The Huron Expositor, 1874-07-17, Page 3i f1.1,-; 1 :t€.. fie., Physician, 81111:1001141111 r, Seaforth, Ont. Office unci t of (xoclerieh Street, first dour :°ian; Church. 342 ;cowrth (late of Ca ro the County of Perth. Office and a .nson brother.:Hardware Store Et DR. EING'S office will be st- ir night. E, M. D., C. M, Physicia t Si Coroner for the ('cunt, of gn ecce, corner of Market and High; he Planing Mill. (tivaluate of McGill Univers eal,) Coroner for the County tie -Next door to Calder Brothers and opposite McC'al unt°s hotel, - forth,, near the Railway Station. G. BULL, URGEON,Dentist, :&e .Seaforth, Ontario. Plate work, latest tries, neatly executed. All stir- ieai operations performed with. ` thele. Fees as low as can be ob- Office hours from S 'A. M. to.5 ver Mr. A. G. McDougall's Store,:- 370 ['ELL, V. A.,: Licentiate and prize. txtell -Uni er'.ity, _Ithaca, N.Y., and itario Veterinary College, Toronto,. 2auently in Varna, w herehe will be l: willing to at neat to all • kinds of funds of annuals tnlati excepted),. K -Bather, and at all hours. .Resi I. two doors reset of Gook's Zero;. 319 ▪ SURGEON --D. MeNAUGHT, urrotunling country that he has - diploma of the Ontario Veterian . now prepared to treat diseases a all domestic animals. He conneetion with his horse- itete he v. ill. be found aeady to at- Diseaees of the feet specially at- idence. otikc and shop in the rear ',Yates mew store. All kinds of Vet - nes kept coustantly on hand. able. 229 RiLL, Veterinary .Surgeon„ (raero- Ontario Veterinary College,) begs Seaforth. and may at all times be diseases ed lierses. Cattle, &n, Mettles constantly on land, All ended to. Office, at Mansion 273 1E4,1. 14 Solicitor, Wingham, has been ap- Oa for the Colonial Securities Com - • he is also Agent for several pri- ; of Toronto., who Joan Money at e rates. Interest payable yearly .:.- Law, Solicitars in Chancery and otaries Public and Cenveyancers, ae R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agents for e Assurance Compton-, tiO to head at 8 per cent. Farms, ts for sale. 6a MEIER, Barristere and Attorneys licitors in Chancery and Insolvency, Notaries Public, etc. Ofticee—Sea- at Eight per cent. Interest, payable IER, Barrister, Attorney fn Ohane- „ Goderich., Ont. Officer -over S. C. -Emperium, Market &Imre. 26.c. detieln DANIEL MOD •ALD, ea ta state to his old friends and. Ling publie, that he has leased the ()envied by Mr. MURRAY, and au as the DOWNEY HOUSE, and re continuauce of the patronage •etowed upon him during his many tote' business. Every comfort and ill be provided for travellere. The as and Cigare only kept in the Bar.. ecliablehostler ai ways in attendance. THOMAS KNOX', Proprietor. 7OSTER begs to inform hia old =r1 the traveling public. that he has ay hotel, adjoiniug the Post Office aa he hes the very best aceontraoda- eed beast. The best of liquors and THOMAS FOSTER. PS LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. Merray're Hotel, Seaforth. Good ries.% Conveyeneee always unhand. 'see. and Comfortable Vehicles, always evoraide Arrangements made with 1-tti-allers. All enters left at litiox's Sanarae4:—Third door North of THOMAS BELL, Proprietor. P. BRINE; LI AUCTIONEER for the County. of 1 Saks attended in all [parte of the ,1 orders left at the Exettemate. Office attended to. E. LUSBY, ALTTIONEER for the County of !ales attended in parts of the COM- iS !mak personally eraeut Seaforth .1,11. be promptly atlended to. 327 DOM INION MAN has pieuatire in annonnebag ATI -1 ROOMS 'n amt. comfortable bath may be had NG AND- HAIR DRESSING yies. He is also pre ntred to takein ES' HAW COM H.Ni1S, hem straiethiened am „ worked into kt seeable. GENTS' WIGS • ahorte 4. notice at less ectfully WM. NEWMAN. an city Iltiude, and. iu endless. variety at WHITNEI S, alas Block, "Main street, Seafurth. COAL OIL, cheap, wiaaeade and retail at Mrs. 4STOM WORK • 'promptly attended ta and. neatly sae - PUNCH ON ADULTERATION. apt adulteration Our tradesmen now exult ; They'd kill the English. Nation, ; Both infant- and adult. In trade what lots of trickery , In ale how little malt ! e coffee's full of chiccory, The beer is fall of salt. Xatrition for the armory, 1 For babies plump and areh, , Tutus out upon. a cursory Inspection to be—starch, Are starch without the blue ; But where the deuce will he go Who dares such things to dO ? 'What though mad' has led list , Of traders of renown ? I Even a Moscow medalist The analyst runs doWn. And 0 how sad. to utter , The statement Punch has seen, That even best fresh butter la made from butterine ? The tamthful grocer non eat— Alas ! his frauds arh gross ; Neither is v-initr honest 4 Nor brewer, inter nos. It you would wear gray locks on Brains that with age won't fail, Grow your oWn sheep and oxen, Amlibrew your own good ale. Gen. Butler Makes a boast of belong- ing the 6ock eye sian race. --Graphic. --,The old-fashioned women's crusade —A boy's head and fine-teoth comb. —An accomplished optician suggests to the opponents of corporal punishment -that the place for ” pupils" is under the —When a woman blushes and weeps, s can She be said to raise a hue and cry ? A Kentucky farmer says that 'three good. bull -dogs roaming the yard nights will do more to keep a man honest than all the talkina in the world. —A Nevata paper says : " There was no regular trial in the case of John Flan- dera yesterday. Be had an interview in -the woods with a few friends, hoviever, and it is perfectly certain that John won't burgle any more." —An Illinois boy rubbed arsenic on his teeth, so that he could bite his fath- er in the leg and dose him when the old 'mart hauled him over his knee. —The latest dodge 'of a San Francisco chiropodist is to exhibit a small boy and announce that he has been successfully removed from a corn. --In Ottawa, if a man cheats at Cro- quet, the young ladies caress the flange of his ear with a mallet. —A Virginia Sheriff asked. a murderer if he wanted to make a speeeh on the gallows, and. the man replied : " Guess not ; it looks like rain, and. I don't want to get wet ; go on with you &angina." —The fool seeketh to pia a fly from a mule's hind -leg. The wise man letteth out the job to the lowest bidder. • " Thou desireat to becom a Granger ?" "I do," replied the candid te, as he p'ek- ect the hay seed out of his hair with one hand, and felt for the mar -a of the rla with the either, while the to nabers sang—. A d with the Granger stand, With monopolists on a irdiron, And a pitchfork in my hand." Granger ?" " that I may sell whealt at $4 per bu4hel, and buy fai ning mills. at corn-juicei You may sit down." I .he immediately rose again, w en he disci v - eyed that he was sitting on a beg of thistles. , " That," said his highn ss, is to learnl you to look out for sharp rs. You will i now pull off yo ir boots! nd stand on your head," and he can.di te was inverted while the Champlain w h - ed the harms of his 7:40 feet, and he Gate -keep r kindly eut his toe nails th his hay knife. The Guide then bro ht in an old tin pail, which E !suppose p- resented a plow, hitched 4im to it, nd trotted 14ra seven times around he . mantic stoiry accounts for Con of Sa4dish turnip into Mr. Mille was an'eminent Dunafxies, Ru Scotland. II sailor in his youth, and h been wrecked upon a lee s er he conceived uld be moved by thing to have res. He carried with padd es which could. execution and built a yes means of windlass. This was refused. He then offered it Charles X it, and in farmer wi diamonds. paper in wl wrapped. his farm, and the result was Swed turnips or trutabagas. Th we owe t valuable Sot, or at least oi r knowle be a good ship that c that disas off lee sh he intro mat Brit farmer, n had bee d, of cour ore. Fr addles wo ic- n. ar a a ld hen cruis'ng his idea to el fitted. p he offered to by which it to II. of Sweden, ho accep ed return present &the Sco ch In the box w s a piece of 'eh a few -smal seeds w re These Mr. Mill r sowed u on sh is ge upon a lee shore. THE RE ARD OF PERSEVERENCE.— n instance o " destiny." Notlong ago an English m hanic having inly used all his ingenuity in endeavorin to get hi a wife, advertised for one '" a fit bf es - pair. He was profoundly earnest, nd so was the dame who res nded. T ey met, but Whether it waS e' color of er hair, or the shape of her nose, or , er dispositio , is not said--bu he didn't all again,' va ing the form of his annou ce- ment, and when he had an answer w ut to see hi correspondent th a h- rt beating high With hope. A third. time he wooed f differentlY, worded be reached the appointed plac 't*as She las! Ile fo' nd lement. He es - he ed Crushed to t&e. earth, —" Now is the time for roasting -ears," writes a rural editor. lie should carry tiny Was convinced like Mr. Swiveller, that full of staggers, he smiled convened, and meekly at last wed " Change cars 1 what• a city boot- the deterhained. woman. • a sun umbrella. black said to a countryman, the other day, when he had finished blacking one of his broaans. —A Allanthropist suggests that it who are o posed to " commonr trees would lower the price of small coffins plants,— eaning, of course-, our na ta muzzle the boys during green•lappk species.—thight lay the paper -away seaeon. - this pomt as I intend to hand in my —Some. one wrote to HoraCe Greeley perienoe iela this very subject. Ha inquirindif guano was good to put on imbibed the idea at a veryiearly age all kinds bf nuts are exceedingly pa potatoes. He said it might do for those I appropriate, fo long w. whose tastes had become vitiated with selected a low ece of gro tobacco and. rum, but he preferred gravY and butter. y a stream of wpter and able and, evenings —A farmer gives this bit of advice, I set out the following : helibarks which contains a good hint : " If you can nuts, persimmons, ve te wall; want the boys to stay on the farm, don't chinquapi s and hazel nu s. Now bear on too hard when the boy- is turn- eome of t em are just coming into b jug the ,grind -stone. mg, and th chestnuts an My dear," said a wife, looking up -nnts on the higher ground from her newspaper, " what is the dif- of a lemons yield, myanat • ion' ?" " Oh!" responded' the husband, it is simply the difference between u " and the same difference exists in your answer, which is more ingenious than in- genuous." —A timid man wants to know " how to tell a mad dog." We don't know Ishat lae wants to tell him but the safest way would be to communicate with the dog in writing. Send the letter from. a gun in the shape of wadding, followed by a small shot to see if he gets it. —"Haven't I got a better undershirt than this ? it's, split clear down. the back,' is what a Tipton man snarled at his -wife Sunday morning. And. when the lady looked'in and saw her indig- nant huahand standing' with his arms run down the legs of his drawers, arid looking for some place to put his head through, she shrieked and ran out of the . room to conceal her emotion. —A 'youno- man last night while call - &fin the study of astronomy. Just as he had almost succeeded in showing her where the new luminary was, his arth accidently dropped around her waist. She disengaged it with more force than he thought was necessary, and sharply observed. " You can't cornet over me in that way, sir !" Sinaular as it -.may seem, that young raan eas lost his inter- est in the study of astronomy. initiating a Granger. The members all wore pumpkin vine regalia", and f noticed a turnip in place of a watch sticking out of the pocket of the worthy scribe, or secretary, while a cucumber for a charm depended from a chain. Presently ithe Guide entered with a halter in his hand announcing a candidate for admission. " Have you explored the candidate ?" inquired his Highness the Master. " I have," replied the Guide. " Did you find any signs of Agriculture upon. him ?" raises corn on hiS toes ; he has a turn -up nose, and a strawberry on hiS arm.' Anything more ?" His nos6 is also a little reddish." 'Then it should be pulled out like other radishes. But this is not his finger nails and has a plaster on his back." " How much did he pay per ton for his plaster ?" "He 1)6110:tit from the monopolists for $6.50 1" " Is he willing to pay the Grangers $6.90 for the same ?" He is." Then admit him, for such Dlen are getting scarce." - The Guide retired, but soon returned leading a blindfolded candidate behind him, with his h.alter. - The Gate keeper followed well armed. In his belt glitter- ed a huge hay knife, and in his hand he carried a pitch fork, which he applied so vigorously to the rear of the candidate, that the would-be granger danced along like a hen turkey on a hot griddle. The esaadidate stood before the Master. English tors do net seem. to laugh at my sp thrift ways as frequently as when I ers iv e at ex- ing at at - ter nd ere pe- ts, hat ar- al- se nd- set THE BEAFORTH BER VAitD EG to inform the public that they han re moved their Lumber Yard. to the lot bet een the Merchatits Salt Company's Works andl ar- They will keep constantly on hand a good as ort- ment of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and undressed. 'Also, LATH AND SHINGLES- 11 of which they prepared to sell at the lowest • ssi- ble prices, I, r Cash. Also, on hand any qur of the best ACTON LIME. Builders and others will find it to thei van tap to inspect our stock, find uncertain our p 'cos before purchasing elsewhere, as tin are in a pos tion to offer good inducements to cash purchasera. EGG EMP RI U THE HURON EXPOSITOR. A SPLENDID 'ASSORTMENT OF AYING TOOLS. TWO PAR LOADS BEST AMER OAN CUT NAIL Direct from Pittsburg, Pa: MICHIGAN CULTIVATO The Best in Use. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE WELL-KNOWN ELEPHANT WHITE LEAD BUY NO OTHER. Al CAR LOAD AMERICAN CALCINED PLASTER Direct ro a Clwyd Rapids, Michigan. WM. SOMETHING OF IMPORTANCE THAT EVERYBOD THAT OHN S. ROBERTS' DR SHOULD KNOW I UG STORE IS DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOTEL, SEAFORTH. THE DYE STUFFS SOLD AT ROBER ARE GUARANTEE Of the First Quality and as Low in Price as at any JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE QUANT AT TY OF BOBthtTS' DRUG STORE, M4.IN STREE S' DRUG STORE other place in Town. • PURE PARIS GREEN SEAFORTH. 'zIrnrab ariaans Bio GRASS SCYTHES, FORKS AND RAKES A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF co rn OD 0.4 The sub. eriber hereby than ei his num rons to meiit their confidence and tr ae in the fut re. Having greatly enlarged his prerniseS d ing the winter,1 he is now prepared o pay the IGPIEST CAS PRI E Otte EGG EA PORIUM, Mai Street, Sea orth: Waated by the subscriber 25 tons of goo dry clean WH AT STRAW. SEAPOR 11, March 18, 1874. 328 INPORPORATION NOTICE. C.-4 THE Municipal Cetaneil of thre Village of SEA- H -I- FORTH hereby give notice that they will apply = cn to the Governor -in -Council. after the expirat ou of Z tin.ee months from the first insertion of this otice dea the name of Seaforth, and thefollowing limits C) ri are inten d to be included therein: 25 acr s, be- MeKillop ; 100 aeres, being Lot 26, Con. 1,11 cEil- lop ; 50 acres, being S. half Lot 27, Con. 14 dill - lop ; 25 acres, being .N W. corner of Lot 94 on. 1, Tackersinith, extending to Railroad ; 100 N. half Let 12, Con. 1 Tuckersmith; 25 ae ing S. E. corner Lot 12, Con. 1, Tuckersmi acres behhe E. half Lot 11, Con. 2, Tucker • acres, es, be - 10 acres, being S. W. corner Lot 11, Con. , Tuck- Tuckersna'ith; 30 acres, being N. E. co ra Lot 11, Con. Tnekersnaith, extending east to est -50 rods, end natending north to south 06 s ; JO acres, be N W. corner Lot 10, Con. 3, cher- smith, ex ending west east to 16,1- rods, d ex- tending n rth, to south 96 rode. JAMES BENSON, eeve. WM EL IOTT, Clerk. Dated t e 4th day ot June D. 1874. 389-13 ONEY ADVANCED ON Mortgage Security,.in such periods, and repayti as the ap lioant may desire. ble Mich Manner pply to 'MALL, Seaforth. • s .aI1 soni `S3HIAGS SSvao• 0 0 rn so aTTT 1aaOS V TOUVrI V 03 OD rn CD `QfAr BZT L1snr rn `TYAI O Y FOR FINE FLAVORED IFEA AND COFFEE LAID AW'S IS THE PLACE. WE GIVE THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN PROCURE. Just Received, a Choice L M. ROBERTSON, CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, Johnson's Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand a good assortro,ent of Which he can flunish cheaper than they can be got elsewhere. SUGAR TWELVE POUNDS FOR $1. :20: tit% zaco THE BE1 HIV HAS JUST Another Lot of Consisting of Teas, from 404 to the market; Curra CEIVED resh Groceries AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT, Sewing Machine, and MUSICAL INSTRUMENT 11 TT M SEWING MACHINE DEPARTMENT. I take pleasure in stating io the publie. that I shall at all times hare a stool; of all the different kinds of Sewing Machines, with their varied pro- tentions to merit, that thert chasers may be able to suit themselves at one est ablishment, withopt inconvenience. The whole ace of the count2q has been, and still is, freqrented by transient persons. My object is to caution the public against buying anything but standard Machinee, and of Reguler Established ents, who eau al- ways be fotinal, and whose w tit and guarantee can be relied on, and if the p chaser is not -suited. with the kind they think theyi want, they tan have the privilege or changing it fox any other. We have at all times a new eat a fresh stock of the Florence and. Webster Mali es, as -well as all the other standard makes4 which can be paid for on very easy terms, or if not natisfactory, can be changed for any other that I a.y be desired. 0. C. WILASON Can defy the -world on Musical Instruments, both in Price and Quality, he, clarinet be surpassed. The manufacturers of Instrainents which he sells have a reputation that dare not be questioned. He sells for no second-clas. firms. The Mathu- . shek ana Steinway Piano: .e 'ince, Mason & Ham- lin, and Estey Organs and M dodeons, Such as Straw Cutters, ain Crushers, Root Gutters, Sewing Machines 14 Horse Powers, AU of the best, always on help.' IRON HARROWS. Now is the time to purchase 1 per pound ; SuOrS, all grades—try them ; Tobaccos, the best in CANNED G ODS IN From the best A A lot of Westphalia HAM f r sale cheap. Al ENDLESS VARIETY erican Packers. o SMOKED SHOULDERS and DRIED BACA. FLOUR OD FEED Always on hand, from the we -loicav 1,of .TAS. P. KENDALL & Co. Customers can rely getting Flour as represented, a we keep no other liaand—the A No. 1. Parties wishing to sow BUCKWHEAT can be sitpplied from us, as we have a large stock on ha Also a few pounds of Turnip Sebd in Swede, Grey Stone, Yellow Aberdeen, Red Top, Sharp's Leal, Also Sowing Rape, good for Sllep and Cattle!. Gotpds, ae usual, delivered free of charge and prompt TRONG & FAIRLE N. B.—Those parties in arrears will do well to *land settle their accounts, and oblige us and s themselveS trouble. We mean it. The Best in nse. A few only on hend. Call and. get one before they are all gone. In the year 1870 I sold 30 of these Harrows; in 1871, 50 were sold by me; in 1872, I sold 75 ; and in 1878 my sales reached over 150. This is the best proof that can be offered of the satisfaction which the Harrows give. Market -street, Seitforth. 325 TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. Harness, Saddle and Collar. MANUFACTURER, '“4 d. c. Y. a • CC 0 i SIGN OF TRE SCOTCH COT.TIAR. A ehoice assortment of light and. heavy Harness, Whips, Bells, Horse Clothing, &c., kept constantly. on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and charges moderate. Remember the place,sign of 1 the Scotch Collar. W. H. OLIVER. TC A GOOD IMPLY OF TRUNKS A D VALISES. We have on Land Fly.,Sheets and .Nets. ood assortment of All' Kinds o Manufacturers of HARNESS as Usu est Gloves for the Wholesale Trade. BELFRY & MAY, Saddlo EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN. ci CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S„ Surgeon Dentist '--1* attends in Seaforth, at Knox's Hotel, the first Tuesday and Wednesday of e ach month ; in Clinton, na the Commercial Hotel, on the following Thurs- days and Fridays. The remainder of the time at his.Stratford office. Parties requiring new teeth are requested to call, if at Seaforth and Clinton, on the first Atlas of at - Testimonials of ever 500 patients who have had their teeth extracted. by the use of the Gas, may be seen at my office office in Stratford. Teeth inserted in the most substantial and im- proved styles. Filling done • in gold, &e., in a manner whith cannot be surpassed. 287 - GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. DR. WILLIAM CRAY'S Before Taking. After SPEOIFIC MEDICINE Cures all Nervous Diseases, such as Tremors, De- bility, Prostration &c., which, in many cases, are produced by over indulgence in the use of tobac- co and alcoholic spirits ; but the Specific Medicine is more especially recommeuded as au ualailing cure for Seminal Weakness, Spernaatorrhea, Im- poteocy, and all diseases that follow as sequenee of Sell Abuse, as Loss of Memory, Universal Lassi- tude, Pan in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Pre- mature Old Age, and many other *diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema- ture Grave, all Of whieh, au a rale, are first caused by deviating from the path of nature and over indulgence. Tlae Specific Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of experience in treating these special diseases. Full particulars in Our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package; or 6 packages for $5, or wall be sent by mail onrectipt of the money, by addreee- WILLIAM GRAY & CO. Windsor 'Out. Roberts, B. Lumsdent and by All Druggists. NORTHROP it LYMAN, Toronto, Wholeasie Dealers. 885eovf •