HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-07-10, Page 6ig t thei rte of 4 Wale ar far nor!th o Seaforth e 1, t KN. Tel PRoFEssoft OHM- Watoore has sent to, the eel a reply to Paofeesor ,cision relative to the dis- of the EXPOSITOR problem tane time Stating that ie aldietetion in the Exaeset- teon is quite mistakeit ey comannicatiort of his by tbe Etnosrroa. y to Profe=asor Cherrineaa i-nitted to us for publi fis reply t0 Dr. ;Sangster ie meantime, we had re. or 1:herritnaa's deeision, A the reply ta Sangater, "ateon might reply to loth :we reeomineueled him to eing is the reply to Pio- teor has peonouueed very that my objections. as ire uonseue, but 1 clial. rove the nonsense of my 'Yen iurny4[formerj letter„ Oneself merits the charge aat lioususe2' If it be in show what are the -four rh-ed from- the prodUct of o which equal zero, and e of them ereincompatible tions Of the problem, then hat the demonstration of , complete ; but he bas no LiraseIf up in his own no- siouel Mfallibility and nt- is without -proof on such 1. He says I apparently etand the distinetion be- lentity " and an equa- : believe X deetneeterstana ter thau he himself under- enectiota between such a 1 the solution of the prob- asideratioe . He says my is It roundabout way of result,but I beg to sub - a mere direct, a clearer ?,-moristration, (and as quick ring at the values of y a-nd lode of transposition, sub- ansposition, factoring, and awe shown, involving an imption aed the process of -with the ;authority of the loreover, the very sense 1 with poseible value% of y irectly arrived at by sirap- an the secend equations of hat the -facies of y must sqUere rbot of I or the 4, and then trying whieh 'rake& would fulfil the con - first equation of the prob4 W. N. WeaseN. ---eaesee- ' Clinton. oat van X -E -w1 nnaal L'CIDENT„-a-A, pal:alai acci- I ta Mrs. D.. McDonald. af Friday last, while crossing civet on the London Road, . eke they are now con - mw bridge at this place, cleseend the bank through id while cloing so- the team ,c1 threw her, off the load, ng over her legs, but for - out breakiug them. Lan ' DAMAGING STORM.— fternoon we were visited under storm, which cooled re and refreshed the crops A little distance to the iton considerable destrnc- to fences and trees from a et passed. over. A horse qr. Thomas Moon, of Hut- ese being, driven an the ; road was so injured by with e fIeing splinter that -,er died. The Dominion. 7.e te-ae slightly injured by uid wlaeli had struck and ,elegraph pale or two, ran es end entered, the office, - some paper that hung close but was soon extinguished. barna in Stanley were un- te detached parts smashed - A. man named Burtch lost lightning,. In this neigh - t hallstonert fell, fortunately ght damage. A caw was e lightning and killed. ..'.:1.-1)irriag two or three 1.week a' num her of immi- errived at Clinton, having aa Torouto by Mr. James, who has been sent there an a Loodestoro Immigration "Award farm. laborers, they _much needed in this neigh- erie seven or eight families I:high: men, from Denmark .; have been: sent, and have , emplayMent. The great fi them is that they cannot d, of English. The party linton on Saturday night nied by. the Government er countryruen, who °mkt e well, and through hira ar- i,ere matle for the settlement party. - F.ftg IN VERMONT. -- A says of the story that the lin his State used to be so that they gnawed fence 1 say I hero seen them on lils so thick that you could he "t•trOod. Thishas been tabratice. They would de- feltls of oats by cutting off eati that attached the ker- in stalk, and they ate every ; A man told me that he ,,•Oe.0 plants thet the grass- Oyed, and that they got so taleit of using tobacco that ie cornere, of the fence and of tobacco from treveIers. etito fly ai.vay, for the air !i full of taene.'' ' 0 UIS, GORGES:WS, IFOUR-.IN- t this evening Clef imperial driving do-wn the! avenue, -republican lordly, turnout , of the sa,ying taf Frank rant will never leave the winingly. That Pirant had inclination to remain, and t aside an imperial crowa offered to him, but would end wear it if he could, is that his attbition tends own in all leisdoings, and believed by those who see e study hint. His disposi- .te with, and todyism to -ward , fonauees for display, and iof the rights of the people 3. of ebaraeter that he does a deeirons to conceal. He res the Advice cf statesinen `. alail Logan, and Hoar 1.-ud id Conk -ling and such stu- tolari . of iiiparty, but asso- awl is eontrolled by, each, ., -. _-- tiator Jones and Senator Stew. f.w other men whose brains are their pockets.— Was-hington Correst pce of (he Citicinuati Enquirer. scam Mrrazavsrps. -- The latest -jen of Scotch metaphysichas been rported ou the Sabbath question. One ay- morning, a party of Paisley vei•s, whose wives were " down the loter" for the season, were anxious to at across from Gourock, to Dunoon. Dewing it a, profanation, however, to flogs an oared boat for the purpose, Ow employed a friend to negotiate with ,the captain of the Rothsay steamer "to ost out a bit o' his tow and. take them 16' him, as he was gatin that way at ony rate " But what's the moral dif- ference, pray," asked the negotiator, abate/eon being rowed over with oars mia towed by a steamer ?" "Difference ! morels a hantIe difference between row- ing by the power o' man, wha maim an- awr for what he does, and twa water- wheels puing ; in Alter words, gin ye wad hae us to be mair particular, ,a steam -engine's no' a moral being, it's no' Sal accountable agent 1" Biwras. Snarerz.—At Zurich, on June 27, the wife -of Mr. A. B. Shantz, of a son. faeres.—In Brussels, on June 25, the wife of Mr. S. Efinds, of a daughter. • FANSON .—In Exeter, on July 5, the wife of Mr, James Fanson, of a. daughter. SeseemTs.—In Seaforth, on June 27, the wife of Mr. William Stephen e of a liledasrellg.—hteArt. Delta, on july 7, the wife of Mr. Hiram W. Hunt, late of Gerrie, of a daughter. latron.—In Grey, on July 8, the wife of Mr. Malcolm. Lamont, of a son. Artersastoreer.—In. Morris, on July 4, the wife of Mr. Robt. Armstrong, of a son. SAVAGE, —In Grey, on June 28, the wife of Mr. John Savage, of twins—a • son and a daughter. • McLEon, --In MeKillop, on July 9, the wife of Mr. Kenneth McLeod, of a son. MARRIAGES. RASSFORD—BACRE.—,a_t the residence of the bride's father, on July 2, Mr. John Rarisford, of Stapleton, , near Mottos to Kate, eldest daughter of A. 4.. iaehe, Esq., of Plainfield, N. J. Blkne-L-WEIR.—At the residence of the bride's father, On. June 25, by Rev. Mr. Herald, Thomas Bain, Esq., R, for .North Wentworth, to Helen, second daughter of John Weir, of West Flemboro. BARR — MoFennear. -- Leechville, (Gerrie) on July 7, by Rev. Mr. Softly, Mr. Samuel Barr, Edgecombe, to Miss Ellen McFa,dden, Brussels. • 1 ' ---t......7—___ , - i TORONTO, July 9, 1874. Pall wheat, $1 28 to $1 30e spring, 41 20 to $1 21, oats, 52c to 5$c, peas, 75c to 78c ; bunter, lb. rolls, 240 to 25e; . -1--- es- ' , TORONTO LI E STOCK MARKET. BEEVES. —Saes have been vrkry limit- ed, and, quotations. now are irst-class $4'50 to $4 75' second-dass $4 o $1 25, $3 to $3 50. 'Arrivals all as to be un orthy of ion. • ' es are a little be ter than ing Offered for fi st-class, $1 for second -c ass and $3 for th rd -class. The supply htia been fair. .,t( LAiths.—rPri es have been en Lin tained during the eek, first-class having brought $3 5 , second-class $3, and third-class $2 ro. . and third-class have been SO s particular men Slime—Pa. last week, $5 b LITTLE FALLS DAIRY ialARKET". larreet FAILS, N. Y., July 3, 1874. The market is tolerably brisk, but prices are lower than last week, buyers urging that the top price for good factor- ies should be only Laic., but in a few in- stances 1.3ie. was paid. The delivery of farm dairies am tinted. to about 600 boxes, and sales were inade at frona 12c to 13ic, the bulk going nt about' 121c. The offerings from factories aggregated more than 9,000 boxes, 7,000 of which changed hands. 'We give a few of the leading transactions as fellows : Black Creek, 86bxs. at 13c ; 'Arnold Bros., 22 bxs., at 13?e3; Bates, 139-bxs., at 13ac; Broehelt's 13rid fe, 66 bxs., et top prices; ., at ; Cayndutter, c; Cook & Ives, 100 bxs., Hill, 60 bxs., at 131,c. very warm to -day with ttle butter has come fora Buell, 110 bx 110 bxs., at 13, at 13ace Dair3. It haS beeu ram, mid but li ward. and What little has been o ered has been taker' fot home use. We report sales at 28c to 29c, according to quality. The Hy harvet has not yet coMmenced in Herkimer, a d but little will be cut for a week, or ton days. So fir as we can learn ; the hay crop will ;be good -throughout tla country, especially for newly -seeded Meadows on uplands. On the lowlands in some sections the wet weather is reported to have in tired. the. crop. The herds are making ood. re- turns. ' I BUFFALO LI E STOCK M DEATHS. GeaDDTER.—In IJsborne, on July 3, Margaret, wife of Mr. John Gardiner, aged 50 years. LaTIACKFt.—In Howiol, of small -pox, on. June 23, Susan, second daughter of Mr. James Latimer, aged 22 years., VANSTONE. —In Brussels, - on June 28, Margaret, -wife of Mr. William Van - stone, miller, aged 40 years, 1month. HOLLIDAY. —In Brussels, on July 1, Robert L M. Holliday, son of MrJohn a Holliday, aged 12 years, 10 months. PAITERSON.—In Brussels, on July 6, Mrs. Patterson, formerly of Selkirk - shire, Scotland, aged. 78 years. CIEESNEY. —In Tuck-ersmith, on July, 7, Henry...Chesney. Covestreea—In Seaforth, on July 7, Edwin James, only surviving child of • .Mr. Thomas Coventry, aged. 3 years, 3 months. Can. lambs, ast'g cl2 lbs.; brou RKET. lBUFFALO, July 9 1874. i Ceemaa--L-R.epeipts to -day 5)5 head, . ma,king the tot 1 supply for t e week, thus far, 7,327 head, or 431 cant, against 610 cars fer th same titne last week. The market o ned- active at -full last week's prices f r good cattle. nutmon stock was alm A entirely negl ,cted, al- though there as less of the lat er grade than for many weeks since. S es com- prised about 2 200 head. Pric s ranged e -from $4 25 to 6 50. No Cana ian Sales , reported. SHEEP AND LAMBS.—Enceip 3,200 head,, ro -ing the total s 'the week thu far, 7,600 hea 9,600 hea for the same time 1 The matket was active a advance . on Canada Lam 91 note the fel owing Cana.dia 95 Canada la nba, averaging brought $8; Canada lamb ing 64 lbe., brought $7 80; 7 Iambs, averaa 203 Ganadal% -• re to -day pply for , against t week. a lc s. We sales : 62 lbs., , averag- Canada g 62 lbs., brought $7 75; mbse averaging! 63 lbs., brought ST 5; 109 Canada lambs, averaging a8 lbs.,- brought 7 50; 81 Canada lambs. averaging 63 lbs , brought $7 80; 44 Ca ada Iambs, av raging 59 lbs., brought 7 75 ; • 76 -Cana lambs, averaging 57 lbs., brought 7 60 ; 54 Canada lambs, averaging 66 lbs , brought $7 80; 214 nada lambs, av raging 61 lbs., brought 8;7 87; 214 Cana a lambs, averaging 63 lbs. brought $7 80; 109 t $7 75 ; 64 lbs., bs, aver - 88 Cana- da lambs avera,ging 65 lbs. brought 7i7IIE NIARKETS . 96 Canada lambs, averaging brought $7 80, • 150 Canada la . ' SEAFORTH, Jai 9 1874. 5' / ° aping 62 lbs., brought $775 Grain still continues to come forward 87 80 ; 23 Canada sheep, a.ver git3g 130 in good quantities, but those who have lbs., brought $5 ; 16 Cana( a sheep, not yet sold will be sorry to learn of a averaging 117 lbbrought-5 brough$5 a.0 Cana - THE NEW AUCTION ROOM Subseriber hue commenced the AUCTION aua COMMISSION Business in the Store 999 Main -Street, Seaforth, where heavill be pleased to receive and diepoee of Goods sent to him for sale, anaking prompt payment for the ammo -when sold. A large lot of Goods will be offered by Auction on SATURDAY, JULY 18, Dry Goods, Crockery, GI ware, Cutlery, 4 Sewing Maehines, and 4 set of Single Harness. Store No. 999, next door to Mr. Win. Oampbell, Merehant Tailor. 844 R. W. COLLINS. THE AGRICULTURAL Assurance Association- of Canada. HEAD OFFICE,-- LONDON, ONT. THE Public will please note that this Aasocia- -Ltion, formerly the County of Middlesex Mutual, has not consented to advance of rates by entering the Mutual Insurance Combination. • Having only once during its existence required more than half of amount of Premium Note for A three years' risk, and that being at a titne when the Company was young and the country baptised in lire, and having by eareful management and liberality -with policy holders been enabled to pass through the several fiery ordeals of the past ten years without levying any special assessment on its inerabers, and having, after the late severe drain ,on its finances caused by the excessive fire 'oases of 1870, 1871 and 1872, still at the Members' credit a cash reserve (January 1st, 1874,) of $10,049 07, With a total Capital of $2511370 12, our Board Of Direetors have deelined the overtures of lees successful Companies to advance our rates. In the fece of a strong add inereasing competition this old favorite issued for 1673 the large number of 13,066 Policies, making the total number now in force over 37,000. Parties desiring insurance on farm -property, cheese factories, de- tached dwellings and their outbuildings in towns and villages will be waited on by the undersigned or due of his duly authorized representatives by addreseing as below. Tho subscisiber will continue to visit Huron periodically, and solicits for his co-operators the sem° noble patronage that has been given to the AGRICULTURAL in the past, and more particularly to himself, as its agent, during the past two years ard a half, J. R. VANTASSEL, Clinton ; A. TAYLOR, Londesborough—Representatives in Huron. MOTTO--" Merit Cortiinands Success." CHAS. T. DOYLE, Box A, Owen Sound, 344 District Agent Grey, Bruce and Huron. heavy decline. This decline is most da sheep, averaging 132 lbs.., b HOGS. — Receipts to -day, marked in. Wheat. 'The wool season i8 reported. arrivals, 800 head, m now about over. There is very little total supply .for the week, aow coming in, and. few are anxious to 7,300 head, against 8,800 h . • buy at prevailing prices. It is feared same time last weekThe m bare of efferings. It being h that this year a good many have bought and immediately after hohda at higher rates than they will be able to the receipts of hogs are very li sell. There is no new hay offered yet. are nominal at $5 75 to $5 80 A few loads of good quality would sell readily. Buteer is iii good demand, but is coming forward slowly. We quote i Fall -Wheat, per bushel..........41. 20 to 1 26. Spring Wheat, per 1 16 to 1 .16 Oats, perbushel.a........... ... 45 to 0 46 0 60 065 efts, per bus e .................. to ought $5. including king the thus far, d. for the rket was vest time as usual ht. Prices for York- s; $6 to $6 15 for heavy hogs. Genre—The prioe of goidin,iNew York is quoted at ion. . MERCHANTS SALT COMPANY [LIMITED.] Better,No. . . ...... 16 to • 0 16 Butter in tubs. 0 17 to 0,17 Flour 0 10 .. . . ... • •- • • • • • • • • 0 00 to 6.00 A 16 00 to 1.8 00 paid up Capital of the Company has this day . 5 00 to 6 00 been declared, and will be payable on and after the 0 08 to 0 09 i5tk instant, at the Manager's office. 0 80 to. 0 45 I July 6, 1874. • a 25 to 0 30 • • By order, 125 ' S. G. MeCA • • - • -1,05 • 1 50 to 1 50 A. ARMITAGE, Oatmeal r b 1 0 00 to 6 00 ! DIVIDEND NO. DIVIDEND OF TEN PER GENT. on the Hay... .. . .... . ... •••• Veal calf, per pound. Lanab Skins Sheep pelts. . ..... ... . . Salt (retail) per Salt (ysholesale) per barrel. - Potatoes, per hualtel, new. Wood - Beef...... ...• • • • • • .... " ' • Wool Tan bark .... .. , . .. I ; Manager. • UGHEY, President. 844 .... 3 00 to 550 MARRIAGE LIG NCES 2 50 to 2 75 0 35 to 087 . 400 CERTIFIC TEO, OLIN Fall Wheat, per bushel....... Spriug Wheat, per bushel. °ate, per bushel....... Barley, per bushel.. .Peas, per buehel... .. Batten ., Banner ton, • - • • • .. . .. ......... . .... . .. . non, July 9, 1814. . (Under the new Ael,) issued at the • .... ▪ 1 15 (i...4 1 16 EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SE .... 0 46 0' 0 48 1 05 fat, 1 10tinder authority of the Lieutena . . 0 65 eill 0 67 Ontario. 0 15 ',e 0' 16 . . r • ......... 1888- • • • • -• • • .... ORTH, i• t -Governor of • . . . . 0 BO gt, 0 40 SITUATION AS CHAMBER D WANTED 16 AXTANTED in an Hotel, a, situatio as Chamber - 14 00 kf, 00 - .... 0 36 0 0 3/ V Y maid. Good referendee given For further particillars apply to the undersigne at McBride's, RY DAVIS. ,CARPENTERS WA TED. TWO orthree goad CARPENTE S and JOIN- ERS 'wanted immediately. W rk for the sea- son. and pod wages will be given. 842a JAMES WALS , Seaforth. SEAFORTH CHEESE' AND .BUTTER MARKET. HotelSeaforthwithin nue •ace • - The Seaforth Cheese and Butter Mar- ket was held, in accordance with preva- announcement, oa Friday last. There was a fair attendance of buyers, sellers- _ and spectators. Ten cheese factories were represented., and 1,890 boxes offer- ed, of .which 1,550. were sold. Prices ranged from 101c to 111,- cents per pound. There were 4,700 pounds of buttee offer - • bub none of it changed hands, sellers, holding it at too high a figure to meet the views of buyers. A considerable quantity. of butter, in small lots, was disposed of to kcal buyers during the daY, Upon the whole, for the first, the taarket was quite a success, and we have ne doubt but future markets will be even il ...:xictuary:1-0ifexniteoxint: successful in all respects. a,wrkeeket be held on Thurs- .; LONDON, July 9, 1874. "White feu wheat, $1 85 to $2 red, 4 80 to $1 90? spriu, $1 07 to $1 15, oats, al 55t- $1 60°; peas, $1 05 to 41 12 ; hay, 810 to $14.; potatoes per ba a&.I 12 to al 20 • butter, 18c to 20c. k MON EY FOUND. - FOUND, in the Store of the 77 , Senforth, a , small slim of money. The own •1: can have the 1 same by calling at the Store, prqaing property and paying expimsos. I344 - ' DISSOLUTION OF PART EB.SHIP. 1 NOTICE is bereby given that t o partnership •A-1 heretofore existing between D NIEL • KERR and CLEOPHAS WORTH, as ir n founders, in the village of Seaforth, has bee diseolaed by mutual consent; and all debts will be paid by the undersigned, and Book accounts w 11 be collected by JOHN S. PORTER. DAN IE CLEOP Seaforth, July 7, 1874. PUBLIC NOTI§E. rJIHE Job of Digging and Stoning a Well on the grouuds of the bohool in Sectibn /No. 2, Mc- Killop, will be let by Public Auetie la at the School House, ou SATURDAY, the lStLl JULY, at the I hoar of 6 oaaock P. M. Further uformation will be given. on the day of letting the ntract. 3442 CHAEL aS DICKSON. I - TORS. 1 — NOTICE TO QEAPORTH FOUNDRY.—Tne ccounts due to 1 '-' Kerr, Wilkie & Cc. are in it-iy tands for collet i tion, and ell: those that remailunpaid '- on the1 First of AUGUST -next will be pl eed in Court for jOHN PORTER. 1 KERR, AS WORTH. 34444 THE ECONOMICAL MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF BERLIN, ONT., • TNSURES Farm Risks and non -hazardous la.ge Property at Moderate Rates. The Econo- mical is conducted with a view to give insurers the full benefit of cheap insurance, and to this end the expenses of management are kept as low as is consistent with safety and economy.' Insurances are effected chiefly on the premium note syetem, ' and as the extremest care is taken to obtain only good risks, assessments are confidently expected to be as low as those of the best mans.ged Mutual Companies. No assessment has been called for for two years and a half. For further particulans apply to ' JOHN MASON, Insurance and General Agent, 844-3 Zurich P. 0., Co./Huron. LIST OF LETTERS JEMAINING in the Seaforth Post 'Office un- ' called for on July 8, 1874: Belbin, A. McColl, Archibald Borm Mandis MeClymont, Alexander . afeLaughlin, John McDougall, W. 3. McIntyre, W. & C. McGarrens, T. Dunbar James McDonaldi Miles Dolinadge, Annie 2 Nevins, 1). Elliott, James Oreinne,William Hoff, Wm. H. O'Keefe, ilichael Harris. W. Pantile, At:reader John Papt, Wm. Hymits, Stephen.P' earson J. A. Huste, Alex. Pollock,Mary Mre. Agnes Ryan, Edward Innes, James Robishaw, Mrs. M. A. Johnston, Ellen Jervis, L. B. . . Jefferson, Mrs. Isabella Kenik, Jacob Kearnes, George Lowe, Charles 3 Miles, C. W. MarshaDaniel Monlehay. William Murphy, Mary Ana 344 Barr, Charles Crewe, Albert Cox, John - Corm, James Smith, T. Sheppard, Thos. „ Sherman, Edward Stark, R-obert Siinpsou, Thos. Ward, Miss Ahbie Wright, Mrs. W. 0. Whitmore, Samuel Teo, Thomas Young, J. S. DICKSON, P. M. NOTE LOST. LOST, a note oi hand drawn by John Menarey, of the township of McKillop, in favor of Alexan- der Robertson, of the 88.1110 townithip, for the sum of $7Q, and bearing date about the 20th of Janu- ary, 1874, and made payable one: year after date. The public are hereby cautioned against purchas- ing or negotiating the above note, as payment has been stopped. 341-4 AL XANDER ROBERTSON.' 'TEN DERS • WANTED. THE- Tniste.ee of Klub= School will receive Tenders up to ,THURSDAX, JULY 15'for buildinee a Brick Addition to Kinburn School, ac- cording to plans and 'specifications, to be seen at Adam Gray's, Se:Wirth, or at John Williams', Kinbarn, any time after the 12th of Jame. Con- tractors to furnish till material. Tho lowest or any tender not neceasarily accepted. JOHN WILLIAMS, • 348 fieeretary-Treasurer. -r • ,FRU IT JARS, F EST RAY MARE. QTRAYED from the premises of the subscriber, Lot No. -27, Con. 7, Goderich Township, on the 26th of May last, a small SORREL MARE. She was heavy with foal when she left ' home. When last seeu she was near Clinton, and was making her way eastward. She was -for3oerly owned near Toronto: Any person giving ,Such inforination will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. _ 3441'4 JOHN MARQUIS Porter's Hill P.O. STRAYED. a twaremetteatonagtreast.• Royal Gem Quarts, $1, 40 Royal Gem Half Gallons, Mason 0,uarts, $1 75 per Jelly Cans, 33c per set. Jelly Bowls, ,60c and 70c Jelly Tumblers, Pints, AT E. IiICKSON RUIT JARS per dozen. $2 25 per dozen. dezen. per dozen. $1 50 per dozen. oroTiva-, c:34 -ca\=. A GENUINE SALE. -PROM Hayfield, on June" 28, a small brown -1-.7 HORSE, a little dappled, no white spots on him, but a fork on his near hind thigh . from a kick, will likely go north as he came from Grey. Any person giving information 'about him to REV. ME. WATSON would confer a kiudness and would be 'suitably rewarded. 843-4 fl collection without any further no ice. 344 • - NO HUMBUG. (IN MONDAY, JULY 13th, MR. DENT will begin elling Out without reserve. His heavy Stock of Choice DRY GOODS . • MUST BE SOLD AND WILL BE SOLD. This step is rendered necessary as he is about building an extensive Show Room for Fancy Goods, and must have room to dolt and money to doit with. REMEMBER DENT'S GREAT SALE OF CHEAP DRY GOODS. OGAN & JAMIES N. ON AND AFTER lyIONDAY, 29TH JUNE, We have determined to hold a Grand Discount Sale, en the Following Goods will be sold and the Discount Allowed: O all kinds of FANCY DRESS GOODS, 10 per cent. discount. • O all kinds of PLAIN LUSTRES, Black. and Colored, Black Silks, 5 per cent, discount. O .all kinds of SUMMER TWEEDS, 10 Millinery and per cent. discount. 01R,T.A-1\TT LAR,GE ARRIVALS AT THE QHEQUERED STORE, Teas, Sugars, OF iquors and General Groceries, Which were bo g,ht on very favorable 9ins and will ba told off AT PRICES WHICH ML ST VROVE SA ISEA CTORY TO CUSTOMERS. BACON . HAMS, FLO 13 AND ME -AL OF TITT1 BEST QU ITT Aiwctys in Stoch at the CheTaered? 4toe, Main Street, Seaforth. JAMES MURPHY. A MATTER OF IMPORTANCE FOR TIP PUBLIC To KNOW, WHERE THEY CAN GET THE BEST f VA TE FOR THEIR MONEY. . STRAYED. TRAYED from the Town of Goderich, about the ^-/ 18th of June, a GREY nonsE, darker on hind- quarters than fore-quartere, has been corked on his left fore -foot, and has asmall scar upon his shordder, is about 7 years old, Any person find- ing the same will please notify the subscriber and they will be cheerfully rewarded. 343-3 DIXIE All.A.TS0N, Goderich P. 0. - • e NOTICE; A LL parties indebted to the undersigned either J---11- by note or book accoant, are requested to nny She same on or before the 15th of July, as he will - leave town at that date. All notes and 'accounts remaining uipaid at that date , will be placed in the hands of Mr. j. S. Porter for collection. 543 A. J McINTOSU. I • NOTICE. 1 A LL Subscribers to our Periodicals will please hereafter pay no money to tniveling Agents unless they can show written authority or printed receipts signed by onrselYess babscribers who have given their names and money to ALEXAN- DER W. WEBSTER will hereafter have their publications forwarded to them through the Post Office, direct from the 'office of publication at Montreal. Delays which have heretofore occurred in delivering were not dtte to onr neglect, but en- tirely to the neglect and mismanagement of the above natued i. W. Webster. • E. 13UTTERICK & Co., New York and Montreal. N. B.—Hereafter the bnsiness for Seaforth and vicinity will be conducted by Mr. 0. C. WILLSON, , who is our only authonzed agent, and. who alone is empow. end to (lancet moneys and grant receipts. for ns. E. BUTTERICK & Co„ • - ez; • Give 1 WILSON & YOUNG, SCO T'S BLOCK,: AFORTH, as GOOD V AWE a can be got in TEAS OF THE CHOI EST BRANDS. StiflA118 B.Excar AND. PURE. , GROCERIES OF EVERY DESO CROCKERY—THE BEST C 0 UR 117.VES, A LES, PO R T TION FRESH AND ff1IOL IN TOWN. IRS A XD L I (2 U6RS uron. NEW. Are already too well and favorably known to require opei1 I mention. For quality there i't nothing to mantes them rn e. All Ki nds qf Produce, Lee do; Ca.516. MON & YOUNG. THE AGRICULTURAL MUTUAL ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF CAATAD.1.. (-111A1ILES MORROW, Esq., of Clinton, having, some time ago, resigned. s agency for the above Company, he has now ni authority to take applications or to collect money for the said Com- pany, or to do anything else int dying agency. Mn. CHARLES T DOYLE Has been a pointed in Mr. Mo 'rows place. He, or an assistant duly authorize 1 by him, will be happy to wait on any one desif ug insurance. D. C. Ma ChONAL1x,1-4 Mamie eY. London, Out., June 11, 1874. Insolvent Ac of 1869. In. the COZGrety Court •f the County of Huror . • a LEONARD in , Co. of Huron. ; OOD PRQSPE TS. all kinds of SUMMER SHAWLS,'10 per cent. discount. O all. kinds of roysixss, 10 ;Der cent. discount, lot of Underskirts id; ePtt 3 I half price. THIS SALE IS NO HUMBUC. 1 Call (aid be coievinced for:yourselves.. A ,GOOD HARVEST EXPECTED. In the matter of JAMES Insolvent. Canada, Province of Ontari ON WEDNESDAY, the 22a day of .Tnly next the undersigned will appl • to the said Court • for a discharge under this Act. Dated at Woodstock,. in the County of Onford, this llth day of june). A. D. 1 ,-4.) • 3- 1IVIES LEO -NAB, ; lay BALL MATHESON, . 341-5 - hi. attorneys:ad Mem, DISSOLUTION OF PA TNERSHIP. . BE Pnrtnenship, of JAM} S P. NENDALL & ; Co., as Mid, Owners and rodrese Merehants, Seaforth, is- this; day dissolve4 by mutual conaeut. Parties indebtedto said firnr will pay to order of 1 V James Crernbie, who will pay all Ebihties. JAMESP lit 1ENDALL, ' MARTIN '11.ARLESWORTIf. Witnass—S. G. MeCAUG 'Y. 83:1-4 Seafonth, 3111 June, 1874. teanr, Time 3 1614.. Parties indebted to de firm of JAS, P. X.E.ftDALL & Co., will pleas pay Mr. JAMES P. KENDALL, who will liquida n all liabilities and carry on the businewander. tijlie style of JAS. P. KENDALL & Co. 141 JAS. CROM33IE. • JOHN KIDb just retailed a large stock of 3sta-tat 'Tools such. as , cythcs, Forks, Cradle's, SNATHS- AND- HAY F RKS, 'eh he arra Sell aa Cheap as a Ai- in the Trail • NO SECOND P ICE. • JOHN KTD No Trouble to Show .Goods. LOGAN & JAMIESOIT, Manchester Tfouse Seaforth, 'TRUTH IS MIGHTY AND WILE. PREVAIL." THE GENUINE AMERI CA N ELIAS HOVVE EWING MACHINE TRIUMPHANT OVER ALL VIENNA PREjAIIIMS. E THE HO WE EWING NUXCHINE RECEIVEb FIVE MEDALS Al the Vienna CRAP.10 MEDAI. OF PROCRESS- MEDAL OF ITIEJEtia or Superior Workmanship,.and. THREE MEDALS OF CO,OPERAIT/all For superior excellence of productions. See ex- . tract of letter below :- EXTRACT." Ani;nst.-122.na... The Howe Machine Co., New York: et3824TVEMEN—We have been. successful in ob- taining five :medals from the Exposition.,. viz.: Grand Medal of Progress, Medal of Merit for su- perior work, and three Medals of Co-operation for superior excellence of productions. Youreatri*, G. W. HOWE. The above speaks fox -itself, and notwithetanding the false clahue of some firms ih tl•e Sewibg 31a - chine business, the HOWE &IOU keeps the leada A fresh Supply juat received at W. N. WATSON'S, 308 Insurance Agent,. Seaforth. CHANCERY SAM pURStiANT to the Decree and final order fur sale, made by the Court of Chancery in the cause otZELL1?.R vs. SCHA1?,FER, bearina date respectively the 23i1 day of Septernber„A. D71873, . and 19th day of Inne,.A. D. 1874, there will be ' sold by Public. 'Auction, with the anprobation of the undersigned Master, by Mr. Edward Bossen- berger, ,./auctioneer, at the Victoria Hotel, at Zurich, in the 'Yownship of Hay, to: the County of Isiansturon,denay, the. First day- at August A,. D. '1874. At 11 o'iclock in the forenocunin one parcel, the following valuable farm property, viz.: oThe east half of Lot -N. 5, in.the Oft concession of the said Township Of Hay, contnining 50 acres, more or less. l'he property, of -which. about 80 acres me • cleared, and the remainder timbered chiefly with hardwood, hemlock and ash, is ubout 20 utiles from : Seaforth, on the Grand Trunk P.ailway, is without : buildings, and will be sold sallied, in a zuortgage ; thereon to one Shantz for $400 and interest, and I also subject to the inchoatetialit of Dower of 1 Mary fiebnefer the wife ef the .irefendant, Fretler- , hat: Schaefer. The parties to the snit aye to be at . , liberty to bid. Tlae purchaser shall at the time of sale pay down a deposit of 10 per centof the pur- chase money to the vendom or their solicitor, and. ' shall paythe remainder there0f.within one mouth thereaftei; and Upon such payment the purchaser ehall be entit/ed to the conveyance and to be let into possesaion. The conditions of sale in other . respects to be the etantling conditions of tale a the Court. of Chanceryl'arth.er particulars and information none be obtainedfronx Alexander laill- lar, Vendor's Selleitor, Berli'n, Messrs. Benson & MeyeY, Seaforth, and from, the said Master. I Dated 25tb. Awe, j.874„, 348.4 , ' J. WATSONmaseA • tt rlottn),\ ;, . .. . . „ •