The Huron Expositor, 1874-07-31, Page 91
JULY 31, 1874.
iiron t
Tat itE IS NOW in stock at - i ess s:
Bee res & Cce'e any quantity of new Dry Goo . s.
Also a li rgo lot of Teas and Sugars -extra g • d -
value ening off daily at old prices or thea) or
than e er, notwithstanding the change in E`E she
duties. Their cellar is also constantly suppl ed
with all the varione brands of Imported wines end
Liquors in which line they are enablett to d er
sp ei;ll ' nduec?nents. A. large quantity i of eig
of the v: rious brands always on hand at the loiir=st
Possibl: figures. Call and see for yourself.
Nit` : o>j's FLUID AIS NA ro,; the I st
made, i t pelf -gallon jars, $2, fly each, of $24 'Per
dozen o Cheese Factories, at Hiois AoN's D4iug
• Store.
I �4
CH J APSIDE —Stone Cream; Crodl s,
Stone, > utter Crocks, Stone. Ohurns, Stone re-
serve dl rs with Corks, Flat . Milk Pans,&6. The
largest -took in town and cheapest at ALLl 's_
Cilrx KET Balls and Bats, Base Bads
and Ba .s, Croquet Seth, Rubber Balls, hard,
soft, at R. LLarsDnN's Drug Store.
WALTE SCOTT intends oiiening a Fnrnit • re
Warero om in. his premises opposite the Mar et
where e will be prepared to furnish all kinds of
house f iture, either wholesale or retail; at he
very to , est prices. •
prices 1 Cheap Fruit Jars and Jelly Tumblers. -
A TORR of WARetING.—Parties owing
u sma 1 accounts for the last twelve months ill
do well to call and make settlement at once. ar
patient is getting exhausted.-Senoee & Fa 11-
will be applied to new subscribers from now till
• Jan 1,1 75, for 621 cents.
Mohr's Silver. Grain Anodyne and * g- '
id, is an instantaneous and lasting ire
thacire, rendering the painful operati.. of
on unnecessary. This truly wend, fel
differs entirely from the many nostr ms
retic C
for To
aid of a
effect o
ache. -I
ter, Br cefield,Bayfield, Varna, &e., B. Lu
Huron and.Bruoeo by
the feeling expiesse
think it probable the (
this, although they w
tain a decided promise
e courts.. From
the deputation
vernment will do
-o unable to ob-
o this effect.
& Ronald of Chatham,
steam Cite engines in
afternoon and eveniu
ence of large numbe
The time occupied in g
steam to work the en
the time th
fuel iu the
menoed to
minute's ant
was -Worked
each test m
sufficient sue
large velum.
would be, H
fective fire
simple of co
.and—for its
operating it
the diflie ll
ply of wat
moved, we
could not b
or any other
costly appa
Which woul
our village,
to know mo
do, to deter
torch \Z(
'mace, u
ow fro
30 seep
with 50
orked a
ply of was
with ve
e should
ize ligh
e inthe
in a plat
of secu ri
r. With
can see
atus co1�I
1 meet the
e leave t
e about s c
Messrs. Hyslop
ested one of their
aforth, on Friday
last.': in the pies-
of our citizens.
ting up sufficient
ne—that is, from
applied to the
it the water com
he hose -was 8
ds. The engine
et of hose, and at
irably. With a
r, it' will throw a
great force, and_
hink, a most ef-
her. It is, also,
is easily worked,
Of draught. The
ay of successfully
like �Scaforth, is
g a sufficient sup -
this obstacle re
reason why it
used. either here
t whether a less
1 not be secured,
requirements Of
hose who profess
h things than we
THE FIRE ENGINE Vele: r.—The by-
law. to rais- by way .f loan the sum of
$5,500, for he piircha• e of a steam fire
engine, was voted obi in Seaforth, on
Saturday la..t, and w s defeated by a
majority of . There; was only a small
vote polled. Th folks ng was the state
of the poll a its Close !:
For the By -La- —Soeth Wa d. 29
Against the By Law—South Ward 92
For the By -La —North Wa d. 9
Against the By Law -North Ward• 20
The .Coin cil have
introduced to the public. It acts by he enquiry, anc obtaining
magnetic coil, which produces a maga tic for matron, a: they say
the nerve and gums, relie<'ing instant
a steam tire engine evil
Mout pain, the most agonizing, to'
ole Agent for Seeforth, Brassels,!Wr and most sr tabl fire
se) rt, have submit
Fall Shows,
Hullett Branch, at Clinton, Sept, lien(' 1 .
Tucker mith Branch, at Seaforth, Sept. 17 and 18.
North ' iding Heron, at Blyth, Sept. 17 an 18.
East W. wanosh Branch, at Belgravo, Sept . 80.
South 1 iding Huron, at Exeter, Oct. 6 and 7.
Elms a d Wallace, at Listowel, Oct. "7 and S.
Mitchel , Oct. 6 and 7.
Wester; Fair, at London, Sept. 29 and S0 -dud
Oct..1 and 2. -
OMI.SION.—We last week omitted to
menti , n the name of Mr George Ja ; ie -
son, T tckersmith, among those who r-
w arde( correct - solutions to probl m
No. 9. •
SPRINC. HEAT.—We regret to le41rn:
that i. many parts of this County I e
weevil has again made its appearance in
the sp ing wheat, and is likely to do c n
sidera le damage.: I
RET RING.—Mr John Campbell
withd awn from the firm of Davicl,so•
Camp ell, of the Commercial Rotel
this vi.
after b
age. - The Commercial will he e --
conducted by Mr. Davidson.
LODGE Rooms.': -The memut
<Britan is Masonic Lodge, df this v
have 1 ased the second flat of th
builcli ; g now in course of erection b
Count r, and intend rating it up
class le, for a Lodge room.
J. r.
SAVINGS BANK.—The deposits in the
Seafor h Post Office Savings Baehr,
the t c ree months ending Jut) ,
- amoun' ed to the large suru of $'1 ,G i3.
This is double the amount deposited at
any of er office in the .Comity for a lit e
prowl of th
the ratepay
Council. I
those who
scheme of
and have su
or allow th
present unp
sure not o
fter making due
the necessary in -
determined that
furnish the best
)rotection. They
ed their d ,cision for the ap-
s. A 'majority- of
cilled against the..
now remains for
approval of the
to decide upon
eme'of their own,
continue in its
te, which we are
r in the village
rs hayed
voted di
he Counci
mited a se
village t
•otected st
e raltepay
eel his farew
tion at Egz
The revere
—Rev. i1 Graham preach -
11 sermon) to his congrega-
oudiville, on Sunday last.
d gentler, an has occupied
the pulpit of the Egtn4r: dville church for
over 30 years. He w : one of the ` first
Presbyteria ministers stationed in this
sectionof co ntry. Wh� hefirstcaruehere
he presided the c - rges at Egmond-
•ville and Brucefield.. These - congrega-
tions, however, increa i d so rapidly that
in a fey years the"lab connected with
both -chargee became t much for him,
and he abandoned Bruo:field and adhered
to Egrnonds ille. He as ever been an
earnest and zealous laborer in the
Church, a so rnd, practi al preacher, and
a devout chr stian man. His departure
will be -regretted by no a few, and his
kind words and good. counsel will be
missed by many who, d icing - the thirty
years of hisxinistratio have profited by
his advice • nd teachings. The good
wishes, not o fly of his i te congregation,
but of every ember of the entire com-
munity will ollow him to his new field
of labor_ .
-Wo-notide-with p1
Alexander Matheson, .-
prietor of the, Stratford
cted Vice 1'j•esident o
Press Assosii
held in 9r on
'NG MATCH. —The aminal reaping or
f the -Huron Farrner and 1L publisher of
chanic' - Association will this year aye
li.eld on the farm of Mr. AleV. Ramsay,
about two miles from Sea.orth. The
day for the -match has not }_et been fixec
hut du notice will be given. '
year we hop:
Etet RoEmE s 0 P1:.FMNES. —Bu sine s
at the 177 is increasing so rapidly as o -
render .n enlargement of premises 'abs
lutely n cessary. -Mr.; McDo,:igall it -
tends r c ing an addition of 30 feet to
the rea- of his store, which will ma -e it
one of she largest in town.
asure .that Mr.
`ditor and pro-
eacon, was ele-
the Canadian
>tion, . at its late meeting
to. Mr. IN i atheson, as - the -
ne of the' most ably con-
• ers in Ontario,
eeerving of the
y his brethren
better selection
ade, and next
ni elevated to
esident, as he no
ducted and best local pa
is well and worthily
honor conferr - d on him
Gang." .A
ve been
to. see h
ition of P
of the "Press
could not hc
amiiiat' on of- Public School Teacher • - l e •.
second r nd third-class certificates c ose
at God titin on Friday last. The e un
'nets h, ve not yet completed the inspe -
tion of the papers. We hope to be ab1
to give list of the successful caudiclat
next w ek.
JToun N LLL rc. —«'e have received the
first nt mber of the Canadian Pyjllua z
Journa published in Toronto, in theii-
terests f the Knights of Pythias- It i
edited 1 y Mr. John 8., King, late of th
Crlobe s+afE Mr. Ring is an able and
gorous writer, ancl, under his editoria
manage a ent, the Journal will be desert - l
ing of li eral patronage from the Pytlliq
. - Brother food. p. I
Mr. W lliarn Newman, of this village
is the l appy possessor of a variety i5
living •uriosities, which, with at feta
acl+litio : s, would rival the " culrn ria tine
triump " of the great T_i,rnumt 1.-14
li:r,5 two 'Dear cubs --a rials and fetuale
15 cans ry birds of various colots am
Sizes, a air of racoons, a pair of a( ui�rrelt
and a y tug fc►xiale. ricer. '
- ouT I - Ht'Rox Ac;Rt('i i rt 1: L S01-
Ctler -.— At a meeting of the Directors elf
the Sou h Huron Agricultu'ra1 Society
it was r solved to lruld the Fall Show ai,
Exeter, on Tuesday and Wednesday
Oct. 6 nil 7, This is somewhat late -
than usual, but, on account of the Pro
viiicial ilxhibition being hell earlitet• thi: •
year, an 1 the `esters Fair followin: the
v.'cek of ennthe Provincial, and thele
e1•sniith, Mullett and _North .11i(luj14 ,8t
cieties eking up the available: time be
fare tli Provincial, the Dircctersl c,t>ul(s
not tit he dates for the tiouth f. dins
show ea lier.
Dert•• aTION TO ToRoN•ro.---lleasrs`
'Thomas C=ilison, M. P. P. for '\ rt>
Huron, j rehibalcl Bishop, M. P. P. f(i'•
South loran, and Mr. A. `M Ross'-
County r reasurer, returned from ` 'o •olIl
to on NV( (Tuesday Last, where the hall
been -for he purpose of consulting With
the Onta io (ioverninent about .tlre�!sliarc
of Huro 's surplus allowance claimed bz
Brace, ncl recei'tly allowed to! than
County • the decision of the (Yovern
went. - he Huron delegation 'urged. -,
upon the Government the desirability of i
their rev ( king their decision and allow- s
ung the atter to b .dec ded, as bettyeel:s
the higher po
doubt will be
CercKET.---r cricket natch was play-
ed on Thursd y of last eek, in Seatorth,
between the eaforth Clinton juni-
ors. The game resulte in favor of the
Seaforth team, by 34 r ns. Both sides
showed some -very good playing, and if
some of those who to k part in the
match conthene to fin rove, they will,
ere loug, have a place , the ranks of
the best teaine of the seniors. Both
instruction. frens Mr. W. White, who act-
ed as umpire. Tpe gam was conducted
throughout the racist friendly spirit.
At the 'cone esion of he match, the
Seaforth boy entertain d their oppon-
ents at a sumistuous reptst. provided by
game," Mr. S Powell. Ile following is
the score :
Kidd, b Wit; tars.
James Mulligan.,
John Mulliga_n,
Carm4ehael, et.
MoDermid, not
Shaw, b Howson
Watson, b Whit •
Howson 0
1, b Winters o
rs 0
Watson, h Winters
Kidd, 1) 1-Inweoul
;Tames b 'Winters
• Carmichael, b inters
White, not out
Howson, b Men 4an
Dinsley, be Ores. ie
1Yinters, ht. wick t
jackson, b Gras. le
• johu eon, ran eat
Howson, ran .011
Extras "
2:n lessees.
Howson, b au:
'Winters, b Mull can
Tivieteb Mulligan
John ton, c Kidd, h Mulligan
Dinaley, c Kidd, Watson....
Hillyard, not oat
[0, It. Coo • r ',' Brussels, Agent for the Eat-
PosIToit Newsp • r and Job Printing Office.)
A LARGE I *RAL:—The funeral of
the late Mrs ohn Cardiff, on Monday
last, was the r rest.we have seen in this
neighborhoo Where were 75 vehicles
in the proces.iun,
A NEW r: RuRxslC.—On Wednesday
last we visit a. the foundry of Wm. R.
Wilson & S . , of Brussels, and was
shown the fi s of their bells which they
have coniine c d. casting. This is a new
branch of bu:i fess in this part, there be-
ing only one -•f the same kind in Ontario.
The bell .sho i us was a 29 inch bell, and
weighed 230 p• unds. The tone is very
good indeed, -ti e sound loud and clear,
although a 1i tie on 'the . sharp side.
Messrs. Wils . have been very success-
ful in the pr p ration of the, composition
used in the b '1 already cast by there, and
we have no dor bt but, if as successful in
the future, t re will be able to establish
quite a trade i . that branch of their bi'rsi-
ness. -
Nott, vetirin r surgeon, last week re-
moved 11 pi c of bone from the under
jaw�of a tw y ear old colt belonging to
Mr. Robert .0 us, of Morris. The colt,
last winter, • a: kicked by another horse.
It is now dei _ well. - -
Kelly, of •r is, has purchased five
acres of land fr.m J. N. Knetchel. The
land is situa .. at the extreme south end
of John stree . He has also purchased
one and a qu • i er acres from N. M. Liv-
ingstone, acj•ining the above. The
price paid fiir the whole property. was
$1,000. Mr. elly intends building on
this propert ' ext' spring. -
leigh has co
new brick hen
berry and C. t
etCE. —Mr. William' Fish-
enced the erection of his
e on the corner of Turn=
erine streets.
THE BRUS RLS HouSE.—Mr. Thomas
Hall, propri.t r of the Brussels House,
has purchas R. Lashan's lease of
that hotel. ir. Hall . takes possession
on' the 15th .f Augnst:
bass ball was
day last, be
Brussels and
a' victory for.
Seaforth, 20
third game •
clubs, Bruss
The champion game of
een the junior clubs of
aforth, which resulted in
1 e Brussels boys. Score—
russels, 52. This is the
f the season for these two
winning two.
Roxboro Mc
climes of, oats
farm this seas
and which hal
the 24th inst
Scott for earl
regret this w
Mrs. Grieve;
of the Firs
which took p
week. Mrs
daughter of
She was a is,
land, and ca
parents in t
same year se tl
where. Seafo
was then a- e
was one of t
Killop. Mrs
year 1845 an
short distan
first settled.
in delicate h a
bed only a few
She was a lac
position, and
and mother,
friend and. n
in which she
by the imme
friends and
remains to
Sunday last.
ily of three s
mourn a loss
—that of a kin
.—Mr. Robert Scott, of
u the grain,' grown on his
n, which was quite ripe,
been harvested on Friday,
Who Can (lb ahead of Mr.
to record the death of
ife of Mr. ugh Grieve,
'oncession of McKillop,
co on Friday night of last
Grieve was the secoud
e late John Govenlock.
ve of Selkirleshire, Scot-
to this Country with her
year 1834, who in the
cl in the township of Mc -
a mile and a hall from
now stands, hut which
earliest pioneers of Mc-
erieve was married in the
as since resided with her
farm where -She died, a
from where her father
has, for some years, been
th, but was confined ,to
weeks before her death.
y of quiet and retiring dis-
as an effectionate wife
and. a kind and generous
ig bor. The; high esteem
s held was , well testified
concourse of sorrowing
hbors who followed her
r last resting place on
he leaves behind a fam-
and five daughters, to
h ch can hever be repaired,
ancl loving mother.
dent of a pai
tore; occiirrec
Hills Lot 8, C
years of age,
well, of Cra
field stepped
with one of h
ward upon a
entered his kr
about three
Howard, Lot
With a very :s
clay, July 22:
to the floor b
some staples
the floor. 01
bruised, and
ribs were brol
ed of his rec
heard that he
likely to soon
ago, Mr. Tom
Grey, had a
bime he has st
time ago I
formerly of
to- use the
The result of
about two inc
'rom -the left,
consequene ea.
!qr. Rob ter tsar
uccess of this
equeSts us to
n .Friday last an acci-
but not dangerous na-
the farm of Mr. John
10. A boy about 15
61 Mr. Thomas Both-
ok, while in the hay
to a ground hogs hole
cythe, the blade of which
ee causing a deep gash of
c es in length.
Le fell from the bay tnOw
neath, a distance ;of about
ips and sides s ruck on
ch. had beei's. driven into
e of hiS hips was badly
Ifti understand that two
ei Fears were entertain -
✓ but we . have since
s improving rapidly, and
•e rain his fOrmer strength.
o O. drawn. Since that
ff red 111.1.8 or less severely
r. -Scott, of Scaforth,
nevale, was (elided. in
eiling art in his case.
tile cloctors operation is
of diseased bone tal, en
Nen pain to the patient.
i highly .pleeseed at the.
icration in his case, and
m lithe' the satisfactory
.oncessioD of
ecident while
0 ie. had steppe
ore lingers o
hem to tie b
t uary column
the death at h
6 the late Willie
anark. Mrs.
len Scotland,
untry in 182
of .Dalho
hence she ren
c year 1860 N
de till the ti
ettlement in
84 in Toronto, or
ILO Sloan, of the 10th
riberry met with a severe
plowing with a maehine.
1 he machine for the pur-
u something, -when the
s ippecl, catching the two
1 ie right hand. cutting,
e, and . inaligling them
ENT Go.NE,In. our ebi-
la t week, we announced
✓ sen -in-laws, Mr. John
s Isabella Muir, relict of
Muir ofthe County of
Muir was born in Iluther-
nd emigrated .to this '
, end settled in the town-
s e, County of Lanark.
I ere she continued to re -
of her death. On her
adas the province had
i 4 boast. There was
amilton, or London at
that time, and what is how Toronto was
then called little York: &nee her settle-
mentin Canada, many changes ineide-nt to
la new country haive taken plOce, and exci-
i ting phases of backwoods life have passed
rapidly in pana,ramic view. Her husband,
,the late Wm Muir, died in the township
of Dalhousie, in the year 1.8,15. Mrs.
Muir was a consistent member of the
Presbyterian church and. hig ily respected
EAP.LY HARVEST. —Mr. James Dallas,
of Tuckersmith, harvested fall wheat on
Tuesday, July 21, and had 'it secure in
the barn by the following
This is the earliesip we haye: heard of in
an, of Tuckerrimith, has purchased from
Mr. Peter Robinson 50 acreS of Lot 2, in
Con. 12 'Hibbert for the sum of $2,100.
Mr. Robinson has sold the emaining 50
acres of his farm io his bra , ers, and has
purchaseld for $4,000, from -his brother
Angus, Lot 4, Con. 12, Tuc ersmith, and
intends to remove on it to liv . All these
farms are first-class propert es, and have
been sold at fair figures.
meeting was held in Kin'eurn on the
eyetina of Thursday, Jtlyi 23, for the
r purpose of taking into consideration the
advisability of establishing 1 a Farmers'
unt of the
was some -
s, however,
after some
advisable to
relative to
Rullet. It was als° Ihori ht advisable
to postpone the xneetings o the Farm-
ers' Club until Thursday, Se t. 24, when
the School Bill will be dis ussed. The
general public are iovited. o attend.- —
JOHN WILLIAMS, .Secretary.
-BASE BALL.—A- eting will be
held in the town hall,' es village of
Kinburn, on Saturday, An . 1, for the
purpose Of taking steps for he formation
of a base ball -club. We hope the meet-
ing will be well attended and that a large
club will be organized for t e practise of
this healthful game.
busy season, the attendanc
what small. The subject w
taken up in lively style, an
discussion it was considered.
wait until 'more informatio
Granges and their working
•tained, before establishing
A FREAK OF NATURE.— n the 10th
nst., a mare belonging -be Mr. John
turry, Con. 11, Hibbert, g ve birth to a.
, olt of rather an unusual s ape. It had
leither shoulders, front legs .nor breast.
he neck sprung right out fsom the front
art Of the ribs. Under the: neck, near
the body!, was a small leg, a out the size
was fully developed and per ect. Shortly
of a lamb's, with a perfectly formed hoof
on it. The colt in every ther respect
after it was born, it Could Stand on its
hind. feet with a person ho ding .np its
.front parts and appeared strong and
smart. It wag sired 'by Lo d Haddow.
:If Mr. Curry will only ke p this colt
until Barnum comes around he will give
him the Ptice of a farm for_ t.
; FIRE. Ji -On Friday night
O'clock a ' fire broke out in t
door factory of Mr. Walt
Clinton, which destroyed t
together with allthe tools an
Loss about $1,500 ; no insu
fire communicated to the a
tage on the north side, men
furuiture was hastily remo
considerable damage. • D.
cooper shop, on the .south
fire, was very much scorch
exertions of the lire compa
by others, saved it from d.est
last, at 12
e sash and
✓ Cook, of
e building,
ance. The
joining cot-
ied by Rob -
also. The
ed, causing
ide of the -
d, but the
y, assisted
LONG GRASS. —James Loga has pla.cecl
on exhibition at the store a D. B. Mc-
Kinnon, Blyth, a stalk oftiMothy, meas-
uring five feet nine inches. The head it-
self is 9:1 inches long. It wals grown on
Mr. Logan's farm, Lot 3, Con.11 0, Morris.
He would. like to knowif it car. be beaten.
HARVEST. —The farmers ale busily en-
gaged in cottina fall wheat, in this vicin-
ity. They sayt'the crop is uch better
than was expected.
BusserEss.---Buainess is ver brisk here
for this season. The rnercha rts are pay-
ing 20 cents for butter an there are
large qinoitities of it coming
Fall Chancery Sittings have
for, Friday, Oct. 23.
Vim os. THE GOVERN eiR
Nye are in a position to ann
itely that His Excellency t
General will pay a visit to Go
the .end of August. The Ma
a public meeting shortly to c
manner in which.he'shall be r
entertained. :
STATIONS. —The contract for building
stations has been let to Mes rs. Gibson
commenced operations, and t e buildings
will no doubt be finished by .t e specified
time—the 1st of December. .
been fixed
e Governor
erich about
or will call
nsider the
ceived and.
- Po the Editor' of the 11,uron EO)ositor.
which he aspires, and his f iends seek
to place him, has been carricic on chiefly
by the press and. teachers. 0 her parties
to a great extent have stood opf. Now„
that parents and others have had an op- i
portnuity of hearing both sidee of the I
question, they should be in a poeition to
venture an opinion. The general opinion
with every one of whatever s ad of pol-
itics or religion is if Dr. Sangs er is guilty
of the crimes-laidto his charg , be is mor-
ally unfit and , unworthy to 1 ecome the
representative of such a respected class
as the teaehers of Ontario. If there is
one class more than another that their
mOral tone should be of the highest or-
der and in strict accordance ith Biblic-
al truth, it should. be those t whom, to
who mould the minds of our youth. I
do not think there is any demi t whatever
ROW in t e Mind_ of any one that the
while he Was living with his former wife
Doctor wa keeping company, or court-
ing.; what vaa the young lady whoni he
now takes he pride of calling his wife,
and before he 'was divorced fliona her. I
.t14k Mr. ditor, that is the main pOint
which we eve to consider, and whether
son to represent -the teacthers of our pub-
lic schools in the Council of Public In-
struction of Ontario, 'as the state of so-
ciety that -would prevail ;should such con-
duct be in accordance with the pulic op -
right in Dr.
and before he was divorqed from is dis-
carded wife, to 'be lseeong company op-
enly or covertly .,With . a young
or married lady, then 2sthers can do so
veith propriety, particularly if it could
be narrowed down to a ne point, and a
proviso be inserted- in tbe liberty be-
ing granted to keep company with ladies
other than your wife, that she was guilty
of adultery, although. iii the meantime.
not made public. ShoUldsthis, then, he
the- code of morals admisisable by the
test of public opinion, I am afraid the
chaxacter of the virtuous -daughters and
motlfers of Canada would very soon be
sadly. impiropugned on the evidenee of
sensSal libertines, .made too often a eloak
to carry out the doctrine of free love to
its degrading legitimacy.l If the teach-
ers of Ontario elect a representative to
the Council of Public Instruction, be
should be the embodiment of those, as
reflected in him, and bearing their image
in the eyes of the public. And justly
sk. as many of his supporters publicly-
' Awed, t4at if his ability fitted. him for
e ossition, his character shmild not be
called in question. Some bave instanced
a man seeking *Parliarrientary honors,
that he is never questioned as to his
character, --that any man is qualified as
long as he possesses the proper ability.
If this is so, why .is drunkness and. de-
bauchery condemned., and why has the
public opinion. of this Country condemned
those who figured in the iPacifie Scandal ?
It could not be -said that they were not
men of ability ; nay, none for a moment
questioned the chief acrtbr's ability or
his fitness for the position. And did not
the Press of this country urge that if
these men were sustained by the voice of
the country, that this fair - Dominion
would be disgraced in tthe eyes of na-
tions; and would show the standard of
otir mOrality. Then on the same ground
must the teachers of Ontario be judged
-by the public opinion Of this country.
If mere ability is all that is necessary for
a position, then a embalm prostitute
might be chosen for S.our partner in life,
But, to bring the matter nearer
as well as the most virt ious Of women.
home, how would a parent feel to see
married men or women keeping company
with his sons or daughters, with a view
to a trip to the Unitid States, to get rid
of the old lady or the'01c1 man as the
case might be. Let us .contemplate for
a moment sueli a state of society, and
from whoni would it ot call forth a
Boys' and 'Youth- 's ClOthill
shudder for the future, of our beloved
country. I would war -the teachers of
Ontario to pause, ere th y commit them-
selves to such a doctrine Let them cast
a stigma upon any that would presume
on their sufferance, wit out his -conduct
is such that it shall ear the closest
scrutiny. Then we sho ld. feel that the
vast sums expended in ed.ucation have
not been the means of corrupting ' the
morals of the rising neration. But
should Dr. Sangster be ,lectecl, truStees
of sch000l sections will h ve to be careful
in selecting their teacher in future. , By
inserting tlif above you ill oblige '
: Gess, July 28, 1874s
—An accident of a pec liar nature oc-
curred to a team belongh g to Mr. Lam -
Monday of last week. N 'hilst Mr. Lam-
bert was engaged_ in wate ing the horses I Seaforth, July.28, 1874.
from a cistern, the cov ring gave. Way
neously in the water be eath. The cis-
tern is 10 feet across and feet deep, and
at the time of the occurr nee spoken of
contained thiee feet of water. From
their sorry predicament t eir owner w as
obliged to dig a large tre ich at the side
of the cistern. The anim s were not in-
jured by their fall and ca e out as sound
in wind and linib as the went in, 'and
somewhat cooler, at leas in the lower
extremities. -
—On Sunday before las , a mannarned
Sackrider, who lives on a farm near In-
gersoll, fired at a couple o boys whO were
taking sonae of his cherri s of which he
had an immense quantity, many of them.
hanging over the road. Re fired at
them with a smooth b., e rifle loaded
with buckshot, and one o the shots pen-
etrated the lungs of ond of the boys,
named Albert Smith, whci died from the
effect of the wound on T esday evening.
The other boy was Avo ded in the leg,
but not very seriously. Sachaider was
brought before a magistrate and remand-
ed to 'Woodstock jail for •ial. •
—Through the death f an uncle in
Devonshire, England, Fr ncis Gosling, a
private in the Manitob Infantry, has
become heir to a fortune of i.6,000 per
annum, and the title of ' Sir Francis..."
mItoinsetyo. be hoped that he will do honor
to the title, and make 0- 0(1 use of the
On hand, and will be soldiet a
From this date goods intended for Sammer
Wear will be sold at Bargains.
Gt. ri Rid Trunk R i twit y.
Treins leave Seaforth and Cli
follows :
Sea °Abe Clinton.
Morning Mail 7:57 A. M. 7:35 M
ton Stations _as
(Under the new Act,) is
*Under authority of the Lieut
ued at the
;lent -Governor of
(Fermi Miss YOnng's, °rent%)
Two doors South of thp Comieercial Hote1,1
'WILL give $10 reward for su h information as
will lead to the epercheneion and conviction of
the *party or parties who have d stroyed the treee
on my premises on Victoria Stp,
person who took from Knox's Hotel, Sea
forth, on the 18th of Zely, POCKET -BOOK
•shich did not -Indent.; to him, ie well known, end
if he does not retuni it to Mr. KNOX et onee he
HORSE, a little dappled, o white spots on
him, but a fork on his near d thigh from a
lack, will hkely go north as he ame from Grey.
Any person giving informatiOn about him to .
REV. MR. WATSON would confer a kindness and,
would be suitably rewarded. 343-4
Sale Continues.
iffROLE NO. 3,1S.
Con. 6, Grey, containin
*leered -axed in weed conditiei
house ana good cellar:
water close by there is also
3rd attached; the,- preperte-
-Grey and Bieme Railway ;
reasonable teems, possession
j., 1875. For further parti
propnetor on tire prensiees,
Brussels P. 0.
eligible Building Lo.
Street, opposite the Rail
sold by. Public Auction, ou th
disputable. Terms made kn
sale. For further particulare
Egenoodville, or to the unde..
freE subscriber wishing to
eve bnsinesseoffers for sale bi
Victoria House, in the thrivin
The house is -commodious wi
cattle yards ettached, raid is s
of the business part of the •
reason given for selling. For
apple:, if by letzer prepaid, to
premises, or to C. R. COOPER:
AxTEST half of Lot 2'2, con
• taining 50 acres, about 4
ed., well lented end in a state t
tion; goodlog house and iir
and stabler; ; good wells wit
For further partieniars Apply
by letter to Lumley P. 0.
poit SALE, that desimbl
situated private residenee
mondville, known as the
The houee is pleasantly sites:
dims anti comfortable. The
woodhouse and other neeesseie
let contains elle acre of land,
with bearing, fruit trees of
further particulars apply
OFFICE, Seaforth.
GeavelRoad, 100 acres, 70
Will be sold either with or
fern& For further partienle
• premises, or by lettei to nod_
'-1-1 less, 80 eeres cleared.
north branch of the Maitl
through the 18 acre bush ; goo
the premises to the proprietor
or elide
acres, ell cle,ared, with goo
two good orthards in fulibea
leg springs which supply the
Con. 9, containing 48 neres of b
- is situated 6 miles from Sea
on the premises. If by post, t
pat SALE, Lots 26 end 27,
-A= toutaining 175 at
cleated end in a first-elass st
- and. thoroughly madeidrained.
two-story brick house, good ont-
large fraene barns Ana
beaving -orchard. The /elan
failing spring. It is Vitusted
Gravel Road, within tiro miles.
Seaforth. For furtherepartie
premises or to Senforth -0.
1342 - ROBERT
OT No. 22 dOIL 7, 51eliillo
of a mele from the Northerii. te-
- bank barn, with stabling below;
houses- large new eonereth hou
, well; the hind is titan ima ge
acres of orchard of very best fru
premises, or address
V011, SALE, a good. Farm,
half of let 15 and the weet he
12, McKillop,tontairting 3:00 ner
well female and in good euitiva
timbered witb. hardwood; a
and new log barn; good. bear
miles and a hell from goodlo a
from the village of .Staforth; th
sawmills 'within SA miles : eonve
schools and etores. For partici'
Proprietor on the premisee, ot
Winthrop P. 0.
280e4 JAME
poll SALE, ;Lot Ne. 33, Coo,
ersmith, tontaining 100 leer
tion, There is a fooa. new free:
bearing orchard. The farm is w
.fieneng spring and well. This -
within -one and a half -4
-within about 6 miles of Clinton,:
good gravel roads running to et;
For further partienliers appl,y
the premises, or to Brinell -0d le:
335'4 KENNET
THAT Awn -blown Farm. ',woe
" tare, aajoining the village
prising 145 acres, 100 aeret;
state of cultivation, Se acres em
quality, all well fenced fr
frame barn, shetl, granery and
insurence $1,600, in the Londi.
vele. good orchardeeni wells
gravel ronel running aloug side
ent to elm rehes, schools. eteree.-
market. Any pereon wishing
or pleasure elm hardly filet a
For partienlars apply to the :
premises, or if by letter to Bine
843-12 141.'q
POR SALE, 150 aeree of land
'of Lot No. '22. This prepeety
t the place. There is le sel.
half a Mile. There are 133 e
fenced and mostly free freio )
and in gooil order. On tim 50 ti
good fraine 1444114 tivreiling hem;
the NO acre farm there le a gl
!Mlle hares with inele.reround
orchard. The farm is well wate
will be sold separately or togeth
ers. Fur further particulars ap
tor on the introises, or to V.
Con. 1, Stanley, contai
getlier with east half t)f Lot
ing 50 acres ; situated on the
quarter of a mile north. of Kipp
acres ele.arol and in good cniti.
barns aui stables, and frame ho-.
it full bearing ; a branch of the
through a corner of the farm :
good wells. Terms reasonabl
purchase money will be requ,'
rosiuder in equal an zm el install
A.pply to
the Village 3of Kippen; good en
frarne house, 11 moms ; two NV