl. and I STORE -u.n#er Odd FelloAv- g). ly. SrLr 0 r nlokes it agaiil, p Pharincent ical 'Chemists, Londo 1. dii the surprised r ly the term Ithem lier best 1 sell ther6 should be stch. blendin a Of' Full purticrilars on a- 11-ame, wit -4 b orror - but it - el Th� and wheu bedtime -coin �,s he takes it up- P1ICE 30 CE'NTS. pplication- to -Seeretary Foi. sal > - - e byT. andR. I has not yet exp ot ly lialf of it, s', (ldc Lily od Lid herself fre6l ha of Cc ' mmittee. pu ired ss- producing nd natiscle making food I stall's with bim. an ts it on his dre t iii I ry Scforthi and liY genea-ftiiv. 334 5 -2 6 1 ITOILN� PAYINE. the- 11rotes-tailt 1,�mut, bu r Collect my 11 table, with his wat1b, so that he can ite sh. uld 1. is tol 0 W 0 11 fter Rill meal -the apputi e Bion ey all! no G rent stanils, it (lid eight cen u at that ti e. It is a ph vIlich f -ibliftly' rinte exiwess her: desire to it in case of fire. And so he cont ii clmor for f until t1le 110 'r fol t . lie DISSOLUTTUN OF FART.. ti e many -teachers have. adopte( ,c Mkg Thomp-son in lany Ifay in lini. Lies o la1 o es tound. OB 11E1'1oD1(' L pILT.g. minei wl§le eaci eningy, Partnership Of P. king it a little text meal � In ii he 11 Its are that thee had been Most 'chi tdren love sweets, and i t I W, not aw. i� e v TEP and. at is reivarded by seeing deil- ul dss Cu., as Owners an(I Produce Mer-chajats, sunk ill: ue in Vonr 'rules, as cxi),-C�edy"!exelaiilled. U11- c, restrined, e lilliseases seftfotb, is this day by mut I ay ch, te straw color mke its appearance on at 00 freely Of thOrn. - HILO- to which the fennile constitution is lia consent. t -It charine substancli mollLratf,ii all cxe.,-.;s anti rewoves till oij. e t the bowl oil line with the plucy. Th of all kinds C-Ontd-in ructious, James oroim(-, NIV,bo will ])a)' All lhlblilitits� bl11 a hinds e: Parties idebtedto izaiil firill will py to order of vle rragem; enits to meet th cultingly, en yr,%tef U 'And cure may be relied. on. 10 lie g elements. 0118 the usual titrie. f fear it will'not be ill ed upon he' feels happy. He is pipe only licat-prod SeAforth, 3d ane, 1874. polishes' hi MY power to do SO sooller. The con Of six TrIoliths, with To nnirri�d ladie,;, it jis I confined t 11ited. Itwill Pen in -d ink 'Sket�ch S1101a s their -whole di �t, in. it short time, bring ou th� monthlyperiod with with h is landkerchi4 d shows it to his 0 e AME.S P. tenanee of the I echer sholv d i the money waich had beon lolied in perish from hiin or almost - sool 8 rL%allarity. gj t e expressela due amount of -oted. G. %till,, as Sec Oil. in A 389-4 palace val" she as I hour of need. wst XP those wbu eat ilotiling. Acliiltlfcd- These Pills should not be taken E by Females admir u atiori. ndsobegoesor- lifilit'is poll a differeit dir sti-drilgeworld! Theyarq,rdadyt - during the lirst thi-ve mouths of PregiiacY, as they ect ion, she ma btered to ]I cake and other er- foods, which el Tj push of a heaut i ful cherry br, 4 the late Lord )wIl from zhe top are sure to brim, oil Miscarriage, but. GAT.T, Time 3, 1874 J tist a expected. .1 Mil Lit) hill if he so 0 at a ily othei bmrties indebted to the 11110 firm of AS, 'P. Opportunity v r 11.4 or time thm sel om� to 'be ., cend- orally contain 'e i� little nitrogeno I I of the stern to the miftdle of the bowl, are liarv. never get Gulit. Everybody- siays that nd just as ready to puth'.1 iiii do-wil i I, 8 bstnce, will In all asesof ervoug a RENDALL Co.. will Ill P. andle 11;13 sornOthing t� be proud of, nd 0 91)iliAl A group� -],ley fancy that his fce! RE INDALL, bn hflaidat.e liabilities And they are cri if ter' eathic, I gry in tund t1le bUtkand linib,�, under thv s`tyle of JAS. P. - ister exl (lown hill. I unust (yet, is t )eeol ill, ag. a oil: light Du -11( 1 wliich does hirn credit awasmokor and the le h ertion, palpitation of the: heart, byst( y on the bn rid of the:' -11, future, nei.t'll1lor upsoll. -it-nor to"be fed. I 1et the child be g rics, and KE NDALL & Co. llere cliddry. in ome NA, all he bought it of manufcturer. these at ravitv. Tffi,� look�, a a pill.,; will effot it cure When all other 841 aSIM. C 'r,of shoo tnd" air of But there re fe. al- who know how lously starved ilito, Although sface -%v lips I c -soil t"- foi- !Iet everything 4ro a wet% ually and ja( C yo all nd you will J)e Bill- to pros - payment foll, the half quarter p dthen i c alom el, anti nony, or 'with a sicklv do not rontain iron to color ineerschauilL. The average Anything h a pei. AW with saE fed 'upon I PUBLI10 NOTIC. artful to the coiltitutiou., to go Oil -,vheaten bread r oatmeal mush ' 4d dull il and 'Rex Way. i!e lit, but it will nievur do citizen t cs his pipe libine, fills it -wit1j FnU (reetions in the pailiphlet nronna each 0. WILLSON, OfSetiforth ba.:be int - JO., I ita placed his Inolacy in ck tobauco apd smokes like a boa rom a healthy cow, with the pach-age which -diould. be caj:ifully pr lnI fresh Mill" f within. 71,110 hC solea-entfor se afire ei;L - . the evlebro'ti.(I Pi- %dy to lob o%es, New Yorki Solo Proprietor. overlie t, or burns ii 0( re. nieet sonifle all tile evellincy nd inty ill Huron,and this iid thu.,;e of this A little discomposed by her i ordinary vegetabln and fruits -of Anoint (.. coi and *orthop Lyman, cinlyb�I)iircbnsetltliroughiiiii.iorit- i 0, t o\ M 11 lyauthor- -Mrs. Thompson I his believolence w ilst he whorn. as it is technically clll d. and it never e Torouto, Out., general agoifit.s for the 1) =1 inyagents with the t( season, and what lie eats will be all 12 Cent% forpostage, ell clog '�ith Ilion, lad thus befriended; �N Ped into a neighboring -grocL-l'y Ito pur- colors He then objurgates needs till ineal-th ie come$ ing Over 50 pills by or willuo bc ill 14n1. Th -o fol owin' properly. will insure a bottle, contai:u 00 i Icerful untellailce'ret" retur men hve lit w.,tist ail -d t) -.-v case Bottle t6ding article of fai� 1� 11111o, ILI, to h is cturer--for s(J1iiig him ail only part, u mail. 8 the mantif. Stomach digestion is r)f t6 --en almointed to liet 0.s Illy agents in r little account atrtiylst process of 11 Con �v of Ifni -on: Thos. stores., atpy hoine. 9-1:H;' Sold in Seaforth by Hickso n n assirnild-tion., In from tw), li-lit �to U. P. Ac) I o veil t imitation of ineerschaurn, or woders 197 Wh fft�u and L. R. u. klTill it b o co n ion for -\,Ir. I three hours af t I taking Iji2s uilt 11 -ill..,ot color, for he er hearty meal the Tliomas' uton; And L. S. why it is RIS pipe %v Eclec Thompson ta settle it tilis knows thm is gelilui j stomach should I C Me C11 asked t1le civil -shopkee -GOLD. O'X, S(,atorth d cost him 20 3e nipty- WORTII.TYN TDIES IT-, WEIGHT IN noper cis he pvo Do XdU neN ,t), per has lately been bowel digestioli is. going oil nd !the to spek he renioNled Ili starte d. a and was made to order. Of a ood meer- ANYTHIN(i ()FIT *1 1PNoT, IT I C K the culebrtd front iced the desired rticle. it his Fr,, thLIS aescribes sch,aiiinit may be tralymid,thatitis -e orced, not d 9 1(.i.ico. The. Bidtf blood is bei re from !the IN ORPORATION NOTICE. I L ch, l4ut fi 1� There arebnt few preparations of , I . � usual time fo settlin ws all, the the ifirst number '.'The San ncisco forever for it will last roull absorption by the �ac- lieditine attenuated a r -it marl'a lifetime stom% mparfial judgment of IIE �Iuuieipai Council of Ili,- Villa -le of SE A-� which have withsiood tile i -ur al I's ",entitiled, 0.1 to color like a tion the people for any ­(-ut hing,th of time, T surprised inquiry. I'Vell, not exactly I It', as the jo U11d changes from col teal glands of tho4e, elements of iiut�ri One of ey a ver tigIA j List 11 IT but Mon now, ild I ajjj 4ars in the pall not eliminated fro I the food until � ter these is OIL, Fol, 11 hereby _ive 31otite that- the-ywill apply his ),is -wall pepi-ssit . chameleon. AN'hcn it ows old ill the af a 'fr ation ofsixofsoxpeof the lunt oils thaCarj prep, Ito the Governor-in-Counell aftt.r xpiration of mi n of this notice -vm. ainxious,0 get in all that's due Doe. to laligmige of fthe 04iineBe, )v ich is as vice, feels an ffection for his it passes in to the tiodentimand is threemnths from the fir,- in rtio � less than fe, n slowly, 1 future, I intend keeping short ix lmost as the collo(j�Llal,a, d is de- pipe. He has a new. ile d pancreratic jul each one PON"e'"'n"N"tue"' (�f its 01ril- -eientilic toereet the Mr. uth--piece fitted l with the s know t Wage (If Sellforth inid a, Tovrn, un- I I physician hat nift'x:be f n counts. There is you little bll, if you lici, The Of der the naine of Senfurth, 1-113(l thv limits 04fally flexible urnal is com- to it, 'lid I. silver While bowel igeWon is goi 101ce il rim p , t round the top Ag oil the nea11310) 11011.1; Of are ijiteiided to be inelutled thervii :)Z- a be - like to lo would k at it. I -will call posa of cc to rest. Jldprodliviu�, effec' Could four parres measurili-, -he bow He ikes t as cli' greater a tul Sx24 of t: I talks about I stomach h, corner of Lot A con. 1, Mexillop ; 50 around. this t ts WE h ing S. NV evelillitr. never res it froin the us(! of one of rail of a small af - inells cach.' TheRi-st page is Idevoted and For childrenab t five hours betwxgi different" th in, Or in acres, being S. half of L(jt 25, Coii. 1, Mel�illop; expti %ti to on its mo its. T-16 shows cambinations. Thiis' tion X1% fair." Thiv ty clollars is no small sum to 1'h elaborate -uised the' ime he let it fall me., ill the pre article -oil 118 ig a proper nterval, ail f)aration 1 25 I)ein,r. N�. of Lot 23, Con� 1, lik. lin commercial where it rc t bi d IlOt 111- of this oil a Chemical �hange 'tilke" forming to us just now," thought Mrs. rhomp- m ers, and tile second page is given froni the Second suitable for grown [nople, though loag4 compound which could not by ail) e Lot 20, Con. 1, xciol- s. I I -story w itdow, whea the b - b When he s she thaug nade from any S. balf Lot:),7., Con. 1, Me between in, � i itfully pursued'her way ov i: to the (-,::htorial department, adver- er time than th may elapse other combination Or Mopol:tions is left .11-111 -world it was IV. (:ornr of Lot!), Con. 1, only woadc, r was ]low in he i Of the same iii1r1redient,,, oi- an- opwr lop; 2 suppvr. The breakfast anti entireiv toward home. " It seems strage tht tiseriients nd t4le usual dinner and tic -re- it flinuscInd pieces. lie statue IN !apolooe not broken into He froill,anytiling berKlnitb, exte"Ilding, to RailToad 100 ac)�es, ed to t all me ts illust be w many writers 011 tLealth say, should J)e 1hing re- ing Lot 11, Con. 1, acres, being ekersinith; 100 acres, be- bere be bought it stilts, and haviog a wider ran,,,e of appi Priule those pay 'net just marts. The editorils are addelessed tO tells about when and made, one,,�hieh produces &_- iliostastoili, t10, Con- I now, while we ae struggling to req qover l )f t le Ohlilese people of an Vralf .0 nd I . i din ibr CISO a %lid is as much pleased yith� admiration the heartiest me, be day, the- ication �14 lialf Lot 12,.Con. I Tittkerswith; 25 nercH, be- than airy medicine ever before Itcon- u on the necessity for a Celestial ght, so taina no alcoh from the heayy expenses of the winter. WeIll p prisea s if it were oil of his children i less hearty, and lbe supper li 1119 S- E- cOrijer Lot 12, Con -1, Tuchorinith; 50 considered, his remarlLs. ol or.other vplatile lifljjitj�, conse- I cannot und&sta all it.". r, uo in -a country whore C that was iog,tlked abi 'Some I that the h quently loses nothiil b) 110119 half Lot 11. Crin. 2, Tockersinith; sentenc-s ppear tollary bf. ours -of! sleep sliall lind ;h ' aticasian be )eo- Lnt 11, Con. 2, Tuck - Her perpie�xii was incre4sed upon icinzp,%pers are abundant %lid sometimes ple are, to coiu a Nv stomach entirely rest. applied you got the 111'easurc4l. -Ashespokethl 0 half Lot 10, Con. 2, d, pipomaniac. with other preparations n6irly n- 11 the alcohol if, eminith; 13o lost in that way, nud vou "et'onl the sniall quan 11 Con. oruer Lot which were ot finding her husbalLCI with two bills in his The feature of the editorial They abound cd. nd Germany, 0 in Fran to force themselvi-s of review of the echer-Tilton and in man y other parts' of Europe, and SPROL&LI NOTICES yet 'fulh and, and a countenance expressive a tity of Ous whiet �h ulliv antiey and con(ern. l"I'Look, Mary," cai rofisi nna not), to (,)6 Tods; 30 bulged ill a. The A, t in this some are to'be found in thi United States. Elips's C0VOA.—G -0_\1A N. Y. N. W. cornor Lot 10� Con. 3, Tuktr- eum regrets th, T11 he said, as she ep tered, "here -are two ig And NORTHROP Lt- Toronto, Out,, Rinith was w. usi-114, - ened age the high priest, of a coun One gentleman --a. Ca t. Bragg, who 'F111AND Co-.NfFowri0,.-1By athorough Solo Ageuts west east to 161 rods, and eX- to seethi�. for the Dominio unexpected calls for mon In In such close proxi ity iondhig liorth t o soutb M rodr,. formerly reidded in New ork, and who NOTE.—EleCtjjC_,CjeleCt y Pr( knowled e of - the' natural -laws wh �ch edandElectrize the doctor and 6ne from the dealer in 9hodi'd become the subje d. he ey—oi�e fro " I JAME'S 11. Reeve. Said) that Derby'wlas I to China Ct A evil report. iuow lives ii Birmingli, England—hd go ern t e" operati Sold in Seaforth by E. Rickson, & Co -a R. WAT. JIMAOTT, Clerli-. ons of digestion and Lumsden. Datil the 4th day ot Jim A. D. 1874. A 7- -77 7' T 14 2 AUGUS THE HURON EXPO ITO AUGUST 14, 1874, T oni I purchased my oral frorh the "when here a a )11 GAIE-7 GOWC DOWN HILL. ieather from wh' last The editor deducqs a m I ection of some 00 meer- nutrition, and by a careful application of stock. TheV are both very urgent for scan Jal, and in a' jiaxageaph replete with schaums, all t eauti Lilly c' lored. This is tile fine properties of well -selected clocoa J. G. SCOTT, M. 1). &c., _77. Which Of the Fif vnsi�.e taste, how,,ver, for Mr.- Epps has provided our 1: reakfast tai- Accoucheur, 94% e0nand iminediate pakinent; although they have -app,csite expressioas, warns his readers rather an 6XI forO, i. - -1 1111 - hat oks bad, e j Ont. ol',,jet. "'d Its -ed A.visi6r X deuce sou-th Of Godl riCh 81111-ot, first door T from f"T xclaim.6d farn1dr always been willing'to wai6 a few' months not to go back on - �heir ancestors. The besides the fil st copt of the pipds,� Capt. bles with a delicately Ravour?.d beverage eastof pros side Tipperw White, withau ex ressive shake of the- until I could make atraug6trients to meet thi' ted �o Bragg has - to j) two men c byterion Chul-ch. p rd and fourth pages are devo 011tinually which may save us many heavy doctors' 342 head, as he passed a neglected garden their claims. But misfortunes never' their tile re China news.. I The price of the' a- employed, ose Sole d.tity is to sihoke billsi"—Oivil 8ervice. G�.-eite. IVIade KING, -18eafurt�h, ib Ply 'Of tile MINIM< P -'arro - and brokeli-down D11; I rook,) Coroner for tbi,- Cou,, tv of I'vi-th. fences, in one of his come singly, and if a mail once. gets a per is ten cents. andkeep the 400 pipes in order. I simply with Boiliiig Wate-- or Mlilk. residence over i-ohnson pi And JRJ'g� Snd th, daily s. "'Bad euough was the little behilidliand,- tro'uble seems to pour AftPr having said so much abo meer- Each packet is labelled—JAims Epp,,, & Itraiii-stb OILIlf; at W". llor-dwarl. St � 0 i I JM�.'W;i- ',;"ive tf) n Verm, of tl )l pes, . friend reply e companion to whom the re- in upon'llim, Japt so MEERS101 K PIPES. sclfaum y -not be out of place Co Honiceopathie Chemists, London." replied the tenaed to day or nig t. At' mark was a dd pi it m, gh out where the ina- -87 graveof his vvife. " W reased. "Neighbor Thonip- wife, The neiLrhbors' i�ink we are go- to say something a H L. VERCO-C. )1 1)., I'llysielau 'Sur.. tj bi 4ANUFACTURE OF CO('OA..--"AVe will son appews to be running down -hill inu dow -geoll, etc., Coromr for tht. (,,f)11lhv saijj le inourner, rt n hill, ;Z�15 every One is ready to 11otr nicy itre Milde, and the Science it -'of the proce a adopt- �o of Huroa terial comes fi-om, a nd how. it is n ismufac- now givean acebui attin -is a'kii- Pretty fast I can rentember'the time : fficeand Itesidence, V0111 my 0141 -est girl. give us a push... He�e are two more bills 0 tured. Meerich id )f clay, I ed by Messrs.'James E�ps & Go., liall. -i anti jji, just lit t:1 wholl,ev ything round his place w�s for you—one from the grocer and the f Coloring thein Properly. composed of hydrite of I magues . ia ail streets, next to the 11janing.11ill. gh lelle� 10'M —At Foute) d. i ufacturers of dietetic articles, at their trimal(ItL(Iv." "Heisquite the c�)n­- oth A meerschaum CAMPBE I,L, r ,jj,.(jjlj con er from the teacher. pe is One of the vei re inarried I 'y silex, -or, mor13 pr 1) rous ii icate works in the Euston Road Lond on Alontrval,l x trary now-,"kurned the farmer. "Houlse, Reply was prevented by a hnock at bestthiugs a man can. have, and give of magnesia. It is found in bed s iii va- Uasselll.lil 110 usel, o1d a - 'de, Huron. oniu(t__ vt (lool. t,) ILI collilty 0 brief service Outbuildings and grounds all show� th 13rotberqj it one aliotlli� ci door, and the apI eantnce of a lad him more pleasur for the amount 'Of' rious parts ol Europe, but particularly Marble INT,,ks, nild oliljoijtta 2j(q*,, DO YOUNVA, p A Trll:�N-G OF 8s,,.-crry IS A Joy Foji- ;411111,li Ilot-e- 4 gwell want of 0 e master's care. 'd who present My f6lded paper and- mOlI1. then 114 am af rail, ed a nea �y expended than ailybhi else lie inAiiatolia,illAsl' 'nor. 11,'hca first rtvrm. And such is a' rich JIL wingy head k1l d path 4 ng youl]-- Thompson is oil the downwar disappeared.- "The butcl;Ler's account, Mil buy.,1TIrom themoment he make igst4_-r. in dj cc - - � 1 8 taken from the eargh it is soft, bit hatd- of haiy. -Reader, if. you liav( this re' J. G.. BULL L 1) S.,., He �always appeared to be at day o ,inner, saitl, -W -a iteid his Imd- that I I e mus t have one, the ens'nporlexpopure to If t of natu re and it i not ading 9 out ) as I live !" excl7kipled the astonisli- up the air. 10 is illl� I 17jr, 'UJUIEON 1) industrioull man rejoinec 6� pleaq urebegins. Ho looks in the shop ehickell, 'it the maker.. What i� to be (10110' ported into t is country in lit I the Aecorul cd sboe hitnrio. Nvorl-, aten and Ill of va- I use the Bearine-; 'it is the on y an d All I have a pair of boots on in y ? S ninch men to- be P' 'd windows, and.crit'i ally inspects the dif- rious sizes, 'lie, best is called spiegel, reliable iressing yo bpv)jjLio1l.s l,­j-(jUrjj1f.-(j wit speaker. safe h S, 0 e is al too long before it was feet at this rh oment of 'his make 't ferent sizes and Bi, yles of the pipes he or mirror m ei u can j. et. Every Thrj�e and sixpel out and -%-cry - little qom in; for some care and promptitulle. Fcch i's ;,),� . -�chaum druggist sells it. ('.ill lie ob. which'is of a I they I . I - tained elsewhere. Offlee iave one me good service.' of my best c sees there) and v -oiidGrs whether his bluis ed i to 5, left me, al� ]I tinge, id its -surface is cover ustomeA hav P. Bf. Roonis over Mr. A. G_ arrent. Avily Tj : price c ID d him for though my work has'.alwa s given satis- in "It , I . so prev t and so I have uertc-rally employe eans vi allow h in to buy one of the th star-iliaged. flecks. There alle six- fatal, is dreaded as the great sco-arge oL Store, myself and family was the reply, "au4 faction. It I Gonld h more elaborate s G' -is the world eomin, to t ave s much em p last he teen differentiqualities of -inceitchaum, 1 our race and yet Ili the formative stages A. I must ss that he is a good -work-. plo %*. 8.. Mv-1 confe lec �s a shop and goes in, and asks the 3 vaille4'at only three ax yment as usual, and th'. lisilal credit the which; on] ted 1 all pulinoilary compl man of corneii-li,nive, first six of y, are ignpor aiuts may be read- sit, J I man but evertheless I believe I shat allt)wed f the pipe ('rTaduate of olitqj-jjj N -C., Y.) and —1YELIOMMY PI -T. - t -I 14 ... 11, me, I could soon satisfy %It these price 0 s h likes, and after many into this country. The firsk second and I ily controlled by usim, " Biyan's Pul- -jrol3jO Lid I'M L`ettingb- lit vi't he Will be af r-1 alla claims ; but to meet then. now 'is iljl_� a8sulances from. tha, dealer that the one third qualitie,, re -used by the inanufac- ulonic Wafers." They -will relieve the �bund ready and Iviijim, to Zo "JI kinds Step intg J-.,Lck Smith's this moraing I a order a pai r_ of boots, of which'I sti:ild in possible, %lid the ackp'lowledgment of my he has chosen is re, I carved moirschatin), Nvell Sir I thilt turers ilimaking pipes, and the fourth, worst cough in ;t few mi need. t� - i niltes and have diseases in till kinti,, L)f in Of I always make it a -rule never tO' inability will send us'still birther on t e and that it will col)r beautifully he pays .1 4 V%Cvptedj It fif th, and sixth in repairs and a(lditions a most beliefi(jal i f -a an kh'idi of weatbur 2001 41, h Attend pi-Iblic worsilip-j sit in the gallery," patronize those who appear -to be running downward patb." nfluence on the bron- iesi- We must do. on . the hill and goes. off'with his denceandoffict-, t1yo C(uk's Tein- r pipe sn gly to imported Ifipos of thecorrespondirla chial and pulmonary orgails lit they perance Hall, Povidence," was the reposing _An eloerly clerg' behindhand. There is gcilerally�. some best; and trust in P ill its moracco. case In his po6 cat. class. The process of manufacture I -S must be used in time. Publip speakers Then he buys a pac kage of tobacco OU'l very Sim the other i risk in helping those who do not try to onsola-tory.'rerfiark of his: as the -ple: Tliei'block of meerschaum and singers will also derive gjeat 6eiiefit wife, when 'asked - help tUmselves. V ory true, VEV S., beg., to aiAno'l DVP to fliv illbil bitinizi, of, h ontl snrrouh(l my wife 1. druggists Mll, 'las I'l, tjl;-t he j life in jy)okillo for a W4 8 been t� 2111.1 'i!l 1101Y it- i J.'slarif, worki talceq out his pill andshowsitto him. is then ttkcri *b'y the -lumm, ho box. -Id 10 ti% fol j ary Wift,"'e, - refrain from.0 im N pair fear that arnothor claimant Iwas about to so, and tender- at a proper dearce of :ioftii(,, a; it and countr dc'aler�. Price 295 cents per desired me to see about , it -riedj replied that 1� al'd as second knock at the door! aroused. the his regular dealer, And in the pride* of his is first soaked in water until ' -arrives by using thon-1. aoJd by a Seatort licart Produces his pipe -ca I of shoes for her this morning,, I I Ili- Y -lit discuses pers, and W - appear. C' -very gii gerly, jje he had never� low yourexample, and call. upon Smith. _Btit the . bancrole It ount allce of The dealer takes it up Ig ivoi w ex- Mlipe�'i a 'knife, and the �xwl, if TESTEMONIAL TO 11R, FELUM'S.—W has openefl. 117) t with He is, no g at favorite Of mine, however elcomp animes it caref ill I e) v -tit'll �tiftb his htjrRe� —Time 142 A. �,L, Uncle Joshua, a rare but ever w and says it isapretty oulid, is bored aii�l turn- the undersianed, clergymen of tbe._Xleth- shoeinkshop;-%N-lr(!rt-bi�-tv.,.I I,:(. n , and inquires h tend to calls. faced -child loquitor—` —an idle, Itiarrelsome fellow." And sented' it,elf. 'ece of iiicersch�, u i - 'visitor pro Sbatin-o. hirn- pi ow ed oil a lathe. The hole in' theistern is odist Churoch in Nova. Scoti having At - yet he Been �s to be getting ahead in the self in the comf ? it. 1 intended tu b of �,io ortable chai whiX Mary much it cost, and where it was boug then made, and tlin Iiipc. is turuodl over us tenfle(i to. ofl-r(,- MIL11 they wash. my faco )i !he world, s C C. _ed the preparation known a Yellows' 4 of lifflorall Lt 11'rilli", umvi"tfire. k -in rea*r Distressed et- ewhat edbantric''l ear ce the opinion tilm sand -paper ail([ aftenvard wi' kin d of I prepared by 11r. 10111M grt-s reasonable, Shut up, a lift. But som in, c 1. ho moothes it firstl.witij Compound Syrvp of Hypolhosphites brilaary ;lledlc'ne"' ]"'Tt tin hand.. an wered the 'fa�r�ner, -%u d I hastened to - hand h It said, in bia� The price being told him, lie says it is to a girl, w 8 am willing to give him )Ilt iriendly manner: ch %lid advaii t it th a -rommy have an grtland at the butcher's. 1, James 1. Fellows, '229 'he f ront parlor reading the world d. quite as well with Iff-19 colicurs. He I then Ste lArell, good folks, I und'rstmicl that will dolor Prettily. The owner sagely grass brought from. klassachusetts� whicil Chemist, St. John N. B., ai �d having T. J- 0111`1t61 tonbusiness. I berfif the Ontnijo tain you. rein its effects were beii- il in with me fora Inoment. I wili-not d T s his head -am' is called "shave grass possiblyi oil ac- known cases whe you as formerly. and oil his way stops to c pro rties� IT e e cial, believe it to be a relia l,e remedy i his plofession iii searorni, ill ii2nesbe Lat is the trouble ?" starts for home, ount of its cuttility 1pe I tO-il)t :jati- thitt ht has rvtj.jl-nf.,4 t) LhI! pyat-tice Of —Aicouple-Of neighix At the batcher's t -hey met the neigh. There need - be no troub e, sir," was get his usual'glass (f ale, and shows his pipe is then boiled in a prepanitioix of for the diseases for which it is recoin- conisuiteti on t))L (iiscst.s of Ill, ical that they would ii ber whoi liail been the subject of theii ur-inlrl nr%k+v, 4-� newaxinis ilrsys cuttle k- theraply "ifman ition to h s friend the bar-ko- - 1 -� I ut Y r INCOA., PQ .18RIBLE 'Wilia a, $01r, cloth. i mended. James G. Helinigar, Preside (331 hand� 'AD previousconversation. Hec'ertainlypre- to'the afflictions wbich the In, er, w10 admires it ,lid calls un whoever 0 Y re made OuIeWI1aT,' differ- of the Conference ; John. McMurray s pro 1) Y N. 07 formerene�uiy, held Dut' 'tr- of mea:t there w eg was a r e -met -with mis- only shapal, as - it were, the gent, John A. NXosher, John sened a rather shabby appearance and sees to be necessary for us. . The winter 'Ise may be in the -oom to come and do ently. * 'Elie carving is first done� rough- l Ex -President of Conference in his c I inhoiD, as a a ying 0,uc. likewise. The owi er of the pipe then ly, H to econoiny which (till not W. Howie,-!. k r to shi ne lian(Is escape the ob- �rtu'ncs,.wliich -%I, c e deavllr*cd to b6a meerscilaum. is boiled, and the cailvino is Stephen F. Henstis Richard W. INTed- l3arristers and —P -opular jur�llileeoj treats the crowd, a Lld roes on his way ervation of friner �nite. CAMERoN vith patience. All �,ould how go well happy inthe possewon of an excellent afterwardeonilleted. It is theAb After a few passing re. oiled' dill, -,Uex. W. Nic'holson, 'ranswick marks t�hd poor those arojiDd me wei-e not determined pipe, a fine piece of real first qual- gain, or left white _at the optiod of 'the Jost, Ro w1and iNlorton' ill- C. boy—"' see Y'0111 John Johnson. Ie, and f46 ity cut meersehatim, with an anibe� maker. ARROJV shoemaker took- -his departur' o push me on the dov�' nward path. G od boy—( L butcher opehe(l hi8 account book wi OT QUITF So. It is a non ' tb e Attornoys, 9 boy --"'There." iitcoi ah'a But there lies the diffi6tilty, friend 111011th -piece, nd which will certainly The mantliae ure of the amb )jRCcOn1Vcst1$t-, somewhat huxion er inouth- lno�t siavage and debased triboss i only that opposite the Post onjtCx, j�ofj 8 air, saying s lie is color beautifully. 1Vhon. lie gets horne erleh. -mother Only lets von b, & r,9 I Thompson. This a seWsh world. 'piaies and st ms forms an imi�ortant W charged t he bit of met-: 1 believe the condition nd comfort". -Of the horse WALXER. huckleberry pie. -Had IT. T. GARROW. Everybody, or at leas a gr6at majority, he shows it to his w fe, and calls oil lier �art of the bus fiess, and many bd�utiful have been neglocted " but 4e believe is time tht neighbor Thompson afid I to admire it and reic ice with him. M, - LEET, S0116tor, w, has to yon house didn't ate only for number one. !If they see Some nd graceful d signsre produced.! None there lre many ill eivillzed'cour tri pointed.Agei)t for I lit. C0101 -i-11 lieturitis Coin- --A-fter 'the prosecuti came to a settlement. womej 80111 - foi: pipes, miie'er- but -the besta ber can be employ,�d for are.guilty of the sane iien-lect, tild with- pa,13- of England, hf! isalso for sevL I pri Short accounts or"neighbor going down bill- their v n es who mak lon - 0 6 1 "'No tim-epo -lose, tliou&bt is whether it ' schauni or otherwise, b Lit 11 IL -1 �arspto wi-Kaffect-tbeir- I this-iiistance this purpose, a*d much skill is Ileeded out tile, excusd of the here all vatL-Cupitalists of Toruillo, wbt) at haved -vituperation -upt Jon remarked the farn�er. wil interests, and oV she -is a woman of the right sort, and oil the part Of] the work an, 0 :.very reahonable rates, oneiwithout couilset t fo rmer th heartily in- his early y care not how 30ins him if he hid anythiog Indeed I fave you b eard f any tou - P call . In ng to may &,Vxil themselves of the use of an I Chargeg moderate. Also -tor for the St. j see -tire themselves, admiration, nd sug- its extreme britItleness. rticle-which has done more thalluy- Lawrence Bank. ble, nej,hb-r Nl'hite?" "No .1 have soon hegoes to -the bAton. The only gests that it isa muCh prettier pipe than The prices� o pipes range from $1 50 thing else heretofore hn Wingliam, Dec. 15, T�871. self. "Your HA��o hea T r, p 3eavrai own to improve ner, '"I a;sk for a his Own. cy(s, You know and I ne ces. Show ood, plain, the ver Ili:) siolls of that it is far snperior Y Mr. McCAGHE-1 & HOLMEMA-U) rd no thir r, bat a maij has the use of way is to keep up 1% , he lost at tl e pic-nic, and hints to .$500, and even more. A g condition and relieve the sufferin Athe on, going, behind Lid, and all in ever way to I serviceabl, I t e p may be bought a � f rom. of the horse. Those -who. will not use it trust - anyona 9 torneys at Soli.citors i With my money- who ;s, will go.wel Smith's new pipe that he was boasting d $to to $15. 'arved -pipes are lig4er, willibe the losers,, their horses tie uffer- J'S�jiditors Ctrs. yoll Very 'true evi diently dow in hill. Quite Uncle 'Joslitta, but -how -is this 'to be the other evellill ')he tells him that he and bring more for the P. 0. Banic S IV. hat's yor busil right.- nd I will se-nd in my bill this 9 iniproportion, but.agrdat ers eaforth� Agentsior C can no throw away I to avoid both use " Darley's (--.!oll- the Canada Life ice cou lolie ? � Bills -which I id icertainly not that horrid -%voo4eii deal depends oil the style of carving. -istrate of a polh rt. dition Powders and Arabian Heave Rem- 000 to leimi. at s- e only delayed because of thing that he - ]lad, 1 hich althou 0 11 cent. in expect to be called upc tozineet, for the gh she, Some carved - 'pes are really- syc rks'of Hoses and Lots for salle. t: P edy, and will be satisfied witlithe result. iiever.,ai(itiiythiugr-;-,b6iit it she always art, and, of are paid forzas such.' you the %v1iiq-h -tile poor man has had r ext three months potirnig, in upon Remember the iiame, and see, Imily in his f all'winte. suppose be e. Aly best customers aE leaving me did tthi was anything but nice. that tile Arr'stvi's and Attor S8 tionist! "What is n at Lav, 1,5olicitors in chantery land Iilsolvcn,�y, taust have run behind hand, a little, but She The modelers le constantly o; the look signature of kiLrd & Co. is bn e; Lch pack- 0onveyancers, Notaries Public, etc- f)r a more fortunate rLVal.- around in the Joy time N -Vu'sh't I winds Lip by telling I im he must be very otitfor new desi 11s, and beautiful s budies age an, T -to Olit forth and Wroxeter- ��,_03,oco of lintis to or still T. must take care of numb. Northrop & Lym, 6roiI -stea-1 ut iijght if it pl, Spe"akiog 'Thompson,.are yott ob-* a miracle can save me." prop.rle 0 ol, invest at once,at Eight per cent� rI p e one.11 arn-on the bri ik of rnir andhattoit Ave ca-refu to color it iii( 0 spoil are continually being produced. There t rs for 0, d by ly, and not t it in t e smoking, fo- the right sort of a ig hardly anyth ng iii' nature that oalulot 0 served b N stander, who appeared to inedicine dealers. 53 a, woman JAS. H. BEXSON. take an ini.,rest in the, conversticl. "A miracle -whicli is i r'ery easily urlderstand� somethin about be copied in me(rschaum, and amaji may it. NVI C. lie,. Iny .. cro NVII lead repro T SULTING , -M THE I W. - 11. S(� I UIER,-Ba�1 -A- tto, (low; hill, is he? I must lo . . od -band I kes. The im portnt question of effects of the iutei3se %heat of t e.sum:mer ra ey fu �Chne- -as ht eanle down stai I imagi PROS RATION,, BE roudlit theu, pipes, � LS well as evei ytbing else her bus- have his o need i I n the lrrarktd. a guest to , Cali a friend. What is the mo Be out -for then. He Owes me clui of J.�O shape of a pipe owl if he �should;fancy months, is the pre-d-sposing &c Goderich, Out. offlee—over J. colorin Y comes up nei, Anse of -Ao many of Detior X a-rket -Square. 2GE todebts'which press so h avily D. "' o. Illy a- a 811 upon you, t. He must select it. The cigar- holders are aho very the discases peculiar to hot weather. The stom- d 0 one or jwo ways in which t ach partakin-of theloss of vitality pervading the I t li�z_ sum far leather. I did inten lo do it, and . pretty, and bring high prices iRg- :t a hd how soon, in the ourso Doill.t1d, 011vtj him uoille month's credit, but, —,some - 'of events, before'. le be hole systp Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery rattled th home on ins, before ev6n One pipeful: in, is unable to complete !They do the -whole, I g eas th� zoo could you discharge th times as much m $75—but, s with the ssing, ;indissolvedi Iii Brussel.s, out. t5ifice—two doors noth of m ..t -migh t ie bowels, s afer ke� 1pipes, the pri e d pends. altoether! u on irritates the linin- membrane, aud Dh (ea Dys. nqy would be Ull, exceed $100, " repli(- d the shoemakeri -of toba -,co - can be s )ked, lie must m. c e the food pa In IRY 0, ivn pooet. i p the Post Oflice. 1 up his mind as to w iieb. he will Uke. th I I The id with my usual rull of w A I could f carving. entery, Cholera Aforbus, and wheo prevailing DANIEL McDON'ALD, John': Here- the fatir worthies sepated, each 071 Croderich, ty'e pipe I wny� be e-uited. Attention to 9 Asiatic Cholera injured in the smoking with his rn in' fitted with t e a ffars -of n. ee or four make them LII. right The first is by the usu of what is called Vhen a the " 1)utton, " and. i he second by the diet, moderate exercise, bathing and reular hab- neiahbor Tlio-in-1psou, the ]pr4bability than 11 otlis. We will BI LY ix ` i1vas the or burned, as it is technically call d) E% -e -r since the �Couqlli "1!*ill advarice you plug. A i eroince of opinion call be much 'i proved by b it its must be Observed. To main-tain the vitl ley inform goin f, lown- hill, and the best wide d that the Z, he w, w $150 for exi! amatet rs and experts in eina iloboil- forces and prevent lassitude and exha. istion, Dr. KINOX'S HOTE L, —±hom a y con b that you and I lKox be-$ to stalte to his old frieii& a In other parts of the art aii to which LA 0 �0 givin a push Pay everl ed, which resto s to the meerscha im its ainong Christian 312 of si', -Ifs. amono, Wheeler's Compound Ehxir of Phosrhates x mont stg , oUe, and* of the -is the best. bsorp a is unquestionably reliable, as it invig- ' and the travelling public, that he has leaBed the tlie 1 with the remainder By the power of tion, The word -Vil acre similar scenes were orate the digestive organs, anti supplie i material has been greaust betw first mc� thod a pl�ersc laum. button, made Hotel lately occupied by Mr'. IC -9 I_xri Ploney make some slight addit�ion or lm_* proved is used advis e1oxee. And in th Passing. edly, for notbiri 1 for gaiierating nery or ho vewent iii you� shop' to lit t1le lower part (f the cavit of the' g iormprly kno-,vu -is, the DO"N'N and. "I declare exclaimed pio use, ind y will ever make burned meerschum. as hopes to receive a couti uanco of the p*tronage of -the N-or=m, NIrs. -Bennett, pipe, w th four or five small holes bored the dressitker. to afavor-ite assist t,, ever )Pen, Avoid Quacks. is *ny n thing about the gro nds in its� good as new. This need never li,' liberally bestowed upon him during comillonesthristian. iiam a.] nea order. perpendicularly throigh it, is placed" in however, if -pi AVICTIM of early iudiscretiop, cansi: ig nervous )-cars in. the hotel business. 1, ver.T comfort find day for instice there Try thig phul for -a erdare is akennAto debility, iirewa ture decay, havi ug tried in as she hsily withdrew her head from! the b- conveuiencewillbe provided for tra The prp� in the gar. at affect it at the en first smoked, every a(ITertised. reinec. as discooYered a choicest Liqi�ors and IL indow u hence she had been igzing The sm)ke, passin Litton, It is. very pos,.; ible that ladies wil. soon Iy, h PC the w weeks, and we will Beb wl ottoin, and up(ii it the tobacco. he I s upon our worthy. neigh bors. No, 9 rough the b simple weans of self-eure, which he wi]l send free Acni!efulinarL�lia-blehostlel-illx%,Itl..i. tteud ce. ten," but iio OR the pass -s-by. If If there is not soon Sa Mrtes it with to his fel101v-sufferer& Address, the essential oil, i. H. n , never mind. thanldiI4 me. I am out come to regard meersellum. REETE S, 201 THOMAS Thompson, the- shoemaker's -wif e dis 78 Nassau Street, tew York. banquet th. --.our t in y iliebtim, and thence t is absorbed into -ensable to their -,omfort, not inthe hape I . g a little experiniefit. oil liumn ila- it was commanaed that cG1111,1119 up the steps with 91parcelluber the body of the pipe, W9 W. vhieh soonacquires- of pipes and ci Bearine fo the Hair I know Wi Ints to e-agag e o I o f the of AN, you of! hand. She 91d. au�l, have ers, b tit as a ean- e m -hold PROM THE PURE OV TjjE t do doubt tha money lis sa e I thattlark.brown-cherry color so much rifterof the complexion, for it i her Spring wo rk, I suppos% but F -n your pro- I,, n III s. Office—At MUM' think admired by counoisseirs. The I I plug posed to grindthe.ehips into all Pat- ls Hotel, eaf-orth, Good do it would he a venture. Everyone"says method is very It PrOdUCH a hiXurian t growth. Horses and flx.qt-eiiisseonve3�iiiee.,-nlNv.it�sonhand, all knights, t wn t much on the same prin- pable powder to be used as a cosme Ii It beautifies ii-nd streugEtls the Hair. Edad Vs time this they are -runn ing dOwli hill, -and it is a 11Y Ont. Ic. oist'tobacco'is placed It makes the Ha ir softnd pliant. 'Week§ pas ciple. AL wad of m Good Horses and Comjrtable' Vehicles, Always chnce if I eve I Bed by. The ch 'Ice of Un- BE'OVST become -less r9euDlypaj." "Shehas in thebottom of the ripe, ud the tobac- It to the Hair a rich glossy finii b. on hand. Fa-vora)c krran- juents nind w.ith -1 e Eating �etween Meals, always paid Joshua had been a-rietly: followed, It is perfectly harmless W,'iltshire names, contaim us Promptly,? w -as -the re-! 0 co to be smoked- is * ;in loosely on the --L-nOt sticky Or t nelea1l. Commercial Travellers KIx XiIs - e oema. o pil It stimulates thii roots of thellair. - All orders left at - o nthe day of " 0 This perniciou�s habit, which ui�kis HOTEL, will be prompt],yatteude-d to. ply. True, b.Lib that wa d the chan(re in tb S_ IT, r s pros- 'are 92 " Williams" -to 88 top. , T[ie plug must.. ot be taken out e prosperity. 11 bc-cts was indeed wondlerfal - I ca ot afford to ran il He'was until arents OFICE AND STABLEs.­Soulh of the Commer. after, he e trance of IM Y th pipe -is fair 111, is It prolougs vitaliky. 'all Hotel, ly colored. It acts P -permit f4eir children to folf most tllrL*V- 6ne prolitic cause of dyspepsia in iniddle 9ohl by all Drugists. risks orapsoll Ind1w spoken of as one of the ex In 134-7 as the b Litton does iil'� �bsorbing the aico- THOMAS BE -ented f u rt 1 [er collverstioA. I men., ill eLge ail( many ar- pr tine transmitting t to the pipe.' He FIvery o rgan of the -e Vill and. mature life per bottle. LL Proprietor. ion cuncilmen. for told to 'alicoulit body requires rest, and if this demnd. is or 3. She was evidently surprise&at the re-' irellous stories PERRY DAVIS &SON,'Soje propriet ;h the plug pr filsal of INIrs. 1 allnutt; to alturahioll Ili his ff-airs. with I Or decides that he will tr ocess, 877 T. P�JTTL 9T�,'EET, 210 NTRI AL, P. el Brodie C. N.,. 7! ��w ud.wit i great dare August 7,1874. PROVINCIAL LA -ND hUR`v)!1yor,,- Seaforth. in couse%tience of tile h er, btit as a g!eat pressure generally agreed that Llistant rcla- lo aly-work. for It Moistens a sufficient not complied with, derngemnt nd of btisiness disease inevitabl result. All orders left fit House with A-yx- rkness' Hair Balm. eathed to� him a legacy,, its place Proceed,- to f' -tip his pipe The best preparatio ' 11 h Ha quanti - of tobacco, l Ld af tbr fixing it in 'File brait� nd ely r c c a i, use for restoij Col,111111 flutj Dr. Iii 'g. 41 2 ic a u 1 WjL8 ust havc rest in sleep, the heart presery Reforences was pleaded is ll. excuse, nerves m olin mnrrav- -%vjli receive irnim-diate Attention. Be k t nothino, to be said, alid she B00,11 too,F vIL' h b d entir very rests between its beatings, tile mitscies iii-, and beautifing the hair, 1380 ei 11iiii. of his carefully. He th en j ets a. match, and and rquder- plication 0 in, it soft and glossy of 3��6,xt e a�p It was !Poll cannot work all the time, neither can the I T would uresent- to 1 128 " Johns" -4-7 -'-d Avil leave. , Pr ved -,uniry difficulties. Old 6ustomers takin cy a reat pain8 I, ot to aillowthe flame i E. L'USBY, a total equally 1111snC eSSfftli neiv'onea crow6 his invaluable preparation we * "Ilim.- StoLmach endure perpetul motion. ; The the public, knowing it to ICENISED ACTIO-NMER for the County,of to toue the white e( cres of the.virgin !Low blisy the'vill dressmakers ia '�'l y had never bef, possess All the'virtue, we L Fix= -this. �e beauty entire systeni'lin ch 'lid. eve y part is claim for'it. 33eiii,­ perfectly free fron, .111 i )re 1 meersch, uni, beggins to moke. He knows Huron, Sales attended in all prts of theCoun- suddenly become. On her -%ray wo r h na composed 1A ri- 3�0 alhe polite what lie, s bout, evide! itly, for he smokes inflnencedby babit, ich, ell' solely of nut t to the two saints urability of his k. greatly whr ons in ho, b. 01 �'tb e I 1 111, "Jurl - IAII 0)'&ers made personally orsent to Seoierth )llt commend it afe ell le best pie c Can L hoil is inspection as he on foi- the "Falling of the I [air," res- worthles ni�-:uarch who h:m he ell , becomes second nature hence and sure re, I M. - r s- oemakers wife inet tile ted.her er selected tl (4 of meat hispipe enderlyand (6tisiderately. He f arille.d. st Office will be promptly aftended. to. 327 of a school in the lilei and ws. takes ca, e not ild accustorl6lto constant nibbling torint, trey hair to its r 11 J. P. BRINiE, e, knows o igi al color, immi-ting where two of her childrea' tot"lly as to the t'lle Of Pay- thatif of some sweet or conifit licallU tone and vi- its �upr, 11 does it will nE ver color properly. demands it,. and �or to its roots, And i ausing ilt SED A`UCTIOjN-EBR for the County f Ali ! r. Th orripson, I tn to 311(iil-. The dealer in lexther �called t is -unsatisfied nil uncomfortable wit j to -row luxuriantl. As it Cosmetic a] one, even Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the e we -, owi 0 NAThent tobacco hs bu rned down to the ,vhem the hair is and blealbhy, it is juval.11- i County. All orders left at the Exi, ohn BuIL L 10EN this eircinlistano, seeyou," ws the sauttion, inforin him. that his best hidc!1- awaited plug lie gently scr- S it hi wiiTon office r ac( pe out the ashes, and 0 -1 para rich -flossiness andsilkeu ap. I will be"p�omptly attended. to. pearance, which MY On(! who loves b rde'Elie teachp ompanied ita parting anc no less th, ii of place." It fared worst about calling t your bouse. Irmilai it- Tile mels. of cliildreii, says te kd gDol,:e be conven the childrall honle to in giving gi -of. affection, puts to admire. Prepnreti only by canty cau.faii so regu TO MENT. loilt to Battle our little accoulit it back ir fts-case-in -orcl er to let -it cool off. grown people, sl�ould be arly I it Co, the puritw, -who rejected � W I Ss this aernoatr -0 Li I, acc till t . was t0rms Of their pro- a -it b ur late' lie s served, so qk-illf*]IY Cow oundeLl. and I STORE -u.n#er Odd FelloAv- g). ly. SrLr 0 r nlokes it agaiil, p Pharincent ical 'Chemists, Londo 1. dii the surprised r ly the term Ithem lier best 1 sell ther6 should be stch. blendin a Of' Full purticrilars on a- 11-ame, wit -4 b orror - but it - el Th� and wheu bedtime -coin �,s he takes it up- P1ICE 30 CE'NTS. pplication- to -Seeretary Foi. sal > - - e byT. andR. I has not yet exp ot ly lialf of it, s', (ldc Lily od Lid herself fre6l ha of Cc ' mmittee. pu ired ss- producing nd natiscle making food I stall's with bim. an ts it on his dre t iii I ry Scforthi and liY genea-ftiiv. 334 5 -2 6 1 ITOILN� PAYINE. the- 11rotes-tailt 1,�mut, bu r Collect my 11 table, with his wat1b, so that he can ite sh. uld 1. is tol 0 W 0 11 fter Rill meal -the apputi e Bion ey all! no G rent stanils, it (lid eight cen u at that ti e. It is a ph vIlich f -ibliftly' rinte exiwess her: desire to it in case of fire. And so he cont ii clmor for f until t1le 110 'r fol t . lie DISSOLUTTUN OF FART.. ti e many -teachers have. adopte( ,c Mkg Thomp-son in lany Ifay in lini. Lies o la1 o es tound. OB 11E1'1oD1(' L pILT.g. minei wl§le eaci eningy, Partnership Of P. king it a little text meal � In ii he 11 Its are that thee had been Most 'chi tdren love sweets, and i t I W, not aw. i� e v TEP and. at is reivarded by seeing deil- ul dss Cu., as Owners an(I Produce Mer-chajats, sunk ill: ue in Vonr 'rules, as cxi),-C�edy"!exelaiilled. U11- c, restrined, e lilliseases seftfotb, is this day by mut I ay ch, te straw color mke its appearance on at 00 freely Of thOrn. - HILO- to which the fennile constitution is lia consent. t -It charine substancli mollLratf,ii all cxe.,-.;s anti rewoves till oij. e t the bowl oil line with the plucy. Th of all kinds C-Ontd-in ructious, James oroim(-, NIV,bo will ])a)' All lhlblilitits� bl11 a hinds e: Parties idebtedto izaiil firill will py to order of vle rragem; enits to meet th cultingly, en yr,%tef U 'And cure may be relied. on. 10 lie g elements. 0118 the usual titrie. f fear it will'not be ill ed upon he' feels happy. He is pipe only licat-prod SeAforth, 3d ane, 1874. polishes' hi MY power to do SO sooller. The con Of six TrIoliths, with To nnirri�d ladie,;, it jis I confined t 11ited. Itwill Pen in -d ink 'Sket�ch S1101a s their -whole di �t, in. it short time, bring ou th� monthlyperiod with with h is landkerchi4 d shows it to his 0 e AME.S P. tenanee of the I echer sholv d i the money waich had beon lolied in perish from hiin or almost - sool 8 rL%allarity. gj t e expressela due amount of -oted. G. %till,, as Sec Oil. in A 389-4 palace val" she as I hour of need. wst XP those wbu eat ilotiling. Acliiltlfcd- These Pills should not be taken E by Females admir u atiori. ndsobegoesor- lifilit'is poll a differeit dir sti-drilgeworld! Theyarq,rdadyt - during the lirst thi-ve mouths of PregiiacY, as they ect ion, she ma btered to ]I cake and other er- foods, which el Tj push of a heaut i ful cherry br, 4 the late Lord )wIl from zhe top are sure to brim, oil Miscarriage, but. GAT.T, Time 3, 1874 J tist a expected. .1 Mil Lit) hill if he so 0 at a ily othei bmrties indebted to the 11110 firm of AS, 'P. Opportunity v r 11.4 or time thm sel om� to 'be ., cend- orally contain 'e i� little nitrogeno I I of the stern to the miftdle of the bowl, are liarv. never get Gulit. Everybody- siays that nd just as ready to puth'.1 iiii do-wil i I, 8 bstnce, will In all asesof ervoug a RENDALL Co.. will Ill P. andle 11;13 sornOthing t� be proud of, nd 0 91)iliAl A group� -],ley fancy that his fce! RE INDALL, bn hflaidat.e liabilities And they are cri if ter' eathic, I gry in tund t1le bUtkand linib,�, under thv s`tyle of JAS. P. - ister exl (lown hill. I unust (yet, is t )eeol ill, ag. a oil: light Du -11( 1 wliich does hirn credit awasmokor and the le h ertion, palpitation of the: heart, byst( y on the bn rid of the:' -11, future, nei.t'll1lor upsoll. -it-nor to"be fed. I 1et the child be g rics, and KE NDALL & Co. llere cliddry. in ome NA, all he bought it of manufcturer. these at ravitv. Tffi,� look�, a a pill.,; will effot it cure When all other 841 aSIM. C 'r,of shoo tnd" air of But there re fe. al- who know how lously starved ilito, Although sface -%v lips I c -soil t"- foi- !Iet everything 4ro a wet% ually and ja( C yo all nd you will J)e Bill- to pros - payment foll, the half quarter p dthen i c alom el, anti nony, or 'with a sicklv do not rontain iron to color ineerschauilL. The average Anything h a pei. AW with saE fed 'upon I PUBLI10 NOTIC. artful to the coiltitutiou., to go Oil -,vheaten bread r oatmeal mush ' 4d dull il and 'Rex Way. i!e lit, but it will nievur do citizen t cs his pipe libine, fills it -wit1j FnU (reetions in the pailiphlet nronna each 0. WILLSON, OfSetiforth ba.:be int - JO., I ita placed his Inolacy in ck tobauco apd smokes like a boa rom a healthy cow, with the pach-age which -diould. be caj:ifully pr lnI fresh Mill" f within. 71,110 hC solea-entfor se afire ei;L - . the evlebro'ti.(I Pi- %dy to lob o%es, New Yorki Solo Proprietor. overlie t, or burns ii 0( re. nieet sonifle all tile evellincy nd inty ill Huron,and this iid thu.,;e of this A little discomposed by her i ordinary vegetabln and fruits -of Anoint (.. coi and *orthop Lyman, cinlyb�I)iircbnsetltliroughiiiii.iorit- i 0, t o\ M 11 lyauthor- -Mrs. Thompson I his believolence w ilst he whorn. as it is technically clll d. and it never e Torouto, Out., general agoifit.s for the 1) =1 inyagents with the t( season, and what lie eats will be all 12 Cent% forpostage, ell clog '�ith Ilion, lad thus befriended; �N Ped into a neighboring -grocL-l'y Ito pur- colors He then objurgates needs till ineal-th ie come$ ing Over 50 pills by or willuo bc ill 14n1. Th -o fol owin' properly. will insure a bottle, contai:u 00 i Icerful untellailce'ret" retur men hve lit w.,tist ail -d t) -.-v case Bottle t6ding article of fai� 1� 11111o, ILI, to h is cturer--for s(J1iiig him ail only part, u mail. 8 the mantif. Stomach digestion is r)f t6 --en almointed to liet 0.s Illy agents in r little account atrtiylst process of 11 Con �v of Ifni -on: Thos. stores., atpy hoine. 9-1:H;' Sold in Seaforth by Hickso n n assirnild-tion., In from tw), li-lit �to U. P. Ac) I o veil t imitation of ineerschaurn, or woders 197 Wh fft�u and L. R. u. klTill it b o co n ion for -\,Ir. I three hours af t I taking Iji2s uilt 11 -ill..,ot color, for he er hearty meal the Tliomas' uton; And L. S. why it is RIS pipe %v Eclec Thompson ta settle it tilis knows thm is gelilui j stomach should I C Me C11 asked t1le civil -shopkee -GOLD. O'X, S(,atorth d cost him 20 3e nipty- WORTII.TYN TDIES IT-, WEIGHT IN noper cis he pvo Do XdU neN ,t), per has lately been bowel digestioli is. going oil nd !the to spek he renioNled Ili starte d. a and was made to order. Of a ood meer- ANYTHIN(i ()FIT *1 1PNoT, IT I C K the culebrtd front iced the desired rticle. it his Fr,, thLIS aescribes sch,aiiinit may be tralymid,thatitis -e orced, not d 9 1(.i.ico. The. Bidtf blood is bei re from !the IN ORPORATION NOTICE. I L ch, l4ut fi 1� There arebnt few preparations of , I . � usual time fo settlin ws all, the the ifirst number '.'The San ncisco forever for it will last roull absorption by the �ac- lieditine attenuated a r -it marl'a lifetime stom% mparfial judgment of IIE �Iuuieipai Council of Ili,- Villa -le of SE A-� which have withsiood tile i -ur al I's ",entitiled, 0.1 to color like a tion the people for any ­(-ut hing,th of time, T surprised inquiry. I'Vell, not exactly I It', as the jo U11d changes from col teal glands of tho4e, elements of iiut�ri One of ey a ver tigIA j List 11 IT but Mon now, ild I ajjj 4ars in the pall not eliminated fro I the food until � ter these is OIL, Fol, 11 hereby _ive 31otite that- the-ywill apply his ),is -wall pepi-ssit . chameleon. AN'hcn it ows old ill the af a 'fr ation ofsixofsoxpeof the lunt oils thaCarj prep, Ito the Governor-in-Counell aftt.r xpiration of mi n of this notice -vm. ainxious,0 get in all that's due Doe. to laligmige of fthe 04iineBe, )v ich is as vice, feels an ffection for his it passes in to the tiodentimand is threemnths from the fir,- in rtio � less than fe, n slowly, 1 future, I intend keeping short ix lmost as the collo(j�Llal,a, d is de- pipe. He has a new. ile d pancreratic jul each one PON"e'"'n"N"tue"' (�f its 01ril- -eientilic toereet the Mr. uth--piece fitted l with the s know t Wage (If Sellforth inid a, Tovrn, un- I I physician hat nift'x:be f n counts. There is you little bll, if you lici, The Of der the naine of Senfurth, 1-113(l thv limits 04fally flexible urnal is com- to it, 'lid I. silver While bowel igeWon is goi 101ce il rim p , t round the top Ag oil the nea11310) 11011.1; Of are ijiteiided to be inelutled thervii :)Z- a be - like to lo would k at it. I -will call posa of cc to rest. Jldprodliviu�, effec' Could four parres measurili-, -he bow He ikes t as cli' greater a tul Sx24 of t: I talks about I stomach h, corner of Lot A con. 1, Mexillop ; 50 around. this t ts WE h ing S. NV evelillitr. never res it froin the us(! of one of rail of a small af - inells cach.' TheRi-st page is Idevoted and For childrenab t five hours betwxgi different" th in, Or in acres, being S. half of L(jt 25, Coii. 1, Mel�illop; expti %ti to on its mo its. T-16 shows cambinations. Thiis' tion X1% fair." Thiv ty clollars is no small sum to 1'h elaborate -uised the' ime he let it fall me., ill the pre article -oil 118 ig a proper nterval, ail f)aration 1 25 I)ein,r. N�. of Lot 23, Con� 1, lik. lin commercial where it rc t bi d IlOt 111- of this oil a Chemical �hange 'tilke" forming to us just now," thought Mrs. rhomp- m ers, and tile second page is given froni the Second suitable for grown [nople, though loag4 compound which could not by ail) e Lot 20, Con. 1, xciol- s. I I -story w itdow, whea the b - b When he s she thaug nade from any S. balf Lot:),7., Con. 1, Me between in, � i itfully pursued'her way ov i: to the (-,::htorial department, adver- er time than th may elapse other combination Or Mopol:tions is left .11-111 -world it was IV. (:ornr of Lot!), Con. 1, only woadc, r was ]low in he i Of the same iii1r1redient,,, oi- an- opwr lop; 2 suppvr. The breakfast anti entireiv toward home. " It seems strage tht tiseriients nd t4le usual dinner and tic -re- it flinuscInd pieces. lie statue IN !apolooe not broken into He froill,anytiling berKlnitb, exte"Ilding, to RailToad 100 ac)�es, ed to t all me ts illust be w many writers 011 tLealth say, should J)e 1hing re- ing Lot 11, Con. 1, acres, being ekersinith; 100 acres, be- bere be bought it stilts, and haviog a wider ran,,,e of appi Priule those pay 'net just marts. The editorils are addelessed tO tells about when and made, one,,�hieh produces &_- iliostastoili, t10, Con- I now, while we ae struggling to req qover l )f t le Ohlilese people of an Vralf .0 nd I . i din ibr CISO a %lid is as much pleased yith� admiration the heartiest me, be day, the- ication �14 lialf Lot 12,.Con. I Tittkerswith; 25 nercH, be- than airy medicine ever before Itcon- u on the necessity for a Celestial ght, so taina no alcoh from the heayy expenses of the winter. WeIll p prisea s if it were oil of his children i less hearty, and lbe supper li 1119 S- E- cOrijer Lot 12, Con -1, Tuchorinith; 50 considered, his remarlLs. ol or.other vplatile lifljjitj�, conse- I cannot und&sta all it.". r, uo in -a country whore C that was iog,tlked abi 'Some I that the h quently loses nothiil b) 110119 half Lot 11. Crin. 2, Tockersinith; sentenc-s ppear tollary bf. ours -of! sleep sliall lind ;h ' aticasian be )eo- Lnt 11, Con. 2, Tuck - Her perpie�xii was incre4sed upon icinzp,%pers are abundant %lid sometimes ple are, to coiu a Nv stomach entirely rest. applied you got the 111'easurc4l. -Ashespokethl 0 half Lot 10, Con. 2, d, pipomaniac. with other preparations n6irly n- 11 the alcohol if, eminith; 13o lost in that way, nud vou "et'onl the sniall quan 11 Con. oruer Lot which were ot finding her husbalLCI with two bills in his The feature of the editorial They abound cd. nd Germany, 0 in Fran to force themselvi-s of review of the echer-Tilton and in man y other parts' of Europe, and SPROL&LI NOTICES yet 'fulh and, and a countenance expressive a tity of Ous whiet �h ulliv antiey and con(ern. l"I'Look, Mary," cai rofisi nna not), to (,)6 Tods; 30 bulged ill a. The A, t in this some are to'be found in thi United States. Elips's C0VOA.—G -0_\1A N. Y. N. W. cornor Lot 10� Con. 3, Tuktr- eum regrets th, T11 he said, as she ep tered, "here -are two ig And NORTHROP Lt- Toronto, Out,, Rinith was w. usi-114, - ened age the high priest, of a coun One gentleman --a. Ca t. Bragg, who 'F111AND Co-.NfFowri0,.-1By athorough Solo Ageuts west east to 161 rods, and eX- to seethi�. for the Dominio unexpected calls for mon In In such close proxi ity iondhig liorth t o soutb M rodr,. formerly reidded in New ork, and who NOTE.—EleCtjjC_,CjeleCt y Pr( knowled e of - the' natural -laws wh �ch edandElectrize the doctor and 6ne from the dealer in 9hodi'd become the subje d. he ey—oi�e fro " I JAME'S 11. Reeve. Said) that Derby'wlas I to China Ct A evil report. iuow lives ii Birmingli, England—hd go ern t e" operati Sold in Seaforth by E. Rickson, & Co -a R. WAT. JIMAOTT, Clerli-. ons of digestion and Lumsden. Datil the 4th day ot Jim A. D. 1874.