The Huron Expositor, 1874-07-17, Page 74. two it ULTURAL Association nada, FFIC E, - LONDON, LT ta-w111 pile note that this lerly the 4oimty a Middlesex sertted to dvance of.rates by enteehaa Insaraucci Combinatiou. Having 04 its existtuee required mom than halt Fremiu Note for a three yeaaa. at being a a time wh.ert the Company, id the e entry baptiseg in fire, and ireful mai agement and liberality with TS been t8b1ed to pass through the ordeals 0 the past text years withoUt speciala�omeiit on its member; , after tIe late severe drain on used by he exceseive fire Josses cj nd, 1872, till at the Members, ceedu Rawl • let, 1874,) of ° a Capital 0 $254370 Me our rectors labdeolincd the overtures of ad Comp ' es to advance our rates. Of a strox* andincreasmg. competition :ante issu (1. for 1873 the large numb e i. rolicie. , making the total number ce over ' 7,000. Partiea desiring tt farm: pr perty, cheese factories, de - allege a4 their outbuildings in to wn t Will be a gated_ on by the midersigneei ' ee duly authorized representatives by ks below. The subscriber ;will continue ron, peri th -caller, and solicits for his a the sam uoble patronage that has to the AGRICULTURAL in the past, ertictrIarIy to himself, as its ageat, past tavo years a-nd a half, ANTASSEL, Clintorte A. Ta.TWR, I it Ite reseutatives in Huron. (a. —4 31iferi . Commands SucceSs." 1 §. T. DOLE, Box A, Owen Sound, }Istria A*mat Grey, Bruce and Remit. RY SALE. KT to the! Decree and final order for zade by the Court of Chancery in t iereeeR, vs. SCHAEFER, bee...ring dae r the 2.11 'day of September, A. D. 1873, Ly of irate, A. D. 1874, there ti11 be AttetiOn, with the approbation oe gated Masterby Mr. Edward Bonen- ctioneer„ at the Victoria Rotel, at the Townaliip of Hay, in the County of tile riaIst day of August A. D. tic in the forenoon, in. one ,parcel, th able faXra property, viz.: The east No. 5„ in the 9th concession of the said af. Ray, cIantaining 50. acres, or property,. of whielt about 30 exams are L the remeinder timbered chiefly witli hercdock and ash, is about120 miles front tfie Gralad Trunk Railwayfis without riad will be sold subject to a mortgage one Siantz for $400 and!' interest, and A- to theinchoateright of Dower of eter the vdre el the defendant, Preder- T. The parties to the suit are to be at :id. The Purchaser shall at the tunaat wn a depasit of 10 per centof the par- I3y to the ltendera or their solicitor, and ie remainder thereof ,within one month :and, upon such, paynaent the purchaser titled to the conveyance and to bald sion Tha conditions of- sale in other :be the standing eceaditibirs of sale ot 4 Chancery. Further particulars and a may be Obtained from Alexander Salicitor, Berlin, Messrs. Benson & forth, ane_ Lona the said Master. th Jima, 1874. .WATSON HALL, Master at Berlin. E0ONOMICAL MUTUAL MANCE COPRA Y OF BERLIN, ONT., 3 Farm Rieke and non -hazardous Vil- 3perty at Moderate Rates. The ECO210- nducted With a view to give insurera richt of elreap insurence,and to this end es of martagement are kept se low as is ;th safety and etonoray. Insurances , 1 chiefly ert the premium note system, : extremest care is te.ken to obtain only ; , assessments are confoientirempeeted w as those of the best managed Mutual Na asseSsraent has been called for for and a half. For tarther pe.rtienleas JOHN MASON, Iasurance and General Agent, Zurich P. 0, Co. Huron. TS MONEY? 5TRONG,. SEAFORTH, :Ictoney at a, LOW RATE OF INTER. ir on Farm or Village Property. quiring money should apply to him. yo-cr_R, PROPERTY -*D YOUR LIVES. troll& Seaforth. IS ALSO Ap-EXT FOR ash Provincial Insurance Company—. d Life. ern Intatrartee Company, of Taranto— d Life. ted Rialt Insurance Cumpany, of a. s reasonable as offered by any other a Intsinese far reliable Companiee. —over 17.;troug & Fairiey's Grocery Street, Seaforth. 252 Ns PORTE-F:4-'1 ,ars e Banker and-Exahange Broker. STREET, SLA FOR TIT. I; $0,1100,000.0.1. hi is no blow, but a fact. reenbackS and American Siker at our- ates. Lends money on good farm proP- avea aotas without lather. Receives ;deposit, and pays 20 per centinterest in get it.. Buys and sells Houses and es leaving team and wieking to sell quiek e on hand like a thousand of hick. es, Sheep SkinkPim- and Wool 5 at tat, higkegt prirt$.. is done with the above capital, wonder - Had in your wants, wishes and ns, don't -13e afraid, he wont but. 841 130RILAND: -am .11121s -rating's, Toronto,) AYD TL E MASER 4ere South of the Commercial Rote,: iWN STREET, SEAFORTH., 318 UEL TROTT Manufacturer of 2'i& zeci Bytter Packages 01 &$uperior Quality - 'either Wholesale or Retail, PromptlY Filled, SEAFORTII ONT. atet Brodie, e. 'MAL LAND scavE-YOR, Seidorth. taxa /eft Lc.-.‘ the Xansion House with gr. 'ray will xeeeive immediate attention. Coleman and Dr. King. 4114'52 5 MISS- WATS.OPla 'a•r of St. Thomas' Church, will receive : for ins -traction in Vocal. and Imetaate [sic. Particular attention paid tO tha et the- , voice. Ilesidence—Mrs. Dr- iain Street. S4S41 ,ITLY I 17, 1874. '00"1""'""1",, THE MISEROF NARSEILLES, CHAPTER I. es, you have been very ill, my mind, aii:'18" said.Madamo Guyot, as she held st lipsNot long taannig to the boy's . .1MM: ..T-ItURON EXPOSITOR girls are all getting married say 1 am a fool to be so patie Whenes'er you do ma t us knew,"-sai fter, jacques r folio • gno e ttj-can ?lily remember t seemed and my mouth is stilr "• EAR SIR : Our patiencelis exhaust- tabo'buraulg ; e ed. Annette wishes me.to sa that your and narened ! replied_ Jacques. - . . y „ last conversation with her h d brought Li- you called continuany for water, hi o a decision ; and that Our visits And Would sometimes scream at the top e. will be no longer agreeable, yo ore acyoUr voice. Bdut, t h unk and end, 3,t'O-11 better new, ear ; e ,(,)c or cone tide to Vbe inarried d.urin the pres ent ear. ernou truly yrs, thinkS you will soon be well again. lieTueIttaiaraso othertlactitrpstoyf iwaatnedr wIoduloantolot ahne5,-, oor child!',' said. Jacqu s to him " JAMES ARDE." t "1 fear she is very wealk, and has harm,'' aai(l the ha- „ beei led away by the fine wo ds of tha "b, 10Jacques) 'nab" 11°w' "'were" spe dthrift." He paced the, room ner- the aonther, soothingly. " You mud lirait you y, and then threw hims lf on the There was a knock at the front doe' Maclaine Guyot left the eliamber, 'and- fonna the Doctor -waiting to be admitted. After conversing for a few moments about the invalid, she asked, "Is thea no means of alleviating his intenae suf- fering from thirst V' ti you may allow him to drink freely now," returnect the .physieian. "But the waiter is exhanated, and the authorities doid it ont but once a The Doetor paused thoughtfully, And said : "They are compelled to do so. The drought continues, and it is feared the supply will be wholly cut off." "Jeanathinks the fire last night xnight have been arrested but for the scarcity - of water." "No doubt of it," said the other curt - and they t. 33 e up you the uncle ceived the 10111.1 C th'o her is h r own ch my vlulile life so I ng ago." ae. had nO the courage,' he said, ghtfully,}." to give her up, Ind with he hope f a happylome. But it ice ; and now I can devote to that one purpose formed rag plarna3 ()ATTER III. Here conies old dry bones !" cried a ecl boy tol. his mates, as they were at by the roadside. It w s a good y years after Annette's in rriage,, nother, as ud, and, w it p,t an At this e example eir leader. Somethrew sticks; some and dirt, and one 011 two sent es whizzifig throngh the..a•r. - He's an old- mis,er 1" excl imed one lid lads. I". Mamma says is" , He is too mean ,aaid stingy to live," 1 one boy, better dressecl than:thei rs. "M grandmother sa,3 s he ataxy - his mothe fifty years ago, and has d everyb cly ever since." , • crowd of urchins had no gathered d the ol man,, and som of them picked p long sticks, la ith which y had. arm yed him. One Ilad knock - if his ha ; and, as the ma n stooped ick it up, the well-dressed boy struck cane, and knocked it into the gutter. reral dogs were in the crowd ; and boys set juncture here wer "Give it to him!" shouted he icked up a handful of after rolling it into a ball, thr old man who , was passing by. the boys all began to follow th oft san ly, as they went to the room in which.dm • the patient lay. Many days passed, and Jacques was ; still confined to the house. His thirst ' continued unabated; and at length : Madame C-Itiyot told him the reason she salt was unable, to satisfy it. He remained othed silent' ifor a long time, and at last ,irii- , hat ' ouirede . thoughtfully, ,, manima,,(1968 every t9ie suffer so much from thirst aS I ' ro "A great many people do, my son, ha( rejoined the mother,' especially the poor." "Why, mamma, I thought water was free to all, like air and light! Do pepple " th ed to his Se haveto buy it, like houses and things to th eat?" th' "Not exactly," she returned •a little it puzzled. It was evidently a new in thought to her. After a minute She con- tinued, "Water is free, Jacques; but the labor of procuring it must be paid for. The rich can afford to dig wells; and you know a few of the wealthier la °lass have aqueducts, which bring water from springs or lakes in the country. ,., When. there is a drought, they are amply.) Fiti supplied ; while the poor depend On the 'wells, and these always give out first." "Why is there no public -aqueduct?" asked the lad. h "Because those who feel the need of ri it haven't the means to build one." " Mamma," said Jacques, after a a Tause, "you once told me that papa was rich." -o "Yes, dear; but his factory was 'burned down at the time of the great conflagration, ten years ago." "Why didn't papa, build an aqueduct for the poor when lie was able?" said the boy. "It -would Costa great d_eal of money, my child," she replied.; "and we did not feei the need of it then." " If there had been plenty of water, couldn't the factory have been saved ?" "Perhaps it might," responded the mother; for it was believed at the b time that the fire would- have been. ex- thagaished, if there had been a sufficient snpply of water. There had been a se- vere drought that summer and autumn; and the rich were afraid to allow the firemen to use their reservoirs. ' At that time Jean Guyot entered ; and, as he conversed with his wife on household matters, Jacques reclined on, a 'armee by the open window, absorbed 'Y • the flames. i'or these rea _all my property of every payment of my just de funeral expenses to my Marseilles, for the purfoSe of hem on the old man. At a carriage came Up ; and in two young la es, a man he prime bf life, and. an old lady. 'Papa," said one of the gifls, " can't' yo i make thbse rude boys let the poor m n alone ?" The gentleman looked out of the wind_ w, and. said, "For shame, a, to trou le a helpless old man !" 'He's an Id miser !" "He's robs tb. ✓ !" "H lives in a garret !" " es everyb cly !" shouted any ea,ge Ly looked out and exclaimed es ! for he it is, I am sure d !" but the boys are ✓ speaks to nia ?" .said ons I kind, ts nativ vo ces. Ile old la oor Jacq w chang ht: he is a, miser, and. nev y one, if ?re, cat avoid it." "Do you ,ow him, gran e of the y ung ladies. "Yes, my dear," replied A mette ; for as she. ' We were playma es when we re children. But Jacques ad a fever d.after that grew very ocld and. melan oly. At list he began to grow penur, io is ; and or many years te has bee own as 'tie miser.' . I have not spok with him lsince my marra i ge,—whic u know w s just fifty years go to -day. and. have diily seen him Occasionall 1 the street" Two days later a crowd of, persons en, women4 and children—imight hav en seen in front of the little dwellin use where We first introdueddi our read s to Jacau s Guyot and his it aa waterworks which sha 1 jsuppl tire commimity free of e pense. JAC UES After a slight pause th4 office ed "-This is the original doeu is much faded. What I shall was evidently written on the cl death, and is very brief: "-By economy and ind quired a fortune of million francs; and I bequeath ±he same to the obje named.. JA.C9ITES G Such is the pathetic story of Gayot, the, miser of Marseilles frempie ON and New. tt bequeath after the of my city of roviding the en- UYOT." continu- ent, and ow read y g. his . 1, 1825. stry I have ac - ore t" an four ereby L 've and t above YOT." Jacques —J. H. 01 "I live ne r, in his s t on his en no one vs." t door there," sa irt-sleeves, and b.eaci; "and.m bout the house I • iother. cl a carpen without wife ha these tw " He promised to. call ,4 my stor sterclay," Said a grocer, "o pay m me money ; and be i8 ii:lways promp 111 thought. - i 1 such mattlers." Jacques' recovery was slow • and his ,) "Aid he said he would 08,11 at m sufferings made a deep and lasting ira- pression on his mincl. Filially theywere- s op to collet the rent, e *marked t ilor ; " an hohasn't been near since.' compelled_ to use 'water so muddy ancl " That's nOt like him," add! d another brackish that even the savine.would hard.- ( ly accept it, save in the last extremity. Somethincr's wrong wheij Jacque u on hand to rceive th yot isn't oney." An officer ealed to for 'here was a The boy's. moral power Came to his aid, 1 after the tion'versation above related ; ad arrived, and they pro and he struggled manfully to conquer by e the lock of the front door patience what appeared. to have no other strong iron bolt inside; an immediate remedy. . he entrancwas effected with som iffieulty. Nothing was found in th CHAPTER Ir. first room but a parrot, which seemed. t .A. dozen years have elapsed since the 1e delighted to see the new -comers events recorded in the last -chapter. 'Poor Jacques!" it said., "peer Jacques!' Jean Guyot is dead. His son is now a young man of 23, and is standing by the very bed. in the little chamber where we first made his acquaintance. IVIada,me Guyot is lying on the couch, anal the old doctor is at Jacques' side "Dear Jacques, 1 am going," she mur- mared almost inaudibly, "and yet would gladly have seen you and. Annette married before my death; but Heaven's will be done."... The son did not reply. He knelt oy the bedside, and held his raother's hand in his; "It was your father's wish," she con- tinued. "You were betrothed. in early ood. Her parents died soon after; and she went to live with her uncle, who has never favored your union." Jacques was still silent; and she . proceeded. "Since your illness, the year of the last great drought, you are. much changed in character. You have grown melancholy, anal I have tried. in vain to bring back your naturally cheerful tem- per. Ilemember my last request, Jac r member your duty to An- nate. - It a few days all was over, and. the young man was alone in the world; and. yet why should. he remain so? He had. a comfortable house to live- and. his prospects were better than those of his class, for he was both industrions aud. economical. In fact, he was -already known as penurious ; and. people said he was constantly growing lik e his uncle,— an old niiser who had. lived in a. garret for tifty years, and died. very rich, be- fore Jacques was born. "He'll -be a perfect old.' curmu6lgeon,” said M. Pardee to his wife, as An- nette was entering the house in company with a handsome young man. Jcques had just left, and. was still visibl walk- ing away from the house. Whal a, contrast !” said IV adame Pardee. "And I think Victor.is much attached to the girl." "Attached. !" exclaimed the hu hand; " of course he is. And he will soon be- come partner in the establishment where he is employed. Guyot is a Slow timicL fellow, who will never be worth any- thing, because he is afraid to branch out. "Uncle," said Annette, coming into the roam, "1 have almost made up my mind that you are right. Jacques is so alova aual says he cannot afford to be married_ for a year or two. Th other hen, on seeing two or three boys in th rowd, the bird . screamed, baci boys oor Jacques ! - For a millute or two thete was pro mind si1nc ; not astir or wlidaper broke he stillness The officers thin approach- (' the chamber, the door of 'which was '14,thtly ajati. Itwas pushe ,agerli the icrowd gazed. int( 'here was the old man kneel f a great iron chest, his he, vard. and. one hand on the )ox., while . the other grasij rown looking piece of paper uthorities , were sent for, , n_investiga- tion made, land proces-verba drawn up, o the effect that the defunct 'had: come o his death by heart diseasq. - - -The pape umd ent, an legible. T taken it ou open; the.roomj ng frorijt d bent fo - &lac of -bhp ed. an old; Then the r he held was a ery old cloc- so faded that it as scarcely e deceased hid, apparrentlY, to examine it ;I and he had written dow, n at the close cf the will - for such it Was—the amounhi of his prop- erty, and the manner in wh4ch it was in- vested The officer who directed he proceed- ings was a man far advane d. years. He had b en a comrade of ,Tacques' their boyh od, but had lost sight of h m for many ears. There -we e tears in t le old man's yes as he held 1 p the inst u- ment, and Said in a shril arid bro, n voice to ti motly group which had. s- sembled, 'My friends aufl townsm n, bore lies the body of a man whom the whole citsl, despise& and idiculed as a miser. The boys hooted t him in the streets, and. pelted. him ith dirt and stones. People taught th ir very dogs to bark at him as he passe . The poor upbraided him ; and the rich 'sneered and pointed the finger of sdorn at him as they rode by in their earn. ges. Let me read you his will." He paused to wipe his s ectacles, ,and then began in a measueed. ne,-- ".11AnsEmr.. s, Aug, 1;1775. ‘" When I was .a child, fell ill of a femer, and during. my recevery suffered intensely from thirst. Th.ere had been a severe drought for many inonth:s ; and the water, always poor in quality, was almost wholly exhansted. At that time my mother told me that Malty hundreds of the poorer classes suffered in the same way. She also told me that my father and many others had. .lost their property by fire, 'chiefly because there was an. in- sufficient supply•of water to extinguish CD , TO THE FtARMERS OF HURON. We have much pleasult in informing you that we haVe secured the services of Mr. CHARLES MeLEOD, kippen as General Agent for the sale of , The KIRBY Reaping And Mowing Machines. . The KIRBY Machinee have not yet been fully introdieeed into the County of Huron, but those Farmers who were present at the Kippen Reaping Match, in Ally, 1873, can form their own opinione as to the merits of out: Machines. - The Kirby machines are shnple constraetion eaeily managed, very durable, will do their work equal to any anzahines made,' and are positively the 'lightest running machines in the Dominion. We make and can supply to Farmers for the coming seaean the KIRBY COAIBIN'ED MOWER AND REAPER, the BURDICK INDEPENDENT SELF -RAKING REAPER-, and KIRBY'S NEW TWO - WHEEL MOWER. Mr. McLEOD will supply paranhleta, giving all information and certificates from Farmers who have used the Kirby. We trust the Fermiers of Huron will sustain us in our efforte to sttpply them With first -clads Machines. Yours truly, • A. HARRIS, SON & CO. CHARLES McLEOD, Kippen P. O., Agenta. JAMES MARTIN, St. Helens P. 0., J BRANTFORD, March 1, 1874. 826 To THE FIRMER OF HURON. FORSYTH'S PATENT WROUGHT IRON FENCE. THE undersigned beg to direct the attention of the nners of Huron to the fact hat they are now prepared to take orders for the above fence, whi h is without doubt the BEST AND MOST , • Parties desirous of giving prepared for erection early in sin repairs for TEN YEARS. The Snow will not accumulate or ban will not destroy it. 5th—It is w This Fence will:be furnished at Five Wire Fence, per rod Six .. .. TERMS—All sams of .4•I',25 and - credit, an approved note to be fu relents can be made. Orders take Main street, Seaforth ; or Georg 320 SE.. SASH, COME en a rrat th nd a Po fence a trial short The proprietors fits of this fence o rainst it, 8rd—Th tod. to turniall kiu following !rates • $1 50 I Sea 1 60 I Eig r eash, on comp:lea ed on completio d further informat syth, at the Market DURABLE FENCE IN USE. eave their orders at once, so that it can be guarantee this fence to stand without • all others are: let—Durabilify. 2n(1— Ind or frost does not effect it. 4th—Fire s stodk, no matter how breaehy or ViCiOLISs u Win Fence, per rod 1 68 t " .1 f t (1 ' 17-5 n of fence - over that amount three months f fence.' 'For large orders special arrange - o adren. on application to M. It. Counter, S aforth; or Hugh Cameron, Londesboro. FORSYTH & Co. N CME ALL. D B CY YOUR HARNESS W I beg to state for the information Of faimers and the au Harness on hand as any in town, and I am determinrd ment in the -County. BELLS and HORSE BLANKET, all kinds, cone+ Furnishings. 0-37\7-111 mn 313 )p,) FORTH PLANING ILL, DOOR AND BLIND F CTORY THE sul scriberbegs leave to thank in numeroue -1- custoi ers for the liberal Baronage atended to him since coinmencing business in Se forth, and trusts th t he ma,y be favored with a c utinuance of the sa ie. Parties Intending to build would do ell to give him a ea as he will continae to keep on hand a large stoc - of all kinds ef DRY PINE LUMBE DOO BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LA.T1T, ETC. HeTeel confident of giving satisfaction to those who may avour him with theia patronage, as none but first -lass workmen are ernplo-yed. ar ticular attention paid to Custom Planta] g 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. OPENED OUT. FOSTER'S OLD STAN D JAMES WRIGHT HAS °Paned in the store next the Seaforth Foundry and adjoining Foster's Hotel, a full and comelete STOCK OF GROCERIES. Tras are Good, _Ms Sugars Cheap; And kis Spices Strong. Call and give them a trial. -.CO JAME S WRIGHT; THE HURON PLANING MILL _MESSRS. GRA Y & SCO TT BEG to mmounee that they have commenced bus:ness in -the Shop lately crannied by Mr. Martin, and. are now prepared to fill orders for Sashes, D9ors, Blinds, 2.ro2lclings, And all kinds of planed lumber. ALSO LATH AND SHINGLES. CHEESE BOXES AND SETTERS, FARM GATES, HAY RACKS, &c. A go Fact near Jig FROM DI SEAFORTH. CAMPBELL'S CLOTHING STORE TN addition to the Choicest Seleetion of the Best Goode, I have on hand a few Special Lines, to which I -would call the earnest attentien of buyer: 1. The Latest Styles in FIRST-CLASS HATS, INCLUDING ilk Hats, Felt Hats, Fur Plats, and IZtraw a.nd Panama, a large selection of Boys' Hats. Summer Underclothing, IERINO SHi RTS AD DRAWERS, As well as WHITE LIN EAT SHIRTS. 3. 'NEN AND COTTONADE PANTS, AND ALPACCA COATS. A Large Stork of the Most Fashionable CLOTHING f?or Youths and Boys, in suits for Boys from 3 years old: upwards. These I consider rare good value, and will pay Mothers to purchase -them for — -their Boys, as they are got up in the nest Fash- ...enable Styles, and made of 9 lic generally, that I have as good a stock of not to be undersold by any other establish- ly on hand. Also TRUNKS and General IpEJLALJ J. WARD, Main -Street, Seaforth. GODERICH OUNDRY. 111111111111111, IAA: • 11 jam: jag pf.• • • - :; The Goderick-F undry IManufacturing Co. Beg to infor3n t e pnblid that they rc prepared to contract for STEAM ENGINES AND OILERS; FL JR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS S WING MAC TES, &c. On hand—IRON AND OODEN IIIOWS, with steel boards; GANG A° OWS CULT ATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &e. SUGAR AND POTAST KETTLES, IGRATE-BARS, WAGGON BOXES, &c. COOKING, PARLOR. A14D1 BOX STOVES, lof various kinds. SALT PANS MADETO ORDER. ALSO, t I IRON . AND. BRASS OSTINGS, ND BLACKSMITH WORK. BOILERS .AND SAL PANS REP I ,ED ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO THiBT3-H0BSb1 POWER TUBIJMR BOILERS generally on hanci for sale. All orders addressed to tie Company or Soot ry receiye prompt attention. A. HODGE, Secretary and. Treasurer. H. HORTON, President. R. RUNCIMAN, General Manager. d. stock of Seasoned Lumber on hand. ry and Lumber lard on Goderich street, ain street. wing and Custom Planing neatly done. A. G AY. W. H. SCOTT. WOOD FOR SALE. •L'OR ALE, e. quantity of Stove Wood by the cor or in 'bulk, also a quantity of Cordwood, in balk. Apply at the Huron Carriage' Works, Sea. forth. Wei A. T. McINTOSH. GARDNER BEST J 17_1) 13 Prizes 1.n. SEWING MACHINE Easy FA Light IS A STRONG- unning Machine WELL ADAPTED FOR ILY SEWING, AND nufacturing Work. At the Fairs held thr ughont the Dominion, this Machine was put 301110 very severe ests by the PI LE (` 0 Fral' BY THEM 1871) and Its simpliaity of construction, etren set INSTRUCTIONS IN Gardner S ewin 286 tY COULD PRODUCE A. YARDED )6 Prizes in 1872. ath and durability iee if attachments, and ao ALL THE . ATTACH' E Ma chine PETER 0 inmend it to all clasees. It has a complete ill kind:int work. GIVEN FREE OF CHARGE. Ppany, braingt07/1. Ont. ASS1 El SEAPORTH, Agent for the County of Huron, FR E S H AlitRIVALS. GOOD 2IIATERIA LS. Mothers, try these Suits. My Stock of Cloths Is alwayslept fnlly assorted in the latest novel - ;ties, and all orders for Clothing will be Executed with, Promi)tness And in Good Style. W. CAMPBELL BY-LAW No. A By -Law to raise by way of Loan the Sum of $5,300 for the purpose therein mentioned. 1 HEREAS, the Municipel Connell of the Vil- lage of Seaforth have resolved:to raise by way of loan the sum of $5,500 for the purchase Of a Steam Fire Engine, and to carry into effeet the said recited'objeet it will be necessary for the said Municipal Council to raise the sone of $5,500 in the manner hereitafter mentioned, And WREREAS, it will regime the sum of $751 6611 to be raised annually for the payment of the said loan, as ape) hereinafter mentioned. And WBEllEAS, the amount of the wbole rate- ble property of the said Municipality irrespective any future increase of the same, and: also ii•re- epeetiye of may income to be derived from the emporary investment of the sinking fund herein- after mentioned., or any portion thereof according Lo the last re.vieed and equalized Assessment Roll for the said Municipality, being for the year 1874, was $225,000. And WHEREAS. the anionnt of the existing lebt of the said Municipality is as follows: Prin- eipal, ;.:i000; bearing int( reet at the rate of 7 per emit, and payable in ten years from the lst of September, 1870. Towards the payment of which (itin of $3,000 the sum of 1-1200 bas been annually deposited by the Municipality as a sinking fund from the above mentioned (Lae. and the interest On the said loan has been paid veini-annuelly on the 1st days of Mexch and September in eech 3 -ear. And WHEREAS, for paying the interest -and ereating an equal yearly seeking fund for payinq, the said sum of $5;500 it wfl require a special rate of 3 230-075 mills on tho t4Bar in addition to all 1 rates to be levied in each year. i [ De it therefore enacted by the Menieipal Cumeil I ;of the Village of Seaforth • ; I That it shall be lawful 1: a• the Reeve of the Vil- Illage of Seaforth to raise ' y way of loan from any I ipereon or persons, body oi bodies corporate, who inti.y. be willing to advauce. i he setae upon the creeie, I' of the ;debentures hereinef :er mentionea sine -a of Anent y not exec:N..6m; in the whole the sum a g .1-Za,i..100, and to cause the st: me to he paid into the I: halms of the icasin ta fen the. purpose and _h 1: the object above recited. 1 That it shall be lawful foe the said Reeve to I: .cause anynumber of dein, amm en to be ade for I suchsuins of money as nee v be required, net i. es ; than $100 each, (and not ii the aggregate to ex- , ceed the sum of ,•;71.50)1, a n1 that the said debeu- , tures shall be ettaled with . he seal of the Munieipal . Comeil, and be :signed ty the Sala Reeve and • eountersigned by the Treasurer of the eeid Municipa]ity. R. CO WISHES to announce that le ijas now on hand th vy description ever brough to the Town of See Hot Weather (may it come an extensive and hand a number of the Seem tod 'e eta eea- This tirely through its composition" on( will retain its per IA °login e ;a to h es receivba being on these Watches is a sonic N.A.1.-1LbP 1,est St cal; If ISIair Ornaments of every er 11, (we e:: y To we:. view Also, for the ! •a -led Stork ..f Fancy 3?ties. He bee also on ion ; eiethieg new: the Necklace ie seceded en- ! tnee for -veal A. AD( st vr ease of those Celebrated g e other dny. The feet of the inane of Tit -ones Illoo.zeete 11 Soa ent gnarantee of t aeir reliability ee 'Timepieces. I I) TI Y 1 TTE ;VDT!: I) TO A flSTLT. ifD GOLD AND SILVER. REP _AI I?. I 4VG P 0 . WANTED -500 OUNCES OF Spelemelem.—I hatre reccd instructions from hereafter at $2, per pair, case o extra, instead of at CLINTON MARBLE wpnics, HURON STI4EE44 Next door west —of the C rum ercial Hotel. ..o.nlii,13lye.e,.. Co. to sell their S.pectiteles 50 asf3nc . COUNTER. MONUMENTS, H1AXSTONES, And work of all kinds in An erican and • Foreign, Marble, designed and exeeote 1 in the best style, and at most reasounble price -13/Untlesi of Various Col red ifarthe sup- plitd on. Blwrlj Notice. Granite Monuments and eallstones imported to order. W. H. C OPER., Jr. 277 T. 'CALDER, Agent. SEAFORTH AND HURON ARBLE YVORKS. .3.1Z5SETT 13110THEft, (Late of Hamilton,) V old intimate to their numerous friends and. th teral publiz that they are prepared to fill a ers for numents, Headstones, Table Top Mantles, Etc, anile .2fonunzents Imported to Orde ork of the best Rtyle—atta lilt, and cannot rpassed in this part of Ontario. A. callrespeetfully solicited. alder's old Stand, opposite MeCallum's Hotel MAIN STREET, SEAF.ORT E. MESSETT. MESSETT, That the said debenturre shall be made payable in lifteenyears from the aaj hereinafternualtien- eil for the said By-law to take effect at office of the Treasurer of this Munieipality, and uhall have at- tached to them coupons for the payment - of . the interest thereon, signed by the Reeve and Treae- u1.'111...tit the said debantures shall bear interest at and after the rate of Seven et r rent. per amenn from the date thereof, which ioterest Abell be !dy- able on the first day of Alienist in each year at: the office of the Treneurer aforesaid. , That for the pnrpose of firming a sinking faed for the payment'of the said. debentures end hot e - est at the rate aforesaid to become due then en an equal speeial rate oft 3 230-675 milli in the di lier shell in rablitimi to all other rates le. mised,i(a if d and collected in eaelt ;veer upon all i he rat. ode property in the said Munieipality (luring the ,.-on- tirmance of the add debentures orally of them. That this By-law shell teke ellen mil come let° operetion upon the lst (ley of Auguet, 1a74. That a vote of the ratepayers of the said Village of 'See:forth-ellen he taken upon this By-law at ;the Town Hell and at I eninsden'e Store, in 1 -id Vniege of Seaforth, on SAfir URI .'s Y. the 25th day of 'Tele, 1874, at the hour of 3 o'elocit in the forenoon and. that the poll shell remain open until 5 o'eloek In the afternoon of the same day, and that R. reams - den net as RetirrUhlg Officer in the north divieeen and W. Elliott act as retaraing Officer for the south ilivieion 1. TAKE NOTICE The atorP is at true eopy of a. proposed By-law , i which will b taken into coitAderation 1,7 the Cum:mil of t ' Municipelity after:me month from the first publi eition in the iInnote ExPosiroe, the date of which first publication was FridayoTune 26, 1874, and tha the vote of the eleeters of the a lid Munieipality -will be takeetthereon at the Town Hall and at Yeunsden's Store, in the Villege of Seaforth, on SATURDAY, the 25411 day el July, in01 3874,efraternofin9 000. 'enloek in the forenoonuntil 5 o'clock wILLT.A.11ELLaolliclato revel 1