HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-07-24, Page 3Jula" -24, 1874. liorse'slie the name, and see that the Hurd & Co. is on tad". Packa rep & Lyman, Toronto, Oat, for Canada. Sold by all alers. Ill 'alma -this is the season for slaints. •Ureen apples and ma - duce them, anstPerry Davie Aires them. To the troubled like a balm, and says ° :till,' and the wind is as - the trouble ceasea. Every the land keeps the Pain- ather should be without a in i THF. HEART CURED. Diouvl Co., April, 4,1a, Fellowa,lEsq.-Dear Sir or army years a victim, te ?' and prostration of the sys- v. Hating tried phyaiciana , both in Europe and Amer- ,iasal, no relief, 1 Iva -s at haat .4i,:iour, invaluable Syrup, ,)ey to say with the best re-. sing the 'first bottle iny cora- etter, and before the fourth I Waa, completely cured. I for the benefit of others, lar•Ta natRICE pETER$, Sr. OF POISONING Tea U 1I ti,e use of Compound khoF.1)1UteS,1 CCM t n m 8tininei without, beam properly labeled lasers of Dr. ;Wheeler's Compound :hates and Cali:ea:4a, are requested the two »r' tins aa they are it ehemisatity and medicinally. ecessa.ry ullements of the human sentiat te> the alienonzena a life, annqoaition. of every solid and v, and are harmless-. as our ordi- - .7tia-chnina is frequently poisonous do' -e' , it is of the greatest ingsor- a-arition heeded. s ie cot t Eereset le gle weld y., 1,DatoDICAX. DILLS. sae medicine is unfailing in the aese painful and tian erous diseases :male conatitatieu is subject. It ices., and reraovea all obstructions, reinay be gelled on, aa,,, it is esvelistria siti cod. It will -brill,' on th incattbly period with, irottid not be takal by Femalee .1z three :wattle; of Pregatacy, its they g on Miseataiage, bat at any. othet ay. ela5 and Spinal Affections, and lint aa, fa:iasue on slight ex- ou the heart, hysterics, and lls will efftret a cure when all other aRea ; moil although a powerful outiroa, calomel, antimony,or I to the coaetitution. in the ..itiaphlet around each -11°111.1 be earefally preserved. av York, Sole Proprietor, $1.00and tage,enciose d to Norysop & Lyman, aeneral agents for tte Dominion, OttIe, containing over 5t1 pillsby .eaforth by E. cksofa & Cosy and 197 mae Eciectrie 0- , Ens los WNI-e; HT IN at DO TOD ETHING-OF Zr? NOT,, IT IS ! Tann von nue. nt few preparations of medicine iatoed the impartial judgment of :nay great length of time. One of (AL, purely, a prepar- orne of the best ons that'are known, sing virtues of its own. Scientific t that raediciaes may be formed of eta in certain fixed peoportions of nd prodaciog effects. which Gadd a the use of any one of them, or in lotions. Time in the preparation nicaI change tekes plaue, forming ich could not by any possibility be !alter combination or prOportions iro(lients, orany other ingredients, fferent from anything ever before prodric ea the moatlitstonishing re- - .ng a -wider' vinge,ofapplieation hie ever before discavered. It eon - al or other yelatileiliquids, conse- Othiress lay evaporation. Wherever the belle& Of every drop; whereas aaratiens nearlv tathe alcohol is . mal you get -only the small gat= h they male erattain. a. N. TICOMAS, Pue.easa N. Y. EROP & LYMAN, Toronto, Ont., the Dorrairibm. du -Selected and EIeetrized. -rth by E. Etickeon & Co and Rs ESS' HAIR BALM. itiuu Jun:4e for reetorinsa, preserv- eutifyiteg tbe hair, awl reader-- ig it mit mid gloss:v. ie preparation we would present to ring it to pc.sseas all the virtue we perfeetly free from ail injtni- , and composed solely a nutri- anddently commend it as a safe for the "Falling of the Hair,'res- to it originel color, imparting a. L vigor to its roots, anal causing it tl:v. As a Cosmetic alone, even a strong and healthy, it is invalu- is. a rich glossiness and silken ap- no one whole -yes beauty can fait ared only by :K.S.ESS e('' uti�i Cheinista, London. 50 CENTS. S. ROBERTS anti R. LITMSDEN. laruggiate generally. 845-28 ME GREAT ieLNE OF THE AGE. it tures Dysentery; Cholera, and Pahl in the Stoi • ach, e, 2einteret Colic, Liver Com- a and Indigestion, Sore Throat, ughs, &e. - it cures Boils, Feions, Cuts, d Seahls. Oil Sc rain, t Toothache, Pent in the Face, itatisan, Frosted Feet, &e. EVre".: Rrirlf-1 ERE. - pat -Acetate - 84 SON', qole Proprietors. IVIANcv, OR SOUL HARMING." may fastinate and gain the iona of anv pereen they ehOose apie ieen-atP acteilrenient all mail, foe 25 ceutH, together Egyptian; Oracle, Dreams, tte. A fetter; exciting book* Ire sa T. Wrataan & Co., South . iatleipliim; Pa. 828.e o w _ . 2, Der da.r. Agents wanted. All classea at working sex, voting or old, make mom • . - esr spare nunnente, or all the thine_ else. Partieula.rs free. N S: Co rtlan „M eine. 284 ATKIN ameii of the Villas; of SEA- - eive. melee that flioy will apply ainucit after the expiration of he ;int in, z. cram of thia notice .4 aforth into a Town, un- ra fortis., and the following limits indadvd horein acres, be - Ler 24, Cen. 1, MaKillop ; 50 e Lot 25, Con. 1, MeKilloP ; . Corner of Lot `25-, Con. 1, a -a, being Lot', a's Con. 1, MeKil- la S. half Let :17; Con. 1, MeRila a; W. rot:tier of Lot 9, Con -it Its; to 11 alroaa ; 100 aeres, 1 Tzteker-snith; lOflacres, be- Titekereznitla ; 50 acres, being • Taekerrdnith ; 95 acres, be - PI. Om. 14 Tnekersmith ; 50 LI Lot 11, Con. 9, Tuckersmith • eoraer Lot 11, Con. 2, Tuck- - bio W. half Lot 10, on. 2, • •es-, being N. E. earner Lot ex tending east to west 50 •-t- north to smith 96 rod; 10" rner Lot W. Cart. 6, Tucker- -est east to 10A rods, and ex- einth 90 rods. .rtig H. BENSON, Reeve. erk. line- A. D. 1674. 839-10 .`f ADVANCED curity, in such SuraN. and for and repayable in such Wanner v desire. Apply to 7 MCDOV6ALL ,Senfortita s nT 874, GA.IICTIES. L TOM TURN -Alt flsbermaniwas Tom by trade; He slept on briny planks, 'Da though not rich, he often made la run upon the banks. . u fish he lived from day to day - Fish caught by his own hand, lid when he did not land, bis prey, yle did not praise the land. , hen he bad sena shoal of Wad,. Their struggles were in vain ; he fish might hop around like mad, And soon they were in -seine. e led a happy life ; content, He never thought to roan, nil every day be fishing went,_ And. brought hia net gains home. Ilein, loved a girl, so tall and slim, , The fairest in the town. ; ut Sal would. not take up with hina, So he 1441raS taken down.. passion's power now racked and worn, e . found that she was popping corn, Be called on Sal, a swain forlorn, Led on by Love's suggestion. And so he popped the question. .$ e was the sweetest girl in town, i And playful as, a kitten, . For her Tom threw the gain -blot down - .And she gave him the mitten. Then Tore was mad ! He kicked a lad I, Ms heart was sad ! His head was bad ! His language was still badder ! A a he who once had lived on shad n faded to a sliachier. T be a man he swore to trY ; He left that town of woe; He went out West to do or die; He met an Indian six feet high - Of course it was not Lo ! The Indian, saw the Yankee small; The Yankee saw the Sioux : At once they knew thut one must fall, At once they both fell to. The Indiau struck- a mighty blow, B Tom's good, luck it misaed the fee ; • he Indian was forlorn. - T M tried the Indian to lay low, T Anan dropped.aoraie da his rock ii lp upon corn.l his toe; e Indian paused : this blow so rude fld caused him great solicitude ,- Ii thought he would no more intrude ; H thought he'd fly, if none pursued, T e white man next he slyly viewed, And. then.began to beller. Tem, deemed all Indians copper -hued, • But this one proved a yeller. Tom seized a log to make a thrust, , To lay the Indian in the clust ; The Indian ran away - 84 swift he cat stick, he must Have been a Chip -away. Mid thus was fought a.nd won the fight, Tn which Tom teok great pride: I Then home he went to Sally bright, And. won her for his bride : - Bet on that night his hair turned white; '. lAnd staidim till,he died. _ iii Connecticut editor announces -ti4t hel has bought a $500 dog, and can no m+et the most ir;tscible caller with a sumle of calm content.- . i LA Kansas girl !wouldn't be married without a yellow ribbon round her waist, -and a boy rode eight milea to get it whil the guests waited. -Said Yatuag America to his papa: •"Pa,• be you a Britisher ?" "Yes, my son, 1 was born in: England" "Well , a WO! whipped you," retorted the Tian ster. 1 , -i--" Have you seen my black -faced antelope ?" inquired Mr. Leoscope, whe had a collection of animals, of his friend, Bottlejack. "No, ' I haven't. , Whom did your black -faced aunt elope with ?" ALL THE CANDOR OF YOUTH: -Aunt Bella (who has just read out aloud "The Burial of Sir John. Moore.")-" Now, then, which of thel verses do you like best ?" jack (with alacrity--:-" 0 ! I know-' Few and short were the prayers we said.' " -A prominent public office in Nash- ville has this notice posted up, "Don't open this door ;" under which some wag • wrote the query, "Why ?" and another responded, " BecauSe you can't, it's locked." ',,, i •. -of 0 asx'acious ! no," exclaimed Mrs. /Viarroiaatito Mrs. .4aoggs, raising her: hands ancl speaking in a very excited: • tone. . "She was so ill when, her new bonnet came home t4at she couldn't get, 1p, but, dear sakes' Jane, that didn't. matter nothing, for she Just put the hat on and lay with her head out the front ' window the whole a.ftentoon.." • • -The head of the family is about to an eat apple. Mother-" Say, father, give us a piece." Daughter-" 0, fath- er, give me apiece" ' 8011-" 0, father, r want a piece." Niece--" Won't you please give the a piece, too ?" Father • (disgusted)-" Here, , the rest of you take the apple andgive nip a piece." -A conntrynaan took his seat at a hoteltable oPposite *) a gentleman who was indulgina in a bottle of wine. Sup; . pOsing the wile to- be common property, our unsophisticated Country friend. help -- ed himself to it with the gentleman's &sal "Chat's cool I" exclaimed the owner of the wine, indignantly. "Yes," replied the other ; "1 should think there. was ice in it.''- .44.-_- His Name ivas Abel. Reeently, an excited individual, with his hat standing on two hairs and his eyes projecting from his heaci like the • horns of a, snail, rushed into the office of Coroner Holmes. The Coroner is by profession a dentist, and his first thought; as he glanced at the man, wtts that he was well-nigh. distracted, with toothache. Ile was soon undeceived, however, as the frenzied individual cried. out, as soon as hupeactoats: lcatch his breath after MMEjug "13cen. a man nnirdered !" " A man murdered ,I" cried the coron, er• '' Howe:. where ?' "In the gardine•, I believe -with a doh Or a rock." ' "}ow long ago ?" e.' ried the coroner, seiziu his hat and cane. 1 "Been done a good while, and no police nor constables hasn't never done nothie' about it Never been no coron- erinst 1.,,iw vonthediek erbod_y,,n m r noth' of the "What's the dead waa he ?" cried the cor. Lir's. name 7 Who "I -lis naro.e was Ab . ).7 4 • At el ? Abel who ‘. "Don't know. Never heard nothin' nuthiS first name." " Well, what is the name of the man . who killed him ? Do they know' Any stispected ?" "Well, I have hearc4hat a fellow nara- bedroOthaienr opfnAt bouelt,his hgI1it Cain was the • TUE HDRON EXPOSITOR. tio;tner smells arnice, his cline, cries : lot git down -the fellow. •Git, and don't self her again !" Withft loud guffaw down the stairs, three the doctor calling after How dare you trill in this, way, sir ?"--a- prise. ase-atel-0 and, flourishing stairs, m fine OA show your.. -e fellow went teps at a time, im : with an fficer ink City 'nter- 0 The Sharp an. The sharp man.iz oftas mistake t e wiz e one, but he iz ust as fr sm a Wize one. az he iz from an o s e. • e triists tew his cunn ng fdr 8U, 1 °es% d thi& iz tb.e next thnig to b g a for rent nest roue. fhe sharp man iz hke razor al y tooeharp for ennyth"ng tint a w be tr hat the ather t hey wil ner- ave. hese 1 men are not t ted ; th y are* constituted is st chat stmaboddy, and, 4 be idle, or lose a good job, itch on, to th ir best friends. Cliey are not exackly o tkasts, t liv cluss on the borders of .criminalit , and are liable tew step over at enny ti . • It iz but a step from cunning t w ras- ka ity, and it iz a step Sharp methat iz alw s in- . 7 VI Ithh!tCs'artnhave ake.but phew friends, and se dum Lkonfident. ) , hey have learnt tew Ifear tree i ery studying their own naturs.. hey are alwuss bizzy but, like the net want a heap of w tching. he sharp man iz alwus. a vain on . - Ie prides himself upo 1 his cticy ing, , , an had r ther do a shre d thin. han a kind on -Josh Billing Ew S PLES.-A me ber of th inalw Con ty bar, says th Detroit iia of Ca merce, was rec ntly in ou ii g nteror town on prof al basine s. In the office of the h was acco ed by a very a reeable evi,lently of the gnus dru whip wa ed to know "where h from." he legal gentleman not e relishing the stranger's rfamiliarit red ortly, "From Detroit." gams ion was, " For what hob trave ing?" For my own." ! Ma I ask your name ?" ause-enjoyable to the la arras mg to the other. Wel tely)„ what is your name?" at 1 • e are you in?" " I don' tand ou, sir. hat are yoi sell- ing ?" (i patiently). "Brains," (cooly). • Th drt s mer saw his opportunity, and looing a the other from head to foot, he lsaid lowly, "Well, you appear to car](y a s is all line of samples." Black- ' store sa that he owes that druniner one. SW( ne yo are em per a de - 1 111 ag- e of •021 - he, tie- er, was ctly an - The are ou • ou yer, des - es." un - 1 aeounaminnossets MEDICAL. _T G. SC • Acco deuce sent east of Pre TT, M. D. &c., Phys cian, Serge n and chew, Seaforth, On . Office and resi- 15ide of Goderich Street, firs doer byterian Church. 842 DE. KING, Seaforth, (late of Carronb Coroner for the County of erth. Offic residence over Johnson Brother' Hardware Main-st. Calls at DR. RING'S office will b tended to day or rtight. F ooko and tore, at- -287 fJL. RCOE, M. D., C. M:, Physician, Sur. A-1" • poke ete., Coroner foa theCounty of H ron. Office and Residence, corner of 'Market and streets, next to the Planing 11111 CAM/PBELL, (Graduate of McGill iver- sity, Montreal,) Coroner for the Conn y of Huron. 0, ee-Next door to - Calder Brot ers' Marble Works, and opposite McCallunt's otel, Mainsatreeb,. Sea1orth, near the Railway Stati • n. gh • 1 J. G. BULL,.L.D.S., 11 1 f"...1 URGE ON, Dentist, &c., Sef i rth, --1`J _Ontario. Plate work, test styles, neatly exeented. All sur- • gical operation": performedi care and pr. .. ptitude. Fees ak low as can b ob- tained elsewhere. Moe hours from 8 A. bdp. to 5 P. M.1Roonile over Kr. A. G. MoDeugall's S ore, Main -St. 20 AM. CAMPBELL, V. S., Licentiate and • man oil Cornell 'University, Ithaca, N.Y. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, To has settled prrnanently in Varna, wherehe found teady rid willing to attend to all kin nd to, be • of mammies, in all kinds of animas (man excerited) in all kinds of weather, and at all hours. 4esi deuce and.oftice two doors east of Cook's Tem fieranct Hal 4 . . , 811 • VETERINARY v V. S., begs Seatorfill and been awarded ary College, end of Horses and has opened ark shoeing shop, tend to calls tended to. Residence; of Ifillaran'&1Ryanis.new eriaary Medicines Charges reasonable. . SURGEON. -D. MaNAUGHT to announce to the inhabitants surrounding country that he the diploma of the Ontario Vet is now prepared to treat disc Cattle and all domestic animals. office in connection with his where he will be found ready Diseases of the feet specially office and shop in the store. All kinds of kept constantly on , 1229 o hai rin ase H. hi,ise to at at rem: Vet hend 1 11 J.- CHURCHILL, '-• ber of the to intimate that his profession consulted on Veterinary medicines deals promptl House, Seafor Veterinary Surgeon, (*ern Ontario Veterinary College,) he has returned to the practile in Seaforth, and may at all timels the diseases ef Horses, Cattie, constantly on hand: attended to. Qffice, at Mansisi h. begi o b. e. -,c Al 27E LEGAL . _T M. LEE4 u '' pointed A pony of Engla vate Capitalist very reasonab Charges mode Wingliam, Dec. Solicitor, Wingham, has beeqs en t for the Colonial Securities d, he is also Agent for several of Toronto, who loan Money! 6 rates. Interest payable yea ate. 1 • 15, 1871. C a j i• .1 13 213 ivio0AUG.112, -1-'-'•• torne3-s a Insolvency, N Soheitots fort the Canada Lif N. B.--00,0 Houses and. Lo . & H0LMESTED,93arristers, Law, Solicitors in Chancay taries Public and I Convey& e R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agents AS8araDeo Company, _ 0 to Lend at 8 per1cent. F s for sale. 1 1A a ce f i rra : 5 ENSON & at Law, So Conveyancers, forth and Wroxeter. invest at once, yearly, .• JAS. H. DENSON. EYER, Barristers and Atiorne icitors in Chancery and Insolven Notaries Public, etea. Offi0e8-1-Se ;$23,000 of Priaate Funds at Eight per cent. Interest, payab It. W. C. ArEyErti. E , o e t 53 W IL SQUIIER, T T ' ery, &c., Detlor & Co.'s • Sqv RARE'S TEE -1-' &e., Brusse the Post Office. W. R. SQUIERy /71 1 f Goderieh. - Barrister, Attorney in Chan Goclericb., Out. Office -over J. rmpormnrn, Market Square. 26 • 1 ler dk McDonald, , Attorneys, Solicitors in Chan s, Ont. Office -two doors no4tb DANIEL MoDONALD, Brussels. ce . 1 .111COTELS, . VNOX'S HOTEL, "---• 'Knox begs tnd the travelling Efotel lately °coupled ormerly knoxvr. lopes to reedy io liberally bestowed rears in the heltel lonvenience will rhoicest Liguor13 i careftiland reLiab1e 291 SEAFORTH. - Thome: to state to his old frien.ds1 an public, that he has lease4 th by Mr. MURRAY, ' an: as the DOWNEY HOUSE, an, a contbauance of the patronag upon him during his xran business.. Every conifer an be provided for travellers. Th and Cigars only kept in theB: hostler always in attend nc THOMAS' KNOX, Proprietor. : , 1 POSTER'S rHoirASFOSTElt friends and )pened his new 5eaforth, vrherd ,ion for man and agars at the bar. 1 HOTEL, SEAFORTH.. begs to intornt his the traveling public that he hotel, adjoining the ,,Post Office; he has the very best aceommoda' beast. The best of liquors - THOMAS FOSTER. _ . al he and • , ; • i Prt A. SHARP'S LIVERY AND ATAI. STABLES. A- • °Moe -At Murray's Hotel,' Seafortit. Good Horses and first -claps Clonvelyanees always onhand. BELL'S :74RY VE,S TABL1ES, EAFORTH, Ont. Good Horses and Omni rtabl Vehicles, always on hand. Favorable Arr gem nts riled° with Conunercial Traaellare. Al orde s left at Knox's HOTBL, will be promptly at end.) to. OFFION AND Seekr3Les: Thir door North Of' 11110s Hotel, Main Street. 221 TAMA BE 1 L, Proprietor. - J. P. B 101E1 ICENSED AUCTIONE 11 161: the County of Huron. Sales eateud d In all parts of the County. All orders left at the 1xosrron Office will be promptly attended t . • E. MIS V; LICENSIM AUOTIONEE fol. the County of Huron. Sales attended i aU parts of the Coun- ty. All ore.ers made person lly orsent to Seaferth Post Office will be promptly attended to. 827 JUST 0 ENED, • ;A NEW LOT OF: SUMMER PIUNTS, CHEAPER THAN EVER, AT HOFFMAN BOTHERS' Cheap Cask Store. T-1 her M ERS, is Lumber in. Mollillop, at the VICTORIA STEAMF MILLS, 1 And JOHN GOV N OCK Is the man to s ipply A LWAYS en hand a large -"a Lannber which will be cannot be surpassed in this 0 of prioe. took sold • unt Draining and Fenct g abundan e. Also SHINGLES, LATH, an builder' material. Parties large quantit es will be Mora will find it to their profit to g VI OTO!'llA a 'trial before purchasing else ORDERS CUT AT A All orders left at the Mill or throp.P. 0. will receive pro member 3-011N GOV 825 _ eve nil ve t Victor A ad 1 all -kinds of t prices which for cheapness Lumber in description of ing or buying ealt with, and LS S NOTICE. essed to Win attention. Ile- °OK'S lis is the place. •a.cvgsr 1LsvD ci:vyo '12 GOOD PROS CTS. 00 OD. :HARVEST E PECTiD. JOHN KID Has just received a large stock of H such as 'Scythesj Forks, C SNATHS AND lEIA.Y FO Which he will 8311 as Cheap as any i rvest Tools adios, KS, • the Trade. NO SECOND PRI E. eTOHN IDD. STOVE § TIN ARE Of all Una, andin endless vari ty at M R S 1;IITN Y'S, Carmichael's Block; Mein streatj S aforth. CAL OIL., Parc, good and c eap, wholesale and re ail at Mrs. WHITNEY'S. CUS' Of all kinds proll ented. 808 OIVI WO K ptly attended tc and neatly exe- MRS V TNEY. BURST .OPEN, Olie night last week John Logan's Old tand. CA1JSE-A LARGE NEW S OCK OF FRESH GROCERIESr TAMES REDMOND has opened out in john. v-/ Logan's old and well -]mown stand 4 nice stock of Fresh GROPERIES, 1 eomprising everything which ahonld be found in a first-rate Grocer Y Store* s FLOUR andFEED on band. 1 He solicits a ef$1, and -will guarantee satisfac- tion. 319 J. REDMOND. 1 GREAT CLkA_RING SALE AT THOMAS KIDD S EMPORIU s MONDAY, JULY 6, 1874 We oomraence and will Continue to SeU for COST the MONSTER STOCK of DRY GOODS,. DRESS GOODS,. SILK • COLORED AND BLACK SILK POPLINS, BLACK LUSTRES, CRAPE CLOTHS, ; FRENCH ALL -WOOL MERINOS • AND DELAINES- Ail Colors, Peel's, Hoyle's and lsitton's Prints, -C.J- 1\1- 11:3 _A..e 0 CD '1' FT 0 N , Broad Cloths, Sin Mixtures, Scotch, English an Canadian Tweeds, Tickings, Shirtings, WinceYs Cottonades and. Denims,. 1 HATS AND CLOTHING--Mon's and Boys, 1 CAPS, BOOTS AND In Prunella Ilfillinery and Mantles rid Leather. Cleared at arof Price. CALL AT ONCE AND SHO E SECURE BARGAINS. THOMAS KIDD. EARGAINS, BARGAINS. SP 0 OF WHIT* SHIRTS. S..A..L A. G. McbOUGALL Has determined to offer his immense stock of ' Shirts worth $2 50 for $2, Shirts worth $2 25 for $1 75, Shirts worth ITE SHIRTS at greatly reduced prices. Shirts worth V for $1 50, Shirts worth $1 75 for $1 25, $1 50 for $L The Goods offered are not old shel -worn Stock but New and Fresh. EVERY SHIRT .GUARANTE D, AND A PERFECT FIT TERMS OF SALE' STRICTLY CASH G. McDOUGALL, Clothier and Gents' Outfitter. 0-0Ii\T 0-0 I A GENUINE SAL ON MONDAY, JULY 18th, MR. DENT will b Stook of Choice DRY GOODS NO HUMBUG Selling Out walkout reserve. His heavy MUST BE SOLD AND WILL tBE SOLD. This step is rendered necessary as he is about building an extensive Show- Room for Millinery Fancy Goods, and must have room to do it_and money' t� do it with. REMEMBER DENT'S GREAT SAE OF CHEAP DRY GOODS. an TO THE PROPRIET RS Of CHEESE FACTORIES. WM. CHARL SWORTH & CO., HULL ENGLAND, COMMISSION A ENTS IN PROVISIONS, [ESTABLISHED 1845,] BEG to offer their services as Commission Agents, and will do their utmost to insure satisfactory results to all who may favor them with consig,unients of Cheese, Butter, &c. Goo do can be shipped through to Hull, via Glasgow. Reference -MESSRS. E; HICKSON & Co., Seaforth, Ont. ANEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF FURNITURE JUST RECE1N;ED AT T. TO QPECIAL INDUCEMVNTS 10 kJ different kinds a CANE SE T variety. We are determined no to determined to establish a busin s -expense or trouble in trying to ve ness we expected to have done a st have not yet purchased will call n American Coffins always k Three Journeymen cabinet S tzSz 00-78- tO those about to HAIRS kept in s e undersold, and Seaforth. The p atisfaction. We 'Mg.; Thanks to examine befeire pui on hand am t; wanted, none but start housekeeping. A. selection of over 20 oek, Sofas, Lounges and Bedsteads in endless sell cheaper than the cheapest, as we are Me may rest assured that we sh11 save no ve already done double the amo t of busi- Ose erho patronize no, hoping thatthose who basing elsewhere. Bins made to order. A Ifearge to Hire. flst-clars workmen neeAl apply. T JOHNS & CO. 3 1111176161117Inalinae111111111111B THE AGRICULTURAL' Assurance Association of Canada. HEAD OFFICE, - LONDON, ONT. r 1 ±1Jl Public will please nOte that this Aswan- -L. tion, formerly the County of Middlesex Mutual, has not consented to advance of rates by entering the Mutual Insurance Combination. Having only once daring its existence regrdred more than half of amount of Premium Note for a three years' risk, and that being at a time when the Company was young and the country baptised in fire, and having by careful management and liberality with policy holders been enabled to pass through the several fiery ordeals 0.4 the past ten years without levying any special assessment on its members, and having, after th:e lite severe drain on its finances caused by the excessive fire losses of 1870, 1,871 and 1872, still at the Members' credit a cash reserve (Jannar-y lst, 1874,) of (11) $10, 49 077 With a total Capital tof $2511370 121 our Board of Directors hate deolined the overtures of less saccessful Comp les to advance our rates. In the face of a stroll and increasing competition this 04 favorite issueif for 1878 the large number of 13,066 FOlicieS) Plaiting the total number now in force over 3p,000. Partiee desiring insurance on farm pro erty, cheese factories, do.. tached dwelling§ and their outbuildings in totime and villages will be woJited on by the undersigned or one of his duly antlecnized representatives by addressing as below-. Tihe subscriber 'will continue to visit Huron period°ally, and. solicits for his been given to the AGRi CULTURAL in the past, co-operators the Sameti Oble po.froaage -that has and more particularly to himself, as its agent, during the past two y re eta a half, J. R. VANTASSE , Clinton.; A. TAYLOR, Londesborough -Rep sentatives in Huron. MOTTO--" Merit oniraands Success:' CHAS. T. DO E, Box A, Owen Sound, 344 District Ag t Grey, Bruce and HurOn. CHANG RY SALE. PURSUANT to the ecree and final order for -A- stile, made by the Court of Chanceryin the cause a ZELLER -vs. CHAEFER, bearing date respectively the 23d day of September, A. D. 1878, and 19th day of June, 4. D. 1874, there will be I sold by Public Auction. with the approbation of the undersigned Master, by MT. Edward Bosm o- berger,' Auctioneer, atthe Victoria. Hotel, at Zurich, in the Township of Hay, in the County of Hurons on - Saturasy, the Firsitd7az of August A. D. 8 At 11 o'clock in the forenoon, in one parcel, the following valuable farm property, viz.: The east half of Lot No. 5, in the 9th cone,ession of the said ' Township of Hay, containing 50 acres, more or less. The property, of -whieh about 80 acres are cleared and the remainder timbered chiefly with hardwood, hemlock andash, is about 20 miles from Seaforth, on the Grand Trunk Railway, is without buildings, and will be sold subject to a mortgage thereon to one Shantz for $400 and interestrand - also subject to the inchoateright of Dower of Mary Sabaefer the wife of the defendant, Freder- ick Schaefer. The parties to the snit are to be at _ liberty to bid. The purchaser shall at the time of sale pay down a deposit of 10 per centof the purs chase money to the vendors or their solicitor, and shall paytheremiinder thereof.within one month thereafter, and upon snob, payment the purchaser shall be entitled to the conveyance and to be let into posSerssion. The conditions of sale in other respects to be the standing conditions of sale‘of the Court of Chancery. Further particulars and. informatiou may be obtainedfrom _Alexander Mil- lar, Vendor's Selicitor, l3ornn, Messrs. Benson & Meyer, 8eaforth, and from the said Master. Dated 25th June, 1874. . ' 848-4 T. WAIT aS sOt eNr 01ABTe.rTittn, . ,THE ECONOMICAL MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF BERLIN, ONT., JNSURES Farm Risks and non -hazardous VII - lags Property at Modtrate Rates. The Econo- mical is conducted with% view to give insurers the full benefit of cheap Insurance, and to this end the expenses of xaanagethent are kept as.low as is consistent with safety and economy. Insurances are effected chiefly on the premium note system., and as the extremest ce..* is taken to obtain only' good risks, assessments t are confidently expected to be as loiv as those of the best managed Mutual Companies. No assessment has been called for for Iwo years and a half. For further particulars apply to 1 JOHN MASON, Insurapee and General Agent, 844-3 Zurich P. O., Co. Karon. WHO WANTS MONEY? A. STRONG,SEAFORTH, Will Loan Money at a 110T7 RATE OF INTER- EST. either on Faun or Village Property. Parties requiring monSy should. apply to him. INSURE YOl.R PROPERTY AND YO -CTR LIVES. A. Strong,: Seaforth. IS ALSO AfiENT POR The Scottish Provinch41 Insurance Company - Fire andLife. The Western Insure/lei Company, of Toronto - Fire and Life. TheIsolated Risk tastirance Company, of Canada. Terms as reasonable as offered by any other agent doing business for reliable Companies. OFFICE -over , Strong & Pairley's Grocers, Store, Main Street i Seaforth. 252 JOHN S. PORTER, One-horse Banker and Exchsaige Broker. MALY STREET, SEAPORTS-. CAPITAL, - $0,000,000.01. This 18 no blow, but a fact. -L.' UYS Greenbacks and American Silver at cur- rent rates. Lends money on good farm prop- erty. Shaves notes without lather. Receives meney on deposit, and imp 20 per ent. interest -when you get it. B*ys and sells Houses and Lots; parties leaving toWnand -wishing to sell quick will find me on hand Mee a thousand of brick. Buys Rides, Siteeplkins, Furs Cr44 Wool at ate' kiiikst yfriees. All this le done with ihe above capital, wonder- ful, 18 11 not? IlaMd it your wants, wishes and expectations, don't e a raid, he won't bust. 841 MISS ;B RLAND, (From Miss Ii)b.ng's, Toronto,) DRESS AND ltAlitTLE .31-AEER Two doors South of the Cpmmercial Hotel, MAIN SIREET, 1-EAF(111111, 818 SAM UE • TROTT, Marok!eturer of Machine 2:7snueptitt.Bcttat.teryPackages 0 All ordars, either WhoirAele or Retail, Promptly SEAPOkk ONT-. 886 Samuel Ifro.lie, ALE., -pRoiriNotxr, LAik-b VTRVEYOR, Seaforth. -5- All ordeis left at 0..oUsnsionIfouse with ldr. John Murray will re,ceivd=inamdiliate attention. References -;-Dr. Coleman and Dr. Xing. _ 4114'52 fIRGANIS PriPI)13 f mental M eultivation Smith's, hi ISS WATSON, of St. Thomas' Church, will receive r instruction in Weal and lend:me, Particular attention paid -to the 1 the voice. Besidence-.-Mrs. Dr. Street. . 8484