HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-07-31, Page 8tax 31, 1874. AN 18z; JAMIESO /1.X0 AFTtr, 4DAY 29TH JU 6 determined to head a Dig Sal JULY HURON EXPOSITOL "lowing Goods will be soM a. the Discount Allowed latnds of FANCY DRESS per cent. discomat kinds of PLAIN LITMUS, inaek Colored, Black Silks, 5 per cent, kinds of SUMMER TWEE4)S, cent. discount, kinds of SOMMER SITA.WtS 10 'cent. cliscoant Icinds of )111:MLINS, 10 per mut cent Df Underskirts for balf price. IS M HMSO Id be convinced for yours No Twahie to Show Goods. 1LOGAN & JAM tESO Manchester latpuse, S NEW 1PED MUSLI !1W CHECKED MUSLIN Plain Muslins rown, Black and Colored Arnaling, AT MAN B ROTH E 1RS' Cheap Ccalt &OM .4 N.PORTH PLANING MILI, NORM BLIND FAC ORY bseriberbegs leave to thank his nu Broils eters for tholiberal patronage ext (Rabe ; commencing bueinessu Seater h, and , t ho may be fevored with a coati amiss , sae. intending to baild worth/ do well o give , as he will continue to keep on andi a of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, eifteSFAMS„ Ets., BLINDS, MOULDIN 4S, HINGLES, LATH, ETC. g confident a giving setisfection t thoge &your him with their patronage, none ItiSS wkxen are employed- icular attention paid to Cusetont P au JOHN II. BROADFO T. OPENED. - OUT. TER'S OLD STA D. * AM ES 1RiGHTi. pened in the stare net the S forth dry and adjoirtieg Foster'e Hotel, a full . tete 'LK OF GROCERIES: Sugars Cheap', And his Spices St 4 fele hem a. trial. JAMES WRI 'any. WANTS MONY? t;TRON(1, SEAPORT , ari,rwi- at a LOW RATE OFT. TER- er orr earn: or e Went: Property. ssquering moue:: ehould apply tO YOUR I 'ROPE TY YOU it LIVES. ),trorig, Seaforth; zeT.Sti AtiENT Foie 1 Provinciel Ineuranee Corey:sure' ern lesseeettee Coiespany, of Toronto-•-• tot Life. eted Itiek "Insurance CompallY, es. rettebriabie ae offered by any other hurshtessefstr rt liable Ceserepanies. • _ ni•ver Strong; te Fairley'S GreeerY n Stree*. eseaforth. toNey ADVANOES) „ gags Security, in such eume Pericile, and mayable in melt enner Meant may desire. Apply to s A. U.AlcDOLTGALL, Seepret. GAiI1IES A. young lady recent y became so much -embarrassed by a proposal from her lover, that, hi her agitlation, she swallOwecl a needle. dear ine,"explaimed Mrs. Part- ington must be an erful trip to Cali- fornia, when. the hips have to pass th rough Pan o ram a a,n d Chagrin." And the (Ad lady Cap -strings faii-ly vibrated with fear. • --An old lady was telling her grand- children about some trouble in Scotland,. in.the course of whicl, the chief of her elan was beheaded. "It was nac great thing of a head -to be sure," t.• aid the good •lacly, "bat it was a sad loss to him." —An Irieh sailor visited_ a city where he said they copper -bottomed the tops of the housewith sheets of lead. Perhaps it was the saane maa who saw a white blackbird sitting_ on a, wooden mile -stone eating a red blackberry. ,-e-A junior asked a young lady the fol- lowing conuodrum : "If small girls are waifs, are large ones wafers?" " Certain- ly," she replied. 'At any rate, the boys are in the liabi of applying theni to their lips in sealin their vows." --A zealous but igt orant nearopreach- er, in expounding to is flock° as to the astounding nature of A iraeleS, got a title confused in. the matt r. He said, " 'My beloved friends, the greatest of Ill mir- acles was 'bout the 'loaves and fishes— dere was 6,000 Inavos and 2,000 fishes, and de twelve 'pestl s had. to eat dem all, and de miracle is dey didn't bust." —A Worcester bc y Was scuga,ged in nocturnal cherry ste irnga short tune ago,•and was observ cl by the owner of the fruit, who, uuno iced by the young robber, placed. a lara stuffed dog at the foot of the tree ancl etired to watch. the resalt of his strategy. The boy, desdend- ing, observed the doe, and then the fun commenced ; he -whis led, coaxed., threat- ened, unavailingly, the animal never moving; and finally t ie youth, accepting the inevitable, settle( dewn to passing the night in the tree. After some hours had passed wearily e ough to the lad, morning dawned, an the proprietor of the tree comnag fro a the house, asked hire how 'he • came to be in the tree, to which the boy answered that he took to it to save himself fro chased him quite a healthy for a smalle deg to that youth no • —A Scotsman wen to a lawyer once for advice, and de ailed the circurii- stances of the case. "Have you told me the facts precisel as they oceurred?" asked the lawyer. "Oh, aye, sir !" re- plied he "1 thought it best to tell ye the plain truth. Ye can put thedies into it , yourself." --",Pat," said a j ker, "Why don't you gettyqur ears c -opped ? They are much. too long for a m n." ‘` And yours," ' replied Pat,- " ought to be lengthened; they are tea short for an ass.1) -1-Lot's wife ayou dn't have looked back, brit a woman wilth a new dress pass - tell her and, she wante 1 to see if the back breadth was ruffled. —A hater of tobac o asked an old ne- gro woman, the fume, of whose pipe were annoying him, if she thought he were a Christian. " Yesbr dcler, I spect I "Do you believe in he Bible ?" " Yi es, brudder." "Do yo know there s a passage in the Script ires that declares that nothing unclean = shall inherit the kingdom of heaven ?" "Yes, I've heard of it." "Well, Chl e, you smoke, and you cannot enter the -ingclom of heaven, because there is netl!ing so unclean as the breath of a smok qe What clo you: say to that?" " WI y, I spects I leave my breff behiud whe T go date" —" Well, Tom," 8. id. a grocer. to his apprentice, you ha -e been apprenticed now three months, nd have seen, the several departments o our trade. 1 Wish to give you a choi e of occupatiOn." Thank.-'ee, sir." "IV 11, now, what part of the bushiess do you like Irst ?" Shuttini up, sir." —A man bought a horse on condition that he should._ pay h if down and be in debt for the remain er. A short time after; the seller dem ncling payment of the -balance, the othe answered, "No ; it was agreed that I should be in your debt for the romaind r ; how can that be if I pay it ?" n the dog, who had listance. It isn't boy to say stuffed The Duke of So nersot and Sey- mour the Ho se Painter. There is an exceUe of Seymour the hors been affronted by haughty i Juke' of 5 pence of haviffg asse ed he had the hono grace's family.••:•.`ome ture had. taken place, by his grace to return worth and finish a other painter of the d, plete, - wit en h.t pole; lord, I will now prove that I am of your grace's family, ft r I won't come." Mr.Dallawatt in his auomented edition . e Of " Walpole's anecdOtes of Paintings in England," gives the'lowing continu- fr_ a. tion of this anecdote ". Upon receiving this laconic replv, the duke sent his ste-W- ard to demaed a forui ,-r loan of one hund- red pounds. Scylla )ur briefly replied that he' would write to his grace. Be did so, and directed his letter ' North- umberland House,. 0 .)poeite the Trunk Maker's, Clutring C.o.s.'' Enraged at this additinal imul the duke threw the letter into the fire without ha,Ving opened it, Ordering is Steward at- the same time to have 1 im arrested. But t anecdote extant painter, who had Charles, the old merset, itt conse- ted that he believ- to belong to his time after this rup- he was requested to his seat at Pet - pi cture -whi eh no y was able to com- answered, • • gentleman dreamed.that he as a soldier, deserted his r apprehended, carried back (1Ciflflcd to be shot, and at] ex cutio . After the usual a gunw s 'fired ; he awoke port ; and found that a nois room had at the same mom tit dream and awakened hi gcnthirnau'dreamed that he At antic and spent a fortnigh In. emba king on his return tba sea, and awakening in found that he had not be ID i.n utes. Gallia -a -Glue, an inspis jell 7 or gelatine, is princip fro n the parings and waste 1 and. skit s, the' refuse of t thd tend ns and other offal house. The first running palestand best glue In e the hott r the glue the Mot. exert in keeping the unit gether ; it should therefo inimedia, ely after boiling. nen& of its strength by fret ing. Gli.e should be purel we.ther, for that which is not of so good_ a quality as crisp. The most transparet Go d glue, if immersed in N or t if wh hes heat, may be drawn into filai ent, and doesnot dr brush as oil or water, bnt extends itself into threads. from the skins of old ani strong‘r than that front young ones. ree days, will not dissol f inf rior quality it w llv d ssolve. Again, th which, being dissolved had enlisted giment, was • tried con- t led out for preparations with the re - M the next nt produeed . Another crossed the hi America. he fell into is fri&lit, he 11 asleats 10 0:1 H— ated animal lly prepved woes of Maus nneries, and of slanghter produee the plying,glue, force, it will d parts to- e he anphed Glue loses [tient remelt- ased in dry ; tfeal. then oft is 1:4 hat which is t is the best. ater for two e, -but swell; 11 partly" or t glue is the in water by he thinnest p from the hen falling Glue. inade als is rauch he skins of pzJ ci ,IO Imara10SSV afyava v SLAUGHTER -HOUSES OP manure of the cattle -shed the abattoir of Paris is c at the rate of 12,000 franc the straw for littering is t vided. - There were slaugh city abattoir, during the ye 0001oxen } and. cows, 130,00 1,000,000 sheep ; the lett diminution as comparedavit natal oensimaptions. Italy s wit]:i thousands of bead of the Icomplaints of the dea in every Italian --indeed in ean—cit . :With a view the. prejudice of the Itali b. against official inquiries, al professor has undertaken. vestigati n, aided by peasa, missionets. The Italian has adopted tile ex-cellent p ing prize to the cultivat compose he best essay on cultivati n, or on that ordin in his parish, with suggest ending whatever may be the programme of study a tural college of Milan, "1 one of the branches studi c strange that German shoulc as a ]anguagc to be acq 1 English or French—befor especially PAR/S.—The attached to ntracted for per annum; be also pro- ered at the r1872, 182, - calves, and tr showed a iprevious an - plies France attle, despite ness of meat every Europ- f overcoming n peasantry agricultural general in- ts as co-COM- Goverttrtient an of award - r who shall is system of rily pursu.ed ons for am- efective. In the agricul- terature' is i; it seems be preferred ired, before the latter . NOTICE TO T TRAVELING Fi PLIBLIC. Tickets to or from Europe, 1.1FORT GAR And ell pits in the Northwest, LA.KE.SUltRIOR LINE,either b Dawson Ro te, also tickets to all Eaatern and Western , By Bailor tearaboat connection, application to the undureigned nt way a. Information chee intending tlavelers: 839 R. B: MO y the Anan by BEATTY'S Duluth or the 'lets of the States an be had on Sesiorth • Rail - ally .gieen. to • DIE, Agent. THE EooNorvi 0A L MUTUAL FIRE! INSURANCE FOMPANY, OF BERLIN, ON , INSURES Farm Risks and non hazardous Vil- lage Property et Moderate Rates. The Epon.o- efit of cheap instirancte and to this end 1) mical is conducted with a vie* th g,ivo insurers the full en the expeneee of management are hope ag loW as is consistent With Beets' and econoxhy. rusurences are effected chiefly on the .premiu note system, to obtein only dently expected weaned Mange en called 'for for her particulans MASON, eueral Agent, . 0., Co. Huron, and as the 4xtremese care ie take good risks, Assessments are cou to be as low' as th.ose of the best Companies. No assessment has be two years and a half. For fur apply Lo l J-0 Insurance and ( 844-3 Zurich . J O H cine_ho /ILA _TN CAPITA N S. PO e Banker and Excha rBRI!,7T, S $01 'etis is no blow, but a PUYS Gine Meeks and Americo. -1-j rent rat. Lends money on erty. Shave3 notes without la ineney oi de osit, and pays 20 pc —when yout get it. ' Buy.' and sr Lets; partied }emit sg town. and wish will find me on hand like a themes Buysjlide, , ,S'heep. Skins, E TER, go Broker,. e1/70/1.?TII. 00,000.01. act. Silver at cur- Ood farth prop - her. Reeeiees r ceet. interest 1113 HOURCS Old ug to sell quick d of brick, trs aud,Trodl t tl.te highest pri (s. • All th did one with the. nbove Id, is itIlot ? Hand in your wm expectet and; don't be afreid, he w I I DOMINION apitals wonder - t, wisheS heel M.% bust. 341 ttoluacas Zap tl‘• c, - c, 3:0 t=i 4=I Enti 1 rra C'D —1 3to `crA zfQ2r `CIYAz[3Hy L7 L2f SEA,F0 MARB MESS , • Would intimate geuerarpublic t orders for Monuments, 'Ge'Cersite ilfentt 'Work of the be surpassed in this A call respeetfu Calder's old Ste. MESSErre. .TH AND HURON E WORKS. T1' & BROTHER, ate of Hamilton) o their numerous friends and the at they are prepared to fill all Headstones, Table Tops, antles, Bee, 1101i$ Imported to Order. t style and art, and cannot be part of Ontario. ly Fe:incited. . (1, opposite Mcballum's Hotel, MAIN STREE , SEAFORTE1.. . MESSETT. CLINTON ARB E W H RON STREE Next door w st. of the Comm MONUME TTS, HEA And work of all Marble, designed and -at most rem bads in Americ and executed in Labia prices. Mantiea of n rious Colored pact on Short No Granite Monni ents and Head. to order. 277 EGG The subscribe customers (mere petronage clurin by strict hategrit to meait their co Having greatl the winter, he is • HIGHES For any quantit et the • Wanted by th clean WHEAT 6 SEAFORTH, Ma W. . H. CO T. 0 EM PO R KS, rcial Hotel. STONES) u and Foreign the hest style, ilfamble sup - tones imported )PER, Jr. • LDER, Agent. e • - -- RI M hereby thanks his munorous ants and others) or tb.eir liberal the past seven y alleUrLOPCS) • :Ina close attent 0 to bueiness, ifidenee and brad i the fueure. enlarged his p e iiiss during, ow prepared to sae the CASH of good fresh WC- EMP Mein . subseriber 25 ritA.W. D. D. 'eh IS, 1874. Seymour, stru,,-,k 'i ithi an opportunity of S„HARM iESbING eva,siort, earelessl y 0 ser,-eil. z that it was & THE hasty in his tq-ace to urn his letter, be- HAVii-C cause it contained a bank note of one HURON PLANING hUndred un Poties ...WI_ thai, therefore, S...I.GON. AND BATH they were now- cinit.4.!` • a young woman behaves tot), ter partn t 'in a manner partie- 41arly tet til mid esp t mean hem principle as well as nature—there is nething good; and gentle that may net be -expected- freen her, in +ate ver condition ahe is placed.. Uf thi, I am so thorough- -1y. persuadwi that, N *e I to advise any friend Of 110ile In choice of a wife, 1 know n&. iebether my first counsel would, tnotbe, ook out im one distinguished • byher attentiet, and s Jteetness to her pa. Ientiteqir rents,” .cil)ie fund. of liku orttd. .affection n such a I ehavior, joined to the habit; of ditty and consideration thereby (tett, i -teed, tra,neferned to the latWiN1 state wj1 not fail to render .),:cture711,1 ,and obli,dng companion. —sget-es. DREAM/ te drt true perception of the telatioas of space, as -anuitiilated, so that wi tityis compre8sed into Vane is traversed moi real thought. There , trations of this princi fume we have. no apac of.time. The well as tune, are iile al :Mat an etcr- a momPut, infinite e swiftly than by re numerous Mus- e on record. A 31. NETketrAN has pleaeure • , that he ' as fitted np over his of convenient iud comfortable tOOMS. • NESSE. . GRAY (CI in announci g shop a ntnub r 'REG to atmoun business. int Martine and are n TH Rpo s Where a cleen and oomfortable ba h may be it d 1 at any time. SHAYII A.ttexided, to.4 LAD] fete Of the latest C AND NAIR. usual. Aieo on ham C(HIG.S0e.-Vg AN Ana have tic traids , Charges reit FernisLca ot prices.; A eall is resi SOO RESSINC a nice stock f • RRA.tp 3 ylea. He is eleo.pre -tared to take n S' HAIR COM INQS, rn straightened anc eats, Switches, C unable. ENTS' WI •shor'..Cst, notice a eetfully solieited. WIC NEWMAN. worked 'in o L, less than ci o( • RICE r.4 delieered • )RI UM, tie et, Seaforth. us of good dry ILSO N. 328 ,e that they ha'e. he Shop lately o: -en. se prep:tied to fill a Sashes, Doo -s, Blinds, And all ends of planed I ALSO LA CHEESE 13 FARM G A good stock Factory and Tit near Main. street. ,Tig Sawing aaid A. GRAY. ;VD ,S7 X ES AN TES, HAYRA Seat- need Lumb rebee -lard on jJ- Efra, ).T eommenced ied by Mr. slers for uldings, er. VOLES. -TERS, KS, • ttc, hand. rich street, Custom. Planing aent1y done. 17. H. SCOTT. SAM elfueltine . 111/ 3' Of s All orders, either • EL TROTT, antifneturer of rued Butt • Packages Superior Quell y. Whelesnle or It tai, promptly S ORTH ON . 77 THE THREE SEVEN'S, FOR THE LAST T*0 WEIKS IN:JULY, Will Sell Cheap lot 0f Silk P1traso1s, Si4iinmer Shawls, Summer Dress oo4, including One Thousand Yards of Selo DYess Go cis, received toilltin 14 past Ten Days, THE CHEAPEST GOODS EVER,SHOWN SEAFORTH. nr Yokohama Silks, striped. worth 60e for 85e, ads Silks worth ti, -;,1 25 foil $1, ack &Dm worth $1 50 for 25, ack Silks worth $2 25 foe eel 75. Con uterpanes, Shirtings. Muslin., Lac Also N Now BI New Bl New BI Towelings, Table Li11411,3, , AT A GREAT To HotelKeepers and Haiu! pendent buyer, the each buy see the Stook and Prices at t • PERCENTACE LES THAN USUAL PRICES 3 Curtains, Keepers buying by the Piece the best terms will be given. The inde- ) xs, the buyers who can lb -dr -where they like, will do well t drop in and o 777. 'You win be niat e welcome whether you buy Or n t. A. G. McDOUGALL. rer• rastumrs•-snpralauccrntmv.ericenowest..--...... . TEAS, TEAS, PTEAS. POWELL'S CASH PAID FOR ASK r9R FINIE MIXTUR AT .A...i 3D I, A W S E POUNDS SUGAR FOR $L UTTiR. J. C. LAIDLAW. see, ' reffe. Jees • eseses t c'est4eees'ee •serene LARGE SHIP A TEAS, 40e, 50e, 75c TOBACCOS, C PIC The above Goods are all new NTS 0 IVINC AT T d 1 per pound. SU A ; F EES, RIC CLEW; SA.UC and good value. Try t FRESH GROCERIES BEEHIVE. 8, 8, 9, 19, 11 and 12 pounds for $1. CURRANTS, RAISINS, 'SPICES, (C.c. - n. Green Groceries fresh every neoenin0TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. • SE4FORTII ACRICULtURAL IMPLEMENT, Sewing nnd MUSIOAL INSTRUMENT 1R., i TJ M SEWING MACHINE DEPARTMENT. 1 take pleeieur in stating to _the public, that I shell at all timtis bare a stock of all the diffeeent kinds of Sewing 31achinee, with their varied pre- tentious to merit, that thepurchaeers may be able to Suit thonselres at one establishment, without inconvenience:. The whele fate of the counter has been, and still is, frequented by teausient persons. My object is 'to caution the public against buying enything but Standard Mechines, and of Regular leetablished Agents, who can ni- wys found, and whose warrant una guarantee can be relied on and if the puedieser in not suited -with the kied they think they want, they eau haVe the privilege ox ' essanging it for tiny Other. We have at all timess a, new and fresh stock of the Florence and Webster Machines, as well as all the oeher standard tnakes, -which can be paid for on very estey terms, or if not satiefactory, Cart 'be changed for any other. that may be desire.l. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ' 1 ' 0. C. WILLSON Can t1 - (y the world on Musical Instruments, both in Price and- quality, he cannot be surpassed. The mannfeetu ers of Inetrunneets which he sells have a reputati n that dare net be questioned. Ile sells for no eeeond-clans firms. The Mathu- } shek and Steieniety Piano- . erinee, Araeon & Mena - i lin, and Eetey Organs ana Melodeons. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. , Such as Straw Cutters, Grain Cru -'hers, Root . J Cutters, Sewing 'Machines and Horse Powere, aIX of the best, always on hand. IRON HARROWS. -Now is the tirae to purehrtee 11 '' ' '''i,!;. li _Ii•.-, : 1 . 't ' A.Y ..."''''''/....1.74.....)..iiiil.:7.4 I 11 I . ' .. -; 1. -;Th•-•.... ' ... •r. /:-...1 ,?; i 7,5."-7;1,-„,"74-...-.3, '''7,-• ,s. . •" : • 1 `.i! / ,srsrIF 7 11 e' re 14 < even. .;.1 eettesee t• 0 0 fr; tc. r.;- : • . The Best in use. L few only on hand. Call and get one before they are all one. In the year 1870 I s4s1c1 30 of these Harrows; in 1871, 50 w,re sold by me; 'in 1872, I sold 75 ; and in 1878 my sales reached over 150. This is the best proof tlmt ean be offered of the satisfaction whieh the Harrows give,. 0 0. 6. WILLSON, Market -street, Seaforth. 825 FLOUR ANI EED, .0ATIVIE L MD CORNMEAL wises on hand and for ale at Mill prices. Few Htmlred Cedar Fence Posis h Goods„ s usual, deliyered pro ptly and free of charge. INSPECTION SOLICITED. • STRONG 22.1 and will be sold Chea,p for Cash. & FAIRLY, &,1q -forth. ARRIVALS AT Teas, Sugars, *Which were bo AT PRICES WHICH MI, BACON, Akvays in Stock t SEAFO LAR THE OP iquors ai ght on very favors ST PROVE AMS, FL OF THE 13EST the Chegrtere alcD ElIEQUERED STORE 1 General G-roceries, terms and will be sold off ISFACTOR'Sr TO CUSTOMERS. UR AND MEAL 1 TALITI Store„11 a in, Street, Seaford& JAMES MURPHY. 91-1N NI 1TISH.D.,8 to inform the ijirming community at " SEAFORTH FOUNDR3f foi a term of years, an to manufacture all kinds of AGRICULTURAL OU PRALR. d the palic generally that he has -kneed the 1 .efitted it throughout. He is now prepared vIDLEMENTS SUCH /1.8 Straw 0 -utters :Plows, Gano. ?laws Drag Saws; Including the TOTwhith i the best 2 -bare Saw in use. ALSO MY ;IMPROVED P.P.TT'S POWER. B L7 L D ,Ar Crf A X D ALL OT.IIE f. ,.1STI.VGS Turneaont On the ehottese notice. Mill, Engine and other Repairs done with. Ni.,,r.tnei-s and Diepatch. - A C`21 LI; WIN :1'40 ITER. TO THE FI,ARIVIERS OF HURON. Wehave much pleasure in informing you thatewe here sneer., 1 the eeereees of Mr. OFfeRLES • McLEOD, Kippen, as General Agent for the hale of The KIRBY Reaping pee 4. 'sp. csf.'`--.7--—;ti,,A. 'APieetAer-A, eneeeeeevo 14‘. ee Ls • .74 , And Mowing Machines. W. H. OLIVER, Harness, Saddle and Collar ▪ iANUFAO-TUREB, , SEAPORTH. 0 cet, P. ORDER, SIGN OF THE SCO' CH COLLAR. A choice st esortinent of Belt end heavy Harness-, Whips, 1301113, Horse Clothing s'ets., kept constantly on haste. Repairing promptly at.enetel to, and • charges moderate. Remember the pleve,sign of the Scoteh Collar. W. H. OLIVER. The KIRBY Machines have not yet been fully introarteea ono the Cclunty of Enron, but those Fanners who were present at the leippen Reaping Match, in Jr.l.e,187, can form their own opinions as to the merits of our Machines. The Kirby machines are simple in constrattion, ettsily maueged. venv durable, will do thtir work equal to any machines made, and are positively the lighte"t rnisnine maeltiees hi the Dominion. We make and can supply to Farmers for the eoreing season. the KIRBY C03113INED 110WE11 AND , REAPER, the BURDICK INDEPENDENT SELF-RAKCCG REAP/ell, and. KIRBY'S NEW TWO- V.HEEL MOWER. Mr. MeLEOD will supply pamphlets, all information and certificates.; from , Farmers who have used. the -Kirby. We trust the Faemers of Huron will sustain no in our efforts to supply them with, first-class Machines. Yours truly, A. HARRIS, SON & CO. CHARLES McLEOD, Kippen P. Q. 1 A JA.MES MARTIN, St. Helens it et., 1311ANTYORDI MAreh 11 1874. 826 nee, enee-e7.‘,. _ • • e.s. see " 1 • . EXT C4:1' 1.-G E 117:1-10 T CARTWRIGUT,I'LA.1DX. S,, nreeen Dentiet ‘-i• sate nee in Staforth, et These's: the first Tuesstev ne. Vs'esineedny of eeeb nun ; in Clinton, at the 6,ersse nee) Rotel, on ties fellessieg TIMM- deys and Fridays. Sher...main-tier of tise tiixte. at his Strati -mei teliet Partitsssl neefiring newt Petit ets! requested to eall, if tit Sc- fen h aud Clinton, en the ilretdavs ei at- telretaensit;:ene).: of ever en; es te ttts s:n have hail their tet-th ..ttite.f.tal by tle• nee ;.11 Gass, may -seee sit my ones (4LbCI hi fnntrfs-rii. - Teeth ineertee in the moet eabettoeiel end lin- inI°41dielgd in gold, tine, itt n, meeter whith cannot be esuphesed. 237- E CHEAT ENCLbli PEMEDY. tir . Before , •••• • SPECIFIC MEDICINE Cures.; till Nervone Diseaesse, snel: rs'n e.eee, De- bility, Pneei tee., whieb,_ in sense tesees. aro pi-ohne:el by neer indulgeness in tee ten oe teene- co and elsenielie spirits: lett the Sees hie Medieine is wee :s els; ens] le eseeenneenessel 41!", 11:1,151i34g euro for ‘.e,ni hes I Weakness„ Stesietsa-::sernese, Do- potermy, and all :lies:el.-el; lhut follen sez seentenee of Sell Ale) et. as Lose of .elsestery, 1 -le.....essesl nese- tuele, nt the itaek. Dinmees of V. -ion, Pre- matere tel, Age, and many othtsr sliss.:asos: that lead. P ts, :t•s:spity or Colts -au -1'1)04,h az:s.l a Prema- ture (=rsz:s.. till (../1 widen, :kg ars: bv deViatin„:- from the path tsf net ais. end over indul gen s. The Specific 3.1edissine is the rseelt, Of a life study tine men :years.; of eeperienee le: treating theets ess. diseaseK. Fall intrris-:i:,:rss,- 111 bur patuphivt, which we deeire t,j fiend froby mail to .ever7 (MC. The Speehle 31edicine eold he ell Druggist§ at eej pee parka:4e, or 0 packages for es:1. or -will be -sent by mail tit:receipt of the molten, ey address- ing \WILLIAM 0 RA Y & Co., Avir.dgeil rOnt. Sold in Steforth by Be, Hickeon Co., J. S. Itoberte, R. L.:misdeal, and byaell-Druggiets. NO RI Ff"401? & LT' selsZ, Toronto, 'Wholesale Dealers. . 33fgeovr a