HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-07-24, Page 1I -
- , ... : . . : - ! � �
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I 11 �� - -1 - ii i I � . . � ___ - —_ -_ I I . - — - —
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- . - tmamsm 1N3Mr91naCrJ=_M -06ERUMOTMMC __ — __ -.- � . ______ � i _. � .
AT . - ��_ . I i I-.—,!-- —_ I I ___ �_____ - I. THIC, R's, P'Sablishrins. .
- I - _____,________ � � . � . � ITULIE,t]V BRID I
� !��� I : f ! - P .
- i . _; - i i -o � -
. �,&R. . ) . . : � i . $,JL 50 a Year, i advance.
I'll 8vV,.KrVT11-X 'VlE ; . SEAFORT-11 FRIDAY) JULY 2411 18774. 1 ! I . - .
- . . . I i �
! --- 11 , V vo.,346.1 i I I � �
. moun f I - ,
... - , — �
.. . I
. � _ I . . I � I__ I. I � __�
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MIN BROTHERS . � I � �,l �� I . . I � 211� p I � -"#
... � I : . � I � � . ave cbauged their
. . -, - —_ I I � . - ! I , ngtb, and being very much iU- of theparties must h,
, . . .
� _. �� jer ex ions to hold colmends itself to your judgment Or the entire le I -ftg as the clothes they wo
. - � I veg i0"#tZ,ttt for-cftit.- i T Reciprocity Treaty., ly put us to greater ex .a strength rapidly ran do wu Aothi re, together
I 11 ... % . . . I � I I be willina to Mon sense. Little silly cries and flamed. Hi wpre, founil in the
keap Cash- Stae, � , Y 4 — Y t:!) , I — ' lbefollowing moderate atid convinc- our own, then . We showd. 0 � Suffering, and on the with other articles
I i
- I . . .- . -- _ I . � om Krs, long since exploded, are all 'under the inten-iTie
I t ,-..----. eliter on the stiuggles,alld . n( . )) � fou ',,lit after the accident, one of cabin of the yiw et after it had been raised.
. Ing ax e Re(
� . . I - ' ' t icle on th iprQcity Treaty, -
� I - I . POR SALE. BY A�CTION. Fil ae'n-, . rth 111 L
__: rNG LOT ' ' men win. But 10 kilow what effect it -6. ey have to base their cause upon .
. ��� . . . - 9
w. BUMD I � . -was them were Also
.1 � . - men
i I . � I eligible Building Lot, situated on Uill from tLie Hamilton Times' we submit I the manufac -9 0 � . I the aforeosaid niedical : a ain� The time pieces of three Of
_____________� I N would- ha -e I . . . I I
. . .
. . . I " : ite iiTe Railway St%tiqu, will be for! the �consideration of )ur readers - . I I . . I sent for but death arrived b�,fore him. fouild_� One had stopped at half -past I
- � : - �� - A street, oppOS -esent their case more clearly Agricultural Laborers. P I I-lierat 10, a.,ndf,hetliirdzt9.
; I . , I Iat
. : ... Qtioia, On the grouud� on SAT- I �1, In so far as -recipricity in naiii quire to p I Ali examination of the joint showed tl , 0 clock, ano I. .
. I n f1d by Public An � I ral I
� I . 11 so I i
I .
� . I - - I I than it bae been done yet. Before the ar by which
I I �Mc ....... �� _U.P.DAY-_&U�4rTJST 8, at'-) O'clock P. M.1 Titlelin pr tlne�lls is concerned, t leie do not seem The arrival is expected in it few week$ th,zre had not been the least toncleue), to An aecident something simil.
� I
I i IMM .. disputable. Terms made kupwa on th6, day of tor b -a' t, , I I i It i true that Comillittee in : Ottawa) nearly every � 0 abou"t a year
- - . &1-8 an of a considerable number of 1,%borers wit4 ,eparation. Thus another victim has f ourlives Were I st, ocenred ,
; . - partioul ,,plytoMr.DA,Ly,. ,,e wo OPII110118. is r
1 . - [o For f arthm - . I " rnarinfactu rer in Canada g e the opinion I ' ville, bcLween Toronto aticl
p *�_ �:Svi . a - -y Of au� near Oak- b
L . I ondville or to the undersigned propribtor� Bill , r;'ciprocal free trade in those arti- families, chiefly from England, and of ' en added to the already long list -
V . SMOK. . . ; . I ) - 0 1 be .
I )_3 . I 29M . � . that, under reciprocity with the United
� � 1 W413 - i S.kMUELI HAM. celased, Canada ho s prospered, but the agricultural class. It is important vic ffamilton. I I -
I r � — . .
I r - __ - - �- States, -he could hold his own and would
r � ti: = � 1� - .:__� cle . I u� . � tims of presumptions qriaclk,ery. ' ; P,eeks ago Mr. James .
� I . HOTEL FOR SALE. ! . * tr' to find places for these peop e witho
� � : po_ C. . - no onel'denies that wi h its restoration willingly se' if r. Springer M. P. P, for South -Some three. v r Z-1)
x � . i - ill mo -The r e the 9hanac effected. - N11 2 aw, ..% very intelligent farmer, in the
� . . .
� J P61 . re.1 ' 0 1. delay on their 'arrival, and farmers an I
I � i - Ca ada would prosper sti. , . . New York. to- take L
� � t', suV&1r_;ber wishing to retire from the Hotel I
I .kid C 71 rPITE . the on' rr with they. -now oppose, thb chauge, we have a others needing laborers, and possessin Waterloo, has gone to t m ord, County f W I-
I ', .
. . siness, ofLors for sale his hotel known s4 y oubts that exi i then, are . ri logical . tbarge of a party of N.-fennonite immigr nts township of S a -1 0 e
- ; i ] .
i I Go- Cc JL bu � 11 r r jit to askirom th;e od and ilies, are requ - ac I nding with
� . � 44 r go ein g(
2 - Ie Treaty on some MISUM
u r . - - -Victoria llouse,in the thriNing village of BraBiels. re e ce to the effect of tl I . . accommodation. for fill", "" - land, ,b. I lersta ;_*j
I . r
i -4 �i ....... jSr Go I � . .. � . reasons for the change ih their' opinions. . who are destined for Manitoba. . i .
. I mm dious with good stable' On( . d . to the DepT,r J � � J'ining the Mas-
� '
7 T4 = The house 011 ln� nutacturing intemsts. , , I . ed to forward applications his wife relative- to his O
� . . ed, and is situated in the Centre . I C This is th; � more necess,,r� -, inasmuch as tone, of List Vel, -
I � tn MMEW � cattle yards Wo -ch ting post -office ;4n.1 —i1r. John Livings 0
1 Witli prd't o- them, it is not � ment at once, sta t) ous and Grangers, to which she bad ser-
� � f--+ of the village, Satisfactory r� ' Even. r(s. r I nufacturers in- the United a- .
7 .
. of the bush -Le," part
� na
I -0 . telegraph address nearest railway st, has a lock of hair taken. from Dr. r Liv- . , I '
. I
I %M -tioulars he d, V that t] le people, large we see lons ,bJections. VVithout sal
� D_ �* � 'iten for solliug.: For further pxi . I rriva of his 0 � ' Ving where
� t -i > _� - roasou 9 . _ � y any one States exI ressing
I . . otter preIpaia. to tile proprietor,on the . the sabiE fears. Manu- tion and number of lal)orers waiite(. ingstone's head, after the a . I
- . . - the ve -y worst . - w1i at he intended to do, r '
. � I apply, it by I Will sn�rffer. At . e esti- he was going or .
: .
r . ci =- GE X . � . .. premises,orto C.R.COOPER &Co,,BrusRolaP. 0 facturers )f stoves here- ate said to hold Such applications will, on the arrival (f -remains in London. It is about .8 ven ut to. Clif ton -
i M * ME eople would, get
z . %, WA. SIMPSON, Proprietor. te- i16 tb at while the ' he deliberately left home, we
� � �
� X - . . . . . . I . 946 - I - ; that recil,rocity will kill their business n length of a rich che-stit-Lit color,
� cl I the emigrants, receive, as far as pract.- inches i )
I C0.1V - _. - . - ____1 a bett6r article. at the same cost, or an i s being a,bI X d. and settled some trifling accounts, and
- 7 . I r r - G, few silver baits intermi e �
. . . in Canada, by the. Am(y, (an
� �
i �_� =, � PARK FOR SALE, . : � eq ,ially good article at a lower r. ce, the . I ove cable, prompt attention- The questioa with very as never afterwards seen alive. On
� t7+ < I to underEell'them. MIC seethat st to Mr. Livingstone by tb e' w
I �
�r M, � WEST half of Lot 22, Con - 14, Hibbert, den- bit'iness 01 manufacturing the 1 would of providing cheap, comfortable bons(s It was sent . Satur(lay, a body was found in the Niag-
- I I ' .
o I., ont 45 of which are clear- I fal . I . IT a' ed, States say fo famili s is one of great importance! 0 celebrated tra reler's d, ughter.
�. .114, M i manufact trers in the r ie A -1
. =1 I V T taining 50 acres, ab in 0 0 er bands tl- an those now en- ra River, near the whirlpool. It was in
I . I w I I
� le"_ � . I -well fou@ea and in a state of first -Glass oult�iva. � that the Treaty would kill their biisi- I
� �-� .*,DR U e4 .. ), A . I our agriculturists.- YJntil this is (Ion , �It may not be generally known that an advanced State of decomposition, but
� -ad first-wdass frame 'barn ga ed in it. Even were this rue, l� it
- tion. 5 1 uderselling
I 0 I , goodlor, house a ness thefe, by our ie a u
q - C= the labor supply in o-urrural distric is the Ontario Government, last sessiou laid
o I ti I from the clothing was reeognized as
. I tableB;.� good wells witl-L pumps in them. would not form an argument fouil.ded. on � a il 0
I t7xi 111MOMW and 8 CX I . them. Both of these. vi-1ws cannot be
� � I . - rticulti,rs apply on the premises, or cannot be placed on a permanent and .persons baviiig business in the County that 9f Mr. Law. .
I . .
60 or further p,t � . th�. c . I
I lic F � . ommon good against the Tr aty,�as ZI 8
I . .
� I = I y letter to Lumley P� 0. i true, and the impressia ley produce is. satisfactory footing. Married laborer and Division Courts under a del t of I
, . I b ing up th inter- .
� . GK-h�N-7,IE. it ,wov Id be simply sett -The town of Ingersoll has agabi been
% I I M. ... W JAME, S X - — � that manufacturers on both sides are ex.- are likely to take root where they locate. gratitude in removing from. the st4tUte. I � "
� I
I � . - � . visited by a most destructiv(
I ca � W. I ests a a ass against those of the .whole ssin . )ly their own individual �, conflagra-
� , g sl,,,l : furnishing domestic book a very irksome and oppre.,�Sive tax I I
I - . Their families, by .
� . 11 HoUSE Sc LOT in EGMO14DVILLE for SAIX � CO nm a But We confess that in that .pre - - tion. - On Sunday niglit a fire broke out
- I .1 nity. f ears, and not Showing I ow the interest '
. . . . ps. I
I 11
� - I pl:t S,ALn, that desirable and handsomely 3e N re w . dia .)ose(I to fa vot the � public in the _N* .e building occupied by the, '
I I I IF, __ . I ca I servants and other assistance on the on the m 8 If in -a i fram
: ted private re Itleuee-111 the -Villago of E , I . -
I i 4 g- , . py a want always f&t No fees or charges of any ki
i I situ, .it large will be effecte(L
. J ; class � uterests at the -e- -,pense of the coin- ' ' I ,onal printing office which speedily
a ., � "" ' Nat I
4 . ! wn a. the Egmandville Ma�'ase. in so My as we cau u ge, the Treaty -
9 I . mondville, kno-a as I in our rural districts. This class, mole- of the Crown 'Shall be payva,bl� in the- ,
� . '�y---�uot on account of the 1 special . g buildings and
� � -
� ! asa,ii ysitutiteet and is com�mo- in' IM qu acturing inter- spreaA to the adjoinin
� "N ENV . i , - The honse is Ple - . will not t,e fatal to mw, I over, when comfortably located, become County and. Division- Courts on and. after bef . 0 �
3 . . I . s and comfortab,.e. There is a good well, interests of the class, but bbCelilsd it will I orb it could be got v nde-r control swept
� � - dion I I .
: : I - -
� woodhouseand other necessary v)hole to ests in either country, though it .may in, I _.
� conveniences. The . the most effective emigration agents we' the Ist of July. : � an ntire block-. T 0
. i be to ithe eventual go I of the he t tal loss da esti-
� It i anted some cas 3s change the h; Luds into which J e -
� . lot contains one acre of land, 'and is well -pl � I can have. The demand for laborers is
m � � 'own ho' ctures. . --A few days ago, a farmer, res Aing $10,000. Most of the
. Wtsl, -1 196,thbearing fruit trOcs of various kinds, :For Stl-eusthen our me manuh the busili -,ss shall event aally fall. . 11!hat this season fariu�7excess of the supply, near Port Colborne, vi,rhile laboring un- mateil at about 0 .
� a; . .
�ED MU � I apply at the Exposl'TOR In , 11 - c I e of difforer t 11vays a nation of buildings destroyed- were wooden oues.
. SUI I I I � tarther partionlats i 346 . I in the we -have. ,said refers o aly to the effects but for obvious reasons, application' f or der the effects of too Copid-LIS I S . Says that " A -
. . -
. I . � I oimwm, Scafortli. . pays li the present for beuefi)p (I`c)s A Toronto despatch .
� I
. as the -slid- .
i . . of full rediprotity. In ac far , and wag n on
. � � ! � . this Glass is not large'. A condition of whiskey, drove his horses -
� I famu - . Our ca,lial, r&lway and 11111111- from Toron,
: . I I I I .� ing scale from the presert tariff to full tem of Sunday excursions
� . I I FARM FOR SALE, . ermanent s n,h accompanibd to the railway track. Wbile proce ding Sys
. ' Zu : � gr 1-tio Poh 11 iii'volve gresfent expen p ervice, thong to is now fairly inaugurated. The ferry
PHECKED MUSL NIS, -1 OT 2S, Con. 4, 13�hy, half mile from -rich . ey a I le - reciprocity is concerned, e f (ear that its by all reasonable social omforts, is Ot along the track a train cam in ' I � ` ery _ I
7 1 � di MD p steamer Princess, of '�N' ales starts ev,
I . Gra-velltoad, 100 �acres, 70 aeres cleared; frame �,ages are all -f and its I
� ' �
i . 6red- .. disadvan. a lead t -held out to 6 1- him. The vrbistling of th I aus�
and stables; .good orchard; well wat try - � ad we are so fai - in differeif,� to the � . - �] -, for Humber Bay crowd- , -
, Ill 0 t 0 . P
1, t - ,_�a
.e g or� n
. . � L for the f ut ow oun ,a ing inducemen _n
I I alvantages for our neighbors. But even A an e iting i Sunday morniw �
. bern .7 1 . _ grants from the old land& but to be a le- eil the horses to start ai: t' r
� I � Willbe sold cithQrwitli or without crop, as,lp` Flee. rade creed that we are tionlunwill ' ' how- , ed with passengers, an(I af te plying to and
� ferred. For further � particulars . en - ountries, to-, he I I team, I
, quire on; the . on that point a decidecl opinion cannot to say in the Old C the c ghtenec
. I , lin-S, I letter to Bodgerville P - 0 - n * n d fairly be expre�sed NNit) - from, the island all -the afternoon, re- -
P am. Mus ink, t see consumers of ma, 4cture -out more evi- race ensued. The fri I
l, I -ses,or by � r .TOHNSOX. gouds pay a slight tax e s4�pe of � Country workman, that he will-fiud, ever, kept ahead of the train until '. was turno.to Humber Bay in the eveltaing to
, . -010
� prom dence. . � his arrival oil our shores, ready emplo stophi en- .
. 84248 � .T-OHN -
� ! I c-
. I-
; ill '� u -46-" - bring back the parties conveyed thithel:
; I � extra rices for the sal e of b .Iil( - I �Ossible for the engineer to
_ . 9 UP I s, with a c ani over
I . I FAR*- FOR SALE. � C, . ment and reasonable wage gine. In their flight the tealn
�Blaek and Colored Muslins, 11 � forou-future a great industria, inter- - Rough on' 11 kert. . r Ir in the morning. ,This arrangement -is
� 140 acres, in.oro or , � . 114 u elous
� 1� I . I T OT No. 5s Con. 4, �Elullett ; I atteidant bell fits, in � . tage and garden equal, if not superior, . a very high bridge, *and it ' 11 sucbL that the recreation seekers in ho
. : -" less So acres ale�red. Plenty of water, ant'� the est, With. all its , I remove a se i-
� . .
� � ' mug the shape of increasel. populati n and -At ar cent political eeting at Wal- those he has to leave, will , that both team and driver wete not ash- Wayidisturb, tb6 Sabbath, ser6uity of the
4 . -AT . north. ,branch of the Maitland River ran, . I ous p� etical objection to emigratio , ed to pieces. Had the maji� been ober
I � .
� ; good.fences. kpp be- lacetown, in the Coin y of Elgain, at a 0 This ni�ay
. � thronah the 18 acre b,�sh -ade i So had we d eason,-, or _
� - I n .
: I V , �.y 011, ti 0 r ' McKellar teeme t to . is there is little doubt but he would ave ch�irch going community."
� � promises to the 'p OPrietor z �� Se t of th6 Treaty which both Messrs. I and Ryk- and Nvill be a stroi)g iudu think that such ,
the lil, i4 that the e all be so, but we scarcely
. . i , , MARTIL41 making the experiment. In some. Of 0 1 - .
� P Yr-ims I r In ping with the
I I . I 6r address ConstRucc `1 . . I . - ert were present, Mr..N1 Kellar address- ' . 0i o r been killed. recr�ation is stictly i kee
VAN BROTHERS1 �! - 3208 P.'O. WOU14 be to break dow � our how, manu cts this subject is receiving part al
� I , . ____.X.___� a n n n n d e
I — � - - .. - . . usin' ss into ed himse . to his audie. c as' -follows : distri I -The Morrio�burg Courier says: " Of scrilftr I i j u etio , tor that it sho I b-
� - I . I i factoi�es and throw t at b iployers
. � I . . ,a ha,rged me attention, and farniers and em lo er 0 the many side Shows following in. the
. FARK FOR SALE. i -'Unitell -States h ds, ewould 6 udemn " M r. Charles Rykert as c . � . allowed. .-
I . . I u aping correspc slitages. b Ijs - I
' I at C, it . __� 'tee
_tea v Cash. Stam.. � � - � HedOf Lotl,Con-10of theTlown- M -ing embezzle .. I re, inding adv, wake of " Barnum!s World's Fair " io one Forty-one famirleal of Mennoin .
Z � . �. 0 I tat 111art of the without hesita- wiffi hai ) I ugh
- I BIVANG com-po . "that a matter so intimately co - which deserves to rank as the -thyo -
- ship, -of TaGker�smith, containing 100 acres of ' bed widows, and I i , , after hearing hoped e
r � But we have- no as yet Be it good lea,di ig Umbering 330 persons, passed
: I upon W. o . . - - -ity of oil" . . �
I hi h there is a new frame t liolL slanders so- I ' r i ' silence, liected with the prospel A large painting Outsi4e the ' -
. .
. - 7 .excellent land, so a n . treal ou Saturday , for Mani
� . . � s for believing t at this' likely Iii I Mon
� I I -u,8 .60feet'&n,d o,iso- a good orcha-rd.! For roasi 'I - S fraud of all. � 671 r,out,p
� . . bal 8N - � . - about industry, it te struggle i 1 id -
I - - it be � rne in - claim t f c. ' words . -will h6nceforward rece-v tent represents a despera 1%,ml tob4. - They had Ile; ,
� terms, which are easy, and other informstio� I ap b the case. ' Le. merits " a . - _ ea arly $46 000 with
i I K on Lot 11 C on. P), of tS character. I frc , - ntiun which it ns are e v- the*. They 'ced by rail to Saruia,
� � . .E,9 i;AVEY, nii this platform the atte
� :, 11 EN nd hat the objectioJis made b man - h* I . . i oceau. A number of persa
. plytol,qr. JA. - �i il U 't t . . proc
. . I i '
; -
I � Z ' or �'e , bezzled hand -ners generally. " '. lass*ria ferocious sea theUte bv Dawson rot
. . � � � . said Township, 6 the vendor, WALTER 14 I erto havelbee'll of I e most charge him with . s of our fari oringy to liorsel and e to Manitoba.
� . IT P.- O., Brant Co., Out. 1 1296 factur rs v g ein - om the Nation I
, �_4 ,. � wi �K . . -
� M -, sr., St.Gec . d Lichardson, a delegate fr the artist.has evidently thrown his *hole
� _7 , � - ..- . A. ey are money in robbed i ws, and I will - r � ' -41r. Williqfm Anderson of West Wa-
� , ---� —I and indefinite � kiia
i I . vague . . a' ew of them. I` Aaricultur stir- I
i , i do give you I I
I . *. (D� I .. I � I ,
STEAM SAW M ; L AND FARM FOR SALE. what Ali y "cliliange , Ill the names of - w4posh recently sold to a m erchaat of
! 0--, ra&eil fears of , al Laborers' -Union of - Eu y- soul in7the tagic of depicting a soul
I : I i . I�aud, has. lately arrived in. ebw f a -
I : . ,ining104 t idually, th�L valid �hary I im with havir g.,1 hile. acting as I ring scene on carvass: The patrops of Lud-know tbrde fleeces of washed wool
I . .
� . RING Lot 34, Con. 7'. McKillop Con -to thTmselves indivi . ' wid � ill'970101o., .
. t4 , 0 1B. aox�es,&Uclearc&, db ' sandst�bles, , is ow of Dr. ii,umber of families; more w ,which
� I i -with goo am believitior � that - t1i - work solicitor for Mrs. Fei this show hers were.di ted. u en- tak�p f rom lasf, year's lambs and I
� �z - r for _. d I
. in - OP twonOver-fan- . 0 t I 1, and 12 pounds
2 . -rds i fullbea-nng �son, of Niag- All that is wanted to secure an inereas
; I 1cr in C suder. Ferris, and for Mrs. �' , I �
. ,two good oroha agoa2tif acturil ", Unada wi4 . � immigration of tering the tent to find Za" the -V�0' der- weil-died re.spec�tivly 10,
� tj C ,,,,, - . I ; !Ing springs which supply .the- miu. Adso, lot 35, 'I- _. 0 � oney belonging the very class best suit d ful " sea horse " was none other th I a 1P
� . � . Con. 9,00-atainingQ acres of bush'. Theproperty. it it more plainly the osition ara, e ezzled sums TI igth of ihe wool in each fleeca was -
; t-4 . co : .0 p of go d " 11 lei .
I -
; :� . - ni I )-#. - . . . from Seaforth, with a. good to them (Sensation.) Fit -thermore, I as- for our wants, is the assurance cart horse formerly owned by. -Hr. -
I -14 � . is situated 6 miles is this�,: Existing man.Afacturers i con- ' ,ar- 15. 16, and 18 'inches,
, -
I �-Li _: t . - . i trade sert tha; he It iue to recover the arrancrements for the immediate emplo - . i - .
� .It woulO- te well for J X's. to
: �� 1 -n -me P-d- gravel road thereto.' For further particularsapply ad to be 0 ner, of -this -vfflage. The pecidiari of take
r 9 queAce of the tariff I and the' I I . . . -
� - on the premises - If by post, to JOHN THOMP - d: ent and reasonable comfort of the i - I S is
0 money, and wag ordexed: y the court to in this auimal above ordinary cart I . e of the Provisions of see.. I
1 1260 conne tions, have for themselves a sa,fe eT L14.
� '17' pa4icular �
; >� 0 - i"d r I SON,cGrists,nee P. O., Xinburn, Orit. , . . � go migrants as they arrive here. The la e he has 44 of the New Ontario &st respecting the
� �4 � __. - __ , ___ _. _ I . t a be strip-, ed .of his wn ,unless it was I that it is destitute of hair. The
� ' 'i ich - th y call Go I uc ;.
. �Ij W 4 . . � ireser ,1 in -wb
; �d : i I . � arrivals are chiefly from the lock -out di - been polished by ihe cute show but,
t - I i FARM FOR SALE. I . paid. of spiriitu , a li uors.
z Or,t 90 �, ci . . . flusine s with fair' pr fits. T they sal,e Th e section in
; I 1. . tricts of- En&laud, and are the cream f w&g I I too thin" o de- .
� �, Me- i.,y , 6
� S&IE, Lots 2G and 27, the chances hat 'I'T question prov- es in effeCit that charges
r pq, 02 Cons. 8 and I Ave - iot -t fol -y-four 1�1j. V JUMT (excitedly It's not so. the disguise
. . I ..
: 0 . � FOR eyes, 150 acres alre LARi- t iS So. I b ave the English agricultural laboring clas -
I �_t . 51" Killop, Containing' 175 a � Hou. Mr. McKEL ceive any one who bad seen th old I of infraction 0 - the Sunday clause must
L I . hain
I d init first-class state of oultiv IhO S of customers Id. gil, t F, , Mr. Richards � i
. �Pj 0 red an ation, I laio on is highly pleased wit
; . do" r op mments: here in. y possession. doing duty on oily street 111.
, �� tf � -,V- the doi. dart horse be tried befor4tivo or more Justices ofthe
q -3 0. - , . There is a large (�f 6xt liding t1kei . e gro, OPI . �n id- I ctions before single magi- -
H . I ind thoroughly underdrainea. condition and prospects of his pe
� - ).1 .. � -b 0 . we . 'the !. ave a . the e4
r I uildings, also t Bring me before a ittee of the clays of yore. And yet these rovi I onvi
i _:Z1 - two-story brick house, good out : i ag: ri�h more rapidly, 1but y O' � P 'ce. , C
4 . I I . Justice and I On his returi
. .
� r (D' � . There is ii, large A o� a to England he will be abl. lers succeeded in raking in scores of d mes '
� large brame barns and sheds I ' lil. ions o strates wouldibe quashed on. appeal to
j � � (lose n I* n,, - ich House c r before a Cot
� )arket of fo r. .
t �_� �r bearingorchard The urm is watered bya pever- I cl to -speak with authority on what be hals during t e day, the Judge. t
r r- . I I . U, I h
*1 ,
I .
- � I .-� I ,. . ed on the Northern no tresspasser In V, ure, .an they will prove my charg s. I.Lirge him w NVOTI-n I _ - -
� .. failing spring. It is situat onging iea %en.. ! an I er
; > . P. I, . . I 8 ca 'I -On Tuesday last _-We belieVe the Teports from differ-
, Oxavol Road, within two miles of the vill6ge of f the safe thin ey have 0 the with having embezzlE d in ney bel i I rd and seen to his fello the little d
� � pre er 11 e.
� I L Coin 'any. a 9 f the coulitry about the rav-
I X, %W Seaf(>rth. For fuoffior particularg apply 0 . ent� parts o
. I J LO. doubtf-61 good they m or m �
� ses or to S2a rec er e money, Toronto. .
for6h I . . 1= th siding on:Co aggs of grassitoppers are evidence that
U2 ,n the ' I He It a D. D. H-ky, General A ent for C MuLario, of Mr. W. Johnston, a highly respec I
aa ay t gain to the Grimsby Roac 1J
I - _ . I axim. to be 8 .ed in order to r 0 I). 12, of -the t wn-
c ni RT G ok - - - . i farmer re " b
"_ 'L
rs _e
e id
I 'I
I _-
a ,
L j
� _'
, , nm� ,( i'i
L �� 4 1
t I;_
IL�r I
I �1' i i
� te
i �1
- -,
- �, I I�
, -1 I '(
tl .
, �, L b
I I 11
t b `
' ` "
0 -
) i I�
t �
'�- I
, I i du
� W
�11- � 2 � 1
61 . I
it �
I . �t
1 di
s. li
It s the .
� co: . KI! I ROBE � ONTENLOCK. linder Reciprocity. I tj e alterna- --w ;bip of -41, East Oxford, was found wit its '
,,--. - -1 - - -
I —_ -, , " I a and in , is case, too e-1 d th . I ,q have in d midst the germs of a
I hat ird in -we Our
I . tj r T e ev*-
� i ractic4lly acted upon, t ! I
5 . � .
; . .� . I ) -L pot 11 i
; - i FA FOR SALE. and tive presented to III a either paying Canada. 1 head imbedded in an iroi - t I
, . R. M -th two in the bush, . coining p It is not -very conbolitig .
. � I lialId is wol f .L I
� . . � �
. - 0 ,
. "a, .es 0 o pp d of -his lence given at the inquest held, left, tb e that thus the grasshoppers are not *
I OT- Ne. V-2, Coi�. 7 WeRillop, containing 104 _ h id be the moiLey _r being s i I gown. ie4 c e est -i
: I :;hat when one is well 1 off L young damsel in St. Catherines, d fa �
L . . 0 11
r I It 11 .bJ I
� . ores aigared; 44 miles from-seaforth; e had -also to be � , . -
e L acres, 85 a - o be (Cheers and uproar.) ff . ther recourse than. to re der 11 ,ar .
i I ve a a
I � orthem Gravel Ro&d;� large I ng grie * �e, for their size is a secondary mat -
i .� I of a mile from the N : c l. seeking which he got 1 d t young ma,n who ba� a verdict that " the deceased came to her
y th t the sued for the sum of $.,782 ter when th numbers are considered-.
1111V ' out 0 1 gilted her, a few days ago followed Ill I
. bank barxr, with stablin.- below; also, other - )etter off with the Gont'ligenc . .
- '. into his possession whi ea ting as War-. 11 .1
--as GOODS . 111 44, 4nnf� nrIel atte ted to shoot .death at the hands of her mother, b be istiliscribe - writing to I
lmseq iar e nev�concrete house, well fini.shed; - mi glAbe for the orse inst md of blia , . . - A i the Perth,
i I:, � Greek; also '.a good 115 collection liact Oli ID 0 ^,-.r G�tr" o;'he tle
n good uever-tailin- spriur, � ' 0 No persons den of the County, a; I .in drowned in an iron p Coji7--ier, froj�i I-Vatsons Corners, Dal- -
i� n.and 4 good quality ; throe �h bet er in the wor (I are ith a revolver. Fortunately for , EI , ' .
t . . a,�e, .
wen; the land is c ea ! . ,
I - - acres of orchard bit very best Ir I nit trees,,,'all bear- pao re inclined to be co s.ervative of an to be raised by his ,rien sin order to w d fire, and be� 911�, who was about six Y, as housie, -:_,ays ihat fh6 grasshc)pper plague
, ; . as put 1�art es, the weapon misse
Ing. For terms and other particulars applyon the xi3 gsae, oft. ngs than a dy b.f. clear him. Tri anoth r .ca e he w. I n's only child. The gen ral has developed itself in that section, and '
. .
i, I ;
I .
I I . a lf-,Wturers W ha e i Ett her aii-tagonist she was arreste , y e
� -ess - dock. and cha lo,ed as a fore the fair murderess could aga n fir�
tol in the, 'own in the 11.7 . � belief is that Mrs. Johnston is insape 4
� ddi 4-,N-DRBw coWA-NL, Seafo - , . h that the I A recon 4 b C1 pipinises to & .of the most formidable
I 340 Z . L, I !;! I I usive possesision a f 'field felon. The evidence was , uc polic'eman. ciliatiou wb6s affect has been for some time past. - She. bag character. Myriads -of the vermin, hard-
� . 111X I e A piteous en committed to jail to await 'her . I
' u SaZ�i �tb_ey Judge charged au * it hin�. I be -t -
i FARM FOR SALE IN X-0KILLOE/ A 6pera;tions- -It �ris na ral t a ed by the parties, aml the young lad ly larger yet than blae,'k flies, inf %t ev
11 I
I it'l -
. I , composed of North , appeal made to a marcif4l jury on .be
I , � -VOR SALE, a good F&rmt 3h i uIC1, � in the - present case, loo . , was allowed to go free -withouLt bein trial. , field, and are beginning to prey on
.1 , ) 0 I .. . na t'
- -
X -L- half of lot 15 and the wen half of lot 14 Con. I .. Ye bein made half of *bis wife aud�, famlly saved him b � --A few days ago a Frenchman - .. .. �ed e�l , luxuriant pastures .and meadows,
� s, 50 cleared and. ap�rebousion oii any L . I � i 10 .
. 1% McKillop, cont�ining 100 acre ,'a t we from prison or the penitentiary. But. I brought before the court. � . Clemow fell from a vessel at ff am' ton I
� d i# -- od Cultivation; balance well i in the - existing order of thiinigs, —The Postmaster- General has give ana it -is feared that the spring
-11 fenced, an go � - . i I .
-,iiith h6rd-wood; me Ouse � ur�e a -Nv not .erely . st of Augmu. gram all -will sirSer *
we a -Ood fra h I I i have now a charge to mak� against him 'I and was drowned in.the bay. The b dy d root crops
timbered I that they must ' io � , t . I by ex press to Ottawa Its this
� ,hard- two � -unt2 dqe ly ita was forwardec a.
and new log baiA; good beall�g ore de system in�� in wh ic h this Co erest. directions that from the Y�
I � . O' - th �ha,nge in out tra . Is p xt the practice of giving credit f se erely froiVL the ravages ,of
. .
Oraclona pest. In U
j �
idles au(I a -half hiorn a good gravel r6ad; 1 miles I wi I n the Car ada outhern Rail- ne re ption in that city by the relative ig' .,any parts of this I
. there are two steam aff6ct them individu a,lly,. bu h 1 ed. VThe
1 1 Ouse postage at city offices will be abolished. Ge v
; . f -tom the village 0 Seaforth, � a" -way C ompany ca-mE befoto the H . . as - ol- are also dall-gers
. � . I I i ' ' 11 referred to by an Ottawa paper 'trii_ there
; sawmillgWithlu U. miles; conyonient to churches, � ihave a 41isastro�is effect oil man _I .fa uring � � lor wo weeks On and. from that date all postage o . County, we lc,, it;
I . i `0�'O_ of. a similar misf rtuil6 b lin th e
0 11 Wedliesday evening h'
' '111 askina for incorpora ' , t lows : Is I ef a', a es
. school.,; and Gtoreg. For particulars apply� to the lin Oana&. For instance, it w Ile no , bi I i� aid correspondence sent� must be aic Ile ith 1 .0 - 0
. - on the premises, or, if by letter, to � I I Mr. Eftert opposed , the most P . brothers drove in from Dullcanvi ,
rietor � : valid objection to the Treaty if a they at the tiWe of posting, crops. .
p 1 . - : by the sender Z1.) 1�) .
qInthrop P. 0. . . I I - determined manner. He t en .suddenly a cart such as is used by habitc 'I, nd . of horses
I � T,j1,4ES McDON&LD. !call sho�v is that m on with larger c ital, . —A few days ago a span '
I 28Wk4 I I . . - i I � 8 ex- wheeled round and ave it all' equally. ELlid all unpaid correspondence receive plftcing the box containing -the rem. lis �
� I � � : better machinery, aud 1110're.bu8in ist be paid for by the receiver at th, . -ted on . tI eir ! Standing in front of a store door in the
� I � . . , : � will be somewhat in' . '
� i -will , , d by strong support. Y they stat ' 0 ,urford, County of Brant, took
i F � , come to Ca a nle might with � villaae of I
.,,, I
M 'FOR SALE. - in the small �ehicle,
I . , mcd �, time of delivery. This r
FO S, a. &, L. R. S, Tnak7 I , , 11 to'know . le can, e of so sud- . miles. - he 1 it7. .
- ,, Lot No. 33, 00 P I le fac - interested . return, journey of over 30 the' heads to becoine frightened,
� . R 4LF ' -1 ',bter appliances take the ma es. eT �Iuto IT
I ')F j)e Well, E pro
of whioh'are ith ir a c .*I .. ,fit be applied to ' all dric numbi r -of an�d ,.all alvay. In starting they took an
1 and - In .
,res, 75 . d so complete li'l ige scene was Witnessed by- a
. i ersmi,bb., containing 100 me ,nitiva- r tu.illg business out of,their h. den a.D a C —In the Hamilton Police Court Tecortl I ,
. .
13 . . will t 1 you the trll(� CaIlZe When tile spe I -om. boine, and being
al ared, -well fenced, and in a gtate of good.r d ex- case ut,nufMaturing bus SS in � cause ctators, to whom the _qectac1c_l ust : opposite ,lirection fi
on -use we one, conve i f .
� . 0 n a , fo)1owed by .their driver, I
i� ti There is a good .now frame house an thh,t , the It find that one Catherine .McKeiinal
11 tibles, als a good promo ers of thp, road cl him to -ve been a Y' ' ' as closely as
I -at frame barns, . . . melancholy 17
� 'Can-idaiwoult1notalone i,emaiuuh urt, ask
, sbeds and Rt , I 8
- . 01le - I heir favor wa,� 0harged by her husband Thomasl lia and trials Of he '
bq�ring orchard. iThe farm id watered by a neyer I buit wo uld gain and ex tell d, though - xist- his v te alid iUfIUEnCe I t � 'LNIcKeiina with assaulting him in a most lesson of the hard -hips, I � ciieumstances would permit, were, found
. . 0 . � , . ' . -n -S
failin -Four thousand - ollars is my IF ing in oum
g spring %xid well. This farm is situated s. A to he ,-a,i , r. No hearse, no followili-mou] I i ,te 18 miles from
I w4hin. one raile! and a half of Brucefic-ld, and ing Dia.11�11facturers* might be pu alluer, in - the west �cnd of POO ` o`Lrn 1 1 by him standing at a ga ,
.1 ., of Clinton and Seaforth, with �thewall- Yor will it do merely to how price ; hand ovqr.. yo r money. " unprovoked in, - I not even a decent vehicle, blit two rn- I �y had started, and
, nithin aboat 6 iailw . - � & at - the, city. Defendant, who appearA to be . mo the place whe-�e thf
- .
� - good gravel roadf,, Tnt[Uing to each of theso� places - j . if United Stat pe- I aga-ii. challenge hiT to br'ng. this In �� strong-milidecl, w I Ing relatives to driive their sad bu-r en I notwithstanding their limg run, no dam-
. - netor on I that thd effect: C egli,c a very oinan, sci�ed her ' � '
- -
further paTtici _rs ap , _ an- ter bef ore a Committee of e, House, or I lionte'in a rickety cart, over 20 mile of ' 're
� For ala , ply to bho prop -ecink 1_1a� old man by the back h -dr and dragged a�
- . I 1 tition w6uldbe to ma,k , 9 - bail ,been done t6 any part of the
-S, or �0 Brucefield.P. 0. � ' I cr rain sto:
I the promisL. -c. ital and .7 tter before a -Court of La;%V and -,lear himse.1f 11 country road, in a drenchint, M. . I
BA5*4 1 K-BINNETEE MeLELLAIN. - 14 factarer� employ larger V him about in the most aililisIng manner � . I ri �
. � 8 , 9. I
1 � I "J a '
I " �. I I I taachinery in order. to �etaiii and , tend if he c n. But I ha e not � oIe with him sible,. all because she suspected that Such is life." . . J� �—Mr. � Ines ,McFeig_gAil� of Gralt, haz
. I , I . A the promot- POS . . - -orship of the
; - 70-pu SALE. -61-S afterward. _ Vu- erfeiters are.circulating spur
I _,TARX � - - the 0 Y6, aiver where 6 lit Get
; i . for -it would be f6� yet. - w � , been apb6inted to the Insp
. . � AT well-known r, arm , owned by Hu,?,1h Mug- their oporations, ers of ;he same road, askedthe House for he had taken 25c. f rom a dr. i ious bills of so good an imiiation t la -6 -
. :. G'ore al Insurance Company, recent- .
. general 1 good - that they 4hould be i reed ' . I i
. . TH ,'old com- . I . or al- she had placeil it' the,- are readily accepted as the u ne I` � Z I
l i tard, adjol-ning the village of Brucell , I endments, in the r chaTt : y gen catefau -
; and in & 'high into the ur -exortio 4 . af certain am . 7 : ly va by the rutircmen of Mr, Rob
. eater ifs� necessit, Ad by . �
I priqin- 145 acres,1100 acres cleared 0 1 . Considerable excitement wa i
. - � I tial. lowing them. to redu ce the (� uage and giv- — S occa-1 article by ttiose who do III)t alwa s ke I e �
. 1,� lled bus' of b'ost clog one essc n t - A rt ,McLban. There were 14 applicants
. state of caltivati6n, 33 a6res nuoud _ 0. comPetition. Th' I ull-am last I .-
1 44x3O, .- , ;ruct the St. sioned in the village of Wit 0 a point of closely sernt i g - aper , for the positi�on. -
I -11 fenced; good fraino h6us the � man-11-Eactilrinal ing th�ni the right 1;o cons, I i . iii'zincy- 11
, In a ort that Mr, J. Ai Wil- irf throu-b. their bands. � J' ,jng, of Yorkville, c6m-
1 pa.tity, all wc questioE isy would als �
. gromary and cow hous P all in 1, .. _'auad a, ol� be Clair lbraacb. But Mr. Rykert is now week, by " rep 1"Silit) � � e b -
fr4me barn, shed, , clic otit in G, - . tbe photographic kind, and will I —_N1 r., J oseph
I -
. good state of repWr, one-half -nearly new; 1present 11 busilles , opposing -with -.ill lis might the kinsoD, grocer, and his ibrother, W. 'T. are of . il menecd .about a year ago to inanulfacture
I ation Mu I tu&li; also a wholly or chiefly tran 3ferred toi the found I Oil liver� stablu .ccper, had sud- I 0
instirauce $1,600 Is . - sked by t ) , t1i on t suspici D -n. I r,lue on a pretty extensive- scale. Some
.. on the promises - y
very crood orchard an(I 3 wel � 11 United. .�, L%t e s ? We he vincy -access to amenqments a he Company, Wilkins pass ordinar scrutiny wi I
� 0 1 1 arts unknown.'� '
� for ).
gravel road i � � - illions, of 1con- and presented 11 id ;
-unnin- 61OU- side and front, eonvenl- . I' tellyouwh,r. .Tliq Great West- denly taken, loave ! lone, duly marked, was 0 ity ider-
-e le forty,four ir � r , . . - - )arties residing In the locali Cons'
out to churches, schools, i;t0re<;, cheese factory and tli E�, reasm whytho'cap- e�rn - . tle of -course, usung 0 cry endeavor The brothers had been I I. the habit of'? laccepted withon t hesitation by the M er- I;
. ur, to larm fo t 2 ing the factory a linisai3ce, filed an in- -
, -
. . . m�arket. Any pev:ou wiRl'i F. & better situation. -mers, it there any lierl " "t ) kill o1cr: the Cana( ,-L Southern, 'buying largely for -edit, the one cii, t . junct
I -emu hartIly Und it S well as to tc I 0 �D chants' Bank of '_vlontreal at Londa! a ,. - ion in G�aiieery, and the re:,,nit has
al shoiif(l not flow . '
� � on the and they little dorsing -for the other-. I The article,i �
� For partit-ailars a,11111Y to the u_ 11acl offered, id my 'I ,few days since. I
, proprietor � Our or" ly 1- work of inau a I boon that the factory b ad to oease opera,7
. � '�+ emi -> es, o r i f 1) y 1 Ott o r t 0 Dr a c e fielcl P - C)-! neighbois, -vvhy tb frieAd: -had . accepted th offer of, a which they 'purclillsed, I 91111y to the 'al ch- ,
i ' (I has now beeil —A propeller, belon, , - The losses and. e,,pense-3 in the
. - � RUGH MUSTARD. fact-ari�i c, should ,Lot 13e � .one here as well el i L tion -S. .
. 34 -s -i-2 . s tho price of his ascertained, they have sposud of, all( .
I S - ows to where I cash bon -Lis of S,5,000 a anb Lake and River X,,1,ViX,3;i n (16nipa ay, n as -
I )I t , 0 - Sill e Mr. King to make a
I . a, there ? Capital Ah-vay3 fi I . allied for the t compell d � I
. FARM FOF. SALE., , I oppos. ion to the Canada Rotthern and 'of have taken the nioneY ( 111� I I S .
. last week made- the trip. from ffamilbon, I ic,linient. i
� : Vi ure the' IJESt i1IVCSt1ncI1t- I . - . th he leave s , �
� I I it cwt. sec - ie s, his the ,00p L-.' I aaaiD I a,way wi tbeui. T I undry I
SALr - composed .%M e ame .1 �� Su )port to �i . ic. vo to Montreal and back in five day,s and IS . ` -A lettei., received in Toronto a few
I . . � por� oil the : , I
, 1,150acresof lamd, being .117'ith the s . acce s to tl I of �- crediton- behind to 111011 tbuir depar � hours, itoba
an(i west half . i -,1113r one or all Stopping at ever,V
Lot.NLo. 23. Con. 5, McKHIOP, . )t* come b6re as I Challen(ye inquiry into - � K 40 (jays ago from a inemb or oi tb e �d 3111
� � why should it li� I at I 1, ture. the way down,
. . I io,0'1"�t No. 22. This propertY is sit'latOd within Ma17k_e-t1 lese a�arges, and I state publiely th . �11 River ,lit. Lawreiicc on � '.Ndounted Police fore I
� ,s6achusAts (')r Rhode ; tl . 0 . ! e -.,tates that.,sickness
. 3 miles of , V -well as to xi,)� 11 I —A short time ago, a voillict mWi 11 I %n(I ca,lied -at Oswego on the wa'y 111), : lirevails pr=,ipally scurvy-, froin sub-
, �4�.,A,foi,,h, IV goo(I gra al road runs will not 01.11 101%re their truth, butwi �n , "m
I . , horeig a school house with' be had here, and y Pi 0 � I , - � -
� .
. P0 t the i 111r ee - Ic . In Island ? Labor can if i,e against 'hiin, ed 8idiloy, of the County of NV I ill carg - vii, I sistence upon salt l)rovisioi: ., -
are L 5 acres ed, well I blish others I hal I The boat had a fi: ith-
llklf a, mile. There 3 ' Clear al, a's ch eap, i esta I � .. 0 ftterioo ,,o of flour do w eatell'",
: . Much o f the raw niaturi who have- as throw - his lel, erchandiz-0 ul?. .
clea-ii i f the men w ii from a I aiggy -aild and ,
11 . fe6eetl aiia mostly frc-e frola sturays, and e " ,ould not be at This is a sppcimen c) . , about 200 tons of ni aut vegetables. Tbe letter also states , .
� L or(ler. On the. A acre lob there is -a not mo chealily. - W en. The bone f the' broken let a I .
I a0 iii goot7 I -. rs past maligned my character, and brok i _ New fall wheat was s6ld In St. C ' Vh - ihat it IS (_'X1)bcW.1 a l,ftttQTfr1)m Kiligs-
7 . and,orchard. On eld of Opel ations, Dof for ye% _\ -,
. good frame litu-n, dwelling house one em of . the fi &ul ! -h i k i n. Th c ' .
- I ; SL35 ! I
I t4e luo acre farny. thcre is a good frame house, 2 nearly , s :much so as the MLstern 'S'tates, abusel me publicly cl privately froin protruded through t c ser � . market on Saturday last for as a r6nMrcenient.
. fra me barns with,nuderground cella n 'O . OM East one d of e other. I vices of two modical grentlemen olf.Berlil erines ton will be sent up
x, a El tL larae the Pyovin�ce to th — red in the
These farms but rat ier on the in.�in- Onte fr . . Accuse -me of were procured) also fliat of a quack dOCT per busli&l. - It was a verygood Sample. i I ' A serious accident occur '
Orchard. Thefarmisweiiwaterad. Even.my eneniies -will. po:t 'I Thalnes River near London, on Wed-
- � to suit purchas- .o JXA-Ves -,vith rail and -- rater communi- —On Saturday the I Ith, histalit Be 'en I y
Will be sole, qPparately or together . __ ) . - I -ted ZF-hr. The medical creutle. , . .
- ets. Puriartherpartioularsa oprie- ' ih the, past issaile'd their private tor, nari 1.1.1) -a of Toronto left that city' for ' nesday last.
,ppiv to the pr ' uratching in every direction. Our ha�v ortion I ya , Two ladies, Mrs. Vail
� . .1 tOr on the premisus, or to �q_A1TE it COWA-NL, ca,tion S As burdensome. char, ers, though b0t1i the provocation men recommended th t small p 1131" me NNI'hei� I, e�r � AVormer, of the Hamilton Rbad,, and her
� internal, . taxes are le a lig i Niagara in a pleasure yacht. .
. � Sea -forth P. 0, oi to S. G. IMcCAUGHE Y, SOIL- I " ajid t.le opportunity have iiot been want- of, the b6ne be remo Veola before setti a 'y g I&dy . aged .
� � , . 1341*4 e I fear competition, ' weve V -ho is supposM - . . a sud.den � 4dopted daug1TW;- ", Oung
I fOrth. _ - . � � Why, '61eit, should vv down, the ing. But with Mr. rZ-yk-ert_..who has for The quack, ho 1) J the mouth of the INiagara river.
. g' by -en : aft, n � about fourteen years, ati�mpted to Gross
I -- ` --- - - __ when t':iiriffs bein � I - 'pow � -ale sprun" 111) disabling the cy. . .
�� FARM FOR ZALE. . - open to 0 ' s� followed at my heel like a little by some to possess s.ipernatural er � Z- .0 - . a(,e. When near the .
. I I whole..jIontinent becaln,' ur year I - charms, objecte( � filling with water it Sank to the bot -om. I the river in a carri g . .
� . � OT 2 con. i st would cur, 'I I have reached the point when in allevia,tinor pain by bled
anicy, -6ontmining 100 acres, to- I I ; I - � In I centre of the stream the horse stum
? . L ' ' ' f We knoW the co lipetition. I I . I trea1al t, and with nios 'of the lake carrying its- crew down witli,
, : ether with 0ast ht�li of Lot 29 Con. 2, contain- I trade ?A' )e a virtue. to the propose( er . I (1 in a -moment. was
, I - forbe wance cease; 3 to
% . ing , -he London Road, one- 1 be sev4 impudent presumption offered to ta'4 it. The friends of the .parties hw,ing � into a deep hole, an
. 50 acres; situated on t .�6 ;'we know tba; our men would .
I Td of 100 I � I ha re hit iimi hard .but. he must - e treacherous waters. -
� quarter of a mile north of Kippan; upwa, ,6r�jl pressed - we s-uppose that some � . - �"-A ELag- 14 submerged in th
- � I � be h, _ . .1 . . line - e case in hand -and j? rform a perfec� learned that they had not reached N
� cleired and in good a . -w
I acres . . the w, ' But with look for the . re son in the eas th fortu:hate -omen
I ultivation, goodfraine ill, made a -desperate .
I rehards of ie , mig lit ' t ation, stat� ara on Saturday instituted a search land Theun
. bo,�ms and stables, and frame house� two o - 41 9? 0 r profits, he ha3 heaped upon me., cure, without pain or in, lamm .1 . e time *discovered . about 4ree effort *to escape. from the fast Sinking
. ield river runs incre I �d capital, and smalle" I ing said nothing ing that he bad sucees,, ftffly treated 26 after som .
ia full bearing;:abra-rich ofthoB%yf I, I I
� through a coiner of the far -e 0so two � d re push, could no t we eventu ally for ps., . I have. .. . ea,yS. (?) The feet of a"mast above water at the p i vehicle, and their cries for help attract-
rm; there ai � I� cannot subatantiat, These are similar cases. within ;wc y I . I f -some workmen who -
-i not . .- . ' They V(
good -%rellg. Terias reasonable, one-haif of thet arL ma t I
I oni hold our own, but win i i a the tha to turn I raised the ssel ed the attention `0
: '
� n ll equired cashi; the re . - � . I the creatures who qx6 aski 9 You - . do . Gtors would not pyqm�se freedom from above .named. 0 bL - I were employed near by. Every effort
.. "
. aquMI'annual instailments for - 5 years., Struggle ? - alrlo�nt of inflammi- and found it to be that in. whi h t eir
. - r4ainder in i � . faCturing out ,q aclic men as & .'r. - e, Mr. Mae- pain and a cert&M
, I Apply to WU. BLAIR, Kippen.- . i If it. 6an be shown thdt in . None of the bodies I possible was made to reach them and ex-
� D at� . I anu -enzi.e, Mr. Mowatl A,nd Mr. Hodgins, tion, and their serT'icq's were rejecteo, friends had Sailed
1� ,uso, a HOUSE and 0 NE ACRE OF LAN �woulX be- cru'shed in the k , Z5 ea I tricate them from their perilous Position,
, . 0 "ada . - �rm anl�.j Ld, they ha�ina evid � . 1, �
! . .. the Village of lKippen; good orchard and garden ; i In ' * Treaty andto put, them in their laces. They and Mr. Zehr proceldda to charm anil. 1 could be foui away I , e ,but wit out avail. They we;e both
I - fra��e 0 paa u of the . -_ ; and carried
0 wells; fra: �,� i r u Zl�, then -,that i suffered segle -been wa�hed out o drowned. -
I house, 11 rooms; tw . I . do n$t c4ome beforel you W�r an elevated operate. The pati i swe M� � -T II d. The horse was als
'ity in manufactures Z al drowne
I aud em,r house; I convenient to churches 'and post' , - ent. After leaving oronto s .
� i � I that es recipro( I -at paili for several . S, his leg , ; erwr I I : .
" . � -Oftoe. Apply to I , � I ouldimere- poli nor with a I single principal th I i I
. e withdrawn- If it w Qyl . I I
- 7 ,. Bhoul I �; -
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