HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-07-10, Page 9a ta taattaleateatateaatt," • • • t. e. , won txpoMtor. STRI CT MATTERS. , THERE 18 NOW ia stock at Messrs BRA.TTY & Co.'s any quantity of iiew Dry 'Goods. Also it large lot af Teas and Sugars -extra). good value -selling off daily at old priees or cheaper than, ever, notwithstanding the change i the ri dirties. Their cellar is also. constantly sup Red with all the various brands a Imported Wine and Liquors in which. line they are enabled to offer special iliducements. A. large quantity of (agars of the various brands always on hand at the leiwest possible figures. Call and see for yourself, • - WANTED -A smart active lad a apprentice, who can write a good hand. and i up in figures, to learn it general store bus Apply at BEATTY & CO.'S- t• NICHOL'S FLUID .Atetta'aro, the made, in half -gallon jars, $2 25 each, or $2 . dozen to Cheese Factoriet, at IlimisoN's Store. • • CHEAPSIDE -t-St e Cream Cr Stone, Batter Crocks, Sto e Churns, Ston serve Jars with Corks, Flat Milk Pans, &c. largest stock in town and •cheapest. at An Grocery. CRICKET Balls an and Bats, Croquet Sets, R _ Soft, at Luaisnsies Dru 0.11 ess. best Per Drug • ckS, he- esPre- Bats, Base I3d1s bber Balls, hex and' Store. . vi)PosiTiox IS THE WALTER SCOTT intends Virarerooni in his premises where he will be prepared t house furniture, either wh very lowest prices. A NICE lot of Wire dee., and a great lot of Ho iust arrived at HICKSON S. AFE OF TRAE. --- opening a Furiiittire opposite the Market furnish all kinds of esale or retail at t.he Jo -vers for Meat se Furnishing G onds . • CHINESE GARD'EN P WPER for th des- truction of cater -pillars and insects on urrait and rose bushes, fruit trees, cte Also, Luncly's otato Bug Destroyer, Paris Gree and Hellebore., at R. Li;msDEN'S, Seaforth. CEDAR -POSTS. -A 1 t of Cedar for sale at STRONG & F• Er's, Seaforth. osts SiE HICKSON'S A VERTISEMEN f r prices of Cheap Fruit Jars and Jelly Turablers. NEW SUBSCRIBERS. -The EXPO. ITO will be supplied to new sir seribers from now till • Jan 1,1875, for 624 cents. THANKS. -Welaav to thank M. W. O. Reid for our annual' present of s raw - berries, grown in the • celebrated s ra berry grounds of M ssrs. Robertsbn & Co., Oakville. They ' were the largos and most delicious -e have seen thi year. SEAFORTH ON THE by the prize list of .t on Dominion Day, tha a colt belonging to M this village, took sec trotting race, a•nd thir This is pretty good, that this horse has n ing at ali this seasob.. MERCHANTS SALT Annual General Mee URE. -We notice e races at Clmton "Captain E Wing, 's a of one the r. . George ENV nd- money money in an hen we co wider t been under train- , • medical aid was at once Procured, but the injuries were of such_a nature, that ne- human skill could save his life. He died in abut eti hour aftet he was brought to the J station. He suffered but little pain, andj was quite conscious until within a few iiinutes before his death. • .4.rt inquest was held on the body on Tuesday, afterxioon by Coroner Campbell, and a verdict tta,s rendered in accordance with the above facts. Conductor Rut- ledge resided i Brantford, was unmar- ried, and was 4bout 26 years of age. He had beeen an mploye on the toad for upwards of set, 11 years, and was a steady, faithful young man. He was highly es- • teemed. by hi fellow-ernployee on the road and his s, d and sudden death will be deeply reg etted by all who knew him. COMPANY. The ma of the Share.: holders of the Merch nts Salt Company, Seaiorth, took place at the President's office, on Monday, J ly 6. A dividend of 10 per cent. on he paid-up capital was declared, and a vote of thanks to the manager, Mr. Ar at taae, and th fore- na-an, Mr. Scobie, I was unani osiy carried. . ORA.NGE CELEBRAT ON.- The °Ilene- raen of this section the Count V wit hold. this year their annual celeb-tation Seaforth. acc unt of the Twelfth falling on Sunday the elebrationwill take place on the followin Monday. A large attendance of the bre hren is therefore ex-- pected here on Monday nett. gfter the usual procession, s0' eeches will be de- livered by promine t members of the order. . Mownao mATcs. The Annual \low - mg Match under he auspices of the Huron Farmers' an .Meettanics' Reap- ing and Mowing ssociatien will be held on the farm of Mr. Alexander Wil- son, Silver Creek a jolning Seaforth, on Wednesday, July 1'. The ground. se- -leeted is well aclap ed for the par -1)0e, being level and clea of all obstructions. The grass is mode tely thick, and tall, and, being all tim thy, . will afford a -pretty good. test for achines. HunotT MARKS afE .-!--7-We are gadt notice that a number ef Our Huron a' so - men have distinguished themselv es at the Annual Shootintelvlatch of the West- ern Rifle Association . held at L+thin, last week. Messrs. I Charles and John Wilson, of the Seaforth Volunteer Coin - 11) pany, and Messrs. . Cavan, N. :Robson and L. S. Morse, of the _Clinton Rifle Club, won the first rize of $50 for the best score made by fitre men from eily Battalion in Ontarioaalso the third pttze -$30-for the best ' score made by the same number of men fawn any affiliated association -in Ontario. Mr. Charles Wilson took the third prize; $15, in- tie all -comers' match.: Besides these priz , , the gentlemen above named, each carried offiseveral others. The•Huron marksmen carried off over one.eighth of all the money competed for. 1 . ' ODDFELLONs S' INSTALLATION. - At - a special meeting of Fidelity 'Lodge, No 55, I. 0. 0. F., held on Tuesday, July 7, the following officers were installed y Brother F. F. LawrenceaD. D.. 6. M, for the ensuing term : Brothet II. Taylo t P. G. and D. M.; Brother J. A. 'Cline, N. G.; 13rother T. W.: Duncan, IT . G ; Brother .G. Tbexton, R-ec. Sec.; Brother John ' Payne, Per. Sec. ;. Brother M. Morrison, Treas.; Brother J. William Warden; Brother 3..y. Kendall, i Om ductor ; Brother J. M. Martin, T. G 'Brother John Hay, O. G.; Brother Q. Armstrong, R. S. N. G-. ; Brother S. McCulloch, L. S. N. G.; Brother R., Hickson, R. S. V. G.; Brother John Le L. S. V. G.; Brother G. Sparling, R. S. S. Brother J. R. Williams'L. S. S' . • Brat er H. Derbyshire, Ch'aplain ; Broth Tames Beattie, Representative. PERSONAL, We notice that at the semi-annual +=illation of the classes at the Acade iy of the Sacred Heart, London, Ont., music was Downey, Sea Miss M. Wyn -Mr. Mc() rived home af Friday last. favorably imp the first premium for vocal warded to • Miss Annie orth, and the second to , Goderich. llum, of this village, ar- er it trip to Manitoba, on • Mr. McCallum is quite esied with the general ap- pearance of the Prairie Province. He thinks, howe er, the progress of the city of Winnipeg has been forced too rapidly, and that a reaction is likely soon to be tile result. He also bears testimony to 4he correctness of reports previously cu rent, that the labor mar- ket of the citJy and province generally is very much ov rstocked, and that there is oona for either laborers or o intend to depend. upon or for subsistence. Mrs. George Sproat, of and Mr. Alexander David- minercial Hotel, Seaforth, from the old country on Tuesday last, Mr. A. Elcoat, of Tuck- ersmith, has also returned. They all look well, an their trip. -Messrs. smith, and A Thursday mo try. These g trip for the importing sta I at present no anc dailyls1 a their i , --Mr. and I Tuckersirtith, son, of the C arrived hom . - • I- , FATAL AcelbE,NT.-On Tuesday, for noon last, as a wood train on. the Gran Trunk Railway was proceeding fro Clinton, and. when about three :miles oh this side of that place the train split .i the middle, one of the Coupling links having broken. The train was only I minutes ahead of the express, and th concluder, Mr. John. Rutledge., bein anxious to lose as litt16 time as possible, in order not to delay e mail train, too the new coupling link froth his brakes - plan, who, he thought, was not acting quick enough, and p oceeded to couple . the cars himself. -When in the act of going between the cars, he stumbled, and, in falling, was caught; between the buf- fers, breakin` g in his breast bone, and bruising him in a fearful manner. He was at once placed in the coach and con- veyed to Seaforth Station as speedily as possible. Upon arriving at this station, , are highly 1pleasecl with harles Mason, of Tucker- ktvith, of Hallett, left on niag last, for the old coun- ntlemen take the present rpo_se of purchasing and lions. PRoPERT Cline has pu unfinished co Catholic Chu intends comp -Mr, And Wilson & Y adjoining the from Mr. W. dwelling ho handsomest ,b -Mr. E. tage and lot byterian Chu Mr. G. Fors 'HAN GES. -Mr. .James A. hazed from Mr. Lusby the tage and lot, in rear of the ch, for $600. Mr. Cline eting the house at once. eva Young, of the firm of ung, has purchased a lot residencetif Dr. Coleman, eon, and is erecting a brick ase. This is one of the 'eliding sites in town. ash has purchased the et:a- djoining the Canada Prea- ch, at present occupied by th. The price paid was $500. • • -Mrs. Duinham. has purchased from Mr. Wm. Cain pbell, for $800, the house and lot near ithe residence of Mr. Armi- tage, lately occupied by Mrs. 1V1cDoug- all. -Mr. John Dorsey has purchased from Mr. Walter `5cott the cottage adjoining Broadfoot's plaiting mill, on the -Market Square, ands having it removed to his own lot, in. rear of his blacksmith shop. ACCIDENT. A, serious accident befel Mr. Donald •Nlelauchlan, of Grey, near Brussels, onj Monday last, Mr. Mc- Lauchlen was coming into town with a very large lead of grain, when coming down the 411 opposite Mrs. Lapslie's, about a .mileland a half north of the vil- lage, the pole of the wagon broke off. The wagon !coming suddenly upon the horses, they an off the road, upsetting the load into theeditch, and throwing Mr. Mc- Lauchlan at Fortunately, at this junc- ture, the horses became detached froni the vehicle; itnd •macle off.' They were, however, caittured. at the cheek factory, after having'run about a mile. Mr. Mc; Laughlan was himself uninjured, but one of his horses; a valuable animal, received a severe wo nd on the foot, and about 10 bushels of McLanchla night, and was sufficie being taken 'the grain. were lost. Mr. remained in Seaforth over he following day his horse tly recevered to allow of his home, although the injury is of such a nature as to render him useless for work fo some time. If the horses ken, loose from the -wagon the consequences might re serious, SON. -Wel would call the attention of lour • readers to Miss Wat- ement in lanother column. has recently been engaged f the Euteish Church, and forth. hig ly recommended had not br - when they have been m , MISS WA son's adverti Miss Watso as organist -comes to Se both as a per vocal and in speak for he brmer an rumental an instructor in music. We be - a large el, s8. QuICK Wo Mr. Gtaham on Tuesday for an iron p considered g son would li who can beat Willianiso ast, made w, in 47 od work, e to hear it. re informed that , of this village, a "sock share" Mutes. This is nd. Mr. William - f the workman -Hay. SEVERE S ORM. -A. hail storm p sed over township of 1 ay, on T last. Cousid table dam the grain erol s and, tre and fences le dal.A belonging to Mr. Win. Ninth ()once sion, rece Mr. John oyer Jr., We have not eardof an damage done. The stor erely felt in 2arich, wlai that place it was scar The atom se irted to p strip over the township. THE ZUR1c -I MILL Su has said hil .grist an Zurich, to M . Wm. Grey, for $3, 65. Mr. repairing and tenovatia having them iia fiist-clas in time for the 1 a111 trade evere wind and portion of the esday afternoon ge• was done to s were rooted up a,rn, on a .farm Wilson, -on the tly owned by was unroofed. further serious was also sev- a a mile south- of ely felt at all. ss in. a narrow D. -Mr. Carrick saw mills, in enwick, late of enwick intends these mills and running order Grey &moue Ex tint...tarot -The quarter- ly,examinatio of the ptipils, under the charge of M ss Smith, at Duke's School House, Grey took plabe on Monday, 29th ult. P ere was a large attendance of pupils, and an unusually large attend- ance of pare s and yo ng people of the section. The pupils ere examined in the various branches u ually taught in public schools in all of, which they ex- hibited a high degree of proficiency. The spelling was particularly good; they also clisplaye , a very thorough knowl- edge of geography and. rammer, espec- ially grammar. The m inter in which they acquitt themselves ha arithmetic , THE HIJR0 E3C.1)0SI Was equally brilliant, solving the vari- ous questions with an aptness which proves Miss Smith to be a thoroughly practical teacher. At the Close of the examination, remarks were made by the trustees, who expressed their satisfaction at the favorable state of the school, and also made by Rev. Mr. Cockland, and Mr. Christie, teacher, expressing their satisfaction at the officieut state of the school. -A VISITOR. SAW MILL SOLD. -Messrs. 0. & J. Smith have purchased the saw mill on Con. 6, Grey, formerly owned by Mr. Duncan Stewart. The price paid was $2, 800. SCHOOL EXAMINATION. -The examina- . tion of School No. 8, Grey, took place on the 3d inst. It was conducted by he teacher, Miss C. King, aided. by teach rs from the adjoining sections.' As it i very busy time of the year, some of he pupils that were well advanced were Rot present, but those that were present id. very well indeed, answering all the q es - tions asked them very readily ancl c- cerately. At noon the ladies prov ed an excellent repast for all present. Th re was a good number of visitors prese t, mostly of the fair sex. .411 appeared to be highly pleased with the days' ex r- cises. Before closing short &hires es were given by Mr. R. Sperling and i r. Stewart. Brussels. •• [0. 11. CoarErt, Brussels, Agent for the x- . POSITOR 1ewspaper and Job Printing Office.] • NEW STORE. -Messrs. Jackson & Holliday have got the frame of their new store up, on the corner of Turnbetry and Mill sts. The building is 2540, three stories high, and will be occupied as a furniture and tin shop. TEAMING- GRAIN TO S.EAFORTIL -There • being no prospect of the Southern Branch of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Rail- way opening this summer for traffic, Mr. Leckie Commenced, on Monday last, to team 14,000 bushels of grain to Seaforth. It is .generally reported that the company is bankrupt, and until the road is sold un- der the hammer, there is very little cha,nce of it being of any service to this section of country. If the above rumor is true, we hope it may. soon be sold, and the difficulty rernoved.l. PE,OPERTY SOLD. -Mr. S. Burgess has sold lots 220 and. 221, Queen st., to Mr. J. Heard, of Morris. Mr. Heard in- tends building this fall. ORANGE' SERMON. -Rev. H. Cooper, of Brussels, will preach to the Orange- men of Brussels Lodge, in At. John's Uhurch, Brussels, on Sunday, July 12, at 11 -o'clock A. M. MILL RENTED. -Mr. William Van - stone has rented his grist and flouring mill for a term af five years, to Messrs. Ohmic & Halstead, of Listowel, who take possession on the 1st Of September next. The new proprietors intend put- ting in an additional run of stones and other machinery. PERSONAL. -Rev. 11. C. Cooper and Mrs. Cooper, of Islington, County of , York, are in town, on a visit to their son, Mr. C. R. Cooper. The reverend gentleman was formerly a resident of Huron, having first settled. on the Lon- don Road, where Exeter now stands, in the year 1832. ,Tuckersmith. ACCIDENT. -Mr. John McGregor met with an accident last week, while doing statute labor, on Con. 2, Tuckersmith. He had unloaded a load of gravel, and was standing inside of the front wheel, arranging his gravel box, when the horses took fright and started off. Mr. IVIc0-regor seized the lines and, .in his en- deavors to stop the team, got entangled in them, and was dragged a short dis- tance before the team was stopped, How he escaped death is a mystery to all who beheld the scene. Onp Of his legs was in• so as to lay him up for a few days a-nd he sustained other slight injuries. ANOTHER ACCIDENT. -Mr. Walter Stewart, of 'the same place; was also in- jured While plowing on the road. side. The ground; being ard,*caused the team to step a little faster than usuaL The plow struck a stone, causing one of the han.clles of the plow to strike Mr. Stew- art a terrible blow in the side, from the teiffmece.ts of which he was disabled for some OBITUARY. -We regret this week to record. the death of Mr. Henry Chesney, of Tuckersmith, which took place at his residence on Tuesday night last. Mr. Chesney had been unwell for some days previously, but neither himself tor his family apprehended serious results. On the evening of ' Tuesday he went out to sit on the veranda of his house, where it was cool. He was not long there un- til he became faint. He then went into the house, and, rapidly becoming worse, lay down on the bed. Mrs. Chesnly was inimediately at his side, and at his re- quest raised his head ort her arm. While in this position, he in a few minutes passed quietly away. Mr. • Chesney was one of the pioneers of Tuckersmith. He was an excellent farmer and a shrewd business man, and was, withal, a kind friend an excellent husband and father, and. a good neighbor. Hehasfor years • taken a rather active part in public af- fairs in his township and was a useful citizen. He -leaves behind him a widow and large family, all well provided for, besides a large circle of friends and ac- quaintances, to mourn his suddeuldemise. The high esteera in which he was held was shown by the very large assemblage at his funeral on Thursday last. Killop. TEMPERANCE 1.e.NTERTAINMENT. -Win- throp Lodge, No. 201, I. 0. of G. T., will give a dramatic entertainment in their hall, 1Vint1rop, on Wednesday even- ing, July 15. That popular drama, "Ten Nights in a Bar -room," with several shorter pieces, I will be produced.; also vocal and. instrumental music. Enter- tainment to ccimraence at half -past 7 o'clock. Admission, 25 cents; children, 10 cents. Wroxeter. FIRE.- heavy thiincler storm occurred here on the evening of Friday, July 3, during which Mr. Robert Millen's Fac- tory was struck by lightning and bad a narrow escape from being consumed by fire. The lightning struck the smoke stack and ran down the guy wirez, strik- ing the building in the corner between the main Shop aucl the engine house, thence it ran down stairs, setting fire to a quantity of loose shavings. The alarm of lire was promptly given and a large crowd collected at once. Fortunately the. shop is situated. close to the river, to which a line was formed immediately, and the fire was put out without doing much damage., Mr. 3/fillen was burnt out last winter, and has lately got his • heading anc:. other machinery into good working order. Loss estimated at about $75, covered by insurance. B avale.4 - CRoPs.- he spring crops ii4 the vicin- ity of B1uevalo are looking etter than they have 4tone for a number! ef years, and there s every prospecttit present of a bountiful harvest. The'tfall wheat has made rapid improvement for the last four or five weeks, and it promises a far more bountiful h-arvest than Wits antici- patecl by tpae farmers some time ago. A number of the farmers are very busy ,at present utting and presoifvmg their hay, which they say is a spiericlid crop, and if the- eather holds fine Ilor another week or s , until they get 1Jall saved, they mud er there will be rid anger of their cattle starving next white . CHEESE ACTORY. -Mr. J1 n Leech has succVe edin getting his eh ese fac- tory in firs -class working order anct has already made between two a id three hundred cl peses, varying ha se 11t lit from sixty to ei ity pounds. ; IMPROVE fENTS. -A number qf people who are no acquainted with lo r village consider it to be dead, or, rat er, they think it is rouble(' with. a lingering dis- ease which will carry it 9ff some day ere long. Bat we are happy to say-r'that they are verytmuch mistaken, as -there have been more1 buildings erected: in it this year than there has been for number of seasons. e hope it may improve as much ever4r year, and it maybe a town yet. : '13e1grave. THE P &MASTER,. -" We mike in the .Brus els Post some mplaints against M Clegg, .postraas e at Bel- grave,- in 'ether strong 1aiiu ge. We think sursily our Brussels fr e ids must have been wrongly informed. We -have a number f subscribers at B41_rave and in the vie' iity, and although ir. Clegg is -a Comm vative„ we have nev r heard a single com Jaint, and our Ref im friends unite in he ri g testimony to M . Clegg's urbanity nd gentlemanly a t ntion to the duties of his office. We would not wish to s ie d any derelicti ni of duty, but we hal e very reason to believe, in this case, ; th editor of the lost must have been mi hifonned." I ab ve, from the Winghana Times of last Week, we can clerdially ent dorse. Oar experience in bupiness mat- ters with • fr. Clegg has been such as to induce us o elieve him to bp a most ef- ficient an obliging public official, and since his appointment at Belgrave as postrnaste e have not bad la complaint of irregul ritly in delivery from any of our subscr be .8 who receive their papers atthatoffiice. Blyth. DOMINI N AY. -The Do on Day celebratior at Blyth passed off very suc- cessfully.. T e weather bem fine an immense cro d of people waS present. The sport i a d games were lelosely con- tested, and t e best of orde was main- tained throu hout the entir day. The following is list of the suc etsful com.- petiters t e games and ra ea : Calithutap ans-lst, John 9aryl; 2d, E. McTavish. _Quoit it idling -1st, S. lieggatt, Jr.; 2d, John Mc eller. Running. ump-lst, Jos ph Thomp- son, 18 it. in. ; 2d, W. lexander, 17 ft. 6 in.; .3c1, Charles 51 eijritt, 17 ft. 3m. Standi fg ; ump-lat; Jos ph Thomp- son, 11 t. 1 in.; 2d, Pat i k Brown, 10 ft. 7 .; 3d, Charles Sie itt, 10 ft. 6 in. Runm g op, Step and ump--ist, Joseph ho ipson, 39 ft. 1 i t.; 2d, W. McKay, t. 11 in.; 3d, V Rutledge, 37 ft. Patin ti e Stone-lst, S. Leggatt, Jr., 251 f in.; 2d, Joseph England, 24 ft. • 3 homas Thomps n 23 ft. Back ol Wrestle-lst, ISamuel Leg- gatt; 2d Thomas Thomps " Side 1•1cli Wrestle-lst, 5oseph Eng- land; 2d, Mat Caryl. Boys' Foo,f Race --100 Yar -1st, John Ross; 2a, John Barr. Three Legged Race-lst John Sher- ritt ; 2d,' R.! Holmes. Hurdle Race -100 Ya ds-lst, C. Moncton a 2d, James Barr. Wheelbartow Race - 1 t, Thomas Combes. Two Hundred Yards R W. Rutledge; 2d, R. Holmes. Horse Races -Running- at, William Bailey, of Wingham. ; 2d, Wn. Morrison, of Belgrave ; 3d, Patrick K lly, Blyth. Trotting-lst, John Owens, Belgrave ; 2d, John Lasham, Londesbo o. Benefits of Adve 'sing. To the _Editor of the .Hitron. 'xpositor. SIR: I would like with our permis- sian to let the public know. t •6 benefit of advertising in the EXPOS TOR. Last week I advertised for a for man to run the Seaforth flax mill, and • efore night of the same day of the issue &the paper I had an application from a @arty to per- form said work, and. I have had several since. I may say that I h ve engaged thetparty that first applied, and when I want any more hands I will advertise in the EXPOSITOR as being thei ickest way. to find them. JOHN BEArrng. SEASORTII, July 8, 1874. Morris. ACCIDENT.' -On Sunday la lad of Morris, named Elliott, 14 years, was riding a hors field to hitch. up for chure animal threw him on a pil stunning him completely, him in a state of coma for a of time. Although the shoe severe concussion of the br pleased to report that the gressing favorably. Usborne. COURT OF REVISION. -Th Court of Revision opened on June 2., according to notice duly given. All, t e members present. Moved by Mr. • fluter, sec- onded by Mr.- Brock, that IA m. Case be assessed as owner for sublet , and part of sublet 6, being part of Lot 4, Con. 1 ; that George Rook, Sr., d George Rook, Jr., be assessed jointl for south - part of 4, Con. 2, the form -r as free- holder and latter as househ lder ; that James Brownlee and W. Brownlee be assessed jointly for south -half Lot 2, on the Fourth Concession, and' south -half Lot 3, on he Fifth Concessi the for- mer as freeholder and the latt r,as house- holder; that -Wm. Irvine's a e be chang- ed from 20 to 21 on the sessment Roll; that Robert Cooper:, Jonathan Cooper- Sr,, Jonathan Coop r, Jr., and John Cooper be assessed joii bly for Lot 7, Con. 7, and part lot 7, Co . 6, Jbna- than Cooper, Sr., as freehold r and the other three 4 householders that John t a young aged about from the , when the of stones, nd leaving reat length produced in we are oy is pro- Westoott's nam sessment Roll, Sr., and. John jointly for part owner the latt lied. Moved b •Mr. Hackney, ion be now clo Court of Itev :Minutes of pr confirmed. 0 ed to first We • XULY 101 1874, e be struck off the As - and -.that 4John Taylor, Taylor, Jr., be assessed 0, -Con, 9, the, former as, r householder, ---Cat-, Mr. Elder, seconded by at the Court of Revis- &L.-Carried. After the sion, the Council met. vitals meeting read and motion Council adjourn- iesday in August. 8. P. HALLs, Clerk. elmore. Pic -Nie. - very successful pic-nic was held on tine 3q, ill Mr. Inglis' grove, in corm ction with School Sec tion No. 9, Ca rick. During the fore- noon an exami ation olf the pupils took place in the sc ool, an1 after prizes had been distribute. the jcbildren and pa- rents repaired to thepi4.1ic ground where they enjo:r ed th inselveg until the sun had nearly run his laily race, in listening to speeches, dial° ues by thechildren, vocal and instrumeu al Music by the choir, and seemingly th greatest interest was taken in listen. ng to the excellent music a3 given by Mr. Robinson's brass band, 01:4 which was prei ent On the occasiou. 4. - MILITARY. Np. _7 Company, 32d Bat- tl '- talion, mustere early on Monday morn- to proceed to Guelph for their annual kt a?. t, W drill. This co , • patty pree sents a remark- ..., td ably fine appe: ranee, bell:1g composed of ea "CI a respectable body of men under theEs") at la rirl a- a., 0 command of 0 ptain Kay, a ca.,! [The above was ntended foxiest week, but came t, •:- JUST OPENED, A NEW LOT OF SILVI.MER PRINTS, CHEAPER THAN EVER, • AT Cheap Cash, Store. to hand too late.) 1 . -1 - -ti Hay. S. COUNCIL MEETING. -The Hay Council 0 ta met in the To n Hall, Zurich, on Tues- td day, July 7. All the mebers present, sat f the Reeve in the chair. t was ordered that William 4 ldet be r funded. $3, for statute labor or 1:873, he having paid the same and erfotmed. t Lework. Mov- edI by Mr. Ra nie,, seconI. ed by Mr. 3. B. Geigher, th t the sum4f $40 be grant- ed, to be expended betwe n. Lots 27 and 28, S. boundary, at Con 14 and 15 - Carried. Moved by Mr. IcColl, second- ed by Mr. Ramie, that he -sum of $25 be granted to finish the nbaralament at the Sable River bridge • n COD. 2 -Car- ried. Moved by Mr. R imie, seconded by Mr. 3. B. Geigher, ., hat the Clerk notify Robert Jamieson t appear before this Council at the next meeting, with his pathmaster's list for 1873-0arried. New Plain Muslins,, Moved by Mr. Rennie, se ended by Mr. J. B. Geigher, that the sum of $400 be expended on the town lin between Hay Brown, Black and Colored muffins, and Stanley---Varriedloved by Mr. Rennie, 'seconded- by a Ir. McAllister, . that $10 be granted tot J • Ini Shod de, for making roacl to the gra el pit on the Lake Shore road--Carriad. Moved. by Mr. McAllister, seconde1 by Mr. R.an- nie, that the sum of $30 be expended in improving the Lake roe. opposite Lots 31 and 32, the a -mount o be expended. under William Mathis, ommissioner- Carried. A number of accounts were ordered to be paid. Mo ed by Mr. Mc- Coll, seconded by Mr. cAlliater, ' that polling subdivision No. I consist of Cons. I, '2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7; from south boun- dary to Lot 25, inclus ve, and. -south 0 boundary Lots from 4 t. 13, incusive. • "Ti , Vo. 2 polling subdivision to consist of t II Cons. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, from south C? 3 .- .boundary to Lot 25, incl sive, and sbuth ea 21, boundary Lots opposite s id Concessions. 'ts No. 3 pollina subdivisio • to consist of Ca Z Is$ NEW. STRIPED MUSLINS, - NEW CHECKED MUSLINS, AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' Cheap Cash, Store. Cons. 13, 147 15, 16 a d 17, from the et a., 03 south boundary to Lot 2, inclusive, and . z ... L. R. E. and L. R. W. from Lots 6 to ta, et- 0 32, inclusive and emit • boundary Lots te -a ti opposite saidConeeisions No. 4 polling st subdivision to consist of Lots 1 to 5, in- I elusive, on L. R. E. an L. R. W., and 111 Lots 26, 27 and 28, on ons. 14, 13,12, Xi 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 nd 1, and north U.! : boundary' Lots 2 to 30 inclusive, and that all former motions nd by-laws re- specting the division of t e township into subdivisions for the elec ion of members of Parliament are hereb repealed -Car- . tied. A by-law in ace° dance with the above was passed and adopted. The Council then adjourned, to meet on the llth of August, at 10 o'clock A. M. All school trustees are r quested. to noti- fy the Clerk, on and. up to that date, of the amount re nired by them to be rais- ed this year in each se tion, for school purposes. H.: Lo E, Sr., Clerk. • COUNCIL METING. - pursuant to adjournmen 11 otel, Bayfield, on MoNi the members present. chair. Minutes of last and approved. Theen, of road jobs laid before orders of $800, Munici filled out and signed, a structed to forward the party. Moved by Mr. A ed by Mr. Woods, that t paid t� Wm. Dixon,:for on gravel road, near Bru Moved by Mr. Castle, s Keys, that the Reeve Anderson be authorize he Council met at Mr.- Corms' ay July 6. All he Reeve in the eeting were read neer's statement he Council, and al Loan Fund, d the clerk in- to the proper clerson, second - e sum of $13 be epairin Cr culvert efield-Garried, ended by Mr. nd. Mr. George to make the necessary repairs on the Bayfield gravel arried. Moved. Mr. Keys, that urn to meet at e first MOD day M. -Cathed. KEIT, Clerk. road west of rucefield- by Mr. Castle, seconded b this Council do now adj Mr._Morgan's Hotel, on in August, at 2 o'cloek P WILLIAM PLU Goderich To COUNCIL Maamee-T on the 29th of June, purs ment. Members all pres utes of last meeting re Hugh Davidson was alio his statute labor as reque tition. One hundred - ship. e Council met ant to adjourn.- nt ; the min- d and. passed: ecl to perform ted in his pe - oilers of the boundary line appropriat on ordered to be paid out of the township funds, the work on the Bayfield. Col cession being completed. The sum of $20 *as granted to repair the side -road b 'tween Lots 30 and. 31, in the Eighth an Ninth Con- cessions. Mr. Henry oung was ap- pointed collector of taxes or the current year. The Council adjo riled to meet again on the first Moni ay in August next. ' T. B. S Olt.E.S, Clerk. Grand Trunk 0 away. Trains leave Seaforth and 0 ton Stations as follows : Morning Mail Day Express Afternoon Mixed Evening Mived, GOING BAST. Se 7:5 10:4 5:1 ;Morning Mixed. 7:5 GOING WEST. Day Express. 1:0 Afternoon Mixed.,,-5:1 Evening Mail.... . .. 8:5 orth. Clinton. A. M.. 7:35 A. M. A. M. 10:20 A. M. P. M. 1:25 P. M. P. M. 4:302. M. A. M. 8:30 A.111. P.M. 1:25 P. M. P. M. 5:50 P. M. P. M. 9:20 P. M. MISS WAT ORGANIST of St. Thomas' 0 pupils for instruction -in V mental Nude. Particular' atte cultivation of the vOice.1 Re Smith's, Main Street. .• 0 arch, will receive cal and Imstru.- tion paid. to the idence-Mrs. Dr. 84844 DRESS • GOODS AND MIDDI INT M EL -s2"-- AT COST PRICES A.T HOFFMAN BROTHERS' Cheap Cash, Store. gSEI3H.L011191 NVIALIJOH 0 0 tj to ysvo ci;o9y0 gS11131K1.01118 NVIA13.1014 La3A3 H3dV3H3 ‘SkiNiMd. rarkiWW.11S. „To xou /wax V 'Cl3N3d0 isnr 1 SEVENTIE YEAR. WftOLE NO. 345.1 FARM . FOR S vOR SALE, Lot go. 83, Con:' ersmith, containing 100 an cleared, win fenced,and 11 tion. There is a good new fra cellent frame barns, elieds and hearing orchard. The:farm is failing spring and well. This within one mile anti a half , within about -6 'miles of Clinton good gravel roads running to ea For further particulars apply t the prenns' es, or to Bnieefield 1385-4 KENNET FARM FOR Z rplIAT well-known FilTM. owne -1- tard, adjoining the village prising 145 acres, 100 acres erear state of cultivation, 85 aerie no quality, all well fenced; good fr- frame barn, shed; granary and. . good state of repair, one-half n. insurance $1,600, in the Londo very gO0d. orchard anti 3welis gravel road running -alongside ent to churches, schools, stores;,, °mar 13rkieeats. tirAire.,YepnerhsoanituVerthiunga For particulars itpAy tO the premises, or if by letter to Bruc 848-12 FARM FORS ImOT 23, Con,. 4, Hay, half -GravelRoad, 100 acres, 70 a barn and stables; good orc Willbe sold either with or wi- ferred. For further partieulars premises, or by letter to Roam-, 842*8 FARM IFOR. S - VOR SALE, Lots 26 and 27,, Killop, containing 175 acr cleared and in a first-elass st and thoroughly underdrained. two-story brick house, good orit-: in.yge frame barns and shec1s. bearing orchard. The falTa is faling spring._ It is situated Gravel Road, within two mi es Seaforth. For further partical prendses or to Seaforth 2- O. 842 ROBERT FARM FOR S' FOB SALE, 1.50 acres of Yana,' of Lot No. 28, Con. 5, McKill of Lot No 22. This property is 8 miles of Seaforth. A good put the place. There SOS sch Ilaif, a, mile. There are 185 ac fenced and mostly free from and in. good order. On the 50 ac good frame barn, dwelling house the 100 acre farm there is a goe frame bariP3 with underground c orchard. The farMis well wate will be sold separately or togethe ars. For further pal-tic/liars aPP tor on the premises, or to W.. Seaforth P. O., or to 8. G. Mc. forth. FARM FOR S LCT No. 22, Con. 7, McKillopi acres, 85 acres cleared; 44, nail of a mile from the Northern. G bank barn, with stabling below ; houses; large new -concrete hou a goad never'lailing Spring ere -well; the laud is clean maa of go acres of -orchard -of very best in. For terms and other partic, premises, or address 840 ANDREW CON, FARM FOR T _OT 2, Con. 1, Stanley, contai gether with east half of Lot ing 50 litres; situated On. the Lo quarter of a mile lioh of Rippe, acres cleared and in good cultiva barns and. stables, Mid frame ho , in frill bearing; abranch ofthe I:a:nu:her aince:anaeri a4:-tmhe)slfin7st: t." good wells. reasonable purehase money, will be req." Apply to - WM. B Also a HOUSE and ONE AC• Vie Village of Rippen; good ore frame house, 11 rooms; two we and cow house; convenient to e office. Apply to - 340 WM. R, FARM FOR SA. •„OT No. 5, Can. 4,111illet-t ; 14ileas, 80 acres cleared. Plenty, north brane1h of the. Maitlan through the 18 acre bush good the premises to the proprietor, 4 .TANI addres: 308 FARM FOR S REING tomposecl of Lot 1, -Co -'-' ship of Trickersmith, conta excellent land, upon. whieh .the barn, 88A0 feet, and also a go' terms, which are easy,and othe ply to Mr. JAMES DAVEY, On • said Township, or to the vender - WICK, Sr., St. George 2.0., Br • - STEAM SAW IOU, AND F, BER` Lot 84, Con. 7, , acres, sal:cleared, with good two good orchards in toll ing springs -which supply. the n Con. 9, contain ing 48 acres oib is situated 6 miles fraill Seal gravel road thereto. Fov farthe on the premises. If by tost, tO SON,Constance P. �. Kinhurn,i FARM FOR SALE IN Fon SAI,E, a good Fann,,e half Of bat 15 said the west 1r 12, McRillop,containing 100 ac well fenced, and in good cultiva, timbered with hardwood; • a4 ' and new log barn; good bea miles and a half from a good gri from the village of Seaforth; ti sawmills within 31 miles; eonva schools and stores. For partici proprietor on the premises, o Winthrop 2.0. 280'4 TO FAR M5 THE undersigned is nOW prep:4- ' feeda limited number of Ido and Iiinburn Cheese Factories. month for each hog. This is a trinity for farmere having hop -wish to get fatt-ened cheap. 439 S' PU BL1 0 NO (-4 C. WILLSON, of Seaferth • ed sole agent for the celebr ano bathe County of Huron,and °I --113r bepurchased through him ized agents. Ordersgiven to oth or myself will not bp filled,. Th men have been appointeii to a.. the County of Huron: Tho. Whitten and L. Murphy, See' Clinton; and L. S. Wiflqon, GA 820 0.0.7 DISSOLUTION OF P sTearEfccortliPa,arsi smt ih Is. Ohdifosand dissolved jPtinirtiesCrombie, whoedvvny tosaiidfiprianw aenil Seaforth, 3d June, 1874. Witness-_.. G;MMAjtAXECRAUTSTHE.0 - Parties indebted to the Int RENDALL & Co., wii please p RIENDALL, who will liquidat*, carry on the business under th RENDALL t Co. 341. , _