HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-07-31, Page 6e ea. -e 4, TH HURON Exposrr EECRER SCANDAL. ec camel' Skate a-poae at this time to ma ination of the remarkahl Mr. Theodore Tilton read Vtitutittee Of Investigati-on ,peared in the Brooklyn il- 21, 1874. ' I recognize th S which make it of tr portance to rayself, th the cause of public raoralit give a full answer to th st me. But having reque tteeofInvestigationtosearc a the bottom, it ia to th _ r etIV vindication. ot delay for an hoar to - del- Ultation of 3.4rs. Elizabeth, n whose name, in inc. her husband haa at.. nir shame. iserving a such disgrace ; From childhood she ha :.iy eye, and since reaching ahe has had my sincere Affection. I cherish for hek- such as ee gentieman inigbit ler to a Christian woraa might receive and recipr moral scruple. I mice on every imputation whi her honor or rav own. r for Mrs. Tilton was pe o-wu to my family- ; whe dties sprang up in. her haus e my wife that she resarte and both of us, acting fro nd, aa it subsequently a Lott full knowledge, gave ri I ml which tended to harra. Wet that Mr. Tama faun e's confidence and re -liana oneut had greatly increased, fluence had diminished, in Of a marked change in his k social "views, which w . urmg those years. He greatly exercised lest he mild be harraed by -view eirted vitally false and dan- . f enly end rudely aroused t f impending danger by th domestic distress, a sic r tmto death, of the like ration, and the scattering ry member of which I ha td. The effect upon me oit y of the state of Mr. e- and, the t condition, of hi issed in -sorrow and eXe1t ig that I i had ever expe life. That my presence, °tinsel had brought to a be - sorrow aid alienation, gave ;tate of mind, a poignanc tg which I hope no other ma , t.- suspected of having offe e privileges of a peculiarly on an indecorum to a -wife Na'ald not but deeply wound is seasiti-v'e to the honor of There were peculiar rea- rm in this ease o -n other ;much as I was then, subject rumors, end a flagrant out- s family would bring upon 4 injury, derived from these- tsehoods. i r it the time that my presence ; had tended, however n to produce a social eat sented as imminent, f gala a my feelings in an inteil mutual friend, net in col ;, self -defending worclk but1' ug blame upon rayself, an ny heart to my friend in th iguage, overburdened l with bans of irapassionecl,sorro he evil man Mr. Tilton no should have been; calmer idea. It was my horror of atted that filled Inc wit laity at the very shado- I 'as my friend affected gen I he assured me that sue '& conveyed to Mr. Tilton .. Wannded feeling, allay an :I the whole trouble.H tentences and fragments 0 )een saying to use them as I: full statement of the eir alder which this rueraorant -e I shall give to the Taves raittee. , . apologies were more th A the facts of the case that they were accepted reottrse ream:Elea its friend klr. Tilton subsequently rat "ting, and that he has con er years, anal until withir. t live with his wife. vahle, if the original charrg :tit is now alleeed, that h condoned the afence, not e mother of his children, :whom he believed to hav ,,,x The absurdity, as well] , of this story is apparent, onsidered that Mr. Tilton. .that he carried this -guilt wife's infidelity for si d up in his own breast, an divulged it to me, onlyj ight be a reconciliation with atoll has since, in every aage, and to a multitude of ally, in written statements, .d documents, declared his ife'purity_ -:teconeiliation of Mr. Tilton 'rs_ , , ry consideration of piropri- r demanded that the family d be kept in that seclusion tie affairs have a right to anctuary; and to that se- • determiaed that it should ,. I I and word of ray private tial letters which have been 'a harmony with the state - 1 now make. My pub- pondence on this sahjeet t two elements : The ex - y grief, and that of my de - the honor of a pure and in- arpose to analyze and con- e the extraordinary paper ; but there are two allega- . cannot permit to pass with- otice. They refer to the ents which Mr. Tilton pre - witnessed personally : the ed scene in my house while ngravinge ; and the other ne in his own house. His oncerning these are abso- .rNothing of, the kind ever any semblance of any such are now brought to ray first time. tatement which connects 'Ialy with Mrs. Elizabeth R. deli in any wise would iia - tor andepinity of this be - tux woman. I give the most reliensive, and solemn de- IHENRY NV e,la BEECHER. tly 22, 1874. are. Tilton *Statement.. Mrs. Tilton haa o published ft state. eatin which she ;remPtorily and re- tedly denies eiy charge made against herself and Mr. -Beecher, in the tatement of her 11.1: an The investiptio of the Committee ; i1l proceeding, nd WitneS8e8 are be - ng examined, but no additional facts kaVe yet been elicit d. Mr. Tilton stood his cross-examinatian very badly. Ile had a vivid recoil tion of some matters, while others whic happened at the aame time, and de' nal importance, had R,gcapea his memor Tilton has- been rrestecl on a charge of Donna the char der of Henry Ward Beecher, and has a een allowed to go at jay on bail until is trial, the date of which has not yet b en fixed. The scan- dal, therefore, is Ii ely to be ventilated through the Courts. A arra lot of W" e Clovers for Meat, &e, and a great lot of ouse Furnishing Goods justarrived at Hroasoete eimelmov BIPR$. MeDoSWX).—In G ey, on July 24, the wife of Mr. Dun an. McDonald, of a , BMA. itmotran.—In. Br ssels, on July 29, the wife of MT. W liJlough, of a son. Tricur.—In. Grey, oo July 23, the wife af Mr. R. W. Tu•k, merchant, Gran - brook, of a daug ; ter., GRMOLDRY.—In Se forth, on July 26, the wife of Mr. R. G imoldby, of a son. Seaf rth, on July 24, the wife ofl\fr. Riche. d. Hammet, of a, son. MOGREGOR.—In NcKillop, on July 23, the wife of Mr. Alexander McGregor, of a son. cogs ,11 as the previous one. ferin' s anadinted to 1,610 b ers era well represented; wereit made. Owing to a de Engl sh market on that c woul 1 not offer the previous and. ellars refused to take le, suit as, —ao transactions. no b tter Offered. • Cheese of - es. Buy- ut no sales line in the ay, buyers ary's prices, s.' The re - There was STI ATFORD CHEESE ARKET. At the Stratford cheese arket, on Wed esday ilast, ,t6,195 box., mostly of July make,' were offered; ,650 boxes were clispos d of; - 290 at 11 cents ; -810 at 1 cents,, and 3,650 at 11 cents. The larket dragged at -the opening, but one or two sales being ma e, the rest went pff a 1 TOR NTO L TB STOCK MARKET. iBn V,BS.—T ere have not been many palm cattle e ming in chili ig the past Week,' but there was a fa- supply of medium and inferior, Whieh Old at for- mer rates, shippers taking about one- half he, offering. We quo e first-class $4 5) to $51 second-class, $ to $4 25, and. hird-class, $3 to $3 50, • 8 : Eaa.—.The supply has een good— if ail,' hung more than was required to meet the local deinaud—ai. prices are bare y Maintained. We qu te first-dass $5, s .eond-class $4, and thir -class $3. L MB —.Receipts have , ecu liberal, but he dentand has colitis lied active, and 11 eoming in sold rea ily at from $3 51 to ,$4 for first-class, $ for second- class and $2 50 for third-cl ss. ' , G • an.'—The price of gold n New York is q ated at 109. Rwriala—In McKillop, �n July 26, the wife of Mr. Richard. Remiy, of a daughter. • S pratccE.—At Carr nbrook, on July 28, tan the:wife of Mr. J mes Pierce, of a son , —still -born. collee 844 the wife of Mr. Villiara Brown, of a daughter. GRANT.—At thwnship of Grey, I STB 011 July 21, th wife of Mr. John 8, yok ficleraki' , the Winer rs spotted. red ined whitei and - Grant, of a son. Seerta—In Seafor h, on. July 25, the has a oll_ing ump on leis neck. hese CUM; -were Wife of J. G eat, M. D., of a I, seen n lenday. July 24, on the lei pen Road near daughter. OTICE TO DEBTORS,. ORTH FOUNDRY.—The 1°counts dee to Y. err, 1Vilkie & CO. are in my ands for collec. nd :all those that remein [unpaid on the of AUGUST next well be p1&ted in Court for ionwithout any further nence. , e BROWN.—At Carr nbrook, on July 27, JOHN S. PORTER. THE Assura HEAD OF THE Public tion, former has not cense the Mutual In onee during it of amount of risk, and that was young an having by care policy holders several fiery or levying anys, and having, finanes caus 1870, 1871 and caeh reserve ( ACRICO, TURAL -o-firtir co Aso iation of Canada ICE, - NbON ONT. ill plon,se not t at this Aesocip- y the Gourley bf fiddleeex Mutual, ted to advance o rates by entering wenn Combita ion. Having only widower re al ed more than half (r remium NotIr a three* years' (ring at a tim w on the Company the country ba Used in fire, and ul xuanageme' t .nd liberality with been enabled fo ass through the eals of the past ten yea.eo without .cial assessment on its members, fter the late se ere drain on its d by the exc s ive fire losses of 1872, still at the Members,' credit a rummy 1st, 1874,)of 0,0eq ' 07, With a total Capital of $451,370 12, Ora Bu Board of Directors have dller. the overtures pf len successful Companies to dvante our rate.. In the face of a strong and inhr asing competition this old favori ;e• issued for 17 the largo nuraber of 13,066 raakin the total namber now in force over 37,00Q. Parties desiring insurance on feem property, eese factories, de- tached dwellines and their ou uildings in towns and -villages will be waited opy the undersigned or one of his duly authotrized .epresentatives by addressing as 'below. Ple sub c iber will continue to visit Huron peeiodioally, and solicits for his co-operators the same noble patronage that has been given to the AGRICULIURAL in the past, and moreparticularly to himorelf, as its agent, during the pa t two years aril la half, J. R. VAN TASSEL, Clintdn; A. TAYLOR, Londesborough—RepresentatiVet in Huron. MOTTO--' MeritCommands Success." CHAS. T. DOYLE, Box 4, Cowen Sound, 344 District Agent Grey, Bruce and Huron. BUTTER, BUTTER. OXEN STRAYED. - YD from the prefilises ofi the subseriben '- 01 No. 24, Con. 10, BecIdulple, about July 22, - ' of working CereeN, about 30 years of Inge ; of red color, with a little 'Whit° 07,1 the • the ed Tavern, in Tuekersrnit1. Any pprson E D givin sueJh Information as yi1l 1 ad to their re - cove to the !undersigned, teadreesed to Whalen MAR IAGES. P. 0., or at the EXPOSITOR Office Seaforth, will be . . CLARK= t the Presbyterian snits. ly rewa ed Church, oa Bay eld Road, on July 34"4 JAMEZ HAWKINS. 30, by Rev. M. D by, George Clark, second son of Wiliam Clark, Esq., to rra Partneship of DAVIDSONI& CAMPBELL, • ISSOLiTTION PARTiTERSHIBr Margaret Jane K ys, daughter of Rob- ert Keys, Esq., all of _Stanley. t as Hotel keepers in Seaforth! is this dal dis- solve by mutual consent. .alcxander Davidson ItEMSTRONO--CEARK. —At the Presby- aen ethaa all debte due said film and pity all • • , tell= Ohnreh, on Bayfield Road, an 1" of Same' ALEX. OAATEDsoN, July 30, by Rev. M. Datiby, John t't. JOHN CAMPBELL. Armstrong, fourt strong, Esq., to 11 of William Clark HODGSON-0411a son of -Rainey Arm- 1wl nen Clark daughter Esq., all of Stanley. At the Bible Chris- xeter, on July 21, lock, Mi. T. Bodg- o Miss E Ching, of es—S. G. McCAUGHEY. 1847-3 TEACHER- WANTED. NTED for School Section No. 3, Hallett, a Teacheaholding a first or iecon(14claeli certificate, Duties to comnience januar,y, 1675. 1 , SOIEN Seer. tary-Treasurer. ! 347 onstaucelP. O. tian parsonage, by Rev. J. Whi son, of Stephen, Exeter COOPER=COWLEY. At Gonie, on July 15, by Rev. Wm Hawke, Mr. G. C. Cooper, of Gorrie, to Miss Florence A. Cowley, of Strat erd, late of London, England. Cooaaa—Paroter.— n July 23, by 1ev. T. Brock, Mr. illiara 11. Coop , of Tuckersmith, to Miss Rebecca Jane Prout, of the,vill ge of C1iat971. • DE GR1MOLDBY. —111 27, the infant s oldby. . GRIEVE. — In. Me glop, on July 21, Jane Govenlock, ife of Hugh Grileve, Esq.; aged 50 ye s and. 3 MOrithe. GRIEVE.—In McK oaa, an July 18, Joseph, fifth son if John Grieve, Esq., aged 28 years. HA.Y.--In Tuekers ith, on July 1 22,, Mary Douglas, r ict of the late ohn Hay, aged 71 ye s. MITIR Turnber y, on July 17, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. John Geramill, Mrs. I abellar Muir, widow of the late Wm Muir, Esq., aged 80 years. Caaalas.—In Gre , on July 25, the wife of Mr. Joh Cardiff, and eldest daughter of Mr W. G. flingsten, of Morris. MoDoaatan.—In 1 rey, on Ally 25, Janet, daughter f Mr .'Peter. .McDon- ald, Cranbrook, ged 5 years. Molcast.--In Bras els, on July 24, W. McKay, blacksm th, aged 35 years. T HS. Seaforth, on • of Mr. R. G itn- uly 141 TETE M RKETS. SE There is not mue ket these days. to decline. Oats a spirect for local c readily bring quote scarce with a stro • ORTH, July 30, 1874. doing on the mar - heat still continues e scarce, and are re- nsumption and will figures. Butter is g upward. tendency. Hay is coming in f eeiy, but good quality will readily bring q oted figures. There is not so much t year as formerly. Ball Wheat, per bushel. .........$1 16 to Spring Wheat, per bush 1. ... 1 10 to Oats, per b ushel.. ...... . . 50 to Peas, per bushel. 0 60 to Butter, No. 1, Loose... ... . 18 to Eggs.Hidee.. . . ... ; . — ....... .. . Hay, new._ ......... 0 19 to Butter in tubs. Flour ..... ........ • Veal calf', per pOtind. Lamb Skins. Sheep pelts. ... • - • • . • . • .. • . Salt (retail) per barrel. Salt (wholesale) per ba el. Potateee, per bushel, ne . • • • - • Oatmeal ere brl.... _ . • Wood.... — . ........ ......... • Beef-- • n -bark offering • this We quote : iS 1 la - 0 60 0 66' 0 18 19 011 0 00 to 600 900 to 0 00 6 00 to 6 00 ' 0 08 to 009 0 45 • 0 30 1 25 1 05 100 6 00 2 75 5 50 4 00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 30 to 0 25 to 075 to 0 00 to 2 50 to 3-00 to ....... • CLINTON, July 31, 1 Pall Wheat, per bushel............ 1 18 0. 8P1Ting Wheat, per bush 1. 1 12 Oats, per bushel....... ...... • • • 0 38 g Barley, per bushel.. Peas, per bushel. 1 05 0 0 65' 0 B tt ................. O17 g Petatoes................. 0 50 et Peas 0 00 0 Ray, per ton,.......... . . ... 10 00 0 • • 74. 1 20 1 15 0 45 1 10 0 67 0 18 080 0 11 2 00 t2 10 to $2 15 ; to $2 00 ; red, $1 0 to $1 90 ; spring, ,wLtio;, per 100 lbs., $1 95 DoN, July 30, 1874. Pall wheat, to $1 16. Hay, s,1 50, peas, $1 10 potatoes, per bag, er ton, $10 to $14. ,1 ; batter, per lb., 19e to 22c. TORO. There is but littl load of' white wh Treadwell, at $1 Ray brought $14 to 22e to 23c for pou 17e to loc. TO, july 30, 1874. grain offering. A at sold at $1 25 ; 2, and oats at 90e. $17. Butter sold at d rolls, and egas at SEAFORTH ORE MA The Seaforth Ch kat, 1eido Th urs SE AND BUTTER •KET. ese and Butter Mar - ay, -was not so stici- WA INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. In t te County Colot of the 9. of. Huron. DAVID ARNOTT, Plaintiff, vs. SOHN THOMAS, Defendant. UPoN reading the Writ Of Attechinent issned in tine *use,he affidavit of service thereof, and the return of the Sheriff of the County of Huron there n endorsed and other affidavets and papers filed, ad upou the application oe the Plaintiff. Ida rder that a meeting of the creditors of the said efendant be held before tate Clerk of thie Hono .able Court, at his office, in the Court Ifouae, in th Town ef Goderieh, on TUESDAY, THE 181h AY OF AUGUST, A. D. 1874, at 10 o'clock in th forenoon, for the purposeappointing an. Assig, ee to the estate end effects of the abeve name defendant, and that duce notice thereof will b given us required by the seed Act. Dat d at Chambers this 28th Day of Jaly A. D. 1874. . BEA ARD WILL OAS H BUY sbooD. 6UTTER IN ANY QUANTITIES AT HIS BUTTER AND WOOL DEPOT, 341 Go.derie h Street, Seaforth. (Signed) ISSAD T. TOMS, Junior Judge. 'el TY, CHADWICK & LASH, , C'e Plaintiff's Attorneys. • 347-2 0 3 - CO THE PIRENIX tsa FIRE INSURANCE q0MPANY 6 qui' • A0- 11088 large claim! are 111 OF LONDON, ENG-LOD. W. N. WATSON, iNT: AT SEA.FORTH; This old standard Ompany was established ini1782, does busi- all parts of the world, • does the second t business in the United Ki gdom, pays its with promptieade arid libeeality. Its rates derate •346-52 W. COLLINS' A CTION ROOM. I hay just received Consignreenes of Bankrupt Stock, consisting of Clot s, Readymade Clot g, conaxs, •).- Ties, &o. A ener d Stock of ry Goods, .Ind also a quantit of ' CR CKERY AND GL.. SSWARE, Whic will be offered at A et'on on ' SATURDAY, ATJGU T 1. Corne and bny at your own. price. I *ill also sell at private sale for less than raanufacthrers prices. Thes4i Goods are first-class stock end- no Shoddy. Buy ood Goods cheap when you Jamie the chance. • Sale ontinned each day and evening until the stock is all sold. • R. W. COLLINS Auctioneer. THE G-ENUINE HOWE SWING MAiCHINE , ./S STILL AR.41p. SOLD BY -VsT.A SC)T-T, SEAFORTH. want to know the trne emalities of this , C lebratedeSewing Machine call at ray office in Seale th, and:freevare of going to !where one only ia kelt on hind, and purposely out of or- der; to be compared to niferior machines to it disadvantage. Ift r a period of more than ten years experience in the Sewing Machine Thasinefis I have found that e 1 .i CENUINE HOWE MACHINE 1 1 . Is th only one•which has given • erinanent setae factio to pr.rcbaseiS, as never roving defective iu its move eats, nor being ret ed for repair. It posse see all the qualities of a aerviccal4e Sewing Mac , ne, it 18 strong, dnrable, not noisy as falsely repre ented, and all its parts are made of the beatdal , nd perfectly fitted together You .0 may hangeit from fine work to heavy work veth- out at inin it and rendering it I unfit for re rro- duein a neat and perfect stiteh on fine work. It will s w with heresy black linen thread. eti the same ase at, with a fine cotton spopl. La 'es, remember that the quailities to bS d sir- ed in good Sewing Machine are neither1Q-na.- ment Style, nor the perfonnanc of some s ess and u required feat, but a Mael4ne that will de just hat a good Sewing Machi e is required to do, a d not :etting out of order iia doing what is uot w nted o be done: Such is the Gontiiue Hoy! Machine. WM. N. WATSON 1- g THE GREAT 'RE ORM. The Greatest Reform that has ver been made is in the prides Furniture and Un taking. T. JOHNS: CO., Have reduced the prices one -hall, and have done away altogether with extortionate prices. Is it not to your interest to p zonize them. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE • KEPT IN STO K. They are also prep red to Furnish Funerals With verything Re-. -2quisite, And to alt nd personally wi h their Hearse. T. JOHNS & Co. 1NSOL ENT AC OF 1869. In tile Co nty Court the County of Truro? In the mat r of ROBE "T SCOTT, Jr., an Insolve t. IMPORTANT The Subscriber being about to aletii.e from Busi nese In BRUSS He offers his large and well s, ssorted steel: of STAPLE AND FANCY IIRY GOODS,. .11:11.L_Lriv-ER 17, 11114.NTLES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, IAD Wt&PEi BOOTS AiNTD S'I agS, AT AND UNDER 'Rif° AS THE ST OK ICE COST. Must Be *duced To a certain amount by the FIRST OF OCTOIEER NEXT, The date on which he retiresin favor of his Successor, F. C. ROGER1S, OR DELAWAtil Intending pn.rahasers will find nity to obtain G WNSHIP OF HAY BY-LAW CHAPTER 10, 1874. y-llatw to provide for Draining Parts of Lauds in the Towucchip f Way, and tor borrowing on the 11.edit of the lel niaticipedity, the limn of feeventeen Thouweena Four Unwired rand Five Dollars unit t'l'aein. ueCents, for Completing the Provla1ona1ly adoptend .thIse742.0th 'daylof Tune A. I e_ REAS, a majority in nurnbee of the OWn- era, its shown by the last revised Assessment It 11 to be resident on the property hereinafter se f rrth, to be benefited by the d 'linage, have petitlioned the Council of the said -TownshiP of Xffiy1 praying that what is known a the " Imre S a np,"---what is known as the "Bi Mush," or s a p, running throngh the centre t the Town- s ip and. tho " West " or "Little Marsh", or H4alnp adjoiuing the Village pf Zuri .li, should be dr ai ed. Ai (1 WHEREAS, thereupon the said Council pro ured an examination to be made by Andrew By being a Demon competent for such purpose, ol t e said looalitios proposed. to be drained, and h4.s leo pretend phins and estimate& of the -work tc b made, by the said Andrew Bel, and »1 as- s as ueut to be made by him of the Real Property ta b benefited, by such drainage, stating as nearly' cen, the proportion of benefit Which, in hie , on, will be derived in consequence of suela 1 ai age, by every road and lot, or portion of lot, 1 t aid aseeasment so made and theaoport of the ! s i Andrew Bay In respect thereof; and of the 1 s ia drainage, being as follows, via.: 'hat the said SI 274 0 'W ,•••.7 e) 1401 .Part Lott. 4c1 8 gouth half 18 46 57 50 8 North half 1844 55 00 • 8 West half of South half 19 e5 • SI 25 8 End half of South half 19 25 81 25 8 North half of 19 50 62 50 8 20, 21, gg, 28, 24, 25, 28,27,28 900 1125 00 N. 13. 14 and 15 •• 200 250 00 South 70 acres of 21 8 8 00 9 • N. 30 acree 21, S. 80 aeree 92 " 7 00 North 70 acres o122 8 8 50 9 28 80 30 00 40 40 00 49 49 00 2-5 25 00 26 25 00 124 12 50 25 25 00 124 12 50 12if 1260 . 00 68 00 9 24 9 East hall of 25 9 Elliot 95 kens of 26 West 75 aeres of 26 . 9 South.25 acres of 27 9 North 76 acres of 27 9 South half o128 9 North half of 28 • N. B. West 25 acres of 16 • N. B. East 75 scree of 16 68 Chargeable to :Municipality for roads 10 South half of 16 5 10 North hell 16 18 10 17 60 10, West half 18 24 10 Bast half 13 50 10 la • 85 10 Fast half of East half 20 5 • 10 Weft half of East half 20 2e , 10 East half of West hal/ 20 25 / 10 West half of Westhall 20 15 10 East hall of East half 216 • 10 -West half of East half 21 ' 20 10 Part of W. half of W. M. 21 21 10 • Pt. of W, and pt. of 2. 121 25 10 22 471 10 23 10 24 10 North half 25 10 South hell 25 10 West half of South ha f 26 10 East half of South fin' 26 26 96 a opi ed 1 2 10 West half of North hill s already submM ieted to the unicipal Council 10 Enst half of North ha e Township of Hay, and that hil) -estimate of 10 117 --- - hole proposed work its $17,405 1 . 10 West half of North hie 128 12 d. WHEREAS, the said Councli aro of the 10 Balance of 28. 63 ion that the drainage el the localities doeserib- 14T: BB: Wet ha89 lfr18 49 desirable, NW • it therefore enacted by the said Munioipal, N. B13:. 2aethallsIahlfobfllthall 8 2 Elasithhaalf1113189 • oil of the Township of Hay, puijsuant to the Chargeable to Municipality folr roads linens of an act of the Legislatu •o of Ontario, ne,doihnapth.e48thi.rty-sixth year of Her MejeValue of Improvements 26,1ety's N ber of Acres 10,340 17,4 ks connected To cover Interest for ten yeters $8,70007 65 25 13031 That the mild plans and estim era be adopt- Total Special Rate. Annual Assessment duriug with year2,614 76 age he quite practicable, aoco •_ling to the / 451 40 15 16 12 14 8 68 200 00 15 00 89 60 132 00 52 80 .85 00 144 50 11 00 65 00 55 00 30 00 10 20 44 00 46 20 75 00 142 00 186 50 120 00 45 00 48 00 36 00 1-2 00 42 00 24 00 114 00 52 00 187 00 117 00 147 00 60 50 82 50 15 00 nd the said drains and the wo owith be made and constructed n accordance evhitaht. Tthe Reeve of the said Township -may i ow on the credit of the oorporatio n of the said nship of Hay, the sum of $17,40 10, being the n s necessary for the work, and ay issue de - tares of the corporation to thee amount, in s of not less than One Hundred Dollars each, payable within ten (10) years teem the date eof, with interest at the rate oe five (5) per, tum per annum, that is to say hi equal annual a ents. Such debentures to be payable at the it of Toronto, and to have attaehed to them o pone forth° payment of interest: That for the purpose of. peeing the sum of, ceenteen Thousand Four Hundred and Five1 o lars and Ten Gents, being the amount qh rged against the said Lands, so to be, be efited as aforesaid, other than roads belonging. the municipality, and to weer interest thereon iiirten years at the rate of 5 yer cent. per •um, the followiug special rates over and &boys all ther rates Isbell be assessed mad levied (in thej s e manner and at the settee time as taxes sr , 1 ed) upon the undermentioned Iota and. parts oe lot, andthe amount of the said special rates an i f rest encased as aforesaid against each lot 0 a of lot reepeotively shall be divided into t 1 parts, and one such part Bann be amuse levied as aforesaid in each year for ten years attr the final passing of this By -Law, durin oh the said debentures have to run: tieur luc • , 3 SCHEDULE. mage of Lands in the Township of Hay, • County of Huron. Lot or Part Of Lots. .!Lt 9 3 , South 75 acres of 10 3 North 25 acres 10 8 11 8 12 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 41 414 41 8 5 5- 5 5 this a rare opportu- 6 5 ods at 5 5 5 5 • 6 WHOLESALE PRICES. 5 6 6 5 5 5 6 5 . ANY QTJANT FARM PR Y F Taken in Exchange for At and Un Canada, P ovince of Ontari , Co of Huron. (IN FREDA , the 281h day .1 APGUST next, the und reigned will ap ly to the Judge of the said Co for a discharge ende the said Atte _ . Sea forth, J ly 20,1874. ROBERT SCOTT, Sr., b McCAUGHEY HOLMSTED, ' His ttomeys ad litem. 346-4 Insol DAVID — T • A WRIT of .4-3` Sheriff's QIIle ent Act of 1869. RNOTT, Plaintiff; JOHN OMAS, Defendant. Attachment has been issued in this ROBER Sheri , Goderieh, holy GE3BONS, County of Huron. 15,4674. 345-2 UCE 0008 . B. 1. 6 N: 7 7 fr *Costa I *77 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 He will continue to seal to his eld friends and customers on the usual terms of credit. . N. M. LIVINGSTONE, • BRUSSELS. a 4 East half of East half 5 West 75 acres of 5 6 and 7 8 9 10 11 South half of 12 Northhalf of 12 18 . South half of 14 • 9 North half of 14 19 8 20 14 22 12 28 23 24 81 25 85 96 41 Weed half of South 11a1f27 23 West half of North half 27 92 28 44 West half of 7 50 West half of East half of 710 - 200 3 8 and 9 100 tend 5 200 300 atoriutithiVtioree of 9 25 North 75 acres of 9 75. 1 25 East half Of Ease half 10 West 75 acres of 10 76 • East half of 11 50 West hall of 11 50 South hall of 12 80 North. half of 12 • 50 13 100 Sarah hall of South half 14 25 North half of South half 14 ' 25 North half of 14 50 East half of 15 50 • West half of 15 50 East half of 16 48 West half of 16 50 South half of 17 44 North half 17 and S. half 18 90 North hall of 18 45 East half of 19 50 'West halvee of 19 and 20 40 West hell of East half 20 95 East half of East half 20 24 47 EWae8etthhaleillv!els of 21 and 22 10 East half o122 • 47 28 38 South part or half 0124 17 N. half 24 and S. half 25 29 21i6orth half of 25 10 27 28 South 20 acres of 8 North 80 acres of8 10 47 11 8,3,(16, 7, 8 and 9 10 131 snet 12 1 114,7i.1dalu56 18 12 8, 4 and 5 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 11, 12, 13 and 14 West 75 acres of 15 East 25 acres of 15 '85 11. 8 2 12 7 .60 92 14 75 140 64 65 87 100 50 50 45 16 Sonth half of South half 17 North half of South half 17 North half of 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 South half 25 North half 25 26 and 27 28, B.• 13 4 5 East half of 8 South 60 acres of 7 North 40 acres of 7 South half of 8 North hall of 8 9 West half of 10 East half of 10 West half of 11 East.half of 11 12 12 14 15 West half of 16 East half of 16 17 4. For the purpose of paying Ihsto Hundred and Fifteen "Dollars (015), being the total amount assessed as afoxesaid against the said roads of the said municipality and to cover interest them= for ten Tearer at the rate of flee per cont.. per &DRUM ,a special rate of 28-100 of a mill in the dollar shall over and above all other rates be levied (in the same rateand manner and at the same time as taxes are levied) upon the whole rateable property in the said Township of Hay in each Tear for the period of ten years after the date of the final pase- ing ofthis 13y -Law, annul; which said debentures have to nun • The aboveeis a true copy of a lay-Laiv to be taken into consideration by the Manicipal Council of th.e Township of Hay, at ZURICH, hi the said Township, on Tuesday, the lett Day of September, 1874, at tbe hour of 2 o'clock P. M., and in the event of there being no appeal from the Court of Revision shall be finally passed, at which time and place the members of the Ku- nieipal Council of the Township of Hay, are- here- by required to attend for the purpose aforesaid. • HUGH LOVE, Sr., - Township Clerk. Clerk's Office, Slily 27, 1874. NOTICE. • Any one intending to apply to have the aboee By -Law, or any part thereof, quashed, must, with- in ten (10) days; after the final passing thereof, serve a notice in writing upon the Reeve, andupon the elerk of the Municipality, of their intention to make application /or that purpose, to one of Ifer Majesty's Superior Courts of Lem at Toronto, during the term next summing the final passing of the abate reoited By -Law. ea a. HUGIf LOVE, Sr., Township Clerk. ' Clerk's Office, Ada 17,1874. se :.•8 e- a:. $5 50 400 100 600 8 561 30 00 65 00 .14 00 Y5 00 157 00 72 OC 78 12 97 91 0 120 (Id62 - 625(1 58_2 112• 87. le 0 176 150• 28 7 087• 437 612• 2876 275 55 - 62 5 125 200 125 950 375 0 -40 0 82 30-0 900 70 70 0 - . 70 700 140 87 5 375• 76 0 75 0 75 0 79. 75 66 0 185 0 67 5 '75 40 4-31 86 70 12 '70 57 • 25 48 15 20 800 17* 282 1522 5 7 26 89 200 950 700 1050 0 100 150 SOO- 25001)' 100. 1950) 184 18403 651 83 80 8901) 100 • 100 298 . 208 446 50062* 400 500 100 75 1. 957; 12 15 Op 77 96 25 20 2600 20 9500 40 50 00 69 S65 81 15 58 25 ' 80 60 -66 g5 57 50 4650 11 95 10 1960 64 80 00 27 88'5 28 - 854)0 10 12 60 26- 51 25 28* 35 62 15 18 75 11 ' 1875 17 21t15 21 26$ 53 :8500 -14 17150 BO 62150 31 8815 50 62i59 88 103 175 • 84 105 00 88 110100 88 110100 50 69-50 • 50 '6250 95 118 75 1-) 5 5 15 5 I 9 11 9 I COURT OF REVISION. Court of Revision, for hearing and deciding Complaints, and revising, if necessary, the 'valua- tions and assessments contained in the above re- cited Ziy-Law for Drainage in the Township of Hay, will be held in the TOWN HILL, in the VILLA.GE OF ZURICH, on Tuesday, the 25th Day of August, at the hour of 9 o'clock P. M. All interested are required tb govern themselves accordingly. Written Notices of Appeals and Complaints , must be lodged with the Township Clerk, within I 14 days from the first publication of the above re- ( cited. By -Law and this notice. of which the first ; publication thereof was on Friday, the 81st of I Jelly, 1874, in the Homer Exeosrrou newspaper. BUGH LOVE, Sr., • Township Clerk. Clerk's Offiee, July 27, 1874. 66 45 48 53 46 38 9 NOTICE. A LL Subscribers to our Periodicals will pleaee 8-1- hereafter pay no money to traveling Agents unless they can show written authority or printed receipts signed. by om•selves. Subscribers v ao have given their names and money to ALEXAN- DER W. WEBSTER will hereafter live their publications forwarded to them through the Pose Office, direct from the office of publication at Montreal. Delays -which have heretofore occurred in delivering- were notedue to our neglect, but en- tirel•y to the neglect and rnismatagenient of tile above named A. W. Webster. 2. RUTTERICK & Co., New York and Montreal. N. 11.—Hereafter the business for Seaforth and -vicinity will be conducted. by Mr. 0. C. WILL$ON; who is ear only authorized agent, and who alone. is empowered to coiled moneys and grant receipts for us. 348*4 E. BUTTERICK & Co. A UcTION SALE HOUSE & LOT in the Village ofSEAF0RTH AIR. S. P. BRINE has reeeivedinstructionsfrom -LTA- the proprietor, MR. 3. W. EVANS, to sell by Public Auction, at Powell's Hotel, an THURSDAY, ../eUG. 6, at 2 e'elock P.M., that large and com- fortable dwelling house, and lot, on the corner of Se. John and Jarvis Sts. TERMS -10 per cent. of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale, and the balunee of 000 in three months with in- tereet atethe rate of 6 per cent., and the remainder on time to suit the purchaser at 8 per cent. FOS - session can be given one month from the day of sale. For further particulars apply to JONNSON BROS., Hardware Merchants. seaforth. • 846-2 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NioTICE is hereby given that all parties indebt- ed to the estate of the late WILLIAM SAN- NIESON, in his lifetime, of the Sable Line, of the Township of Hay, are required to pay the same to the undersigned duly appointed administrator withhi two months from this date. All parties having claims against the said estate are hereby notifiedthat their claims, properly attested, must be filed with the undersigned for settlement on or before the 15111 of September, 1874. All parties not so presenting their claims will be barred from participating in any share of the proceeds of the estate. ROBERT SANNIESON, Johnston's Mills P. O. Administrator. Hay, July 15, 1874.. •846-8 BRIDGE CONTRACT. SEALED TENDERS will be received by either • of ehe undersigned, euldressed to the Post Of- fices; of Hay or Farquher, until SA.TTIRDAY, AUGUST 15, for the conetraction of a bridge over the Sable River, on the boundary between the Townships of Ilibbert and Usborne. Plansand Specificetions MU be seen at the residence of either of the undersigned. Tenders willbe opened at 2 o'clock P. M., on the. gremeds. The lowest or any Tender will not be accepted unless satisfac- tory. R. GARDINER, Re.eve of Hibbert. 846 A. BISHOP, Reeve of Ueborne. • LaSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. TEM Partnership of SAXES P. KENDALL & Co. as Mill Owners and. Produce Merchants, Sea -forth, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Parties indebtedto said firm will pay to order of James Crombie, who will pay all liabilities. Seaforth, 85 June, 1874. JAMES P. 11.1i1NDA.LL, MARTIN CHARLESWORTII. Witness—S. G. McCAUGHEY. 839-4 Geier, Zone 3, 1874. Parties indebted to the late firm of SAS. P. KENDALL & ill please pay Me. TAMES P. ieRNDALL, who Co.,;rill liquidate all liabilities and carry on. the businees under the•style of -S.A.S. P. KENDALL & Co. 341 JAZ; CROMBIE. TO RENT. STORE under Odd Fellows' g)..• Full particulars on application to senzetnry ofCommitt-ee. 846 J0111c PAINE. 1