HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-07-17, Page 4I7777 III1871 JULY 17) 1874 POS OR# T11 E HUR mom% IS ,night `be� serw 4 nig man, as YiDun 4L g -e ;��ful and te .Very the to deliver an address which pe asiou aider at d eca e the first to take me colinec% d with Orangemon wer f A provisions which re- ad& in 1868, �d �ue r il NEW "ADvEwrisEMENTS. vhatev Br, as stated, to divorce obtaiii- sirable that certan We have also a4aw a cOmPh 3 onto coil ection field, and, of cours4, the Fenians had to was accorded to hi u I iza. 6xpress, in behalf of sy -immediate action should be em- the Tor to pi ess, in w lich! been requested to tdby Or.'Salig8t(r. Yours &c., q iied he accornpanle( %O 1, take their leave4 The Orange organ strenlatically soml ti e Red River E edi J. HrLLY-JULD bodied' in mseparate-moutire for speeA- a ka 0 a Btter­-�-E. Cash. ad now streq,th enough in Canad ' the Orangemen, their th u t hiZelf iiAhe capacity of 8 ecial tion h 41, t ToitoX'To, Tuly 10, 1874., passage by thb Assembly, nd M tiop of 1869-7 08 Dry 0oods—A. G. NKcDourrall. i ier -o rep- to make their op�onents fear them, if Jaes Beattie for the use. of his Oat fbe m. Farm fo'r Sale—Kentiet all. The above letter of r. Cameron rrespondent. I Ile was elected they couianot mialce them love them. — "D �0 i -.1 - ic h. Relell Fourbon specifiedtbem " follows: first, co the occasion. P, - EXPOSITOR.] L publi -vol Deputies should be eledtod for separate resent Marquet e 'in the Dominic n Par- a win gain it d Wq �Iarkne& Hair Balm.—H,4rku ess & do. klace's-this pivinfu affair ill new e-ele(ted at In'a few days 200, 000 Canadian Orange- -0 *40�_ uIlquestionab-le, i Itead'.of departments, liment in 187 r oepteaas Insolven' cy Notice—R-obert Gibbons arrondisements, ins vas a men could be enlisted tinder one banner. The Twelfth at Wroxeter. bservable from, "It no* seemstha Mrs. Sag- 11 of 16 facts tha the formej ry the. the general e 74.1 thse w -the the figureg th Man Wwlted-_-Jrnes Fair. for it was neceesa -: 'fo keep in mind the He did not say.tb all Pre Con-. The celebration of the Battle -rust be der applied for a d obtained, a divorce biiif� of a dis6alutiou of the As- Liberal and a sapporte of homas Knox. I Some of them were, Per- Boyne was held in great state ell iWoll. In 1871 the fo Notice—T -e-sent Of the ation. servatives. �censull te speoi'u'Bbily second, in thb 6reation of a sec 1 Quebec, _Kova co Seaforth Foundry --John. Nopper. a om, Dr. Sxngsteu, so that there has in haps, Reformers, d should a dstur- da, July 13, by the Orangenien Of this ea- Tenders Wanted—John Williams. ond Qhamber the Government especially bance ris in their or- I eality been a divorce. We have. a this latter. c1a8s eontaie dou ble - The orange Celebratio)a ir go to t4e vicinity. Twelve Lodges met at Wr,ox� 398,� wished that the -PrIe'sident should be em vorce ganization would probab�y the njajoI both sexes Ialready given our opini -o ,Iter some from Bruce, but persons -Of on on the di poNvered-to nominate a'conaiderable pi forth. c defe wers and 79,891 ro �7 487 widO btained by Dr. San ster We stated portion of its members third -and ace of the country %a well- as the f ;,� Huron. After parading the streets een 9 On NAouclay last,.the 13th in b the others. ffelioped,. however, thatt'hese 1proof of what has be -i + a number Of times -and fill gal ts that the ing the �_illa i that Dr. Sa,-nggte had. proven that he finally, the Government lusis oranglemen of the Soutl)ern: Distri ct of �e Refoimers would it their moral concerniiqg the exemti -7 W , i their masic, they marched in power be given to the President to dis r to co mem. P Huron al§sembl d. at Se9,f 0 th as well as in their ElOyroavitleyinand if the.), ro- 3 from a distinctive -tax, had proper caus.e to seek for nd. obtain on urlder the guidance iot Flel.d SEI H FFIDAy, J-uly solve the Lower versary of the e f the It that �Fopu 17, 1,874. but,,as the rate thenni should, this Dominion wou'd not be suoh c6si in eacll Provia 0 from -his former wife that be p arshal Robert Millen to the grou ds to divorc manner of the poi4ment of members Boyne. The principal atree,ts of tl e vil- This as many widows in after all. peee � V e bad place to live ouble Hotise i ith. al -ches, a -1 that he of the'Upper HotiseJ not- decided upon, hear the a h. d liveried by Ogle The: County Iad obtained sue: i divorce, A, lage were nicelly de-corated NVI reverend gentle n colititined on lit Gowan and offiers. rthy f oil the str ngth of that divorce it dantiot say -tirbether the power should flag and banners and from. sove,al of It i4 calculated. It is wo I -ity of the femae sex, A4 iw� have before iatim.96d, the tow In W18) of considerable length, and in the courseof tliat about 1,500 Orallf-remi0n. ecoc without the co-op- were 110: el ge was 1. 1L ale& gainet e rTv�;Ces �eould bdAat -of po ILI be exercised with ot tile hotels were extended stret ra xreat deal that would pres- narks said. a g of God.0'rich has' appe th' i rally free to marry again. Since latter.' M. Fourton, in his rei it, and the villa Cray W t- eration of the ar lu have been better uhsai Rags 7 age and blue.' At ,in early I k widow$ under 16 yeat OJ inahing th, strains of is is st-Ae iient we have not seen ora, d. He also tolcl a streamers, arches, &e. Ah follo equalization of the Coan-ty, Council.7 it conclusion, remarked, !that the Govern- the morning the ilielodious," betwe the ages ol en number of necdotes 'which however a_synopsis of the SIDeeclies 'well t % It' ge our views oil this ment was not desirous of interfering with e 1) eard e deliv 7e ir ell thek mighterve to i and. 802 a, Ming w Mr. Oooper B 7911. 262 fra i rus. is held by -the apellants that the -assess" 411YfibIng 0 c a I - the fife and. drIum we mike a crowd After prayer by Rev.' ant inf theAnty of the Assembl3' e !in, ' th a in- ment of the towa- is equalized too, Ili& Point. , Ne, now, w, ormati on on crowd commerced to com taken up in. -which shows an excessof I .1 collstittition but flowingstreamW brethrena,6d ple sure- aid of the merely pointed olit laugh, were not calculated to engender sels,a collection was peace and good will among all men-, nor however., by thel' econd Aivarce. ' In what mariner in comparison with the rural inurti ali. the a ential parts., Protestant Orphan's Home. The Chair. reduced, considered the ess -is what it seekers contint ing until well on ii the were they all pro er for relation by; a Betweentheagesf I d for wht reawns Nv� it obtained i Henry Perkins, Es�., istriet ties. T!11'e matter came before the C�ull- rRUSSIA. Also ai rived A D Lie 111101ber ju k' MBiSMARCIC.- forenoon. minister of the GoEpel. arl ex., married, an, ty sti6r :in a letter ptiblis3ied on ATTu, T62 SASSUT the �rain, itrod were 4� dre some time Igo, and the investi7 Dr. from Goderich and. .Clinton by nales and 502 57i I Inrried 3: - �� � I —11 � Rev. Mr. CuTLEn 'was both: a Conser hsev. Mr. COOPER, who made an elo. L I�riuce Bismarck Nvas fired at by a you�g 1 7 naion and the Mitchell Oange Young -itolis �11 vative and a Reformer. He believed in 7o unniarrield femalei, gatfbn postponed until ilonday last, Mou(lay, has.,promised f till infori Irian at On INIonday. Thc it noon. rhere quent appeal to all Protestants to aid in ca6e from Ue Past d macl point.' Before expressitig a serving that which was good, atild. excess of the l3thdrist. Oil that day, the matter on this 0 A a d. the wound is h rEpelling the encroacments of Popery. bal zed his wrist, n must have be6ii bet -ween two and 416 081 AlumaTried These agai f 'tlitr ol�inlon, therefore, we iwait t Ming that whicli was bad. He 4d, He spoke of the two Political Parties be n c,% idge Torns. The 0 illignificnt. Tlie-%voLitCl-beaPS',tS!JillwfLI3 uri aE, the refoi: up before Jil t1iousand persons present �319 attack. by State- object pr6sted. , Bisinarck drove not know much about Orangeistri, ut he arrayed oneagainst the other,, someth Of hear wh�tt lie h to say in his owil de- promptly k womett We f tin� men and repre3entatives of nearly all the inuTlip-li day,—coun era t. The mavriagab did know somethi ig about Protestant- I thrOlIgh Kissenge-n anlil. allowed himaelf a ike boys playin see -saw, while the inay. here at t that the number cf dies divided into those who Palitieu in the .0ounty were present. fence on this seco lid count. If Dr. Sant- 0 4 �ople_ The poptilace were with ism, and if the o i et of the Orang'e Or-, 'Ciath lies held the balance in the iniddle, co the pe Present wa's -a- ubject of frequent r and those -who won7ti There was nothing, done, howe an, he is not fitted gallizatlon wa's le spread;ind 4- -Od in this coun try, as well as in he old ried. ver, to- star is n iimon I ra gretlifficulty provell,ted frorn lynching y,—the female portion propag a s� during the I he wished them Tbefrmer Includes th"O s n e� ;i as tion (5f Protesta itsm, c6untry almost invariably gave the' wards . deciding the matter, except to for the position to which he -a pires. the %fter his arrest. His nai 1 to be zealous in t4e c tu se ir secining r ��eight -to the Radicals. He urged luxu Godspeed. He w"Ls afraid howeve'r, able to afford the ry Keel4iu, nd he belongs to Mgdebiirg. or up- inxpel t r condeinuin from prove that-no.tices had been served by But, before Bit their sterner.c mpanions. that the. me,mberW of the Order som1e- the ne sity of all Oraugernen be- He is cooper by tra(iia, -'arid is member I pRoCESSION. ces t1lose who, to see IT ar. method of cou-tA wish times Used, the�'Bhi�ld given them by the il�g true God, theinsel the appellants on the Reeves � and, Deputy' holding his caitdidatilre, we -ne rious Lodges p esent veal of the Catholic Jqui ymen's Society of I k the val to thei At I 01C oc� I sly on sillgb� iOrder for purposes therthanthis. Thi hopeles iReeves of the respective townships. M14'. al the evidence his accusers have o give that city. teir Queen and their coutry. assembled on I tile Market SquiLl, &lid -With thse who simply Nvi, he The'Chairmn then in a few apI 0 give UNIT Sinclair, who had previously been rdtain- aganst him, nd ll lie has t Tile fdIl)wi could not endorse. Tile pri.neipl6s formed into a procession. 119 upon which Ornga,isnl are founded are larks introduced Brother Oile ied few right minded 1, 1FIRE 1w Clucm-,Oj�Another destrue- p riate ren 8 vain fd ed for the­� defence of the Coutrt�, aid in his defence. When we have this, we a list oi theLodges represontei n the GO) hize, It i n tive fil-6 O good, but he was orry that Orangemen sympat courred. in Chicago oil Tuesday. 0 Va whomhe distinguishedas the I lie order in wh OIL they ,e a processioi , rid t in -Ve to urge.threai that, haim, heard it was the wish of the call gi fair a, id intelligent decision, did not always IRV4, up to thpse principles. the hi I 0 Excepbtlie great fire.of 1871,.this was Father of Orangeism in Canada." lit. rhhe ,wilo findeth a Vik repretntaivesof several of the mimi.- and not till then, We would ask Pub- tbe niost destructive conflartration the Ile urged upon t:iem the cultivation of Mr. Gow" -was received with lould that has ever been visited wAh. Many applause, and stated that he had much No. 24, tayfield. those principles laid down in -their con- ways j nd a good thing cipalibies that counsel for the Courity bJe -lie School.teachers to -,�ithold their ver- city No. 145 Goderieb District. stitution. � Did t BY strictly live up to 11-lasure in meeting so many brethren. amazons virgoes, terma� c they' have before thei fille 'locks and streets have been burnt. erigaged from otsidle the town, alld M the No. 182i orlerich. idi't. until At piipseilt it is impossible to estimate theseprinciplesith wouldbeChristians., e informed us that he haA brought iiag and witches ; that i 18a, oderich District. 14 1 the County was represented by so m y be produced No. which he feared any of them were nt- are, -as a rale, oppresslYle tb� e loss. N o. 252 Walton. three books along with him, viz., the Ater h, was the Histo�y of OraDgeisM, the various bills r. JojaNsTo of Goderic an< are 6elusive as Reeves present in Court, be -would ask from both -sides, and then give their N U and M whole e . vidence v rhich m, No. 306; qoderich Dist'ric't. AlkilN wi 0 tht theUw relati, T Ior an: adjournment illitil. 2 o'clock-, to votes in ccordance with the dietates of de_8preaa destituti n exists in south No. 308, " odericliDistrict., next speaken Ht referred to the post relating to the corporation of the __. ; . suelia, state . 110 V, western counties of Miraiesoka among 'ullett District I L tio of the Order in the past, and sai W�omen is in So e No. - 526, Orange Society, 'th the votes thereon, w the Reeves to engage new counsel 'th(,.ir' con, i no as prompted by thq had auig�r to hnsbadj�; tj)A� lieNv s6ttlers, whose crops the grasshop- tha� many of the A-regularities-willich i 10, Clinton. and the Constitution-, so that if anyone I -tirt they b irely inde- and No. 7 existedhad been cor courtshipi if they desired to dial so. The Co evidence Ill J rected. He urged had Any questions to ask might doubt in i ve so.en, ent pers have destroyed for two years No. 813, McKillop, exacting UPDXI 'upon the young who believed in. the ous and granted a adjournment from 11 o'clock- pendently f t newspapers or in- urgent appeals must lie made to beney- 83*4 Y. what he advanced, he could appeal to the No. -P 'spect that husIbands Itill 2 In. the inteival the Reeves met dividlias may: say. They have not i yet olWlice' everywhere fo� contributions in _t: principles upon which 'the Order was law and to the testimony. He-theii re. e aid of the starIving, people. Contribu- o. �99_8, 1 ullett Ditric founded to join in, that they might be in ictualled tof m6n, -and, :in No. 933, Rullett DistricC� marked that there was a variety of sub. taces, the least ,comitort. and discussed the 'whole matter Of the had all the evience ad axe, conse -at Brotheis should be ad. a position to tke the places of their e tiols �f money, or ,clothing i ject he ould speak upon b I N o. 1,035, 4tariley. appeal, and endevored to get -Mr. Cal- on 'to,t6 the dres��d G ell. H. H. Sibl quently, not. in siti ey-orC. K fathers when they passed,�away. 4. being hiven, 10Y fear -01 P No. 1,388 Seafortb. Perkins and Leech had kindly pointed breaking homi lander, Reeve of Clinton' Paul.,' 111tovisions or their Carpets ox Ito withdra%V', Davisi course W� have commended. There is No. 36 Young Britons, Mitc ell. ri. DoNw-ADDIR, of Toroato, wasnext out to him the subjects he ought to dilate takerefage in .their iowil ew' in o upon. He then spoke ar equivalent' e most needed. 54' Von eaforth. called on. After a f tr iductory re�' of -1be Orange 'as Goderich was still willing to (10 so, if yet 'a considerable time to elapse before No. lig Britons, 8 &s, of to seek relief at tl aight it bills, and condemned i severe , r the Th followed hy tbe'multi- marks, this speaker Nvaded stp, .0 n te ms Clinton would consenc Mr. Callander State,;,having no sol), CA their- votes are required, nd in the in- Political. Ile characterized the "Clear M. P. P.s who oppose them, and. in tude, er in irching through the prin- politics Is not fail to impartial- -who v ey 6houl ipl streets p impo- stated t1tet he would con ant to t6 with- terval th the opl ionents', of Orangeism. at tance to such oceeded to Beattie' a gro e, Grits" as ronger lang-aage theelectors otied. Colin McDougall, a barrister, of c� that thIey will vanish drawil of the appeal, on thq cotilditions ly, re' Protestantism, and stigniatized. them for the, membe lv� and d the ell had been selected for and rs, who opposed thpse bills W( ce W`hiell St. Tfiomas, has been chosen as the Re- place w vie igh ther�`evi en d r0iind P4 ta. If T others M Ali that the equalization of� iny be' them by both side, form repr�seattive in East Elgin, Mr ie place in. Tbe prin- as disloyal. He )uBed Ur. _Nfickenzie, and voted for the Christian Br 900 Clinton be re the peaking to t 11 � ere hallulcinO )omini6m 1, -ving tel.ling them there were w0ne than ii o duced 'to, $240,000, and the pexsonal c iJi-igall is described as an able speak- cipalattracti 11 in the procession, v ethe, Premier L of the or ha so that Nvb. the -time comes -to cast M U i'll-owed to thwart its, ell visited a- Catholic Cathedra), recently, a who oted for such men. He Prp ships be iner er, an6 is very popular in the County, two Lodges cf Orange Young Bitons. E ertY of all the to wn eas iform, in Quebec and asked his. audience if a inhurches, cone. leir yotes, they 0 - ve an may e prepared to I t h e)ni Sgta' 'Of and is, almost sure of being elepted, They were naafly dressed in itr epitome of the rebellion reltoo crowdedwi� 0 s & nired. mail who wotild. L' guilty of: such con- 137 and 38, in which he shoed thei rooms a ed three -fold. The ropresentativeg �f fearlessly SIIBW and justify the vote —The Strathroy Age very pIertill and thensus returns av and their apperarance was mubh entlY I10 not, of course',., th The Officers df the Order, the a )E akers, duct was fit o be 4 the head of affairs prominent pat taken by 'his fellow the tonships wo How. is it that, the G be has to allow of a nrvolis I may give. �'"Te fear that there remarks eyi lid and a fe%v otbeis took in Canada?, Ilia einark not being &P- Orangemen in suppressing it he a -Igo. tonm: b ing acce agree to any stich proposition, and un- both sides who have never yet been able to take any notice the Clin are too many. oil a .trojib e �pte 1 i's - I - It b as' orm. which had b eu ted by man of thoAb-pfesent, f ter disclaimed'being called the Father of of Dr. McLellan's lttter ? Dr. McLellan seats on a pla pre- precia I to the call of the State.' arti mousy resolved to sustain the equal- rashly jumped 'at conclusions without continu-1bg for a t me in !the' strain we "Orangeism," showing that the U. E. may use intimidation and even bribery pared for the urpose. sly. TOyalists were ti indicated, he subsided, ingloriou ized assessbaeut as aliwh6le. It was also -as THIM S"PrIlEciffrs. have ie Original Orngeinen or-; the trouble to con- in catI% taking the time Enna for his favorite, without maTn: Was n xt called of this country, and gave a and unanimously -agreed to engage Mr. .Blake e This part of the days preceedi n, 91 was Rev. -r. GoL e ing the slightest censure, whil mphic. eider whether.it is prejudice or,justice ineurr il5e e touching description of the a Ui!b�o to assist Mr. Sinclair i Public School Inspectors- must be bullied commenced by the Clinton Star Brass7 on, and delivered an abl and effective Icy -orm. an. u,, defending th hich has gait ed- them. to i in connection i *;h the speech. He admin tered a severe rebuke nrea for their -alty t and threatened, and lectured, ad -nau- Band, which is t4ey end 0 the,wife of Mr, Edwa0 eq, aalzaion, adip. the event of �Aililr* opinion. givilig a Bel itutin. He than adverted Clinton Loag ection o' mu- to those who on such an occasion would itish Const seum if tbev dare'to even e:kpregs a�n opi 10 er glowing ICY erms to the state of Great IN Lum to procure the seriices of Mr.. Blake to ni n infa�or of Dr. Sangst sic, after whii h the. County Mas e endeavor to kindl, relilious or political The Provincial. Far In'. apply to -Mr. Christopher Robinsion. or W. W.. CcNNoR, Esq., of Bayfield, strife. He.did notappear upon a pol. Britain at the time when the rin eiof w -of r. W, mi. Nelso� —At a Reform demonstration held last Ile triparing I-Ifeappear d toad cidings bya short Wdress. itical platform. dress Orange landed at Torbay, co� T.&yLor..—In SealIbrth, O C. Cameron. -now, matters week in Hamilton, Hon. Mr. McKellar 01 As rr�ost of -our readers I pened proce He expressed the great pleasure : le felt an organization who. profess,6d to be a .Nim to Moses lea b &ve not been- W, 9-rking very- smoothly at had on exhibition for the berieft of tile . ding the Israelites out -Wife f 'Mr. Paul -Taylo IMi. silic- I & E t ned the hallowed Upon the Caurt, reopeina meeting so many of his brother 0 range- bulwark of Protealta tism, and the test he nienti to eaforth, bi 111 poit�lcs Admiulstr M In tefor Halto, the veritable laix asked for a adjournm unt71I th 'VieProvinciaModelFarm. Sometime I mers of which -nd the Boyne, that Not loi ig ago there were b it few of Protestantism as not M to Aghrinl -wife of Mr. WalterSm a 'e couch daulag'k," of whi�h we me" ;or f c no ect or pa - i ong, it 111en he political a ght bel ed associations connected wi -mw. ty they m: 21st irist.' and at the same tim e stated ago, tile Rector Rev.. F. W. Clark,'after I , h the ve heard so much within the past two Orangemen it this Coullty. recall H —At Egnloj�diilhl ha true nciples r civi igious . b- 'hoe. Ifr first carne to i he County lie 'could travel but to carry out Ae gand. struggle f o .1 and reh li the wif e of Mr. a few weeks of Qffieial life, tendered hi article T thAt he thought he would withdraw Om years, Of this much renowned 'os�pel. How to best erty, and �closed by gmii ng vl. account of for a whole month and probably kot meet the ever blessed G the case, as an imp :. slon- the Government. is of furniture a contemporary remarks -resr seemed -to resignation to Th hardly do this was a mat;er of the it an Oraiig bat now he coulc tmost im- the institution of Orangeiam, -stating how wife -of NIr. George I When seen in corp6real form as it ex- exist th, it would be more satisfactoriv circumstance cat Bed such enquiry to be Ienter a house' bu he would 0 Bet ane of T)ortance, and one! in Avhie-h every man William himself -was the fouilder -of theactiy is, it was,seeil to De an ordinary au d th ade. as dicited the fact that the Princi- the brethren� He believed ilitt the presl6ut should beideeply con3eyned. If Order that, it was foundedi aU —1, E eter, at theL interests".of the Count !in lounge, such as. may be found inlmost Y LOn W011 n quotin c Orange orgaill ow flourish the organization ot 0 isheso g Ma aulay in proof of his state- 'wife of Mr. Win. Glas4, uld be becte pal of the Institition was not the 't wo r served by having a legal right every office- ­oo short to be comfort,- Orangenien to be. ill t1da countryasit had Deverflourished become a power ini def6tice of Protestant ment. He exhorted ble for a tall mol, axid rather shabby "MAP-Rl advisor who did not belong, to, and w Is mdn in. the riglt phee The G-1vern- before. Alt fl, lat was r equired to secure ism, and to do 'good serv.ce in the foun(.1 at tb eir Post in the ath of du an(f faded in appearance. Men looked ty, rrim not personally interested in, the t mefit appointed co ission. to enquire. the Order spreading of Protestant pLrl]LCIPI'eS and 4 of aid t if the increased prosperity of and eat down aniddst lorld and prolonged Iawn at it and smiled, and a all wa* a for its me mb ers to stand sho der to truths, it must be Icept en;irely aloof appi-ajuse. Goderich, it being the appellant in into the wbol6 acts of the cae. That of July -9, by, Rev th the Tory outrages are such harm- I�r alotv 0 dissensi�n -il thei from the strifes a�iid; bickerihgs of pol- me. At the less, affairs, as McKellar a canbe 'shoulde I ir com mission hAs' omPleted its investiga couch, unanimous. request of the NVm. -. Johnston, Bri Iranks, and k p down: with a firm band ities, - and no true,, Protestanit could be -a ghter of NN -7m. Smith tion,'and has. r(ported'to- the Govern- "idiocy in an list be at a premium in the Matrimonial Statistics, ver Mr. Sinclir at ud bickerigs among them- guilty 0 y Protest organiza6- Relives- presetnt, howe all jealousies I f using aiI IMerit T McNYIL — 88,Sta t Thexesult of this report is that The Toronto M ation, in discussing the CNEIL, Unit d we stand, but d length! consented to act' with a selve. ivided tion to bolster up either o le politic -Toronto Mail, mly 13L, by v—T I , ense act p J "; e counsel. The udge granted. the ai sked reque'sted to re the Principal ha's been hose who' read 4ie rly Orangem(Fu -e hac new Marriage Lie assed b the e fall. Ltl hai I party or another. " It is nota truth that Y Daniel cNeii, Bav Iwill have noticed the bitter public reaI them why they any partycan siiant u d cild slature at and �eal de? in � a Ontario Legi the late session, a given p a atiStieal inform_ U sign his, positio wh ell he has dolle. rmi and united d i I'll ay had monopoly of alty. All glv previous tOL doj'o -Canadiall lo for adjournment of the Court. B attacks upon the Ontario Government, es some interesting at The enquiries of the commission elicited nd especially upon Hon, ttorney-Gen- should stan t polit N�eil-, Esq.., Gry- �g 80, remarked that he been denied theij�rights, but form ately, Canadians, no matte,:r to w icill ation. Its recommendation to tax the 'Mop -F' Aff Qo`� rse, cordially en_ bad a few days preiJously had a. corive- the. fact that .th Principal was tyranni- eral Mowat, for hvitig appointdd Mr. they were strong enougb, if the weret' sect or denomination th bachelors," we, of con treet, III, aan Would ex- Iverbearing in his manner, not . . 5 cal. and o S. S. Peck as Stipendiary Maistrate of united, to d(ImNild arid enforc�, them.- loyal to our noble IQnee dorse. As it would be a. manifest in- -sation with Judge Lizars, Couuty�.,TudgeL .1 liburton. According x upon one portio the County of H. ie Iasi drOL�, Orangemen. h d just right to feA proud: pend tl of their blood in -her justice to impose -a ta n of Pertb, relative to th of L only to his But ordinates in office, but e avneal Strat- to the version of these papers, this p�.r- on for them )y King; defence. Ili Cana'da we all, stand upon of the community, for remissniessin the aret, d1an-o-hter 4 of the privileE �es !w -p4overilock, zdaahielsl ford against the -equalization of the Coull- also to the puil underbis charge 1s6 -60a -,`%r'_s anYthing but qualified for the William III. These privilege�' hould- one common level -we are all Canadians performance of a duty,+- and llow anoth- r. Taiter Govenloc 7 ty Council of that County., Mr. Lizat' *as la king' in kn ag arid shi'p, Ot. position, and tb& appointment wAs said erportio probably. equally at faultto athat he owledge of not be lightly esiee�nled, and to irlaintain and loyal �ai our Country, be a disgrace to. the Governmen them intact -.c id bure Isiw,ild be tl �e con- irrespective of the, VoaT go scot-free, the proposition is also mde ous p litical. par- -stated that in this calse. tb e whole gu- 9 H"LAND—POA-D.—Ati t:, 4% It practical gficul M're, and. was erierally to Iich made it. The CQuaty Council- of ve true ties. Every man' o impose a tax upon spiristers, "'who 2railgerran. The isbould re d for him- owh stXnt care of before him went to sli unfitted for the posAi6i Under such the father, on J, and M e his own ent ow that the HaliVuftoli, boweyer, seem to take a speaker paid. I It. co plinien u to the self, judge for hiniself, have rounded ay thirty. Although this circumstances, hqefofe it is not sur- ell undoubteal , �be in we do ot Mr. Desbarresd4r. J*, i Oraiige- -slid exl rc ased a decision, and not 4epend up n the lead- WO' ameaning of the stute was that if the differ � t view of the appointment. At Y resolution was pas hope tL years the -e ould era of any -party to direct hi I. Prote t- know thatwe, could endorse such pro- Aq Maly eldest dau a S_ towns and. villages arid townshi prising that tile Instit,ition has not com- ..their last meeting. a�t 0)11)lel It r �e ri nitaoi'ii�a"' ps � are inned unaniinlously, affirming in expressive position, were.it not for the ready means an rg Pond, at iheir'full value's,'the villages be such ization in CO Ill Lection. antism. was too holy a thing to - mix assessed. I menced its career, as auspiciously as P Iand hearty'terms their approval of Mr. with every od e in the Gout ty. He with the strifes. of politics, and. no true pro e for the evasion of the tax. The n desired. It i Parsonage, ;oil uly j, n an xtrct from the 'article Iand towns, as e' italized, are entitled to !might have bei.. a to be timebt, and their sense of concluded a ve y temperate a od- Protestant wo ld ever think of qL eck's a poln 1C 111 g is Cral Lie r. John 1N. tile that- the successor of Professor is fifnem, from personal character arid referred to, and we leaye our readeis to a iee -tion of 40 per cent. Of c !hoped rig it to this le as no OUrse, erate addre,� s y urging tt�xn the bringi rell a,§ long Ann 10oper, 1, ability, a M experience ill brethre e to retire to tbEii: homes true Canadian would- think judge for themselves as to the adisabil- Mary ybe, will be )f i lit Judye Torris-ga'e --no opin on ccaudless,.Ll wl oever he m, n pre,�� I on the nd 1P * - 6* L i ity ti is 1 1 . mu 114 lie ffaira, to d charge and p uac eably as soon a,,: t ie pro- -in zmith- a man of fewer failings and greaer vir- nicipa, . a qui,Aly disloyalty to his fellow an. it,y and practicabii. , nder the inerits of the Huron case,,a his decision t lie duties of his.,office. They pay a d e- ceedings terty, iinsted. He Wa because he could not see'.throu the Wa L, them By reason of its reduction of te, fir T. I P e c e ance - that ereafter . the 'tution I tribute to the sterling qualities". that th eyes of their e political spectacles as I lid. The stances, of the legislation proposed I will be give entir ly -on. the evid tues, and Insti. servec at July 77" b. Re opponent, ere on sam. of r. P ek s a private citizen,. and lated, and th -1.1 r, Mr- Edwar� -will. be efficier tly cond t8 at idene" cost in marriage, the act under consider- a 0 -ru- them, and %ill urged + sulDmitted to him. Afte the hem. to conduct noblest and best arid hi e Tarle M -on record at as themselves If the de- we can give the world for P,otestalitism. be cGarv. both t tae. pl(asurE in plcin its students ma, r be sbstntially profi' - ation may said to be the-inauguratiott ment of the Court it was ireed Y early an opportunity as possible their ta4tism, p e and un- a al 10 sired enjoyin6at, they should go to t is a living­Protes of a distincti-, e hiatritnow pol Icy on the aeir GREM VOOD-01 ed by the instruction they ma receive. uncilors that Messrs.. high appreciation of his character and. abus* Ontario, and Rev. Mr. Luind, Co le sw air_ Lodge rooms.� These r places defiled, �n instead of and per- part of the Government were prope We leave it to our read- it is not improbable that at the comng Greenwood, U�sborne, -iway be added to the War- ttainments." for them tQ 6 joy th ms'elves in aying son aud.Greei e secuting our opponents and harsh es, as to which F. IOBrien, Hay-ToN, NFWS era toJudge fo: themselv' 0 no . ) 0F THE WEE K. Mr. -in c local elections, the Government and Gov,- den's Cmmittee,- a nd that they, ith Rev. H &ATILTO-N, Of gs about them, e aus bhey A t Ix derich a. ce oilld treat eal ernme tte b is in the best bosition to judge of 'Mr'. Township, %V as' the next spe ' r. He think as we o, -%ve st th at candidates will declaim upon it the other members of the Comm -i : e, BRrrAiw. e Peck's fitness or the position to which was happy it 'in 3et so many cot gi egated kindly, enclea-v by reasc n to sho D:EATE C -or- as a piece of Ile,( for which they 'VVIMBLEDOIN SHOOTING + MATCH.—Ift he has 'ken appointed'L the Couniy ie . entitled to ic gratitude-- required to attend a the hearing of the to commemorate go important a i event. them the &-ror of 'their vi ws, and by are much piibh 'fo 'in over -to, -us. But more L g the first a to the baliotS of the -of. her bro the shootill tage of the Council of the County to which he be- appead on the 21st inst. He considerea it as important fo - ()range- love win the men and the sym_ dence Queen's P6ze at Wimbledon, ainong the Iongs, or the Toronto journals above ies of the wo I en. ff the act does Isabel account of the men to commemorate this day a for the than all, we should -set then a� ChritiiI,u pathi on luly 15 _VbLe above is sucGinG M. ificaace attach- alifiecl to participate r med. first sixty who o re qu, a Jews under. he Mosaic disgew a ion a.mple, and by our walk- a, id conversa- warront the deadful sl (,ill James McKenzie, of. I to ex Proceedings in the case, so far as it -has Iin the second tage rie the following —Mr. JameE McLaughlin, well-known. commemorat the Feast, of the - ssover. tion show'them, that our P,,otestantism ed to it by some, then it, requires no years. vet gone. To give an opi ion on 'the ' embers of thE Canadian Team - Lieut. i I thi's Caunty and especially in the vi- There was n, a greatel' than ;liat of is what we represe t rophet to foretell, the culmination of the Brus m n it to I It is no p t Whittwau, 60th Battalion, Que.; Private c inity of � 3russ0s,,as all able lecturer, bar. merits of the ease at the present' stae ingratitude, an he ediside -e I that by walking in processions ot floating our new policy—viz., the imposition of a tax Wna,. MorseheqA, of I T. Mitchell. 13th Battlion, Ont.; Capt. r u rchaed the. lArnprior -Review. Under or,ligeme -we can. (much heavier than the (log tax) on 55 years. 011A be guilty of I h, -, sin of. Protestant banners do this, but would be premature, and we consequent- McPherson, - Governor -General's Xr. MbLa'ughliri's maagement the Re- i ratitt th, �y f ailed to comi aE morate it is by living a It ly and Lublemished bachelors, and should Womart's hights 8AVA.Qp,._1n G �Q J. P. ing ide. 0 rey, Anna infant Aarigh, -until we Foot G.-tiards, Oat.; Color -Ser eant Bail- vI will be ably and vigorouSly thiA day. O! thait great and. niniorable life. ' T1 the Orailge organi . ion was- a ly reserve all, fu rtb er remarks obtain recognition, the imposition of a Ihave the evid�nce adduceld, and the ver- lie, 47th Battalim, Ont.,; Major Gibson, ducted. day it might b said that, tbe Sun of political organization be could say notl .0 0 4� � 1- similar burden oil. spinsters who have avage, ��g.ed 10 &y -R a .0 diet of the Court before 11S.L 13-th Btt li ni Oat.; and Mr. Hancock. Righteousneds rose. Wh w 11 that for it, but, if t -is simply broadly rounded say thirty. The opposition of L to Late Robert, Cttnningham, All of the bov are entitled prize The Sun go down ? Not a Protestant, and has for its object Only In IIslo the Fc� Id easily be avoided by ug as our glorl ' I P of E12. and to,wear the National Rifle. report became ciirrent about the ous institutim lasts, and he �e the propagatioji and spread'of Protestan t making �_royl,_Qlori that their own de- er Associ�tion's B dge. ergeatit Vail was A Now Feature in the San: st A irlessly H IAT cla predicted ti�lt the Orde to:wlii(-.h they truths, he could fro ratiol 8 as to ai-fe lioul. b� end of last week thatMr. Ca ningliam, m his rt wish �it 1111 8 - the only Canadian who got into the --Bee- q. p! Aarqlaette, Manitob, had belonifed would last to the end of time. Godspeed. The, speaker -oncluded a in all cases. As for the oppositio for 0 The followii-ic, comialunication ond stage last year. In the contest for died I Orangemener in duty boun lengthy address of which the abovei is the bachelors, tht would -make noifferri appeaf- rather. suddenly, and it now ap- d , io cele- There is ua,,,ch-_nge_ it the Alexandra Prize the following have. be confirmed. Mr. Curinina- brate this day. After the Batte of the merely an outline newspaper an -8 Of ence. Should the thi's week. A `Conzli ed in th -Toronto dailies of Saturday been returned inners: Capt. Layton Y Government even hint -at the pro- e Pears to by exhorting all o ham has not been in very robust health Boyne they wera obliged'to me t illtheir live pure and hol lii,�es an� to show b Y continues last. it' will be seen that the opiniotn 7th Battalion, IT. S.; Capt. cPberson; to ,corne f I- some�ime, but.1is decease was very Lodge rooms and knnw each ot! They - their actions -that they wer in the, full- priety of raisingsch tt cry as i"Cheap, 0 Lieut. MacNau-,hton, Cobourg Artillery. es, on account of 41U n, eman their pa s --words and signs, trimony its supplement given by Dr. Sa, gster as having far from'fbeing anticipated, and the news had d wilen eat sense Protestant I worthy f61- Tax the fromi J Ont. Private H. Camerbit, was Disher, 19th Battalion, ilay be ated It was, the�efiore, rather a surprise. Bachelors expected to follow it' It ap- they met at fairs and such 1i le places lowrs of the Master, ho, as Protestants loyer-anxions to buy. no' and Capt. Ko gan, 8th Battalion, Que. pears that, 4avin, gone to New York they could dtand shoul once. Not to be outdone, the Conserv- 4t de r to a oulder, the validity of Dr. Sangster's profess to7 serve. opinloll on they good demand, with Canada has reason to be proud of so sue- d visited gevera� other places on the nd tinitedly th By could def th ssau ast addreqs, and, after tives would, in that eraise a ' n Its This was the 1 A-,11-alu Del7i-veries -of new Ilay: y divorce, but upon a divorce obtained by cessful a corrxmencem�,Bnt,to the great rhey had t their counter -cry of Union ant, Prog, eastern side of the continent, he h%d not of their opponents. e mark a few further remarks from -the County his fo'rMer"Wile -* large during the past v riffe tourney..' been able tareach home since the close of the lauib n. eir foreheads, d their Master, the various Iodg aThe returns show tho es Again formed re FRAN C�. : ad rched'b�ck to town, widowers need no unatural incentive to 'day Paul. opponents h. e mark of t beast. in procession and. in& qualit S1P. On M Toronto to of theIsession and w)ie*n atL St. y retura to ed, of first-class to an clTHK ULTIAIA U inue I sota, oD my attention has been called X0FI4HE!GovEP.y his homeward journey, he But now we ar in a count or their forlorn condition, y ere we where they were dispersed, and each seek solace f quoted prices. There] can ha - in the Globe of the Sh inst., on Dr.-' —The Governn e have presented to the as a- en y attacked 'with a violent ve oil] rights an -d wbie lodge immediately left for home. The §till.as a public acknowledgment f their le can Constitutional Committee of f and he soon make our pofter felt, -wit so rting to proceedings through6ut wele' be significtvat, perhaps the fering. New potatoe� Sangstet, and to an opinion set out there- Thirty the entorrbage o t1je lungs, hou t'; re services wo most order- Iin, and �Ileged to be mine, on the valid- position they pi -opose to. take on the Con- succumbed tlie consequent pro3tr-a- such means as was necessary in olden ly; and the conduct of those who am.6 to granting of a borins to them might be niencing to coln in ind ebted to town most exempla�y.. During the ell- by ife—ob- stituti ends1having been communi- times. This country is dopted -are of excellent iqu ity of'aidivorce from his firstw onaquebion. M.Fourton,inpre- tion. Hisfri considered within the policy a r bachelors, tained by him in the State of Illinois. seting them a iid The Government cated. with, his r�mains were conveyed Orangemen for �be proud Posit the Governin fo oil it oc- tire day not one of those who took part ent.! But, as We quote My OP1111i +On was neveV either asked or wou inild accept t [te bill drawn up by the to Winriip�g fbr tertnent. He leaves cupies amon g n � iion s. to -day. the census says nothing ill their favor* The Gov- in the proceedings ws -noticed to -be in- FaIlWheat, per burhel..-.. given on such a case, but it was, asked Committee, wh ich provides for the con- widow and foui� young children. He ernment is indebted Oranyeism. for toxicated, and �mrriediitel�' upon the arid many penson's contend that they ate of j7 13pxing NVheat� per' bushei. e for and given on a decre divorce, ob- tinuance of the title President of the Re- was a native of Stewartion, Ayrshire, their right t:) govern the Domi� ir n under close of the procession all qpietly left for fit subjects for the paternal. functions of I Outs'perbnahel ...... 'Of II Whenever 'thii i country their h to practice upon- !)ev,buiBhe1_. tained on the petition of his first wife Vblic t creation of a second Scotland, where he was born in 1829. British ru e. ornes. the Government for against Dr. Sangster, on a statement of er, and r the organization of the, He received the- early. portion of his wasm' da f )n by a foreifi [Nom—We lave' been irequested "to course, bacbelorhood would not be taxd Butte), tubB..... 33utter'i� -sonal Septe inate to ter foe 'be fr state that thelspe7 OL , 't - facts submitted therewith; and as I . war- always occ6le 4ker ffom Toron� on the ground 3f its behn�& only Pei minate with education at the prrish school of Ste OO r 2Z�Z;e e 0 t a, ILUXUTY, bU ho part of it is set out in the Globe article the expiration of V'residen't McMahon's ton, and afterwards graduated in arts at raulk in I 8 my of defence.' ............... o was it above alluded to, was n9t an invited rather because married men NY MIa or sooner, in case of G tIle p4tformi., of the reins of Lpower—for their wive" are it does not show my view on the case seven yes lasgow University, and in science at who took the n �ost active part w en the -speaker. He came upon re&Uy sent to me, and has no application, his resignation or death. But it was de- L Ondon University. He -came. to Can- Fenians, cro'sac d at hidgewi y The his own option, and jIlked for 'ermission hable to W that -tile witerolits p III